Cimplicity 1
Cimplicity 1
Cimplicity 1
Alarm Viewers
Operation Manual
Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents,
temperatures, or other conditions that could cause personal injury exist in the equipment or
may be associated with its use.
In situations where inattention could cause either personal injury or damage to equipment, a
Warning notice is used.
Caution provides information when careful attention must be taken in order to avoid
damaging results.
This document is based on information available at the time of publication. While efforts have been made to be accurate,
the information contained herein does not purport to cover all details or variations in hardware or software, nor to
provide for every possible contingency in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Features may be
described herein which are not present in all hardware and software systems. GE Fanuc Automation assumes no
obligation of notice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made.
GE Fanuc Automation makes no representation of warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory with respect to, and
assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of the information contained herein.
No warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply.
GFK-1993 iii
Introducing Alarm Viewers 1-1
About CIMPLICITY Alarm Viewers..................................................................................... 1-1
CIMPLICITY AMV Control Overview................................................................................. 1-2
CIMPLICITY Stand-alone AMV Overview.......................................................................... 1-3
GFK-1993 Contents-v
Step 3. Configure the Alarm Count Layout............................................................................ 3-9
Step 3. Configure the Alarm Count Layout Task 1. Open the Alarm Count
Configuration Dialog Box ................................................................................... 3-9
Step 3. Configure the Alarm Count Layout Task 2. Configure the Alarm Count
Layout................................................................................................................ 3-10
Step 3. Configure the Alarm Count Layout Task 3. Configure Alarm Count
Colors ................................................................................................................ 3-11
Step 3. Configure the Alarm Count Layout Task 4. Select the Alarm Count
Fonts .................................................................................................................. 3-13
Step 4. Select the Stand-alone AMV Alarm List Font and Background Colors................... 3-15
Step 4. Select the Stand-alone AMV Alarm List Font and Background Color
Task 1. Select the Font Type for the Alarm List................................................ 3-15
Step 4. Select the Stand-alone AMV Alarm List Font and Background Color
Task 2. Select Stand-alone AMV Background Color ........................................ 3-17
Step 4. Select the Stand-alone AMV Alarm List Font and Background Color
Task 3. Select the Button Area Background Color............................................ 3-18
Step 5. Work with the Stand-alone AMV ............................................................................ 3-20
Step 5. Work with the Stand-alone AMV Option 1. Copy an Alarm to Another
Document .......................................................................................................... 3-20
Step 5. Work with the Stand-alone AMV Option 2. Print a Stand-alone AMV
Document .......................................................................................................... 3-21
Step 5. Work with the Stand-alone AMV Option 3. Save a Stand-alone
AMV File........................................................................................................... 3-23
Step 6. Specify how a Stand-alone AMV File will Connect to a Project............................. 3-24
Step 6. Specify how a Stand-alone AMV File will Connect to a Project Task 1.
Select the Project that will be Connected .......................................................... 3-24
Step 6. Specify how a Stand-alone AMV File will Connect to a Project Task 2.
Specify the Placement of an Alarm Viewer Window........................................ 3-26
Step 6. Specify how a Stand-alone AMV File will Connect to a Project Task 3.
Install a Shortcut of a Stand-alone AMV File ................................................... 3-27
Step 7. Configure the Alarm Viewer Fields and Buttons. .................................................... 3-28
Step 8. Exit the Stand-alone AMV....................................................................................... 3-28
Index i
GFK-1993 1-1
§ Display alarms in a static view.
In Static view, a user opens a CIMPLICITY Alarm Viewer a current list of
alarms displays. This list remains in the window until a user:
è Acknowledges or resets alarms that are configured to be deleted on
acknowledge or reset.
è Clicks Refresh to display an updated list of alarms when the alarm count
changes to the Unseen Alarm Count color.
§ Display alarms in a dynamic view.
In Dynamic view, the alarm display is updated automatically whenever a new
alarm that passes a filter (or unfiltered) list is generated or when the status of an
existing alarm changes.
GFK-1993 2-1
Step 1. Place an AMV Control on a CimEdit Screen
Tasks to place an AMV Control on a CimEdit screen include:
Task 1. Insert an Alarm Viewer OCX Control on a CimEdit Screen.
