Clinical Guideline For Management of Acute Cholecystitis in Adults
Clinical Guideline For Management of Acute Cholecystitis in Adults
Clinical Guideline For Management of Acute Cholecystitis in Adults
2. The Guidance
The following pathway should be followed.
3.2. Imaging
o Gold standard first line investigation is USS abdomen
o CT indications:-
Diagnostic uncertainty
Assess for complications of acute cholecystitis (e.g. liver abscess / perforation)
Where patient fails to improve despite initial treatment
o MRCP indications:-
Where common bile duct stone suspected
Suspected Mirizzi
o On table cholangiogram indications:-
History of abnormal LFTs or dilated CBD
Assess anatomy of biliary tree
3.3. Cholecystectomy
o SEVERE: Patient should be offered urgent cholecystectomy where deemed surgically
fit otherwise urgent radiological biliary drainage with percutaneous cholecystostomy.
o MODERATE: As above
o MILD: Patients considered fit for surgery should be offered cholecystectomy during
their index admission. This should be performed within 72 hours, however surgery is
still considered safe up to 7 days from onset of symptoms. Where this is not
achievable patients should have a date for subsequent surgery identified prior to
discharge or outpatient review as appropriate.
Michael Clarke –
01 09 15 V1.0 Draft for consultation Consultant Upper GI
and Bariatric Surgeon
Michael Clarke –
23 Feb 16 V2.0 Approved for implementation Consultant Upper GI
and Bariatric Surgeon
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Michael Clarke, Consultant Upper GI and Bariatric 23rd February 2016
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