Ethiopian Standard ES 6346:2018: Sanitary Pads - Specification - Part 2: Reusable
Ethiopian Standard ES 6346:2018: Sanitary Pads - Specification - Part 2: Reusable
Ethiopian Standard ES 6346:2018: Sanitary Pads - Specification - Part 2: Reusable
First edition
ICS: 59.080.01
Published by Ethiopian Standards Agency
ES 6346:2018
This Ethiopian Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Technical Committee for Textile-
Fabrics (TC 70 ) and published by the Ethiopian Standards Agency (ESA).
Acknowledgment has been made to the UNICEF Ethiopia for its concern to contribute to the effort of
national standardization.
The standard has been developed to address observed needs and to support the local industry in order to make
progress through uprising competitiveness and maintain comparative market advantage both domestically and
internationally. Information has been gathered from various relevant resources in developing it.
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1. Scope
This Ethiopian standard specifies the requirements for reusable sanitary pads also called sanitary
towels/ sanitary napkins that includes
a) removable absorbent insertion that can be washable and changed regularly
b) Non-removable absorbent pad.
This standard does not apply to disposable sanitary pads, tampons & menstrual cups.
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this Ethiopian standard.
Only the latest edition of the documents ( including any amendments) shall be applicable.
ES ISO 105-C10, Textiles- Tests for colour fastness Part C10: Colour fastness to washing with
soap or soap and soda
ES ISO 105-X12, Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Part X12:Colour fastness to rubbing
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4. Requirements
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• The security strap shall have appropriate extended wing length, smooth, comfortable and
align length from both sides.
• It should be m ade from sewing thread, Snap Button or press-stud (size less than 20 mm diameter)
and flexible and smooth Velcro ( the Velcro should be shift 6 mm from the edge)
Core Absorbent
• Shall be fully absorbent
• Shall be made of cotton Terry Toweling, Sherpa ,Cotton fleece, Hemp
Fleece, Bamboo fleece and Bamboo Terry, Cotton jersey, zorb,
Microfiber terry.
The materials
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7 Washing Fastness 4 and above 4 and above 4 and above ES ISO 105-C10
Abrasion Resistance/5000 Rubs/ 4-5 4-5 4-5 ES ISO 12947-1
Heavy metals
• Antimony (Sb) < 0.2 mg/kg < 0.2 mg/kg < 0.2 mg/kg
• Arsenic (As) < 0.2 mg/kg < 0.2 mg/kg < 0.2 mg/kg ES ISO 17294-2
• Cadmium (Cd) < 0.1 mg/kg < 0.1 mg/kg < 0.1 mg/kg
• Chromium (Cr) < 1.0 mg/kg < 1.0 mg/kg < 1.0 mg/kg
• Chromium VI (Cr-VI) < 0.5 mg/kg < 0.5 mg/kg < 0.5 mg/kg ES ISO 11083
• Cobalt (Co) < 1.0 mg/kg < 1.0 mg/kg < 1.0 mg/kg
• Lead (Pb) < 0.2 mg/kg < 0.2 mg/kg < 0.2 mg/kg
• Nickel (Ni) < 1.0 mg/kg < 1.0 mg/kg < 1.0 mg/kg
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• Mercury (Hg) < 0.02 mg/kg < 0.02 < 0.02 mg/kg
• Selenium (Se) < 0.2 mg/kg < 0.2 mg/kg < 0.2 mg/kg ES ISO 11083
• Tin (Sn) < 2.0 mg/kg < 2.0 mg/kg < 2.0 mg/kg
Phthalates (DINP, DNOP, DEHP, < 100 mg/kg < 100 mg/kg < 100 mg/kg ES ISO 14389
Table 2 Size
Size Pad Length (mm) Width (mm)
Regular 180 – 220 60 - 75
Large 220 – 260 60 - 75
5. Packaging
5.1 Package
Sanitary pads shall be supplied in pa ckages made o f suitable materials, which are sealed so
as to protect them from moisture, soiling and contamination during storage and
transportation and environment friendly. T he sanitary pa ds shall be packed in polyethylene
or any other water resistant material or bags having similar water resistant properties and
which does not affect human health.
