DFT Interview Questions1

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1. What is sequential Depth In DFT? How does it improve coverage?

Ans: FastScan performs clock sequential test generation if you specify a non-zero sequential depth.

Clock sequential identification selects scannable cells by cutting sequential loops and limiting
sequential depth based on the -Depth switch. Typically, this method is used to create structured
partial scan designs that can use the FastScan clock sequential ATPG algorithm.

Setting the -Sequential switch to either 0 (the default) or 1 results in patterns with a

maximum sequential depth of one, but FastScan creates clock sequential patterns only if the setting is
1 or higher.

The maximum allowable sequential depth is 255 (a typical depth would range from

2 to 5).

Coverage Improvement :

Testable faults become ATPG_untestable faults because of constraints, or limitations,

placed on the ATPG tool (such as a pin constraint or an insufficient sequential depth).

These faults may be possible-detectable, or detectable, if you remove some constraint, or change
some limitation, on the test generator (such as removing a pin constraint or changing the sequential

Also,(while using named capture procedure) gradually add more capture procedures with higher
sequential depth until the test coverage goal is achieved or the pattern count limit is reached.

2. What is the difference between flops and scan flops?

Ans: Difference between scan flop and simple flops becomes more easy to understand when we
know why do we need scan flop!!

Need of scan flop:

The goal of scan design is to make a difficult-to-test sequential circuit behave (during the testing
process) like an easier-to-test combinational circuit. Achieving this goal involves replacing sequential
elements with scannable sequential elements (scan cells/scan flops) and then stitching the scan cells
together into scan registers, or scan chains. You can then use these serially connected scan cells to
shift data in and out when the design is in scan mode.

“Before Scan” design is difficult to initialize to a known state, making it difficult to both control the
internal circuitry and observe its behavior using the primary inputs and outputs of the design. In a
"Scan design" scan memory elements (scan flops) replace the original memory elements (normal
flops) imparting controllability and observability to the design (prime requirement for the design being
testable), when shifting is enabled.

3. What is robust / non_robust test for path delay faults?

Ans: Non -Robust tests:

A pair of at-speed vectors that test a path delay fault; fault detection is not guaranteed, because it
depends on other delays in the circuit.

Robust Tests:

A pair of at-speed vectors that test a path delay fault independent of other delays or delay faults in the

4. What are the techniques used to reduce pattern count without losing coverage ?

Ans: The number of test patterns that you need to achieve full coverage depends on the design size.
Different ATPG tools offer different compression and pattern ordering techniques to help reduce
pattern count.

fault models beyond stuck-at typically require pattern counts that are much larger than those for
stuck-at only.

For Pattern reduction, first step is the chain balancing during Stitching or scan insertion. If your chains
are balanced, Tool needs to insert less dummy patterns for reaching till required flop.

Also we can include compression on the chains where we have constraints on the pins of device.This
means if we are having the compression factor of 2 then your 1 scan chain will get divided into 2
inside the device reducing your chain length (flops per scan chain).

5. Are the faults on the resets of the flops are detected? if so how are they detected?

Ans: Yes the faults on reset of the flop are detectable. It is detected in the following way

1) Define the reset pin as clock in the tdl

2) Let us assume that the reset of the flop is active low. Keep the reset as 'high' and scan in '1' in to
the flop (during this scan enable is 'high')

3)As we have scan-in '1' the Q of the flop will have '1'

4) Make the scan-enable 'low' and toggle the reset(i.e. make it low). This is allowed because we have
declared the reset as clock.

5) As reset is 'low' the flop need to get reset and whatever the value in the flop will become '0'

6) Then strobe for '0', while shifting-out the contents from the flop.

7) If the output while shifting out is '0', it means the reset pin of the flop is not stuck-at 1. Otherwise it
is stuck at '1'.


1. In test mode all the flops should have a asynchronous reset.

2. The reset pins of all flops should be controllable from Top (Chip) level.
If your design contains a lot of synchronous reset flops. Then since during AC (transdly) testing these
reset line faults are not targeted for AC, Constraining the reset to off state is the best way.

6. If we provide controllability and observability to the ports of area under test, will it improve
the test coverage? If yes, how much %age of improvement can we see?

Ans: yes, we can see an improvement in coverage. Think about the bounding logic that we usually
give for macros...

the improvement in coverage will depend on the initial coverage without bound and the no of faults in
the design under test.

7. When both the Transition-delay and path_delay target for transition faults, why we should
have two different methods to detect the same?

Ans: Yes both Transition and Path delay will target the transition faults, but they are different in the
following ways

1) Transition-delay is related to slow-to-rise or slow-to-fall faults at a particular node. Whereas path-

delay is related to slow-to-rise or slow-to-fall faults of a particular path.

2) The reason for transition-delay at a node is some manufacturing defect at that node (more resistive
node). The reason for path-delay is some manufacturing defect that is distributed through out the path
(more resistive path). Let me explain this in detail with an example.

Let us assume that in a path there are some 10 nodes, and the transition delay at each node is that
much less which won't create any timing violation in the transition ATPG. But in path-delay these
delays at each node might get accumulated and result in not meeting the timing. So it is must to have
path-delay besides Transition-delay.

Transition delay is similar to stuck-at atpg, except that it attempts to detect slow-to-rise and slow-to-
fall nodes, rather than stuck-at-0 and stuck-at-1 nodes. A slow-to-rise fault at a node means that a
transition from 0 to 1 on the node doesn’t produce the correct results at the maximum operating
speed of the design. Similarly a slow-to-fall fault means that a transition form 1 to 0 on a node doesn’t
produce the correct results at the maximum speed of the design. Transition delay fault targets single
point defects.

The Path delay fault model is useful for testing and characterizing critical timing paths in the design.
Path delay fault tests exercise critical paths at-speed to detect whether the path is too slow because
of manufacturing detects or variations.

Path delay fault testing targets physical defects that might affect distributed region of a chip. For
example, incorrect field oxide thicknesses could lead to slower signal propagation times, which could
cause transitions along a critical path to arrive too late.

If we attain 100% coverage with transition atpg test then we don’t need to do the path delay test. But
this is not the case in most of our designs. Then how can we GUARANTEE that all the critical paths
are targeted by Transition ATPG

so we give the critical path to the atpg tool and tell it to generate patterns for it

this is called path delay.

8. What is Burnin test? Why is it done?

Ans: Burn-in is the process by which device infant mortality failures are

accelerated through application of temperature and stress voltages for

specific periods of time. The goal of burn-in is to stress the device as much

as possible thereby accelerating device infant mortality rate. Since scan

based test has higher coverage, scan test vectors are used to stress the logic

portion of the device. This can either be done by performing device level

ATPG by applying external test patterns on onchip LBIST. Memory BIST is

used for memories.

Burnin test is the technique of estimating the life time of the chip by providing stress in the form
temperature , voltage and current.

High toggled atpg vectors is generated to sensitize the internal nodes of the chip so that chip will get
more stress

. Burnin monior pin is availabe for every SoC to check the internal status in the form of pulses.Chip
will give pulses till the device burn out..

9. Why do we have different kinds of SDF's like PrimeTime SDF and Verilog SDF when there is
an Open Verilog International standard ?

Ans: There are no different kind of SDF like Primetime SDF or Verilog SDF.

When a design is synthesized it creates netlist, which is made of library cells only. The library cells
have path delays(Input to Output) and there are also interconnect delay in netlist. SDF means
Standard Delay Format. So SDF basically contains the cell path delay and Interconnect delays
between cells. The SDF format can be read/understood by all STA/simulation tools. Generarally (1)
the SDF can be generated using Synthesis(dc_shell)/STA(pt_shell). This SDFs are used for initial
Timing analysis and gate-simulation. (2) post-route tools also generates SDF (or spef and then you
can generate SDF from spef) files. These SDF are used for final Timing Analysis and final gate
simulation for sign-off/tapeout.

Each libary cell can have max,min or typical delay. so you can generated SDF based on this delay
and have different SDF for max delay or min delay or typical delay, but you can not have primetime
SDF or Verilog SDF.

10. If for a DFT production set we have both PATH Delay and Transition patterns which
scheme should be done first ?

Ans: Its always better to do Path_delay first and then the transition delay.

