Alternatives To Selected-Response Assessment
Alternatives To Selected-Response Assessment
Alternatives To Selected-Response Assessment
Alternatively, an assessment can require a student to develop his or her own answer in response to a
stimulus, or prompt. An assessment of this form, such as one that requires an essay or a solution to a
mathematical problem, is called a constructed-response assessment. Neither the prompts nor the
responses need be written, however. Responses commonly include any form whose quality can be
judged accurately, from live performances to accumulated work products. For this reason, constructed-
response assessments are also called performance assessments. In our study, we also used the less
technical term alternative assessment as a synonym for both of these terms.
The classification system is based primarily on format—how the questions are presented and
how responses are produced. However, selected-response and constructed-response assessments differ in
many other ways, including the complexity of their development, administration, and scoring; the time
demands they place on stu-dents and teachers; their cost; and the cognitive demands they make on
Written Assessments
Written assessments are activities in which the student selects or composes a response to a
prompt. In most cases, the prompt con-sists of printed materials (a brief question, a collection of historical
documents, graphic or tabular material, or a combination of these).
Performance Tasks
Performance tasks are hands-on activities that require students to demonstrate their ability to
perform certain actions. This category of assessment covers an extremely wide range of behaviors,
including designing products or experiments, gathering information, tabulat-ing and analyzing data,
interpreting results, and preparing reports or presentations.
Senior Projects
Senior projects are distinct from written assessments and perfor-mance tasks because they are
cumulative, i.e., they reflect work done over an extended period rather than in response to a particular
prompt. The term senior project is used here to identify a particular type of culminating event in which
students draw upon the skills they have developed over time. It has three components: a research paper, a
product or activity, and an oral presentation, all associated with a single career-related theme or topic.
Like a senior project, a portfolio is a cumulative assessment that represents a student’s work and
documents his or her performance. However, whereas a senior project focuses on a single theme, a
portfolio may contain any of the forms of assessments described above plus additional materials such as
work samples, official records, and student-written information.
Some portfolios are designed to represent the student’s best work, others are designed to show
how the student’s work has evolved over time, and still others are comprehensive repositories for all the
stu-dent’s work.
Portfolios present major scoring problems because each student in-cludes different pieces. This
variation makes it difficult to develop scoring criteria that can be applied consistently from one piece to
the next and from one portfolio to the next. States that have begun to use portfolios on a large scale have
had difficulty achieving accept-able quality in their scoring (Stecher and Herman, 1997), but they are
making progress in this direction.
One approach is to set guidelines for the contents of the portfolios so that they all contain similar com-