Indian Concrete Journal On Environmental Clearance in India
Indian Concrete Journal On Environmental Clearance in India
Indian Concrete Journal On Environmental Clearance in India
Concrete Bridges have been one of ICJ’s interest areas, and the Ninety-two papers have been divided into
journal has published several papers on this topic during the 13 categories, namely, Bridge construction,
critical period when the sophistication of bridge technology Bridges across major rivers, Rail and road
and construction were on the rise. bridges across Thane creek, Bridges on
Konkan Railway, Design and optimization
ICJ has now compiled important papers published in the
of bridges, Cable-stayed bridges, Pamban
last few decades on a CD showcasing bridge projects in the
bridge, First-of-its-kind bridges, Condition
monitoring and rehabilitation of bridges,
The compilation has been done with the purpose of focusing on Seismic design of bridges, Integral bridges,
technological trends and archiving information. It is expected High performance concrete for bridges and
that this compilation will help provide a compact, ready Delhi Metro.
reference on various facets of concrete bridges.
Please send your cheque/DD to: The Publication Manager, The Indian Concrete Journal, ACC Limited, L.B.S. Marg, Next to Eternity
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Cost of the CD is Rs. 600 inclusive of postage and handling All Cheques / Demand Drafts should be drawn in favour of ' ACC Limited '
121, Maharshi Karve Road, Mumbai 400 020. Seismic performance of masonry infilled reinforced concrete structures
The copyright, database rights and similar rights Arshad K. Hashmi and Alok Madan
in all materials published in The Indian Concrete
Journal are owned by ACC Limited. None of
this material may be used for any commercial
or public use, other than for the purpose of fair
Investigations on the effect of gradual cooling on the properties of fly
dealing, research or private study, or review of the
contents of the journal, in part or in whole, and
may not be reproduced or stored in any media for
47 ash concrete subjected to sustained elevated temperatures
Shweta Patil and K.B. Prakash
mass circulation without the prior written consent
of the publisher.
Durable concrete by packing density method
S.K. Dhawan, Itihas Dhareppagol and B. Bhattacharjee
The Indian Concrete Journal
ACC Limited
L.B. Shastri Road, Near Teen Haath Naka
Next to Eternity Mall, Thane (West) 400 604,
Maharashtra, INDIA.
Tel: 00-91-22-33027646
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Ulhas Fernandes
S.M. Abbas POINT OF VIEW: Environmental clearance Acts
34 and Rules - Evolution and experience
Ajit K. Sinha and K.N. Jha
Cover image source: POINT OF VIEW: Effect of different aspect ratio of steel fiber on
60 mechanical properties of high strength concrete
S.S. Kadam and V.V. Karjinni
Cover May 2017 FINAL MAN ===.indd 1 25/04/2017 7:23:17 AM
We close this year with the issue of demonetisation of safety and remaining life expectancy. In order to have an
Rs.1000/- currency and replacement of old Rs.500/- accurate and reliable assessment, an arch dam in South
denomination with new currency. This has affected most India was undertaken as a case study to understand
construction sites where
he heat wave payments
in some States tooflabourers
India is are made
affecting the properties
clearances along of with
some in dams.
case Possible
studies causes by
are covered of
in cash. While companies will have to manage arranging
normal life and also construction activity. Concrete displacement and cracking in
the authors in this Point of View. arch concrete dam were
smaller denomination currency at sites in the interim period, identified in this study.
made under these hot temperature conditions has to factor
many companies are employing innovative methods of Concrete is a composite material with each having different
this and necessary precautions have to be taken to ensure
paying their workmen. Load bearing walls, compound walls, retaining walls,
that the concrete is durable. These and many more topics thermal characteristics. Concrete properties under elevated
dams, chimneys, bridge piers, as masonry structures are
are covered in this issue. temperature are studied and the feasibility of fly ash to be
Computer aided programs are available to analyse shear- quite popular. Because of its low tensile strength, masonry
adopted as partial replacement to cement is investigated
wall frame in high rise buildings. However, a simple and components are designed to resist mainly compressive
Evaluating seismic vulnerability on existing building isthe
a in this paper.
time saving numerical methodology for choosing forces. Need for conservation of heritage structures has
technically complex and expensive procedure and can
preliminary dimensions of a shear wall system is not there. motivated researchers to evaluate the seismic resistance of
only be performed on asuggest
number It is a challenge to achieve high standards of durability
The authors in this paper same! of buildings. unreinforced masonry structures.
Based on the survey of over 1500 buildings, authors use in practice. Distress in many structures is witnessed after
the Rapid over
Estimated Visual
60Screening method
Million houses are where
required thetoselected
be built aFrictional
few years of construction.
resistance of the soilToaround
proper qualitya
pile plays
in rural and
buildings are urban areas
modelled as analysed
and per the Ministry
housing. control
critical of
rolethein raw
the material remainsbearing
pile’s ultimate a big challenge for
capacity and
approach. – cost
is observed effective
that aroundand fast dwelling
70-80% units
of reinforced the
this engineers and the
directly affects technicians.
constructionThe quality
author ofreviews the
are the need of the hour. Glass Fibre Reinforced
concrete buildings suffer some damage in this region. Gypsum factors that make
piles, i.e., the concrete
reinforced concretedurable starting from
pile inserting into the
(GFRG) panels offer an innovative solution that addresses cement
mix mixed
design pile. to
process Although composite
the selection piles are
of suitable applied
Lot speed
of research at area
in the less cost. The authors
of masonry in reinforced
in-filled this paper in practical engineering, the
mixing, and compaction till curing. theory of the characteristics of
have constructed
concrete model apartments
frame structures to demonstrate
indicates that this
buildings built vertical bearing capacity of the pile is inconsistent and not
with minimal steel requirement and minimal involvement perfected.
The effect This paper in
of aspect ‘Point
ratio andof volume
View’ suggests
of steela fibre
devoid of in-filled masonry in ground floor is a reason
of labour! and simple formula to calculate vertical bearing
mechanical properties of high strength concrete is studied capacity of
for severe damage to the structure in the event of an
the composite pile. The second
in this paper featured in Point of View.paper under in PoV studies
earthquake. In this study, seismic vulnerability curves are
Can bond strength (between steel and concrete) applied the effect of high temperature on normal and high strength
developed for representative masonry in-filled RC frame
as per the IS code for standard grade of concrete be used RC with
Trust and
these without
papers willsteel fibres.
enrich your knowledge further.
structures simulated with the various distributions of
also for high strength concrete? As design parameters for
masonry infill panels
bond strength over
for high the frame
strength elevation.
concrete is not defined in Wewrite
hopetoIndia manages to put behind the currency crises
Do us with your feedback!
the IS code, investigation to evaluate bond strength of high and leaps forward to a New Year!
There is substantial
strength time and cost
concrete is conducted overrun
which revealsona account of
correlation Best Regards,
of bondin strength
granting with
compressiveclearances in concrete
strength of project. Write to us with your views and suggestions.
Detail on Environmental
and diameter Impact Assessment and Forest
of reinforcements. Ashish Patil
Wishing you all A Very Happy New Year!
There are many dams that are over 50 years old. These
Best Regards,
‘age old dam’ can be characterized with an increase in
4 structural deterioration
The Indian Concrete resulting
Journal May 2017 in impaired structural Ashish Patil
FS-2017, The 4th National Convention on ferrocement on The twin-event will be the only one of its kind in India,
the theme of ‘Innovative applications’ will be held during May focusing on sustainable built-environment and good urban
12-14, 2017 at Peroor, Kottayam, Kerala. For more details, governance. The three-day conference and exhibition
visit their website. is targetted at mayors, municipal commissioners, senior
urban development officials from the Central and State
Ferrocement Society
Governments, Urban Local Bodies and Housing Agencies
p: 8086065566, 8589997181
e: [email protected] from all over India, built environment professionals, architects,
w: planners, and engineers.
AKC Andheri
• T echnical Lecture on “Manufactured Sand” on 05th
May’2017 (Speaker: Er. Suhash Dhuri, Director,
E Cube Consultants)
Andhra Pradesh Construction The conference would focus on: Raw materials for
Expo 2017 construction chemical industry; manufacturing technologies
and equipment; packaging materials and equipment;
Andhra Pradesh Construction Expo 2017 will take place application tools, techniques and equipment; communication
during 2-4 June 2017 at Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. tools; formulations of construction chemicals; construction
It aims to provide lasting synergies within the industry by chemicals market trends.
creating solid forecasts and imparting tangible take-homes
for all stakeholders. The event is targetted at: Suppliers to construction chemicals
industry & dry mix mortar and other allied construction
The New capital of Andhra Pradesh ‘Amaravati’ is just nearby material manufacturers; formulators of construction
to Vijayawada city. The new capital will be built with complete chemicals (R&D); marketing teams of construction chemicals
infrastructure and basic amenities. Many construction companies; procurement managers of construction chemicals
companies and Government bodies have to play key role companies; quality control professionals of construction
in building the new capital in near future. The capital region chemicals industry
spread across 7,420 The seed capital region covers
8 sq km. Huge buildings in large number have to come up The conference will have focus sessions on various
and many bridges have to built across the Krishna River to technologies and presentations by experts from leading
connect the capital with other areas. national and international suppliers. CCMA shall provide
brief presentation on the opportunities and challenges faced
by the industry.