Task 2. Resize a New Alarm Viewer OCX Control.
Increase Increase in
height. proportion.
B. Hold the right-button down and drag the object to where you want it
positioned on the CimEdit/CimView screen.
Method 2–Precision
A. Click Edit on the menu bar.
B. Select Properties.
Method 3–Precision
Click the Properties button on the Format toolbar.
Result: The AMV Control enlarges/ reduces and moves to the size you specify.
Alarm Count:
1 Position is botom left. 3
2 Orientation is Horizontal.
3 Date is first.
End of example.
Note: The alarm colors (font and background) are configured in the Alarm Class
Configuration dialog box.
3. Click Font….
The Font dialog box opens.
5. Click OK.
The Fonts tab in the CIMPLICITY AMV Control Properties dialog box displays
the new font specifications.
6. Click Apply.
AMV Control button font is Times New Roman, 11.
Result: The font on the selected property changes to the new specifications.
Step 5. Specify the AMV Control Alarm Sort and Display Features
Task 1. Specify AMV Control Sort Properties
Task 1. Specify MV Control sort/display properties:
1. Select the Sort/Display tab in the CIMPLICITY AMV Control Properties dialog
Step 5. Specify the AMV Control Alarm Sort and Display Features
Task 2. Specify AMV Control Display Properties
You can specify whether or not to display the following features during runtime:
§ Field titles.
§ Status box.
§ Static of dynamic mode when the AMV Control is opened.
Check to display:
1 Titles for alarm list
2 Status box in the 1
bottom half of the
AMV Control. 2
3 Static mode when 3
the AMV Control
Check to:
1 Open the CIMPLICITY AMV Control
Properties dialog box during runtime.
2 Enable alarm list sorting by clicking a field
D. Repeat A–C until all of the required projects have been selected.
The projects you select are added to the list.
4. Select a default alarm filter as follows.
Note: You configure alarm filters when you configure the AMV Control
buttons. The default is <<UNFILTERED>>. See the "Setup Button: Configure
Filter Setups" section in the "Configuring Alarm Viewer Fields and Buttons"
chapter in this manual for details.
A. Double-click the project for which the filter will be the default.
Note: You can use the same filter for more than one project.
The Project Settings dialog box opens.
B. Enter the filter's name in the Alarm setup: field.
1 Double-click a project..
2 Enter an alarm setup.
3 The setup appears in
the setup column. 1 2
GFK-1993 3-1
Step 1. Start the Stand-alone AMV
Tasks to start the stand-alone AMV are:
Task 1. Open the stand-alone AMV.
Task 2. Login to the stand-alone AMV.
Note: You can also open the stand-alone AMV through the Windows Start menu or by
double-clicking a desktop icon if one has been created from a save stand-alone AMV file.
Tip: Once you have configured an Alarm Viewer file you can create a shortcut for the
Windows desktop or Start menu. A user can then double-click the shortcut and display
both the stand-alone AMV and alarms in the connected project in one or two easy steps.
The exact steps depend on you specifications for connecting the file to a project.
A. Select any project to which you have access. The project does not have
to be the one that displays in the active Workbench.
B. Click Start.
A CIMPLICITY Login dialog box opens.
Note: If the CIMPLICITY HMI project that displays in the Workbench is running, the
Alarm Viewer displays the alarms in that project when Login! is clicked on the Alarm
Viewer menu bar–even if more than one project is running.
Note: You can also simply view the configuration that displays when you open the
stand-alone AMV.
Stand-alone AMV:
1 Not saved.
2 Saved.
Tip: You can also create a shortcut to open an Alarm Viewer file. This is an efficient way
of making the correct Alarm Viewer configuration available to users.
Result: The file displays in the stand-alone AMV with the configuration you saved.
Saved Alarm Viewer File: Example
4. Click Color to the right of any option whose color you want to change.
Option Changes the Color of the:
Unseen Alarm Count Alarm count when new alarms are generated
and you have not yet viewed them.
Seen Alarm Count Alarm count after you have viewed the
current set of alarms.
Background Background color for the alarm count
End of example.
