OGRA LPG Rules 2001
OGRA LPG Rules 2001
OGRA LPG Rules 2001
1. Short title and commencement- (1) These rules may be called the Liquefied Petroleum
Gas (Production and Distribution) Rules, 2001.
2. Definitions: In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,
(a) “area of operation” means the area within which a licensee is authorised to
produce, separate, strip, liquefy, transmit, process, store, fill or distribute LPG
base-stock or LPG;
(c) “Authority” means the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority established under
the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority Ordinance, 2002 (XVII of 2002); (i)
(e) “Consumer” means any person or company who is supplied with LPG by a
licensee for his own use and not for storage, processing, filling, sale or
(f) “container” means any cylinder or vessel, portable or otherwise, used for
storing, transporting and distributing LPG;
(h) “defaulter” means a company or its directors who fails to fulfill its
contractual and legal obligations whether willfully or negligently;
(i) Substituted vide Notification SRO No. 261(I)/2003 dated 15th March 2003.
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(k) “imported LPG” means LPG imported into Pakistan from other countries
by a licensee;
(m) “licensee” means a company which holds a licence under these rules;
(n) “LPG” means any material having a vapour pressure not exceeding that
allowed for commercial propane composed predominantly of the following
hydrocarbons, either by themselves as mixtures: propane, propylene, butane
(normal butane or isobutene) and butylenes;
(p) “LPG Standards” means the LPG Standards as set out in Appendix I;
(pa) “LPG Refueling station” means a licensed facility used for storage and
dispensing of LPG to automotive vehicle; (ii)
(q) “meter” means any equipment used for the purpose of measuring any
quantity of LPG base-stock or LPG supplied and includes all kinds of apparatus
upon whose reading or indication for any supply or sale of LPG base-stock or
LPG, as the case may be, is wholly or partly determined in a specified or
unspecified time
(s) “source of LPG base-stock” means any refinery or unit connected to well-
head for the production, separation, stripping or liquefying of LPG base-stock by
chemical or any other process, or any country from where LPG base-stock is
imported into Pakistan;
(ii) Inserted vide Notification SRO No. 256(I)/2007 dated 10th March 2007.
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3. License compulsory:- No company shall, without first obtaining a licence for the purpose
from the Authority, undertake or cause to be undertaken under any agreement, the construction
and operation or construction of any works and transportation of LPG or LPG refueling station.
4. Disposal of LPG base-stock:-(1) Any producer of LPG base-stock may market whole or
part of its own product except where it has already entered into a sale and purchase agreement
with a licensee in pursuance of any allocations made by the Authority prior to the date of coming
into force of these rules in which case he shall complete the period of sale and purchase
agreement on such terms and conditions as stipulated in such agreement including the price of
LPG base-stock to be mutually agreed between the parties.
(2) Subject to sub-rule (1), any producer of LPG base-stock may dispose of the whole or part
of its own product to a licensed LPG marketing companies or a new party after its pre-
qualification as regards its financial competence and technical competence subject to the
condition that it is not defaulter.
(iii) Inserted vide Notification SRO No. 256(I)/2007 dated 10th March 2007.
(iv) Substituted vide Notification SRO No. 16(KE)/2014 dated 14th March 2014.
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6. Consideration of application:- (1) The Authority shall consider the application having
regard to all the circumstances which appear to it to be relevant and, in particular, but not so as to
limit the generality of the foregoing, to:
(2) The Authority may require such changes and alterations in the plans and in the details, to
be made as it may deem expedient.
7. Grant of licence:- (1) The Authority may grant a licence in the form as set out in
Appendix IV and may specify in the licence such terms and conditions as it may think fit to
impose on the licensee, or it may refuse to grant licence. (vi)
(2) The Authority shall decide the grant of or otherwise, a licence, within ninety days of receipt of
an application, complete in all respects.
(3) In case of refusal to grant, an appeal shall lie from the decision of the Authority to the Federal
Government within thirty days from the date of refusal to grant licence.
(4) Issuance of license by the Authority in no manner shall establish the right of the party for any
allocation of LPG quota. (vii)
(5) A licensee shall be bound by the provisions contained in these rules and such other terms and
conditions as may be specified in the licence. (v)
8. Duration of licence:- (1) A licence shall be initially granted for a period of two years. (xx)
(2) The licence shall be extendable for such further period or periods which is proved by the
licensee to be justified for reasons beyond his control, during which period the licensee shall
execute his works in pursuance of rule 13.
