Digitax ST-Adavanced User Guide - I2
Digitax ST-Adavanced User Guide - I2
Digitax ST-Adavanced User Guide - I2
General Information
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any consequences resulting from inappropriate, negligent or incorrect
installation or adjustment of the optional operating parameters of the equipment or from mismatching the variable speed
drive with the motor.
The contents of this guide are believed to be correct at the time of printing. In the interests of a commitment to a policy
of continuous development and improvement, the manufacturer reserves the right to change the specification of the
product or its performance, or the contents of the guide, without notice.
All rights reserved. No parts of this guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or
mechanical including photocopying, recording or by an information storage or retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
Drive software version
This product is supplied with the latest software version. If this drive is to be connected to an existing system or machine,
all drive software versions should be verified to confirm the same functionality as drives of the same model already
present. This may also apply to drives returned from a Control Techniques Service Centre or Repair Centre. If there is
any doubt please contact the supplier of the product.
The software version of the drive can be checked by looking at Pr 11.29 and Pr 11.34. This takes the form of xx.yy.zz
where Pr 11.29 displays xx.yy and Pr 11.34 displays zz. (e.g. for software version 01.01.00, Pr 11.29 = 1.01 and Pr 11.34
displays 0).
Environmental statement
Control Techniques is committed to minimising the environmental impacts of its manufacturing operations and of its
products throughout their life cycle. To this end, we operate an Environmental Management System (EMS) which is
certified to the International Standard ISO 14001. Further information on the EMS, our Environmental Policy and other
relevant information is available on request, or can be found at www.greendrives.com.
The electronic variable-speed drives manufactured by Control Techniques have the potential to save energy and
(through increased machine/process efficiency) reduce raw material consumption and scrap throughout their long
working lifetime. In typical applications, these positive environmental effects far outweigh the negative impacts of product
manufacture and end-of-life disposal.
Nevertheless, when the products eventually reach the end of their useful life, they must not be discarded but should
instead be recycled by a specialist recycler of electronic equipment. Recyclers will find the products easy to dismantle
into their major component parts for efficient recycling. Many parts snap together and can be separated without the use
of tools, while other parts are secured with conventional fasteners. Virtually all parts of the product are suitable for
Product packaging is of good quality and can be re-used. Large products are packed in wooden crates, while smaller
products come in strong cardboard cartons which themselves have a high recycled fibre content. If not re-used, these
containers can be recycled. Polythene, used on the protective film and bags for wrapping product, can be recycled in the
same way. Control Techniques' packaging strategy prefers easily-recyclable materials of low environmental impact, and
regular reviews identify opportunities for improvement.
When preparing to recycle or dispose of any product or packaging, please observe local legislation and best practice.
REACH legislation
EC Regulation 1907/2006 on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals (REACH) requires
the supplier of an article to inform the recipient if it contains more than a specified proportion of any substance which is
considered by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to be a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) and is
therefore listed by them as a candidate for compulsory authorisation.
For current information on how this requirement applies in relation to specific Control Techniques products, please
approach your usual contact in the first instance. Control Techniques position statement can be viewed at:
Copyright © May 2013 Control Techniques Ltd.
Issue Number: 2
Software: 01.06.00 onwards
1 Parameter structure.......................................................................................................5
1.1 Menu 0 ...................................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Advanced menus ...................................................................................................................................7
1.3 Solutions Modules .................................................................................................................................7
2 Keypad and display .......................................................................................................8
2.1 Understanding the display .....................................................................................................................8
2.2 Keypad operation ..................................................................................................................................8
2.3 Status mode ..........................................................................................................................................9
2.4 Parameter view mode ............................................................................................................................9
2.5 Edit mode ..............................................................................................................................................9
2.6 SM-Keypad Plus ..................................................................................................................................10
2.7 Parameter access level and security ...................................................................................................11
2.8 Alarm and trip display ..........................................................................................................................12
2.9 Keypad control mode (SM-Keypad Plus only) .....................................................................................12
2.10 Drive reset ...........................................................................................................................................12
2.11 Second motor parameters ...................................................................................................................12
2.12 Special display functions .....................................................................................................................12
3 Parameter x.00 .............................................................................................................13
3.1 Parameter x.00 reset ...........................................................................................................................13
3.2 Saving parameters in drive EEPROM .................................................................................................13
3.3 Loading defaults ..................................................................................................................................14
3.4 SMARTCARD transfers .......................................................................................................................14
3.5 Electronic nameplate transfers ............................................................................................................14
3.6 Display non-default values or destination parameters .........................................................................14
4 Parameter description format.....................................................................................15
4.1 Parameter ranges and variable maximums: ........................................................................................16
4.2 Sources and destinations ....................................................................................................................17
4.3 Update rates ........................................................................................................................................18
5 Advanced parameter descriptions.............................................................................19
5.1 Overview ..............................................................................................................................................19
5.2 Feature look-up table ...........................................................................................................................20
5.3 Menu 1: Speed reference ....................................................................................................................22
5.4 Menu 2: Ramps ...................................................................................................................................34
5.5 Menu 3: Speed feedback and speed control .......................................................................................41
5.6 Menu 4: Torque and current control ....................................................................................................68
5.7 Menu 5: Motor control ..........................................................................................................................78
5.8 Menu 6: Sequencer and clock .............................................................................................................88
5.9 Menu 7: Analog I/O ..............................................................................................................................99
5.10 Menu 8: Digital I/O .............................................................................................................................108
5.11 Menu 8: Digital I/O .............................................................................................................................110
5.12 Menu 9: Programmable logic, motorized pot, binary sum and timers ................................................116
5.13 Menu 10: Status and trips ..................................................................................................................122
5.14 Menu 11: General drive set-up ..........................................................................................................144
5.15 Menu 12: Threshold detectors, variable selectors and brake control function ...................................156
5.16 Menu 13: Position control ..................................................................................................................166
5.17 Menu 14: User PID controller ............................................................................................................176
5.18 Menus 15 and 16: Solutions Module slots .........................................................................................181
5.19 Menu 17: Motion Processors .............................................................................................................182
5.20 Menu 18: Application menu 1 ............................................................................................................199
5.21 Menu 19: Application menu 2 ............................................................................................................200
5.22 Menu 20: Application menu 3 ............................................................................................................201
5.23 Menu 21: Second motor parameters .................................................................................................202
5.24 Menu 22: Additional menu 0 set-up ...................................................................................................208
5.25 32 bit parameters ...............................................................................................................................209
Menu 2
2.21 5
* * Menu 0
Menu 1
0.04 5
0.05 0
0.06 150
1.14 0
The menus and parameters roll over in both directions; i.e. if the last
parameter is displayed, a further press will cause the display to rollover 4.07 150
and show the first parameter.
When changing between menus the drive remembers which parameter
was last viewed in a particular menu and thus displays that parameter.
Menu 0 is used to bring together various commonly used parameters for
Figure 1-2 Menu structure
basic easy set up of the drive. All the parameters in menu 0 appear in
other menus in the drive (denoted by {…}).
Menus 11 and 22 can be used to change most of the parameters in
menu 0. Menu 0 can also contain up to 59 parameters by setting up
21 Menu 22 Menu 0 Menu 1 Menu
2 menu 22.
22.29 0.50 1.50
22.28 0.49 1.49
22.27 0.48 1.48
22.26 0.47 1.47
22.25 0.46 1.46
Upper display
Lower display
Mode (black) button
Help button
Mode (black) button Control buttons
Programming buttons
Stop/reset (red) button Fwd / Rev (blue) button Joypad
Stop/reset (red) button
Start (green) button
NOTE The red stop button is also used to reset the drive.
Timeout** Timeout** Timeout**
To enter Parameter
Mode, press key or To return to
Status Mode,
press key
parameter parameter
Edit Mode
(Character to be edited in lower line of display flashing)
Change parameter values using keys.
*Can only be used to move between menus if L2 access has been enabled (Pr 0.49). Refer to section 2.7 Parameter access level
and security on page 11.
**Timeout defined by Pr 11.41 (default value = 240 s).
2.3 Status mode Similarly holding the Down key will cause the parameter number to
decrement until Pr x.00 is reached and a single Down key action will
In status mode the 1st row shows a four letter mnemonic indicating the cause the parameter number to roll under to the top of the menu.
status of the drive. The second row show the parameter last viewed or Pressing the Up and Down keys simultaneously will select Pr x.00 in the
edited. currently selected menu.
Upper The Left and Right keys are used to select the required menu (provided
State the security has been unlocked to allow access to menus other than 0).
Holding the Right key will cause the menu number to increment until the
Inhibited: enable input is inactive inh
Menu 22 is reached. A single Right key action when Menu 22 is being
Ready: enable closed, but inverter not active rdY displayed will cause the menu number to roll over to 0. Similarly holding
Stopped: inverter active, but holding zero speed StoP the Left key will cause the menu number to decrement to 0 and a single
Running: inverter active and motor running run key action will cause the menu number to roll under to Menu 22.
Mains loss: decelerating to zero in mains loss ride-through or Pressing the Left and Right keys simultaneously will select Menu 0.
stop modes The drive remembers the parameter last accessed in each menu such
Decelerating: speed is ramping to zero after a stop dEC that when a new menu is entered the last parameter viewed in that menu
Position: position control active during orientation stop POS will re-appear.
Tripped: drive is tripped triP
2.5 Edit mode
Up and Down keys are used to increase and decrease parameter values
2.4 Parameter view mode respectively. If the maximum value of a parameter is greater than 9 and it
In this mode the 1st row shows the menu.parameter number and the 2nd is not represented by strings, then the Left and Right keys can be used
row the parameter value. The 2nd row gives a parameter value range of to select a digit to adjust. The number of digits which can be
-999,999 to 9,999,999 with or without decimal points. (32 bit parameters independently selected for adjustment depends on the maximum value
can have values outside this range if written by an application module. If of the parameter. Pressing the Right key when the least significant digit
the value is outside this range “-------“ is shown and the parameter value is selected will cause the most significant digit to be selected, and vice-
cannot be changed from the keypad.) The Up and Down keys are used versa if the Left key is pressed when the most significant digit is
to select the parameter and the Left and Right keys are used to select selected. When a digit value is not being changed by the Up or Down
the menu. In this mode the Up and Down keys are used to select the keys the selected digit flashes to indicate which one is currently
parameter within the selected menu. Holding the Up key will cause the selected. For string type parameters the whole string flashes when
parameter number to increment until the top of the menu is reached. A adjustment is not occurring because there is no digit selection.
single Up key action when the last parameter in a menu is being During adjustment of a parameter value with the Up or Down keys the
displayed will cause the parameter number to roll over to Pr x.00. display does not flash, providing the parameter value is in range, such
that the user can see the value being edited without interruption. Down key is held the display will stop flashing after 3 seconds and the
Adjustment of a numerical value can be done in one of two ways; firstly maximum value will be written to the parameter.
by using the Up and Down keys only, the selected digit remaining the Parameters can be set to 0 by pressing the Up and Down keys
least significant digit; and secondly by selecting each digit in turn and simultaneously.
adjusting them to the required value. Holding the Up or Down key in the
first method will cause the parameters value to change more rapidly the 2.6 SM-Keypad Plus
longer the key is held, until such time that the parameters maximum or
minimum is reached. However with the second method an increasing All SM-Keypad Plus displays built after data code N10 have software
rate of change does not take place when adjusting any other digit other version 4.02.00 programmed and support 5 languages (English, French,
than the least significant digit since a digit can only have one of 10 German, Spanish and Italian) in addition to a user defined parameter set.
different values. Holding the Up or Down will cause an auto repeat and This software also gives the user access to two menus for SM-Keypad
roll over to more significant digits but the rate of change is unaltered. If Plus. Menu 40 is for SM-Keypad Plus set up, menu 41 selects commonly
the maximum or minimum is exceeded when adjusting any other digit used parameters for quick browsing.
than the least significant one, the maximum value will flash on the Keypads built prior to N10 only support one user defined extra
display to warn the user that the maximum or minimum has been parameter set only.
reached. If the user releases the Up or Down key before the flashing The SM-Keypad Plus contains two menus, menu 40 and menu 41. The
stops the last in range value will re-appear on the display. If the Up or parameters in these menus are listed below.
Table 2-1 Menu 40 parameter descriptions
Parameter Range(Ú) Default(Ö) Type
40.00 Parameter 0 0 to 32767 0 RW Uni
English (0), Custom (1),
40.01 Language selection French (2), German (3), English (0) RW Txt US
Spanish (4), Italian (5)
40.02 Software version 999999 RO Uni PT
Idle (0), Save (1), Restore (2),
40.03 Save to flash Idle (0) RW Txt
Default (3)
40.04 LCD contrast 0 to 31 16 RW Uni US
Drive and attribute database upload was
40.05 Updated (0), Bypass (1) RO Txt PT
40.06 Browsing favourites control Normal (0), Filter (1) Normal (0) RW Txt
40.07 Keypad security code 0 to 999 0 RW Uni US
Disable (0), Slot1 (1), Slot2 (2),
40.08 Communication channel selection Disable (0) RW Txt US
Slot3 (3), Slave (4), Direct (5)
40.09 Hardware key code 0 to 999 0 RW Uni US
40.10 Drive node ID (Address) 0 to 255 1 RW Uni US
40.11 Flash ROM memory size 4Mbit (0), 8Mbit (1) RO Txt PT US
40.19 String database version number 0 to 999999 RO Uni PT
40.20 Screen saver strings and enable None (0), Default (1), User (2) Default (1) RW Txt US
40.21 Screen saver interval 0 to 600 120 RW Uni US
40.22 Turbo browse time interval 0 to 200ms 50ms RW Uni US
For more information about the SM-Keypad Plus, see the SM-Keypad Plus User Guide.
The User Security determines whether the access to the user is read
only or read write.
Both the User Security and Parameter Access Level can operate
independently of each other as shown in the table below:
Parameter Menu 0 Advanced
User Security
Access Level status menus status
L1 Open RW Not visible
L1 Closed RO Not visible
L2 Open RW RW Pr 0.00 Pr 1.00 ............ Pr 21.00 Pr 22.00
L2 Closed RO RO Pr 0.01 Pr 1.01 ............ Pr 21.01 Pr 22.01
Pr 0.02 Pr 1.02 ............ Pr 21.02 Pr 22.02
RW = Read / write access RO = Read only access
Pr 0.03 Pr 1.03 ............ Pr 21.03 Pr 22.03
The default settings of the drive are Parameter Access Level L1 and ............
user Security Open, i.e. read / write access to Menu 0 with the advanced ............
menus not visible. Pr 0.49 Pr 1.49 ............ Pr 21.30 Pr 22.28
2.7.1 Access Level Pr 0.50 Pr 1.50 ............ Pr 21.31 Pr 22.29
The access level is set in Pr 0.49 and allows or prevents access to the
advanced menu parameters. User security closed - All parameters: Read Only access
(except Pr 0.49 and Pr 11.44)
L1 access selected - Menu 0 only visible
Pr 0.00 Pr 1.00 ............ Pr 21.00 Pr 22.00
Pr 0.00 Pr 1.00 ............ Pr 19.00 Pr 20.00 Pr 0.01 Pr 1.01 ............ Pr 21.01 Pr 22.01
Pr 0.01 Pr 1.01 ............ Pr 19.01 Pr 20.01 Pr 0.02 Pr 1.02 ............ Pr 21.02 Pr 22.02
Pr 0.02 Pr 1.02 ............ Pr 19.02 Pr 20.02 Pr 0.03 Pr 1.03 ............ Pr 21.03 Pr 22.03
Pr 0.03 Pr 1.03 ............ Pr 19.03 Pr 20.03 ............
............ ............
............ Pr 0.49 Pr 1.49 ............ Pr 21.30 Pr 22.28
Pr 0.49 Pr 1.49 ............ Pr 19.49 Pr 20.49 Pr 0.50 Pr 1.50 ............ Pr 21.31 Pr 22.29
Pr 0.50 Pr 1.50 ............ Pr 19.50 Pr 20.50
Setting User Security
Enter a value between 1 and 999 in Pr 0.34 and press the button;
L2 access selected - All parameters visible the security code has now been set to this value. In order to activate the
security, the Access level must be set to Loc in Pr 0.49. When the drive
is reset, the security code will have been activated and the drive returns
to Access Level L1. The value of Pr 0.34 will return to 0 in order to hide
the security code. At this point, the only parameter that can be changed
by the user is the Access Level Pr 0.49.
The Access Level can be changed through the keypad even if the User
Security has been set.
The top row gives the menu.parameter number and the parameter name. The other rows give the following information.
This guide will show all bit parameters (with the Bit coding), as having a parameter range of "0 to 1", and a default value of either "0" or "1". This
reflects the value seen through serial communications. The bit parameters will be displayed on the DST-Keypad or SM-Keypad Plus (if used) as being
"OFF" or "On" ("OFF"= 0, "On" = 1).
The coding defines the attributes of the parameter as follows:
Coding Attribute
RW Read/write: can be written by the user
RO Read only: can only be read by the user
Bit 1 bit parameter. ‘On’ or ‘OFF’ on the display
Bi Bipolar parameter
Uni Unipolar parameter
Txt Text: the parameter uses text strings instead of numbers.
Filtered: some parameters which can have rapidly changing
FI values are filtered when displayed on the drive keypad for
easy viewing.
Destination: This parameter selects the destination of an
input or logic function.
Rating dependent: this parameter is likely to have different
values and ranges with drives of different voltage and
current ratings. Parameters with this attribute will not be
transferred to the destination drive by SMARTCARDs when
the rating of the destination drive is different from the
source drive and the file is a parameter file.
Not copied: not transferred to or from SMARTCARDs
during copying.
PT Protected: cannot be used as a destination.
User save: parameter saved in drive EEPROM when the
user initiates a parameter save.
Power-down save: parameter automatically saved in drive
EEPROM when the under volts (UV) trip occurs.
PS With software version V01.08.00 and later, power-down
save parameters are also saved in the drive when the user
initiates a parameter save.
Maximum Definition
Maximum speed reference
SPEED_REF_MAX If Pr 1.08 = 0: SPEED_REF_MAX = Pr 1.06
[40000.0rpm] If Pr 1.08 = 1: SPEED_REF_MAX is Pr 1.06 or – Pr 1.07 whichever is the largest
(If the second motor map is selected Pr 21.01 is used instead of Pr 1.06 and Pr 21.02 instead of Pr 1.07)
Maximum applied to speed reference limits
A maximum limit may be applied to the speed reference to prevent the nominal encoder frequency from
exceeding 500kHz. The maximum is defined by
SPEED_LIMIT_MAX (in rpm) = 500kHz x 60 / ELPR = 3.0 x 107 / ELPR subject to an absolute maximum of
40,000 rpm.
ELPR is equivalent encoder lines per revolution and is the number of lines that would be produced by a
SPEED_LIMIT_MAX quadrature encoder.
[40000.0rpm] Quadrature encoder ELPR = number of lines per revolution
F and D encoder ELPR = number of lines per revolution / 2
Resolver ELPR = resolution / 4
SINCOS encoder ELPR = number of sine waves per revolution
Serial comms encoder ELPR = resolution / 4
This maximum is defined by the device selected with the speed feedback selector (Pr 3.26) and the ELPR set
for the position feedback device.
Maximum speed
SPEED_MAX This maximum is used for some speed related parameters in menu 3. To allow headroom for overshoot etc. the
[40000.0rpm] maximum speed is twice the maximum speed reference.
Maximum drive current
The maximum drive current is the current at the over current trip level and is given by:
Maximum output voltage set-point
Defines the maximum motor voltage that can be selected.
200V drives: 240V, 400V drives: 480V
Maximum AC output voltage
This maximum has been chosen to allow for maximum AC voltage that can be produced by the drive including
quasi-square wave operation as follows:
200V drives: 325V, 400V drives: 650V
DC_VOLTAGE_SET_MAX Maximum DC voltage set-point
[1150V] 200V rating drive: 0 to 400V, 400V rating drive: 0 to 800V
Maximum DC bus voltage
The maximum measurable DC bus voltage.
200V drives: 415V, 400V drives: 830V
Maximum current limit setting for motor map 1
The maximum current limit setting is the maximum applied to the current limit parameters in motor map 1.
current limit
= [ Maximum current
Motor rated current ] x 100%
Maximum Definition
Maximum torque producing current
TORQUE_PROD_CURRENT_MAX This is used as a maximum for torque and torque producing current parameters. It is
[1000.0%] MOTOR1_CURRENT_LIMIT_MAX or MOTOR2_CURRENT_LIMIT_MAX depending on which motor map is
currently active.
Current parameter limit selected by the user
The user can select a maximum for Pr 4.08 (torque reference) and Pr 4.20 (percentage load) to give suitable
scaling for analog I/O with Pr 4.24. This maximum is subject to a limit of MOTOR1_CURRENT_LIMIT_MAX. or
MOTOR2_CURRENT_LIMIT_MAX depending on which motor map is currently active.
Maximum power in kW
POWER_MAX The maximum power has been chosen to allow for the maximum power that can be output by the drive with
[9999.99kW] maximum AC output voltage, maximum controlled current and unity power factor. Therefore
The values given in square brackets indicate the absolute maximum value allowed for the variable maximum.
3. If the source is a bit, i.e. a digital output, and the source data
Table 4-2 Maximum motor rated current
parameter is a bit parameter then the input to the source function
200 V 400 V follows the value of the source data parameter.
Current Max Current Max 4. If the source is a bit, i.e. a digital output, and the source data
Size scaling current Size scaling current parameter is not a bit parameter the source input is zero if the
(Kc) A rating A (Kc) A rating A source data value is less than source data parameter maximum / 2
rounded down to the nearest unit. The source input is one if the
DST1201x 2.92 1.70 DST1401x 2.58 1.50
source data value is greater than or equal to source data parameter
DST1202x 6.52 3.80 DST1402x 4.63 2.70 maximum / 2 rounded down to the nearest unit. For example if the
DST1203x 9.26 5.40 DST1403x 6.86 4.00 source pointer parameter is set to Pr 18.11, which has a maximum of
DST1204x 13.03 7.60 DST1404x 10.12 5.90 32767, the source input is zero if the source data value is less than
DST1405x 13.72 8.00 16383 and one if it is greater than this.
4.2.2 Destinations
Some functions have destination pointer parameters, i.e. drive inputs,
4.1.1 Default etc.. The destination pointer parameter range is Pr 0.00 to Pr 21.51. The
The default values given are the standard drive defaults which are destination pointer parameter is set up to point to a parameter, which
loaded after a drive reset with 1233 in Pr x.00. receives information from the function referred to as the destination
4.1.2 Second motor parameter parameter.
Some parameters have an equivalent second motor value that can be 1. If the parameter number in the destination pointer parameter does
used as an alternative when the second motor is selected with Pr 11.45. not exist then the output value has no effect.
Menu 21 contains all the second motor parameters. In this menu the 2. If the destination parameter is protected then the output value has
parameter specifications include the location of the normal motor no effect.
parameter which is being duplicated. 3. If the function output is a bit value (i.e. a digital input) the destination
4.1.3 Update rate parameter value does not operate in the same way as a source
Defines the rate at which the parameter data is written by the drive described above, but is always either 0 or 1 depending on the state
(write) or read and acted upon by the drive (read). Where background of the function output whether the destination parameter is a bit
update rate is specified, the update time depends on the drive processor parameter or not.
load. Generally the update time is between 2ms and 30ms, however, the 4. If the function output is not a bit value (i.e. analog input) and the
update time is significantly extended when loading defaults, transferring destination parameter is not a bit parameter, the destination value is
data to/from a SMARTCARD, or transferring blocks of parameters or given by (function output x destination parameter maximum) / 100%.
large communications messages to/from the drive (not a Solutions Generally the result is rounded down to the nearest unit, but other
Module) via the drive serial comms port. rounding effects may occur depending on the internal scaling of the
particular source function (rounded down to nearest unit). Pr 1.36
4.2 Sources and destinations and Pr 1.37 are a special case. The scaling shown in the description
of parameter Pr 1.08 is used when any non-bit type quantity is
4.2.1 Sources routed to these parameters.
Some functions have source pointer parameters, i.e. drive outputs, PID 5. If the function output is not a bit value and the destination parameter
controller etc.. The source pointer parameter range is Pr 0.00 to is a bit value, the destination value is 0 if the function output is less
Pr 21.51. The source pointer is set up to point to a parameter, which than 50% of its maximum value, otherwise it is 1.
supplies the information to control the source and this is referred to as 6. If more than one destination selector is routed to the same
the source data parameter. For example, Pr 7.19 is the source pointer destination, the value of the destination parameter is undefined. The
parameter for analog output 1. If Pr 7.19 is set to a value of 18.11, then drive checks for this condition where the destinations are defined in
Pr 18.11 is the source data parameter, and as the value of Pr 18.11 is any menu except menus 15 to 17. If a conflict occurs a dESt trip
modified the analog output level is changed. occurs that cannot be reset until the conflict is resolved.
1. If the parameter number in the source pointer parameter does not
exist the input is taken as zero.
2. If the source is not a bit type source (i.e. not a digital output etc.)
then the source level is defined by (source data value x 100%) /
source data parameter maximum. Generally the result is rounded
down to the nearest unit, but other rounding effects may occur
depending on the internal scaling of the particular source function.
4.2.3 Sources and destinations Output Plus, SM-I/O plus) is changed the old destination is written to
1. Bit and non-bit parameters may be connected to each other as zero, unless the destination change is the result of loading defaults
sources or destinations. The scaling is as described previously. or transferring parameters from a SMARTCARD. When defaults are
2. All new source and destination routing only changes to new set-up loaded the old destination is set to its default value. When
locations when the drive is reset. parameters are loaded from a SMARTCARD the old destination
3. When a destination pointer parameter within the drive or a dumb retains its old value unless a SMARTCARD value is written to it.
Solutions Module (SM-Resolver, SM-Encoder Plus, SM-Encoder
Some parameters have an increased update in special circumstances. Analog inputs (not including I/O expansion Solutions Module)
The analog inputs must be in voltage mode with zero offset
4.3.1 Speed reference update rate
The normal update rate for the speed references (via menu 1) is 4ms, Limitations are the same as for the references via menu 1 described
however it is possible to reduce the sample time to 250μs by selecting above.
the reference from particular sources. The fast update rate is only Applications and fieldbus Solutions Modules
possible provided the conditions given below are met. For faster update rate Pr 91.03 must be used (this parameter is only
Analog input references (not including I/O expansion Solutions visible from the Solutions Modules). Any value written to Pr 91.03 is
Module) automatically mapped into the hard speed reference Pr 3.22.
1. The reference must be derived via Pr 1.36 or Pr 1.37 Encoder reference
2. The analog inputs must be in voltage mode with zero offset It is possible to use the drive encoder as the source for the hard speed
3. Bipolar mode must be used or unipolar mode with the minimum reference. To do this the drive encoder reference destination (Pr 3.46)
speed (Pr 1.07) set to zero should be routed to the hard speed reference parameter. If, and only if,
4. No skip bands are enabled, i.e. Pr 1.29, Pr 1.31 and Pr 1.33 must be the maximum drive encoder reference (Pr 3.43) is set to the same value
zero. as the maximum reference value (SPEED_REF_MAX), and the scaling
5. The jog and velocity feed-forward references must not be enabled. (Pr 3.44) is 1.000, the drive takes the encoder pulses directly. This gives
Applications and fieldbus Solutions Modules a form of reference slaving where the integral term in the speed
Pr 91.02 must be used to define the speed reference (this parameter is controller accumulates all pulses from the reference and tries to match
only visible from the Solutions Modules). Any value written to Pr 91.02 them to the feedback from the motor encoder. Pulses are lost if the
should be automatically mapped into preset Pr 1.21 by the Solutions reference reaches a minimum or maximum limit including zero speed in
Module. unipolar mode. The reference is sampled every 250μs. It is possible to
apply scaling even in this high speed update mode by changing the
In fast update mode the references are sampled every 250μs. A sliding
number of encoder lines per revolution. It is also possible to use this high
window filter may be applied to analog input 1 (see Pr 7.26) in normal or
speed update mode with some position feedback category Solutions
high speed updating modes. The default value for this filter is 4ms,
Modules (see description for the appropriate Solutions Module.)
therefore Pr 7.26 must be set to zero to obtain the fastest possible
update rate. 4.3.3 Torque reference update rate
When fast updating is used the scaling is performed by a simple The normal update rate for the torque reference (Pr 4.08) is 4ms,
multiplication. This minimizes software execution time, but also ensures however it is possible to reduce the sample time to 250μs by selecting
that there is no loss of resolution from the v to f converter used to the reference from particular sources. The fast update rate is only
implement analog input 1. Therefore the speed of the motor may be possible provided the conditions given below are met.
controlled with infinite resolution from analog input 1 except for Analog inputs 2 or 3 on the drive
deadband effects around zero reference. The scale factor used for the The analog inputs must be in voltage mode with zero offset.
multiplication cannot exactly duplicate the scaling for the two stage
conversion (i.e. conversion in menu 7 to a percentage of full scale, and
conversion to 0.1rpm units) used when high speed updating is not in
operation. Therefore the absolute scaling of the analog inputs varies
slightly between normal and high speed updating. The amount of
difference depends on the maximum speed, user scaling in menu 7, and
the analog input 1 the filter time. The worst case difference for analog
input 1 is 0.12% of full scale, and for analog inputs 2 and 3 the difference
is less than 0.12% with a maximum speed of 50rpm or more. Typical
differences (1500rpm maximum speed, menu 7 scaling of 1.000, analog
input 1 filter of 4ms) are 0.015% for analog input 1 and 0.004% for
analog inputs 2 and 3.
