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Motion: Let It Be Resolved That Death Penalty Should Not Be Revived Here in The Philippines

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Motion: Let it be resolved that death penalty should not be revived here in the


Madam/ Mister Chair, Members of the Affirmative Team, Ladies and Gentlemen….
Blogger Matthew Chapman put it aptly: “The death penalty keeps rage alive at the
expense of acceptance, peace… When the execution happens, another life ends, but
nothing is won, nothing changes. The victim is brought back to life only in the sense that
memories of the worst part of his or her life — the horror of its end — are dredged up
again. Years have gone by, but only now — with this nasty resolution behind them —
does the grieving process finally begin.”

The leader gave a technical definition of death penalty as a legally severe

punishment which involves the use of lethal injections to end the life of the criminal and
the concept of judicial objectivity and accuracy as to precise convictions based on an
evolving judicial system. But their definitions of the terms are broadly defined and do
not cater any rooms for error and corrections. According to the SC of the Philippines
(2004) in the case People v. Mateo that of the 907 convictions between 1993 and 2004
it reviewed, 71.77% or 651 convicts were wrongly judged. In the previous scenario,
there is the presence of judicial error. Judicial error is a type of legal or judicial error
being committed when the court intended the order or judgment it made, even though it
was based on an error of law. With this statistics presented, it is now very evident that
the presence of judicial objectivity and accuracy is not a reliable one.

I, as Negative leader, stand in front of the crowd because the opposition is tired of
hearing the cries and demands of every individual who constantly seeks for justice but
haven’t acquired one. Ladies and Gentlemen, Death penalty is not the primary solution
to acquire justice. Will killing of the accomplice gave a closure and satisfaction to the
broken and affected emotions! Will executing killers- every time the state is able to track
them down, try them in court, and then kill them truly a guarantee of the safety and
security of the rest of the citizens! Death Penalty is an option but it is not the better
solution. It will only lead and create a domino effect thus creating and resulting to
another burden and problem of the society. Moreover, my 2nd speaker will tackle about
the revival of death penalty as not beneficial wherein he will tackle certain issues like
tedious process, being not deterrent, and such while my 3 rd spaeaker will talk more
about how it is not practical to impose death penalty and tackle also the ways on how is
it practical to pursue the said propositions being presented.

EDUCATION. According to a survey conducted, it found out that death row

inmates are “largely uneducated, largely underemployed, and generally living in
poverty”. This is supported by the statistics that 81.8% of those we’re working in low
income jobs, 73.1% we’re earning less than Php 10,000 a month at the time of their
arrest, and 44.9% which is almost half did not go to high school. So what does this
means? It only implies that majority of those who were acquitted are not well-educated
and are not competent enough to be hired as to the high paying jobs… thus making
them commit crimes which are merely for them to be able to survive… it is not that we
are tolerating or we’re fine of them doing that but rather the problem is already clear…
that instead of imposing death penalty why not… we properly educate them and teach
them to make something as some sort of living like livelihood while in prison instead of
killing them in an instant after due process had been executed. A concreate example for
this one is in the CPDRC wherein inmates were taught of something that would
showcase their creativity and skills that even if they are in prison… they can still develop
something which will aid them to slowly change for the better.

REPRESENTATION. The death penalty as applied in the Philippines before, was

not only unnecessary in reducing crimes but is also largely anti-poor in a sense that
people belonging in a lower socio-economic class have lesser resources especially in trial
of their cases wherein it tends to be applied in a discriminatory way. One of the main
reason behind the disparity is that rich inmates have much more resources to
aggressively defend themselves in court compared to rich inmates. Indeed, the country
has the PAO which gives free legal assistance and lawyer for victims who can’t afford
paying one but this is not a guarantee that every cases by the poor will be focused by
the lawyer because of the pile of cases being assigned to them… thus making them still
the inferior among the superiors….Unless this imbalance is addressed, the death penalty
will only continue to be a vehicle for “selective justice”.

JUDICIAL SYSTEM. The leader earlier mentioned about evolving judicial system
wherein our system is still a rehabilitative system and that revival of death penalty will
be at the same time be executed….Judicial flaws and errors will compromise the validity
of the death penalty. According to former Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban “as humans
are imperfect, judges can make wrongful evaluations; A perfectly innocent individual
could die due to human error, not to mention the guilt and deceit that could accompany
trials; once carried out, the death sentence can no longer be reversed or modified; this
is not a mere sterile speculation but a real on”. The weight of the death penalty is
disproportionally carried by those with less advantaged socio-economic backgrounds or
belonging to a racial ethnic minority…. Unless this alarming high rate of judicial errors is
fixed… bringing back death penalty will only put more innocent people on death row
even if due process will be exercised.

Ladies and Gentlemen, our point is clear that death penalty is not the better
solution and imposing it will not solve anything. We should see things more widely by
rooting out where it all began---- in the community. The community plays a big role in
shaping one’s personality and instead of reviving death penalty why not we deal and
focus more on community rehabilitation. In this case, we can actually make a
conversion of individuals in a certain community. So by the time that that repetitive
offender will go back to the community that he is living in; he will no longer be affected
as to making crimes again. Let us also remember that community is one of the 5 pillars
and is considered to be the most important pillar to work on in the issue of criminalities.
It is not necessary to execute criminals just to impose discipline among offenders but
rather we should help them to avoid doing such in the first place.

Given those figures and facts such as these, I leave you with this thought “ is
death penalty really necessary if we can promote other ways in order to maintain peace
and order and discipline in our country and how will we be able to attain it?”

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