(3) On completion of works to the satisfaction of the Authority, the period of licence may be
extended further for a period of fifteen years.
9. Renewal of licence:- On expiry of a licence it may, unless earlier revoked under rule 10,
be renewed from time to time for a period of fifteen years each time on payment of a non-
refundable fee as specified in Appendix-VI. (viii)
(2) Any licensee desiring to have his licence renewed shall make an application in that behalf
to the Authority not less than three months preceding the expiry of the period for which the
licence is valid.
(3) No application for a renewal of a licence shall be refused unless the licensee has been
given an opportunity of being heard.
(v) Inserted vide Notification SRO No. 256(I)/2007 dated 10th March 2007.
(vi) Substituted vide Notification SRO No. 256(I)/2007 dated 10th March 2007.
(vii) Inserted vide Notification SRO No. 763(I)/2001 dated 31st October 2001.
(viii) Substituted vide Notification SRO No. 16(KE)/2014 dated 14th March, 2014.
(xx) Substituted vide Notification SRO No. 68(KE)/2017 dated 7th August 2017.
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(4) In case of refusal to renew a licence an appeal shall lie from the decision of the Authority
to the Federal Government within thirty days from the date of refusal to renew the licence.
10. Revocation, alteration or amendment of licence:- (1) The Authority may, if in its
opinion the public interest so requires, revoke a licence in any of the following cases, namely:-
(a) where the licensee, in the opinion of the Authority, makes willful and
unreasonably prolonged default in doing anything required of him under
these rules and has been informed in writing to that effect by the Authority;
(b) where the licensee violates any of the terms and conditions of the licence and
is so informed in writing and does not rectify the violation within the time
specified by the Authority; and
(c) where a licensee is, in the opinion of the Authority, unable to discharge by
reason of his insolvency, his duties and obligations fully and efficiently under
these rules or imposed on him by the licence.
(2) Where, in the opinion of the Authority, the public and national interest so requires, the
Authority may, instead of revoking a licence under sub-rule (1), permit it to remain in force in
relation to the whole or any part of the area of operation with such alteration, or amendments in
the terms and conditions of the licence, as it thinks fit to make, or upon such new terms and
conditions as it may impose upon a licensee.
(3) In case of revocation of a licence or any alteration in the area of operation, or amendments
in the terms and conditions of the licence, an appeal shall lie from the decision of the Authority to
the Federal Government within thirty days from the date of revocation of the licence or, as the
case may be, alteration in the area of operation, or amendments in the terms and conditions of the
11. Licensee not to sell, assign, transfer, convey or lease his licence or works:- No licensee
shall, without the prior approval in writing of the Authority -
(a) sell, assign, transfer, convey or lease his licence or his works or any interest
therein in whole or in part;
(c) mortgage or otherwise create a charge upon the works or any interest therein.
12. Agreements:- Any agreement relating to supply, sale, storage, processing, filling and
distribution of LPG base-stock or LPG between the licensees shall be intimated by the concerned
licensees to the Authority within fifteen days of its execution.
13. Execution of works after grant of license:- (1) A licensee shall, after grant of a licence,
execute his works in accordance with the LPG standards to the satisfaction of the Authority within
a period of two years or such further period as the Authority may allow under special
circumstances proved by the licensee to be beyond his control.
(2) The Authority shall appoint one or more third party inspectors for the purpose of verification
of works of a licensee in pursuance of sub rule (1) and the licensee shall pay to such third party
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inspector or inspectors a reasonable fee, as determined by the Authority, from time to time, for the
purpose of any such inspection.
(3) The Authority may appoint one or more third party inspectors for the purpose of inspection of
the works of a licensee from time to time, at least once in five years, to verify that the works of
the licensee conform to the LPG Standards and the licensee shall pay to such third party inspector
or inspectors a reasonable fee, as determined by the Authority, from time to time, for the purpose
of any such inspection.
14. Addition to or extension of the works:- A licensee shall not make any major alteration,
in addition to or extension of, his works as given in his plans and in details, as approved by the
Authority under rule 6, unless such alteration, addition or extension is authorised by the Authority
in writing.
