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Araldite CY 225 Hardener HY 925 Filler Silica Flour: Araldite Casting Resin System

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Vantico Ltd.


Heavy Electrical

Araldite Casting Resin System

Araldite CY 225 100 pbw

Hardener HY 925 80 pbw
Filler Silica flour 270 pbw

Liquid, hot-curing casting resin system with high

glass transition temperature for producing castings
with excellent mechanical end-properties and
very high thermal shock resistance.

Indoor electrical insulators for medium and high voltage, such as switch Applications
and apparatus components.
Encapsulation of large metal parts.
Recommended for applications with long term stresses up to
service temperature of 85°C.

Automatic pressure gelation process (APG) Processing methods

(see our special brochure, Publ. No. 28160/e)
Conventional gravity casting process under vacuum

High mechanical and electrical properties at elevated temperature Properties

Very high thermal shock resistance
Excellent toughness combined with elevated glass transition temperature

Edition: July 2000

Replaces Edition: December 1998
Product data
(guideline values)

Liquid, solvent-free bisphenol A epoxy resin

Araldite CY 225 Viscosity at 25°C DIN 53015 mPa s 8500 - 15000

Epoxy content ISO 3001 equiv/kg 5.10 - 5.30
Density at 25°C ISO 1675 g/cm³ 1.15 - 1.20
at 60°C ISO 1675 g/cm³ 1.12 - 1.17
Flash point DIN 51758 °C 135
Vapour pressure at 20°C (Knudsen) Pa < 0.01
at 60°C (Knudsen) Pa < 0.5

Liquid, modified, preaccelerated anhydride curing agent

Hardener HY 925 Viscosity at 25°C DIN 53015 mPa s 250 - 450

Density at 25°C ISO 1675 g/cm³ 1.19 - 1.22
at 60°C ISO 1675 g/cm³ 1.16 - 1.20
Flash point DIN 51758 °C 115
Vapour pressure at 25°C (Knudsen) Pa c. 0.5
at 60°C (Knudsen) Pa c. 10

Remarks Because both products contain accelerating additives, avoid storing them for extended
periods at elevated temperatures. Incorrect handling of the components can results in
undesirable viscosity increases, change in reactivity and substandard cured-state

Storage Store the components dry at 18-25°C, in tightly sealed original containers. Under these
conditions, the shelf life will correspond to the expiration date stated on the label. After
this date, the product may be processed only following reanalysis. Partly emptied
containers should be closed tightly immediately after use.
For information on waste disposal and hazardous products of decomposition in the event
of fire, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for these particular products.

2 Vantico Ltd July 2000 Araldite CY 225/ HY 925/ Silica

(guideline values)

General instructions for preparing liquid resin systems System Preparation

Long pot life is desirable in the processing of any casting resin system. Mix all of the
components together very thoroughly at room temperature or slightly above and under
vacuum. Intensive wetting of the filler is extremely important. Proper mixing will result in:
- better flow properties and reduced tendency to shrinkage
- lower internal stresses and therefore improved mechanical properties on object
- improved partial discharge behaviour in high voltage applications.
For the mixing of medium- to high viscous casting resin systems and for mixing at lower
temperatures, we recommend special thin film degassing mixers that may produce
additional self-heating of 10-15 K as a result of friction. For low viscous casting resin
systems, conventional anchor mixers are usually sufficient.
In larger plants, two premixers are used to mix the individual components (resin,
hardener) with the respective quantities of fillers and additives under vacuum. Metering
pumps then feed these premixes to the final mixer or a continuous mixer. The individual
premixes can be stored at elevated temperature (about 60°C) for up to about 1 week,
depending on formulation. Intermittent agitation during storage is advisable to prevent
filler sedimentation.
Mixing time can vary from 0.5 to 3 hours, depending on mixing temperature, quantity,
mixing equipment and the particular application. The required vacuum is 0.5 to 8 mbar.
The vapor pressure of the individual components should be taken into account.
In the case of dielectrically highly stressed parts, we recommend checking the quality
consistency and predrying of the filler. Their moisture content should be ≤ 0.2%.