4.3.2 Hard speed reference update rate
The normal update rate for the hard speed reference is 4ms, however it
is possible to reduce the sample time to 250μs by selecting the
reference from particular sources. The fast update rate is only possible
provided the conditions given below are met.
Parameter numbers shown in brackets {...} are the equivalent Menu 0
In some cases, the function or range of a parameter is affected by the
setting of another parameter; the information in the lists relates to the
default condition of such parameters.
Table 5-2 gives a full key of the coding which appears in the following
parameter tables.
Analog reference
Analog input 1
Analog Menu 8
reference 1
Analog reference 2
Menu 7 1.41 select
Preset reference
Preset reference 1.43 Keypad reference
1.15 select
Preset reference select bits 1 ~ 3
Reference selected
1.21 ~ 1.28
Preset +
1 to 8
Scan timer
1.38 1.01
Preset Reference
reference Pr 1.50 set to percentage Level of
selected 1.50
greater than 1 trim reference
1.16 indicator selected
Preset 1.04
scan time Reference
1.48 Pr 1.49 Pr 1.50 Reference being used
1 1 Analog reference 1 1.09
Preset reference 1 >1 Preset reference defined by Pr 1.50
Scan-timer reset 2 1 Analog reference 2 Reference
2 >1 Preset reference defined by Pr 1.50 offset mode
Keypad reference Power-up keypad 3 x Preset reference defined by Pr 1.50 select
1.51 control mode 4 x Keypad reference
reference 5 x Precision reference
Precision reference
update disable Key
Input Read-write (RW)
terminals 0.XX
Output 0.XX Read-only (RO)
1.18 Memory terminals parameter
Precision The parameters are all shown in their default settings
reference trim
Menu 8
Menu 6
Sequencer (Menu 6)
Jog selected 1.13 Reference in skip
indicator speed band
Menu 13
Bipolar Position control Reference
reference 1.10 1.35
1.11 enabled
select indicator
Feed-forward Pre-filter
selected 1.06 1.02 reference 1.03
indicator Maximum
Reverse speed
selected 1.12 1.40 "clamp"
Menu 2
Negative speed
minimum "clamp"
speed (Maximum
select reverse
1.08 speed)
Reference used for jogging. See section 5.8 Menu 6: Sequencer and clock on page 88 for details on when the jog mode can be activated. The jog
reference can be used for relative jogging in digital lock mode (see section 5.16 Menu 13: Position control on page 166).
*The range shown for Pr 1.07 shows the range used for scaling purposes (i.e. for routing to an analog output etc.). Further range restrictions are
applied as given below.
Pr 1.08 Pr 1.10
(Neg min ref enable) (Bipolar mode enable)
0 0 0 to Pr 1.06
0 1 0
1 0 -SPEED_LIMIT_MAX to 0 rpm
1 1 -SPEED_LIMIT_MAX to 0 rpm
The same limits are applied to Pr 21.02, but based on the value of Pr 21.01.
(If the second motor map is selected Pr 21.01 is used instead of Pr 1.06 and Pr 21.02 instead of Pr 1.07)
The effects of the reference clamps (Pr 1.06 and 1.07), the negative minimum clamp enable (Pr 1.08) and the bipolar reference enable parameters
are defined below.
The variable maximum limit for reference parameters, SPEED_REF_MAX, is defined as:
If Pr 1.08 = 0: SPEED_REF_MAX = Pr 1.06
If Pr 1.08=1: SPEED_REF_MAX is Pr 1.06 or -Pr 1.07 whichever is the largest
(If the second motor map is selected Pr 21.01 is used instead of Pr 1.06 and Pr 21.02 instead of Pr 1.07)
Pr 1.07
Reference limits
With reference to the block diagram for Menu 1 (Figure 5-1 on page 22) the following table shows the limits applied to the reference by various blocks
in the reference system. It should be noted that the minimum limit in the main reference limits block changes when either the jog reference or velocity
feedforward references are active.
When one of these is active:
if Pr 1.08 = 0 the minimum = -Pr 1.06 [-Pr 21.01 for motor map 2],
if Pr 1.08 = 1 the minimum = -Pr 1.07 [-Pr 21.02 for motor map 2].
Minimum Maximum
Unipolar mode: Pr 1.07, or 0 if Pr 1.07 < 0
Keypad control reference (Pr 1.17) SPEED_REF_MAX
Bipolar mode: -SPEED_REF_MAX
Unipolar mode: Pr 1.07, or 0 if Pr 1.07 < 0
Bipolar/unipolar selector No maximum limit applied
Bipolar mode: no limit applied
Neg minimum ref disabled: -Pr 1.06
Main reference limits Pr 1.06
Neg minimum ref enabled: Pr 1.07
These parameters are controlled by the drive sequencer as defined in Menu 6. They select the appropriate reference as commanded by the drive
logic. Pr 1.11 will be active if a run command is given, the drive is enabled and the drive is ok. This parameter can be used as an interlock in a
Onboard PLC or SM-Applications program to show that the drive is able to respond to a speed or torque demand.
*Pr 1.45 to Pr 1.47 can be controlled by digital inputs to define the value of Pr 1.50 as follows:
**The presets are selected automatically in turn. Pr 1.16 defines the time between each change.
This parameter defines the time between preset reference changes when Pr 1.15 is set to 9. If Pr 1.48 is set to 1 then the preset counter and timer are
reset and preset 1 will be selected.
The drive can be controlled from the keypad if Pr 1.14 is set to 4. The Stop and Run keys automatically become active (the Reverse key may be
optionally enabled with Pr 6.13). The speed reference is defined by Pr 1.17. This is a read only parameter that can only be adjusted in status mode by
pressing the Up or Down keys. If keypad control mode is selected, then pressing the Up or Down keys in status mode will cause the drive to
automatically display the keypad reference and adjust it in the relevant direction. This can be done whether the drive is disabled or running. If the Up
or Down keys are held the rate of change of keypad reference increases with time.
See also Pr 1.51 on page 33 (Power-up keypad control mode reference).
See below.
See below.
Three skip references are available to prevent continuous operation at a speed that would cause mechanical resonance. When a skip reference
parameter is set to 0 that filter is disabled. The skip reference band parameters define the speed range either side of the programmed skip reference,
over which references are rejected. The actual reject band is therefore twice that programmed in these parameters, the skip reference parameters
defining the centre of the band. When the selected reference is within a band the lower limit of the band is passed through to the ramps such that
reference is always less than demanded.
This parameter indicates that the selected reference is within one of the skip reference zones such that the motor speed is not as demanded.
Although most parameters can be controlled from analog inputs, these two parameters are a special case in that if an analog input is directed to one
of these parameters, the scan rate of that analog input is increased to 250μs as long as:
1. The reference must be derived via Pr 1.36 or Pr 1.37
2. The analog inputs must be in voltage mode with zero offset
3. Bipolar mode must be used or unipolar mode with the minimum speed (Pr 1.07) set to zero
4. No skip bands are enabled, i.e. Pr 1.29, Pr 1.31 and Pr 1.33 must be zero.
5. The jog and velocity feed-forward references must not be enabled.
These are special parameters when a non-bit type quantity uses these parameters as a destination (not just from analog inputs). The scaling and
limiting applied is as described with Pr 1.08 on page 25.
This parameter indicates the velocity feed forward reference when position control is used (see section 5.16 Menu 13: Position control on page 166).
This bit indicates that the position controller has selected the velocity feed forward as a reference for the drive.
Pr 1.41 to Pr 1.44 control Pr 1.49. The priority order is Pr 1.44 (highest), Pr 1.43, Pr 1.42, Pr 1.41 (lowest). If more than one parameter is active, the
highest priority takes precedence.
Pr 1.41 = 1 forces Pr 1.49 = 2 (see table in Pr 1.14 on page 27 and Pr 1.15 on page 28)
Pr 1.42 = 1 forces Pr 1.49 = 3 (always selects preset references)
Pr 1.43 = 1 forces Pr 1.49 = 4 (always selects keypad control mode)
Pr 1.44 = 1 forces Pr 1.49 = 5 (always selects precision reference)
Pr 1.45 to Pr 1.47 control Pr 1.50.
Pr 1.45 controls Pr 1.50 bit 0*
Pr 1.46 controls Pr 1.50 bit 1*
Pr 1.47 controls Pr 1.50 bit 2*
*See the description with Pr 1.14 and Pr 1.15 on page 28 for more information.
Selects the value of the keypad control mode (Pr 1.17) at power-up as follows:
0 rESEt zero
1 LASt last value used before power-down
2 PrS1 Preset 1, Pr 1.21, before power-down
Acceleration rates 1 ~ 8
Jog acceleration
1 2.19
4 Jog selected
7 Reverse Forward
8 accel. rate accel. rate
t t
Ramp control
rate selector
Deceleration rates 1 ~ 8
Preset reference
selected indicator
Jog selected 4
Forward Reverse 7
Decel. rate Decel. rate 8
t t
2.02 Ramp enable
Ramp control reference
d/dt 2.38
Inertia compensation
If this bit is set the ramp will be held. If S ramp is enabled the acceleration will ramp towards zero causing the ramp output to curve towards a constant
speed. If a drive stop is demanded the ramp hold function is disabled.
DC Bus voltage
Motor Speed
Setting this parameter enables the S ramp function. S ramp is disabled during deceleration when the standard ramp voltage controller is active. When
the motor is accelerated again after decelerating in standard ramp the acceleration ramp used by the S ramp function is reset to zero.
This parameter defines the maximum rate of change of acceleration/deceleration. If the S ramp is disabled (Pr 2.06 = 0) a linear ramp is used and the
time in seconds taken for the ramp output to change by speed (Δ w*) is given by:
TRamp = Δw* x A / 1000
Demanded Speed
Actual Speed
ramp rate
S ramp
The time taken in seconds for the ramp output to change by speed (Δw*) is given below. Two cases are given because the total ramp time must be
calculated with a different equation depending on whether the acceleration is able to reach the selected ramp rate (A) or not. If the required change is
small the selected ramp rate is not reached and the ramp does not include the central linear ramp region. If the required change is larger the ramp
does include the central linear region as shown in the diagram above.
Δw*linear = 1000 x J / A2
A is the selected ramp rate in s / 1000rpm
J is Pr 2.07, the S ramp acceleration limit in s2 / 1000rpm
If the required change is less than Δw*linear then TRamp1 should be used, but if the speed change is greater or equal to Δw*linear TRamp2 should be
The default values for the ramp rate and S ramp acceleration limit have been chosen such that for the default maximum speed, the curved parts of the
S ramp are 25% of the original ramp if S ramp is enabled. Therefore the ramp time is increased by a factor of 1.5.
If an acceleration rate is selected where the parameter is set to 0.000 the acceleration ramp is disabled and the reference changes instantly to its new
value during acceleration.
The jog acceleration rate is only used when accelerating towards the jog reference and when changing the jog reference.
If an deceleration rate is selected where the parameter is set to 0.000 the deceleration ramp is disabled and the reference changes instantly to its new
value during deceleration.
These bits are provided for control by logic input terminals for external ramp selection (see Pr 2.10 and Pr 2.20).
Hard speed
reference 3.22
Hard speed
reference 1 0
enabled 1 0
Post-ramp Final speed
reference + reference
+ 3.01
15 way sub-D
connector Drive encoder
Drive encoder speed feedback
Drive encoder
3.38 type 3.42 3.27
Speed feedback
Drive encoder lines selector
A 3.34 per revolution
1 3.26
A Drive encoder
Encoder 2 3.39 termination disable
B Feedback from the
B 3.36
Drive encoder option modules set-up 0
4 supply voltage** in Menus 15 and 16
Z Encoder phase
Z 3.25 angle*
6 Speed feedback
U from option 15.03 1
V 9 Position feedback
3.50 lock
V 10 Speed feedback
W 11 Drive encoder
from option 16.03 2
W 3.28 module in slot 2
12 revolution counter
Drive encoder
3.29 position Drive encoder
Maximum drive
3.43 encoder reference
destination 3.46
reference (rpm)
Drive encoder
3.30 fine position Any unprotected
variable parameter
Drive encoder
reference scaling ??.??
encoder 3.45 3.44
Speed controller
gain select
(Kd1) (Kd2)
Speed controller
differential 3.12 3.15
feedback gains
0 1
Max reference clamp Overspeed trip
1.06 +20% 0 _ (O.SPd)
Overspeed threshold 1
3.08 >0
Below at-speed
At speed window indicator
Pre ramp lower limit 3.06 +
reference _ At speed
_ indicator
0 NOR 10.06
3.09 10.07
_ Above at-speed
Absolute at-speed
detect mode window indicator
At speed
upper limit Key
This is the final speed demand at the input to the speed regulator formed by the sum of the ramp output and the hard speed reference (if the hard
speed reference is enabled). If the drive is disabled this parameter will show 0.0.
For example a 4096 line Ab type encoder gives a ripple level of 0.23rpm.
The 16ms sliding window filter is always applied to the value shown in Pr 3.02, but this sliding window filter is not normally applied to the actual speed
feedback used by the speed controller or the drive encoder reference system (Pr 3.43 to Pr 3.46).The user may apply a filter to the speed controller
input and the drive encoder reference system input if required by setting Pr 3.42 to the required filter time. The encoder ripple seen by the speed
controller is given by:
Encoder speed ripple = 60 / Filter time / (ELPR x 4)
If Pr 3.42 is set to zero (no filter) the ripple seen by the speed controller and drive encoder reference system is given by:
Encoder speed ripple = 60 / 250μs / (ELPR x 4)
The diagram above shows the filter arrangement. It should be noted that the same filtering is provided at the speed controller input and for Pr 3.02
when the feedback is obtained from a Solutions Module, but the variable length window filter is controlled by Pr x.19.
It is not advisable to use the speed feedback filter unless it is specifically required for high inertia applications with high controller gains, or if a
commutation signal only encoder is used, because the filter has a non-linear transfer function. It is preferable to use the current demand filters (see Pr
4.12 or 4.23) as these are linear first order filters that provide filtering on noise generated from both the speed reference and the speed feedback. It
should be noted that any filtering included within the speed controller feedback loop, either on the speed feedback or the current demand, introduces
a delay and limits the maximum bandwidth of the controller for stable operation.
The speed ripple can be quite high, for example with a 4096 line encoder the speed ripple is 14.6rpm, but this does not define the resolution of the
speed feedback which is normally much better and depends on the length of the measuring period used to obtain the feedback. This is shown in the
improved resolution of the value accessible in Pr 3.02 which is measured over 16ms, i.e. a resolution of 0.23rpm with a 4096 line encoder. The speed
controller itself accumulates all pulses from the encoder, and so the speed controller resolution is not limited by the feedback, but by the resolution of
the speed reference. If a SINCOS encoder is used the encoder speed ripple is reduced by a factor of 2 ( 2 - INTERPOLATION BITS) For example with the
nominal 10 bits of interpolation information, the speed ripple is reduced by a factor of 256. This shows how a SINCOS encoder can reduce noise
caused by encoder quantization without any filtering in the speed feedback or the current demand, so that high gains may be used to give high
dynamic performance and a very stiff system.
The output of the speed regulator is a torque demand given as a percentage of rated motor torque. This is then modified to account for changes in
motor flux if field weakening is active, and then used as the torque producing current reference.
If the speed feedback (Pr 3.02) is at or below the level defined by this parameter in either direction the Zero speed flag (Pr 10.03) is 1, otherwise the
flag is 0.
"At speed" flag (Pr 10.06) is set if the speed feedback (Pr 3.02) is on the boundaries or within the at speed window. Flags Pr 10.07 and Pr 10.05 are
set if the reference is above or below the window respectively.
If Pr 3.09 = 0 reference window mode is used and the "at speed" condition is true if
(|Pr 1.03| - Pr 3.06) ≤ |Pr 3.02| ≤ (|Pr 1.03| + Pr 3.07)
(If the lower limit is less than zero then zero is used as the lower limit.)
If Pr 3.09 = 1 absolute window mode is used and the "at speed" condition is true if
Pr 3.06 ≤ |Pr 3.02| ≤ Pr 3.07
If the speed feedback (Pr 3.02) exceeds this level in either direction an overspeed trip is produced. If this parameter is set to zero the overspeed
threshold is automatically set to 1.2 x SPEED_REF_MAX.
The motor speed and the motor voltage can be monitored to detect that the motor is accelerating in an uncontrolled way because the motor phasing
angle has not been set up correctly in Pr 3.25 (Pr 21.20 if motor map 2 is selected). If the overspeed threshold is set to zero phasing angle error
monitoring is enabled. If the overspeed threshold is set to any other value this feature is disabled.
The following diagram shows a generalised representation of the speed controller. The controller includes proportional (Kp) and integral (Ki) feed-
forward terms, and a differential (Kd) feedback term. The drive holds two sets of these gains and either set may be selected for use by the speed
controller with Pr 3.16. If Pr 3.16 = 0, gains Kp1, Ki1 and Kd1 are used, if Pr 3.16 = 1, gains Kp2, Ki2 and Kd2 are used. Pr 3.16 may be changed
when the drive is enabled or disabled.
Speed Kp Torque
reference + reference
(wr*) + (Te*)
- Ki +
+ feedback
Kp w(s)
w*(s) + rads
+ Kc Kt L(s)
_ +
Ki 1/s
Speed controller
Kc is the conversion between the speed controller output and the torque producing current. A value of unity at the output of the speed controller gives
a torque producing current equal to Kc. The drive automatically compensates the torque producing current for flux variations in field weakening, and
so Kc can be assumed to have a constant value even in field weakening. See menu 4 for the value of Kc each drive size).
Kt is the torque constant of the motor (i.e. torque in Nm per amp of torque producing current). This value is normally available for a servo motor from
the manufacturer, however for induction motors the value must be calculated from
Kt = Motor rated torque / Motor rated torque producing current
= Motor rated torque / √(Motor rated current2 - No load current2)
L(s) is the transfer function of the load.
The s-domain system above may be used to determine the performance of systems with a relatively low bandwidth. However, the real drive system
also includes non-ideal delays due to the torque controller response, and speed measurement and control delays. These delays, which can be
approximated with a simple unity gain transport delay (Tdelay) as shown below, should be taken into account for more accurate results.
w*(s) + +
Kp+Ki/s Kc.Kt L(s) w(s)
The user may enter the required speed controller gains into Pr 3.10 to Pr 3.15. However, if the load is predominantly a constant inertia and constant
torque, the drive can calculate the required Kp and Ki gains, provided a value of motor plus load inertia (Pr 3.18) and the motor torque per amp
(Pr 5.32) are set-up correctly. The gain values are calculated to give a required compliance angle or bandwidth. The calculated values for Kp and Ki
are written to Pr 3.10 and Pr 3.11 once per second when one of these set-up methods is selected (i.e. Pr 3.17 = 1 or 2). The values are calculated
from a linear model assuming a pure inertia load, not including unwanted delays in the speed and current controllers. The Kd gain is not affected. If
Pr 3.17 is set to 3 automatic gain set up is not active, but Kp is boosted by a factor of 16.
0: user set-up
With the default value the user should enter the required speed controller gains.
1: Bandwidth set-up
If bandwidth based set-up is required the following parameters must be set correctly: Pr 3.20 = required bandwidth, Pr 3.21 = required damping factor,
Pr 3.18 = motor + load inertia (it is possible to measure the load inertia as part of the auto-tuning process, see Pr 5.12 on page 81), Pr 5.32 = motor
torque per amp.
Ki = J / (Kc x Kt) x (2π x Bandwidth / Kbw)2 = Pr 3.18 / (Kc x Pr 5.32) x (2π x Pr 3.20 / Kbw)2
Where: Kbw = √[ (2ξ2 + 1) +√((2ξ2 + 1)2 + 1) ]
Kp = 2 ξ √ [(Ki x J) / (Kc x Kt)] = 2 ξ √ [(Pr 3.11 x Pr 3.18) / (Kc x Pr 5.32)]
2: Compliance angle set-up
If compliance angle based set-up is required the following parameters must be set correctly: Pr 3.19 = required compliance angle, Pr 3.21 = required
damping factor, Pr 3.18 = motor + load inertia (it is possible to measure the load inertia as part of the auto-tuning process, see Pr 5.12 on page 81),
Pr 5.32 = motor torque per amp.
Ki = 1 / Compliance angle (rad s-1)
Kp = 2 ξ √ [(Ki x J) / (Kc x Kt)] = 2 ξ √ [(Pr 3.11 x Pr 3.18) / (Kc x Pr 5.32)]
3: Kp gain times 16
If this parameter is set to 3 the Kp gain (from whichever source) is multiplied by 16. This is intended to boost the range of Kp for applications with very
high inertia. It should be noted that if high values of Kp are used it is likely that the speed controller output will need to be filtered (see Pr 4.12) or the
speed feedback will need to be filtered (see Pr 3.42). If the feedback is not filtered it is possible the output of the speed controller will be a square
wave that changes between the current limits causing the integral term saturation system to malfunction.
The compliance angle is the required angular displacement when the drive delivers a torque producing current equivalent to the current scaling (Kc)
with no field weakening.
3.20 Bandwidth
1 1 1
Range 0 to 255 Hz
Default 10 Hz
Update rate Background (1s) read
The bandwidth is defined as the theoretical 3dB point on the closed-loop gain characteristic of the speed controller as a second order system. At this
point the phase shift is approximately 60°. This parameter is used to define the bandwidth used for setting up the speed loop gain parameters
automatically when Pr 3.17 = 1.
Vu Vv Vw
No load phase
No load line
U Encoder commutation
signals (high = U > U)
The encoder can be aligned statically by connecting the motor to a DC power supply as shown:
The motor will move to one of a number of positions defined by the number of motor pole pairs (i.e. 3 positions for a six pole motor, etc.). The encoder
should be adjusted so that the U commutation signal is high, W is low and V is toggling in one of these positions.
Any other feedback device
The alignment required between the no-load motor voltages and the commutation signals for Pr 3.25 = 0 is shown in the diagram below for a 2 or 4
pole motor. For higher numbers of poles 0° should still be aligned as shown, but one electrical cycle shown corresponds to 360°/ (Number of poles /
2). The encoder can be aligned statically by connecting the motor to a DC power supply as already shown. The motor will move to one of a number of
positions defined by the number of motor pole pairs (i.e. 3 positions for a six pole motor, etc.). The encoder should be adjusted so that the position
displayed by the drive is n x 65536 / (Number of poles / 2), where n = 0, 1, ... (Number of poles / 2)
It should be noted that if the encoder is advanced (i.e. the encoder is moved so that the angle moves to the right with respect to the voltages) the
phasing angle in Pr 3.25 is increased from zero. If the encoder is retarded the phasing angle changes to 359.9° and then reduces towards zero.
Provided the set-up parameters for the drive encoder are correct this parameter shows the encoder speed in rpm.
It should be noted that the value shown by this parameter is measured over a 16 ms sliding window period (in the same way as Pr 3.02), and so the
ripple in this parameter accessible via comms or by a Solutions Module is as defined for Pr 3.02. The FI attribute for this parameter is set, and so
further filtering is applied when this parameter is viewed with one of the drive keypads.
These parameters effectively give the encoder position with a resolution of 1/232ths of a revolution as a 48 bit number as shown below.
47 32 31 16 15 0
Revolutions Position Fine position
Provided the encoder set-up parameters are correct, the position is always converted to units of 1/232ths of a revolution, but some parts of the value
may not be relevant depending on the resolution of the feedback device. For example a 1024 line digital encoder produces 4096 counts per
revolution, and so the position is represented by the bits in the shaded area only.
47 32 31 20 19 16 15 0
Revolutions Position Fine position
When the encoder rotates by more than one revolution, the revolutions in Pr 3.28 increment or decrement in the form of a sixteen bit roll-over counter.
If an absolute position feedback device (except an encoder with commutation signals) is used the position is initialized at power-up with the absolute
position. If a multi-turn absolute encoder is used the revolution counter is also initialized with the absolute revolutions at power-up.
If a linear encoder is used the turns information is used to represent movement by the number of poles defined by Pr 5.11 (or 21.11 for motor map 2).
Therefore if the number of poles is set to two, one revolution is the movement by one pole pitch.
An incremental digital encoder or a SINCOS encoder without communications may have a marker channel. When this channel becomes active it may
be used to reset the encoder position and set the marker flag (Pr 3.31 = 0), or just to set the marker flag (Pr 3.31 = 1). The marker flag is set each time
the marker input becomes active, but it is not reset by the drive, and so it must be cleared by the user.
If Pr 3.35 is set to zero the marker system operates in a conventional manner and only resets the position (Pr 3.29 and Pr 3.30) and not the turns
(Pr 3.28) on a marker event. If Pr 3.35 is set to one the whole position (Pr 3.28 to Pr 3.30) are reset on a marker event. The full reset mode allows the
marker to give a form of registration where the marker event defines zero position.
The marker function only operates when Ab, Fd, Fr, Ab.Servo, Fd.Servo, Fr.Servo type encoders are selected with Pr 3.38.
3.33 Drive encoder turns bits / Linear encoder comms to sine wave ratio
1 1 1
Range 0 to 255
Default 16
Update rate Background read (Only has any effect when the drive is disabled)
This parameter has a different function depending on the type of encoder selected with Pr 3.38 and Pr 3.39.
Ab, Fd, Fr, Ab.Servo, Fd.Servo, Fr.Servo, SC
It is sometimes desirable to mask off the most significant bits of the revolution counter with these types of encoders. This does not have to be done for
the drive to function correctly. If Pr 3.33 is zero the revolution counter (Pr 3.28) is held at zero. If Pr 3.33 has any other value it defines the maximum
number of the revolution counter before it is reset to zero. For example, if Pr 3.33 = 5, then Pr 3.28 counts up to 31 before being reset. If Pr 3.33 is
greater than 16, the number of turns bits is 16 and the Pr 3.28 counts up to 65535 before being reset.
SC.Hiper, SC.EnDat, SC.SSI and 03.39 = 1 or 2 (Rotary encoder)
Pr 3.33 must contain the number of bits in the comms message used to give the multi-turn information. For a single turn comms encoder, Pr 3.33
must be set to zero. As well as setting the number of comms turns bits this parameter also sets up a mask on the turns displayed in Pr 3.28 as
described above. With SC.Hiper or SC.EnDat encoders it is possible for this parameter to be obtained automatically from the encoder (see Pr 3.41).
If Pr 3.33 is greater than 16 the number of turns bits is 16.
SC.Hiper, SC.EnDat, SC.SSI and 03.39 = 0 (Linear encoder)
When a linear encoder is selected no mask is placed on the turns information displayed in Pr 3.28, and so this parameter always displays the turns
information as a full 16 bit value with a maximum of 65535. Linear SINCOS encoders with comms are normally specified with a length for each sine
wave period and the length for the least significant bit of the position in the comms message. Pr 3.33 should be set up with the ratio between these
two lengths so that the drive can determine the drive encoder position during initialization. The Linear encoder comms to sine wave ratio is defined as
When Ab, Fd, Fr, AbServo, Fd.Servo, Fr.Servo, SC, SC.Hiper, SC.EnDat or SC.SSI encoder are used the equivalent number of encoder lines per
revolution must be set-up correctly in Pr 3.34 to give the correct speed and position feedback. This is particularly important if the encoder is selected
for speed feedback with Pr 3.26.
The equivalent number of encoder lines per revolution (ELPR) is defined as follows.
For any type of linear encoder one revolution is the motor pole pitch multiplied by the number of poles set up in Pr 5.11 or Pr 21.11.
Ab.Servo, Fd.Servo, Fr.Servo
The incremental (A/B) signal frequency should not exceed 500kHz.
It should be noted that if this parameter is set to zero the incremental signals are ignored and only the UVW commutation signals are used to define
the motor position. See Pr 3.38. If Pr 3.34 or the motor pole pairs defined by either Pr 5.11 or Pr 21.11 (depending on the motor map selected) are
modified and the encoder type is Ab.Servo, Fd.Servo or Fr.Servo then encoder is re-initialized. This ensures that the control position used by the drive
to determine the flux axis of the motor is re-aligned with the commutation signals when the encoder moves again and prevents possible errors.
SC.Hiper, SC.EnDat, SC, SC.SSI
The sine wave signal frequency can be up to 500kHz, but the resolution is reduced at higher frequencies. The table below shows the number of bits
of interpolated information at different frequencies and with different voltage levels at the drive encoder port. The total resolution in bits per revolution
is the ELPR plus the number of bits of interpolated information. Although it is possible to obtain 11 bits of interpolation information, the nominal design
value is 10 bits.