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6. Labeling
The following information shall appear legibly and indelibly on the outside of each package:
7. Sampling
7.1 Lot
In any consignment all packages of the sanitary pads of the same size and type belonging to one batch of
manufacture or supply shall constitute a lot.
7.2. Scale of sampling
7.2.1. Samples shall be tested from each lot a scertaining its conformity to the requirements of this
7.2.2. The number of packages to be selected from a lot shall be in accordance with Table 3.
Up to 250 6
251-500 8
501-1000 11
1001-2500 15
2501-5000 20
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Annex A
A.1 Principle
Absorbent filler material is extracted in ethanol and then viewed for any colouring matter.
A.2 Apparatus
A.2.1 Weighing balance
A.3 Procedure
Extract 10 g of absorbent filler material in 100 mL ethanol in a narrow percolator until 50 mL of the
extract are obtained. Pour the liquid into a clean cylindrical glass tube at least 20 cm wide and view the
layer on a white background.
Annex B
Determination of water-resistance of protective barrier (cone test method)
B.1 Apparatus
B.1.1 Funnel, metallic, glass or plastic of sufficient size for holding the test piece with water.
B.1.2 Glass, container for collecting water under the glass funnel
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B.3 Procedure
Assemble the apparatus as shown in Figure B.2. Pour slowly approximately 5 mL of distilled
water into the cone assembly. Let it stand for 24 h
Annex C
1. Apparatus
C.1.2. Burette
C.2 .Reagent 1 % solution of potassium dichromate made by dissolving 1 g K2Cr2O7 in 100 ml distilled water.
3. Procedure
3.2. D rip at the rate of 15 ml per min, the appropriate amount of fluid as shown in Table 1, page 5 (pERFORMANCE
REQUIREMENTS FOR SANITARY PADS ) on to the centre of sanitary pad from a height of approximately 2 mm.
3.3. After the pad has absorbed the full amount of fluid, place a metallic block of mass 1 kg (C.1.3) for 1 min on
the portion where the fluid was absorbed.
Test Report
Observe the back and sides of the sanitary pad for any leakage and excessive wetting of the metallic block
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Annex D
D.1. Apparatus
D.1.1 Water tub. Water tub of depth at least 100 mm and maintained at room temperature.
D.1.3. Cylindrical basket weighing 2.7 + 0.3 g of height 80 mm, diameter 50 mm with square opening of 15 to 20
mm, made of copper wire of 0.4 mm diameter.
D.2. Preparation of T est Specimens Carefully isolates the absorbent filler material, weigh 5 g and insert into the
D.3. Procedure Drop the test specimen in a horizontal position into the water tub.
Using the s top watch, measure t he t ime i t t akes the ba sket a nd i ts c ontents t o sink b elow the water s urface in
seconds. Record the absorption period to the nearest 0.1 s. Repeat the test for at least two test specimens.
The arithmetic mean of the absorbency rate of the absorbent filler material tested.
Annex E
E.1.Principle. A specimen of a s pecified mass of f iller material of sanitary pad is dried in a n oven a t specified
temperature and the moisture content determined.
E.2. Apparatus
E.2.2. Sample container, waterproof when sealed, will be used for transfer of analyzed material and during
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E.3.1.Take a sufficient number of dr y s ample c ontainers, number them and take their ma sses after they are held
open for a short period of time so that they will have the same air pressure as the surrounding atmosphere. Then
leave them open until you take the test piece.
E.3.2. Take 5 random pieces from the absorbent filler material of sanitary pad, the test pieces shall weigh 5 g.
E.3.3. I f t he s urrounding a tmosphere i s hot a nd humid; prevent water condensation on t he internal a nd external
surfaces of the container.
E.3.4. Handle t he t est pieces gently to pr event dirt or changes i n water content. Don’t t ouch t he t est pi eces with
your bare hands. Put the test pieces in a container just after taking them and close the container immediately.