International Construction
Chemicals Conference (C3)
Expectations on the new capital city are obviously running high The Construction Chemicals Manufacturers Association
with active participation of Singapore and Japan governments. (CCMA) the body, mind and soul of the construction
The AP Government, under the dynamic leadership of chemicals industry in India will be hosting the sixth edition of
Sri. N. Chandrababu Naidu, Hon’ble Chief Minister of the The International Construction Chemicals Conference during
state is to leave no stone unturned to build a historical capital. July 6th-7th, 2017 at the Lalit, Sahar Airport Road, Mumbai.
The capital city Amaravathi will stand as testimony for a world
class city. Massive transformation of technology in likely to
Emphasis of this international conference is improvements at
take place with building of New capital.
the time of construction, repairs, strengthening, rehabilitation
and protection from future deterioration.
Andhra Pradesh Construction Expo 2017
p : +91-866 - 6539879
e: [email protected] An exciting line-up of industry captains, research scholars
w: and industry veterans will disseminate vital information on the
emerging materials, methods and practices that are taking
shape in the construction chemicals sector today. Delegates
Suppliers to Construction Chemical to C3 will benefit from an insightful program balanced with
Industry to India an opportunity to create an ideal networking opportunity
that is bound to unite the industry together in its quest for
The Construction Chemicals Manufacturers Association
(CCMA) the body, mind and soul of the construction
chemicals industry in India will be hosting the 3rd Edition
Construction Chemicals Manufacturers Association (CCMA)
of International Conference of suppliers to the Construction
p: 022 - 2403 6410 /+91-9323551522 / 7875565563
Chemical Industry of India will be held at Mumbai during July w:
4th-5th, 2017 as a two-day event.
CONCRETE 2017 addressed suitably. Selection of TBM for different types of sub-
strata requires a very careful planning. For this reason, a more
The Indian Concrete Institute is organising Concrete 2017 elaborate geotechnical Investigation is a must. Construction
during July 14-15, 2017 at Hotel Royal Plaza, Ashoka Road, of cross-passages find their own challenges of temporary/
New Delhi. The theme is ‘Underground Structures’ enabling works. For more details contact the following.
In recent past due to rapid growth of Indian cities, there is a tremendous increase on housing industry, especially in seismic
Zone IV & V. As most of these constructions are without earthquake resistant measures, the built environment in these
zones has been found seismically vulnerable. Detailed seismic vulnerability evaluation is a technically complex and expensive
procedure and can only be performed on a limited number of buildings. The present paper highlights the use of Rapid
visual screening (RVS) method for seismic assessment of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings in Himachal Pradesh state. A RVS
survey has been carried out on 1540 RC buildings, out of which 6 buildings are selected for detailed analysis. The selected
buildings are modeled and analyzed through numerical approach. A correlation graph has been constructed between peak
ground acceleration (PGA) and, RVS, indicating different damage states of a building. Around 80% of RC buildings located in
Zone V of Himachal Pradesh will suffer moderate damage and around 73% of RC buildings located in Zone IV will suffer slight
damage in the event of earthquake with PGA prescribed as per IS 1893.
Keywords: Rapid visual screening; pushover analysis; fragility curves; vulnerability assessment.
Seismic zone V V IV
Structural details
Mandi Internal wall thickness (m) 0.1 0.1 0.1
100 Shimla
Una Specification Building IV Building V Building VI
General building information
Seismic zone V V IV
No. of RC buildings
DETAILED ANALYSIS OF RC BUILDINGS Figure 4 and the geometry details are shown in Table 4. M25
grade of concrete and Fe415 steel are used in this analysis. A
Over 9099 buildings have been surveyed, which consists
discrete approach called Applied Element Method (AEM)
of different typology of buildings. Out of which 1540 are
has been used to model selected buildings. The numerical
RC buildings and 6 among them have been selected from
method and its mathematical formulation are described
various districts for the purpose of detailed analysis. The
in the following section. Soil-structure interaction analysis
selection of buildings is mainly based on RVS score, and year
has not been considered in this analysis. The base of the
of construction. The normal distribution of RC buildings in
building is assumed to be fixed. The numerical modeling of
the state of Himachal Pradesh as per district wise and state
all buildings is shown in Figure 5.
is shown in Figure 3. The selected buildings are shown in
2 V .S aW ;
1 2 2 2
p 1 PF .SD. ro
2 2 (4)
fb f
1 (5) PF . roof
fb ft
V .S aW ;
PF .SD. roof ;
PF . roof
S 46 S11dy S12dx S13 the following technique is used in this analysis. The shear
and normal stress components at point A are determined
S56 S12dy S 22dx S 23 from the normal and shear springs attached at the contact
S 66 S16dy S 26dx S36 point location shown in Figure 8.
a a (3)
2 (B)
Material Model (A)
2 peak
2 stresses,
spring stiffness is(4)assumed as a
Contact point ro
PF .SD. roof ;
PF . roof
S 46 S 56 S
S36 S13dy S 23dx S33
S11dy S12dx S13
S 56 S12dy S 22dx S 23
The secondary stress σ2 from normal stresses and at point B MODELING OF BRICK MASONRY
and C can S 66 Sby
be calculated 16dy S 26the
using dxequation
S36 given below:
In brick modeling, each brick unit is represented by a
set of square elements, where mortar joints lie in their
x ax corresponding contact edges. In spring level, springs that
2 b c
a ...(3)
lie within one unit of brick are termed as ‘unit springs’.
For those springs, the corresponding domain material is
The principal stress is calculated as: brick as isotropic nature and they are assigned to structural
2 properties of brick. Springs those accommodate mortar joints
1 2 1 2 2
p are treated as ‘joint springs’. They are defined by equivalent
2 2 properties based on respective portion of unit and mortar
...(4) thickness. The configuration of brick units, joints and their
representation is shown in Figure 9.
fb f
t' 1 (5)
The value off bprincipal
ft stress σp is compared with the tension Where Eb and Gb are Young’s modulus and shear modulus of
resistance of the studied material. When σp exceeds the critical brick unit, respectively, whereas Em and Gm are Young’s modulus
value of tension
V resistance,
.S aWthe; normal and shear spring and shear modulus of mortar, respectively. Thickness of wall and
forces are redistributed in the next increment by applying mortar are denoted as ‘T’ and ‘th’. A composite material model is
the normal and shear PFforces
roof spring roof ;
the reverse direction. considered which takes into account both brick and mortar. Brick
These redistributed forces are transferred to the element (6) are assumed to follow principal stress failure criteria with
center as a force and moment, roofand then these redistributed linear elastic behavior. Once there is splitting of brick reaching
forces are applied to the structure in the next increment. A elastic limit, normal and shear stress are assumed not to transfer
PF . roofof brick masonry is given
brief description about modeling
1 n a-th th th
Kn eq
axT ( Eb
Kn = Eb x T 1 n a-th th
Kn eq
axT ( Gb
Ks = Gb x T 'n' springs
n 'n' springs
1 2 1 2
cracked surface
through 2 state. The brick spring’s failure
intensile displacement control is used till complete collapse of the
2 2
criterionis based on a failure envelope given by, building. The base shear vs roof displacement plots for
buildings are shown in Figure 10. For each roof displacement,
fb ft base shear is calculated as the summation of horizontal forces
...(5) (5) at the bottom of each column. The pushover curve pattern
fb ft
mainly depends on three parameters i.e., initial stiffness,
strength, and ductility. From the analysis, it is observed that
Where Vfband .fSt aare
; principal compression and tensile all buildings have same initial stiffness except building-1.
stresses, respectively, and f’b and f’t are the uni-axial
roof and
PFtensile strengths,
.SD. roof ; respectively. The failure Building-4 has high strength compared to strength of all
(6) buildings. The length of building-4 is around four times the
criterion of mortar joint is explained in detail by Bishnu [26]
width and the aspect ratio is 0.243 in X direction and 0.95 in
SDA nonlinear pushover analysis has been done to
in 2004. Y direction, respectively. The amount of force required to
evaluate the capacity roof
PF . of selected RC buildings. push the building along low aspect ratio direction is higher
compared to other direction. Later, the analysis has been
carried out to calculate damage of the building through
Pushover analysis is mainly to evaluate the capacity of fragility curves. The description about fragility curves is
existing buildings and retrofit them. It can also be applied given in the following section.
for new structures. It is necessary to know the performance
of any building and collapse pattern. For the purpose of FRAGILITY CURVES
study, non-linear static pushover analysis is quiet helpful. It Fragility curves are the plot of damage parameter against
is an incremental static analysis used to determine the force- spectral acceleration. The damage parameter is calculated
displacement relationship. The analysis involves applying using energy principles[27,28,29]. The total energy
horizontal loads, in a prescribed pattern, onto the building dissipation of building during application of lateral
incrementally and plotting the total applied lateral force and displacement is the area under pushover curve. The elastic
associated lateral displacement at each increment, until the and inelastic energies of the building are calculated at each
building achieves collapse condition. A plot of the total base displacement. The schematic diagram represents calculation
shear versus roof displacement of a building is obtained of damage from pushover curve shown in Figure 11.
from this analysis that would indicate any premature failure
or weakness. The damage parameter (D) is denoted as the ratio of inelastic
energy to the total energy of building. The dissipated energy
In this analysis, pushover analysis is done for all selected at point ‘i’ is inelastic energy in damage calculation. The
RC buildings. The building is pushed either load control dissipated energy till collapse gives rise to total energy in
or displacement control to obtained base shear vs roof
displacement curve for a building. In this analysis
Linear Ei
behavior Inelastic Di = ;
Base shear (kN)
1600 energy
Building-1 E
1400 Building-2 Di+1 = Ei+1
i+1 max
1200 Building-4
1000 Building-6
Base shear (kN)
800 behavior
400 energy
Roof displacement (m)
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 Total/max energy
Roof displacement (m)
PGA (g)
2 Building-1 0.5
S13 k s l sin( ) cos( ) k nl cos( ) sin(
Moderate damage
S 26 S12dy S 22dxSpectral
S 23
56 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
0.1 No damage
S66 S S dy S dx S
acceleration (g)
36 13 23 33 0
60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
S 46 12.