Volt/Freq 1 kHz 5 kHz 50 kHz 100 kHz 200 kHz 500 kHz
1.2 11 11 10 10 9 8
1.0 11 11 10 9 9 7
0.8 10 10 10 9 8 7
0.6 10 10 9 9 8 7
0.4 9 9 9 8 7 6
If the position feedback device is a rotary SINCOS encoder with comms the position supplied via comms gives a number of counts per revolution that
is a power of two and the resolution is defined by the single turns comms bit (Pr 3.35). It is assumed therefore that the number of periods per
revolution is also a power of two, and so if a SC.Hiper, SC.EnDat or SC.SSI type devices is selected and Pr 3.39 is 1 or 2 to select a rotary encoder =
1 or 2, Pr 3.34 is forced to be a power of two between 2 and 32768.
When Pr 3.34 is adjusted an EnC7 trip is produced, because the encoder requires re-initialization. If this parameter is set to a value that is not a
power of two and the encoder is set up as a linear encoder (Pr 3.39 = 0) the sample rate for the current controllers is reduced to 6 kHz for 6 or 12 kHz
switching frequency. All other switching frequencies are unaffected. See Pr 5.37 on page 87.
If the position feedback device is SC.Hiper or SC.EnDat it is possible for the drive to set up this parameter automatically from information obtained
from the encoder (see Pr 3.41 on page 60).
EnDat, SSI
Where encoder comms alone is used as position feedback, the equivalent lines per revolution (Pr 3.34) is not used in setting up the encoder interface.
If auto-configuration is used (see Pr 3.41 on page 60), then Pr 3.41 is set to zero if this is successful.
Linear motors
The value entered in this parameter for a linear motor should be calculated as follows:
Motor pole pitch
Pr 3.34 PPR setting = ------------------------------------------------------
( Encoder pitch × 4 )
3.35 Drive encoder single turn comms bits / Linear encoder comms bits/Marker mode
1 1 1
Range 0 to 32 bits
Default 0
Update rate Background read (Only has any effect when the drive is disabled)
Ab, Fd, Fr, Ab.Servo, Fd.Servo, Fr.Servo, SC
Pr 3.35 defines the marker mode. If this parameter is zero the marker system operates in a conventional manner, but if this parameter is non-zero the
marker causes a full position reset.
SC.Hiper, SC.EnDat, SC.SSI and 03.39 = 1 or 2 (Rotary encoder)
Pr 3.35 must be set to the number of comms bits used to represent one revolution of the encoder. The single turn comms resolution may be higher
than the resolution of the sine waves per revolution.
SC.Hiper, SC.EnDat, SC.SSI and 03.39 = 0 (Linear encoder)
Pr 3.35 must be set up to the total number of bits representing the whole encoder position in the comms message. This parameter is not used with
linear SC.Hiper encoders as the number of bits used to represent the whole position is always 32.
EnDat, SSI
Pr 3.35 must be set to the number of bits used to represent one revolution of the encoder.
Although Pr 3.35 can be set to any value from 0 to 32, if the value is less than 1, the resolution is 1 bit. Some SSI encoders (SC.SSI or SSI) include a
power supply monitor alarm using the least significant bit of the position. It is possible for the drive to monitor this bit and produce an EnC6 trip if the
power supply is too low (see Pr 3.40). If the encoder gives this information the comms resolution should be set up to include this bit whether it is being
monitored by the drive or not. It should be noted that some SSI encoders include trailing zeros after the position. This parameter should be set up to
include the trailing zero bits.
It is possible for the drive to set up this parameter automatically from information obtained from the encoder via Hiperface or EnDat interfaces (see
Pr 3.41).
This parameter defines the baud rate for the encoder comms when using SSI or EnDat encoders. However, a fixed baud rate of 9600 baud is used
with HIPERFACE encoders and this parameter has no effect.
Any baud rate can be used when encoder comms is used with a SINCOS encoder to obtain the absolute position during initialization. When encoder
comms is used alone (EnDat or SSI selected with Pr 3.38) the time taken to obtain the comms position must be 160μs or less, otherwise the drive
initiates an EnC4 trip.
There is a delay obtaining the position from an encoder using comms alone. The length of this delay affects the sample rate and timing of the position
used by the drive for control and the position passed to Solutions Modules. If for an EnDat encoder the position within one turn can be obtained in 30
μs and the whole comms message including CRC can be obtained in 60 μs then fast sampling is used, otherwise slow sampling is used as shown
below. If for an SSI encoder the whole position can be obtained in 30 μs fast sampling is used. In each case the position is sampled within the
encoder at the start of the comms message from the drive.
Datum Datum
Point Point
In the example the current/torque sampling rate is 4 kHz, but this will change if a different switching frequency is selected. If fast sampling is used the
control position used to define the drive reference frame is obtained every current/torque control sample and the position passed to Solutions
Modules is obtained 20 μs before the datum point where other types of encoders are sampled. If slow sampling is used both the control position and
the position passed to Solutions Modules is obtained 150 μs before the datum. When fast sampling is used the delay introduced into the control
system by the encoder is less, and so a higher control system bandwidth will be possible. So that the position values from the encoder can be used in
a position control system compensation is provided for the delay in obtaining the position before it is made available to Solutions Modules or in the
drive position parameters so that it appears to have been sampled at the datum. This compensation is based on the delay (i.e. 20 μs or 150 μs) and
the change of position over the previous sample.
EnDat comms
The following equations are used by the drive to determine the time taken to obtain the position information from an EnDat encoder. These are based
on tcal ≤ 5 μs, where tcal is the time from the first clock edge of the position command message from the drive to the first clock edge when the encoder
responds as defined in the EnDat specification. This limit of 5 μs may exclude a small number of EnDat encoders from being used by the drive as a
comms only feedback device. It is also assumed that tD ≤ 1.25 μs where tD is the data delay from the encoder as defined by the EnDat specification
for 105 m of cable. Although with higher clock rates shorter cables must be used, and tD will be less than 1.25 μs, the calculation performed by the
drive always assumes tD=1.25 μs. It should be noted that all values are rounded up to the nearest microsecond.
Command message time = tcommand = 10T or tcal whichever is the longest
Where: T = 1/Baud Rate, tcal = 5 μs
Time for single turn position = tcommand + tD + (2 + Single turn resolution) x T
= tcommand + tD + (2 + Pr 3.35) x T
Where: tD = 1.25 μs
Time for whole message including CRC = Time for single turn position + (Number of turns bits + 5) x T
= Time for single turn position + (Pr 3.33 + 5) x T
For example an encoder with 12 turns bits, 13 bit single turn resolution and a baud rate of 2 M would give the following times:
Time for single turn position = 14 μs (13.75 μs rounded up)
Time for the whole message including CRC = 23 μs (22.25 μs rounded up)
A recovery time (tm) is specified for EnDat encoders, that is the time required between the end of one data transfer and the beginning of the next one.
If this time is not allowed between messages that transfer the position from the encoder, the encoder operates in continuous mode and the data from
the encoder will be incorrect and cause CRC errors. tm is nominally 20 μs, but may vary from 10 μs to 30 μs (EnDat 2.1 specification). If tm is greater
than 23 μs and 6 or 12 kHz switching is used, which have a fast sample rate of 83 μs, it is possible for the time allowed for tm to be too short.
Therefore if 6 or 12 kHz switching are used the total message transfer time should not exceed 53 μs unless tm can be guaranteed to be less than 30
μs by a suitable margin.
SSI comms
The whole position must be obtained from an SSI encoder before it can be used by the drive, therefore the time for the single turn position and the
time for the whole message are the same.
Time to obtain the position= (Number of turns bits + Single turn resolution + 1) x T
= tD + (Pr 3.33 + Pr 3.35 + 1) x T
For example an encoder with 12 turns bits, 13 bit single turn resolution and a baud rate of 1 M would give the following time:
Time to obtain the position data = 28 μs (27.25 μs rounded up)
The drive does not include the recovery time of the encoder in these calculations, therefore the user must ensure that there is sufficient time after the
data transfer before the next transfer begins. If the encoder does not recover in time its output will be low just before the new transfer beings and will
cause an EnC5 trip.
3, Ab.Servo: Quadrature incremental encoder with commutation outputs, with or without marker pulse
4, Fd.Servo: Incremental encoder with frequency, direction and commutation outputs, with or without marker pulse
5, Fr.Servo: Incremental encoder with forward, reverse and commutation outputs, with or without marker pulse
The UVW commutation signals are used to define the motor position during the first 120° electrical rotation after the drive is powered-up or the
encoder is initialised. If the Drive encoder lines per rev (Pr 3.34) is set to zero the incremental signals are ignored and the drive can run with
commutation signals alone. A phase locked loop is used to smooth the feedback, but particularly at low speeds the motor movement includes a
significant ripple. Low speed loop gains should be used and the drive encoder filter (Pr 3.42) should be set to 16 ms.
6, SC: SinCos: Encoder with no serial communications
A phasing test must be performed after every drive power-up or encoder trip.
7, SC.Hiper: Absolute SinCos encoder using Stegmann 485 comms protocol (HiperFace).
This type of encoder gives absolute position and can be used for motor control. The drive can check the position from the sine and cosine
waveforms against the internal encoder position using serial communications and if an error occurs the drive initiates a trip. An applications or
fieldbus Solutions Module can communicate with the encoder via parameters that are not visible from the keypad or drive 485 comms.
8, EnDAt: Absolute EnDat only encoder
This type of encoder gives absolute position and can be used for motor control. Additional communications with the encoder from an applications
or fieldbus module is not possible
9, SC.Endat: Absolute SinCos encoder using EnDat comms protocol
This type of encoder gives absolute position and can be used for motor control. The drive can check the position from the sine and cosine
waveforms against the internal encoder position using serial communications and if an error occurs the drive initiates a trip. An applications or
fieldbus Solutions Module can communicate with the encoder via parameters that are not visible from the keypad or drive 485 comms
10, SSI: Absolute SSI only encoder
This type of encoder gives absolute position and can be used for motor control. Additional communications with the encoder from an applications
or fieldbus module is not possible. SSI encoders use either gray code or binary format which can be selected with Pr 3.41.
11, SC.SSI: SinCos encoder using SSI comms protocol
This type of encoder gives absolute position and can be used for motor control. The drive can check the position from the sine and cosine
waveforms against the internal encoder position using serial communications and if an error occurs the drive initiates a trip.
All SINCOS encoders and encoders using communications must be initialized before their position data can be used. The encoder is automatically
initialized at power-up, after trips EnC1 to EnC8 or Enc11 to Enc17 are reset, and when the initialization (Pr 3.47) is set to 1. If the encoder is not
initialized or the initialization is invalid the drive initiates trip EnC7.
3.39 Drive encoder termination select / Rotary encoder select / Comms only encoder mode
1 1
Range 0 to 2
Default 1
Update rate Background read
Ab, Fd, Fr, Ab Servo, Fd Servo, Fr Servo - Drive encoder termination select
The terminations may be enabled/disabled by this parameter as follows:
Encoder input Pr 3.39=0 Pr 3.39=1 Pr 3.39=2
A-A\ Disabled Enabled Enabled
B-B\ Disabled Enabled Enabled
Z-Z\ Disabled Disabled Enabled
U-U\, V-V\, W-W\ Enabled Enabled Enabled
If Pr 3.39 is set to 0 the encoder is a linear encoder and the following apply:
1. Pr 3.33 defines the ratio between the length of a sine wave period and the length of the least significant comms bit.
2. No mask is applied to the turns displayed in Pr 3.28.
3. Pr 3.35 defines the number of comms bits used to give the whole position value.
If the position feedback device is SC.Hiper or SC.EnDat it is possible for the drive to set up this parameter automatically from information obtained
from the encoder (see Pr 3.41).
EnDat, SSI - Comms only encoder mode
If this parameter is set to 1 or 2 the drive always takes the complete absolute position for these comms only type encoders. The turns (Pr 3.28),
position (Pr 3.29) and fine position (Pr 3.30) will be an exact representation of the position from the encoder. If the encoder does not provide 16bits of
turns information, the internal representation of the turns used by the position controller in Menu 13 and functions within the SM-Applications Module
such as the Advanced Position Controller, rolls over at the maximum position value from the encoder. This jump in position is likely to cause unwanted
effects. As the SSI format does not include any error checking it is not possible for the drive to detect if the position data has been corrupted by noise
on the encoder signals. The benefit of using the absolute position directly from an SSI encoder is that even if the encoder communications are
disturbed by noise and position errors occur, the position will always recover the correct position after the disturbance has ceased. The EnDat format
includes a CRC that is used by the drive to detect corrupted data, and so if the position data has been corrupted the drive uses the previous correct
data until new uncorrupted data is received.
It should be noted that if the encoder does not provide at least 6 bits of turns information the speed feedback used to generate the drive over speed
trip is incorrect when the position rolls over or under the maximum value. Therefore this mode should not be used with encoders that do not provide
this turns information unless the encoder is not going to pass through the maximum position.
If this parameter is set to 0 the drive only takes the absolute position directly from the encoder during initialization. The change of position over each
sample is then used to determine the current position. This method always gives 16 bits of turns information that can be used without jumps in
position by the position controller in Menu13 and SM-Applications modules etc. This method will only operate correctly if the change of position over
any 250 μs period is less than 0.5 of a turn, or else the turns information will be incorrect. The turns can then only be corrected by re-initializing the
encoder. Under normal operating conditions and at a maximum speed of 40,000 rpm the maximum change of position is less than 0.5 turns, however,
if noise corrupts the data from an SSI encoder it is possible to have apparent large change of position, and this can result in the turns information
becoming and remaining corrupted until the encoder is re-initialized. This problem should not occur with EnDat encoders because three consecutive
corrupted messages at the slowest sample rate (i.e. 25 μs) would be required even at the maximum speed of 40,000 rpm before the change of
position would be the required 0.5 turns to give possible corruption of the turns information. If three consecutive messages with CRC errors occur this
will cause the drive to produce an EnC5 trip. The drive can only be re-enabled after the trip is reset which will re-initialize the encoder and correct the
absolute turns.
If an SSI encoder is used, but is not powered from the drive, and the encoder is powered up after the drive, it is possible that the first change of
position detected could be large enough to cause the problem described above. This can be avoided if the encoder interface is initialized via Pr 3.47
after the encoder has powered up. If the encoder includes a bit that indicates the status of the power supply the power supply monitor should be
enabled (see Pr 3.40). This will ensure that the drive remains tripped until the encoder is powered up and the action of resetting the trip will re-initialize
the encoder interface.
If the position feedback device is EnDat it is possible for the drive to set up this parameter automatically from information obtained from the encoder
(see Pr 3.41).
Encoder trips
The following table shows trips that can be initiated that are related to the drive encoder feedback and whether they can be enabled and disabled by
Pr 3.40.
Wire-break detection
It may be important to detect a break in the connections between the drive and the position feedback device. This feature is provided for most
encoder types either directly or indirectly as listed below.
Encoder initialization
Encoder initialization will occur as follows: at drive power-up, when requested by the user via Pr 3.47, when trips PS.24V or EnC1 to EnC8 or Enc11
to Enc17 are reset. initialization causes an encoder with comms to be re-initialized and auto-configuration to be performed if selected. After
initialization Ab.Servo, Fd.Servo and Fr.Servo encoders will use the UVW commutations signals to give position feedback for the first 120° (electrical)
of rotation when the motor is restarted.
A delay is provided during initialization for some encoders to allow the encoder to be ready to provide position information after it has powered up.
The delay is provided during initialization because this occurs during drive power-up and after encoder power supply trips are reset. The delays are as
3.41 Drive encoder auto configuration enable / SSI binary format select
1 1 1 1
Default 0
Update rate Background read
SC.Hiper, SC.EnDat, EnDat
When a SC.Hiper, SC.EnDat or EnDat encoder is being used, the drive will interrogate the encoder on power-up. If Pr 3.41 is set to one and the
encoder type is recognized based on the information provided by the encoder, the drive will set the encoder turns / linear encoder comms to sine
wave ratio (Pr 3.33), the equivalent lines per revolution (Pr 3.34) and the encoder comms resolution / linear encoder comms bits (Pr 3.35). For
SC.Hiper or SC.EnDat encoders the rotary encoder select (Pr 3.39) is also set up. If the encoder is not recognized, there is a comms error or the
resulting parameter values are out of range the drive initiates an EnC7 or Enc12 to Enc17 trip to prompt the user to enter the information. The drive
can auto-configure with any of the following devices.
Rotary EnDat encoders
The encoder turns, comms resolution and equivalent lines per rev are set up directly using the data read from the encoder.
At power-up Pr 3.48 is initially zero, but is set to one when the drive encoder and any encoders connected to position category modules have been
initialized. The drive cannot be enabled until this parameter is one.
If any trips occur that could indicate that the encoder system is no longer initialized correctly (i.e. EnC2-EnC8 and Enc11-Enc17), or the internal 24 V
or encoder power supplies are overloaded (i.e. EnC1 or PS.24V), Pr 3.48 is set to zero and the drive cannot be enabled until the encoder is re-
initialized. It is likely that the failure of either of these supplies will cause one of the other encoder trips and it should be noted that EnC1 or PS.24V
trips can override EnC2-EnC8 and Enc11-Enc17 trips so that the power supply overload is not mistaken for an encoder error.
When this parameter is set to one, additional information for the motor object can be transferred from Pr 18.11 to Pr 18.17 as shown below.
If Pr 3.50 is set to one Pr 3.28, Pr 3.29 and Pr 3.30 are not updated. If this parameter is set to zero these parameters are updated normally.
The encoder simulation source is the drive encoder input and can be any incremental type or any SINCOS type. If a SINCOS is used as the source
the simulation output is derived from the zero crossings of the sine waves and does not include interpolated information. The encoder simulation
provides an output with minimal delay from the drive encoder input. The ratio between the change of drive encoder position and the change of
encoder simulation output position is defined by Pr 3.52. The table below shows the possible ratios.
Pr 3.52 Ratio
0.0000 to 0.0312 1/32
0.0313 to 0.0625 1/16
0.0626 to 0.1250 1/8
0.1251 to 0.2500 1/4
0.2501 to 0.5000 1/2
0.5001 to 1.0000 1
Data should be written to the transmit register (Pr 90.22) when the register has been reset to zero by the drive. The data will be transferred to the
comms buffer and the transmit register will be cleared.
Data can be read from the receive register (Pr 90.23) at any time. If there is receive data in the buffer bit 15 will be set. Once the data has been read
the register should be cleared and the drive will then transfer more data.
The actual encoder comms buffer is 16 bytes long and any messages that exceed this length (including the checksum added for Hiperface) will cause
an error. The status flags are defined as follows:
Bit Meaning
The number of bytes put into the transmit buffer is not consistent with the expected message length.
(Hiperface only)
The number of bytes written to the transmit buffer, or the expected length of the store data transmit message, or the
1 expected length of a read data message have exceed the length of the buffer.
(Hiperface only)
2 The command code is not supported.
3 The encoder has signalled an error.
4 There was an error in the checksum/CRC of the received message.
5 A timeout occurred.
Code Command
0x42 Read position
0x43 Set position
0x44 Read analog value
0x46 Read counter
0x47 Increment counter
0x49 Clear counter
0x4a Read data (maximum of 10 bytes)
0x4b Store data (maximum of 9 bytes)
0x4c Data field status
0x4d Create a data field
0x4e Available memory
0x50 Read encoder status
0x52 Read type
0x53 Reset encoder
Example of a Hiperface transfer: read position
Disable drive encoder position check by setting Pr 90.21 to one. This should be set back to zero at the end of the transfer if encoder position checking
is required.
Transfer the "read position" message to the encoder comms buffer by writing the sequence of words shown in the table below to Pr 90.22. A check
should be carried out before each word is written to ensure that the parameter is zero (i.e. the drive has taken any previous data).
As bit 14 of the second word is set to one the drive will add the checksum and transfer this message to the encoder. When the encoder response has
been received by the drive the first byte of the message will be placed in the least significant byte of Pr 90.23 and bit 15 will be set to one. This data
should be read and the parameter cleared so that the drive will put the next byte into this parameter. The sequence of data that should appear in
Pr 90.23 for an encoder with an address of 0x40 and a position of 0x03, 0x59, 0x63, 0x97 is shown in the table below.
The Heidenhain EnDat protocol is a synchronous protocol using the following command message format (drive to encoder).
The following is an example of the response when the Encoder to send position command is used (encoder to drive).
The example shown above is for an encoder with 12 bits representing the turns and 13 bits representing the position within a turn. The position
command only requires one byte to be sent to the encoder. Bits 14 and 13 can both be set in the transmit register if required to indicate that this is
both the first and last byte of the message.
If any other command is used then the response is as follows (encoder to drive).
Current scaling (Kc) is 1 per unit current and is related to the scaling of the drive current feedback. Kc is greater than the Maximum current rating
defined by Pr 11.32. The Maximum current rating is the maximum value of rated motor current (defined by Pr 5.07 or Pr 21.07) that can be set. The
limit up to which the drive can control current normally is the Maximum standard operating current or 1.75 x Kc. The current range above this is
allowed for current controller overshoot and for additional current feedback pulses associated with long cable operation.
The Maximum standard operating current is 1.75 x Kc which allows for an overload based on the Maximum current rating of 300 %.
The table below gives the current scaling (Kc) and Maximum current rating for all drive sizes and voltage ratings.
Table 5-3 Current ratings
200V 400V
Model Current scaling (Kc) Max current rating Model Current scaling (Kc) Max current rating
DST1201 2.92 1.70 DST1401 2.58 1.50
DST1202 6.52 3.80 DST1402 4.63 2.70
DST1203 9.26 5.40 DST1403 6.86 4.00
DST1204 13.03 7.60 DST1404 10.12 5.90
DST1405 13.72 8.00
The drive operates in the rotor flux reference frame. The maximum normal operating current is controlled by the current limits.
DRIVE_CURRENT_MAX is full scale current feedback, i.e. Kc / 0.45.
The relationship between the voltage and current is shown in the following vector diagram.
Rotor flux
vs = motor terminal voltage vector
is = motor current vector
Vϕ = voltage produced by the rotor magnets
MOTOR1_CURRENT_LIMIT_MAX is used as the maximum for some parameters such as the user current limits. The current maximum current limit
is defined as follows (with a maximum of 1000%):
Maximum current
CURRENT_LIMIT_MAX = ------------------------------------------------------- × 100%
Motor rated current
Motor rated current is given by Pr 5.07
(MOTOR2_CURRENT_LIMIT_MAX is calculated from the motor map 2 parameters)
The Maximum current is (1.75 x Kc)
The rated active and rated magnetising currents are calculated from motor rated current (Pr 5.07) as:
rated active current = motor rated current
rated magnetising current = 0
Work out the available current limit for a DST1405 with a motor rated current of 8 A set in Pr 5.07 (i.e. equal to the Maximum current rating of the
From Table 5-3 above the Current scaling (Kc) value for a DST1405 is 13.72 A.
Maximum current
CURRENT_LIMIT_MAX = ------------------------------------------------------- × 100 %
Motor rated current
1.75 x Kc
= -------------------------- × 100 %
1.75 x 17.32 A
= --------------------------------------- × 100 %
= 300 %
If the motor rated current is reduced then the maximum available current limit increases up to a maximum of 1000 %.
The drive only requires the motor rated current to set the maximum current limit correctly and scale the current limits, and so no auto-tuning is
required to set these accurately.
Figure 5-4 Menu 4 Logic diagram
Current Current
2.38 demand demand
filter 1 filter 2
Inertia 4.12 4.23
3.02 4.22 compensation
Speed controller
Torque mode gain select
Speed loop 4.11 3.16
_ output selector
Final + +
speed 3.01 3.04 0 Torque Current Current controller
demand demand demand
1 Current loop
+ 4.13 P gain
2 4.03 4.04
+ + Current loop
3 _ 4.14 I gain
4 Filter
Speed +
ramp 1.03 over-ride
reference level
Zero over-ride
speed 3.05 level
threshold User current
Percentage max scaling Motor active
load current
Torque + 4.20 4.24 4.02
reference* 4.08
Torque reference
Overload detection
This parameter is the r.m.s. current from each output phase of the drive. In normal operation with a permanent magnet servo motor, this parameter
shows the magnitude of the active current in Pr 4.02. When in the field weakening range, the phase currents consist of an active component and a
reactive component. The three phase currents can be combined to form a resultant current vector as shown below:
y Resultant
output current
Pr 4.02
Pr 4.01
Pr 4.17
The resultant current magnitude is displayed by this parameter. The active current is the torque producing current for a motor drive. The reactive
current is the magnetizing or flux producing current.
The active current is aligned with the y axis of the reference frame. The x axis of the reference frame is aligned with the rotor flux vector. The motor
torque is proportional to the torque producing current when field weakening is not active. Once field weakening is active the torque producing current
is boosted to compensate for the reduction in motor flux.
The current demand is derived from the torque demand. Provided the motor is not field weakened the torque and current demands are the same. In
the field weakening range the current demand is increased with reduced flux. The level of flux is derived from the motor model within the drive
Pr 4.04 = Pr 4.03 x flux / rated flux
The motoring current limit applies in either direction of rotation when the machine is producing motoring torque. Similarly the regen current limit
applies in either direction when the machine is producing regenerating torque. The symmetrical current limit can override either motoring or
regenerating current limit if it is set at a lower value than either limit.
The torque offset is added to the torque reference when Pr 4.10 is one. The torque offset is updated every 4ms when connected to an analog input,
and so Pr 4.08 should be used for fast updating if required.
When this parameter is set to 1, 2 or 3 the ramps are not active while the drive is in the run state. When the drive is taken out of the run state, but not
disabled, the appropriate stopping mode is used. It is recommended that coast stopping or stopping without ramps are used. However, if ramp stop
mode is used the ramp output is pre-loaded with the actual speed at the changeover point to avoid unwanted jumps in the speed reference.
0: Speed control mode
The torque demand is equal to the speed loop output.
1: Torque control
The torque demand is given by the sum of the torque reference and the torque offset, if enabled. The speed is not limited in any way, however, the
drive will trip at the overspeed threshold if runaway occurs.
2: Torque control with speed override
The output of the speed loop defines the torque demand, but is limited between 0 and the resultant torque reference (Pr 4.08 + Pr 4.09 (if
enabled)). The effect is to produce an operating area as shown below if the final speed demand and the resultant torque reference are both
positive. The speed controller will try and accelerate the machine to the final speed demand level with a torque demand defined by the resultant
torque reference. However, the speed cannot exceed the reference because the required torque would be negative, and so it would be clamped
to zero.
Pr 4.08 +
Pr 4.09 (if enabled)
Pr 3.01
Depending on the sign of the final speed demand and the resultant torque the four areas of operation shown below are possible.
This mode of operation can be used where torque control is required, but the maximum speed must be limited by the drive.
3: Coiler/uncoiler mode
Positive final speed demand: a positive resultant torque will give torque control with a positive speed limit defined by the final speed demand.
A negative resultant torque will give torque control with a negative speed limit of -5 rpm.
Negative final speed demand: a negative resultant torque will give torque control with a negative speed limit defined by the final speed demand.
A positive resultant torque will give torque control with a positive speed limit of +5 rpm.
A first order filter, with a time constant defined by this parameter, is provided on the current demand to reduce acoustic noise and vibration produced
as a result of position feedback quantisation noise. The filter introduces a lag in the speed loop, and so the speed loop gains may need to be reduced
to maintain stability as the filter time constant is increased. Alternative time constants can be selected depending on the value of the speed controller
gain selector (Pr 3.16). If Pr 3.16 = 0 Pr 4.12 is used, if Pr 3.16 = 1 Pr 4.23 is used.
The proportional gain Kp (Pr 4.13) is the most critical value in controlling the performance of the current controllers. Either the value can be set by
auto-tuning (see Pr 5.12), or it can be set by the user so that
Kp = (L / T) x (Ifs / Vfs) x (256 / 5)
T is the sample time of the current controllers. The drive compensates for any change of sample time, and so it should be assumed that the
sample time is equivalent to the lowest sample rate of 167 μs.
L is the motor inductance. This is half the phase to phase inductance that is normally specified by the manufacturer. This is the inductance value
stored in Pr 5.24 after the auto-tune test is carried out.
Ifs is the peak full scale current feedback = Kc x √2 / 0.45. Where Kc is the current scaling for each size of drive.
K = √2 / (0.45 x Vfs x 167 μs) x (256 / 5)
There is one value of the scaling factor K for each drive voltage rating as shown in the table below
Drive voltage
Vfs K
200 V 415 V 2,322
400 V 830 V 1,161
The integral gain Ki (Pr 4.14) is less critical and should be set so that
Ki = Kp x 256 x T / τm
R is the per phase stator resistance of the motor (i.e. half the resistance measured between two phases).