Specific Instructions
The effective pot-life of the mix is about 2 days at temperatures below 25°C.
Conventional batch mixers should be cleaned once a week or at the end of work. For
longer interruptions of work, the pipes of the mixing and metering installations have to be
cooled and cleaned with the resin component to prevent sedimentation and/or undesired
viscosity increase. Interruptions over a week-end (approx. 48h) without cleaning are
possible if the pipes are cooled at temperatures below 18°C.
Viscosity increase and gel time at various temperatures, refer to Fig.4.1 and Fig.4.4.

Mould temperature
APG process 130 - 160°C
Conventional vacuum casting 70 - 100°C

Demoulding times (depending on mould temperature and casting volume)

APG process 10 - 40 min
Conventional vacuum casting 5 - 8h

Cure conditions
APG process (minimal postcure) 4h at 130°C or 3h at 140°C
Conventional vacuum casting 12h at 130°C or 8h at 140°C

To determine whether crosslinking has been carried to completion and the final proper-
ties are optimal, it is necessary to carry out relevant measurements on the actual object
or to measure the glass transition temperature. Different gelling and cure cycles in the
manufacturing process could lead to a different crosslinking and glass transition
temperature respectively.

Vantico Ltd. July 2000 Araldite CY 225/ HY 925/ Silica 3

(guideline values)

Processing 120000
90000 80°C

60000 60°C

40°C 40°C

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 12 16 20 [h] 24
Fig.4.1: Viscosity increase at 40, 60, 80 and 100°C (measurements with Rheomat 115)
(Shear rate D = 10 s-1)




10 30 50 70 [°C] 90
Fig.4.2: Initial viscosity in function of
(measurements with Rheomat 115, D = 10 s-1)

Gelation-/Cure Times 1000 160

[min] 140

100 120 140°C


10 80 120°C 100°C
60 110°C

1 40
60 80 100 120 140 [°C]160 10 100 [min] 1000
Fig.4.4: Geltime in function of temperature Fig.4.5: Glass transition temperature in
(measured with Gelnorm Instrument, function of cure time
DIN 16945/6.3.1.) (isothermic reaction, IEC 1006)

4 Vantico Ltd. July 2000 Araldite CY 225/ HY 925/ Silica

Mechanical and Physical Properties
(guideline values)

Determined on standard test specimen at 23°C

Cured for 6h at 80°C + 10h at 130°C

Tensile strength ISO 527 MPa 70 - 80

Elongation at break ISO 527 % 1.0 - 1.3
E modulus from tensile test ISO 527 MPa 10000 - 11000
Flexural strength at 23°C ISO 178 MPa 110 - 125
at 80°C ISO 178 MPa 100 - 120
Surface strain at 23°C ISO 178 % 1.2 - 1.7
at 80°C ISO 178 % 1.8 - 2.3
Compressive strength ISO 604 MPa 140 - 150
Compression set ISO 604 % 6-7
Impact strength at 23°C ISO 179 kJ/m² 7 - 10
at 80°C ISO 179 kJ/m² 8 - 11
Double Torsion Test CG 216-0/89
Critical stress intensity factor (KIC) MPa·m½ 1.8 - 2.0
Specific energy at break (GIC) J/m² 300 - 350
Martens temperature DIN 53458 °C 100 - 115
Heat distortion temperature ISO 75 °C 105 - 120
Glass transition temperature (DSC) IEC 1006 °C 105 - 125
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion DIN 53752 Fig.5.2
Mean value for temperature range: 20-60°C K-1 35 - 37·10-6

Thermal conductivity similar to ISO 8894-1 W/mK 0.8 - 0.9

Glow resistance DIN 53459 class 2b
Flammability UL 94
Thickness of specimen: 4 mm class HB
Thickness of specimen: 12 mm class V1