S11dy S dx S
Fragility12curves for13RC buildings RVS Score
S 56 S12dy S 22dx S 23
S 66 S16dy S 26dx S36 Figure 13. Generalized damage state of building w.r.t RVS score
and PGA for RC buildings
damage calculation. With these damage values, fragility
x curvea hasx generated which is in terms of displacement.
bFigure 12
c fragility curves for all buildings. It is
a shows
a necessary to convert displacement (3)into acceleration. building in an area through fragility curves is difficult
Following is the procedure: task. The RVS score of buildings can be easily calculated
2 in an area. In this study an attempt has been made done
2 Step-1:
1 Spectral
2 accelerations
2 (Sa) are calculated using
. Where SD=spectral displacement and T=time
to correlate the damage state of a building with RVS score
2 2 and PGA value of a region. Figure 13 shows the generalized
period. (4) damage state of building w.r.t RVS score and PGA for RC
buildings. The damage state of building can be said, if RVS
f t The spectral displacement (SD) values are calculated
f b Step-2: score of the building and location of building. The safety of
1 shear relation
from base (5)
f b' f t' the building is dependent on high RVS score of the building.
According to IS-1893(part1):2002 [30], the zone factors for
V .S aW ; Zone-IV and V are 0.24 g and 0.36 g, respectively. A RC
building, whose RVS score is 100, experience slight damage
PF .SD. roof ;
roof in Zone-IV and moderate damage in Zone-V. The damage
(6) values are calculated for 1540 RC buildings in the state of
roof Himachal Pradesh and found that 80% of RC buildings
SD located in zone-V of will suffer moderate damage and 73%
PF . roof of RC buildings located in zone-IV will suffer slight damage.
Where, V-base shear, W-seismic weight of structure, PF-
A correlation has been done on damage parameter with RVS
participation factor.
score of a building and PGA of a region. For this purpose, 1540
Step-3: Fragility curve can be drawn with acceleration and RC buildings are surveyed and RVS scores are calculated.
corresponding damage. Out of which 6 buildings have been evaluated in detail. A
nonlinear pushover analysis has been done to calculate the
The damage states of the building were defined as no damage capacity of buildings. The damage parameters are quantified
(D<0.2), slight damage (D<0.4), moderate damage (D<0.6), for buildings using energy based approach. A relation has
severe damage (D<0.8) and complete collapse (D>0.8). From been proposed to quantify the damage parameter of a
the above study, it is observed that building-1 experience building using PGA of a region and RVS score of a building.
complete collapse, if the building is subjected to PGA of Around 80% of RC buildings located in Zone-V of Himachal
0.24 g. The building-3 does not experience any damage for Pradesh will suffer moderate damage and around 73% of RC
the same PGA value. Measuring the damage state of each buildings located in zone-IV will suffer slight damage.
Sreerama Ajay Kumar holds an M.Tech from IIIT Hyderabad; pursuing another master’s in Earthquake
Engineering at ROSE School, Italy. He has contributed his research in the field of earthquake engineering
which are published in technical papers in national and international Journals. His areas of interest in
research are seismic safety of irregular buildings with mass and stiffness irregularities.
Chenna Rajaram holds a PhD degree from International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad
(IIIT-H). He is an Assistant Professor at RGMCET, Nandyal, AP. He has published over 25 papers in
national and international journals and conferences. His research interests are earthquake engineering and
structural dynamics, analytical and numerical simulation of ground motions, and applied element method.
R. Pradeep Kumar, holds a Ph.D degree from University of Tokyo, Japan. He is a Professor and Head of
Earthquake Engineering Research Centre (EERC) at IIIT Hyderabad. His research interests are numerical
modeling of faults and tectonic plates, collapse simulation of buildings, seismic evaluation and strengthening
of buildings and concrete codes in India. He is a panel member of IS 456 and IS 1343 (CED2). He is also a
panel member of IS 1893, and IS 13920 (CED39).
Inspite of intense research in the area of masonry infilled reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures in recent past,
displacement-based non-linear analyses of masonry infilled RC frames with explicit consideration of infill panels as
structural elements is far from common practice in earthquake resistant design of structures. This is mostly due to the
analytical complexity in modelling the infill panel realistically. The present paper is based on an analytical study of
the seismic performance of typical planar masonry infilled RC frames considering the effect of distribution of masonry
infill panels over the elevation of the RC frame using rational displacement based analysis methods such as non-
linear dynamic time-history analysis and non-linear static force-displacement (push-over) analysis based on realistic
and efficient hysteretic models of the structural elements. The objective of the present study is to develop seismic
vulnerability curves for representative masonry infilled RC frame structures with the various commonly implemented
seismically undesirable and corresponding preferred distributions of masonry infill panels over the frame elevation.
Keywords: Seismic performance; seismic vulnerability; seismic demand; pushover analysis; capacity spectrum method; performance based
seismic engineering.
the structure. The non-dimensional structural displacement structures is assessed through non-linear dynamic analysis
and force demands corresponding to the performance points of representative planar masonry infilled RC frame
are highlighted as circumscribed by ellipses in Figures 4 geometries subjected to artificially generated earthquake
and 5. ground motions. The results of the vulnerability assessment
establish that the seismic performance of a code-compliant
The seismic demands obtained from the non-linear masonry infilled RC frame is substantially superior to that
dynamic analysis are reproduced in non-dimensional of a corresponding bare RC frame, provided any soft storey
terms of percentage circumscribed in rectangular boxes in effect at the ground storey is sufficiently compensated by
Figures 4 and 5 for ready comparison. The comparison shows
partially infilling the soft ground storey with masonry
that the seismic displacement and force demands predicted
panels or designing the columns in the soft storey to resist
by the simpler capacity spectrum method agree reasonably
the surplus base shear due to the masonry infills.
well with the corresponding seismic demands predicted by
the non-linear dynamic analysis for all the distributions of
masonry infill panels and earthquake records considered in
the study with a few exceptions such as the case of frame 1. Bilham, R., Gaur, V. K., and P. Molnar, P. (2001) “Himalayan
Seismic Hazard.” Science, 293(5534), 1442-44.
geometry 6 under the action of San Fernando earthquake
and bare frame with - 6 under the action of Chile earthquake. 2. Rossetto T. and Elnashai A. (2003). “Derivation of Vulnerability
It may be remarked from Figures 4 and 5 that the case of Function for European- Type RC Structures Based on Observational
Data.” Engineering Structures, 25(10), 1241-1263.
the bare frame in general displays substantially larger
top displacement for lower base shear coefficient than the 3. Kwon,O.S., and Elnashai A.( 2006). “ The Effect of Material and
Ground Motion Uncertainty on the Seismic Vulnerability Curves
masonry infilled frame without any infills in the first storey
of RC Structures.” Engineering Structures, 28(2), 289-303.
(i.e. ‘soft’ ground storey). Similar results were illustrated in
Figure 3 (iii & iv). The observation may be explained by the 4. Rossetto T. and Elnashai A. (2005). “A New Analytical Procedure
for the Derivation of Displacement Based Vulnerability Curves for
fact that the infills of the masonry infilled RC frame above Population of RC Structures.” Engineering Structures, 27(3), 397-409
the first storey increase the overall lateral stiffness of the
frame, thus resulting in lesser displacement at the top in 5. Lang K. and Bachmann H. (2004). “On the Seismic Vulnerability of
Existing Buildings: A Case Study of the City of Basel. ” Earthquake
comparison to the bare RC frame. Spectra, 20(1), 43-66.