15. Right to discontinue supply:-A licensee may temporarily discontinue supply of LPG
base-stock or LPG when such discontinuance becomes necessary for maintenance of his works.
17. Export of LPG base-stock or LPG: - No licensee shall export LPG base-stock or
LPG in any manner to any other country without the prior approval in writing of the Ministry of
Petroleum and Natural Resources. (ix)
18. Price of LPG base-stock and LPG: - (1) Subject to prevailing Policy Guidelines of the
Federal Government, the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority shall regulate and notify the prices of
indigenous LPG including Producers’ Price, Margins of Marketing and Distribution Companies
and Consumer Prices as may be revised by Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources from time
to time. (xx)
(2) A licensee shall charge from another licensee or a consumer, price of LPG base-stock and
LPG as notified by the Authority in pursuance of prevailing LPG policy of the Federal
Government. The licensee shall also publicize such prices in the media for information of the
public and shall also inform about such prices to the Authority. LPG prices shall be regulated with
a maximum price as notified by OGRA at all levels of the supply chain. However, Producers,
marketing companies and distributors may sell below the maximum notified price. In case licensee
intends to sell below the notified prices, the same shall be intimated to the authority forthwith and
licensee shall re-publicize such prices in the media without delay. (xx)
(3). In case the prices of LPG base-stock or LPG so being charged by a licensee under sub-rule
(1& 2) are over and above the notified price of Authority, the Authority in public interest shall
intervene and shall also involve the local administration to ensure punitive action against the
defaulting licensees. (xx)
(ix) Substituted vide Notification SRO No. 256(I)/2007 dated 10th March 2007.
(xx) Substituted vide Notification SRO No. 68(KE)/2017 dated 7th August 2017.
19. Measurement: - (1) The quantity of LPG base-stock supplied to a licensee, and LPG
supplied to a consumer shall be ascertained by means of a correct meter or weighbridge.
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(2) The Authority or any person duly authorized by the Authority shall, at any reasonable time,
have access to ensure the correctness of meter, weighbridge, storage tanks, calibrations and
container with respect to the quantity of LPG base-stock and LPG for which the prices have been
informed by a licensee under sub-rule (1) of rule 18. All reasonable expenses of and incidental to
such inspection, as determined by the Authority, shall be paid by the licensee.
20. Power to regulate distribution of LPG: - The Authority may, if satisfied that it is
necessary in the public interest to do so, by order in writing, direct a licensee to supply LPG to any
area or locality as may be specified in the order.
21. Disputes to be referred to the Authority: - All disputes over measurement, rates and
charges of a licensee or in respect of any provision of these rules, shall be referred to the Authority
whose decision thereon shall be final and binding on the concerned parties.
22. Records and accounts:- Every licensee shall make, keep and preserve for such period
such accounts, records of cost accounting, procedures, correspondence, memoranda, papers, books
and other records as the Authority may specify or require for examination and inspection, and shall
submit to the Authority such accounts, statistics and information in such forms and for such period
as the Authority may specify.
23. Audit of accounts of licensee:- A licensee shall submit on regular basis to the
Authority the statement of its annual accounts, duly audited by a firm of registered Chartered
25. Entry, inspection and enforcement of the rules:- (1) The Authority or any person duly
authorised by the Authority may enter, inspect and examine any place in which he has reason to
believe that there is any works for filling, storing, processing, measuring or distribution of LPG
base-stock and LPG, and take all necessary steps for the due observance of the provisions of these
rules and any order issued by the Authority, by a licensee, consumer or any other person connected
with the storage, transmission, distribution, supply and use of LPG base-stock or LPG.
(2) A licensee, owner, manager, proprietor or any other person in charge of the site of works
for production, processing, storing, filling, transportation and distribution of LPG base-stock and
LPG shall afford the person authorized by the Authority under sub-rule (1), all reasonable facility
for making an examination, inquiry, inspection, measurement or for taking any sample.
