Modular Construction Best Practices
Modular Construction Best Practices
Modular Construction Best Practices
TRADITIONAL CONSTRUCTION is a lot like baking be reduced by an average of 39% when using modular construc-
cookies from scratch. tion versus traditional construction. Assembling volumes off-site
Both require numerous individual materials, time spent in a controlled environment reduces the impact of typical site is-
“mixing” them and finally assembling everything in one place. sues like inclement weather conditions, traffic patterns around the
And after all the work is done, leftover materials must be site or noise ordinances. Other trades such as MEP systems, fire
cleaned up and stored or discarded. protection, interior finishes or exterior finishes can be added to the
Modular construction, on the other hand, is more akin to modules in the off-site location to further accelerate the project
buying premixed, precut cookies from the refrigerated section schedule. When modules arrive on-site up to 95% complete, less
at the supermarket. The ingredients are mixed prior to arriving work and fewer on-site trades are necessary to finish the project.
on-site, using a precise, uniform amount of each material, and Improved quality. Off-site assembly also contributes to
the process typically incurs less cost, time spent and waste/ad- improved overall quality of the modules, as ironworkers and
ditional materials at the end of the process. other trades are working at safe heights in a climate-controlled
Bringing the discussion solely back to construction and environment. This contributes to ease of installation and in-
away from baking (not easy to shift away from cookies, I un- spection of the assembled framing and other components con-
derstand), there are several questions whose answers can help tained in the module. With traditional construction, clashes be-
you determine if modular construction is the right fit for your tween the various building systems are often only caught after
next project.
Brooklyn’s modular B2 project (see “Building Blocks” in the June 2014 issue, available at
major completion milestones in the field, thus extending the ticipant engagement (especially the steel fabricator) is vital to
project schedule and causing teams to make compromises in addressing many items like transportation, module sizes, fram-
order to keep the project moving. With modular construction, ing joints locations, module connection points, tolerances and
inspecting a sample unit or individual module allows teams to interaction between the various trades involved with putting
fix clashes and make changes prior to major completion. Thus, the modules together. Early discussion of such matters will help
when modules arrive on-site, the inspection process is acceler- the architect design the building as efficiently as possible for
ated and the quality of the put-in-place modules is enhanced. project use, prefabrication and constructability.
Reduced waste. In a modular project, a majority of the design Like traditional construction, late changes to the design in-
work is completed prior to ordering materials, which helps the steel crease the duration and overall cost of the project. Thus, proj-
fabricator and other trades work with just the right amount of ma- ect teams will want to minimize changes during the prefabri-
terials, thus reducing site waste. Early, efficient ordering also helps cation phase by having most of the overall design complete
the fabricator and other trades contribute their industry knowledge prior to material purchase.
to help control procurement costs. This reduction in materials and
on-site construction waste is particularly attractive to teams design- How do I design the steel frame for a module?
ing and building structures with green goals in mind. Modules are designed to be self-supporting for transportation
between the prefabrication location and project site. For projects
Where can I use modular construction? up to five stories, a lateral system generally can be created with
Project teams can take advantage of modular construction the individual units. For projects five stories and taller, it is more
almost anywhere in the U.S., including high-seismic and high- common that a secondary lateral system will need to be evaluated
wind locations. Modular construction can also be used for struc- and/or designed in combination with the modules or as a stand-
tures that are temporary or need be transported from one site to alone system for the entire project. This secondary system can be
another, as well as for sites that have limited access and parking. erected on-site or panelized.
While project location is typically not a barrier to using The AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings can be
modular construction, transporting the modules can be a factor. used to design the modules and the overall structure. And proj-
Road widths, weight restrictions, bridge heights, escort require- ect teams should discuss steel fabrication and erection toler-
ments and long distances between the off-site assembly location ances, as well as the tolerances required by other trades for their
to the construction site can limit the use of modular construc- on-site and off-site work, to determine if the tolerances in the
tion for some projects. Therefore, it is important to research AISC Code of Standard Practice are acceptable. Again, early dis-
transportation needs between the assembly and project loca- cussions with the fabricator, erector and other trades will facili-
tions before considering the modular approach. tate such decisions prior to prefabricating the modules.
The Stack, a modular residential New York’s Carmel Place, another A volumetric module coming together,
project in New York. modular residential project. incorporating framing, fixtures and cladding.
There are also modular manufacturers who essentially cre- ing of such equipment can make traditional construction more
ate entire modules from top to bottom. In other words, they ideal. And as mentioned, transportation of volumes to a project
can fabricate the steel framing as well as install other trades/ site from the assembly location can also create a barrier to the use
components into the modules. These manufacturers also typi- of modular construction.
cally erect the modules. As with any other trade, they should be To reap the benefits of modular construction, the team has
engaged early in project team discussions. to understand its challenges from the get-go. Understanding
the process and following best practices will help your team
What are some limitations of modular construction? deliver quality, quick-to-market modular projects. ■
There are a number of potential obstacles to using modular
construction. One is resistance to using “alternative” project This article is a preview of Session CA9 “Modular Construction Best
delivery approaches like design-build or integrated project Practices—When, Where and Why or Why Not” at NASCC: The Steel
delivery, which are well suited to a modular project. And the Conference, taking place March 22–24 in San Antonio. Learn more
traditional design-bid-build approach of waiting until one about the conference at
person completes a task before the other is brought on board
does not create the best contract or communication vehicle
for modular construction.
In addition, financing for modular construction varies from
traditional construction. With traditional construction, trades
are paid upon the sequenced completion of their task. With
modular construction, the steel and other materials being
placed in the module will need to be purchased earlier. This
upfront payment schedule may not be ideal for some project
financing methods, making traditional construction more ideal.
In addition, larger, specialized equipment is needed to erect
the volumes, and limitations involving the availability and spac-