The above equations give the gain values that are calculated by the auto-tune system and these should give the best response at all switching
frequencies with minimal overshoot. If required the gains can be adjusted to improve performance as follows:
1. The integral gain (Ki) can be used to improve the performance of the current controllers by reducing the effects of inverter non-linearity. These
effects become more significant with higher switching frequency. These effects will be more significant for drives with higher current ratings and
higher voltage ratings. If Ki is increased by a factor of 4 it is possible to get up to 10 % overshoot in response to a step change of current
reference. For high performance applications, it is recommended that Ki is increased by a factor of 4 from the auto-tuned values. As the inverter
non-linearity is worse with higher switching frequencies it is may be necessary to increase Ki by a factor of 8 for operation with 16 kHz switching
2. It is possible to increase the proportional gain (Kp) to reduce the response time of the current controllers. If Kpi is increased by a factor of 1.5 then
the response to a step change of reference will give 12.5 % overshoot. It is recommended that Ki is increased in preference to Kpi.
As already stated, the drive compensates for changes of switching frequency to give similar performance as the switching frequency changes. The
following table gives the relationship between the user gain values and the values actually used by the drive.
The temperature of the motor as a percentage of maximum temperature, with a constant current magnitude of I, constant value of K and constant
value of motor rated current (set by Pr 5.07 or Pr 21.07) after time t is given by
Temp = [I2 / (K x Motor rated current)2] (1 - e-t/τ) x 100 %
This assumes that the maximum allowed motor temperature is produced by K x Motor rated current and that τ is the thermal time constant of the point
in the motor that reaches its maximum allowed temperature first. τ is defined by Pr 4.15. The estimated motor temperature is given by Pr 4.19 as a
percentage of maximum temperature. If Pr 4.15 has a value between 0.0 and 1.0 the thermal time constant is taken as 1.0.
Pr 4.25 can be used to select 2 alternative protection characteristics (see diagram below). If Pr 4.25 is 0 the characteristic is for a motor which can
operate at rated current over the whole speed range. If Pr 4.25 is 1 the characteristic is intended for motors where the cooling effect of motor fan
reduces with reduced motor speed below half of rated speed. The maximum value for K is 1.05, so that above the knee of the characteristics the
motor can operate continuously up to 105 % current.
Motor total
current (Pr 4.01)
as a percentage
of motor rated 2
I t protection operates in this region
Max. permissible
Pr 4.25 = 0
Pr 4.25 = 1
When the estimated temperature reaches 100 % the drive takes some action depending on the setting of Pr 4.16. If Pr 4.16 is 0, the drive trips when
the threshold is reached. If Pr 4.16 is 1, the current limit is reduced to (K - 0.05) x 100 % when the temperature is 100 %. The current limit is set back
to the user defined level when the temperature falls below 95 %. The current magnitude and the active current controlled by the current limits should
be similar, and so this system should ensure that the motor operates just below its thermal limit.
The time for some action to be taken by the drive from cold with constant motor current is given by:
Ttrip = -(Pr 4.15) x ln(1 - (K x Pr 5.07 / Pr 4.01)2)
Alternatively the thermal time constant can be calculated from the trip time with a given current from:
Pr 4.15 = -Ttrip / ln(1 - (K / Overload)2)
For example, if the drive should trip after supplying 150 % overload for 60 seconds with K = 1.05 then
Pr 4.15 = -60 / ln(1 - (1.05 / 1.50)2) = 89
The thermal model temperature accumulator is reset to zero at power-up and accumulates the temperature of the motor while the drive remains
powered-up. Each time Pr 11.45 is changed to select a new motor, or the rated current defined by Pr 5.07 or Pr 21.07 (depending on the motor
selected) is altered, the accumulator is reset to zero. If Pr 4.15 is set to zero the motor thermal protection system is disabled and the accumulator
remains at zero.
This parameter displays the actual torque producing current (Pr 4.02) as a percentage of rated active current. Positive values indicate motoring and
negative values indicate regenerating.
If this parameter is set to one, the drive calculates a torque reference from the motor and load inertia (Pr 3.18) and the rate of change of speed
reference. The torque reference is added to the speed controller output to provide inertia compensation. This can be used in speed control
applications to produce the torque required to accelerate or decelerate the load inertia.
The current demand filter time constant is defined by this parameter if the speed gain select (Pr 3.16) is one.
Flux Calculator
Motor rated
5.07 current
Motor number
5.11 of poles
5.17 Motor stator
5.24 Motor transient
Motor rated
Position 5.06 frequency
feedback Flux angle Reference
Speed Motor full load
3.02 5.08 rated speed frame
Motor rated
5.09 voltage
Encoder phase
3.25 angle
Current Flux
references magnitude
Current control
Menu 4
controller 3.04 Current limits
output Overload detection
Current loop gains
Current demand filter
Torque reference
5.12 Auto-tune
DC bus
Voltage reference
Modulator U
Maximum switching
5.18 frequency V
Disable auto W
5.35 switching
Flux Controller
Motor rated
5.09 voltage
Field gain 5.02
5.21 voltage
High speed Output
5.22 servo mode power
Power calculation (V x 1) 5.03
Motor active current
current magnitude
4.02 4.01
Reactive current
The output frequency is not controlled directly, and so the output frequency displayed in this parameter is calculated by measuring the frequency of
the controller reference frame.
This is the modulus of the r.m.s. line to line voltage at the inverter output at the drive output frequency.
The output power is the dot product of the output voltage and current vectors. Positive power indicates power flowing from the drive to the motor
(motoring) and negative power indicates power flowing from the motor to the drive (regen).
The rated current should be set at the motor nameplate value for rated current. The value of this parameter is used for current limits and motor
thermal protection.
The rated voltage is used by the field controller to limit the voltage applied to the motor if high speed operation is required. Some headroom must be
left for the current controllers to operate, and so the drive will use the voltage level set by this parameter or the headroom limit whichever is the lower.
This parameter must be set correctly for the vector control algorithms to operate correctly. When auto is selected the number of poles is set to 6.
5.12 Autotune
1 1 1
Range 0 to 6
Default 0
Update rate Background read
If this parameter is set to a non-zero value, the drive is enabled and a run command is applied in either direction the drive performs an auto-tune test.
All tests that rotate the motor are carried out in the forward direction if Pr 1.12 = 0 or the reverse direction if Pr 1.12 = 1. For example, if the test is
initiated by applying run reverse (Pr 6.32 = 1) the test is performed in the reverse direction. It should be noted however that the motor may jump in
either direction by up to half an electrical revolution at the start of the phasing test and then move in the required direction for the remainder of the
test. The test will not start unless the drive is disabled before the test is initiated by applying the enable or run, i.e. it will not start if the drive is in the
stop state. It is not possible to go into the stop state if Pr 5.12 has a non-zero value. (If Pr 5.12 is set to 6 then no test is carried out, but the current
loop gains are re-calculated. For these actions the drive does not need to be enabled.)
It is important that the motor is at standstill before the auto-tune test is performed if the correct results are to be obtained. The parameters modified by
the auto-tune tests are defined below when the second motor parameters are not selected (i.e. Pr 11.45 = 0). If the second motor is selected for the
duration of the tests (i.e. Pr 11.45 = 1), the second motor parameters in menu 21 are modified instead and not the parameters described below. When
the test is completed successfully the drive is disabled and will enter the inhibit state. The motor can only be restarted if the enable is removed either
from the enable input, or Pr 6.15 is set to zero or from the control word (Pr 6.42). As the tests progresses the calculated parameters are saved to
EEPROM as indicated. If for any reason the test fails, and the drive trips, no further parameters are calculated or stored in EEPROM. (If the drive is in
Auto or Boot copying modes (Pr 11.42 = 3 or 4) the parameters are also saved to the SMARTCARD where it is indicated that parameters are saved
In this mode the following parameters are used in the vector control algorithm.
All these parameters can be set by the user. The motor set-up is constantly recalculated in the background task, therefore modifying these
parameters even after auto-tune will affect the performance of the drive. The auto-tune test can be used to overwrite the user or default settings as
described below. It should be noted that the current loop gains (Pr 4.13 and Pr 4.14) are not updated as part of any test if either the stator resistance
or the transient inductance for the active motor map are zero.
This test will operate correctly when the load is an inertia, and although a small amount of cogging and stiction is acceptable, this test cannot be used
for a loaded motor. The test can only be used where the total inertia is less than 0.715 x Trated / Pr 5.38 kgm2, assuming no additional stictional load,
where Trated is the torque produced by rated current as defined by Pr 5.07 or Pr 21.07. In most cases the motor only moves by the required angle,
however, it is possible for the test to initiate additional movement due to cogging torque. The amount of movement depends on the design of the
motor and is similar to the movement produced by cogging torque when the drive is disabled. If the motor is moving at a speed that is higher than the
zero speed threshold (Pr 3.05) when the test is initiated a tunE3 trip is initiated.
This test can be used with any type of encoder except a commutation only encoder i.e. Ab.Servo, Fd.Servo or Fr.Servo encoders with the lines per
rev set to zero. However, it is also not recommended with Ab.Servo, Fd.Servo or Fr.Servo encoders because the absolute position is not defined until
two valid changes of the commutation signals have occurred after power-up or an encoder trip. Therefore if the test is carried out before two valid
changes have occurred, the movement produced during the test may be quite large and the result may be slightly inaccurate. Once two valid changes
have occurred the test operates in the same way as for other encoder types.
The current controllers are used to perform this test, however, the default gains may be too high. It is not possible to carry out the necessary test to
set up the current controllers before the phasing angle is known. If the gains are too high the minimal movement phasing test may cause an OI.AC
trip. If this happens the current controller gains should be reduced progressively until the test is successful. Once the phasing angle is known, the
stationary test to set up the current controller gains only (Pr 5.12=4) may be used to obtain the correct gain values for the current controllers.
Pr 5.17 shows the stator resistance of the motor divided by 10. Therefore 1.000 in this parameter represents the resistance of 10 Ω.
This parameter defines the required switching frequency. The drive may automatically reduce the actual switching frequency (without changing this
parameter) if the power stage becomes too hot. The switching frequency can reduce from 12 kHz to 6 kHz to 3 kHz, or 8 kHz to 4 kHz. An estimate of
the IGBT junction temperature is made based on the heatsink temperature and an instantaneous temperature drop using the drive output current and
switching frequency. The estimated IGBT junction temperature is displayed in Pr 7.34. Reducing the switching frequency reduces the drive losses
and the junction temperature displayed in Pr 7.34 also reduces. If the load condition persists the junction temperature may continue to rise. If the
temperature exceeds the values given in the description for Pr 7.34 on page 106, and the switching frequency cannot be reduced, the drive will initiate
an O.ht1 trip (see Pr 5.35 on page 86 and Pr 7.34 on page 106). Every 20 ms the drive will attempt to restore the switching frequency if the higher
switching frequency will not take the IGBT temperature above 135 °C. The following table gives the sampling rate for different sections of the control
system for different switching frequencies.
A suitable field controller gain is automatically set by the drive from the motor parameters. However it is possible by setting this parameter to a 1 to
reduce this gain by a factor of 2 if instability problems occur above base speed.
High speed servo mode is not enabled as default. Care must be taken when using this mode with servo motors to avoid damaging the drive. The
voltage produced by the servo motor magnets is proportional to speed. For high speed operation the drive must apply currents to the motor to
counter-act the flux produced by the magnets. It is possible to operate the motor at very high speeds that would give a very high motor terminal
voltage, but this voltage is prevented by the action of the drive. If however, the drive is disabled (or tripped) when the motor voltages would be higher
than the rating of the drive without the currents to counter-act the flux from the magnets, it is possible to damage the drive. If high speed mode is
enabled the motor speed must be limited to the levels given in the table below unless an additional hardware protection system is used to limit the
voltages applied to the drive output terminals to a safe level.
Maximum motor
Drive voltage Maximum safe line to line voltage
rating at the motor terminals (V rms)
200 400 x 1000 / (Ke x √2) 400 / √2
400 800 x 1000 / (Ke x √2) 800 / √2
Ke is the ratio between r.m.s. line to line voltage produced by the motor and the speed in V/1000 rpm. Care must also be taken not to de-magnetize
the motor. The motor manufacturer should always be consulted before using this mode.
The transient inductance is the phase inductance for a servo motor. This is half the inductance measured from phase to phase. This value is used for
cross-coupling compensation and to set the current controller gains.
When this bit is set the drive provides a cross-coupling feed forward voltage as produced by the transient inductance and a frequency based voltage
feed forward term. These voltages improve the transient performance of the current controllers.
This parameter shows the motor torque per amp of active (torque producing) current used to calculate the speed controller gains when the automatic
set-up methods are active (i.e. Pr 3.17 = 1 or 2).
The motor torque per amp (Kt) must be entered in this parameter by the user for the automatic gain calculation system to operate correctly, and to
allow the drive to calculate the correct inertia during and inertia autotune.
This parameter is used to set up the current controller integral terms when the drive is disabled to prevent current transients when the drive is enabled
with a spinning motor. It is also used to provide a voltage feed forward term if high dynamic performance is selected with Pr 5.26.
The drive thermal protection scheme (see Pr 7.34 on page 106) reduces the switching frequency automatically when necessary to prevent the drive
from overheating. It is possible to disable this feature by setting this bit parameter to one. If the feature is disabled the drive trips immediately when
the IGBT temperature is too high.
This parameter should be set up to give the pole pitch of a linear motor, i.e. the movement of the motor for one cycle of the drive power output
waveforms, if auto-configuration with a linear EnDat encoder is required.
Pr 5.37 shows the actual switching frequency used by the inverter. The maximum switching frequency is set with parameter Pr 5.18, but this may be
reduced by the drive if automatic switching frequency changes are allowed (Pr 5.35=1). Pr 5.37 also indicates if the sample time for the current
controllers have been reduced to allow for SINCOS encoders with lines per revolution that are not a power of two.
By applying short current pulses to the motor and using the resulting movement the drive can calculate the phasing angle (Pr 3.25 or Pr 21.20). These
begin at as short low level pulses, which are increased in magnitude and length until the required electrical movement define by Pr 5.38 is achieved.
The actual movement may be larger because motor cogging may cause additional unwanted movement. The required movement should only be
reduced if this is necessary as the results become less accurate with less movement. Care should be taken to ensure that the minimum movement is
large enough so that the change of position given by the feedback device can be registered by the drive. For example a 4096 line incremental device
on a 6 pole motor will give a change of position count of 75 for a 5° electrical movement. It is suggested that this test should not be used with a
change of position count of less than 50. Although Pr 5.38 can be reduced to zero the lowest value used by the drive is 1.0 degrees.
The necessary movement can be produced with a lower torque level if the test pulses are extended. If the pulses of torque are smaller then the
acceleration is less, and so the noise and vibration produced by the test are less. The pulse length can be modified with Pr 5.39 (1 = pulse lengths x
2, 2 = x 3, and 3 = x 4). Longer pulses should only be used if noise and vibration are a problem and the motor has low friction and low cogging torque.
As the torque level is reduced the measurement is likely to be affected by cogging and the results may not be accurate.
enable 6.29
1.13 Jog selected
Limit switch 1 6.35
Logic RUN
Inverter enable
FWD/REV Menu 2
Keypad Plus Ramp enable
only Logic 1 Menu 3
Hard speed
Pr 1.49 = 4? 0 1 reference enable
1.49 Yes
indicator 6.12
Keypad STOP
key enable
Only one stopping phase exists and the ready state is entered as soon as the single stopping action is complete. It should be noted that the stop
condition is detected when the speed feedback is below the zero speed threshold (Pr 3.05) for at least 16ms. If the speed is not stable it is possible
that the stop condition is not detected. In this case the system should be made more stable or the zero speed threshold should be raised.
0: dis
There is no mains loss detection and the drive operates normally only as long as the DC bus voltage remains within specification (i.e. >Vuv). Once the
voltage falls below Vuv a UV trip occurs and this will reset itself if the voltage rises again above Vuv Restart shown in the table below.
1: Stop
The speed reference is set to zero and the ramps are disabled allowing the drive to decelerate the motor to a stop under current limit. If the mains is
re-applied while the motor is stopping any run signal is ignored until the motor has stopped. If the current limit value is set at a very low level the drive
may trip UV before the motor has stopped. If the mains is reapplied the drive restarts after it reaches the ready state provided the necessary controls
are still active to initiate a start.
2: ride.th
The drive detects mains loss when the DC bus voltage falls below Vml1. The drive then enters a mode where a closed-loop controller attempts to hold
the DC bus level at Vml2. This causes the motor to decelerate at a rate that increases as the speed falls. If the mains is re-applied it will force the DC
bus voltage above the detection threshold Vml3 and the drive will continue to operate normally. The output of the mains loss controller is a current
demand that is fed into the current control system and therefore the gain parameters Pr 4.13 and Pr 4.14 must be set up for optimum control. See
Pr 4.13 and Pr 4.14 on page 74 for set-up details.
The following table shows the voltage levels used by drives with each voltage rating.
Voltage level 200V drive 400V drive 575V drive 690V drive
Vuv 175 330 435 435
Vml1 205* 410* 540* 540*
Vml2 Vml1 - 10 V Vml1 - 20 V Vml1 - 25 V Vml1 - 25 V
Vml3 Vml1 + 10 Vml1 + 15 Vml1 + 50 Vml1 + 50
Vuv Restart 215 425 590 590
* Vml1 is defined by Pr 6.48. The values given in the table are the default values.
This parameter is provided to allow the user to select several predefined digital input routing macros to control the sequencer. When a value between
0 and 3 is selected the drive processor continuously updates the destination parameters for digital I/O T25, T26 and T27, and the enable sequencer
latching bit (Pr 6.40). When a value of 4 is selected the destination parameters for these digital I/O and Pr 6.40 can be modified by the user. (Note any
changes made to the destination parameters only become active after a drive reset).
Pr 6.04 T25 (Pr 8.22) T26 (Pr 8.23) T27 (Pr 8.24) Pr 6.40
0 Pr 6.29* Pr 6.30 Run Forward Pr 6.32 Run Reverse 0 (non latching)
1 Pr 6.39 Not stop Pr 6.30 Run Forward Pr 6.32 Run Reverse 1 (latching)
2 Pr 6.29* Pr 6.34 Run Pr 6.33 Fwd /Rev 0 (non latching)
3 Pr 6.39 Not stop Pr 6.34 Run Pr 6.33 Fwd/Rev 1 (latching)
4 User prog User prog User prog User prog
*Pr 6.29 reflects the state of the SAFE TORQUE OFF input and so it is not necessary to control this with a digital input, but the set up here is provided
for compatibility with older products. Routing a digital input can be used for fast disabling, see Pr 6.29 for more details.
When this bit is set the drive remains active even when the run command has been removed and the motor has reached standstill. The drive goes to
the 'StoP' state instead of the 'rdy' state.
When the drive is enabled with this bit at zero, the post ramp reference (Pr 2.01) starts at zero and ramps to the required reference. When the drive is
enabled with this parameter at one, the post ramp reference is set to the motor speed.
This parameter permanently enables the Stop key on the drive such that the drive will always stop when the Stop key is pressed. If keypad mode is
selected this has no effect because the Stop key is automatically enabled.
The sequencer logic has been designed so that pressing the Stop key, whether the Stop key is enabled or not, does not make the drive change from
a stopped to a running condition. As the Stop key is also used to reset trips this means that if the Stop key is pressed when the drive is tripped, the trip
will be reset, but the drive does not start. (This does not apply to the UV trip which cannot be reset by the user, but is automatically reset when the DC
bus voltage is high enough.) Preventing the drive from starting when the stop key is pressed is implemented as follows.
Sequencer latching not enabled (Pr 6.40=0)
If the Stop key is pressed when the Stop key is enabled (Pr 6.12=1) or when the drive is tripped the sequencer run is removed, and so the drive stops
or remains stopped respectively. The sequencer run can only then be reapplied after at least one of the following conditions occurs.
1. Run forward, Run reverse and Run sequencing bits all zero
2. OR the drive is disabled via Pr 6.15 or Pr 6.29
3. OR Run forward and Run reverse are both active and have been for 60ms.
4. The drive is in the UV state.
The drive can then be restarted by activating the necessary bits to give a normal start.
Sequencer latching enabled (Pr 6.40=1)
If the Stop key is pressed when the stop key is enabled (Pr 6.12=1) or when the drive is tripped the sequencer run is removed, and so the drive stops
or remains stopped respectively. The sequencer run can only then be reapplied after at least one of the following conditions occurs.
1. Run forward, Run reverse and Run sequencing bits all zero after the latches
2. OR Not stop sequencing bit is zero
3. OR the drive is disabled via Pr 6.15 or Pr 6.29
4. OR Run forward and Run reverse are both active and have been for 60ms.
5. The drive is in the UV state.
The drive can then be restarted by activating the necessary bits to give a normal start. Note that Run forward and Run reverse together will reset the
stop key condition, but the latches associated with Run forward and Run reverse must then be reset before the drive can be restarted. It should be
noted holding the Run key and pressing the Stop key to reset the drive without stopping does not apply unless keypad reference mode is selected.
Setting this parameter to 0 will disable the drive. It must be at 1 for the drive to run.
When this parameter is set up correctly for the local currency, Pr 6.26 will give an instantaneous read out of running cost.
If this parameter is one the energy meter (Pr 6.24 and Pr 6.25) is reset and held at zero.
The powered-up clock always starts at zero each time the drive is powered-up. The time can be changed by the user from the keypad, serial comms
or an application module. If the data is not written with the various parts in the correct range (i.e. minutes are greater than 59, etc.) the clock is set to
zero on the next minute. This clock may be used for time stamping the trip log if Pr 6.28 = 0.
The run time clock increments when the drive inverter is active to indicate the number of minutes that the drive has been running since leaving the
Control Techniques factory. This clock may be used for time stamping the trip log if Pr 6.28 = 1.
The trip log includes time stamping for individual trips provided Pr 6.49 is set to one. If Pr 6.28 is zero, the powered-up clock is used for time
stamping. If Pr 6.28 is one, the run time clock is used for time stamping. It should be noted that changing this parameter clears the trip and trip time
This bit shows whether the drive is in the enable state or not.
Generally this will reflect the state of the enable input and shows the same value as Pr 8.09. However the disabled state can be forced by other
functions within the drive. Pr 8.09 will always follow the enable input state but the Pr 6.29 will be held at zero, indicating that the drive is forced into the
disable state by the following:
1. A digital input is routed to this parameter as described below to provide a fast disable and the input forces this parameter to zero.
2. Any of the following trips are active: OI.AC, PS.10V, PS.24V, OI.Br, OV.
If the destination of one of the drive digital I/O (Pr 8.21 to Pr 8.26) is set to Pr 6.29 and the I/O is set as an input, it provides a fast disable function. The
SAFE TORQUE OFF input to the drive (T31) disables the drive in hardware by removing the gate drive signals from the inverter IGBT's and also
disables the drive via the software system. When the drive is disabled by de-activating the SAFE TORQUE OFF input there can be a delay of up to 20
ms. However, if a digital I/O is set up to provide the fast disable function it is possible to disable the drive within 600 us of de-activating the input. To
do this the enable signal should be connected to both the SAFE TORQUE OFF (T31) and to the digital I/O selected for the fast disable function. The
state of the digital I/O including the effect of its associated invert parameter is ANDed with the SAFE TORQUE OFF to enable the drive.
If the safety function of the SAFE TORQUE OFF input is required then there must not be a direct connection between the SAFE TORQUE OFF input
(T31) and any other digital I/O on the drive. If the safety function of the SAFE TORQUE OFF input and the fast disable function is required then the
drive should be given two separate independent enable signals. A safety related enable from a safe source connected to the SAFE TORQUE OFF
input on the drive.
A second enable connected to the digital I/O on the drive selected for the fast disable function. The circuit must be arranged so that a fault which
causes the fast input to be forced high cannot cause the SAFE TORQUE OFF input to be forced high, including the case where a component such as
a blocking diode has failed.
Digital inputs connected to limit switches should be routed to these parameters if fast stopping is required at a limit. The drive will respond in 750 μs
(500 μs digital input filter delay + 250 μs software delay) and stop the motor with zero ramp rate (i.e. in current limit). The limit switches are direction
dependant so that the motor can rotate in a direction that allows the system to move away from the limit switch.
Pre-ramp reference+hard speed reference > 0 rpm Forward limit switch active
Pre-ramp reference+hard speed reference < 0 rpm Reverse limit switch active
Pre-ramp reference+hard speed reference = 0 rpm Both limit switches active
The drive event flags indicate certain actions have occurred within the drive as described below.
Defaults loaded (Bit 0)
The drive sets bit 0 when defaults have been loaded and the associated parameter save has been completed. The drive does not reset this flag
except at power-up. This flag is intended to be used by SM-Applications Solutions Module programs to determine when the default loading process is
complete. For example an application may require defaults that are different from the standard drive defaults. These may be loaded and another
parameter save initiated by the SM-Applications module when this flag is set. The flag should then be cleared so that the next event can be detected.
Voltage level
DC_VOLTAGE_MAX Pr 6.46 x 1.45
Braking IGBT threshold voltage Pr 6.46 x 1.325
Under voltage trip level 36 V
Restart voltage level after UV trip 40 V
Full scale voltage measurement and the over voltage trip level are defined by DC_VOLTAGE_MAX. However, the maximum level of the low voltage
DC should not normally exceed 90 % of this value to avoid spurious over voltage trips.
This parameter defines the nominal supply voltage when operating in low voltage mode. The parameter is used to define the braking IGBT switching
threshold and the over voltage trip level for low voltage battery mode (see Pr 6.44).
Digitax ST has a diode rectifier input stage with no direct monitoring system. Mains loss and phase loss detection is derived from the DC bus voltage.
This parameter has no effect.
The mains loss detection level can be adjusted using this parameter. If the value is reduced below the default value the default value is used by the
drive. If the level is set too high so that mains loss detection becomes active under normal operating conditions the motor will coast to a stop.
If Pr 6.49 is zero the module number is stored in the module number and trip time log. If this parameter is one, either the powered-up clock or run time
clock is stored in the module number and trip time log as defined by Pr 6.28. It should be noted that changing this parameter clears the trip, and
module number and trip time logs.
The drive comms system 128 bytes buffer used with ANSI or Modbus rtu protocols via the 485 connector can be controlled by a Solutions Module
under certain circumstances. This parameter shows which node has control of the buffer (0 (drv) = drive, 1 (Slot1) = Solutions Module in slot 1, etc. If
a Solutions Module has control of the buffer the drive will use an alternative buffer for 485 comms and the following restrictions will apply:
1. Comms messages via the 485 port are limited to a maximum of 32 bytes
2. The 6 pin keypad port will operate correctly with an LED keypad, but it will no longer operate with an LCD keypad
3. Modbus messages using the CMP protocol can only route messages to nodes within the drive. It will not be possible for these to be routed further,
i.e. via CT Net on an SM Applications module.
When a drive with an internal rectifier is used this parameter should be left at zero. For a drive with an active external rectifier (used to control DC bus
charging) this parameter should be the destination of the output of a variable selector set up for external rectifier monitoring. This allows the
monitoring block to prevent the drive from leaving the main loss ride through mode until the rectifier is fully active and phased forwards. If this feature
is not used the mains loss ride through mode ends as soon as the DC Bus voltage is above the mains loss detection level. The rectifier may still be
phasing forwards and the application of load at this point may cause the DC Bus voltage to fall back below the mains loss detection level again.
Update rate
The analog inputs are sampled every 4ms except where the destinations shown in the table below are chosen, the input is in voltage mode and other
conditions necessary for short cutting are met.
Input destination Sample rate
250 μs
Pr 1.36 - Analog reference
(AI1 subject to window filter. See Pr 7.26 on page 105)
250 μs
Pr 1.37 - Analog reference
(AI1 subject to window filter. See Pr 7.26 on page 105)
250 μs
Pr 3.22 - Hard speed reference
(AI1 subject to window filter. See Pr 7.26 on page 105)
AI1 – 4 ms
Pr 4.08 - Torque reference
AI2 or 3 – 250 μs
Analog outputs are updated every 4ms except when the source is Pr 3.02, Pr 4.02, Pr 4.17 and Pr 5.03 and high speed update mode is selected. In
high speed mode the output operates in voltage mode. It is updated every 250μs and special scaling is used as described in the table. User scaling is
Output source Scaling
Pr 3.02 – speed 10.0 V = SPEED_MAX
10.0 V = Kc / 0.45
Pr 4.02 - torque prod current
where Kc is the current scaling factor for the drive
Pr 4.17 - magnetising current 10.0 V = Kc / 0.45
The output is the product of the active current and the voltage component in phase
with the active current (vsy x isy).
Pr 5.03 - output power 10 V would be produced when:
Active current = Kc / 0.45
Peak phase voltage in phase with the active current = DC_VOLTAGE_MAX / 2
input 1 Analog input 1
Analog input Analog input destination
1 offset trim 1 offset parameter Any
7.01 unprotected
Analog input 1 7.07 7.30 7.10
+ + Analog
5 ??.?? ref. 1
+ + 7.08
6 1.36
7.26 input 1 x(-1) ??.??
V/f sample
7.09 Analog
input 1 invert
Analog input 2
Calibrate current loop loss Analog
analog input 1 input 2 Analog input 2
full scale Analog input destination
7.28 2 offset parameter
7.02 Any
7.14 unprotected
Analog input 2 variable
+ Analog
??.?? ref. 2
7.11 + 7.12
7 A/D
Analog input 2 Analog
mode selector input 2 x(-1) ??.??
