A Study On Flood Control System Introducing Storage Tank in Manila City Hall Area
A Study On Flood Control System Introducing Storage Tank in Manila City Hall Area
A Study On Flood Control System Introducing Storage Tank in Manila City Hall Area
A Study on Flood Control System Introducing Storage Tank in Manila City Hall
0 8,109
5 authors, including:
Donamel Saiyari
Mapúa Institute of Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Donamel Saiyari on 21 December 2015.
Flooding is one of the most serious problems in the Philippines today. According to the
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA),
flooding is characterized as an “abnormal progressive rise in the water level of a stream that
may result in the overflowing by the water of the normal confines of the stream with the
subsequent inundation of areas which are not normally submerged (2006).”
Floods are categorized according to its natural and artificial causes. In the city of Manila, the
natural causes of flooding includes the overflowing of the Pasig-Marikina-San Juan Rivers due
to high river level coupled with high tides during the wet season from May to October;
inadequate inland drainage facilities to handle the excess local surface run-off particularly in
the low-lying central part of the city; high water level in Laguna Lake which affects the lake's
shores for extended periods, as a result of excessive run-off and limited lake outflows; and
probable-land subsidence (Daligdig, & Besana, 1993). In addition Liongson states that to
naturally-induced flood disasters, the man-made activities also aggravate the situation in Manila
and its suburbs. Such human interventions like squatter encroachment on the waterways
resulting in blockage of its flow and restricted access for undertaking maintenance activities;
lack of upgrading the drainage capacity in the construction of roads, water supplies, telephone
system and other infrastructural facilities; rapid random urbanization which results in increased
surface runoff; bridges which are too low and/or too narrow to allow the passage of increased
flow in rivers and creeks during the wet season; and indiscriminate disposal of rubbish on the
roads, and in drains, rivers and channels which causes clogging and reduction of capacity of
drainage (UN-Habitat, 1995).
Historically, Manila suffered major floods that occurred in 1940’s to 1980’s (Department of
Public Works and Highways; Japan International Cooperation Agency, 2003). Zoleta-Nantes
mentioned that subsequent flooding incidents caused thousands of Metro Manila residents
stranded on the streets or trapped in vehicles all night after heavy rains. Over the past half-
century, these floods have become both more extensive and more severe as experienced in
recent storm Ondoy and Habagat. In order to reduce and prevent the hazards due to flood waters,
measures have been implemented through physical measures which involve structural related
works and non-physical measures including land zoning ordinance, education and public
information (JICA, 1990 & 2005). Structural mitigation includes engineering works utilized
either singly or in combination to provide flood protection and reduction of flood damages
along river reaches.
The detention basin is one of the effective methods available to mitigate the impact of
urbanization on runoff (Lee, 1985). According to Federal Highway Administration in 2011,
one essential function of drainage is for flood control because its capacity contributes to the
severity of occurring floods especially in highly urbanized areas. For that reason, maintenance
and scheduled improvements of drainage must be undertaken. However, in complex urban
cities it is fairly difficult to redesign an entire drainage system since the project could handicap
the transportation system in the area which may in results in slowing down the industry. In line
with this, the researchers choose to introduce a detention storage tank as alternative flood
control facility which is built underground designed to convey storm water runoff in order to
provide water quantity control especially applied in urbanized environment particularly on
small sites where no other alternative is available for flood control due to space limitations.
The design discharge can be estimated by specific discharge method or runoff model using
rainfall data. The runoff model was used in the study to compute urban runoff and flooding in
the study area. For the purpose of this study, the two models were initially simulated with and
without the storage tank component in the existing drainage system to observe the response of
hydrograph and discharge results for storm event Ondoy occurring over the Estero De Balete
Creek. Each runoff model was used to evaluate the effect of flood control to the initial design
discharge. The characteristics in terms of size of the storage tank were determined to
accommodate the excess discharge that occurred along the area where flooding was observed.
In this study, Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was utilized for runoff computation
(Metcalf and Eddy, 1971; Huber et al., 1992). The procedures to evaluate the effects of
detention storage used in this study includes inputting the geographical and physical data,
estimation of coefficients for subcatchment areas and conveyance elements. Finally, the effect
2015 International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern,
Control and Conservation, May7-8, 2015, Kaohsiung, Taiwan ROC
of the flood control in the study area was determined by comparing the hydrograph of the
existing drainage system without storage tank with the hydrograph of the drainage system with
storage tank component.
