A Detailed Lesson Plan Science and Health Xi Muscular System

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Muscular System

At the end of the lesson the students, are expected to:

c – define muscular system

p – classify the types of muscles
a- appreciate the roles of muscles in our body


Topic: Muscular System
Reference: The New SCIENCE Links Work Text in Science And Technology Pp.
114 - 119
Materials: Textbook, visual aids, chart, laptop and speaker.
Value: Responsible in taking care of our muscles in the body.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Daily Routine:

a. Prayer (The students will pray)

b. Checking of Attendance

Rodney, who is absent for All present teacher Sam.


c. Greetings
Good afternoon teacher Sam!
Good afternoon grade six!

2. Drill:

There will be 10 students to

answer my question. They will
be divided into two groups. They
will choose the best answer in
the choices and will write it on
the board. The first group to
completely write the correct
answer will be the winner.

Skeleton Bones

Exercise Joint

Muscle Skull

1. It is made up of thousands of
collagen fibers embedded in Bones
mineral salts of calcium and
2. It connects two or more
bones together. Joints

3. It is consists of cranium and

facial bones. Skull

4. It is the tissue of the body

which primarily functions as Muscle
a source of power.

5. Do regular ______, it makes the

bone strong and healthy. Exercise

3. Review:

Class, before we proceed to our

next topic. Let us first have a Our lesson yesterday is all about
review. What was our lesson the skeletal system.

Okay! What are the functions of

skeletal system? It gives the body much needed

Awesome! What else? It protects the internal organs in

the body.
Very good! Another? It is where millions of blood cells
are produced.

Very good grade six 

B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation:

Students will try different

exercises to learn more about
the muscles in their bodies.

Alright! Before we start

everybody stand up and let us do
the jumping jacks for 16 counts. (Students perform the activity)

What did you feel? Happy, tired etc.

Jumping jacks is an example of? Exercise?

Do you know that regular

exercise can improve your Yes
muscle strength and boost your

Why? Exercise delivers oxygen and

nutrients to your tissues and helps
And when your heart and lung your cardiovascular system work
health improve, you have more more efficiently.
energy to tackle daily chores

2. Lesson Proper:

Our lesson for today is all about

Muscular System. When we say
muscular system, what comes
first in your mind? It is all about muscles.

When we say muscle, please A muscle is consists of fibers or

read. muscles cells that are held
And a muscular system is.. A muscular system permits
movement of the body, maintains
posture and circulates blood
throughout the body.

How are muscles connected to The cord that connects the

the bones? muscles to the bone is called the

Do you know that there are more

than 600 muscles in our body Yes
that perform different types of

Alright! Muscles react to signals

from the brain.

We have three Types of Muscles

What are those? Please read! Smooth Muscles, Cardiac Muscles

and Skeletal Muscles.

When we say Smooth Muscles, Smooth Muscles are called

kindly read it. involuntary muscles. Smooth
muscles are present in the walls of
digestive tract like the esophagus,
stomach, small and large

The second type of muscle is Cardiac Muscles are involuntary

Cardiac Muscles. Read it. muscles present only in the heart.
It allows the heart muscle to
contract rhythmically.

The last type is Skeletal Muscles. Skeletal Muscles are voluntary

Please read. muscles that are consciously
controlled to move bones. It is
responsible for all kinds of
C. Concluding Activities

1. Group Activity:

Now, we are going to have a - Share your ideas.

group activity. But before that, - Cooperate with the group.
what are the standards to be - Work silently.
observed during group activity? - 3 Claps and say “whoop 2x” when
your group is done doing the

Group the class into three groups

and they are going to do the task
given to them.

Group 1: Make a jingle or cheer

about the smooth muscles.

Group 2: Draw the cardiac

muscles and explain the function.

Group 3: Make a play or scenario

on how to use skeletal muscles in
our daily activities.

2. Generalization:

Again, what is a muscular

system? A muscular system permits
movement of the body, maintains
posture and circulates blood
throughout the body.

What are the three types of The three types of muscles are
muscles? smooth muscles, cardiac muscles
and skeletal muscles.

3. Application:

Why is it important to study the It is important because it helps

muscular system? calm our joints, maintain our
posture and generate heat during

How can we promote proper Eat a balanced diet.

functioning of the muscular
system? Do exercise regularly.

Have rest.

4. Evaluation:

Identify the muscular system and

encircle the letter of the correct

1. What is a voluntary muscle

that can be controlled?

a. Cardiac muscles
b. Skeletal muscles B
c. Smooth muscles

2. What is an involuntary
muscle that is found only in
the heart?

a. Skeletal muscles
b. Cardiac muscles B
c. Smooth muscles

3. What is an involuntary
muscle that is present in the
walls of digestive tract?

a. Cardiac muscles
b. Smooth muscles
c. Skeletal muscles B

4. What is the cord that

connects the muscles to the
a. Joint
b. Tendon B
c. Muscle

5. What is consists of fibers or

muscles cells that are held

a. Tendon
b. Muscle B
c. Joint


On a short bond paper, draw the three types of muscles and write the function of it.

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