See "Using the Color Palettes" in the "Applying Inanimate Visual Features" chapter in
the CIMPLICITY HMI CimEdit Manual (GFK-1396) for detailed information about
defining colors.
4. Click Font in the Count Font box to change the font specifications for the alarm
count display.
A Font dialog box opens in which you can make your changes.
End of example.
Step 4. Select the Stand-alone AMV Alarm List Font and Background Color
Task 1. Select the Font Type for the Alarm List
Task 1. Select the font type for the alarm list:
1. Click Configure on the Alarm Viewer menu bar.
2. Select List Layout…
The Alarm List Configuration dialog box appears.
3. Select the Color and Font tab.
The Color and Font tab displays the currently selected font and size.
4. Click Font in the Count Font box to change the font specifications for the alarm
count display.
End of example.
4. Click Color.
A Color palette opens.
End of example.
See "Using the Color Palettes" in the "Applying Inanimate Visual Features" chapter in
the CIMPLICITY HMI CimEdit Manual (GFK-1396) for detailed information about
defining colors.
Step 4. Select the Stand-alone AMV Alarm List Font and Background Color
Task 3. Select the Button Area Background Color
You can select the color for the stand-alone AMV button area.
End of example.
] Option 1. Copy the details for one or more alarm in the Alarm Viewer:
1. Select the alarm or alarms in the Alarm Viewer that you want to copy.
Note: Hold down the Shift key to select more than one alarm.
2. Do one of the following:
Method 1
A. Click Edit on the Alarm Viewer menu bar.
B. Select Copy.
Method 2
Press Ctrl+C on the keyboard.
3. Open the document in which you want to paste the data.
4. Press Ctrl+V (in almost all applications) on the keyboard.
The data is copied to the new document as text.
Data for Two Alarms Selected in the Alarm Viewer
Note: You can also change the printer specifications before you print the document.
Note: By default, stand-alone AMV documents are placed in the Screens directory for
the CIMPLICITY project that is being used. However, you can select another directory.
Connection 3
Check Select Project Now if you want the stand-alone AMV to connect to a
specific project that is not the project in which the AMV file is located.
Result: When a user opens the AMV file, alarms for the selected project
appear, if the project is running.
4. Check either:
Check Box The stand-alone AMV will:
Always on Top Always be on top, no matter what other windows
are open.
Pop to Top on new Alarms Pop to the top when new alarms are received.
5. Click OK.
Result: The stand-alone AMV will be positioned according to your specifications.
3. Select the folder in which the shortcut should appear, e.g., Desktop.
4. Click OK
Important: Specify how the Alarm Viewer file should connect to a CIMPLICITY
project when the shortcut is double-clicked. If one or more projects are running, your
specification will guide the project selection. You do this on the General tab in the Alarm
Tip: Select Browse for system when connecting on the General tab in the Alarm List
Configuration dialog box to make sure a user can connect to a project no matter where
the shortcut is placed.
GFK-1993 4-1
Step 1. Select the AMV Control/Stand-alone AMV Alarm List Fields
Task 1. Display the Fields Tab
How you display the Fields tab depends on whether you are working in the AMV Control
or the AMV.
Option 1. Display the Fields tab in the CIMPLICITY AMV Control Properties dialog
box (AMV Object).
Option 2. Display the Fields tab in the Alarm List Configuration dialog box (stand-
alone Alarm Viewer).
Option 1. Display the Fields tab in the CIMPLICITY AMV Control Properties
dialog box:
1. Double-click the AMV Control.
The CIMPLICITY AMV Control Properties dialog box opens.
2. Select the Fields tab.
Result: The list of fields you configure will depend on whether you are configuring
a static or dynamic alarm list.
See the "Step 2. Open the CIMPLICITY AMV Control Dialog Box" section in the
"Using the Alarm Viewer OCX Control" chapter in this manual for more methods to
open the dialog box.
4. Check Display Field Titles if you want the titles to display in the Alarm Viewer
in either static or dynamic view.
Result: The list of fields you configure will depend on whether you are configuring
a static or dynamic alarm list.
Note: If any field titles have been modified, the modified title appears in parentheses to
the right of the field name. For example, (Ack) appears to the right of Ack State.