SWMM is a distributed model, which means that a study area can be subdivided into any
number of irregular subcatchments in manner to best capture the effect that spatial variability
in topography, drainage pathways, land cover, and soil characteristics have on runoff
According to Huber et al. in 1992, EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is a
comprehensive mathematical model for simulation of urban runoff quantity and quality in
storm and combined sewer systems. All aspects of the urban hydrologic and quality cycles are
simulated, including surface and subsurface runoff, transport through the drainage network,
storage and treatment. SWMM is a physically based, discrete-time simulation model. It
employs principles of conservation of mass, energy, and momentum wherever appropriate.
This study considered the following physical processes which SWMM uses to model storm
water runoff quantity such as surface runoff, infiltration and flow routing.
2.4.1 Surface Runoff
Rapid urbanization and development caused almost zero absorption of rainwater by the ground
due to the highly built-up status of Metro Manila. By development of new areas, runoff from
such areas considerably increases due to the provision of impervious surfaces. In addition,
MMDA (2010) identified the lack of integrated land use plans as one real cause of flooding in
Metro Manila which results in inefficient allocation, use and management of land and other
physical resources of the area. Likewise, a catchment surface may be conceptualized as a
“reservoir” with inflows due to rainfall (and possible upstream contributions) and outflows due
to evaporation, infiltration, and surface runoff as shown in Figure 1 (a). This has led to several
methods for conversion of rainfall into runoff, based on solutions to the reservoir routing
equations (Dooge, 1973; Bedient, P.B. et al., 2007). For use of reservoir methods, surface
storage is spatially lumped; that is, there is no variation with horizontal distance, and the storage
is conceptualized as a “tank” with inflows and outflows. Spatial variations may be incorporated
by distributing this lumped storage over the catchment to reflect parameter variation and so on
Figure 1 (b). The distributed storage is then linked by channel routing routines. The equations
for reservoir routing can be solved both for conversion of rainfall into runoff and for application
to “real” reservoirs, such as detention basins.
Continuity Equation:
Qi – Q = dV/dt (1)
Qi = inflow (cfs)
Q = outflow (cfs)
V = storage (ft3)
t = time (s)
The inflow Qi(t) may consist of upstream flows or rainfall or both and is assumed to be known
as shown in Equation 1. A second equation is thus needed to solve for the two unknowns, Q(t)
and V(t), such as a weir, orifice or rating curve. Storage indication and numerical (e.g., Runge–
Kutta) methods are two solution alternatives shown for this purpose. The methods are
especially adaptable to complex rating curve formed by the combination of multiple outlets.
An additional alternative for the “second equation” is to use the relationship as presented in
Equation 2.
Q = aVb (2)
Rain Precipitation
Figure 1. Conceptual reservoir models. (a) Individual catchment. (b) River Network.
Where a and b are power-function parameters that may be fit by regression technique or through
physical relationship. For example, outflow by weir or orifice or by Manning’s equation lends
itself naturally to a power function, especially if depth h(t) is used as the dependent variable
instead of V(t), by the relationship in Equation 3.
𝑑𝑉 𝑑ℎ (3)
= 𝐴(ℎ)
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡
A = surface area and is a function of depth h.
The weir coefficient Cw is obviously dimensional and depends on several factors, especially the
weir geometry (Davids, 1952;King and Brater 1963; Daugherty et al., 1985; French, 1985).
Approximate values for sharp-crested, rectangular horizontal weirs perpendicular to the flow
direction are Cw = 3.3 ft0.5/s for U.S. customary units and Cw = 1.8 ft0.5/s for metric units.
An orifice would be included as shown in Equation 5.
Q = CdA0 √(2g(h- h0)) (5)
Cd = discharge coefficient,
A0 = area of orifice,
h = water surface elevation,
h0 = elevation of orifice centerline.
Submerged culverts often behave as orifices with discharge coefficient ranging from 0.62 for a
sharp-edged entrance to nearly 1.0 for well-rounded entrance (Daugherty et al., 1985). Apart
from their universal presence along highways, culverts are widely used as outlets from detention
ponds in urban areas.
Finally, Manning’s equation can be used as the second relationship between storage and
outflow. For a wide rectangular channel (as for overland flow) the hydraulic radius is equal to
the depth, and Manning’s equation has the form in Equation 6.