26. Protection to public:- (1) A licensee shall locate, construct, maintain and operate his
works connected with storage, filling and transportation of LPG in accordance with a licence
granted by the Chief Inspector of Explosives under the Petroleum Rules, 1937, and shall comply
with the provisions of the Gas Cylinder Rules, 1940, so as not to endanger the public health or
(2) A licensee shall immediately, but not later than forty–eight hours of an accident, submit an
initial report to the Authority indicating details of the accident and any remedial measures taken
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27. Insurance compulsory:- (1) No licensee shall operate its works including filling plants,
storage, transportation and distribution of LPG unless the same are insured against loss and
damage to the public life and property due to any operational reason, accident, etc.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-rule (1), a licensee shall be responsible for any
mishap that takes place at his works, LPG outlets, distributor’s premises or during transportation
of LPG due to incompetence, negligence or use of substandard material or equipment and shall be
liable to compensate the loss of life and property, as determined by the Authority on case to case
basis. The compensation so fixed by the Authority shall be paid within a period of one month of
the issuance of an order by the Authority.
28. Marking of storage:- A licensee shall mark with conspicuous signs on the place at
which the storage tanks are located.
29. Penalty for breach of these rules:- - Whoever commits a breach of these rules shall
without prejudice to any other action that may be taken against him, be punishable for every such
breach with fine which may extend to five hundred thousand rupees.
Appendix I
(See rule 2(p))
1.1.1 Health and Safety Executive 34: The storage of LPG at fixed installation.
1.1.2 Code of Practice 12 prepared by Liquefied Petroleum Gas Industry Technical
Association, UK, (LPGITA) Recommendations for the safe filling of LPG
cylinders at depots.
1.1.3 NFPA 58, 1998 Edition: Standard for the storage and handling of LPG.
1.1.3a NFPA 58, 1998 Edition, NFPA 58, 2014 Edition: standard for the storage and
handling of LPG. (xxi)
1.1.3b DOT special permit as per NFPA-58, 2014 Edition, ISO 11119-3:2013 Part 3,
EN 14427:2014, relevant manufacturing standards of LPG composite
cylinders. (xxi)
1.1.4 Code of Practice 14 prepared by LPGITA Hoses for transfer of LPG in bulk
installation, inspection, testing and maintenance.
1.1.5 Guidance Note CS-4 from the Health and Safety Executive, UK, the keeping of
LPG in cylinder and similar containers.
1.1.6 Extracts from US Government, Code of Federal Regulations, “Title 49 –
Transportation, part 178 to 199 Revised as of 1 October, 1988”, Dot specifications
4B, 4BA and 4BW relating to welded steel cylinders.
1.1.7 (a) Code of Practice 15: Valves for LPG cylinders:
Part 1 – Safety Valves.
(b) Code of Practice 15: Valves for LPG cylinders.
Part 2: Outlets valves for butane cylinder-quick coupling type.
(xxi) Inserted vide Notification SRO No. 1080(I))/2017 dated 20th October 2017.
1.1.8 BS 3016: 1989, BSS for pressure regulators and automatic changeover devices for
1.1.9 BS 4089: 1989, BSS for Hoses and hose assemblies for LPG.
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1.1.10 Bs 3212: 1975, BSS for Flexible rubber tubing and hose (including connections
where fitted and safety recommendations) for use in LPG 1 vapour phase and
LPG/air installations.
1.1.11 BS 5430: Part 2, 1990, BSS for periodic inspection, testing and maintenance of
transportable gas containers (excluding dissolved acetylene containers).
1.2.1 Code of Practice 2 prepared by LPGITA for safe handling and transport of LPG in
bulk by road, including section 3.1.6, 3.1.7, 3.1.8 and 3.1.10.
1.3.1 Code of Practice 14 prepared by LPGITA: Hoses for transfer of LPG in bulk
installation, installation, inspection, testing and maintenance.
1.4.1 BS 5482: Part 1: 1979, Code of Practice for domestic butane and propane-gas-
burning installations.
1.4.2 Extracts from US Government, Code of Federal Regulations: “Title 49 –
Transportation, Part 178 to 199 Revised as of 1 October 1988”, DOT
Specifications 4B, 4BA and 4BW relating to welded steel cylinders.
1.4.3 DOT special permit as per NFPA-58, 2014 Edition, ISO 11119-3:2013 Part 3, EN
14427:2014, relevant manufacturing standards of LPG composite cylinders (xxi)
1.5.1 NFPA 58, 1998 Edition: Standard for the storage and handling of LPG.
1.8.1 prEN 14678: Standard for LPG equipment and accessories - Construction and
performance of LPG equipment for automotive filling stations - Dispensers or
equivalent. (xix)
(xix) Added in Appendix-I vide Notification SRO No. 239(I)/2016 dated 16th March 2016.