CONCLUDING REMARKS 6. Lang K. and Bachmann H. (2003). “On the Seismic Vulnerability
of Existing Unreinforced Masonry Building.” Journal of Earthquake
The present paper is based on performance-based seismic Engineering, 7(3), 407-426
evaluation of planar masonry infilled RC frame structures
7. ______Indian standard criteria for earthquake resistant design of
with vertical layout of infill panels that are commonly structures, Part 1 - General provisions and buildings, IS 1893:2002
constructed in the field and are particularly vulnerable to (Part 1), Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India.
earthquakes, such as the layout in which the infill panels 8. ICC IBC 2000, “2000 International Building code ”, International
are discontinued at the ground level thus resulting in a ‘soft’ Code Council, Washington D.C.
and/or ‘weak’ storey at that level. The results of the present
9. Madan A, Reinhorn AM, Mander JB, Valles R.( 1997). “Modeling of
study establish that the seismic vulnerability as well as the Masonry Infill Panels for Structural Analysis.” Journal of Structural
horizontal seismic base shear of masonry infilled RC frames Engineering, 123; 1295 - 1302.
is significantly influenced by the density and distribution of
10. Valles, R. E., Reinhorn, A. M., Kunnath, S. K., Li, C., and Madan,
the masonry infill panels in the RC frame, an effect that is A. (1996). “IDARC Version 4.0 - A Program for the Inelastic
disregarded by the present generation of the seismic codes. Damage Analysis of Buildings.” Technical Report NCEER-96-0010,
The study focuses on the development of region-specific 11. Park YJ, Reinhorn AM and Kunnath, S. K.( 1987). “IDARC:
seismic performance and demand curves for typical Inelastic damage Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frame–Shear
configurations of practical medium rise masonry infilled Wall Structures.” Technical Report NCEER-87-0008, National
multi-storey RC framed structures considering the various Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, SUNY Buffalo.
commonly implemented distributions of masonry infill 12. ATC-40 (1996).“Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete
panels over the frame elevation. The seismic performance Buildings.” Report SSC 96-01, California Seismic Safety
Commission, Applied Technology Council, Redwood, CA, USA.
and demand of masonry infilled RC framed building
13. FEMA-356 (2000), “Prestandard and Commentary for Seismic 15. Kunnath, S. K. (2006), “Performance-based Seismic Based Design
Rehabilitation of Buildings”, Federal Emergency Management and Evaluation of Building Structures.” Earthquake Engineering
Agency (FEMA), Washington D. C., USA. for Structural Design, ed. Chen, W. F. and Lui, E. M., CRC press,
© 2006 by Taylor and Francis Group, Oxfordshire, England.
14. Fajfar P. (1999). “Capacity Spectrum Method Based on Inelastic
Demand Spectra.” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 16. Madan, A and Hashmi A.K. (2008). “Analytical prediction of
28; 979-93. Seismic Performance of Masonry Infilled Reinforced Concrete
Frames Subjected to Near-Field Earthquakes.” Journal of Structural
Engineering, ASCE; 134 (9); 1569-1581.
Arshad K. Hashmi holds a PhD in Structural Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. His
areas of research interest are earthquake engineering;performance based seismic engineering, structural
Alok Madan holds a PhD in Structural Engineering from State University of New York at Buffalo. Presently
he is a Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. His area
of research includes research on structural engineering, nonlinear structural dynamics, concrete structures,
computing in structural engineering, structural masonry.
Many of the infrastructure projects, specially in the environment of India. The Constitution of India vide the
transportation sector, (Railways, Ports, Roads, / Highways 42nd amendment, has detailed and outlined this onus and
and Airports) have had time and cost overruns on account responsibility on the Government of India in Articles 48A
of delay in grant of environmental clearance also in and 51A (g) of the Indian Constitution. These articles provide
addition to delay in obtaining other approvals/clearances. that:
Though, prior to 1985, forest related legislations / Acts /
i. the state will protect and improve the environment
Rules existed but in isolated and exclusive domains. With and safeguard forests and wildlife of the country
the notification of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (Article 48A), and
followed by the Environment Impact Assessment, Rules,
2006, the related stipulations, regulatory norms started ii. every citizen is bound to protect and improve the
getting formalized and evolving. Herein, the legislative natural environment and to have compassion for
history of the Acts/Rules at different times in India and living creatures [ Articles 51A (g)].
across the World has been stated. Chronologically, the
USA (NEPA legislation) and European countries have an
The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), since
edge over other regions. Grant of forest clearance (FC)
then, has been renamed as Ministry of Environment, Forest
which comprises approval for diversion of forest land, if
and Climate Change, and is the nodal regulatory body of
that be the case of the project, took much longer time Government of India. Primarily, it is mandated to formulate
than it took for grant of environmental clearance in case policies, laws and rules related to environment, and issuing
of roads/highways projects in India. Use of technological environmental clearance (EC) for any developmental
advancements can be very helpful in mapping of roads project, as in the Schedule of the Environmental Impact
and railway line alignments, extent of forest cover getting Assessment (EIA) Notification, dated 14 September 2006 [1]
affected adversely by the proposed projects etc. Satellite under the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986. With the
imaging techniques etc. can be used extensively for increase in number and sector specific infrastructure projects
evaluating the extent of human habitats getting displaced, entailing substantial private investment, several Acts, Bills
submerged, and affected. and their respective Amendments to ensure improvement
in quality of environment, were legislated in India.
Forest Conservation Act,1980, Environment (Protection)
1.0 INTRODUCTION Act,1986,the Coastal Regulation Zone,1991(notification)
The Government of India vide its policy and regulatory and the National Appellate Authority Act,1997 are some
functions, ensures protection and improvement of the of the critical laws that need to be complied with by the
Table 1. Salient improvements in GoI’s EIA Notification of 2006 over EIA Notification of 1994
EIA Notification 2006 EIA Notification 1994
(including amendments)
Screening and scoping processes. The screening process has been specifically
detailed and the responsibility for carrying out scoping has been entrusted to
It was the project proponent who decided the TOR as well
the Expert Appraisal Committee. [EAC]. Scoping comprises freezing of Terms
as conducted the EIA study either by himself or through
of Reference [TOR] and the TOR is required to be displayed on the websites of
State/ Union Territory Environmental Impact Assessment Authority [S/UEIAA].
Project Conception
Preliminary Assessment
Category B1 Category B 2
EC process Decision on EC
similar to that based on the Review by SPCB Public Hearing
for Category A, information
(at State Level) provided.
Review by MoEF
material shall be disposed within port limits; (v) all building complexes must have a clearly identified management with
or construction projects or area development projects (which the legal responsibility of ensuring adherence to the terms
do not contain any category A projects and activities) and and conditions of prior environmental clearance, and must
townships (vi) all category B2 projects and activities; and indicate the authority to be held responsible for violation of
(e) all projects or activities concerning national defence the same throughout the life of the complex/estate.
and security or involving other strategic considerations as
determined by the central government. 2.6 Important legislations regulating the
environmental clearances in india
2.5 Specified requirements for environmen- i. One of the earliest legislation in this direction was
tal clearance the Indian Forest Act, 1927 which provided for
Thresholds in respect of roads/highways, ports and airports consolidating acquisition of common property such
and other stipulations / governing criteria etc. for processing as forest. The nodal agencies for the purpose are the
and grant of environment clearance for projects in these respective State Governments and Forest settlement
sectors are spelt out in Table 2. officers.
2 Construction/Township/Commercial Complexes/Housing
The built up or
covered area on all
the floors put together
Covering an area ++All projects under
>100 ha and / or built up area Item 8(b) shall be
2b basement(s) and
>1,50,000 sq. appraised as category
other service areas,
m. B1
which are proposed
in the building /
construction projects.