Path_delay- start flop and end flop are given by the user.(i.e) transition through a well defined path-
(More effective)
Transition-Start and end flop is decided by the tool,so trasition may happen through a shorter or
longer path-(Less effective)

1)path delay basically targets for all the critical paths in the design.

2)Generate the path_delay patterns for all the critical paths in the design and write down the faults for
the same.

3)Generate the trans delay pattern by loading the faults on the path_delay, such that the faults
detected in the path_delay are not Re-targeted.

4)The major reason to follow the above sequence is in trans-delay we are not sure weather a
transition has really happened through the critical path.

(A)-If we do the transition-ATPG first, we are not sure whether the transition has happened through
the critical path,In such case we may not have pattern which may catch the fault through the critical
path,but the fault may be detected through some other shorter paths which may add the faults to the
detected list.

(B)If we run a path_delay after the above step(A) then we may have a pattern for the critical path,but
it leads to the pattern redundancy because we have already a transition

pattern for the same fault.

11. What do we mean by fault simulation in DFT terminology?

Ans: Fault simulation consists of simulating a circuit in the presence of faults ( logical faults ).

Comparing the fault simulation results with those of the fault-free simulation of

the same circuit simulated with the same applied test, we can determine the

faults detected by that test.

There are several types of fault simulation techniques such as serial fault simulation , parallel fault
simulation , deductive fault simulation e.t.

12. What is meant by coverage in DFT terminology?

Ans: The term coverage can be braodly classified as:

1. Fault Coverage: This is the total number of detcted faults (duing testing) divided by the total
number of faults in the design.

2. Test coverage: This is the total number of detected faults divided by the number of testable faults in
the design.

Testable faults are the faults in the design that can be tested and observed by the patterns used
during testing.

Please note that, here the word "faults" refers to manufacturing defects, as DFT does not merely
target functional faults, but rather focusses on circuit structure.

Coverage Calculations are used to measure the effectiveness of test patterns and test generation for
a given set of faults.


A Basic AND Gate has six faults




Total faults for a basic AND gate is 6

Coverage calculation goes on how many faults we are able to detect on the same.

Test Coverage is a percentage detected of all detectable faults and gives the most meaningful
measure of test pattern quality.

Test Coverage=DT+(NP+AP)*PT_credit)/(total faults-UD-(AN*AU_credit).

Fault Coverage:the fault coverage is the percentage detected of all faults.it gives no credit for
undetectable faults.

Fault Coverage=(DT+(NP+AP)*PT_credit)/total faults.


-DR-detected robustly

-DS-detected by simulation

-DI-Detected by implication

PT-Possiblty detected

-AP-ATPG untestable possibly detected.

NP-not analyzed,possibly detected.


-UU-undectable unused

-UT-Undectable tied

-UB undetectable tied

-UR undettable redundant

AU-ATPG untestable

-AN-ATPG untestable not detected.

ND- not detected

-NC-not controlled.

-NO-not observed.

13. What is IDDQ Testing? Why is it done?

Ans: IDDQ Testing can detect certain types of circuit faults in CMOS circuits that are difficult or
impossible to detect by other methods.

IDDQ testing, when used with standard functional or scan testing, provides an additional measure of
quality assurance against defective devices.

IDDQ testing refers to the integrated circuit (IC) testing method based upon measurement of steady
state power-supply current. Iddq stands for quiescent Idd, or

quiescent power-supply current. Majority of IC’s are manufactured using complementary metal–
oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) technology. In steady state, when all switching transients are settled-
down, a CMOS circuit dissipates almost zero static current. The leakage current

in a defect-free CMOS circuit is negligible (on the order of few nano amperes). However, in case of a
defect such as gate-oxide short or short between two metal lines, a conduction

path from power-supply (Vdd) to ground (Gnd) is formed and subsequently the circuit dissipates
significantly high current. This faulty current is a few orders of magnitude

higher than the fault-free leakage current. Thus, by monitoring the power-supply current, one may
distinguish between faulty and fault-free circuits.

Why do IDDQ Testing?

For functional testing, a tester applies a sequence of input data and detects the results in the
sequence of output data. Then, the output sequence is compared against the expected behavior of
the device. An advantage of functional testing is that it exercises the device as it would actually be
used in the target application. However, this type of testing has only a limited ability to tests the
integrity of a device's internal nodes.

with functional testing only, an internal defect could slide by undetected.

The methodology for scan testing is all the sequential elements of the device are connected into
chains and used as primary inputs and primary outputs for testing purposes. Using automatic test-
pattern generation (ATPG) techniques, you have the capability to test a much larger number of
internal faults than with functional testing alone. The goal of ATPG is to set all nodes of the circuit to
both 0 and 1, and to propagate any defects to nodes where they can be detected by test equipment.

Using both functional and scan testing you greatly increases your odds at finding an internal defect,
but what if the defect is not controllable or can't be observed? That is where IDDQ testing can help.

14. If one needs to do synthesis/STA with scan replaced FF (not stitched) and need do
generate timing and other reports. What should be values of SE, SI and SO pins since design
is not stitched?

Ans: We need not constrain the SE, SI and SO pins for synthesis / STA of a scan replaced but not
stitched design. But we will not be able to do any test related STA.

15. Can you briefly describe the points to be considered, while re-ordering the scan chain in
Physical Design?

Ans: Scan chain reordering needs to respect 3 important Logical constraints.

1. Clock domain timing constraints

2. User specified scan segment positions

3. Minimizing clock domain traversals

each active edge of each clock is considered to be in a separate clock domain. Both edges of a clock
and clocks with different timings may be used to control edge-triggered scan flip flops of a scan chain.

In order to construct functional scan chains, two consecutive scan flip flops A and B (A serially driving

1) must be clocked at the same time or

2) B must be clocked before A.

In the first case, we say that A and B have compatible clock domains.

In the second case, we say that A and B have incompatible clock domains.

The precedence relationship between scan flip-flops imposed by clock domain timings is translated at
the scan segment level. Capture and launch times for a scan segment are respectively deduced from
the capture time of its first scan cell (driven by its scan input) and the launch time of its last scan cell
(driving its scan output). Therefore, the precedence relationship between scan segments can be
established, and thus respected during scan segments reordering. User-specified scan segment
positions are respected during scan reordering unless they violate clock domain timing constraints.

The last constraint, minimizing clock domain traversals, takes priority on physical design information
because we want our approach to be minimally intrusive in term of adding synchronization latches.
Only scan segments with compatible clock domains are reordered.

Reordering a set of scan segments with compatible clock domains consists of:

1. identifying and marking the set of clusters containing the scan segments.

2. Determining the entry and exit points between which the scan segments are going

to be reordered.
3. Ordering the previously identified clusters between the entry point and exit points.

4. Reordering scan segments within each of the ordered clusters.

16. What is stuck open kind of memory fault?

Ans: Stuck open fault in memory says that a particular memory cell is not accessible. A single
physical line in a circuit may be broken. The resulting unconnected node is not tied to either VCC or

In the figure, if A=1 & B=0, then there is no path from either VDD or VSS to the output F. The output F
retains its previous value for some undetermined discharge time.

17. In my project we have 3 subchips. We have three DFT modes of operation. In each mode all
the pins of particular subchip will be accessible from Top level. During pattern generation I am
facing chain blockage at scan cell 0 for one particular mode. Please help me in debugging the

Ans: There can be many reason for this.

1. The design that you are using might not be Scan Stitched.

2. You might not have declared the Clock

3. The asynchronous reset might not be constrained during shift procedure in your spf file
(TETRAMAX) or procedure file (Fastscan)

4. You might not have given proper constraints to input pins

5. Improper value of some dft mode control signals

For finding the exact issue. you have to analyze the error using the gui/schematic viewer of the tool

case 1 : You will find Q of the flop shorted with the SD of the same flop

case 2 : X at the clock port of the flop

case 3 : X at the reset port

case4 : You might see more than one input of a gate as X ; hence the tool will not know which path to

Case5 : you might see more than one input of a gate as X; hence the tool will not know which path to

Please check the I/O buffer which is used on the scan out is in output mode. else there will be a
blockage at the scan cell 0. Make sure that all the I/Os on the scan out port are in the output mode
and all your scan-in pins in input mode.