7.13 Analog
input 2 invert
Analog input 3
current loop loss Analog input 3
input 3
Analog input destination
7.29 3 offset parameter
7.03 Any
7.18 unprotected
Analog input 3 variable
+ ??.??
7.15 + 7.16
8 A/D
Analog input 3 Analog
mode selector input 3 x(-1) ??.??
Analog Analog output 1 scaling
7.17 Analog
output 1 control source parameter input 3 invert
7.33 7.19
Any variable Analog output 1
Analog output 2
source parameter Key
Any 7.22
variable X Input Read-write (RW)
Analog output 2 X 0.XX
Motor parameter terminals parameter
active ??.??
current X Read-only (RO)
X Output 0.XX
4.02 7.23 7.24 10 terminals parameter
??.?? Analog Analog
output 2 output 2
scaling mode The parameters are all shown at their default settings
This input operates in voltage mode only where -9.8 V and +9.8 V at the input correspond with -100.0 % and 100.0 % respectively in this parameter.
This value can be used to trim out any offset from the user input signal
The following modes are available for the analog input 2. In modes 2 and 3 a current loop loss trip is generated if the input current falls below 3mA.
The following modes are available for the analog input 3. In modes 2 and 3 a current loop loss trip is generated if the input current falls below 3mA.
Analog input 1 is filtered using a window filter to remove quantization noise and adjust the resolution of this input. The length of the window can be
adjusted with this parameter. The shortest possible window is 250 μs. It should be noted that if this input is not used as a speed reference (Pr 1.36,
Pr 1.37) or as a hard speed reference (Pr 3.22) the sample time affects the resolution. The nominal resolution is given by Pr 7.26 x 500 x 10, therefore
the default setting gives approximately 11 bit resolution.
An offset can be added to each analog input with a range from -100 % to 100 %. If the sum of the input and the offset exceeds ±100 % the results is
limited to ±100 %.
This offers a simple control of Pr 7.19 to change the source for the analog output for use from Menu 0. When this parameter is set to 0 or 1 the drive
constantly writes Pr 5.01 or Pr 4.02 to Pr 7.19 respectively.
Parameter value Parameter string Action
0 Fr Write Pr 7.19 = Pr 5.01
1 Ld Write Pr 7.19 = Pr 4.02
2 AdV No action
T24 digital
I/O 1 state At zero
T24 output ??.?? speed
8.01 8.31 10.03
x(-1) ??.??
Any bit
T24 digital I/O 1 T24 digital parameter
I/O 1 source/
8.29 8.30
8.11 T24 digital
I/O polarity Open collector Any
I/O 1 invert
select output unprotected
bit parameter
x(-1) ??.??
Any bit
T25 digital parameter
I/O 2 state T25 output
select ??.??
8.02 8.32
x(-1) ??.??
Any bit
T26 digital parameter
I/O 3 state T26 output
8.03 8.33
x(-1) ??.??
T29 digital
T29 digital input 6
T29 digital input 6 invert destination
input 6 state
8.06 8.16 8.26 Any
T29 digital input 6 parameter
??.?? Jog forward
29 8.29
I.O polarity x(-1)
select ??.??
x(-1) ??.??
Drive enable
Drive enable mode select
indicator 8.09 8.10
Drive enable
External trip
X X Input Read-write (RW)
x(-1) 10.32 terminals 0.XX
Drive enable
X Output 0.XX Read-only (RO)
terminals parameter
Relay source Relay
invert source
8.17 8.27 This logic diagram applies only when all
parameters are at their default settings
Any bit
Relay Drive
state ??.?? OK
41 8.07
x(-1) ??.??
Table 5-7 Drive digital I/O terminal, enable input and relay
I/O state Invert Source / destination Output select
Terminal + type
Pr Pr Default Pr Default Pr Default
T24 input / output 1 Pr 8.01 Pr 8.11 0 Pr 8.21 Pr 10.03 - Zero speed Pr 8.31 1
T25 input / output 2 Pr 8.02 Pr 8.12 0 Pr 8.22 Pr 10.33 - Drive reset Pr 8.32 0
T26 input / output 3 Pr 8.03 Pr 8.13 0 Pr 8.23 Pr 6.30 - Run forward Pr 8.33 0
T27 input 4 Pr 8.04 Pr 8.14 0 Pr 8.24 Pr 6.32 - Run reverse
T28 input 5 Pr 8.05 Pr 8.15 0 Pr 8.25 Pr 1.41 – Local/remote
T29 input 6 Pr 8.06 Pr 8.16 0 Pr 8.26 Pr 6.31 – Jog
T41 / 42 Relay Pr 8.07 Pr 8.17 0 Pr 8.27 Pr 10.01 – Drive ok
T22 24V output Pr 8.08 Pr 8.18 1 Pr 8.28 Pr 0.00
This parameter changes the logic polarity for digital inputs and digital outputs, but not the enable input, the relay output or the 24V output.
Pr 8.29 = 0 (negative logic) Pr 8.29 = 1 (positive logic)
Inputs <5 V = 1, >15 V = 0 <5 V = 0, >15 V = 1
Non-relay Outputs On (1) = <5 V, OFF (0) = >15 V OFF (0) = <5 V, On (1) = >15 V
Relay outputs OFF (0) = open, On (1) = closed OFF (0) = open, On (1) = closed
24V output (T22) OFF (0) = 0V, On (1) = 24 V OFF (0) = 0V, On (1) = 24 V
When this parameter is zero digital outputs are in push-pull mode. When this parameter is one either the high-side drive (negative logic polarity) or the
low-side driver (positive logic polarity) is disabled. This allows outputs to be connected in a wire-ORed configuration.
When this parameter is 0, Pr 8.25 and Pr 8.26 are set up automatically according to the setting of the reference select Pr 1.14. Setting this parameter
to 1 disables this function.
Reference select Pr 1.14 Pr 8.25 set to: Pr 8.26 set to:
0, A1.A2 Reference selection by terminal input Pr 1.41 - Analog ref 2 select Pr 6.31 - Jog
1, A1.Pr Analog reference 1 or presets selected by terminal input Pr 1.45 - Preset select bit 0 Pr 1.46 - Preset select bit 1
2, A2.Pr Analog reference 2 or presets selected by terminal input Pr 1.45 - Preset select bit 0 Pr 1.46 - Preset select bit 1
3, Pr Preset reference selected by terminal input Pr 1.45 - Preset select bit 0 Pr 1.46 - Preset select bit 1
4, Pad Keypad reference selected Pr 1.41 - Analog ref 2 select Pr 6.31 - Jog
5, Prc Precision reference selected Pr 1.41 - Analog ref 2 select Pr 6.31 - Jog
If the destination for digital input 4 is set to Pr 8.40 the drive freeze function is activated. Pr 8.40 is protected (PT), and so the input cannot write
directly to this parameter. However, if the drive freeze input is enabled in this way and the input changes from the inactive to active state the freeze
event is registered. The drive has a common internal freeze line which is connected to the freeze function within the drive, and each Solutions Module
which has a freeze function. When the freeze event is registered the common freeze line becomes active and the drive encoder position and the
position within any position feedback Solutions Modules that include a freeze function are latched. The drive does not allow the user to access its
stored freeze position directly, but this is accessed via menu 90 associated with an SM-Applications module. Pr 8.40 is simply an indication that a
freeze event has occurred, and when this parameter is set it does not prevent further freeze events from storing the drive encoder position. Pr 8.40
can be cleared by the user as required. It should be noted that Pr 8.40 is set to one when the drive freeze is enabled and any freeze event occurs on
the common freeze line.
If Pr 8.14 is set to zero a freeze event occurs when the input changes from low to high. If Pr 8.14 is set to one a freeze event occurs when the input
changes from high to low. The threshold used by the freeze function and the system to derive the value in the input state (Pr 8.04) are not identical
and it is possible that there may be a slight difference between the levels at which Pr 8.04 changes state and the freeze flag becomes active.
5.12 Menu 9: Programmable logic, motorized pot, binary sum and timers
Figure 5-9 Menu 9 logic diagram: Programmable logic
Any bit Function-1
parameter 9.07 x(-1) Function-1
input-2 invert ??.??
??.?? x(-1)
Any bit Function-2
parameter 9.17 x(-1) Function-2
input-2 invert ??.??
??.?? x(-1)
Figure 5-10 Menu 9 logic diagram: Motorized pot and binary sum
pot. bipolar Motorized pot. Motorized pot.
Motorized output indicator destination
pot. rate parameter
9.23 9.03 9.25
Motorized pot. Any
up unprotected
9.26 parameter
M 9.24
Motorized pot. ??.??
output scale
Motorized pot.
logic output Binary-sum
Binary-sum value logic destination
offset parameter
9.34 9.32 9.33
Binary-sum bit
logic ones (LSB) parameter
+ ??.??
9.30 Σ
logic twos
logic fours (MSB)
Input Read-write (RW)
terminals 0.XX
Menu 9 contains 2 logic block functions (which can be used to produce any type of 2 input logic gate, with or without a delay), a motorized pot function
and a binary sum block. One menu 9 or one menu 12 function is executed every 4 ms. Therefore the sample time of these functions is 4 ms x number
of menu 9 and 12 functions active. The logic functions are active if one or both the sources are routed to a valid parameter. The other functions are
active if the output destination is routed to a valid unprotected parameter.
Indicates the level of the motorized pot prior to scaling. If Pr 9.21 is set to 0 or 2 this parameter is set to 0 at power-up, otherwise it retains its value at
the last power-down.
If the delay parameter is negative, the delay holds the output active for the delay period after the active condition has been removed as shown below.
Therefore an active input that lasts for 4ms or more will produce an output that lasts at least as long as the delay time.
Delay Output
When this bit is set to 0 the motorized pot output is limited to positive values only (i.e. 0 to 100.0 %). Setting it to 1 allows negative outputs (i.e. ±100.0
This parameter defines the time taken for the motorized pot function to ramp from 0 to 100.0 %. Twice this time will be taken to adjust the output from
-100.0 % to +100.0 %.
These three bits control the motorized pot. The up and down inputs increase and decrease the output at the programmed rate respectively. If both up
and down are active together the up function dominates and the output increases. If the reset input is one, the motorized pot output is reset and held
at 0.0 %.
10.01 Drive ok
1 1 1 1
Update rate Background write
Indicates the drive is not in the trip state. If Pr 10.36 is one and auto-reset is being used, this bit is not cleared until all auto-resets have been
attempted and the next trip occurs. The control board LED reflects the state of this parameter: LED on continuously = 1, LED flashing = 0.
Indicates that the absolute value of speed feedback (Pr 3.02) is at or below the zero speed threshold defined by Pr 3.05.
In bipolar mode (Pr 1.10 = 1) this parameter is the same as zero speed (Pr 10.03). In unipolar mode this parameter is set if the absolute value of the
speed feedback (Pr 3.02) is at or below (minimum speed + 5rpm). Minimum speed is defined by Pr 1.07. The parameter is only set if the drive is
10.06 At speed
1 1 1 1
Update rate Background write
10.10 Regenerating
1 1 1 1
Update rate 4 ms write
Indicates that power is being transferred from the motor to the drive.
Indicates that the Braking IGBT is active. If the IGBT becomes active this parameter is held on for at least 0.5s so that it can be seen on the display.
This parameter is one if the pre-ramp reference (Pr 1.03) is negative, and zero if the pre-ramp reference is zero or positive.
This parameter is one if the speed feedback (Pr 3.02) is negative, or zero if the speed feedback is zero or positive.
Indicates that any of the heat sink temperatures (Pr 7.04 or Pr 7.05) or the control board temperature (Pr 7.06) are above their alarm level.
Indicates that one of the drive alarms is active, i.e. Pr 10.19 = Pr 10.12 OR Pr 10.17 OR Pr 10.18.
10.20 Trip 0
10.21 Trip 1
10.22 Trip 2
10.23 Trip 3
10.24 Trip 4
10.25 Trip 5
10.26 Trip 6
10.27 Trip 7
10.28 Trip 8
10.29 Trip 9
1 1 1 1 1 1
Range 0 to 230
Update rate Background write
Contains the last 10 drive trips. Pr 10.20 is the most recent trip and Pr 10.29 the oldest. When a new trip occurs all the parameters move down one,
the current trip is put in Pr 10.20 and the oldest trip is lost off the bottom of the log. Descriptions of the trips are given in the table below. A time stamp
can be stored for each trip (see Pr 10.41 to Pr 10.51). All trips are stored, including HF trips numbered from 17 to 32. (HF trips with numbers from 1 to
16 are not stored in the trip log.) UV trips are not stored unless the drive is running when the trip occurs. Any trip can be initiated by the actions
described or by writing the relevant trip number to Pr 10.38. If any trips shown as user trips are initiated the trip string is "txxx", where xxx is the trip
Trip Diagnosis
br.th Braking resistor thermistor temperature monitoring fail
If no brake resistor is installed, set Pr 0.51 (or Pr 10.37) to 8 to disable this trip.
If a brake resistor is installed:
10 Ensure that the braking resistor thermistor is connected correctly
Ensure that the fan in the drive is working correctly
Replace the braking resistor
C.Acc SMARTCARD trip: SMARTCARD Read / Write fail
Check SMARTCARD is installed / located correctly
185 Ensure SMARTCARD is not writing data to data location 500 to 999
SMARTCARD trip: The menu 0 parameter modification cannot be saved to the SMARTCARD because the necessary file has
not been created on the SMARTCARD
A write to a menu 0 parameter has been initiated via the keypad with Pr 11.42 set to auto(3) or boot(4), but the necessary file on the
SMARTCARD has not bee created
Ensure that Pr 11.42 is correctly set and reset the drive to create the necessary file on the SMARTCARD
Re-attempt the parameter write to the menu 0 parameter
C.bUSY SMARTCARD trip: SMARTCARD can not perform the required function as it is being accessed by a Solutions Module
178 Wait for the Solutions Module to finish accessing the SMARTCARD and then re-attempt the required function
C.Chg SMARTCARD trip: Data location already contains data
Erase data in data location
Write data to an alternative data location
C.cPr SMARTCARD trip: The values stored in the drive and the values in the data block on the SMARTCARD are different
188 Press the red reset button
C.dAt SMARTCARD trip: Data location specified does not contain any data
183 Ensure data block number is correct
C.Err SMARTCARD trip: SMARTCARD data is corrupted
Ensure the card is located correctly
182 Erase data and retry
184 Delete a data block or use different SMARTCARD
cL2 Analog input 2 current loss (current mode)
28 Check analog input 2 (terminal 7) current signal is present (4-20 mA, 20-4 mA)
cL3 Analog input 3 current loss (current mode)
29 Check analog input 3 (terminal 8) current signal is present (4-20 mA, 20-4 mA)
CL.bit Trip initiated from the control word (Pr 6.42)
35 Disable the control word by setting Pr 6.43 to 0 or check setting of Pr 6.42
C.OPtn SMARTCARD trip: Solutions Modules installed are different between source drive and destination drive
Ensure correct Solutions Modules are installed
180 Ensure Solutions Modules are in the same Solutions Module slot
Press the red reset button
C.Prod SMARTCARD trip: The data blocks on the SMARTCARD are not compatible with this product
175 Erase all data on the SMARTCARD by setting Pr xx.00 to 9999 and pressing the red reset button
C.rdo SMARTCARD trip: SMARTCARD has the Read Only bit set
Enter 9777 in Pr xx.00 to allow SMARTCARD Read / Write access
Ensure card is not writing to data locations 500 to 999
Trip Diagnosis
C.rtg SMARTCARD trip: The voltage and/or current rating of the source and destination drives are different
Drive rating dependent parameters (parameters with the RA coding) are likely to have different values and ranges with drives of
different voltage and current ratings. Parameters with this attribute will not be transferred to the destination drive by SMARTCARDs
when the rating of the destination drive is different from the source drive and the file is a parameter file. Drive rating dependent
parameters will be transferred if only the current rating is different and the file is a differences from default type file.
Press the red reset button
Drive rating parameters are:
Parameter Function
2.08 Standard ramp voltage
4.05/6/7, 21.27/8/9 Current limits
186 4.24 User current maximum scaling
5.07, 21.07 Motor rated current
5.09, 21.09 Motor rated voltage
5.17, 21.12 Stator resistance
5.18 Switching frequency
5.24, 21.14 Transient inductance
6.48 Line power supply loss ride through detection level
Trip Diagnosis
EnC6 Drive encoder trip: Encoder has indicated an error
Replace feedback device
With SSI encoders, check the wiring and encoder supply setting
EnC7 Drive encoder trip: initialization failed
Re-set the drive
Check the correct encoder type is entered into Pr 3.38
Check encoder wiring
Check encoder power supply is set correctly
Carry out the auto-configuration Pr 3.41
Replace feedback device
EnC8 Drive encoder trip: Auto configuration on power up has been requested and failed
Change the setting of Pr 3.41 to 0 and manually enter the drive encoder turns (Pr 3.33) and the equivalent number of lines per
196 revolution (Pr 3.34)
Check the comms resolution
Drive encoder trip: Position feedback selected is selected from a Solutions Module slot which does not have a speed /
position feedback Solutions Module installed
197 Check setting of Pr 3.26 (or Pr 21.21 if the second motor parameters have been enabled)
EnC10 Drive encoder trip: Phasing failure because encoder phase angle (Pr 3.25 or Pr 21.20) is incorrect
Check the encoder wiring.
Perform an autotune to measure the encoder phase angle or manually enter the correct phase angle into Pr 3.25 (or Pr 21.20).
198 Spurious EnC10 trips can be seen in very dynamic applications. This trip can be disabled by setting the overspeed threshold in
Pr 3.08 to a value greater than zero. Caution should be used in setting the over speed threshold level as a value which is too large
may mean that an encoder fault will not be detected.
Drive encoder trip: A failure has occurred during the alignment of the analog signals of a SINCOS encoder with the digital
Enc11 count derived from the sine and cosine waveforms and the comms position (if applicable). This fault is usually due to noise
on the sine and cosine signals.
Check encoder cable shield.
Examine sine and cosine signals for noise.
Enc12 Drive encoder trip: Hiperface encoder - The encoder type could not be identified during auto-configuration
Check encoder type can be auto-configured.
162 Check encoder wiring.
Enter parameters manually.
Drive encoder trip: EnDat encoder - The number of encoder turns read from the encoder during auto-configuration is not a
power of 2
163 Select a different type of encoder.
Drive encoder trip: EnDat encoder - The number of comms bits defining the encoder position within a turn read from the
encoder during auto-configuration is too large.
Select a different type of encoder.
Faulty encoder.
Drive encoder trip: The number of periods per revolution calculated from encoder data during auto-configuration is either
less than 2 or greater than 50,000.
Linear motor pole pitch / encoder ppr set up is incorrect or out of parameter range
165 i.e. Pr 5.36 = 0 or Pr 21.31 = 0.
Faulty encoder.
Enc16 Drive encoder trip: EnDat encoder - The number of comms bits per period for a linear encoder exceeds 255.
Select a different type of encoder.
Faulty encoder.
Drive encoder trip: The periods per revolution obtained during auto-configuration for a rotary SINCOS encoder is not a
power of two.
Select a different type of encoder.
Faulty encoder.
EnP.Er Data error from electronic nameplate stored in selected position feedback device
176 Replace feedback device
Trip Diagnosis
Et External trip from input on terminal 31
Check terminal 31 signal
Check value of Pr 10.32
Enter 12001 in Pr xx.00 and check for parameter controlling Pr 10.32
Ensure Pr 10.32 or Pr 10.38 (=6) are not being controlled by serial comms
HF01 Data processing error: CPU address error
Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF02 Data processing error: DMAC address error
Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF03 Data processing error: Illegal instruction
Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF04 Data processing error: Illegal slot instruction
Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF05 Data processing error: Undefined exception
Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF06 Data processing error: Reserved exception
Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF07 Data processing error: Watchdog failure
Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF08 Data processing error: Level 4 crash
Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF09 Data processing error: Heap overflow
Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF10 Data processing error: Router error
Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF11 Data processing error: Access to EEPROM failed
Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF12 Data processing error: Main program stack overflow
Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF13 Data processing error: Software incompatible with hardware
Hardware or software fault - return drive to supplier
HF17 Multi-module system thermistor short circuit or open circuit
217 Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF18 Multi-module system interconnect cable error
218 Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF19 Temperature feedback multiplexing failure
219 Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF20 Power stage recognition: serial code error
220 Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF21 Power stage recognition: unrecognized frame size
221 Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF22 Power stage recognition: multi module frame size mismatch
222 Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF23 Power stage recognition: multi module voltage rating mismatch
223 Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF24 Power stage recognition: unrecognized drive size
224 Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
Trip Diagnosis
HF25 Current feedback offset error
225 Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF26 Soft start relay failed to close, soft start monitor failed or braking IGBT short circuit at power up
226 Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF27 Power stage thermistor 1 fault
227 Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF29 Control board thermistor fault
229 Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
HF30 DCCT wire break trip from power module
230 Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
It.AC Output current overload timed out (I2t) - accumulator value can be seen in Pr 4.19
Ensure the load is not jammed / sticking
Ensure that the motor rated current is not set to zero
Check the load on the motor has not changed If seen during an autotune, ensure that the motor rated current Pr 0.46 (Pr 5.07) or
20 Pr 21.07 is current rating of the drive
Tune the rated speed parameter
Check feedback device signal for noise
Check the feedback device mechanical coupling
It.br Braking resistor overload timed out (I2t) – accumulator value can be seen in Pr 10.39
Ensure the values entered in Pr 10.30 and Pr 10.31 are correct
Increase the power rating of the braking resistor and change Pr 10.30 and Pr 10.31
If an external thermal protection device is being used and the braking resistor software overload is not required, set Pr 10.30 or
Pr 10.31 to 0 to disable the trip
O.CtL Drive control board over temperature
Check enclosure / drive fans are still functioning correctly
Check enclosure ventilation paths
23 Check enclosure door filters
Check ambient temperature
Reduce drive switching frequency
O.ht1 Power device over temperature based on thermal model
Reduce drive switching frequency
Reduce duty cycle
Decrease acceleration / deceleration rates
Reduce motor load
O.ht2 Heatsink over temperature
Check enclosure / drive fans are still functioning correctly
Check enclosure ventilation paths
Check enclosure door filters
Increase ventilation
Decrease acceleration / deceleration rates
Reduce drive switching frequency
Reduce duty cycle
Reduce motor load
O.ht3 Drive over-temperature based on thermal model
The drive will attempt to stop the motor before tripping. If the motor does not stop in 10 s the drive trips immediately
Check DC bus ripple
27 Decrease acceleration / deceleration rates
Reduce duty cycle
Reduce motor load
Trip Diagnosis
OI.AC Instantaneous output over current detected
Over current threshold is Kc / 0.45 (see Table 4-2 Maximum motor rated current on page 17 for Kc values)
Acceleration /deceleration rate is too short.
If seen during autotune reduce voltage boost Pr 5.15
Check for short circuit on output cabling
Check integrity of motor insulation
Check feedback device wiring
Check feedback device mechanical coupling
Check feedback signals are free from noise
Is motor cable length within limits
Reduce the values in speed loop gain parameters – Pr 3.10, Pr 3.11 and Pr 3.12
Has offset measurement test been completed?
Reduce the values in current loop gain parameters - Pr 4.13 and Pr 4.14
OI.br Braking transistor over-current detected: short circuit protection for the braking transistor activated
Check braking resistor wiring
4 Check braking resistor value is greater than or equal to the minimum resistance value
Check braking resistor insulation
O.Ld1 Digital output overload: total current drawn from 24V supply and digital outputs exceeds 200mA
26 Check total load on digital outputs (terminals 24,25,26)and +24V rail (terminal 22)
O.SPd Motor speed has exceeded the over speed threshold
Increase the over speed trip threshold in Pr 3.08
Reduce the speed loop P gain (Pr 3.10) to reduce the speed overshoot
OV DC bus voltage has exceeded the peak level or the maximum continuous level for 15 seconds
Increase deceleration ramp (Pr 0.04)
Decrease braking resistor value (staying above the minimum value)
Check nominal AC supply level
Check for supply disturbances which could cause the DC bus to rise – voltage overshoot after supply recovery from a notch induced
by DC drives.
Check motor insulation
Drive voltage rating Peak voltage Maximum continuous voltage level (15 s)
200 415 400
400 830 800
If the drive is operating in low voltage DC mode the overvoltage trip level is 1.45 x Pr 6.46.
PAd Keypad has been removed when the drive is receiving the speed reference from the keypad
Instal keypad and reset
Change speed reference selector to select speed reference from another source
PH AC voltage input phase loss or large supply imbalance detected
Ensure all three phases are present and balanced
Check input voltage levels are correct (at full load)
Load level must be between 50 and 100 % for the drive to trip under phase loss conditions. The drive will attempt to stop the motor
before this trip is initiated.
PS Internal power supply fault
Remove any Solutions Modules and reset
Hardware fault - return drive to supplier
PS.10V 10V user power supply current greater than 10mA
Check wiring to terminal 4
Reduce load on terminal 4
PS.24V 24V internal power supply overload
The total user load of the drive and Solutions Modules has exceeded the internal 24 V power supply limit.
The user load consists of the drive’s digital outputs, the SM-I/O Plus digital outputs, the drive’s main encoder supply and the SM-
Universal Encoder Plus encoder supply.
• Reduce load and reset
• Provide an external 24 V >50 W power supply
• Remove any Solutions Modules and reset
PSAVE.Er Power down save parameters in the EEPROM are corrupt
Indicates that the power was removed when power down save parameters were being saved.
The drive will revert back to the power down parameter set that was last saved successfully.
Perform a user save (Pr xx.00 to 1000 or 1001 and reset the drive) or power down the drive normally to ensure this trip does or occur
the next time the drive is powered up.
Trip Diagnosis
SAVE.Er User save parameters in the EEPROM are corrupt
Indicates that the power was removed when user parameters were being saved.
The drive will revert back to the user parameter set that was last saved successfully.
Perform a user save (Pr xx.00 to 1000 or 1001 and reset the drive) to ensure this trip does or occur the next time the drive is
powered up.
SCL Drive RS485 serial comms loss to remote keypad
Re-instal the cable between the drive and keypad
Check cable for damage
Replace cable
Replace keypad
SLX.dF Solutions Module slot X trip: Solutions Module type installed in slot X changed
204,209 Save parameters and reset
Trip Diagnosis
SLX.Er Solutions Module slot X trip: Solutions Module in slot X has detected a fault
Feedback module category
Check value in Pr 15/16.50. The following table lists the possible error codes for the SM-Universal Encoder Plus, SM-Encoder Plus
and SM-Resolver. See the Diagnostics section in the relevant Solutions Module User Guide for more information.
Error code Module Trip Description Diagnostic
0 All No trip No fault detected
Check encoder power supply wiring and encoder current
Encoder power supply overload requirement Maximum current = 200 mA @ 15 V, or 300 mA
1 Encoder Plus
@ 8 V and 5V
SM-Resolver Excitation output short circuit Check the excitation output wiring.
Check cable continuity
Check wiring of feedback signals is correct
2 Encoder Plus & Wire break
Check supply voltage or excitation output level
Replace feedback device
Check the encoder signal for noise
SM-Universal Phase offset incorrect while Check encoder shielding
Encoder Plus running Check the integrity of the encoder mechanical mounting
Repeat the offset measurement test
Ensure encoder power supply is correct
SM-Universal Feedback device communications Ensure baud rate is correct
Encoder Plus failure Check encoder wiring
Replace feedback device
SM-Universal Check the encoder signal for noise
5 Checksum or CRC error
Encoder Plus Check the encoder cable shielding
6 Encoder has indicated an error Replace encoder
Encoder Plus
Check the correct encoder type is entered into Pr 15/16/17.15
SM-Universal Check encoder wiring
7 Initialization failed
Encoder Plus Check supply voltage level
Replace feedback device
Change the setting of Pr 15/16/17.18 and manually enter
SM-Universal Auto configuration on power up
202,207,212 8 the number of turns (Pr 15/16/17.09) and the equivalent
Encoder Plus has been requested and failed
number of lines per revolution (Pr 15/16/17.10)
SM-Universal Check motor temperature
9 Motor thermistor trip
Encoder Plus Check thermistor continuity
SM-Universal Check motor thermistor wiring
10 Motor thermistor short circuit
Encoder Plus Replace motor / motor thermistor
Failure of the sincos analog
SM-Universal Check encoder cable shield.
position alignment during encoder
Encoder Plus Examine sine and cosine signals for noise.
11 initialization
Check that the correct number of resolver poles has been
SM-Resolver Poles not compatible with motor
set in Pr 15/16/17.15.
Check encoder type can be auto-configured.
SM-Universal Encoder type could not be
12 Check encoder wiring.
Encoder Plus identified during auto-configuration
Enter parameters manually.
Number of encoder turns read from
13 the encoder during auto- Select a different type of encoder.
Encoder Plus
configuration is not a power of 2
Number of comms bits defining the
SM-Universal encoder position within a turn read Select a different type of encoder.
Encoder Plus from the encoder during auto- Faulty encoder.
configuration is too large.
The number of periods per
Linear motor pole pitch / encoder ppr set up is incorrect or
SM-Universal revolution calculated from encoder
15 out of parameter range i.e. Pr 5.36 = 0 or Pr 21.31 = 0.
