Undertake A Routine Task
Undertake A Routine Task
Undertake A Routine Task
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Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1
Welcome ................................................................................................................... 1
This Competency Unit.................................................................................................... 1
Before You Start ............................................................................................................. 2
Planning Your Learning Programme ............................................................................. 2
Self-Assessment Checklist ............................................................................................. 3
How To Use This Learner Guide ................................................................................... 5
Using the Computer and other Resources...................................................................... 6
Method of Assessment.................................................................................................... 6
Welcome to the Learner Guide for Unit of Competency “Plan to Undertake a Routine Task”.
This is just one of a number of Learner’s Guides produced for the Metal, Engineering and
Maintenance Skills stream of the Metal, Engineering and Maintenance, and it is designed to
guide you, the learner, through a series of learning processes and activities that will enable you to
achieve the specified learning outcomes for the competency unit.
The content of this guide was developed from the Competency Standard MEMCOR0161A,
which is one of the basic building blocks for the National Vocational Qualification of Jamaica
(NVQ-J) certification within the industry. Please refer to your Learner’s Handbook for a
thorough explanation of standards and competencies, and how these relate to the NVQJ
You are also advised to consult the Competency Standard and assessment instrument for a better
understanding of what is required to master the competency.
“Plan to Undertake a Routine Task” addresses the knowledge and skills requirements to
effectively plan to undertake a routine task. There are three main areas or elements:
As you go through each element, you will find critical information relating to each one. You are
advised to study them carefully so that you will be able to develop the necessary knowledge,
skills and attitudes for using electrical/electronic measuring devices.
a. Obtain a Learner’s Logbook that you will use to record evidence of your new
skills/competence. As you demonstrate your new skills, record your activities and have your
learning facilitator sign off on them. This will allow you to provide evidence of your
competence when you are being assessed against the competency standard.
b. Ensure that you have access to the facilities and equipment necessary for learning.
d. Ensure that you are wearing suitable clothing, that tools and equipment are safe, and that the
correct safety equipment is used.
The self-assessment checklist on the following page will assist you in planning your training
programme as it will help you to think about the knowledge and skills needed to demonstrate
competency in this unit. As you go through the checklist you will be able to find out what
elements you have already mastered and which ones you will need to pay more attention to as
you go through the learning process.
To complete the self-assessment checklist, simply read the statements and tick the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
box. You should do this exercise now.
- Plan to Undertake a Routine Task
If you ticked all or most of the ‘Yes’ boxes then you might not need to go through the entire
guide. Ask your learning facilitator to assist you in determining the most appropriate action
you should take.
If you ticked a few of the ‘Yes’ boxes or none at all then you should work through all of the
guide, even though some of the material my be familiar to you.
Plan your learning based on your answers. Be sure to involve your learning facilitator in the
planning process.
This Learner Guide is designed to assist you in working and learning at your own pace.
• Check your progress at each checkpoint to ensure that you have understood the material
• Observe the icons and special graphics used throughout this guide to remind you of what you
have to do and to enhance your learning. The icons and their meanings are as follows:
Definition Box
Words/phases are defined or explained in this box. The
words/phases being explained are in bold print.
This denotes a brain teaser and is used to check your
understanding of the materials presented. No answers are
provided for the questions asked.
This denotes something for you to do either alone or with
the assistance of your trainer/supervisor.
Points you to the reference materials and other support
documents or resources used in compiling the unit content.
• Ask your learning facilitator for help if you have any problems with the interpretation of the
contents, the procedures, or the availability of resources.
• Complete each activity as you come to it. If the activity requires you perform an actual task,
be sure to tell your learning facilitator when you get to that activity so that he/she can make
any arrangements, if necessary.
• Get your learning facilitator to sign and date the Learner Logbook when you have completed
an activity.
When you have worked through all elements of the guide, and when you can tick every ‘Yes’
box, you are ready for assessment and should ask your learning facilitator to assist you in making
the arrangements to have your performance assessed.
Where your activities refer you to the library, computer and Internet resources, ask your learning
facilitator to assist you with locating these resources. If you are getting your training in an
institution, there may be a library and a computer laboratory. If this is not the case, visit the local
library and find out what resources are available.
If you are new to the computer and the Internet, someone in the computer room should be able to
show you how to use these resources.
Please note that in many of your activities you have been referred to information on the Internet.
This is because the Internet has a vast amount of information that can help you in acquiring the
particular competencies. We would like to advise you, however, that we cannot guarantee that
all the sites will be available when you need them. If this happens, ask your learning facilitator
to assist you with locating other sites that have the information you require.
Method of Assessment
Competency will be assessed while you are actually performing the tasks related to this
competency, this may be in a real workplace or a simulated situation that accurately relates to the
work situation. You are advised to consult the associated competency standard and assessment
instrument for further details relating to the assessment strategies.
You may now start your learning. Have fun while you work!
As you go through this element you need to ensure that you acquire the required knowledge,
skills and attitude to plan to undertake a routine task. Your learning facilitator is there to assist
you through the various activities. Upon completion of the element you should be able:
• Job card
• Supervisor
• Manager/team leader
• Computer
• Filing system
• Other
Special efforts should be made to ensure that correct sources of information for a particular task
should be selected. Also, the procedures for obtaining instructions and clarification procedures
should be described clearly to the workers.
Specifications for the job should be given based on the information from:
• Documentation
• Job cards
• Manager
• Other information source.
• Documentation
• Job cards
• Manager
• Other information source
These outcomes should be clarified were necessary and reasons give for their clarification. The
tasks therefore should be completed to specification on time meeting quality measures, i.e. with
tolerance. Also, appropriate steps should be used to complete a task.
Now that you have completed this element see if you have fully grasped all the components by
doing the following self-assessment.
Checklist 1 Yes No
Checklist 2 Yes No
As you go through this element you need to ensure that you acquire the required knowledge,
skills and attitude to plan steps required to complete task. Your learning facilitator is there to
assist you through the various activities. Upon completion of the element you should be able:
Plans for tasks should be prepared and where necessary, requirements should be clarified from
appropriate sources. Therefore, all steps or activities should be identified and described.
All activities in the plan should be placed in a logical sequence along with the identification of
the reasons for arranging the activities in that order.
All planned steps and outcomes should be checked against the instructions and specifications.
This is done so as to ensure that the plan is implemented smoothly.
Conduct a check on all the planned steps and outcomes against the
instructions and specifications you identified earlier.
Now that you have completed this element see if you have fully grasped all the components by
doing the following self-assessment.
Checklist 1 Yes No
Checklist 2 Yes No
As you go through this element you need to ensure that you acquire the required knowledge,
skills and attitude to review plan. Your learning facilitator is there to assist you through the
various activities. Upon completion of the element you should be able:
Identified outcomes should be compared with planned activities to ensure that activities are
carried out in line with instructions, and that task requirements and specifications are complied
with. Reasons for this final check of specifications should also be given.
If it is necessary, revise your plan to make changes to better meet your objectives and task
requirements. However, the reasons for making changes to the plan should be given and an
explanation provided.
Revise a plan and give reasons for the changes made to your plan.
Share your results to your learning facilitator.
Now that you have completed this element see if you have fully grasped all the components by
doing the following self-assessment.
Checklist 1 Yes No
Checklist 2 Yes No