Forest Conservation Act, 1980, To halt India’s rapid deforestation and resulting
4. Central Government
amended in 1988 environmental degradation
Air (Prevention and Control of Details provisions for prevention, control and
5. Central and State Pollution Control Boards
Pollution) Act, 1981, amended in 1987 abatement of air pollution
To provide for the protection and Central Government, nodal agency MoEF,
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986,
6. improvement of the environment under an can delegate powers, State Departments of
amended in 1991
umbrella legislation Environment
Rampur-Kathgodam Section from Km 0.000 (Km 190.000 of NH-24) to Km 88.000 of NH- 54.76+ 59.24
5 1 yr 10 mth 3 yrs 9 mth NA
87 in the States of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand [*2]
Hospet - Chitradurga section of NH-13 from Km 299.000 to Km 418.600 in the State of
6 1 yr 7 mth 3 yrs 6 mth 53.6 NA
Hospet-Bellary-AP/KNT Border Section of NH-63 from Km.280.300 to Km.375.740 in
7 1 yr 9 mth 3 yrs 2 mth 12.9 NA
the State of Karnataka
Shivpuri-Dewas Section of NH-3 from km.236.000 to km. 566.450 in the State of Madhya
9 1 yr 3 yrs 6 mth 39.63 NA
10 Sultanpur-Varanasi Section of NH-56 in the State of Uttar Pradesh 11 mth 11 mth 133.22 NA
14 Pratapgarh–Padi section of NH-113 FROM KM 80.00 TO KM 180.00 of NH-113 8 mth 2 yrs 6 mth 42.35 NA
2-lane with paved shoulders in Padhi –Dahod Section of NH-113 in the State of Rajasthan 4.42 + 1.5
15 1 yr 11 mth 1 yr 8 mth NA
& Gujarat (Length 87 Km): [*4]
Four Laning of ObedullaganjBetul Section of NH-69 From Km 2.800 to 8.300 and from
17 Km 20.700 to Km 137.000 (Excluding Wild Life Sanctuary from Km 8.300 to Km 20.700) 2 yrs 2 yrs 10 mth 153.54 NA
(Except 28+000 to Km 61+500 as Two Lane with Paved Shoulder) in the State Of MP
Four Laning of Rewa-Katni-Jabalpur Section of NH-7 From Km 242.3 to 465.5 in the State
18 1 yr 3 mth 3 yrs 5 mth 16.89 NA
Of MP as BOT (Toll) Project On DBFOT
Four Laning of Gwalior-Shivpuri Section of NH-3 & 75 From Km 103 to 236 in the State
20 2 yrs 4 mth 3 yrs 4 mth ## 3 yrs 7 mth
of MP
Wild life clearance
Widening and improvement of existing 2- lane to 4 lane of Kiratpur - Bilaspur Section of
21 7 mth 2 yrs 3 mth ## involved but no
NH-21 in the State of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh(F.No.10-1228/2011.IA.III)
time data available
Wild life clearance
4 lane to 4 lane of Bilaspur- NerChowk Section of NH-21 from Km 134.500 to Km. 186.500
22 1 yr 4 mth 1 yrs 1 mth ## involved but no no
in the State of Himachal Pradesh
time data available
Four Laning of Solapur-MAH/KNT Border Section of NH 9 in Km. 249/000 to Km. 4.14 + 0.4
23 1 yr 11 mth 10 mth 2 yrs 2 mth
348/800 in the State of Maharashtra. [*5]
Four Laning of Solapur-Bijapur Section of NH-13 in Km. 0/000 to Km. 110/542 in the
24 1 yr 3 mth 7 mth 2.665 2 yrs 2 mth
State of Maharashtra and Karnataka
Sitar Ganj-Tanakpur Section from Km 0.000 to Km 52.200 of NH- 74 in the States of Uttar
25 2 mth 1 mth 36.47 NA
Pradesh and Uttarakhand
Kashipur-Sitar Ganj Section from Km 175.000 to Km 252.200 of NH- 74 in the States of
26 4 mth 4 mth 2.95 NA
Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand
## Data are not available
[*1] In the States of Rajasthan & Gujarat. [*2] In the States of Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand. [*3] In the States of Karnataka & Andhra Pradesh. [*4] In the States of
Rajasthan & Gujarat.[*5] 2 district in Maharashtra (Osmanabad & Solapur). Source :-
Note: The time stated for EC, FC and wild life clearance in respect of the road in Table --- has been reckoned from the details of the concerned projects as available
in the “source “
measures shall be planned and designed in such a way so as A total of 23 Specific Conditions and 9 General Conditions
to ensure that “no net loss of biodiversity” is achieved (India were spelt out and appended to the two clearances for
Infrastructure Finance Company Limited; IIFCL). Extent compliance. It is important to note that Appeal can be filed
of projects’ impacts and risks on biodiversity shall form an against any EC granted within a period of 30 days in terms
integral part of the assessment process and the provisions of of section 16 of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010. The
the documented EMP must contain measures for preventing
EC and CRZ clearances were accorded on January 1, 2014
degradation of: (i) modified habitats (where the natural
[4]. In other words it took simply one year to accord the EC
habitat has been altered on account of introduction of alien
and CRZ Clearance.
plants and animals) and (ii) natural and critical habitat.
6.0 TIME-LINES FOR ACTIONS BY 7.1.2 Development of Southern Dock Complex and Oil
CONCERNED AUTHORITIES FOR ACCORD OF jetty at Paradip Port, Project (State of Odisha) –
EC This project comprised development of multipurpose
Ministry of Environment & Forest, Government of India is terminal for handling ‘clean cargo’ viz. containers and
the regulatory authority at the Central Government level steel exports from the existing green field steel industries.
and the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority The EC and CRZ clearances were issued by the Ministry of
(SEIAA) at the state level for category ‘A’ and category ‘B’ Environment and Forests, Government of India on 13th July
projects described in the schedule. The time lines in regard 2012 and the clearances comprised of 14 Specific Conditions
to prior environmental clearance are shown in Table 4. The and 9 General Conditions to be complied with [5].
stage of “public consultation process” is normally the most
time consuming one. In case of many projects spanning 7.2 Roads/highway projects
more than one state, arranging and concluding the public
hearing with stakeholders required tremendous patience A total of 6 Road/Highway projects located in the State of
and continuous perusal. Uttar Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh each, were taken up for
detailed case studies. All these projects involved diversion
7.0 CASE STUDIES – EC AND FC REGARDING of forest land. Further, it also involved conducting public
A snapshot of the details pertaining to the port, road, and hearing in more than one district of the States. Similarly,
airport projects in India is given in the following paragraphs. 3 projects spanning the two States of Uttar Pradesh and
All the cardinal issues and time period taken in relation to Uttarakhand as well as 2 projects spanning the two States
grant of environmental clearance and forest clearance are Rajasthan and Gujarat were analysedvis-a-vis the time
spelt out. consumed for obtaining EC and FC. In all, 26 projects
were analysed and it was found that in nearly 14 of these
7.1 Port projects projects (53.85%), the time taken for grant of forest clearance
7.1.1 Dhamra Port Project (State of Odisha) – was either twice or more than two times the time taken for
The project entailed expansion of Dhamra Port project. granting EC. The input data for the case studies of the above
Environmental Clearances as well as clearances in terms roads/highways projects have been gathered and collated in
of the Coastal Regulatory Zone stipulations were required. the Table 5[10]. The Table also shows the time period taken
The process seeking the above two clearances was initiated for grant of EC and FC for other road projects also. From the
on 20.12.2012 by the Environment-cum-special Secretary Table 5 [only 26 road projects for which data in regard to EC
to the Government of Odisha starting with the sending of and FC is available], it is seen that an average of 16.04
the proposal to the Ministry of Environment and Forests, months’ time has been consumed for grant of EC with the
Government of India (IA Division). The EIA comprised
highest being 28 months and the three lowest being 2,4 and
addressing all issues pertaining to marine, terrestrial and
7 months. Similarly, in regard to forest clearance an average
socio-economic aspects of the project including a hydro-
of 25.74 months has been consumed for grant of the same
dynamic study of the effect of dredging. The said study
suggested that no significant impact on the shoreline with the highest being 45 months and the lowest three being
abutting the project shall take place. 1,4 and 7 months.
Table 5. Time line for efficient and prompt action by authorities for speedy grant of EC Activity Time line
Constitution of the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority within 30 days of the receipt of the names from the State Gov-
(SEIAA). ernment / Union Territory administration.
Scoping - This stage constitutes firming of “Terms of Reference”(ToR)
2 and while finalizing the ToR the ones proposed by the applicant is also within 60 days of receipt of the Form 1/Form 1A.
To be completed within a period of 45 days of a request to the
3 Public consultation-
effect from the applicant.
In case this does not get completed within the said period another au-
4 thority or agency can be engaged for the work for completing the public To be completed within a further period of 45 days.
The appraisal of the application by the Expert Appraisal Committee To be completed within a period of 60 days from the receipt of
(EAC)/State Level Expert Appraisal Committee (SLEAC). the EIA report and other documents.
The EAC/SLEAC shall place their appraisal for final approval before the within a period of 15 days of completion of the appraisal by
competent authority. them.
Ajit K. Sinha holds a B.Tech (Civil) from IIT BHU; M.Tech from IIT Delhi; pursuing his PhD with IIT Delhi.
He is a Superintending Surveyor of Works (Civil)-III. He has worked with the Civil Construction Wing,
All India Radio for nearly 30 years. His areas of interest are arbitration and issues related to public private
partnership projects. He has overseen many projects of All India Radio and Doordarshan executed in the
North East region of India.
Dr. Kumar Neeraj Jha is with the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi. He started his career with
Larsen and Toubro Ltd and was instrumental in successful completion of a number of construction projects
of national importance. He has published more than 50 papers in a number of national /international
journals and conference proceedings. He has supervised three PhD students and more than 50 M.Tech.
students. His books on Construction Project Management published by Pearson Education and Formwork
for Concrete Structures published by Tata McGraw Hill are considered as one of the text books in different
Fly ash is the waste from the coal industries and poses serious problems of disposing. This present study focuses on utilization
of fly ash which replaces cement in proportions of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30% and subjected to elevated temperatures
like 200°C, 400°C, 600°C, 800°C and 1000 C followed by gradual cooling. The various strength parameters were studied as
per IS. Studies indicate that better strength characteristics in concrete were obtained at 25% replacement of cement by fly ash
and subjected to room temperature of 200°C, 400°C, 600°C, 800°C and 1000 C followed by gradual cooling. Therefore it is
feasible to adopt fly ash as a partial replacement of cement when it is exposed to elevated temperature with gradual cooling.
Keywords: Fly ash; sustained elevated temperature; gradual cooling; strength characteristics.