(xxi) Inserted vide Notification SRO No. 1080(I))/2017 dated 20th October 2017.
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Appendix II
[See rule 5]
(To be submitted along with a non-refundable processing fee as specified in Appendix-VI, in the form of a Pay Order /
Bank Draft in favour of the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Payable at Islamabad)).
Area of Operation:
Production A.1
A. Storage A.2
Filling Plants A.3
Transmission B.1
B. Distribution B.2
Other (name it) B.3
Fill-in the following if principal place of business is outside Pakistan, name and address of duly authorized agent in Pakistan.
(x) Appendix II Substituted vide Notification SRO No. 709(I)/2009 dated 23rd July 2009.
(xi) Appendix II Substituted vide Notification SRO No. 16(KE)/2014 dated 14th March 2014.
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CAPITAL COST BREAK DOWN (Rupees and Foreign currency) Indicate if Attached
Plant Cost:
Electrical Equipment:
Firefighting Equipment:
Furniture & Fixtures:
Vehicles & Transport:
Construction & Engineering:
Other Misc. Assets:
For DISTRIBUTION LICENSE Indicate DETAILS Indicate if attached
Market Surveys:
LPG supply Sources:
Attachments Indicate if attached
1. Proof of Financial Competence of the Company.
2. Proof of the Technical Competence of the Company.
We hereby solemnly declare that all the particulars given above are correct.
* We hereby solemnly declare that if a licence is granted to us We will abstain from all political activity or
activities whatsoever affecting the sovereignty or security of Pakistan or such as may be tantamount to
interference in its internal affairs and that We eschew all espionage.
* We solemnly undertake not to sell, mortgage, etc either directly or indirectly or through association, the rights,
privileges and obligations granted under this licence.
* In the event of any violation of this undertaking by me/us the Authority shall have the right to cancel the
licence: provided that any dispute between the Authority and the company as to whether any of my/our
activities can be considered as a violation of this undertaking shall be subject to settlement in accordance with
the provisions of sub-rule (3) of rule 10 of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Production and Distribution) Rules,
2001, and the appropriate clause in the licence.
Appendix III (xii)
[See rule 5]
(To be submitted along with a non-refundable processing fee of Rs.100,000/- in the form of a Pay Order / Bank Draft in favour of the Oil and Gas
Regulatory Authority (Payable at Islamabad))
3. Proposed Works:
Exact Location of refueling station
Refueling station site area (sq feet)
Estimated investment (Rs. Million)
4. Application Checklist:
Yes No
Pay Order/Bank Draft worth Rs.100,000/- in favour of the Oil and Gas Regulatory
Authority, as non-refundable Licence fee (Payable at Islamabad) is attached
ii. The site for the refueling station is located on road/ highway of a minimum width of 60ft.
The site of the refueling station is NOT located in a residential or congested area and
iii. neither is it adjacent to any buildings used for accommodation or public gathering of any
iv. The intended LPG storage capacity is not more than 10 Metric Tons
I hereby solemnly affirm that I have read and understood the LPG (Production and Distribution) Rules, 2001, and
the provisions of its Appendix V i.e. the regulatory framework for the use of LPG in the automotive sector and
solemnly declare that all the particulars given above are correct. In the event any information contained herein is
found to be untrue, the Authority shall have the right to cancel the licence.
(xii) Appendix III inserted vide Notification SRO No. 256(I)/2007 dated 10th March 2007 and later substituted vide
Notification SRO 709(I)/2009 dated 23rd July 2009 & SRO 16(KE)/2014 dated 14th March 2014.
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Appendix – IV (xiii)
[See rule 7(1)]
Contact No. Fax
Details of the License
Validity Period From To
Area of Operations
Terms and Conditions
(To be specified for different licenses at the time of issuance of license)
(xiii) Appendix renamed as Appendix IV vide Notification SRO No. 256(I)/2007 dated 10th March 2007.
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Appendix V (xiv)
(See rule 2(ra))
The regulatory framework for the use of LPG in the auto sector shall cover the following
1. Licensing:
(d) The Authority shall initially grant the licence for construction of an LPG
auto refueling/dispensing station for a period of two years (xx), subject to
the fulfillment of all the requirements prescribed under the LPG
(Production and Distribution) Rules, 2001.
