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DLP IN TLE6 - Week 4 PDF

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WEEK 4 Day 1 Date: _____________

A. Content Standard
Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices
in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standard
Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit
C. Learning Competency
• Describe square method of layout design of an
orchard garden
• Tell the advantages and disadvantages of a
square method
• Prepares layout design of an orchard garden
using the information gathered.(TLE6AG-1c-4)
Propagating Trees and Fruit Trees


A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
Home Economics and Livelihood Education 6, pp.68-70
Learning and Living in the 21st Century 6, p. 112
4. Additional
B. Other Learning Resources
LCD, laptop, modelling clay/soil, any sticks

IV. Procedure
A. Reviewing previous lesson
What are the factors to consider in preparing an
orchard garden? Name the pictures in the powerpoint
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Ask: Can you name tree planted inside the school
campus or in your backyard?

C. Presenting examples/instances
Watch the video clipabout Square Foot Garden Planting
Answer the following questions:
1. What have you seen in the video clip presentation?
2. What are needed in preparing a square layout design?
3. How is it formed?

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1

Group Activities
The class will be divided into two groups. Each group
will be asked to do the following:
I. Form square layout design using popsicle sticks (any
II. Mold clay showing a square layout design of an

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2

Using the power point presentation the teacher will discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of square method of
garden planting.
• What do you mean by planting trees in square
• How are trees planted in a square method?
• What can you say on the distance measurement
of rows of trees?
• What are the advantages of square method?
• In terms of the number of trees that can be
planted, what is the disadvantage of these
F. Developing Mastery
“Pick and Drop”
Pick meta cards with words written on it. Then
drop it on a square boxes labelled with advantage and

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills

Are you now ready to use square method to establish
your own orchard? What should you do? Will it ultimately
affect fruit quality? orchard sustainability?

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What is square method layout design?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of square

I. Evaluating Learning
Directions: Analyze the incomplete statement below that
describe square method of an orchard garden. Select the
correct word of phrases inside the box to complete the

distance square-shaped limited

Square method cultivation

1. __________ is the simplest and easiest method.

2. Trees are planted in a ______________ position.
3. Trees in each corner have same ___________
4. This layout offers easy access for _____________ .
5. In this method, ___________ trees can be planted
in a given area.

J. Agreement
On ½ sized of manila paper, illustrate mango orchard
garden using square method layout design.
WEEK 4 Day 2 Date: _____________
A. Content Standard
Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices
in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standard
Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit
C. Learning Competency
• Describe rectangular method layout design of an
orchard garden
• Tell the advantages and disadvantages of
rectangular method.
• Prepares layout design of an orchard garden
using the information gathered. (TLE6AG-1c-4)

Propagating Trees and Fruit Trees


A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
Home Economics and Livelihood Education 6, pp.68-70
Learning and Living in the 21st Century 6, p. 112
4. Additional
B. Other Learning Resources
LCD, laptop, modelling clay, popsicle sticks

A. Reviewing previous lesson
Game “Pass It On”
1. What is square method layout design?
2. How are trees planted in square method?
3. What are the advantages of square method?

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Ask: Can you name some objects found inside the
classroom with rectangular shape.
C. Presenting examples/instances
Group Activity: Lights, Camera, Action!
Act out human rectangular layout design
Answer the following questions:
1. How do you feel?
2. What shape did you form?

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1

Group Activity: Draw Me
The class will be group into two.
Think of your favourite fruit trees in the
community. Using your favourite fruit tree, draw
rectangular layout design of the orchard garden.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2
Discussion of the square and rectangular method, their
advantages and disadvantages using PowerPoint
What do you mean byrectangular method?
How are trees planted in rectangular method?
Can you differentiate rectangular method in
terms of distance from square method based on
our discussion yesterday?
What are the advantages of rectangular
In terms of the number of trees that can be
planted, what is the disadvantage of these
methods? Is it the same with square method?