Check the two things first,

1. the flop where it is blocked, there clock is coming properly or not

2. Reset for the same flop

18. For my design i generated the atspeed compressed patterns. when i simulated these
patterns serially then all of them were passing. i deleivered these patterns( in wgl format) to
our tester team. they sent me the scan tool data and asked me y they are getting these errors.
some of the errors from that log file are shown below

err nbr|cycle number|pinname|template |inst |nrmoff|frames |registers |E|R

1| 32171 |LCD_D16 |st_0_577 | 49| 35 |LCD_D160| |1|0

2| 49596 |LCD_D16 |st_0_577 | 79| 40 |LCD_D160| |1|0

i tried to debug this problem using cycle based log method of tetramax . but i dint able to
figure out the exact flop. i came to know that for debugging compressed patterns through this
method or through failpattern log based method first i need to convert these adaptive scan
patterns to basic scan patterns then only i can debug them.

do we have any other method to debug the compressed patterns?

is inst show scan chain number and nrmoff show the failing flop position?

Ans: various pattern generation tool provides diagnostic capability to debug the Compressed patterns,
but there is a restriction based on the no of channels used at the top level and the compression factor
defined while inserting the compression logic.

It is better to convert those patterns into basic patterns and do a parallel simulation, which is a easier
way to debug the failures. Parallel simulation is faster and easier to debug. Tool provides the flop
name, number and also the chain number too.

19. On what basis do we select LOS or LOC in DFT? Is there any major run time difference too
in the execution of these two concepts?

Ans: It is necessary that the timing path should be same as the functional path. i.e., clocks should be
the same in both functional & at-speed test mode. Whatever methodology (Launch On Shift / Launch
On Capture) is required to meet this requirement should be implemented. There are other critical
factors that will also drive to LOS / LOC implementation.

1. Whether clocks are generated by internal PLLs.

2. Whether, tester can support multiple waveforms on the same clock pin.

3. How do you handle scan enable to switch between shift & capture modes.

FYI, most of the designs that have internal clock generators implement LOC method for testing.

Below are differences between the LOC and LOS

a) For LOS the scan enable has to closed at functional frequency (which may result in gate count
increase with addition of large buffers), whereas in LOC the timing on scan enable can relaxed
between the last shift and launch cycle.
b) LOS atpg run time is less compared to the LOC for pattern generation.

c) Pattern count in LOS in less than the LOC.

d) Test/fault coverage for LOS is higher than the LOC.

Transition ATPG is meant for detecting slow-to-rise and slow-to-fall faults on a particular node. In
order to detect the transition fault, we have to create the transition on the node. We can achieve this
in two ways

I) Launch on last shift - In this method, during the last shift itself, we will shift in the required value in to
the flop which will create the required transition on the intended node.

Advantages: 1) Tool has the controllability to put the required value in to the flop

to cause transition.

2) We will get good coverage as we are launching the value through

SD path.

Disadvantages: 1) Scan-enable need to change at-speed, we have to implement

pipeline logic in order to support this.

II) Launch on capture - In this method, the flop which creates the launch on the intended node will get
the value through D path. Scan-enable will be low during this time.

Advantages: 1) No need to add pipeline logic for Scan-enable.

Disadvantages: 1) We may loose some coverage as the value is launched through D


Its always better to go with LOS, The major advantage with LOS is increased coverage and reduction
in number of patterns. When the no of patterns decreases, the test time reduces, which in turn
reduces the cost for test time to a great extend.

20. In my project I am facing failures in TDL simulation. I have loaded the failing flops signals
in the waveform viewer. This is chain TDL in which scan enable is always 1. Q output should
follow the SI input. Whenever there is change in SI input Q should change at next clock edge.
But I am seeing Q output is changing at the same clock edge when the SI changes. Only for
two flops I am seeing this kind of behaviour. All other flops it is working fine.

Can anyone tell me why this behavior is happening. Please let me know anybody has faced
this kind of issue.

Ans: The output of the flop should have certain clk to q delay. even in notiming models (this is done to
take care of delta delay issues in rtl simulation)

now in ur case : the clock to the two flops (source and destination) may be comming at two different
time. This will happen when we knowingly delay the clk to avoid delta delay issue.

Check the clk path to see if both clocks are arriving at same time or not (ideally they should come at
same time) if u are using single scan clock for all flops.

When you do zero-delay simulations, the library files used should be supporting this.

If the library model is based on the udp cell definition, then it is more susceptible to race conditions as
described by you. There are two options to get rid of this.

1) Use always blocks to define the flip-flop behavior. Use this model instead of the normal library

2) Modify the library model to have internal delay for the d and sdi signals.

21. What is the difference between coverage from dft max and coverage from tetramax?

Ans: DFTMAX is a method or a module which is used to implement compressed mode. Compressed
mode means we externally we might have say 8 scan chain (8 scan in port and 8 scan out ports) but
DFTMAX translate it into say 240 chains internally. The DFTMAX module will have a demux 8 to 240
and a mux 240 to 8.

This will reduce test time. as the shift time reduce by a factor of 30. This will have lower coverage
numbers by a small amount. Since we are loosing certain amount of uncontrollablity as well as
observability due to increased effort of the tool.

you can make up this coverage loss by loading the dftmax fault list and running a normal non
compressed scheme.

TETRAMAX is a tool which is used to generate patterns. for both compressed and non compressed

22. Can anybody please tell me what tester cycle is?

Can it be less than Scan clock period or capture clock period?

Ans: A tester cycle refers to the reference clock for the tester. It should be the fastest clock for any
test pattern.

For a scan pattern, the tester clock can be faster than the scan clock. If clock is driven like a data pin
(using NRZ) from the tester, a scan clock period is equal to 3 tester clock cycles (Refer to the
waveform table for scan clock that says 0ns D, 50ns U, 80ns D).

23. What is the difference between BIST and NON-BIST tdls?

Ans: 1. BIST : Built In Self Test.



Chip will test by itself using BIST. If you say BIST TDL, it will have programming sequence / seed to
generate patterns internally from BIST instead from tester.

2. Non-BIST:-



These TDL's are having test vectors which will be driven from tester to chip.

24. Why first negative edge flops followed by positive edge flops in the scan chain?

Ans: This is not necessary to always have negative and positive edge triggerred flops in scan chain.
Actually we can have three combinations:

1) All positive

2) All negative

3) Negative followed by positive

but positive followed by negative is not taken. Since at the intersection of positive and negative flop
the data will not be captured. Since at single pulse data launch and capture is not possible. We will
require lock up latch.

The rule is there should not be 2 shift during one clock period. So if you put +ve edge flop followed by
-ve edge flop, there is a chance of 2 shift (if the clock skew between 2 clocks is small) in one clock
period. But if you put -ve edge flop then +ve edge flop, then there is no chance of that. because the
+ve edge come in the next period. Or if ur design needs that +ve edge then -ve edge then you a lock
up latch (if skew is small)

this depends on the nature of clock involved in your scan design.

Clock nature

1 : RTZ then chain should be : negedge ->posedge

2 : non RTZ thene it shoul be vice-versa

reason is value loaded on first flop shhuld not passed on to next FF in same cycle.

25. What is PBIST?

Ans: PBIST is the TI Internal IP used to test the memories in the design popularly called as
Programmable BIST. As design is moved to deep micron, knowing the nature of defect is very
challenge in silicon. Hence we want to have programmable BIST to support algorithms that have been
developed post silicon.

Key feature:-


1. It can able to support test 8192 memories in the design.

2. Ability to run different algorithm even post silicon.

3. Support ROM based testing.

Programmable Built-In Self-Test (PBIST) is a memory DFT feature that incorporates all the required
test systems into the chip itself.

PBIST was originally adopted by large memory chips that have high pin counts and operate at high
frequencies, thereby exceeding the capability of production testers. The purpose of PBIST is to avoid
developing and buying more sophisticated and very expensive testers.

PBIST or programmable built-in Self Test is a technique of memory testing. The PBIST strategy, as
the above responders have mentioned are basically the same as MBIST.