Thermal endurance profile (TEP) DIN/ IEC 216 Fig.7.1 - 7.4

Temperature index (TI): weight loss (20000h/ 5000h) °C 186 / 210
Temperature index (TI): flexural strength (20000h/ 5000h) °C 199 / 240
Thermal ageing class (20000h) IEC 85 class H

Water absorption (specimen: 50x50x4 mm) ISO 62

10 days at 23°C % by wt. 0.10 - 0.15
60 min at 100°C % by wt. 0.10 - 0.15
Decomposition temperature (heating rate: 10K/min)
DTA °C > 350
Density (Filler load: 60% by wt.) DIN 55990 g/cm³ 1.75 - 1.80

1E10 1E1 150

G' [Pa] tan δ [1E-6/K]
G' 120
1E9 1E0
1E8 1E-1
tan δ. 60
1E7 1E-2
30 Alu
1E6 1E-3 0
-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 [°C] -50 0 50 100 150 [°C] 200
Fig.5.1: Shear modulus (G') and mechanical loss- Fig.5.2: Coefficient of linear thermal expansion (α)
factor (tan δ) in f (T) measured at 1 Hz in f (T) (reference temperature: 23°C)
ISO 6721/ DIN 53445 (Method C) DIN 53752

Vantico Ltd. July 2000 Araldite CY 225/ HY 925/ Silica 5

Electrical Properties
(guideline values)

Determined on standard test specimen at 23°C

Cured for 6h at 80°C + 10h at 130°C

Breakdown strength IEC 243-1 kV/mm 18 - 20

measured on specimen with embedded electrodes Fig.6.3 / 6.5
Diffusion breakdown strength DIN/ VDE 0441/1 class HD 2
Temperature of specimen after test °C < 23
HV arc resistance ASTM D 495 s 182 - 186
Tracking resistance IEC 112
with test solution A CTI >600-0.0
with test solution B CTI >600M-0.0
Electrolytic corrosion DIN 53489 grade A-1

16 1E18
14 [Ω cm]
12 tan δ [%]
10 1E14
6 1E12

0 1E8
10 50 90 130 [°C] 170 10 50 90 130 [°C] 170
Fig.6.1: Loss factor (tan δ) and dielectric ρ) in function of
Fig.6.2: Volume resistivity (ρ
constant (εεr) in function of temperature temperature
(measurement frequency: 50 Hz, (measurement voltage: 1000 V,
IEC 250/ DIN 53483) IEC 93/ DIN 53482)
75 A


15 s= 2 mm
10 50 90 130 [°C] 170
Fig.6.3: Breakdown field strength (E d) in
function of temperature
with embedded Rogowski electrodes
(DIN/ VDE 0303/ part 2)
A = raising test / B = 5 min step test
80 20°C
60 85°C

E 150°C
s = 0.5mm

1E-1 1E0 1E1 1E2 1E3 1E4 t [h] 1E5
Fig.6.5: Life time curves of the electric field stress (E) at 20, 50, 85, 105 and 150°C
Test specimen with embedded sphere electrodes

6 Vantico Ltd. July 2000 Araldite CY 225/ HY 925/ Silica

Special Properties and Values
(guideline values)

5 1E5 Thermal Endurance

190°C 180°C Profile acc. IEC 216
[%] [h]
4 20000 4%
200°C 1E4
3 5000
2 1.2%
150 174 186 210
0 1E2
1E1 1E2 1E3 1E4 [h] 1E5 125 150 175 200 225 [°C] 250
Fig.7.1: Weight loss (specimen: 50x50x3 mm) Fig.7.2: TI 150 / 174 (weight loss 1.2%)
(limit: 4.0%) TI 186 / 210 (weight loss 4.0%)