F. Developing Mastery
Group Activity: It’s Showtime!
In a 3 to 5 minute creative and artistic
presentation, describe the rectangular method,
the advantages and disadvantages.
I. Talk Show
II. TV Advertisement
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills
If you were given a chance to establish your orchard
garden,would you like to use this method? Do you think it
would help you to be a successful orchard grower? your
family? your community? How?
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
What is rectangular method? What are the advantages
and disadvantages of this method?

I. Evaluating Learning
Direction: Read each statement carefully. Write RM if the
sentence describes the rectangular method, itsadvantages
and disadvantages and NR not.
1. Trees are planted in the same way as in a square method
except the distance between the rows of trees are more
than the distance of the columns.
2. This method is possible for intercropping.
3. Better supervision and viewing of the entire orchard are
possible in this method.
4. Limited number of trees can be planted using this method.
5. Intercultural operations can be carried out easily in this

J. Agreement
Using Microsoft Paint, create your own sample of
rectangular layout design of an orchard garden.
WEEK 4 Day 3 Date: _____________
A. Content Standard
Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices
in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standard
Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit
C. Learning Competency
• Describe the quincunx or diagonal method
• Tell the advantages and disadvantages of
quincunx or diagonal method.
• Prepares layout design of an orchard garden
using the information gathered. (TLE6AG-1c-4)

Propagating Trees and Fruit Trees


A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
Learning and Living in the 21st Century p.
Home Economics and Livelihood Education 6, pp.68-70
4. Additional
B. Other Learning Resources
LCD, laptop, any objects/materials inside the classroom

A. Reviewing previous lesson
Game “Deal or No Deal”
1. Irrigation channels and paths can be made straight
in square method layout design.
2. Intercropping is possible for square method.
3. Limited number of trees are planted in a rectangular
4. Certain amount of space is wasted if intercropping
is not practiced.
5. The rectangular method is the simplest and easiest
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
(Teacher creates Microsoft power point presentation
showing different pictures with diagonal lines or

Ask: What have you observed with these pictures?

What shape/line is common with these pictures?
How is it differing from the shapes of layout
design we discussed yesterday?

C. Presenting examples/instances
Group Activity
Form groups of ten members each. With
teacher’s guidance, prepare a
quincunx/diagonalmethod of an orchard garden. Use
different objects/materials found inside the classroom.
Answer the following questions:
1. How do you feel?
2. What method did you prepare?

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1

Group Activity: It’s Showtime!
In 3 to 5 minutes present your group output in most
creative way that describes quincunx/diagonal method, its
advantages and disadvantages.
I. Song/ Poem composition
II. Dance Moves

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2

Discussion of quincunx/diagonal method, advantages
and disadvantages usingpowerpoint presentation
What do you mean by quincunx method?
What is the other term for quincunx method?
How are trees planted in a quincunx/diagonal method?
What do you call the additional tree planted at the centre of each
square in the quincunx method?
Why trees with shorter life are placed at the middle? Can you give
examples of filler crop?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method?
What is the disadvantage of the middle trees to the growth of the
main crop?

F. Developing Mastery
Make your own graphic organizer of the advantages and
disadvantages of quincunx/diagonal method. Exchange/show your
work to other group for feedback.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills

Are you now ready to plant variety of fruit trees? Do you think this
method will help you earn more income than using any other
method? Explain.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What have you learned from the discussion?
Can you compose a clear and coherent sentence about
quincunx/diagonal method?

I. Evaluating Learning
Direction: Fill in the blank the correct word/s to complete paragraph
about the description of the quincunx/diagonal method. Choose your
answer inside the box below.
This system is similar to square system except one additional
tree is planted in the (1.)__________of each square. The plants that
are planted in the centre of each square along with tall growing trees
are called (2.) __________plants. These plants are planted to
generate (3.) ______________. Filler plants also ensure (4.)
_______________ of land. Filler trees in between may also interfere
the (5.) ____________of the main crop.