The difference lies in the architecture and the hierarchy.

For the PBIST, there is only a single BIST controller for a group of memories, as against one
controller per memory type in MBIST. In PBIST, memories are grouped under different groups, and
are treated as separate memory instances. Each memory instance is accessed by a unique RGS,
RDS and CSR value. The RDS value selects the return data slice.

The PBIST controller can be accessed through 3 interfaces: VLCT (Very low cost tester), ROM and
CPU. This VLCT interface makes the PBIST programmable during testing of the device, as against
MBIST, where the algorithms are hard-coded and cannot be changed once fixed.

Elaborating the terms used in the above respond that will add further clarity to the concept:

RGS, RDS, CSR... etc all these are PBIST internal configuration registers used for PBIST
programming. All the configuration registers are memory mapped for access by the CPU through the
VBUS interface in all modes.

Chip Select Register - CSR[31:0]

PBIST implements a chip select of up to 32 RAMs with a 32-bit register. When a READ or WRITE
command is executed, the corresponding Chip Select is driven active and enables that RAM. At reset,
the default value of the register is all 0s.

CSR is normally the same as the 32-bit decoded value of the 5-bit RDS. For a memory to be selected,
the corresponding CSR bit pointed to by the RDS register should be set to 1. More than 1 CSR could
be turned on at the same time to excite more than one memory simultaneously, but the return data
will always be selected from one memory pointed to by the unique RDS.

We have a 32 bit RAM Configuration Register (RAMT[31:0]) which is internally divided into 6
registers, none of which have a default value after reset.

RGS, RDS are part of RAMT.

RAM Group Select [7:0] (same as RAMT[31:24])

In order to support more than 32 RAMs, this RAM grouping address register has been provided. This
extends the total number of RAMs that can be tested from 32 to 8192 RAMs of 32 bits or less. RAMs
with data width larger than 32 will be tested as more than one RAM and data logged separately.

Return Data select [7:0] (same as RAMT[23:16])

This register is for selecting memory return data for selected RGS group. 8 bits of RGS and 5 bits of
RDS give flexibility to test 8192 RAMs of 32 bits or less.

26. What is retention algorithm for memories?

The retention program usually involves writing a checkerboard pattern to the memory, waiting for a
pre-determined amount of time (the retention spec) and then going back to read the memory, making
sure the contents did not change.

This algorithm can be included in a BIST implementation - the controller does the write, and then
asserts a signal telling you that it is waiting. After the specified retention time, you assert a resume
signal, and the contents are read back. You would then do this for the inverse data pattern.

27. What is D2 violation and how to solve?

Mentor ATPG - the D2 indicates a copy cell that gets the same data as an upstream flop in shift
mode, and may or may not get the same data during capture. It's a violation when they get the same
data during capture, I believe, and will reduce fault coverage. If you set split capture cycle on, it
should be resolved (consult your tool docs, and it will tell you all this).

28. How to decide the number of Scan chains?

Number of package pins available for scan I/O,

Size of the design,

EDA tools available for use (w/ or w/o compression?),

The targeted ATE (available pin count and vector memory),

The test run time desired.

They're all inter-related, so you start usually with the first two, try to figure out whether or not you're
going to fit on your targeted tester, and go from there - make the trade-offs...

29. How the compression technique factor affects the Number of scan chains? Is number of
Clock domains also a factor?

Clock domains are a factor, yes, but sometimes people will combine clock domains into the same
scan chain. That's not uncommon, and will work if the clock skew is managed, and the tool puts
lockup latches in there.

Compression affects the number of scan chains, of course, since more compression generally uses
fewer external scan chains.

30. What’s the procedure to generate pattern in TFT LOC Using Fastscan tool.

Shall i generate PI to CLk, CLK to CLK & CLk to po patterns seperately.

I would say that normally, you'd just create clock to clock patterns, not PI to clock and clock to PO (so
just mask pi's and po's). The clock to clock are really the main objective of transition fault tests.

31. How to meet coverage goals?

You need to review the untestable faults to determine why they are not getting covered.

The first thing to do is make sure that all the faults that should not be targeted by this test are dropped
and not considered for test coverage.

Then find the logic on your chip with the most untested faults. Pick one of the faults in this area and
determine why you can’t generate a test for it. You can use the interactive debugger to do this. You
can manually create a test for this fault and as you do this figure out what stops you and the ATPG.
The interactive debugger might be able to help you with this using it's analysis features.

32. Once a die is tested, can the pins used for scan testing need not be brought out when the
die is packaged as IC? Does this have any big advantage?

No - you don't have to bring them out, but then you can't re-test w/ scan at the package level.
Normally, folks don't have dedicated scan in/out pins anyway, they share them with mission-mode
pins, so they end up getting bonded out anyway.

33. Why should we force the bidis to Z? Can we not use these ports as scan_in and scan_out
of our various scan chains? If we use them, then how should we constrain them in the
load_unload procedure? Will forcing these ports to Z affect coverage? Will it mean that we
cannot put any value on these lines thereby constraining the tool to choose the other ports
only for applying input stimulus?

This is normally done for just the bidis that are scan outputs. By constraining them to 'Z', it tells the
tool that the pin is working in output mode, and therefore it can then trace the scan chain properly (the
chains are traced from output to input).

While shifting you want to prevent conflicts on the non-scan port bidirect pins and to force the correct
direction on any pins that are used as scan ports.

You can force Zs on bidirec pins to prevent conflicts.

You have to add hardware and control signals to force the scan ports in the correct direction while

You can improve test coverage by adopting the TEI methodoly that LSI logic uses. They have a pin
that forces all bidirects to be off with the pin. The test are applied with strobe, wait and clock cycles
(for stuck at tests).

The strobe cycle has all of the bidirects in the same direction as specified by the ATPG and the TEI
pin is disabled.

The wait cycle applies Z to all the bidirect inputs and turns TEI on so all the bidirects will be in input

In the clock cycle all bidirects are in input mode and you drive the values that were on the bidir busses
from the input pins and you apply the capture clock.
This prevents bidirect conflicts from affecting test coverage, so your coverage is higher and require
fewer vectors.

34. Can a C2 violation occur for a set/reset signal? I am getting this violation for a signal that is
identified as a set/reset signal by the tool when "analyze control signlas -auto" command was

yes, C2 can happen for set/reset signals. For both Mentor and Synopsys tools, at least, set/reset
signals are considered clocks. This DRC violation says that there is a defined clock that does not
actually do any work in the circuit (maybe it is replaced in scan mode). To fix it may be as simple as
taking that clock out of your ATPG scripts.

35. The time at which the scan chain is put in functional mode can vary depending on the test
we are carrying. Given this, how can there be a common test mode pin for all the scan chains?

Test mode pins are typically not the same as scan-enable pins. One or more scan-enable pins
(signals) are used to toggle between functional mode and scan mode. These are what you seem to
be referring to. Typically different scan-enable signals are needed for at-speed testing to handle
things like multi-cycle paths and inter-clock domain paths.

Test mode pins are typically used to put the circuit in test mode and are therefore generally global
(static) signals. For example, a test mode pin could be used to share pins between their functional
use and as scan I/O.

I am assuming that the test mode pin (irrespective of the number of scan chains) is used to control
unwieldy circuits during testing.

36. One thing I am not able to completely appreciate is whether there is an issue while sharing
functional pin for testing. Does it in anyway reduce the coverage?

Not if it is handled properly. You need to ensure that a test mode exists where the functional paths to
the shared I/O are accessible. For example, you may have a test mode where scan testing is
performed with the shared I/O connected up to scan chains and a separate test mode with the shared
I/O in their normal functional setting where they can be tested say with boundary scan.

37. what is the command to be used in RTL compiler to add a mux at the PI which, is used as a
shared scan enable signal, with test_mode as its select

define_dft test_mode -name test_mode -active high TM

insert_dft test_point -location -type control_node -node scanenable -test_control test_mode

38. when doing DFT scan insertion which of the following is true or is a better approach?

1. Up to three additional pins are required to implement this type of scan. Only the SCAN ENABLE pin
must be dedicated; the remainder of the pins(scan in, scan out) can be shared with primary inputs
and outputs.

