Brothers Who Met Poverty
Brothers Who Met Poverty
Brothers Who Met Poverty
Once upon a time, in a faraway village by a great river, there lived two brothers named Antek and Jonek.
Jonek was a kind hearted and patient man, always eager to help others, and it was with gratitude that
he took over the running of his parents’ farm once they had become too old to care for the animals.
Jonek was a successful farmer and soon married a beautiful woman who was as gentle and hardworking
as he.
Antek helped his brother at the beginning, but he soon tired of farming and moved on from one job to
another, first becoming a carpenter’s apprentice, then a baker’s assistant, and then a blacksmith’s
assistant. Being a lazy man, Antek was unable to stay in any one job and would always move on when
the work became too hard or tiresome. Finally he settled down and married the daughter of a very rich
widow and lived a comfortable and luxurious life which required very little work.
Jonek, despite being a diligent and compassionate man, had no such luck. He toiled in the fields but his
crops did not yield very much come harvest time. The wheat that did grow was soon beaten down by
angry storms and merciless winds, and his cattle were plagued by disease and hunger.
His wife fell ill, and just as she began to recover, four of his children were struck down by yellow fever.
When he finally ran out of money, Jonek was forced to pay a visit to his heartless brother.
‘Antek, lend me some money,’ pleaded Jonek. ‘My beloved children are ill, my horse is dying, and my ox
is lame. I cannot work, and we are so hungry.’
‘Alright, but you must pay me back what you owe and more,’ replied Antek with a smug grin on his face.
Jonek was saddened by his brother’s lack of goodwill, but he had no choice but to borrow the money
despite such unreasonable demands.
Jonek borrowed and borrowed from his brother, and Antek let this happen, believing that one day he
would be able to take over the family farm and reap the rewards.
It was not too long before the mean brother got his wish. Jonek fell behind in his payments and was
unable to continue the upkeep of the farm. Eventually he was forced to search for a new home.
Antek was a very mean fellow and began to move all of his possessions into the farm before Jonek and
his family had even had a chance to move out.
Despite his terrible run of bad luck, Jonek remained positive. He told his wife: ‘There is a small house at
the very edge of the village where a shepherd once lived. We can just about manage to live in such a
Although he was determined to remain optimistic, Jonek wept as he bid farewell to his childhood home.
He left the farm with his wife and seven children. They carried their humble possessions on their backs
and made their way towards their new home. Antek was so mean that he even refused to lend them his
cart for the journey.
Jonek sold his remaining cattle for less than half what they were worth and tried his best to settle into
the little house on the edge of the village.
His wife and children tended a small vegetable patch in the modest garden, while Jonek took on various
odd jobs around the village. The family spent many years living an impoverished life, all the time wary of
the wolves who roamed in the forest, all the time hungry for food or in need of extra money to buy
clothes or medicines.
During those hard years, Antek, the mean hearted brother, became the wealthiest man in the county,
but never once did he offer to help his poor brother.
One day, as Antek was hosting a lavish wedding for his eldest daughter, Jonek decided to visit the church
to pray for help. In the church he saw his brother and his family – all sitting in the front row, all dressed
in extravagant silks and furs and smooth leather boots, while poor Jonek remained at the back of the
church: a cold and hungry figure hiding in the shadows.
Once the ceremony had come to an end, Jonek followed the wedding procession towards his old family
home. He stayed in the background where he would not be seen, tears filling his eyes, overcome with
grief at all that he had lost. When he reached the farmhouse, he stood hunched in the doorway and
pleaded with his brother. ‘Brother,’ he whispered, ‘God be with you. I am famished. My wife and
children are starving. Take a moment from your festivities to help us, please.’
We don't help idle creaturesUpon seeing his poor brother, Antek growled: ‘I do not help idle creatures.’
And with that he grabbed a bone with barely a few scraps of meat on it and thrust the feeble offering
into his brother’s hands.
Jonek was overcome with despair and anger at how his own brother could treat him so callously. He
took the bone and ran from the farm into the cold, dark night.
It was not long before Jonek found himself on the bank of the river. A strange voice inside his head
whispered: ‘Why must you suffer so? Jump in, jump in. The water is deep. You can finish this.’
But Jonek knew that he could not leave his family to fend for themselves. He slumped down onto the
damp grass and began to gnaw on the scraps of meat still left on the bone his brother had given him.
Suddenly, Jonek felt a cold hand on his shoulder, then a quiet voice said: ‘Give some meat to me. Give
some to me too.’
The poor farmer slowly turned around and took in the strange sight that stood before him: a tall
creature, thin and bony with skin almost translucent in the moonlight. The creature was very pale with
dark, sunken eyes. It had red lips that seemed to glow in the darkness, and it wore upon its shoulders a
cloak made from spider weds. Atop its head there sat a wreath made from dried ferns. This was a truly
ghostly apparition, but Jonek was not afraid.
‘What do you want me to give you?’ asked the poor farmer. ‘You see for yourself that this bone is
almost stripped bare of all meat.’
‘You just give me the final scraps,’ whispered the creature. ‘Let me lick the juices clean from the bone. I
am Poverty who has been following you for many years. We share everything you and I.’
Jonek jumped to his feet and cried out: ‘You pest! You nuisance! It is your fault that my family and I are
suffering from hunger and cold. It is you who has brought on this wretchedness and misery that plagues
my life! I will get rid of you once and for all!’
But Poverty did not move, did not seem disturbed by the poor man’s outburst. She simply looked at him
and asked: ‘What will you do to me when no man can hurt me nor kill me? I am an apparition and
cannot be harmed. Give me the bone and I will leave you and your family in peace for one whole day.’