Control Properties dialog
Alarm List Configuration
dialog box
Control Properties dialog
1 Alarm ID is in each
alarm message's
Row 2; to the right of
2 Row Up (enabled) is
clicked. 2
3 Alarm ID moves to
each alarm message's
Row 1, furthest left
4 Row Up is disabled. 3
End of example.
Note: Column titles appear in the AMV Control only if you check Field titles on the
Sort/Display tab in the CIMPLICITY AMV Control Properties dialog box.
3. Change the maximum field length in for the Alarm Viewer in the Length field if
it should be different from the current length that displays.
4. Enter a new title for the Alarm Viewer field in the Title Field if it should be
different from the current title that displays.
If you change the title of a field, its original title appears next to the check box in
the Fields list, and the modified title appears to the right in parentheses.
5. Click either:
§ OK to accept the changes.
§ Cancel to retain the current settings.
Result: The Alarm List Configuration dialog box appears. The field is changed (or
not) according to your specifications.
Tip: Field length is based on the average size of characters in the font you have chosen.
Thus, a length of 6 may be sufficient to display the string IIIIII, but may be too short to
display WWWWWW. To ensure that the length is always adequate, select a fixed pitch
font (such as Courier New) for your alarm page display.
AMV Control
Stand-alone AMV
Control Properties dialog
2. Check the buttons you want users to display. See page 4-21 for details about
button functionality.
Control Properties dialog
1 Alarm ID is in each
alarm message's
Row 2; to the right of
2 Row Up (enabled) is
clicked. 2
3 Alarm ID moves to
each alarm message's
Row 1, furthest left
4 Row Up is disabled. 3
End of example.
AMV Control
Stand-alone AMV
2. Click Modify.....
The Button Caption dialog box opens for the selected custom button.
3. Enter a caption that will appear on the button in the Button Caption field.
4. Enter a description in the Description field.
5. Enter the command string you want to be executed when the button is selected
in the Command String field.
Result: When a user clicks this button, a new Notepad will be executed for a file in
the Notes subdirectory of the CIMPLICITY HMI project directory. The Alarm ID
of the selected alarm determines the filename.
If you are creating a custom button all three fields are available for entry.
3. Enter the new caption that will appear on the button in the Button Caption
field. You may enter up to 100 characters.
4. Enter a description in the Description field.
5. (For a custom button) Enter the command string, in the Command String field,
that you want to be executed when the button is clicked.
6. Click OK.
Result: The new button name appears in parentheses next to the original button
name or Custom 1, 2, 3, etc.
If the buttons are selected to display, the new names appear on them immediately.
Note: Only users who have been granted the Modify Alarm Setups privilege in the Role
Properties dialog box can save a new setup, load a different setup or make the current
setup the default.
See the "Role Configuration" chapter in this manual for more information about
assigning privileges.
2. Either:
§ Check classes you want to use in the setup, or
§ Uncheck classes you do not want to use in the setup, or
§ Click Add All to select all classes, or
§ Click Remove All to de-select all classes.
3. Either:
§ Click OK to save the setup changes and exit the Modify Setup dialog box,
§ Click Apply>Select another tab.
2. Either:
§ Check resources you want to use in the setup, or
§ Uncheck resources you do not want to use in the setup, or
§ Click Add All to select all resources, or
§ Click Remove All to de-select all resources.
3. Either:
§ Click OK to save the setup changes and exit the Modify Setup dialog box,
§ Select another tab.
3 6
End of example.
Note: Any user created Alarm Viewer setup can be deleted. System created setups
require the Modify alarm setups privilege. See the "Configuring Roles" chapter in the
Base System User's Manual, GFK-1180, for details.
Result: The next time the Alarm Viewer file opens the selected setup will be loaded.
One setup in the list is the default setup, which loads when the Alarm Viewer file opens.
When you install CIMPLICITY software, the default setup is <<UNFILTERED>>.
However, you can choose any setup to be the default.
Note: For the AMV Control, you can also select the default filter in the CIMPLICITY
AMV Control Properties dialog box.
7. Click OK.
Result: AMV Control/AMV responses may include changing the font color,
resetting the Alarm state to Normal or automatically deleting the Alarm ID. The
exact response depends on these specifications relative to the button that is clicked.