2. Up to four additional pins are required to implement this type of scan. Only the TEST MODE pin
must be dedicated; the remainder of the pins(scan en, scan in , scan out) can be shared with primary
inputs and outputs.
First you will of course generally use more than one scan chain and often need more than one scan
enable (SE) signal, so your 3 and 4 pin statements don't really hold true. The real question you're
asking is if the SE signal(s) must be dedicated or not or can a TM signal be used so that the SE signal
can be shared. The answer is that a TM signal can indeed be used to share the SE signal(s). This is
generally the prefered solution as very often the design requires other internal test settings which
mush be controlled by a dedicated TM signal.

39. Why Full Scan is considered combinational?

Now what I think about is that one can control the sequential part by using the scan path. This is done
by clocking in the needed sequence to set up the state of the machine and then applying the PIs
(primary input vectors) to the combinational inputs.

Thus you one can easily see the response of the machine without having to go through the state
machine in its originally specified way. Thus we become independent of the state machine in some

Thus using scan we 'reduce' the sequential machine problem down to a 'combinational' problem.

By definition, Full Scan means that ALL flip-flops in the design are converted into scan flops. When
the scan-enable signal is inactive, the flip-flops accept data from their functional inputs and the circuit
behaves in its intended sequential nature. When the scan-enable signal is active, all flip-flops accept
data from their scan input, providing full control on the values that get loaded into them. In this mode,
all sequential depth is removed leaving only a combinational circuit to test.

40. It is very normal in our designs to have multiple clock domains.

In that case do we create scan chain for each clock domain?

Also, is the scan clock different from normal clock used during normal functionality?

Are there issues in scan testing when the clock is generated internally (say using PLL)

Yeah.. we need to create seperate scan chains for each clock domain..

same clocks can be used as scan clocks as this will reduce extra pins.

After going through some theory on DFT, I found the following answers:

1) the functional clock is bypassed for scan testing. So clocks in multiple domains can be clubbed into
a single chain with a single clock if DC testing is the only target

2) About the pll also, the answer is same since the internal clock is bypassed and scan clock is used,
the pll remains inactive during scan testing

41. By full scan methodology do we mean that every single flop in the design is a part of the
scan chain? And if we have multiple scan chains instead of one, as it is in present designs,
can it still be called full scan methodology?

In a perfect world, full scan means every flip-flop, but in the real world, many flops can be unscanned,
and the design is still considered full scan. In some cases, the ATPG tool can test through unscanned
flops without a major impact to fault coverage. Designs using one or many scan chains are equally
valid as full scan designs.
Apart from the conventional mux FF scan architecture, there are many others like the Level Sensitive
scan and the clocked scan etc. How are these better or worse than the muxed FF technique?

LSSD is really a sub-specialty in the industry as a whole only a few companies use it, but it is
effective. For scan purposes, it does not suffer from the hold time issues that mux-scan normally
does, but area-wise, it's not as good.

Clock-scan uses a separate scan-clock for each flop - I've never seen it used in industry, but that's
just me. The problem with it is that you must route two clock trees around the chip instead of one - a
virtual show-stopper in these days of congested routing.

42. What are the thinks to be considered in scan stitching?

Scan stitching is done can be done in one of three ways:

1) Use the synthesis tool (DFT compiler or equivalent)

2) A DFT scan tool (such as DFT Architect)

3) The place and route tool

Some of the things to think about are:

1) How many scan ports do you have available? This will determine, in part, the number of scan
chains. The scan chains need to be balanced in length to be as efficient as possible, for test-time/data

2) Clocks - will you use flops from different clock domains in the same chain? If so, the clock domains
need to be *reasonably* skew balanced for the chains to work properly. Also, lockup-latches will be
necessary where the scan path crosses the clock domains for safe operation (if stitching.

3) Are there negative edge flops in the design? If so the tool will always place the negedge flops, as a
group, ahead of the posedge flops.

43. why first negative edge flops followed by positive edge flops in the scan chain?

Well that's so the chain will shift data in and out properly. The idea is that each bit of the data shifting
into the chain should traverse the chain one flop at a time.

Given a clock that is defined with an off-state of 0, a positive edge comes before a negative edge in
time, right?

Now imagine in a scan chain, a posedge FF followed by a negedge FF. During any given clock
period, the data that is latched into the posedge FF will also be latched into the negedge FF as well -
in the same period. This is called a feed-through, and is generally not an optimal situation for the

However, if the insertion tool puts the negedge flops all grouped at the front of the chain, then the
boundary between the negede flops and posedge flops will be a negedge FF followed by a posedge
FF. Since the positive edge of the clock comes before the negative edge, the data will be properly
held up at the negedge FF until the next clock period.
I am doing scan stitching for a block which contains say two instances of prestitched blocks.

I need to connect top-level scan ports to scan ports of these blocks instances.

For example:

top block contains 5 chains in that 3 chains stitched for top-level logic.

Now for remaining scan ports I need to be connect the scan ports of stitched sub module instances

Say module is M1 and instantiated two times (M1 is stitched block)



I need to connect the top level block scan ports to scan port of the submodule inst B/C/D/M1_inst1.

As shown below

Scan_in[3] to B/C/D/M1_inst1.scan_in[0]

Scan_en to B/C/D/M1_inst1.scan_in[0]

Scan_out[3] to B/C/D/M1_inst1.scan_out[0]

Similarly for other instance.

The requirement is to maintain the hierarchy.

47. I am using RTL (RC) complier for scan stitching.

Is there any command in RC or DC for connect the ports?

I tried the below DC command but this is not supported for the available version W-2004.12-SP5


connect_pin [get_pins U1/Z] [find pin mid1/bot1/U3/A]

In DC, you will need a DFT compiler license to stitch is properly, as it does more than just connect the
scan chains. It checks for any DRC errors, so your chains are intact. The DFT compiler
documentation asks you to create a CTL model of the sub-blocks, so I am not sure if it is applicable to
your implementation.

Without DFT compiler, you can try to hook it up manually, then try to extract the chain using an ATPG
tool to see if the chains are intact.

48. I have in my design 3 types of flops.

1. CLK domain posedge

2. CLK domain negedge

3. RCO_CLK domain posedge only.

Is it feasible/possible to put them in 1 scan-chain ?

Yes, it is possible.

Assuming that CLK is a Return-to-Zero clock (0->1->0 pulse), you would stitch the negedge CLK
domain flip-flops before posedge CLK domain flip-flops, i.e., negedge CLK FFs are closer to scan
input, and posedge CLK FFs are closer to scan output.

RCO_CLK domain can be stitched at either end of the chain. However, if CLK has a significantly
larger clock tree than RCO_CLK clock tree, then it is better to put RCO_CLK domain FFs at the end
of the chain. Otherwise, you may need to skew your clock timing on the ATE.

This means your chain will look like this:

ScanIn -> negedge CLK -> posedge CLK -> RCO_CLK -> ScanOut

49. I would like to know about scan pin sharing with bidirectional pins.

I added control logic for these pins using or & and gates to make them work as inputs and outputs
respectively. But during scan chain tracing its giving error as it is not able to trace from bidirectional
pins shared as scanouts.

Constraining these pins to Z ,the dftadvisor traced the scan chains.

Why is this so even after adding control logic?

The correct way to deal with this is to constrain the bidi to Z, if u want to use it as SO or to mask the
o/p of the bidi , if it has to be used as SI ( as adviced by FS).

By add control logic, u'r basically modifying the design, which may not be the correct way to go about
it, as it may affect the functionality.

In any case, after u added the control logic, did u constrain the control logic i/ps during atpg?

50. How to fix S29 violations (Dependent slave may not hold the same value as master) The
design basically has a LOCKUP latch as master feeding a scan-flop. Could you please explain
why this violation occurs and how to go about fixing it. It should not be an issue. But can you
be secific which tool is giving violation?

I have used DFT Advisor to insert a scan chain, but it seems the tool screwed up my netlist. It has
connected the clock inputs of some of the flip flops to the output of some combo blocks. I have heard
some people say DFTA is not a good tool for the purpose of scan insertion. Can you tell me what
must have gone wrong.