Encoder Plus data during auto-configuration is
Faulty encoder.
either <2 or >50,000.
The number of comms bits per
SM-Universal Select a different type of encoder.
16 period for a linear encoder
Encoder Plus Faulty encoder.
exceeds 255.
Check ambient temperature
74 Encoder Plus & Solutions Module has overheated
Check enclosure ventilation
Trip Diagnosis
SLX.Er Solutions Module slot X trip: Solutions Module in slot X or Digitax ST Plus/Indexer has detected a fault
Automation (Applications) module category
Check value in Pr 17.50. The following table lists the possible error codes for the Digitax ST Plus and Digitax ST Indexer. See the
Diagnostics section in the Advanced User Guide for more information.
Error Code Trip Description
39 User program stack overflow
40 Unknown error - please contact supplier
41 Parameter does not exist
42 Attempt to write to a read-only parameter
43 Attempt to read from a write-only parameter
44 Parameter value out of range
45 Invalid synchronisation modes
46 Unused
47 Synchronisation lost with CTSync Master
48 RS485 not in user mode
49 Invalid RS485 configuration
50 Maths error - divide by zero or overflow
51 Array index out of range
52 Control word user trip
53 DPL program incompatible with target
54 DPL task overrun
55 Unused
56 Invalid timer unit configuration
57 Function block does not exist
58 Flash PLC Storage corrupt
59 Drive rejected application module as Sync master
60 CTNet hardware failure. Please contact your supplier
61 CTNet invalid configuration
62 CTNet invalid baud-rate
63 CTNet invalid node ID
64 Digital Output overload
65 Invalid function block parameter(s)
66 User heap too large
67 RAM file does not exist or a non-RAM file id has been specified
68 The RAM file specified is not associated to an array
69 Failed to update drive parameter database cache in Flash memory
70 User program downloaded while drive enabled
71 Failed to change drive mode
72 Invalid CTNet buffer operation
73 Fast parameter initialization failure
74 Over-temperature
75 Hardware unavailable
76 Module type cannot be resolved. Module is not recognised.
77 Inter-Solutions Module comms error with module in slot 1
78 Inter-Solutions Module comms error with module in slot 2
79 Inter-Solutions Module comms error with module in slot 3
80 Inter-Solutions Module comms error with module unknown slot
81 APC internal error
82 Communications to drive faulty
Trip Diagnosis
SLX.Er Solutions Module slot X trip: Solutions Module in slot X has detected a fault
Automation (I/O Expansion) module category
Check value in Pr 15/16.50. The following table lists the possible error codes for the SM-I/O Plus, SM-I/O Lite, SM-I/O Timer, SM-I/O
PELV, SM-I/O 120V and SM-I/O 24V Protected. See the Diagnostics section in the relevant Solutions Module User Guide for more
Error code Module Reason for fault
0 All No errors
1 All Digital output overload
202,207,212 SM-I/O Lite, SM-I/O Timer Analog input 1 current input too high (>22 mA) or too low (<3 mA)
SM-I/O PELV, SM-I/O 24V Protected Digital input overload
SM-I/O PELV, SM-I/O 24V Protected Analog input 1 current input too low (<3 mA)
SM-I/O 24V Protected Communications error
4 SM-I/O PELV User power supply absent
5 SM-I/O Timer Real time clock communication error
74 All Module over temperature
SLX.Er Solutions Module slot X trip: Solutions Module in slot X has detected a fault
Fieldbus module category
Check value in Pr 15/16.50. The following table lists the possible error codes for the Fieldbus modules. See the Diagnostics section
in the relevant Solutions Module User Guide for more information.
Error code Module Trip Description
0 All No trip
52 User control word trip
SM-DeviceNet, SM-CANOpen
61 Configuration error
64 SM-DeviceNet Expected packet rate timeout
65 Network loss
SM-PROFIBUS-DP Critical link failure
SM-CAN, SM-DeviceNet, SM-CANOpen Bus off error
69 SM-CAN No acknowledgement
202,207,212 All (except SM-Ethernet) Flash transfer error
SM-Ethernet No valid menu data available for the module from the drive
74 All Solutions module over temperature
75 SM-Ethernet The drive is not responding
76 SM-Ethernet The Modbus connection has timed out
80 All (except SM-SERCOS) Inter-option communications error
81 All (except SM-SERCOS) Communications error to slot 1
82 All (except SM-SERCOS) Communications error to slot 2
83 All (except SM-SERCOS) Communications error to slot 3
84 SM-Ethernet Memory allocation error
85 SM-Ethernet File system error
86 SM-Ethernet Configuration file error
87 SM-Ethernet Language file error
98 All Internal watchdog error
99 All Internal software error
Trip Diagnosis
SLX.Er Solutions Module slot X trip: Solutions Module in slot X has detected a fault
SLM module category
Check value in Pr 15/16.50. The following table lists the possible error codes for the SM-SLM. See the Diagnostics section in the
SM-SLM User Guide for more information.
Error Code Trip Description
0 No fault detected
1 Power supply overloaded
2 SLM version is too low
3 DriveLink error
4 Incorrect switching frequency selected
5 Feedback source selection incorrect
6 Encoder error
7 Motor object number of instances error
202,207,212 8 Motor object list version error
9 Performance object number of instances error
10 Parameter channel error
11 Drive operating mode incompatible
12 Error writing to the SLM EEPROM
13 Motor object type incorrect
14 Digitax ST object error
15 Encoder object CRC error
16 Motor object CRC error
17 Performance object CRC error
18 Digitax ST object CRC error
19 Sequencer timeout
74 Solutions module over temperature
Trip Diagnosis
t216 User trip defined in 2nd processor Solutions Module code
216 SM-Applications program must be interrogated to find the cause of this trip
th Motor thermistor trip
Check motor temperature
24 Check thermistor continuity
Set Pr 7.15 = VOLt and reset the drive to disable this function
thS Motor thermistor short circuit
Check motor thermistor wiring
25 Replace motor / motor thermistor
Set Pr 7.15 = VOLt and reset the drive to disable this function
tunE* Autotune stopped before completion
The drive has tripped out during the autotune
18 The red stop key has been pressed during the autotune
The SAFE TORQUE OFF signal (terminal 31) was active during the autotune procedure
tunE1* The position feedback did not change or required speed could not be reached during the inertia test (see Pr 5.12)
Ensure the motor is free to turn i.e. brake was released. Check feedback device wiring is correct
11 Check feedback parameters are set correctly
Check encoder coupling to motor
tunE2* Position feedback direction incorrect or motor could not be stopped during the inertia test (see Pr 5.12)
12 Check motor cable wiring is correct. Check feedback device wiring is correct
tunE3* Drive encoder commutation signals connected incorrectly or measured inertia out of range (see Pr 5.12)
13 Check motor cable wiring is correct. Check feedback device U,V and W commutation signal wiring is correct
tunE4* Drive encoder U commutation signal fail during an autotune
Check feedback device U phase commutation wires continuity
Replace encoder
tunE5* Drive encoder V commutation signal fail during an autotune
Check feedback device V phase commutation wires continuity
Replace encoder
tunE6* Drive encoder W commutation signal fail during an autotune
Check feedback device W phase commutation wires continuity
Replace encoder
tunE7* Motor number of poles set incorrectly
Check lines per revolution for feedback device
Check the number of poles in Pr 5.11 is set correctly
UP ACC Onboard PLC program: cannot access Onboard PLC program file on drive
Disable drive - write access is not allowed when the drive is enabled
Another source is already accessing Onboard PLC program - retry once other action is complete
UP div0 Onboard PLC program attempted divide by zero
90 Check program
UP OFL Onboard PLC program variables and function block calls using more than the allowed RAM space (stack overflow)
95 Check program
UP ovr Onboard PLC program attempted out of range parameter write
94 Check program
UP PAr Onboard PLC program attempted access to a non-existent parameter
91 Check program
UP ro Onboard PLC program attempted write to a read-only parameter
92 Check program
UP So Onboard PLC program attempted read of a write-only parameter
93 Check program
UP udF Onboard PLC program un-defined trip
97 Check program
Trip Diagnosis
UP uSEr Onboard PLC program requested a trip
96 Check program
UV DC bus under voltage threshold reached
Check AC supply voltage level
Drive voltage rating (Vac) Under voltage threshold (Vdc) UV reset voltage (Vdc)
200 175 215
400 330 425
*If a tunE through tunE trip occurs, then after the drive is reset the drive cannot be made to run unless it is disabled via the SAFE TORQUE OFF input
(terminal 31), drive enable parameter (Pr 6.15) or the control word (Pr 6.42 and Pr 6.43).
Table 5-9 Serial communications look-up table
No. Trip No. Trip No. Trip
1 UV 91 UP PAr 181 C.RdO
2 OV 92 UP ro 182 C.Err
3 OI.AC 93 UP So 183 C.dAt
4 OI.br 94 UP ovr 184 C.FULL
5 PS 95 UP OFL 185 C.Acc
6 Et 96 UP uSEr 186 C.rtg
7 O.SPd 97 UP udF 187 C.TyP
8 PS.10V 98 UP ACC 188 C.cPr
9 PS.24V 99 t099 189 EnC1
10 br.th 100 190 EnC2
11 tunE1 101 Reserved 191 EnC3
12 tunE2 103 Reserved 192 EnC4
13 tunE3 104 Reserved 193 EnC5
15 tunE5 105 Reserved 194 EnC6
16 tunE6 106 Reserved 196 EnC8
17 tunE7 107 Reserved 197 EnC9
18 tunE 108 Reserved 198 EnC10
19 It.br 109 Reserved 199 DESt
20 It.AC 110 Reserved 200 SL1.HF
21 O.ht1 111 Reserved 201 SL1.tO
24 th 112 to 160 t112 to t160 202 SL1.Er
25 thS 161 Enc11 205 SL2.HF
26 O.Ld1 162 Enc12 206 SL2.tO
27 O.ht3 163 Enc13 207 SL2.Er
28 cL2 164 Enc14 208 SL2.nF
29 cL3 165 Enc15 209 SL2.dF
30 SCL 166 Enc16 210 SL3.HF
31 EEF 167 Enc17 211 SL3.tO
32 PH 168 to 171 t168 to t171 212 SL3.Er
33 rS 172 C.SL1 213 SL3.nF
34 PAd 173 C.SL2 214 SL3.dF
35 CL.bit 174 C.SL3 215 SL.rtd
36 SAVE.Er 175 C.Prod 216 t216
37 PSAVE.Er 176 EnP.Er 217 to 232 HF17 to HF32
38 t038 177 C.boot
39 Reserved 178 C.bUSY
40 to 89 t040 to t089 179 C.Chg
90 UP div0 180 C.OPtn
Trips can be grouped into the following categories. It should be noted that a trip can only occur when the drive is not tripped or is already tripped but
with a trip with a lower priority number.
Unless otherwise stated trips cannot be reset until 1.0s after the trip has been accepted by the drive.
Braking IGBT control
The braking IGBT continues to operate even when the drive is not enabled (except if the active supply is a low voltage supply, see Pr 6.44), but is only
disabled if any of the following trips occurs or would occur if another trip had not already become active: OIbr.P, PS, It.br, OV or any HFxx trip.
UV trip
It should be noted that although the UV trip operates in a similar way to all other trips, all drive functions can still operate, but the drive cannot be
enabled. The following differences apply to the UV trip:
1. Power down save user parameters are saved when UV trip is activated except when the main high voltage supply is not active (Pr 6.44 = 1).
2. The UV trip is self-resetting when the DC bus voltage rises above the drive restart voltage level. If another trip is active instead of UV at this point,
the trip is not reset.
3. The drive can change between using the main high voltage supply and low voltage battery supply only when the drive is in the under voltage
condition (Pr 10.16 = 1). The UV trip can only be seen as active if another trip is not active in the under voltage condition.
4. When the drive is first powered up a UV trip is initiated if the supply voltage is below the restart voltage level and another trip is not active. This
does not cause save power down save parameters to be saved at this point.
This parameter defines the time period that the braking resistor installed can stand full braking volts without damage. The setting of this parameter is
used in determining the braking overload time.
For DST1xxxx drives the default value is a suitable value for standard braking resistors that can be mounted within the drive as given in the table
This parameter defines the time between periods when the braking IGBT is on for the full power braking time so that the average power in the resistor
does not exceed the rating of the resistor.
For DST1xxxx, the default value is a suitable value for standard braking resistors that can be mounted within the drive as given in the table below.
accumulator %
Pr 10.39
Pr 10.30 t
Pr 10.31
Assuming that the full power braking time is much shorter than the full power braking period i.e. Pr 10.30 < Pr 10.31 / 10 (which is normally the case)
the values for Pr 10.30 and Pr 10.31 can be calculated as follows:
Power flowing into the resistor when the braking IGBT is on, Pon = Full braking volts2 / R
Full braking volts is defined in the table and R is the resistance of the braking resistor.
If the average power rating of the resistor is not to be exceeded in the cycle shown in the diagram above, the average power in the resistor is given
by, Pav = Pon x Ton / Tp
Tp is the full power braking period
Also, Pon = E / Ton
Therefore Pav = E / Tp
Therefore full power braking period (Pr 10.31), Tp = E / Pav
The resistance of the braking resistor R, the total energy E and the average power Pav can normally be obtained for the resistor and used to calculate
Pr 10.30 and Pr 10.31.
If the profile of the power flowing from the motor is know then the instantaneous temperature can be calculated at any point by simulating the braking
resistor with the model shown below.
Power from motor 100% x (1-e ) Braking energy overload
Pav accumulator Pr 10.39
The temperature of the resistor is monitored by the braking energy accumulator (Pr 10.39). When this parameter reaches 100 % the drive will trip if bit
1 of Pr 10.37 is 0, or will disable the braking IGBT until the accumulator falls below 95 % if bit 1 of Pr 10.37 is 1. The second option is intended for
applications with parallel connected DC bus where there are several braking resistors, each of which cannot withstand full DC bus voltage
continuously. The braking load will probably not be shared equally between the resistors because of voltage measurement tolerances within the
individual drives. However, once a resistor reaches its maximum temperature its load will be reduced, and be taken up by another resistor.
If this flag is set to one then the drive will trip (Et). If an external trip function is required, a digital input should be programmed to control this bit.
A zero to one change in this parameter will cause a drive reset. If a drive reset terminal is required on the drive the required terminal must be
programmed to control this bit.
If Pr 10.34 is set to zero then no auto reset attempts are made. Any other value will cause the drive to automatically reset following a trip for the
number of times programmed. Pr 10.35 defines the time between the trip and the auto reset. Note that this time could be a minimum of 10 s for some
trips (see Pr 10.20 to Pr 10.29). The reset count is only incremented when the trip is the same as the previous trip, otherwise it is reset to 0. When the
reset count reaches the programmed value, any further trip of the same value will not cause an auto-reset. If there has been no trip for 5 minutes then
the reset count is cleared. Auto reset will not occur on a UV, Et, EEF, SLX.HF or HFxx trips. When a manual reset occurs the auto reset counter is
reset to zero.
Bit Function
0 Stop on non-important trips
1 Disable braking IGBT trips
2 Disable phase loss trip
Disable braking resistor temperature
monitoring failure detection
Stop on non-important trips
If bit 0 is set to zero then the drive simply trips when a non-important trip occurs. Non-important trips are: th, ths, Old1, cL2, cL3, SCL. If bit 0 is set to
one the drive will stop before tripping when one of these trips is initiated.
Disable braking IGBT trips
For details of braking IGBT trip mode see Pr 10.31.
Disable phase loss trip
The user can disable the phase loss trip in 200V drives as these are allowed to operate from a single phase supply. If bit 2 is set to zero the phase
loss trip is enabled. If bit 2 is set to one the phase loss trip is disabled in 200 V drives only.
Disable braking resistor temperature monitoring failure detection
Digitax ST has an internal user fit braking resistor with a thermistor to detect overheating of the resistor. As default bit 3 of Pr 10.37 is set to zero, and
so if the braking resistor and its thermistor is not installed the drive will produce a trip (br.th) because the thermistor appears to be open circuit. This
trip can be disabled so that the drive can run by setting bit 3 of Pr 10.37 to one. If the resistor is installed then no trip is produced unless the thermistor
fails, and so bit 3 of Pr 10.37 can be left at zero.
Example: For a single phase drive with no internal brake resistor installed, this parameter should be set to 12 (Binary 1100).
This parameter gives an indication of braking resistor temperature based on a simple thermal model, see Pr 10.30 and Pr 10.31 on page 140. Zero
indicates the resistor is close to ambient and 100 % is the maximum temperature (trip level). A br.rS warning is given if this parameter is above 75 %
and the braking IGBT active.
The bits in this parameter correspond to the status bits in menu 10 as follows.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Not used Pr 10.15 Pr 10.14 Pr 10.13 Pr 10.12 Pr 10.11 Pr 10.10 Pr 10.09
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Pr 10.08 Pr 10.07 Pr 10.06 Pr 10.05 Pr 10.04 Pr 10.03 Pr 10.02 Pr 10.01
These parameters define the parameters that reside in the programmable area in menu 0. The default settings are given in the table below.
Table 5-11 Default settings:
Parameter Menu 0 Default setting
Pr 11.01 Pr 0.11 Pr 3.29
Pr 11.02 Pr 0.12 Pr 4.01
Pr 11.03 Pr 0.13 Pr 7.07
Pr 11.04 Pr 0.14 Pr 4.11
Pr 11.05 Pr 0.15 Pr 2.04
Pr 11.06 Pr 0.16 Pr 2.02
Pr 11.07 Pr 0.17 Pr 4.12
Pr 11.08 Pr 0.18 Pr 8.29
Pr 11.09 Pr 0.19 Pr 7.11
Pr 11.10 Pr 0.20 Pr 7.14
Pr 11.11 Pr 0.21 Pr 7.15
Pr 11.12 Pr 0.22 Pr 1.10
Pr 11.13 Pr 0.23 Pr 1.05
Pr 11.14 Pr 0.24 Pr 1.21
Pr 11.15 Pr 0.25 Pr 1.22
Pr 11.16 Pr 0.26 Pr 3.08
Pr 11.17 Pr 0.27 Pr 3.34
Pr 11.18 Pr 0.28 Pr 6.13
Pr 11.19 Pr 0.29 Pr 11.36
Pr 11.20 Pr 0.30 Pr 11.42
ANSIx3.28 protocol
Full details of the CT implementation of ANSIx3.28 are given in Chapter 6 Serial communications protocol on page 210.
Modbus RTU protocol
Full details of the CT implementation of Modbus RTU are given in Chapter 6 Serial communications protocol on page 210.
The protocol provides the following facilities:
• Drive parameter access with basic Modbus RTU
• The protocol supports access to 32 bit floating point parameters
There will always be a finite delay between the end of a message from the host (master) and the time at which the host is ready to receive the
response from the drive (slave). The drive does not respond until at least 1ms after the message has been received from the host allowing 1ms for the
host to change from transmit to receive mode. This initial delay can be extended using Pr 11.26 if required for both ANSI and Modbus RTU protocols.
Pr 11.26 Action
The transmit buffers are turned on and data transmission begins immediately after the
initial delay (≥ 1 ms)
The transmit buffers are turned on after the initial delay (≥ 1 ms) and data transmission
begins after 1ms.
The transmit buffers are turned on after the initial delay (≥ 1 ms) a delay of at least the
2 or more
time specified in Pr 11.26 and data transmission begins 1 ms later.
Note that the drive holds its own transmitters active for up to 1ms after it has transmitted data before switching to the receive mode, the host should
not send any data during this time.
Modbus RTU uses a silent period detection system to detect the end of a message. This silent period is either the length of time for 3.5 characters at
the present baud rate or the length of time set in Pr 11.26, whichever is the longest.
If this parameter is zero the drive is a standard product. If this parameter is non-zero then the product is a derivative product. Derivatives can have
different defaults from the standard product and restrictions on the values allowed for some parameters.
The drive software version consists of three numbers xx.yy.zz. Pr 11.29 displays xx.yy and zz is displayed in Pr 11.34. Where xx specifies a change
that affects hardware compatibility, yy specifies a change that affects product documentation, and zz specifies a change that does not affect the
product documentation.
This parameter shows the number of the data block last parameter or difference from default data block transferred from a SMARTCARD to the drive.
Code Action
Transfer drive parameters as difference from defaults to a bootable SMARTCARD block with
Pr x.00 = 2001
block number 1. (This will clear data block 1 on the card if it already exists.)
Pr x.00 = 3yyy Transfer drive parameters to a SMARTCARD block number yyy as a parameter file
Pr x.00= 4yyy Transfer drive data to a SMARTCARD block number yyy as difference from defaults file
Pr x.00 = 5yyy Transfer drive user program to SMARTCARD block number yyy
Pr x.00 = 6yyy Transfer SMARTCARD data block yyy to the drive
Pr x.00 = 7yyy Erase SMARTCARD data block yyy
Pr x.00 = 8yyy Compare drive parameters with block yyy
Pr x.00= 9555 Clear SMARTCARD warning suppression flag
Pr x.00 = 9666 Set SMARTCARD warning suppression flag
Pr x.00 = 9777 Clear SMARTCARD read-only flag
Pr x.00 = 9888 Set SMARTCARD read-only flag
Pr x.00= 9999 Erase SMARTCARD
Transfer the user program in the applications module in slot 1 to data block number yyy on a
Pr x.00 = 15yyy
Transfer the user program in the applications module in slot 2 to data block number yyy on a
Pr x.00 = 16yyy
Transfer the user program in the applications module in slot 3 to data block number yyy on a
Pr x.00 = 17yyy
Transfer a user program in data block number yyy on a SMARTCARD to the applications module
Pr x.00 = 18yyy
in slot 1
Transfer a user program in data block number yyy on a SMARTCARD to the applications module
Pr x.00 = 19yyy
in slot 2
Transfer a user program in data block number yyy on a SMARTCARD to the applications module
Pr x.00 = 20yyy
in slot 3
Pr 11.42 = Read Transfer SMARTCARD data block 1 to the drive provided it is a parameter file
Pr 11.42 = Prog Transfer drive parameters to a SMARTCARD block number one as a parameter file
Pr 11.42 = Auto Transfer drive parameters to a SMARTCARD block with data block number 1 as a parameter file
Pr 11.42 = boot provided Pr 11.42 has been changed since power-up.
The data, and the format of the data, is different depending on the method used to store it on a SMARTCARD. The different formats are described
below. In addition to data transfers a compare function is provided.
If 8yyy is entered in Pr x.00 and the drive is reset data block yyy on the SMARTCARD is compared with the data in the drive. If the compare is
successful Pr x.00 is simply set to 0. If the compare fails a trip is initiated and Pr x.00 is not cleared. This function can be used with all data block
types except the option type (18) and Opt.Prg (19) type of data blocks.
Parameter file type data block
This type of data block is created when 3xxx in Pr x.00, the copying parameter (Pr 11.42) or auto/boot mode is used to initiate the transfer. The data
block (referred to as a parameter file) contains the complete data from all user save (US) parameters except those with the NC coding bit set.
Parameter RAM is used as the source of this information. Power-down save (PS) are not saved to the SMARTCARD. When the data is transferred
back to a drive, it is transferred to the drive RAM and then the drive EEPROM. A parameter save is not required to retain the data after power-down.
Before the data is taken from the card, defaults are loaded in the destination drive using the same default code as was last used in the source drive.
Difference from defaults type data block
This type of data block is created when 4xxx in Pr x.00 is used to initiate the transfer. This data block format (referred to a difference from defaults file)
transfer parameters with the following attributes: NC=0 (copyable) and US=1 (user save), and menu 20 parameters except Pr 20.00 if they are
different from their default value. If a parameter is user save (US), but has no default (ND) it is saved on the card whatever its value.
It is possible to transfer parameters between drives with each of the software version dependant formats, however, the data block compare function
does not work with data produced by the different formats.
The data density is not as high as a parameter file type data block, but in most cases the number of differences from default is small and the data
blocks are therefore smaller. This method can be used, for example, for creating drive macros. Parameter RAM is used as the source of this
When the data is transferred back to a drive, using 6yyy in Pr x.00, it is transferred to the drive RAM and then to the drive EEPROM. A parameter
save is not required to retain the data after power-down.
Onboard Application Lite user program data blocks
This type of data block is created when 5xxx in Pr x.00 is used to initiate the transfer. The Onboard Application Lite user program from a drive may be
transferred to/from internal flash memory from/to a SMARTCARD. If the user program is transferred from a drive with no program loaded the block is
still created on the card, but contains no data. If this is then transferred to a drive the drive will then have no user program.
Option type data block
This type of data block is created by an applications module and contains user defined data.
If the identifier does not match the drive product and the card contains any data blocks a C.Prod trip is produced. Also if the following functions are
initiated a C.Acc trip is produced and the card or drive data is not affected: erase file, transfer data block from card to drive, or transfer data block from
drive to card. It is still possible to use Pr 11.37 to browse information about the whole card (i.e. Pr 11.37 = 1000 to 1003), but it is not possible to see
the data block information (i.e. Pr 11.37 < 1000). It is also possible to change the card header information (i.e. read-only flag and warning suppression
flag). This feature allows the read-only flag to be cleared so that a card can be erased to be used with the product that performs the card erase.
If the card does not contain any data blocks (i.e. an erased card) and the identifier does not match that of the drive then the drive will automatically
change the identifier on the card to match when it is first inserted.
Gives the type/mode of the data block selected with Pr 11.37 as shown below.
Pr 11.38 String Type/mode
0 FrEE Value when Pr 11.37 = 0
1 Reserved
2 Reserved
3 Reserved
4 3SErVO Servo mode parameter file
5 Reserved
6-8 3Un Unused
9 Reserved
10 Reserved
11 Reserved
12 Reserved
13 Reserved
14-16 4Un Unused
17 LAddEr Onboard Application Lite user program file
A file containing user defined data (normally created by an SM-
18 Option
Applications Solutions Module)
19 Opt.Prg Applications module user program
Gives the version number of the data block. This is intended to be used when data blocks are used as drive macros. If a version number is to be
stored with a data block this parameter should be set to the required version number before the data is transferred. Each time Pr 11.37 is changed by
the user the drive puts the version number of the currently viewed data block in this parameter.
Gives the checksum of the data block, space left on the card, the total space on the card for the card flags see Pr 11.37 for details.
* Modes 1 and 2 are not US (i.e. not saved when drive parameters are saved), mode 3 and 4 are US.
Therefore this parameter can only be saved to EEPROM if it has a value of 0, 3 or 4.
Reading (1)
Setting Pr 11.42 to 1 and resetting the drive will transfer the data from the card into the drive parameters and then the drive EEPROM, provided data
block 1 exists and is a parameter file for the current drive mode. All SMARTCARD trips apply. When the action is complete this parameter is
automatically reset to zero.
Programming (2)
Setting Pr 11.42 to 2 and resetting the drive will save the parameters to a card, i.e. equivalent to writing 3001 to Pr x.00. If the data block already
exists it is automatically over-written. When the action is complete this parameter is automatically reset to zero.
Auto (3)
Changing Pr 11.42 to 3 and resetting the drive will save the complete parameter set from the drive parameters to the card, i.e. equivalent to writing
3001 to Pr x.00. If the data block already exists it is automatically overwritten. If the card is removed when Pr 11.42 is set to 3, Pr 11.42 will be set to
0. The action of setting Pr 11.42 to 0 when a card is removed forces the user to change Pr 11.42 back to 3 if auto mode is still required. The user will
need to set Pr 11.42 to 3 and reset the drive to write the complete parameter set to the new card.
When a parameter in menu zero is changed via the keypad and a card is installed the parameter is saved both to the drive EEPROM and the card.
Only the new value of the modified parameter is written to the EEPROM and the card. If Pr 11.42 was not cleared automatically when a card is
removed, then when a new card is inserted that contains data block 1 the modified parameter would be written to the existing data block 1 on the new
card and the rest of the parameters in this data block may not be the same as those in the drive.
When Pr 11.42 is equal to 3 and the parameters in the drive are saved, the card is also updated, therefore the card becomes a copy of the drive
parameters. At power up, if Pr 11.42 is set to 3, the drive will save the complete parameter set to the card. This is done to ensure that if a card is
inserted while the drive is powered down the new card will have the correct data after the drive is powered up again.
Boot (4)
When Pr 11.42 is set to 4 the drive operates in the same way as with Pr 11.42 set to 3 and automatically creates a copy of its parameters on a
SMARTCARD. Pr 11.42 has the NC (not clonable) attribute, and so it does not have a value stored on a SMARTCARD in the normal way. However,
when data is transferred to a card from the source drive the value of this parameter is held in the header of parameter or difference from default file
type data blocks so that the destination drive can detect when boot transfer is required on power-up (i.e. the source drive had this parameter set to 4).
If a card is present at power up, and it has Pr 11.42 stored as 4 in the header of a parameter file or difference from default file as data block 1 then the
following actions are taken.
1. The parameters from data block 1 are transferred to the drive and then saved in drive EEPROM.
2. If data block 2 exists and it is an onboard user program (i.e type 17 LAddEr) the user program from this data block is transferred to the drive.