Jonek was very hungry, but he could not resist the offer of one whole day of peace; one whole day
without Poverty preying on his family.
He wiped the tears from his eyes and surrendered the bone to the strange creature.
Poverty snatched the bone from Jonek’s shaking hand and began eagerly gnawing every last scrap of
meat. Seeing a small hole at the rounded end of the bone, she placed a skeletal hand inside, then
another; then, like a ghostly snake, she slid inside the bone so that she could better suck at the juicy
marrow hidden in the hollow.
Jonek suddenly had an idea. He found a short twig in the grass at his feet and jammed the twig into the
hole, trapping Poverty inside the bone. Then he threw the bone out across the river and watched it
splash into the water and sink beneath the murky surface.
As soon as the bone disappeared from sight, Jonek felt peace in his heart, as if a great weight had been
lifted for the first time in many years.
Jonek turned away from the river and cast the apparition from his mind forever. He began to whistle a
happy tune and, for the first time that he could remember, he began to feel optimistic about the future.
On his way home he passed by the village inn and was greeted by old friends and neighbours. They
invited him inside to share a drink. They began to reminisce about old times, and many of the villagers
gathered that night recalled Jonek’s hardworking nature and his kindness towards others. They began to
ask him if he might help them around their farms or businesses as they all remembered that Jonek was
very skilled and very diligent in his work.
The eldest of the group brought out a stack of gold coins, giving Jonek two hundred pieces of gold with
which to buy a horse and provide for his family. Jonek gratefully accepted, vowing to repay the gold as
soon as he was able, and immediately returned home to his wife.
By the time Jonek arrived at his little house on the edge of the village, the sun was rising across the
fields. He found his wife and children in the garden waiting for him, all of them smiling and joyful.
‘The people of the village came to visit us while you were away and they gave to us this cart full of flour
and wheat and barley and beans!’ exclaimed his wife. ‘There is also meat and warm clothes for the
Jonek was overcome with joy and dropped to his knees and said a prayer of gratitude. ‘Finally,’ he
thought, ‘the curse of Poverty has been lifted from my family so that we might once more live in peace
and happiness.’
From that day forwards, Jonek’s luck grew from strength to strength. He built a new house for his family
and bought a small farm in a neighbouring field. He also bought two horses and some cows and even an
He busied himself in the forest, cutting wood and selling the timber to villagers all across the county.
Soon he became so busy that he was able to hire a young farmhand, and he watched with a happy heart
as his family grew strong and healthy.
Everybody in the village was pleased for Jonek and his family; everybody except for Antek who grew
jealous and resentful of his brother’s good fortune.
One day, Antek invited his brother back to their childhood farm for some hot mead. Jonek, forever
willing to forgive his brother’s mean ways, accepted the invitation in the hope that they might once
more become friends.
The brothers sat and drank in front of the fire while talking over old times. But it did not take very long
before Antek’s mood darkened. He could not stand to see his brother so happy and contented and he
insisted on knowing how Jonek had turned his bad fortune into good. He accused his brother of many
foul deeds. ‘Surely you stole money,’ he said. ‘Or perhaps you visited a neighbouring village and took
food and cattle during the night?’
Jonek was hurt that Antek should think he had gained good fortune by dishonest means, so he decided
to confide in his brother and told him all about how Poverty had haunted his family for many years and
how, in the end, he had tricked Poverty by trapping her inside the bone and casting her into the river
during the night.
This news was exactly what the treacherous brother had been waiting for.
After bidding Jonek farewell, he waited until nightfall and then ran down to the river as fast as his legs
would carry him. Once there, he jumped into the river and dived down into the murky waters in search
of the bone. Eventually his hands landed upon the bone which had settled among the tall weeds in the
Antek swam to the surface and climbed out onto the riverbank and hastily pulled the twig from the hole
in the end of the bone.
There was a whooshing sound and a very bright light which made Antek drop the bone in fright. Poverty
appeared before him and swept him up into her arms, singing at the top of her voice: ‘Oh, my saviour,
you have freed me! Now it is you who I will faithfully accompany until the day that you die!’
Antek grew uneasy. ‘Not me,’ he cried. ‘It is my brother whom you must haunt.’
‘No, my friend,’ hissed Poverty, ‘you have set me free, so it is you who will now have Poverty until the
end of your days.’
It was only then that Antek truly realised his terrible mistake.
The mean hearted brother ran from the river, but when he approached his home he found that a fire
had taken hold of the roof and his cattle were running free across the fields. His wife ran towards him in
distress. She told him how wolves had also attacked the sheep and how the horses were missing from
the barn. ‘What are we to do?’ she cried. ‘How could such bad luck have befallen us in a single night?’
Antek fell to his knees, overcome with sadness and guilt at what he had done. And he was also afraid.
He was afraid because he knew that his bad luck had only just begun.
As the weeks and months passed, Antek and his family suffered a great deal from hunger and
misfortune. Jonek tried to help his brother, but no matter what he did, it seemed that disaster was fated
to befell Antek and his family.
Soon Antek grew very ill and there was nothing that anybody could do to help. Every good deed ended
in failure, every attempt to help ended in misery. Only Antek knew the reason why… ‘Poverty will not set
me free until my death.’ thought the mean brother. ‘It seems I must pay for my misdeeds after all.’
Sometime later, on a quiet winter’s night, Antek passed away in his sleep. And it was only then that
Poverty released the family of the curse so that they might start a new life in peace.
As for Jonek and his family, they lived a long and fruitful life. Jonek grew to be an old man and the loving
couple became grandparents many times over. The farm remained prosperous and filled in every corner
with the laughter of happy children.