Assignment - 1 Unit 1: Network Architecture: University Questions
Assignment - 1 Unit 1: Network Architecture: University Questions
Assignment - 1 Unit 1: Network Architecture: University Questions
Assignment - 1
1) Show the layer representation in the TCP/IP model and the OSI model and Explain.
Dec. 09/ Jan. 10/ Dec 12
2) With a neat diagram, explain the TCP/IP reference model, giving a brief
description of the protocols in each layer. June/July 2011
3) Match the following functions to the appropriate layers in the OSI model. Dec. 09/
Jan. 10
i) Dividing the transmitted bit stream into frames
ii) Determining the route to be used through subnet
iii) Reliable process to process message delivery
iv) Format and code conversion services
v) Accessing the WWW
4) Explain OSI model, with a neat block diagram. Consider a source, destination
machine and some intermediate nodes for discussion. May/June 2010
5) How addresses are employed in internet employing TCP/IP protocol can be
classified? May/June 2010
6) What are the levels of addresses that are used in an internet, employing the TCP/IP
protocols? Dec, 2010
7) Explain the differences between OSI reference model and TCP/IP reference model.
Dec, 2011
8) Match the following to one or more layers in OSI model Dec, 2011 i) Route
determination ii) Flow control iii) Interface to transmission media iv) provides access
for the end user v) Format and code conversions
9) What is ADSL Technology? What are the services provided by the telephone
companies using ADSL? Distinguish between ADSL and DSLAM. Dec, 2011, Dec,
10) Explain the operation of ADSL using discrete multi one modulations indicating
the different channels, with a neat diagram. June/July 2011
11) Describe the SS7 service and its relation to the telephone network. Dec, 2012