When exposed to high temperature, the chemical composition of concrete. Therefore the study of concrete subjected to
and physical structure of the concrete change considerably. different rates of cooling becomes an important parameter
The dehydration such as the release of chemically bound of study. In the present investigation concrete subjected to
water from the calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) becomes elevated temperatures and gradual cooling is studied.
significant above about 110OC. The dehydration of the
hydrated calcium silicate and the thermal expansion of the
aggregate increase internal stresses and from 300OC micro- 3. Materials and Methods
cracks are induced through the material[4]. Ordinary Portland cement of 43grade (IS 8112)[5] with
specific gravity 3.01 was used in making the concrete. Fine
aggregate used was of zone I and its specific gravity was
Calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2], which is one of the most
2.57 [6]. Coarse aggregates used in the experimentation were
important compounds in cement paste, dissociates at
around 530oC resulting in the shrinkage of concrete. The 20m and down size and their specific gravity was found to
fire is generally extinguished by water and CaO turns into be 3.1 [6]. Class F fly ash used in this experimentation was
[Ca(OH)2] causing cracking and crumbling of concrete. obtained from Raichur Thermal Power Plant Karnataka. The
Therefore, the effects of high temperatures are generally specific gravity of fly ash is found to be 2.1. To improve the
visible in the form of surface cracking and spalling. Some workability a reputed superplasticizer was used. The dosage
changes in colour may also occur during the exposure. of superplasticizer used was 0.2% by weight of cement. Mix
The alterations produced by high temperatures are more proportion used for M25 concrete (control concrete) was
evident when the temperature surpasses 400OC. Most 1:2.5:4.0 with w/c = 0.45 (IS 10262:2009)[7]. Slump test was
changes experienced by concrete at this temperature level carried out to assess the workability in fresh state. Specimens
are considered irreversible. CSH gel, which is the strength- were cast by replacing cement in proportions of 5%, 10%,
giving compound of cement paste, decomposes further 15%, 20%, 25%,30%.Cubes of size 150x150x150mm, cylinders
above 600OC. As a result, severe microstructural changes are of size 150 mm diameter and 300mm length, beams of size
induced and concrete loses its strength and durability [4]. 100mmx100mmx500mm , cylinders of size 150mm diameter
and 60mm length were cast. All the specimen were cured for
90 days. After 90 days of curing, the specimens were weighed
But literature is either scarce or silent in respect of fly ash as
accurately. The specimen were then transferred to an oven
an alternative material for replacement of cement in concrete
and subjected to temperatures of 200°C, 400°C, 600°C, 800°C
subjected to elevated temperature with varying methods of
and 1000°C for 4 hours. They were then allowed to cool in the
cooling. The present research attempts to study the behavior
of fly ash concrete at elevated temperature with gradual furnace and later taken out for testing. They were visually
cooling. observed for change in colour and cracks. After cooling they
were weighed again accurately for loss in weight. After this
they were tested for their respective strengths. The cubes
2. Research Significance were tested for compressive strength, the beams were tested
The rate of cooling plays an important role in the residual for flexural strength the cylinders of length 300mm were
strength characteristics of concrete when the concrete is tested for split tensile strength and cylinders of length 60mm
subjected to elevated temperatures. In real time situations, were tested for impact strength.[8], [9].
the concrete may be subjected to sudden cooling when fire-
fighting engine start impinging water on concrete structure
which is on fire. Sometimes, the concrete may be subjected to 4. Results And Discussions
gradual cooling as in case of chimneys etc. or even sometimes, The results of compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural
the concrete may be subjected to intermittent cooling as strength and impact strength are presented in Tables 1,2,3
in case of some fire fighting devices. In all such situations and 4. Variation of compressive strength, tensile strength,
the concrete is subjected to different rates of cooling and flexural strength and impact strength are shown in the form
this certainly affects the residual strength characteristics of graph in Figures 1,2,3 and 4 respectively.
Table 1. Comparative results of compressive strength when Table 2. Comparative results of tensile strength when
subjected to gradual cooling subjected to gradual cooling
Percentage Compressive strength (MPa) when subjected to Percentage Tensile strength (MPa) when subjected to
replacement replacement
of cement 35°C 200°C 400°C 600°C 800°C 1000°C of cement by
by fly ash (Room fly ash 35°C 200°C 400°C 600°C 800°C 1OOO°C
temp.) Room
0% 25.85 20.98 20.41 20 6.67 1.2 temp.
5% 27.07 21.04 20.62 20.27 7.11 1.5 0% 3.8 3.54 3.21 2.93 1.86 1.7
5% 3.94 3.63 3.28 3.2 2.24 1.9
10% 28.44 26.18 25.67 20.67 8.67 2.1
10% 4.15 3.7 3.66 3.42 2.77 2.1
15% 29.32 28.83 27.63 27.2 8.89 2.6
15% 4.27 3.92 3.71 3.59 2.85 2.8
20% 33.11 32.68 32.07 31.78 9.6 3.3 20% 5.02 4.15 3.93 3.69 3.31 2.8
25% 36.07 35.56 34 32.67 9.88 4 25% 5.37 4.27 4.19 3.93 3.59 3.1
30% 34.74 33.85 33.16 31.91 9.78 3.5 30% 5.23 3.54 3.13 2.85 2.8 2.6
The test results indicate that the compressive strength of It is observed that the concrete when subjected to 200oC
concrete increases as the percentage replacement of cement and with gradual cooling shows an increasing trend of
by fly ash goes on increasing upto 25% (Table 1). Beyond compressive strength as the percentage replacement of
25% replacement level the compressive strength shows a cement by fly ash goes on increasing upto 25%. Beyond
decreasing trend. Thus the higher value of compressive 25% replacement level the compressive strength shows
strength is obtained at 25% replacement level of cement a decreasing trend. At 25% replacement a compressive
by fly ash and its value is 36.07MPa (Table 1). A similar strength of 35.56MPa is observed which yields 70% increase
observation is made in tensile strength, flexural strength in the compressive strength with respect to reference mix.
and impact strength with their value as 5.37MPa, 6.87MPa, A similar trend is observed for tensile strength, flexural
and 947.48N-m respectively (Tables 2, 3 and 4 respectively). strength and impact strength where in the percentage
This is attributed for the higher pozzolanic reaction at 25% increase in the strength are 20%, 25% and 125% respectively.
replacement level. Therefore 25% replacement of cement by Also it is found that at 25% replacement level when subjected
fly ash can result in better strength characteristics of concrete. to 200oC and with gradual cooling the residual compressive
Table 3. Comparative results of flexural strength when Table 4. Comparative results of impact strength for final
subjected to gradual cooling failure when subjected to gradual cooling
Percentage Flexural strength (MPa) when subjected to Percentage Impact strength (N-m) for final
replacement replacement failure when subjected to
of cement of cement
by fly ash 35°C 200°C 400°C 600°C 800°C 1OOO°C by fly ash
Room 35°C 200°C 400°C 600°C 800°C 1000oC
temp. (Room
0% 5.13 4.47 4.2 3.67 3 2.5
0% 435.7 414.96 290.47 228.23 186.73 166
5% 5.27 4.87 4.67 4.27 3.47 2.7 5% 712.34 684.68 435.7 373.46 311.22 290.5
10% 5.53 4.93 4.8 4.4 3.6 3.2 10% 740 726.17 497.95 394.21 352.71 332
15% 5.93 5.13 4.93 4.6 3.87 3.3 15% 781.5 767.67 746.92 518.7 394.21 352.7
20% 6.6 5.27 5.27 4.93 4.67 4.2 20% 885.24 871.41 829.91 601.69 414.96 394.2
25% 6.87 5.6 5.40 5.13 4.93 4.7 25% 947.48 933.65 892.16 726.17 663.93 643.2
30% 6.47 5.53 5 5 4.67 4.5 30% 864.49 850.66 622.43 580.94 456.45 421.9
Tensile strength, MPa
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Percentage replacement of cement by fly ash
strength, residual tensile strength, residual flexural strength replacement level. Therefore 25% replacement of cement by
and residual impact strength are found to be 98.59%, 79.5%, fly ash can result in better strength characteristics in concrete
81.5% and 98.5% respectively .This is again attributed to the when subjected to 600oC and with gradual cooling.
fact that higher pozzolanic reaction can take place at 25%
replacement level. Therefore 25% replacement of cement by
fly ash can result in better strength characteristics in concrete It is observed that the concrete when subjected to 800oC
when subjected to 200oC and with gradual cooling. and with gradual cooling shows an increasing trend of
compressive strength as the percentage replacement of
It is observed that the concrete when subjected to 400oC cement by fly ash goes on increasing upto 25%. Beyond
and with gradual cooling shows an increasing trend of 25% replacement level the compressive strength shows
compressive strength as the percentage replacement of a decreasing trend. At 25% replacement a compressive
cement by fly ash goes on increasing upto 25%. Beyond strength of 9.88MPa is observed which yields 49% increase
25% replacement level the compressive strength shows in the compressive strength with respect to reference mix.
a decreasing trend. At 25% replacement a compressive A similar trend is observed for tensile strength, flexural
strength of 34MPa is observed which yields 67% increase strength and impact strength where in the percentage
in the compressive strength with respect to reference mix. increase in the strength are 93%, 64% and 256% respectively.
A similar trend is observed for tensile strength, flexural Also it is found that at 25% replacement level when subjected
strength and impact strength where in the percentage to 800oC and with gradual cooling the residual compressive
increase in the strength are 31%, 26% and 207% respectively. strength, residual tensile strength, residual flexural strength
Also it is found that at 25% replacement level when subjected and residual impact strength are found to be 27.39%, 66.9%,
to 400oC and with gradual cooling the residual compressive 71.8% and 70.1% respectively. This is again attributed to the
strength, residual tensile, residual flexural strength and fact that higher pozzolanic reaction can take place at 25%
residual impact strength are found to be 94.26%, 78.03%, replacement level. Therefore 25% replacement of cement by
78.6% and 94.2% respectively. This is again attributed to the fly ash can result in better strength characteristics in concrete
fact that higher pozzolanic reaction can take place at 25% when subjected to 800oC and with gradual cooling.
replacement level. Therefore 25% replacement of cement by
fly ash can result in better strength characteristics in concrete
It is observed that the concrete when subjected to 1000oC
when subjected to 400oC and with gradual cooling.
and with gradual cooling shows an increasing trend of
compressive strength as the percentage replacement of
It is observed that the concrete when subjected to 600oC cement by fly ash goes on increasing upto 25%. Beyond
and with gradual cooling shows an increasing trend of 25% replacement level the compressive strength shows
compressive strength as the percentage replacement of a decreasing trend. At 25% replacement a compressive
cement by fly ash goes on increasing upto 25%. Beyond strength of 4.0MPa is observed which yields 234% increase
25% replacement level the compressive strength shows in the compressive strength with respect to reference mix.
a decreasing trend. At 25% replacement a compressive A similar trend is observed for tensile strength, flexural
strength of 32.67MPa is observed which yields 64% increase strength and impact strength where in the percentage
in the compressive strength with respect to reference mix. increase in the strength are 82%, 88% and 288% respectively.