Another thing that I have observed is: when i take the scan inserted netlist and perform timing
analysis on it using DC, I find that the tool disables some CLK to Q timing arcs of some flops in order
to avoid combo loops.
At least, i never saw this kind of behavior in DFTA. i have been using DFTA for last 5years. Did you
run equivalence checking between your prescan netlist vs post scan netlist. Usually DFTA is not
doing anything other replacing the flops to scan. Sometimes if you already have combinational
feedback loop, it tries to break that path. you can control this, by adding a test logic.

51. Could there be any issue due to floating nets or undriven nets?? in scan insertion.

After doing the equivalence checkin only I came to know how exactly the connections were in the post
scan netlist(by looking at the schematics). I do not have any combinational paths in the clock tree in
my pre scan netlist. This sounded very strange to me even. But I could not find any way out.

When I tried to run drc check in the dft mode there were no violations. But when I moved on to
fastscan I actually encountered T3 and T5 violations in drc. And then I tried to debug using the
schematics of conformal tool(LEC) since I do not have DFT Visualizer license. Thats when I came to
know what happened actually.

52. In transition fault detection process there should be two vectors - for intialization and for
transition. I want to understand when exactly they applied? Doesn't transition propagation
vector corrupt initialization vector? Can you please explain in steps?

Here are the steps followed during transition fault testing( BRoadside)

1. load scan chains

2.Force PI

3.pulse clock

4. Force PI

5.measure PO

6.pulse clock

7. unload/load scan chains

Clearly you see, not possible for the corrupting intialization vector.

Why latches (other than lock-up and clock gating) in design are bad for ATPG? We always loose
coverage by putting them on transparent mode by constraining enable signal. How can we increase
this coverage?

I think you answered your own question regarding why we lose coverage,

"putting them on transparent mode by constraining enable signal".

Any logic driving the enable signal will lose some coverage due to this constraint.

If the enable signal is driven by a large cone of logic, you can increase the coverage by adding a
"force transparent on" gate close to the enable of the latch, and add an observe flip-flop just before
the added gate, so that most of the faults in the logic cone can be recovered.
Without modifying the circuitry, recovering fault coverage in ATPG really depends on how these
latches are used in the functional path.

54. How PLL generates two at-speed clocks during launch and capture cycles of LOC at-speed
testing? Is there any circuitry which generates two pulses after scan loading?

Yeah, you have to design that circuitry, but it's design dependent.Many EDA companies now provide
solutions for this. Commercial on-chip solutions for LOS (launch-on-shift) based testing are also

I understood that there should be seperate clock control circuitry to select two at-speed clock pulses
from free-running PLLs for transition fault testing. What about stuck-at testing, in this case we need
only one pulse from PLLs to capture response. Will there be any signal to control this behavior of
clock control circuitry?

Well, it's not strictly necessary to have on-chip control. You can source the clock from an I/O, just as
long as your ATE can handle the speed you need, and the device can distribute the clock well
enough. The advantage of having on-chip control is that you can use a slow tester.

As far as the stuck-at clock goes, remember, you're using the slow external clock to shift data through
the scan chains. For stuck-at, you can bypass the at-speed clock control and use only the slow
external clock. Yes, you'd need a control signal. You can also, if you want to increase your flexibility,
and get better fault coverage, design your clock control to be able to output 2, 3, or even 4 pulses, to
catch faults that only get caught with sequential patterns. I've not done it myself, but I've read about
such designs.

Transition delay and path delay fault models both seek to describe defects which cause slow
transitions on gate inputs or outputs. The difference is that a path delay is more specific - the whole
path, from point a to point b is specified. It's a more stringent case than a transition fault. To detect a
transition fault, it is only required that the ATPG generates a pattern to propagate that fault to a
scanned flop. The path selected may not be the worst case path.

Most people in the industry begin with transition faults, because the ATPG can generate patterns with
decent coverage more easily. Then if desired, those patterns are augmented with a much smaller set
of path delays that are determined to be critical (maybe those with the least margin as determined by
the timing tool).

55. I am very new to the field of DFT and ATPG. I have generated test patterns using Synopsys
TetraMax. And i don't how to validate these patterns. What should i do ? Does anyone has any
tutorials to verify these patterns again the netlist using simulators like modelsim or vcs ?

I normally output Verilog Testbenches of the chain tests and parallel-load (broadside) ATPG patterns,
and simulate them against the netlist w/ SDF.

There shouldn't be a lot to this, since the testbenches are automatically generated. You may have to
manually add the sdf annotation command (although some tools have ways of allowing you to
automatically add that).

56. I need to know how to implement simulation about Bridge faults?

I mean is the same way like stuck simulation (for example to activation the
stuck line with the opposite value) If no, then how to do the simulation?
For bridging fault simulation, there are two things that are different from stuck-at:
1. Bridging fault list
2. Bridging fault behavior

It is impossible to use all pairs of nets/nodes in the gate level netlist as a bridging fault
list in practical circuits, so people typically extract physically adjacent nets (with perhaps
some minimum length of adjacency) to be fault sites. In absence of physical information,
some folks tried logical proximity with varied degrees of success.

When two nets are bridged together, and the two nets were driven to different logic
levels, the result logic depends on:
1. The drive strength of the cells driving the 2 bridged nets
2. The bridge resistance
3. The logic threshold of the cells inputs driven by the bridged nets

Some simplistic models that are often used to model the faulty behavior are wired-AND,
wired-OR, A-dominate, B-dominate, or some other combination of these models.

You can read more about this in the following paper:

"A Comparison of Bridging Fault Simulation Methods", ITC 1999.
http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all ... ber=805783

57. what is the difference between sequential and combinational atpg?

Combinational ATPG simulate one clock pulse on the circuit. Sequential ATPG simulate
multiple pulses.

58. What is parallel scan chain loading for simulation? Do we force scan in
values for parallel loading? How it works? How it is different from serial

parallel scan chain loading means forcing the scan in port of the flops parallely.

serial loading means Serial shift register. first serially shift in the values into the
registers by pulsing the clocks(no of flops)

When running atpg pattern on to a scan inserted netlist in a commerical testing tools. Is
there any I can find out which atpg pattern is sent into which scan chain of the scan-

When dealing with test data compression, it's hard to know exactly which chain is being
tested at any one time. Some tools may be able to report which chain(s) are tested for a
given pattern, but then the answer may come back that several chains were being tested
at once.
It would be different for straight-ahead scan, because you know exactly what path the
data takes as it goes in and comes out of the scan chains.

59. How does "scan compression logic (XPAND + X-Compact)" work ? Can it
generate any arbitrary test vector ?

Both XPAND and X-Compact techniques are based on combinational logic( XOR gate). It
can use test patterns generated from any atpg tool. XPAND works onIllinois scan idea.
The problem is that when there are X's present at the X-Compact end, test coverage
gets reduced.


[1] Subhasish Mitra, Kee Sup Kim, " XPAND: An Efficient Test Stimulus Compression
Techniques", IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol 55, pp 163 -173, Feb 2006.

[2] Subhasish Mitra, Kee Sup Kim, " X-Compact: An Efficient Response Compaction
Technique", IEEE Transactions on CAD of Circuits and Systems, Vol 23, pp 421-432,
March 2004.

60. During the process of ATPG, I encountered a term called clocked POpattern.
Could someone throw some light on what are these patterns ?

Clock PO patterns are special patterns meant to test primary output values when those
primary outputs are connected, directly or indirectly, to one of the scan clocks (usually
through combinational logic or just buffers).

61. What is difference between launch on shift and launch on capture?

Advantage and disadvantage of each?

AC scan test is a 2 pattern test, the first pattern launches a transition at the soure flip-
flop(s), and the second captures the transition at the destination flip-flop(s). Hence, we
need two clock pulses for each AC test.
There are two ways to achieve this. The first way is to add another clock pulse during
scan capture (while your scan enable is inactive). This is called Launch on Capture

Launch on Capture
2 fast pulses
___ ___ _ _ ___ ___
clock __| |__| |________| |_| |_________| |___| |____
_______________ _____________________
scanen |__________|
The other way is to rely on the last shift clock (while scan enable is still active) to launch
the transition (1st pattern), and use 1 clock pulse in the capture cycle as the 2nd pattern
to capture the transition. This is called Launch on Shift (LOS).