(e) The licence for operation of LPG refueling/dispensing station shall only be
issued after licensee obtain:-
(i) an Explosive Licence from the Chief Inspector of Explosives.
(ii) NOC from Environmental Protection Agency.
(iii) NOC from the respective District Authorities giving due
consideration to public safety and in accordance with the
requirements of clause 2(a) and 2(b) of this framework.
(iv) Insurance cover against the loss and damage to the public life and
property due to any operational reason, accident etc.
(v) The LPG auto refueling/dispensing station has been inspected and
verified to meet the requirements of NFPA-58, by the Third Party
Inspectors, appointed by the Authority.
(f) The licence shall be granted for a maximum period of fifteen years subject
to conformance to the prescribed safety/ technical standards which shall be
verified annually by 3rd party inspectors appointed by the Authority.
(xiv) Appendix V inserted vide Notification SRO No. 256(I)/2007 dated 10th March 2007 and later substituted
vide Notification SRO 709(I)/2009 dated 23rd July 2009.
(xv) Substituted vide Notification SRO No. 16(KE)/2014 dated 14th March 2014.
(xx) Substituted vide Notification SRO No. 68(KE)/2017 dated 7th August 2017.
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(g) All other conditions of LPG (Production and Distribution) Rules, 2001, as
applicable to a licensee of LPG storage, filling and marketing shall be applicable to
the licensee of auto-refueling/ dispensing station.
2. Safety/Technical Standards:
(a) The LPG auto refueling/dispensing station shall only be located on roads/
highways having minimum 60 feet width.
(b) The LPG auto refueling/dispensing station can be installed at any location
subject to the condition that the licensee will adhere to all the requirements
of National Fire Protection Association USA (NFPA-58) in order to ensure
complete safety of the LPG Refueling station and its surroundings
pertaining to operation of the station.
(d) For ensuring safety, the storage tank(s) capacity at an LPG auto
refueling/dispensing station shall be limited to 10 Metric Ton (max.) and
the tank(s) shall in no case be placed above ground.
(e) The minimum area for the installation of LPG auto refueling/ dispensing
station shall be in accordance with NFPA-58 standard.
(g) Conversion kit and cylinder shall only be installed at licensee’s approved
centers and the installed vehicle shall have the respective licensee’s seal of
compliance to NFPA-58, otherwise it will be considered illegal.
3. Fees:
(xvi) Substituted vide Notification SRO No. 42(KE)/2011 dated 24th November 2010.
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(c) The licence fees prescribed in clauses 3(a) and 3(b) shall be reviewed with
the approval of the Budget Committee constituted by the Federal
Government under section 17 of the OGRA Ordinance, 2002, after every
five years keeping in view the inflation rate as well as the budgetary
requirements of the Authority.
4. Miscellaneous:
(c) LPG conversion kit, cylinder, and its installation should meet the
requirements of NFPA-58.
(d) The licensee shall maintain the record of each and every installed kit and
will be held responsible for any faulty installation. A monthly kit
installation update/status as per the prescribed format shall be submitted by
the licensee to the Authority.
(ii) no LPG Cylinder shall be installed beneath the seats and within the
passenger compartment of vehicle. The licensee shall ensure that
vehicles having LPG cylinders installed beneath the seats and
within the passenger compartment of vehicle shall not be refueled
or entertained”. (xvii)
(f) No person shall supply LPG for automotive use other than through a LPG
auto refueling/dispensing station.
(h) The Authority may, if satisfied that NFPA-58 does not adequately address
any aspect in respect of use of LPG in the automotive sector, prescribe
from time to time any other standard for the purpose.
(xvii) Substituted vide Notification SRO No. 1068(I)/2013 dated 18th December 2013.
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[see rules 5 and 9]
(i) Fee for grant and renewal of license for LPG Production and Storage Facility and
LPG Air Mix Systems is Rs. 1,000,000.
(ii) Fee for grant and renewal of license for LPG Storage and Filling Facility is Rs.
(iii) Fee for grant and renewal of license for LPG Auto Refueling Stations is Rs.
100,000; and.
(iv) Fee for grant and renewal of license of LPG Transportation facility (LPG Bowzers)
is Rs. 25,000.
(xviii) Appendix-VI added vide Notification SRO 16(KE)/2014 dated 14th March 2014.