Drug Study IM

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Generic Name: Anti-infective Bind to bacterial cell Treat respiratory Cns: Seizures (Highdoses) 1. Instruct patient to take medication around. The
Cefuroxime wall membrane, tract infection Gi:Pseudomembranous COLITIS, diarrhea, clock at evenly spaced times and to finish the
causing cell death. cramps, nausea, vomiting medication completely, even If feeling better.
Brand/Trade Bactericidal action Derm: rashes, urticarial Take missed doses as soon as possible.
Name: Ceffin against susceptible Hemat: Agrunolocytosis 2. Advise patient to report signs of superinfection
bacteria. High activity AT IV SITE Misc: allergic reactions including (furry over growth on the tongue, loose and foul-
Route: IVTT against gram-negative ANAPHYLAXIS and SERUMSICKNESS, smelling stool) and allergy.
bacteria superinfection 3. Instruct patient to notify health care
Dosage: 2 g professional when symptoms of superinfection
Frequency: q 8 h
Generic Name: Anti-Asthmatic In pharmacologic Management of CNS: depression, euphoria, headache, 1. Use calibrated measuring device to ensure
Hydrocortisone doses, all agents adrenocortical personality changes, psychoses, restlessness accurate dose of liquid forms
suppress inflammation insufficiency. EENT: cataracts, increased intraocular 2. If dose is ordered daily or every other day,
Brand/Trade and the normal immune pressure administer in the morning to coincide with the
Name: response. CV: hypertension body’s normal secretion of cortisol.
It replace endogenous
Route: IVTT cortisol insufficiency
Dosage: 100 mg

Frequency: q 8 h
Generic Name: Anti-hypertensive Blocks vasoconstrictor Prevention of stroke CNS: dizziness, anxiety, depression, fatigue, 1. Assess blood pressure (lying, sitting, standing)
Losartan and aldosterone- in patients with headache, insomnia, weakness and pulse periodically during therapy. Notify
producing effects of hypertension and CV: hypotension, ,chestpain, edema, health care professional of significant changes.
Brand/Trade angiotensin II at left ventricular tachycardia 2. Monitor frequency of prescription refills to
Name: receptor sites including hypertrophy. GI: abdominal pain, diarrhea identify adherence.
vascula rsmooth MS: arthralgia, back pain, myalgia 3. Assess patient for signs of
Route: PO muscle and the adrenal angioedema(dyspnea, facial swelling)
glands 4. Do not confuse valsartan with losartan.
Dosage: 15mg 5. May be administered without regard to meal.

Frequency: OD
Generic Name: Anti-spasmodic Inhibits the action of Inhibits salivation CNS: confusion, drowsiness 1. Assess heart rate, blood pressure, and
Glycopyrrolate acetylcholine at and excessive CV: Tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, respiratory rate
Brand/Trade Name: postganglionic sites respiratory palpitations 2. Assess patient routinely for abdominal
Indacaterol located in smooth secretions. GI: drymouth, constipation. distention and auscultate for bowel sounds.
Route: Inhalation muscle, secretory GU:urinary hesitancy
Dosage: 1 puff glands and CNS.

Frequency: OD


Generic Name: Bronchodilator Binds to beta 2- Used as a CNS: nervousness, restlessness, tremor, 1. Assess lung sounds, pulse,and blood pressure.
Salbutamol adrenergic receptors in bronchodilator to headache Not color of phlegm.
airway smooth muscle, control and prevent CV: chest pain, palpitations, angina, 2. Observe for paradoxical bronchospasm
Brand/Trade leading to activation of reverssible airway arythhmia (wheezing). Notify physician if it occurs
Name: adenyl cyclase and obstruction by 3. Do not confuse Salbutamol(albuterol) with
increased levels of asthma. Used as a Salmeterol
Route: Inhalation cyclic-3,5 – adenosine quick-relief agent
monophosphate(cAMP). for acute
Dosage: Increases CAMP bronchospasm and
activate kinases, which for prevention of
Frequency: BID inhibit the exercise-induced
phosphorylation of bronchospasm
myosin and decrease
intra- cellularcalcium.
Decreased intracellular
calcium relaxes smooth
muscle airways.
Relaxation of airway
smooth muscle with
Generic Name: Bronchodilator Produces accumulation Long-term control CNS: headache, nervousness 1. Assess lung sounds, pulse,and blood pressure.
Salmeterol of cyclic adenosine of reversible airway CV: chest pain, palpitations Not color of phlegm.
mono phosphate(cAMP) obstruction due to Resp: paradoxical bronchospasm, cough 2. Caution patient not to uses almeterol to treat
Brand/Trade at beta2-adrenergic asthma and for acute symptoms
Name: receptors. Relatively maintenance 3. Salmeterol is often used with inhaled
specific for beta treatment to asthma corticoroids or adrenergic bronchodilators.
Route: Inhalation (pulmonary) receptors and prevention of
Dosage: 2 puff

Frequency: BID

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