𝑘𝑚 (6)
𝑄=𝑊 (ℎ − 𝐷𝑆)5/3 𝑆 1/2,
W = width of (overland) flow,
n = Manning’s roughness
DS = depression storage (depth),
S = slope
𝑑𝑦 (7)
𝐴 = 𝐴 ( 𝐼 − 𝑓) − 𝑄
A = catchment area
I = rainfall intensity
f = the infiltration rate
Q = the discharge at the catchment outlet
The model assumes uniform overland flow at the catchment outlet at a depth equal to the
difference between y and yd based on the Manning friction relationship, the catchment
discharge, Q is given by in Equation 8.
𝑄= ( 𝑦 − 𝑦𝑑 )5/3 𝑆 1/2 (8)
W = a representative width for the catchment
n = Manning’s roughness coefficient for the catchment
yd = average depth of depression storage
S = average surface slope
Substituting Equation 7 into Equation 8 yields a non-linear differential form of the equation for
y. A simple finite difference form of the equation is used to solve for the depth y at the end of
each time step. This is Equation 9.
For each time step, three separate calculations are performed. First, an infiltration equation is
used to compute the average potential infiltration rate over time step, then Equation 9 is solved
iteratively for y2, and finally, Eq. 3.2 yields the corresponding discharge. This method couples
the process of infiltration and surface runoff. The non-linear model assumes that infiltration
occurs at potential rate over the entire surface area whenever the ponded depth is non-zero.
It assumes that the total infiltration capacity of a soil can be found from the soil's tabulated
Curve Number. The Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) method is widely
used for predicting direct runoff volume for a given rainfall event. This method was originally
developed by the US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service and documented in
detail in the National Engineering Handbook, Sect. 4: Hydrology (NEH-4) SCS, 1956, 1964,
1971, 1985, 1993 (Mishra and Singh, 2006). It accounts for many of the factors affecting runoff
generation including soil type, land use and treatment, surface condition, and antecedent
moisture condition, incorporating them in a single CN parameter. Group C soils have low
infiltration rate because typically this soil type is composed of 20 % to 40% percent clay and
less than 50 % sand.
According to Mishra and Singh in 2006, SCS (1964) runoff estimates assume a relationship
between accumulated total storm rainfall P, runoff Q, and infiltration plus initial abstraction (F
+ Ia). Ia was shown to be equal to 0.2S, based on SCS watershed studies. It is assumed that
Equation 10.
= (10)
𝑆 𝑃𝑒
2015 International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern,
Control and Conservation, May7-8, 2015, Kaohsiung, Taiwan ROC
The SCS method uses the runoff curve number CN, related to potential abstraction S by
CN = 100/(S + 10), or Equation 12.
S (in) = 100/CN – 10. (12)
Flow routing within a conduit link in SWMM is governed by the conservation of mass and
momentum equations for gradually varied, unsteady flow (i.e., the Saint Venant flow
equations). The original Saint Venant equations include the conservation of mass as shown in
Equation 13.
𝜕(𝐴𝑉) 𝜕𝐴 (13)
+ =0
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑡
𝜕(𝑉) 𝜕𝑉 𝜕ℎ (14)
+ 𝑉 + 𝑔 ( + 𝑆𝑓 ) = 0
𝜕𝑡 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑥
A = cross-sectional area of the channel, m2
V = velocity, m/s;
x = distance along channel, m;
t = time, in seconds (s);
g = acceleration due to gravity, m/s2
h = water surface elevation, m;
Sf = friction slope, in m/m.
Dynamic Wave routing solves the complete one-dimensional Saint Venant flow equations and
therefore produces the most theoretically accurate results. These equations consist of the
continuity and momentum equations for conduits and a volume continuity equation at nodes.
Hence, For the purpose of this study the researcher chose Dynamic Wave Routing Method for
solving this equation. The amount of surcharged flow is defined as Qs = Qin - Qf; in which
Qin is the total inflow discharge from the upstream conduit, and Qf is the design full capacity
of the downstream conduit, defined in Equation 15.
1 (15)
𝑄𝑓 = 𝐴 𝑅 2/3 𝑆𝑓 1/2
𝑛𝑐 𝑓 𝑓
nc = Manning’s roughness of conduit
Af = full cross section area of conduit
Rf = the hydraulic radius for full conduit flow
Sfc = the friction slope of conduit.
The model was applied to the catchment delineated based on the existing drainage laterals in
Metro Manila Index map. The drainage catchment is divided into 18 sub-catchments.