A similar trend is observed for tensile strength, flexural Also it is found that at 25% replacement level when subjected
strength and impact strength where in the percentage to 1000oC and with gradual cooling the residual compressive
increase in the strength are 34%, 40% and 218% respectively. strength, residual tensile strength, residual flexural strength
Also it is found that at 25% replacement level when subjected and residual impact strength are found to be 11.09%, 57.7%,
to 600oC and with gradual cooling the residual compressive 68.4% and 67.9% respectively. This is again attributed to the
strength, residual tensile strength, residual flexural strength fact that higher pozzolanic reaction can take place at 25%
and residual impact strength are found to be 90.57%, 73.2%, replacement level. Therefore 25% replacement of cement by
74.7% and 76.6% respectively. This is again attributed to the fly ash can result in better strength characteristics in concrete
fact that higher pozzolanic reaction can take place at 25% when subjected to 1000oC and with gradual cooling.
Higher resistive properties to sustained elevated 5. 25% replacement of cement by fly ash can result
temperatures are observed when 25% of cement is replaced in better strength characteristics in concrete when
by fly ash. This is probably due to the fact that the detrimental subjected to 1000oC and with gradual cooling. The
effect of Ca(OH)2 can be eliminated by pozzolanic rection residual compressive strength, tensile strength,
of fly ash thereby reducing the amount of Ca(OH)2. Thus flexural strength and impact strength are found to be
it can be concluded that the use of fly ash in concrete have 11.09%, 57.7%, 68.4% and 67.9% respectively.
a beneficiary results with respect to sustained elevated
temperatures. Better strength characteristics, normal colour
change properties, less spalling characteristics and less 6. Drastic deteriorating changes in fly ash concrete start
surface cracks are some of the characteristics of fly ash occurring at 600oC.
concrete, when subjected to sustained elevated temperatures
and with gradual cooling.
7. Use of fly ash in concrete have a beneficiary effect
with respect to sustained elevated temperatures.
Better strength characteristics, normal colour change
5. Conclusions properties, less spalling characteristics and less
Following conclusions may be drawn based on the surface cracks are some of the characteristics of fly
observations made on the behavior of fly ash concrete ash concrete, when subjected to sustained elevated
subjected to sustained elevated temperatures with gradual temperatures and with gradual cooling.
References 1. Malhotra H. L.“ Effect of temperature on the compressive strength
1. Min li, Chung Xiang Qian, Wei Sun “ Mechanical properties of of concrete” Magazine of Concrete Research, 1956, 8 No. 23,pp.
high strength concrete after fire”, Cement and Concrete Research, 85-94.
Vol.34, 2004, pp. 1001-1005.
2. Potha Raju M., Shobha M., Rambabu K.,“Flexural strength of fly
2. Sanjayan .G., Stocks..L.J, “ Spalling of high strength silica fume ash concrete under elevated temperatures” Magazine of Concrete
concrete in fire”, ACI Material Journal, Vol. 90(2), 1993, pp. 170- Research, 2004, 56 No. 2, March, pp. 83-88.
3. Mohamedhbai G.T., G., “ The residual compressive strength of
3. Ali. F.A, O’Connor. Abu-Tair “ Explosive spalling of high strength concrete subjected to elevated temperatures” Concrete, 1983,
concrete columns in fire”, Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol. December, pp. 22 to 27.
53(3), 2000, pp. 197-204.
4. Siddique R. “ Effect of fine aggregate replacement with class f fly
4. Demirel B. and Keleştemur O., ‘Effect of elevated temperature
ash on mechanical properties of concrete” Cement and Concrete
on the mechanical properties of concrete produced with finely
Research, vol.33, 2003, pp. 539-547.
ground pumice and silica fume’, Fire Safety Journal, vol. 45, no.
6–8, pp. 385–391, 2010. 5. Rajamane N.P, Annie Peter, Ambily P.S, “ Prediction of compressive
5. ______Specification for 43 grade ordinary portland cement, IS strength of concrete with fly ash as sand replacement material”
8112:1989, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. Cement and Concrete Composite, Vol.29, 2007, pp. 218-223.
6. ______Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources 6. Bairagi N.K Modhera C.D, “Shear strength of fiber reinforced
for concrete, IS 383:1970, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. concrete.” ICI Journal, January -March 2001, pp. 47-53.
7. ______ Recommended guide lines for concrete mix design, IS 10262: 7. ______Method of tests for aggregates for concrete, IS: 2386 (Part-I,
2009, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi. II, III and IV) -1963, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
Prof Shweta Patil received her B.E. (civil) and M.Tech Structural from Gogte Institute of Technology,
Belgaum, Karanataka; She is an Assistant Professor in Gogte Institute of Technology College, Belgaum. Her
research interests include study of properties of fly ash concrete at elevated temperatures
Dr. K.B. Prakash, B.E., M.Tech, PhD, is the Principal of Government Engineering College, Haveri,
Karnataka He has 27 years of teaching experience and two years of industrial experience. He has worked in
K.L.E Societies College of Engineering and Technology Belgaum, S.T.J Institute of Technology Ranebennur
and T.K Institute of Engineering and Tech, Warananagar in various capacities. His areas of interest are
concrete shrinkage, secondary and tertiary blended concrete, fibre reinforced concrete, ferrocement.
Concrete is a widely used construction material. There has been phenomenal growth in research and development activities
to develop high performance concrete. However, high standards of durability are not being achieved in practice. We have a
witnessed large number of existing structures which after a few years of construction have started showing signs of distress.
This remains a big challenge for the engineers and technicians to ensure proper quality control of the raw material. This
paper suggests a few measures to make the concrete durable thereby to ensure improvement of the service life of Reinforced
Concrete Structures. This paper also gives an overview of the factors that make the concrete durable starting from the mix
design process to the selection of suitable materials, mixing, transporting, placing, compaction and efficient curing. Emphasis
needs to be given during process of concreting to obtain desired fresh and hardened properties of concrete by way of
conducting proper checks and trials.
regates = These
1 – 0.30547 =
voids= 0.69453
are to becc filled by the paste, take 10 % extra ==0.3649
gates = 1 paste,
– 0.30547 = 0.69453 cc
ates at maximum packing, = 0.3649 = 0.3649
⁄ ⁄ ⁄
tes at maximum packing, =
Hence, Paste⁄content = ⁄ 1.1 x 0.2777 = =
0.30547 ⁄ ⁄ Coarse aggregate (20 mm) = (795 kg/m3)
⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
= 0.3649Coarse aggregate (20 mm)==0.3649
Coarse aggregate (20 mm) (795
= kg/m )
(795 kg/m3)
4.75 mm)= = (756
(756 kg/m
208.9378 3) 3) 435.2871 725.9199 326.6639 762.2159
M35 0.48 25
0.48 1 1.6677 0.7505 1.7511
(340 kg/m3)
The Indian Concrete Journal May 2017 57
⁄ ⁄
⁄ ⁄
⁄ ⁄
⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄
⁄⁄ ⁄⁄ ⁄⁄ ⁄⁄
⁄ ⁄ ⁄
Sushil K. Dhawan holds a BE Civil Engineering from Institution of Engineers; M.Tech in Structural
Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi; pursuing his Doctoral Research in Structures from
IIT-Delhi. He is former Chief Engineer of the Central Public Works Department and has worked in planning,
design, and construction of roads, buildings and bridges in different parts of the country including North-
East and Southern India. His research interest includes advances in structural engineering, construction
and contract management. Currently he is engaged as an arbitrator and court commissioner appointed by
Delhi High Court.
Itihas Dhareppagol graduated in Civil Engineering from Vishveshwariya Technical University, Belgaum,
Karnataka; M.Tech in Construction Technology & Management from IIT-Delhi. His research interests
include advances in construction materials, fiber reinforcement in concrete, project management. He is a Sr.
Engineer in L&T Construction and engaged in planning and design of western dedicated freight corridor
(Railway Project).