3. If the card contains application module user program data block (i.e. type 19 Opt.Prg) number 3 and an application module is present in slot 1 the
drive will then attempt to initiate a transfer to the module. The same system is then applied to applications module data block with number 4 and
5 for the Solutions Modules in slots 2 and 3 respectively. If any of the transfers to the Solutions Modules fail no further Solutions Module transfers
will be initiated and the drive will produce a C.SLx trip to indicate the failure.
4. Parameter Pr 11.42 is set to zero after the data transfer is complete.
It is possible to create a difference from default bootable file by setting parameter Pr x.00 to 2001 and resetting the drive. This type of file causes the
drive to behave in the same way at power-up as a file created with boot mode set up with Pr 11.42. The difference from default file has the added
advantage of including menu 20 parameters. A bootable difference from default file can only be created in one operation and parameters cannot be
added as they are saved via menu zero.
When the drive is powered up it detects which Solutions Modules are installed before loading parameters from a SMARTCARD which has been set
up for boot mode. If a new Solutions Module has been installed since the last time the drive was powered up, the drive produces a SLx.dF trip and
then proceeds to transfer the parameters from the SMARTCARD. If the parameter data in the card includes the parameters for the newly installed
Solutions Module then these are also transferred to the drive. Once the transfer is complete the drive parameters are automatically saved to the drive
EEPROM. The SLx.dF trip can be reset either by resting the drive or powering down and then powering up again. Because the parameters are
transferred to the drive after detecting the Solutions Modules it is possible to fit the required Solutions Modules to a drive (corresponding to the
modules installed when the SMARTCARD data was stored) and transfer the parameters to the drive including those for the Solutions Modules.
Setting this parameter to a non-zero value and resetting the drive loads defaults as follows. This parameter is automatically reset to zero when the
action is complete.
Parameter value Equivalent Pr x.00 value Defaults loaded
1 (Eur) 1233 Normal defaults
2 (USA) 1244 US defaults
When this bit is set to one the motor 2 parameters in menu 21 become active instead of the equivalent parameters in other menus. Changes will only
be implemented when the drive is disabled. When the motor 2 parameters are active the decimal point that is second from the right on the 1st row of
the display is lit. If this parameter is one when an autotune is carried out (Pr 5.12 = 1), the results of the autotune are written to the equivalent second
motor parameters instead of the normal parameters. Each time this parameter is changed the accumulator for motor thermal protection is reset to
This parameter is used to start and stop the Drive Onboard PLC program.
Value Description
0 Halt the Drive Onboard Application Lite ladder Program.
Run the Drive Onboard Application Lite ladder Program (if installed). Any out-of-range parameter writes attempted
will be clipped to the maximum / minimum values valid for that parameter before being written.
Run the Drive Onboard Application Lite ladder Program (if installed). Any out-of-range parameter writes attempted
will cause a drive trip.
The Drive Onboard Application Lite Ladder Program Status parameter indicates to the user the actual state of the Drive Onboard Application Lite
Ladder Program (not installed / running / stopped / tripped).
Value Description
Onboard Application Lite Ladder Program caused a drive trip due to an error condition while running rung n. Note
that the rung number is shown on the display as a negative number.
0 Onboard Application Lite Ladder Program is not installed.
1 Onboard Application Lite Ladder Program is installed but stopped.
2 Onboard Application Lite Ladder Program is installed and running.
11.50 Drive Onboard Application Lite Ladder Program Average Scan Time
1 1 1 1
Range 0 to 65,535 ms
Update rate Onboard Application Lite Ladder program execution period
This parameter is updated once per second or once per Onboard PLC program scan whichever is the longest. If more than one program scan occurs
within the one second update period the parameter shows the average scan time. If the program scan time is longer than one second the parameter
shows the time for the last program scan.
5.15 Menu 12: Threshold detectors, variable selectors and brake control function
Menu 12 includes two threshold detectors which produce logic signals depending on the level of a variable value with respect to a threshold, and two
variable selectors which allow two input parameters to be selected or combined to produce a variable output. One menu 9 or one menu 12 function is
executed every 4 ms. Therefore the sample time of these functions is 4 ms x number of menu 9 and 12 functions active. A function is active if one or
more sources are routed to a valid parameter.
Figure 5-11 Menu 12 logic diagram
Threshold Threshold Threshold
Detector 1 Threshold Detector 1 Detector 1
Detector 1 output indicator output
threshold level destination
parameter Any
Any variable 12.04 12.01 unprotected
Threshold 12.07
parameter Detector 1 bit parameter
??.?? ??.??
Input Read-write (RW) Threshold
terminals 0.XX
parameter level
Output 0.XX Read-only (RO)
terminals parameter
Variable selector 1
input 2 source
Variable Selector 2
Any variable Variable
parameter selector 2 Variable
Variable selector 2 output selector 2
??.?? input 1 scaling Any
indicator output
destination unprotected
12.32 12.31 parameter
Variable selector 2 ??.??
Variable selector 2 12.30
12.28 mode
input 1 source
Any variable Variable selector 2
12.35 ??.??
parameter control
Variable selector 2
??.?? input 2 scaling
Variable selector 2
input 2 source
The threshold detector compares the modulus of the source input value (defined by Pr 12.03, Pr 12.23), converted to a percentage of its maximum
value, with the threshold level (Pr 12.04, Pr 12.24). If the value is greater or equal to the threshold plus half the hysteresis band (Pr 12.05, Pr 12.25)
the output becomes active, or if the value is less than the threshold minus half the hysteresis band the output becomes inactive. The output may be
inverted if required by setting the invert flag (Pr 12.06, Pr 12.26). The result is routed to the destination (defined by Pr 12.07, Pr 12.27).
The variable selectors allow two source values (defined by Pr 12.08, Pr 12.28 and Pr 12.09, Pr 12.29) to be combined as defined by the mode
(Pr 12.10, Pr 12.30) to produce an output (Pr 12.12, Pr 12.32) which can be routed to the destination parameter (defined by Pr 12.11, Pr 12.31). The
actions of the variable selector are defined by the mode parameter as given below. If the mode parameter is changed or the variable selector is
disabled because neither source is routed to a valid parameter all the internal state variables (i.e. time constant accumulator, etc.) within the selector
are reset. When the Sectional control mode is selected the function is also reset, and the output is held at zero, when the control (Pr 12.15 or
Pr 12.35) is zero. It is active when the control has a non-zero value.
Sectional control
The sectional control function is intended to apply scaling and a speed offset to a 16 bit position value to generate a new 16 bit position value. The
output can be used as an input to the position controller (menu 13) or to generate an encoder simulation output via the SM-Universal Encoder Plus
module. This function can be selected for either variable selector, but the description below relates to variable selector 1.
d/dt 4.000 + 12.13
Σ % output
The position input can be derived from any parameter, however it is intended to be used with a position value that has a range from 0 to 65535. The
input is scaled so that as Pr 12.13 is varied between -4.000 and 4.000 the proportion of the input position change added to the accumulator varies
from 0.000 to 2.000 (the change of position input value is added without scaling if Pr 12.13 is 0.000). The remainder from the scaling division is stored
and then added at the next sample to maintain an exact ratio between the position input and the position output, provided the speed input is zero. The
controller only takes the change of position from the input source parameter, and not the absolute value, so that when the controller is first made
active the output does not jump to the source position, but only moves with any changes of source position after that point in time.
The range of the output of the accumulator is 0.00 % and 100.00 %. Unlike other functions the value is not simply limited, but rolls under or over
respectively. Although the output destination can be any parameter it is intended to be used with a position value that has a range from 0 to 65535.
The speed input defines a speed offset with a resolution of 0.1 rpm. Full scale of the source parameter corresponds to 1000.0 rpm. Scaling may be
applied using Pr 12.14 to give a full scale value of 4000.0 rpm. The speed input is added to the accumulator to move the output position forwards or
backwards with respect to the position input.
This sample time for this function is 4 ms x number of menu 9 and 12 functions active. Extending the sample time does not cause any overflow errors
within the function, however, care must be taken to ensure that the input or output positions do not change by more than half a revolution within the
sample time, i.e for a sample time of 4 ms the input or output speed should not exceed 7500 rpm, for a sample time of 8 ms the speed should not
exceed 3750 rpm, etc. If the output of this function is to supply a reference to the position controller in menu 13 it must be the only user function in
menu 9 or 12 enabled. If another function is enabled the input to the position controller will only change every 8 ms (i.e. every 2 samples of
the position controller) and the speed reference applied to the drive could be very noisy.
The diagram below shows how the variable selector in Sectional control mode can be used to provide a position reference for the drive and act as a
source for encoder simulation to give the position reference for the next drive in the system.
Source Destination
Pr 12.08 =Pr x.05 Pr 12.11 = Pr 13.21
Input SM-Universal Variable selector Menu 13 position controller
reference Encoder Plus in sectional control Reference source
module mode Pr 13.04 =Local(4)
Ignore local reference turns
Pr 13.24 =1
reference Encoder simulation source
Pr x.24 = Pr 13.21
The input reference is provided by the previous drive in the system via the SM-Universal Encoder Plus module and is used as the position source
(Pr 12.08) for the variable selector. The destination of the variable selector is the local position reference for the menu 13 position controller
(Pr 13.21). Pr 13.21 counts up or down based on the delta position from the variable selector and rolls over or under at 65535 or 0. If the controller is
set up to ignore the local reference turns then Pr 13.21 can be used as the position controller reference. If Pr 13.21 is also used as the encoder
simulation source the local reference can also be used to give the reference for the next drive in the system. With this arrangement a ratio is provided
between the input reference and output reference within the variable selector. An addition ratio can be provided within the position controller between
the position in Pr 13.21 and the position reference used by the position controller. The variable selector speed reference can be used to move the
position reference forwards or backwards with respect to the input reference.
11. External Rectifier (SPMC/U) Monitor
This mode is intended to monitor an external rectifier system (SPMC/U) to provide over temperature monitoring, phase loss detection and mains loss
detection. The variable selector inputs should be routed to digital inputs on the drive or a Solutions Module, which are connected to the (SPMC/U)
rectifier status outputs. The external rectifier monitor produces a number of actions depending on the state of the inputs as given in the table below.
The ok state becomes active immediately both inputs are high, but the other states only become active when the required inputs have been active for
at least 0.5 s. The high state is defined as a value greater than or equal to half the source maximum and the low state is defined as a value less than
half the source maximum (with the scaling parameters set to 1.000). If digital inputs are used as the sources and the scaling parameters are 1.000,
high is therefore defined as 1, and low is defined as 0. The variable selector output gives 0 % if the rectifier is ok otherwise it gives 100 %. The output
should be routed to Pr 6.51 (rectifier not active) so that the drive is not allowed to leave the main loss condition if the rectifier is not fully phased
The brake control functions are provided to allow well co-ordinated operation of an external brake with the drive. While both hardware and
software are designed to high standards of quality and robustness, they are not intended for use as safety functions, i.e. where a fault or failure
would result in a risk of injury. In any application where the incorrect operation of the brake release mechanism could result in injury,
independent protection devices of proven integrity must also be incorporated.
The control terminal relay can be selected as an output to release a brake. If a drive is set up in this manner and a drive replacement takes
place, prior to programming the drive on initial power up, the brake may be released.
When drive terminals are programmed to non default settings the result of incorrect or delayed programming must be considered. The use of
a SMARTCARD in boot mode or an SM-Applications module can ensure drive parameters are immediately programmed to avoid this situation.
release delay 12.47 Ramp
Drive active
10.02 12.40
Brake apply release
Pr 1.11 Reference on
1 2 3 4
This parameter should be used as a source for a digital output to control an electro-mechanical brake. This parameter is one to release the brake and
zero to apply the brake. Digital I/O can be automatically configured to use this parameter as a source (see Pr 12.41).
The control terminal relay can be selected as an output to release a brake. If a drive is set up in this manner and a drive replacement takes
place, prior to programming the drive on initial power up, the brake may be released.When drive terminals are programmed to non default
settings the result of incorrect or delayed programming must be considered. The use of a SMARTCARD in boot mode or an SM-
Applications module can ensure drive parameters are immediately programmed to avoid this situation.
If the current magnitude falls below the lower current threshold the brake is applied immediately. The lower threshold should be set to the required
level to detect the condition where the motor has been disconnected from the drive. If this parameter is set to zero the loss of current will not cause
the brake to be applied. However, the flux detection and current threshold latch will be reset when the drive is disabled.
See Pr 12.45.
The post-brake release time is used to allow for the brake release time. From the time that the drive is enabled and then during this period the speed
reference is held constant at zero, so that there is no sudden increase in motor speed when the brake actually releases.
The brake apply delay is used to allow for the brake application time. During this period the Hold zero speed parameter (Pr 6.08) is one, and so the
drive is enabled with zero speed reference. This ensures that the motor remains stationary while the brake is being applied.
If this parameter is zero then ramp hold only is applied when the drive is not active and until the end of the post-brake release delay to ensure that the
speed reference remains at zero until the brake has released. If this parameter is set to one the position controller (see menu 13) is also enabled
(Pr 13.10 = 1) and the local position reference source is selected (Pr 13.04 = 4(LocAL)) during the period when ramp hold is active. Provided the
default, non-absolute mode, is selected the position controller can help to limit the movement of the motor when the brake is released. When Pr 12.49
is changed from one to zero Pr 13.04 and Pr 13.10 are automatically set to zero.
Relative Relative
jog reverse jog enable
13.19 13.18
jog reference
Position control reference position
Revolution Position
Position x(-1)
counter fine
Drive Position
Encoder 3.28 3.29 3.30 controller
reference 13.04 Position
source reference
Slot 1 15.04 15.05 15.06 13.06
Ratio +
Δ Position
Slot 2 16.04 16.05 16.06 13.07
∫ +
x(-1) _
error reset
Δ Position _
Slot 2 16.04 16.05 16.06
Limited to
±1/2 rev
position 13.13
Pre-ramp Post-ramp
reference reference Final speed
Speed reference
reference Menu 2 +
selected 1.03 2.01 3.01
Ramp Control
feed- 1.39
forward Velocity feed
1.40 -forward
Position Hard speed
controller reference
mode** selector
13.10 = 13.10 = 13.10 =
13.10 3.23
5 or 6 1 or 3 1 to 6
Position loop
Hard speed
reference 3.22
Hold zero
Position loop error
P gain
13.01 13.02 13.03 13.09
Input Read-write (RW)
terminals 0.XX
* The position controller is disabled and the error integrator is also reset under the following conditions:
1. If the drive is disabled (i.e. inhibited, ready or tripped)
2. If the position controller mode (Pr 13.10) is changed. The position controller is disabled transiently to reset the error integrator.
3. The absolute mode parameter (Pr 13.11) is changed. The position controller is disabled transiently to reset the error integrator.
4. One of the position sources is invalid.
5. The position feedback initialised parameter (Pr 3.48) is zero.
An exact ratio can be applied to the position reference with these two parameters. The ratio cannot be changed when the drive is enabled without
causing abrupt changes of position. Although it is possible to set up ratios with a high gain or even with a denominator of zero, the drive limits the
resultant gain of the ratio block to 4.000.
The gain of the position controller is controlled with this parameter. The standard units within the drive for position are in 232 counts per revolution and
the standard units for speed are 0.1 rpm, however the position controller gain is given in rads-1/rad. These units are consistent with units such as
mms-1/mm or ms-1/m often used for linear control applications. An error of 1 radian (10430 counts in the position error (Pr 13.02)) gives a speed
reference of 1rads-1 (9.5 rpm) when this gain is 1.00.
This parameter is used to set the position controller mode as shown in the following table.
Parameter Feed forward
value active
0 Position controller disabled
1 Rigid position control 9
2 Rigid position control
3 Non-rigid position control 9
4 Non-rigid position control
5 Orientation on stop
6 Orientation on stop and when drive enabled
Equal Areas
When this parameter is set to one and the position controller mode (Pr 13.10) is 1 or 2, the position error integrator is loaded with the absolute
position error defined by the position sources when the position controller is disabled. (The position controller is disabled under the following
conditions: when the drive is in the inhibit, ready or tripped states; either the reference or feedback position sources from Solutions Modules are
invalid; the position feedback is not correctly initialized (Pr 3.48 = 0); the position control mode (Pr 13.10) is changed; this parameter (Pr 13.11) is
changed; or the position error reset (Pr 13.16) is set to one.) Therefore when this parameter is one the position controller operates on the absolute
position from the reference and feedback. If the feedback device is not absolute then the absolute position is the change of position since the drive
was powered-up.
When this parameter is zero or the position control mode is not 1 or 2 the error integrator is loaded with zero when the position controller is disabled
therefore the position controller operates on the relative position changes of the reference and feedback from the point when the position controller is
It should be noted that the value of this parameter does not affect the operation of the marker reset for any position source. If the marker position reset
disable (Pr 3.31 for the drive encoder, or similar for Solutions Modules) is zero, the position controller takes the position source including the effect of
the marker. When a marker event occurs the position and fine position are reset to zero, but the turns are not affected. If the marker position reset
disable is one then the marker events have no effect on the position source used by the position controller.
This parameter limits the velocity correction applied by the position controller. This value is also used as the reference during orientation.
Pr 13.13 defines the position as a 1/216 of a revolution for orientation. Pr 13.14 defines the position acceptance window either side of the position
reference for orientation in 1/216 of a revolution. When the position is within the window defined by Pr 13.14, Pr 13.15 indicates orientation is
The position error integrator is preset to the absolute error (Pr 13.10 is 1 or 2, and Pr 13.11 is one) otherwise it is set to zero when this parameter is
set to one.
The position controller is disabled and the error integrator is also reset under the following conditions:
1. If the drive is disabled (i.e. inhibited, ready or tripped).
2. If the position controller mode (Pr 13.10) is changed. The position controller is disabled transiently to reset the error integrator.
3. The absolute mode (Pr 13.11) is changed. The position controller is disabled transiently to reset the error integrator.
4. One of the position sources is invalid.
5. The position feedback initialised (Pr 3.48) is zero.
Default 0.0
Relative jog can be used to move the feedback position relative to the reference position at a speed defined by Pr 13.17.
Default 0
Update rate 4ms read
Default 0
Default 0
The local reference can be used to control the position of the motor shaft. If the local reference disable parameter is one the previously written value
is used. This allows all three parts of the local reference position to be changed without data skew problems.
Main reference
source parameter
Any variable
parameter PID Main
PID reference
source parameter PID reference
14.03 source invert
Drive normal
10.01 &
Logic 1
Any bit
not used
Optional PID
enable source
PID output
high limit
PID hold PID output
integrator enable PID output
14.14 destination
low limit
14.17 parameter*
PID symmetrical 14.16 Any
PID proportional 14.18 unprotected
gain limits enable
14.11 PID controller parameter
output PID output
scale factor
+ ??.??
PID integral
gain +
14.01 14.15
PID derivative
*The PID controller is only enabled if Pr 14.16 is set to a non Pr xx.00 and unprotected destination parameter.
This parameter defines the time taken for the reference input to ramp from 0 to 100.0% following a 0 to 100% step change in input.
To enable the PID controller the drive must be ok (Pr 10.01 = 1) and the PID enable (Pr 14.08) must be one. If the option enable source (Pr 14.09) is
00.00 or routed to a non-existent parameter the PID controller is still enabled provided Pr 10.01 = 1 and Pr 14.08 = 1. If the optional enable source
(Pr 14.09) is routed to an existing parameter the source parameter must be one before the PID controller can be enabled. If the PID controller is
disabled the output is zero and the integrator is set to zero.
If Pr 14.18 = 0, the upper limit (Pr 14.13) defines the maximum positive output for the PID controller and the lower limit (Pr 14.14) defines the
minimum positive or maximum negative output. If Pr 14.18 = 1, the upper limit defines the maximum positive or negative magnitude for the PID
controller output. When any of the limits are active the integrator is held.
The value written to the destination parameter is (PID controller output x scaling) + PID main reference.
When this parameter is set to 0 the integrator operates normally. Setting this parameter to 1 will cause the integrator value to be held. Setting this
parameter does not prevent the integrator from being reset to zero if the PID controller is disabled.
Module Category
Module ID
0 No module installed
101 SM-Resolver
102 SM-Universal Encoder Plus
SM-Encoder Plus
SM-Encoder Output Plus
201 SM-I/O Plus
203 SM-I/O Timer
205 SM-I/O 24V Protected
(I/O Expansion)
206 SM-I/O120V
207 SM-I/O Lite
208 SM-I/O 32
301 SM-Applications
302 SM-Applications Lite
303 SM-EZMotion Automation
304 SM-Applications Plus (Applications)
305 SM-Applications Lite V2
306 SM-Register
401 SM-LON
406 SM-CAN
407 SM-DeviceNet Fieldbus
408 SM-CANopen
410 SM-Ethernet
421 SM-EtherCAT
Most modules include a processor and parameters are updated by the processor in the Solutions Module. However, dumb modules do not contain a
processor and all parameters are updated by the drive processor. Dumb Solutions Modules are SM-Encoder Plus, SM-Encoder Output Plus, SM-
Resolver and SM-I/O Plus.
Dumb Solutions Module parameters are read/written by the drive background task or at the combined update time for time critical parameters. The
combined update time depends on the number and type of dumb Solutions Modules installed to the drive. For each Solutions Module the update rate
of these parameters is specified as 4 ms, 8 ms, etc. The combined update time is the total of the update times for all dumb Solutions Modules
For example, if a module with 4 ms update time and a module with 8 ms are installed to the drive, then the combined update time for the time critical
parameters of each module is 12 ms.
In the parameter tables the update time added by the type of module is given, for example 4 ms for the SM-Encoder Plus or 8 ms for the SM-I/O Plus.
When parameters are saved by the user in the drive EEPROM the option code of the currently installed module is saved in EEPROM. If the drive is
subsequently powered-up with a different module installed, or no module installed where a module was previously installed, the drive gives a Slot.dF
trip. The menu for the relevant slot appears for the new module category with the default parameter values for the new category. The new parameters
values are not stored in EEPROM until the user performs a parameter save.
Provides the run status of the user DPL program in the Motion Processor. The following values are defined:
Displays the free CPU resource as a percentage of the current background execution time calculated over 200 ms.
Defines the address of this node for ANSI and Modbus communications protocols. For the ANSI protocol the address range is 11 to 99 where the first
digit is the group address and the second digit is the unit number. Both digits must be in the range of 1-9. Zero is not permitted since it is used by the
master for addressing groups of nodes. This parameter has no effect if the EIA-RS485 mode is 25 (CTSync) or 26 (CTSync).
Defines a fixed delay between receiving a message on the EIA-RS485 port and the response being transmitted. This can be useful in 2-wire
configurations where it takes a finite time for the master (host) to switch from transmit mode to receive mode. There is always at least a 1ms delay
and this parameter can be used to extend it.
This parameter allows a 1 ms delay to be introduced between the Motion Processor enabling the EIA-RS485 transmitter and actually commencing
the transmission. This should only be required if it is found that the recipient of the transmission is receiving a corrupted start of message.
Defines the scheduling period (tick-time), in milliseconds, for the DPL CLOCK task. A value of zero will disable the CLOCK task.
Defines the scheduling rate for the POS tasks to suit the application performance and the resource needed to run the user DPL program. The follow-
ing values are defined:
Set this parameter in order for the user DPL program to automatically run at power-on/ reset. If this is changed and the new setting needs to be used
on power-up ensure that a drive parameter save is performed.
Setting this parameter to 1 will cause the drive to trip when certain run-time errors occur within the Motion Processor user DPL program.
For more information, see Section 11.1 Run-time Errors in the SM-Applications Modules and Motion Processors User Guide.
Display Description
APC data and menu 90 encoder parameters are updated
every 250 µs.
APC data and menu 90 encoder parameters are updated
immediately prior to every POS task.
APC data and menu 90 encoder parameters are updated
immediately prior to every CLOCK task.
APC data and menu 90 encoder parameters are never
3 updated. If these are never updated, more processor resource
will become free.
When set it enables the DPL program watchdog function. The DPL WDOG command must then be executed every 200 ms. This can be used to
protect the program against malfunction. If the command is not executed within a 200 ms time period the drive will trip on SL3.tO. Please note that the
WDOG command must also be executed once for the watchdog to be enabled. This is normally executed at the end of the Initial task.
Setting this parameter to 1 will initiate an immediate save of all non-volatile Motion Processor data. This consists of the P/Q/T/U PLC register sets and
optionally menu 20 (depending upon the setting of Pr 81.21).
Note that this will also cause a reset of the Motion Processor and this parameter will return back to zero automatically. Also if the drive is tripped, it will
be reset. Menu 17 will not be saved.
Setting this parameter to 1 signals that all non-volatile data of the Motion Processor will be automatically saved upon an under voltage (UV) trip of the
Note that when a ‘UV’ save occurs the Motion Processor will be reset.
This parameter allows the user to specify the identity of the CTNet token ring to which a Motion Processor is connected. In a system incorporating a
single token ring this parameter can be left at its default value. In a system incorporating multiple token rings, separate ID’s should be set for each
ring. The combination of CTNet Token Ring ID and CTNet node address should be unique.
Defines the node address for CTNet. Every node on a CTNet network must have a unique address. Setting this to zero will disable CTNet on this
Specifies the data rate for CTNet. All nodes on the network must be set to the same data rate. The rates are defined as follows:
Specifies the synchronization message generation rate for CTNet. This message is used to tell all nodes when to transmit cyclic data. Only one node
on the CTNet network should have this parameter set. The format of the update parameter is SSFF, where FF defines the Fast Cyclic data channel
update rate, and SS defines the slow cyclic data rate in multiples of FF. So if the parameter value is 1510, fast cyclic data is set every 10 ms and slow
every 150 ms. When using easy mode (see below) it is only necessary to set up the FF (fast cyclic rate).
17.34 CTNet easy mode set-up - Transfer Motion Processor destination parameter
Digitax ST Variant Plus
1 1 1
Range 0 to 9,999
Default 0
Update rate 4 ms write
Pr 17.26 to Pr 17.34 define the source and destinations for CTNet easy-mode cyclic data.
Identifies which of the EVENT tasks will be scheduled when a CTNet synchronization message is received or generated. This sync. is generated by a
master node (which can be this node) on the CTNet network at a fixed time-base. The following values are defined:
The status of the CTNet network is displayed in the CTNet diagnostic parameter. When the Motion Processor is communicating successfully on the
CTNet network the number of messages per second is displayed.
Table 5-13 CTNet diagnostics
If this parameter is set, then if the user attempts to download a new user DPL program or operating system to the Motion Processor and the drive is
enabled the download will be rejected and a run-time trip 70 will occur, if the global run-time trip parameter (Pr 17.14) is set.
Since downloading stops normal operations of the Motion Processor it may be considered unsafe to do this if the drive system is running, therefore
setting this parameter will prevent downloading under this condition.
When this parameter is 0 the drive will trip with runtime error 81 if an APC non-recoverable error occurs, such as use of an un-initialized CAM
function. When this parameter is 1 the drive will not trip when an APC non-recoverable error occurs
The synchronisation master request is zero or another Solutions
Module is synchronisation master.
1 The Motion Processor is synchronisation master.
The Motion Processor is synchronisation master, but the
synchronisation frequency is out of specification or not present.
When this parameter is ON (1), the voltage on the Motion Processor digital input 0 (zero) is passed through to the drive’s internal Freeze line. This
can be seen by other classes of SM-Solutions modules. For further information on Freeze input, refer to Chapter 8 Freeze and Marker in the SM-
Applications Modules and Motion Processors User Guide.
The priority levels of different tasks may be changed with this parameter. The parameter is accessed in a bit-wise manner:
Specifies the DPL program line number that caused a run-time error. This is valid only when:
• The user program has been compiled with the debug option set.
• The error is one that can be generated by user code, for example divide by zero (50) or parameter does not exist (41).
If both of these conditions are not met, the line number parameter will display zero (0).
This parameter is available for the user to put in an ID code of their program. This may, for example, be the software version number. Use the function
block SETUSERID() to write to this parameter.
When a run-time error occurs the error number is placed into this parameter.
For more information, see Section 11.1 Run-time Errors in the SM-Applications Modules and Motion Processors User Guide.
*See trip SLX.Er, Automation (I/O Expansion) module category on page 134.
Specifies the minor revision number of the operating system of the Motion Processor. Use in conjunction with Pr 17.02 to form the complete version
This parameter shows the status of digital output 2 on the Motion Processor. A value of 1 indicates that the output is active. A value of 0 indicates that
the output is inactive. This equates Pin 7 on the EZMotion I/O Connector.
This parameter shows the status of digital input 1 on the Motion Processor. A value of 1 indicates that the input is active. A value of 0 indicates that
the input is inactive. This equates Pin 2 on the EZMotion I/O Connector.
This parameter shows the status of digital input 4 on the Motion Processor. A value of 1 indicates that the input is active. A value of 0 indicates that
the input is inactive. This equates Pin 5 on the EZMotion I/O Connector.
The system status parameter is used to indicate the status of each of the user program tasks and motion profiles. This parameter can give the user
some idea of what the Motion Processor is commanding without being online using PowerTools Pro EZ.