140 1E5
[N/mm²] 180°C [h]
120 20000
100 5000
57.5 200°C
199 240
40 1E2
1E1 1E2 1E3 1E4 [h] 1E5 125 150 175 200 225 [°C] 250
Fig.7.3: Loss of flexural strength (limit: 50%) Fig.7.4: TI 199 / 240 (flexural strength)
ISO 178

10 80
Tensile creep test acc.
6 85°C
ISO 899/ DIN 53444
ε [%] 60
2 ε =0.8%
Breaking line
1 40
ε =0.5%
0.6 50°C ε =0.3%
0.4 20
0.2 ε =0.2%
0.1 0
1E2 1E3 1E4 [h] 1E5 1E2 1E3 1E4 [h] 1E5
ε) in function of time at FU Fig.7.6: Creep diagram at 23°C
Fig.7.5: Elongation (ε
23, 50 and 85°C N Max. tensile strain in function of load period
Tensile strain: 20 MPa CT
80 60
Breaking line
[N/mm²] 2%
60 1%
Breaking line 0.3%
ε =0.5% ε =0.8%
20 ε =0.3%

ε =0.2%
0 0
1E2 1E3 1E4 [h] 1E5 1E2 1E3 1E4 [h] 1E5
Fig.7.7: Creep diagram at 50°C Fig.7.8: Creep diagram at 85°C
Max. tensile strain in function of load period Max. tensile strain in function of load period

Vantico Ltd. July 2000 Araldite CY 225/ HY 925/ Silica 7

Thermal shock 100%




25 -10 -20 -40 -60 -80 <-80 [°C]
Fig.8.1: Crack resistance / Temperature
shock test
Passed specimen (%) in function of
temperature steps
Mean failure temperature: - 15°C
Embedded metal parts with 2 mm radius

Industrial hygiene
Mandatory and recommended industrial hygiene procedures should be followed whenever our
products are being handled and processed. For additional information please consult the
corresponding Safety Data Sheets and the brochure "Hygienic precautions for handling plastics
products of Ciba Specialties Chemicals (Publ. No. 24264/e).

Handling Safety precautions at workplace:

precautions protective clothing yes
gloves essential
arm protectors recommended when skin contact likely
goggels/safety glasses yes
respirator/dust mask recommended
Skin protection
before starting work Apply barrier cream to exposed skin
after washing Apply barrier or nourishing cream
Cleaning of contaminated skin Dab off with absorbent paper, wash with
warm water and alkali-free soap, then dry with
disposable towels. Do not use solvents
Clean shop requirements: Cover workbenches, etc. with light coloured
paper Use disposable breakers, etc.
Disposal of spillage Soak up with sawdust or cotton waste and
deposit in plastic-lined bin
of workshop Renew air 3 to 5 times an hour
of workplace Exhaust fans. Operatives should avoid inhaling

First Aid Contamination of the eyes by resin, hardener or casting mix should be treated immediately by
flushing with clean, running water for 10 to 15 minutes. A doctor should then be consulted.
Material smeared or splashed on the skin should be dabbed off, and the contaminated area then
washed and treated with a cleansing cream (see above). A doctor should be consulted in the
event of severe irritation or burns. Contaminated clothing should be changed immediately.
Anyone taken ill after inhaling vapours should be moved out of doors immediately. In all cases of
doubt call for medical assistance.

Vantico Ltd. All recommendations for use of our products, whether given by us in writing, verbally, or to be
Electronic Polymers implied from results of tests carried out by us are based on the current state of our knowledge.
® Registered trademark Notwithstanding any such recommendations the Buyer shall remain responsible for satisfying
himself that the products as supplied by us are suitable for his intended process or propose. Since
we cannot control the application, use or processing of the products, we cannot accept
APPROVED TO responsibility therefore. The Buyer shall ensure that the in-tended use of the products will not
infringe any third party's intellectual property rights. We warrant that our products are free from
ISO 9000 ff defects in accordance with and subject to our general conditions of supply.

8 Vantico Ltd. July 2000 Araldite CY 225/ HY 925/ Silica

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