When a user clicks Help an alarm help file displays if one was assigned to the
Alarm ID on the Alarm tab of the Alarm Definition dialog box.
Example: Specify customized help for an alarm
Alarm Definition Dialog Box: Help File Specified for Alarm Viewer Help
End of example.
Note: The maximum stack number is specified on the Alarm Options tab in the Point
ID's Point Properties dialog box.
If an alarm has stacked occurrences, and the Stacked field is being displayed, a user will
see an asterisk (*) in the Stacked field.
When an alarm is deleted, all occurrences of the stacked alarm are deleted.
Asterisk means that the Point ID has stacked alarms.
2. Click Done.
Result: The Stacked Alarm Messages window closes. The Alarm Viewer screen
You can specify that comments will be available for viewing in the Project Properties
dialog box. Comments can be:
§ Available only while an Alarm ID appears in the Alarm Viewer. When the
Alarm ID has been reset, deleted, or automatically removed, the comment ceases
to exist, or
§ Stored until 20 comments have been listed for one Alarm ID, regardless of
whether the alarm has been acknowledged, reset, deleted, etc. When 20
comments have accumulated, the first comment entered is deleted to make room
for the newest comment.
Options for comments include:
Option 1. View comments.
Option 2. Add comments.
Option 3. Store comments.
2. Click either:
§ Done when you finish reading the comments.
The Alarm Comments dialog box closes.
§ Click Add Comment to add a comment.
The Add Comment dialog box opens.
5. Click Done.
Result: A C appears next to the Alarm ID indicating that the alarm has comments.
5. Click Settings.
The Alarm Properties dialog box opens.
End of example.
GFK-1993 5-1
5. Enter a name for the AMV Control in the Object name field.
6. Click OK to save your changes and close the Object Properties dialog box.
You can now select the control when you create an Invoke Method action.
A. Click Advanced… .
An Edit Method dialog box opens.
B. Configure advanced specifications for the method.
C. Click OK.
The Edit Method dialog box closes.
7. (For all methods) Click either:
§ New to add another method or
§ OK to close the Procedure Information dialog box.
AboutBox Method
Purpose: Display the Help About dialog box for the CIMPLICITY
AMV Control. There is no equivalent to this method in the
AMV Control.
Advanced parameters:Not required.
1 1
2 2
DoAckAll Method
Purpose: Acknowledge all alarms in the CIMPLICITY AMV Control's
alarm list.
Equivalent to: Ack All button in the AMV Control.
Advanced Parameters:Not required.
DoAckFirst Method
Purpose: Acknowledge the first alarm in CIMPLICITY AMV Control's
alarm list.
Equivalent to: Ack First button in the AMV control.
Advanced parameters:Not required.
DoAckReset Method
Purpose: Acknowledge and reset the currently selected alarm(s) in the
alarm list on the CIMPLICITY AMV Control
Equivalent to: Ack and Reset button in the AMV Control.
Advanced parameters:Not required.
DoCimviewScreen Method
Purpose: Display the CimView screen configured for the currently
selected alarm in the alarm list on the CIMPLICITY AMV
Control .
Equivalent to: CimView Screen button in the AMV Control.
Important: At runtime, the user must select only one alarm
for this method to work. If the user selects more than one
alarm, the method will not execute.
Advanced parameters:Not required.
DoComments Method
Purpose: Open the Alarm Comments dialog box for the currently
selected alarm in the CIMPLICITY AMV Control's alarm list
so that users can view, add, or delete comments for the alarm.
Equivalent to: Comments button in the AMV Control.
At runtime, the user must select only one alarm for this method
to work. If the user selects more than one alarm, the method
will not execute.
Advanced parameters:Not required.
DoCustom<n> Method
Purpose: Launch user-defined applications from the CIMPLICITY
AMV Control .
Equivalent to: Custom1 through Custom8 buttons in the AMV Control .
Advanced parameters:Not required.
DoHelp Method
Purpose: Open the Alarm Operator Help dialog box for the currently
selected alarm in the CIMPLICITY AMV Control's alarm list.
Equivalent to: Help button in the AMV Control.