Launch on Shift
___ ___ _ ___ ___
clock __| |__| |___| |_____________| |___| |____
_____________ _____________________
scanen |_________|

In general, to make sure the transition reaches the capture flip-flop in time, the delay
between the launch and capture cycles should be your cycle time (or the actual path
delay, for those who run transition tests faster than at-speed).

As you can see, to run LOS at-speed, your scan enable must switch at-speed also. This
is usually problematic in layout, since you need to either treat the scan enable signal as
a clock net (require clock tree synthesis with accurate delay/skews), or pipeline the scan
enable signal, which increases the area/complexity of your scan enable.

I have seen publications that claim either LOS gives you higher transition fault coverage
than LOC, or vice versa. I believe this is design dependent, and it depends on the
complexity of the logic cone(s) driving the source flip-flop(s). If the logic cone(s) are
simple, it gives ATPG a greater degree of freedom to generate the appropriate 2nd
pattern in LOC. Notice that the 2nd pattern in LOS is always 1 bit shifted from the 1st
pattern. On the other hand, if the cone is complex, it may be hard to generate the
appropriate 2nd pattern through the logic, making LOS coverage numbers more

62. What all needs to be taken care in scan stitching to get the good coverage?

If you are using Mentor DFTAdvisor or Synopsys DFT Compiler, cleaning up pre-stitch drc
errors and most of the warnings (especially clock warnings) will generally lead to good
fault coverage.

If coverage is still low after cleaning drc errors/warnings, then there may be issues
inherent to the design that causes low coverage (redundant logic, complex reconvergent
fanouts, black boxes, constrained nets, etc.)
Both Mentor and Synopsys tools provide ways to analyze low fault coverage in their
ATPG tools. Also, some RTL analysis tools may be useful to find these kinds of problems
(see http://www.dftdigest.com/miscellaneous/ ... -for-test/ )

62. How to toggle reset to get coverage ?

If the reset is asynchronous (and properly bypassed during scan), you can declare the
reset pin as a clock during ATPG, and ATPG will toggle it accordingly to get faults on
reset pin.
If the reset is synchronous, you can treat the reset pin as a normal data pin, and ATPG
should be able to cover faults on the reset.

Be careful, however, if you run transition fault ATPG. Reset usually cannot toggle at-
speed, so you may not want to declare the reset as a clock when running transition fault
You can also try to run the patterns that toggle the reset as a clock pin at a reduced
speed on the tester, if you worry about transition fault coverage on reset.

63. What are Pattern Faults? I have seen the definition in cadence ET manual
but didn't understand.

A pattern fault is a fault model created by IBM Testbench folks (later acquired by
Cadence and became Test Encounter). Instead of using a standard fault model like
stuck-at, transition, etc., you can use truth tables to describe what the fault free and
faulty behavior is for each gate type.
The advantage is that you can use pattern faults to guide ATPG to generate patterns that
would not be generated with other fault models. For example, in a 2 input AND gate, to
cover single stuck-at faults, you need only 3 patterns, 01, 10, and 11. If you want to
force ATPG to generate a pattern for the 00 case in every AND gate, you can define a
pattern fault with 00 as its sensitization.

A pattern fault is a mechanism used by Encounter Test to model static or dynamic

defects that are not easily, or may be impossible to be represented by stuck-at pin
faults. A pattern fault is basically a statement of 1) the requirements to excite the defect
being modeled; and 2) the effect the defect being modeled has on the circuit once it has
been excited. For the current release of Encounter Test, fault excitation requirements are
specified as logic values required to be on circuit pins or nets of a (sub-) circuit. For
dynamic pattern faults, the required values include a (two) pattern sequence or required
values to excite the defect.

Encounter Test automatically generates pattern faults to represent defects not possible
to represent as pin stuck-at pin faults on LATCH, TSD and XOR primitives. The customer
or technology library provider can add additional pattern faults for any sub-circuit used
in the circuit design being processed. These user defined pattern faults will be repeated
in the Encounter Test fault model for each instance of the sub-circuit.
64. What is the difference between test pattern and test vector?

The terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Me, I tend to say that a test pattern is a
set of test vectors.

However, the ATPG tools generally give you stats that claim a certain number of
'patterns', but personally, I would call them 'vectors'.

65. What is a BUS Primitive and clock_PO pattern?

A bus primitive is just a DFT model of a bus - a net that has more than one driver. It's
important that you constrain it during test.

A clock PO pattern is a pattern that measures a primary output that has connectivity to a
clock. So if a clock signal propagates through combinational logic to a primary output
(PO), an ATPG vector can be created to measure the results of that propagation.

66. Why do we go for toggle fault modeling? I think suck-at model also detects
the faults which are detected by toggle fault model. How tester applies patterns
during toggle fault detection?

Toggle faults are used mostly for code coverage metrics (for verification). You are right
that stuck-at is a super-set of that. I myself have never put 'toggle' patterns on a tester.

Toggle coverage is also used to measure the effectiveness of burn-in patterns.

In the old days, where CMOS technology is not as leaky, some folks used toggle patterns
for IDDQ testing. However, pseudo stuck-at faults were proven to be far superior than
toggle patterns for IDDQ.

67. Effect of C4 violation on ATPG?

If you don't declare rst as a clock, and constrain it to its inactive state, can you get
Tetramax to pass drc?

The C4 violation is telling you that it can't make a difference in the state of any flop
when it tries to toggle rst - so maybe it's not a reset after all. Or maybe it's gated off in
scan mode?

In this case, like Siyad said, maybe remove it from consideration as a clock, and things
will clear up. And then you might want to look into the design and see if you intended to
render it ineffective - it will result in a loss of coverage...

When I did observe the fanout of the reset, it indeed is getting gated in the design.

Now, I am trying to bypass this gated logic of rst manually by inserting a mux with one
input of mux as rst and other input as gate output and the test mode signal as the select
line of mux and then connect the mux output to the flop rst pin. Is it okay to do this.
Can this solve the C4 violation at the post dft drc stage of the design.

Now when I utilize this scan inserted netlist with the above modification (mux) and the
.spf to generate coverage with Tetramax. Will the effect of C4 violation be subsided.

68. What is the difference between FastScan and Flex Test?

On what basis do we select between these two tools?

FlexTest is a limited capacity 'sequential' ATPG tool - originally targeted for use with
small, non-scan or limited scan blocks. It can also give you fault coverage of a given
pattern set for the same. It's not used widely anymore, that I know of. There's really no
decision to make 'between' these two tools, because they are for a different purpose.
FastScan is for scanned circuits.

69. Why we loose coverage when we constrain pins?

In general, whenever you constrain any pins of your device, you take away the ability of
the ATPG to toggle that pin and check it (and its effects) in both states. Sometimes when
you constrain a pin, it will have negligble effect. Sometimes it will have far ranging
effects on fault coverage.

70. My design contain more clock gating logic, how it affect DC and AC (At
speed) coverage?

A general mode of Clock Gating Cell contains two pins enable(EN) and test enable(TE)
pins. (Enable of latch = EN or TE)

We will be working on TE pins in testmode.

If TE is connected to Scan Enable then entire Clock gating cell will be covered during
ATPG. (All faults will be covered)

So I dont think there is any coverage loss during ATPG

71. What will be the test coverage of a design before creating patterns by
ATPG(immediately after changing to atpg mode).

When you change from setup mode to ATPG mode in pattern generation, the tool
performs learning analysis on the design and identify some of the faults in the design
(classifies themas DI faults- Detect Implication), most probabily these faults located in
scan chain path. At this time ATPG tool generates no patterns.
My guess is that the fault coverage is basically all stuck at faults along the scan path,
plus half the scan enable, scan mode, and some clock and reset faults, right? Basically
anything that would be detected by the scan shift pattern, right?
If you write out a complete fault list before starting to create patterns and analyze it,
maybe that would give you some clues.
This is typically the coverage that you would get along scan-shift-path (SI, Q pins of
flop, part of clock, reset, scan-enable, some part of iopads used scan scanin/scanout). I
have seen it be roughly between 12% and 16% depending on design size.