Additional income centre growth

Filler proper utilization front

J. Agreement
Illustrate an example of quincunx/diagonal method of planting your
ideal tree.
WEEK 4 Day 4 Date: _____________
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate an understanding of scientific practices in
planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standard
Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit
C. Learning Competency
Define equilateral triangle or hexagonal method
Tell some advantages and disadvantages of equilateral
or hexagonal method
Prepare layout design of an orchard garden using the
information gathered (TLE6AG-1c-4)
Propagating trees and fruit trees


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Text book pages: Learning and Living in the 21st Century by
Leonora David- Basbas, Ph.D. page 118
B. Other Learning Resources
Laptop, internet

A. Reviewing previous lesson
What are the different method you have studied last 3 days?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Ask: Have you imagine our lesson for the day? Can you
elaborate the 4th layout design of orchards?
Option 1: Watching video clip –www.youtube.com- orchards
Option 2: Teacher will show pictures

C. Presenting the lesson

Group activity #1 Draw Me
Every group think different trees and draw in a form of
equilateral triangle or hexagonal method
D. Discussing new concepts in layout design
Discussion of the equilateral triangle or hexagonal method,
advantage and disadvantage.
1. What is hexagonal or equilateral method?
2. How about distance between trees?
3. How many trees planted in the center?
4. What is the advantages and disadvantages of layout
E. Developing mastery
Using Microsoft paint create your own hexagonal or
equilateral method or group pupils into four then draw
hexagonal method.
F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills
Group Activity #2 I-Act This
Group pupils into two groups. Then use yourself to create
hexagonal methodwith yell.
G. Making a generalization and abstraction about the lesson
How equilateral triangle or hexagonal method differ from
other method?
H. Evaluating Learning
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Use
option inside the box.

1 Income seven equal same

. Hexagonal method fertile
1. In _______, trees are planted at the corners of
every equilateral triangle.
2. Distances between trees and from the central tree
are ______.
3. In hexagonal method the _____ distance of the plant
can be maintained.
4. In this method, it is ideal for _____ soil and with
source of water.
5. More _______ can be obtained.

I. Assignment/Agreement
In your notebook draw a hexagonal or equilateral method.
What is the advantage of this method from other method?
WEEK 4 Day 5 Date: _____________
A. Content Standards
Demonstrate an understanding of scientific practices in
planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Standard
Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit
C. Learning Competency
State the meaning of contour or terracing method
Tell some advantages and disadvantages of equilateral
or hexagonal method
Prepare layout design of an orchard garden using the
information gathered (TLE6AG-1c-4)
Propagating trees and fruit trees
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook
Learning and Living in the 21st Century,
Leonora David-Basbas, Ph.D. pg. 118
B. Other Learning Resources
Laptop, internet
A. Reviewing previous lesson
1. What are the four method in layout design?
2. Who can differentiate the 4 method in layout design?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Watching video clip –www.youyube.com-cantour

Shows different pictures or slides from power point.

How is it differ from other method that we discussed last day?

C. Presenting the lesson
Group activity #1
Group class into 4 groups.
Group 1: Using different things inside the classroom, create
contour method.
Group 2: Make a rap/song for contour method
Group 3: Write a short poem
D. Discussing new concepts in layout design
Discussion of the contour or terracing method, advantage and
1. What is contour or terracing method?
2. Where is it located?
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
The teacher will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
layout design through power point presentation. (Teacher will record
the voice)
F. Developing mastery
Use fishbone analysis to define contour method, advantage
and this advantage.

Contour method meaning


G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills

Answer the following questions?
1. Why this method is applicable in hillsides?
2. What are the advantage and disadvantage of contour
H. Making a generalization and abstraction about the lesson
How contour method differ from other method?
If you give a chance to make a layout design for your own
orchard, are you going to choose contour method especially
when you live in a hilly areas? Why?
I. Evaluating Learning
Direction: Supply the missing word/words to complete the
1. Contour method is _____________ that gives growers the
opportunity to use areas that are vulnerable to __________
like hillsides.
2. Trees are planted in ________ rows that contour around a
landscape to help soil erosion.
3. Contour serve as easy path for ____________on the hill
slopes for various task in the orchards.
4. Contour can be utilized in hilly areas and in _______ land.
Technique erosion parallel movement leveled

J. Assignment/Agreement
Continue studying at home.

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