At runtime, the user must select only one alarm for this method
to work. If the user selects more than one alarm, the method
will not execute.
Advanced parameters:Not required.
DoRefresh Method
Purpose: Refresh Static Alarm list in the CIMPLICITY AMV Control
with the latest alarms.
Equivalent to: Refresh button in the AMV Control.
Advanced parameters:Not required.
DoReset Method
Purpose: Let a user reset the currently selected alarm(s) in the
CIMPLICITY AMV Control's alarm list.
Equivalent to: Reset button in the AMV Control.
A reset alarm will not be generated again until it returns to its
normal state then goes back to an alarm state.
Advanced parameters:Not required.
DoSetup Method
Purpose: Open the Alarm Setups dialog box so that users can select the
filtering they want when viewing alarms in the CIMPLICITY
AMV Control.
Equivalent to: Setup button in the AMV Control.
Advanced parameters:Not required.
DoToggle Method
Purpose: Toggle the CIMPLICITY AMV Control between the Static
Alarm list and the Dynamic Alarm list.
Equivalent to: Toggle button in the AMV Control.
Advanced parameters:Not required.
GetProjectSetup Method
Purpose: Return a string that contains the current setup name.
Advanced parameters:Described next.
MoveUpOneAlarm Method
Purpose: Highlight the previous alarm in the CIMPLICITY AMV
Control's alarm list.
If the current alarm is the first alarm on the screen but not the
first alarm in the list, this method moves the list down to
highlight the previous alarm.
Equivalent to: Up arrow on a user's keyboard.
Advanced parameters:Not required.
PageDownAlarms Method
Purpose: (If there is more than one screen of alarms in the AMV
Control's alarm list) display the next screen of alarms.
Equivalent to: Page Down button on the user's keyboard.
Advanced parameters:Not required.
PageUpAlarms Method
Purpose: (If there is more than one screen of alarms in the
CIMPLICITY AMV Control's alarm list) displays the previous
page of alarms.
Equivalent to: Page Up key on the user's keyboard.
Advanced parameters:Not required.
SelectAllAlarms Method
Purpose: Select all alarms in the CIMPLICITY AMV Control's alarm
Advanced parameters:Not required..
1 1 1
2 2 2
Value entry: 1 Identifies default setup.
1 Required 2 Identifies project.
2 Optional
Active X
% AMV Control configuration 2-1
%% 4-18 Comments for an alarm 4-37
%ACK 4-18 Comments in Alarm Viewer 4-36
%CIM 4-18 AddProject
%CLASS 4-18 AMV Control method 5-5
%DATE 4-18 Alarm Configuration 1-1
%DATETIME 4-18 Alarm Count
%DIR 4-18 Configure for AMV Control 2-6
%DIRECTORY 4-18 Alarm Data
%DT 4-18 Copy to a document 3-20
%ID 4-18 Alarm List
%MESSAGE 4-18 Layout 4-1
%MSG 4-18 Alarm Viewer
%PRJ 4-18 About 1-1
%PRODUCT 4-18 Alarm Viewer Control Methods 5-1
%PROJECT 4-18 Alarm Viewers
%REF 4-18 Ack and Reset button 4-33
%REFERENCE 4-18 Ack and/or Reset buttons 4-30
%RES 4-18 Ack button 4-31
%RESOURCE 4-18 Ack First button 4-32
%STATE 4-18 Button caption 4-20
%TIME 4-18 Button command strings 4-20
%USER 4-18 Button configuration 4-11
Button description 4-20
A Button display order 4-19
Buttons 4-21
About CimView Screen button 4-40
Alarm Viewer 1-1 Comments button 4-36
Alarms 1-1 Create custom buttons 4-16
AMV Control Methods 5-1 Create new setup 4-28
AboutBox Defining the alarm list layout 4-1
AMV Control method 5-4 Delete button 4-42
Ack and Reset Button Delete setup 4-29
Alarm Viewers 4-33 Filter lists 4-21
Ack Button Help button 4-34
Alarm Viewers 4-31 Parameters don't require selected alarm 4-18
Ack First Button Parameters for substitution 4-18
Alarm Viewers 4-32 Refresh button 4-35
Reset button 4-32