There are six individual digits that indicate the status of different processes. This parameter will display a six digit number that can be used in
conjunction with the graphic below to determine the status of each process. Leading zeros in the value are not displayed.
Task 0 Status
0 = Not Active
1 = Active
2 = Processing Home
Pr 17.48 = 11023 would signify that user programs are currently running on Task 2 and Task 1, and that a Index is running on Profile 1 while a Jog is
running on Profile 0.
Pr 17.48 = 104 would signify that a user program is running on Task 0 and Gearing motion is running on Profile 0.
If an error occurs the reason for the error is written to this parameter and the drive may produce a SL3.Er trip. A value of zero indicates that the Motion
Processor has not detected an error, a non-zero value indicates that an error has been detected. (See Table 5-14 on page 196 for the meaning of the
values in this parameter.) When the drive is reset this parameter is cleared.
The Motion Processor includes a temperature monitoring circuit. If the PCB temperature exceeds 90 °C the drive fan is forced to operate at full speed
(for a minimum of 10 s). If the temperature falls below 90 °C the fan can operate normally again. If the PCB temperature exceeds 100 °C the drive is
tripped and the error status is set to 74.
The software version is displayed in these parameters in the form Pr 17.02 = xx.yy and Pr 17.50 = zz. Where xx specifies a change that affects
hardware compatibility, yy specifies a change that affects product documentation, and zz specifies a change that does not affect the product
Table 5-14 Error status values for the Motion Processor
Code Error Possible Reason Possible Solution
(Pr 17.50)
The Digitax ST Menu Parameter that
Digitax ST Parameter Access Error -
41 Y you are trying to read from or write to Please double check the parameter number
Parameter Doesn't Exist
does not exist.
Avoid writing to Read Only parameters. Use
The Digitax ST Menu Parameter that
Digitax ST Parameter Access Error - Drive Menu Watch view in PowerTools Pro,
42 Y you are trying to write to is a Read Only
Parameter is Read Only or Digitax ST User Guide to verify parameter
Avoid reading from Write Only parameters.
The Digitax ST Menu Parameter that
Digitax ST Parameter Access Error - Use Drive Menu Watch view in PowerTools
43 Y you are trying to read from is Write
Parameter is Write Only Pro, or Digitax ST User Guide to verify
parameter accessibility
Modify value that you are trying to write so
The value you are trying to write to the
Digitax ST Parameter Access Error - that it is within valid range of the parameter.
44 Y Digitax ST Menu Parameter is out of
Written Value Out of Range Use the Digitax ST User Guide to verify the
range of the parameter and try again
73 Y Digitax ST Database Setup Error
Select lower switching frequency in
PowerTools Pro configuration, or reduce
Motion Processor module temperature
74 Y Module Overheat Error motion performance (i.e. lower accel/decel,
has exceeded 83 degrees Fahrenheit
lengthen dwells). If problem persists, please
contact factory
101 Y Invalid Configuration Error
102 Y NVM Invalid Error
Cycle power to the system. If problem
103 Y Power Up Test Failure Error Motion Processor Power Up Test failed
persists, please contact factory
Increase Following Error Limit in PowerTools
Pro configuration. Increase Velocity Loop
Bandwidth and/or Position Loop Bandwidth
Amount of following error exceeded
in PowerTools Pro configuration. Lower
104 Y Following Error following error limit set in PowerTools
Acceleration/Deceleration ramp values.
Pro software.
Make sure that programmed velocity is
within maximum operating speed of the
given motor.
Code Error Possible Reason Possible Solution
(Pr 17.50)
Hardware Travel Limit Plus switch has Verify motion profiles/programs to make
105 N Travel Limit Plus activated, or Software Travel Limit Plus sure that motion is not configured to exceed
position has been exceeded desired travel positions
Hardware Travel Limit Minus switch Verify motion profiles/programs to make
106 N Travel Limit Minus has activated, or Software Travel Limit sure that motion is not configured to exceed
Minus position has been exceeded desired travel positions
Motion Processor has no configuration Download a configuration to the Motion
107 Y No Program Error
loaded in it Processor using PowerTools Pro software
If using the "Using Capture.#" instruction
Maximum allowable position change after an Index.#.Initiate instruction in your
108 Y Motion Trajectory Error within one control loop update has user program, make sure that the captured
been exceeded data is recent enough so that the motor can
actually achieve the necessary acceleration
Select a longer Trajectory Update Rate in
the PowerTools Pro configuration. A longer
Control Loop processing time has
Trajectory Update Rate gives the control
109 Y Trajectory Update Overrun Error taken longer than the user selected
loop more time to process. Be sure not to
Trajectory Update Rate
enable any PLS's, Captures, or Queues that
are not being used.
120 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
121 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
122 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
123 Y Program Error - Buffer Overrun
Do not nest more than four "Call Program"
operations. To avoid this, return to the
Too many "Call Program" instructions original calling programs before calling
124 Y Program Error - Call Stack Overflow have been processed without returning another program. (See Call Program
to original "calling" program instruction explanation in Section 8.4.1 Call
Program of the SM-EZMotion User Guide for
more information).
125 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
126 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
Re-download original PowerTools Pro
127 Y Flash Error Loading from Flash Memory has failed configuration file. If problem persists, please
contact factory.
128 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
Re-download original PowerTools Pro
User Program has processed an illegal
129 Y Program Error - Illegal Command configuration file. If problem persists, please
contact factory.
130 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
131 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
132 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
133 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
134 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
Verify that the sum of all the operands in
Math addition operation in user addition formulas will not result in a value in
Program Error - Math Addition
135 Y program has resulted in an overflow of the following range:
the resultant parameter
-231 < SUM < 231-1
Formula in user program causes a Make sure that the denominator in all
136 Y Program Error - Math Divide By Zero
divide by zero division formulas is not equal to zero.
Program Error - Math Divide Operand
137 Y
Too Large
Program Error - Math Multiplication Normalization of multiplication
138 Y
Normalization Failed parameters in user program has failed
Program Error - Math Multiplication
139 Y
Operand Too Large
Code Error Possible Reason Possible Solution
(Pr 17.50)
140 Y Program Error - Overflow
Program Error - Math Subtraction
141 Y
User Program math process stack has
142 Y Program Error - Math Stack Overflow
143 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
144 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
145 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
146 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
Eliminate any unused Indexes or Programs
Program Error - Flash Memory Size User configuration exceeds available
147 Y and re-download the PowerTools Pro
Exceeded flash memory size
Eliminate any unused Indexes or Programs
Program Error - RAM Memory Size User configuration exceeds available
148 Y and re-download the PowerTools Pro
Exceeded RAM memory size
153 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
154 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
155 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
Program Error - Too Many Wait For No more than nine arguments in Wait
156 Y Limit # of arguments and redownloads
Instructions for Instruction
157 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
158 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
159 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
160 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
161 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
162 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
163 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
164 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
165 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
Value written to Motion Processor
Program Error - EZMotion Parameter
166 Y parameter in user program is out of
Write Out of Range
Switch module located in Slot 1 to match
module type selected in PowerTools Pro file.
Solutions Module selected for Slot 1 in
Alternatively, update the PowerTools Pro
171 Y Invalid Slot 1 Selection PowerTools Pro file does not match
configuration to match the module type
actual module type installed
actually installed, and then re-download the
Switch module located in Slot 2 to match
module type selected in PowerTools Pro file.
Solutions Module selected for Slot 2 in
Alternatively, update the PowerTools Pro
172 Y Invalid Slot 2 Selection PowerTools Pro file does not match
configuration to match the module type
actual module type installed
actually installed, and then re-download the
PowerTools Pro file does not match the Motion Processor fault or incorrect
173 Y Invalid Motion Processor
Motion Processor configuration
174 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
Motion Processor can only supply
20mA maximum total output current. If
Modify circuitry of devices connected to the
this fault occurs, the digital output
175 Y Module Output Overload Motion Processor digital outputs so that they
device attached to the Motion
draw no more than 20 mA total.
Processor outputs is drawing too much
*Menu 20 parameters are saved in a difference from defaults type data block if they are not at their default value.
* The range shown for Pr 1.07 shows the range used for scaling purposes (i.e. for routing to an analog output etc.). Further range restrictions are
applied as given below.
01.08 01.10
(Neg min ref enable) (Bipolar mode enable)
0 0 0 to 21.01
0 1 0
1 0 -SPEED_LIMIT_MAX to 0 rpm
1 1 -SPEED_LIMIT_MAX to 0 rpm
Unlike the motor 1 (Pr 1.14) this parameter is not used for T28 and T29 digital input auto-selection (see Pr 8.39 on page 115).
Pr 21.03 defines how the value of Pr 1.49 is derived as follows:
Value of Pr 21.03 Display String Pr 1.49
0 A1.A2 *Selected by terminal input
1 A1.Pr 1
2 A2.Pr 2
3 Pr 3
4 Pad 4
5 Prc 5
*The bit Pr 1.41 to Pr 1.44 can be controlled to force the value of Pr 1.49:
all bits equal to zero gives 1,
Pr 1.41 = 1 then Pr 1.49 = 2
Pr 1.42 = 1 then Pr 1.49 = 3
Pr 1.43 = 1 then Pr 1.49 = 4
Pr 1.44 = 1 then Pr 1.49 = 5
The bit parameters with lower numbers have priority over those with higher numbers.
Pr 1.49 and Pr 1.50 then define the reference as follows:
Pr 1.49 Pr 1.50 Reference
1 1 Analog reference 1
1 >1 Preset defined by Pr 1.50
2 1 Analog reference 2
2 >1 Preset defined by Pr 1.50
3 x Preset defined by Pr 1.50
4 x Keypad reference
5 x Precision reference
Keypad reference
If Keypad reference is selected the drive sequencer is controlled directly by the keypad keys and the keypad reference parameter (Pr 1.17) is
selected. The sequencing bits, Pr 6.30 to Pr 6.34, have no effect and jog is disabled.
Reference selected by timer
The presets are selected automatically in turn. Pr 1.16 defines the time between each change.
Pr 21.12 shows the stator resistance of the motor divided by 10. Therefore 1.000 in this parameter represents the resistance of 10 Ω.
Pr 21.15 does not have an equivalent normal motor parameter, but shows when motor 2 is active.
When the second motor is selected the gains defined in Pr 21.17 to Pr 21.19 are used directly by the speed controller. The speed controller set-up
method defined by Pr 3.13 is ignored.
22.01 to 22.07
22.10 to 22.11
Parameter 00.xy set-up
22.20 to 22.29
2 1 1 1 1
Range Pr 1.00 to Pr 21.51
Default See Table 5-15
Update rate Background read
These parameters define the parameters that reside in the programmable area in menu 0.
Table 5-15 Menu 22 default settings
Menu 0
Parameter Default setting
Pr 22.01 Pr 031 Pr 11.33
Pr 22.02 Pr 0.32 Pr 11.32
Pr 22.03 Pr 0.33 Pr 0.00
Pr 22.04 Pr 0.34 Pr 11.30
Pr 22.05 Pr 0.35 Pr 11.24
Pr 22.06 Pr 0.36 Pr 11.25
Pr 22.07 Pr 0.37 Pr 11.23
Pr 22.10 Pr 0.40 Pr 5.12
Pr 22.11 Pr 0.41 Pr 5.18
Pr 22.18 Pr 0.48 Pr 11.31
Pr 22.20 Pr 0.50 Pr 11.29
Pr 22.21 Pr 0.51 Pr 10.37
Pr 22.22 Pr 0.52 Pr 0.00
Pr 22.23 Pr 0.53 Pr 0.00
Pr 22.24 Pr 0.54 Pr 0.00
Pr 22.25 Pr 0.55 Pr 0.00
Pr 22.26 Pr 0.56 Pr 0.00
Pr 22.27 Pr 0.57 Pr 0.00
Pr 22.28 Pr 0.58 Pr 0.00
Pr 22.29 Pr 0.59 Pr 0.00
It should be noted that if the parameter values saved in the drive EEPROM or on a SMARTCARD are all zero for menu 22 the drive will automatically
load defaults for this menu when the drive is powered up or the parameters are transferred from the SMARTCARD. This ensures that defaults are
used for this menu if the saved parameters are from a software version which did not include this menu.
If the message is correct and the parameter exists the response is: The following rules apply to the data field:
STX Start of text (Ctl B) 1. The maximum length is 12 characters.
M1 st 2. The field may contain leading spaces, but not after any other
Menu number: 1 digit
M2 Menu number: 2nd digit 3. A sign character is optional. No sign indicates positive.
P1 Parameter number: 1st digit 4. A decimal point is optional. This can appear at any point in the data
field, but not before the sign or before 10 numbers (i.e. the value
P2 Parameter number: 2nd digit written should not have more than 9 decimal places). If the decimal
D1 Data: 1st digit point is not in the same position as used by the parameter some
accuracy may be lost or extra decimal places added (i.e. if +1.2345
D2 Data: 2nd digit
is written to a parameter with one decimal place the result is +1.2, if
- +1.2 is written to a parameter with three decimal places the result is
- +1.200). It should be noted that parameters can only have 0, 1, 2, 3,
Dn Data: nth digit 4, 5, or 6 decimal places.
5. The data field can contain up to 10 numbers, but the value even
ETX End of text (Ctl C)
ignoring decimal points must not exceed the range –231 to 231-1.
If the parameter is written successfully an Acknowledge character (Ctl F)
The length of the data field varies depending on the number of is returned. If the parameter does not exist, the value written exceeds
significant digits required to represent the value of the parameter. The the allowed parameter range or the data field rules are not obeyed an
maximum length is 12 digits including the sign and decimal point if Not acknowledge character (Ctl U) is returned.
present. The data field always starts with a sign, minus sign for negative The checksum is derived by exclusive ORing the message byte together
numbers, or a plus sign for zero and positive numbers. The field may excluding the STX and the checksum, i.e. Checksum = M1 ^ M2 ^ P1^
contain a decimal point, but this will not be before all the numbers in the P2 ^ D1 ^ D2 ^ ...... Dn ^ ETX. The checksum is an unsigned 8 bit value
field or after all the numbers in the field. The following examples and if the checksum is less than 32 then 32 is added to the calculated
demonstrate some possible data fields. checksum.
6.1.5 Drive address 2. The command is aborted because the two digits for drive address 1st
The drive only acts on messages received that contain a drive address if digit, drive address 2nd digit, menu number or parameter number are
the whole drive address or drive group address match the whole not the same as each other.
address or the group address in the message, or if the address in the 3. EOT is received.
message is 0 (i.e. a global message). Global or group addressing allows 4. A character other than NAK, ACK, BS or STX is sent as a short
data to be written to more than one drive with one command. The drive command.
does not give a response to a global or group write message. Although it 5. A character other than ENQ is sent at the end of a read command.
is possible to perform a global or group read, this would result in
messages crashing if more than one drive responds to the command. 6.1.7 Summary of control characters
Message ASCII code Ctl code
Drive address Command Action
address STX Start of text 02 B
7.8 7.8 Read Read ETX End of text 03 C
7.8 7.8 Write Write EOT End of transmission 04 D
7.8 7.0 Read Read ENQ Enquiry 05 E
Write with no ACK Acknowledge 06 F
7.8 7.0 Write
response BS Back space 08 H
7.8 0.0 Read Read NAK Not acknowledge 15 U
Write with no
7.8 0.0 Write
6.2 CT Modbus RTU specification
6.1.6 Short commands
This section describes the adaptation of the MODBUS RTU protocol
The following short commands can be used:
offered on Control Techniques' products. The portable software class
NAK Not acknowledge (Ctl U) which implements this protocol is also defined.
MODBUS RTU is a master slave system with half-duplex message
This is the same as requesting the value of the last parameter to be read exchange. The Control Techniques (CT) implementation supports the
or written to. The response is the same as for a normal read. core function codes to read and write registers. A scheme to map
between MODBUS registers and CT parameters is defined. The CT
ACK Acknowledge (Ctl F)
implementation also defines a 32bit extension to the standard 16bit
This is the same as requesting the value of the parameter after the last register data format.
parameter to be read or written to. The response is the same as for a
normal read.
This is the same as requesting the value of the parameter before the last
parameter to be read or written to. The response is the same as for a
normal read.
*The drive will accept a packet with 1 or 2 stop bits but will always transmit 2 stop bits.
RTU framing
The frame has the following basic format
Message data
The frame is terminated with a minimum silent period of 3.5 character all Control Techniques products). The minimum slave response time is
times (for example, at 19200 baud the minimum silent period is 2 ms). also quoted but will never be less that the minimum silent period defined
Nodes use the terminating silence period to detect the end of frame and by 3.5 character times.
begin frame processing. All frames must therefore be transmitted as a If the master request was a broadcast request then the master may
continuous stream without any gaps greater or equal to the silence transmit a new request once the maximum slave response time has
period. If an erroneous gap is inserted then receiving nodes may start expired.
frame processing early in which case the CRC will fail and the frame will
be discarded. The master must implement a message time out to handle transmission
errors. This time out period must be set to the maximum slave response
MODBUS RTU is a master slave system. All master requests, except time + transmission time for the response.
broadcast requests, will lead to a response from an individual slave. The
slave will respond (i.e. start transmitting the response) within the quoted
maximum slave response time (this time is quoted in the data sheet for
Slave frame
Master request frame detect Slave response Master request
To correctly map the parameters at the application layer, the slave Table 6-2 Slave response
device increments the received register address. The consequence of
Byte Description
this behavior is that #0.0 cannot be accessed.
0 Slave source node address
CT MODBUS PLC Register address 1 Function code 0x03
parameter register (protocol level)
2 Length of register data in read block (in bytes)
#0.0 cannot
#X.Y 40000 + X x 100 + Y X x 100 + Y - 1 3 Register data 0 MSB
be accessed
4 Register data 0 LSB
3+byte count CRC LSB
#1.02 40102 101
4+byte count CRC MSB
#1.00 40100 99
#0.01 40001 0 FC06 Write single register
#20.0 42000 1999 Writes a value to a single 16 bit register. The normal response is an echo
of the request, returned after the register contents have been written.
Data types The register address can correspond to a 32 bit parameter but only 16
The MODBUS protocol specification defines registers as 16bit signed bits of data can be sent.
integers. All CT devices support this data size.
Table 6-3 Master request
Refer to the section 6.2.7 Extended data types on page 214 for detail on
accessing 32bit register data. Byte Description
0 Slave node address 1 through 247 0 is global
6.2.4 Data consistency
1 Function code 0x06
All CT devices support a minimum data consistency of one parameter
(16bit or 32bit data). Some devices support consistency for a complete 2 Register address MSB
multiple register transaction. 3 Register address LSB
4 Register data MSB
6.2.5 Data encoding
5 Register data LSB
MODBUS RTU uses a 'big-endian' representation for addresses and
data items (except the CRC, which is 'little-endian'). This means that 6 CRC LSB
when a numerical quantity larger than a single byte is transmitted, the 7 CRC MSB
MOST significant byte is sent first. So for example
Table 6-4 Slave response
16 - bits 0x1234 would be 0x12 0x34
Byte Description
32 - bits 0x12345678 would be 0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78
0 Slave source node address
6.2.6 Function codes 1 Function code 0x06
The function code determines the context and format of the message
2 Register address MSB
data. Bit 7 of the function code is used in the slave response to indicate
an exception. 3 Register address LSB
4 Register data MSB
The following function codes are supported:
5 Register data LSB
Code Description
3 Read multiple 16 bit registers
6 Write single register
16 Write multiple 16 bit registers
23 Read and write multiple 16 bit registers FC16 Write multiple
Writes a contiguous array of registers. The slave imposes an upper limit
on the number of registers which can be written. If this is exceeded the
FC03 Read multiple slave will discard the request and the master will time out.
Read a contiguous array of registers. The slave imposes an upper limit Table 6-5 Master request
on the number of registers, which can be read. If this is exceeded the
slave will issue an exception code 2. Byte Description
Table 6-1 Master request 0 Slave node address 1 through 247, 0 is global
1 Function code 0x10
Byte Description
2 Start register address MSB
Slave destination node address 1 through 247, 0 is
0 3 Start register address LSB
4 Number of 16 bit registers MSB
1 Function code 0x03
5 Number of 16 bit registers LSB
2 Start register address MSB
6 Length of register data to write (in bytes)
3 Start register address LSB
7 Register data 0 MSB
4 Number of 16bit registers MSB
8 Register data 0 LSB
5 Number of 16bit registers LSB
7+byte count CRC LSB
8+byte count CRC MSB
6.2.8 Exceptions
The slave will respond with an exception response if an error is detected
in the master request. If a message is corrupted and the frame is not
received or the CRC fails then the slave will not issue an exception. In
this case the master device will time out. If a write multiple (FC16 or
FC23) request exceeds the slave maximum buffer size then the slave
will discard the message. No exception will be transmitted in this case
and the master will time out.
7 Electronic nameplate
The electronic nameplate system is a means of storing some specific
drive parameters within the EEPROM of a Stegmann or Heidenhain
encoder attached to the drive. The system used is similar to that
implemented in other Control Techniques products. The parameters
stored in the encoder are in two categories: motor object parameters,
and performance object parameters.
Motor object parameters
The encoder can contain one motor object which holds parameters
related to the motor on which the encoder is installed and the motor
Performance object parameters
The encoder can contain up to 2 performance objects each of which
contains a set of parameters that can be used to give different levels of
motor performance.
Loading/storing object parameters
Parameters may be transferred to or from the drive to a suitable encoder
attached to the drive or one of its Solutions Modules by entering a code
into Pr x.00 and then resetting the drive as shown in the table below. The
z in the request defines the location of the encoder for the transfer
(0=drive, 1=Solutions Module slot 1, etc.)
Data transferred Direction
x.00 code
110z0 Motor object parameters Drive to encoder
110z1 Motor object parameters Encoder to drive
Performance object block 1
110z2 Drive to encoder
Performance object block 1
110z3 Encoder to drive
Performance object block 2
110z4 Drive to encoder
Performance object block 2
110z5 Encoder to drive
The motor object includes some data that does not normally have
associated parameters, but would be entered into the object by the
motor manufacturer. To allow this data to be transferred to an encoder
from a drive without additional equipment, Pr 18.11 to Pr 18.17 can be
used to transfer this data if Pr 3.49 is set to one.
It should be noted that the data within the objects in the encoder is
undefined until it has been written and that the manufacturer’s data is
undefined until it has been written by a complete motor object write with
Pr 3.49 set to one.
The tables given below show the motor and performance objects. For
HIPERFACE encoders the data block and the byte address within the
block is given. For EnDat encoders the data is stored as words in the
OEM parameter area at the addresses shown. (Byte 0 indicates LS
The function only works with SC.Hiper and SC.Endat encoders.
The checksum for each object is Zero – sum of bytes in the object
excluding the checksum itself. The number of bytes defines the number
of bytes used to generate the checksum. This includes all the
parameters and the number of bytes parameter, and so this value will
always be 62 for the motor object and 30 for a performance object.
When either a motor or performance object is transferred to the drive all
drive parameters are saved. When a performance object is loaded the
speed control gain select parameter is automatically set to zero.
Therefore, either the speed controller gains defined in the performance
object or those derived from the compliance angle, bandwidth and
damping factor parameters are used.
Parameter Parameter description Byte
Block Address Address Byte
0 0 0 0 Checksum 0
0 1 0 1 1
0 2 1 0 Number of bytes 0
0 3 1 1 1
0 4 2 0 (18.11) Motor object version number 0
0 5 2 1 1
0 6 3 0 (18.12) Motor type (LSW) 0
0 7 3 1 1
0 8 4 0 (18.13) Motor type (MSW) 0
0 9 4 1 1
0 10 5 0 (18.14) Motor manufacturer 0
0 11 5 1 1
0 12 6 0 (18.15) Motor serial number (LSW) 0
0 13 6 1 1
0 14 7 0 (18.16) Motor serial number 0
0 15 7 1 1
0 16 8 0 (18.17) Motor serial number (MSW) 0
0 17 8 1 1
0 18 9 0 1.06 Maximum speed 0
0 19 9 1 1
0 20 10 0 2
0 21 10 1 3.18 Motor and load inertia 0
0 22 11 0 1
0 23 11 1 2
0 24 12 0 3.25 Encoder phase angle 0
0 25 12 1 1
0 26 13 0 4.15 Motor thermal time constant 0
0 27 13 1 1
0 28 14 0 4.25 Low speed thermal protection mode 0
0 29 14 1 Reserved 0
0 30 15 0 Reserved 1
0 31 15 1 5.07 Rated current 0
0 32 16 0 1
0 33 16 1 2
0 34 17 0 5.08 Rated load rpm 0
0 35 17 1 1
0 36 18 0 2
0 37 18 1 5.09 Rated voltage 0
0 38 19 0 1
0 39 19 1 5.10 Rated power factor 0
0 40 20 0 1
0 41 20 1 5.11 Motor poles 0
0 42 21 0 5.17 Stator resistance (Rs) 0
0 43 21 1 1
0 44 22 0 5.24 Transient inductance (Ls') 0
0 45 22 1 1
0 46 23 0 2
0 47 23 1 Reserved 0
0 48 24 0 Reserved 1
0 49 24 1 Reserved 2
0 50 25 0 Reserved 0
0 51 25 1 Reserved 0
0 52 26 0 5.32 Motor torque per amp (Kt) 0
Parameter Parameter description Byte
Block Address Address Byte
0 53 26 1 1
0 54 27 0 5.33 Motor volts per 1,000 rpm (Ke) 0
0 55 27 1 1
0 56 28 0 Spare 0 0
0 57 28 1 Spare 1 0
0 58 29 0 Spare 2 0
0 59 29 1 Spare 3 0
0 60 30 0 Spare 4 0
0 61 30 1 Spare 5 0
0 62 31 0 Spare 6 0
0 63 31 1 Spare 7 0
Parameter Parameter description Byte
Block Address Address Byte
1 0 32 0 Checksum 0
1 1 32 1 1
1 2 33 0 Number of bytes 0
1 3 33 1 1
1 4 34 0 3.10 Speed controller Kp gain 0
1 5 34 1 1
1 6 35 0 3.11 Speed controller Ki gain 0
1 7 35 1 1
1 8 36 0 3.12 Speed controller Kd gain 0
1 9 36 1 1
1 10 37 0 3.17 Speed controller set-up method 0
1 11 37 1 3.19 Compliance angle 0
1 12 38 0 1
1 13 38 1 3.20 Bandwidth 0
1 14 39 0 3.21 Damping factor 1
1 15 39 1 4.05 Motoring current limit 0
1 16 40 0 1
1 17 40 1 4.06 Regen current limit 0
1 18 41 0 1
1 19 41 1 4.12 Torque demand filter 0
1 20 42 0 4.13 Current controller Kp gain 0
1 21 42 1 1
1 22 43 0 4.14 Current controller Ki gain 0
1 23 43 1 1
1 24 44 0 Spare 0 0
1 25 44 1 Spare 1 0
1 26 45 0 Spare 2 0
1 27 45 1 Spare 3 0
1 28 46 0 Spare 4 0
1 29 46 1 Spare 5 0
1 30 47 0 Spare 6 0
1 31 47 1 Spare 7 0
Parameter Parameter description Bytes
Block Address Address Byte
2 0 48 0 Checksum 0
2 1 48 1 1
2 2 49 0 Number of bytes 0
2 3 49 1 1
2 4 50 0 3.10 Speed controller Kp gain 0
2 5 50 1 1
2 6 51 0 3.11 Speed controller Ki gain 0
2 7 51 1 1
2 8 52 0 3.12 Speed controller Kd gain 0
2 9 52 1 1
2 10 53 0 3.17 Speed controller set-up method 0
2 11 53 1 3.19 Compliance angle 0
2 12 54 0 1
2 13 54 1 3.20 Bandwidth 0
2 14 55 0 3.21 Damping factor 1
2 15 55 1 4.05 Motoring current limit 0
2 16 56 0 1
2 17 56 1 4.06 Regen current limit 0
2 18 57 0 1
2 19 57 1 4.12 Torque demand filter 0
2 20 58 0 4.13 Current controller Kp gain 0
2 21 58 1 1
2 22 59 0 4.14 Current controller Ki gain 0
2 23 59 1 1
2 24 60 0 Spare 0 0
2 25 60 1 Spare 1 0
2 26 61 0 Spare 2 0
2 27 61 1 Spare 3 0
2 28 62 0 Spare 4 0
2 29 62 1 Spare 5 0
2 30 63 0 Spare 6 0
2 31 63 1 Spare 7 0
*When sourced from Pr 3.02, Pr 4.02, Pr 4.17 and Pr 5.03. 1. The gain characteristic and associated 3 dB point is most useful
where drive is used in an application where the current controller is
not included within an outer control loop.
2. The phase characteristic and associated 45 ° point is most useful
where the current controller is used within an outer control loop such
as a speed controller. The phase delay of the current controller has a
limiting effect on the response of the outer loop.
Open collector output ............................................................114
Orientation on stop ................................................................171
Output frequency .....................................................................80
Output power ...........................................................................80
Output voltage .........................................................................80
Overload accumulator .............................................................77
Overload alarm ......................................................................124
Overspeed threshold ...............................................................46