Table 1 summarizes the parameters of each subcatchment. For the calculation of impervious
surface percentage, the researchers considered the area as commercial and industrial zones
which have corresponding value of 85% percent total surface imperviousness based on the land
use description of the area. Accordingly, the zoning of the area serve as the basis of the
researcher to estimate the value of Manning’s “n” for overland flow which is taken as 0.011 for
smooth asphalt surface.
The researchers modeled the area’s soil classification as Soil Group C which indicates that the
soil has moderately high runoff potential. The soil classification was based on the results of
field investigation and laboratory testing conducted within the vicinity of the study area. Very
loose to loose sands and non-plastic silts generally characterized the upper layer of the site
subsoil. The slope of the area ranges from 7.8% to 1.5 % which considered an average/mild
The storm event Ondoy was considered in the simulation to determine the response of the
design volume of the tank to possible extreme event. The rainfall data given by the PAGASA
shown in Table 2 is recorded in 6 – hour time interval at Port Area station for two-day period.
Based on the Rainfall data given the computed total event precipitation for Storm event Ondoy
2015 International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern,
Control and Conservation, May7-8, 2015, Kaohsiung, Taiwan ROC
was 1566.073 mm for 6 hour period. The model was continuously simulated to a rainfall event
as shown in Table 3 that the capacity of drainage can accommodate without significant flooding
will be observed.
Table 2: Rainfall Intensity for storm Table 3: Rainfall Event with
event Ondoy I max = 54 mm/hr
Date Elapsed Time Intensity Date Elapsed Time Intensity
(hr) (mm/hr) (hr) (mm/hr)
9/25/2009 0 0 Day 1 0 0
6 1 6 1
12 19 12 3
18 30 18 12
9/26/2009 0 169 Day 2 0 54
6 37 6 9
12 5 12 2
18 3 18 1
Table 4 shows the summary of precipitation, infiltration and run off in each subcatchment area.
Runoff in the area is relatively due to high imperviousness of the area.
Flooding ( cms )
Figure 2. Simulation with Tank (a) and Simulation without Tank (b)
Table 6 shows the flooded hours and total flood volume experience in the area during the
extreme storm event Ondoy. Based on the result shown the area still experienced inundation
but notably, the Flood volume and duration is significantly reduced. As shown in the Flood
Hydrograph in Figure 2. The data shows that the system will experience flooding with 54 mm/hr
2015 International Conference on Environmental Quality Concern,
Control and Conservation, May7-8, 2015, Kaohsiung, Taiwan ROC
rainfall. This was considered to optimize the storage tank volume capacity during peak rainfall
event occurrence.
With With
Without Detention Tank Detention Detention
Tank ( I=169mm/hr ) Tank ( I = 54 mm/hr )
Total Flood Total Flood Total Flood
Hours Hours Hours
Node Volume Volume Volume 10^6
Flooded Flooded Flooded
10^6 liter 10^6 liter liter
J01 6.06 27.04 6.06 26.695 - -
J03 6.01 10.66 6 11.15 - -
J06 17.77 12.12 17.77 12.12 6.01 2.651
J08 6.05 23.38 6.05 23.79 - -
J09 6.08 16.32 6.07 16.77 - -
J10 6.14 22.20 6.15 21.93 5.67 1.04
J11 6.52 33.52 6.51 33.02 5.01 0.84
J13 12.07 29.62 12.07 29.61 6.01 6.39
J15 12.08 34.834 12.07 34.81 5.96 7.38
J16 6.14 26.34 6.14 26.41 - -
E1 .02 .83 - - - -
E3 1.07 314.13 .60 10.86 - -
This study determined the location of the proposed detention in Luneta Park. The location is
practically one of the few available spaces for the construction of such large structure and it is
also located adjacent to bodies of water such as Estero de Balete and Manila Bay. The total area
of the tank as shown in figure is approximately 10,400 m2. The required area for the structure
can be reduced by increasing its depth. Since we need to store a total volume of 50,000 m3, with
a depth of 10 meter, the area is reduce to 5,000 m 2. However, increasing the depth of the tank
will require equivalent increased in the capacity of the pump.
This research was funded by the Adamson University Center for Research and Continuing
Education (AdU-CRECE) for the presentation of the paper to Environmental Quality Concern,
Control and Conservation (EQC) 2015 International Conference.
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