E.4. Procedure
E.4.1. Dry the t est pieces in an oven with a t emperature of 102 t o 105 0C. Open the container’s lid and dry the
specimen inside t he container. Open t he container for a moment, to balance t he air pressure inside t he container
with the surrounding pressure, weigh the container that holds the specimen again and calculate the weight of the
E.4.2. First cycle of drying will last at least 30 min. Return the container that contains the test pieces to the oven,
for at least half the first cycles drying time. Take the container out and take the mass with the test pieces inside.
Repeat the drying and weighing cycles. When the drying time on every cycle is at least half of the total previous
drying cycle t ime continues the process until the difference between two consecutive masses will not exceed 0.1
% of the original mass of the specimen.
E.4.3. Calculate the water content using the following formula and round the results up to the nearest 0.1 %.
𝑎𝑎 −𝑏𝑏
𝑉𝑉 = 100 𝑏𝑏−𝑐𝑐
a- is weight of the container with the specimen before drying (in grams);
b- is weight of the container with the specimen after drying (in grams);
Test report
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Annex F
F.1 .Principle A layer of a bsorbent filler material is examined unde r u ltraviolet r adiation for t he pr esence of
fluorescent brightening agents.
F.2. Apparatus
F.2.1.Ultraviolet source
F.3. P rocedure Examine a l ayer of a bsorbent filler material of a pproximately 5 mm thickness under ultraviolet
radiation of wave length 365 nm.
Annex G
G.1.4. Desiccator
G.2. P rocedure, take t hree Weigh sample, to t he nearest milligram, about 10 g for e ach of the absorbent f iller
material, Heat in t he crucible (G.1.1) with the flame of a Bunsen burner for about 1 h . Complete t he heating by
keeping in a muffle furnace (G.1.2) at 600 + 20 oC for 30 min. Cool in the desiccators (G.1.4) and weigh. Repeat
the pr ocess of heating, cooling a nd weighing until t he difference i n mass between t wo successive weightings is
less than one milligram.
𝑚𝑚 1−𝑚𝑚 0
𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴ℎ , % 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 = 𝑚𝑚 2−𝑚𝑚 0 x100
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m0 is the mass in g, of the empty crucible;
m2 is the mass in g, of the crucible with the material taken for the test.
Test report
Annex H
H.1. Apparatus
H.1.6. Oven
H.2. Procedure
H.2.1. Take t hree Weigh sample, approximately 12 gm for each duplication from t he s ample a nd expose t o t he
standard atmosphere for testing textiles ES ISO 139.
H.2.3. Cut the test specimen into small pieces and boils the pieces in 200 ml of distilled water in a beaker for half
an hour.
H.2.4. Filter into a 500 ml measuring flask. Extract the test specimen twice again for 15 min and filter the aqueous
extract into the same flask. Pour the solution into a beaker and concentrate it to a small volume. Then transfer to a
dish of known mass, washing the beaker with a little distilled water.
H.2.5. Evaporate the contents of the dish on to a steam bath and dry in an air oven at 105 0C to 110 0C. Cool the
dish in desiccators and weigh. H eat a gain a t 105 0C t o 11 0 0C i n dry oven f or 30 m in. C ool t he dish i n t he
desiccators and weigh.
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H.2.6. Repeat this pr ocess of heating, cooling and weighing until the difference in mass between two successive
weightings is less than one milligram.
H.3. Calculation
𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒, % 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 = 𝑚𝑚2−𝑚𝑚0x100
m2 is the mass in g, of the dish with the material taken for the test
Test report
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Organization and Objectives
The Ethiopian Standards Agency (ESA) is the national standards body of Ethiopia
established in 2010 based on regulation No. 193/2010.ESA is established due to the
restructuring of Quality and Standards Authority o f Ethiopia ( QSAE) which was
established in 1998.
More Information?
Contact us at the following address.
The Head Office of ESA is at Addis Ababa.