Also, you nomenclature indicates that you are referring to Mentor ATPG tool. All other
ATPG tools do the same (btw).

It is not exactly correct to say that we will get coverage without generating any patterns
(or before creating patterns).
If we observe the coverage, it will be on scan shift path as you mentioned.
TheMentor tool classifies all these faults as DI -Detected by Implication only after
generating Chain patterns. So we need at-least one pattern (ie Chain pattern) to detect
thses DI faults and get some covergae number.

72. I am trying to improve coverage by appending functional vectors.

What tool are you using? I heard fault simulation time is almost intolerable.

Fault grading is a "grade" on the quality of the fault detection provided by functional
vectors. I think you fault grade functional vectors against any kind of fault models. But i
have done stuck at only.

Say in my design some flops work at low frequency, in that case,

How can we take care of flops of lower frequency when we do an at speed testing?

It depends upon whether you have independent scan clocks to control the different clock
domains. If so you can generate patterns that cover all the domains, and you just need
to mask the boundaries between domains.

But that's not the normal case. Many times people will use one scan clock to drive the
whole circuit - and in this case, you will need to generate patterns for each clock domain
separately, while masking or black boxing all the other domains.

First thing, you have make sure that there is no launch in lower frequcny and capture at
high frequency domain. if you have it, add a observable flop and capture it in low
frequecy. use a named capture procedure, to launch and capture one clock domain at a
time. shift is not a problem bcoz you may have separate scan clocks to shift out.

73. Why at-speed(LOC) pattern count is more than stuck-at pattern count?

For a full scan design, stuck-at ATPG looks at generating patterns in the combinational
logic blocks in between scan flip-flops. This is because every scan flip-flop can be treated
as a primary input and a primary output for stuck-at ATPG purpose.
However, when testing for at-speed failures, 2 patterns are needed to launch a transition
and capture the effect into a scan flip-flop. Therefore, ATPG needs to trace back beyond
one level of scan flip-flops to figure out how to get the appropriate "2nd pattern" in a 2-
pattern test, which means it has less degree of freedom in how to assign the scan flip-
flops to detect a fault, which leads to higher pattern count.

LOC does indeed result in many more patterns that stuck-at patterns. However at-speed
patterns can also be applied using a launch-on-shift (LOS) timing protocol. This does not
suffer from the sequential ATPG drawbacks as the LOC protocol and therefore results in
little to no pattern increase over stuck-at. LOS can be more tricky to implement due to
the need for at-speed scan-enable signals (these are necessary as LOS requires going
from shift-mode to functional mode within one system clock cycle).

74. I am facing issue w.r.t coverage in compression as it is lesser than bypass

mode. However by decreasing the abort limit we are getting better results.But
the same is not applicable when I start my initial run with default abort limit.
Any reason why this is happening in compression alone?
I do know that increase in abort limit increases runtime as well as pattern

It seems to me that fault coverage w/ compression will always be less than bypass
mode. In bypass mode there is no masking at the compactor.

Decreasing the abort limit to get better coverage doesn't seem right though, but I'm not
an expert at what goes on behind the scenes of ATPG tools. Is that what you meant by
'better results'?

75. What is the difference between redundant, undetectable and untestable

How will a ATPG tool identify a fault to be redudant or untestable or
How to analyze redundant faults?

write the fault list of each fault class separately and save it in a file. Now load back the
same for which you want to analyze like UD,UR,AU..etc. There is a command option in
almost all the tools to analyze the fault which will show the schematic of the fault
site.You can use graphical interface options to proceed further.Syntax depends on which
tool you are using.

ex- analyze fault /path of fault site/ -stuck 0|1

Now you can start analyzing how many ever faults you want. Its better to have a
hierarchical/modular coverage numbers so that you will know which block is giving lesser
coverage and analyze those fault sites accordingly.
76. I have been told that any logic in the reset path creates testability
problems. I would like to know exactly the problem that would create.
I did a bit of analysis myself. If the internal reset is OR'ed with POR and then
issued as one single reset to rest of the logic, still the internal reset comes from
some flop or through a cloud that can again be controlled through the scan
chain. So we are in complete control of how and when the internal reset is
generated and can be disabled during testing. Is the issue because, the
combination that is required to disable the internal reset might clash with
combination required for testing itself.
Any thoughts?

The bottom line is that the resets to all the flops in scan chains need to be controlled
during the scan shift operation. If not, these resets that come from other flops will be
randomly resetting others flops duringg this time, which
makes it impossible to scan data in and out...

Depending on the implementation, some people use scan_enable to control the internal
resets, and some use scan_mode.

I have couple of comments

1) Internally generated reset is like any other logic during test mode.
If we can control them using our scan pattern, so can we do for the internal reset. I
guess the issue here that pattern that is used to mute the internal reset might collide
with pattern that is required to test.

2) Even though we can disable such control signal using scan signals, it is probably
preferable to keep such signals at bare minimum. This one is a pure guess

You're right - an internally generated reset should be valid during test mode. However, if
it emanates, in any way, from a scanned flip-flop, then it must be gated during scan
shift. If not, the integrity of the scan chain is broken.

So the bare minimum, as you say, is probably scan_enable.

1) I believe fault simulation is carried out to check the effectiveness of the vector. I
believe the vector generated by the ATPG tool is by a deterministic process and should
be able to bring out the fault. Why is then fault simulation required. Also, can the ATPG
tool itself cannot determine if vector is not an effective one

2) Are there special tools for fault simulation? i.e. fault simulator.
Or the regular simulators provide this option.

Fault simulation is not required to validate ATPG output. However, as deepaky correctly
points out, an ATPG tool will internally call a fault simulation tool. This is because once a
pattern is generated to cover a specific fault, it is fault simulated to see if it covers any
other faults that were not explicitely targeted. If other faults are covered they can be
dropped from further consideration (unless a specific N-detect level is a requirement, but
that's a different discussion....)
Stand-alone fault simulators do also exist. They are typically used to fault grade
functional vectors. Fault simulators are also included in LBIST solutions to fault grade the
pseudo random patterns generated by the LBIST.

77. If Fault Simulation is not required to validate ATPG then why do we have an
option to perform fault simulation in tools like fastscan.

Fastscan is a versatile test pattern generation and fault simulation tool. It can be used to
fault grade any set of scan patterns against many types of user definable fault types.
Again, for the fault types than Fastscan is capable of targeting, it is not necessary to
perform a separate fault simulation run on the patterns Fastscan generates. However
you can for example fault simulate those generated patterns on other fault types.

Many people will use their functional verification test for manufacturing test. They need
to fault simulate these vectors to determine what faults are covered and left uncovered
to be targeted by an ATPG. It also allows them to determine the quality of these tests.

78. How to avoid C4 violation in Synopsys DFT compiler?

First thing you cannot get C4 in the pre_dft drc, it will be some D violation.

Second, you have not used the command

set_dft_configuration -fix_reset enable ( may be you miss to write that here)

Further, I dont think that autofix will solve this problem. It is a capture issue and not
scan shift issue. What I think is happening here is that , your reset pin before reaching
the flop is gated with testmode and then reaches the flop. The flops are not failing the
drc and coming on the scan chain because the reset on the pin of the flops is in inactive

You can trace the top level reset pin in your design to see if it is getting gated some

In DC you can use the command

all_fanout -from reset

79. debugging compressed patterns failing in tester

well, for debugging its always easier with basic scan patterns corresponding to these
compressed patterns. However if you wish to debug with these compressed patterns
then you need to find the cycle failing and then find all the corresponding flops in all the
chains compressed. This way you will have huge number of flops which could be failing
e.g. if you have compression ratio of 100 then for each failure you will have 100 flops
which could be contender to this failure.

80. C6 violation during ATPG

set clock_off simulation on
set split capture_cycle on
And if the two commands does not resolve these issue, then you need to mask these
Normally such violation occurs when Clock is seen as Data by ATPG tool.
For Fastscan the commands would be :
add cell constraint -drc C6

This will add constraint DX on the output of such registers.

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