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Tuberculous Pleural Effusion - Relapse or Re-Infection? Follow Up of A Case Report and Review of The Literature

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Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis (2016) 65, 859–861

The Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis

Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis


Tuberculous pleural effusion – relapse or

re-infection? Follow up of a case report and review
of the literature
Tahziba Hussain *

HIV/AIDS UNIT, National JALMA Institute for Leprosy & Other Mycobacterial Diseases (ICMR), Tajganj, Agra 282001, India

Received 16 December 2015; accepted 31 May 2016

Available online 13 June 2016

KEYWORDS Abstract Introduction: This is a case report of pleural effusion with acute drug reactions to anti-
Pleural effusion; tubercular drugs.
Case report; Case presentation: A 45 year old female patient had the typical signs and symptoms of tubercu-
TB; losis with continuous coughing, breathlessness and protruded abdomen. The USG abdomen
Relapse showed fluid in the left pleural space. Thoracocentesis was carried out thrice at an interval of
15 days and about 5.15 L were aspirated. The symptoms of dyspnea and cough were relieved. There
was acute drug reaction after starting the ATT. The blood pressure was very high requiring hospital
admission. The patient was monitored during the entire course of treatment. No fluid in the bilat-
eral pleural spaces was observed in USG after 6 months of treatment.
This patient had spinal tuberculosis 8 years ago and had recovered following ATT. Therefore, it
is difficult to say whether pleural effusion was due to relapse of a previous infection or a
re-infection. It is also not known whether TB patients remain susceptible to yet another infection
in some other extra-pulmonary site.
Conclusion: Abdominal TB should be suspected in patients with fever, abdominal pain and
ascites. Sputum induction (in addition to pleural fluid) for acid-fast bacilli and culture is a recom-
mended procedure in all patients with TB pleurisy.
This condition carries good prognosis, if promptly diagnosed and treated. A reasonable manage-
ment strategy for pleural TB would be to initiate a four-drug regimen and perform a therapeutic
thoracocentesis in patients with large, symptomatic effusions. Prolonged follow-up is essential in
cases of pleural effusion, as in the presented case.
Ó 2016 The Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-

* Address: Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR), Chandrasekharpur, Nandankanan Road, Bhubaneswar 751023, India. Tel.: +91 562
2331751 4x231, 232, +91 674 2305640; fax: +91 562 2331755, +91 674 2301351.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Peer review under responsibility of The Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis.
0422-7638 Ó 2016 The Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
860 T. Hussain



A written informed consent was obtained from the patient for

publication of this case report and accompanying images.

Case presentation

This is a case of pleural effusion due to tuberculosis. A 45 year

old female patient had the following signs and symptoms. She
was having low grade night fever, weight loss of 3–4 kgs, and
cough that lasted. The fever and cough continued even after
standard antibiotics and paracetamol for 2 weeks. This was fol-
lowed by breathlessness, protruded abdomen, discomfort while
sleeping, etc. This condition resulted in feeling ashamed while
going out. Every day, the abdomen looked even more bigger
until one day a reddish outline was observed. The abdomen
appeared tight to touch, stretched and shiny. The patient
coughed continuously and breathing sounds could be heard
while lying down. The doctor advised ultrasonography
(USG) along with other tests. USG abdomen showed fluid in
left pleural space (Figs. 1 and 2). Thoracocentesis was advised
and was carried out thrice at an interval of 15 days and about
5.15 L [2.5 L, 2.2 L and 450 ml fluid at each sitting] were aspi-
rated. The symptoms of dyspnea and cough were relieved. The
fluid was sent for Gram staining and culture and TB markers
(adenosine deaminase >45 IU/L). Cytology revealed plenty
of lymphocytes and occasional macrophages but mesothelial/
malignant cells were not found. FNAC of supra-clavicular
nodule showed blood only. ADA of pleural fluid was
84 U/L [normal <30 U/L, suspect 30–4 U/L, strong suspect
>40–<60, positive >60 U/L]. Uric acid – 8.69, cholesterol – Figures 1 and 2 The left pleural effusion of the patient.
222, Urea – 39 mg/dl, creatinine – 1.4, bilirubin – 0.2, total
bilirubin – 0.9, SGOT (AST) – 48 [5–40 IU/L], SGPT (ALT)
– 43 [5–50 IU/L], serum alkaline phosphatase – 432 IU/L Discussion
[100–300 IU/L]. The smear of pleural fluid showed few pus cells
but no bacteria. The protein content was 5.8 g/dl and LDH was Pleural effusion is defined as an abnormal accumulation of
368 U/L [250–450]. Anti-TB treatment was started. A few fluid in the pleural space. It is not a disease but rather a com-
weeks after starting the ATT, there was severe drug reaction plication of an underlying illness [1,2]. Excess fluid results from
followed by vomiting. The blood pressure was very high. The the disruption of the equilibrium that exists across pleural
patient was admitted in the TB ward and anti-hypertensives membranes. Pleural effusion is an indicator of a pathologic
as well as diuretics were administered. The patient became process that may be of primary pulmonary origin or of an ori-
stable after 12 h and all blood tests were normal. A fresh batch gin related to another organ system or to systemic disease [3,4].
of ATT drugs along with multi-vitamins were administered and It may occur in the setting of acute or chronic disease and is
the patient was discharged from the ward after a week. The not a diagnosis in itself [5,6].
treatment continued for 6 months and the patient was advised It is a common clinical finding with a wide range of causes,
X-ray, DC, TLC, LFT, Hb and USG after completion of treat- but develops most frequently as a part of the decompensation
ment. USG abdomen revealed no fluid in the bilateral pleural of previously asymptomatic chronic liver disease. The clinical
spaces and all other parameters of blood tests were within manifestations of ascites vary from an asymptomatic patient
normal range. to patients complaining of increased abdominal girth, early
This patient had spinal tuberculosis about 8 years ago, satiety, and respiratory distress depending on the amount of
wherein lytic areas of bone destruction in D9, D10, D11 and fluid accumulated in the abdomen [7]. On physical examina-
L2, L3, L5 vertebral bodies were observed in CT scan images. tion the presence of ascites is suggested by the following find-
Hypodense collection was seen in the pre- and para- vertebral ings: abdominal distension, bulging flanks, tympany of the top,
spaces at D9–D11 levels. She was treated with standard fluid wave, shifting dullness, puddle sign.
anti-tuberculosis treatment, advised bed rest, restricted move- Ultrasonography is performed to detect or exclude the pres-
ment and good nutritional support along with lumbo-sacral ence of fluid, if the physical examination is not definitive, since
braces while ambulant and recovered from grade III paraple- abdominal USG can detect small amounts of fluid as 100 ml
gia [16]. [8]. In thoracocentesis procedure, a needle is inserted through
Tuberculous pleural effusion – relapse or re-infection? 861

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costal space on the mid-axillary line, into the pleural space and ing the acute drug reactions, managing and monitoring the
fluid is drained. The fluid is then evaluated for the chemical patient during the entire period of treatment.
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