Professor Bishwajit Bhattacharjee is working with the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology Delhi, New Delhi (India). His research interests pertain to the domains of cement and concrete
technology, building science, sustainable construction, and health monitoring of structures. His publications
in these areas are well cited. He is also a recipient of the Indian Concrete Institute’s Life Time Achievement
In this paper, the effect of different aspect ratio (65 and This paper presents the effect of different aspect ratio of
80) of steel fiber on mechanical properties of high strength steel fiber and position of steel fiber on rigid pavement
concrete are addressed. Mechanical properties of high construction. Various experimental tests are carried out
strength concrete investigated by varying positions of on concrete specimens to obtain compressive strength,
steel fiber in concrete cubes and beams. Percentage of steel flexural strength, maximum deflection of beam under the
fiber by volume was 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5%. A series of 78 applied loads. Fly ash enhances the strength and shrinkage
specimens (39 cubes and 39 beams) of different aspect ratio of the concrete and reduces the heat of permeability and
and varying positions of steel fibers were cast. Experimental porosity [3, 4]. Compressive strength and flexural strength
findings addressed that as volume of fiber increases, there of concrete increases for HPSFRC compared to HPC [5].
will be increase in flexural strength. More flexural strength Steel fiber enhances post cracking behavior, ductility,
was observed at aspect ratio 80. In flexural strength test load bearing capacity after cracking of concrete [6-11].
more displacement was observed at one third depth than Abrasive resistance, impact strength, flexural strength of
randomly reinforced fibers. Steel fiber reinforced concrete rigid pavement is increased due to addition of steel scrap
can be used for construction of pavement, industrial floors, fiber [12]. In the concluding section validation of strength
bridge deck slabs satisfactorily. For aspect ratio 80 it was results were carried out with regression technique.
found that compressive strength increases in both positions
of steel fiber. Empirical equations for predicting basic 2. Materials and mix design
strength properties of concrete were presented based on Sand passing through IS sieve 4.75 mm and retaining on IS
regression analysis. sieve 150 micron is used in the investigation. The sample
shall be brought to an air dry condition before weighting
1. INTRODUCTION and sieving. This may be achieved either by drying at room
As compared to conventional flexible pavement, rigid temperature or by heating at a temperature of 100 to 110oC.
pavements were found to be more sustainable and durable. The air dried sample was weighed. It was sieved with a
It was well designed that steel fibers in concrete are effective sieves arranged in descending order of the openings of the
in bridging the cracks [1]. Fibers in a concrete helps to reduce sieve. Sieve should clean before use (IS 2386: Part-I 1963)
propagation of cracks. It was found that performance of CRCP [13]. In this experimental programme crushed aggregates
with steel reinforcement suggests the best performance has were used. For this study 12.5 mm coarse aggregates were
resulted when the reinforcement is placed at about one third used. The physical properties of coarse aggregate like
the depth of slab measured from pavement surface. At this specific gravity, impact value, bulk density, gradation and
location reinforcement is most effective in holding the cracks fineness modulus are tested in accordance with IS 2386. Steel
together [2].
Cube Compressive -- 64.89
Cube Compressive Random 65SF0.5 63.77
Cube Compressive
One third
number of specimen strength is calculated and it was taken
to opposite
sides of specimen.
The load
at which
ascompressive strength
one set [14] as shown
concrete cube was failed, considered as ultimate load and
3.3 Test for flexural strength of concrete
noted as shown in Figure 2. The compressive strength was
obtained by formula
(IS 516:1959)
This test is carried out for finding out flexural strength
Compressive strength = of concrete. The number of beams tested for different
percentage of fiber content. The specimens were tested by
Here, P = Cube compressive load causing failure in N, using universal testing machine and results were obtained
= Cross sectional area of cube in mm. The average of as shown in Table 5. The load at which control specimen
ultimately fails is noted. The displacement at maximum
Table 5. Flexural strength test
Type Test Position Mixture Average displacement Average maximum Average flexural
at failure (mm) displacement (mm) strength (N/mm2 )
Beam Flexural --- 1.15
concrete 1.26 6.71
65SF0.5 1.75
Flexural Random 65SF1.0
8.75 7.15
Beam Flexural Random 65SF1.5 2.80 12.35 7.79
Beam Flexural One third 65SF0.5 1.15 13.75 5.40
Beam Flexural One third 65SF1.0 1.60 2.80 6.51
Beam Flexural One third 65SF1.5 1.60 7.75 6.80
Beam Flexural Random 80SF0.5 1.20 21.25 5.25
Beam Flexural Random 80SF1.0 2.20 16.60 6.08
Beam Flexural Random 80SF1.5 2.45 16.30 8.57
Beam Flexural One third 80SF0.5 1.20 25.35 5.43
Beam Flexural One third 80SF1.0 2.90 25.25 6.18
Beam Flexural One third 80SF1.5 5.60 25.40 7.87
62 The Indian Concrete Journal May 2017
load and maximum displacement at ultimate failure was 4. Experimental results and discussion
measured with the help of computer connected to UTM.
The experimental results and discussions are given in
Displacement was measured on electronic universal testing
Figures 2 to 13 and Tables 4 to 7.
machine of capacity 1000 KN with straining speed at no
load is 0-150 mm per minute. This UTM can be hooked 5. Regression Technique
to any PC using communication port. Load is applied by
It is statistical technique used to explore linear relationship
hydrostatically lubricated ram. Main cylinder pressure is
between predictor and criterion variable. The equations
transmitted to the pressure transducer housed in the control
obtained from linear regression technique for compressive
panel. The transducer gives the signal to the electronic display
strength test and flexural strength test are as shown in
unit corresponding to the load exerted by the main ram.
Table 6 and 7 respectively.
the digital electronic
fitted on the straining
unit gives mechanical
to theelectronic display
unit. Both signals are processed by microprocessor
and load Table 6. Linear
equations for compressive
and displacement are displayed on the digital readouts strength
as shownin Figure 3. The flexural
Sr. Figure
Linear regression
is calculated by formula no. no. equation
The curves as shown in
flexural strength = y = 6.312x+61.93, Figure 4, 5, 6 and 7 follows
01 4 2
R =0.524 linear regression type
Here, P = maximum load in N, l = Length between the equation in the form
y = 1.172x+63.92, y = ax+b.
support in mm, d = Depth of specimen in mm, b = Width of 02 5
R2=0.311 where,
in mm [17]. y = compressive strength
as dependent variable,
03 6
y = 4.310x+67.37, x = percentage of fiber as a
R2=0.482 independent variable,
a and b are constants.
y = 6.886x+64.77,
The above equations holds
good for steel fiber range
04 7
R =0.913 from 0.5% to 1.5%.
y= 6.312x + 61.93
R² = 0.524
Compressive strength in N/mm
3 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
% of steel fiber
67 76
Compressive strength in N/mm
66 y = 6.886x + 64.778
R² = 0.9138
Compressive strength in N/mm
65.5 72
65 y = 1.172x + 63.921
R² = 0.311 70
64 68
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
% of steel fiber
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
% of steel fiber
Figure 5. Compressive strength-% of steel fiber 1/3 reinforced
(AR65) rd
Figure 7. Compressive strength-% of steel fiber 1/3 reinforced
72 R² = 0.482
The curves as shown
y=1.654x+5.122, in Figure 8, 9, 10 and
01 8 2
R =0.582 11 follows linear
70 regression type
y=0.780x+5.560, equation in the form y
02 9 = ax+b.
68 Where,
y = flexural strength
y=1.786x+5.103, as a dependent
03 10 variable,
x = percentage of
fiber as a independent
64 a and b are constants.
0 1 2 y=1.350x+5.325, The above equation
04 11 2
R =0.667 holds good for steel
% of steel fiber
fiber range from 0.5%
to 1.5%.
Figure 6. Compressive strength-% of steel fiber randomly
reinforced (AR80)
10 9
8 8
Flexural strength in N/mm
y = 1.654x + 5.122
R² = 0.5828
Flexural strength in N/mm
y = 1.786x + 5.103
5 R² = 0.6223
0 1 2
% of steel fiber 2
8 7
7 6
Flexural strength N/mm
6 5
y = 0.78x + 5.56 y = 1.35x + 5.325
R² = 0.6375
Flexural strength N/mm
R² = 0.667
0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 1 2
% of steel fiber
% of steel fiber
Figure 11. Flexural strength-% of steel fiber 1/3rd reinforced
Figure 9. Flexural strength-% of steel fiber 1/3 reinforced (AR65) (AR80)
Compressive strength in N/mm
65SF0.5 Random 63.77 65.086 0.979
65SF1.0 Random 64.00 68.240 0.937
65SF1.5 Random 75.55 71.390 1.058 50.00
At 1/3 rd position
Table 9. Comparison between experimental results and
regression technique result for flexural strength
Compressive strength in N/mm
Comparison made between experimentally obtained results
1. Increase in compressive strength for steel fiber
and regression technique results are presented in Tables 8
and 9 respectively. reinforced concrete with aspect ratio 80 in both
position than with aspect ratio 65 and controlled
concrete as shown in Figure 12 except 1.5 % steel
fiber randomly reinforced case.
Shriganesh S. Kadam holds an M. Tech. (structures); pursuing his PhD at at Shivaji university, Kolhapur.
He is presently an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering,
Pandharpur, Maharashtra, India. He is in teaching profession for last 10 years. His research interest are
design of high strength concrete, rigid pavement. He is a member of IEI.
Dr. Vilas V. Karjinni holds a PhD in Civil Engineering. He is presently the Principal and Professor at KIT’s
College of Engineering, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India. He is in teaching profession for last 32 years. His
area of interest includes transportation system, self compacting concrete. He has published eight papers
in international journals, 12 papers in national journals and over 50 papers presented in international and
national conferences. He is Fellow of IEI, Member of ACI, IUT (India), IRC and ATDI.
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