Origin, Area, Production, Varieties, Package of Practices For Fruit Vegetables - Tomato Origin

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Tomato is originated in Peru of South America and name of crop came from the Aztec
word “Tomato”. The crop is of recent origin and first report of tomato was from Italy in 1544.
Later spread was fast and the crop is grown throughout the length and breadth of world.
Area and production
It is amazing to note the quantum jump in the spread of tomato during the last four
decades. In India, crop was grown in an area of 36000 ha. during 1960 and present area and
production in the country is 4.58 lakh ha. and 74.62 lakh tones respectively with a productivity of
16.29 t/ha. Leading producing states are UP, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Haryana, Punjab and
Nutritive value and medicinal use
Tomato occupies a prime position in list of protective foods since it is a rich source of
minerals like calcium (48 mg / 100g), sodium (12.9 mg), trace elements, copper (0.19 mg),
vitamins like vitamin A (900 IU), vitamin C (27 mg), vitamin B complex (thiamine), essential
amino acids and healthy organic acids like citric, formic and acetic acids. The attractive red
colour of fruit is due to lycopene and yellow colour is due to carotenes. Peculiar flavour of
tomato is due to presence of ethanol, acetaldehyde and a number of volatile flavour
components found in fruit. Different forms of tomatine, a steroidal glycoalkaloid, are identified
from various parts of plant. Tomato is a good appetizer and its soup is a good remedy for
preventing constipation.
Botanical name of tomato is Solanum lycopersicum (lycos = wolf and persicon = peach).
Genus Lycopersicon is divided into two subgenera
a. Eulycopersicon (Red fruited and self compatible)
b. Eriolycopersicon (Green fruited and self incompatible)
Eulycopersicon includes two species, L. esculentum(Solanum lycopersicum) with large
fruits and L. pimpinellifolium ( New name Solanum pimpinellifolium) with small fruits born in
clusters. Eriopersicon mainly consists of wild sp like L. hirsutum(S.habrochaites), L.
peruvianum,(S. peruvianum) L. pissisi, L. glandulosum, L. cheesmani(S. cheesmani) etc.
Rick (1976) divided genus Lycopersicon into following two groups based on their ability
to cross with cultivated tomato:
Esculentum complex (crossable with cultivated tomato)
- L. esculentum, L. pimpinelifolium, L. cheesemani and L. hirsutum
Peruvianum complex (Not crossable with cultivated tomato)
- L. peruvianum, L. chinense.

Solanum lycopersicum S. pimpinellifolium

L. chessmanii L. hirsutum
Based on growth habit and fruit characters, five forms of L. esculentum are identified.
Communae - Common tomato
Cerasiformae - Small fruited cherry tomato
Pyriformae - Pear shaped tomato
Grandifolium - potato leaved tomato
Validum - Erect and upright tomato
Tomato is a true diploid with 2n=24. Plant is annual with herbaceous prostrate stem
having determinate or indeterminate growth habit. In the determinate growth, terminal bud ends
in a floral bud and further growth in arrested resulting in dwarf and bushy stature. In
indeterminate growth, terminal bud is a leafy bud and terminal and lateral buds continue to grow
and there are less production of flowers and fruits on mains tem.

Flowers are borne in racemose cyme and flower cluster is known as ‘truss’ ands its
position is extra axillary. Flowers are hermaphrodite, pendulous, pentamerous and
hypogenous. Stamens are six in number and inserted on throat of corolla tube and anthers are
convent around style.
Tomato is a self pollinated crop due to hermaphrodite flowers, introvert stigma, internal
and synchronized anther dehiscence, and stigma receptivity. Self fertilization occurs when
pollen grains are shedding during growth of style through anther corn. In warm regions of the
country, some amount of crossing was observed when stigma protrudes out the level of anthers.
Quiet a large number of varieties differing in their climatic requirements, growth habit,
fruit quality, resistance to pest and diseases are developed for specific purposes like fresh
market, processing, long distance transport etc. A brief description of important varieties are
given below:
Developing Variety Special features
IIHR, Arka Saurabh * Semi determinate. Fruits firm, round
Bangalore and nipple tipped.
Arka Vikas * Indeterminate, tolerant to moisture
stress condition.
Arka Alok Bacterial wilt resistant, determinate.
(BWR 5) * Fruits square and oblong.
Arka Vikas Determinate Fruits medium large, oblate
(Sel 22) * Tolerant to mosaic.
Arka Saurabh (Sel.4) Semi-determinate, resistant to fruit
* cracking, good transport quality. Fruits
round firm with nipple tipped.
Arka Ahuti (Sel.11) Semi-determinate.

Arka Ashish Tolerant to powdery mildew.

Arka Abha (BWR 1) Resistant to bacterial wilt, semi-
Arka Meghali Suitable for rain fed cultivation.
IARI, SL 120* Resistant to nematode, determinate.
New Delhi. Fruits flat round.
Pusa Early Dwarf* Determinate. Fruits flat oblate.
Pusa Uphar (DT 10) * Determinate. Fruits round with thick
pericarp, suitable for processing.
Sioux* Indeterminate. Fruits small and round.
Pusa Ruby* Indeterminate. Fruits flat round and
suitable for processing.
Pusa Sadhabahar Suitable for high and low temperature
Pusa Sheetal Cold set variety (8oC or below). Fruits
flat round.
Roma Suitable for long distance transport,
determinate growth.
Pusa Gaurav Suitable for processing.
Pusa Rohini Longer shelf life. Fruits round.
IIVR, H 24* Determinate, resistant to TLCV Fruits
Varanasi. flat round. Developed from cross
between L. esculentum and L. hirsutum
DVRT 2* Determinate. Developed from cross
between Lesciulentum and L. hirsutum
f. glabratum. Fruits large and spherical.
Kashi Amrit (DVRT 1) Lesculentum (Sel.7) and L. hirsutum f.
glabratum through backcross pedigree
selection. Fruits spherical with 108 g
weight. Suitable for cultivation in TLCV
infested period.
NBPGR, La Bonita Determinate. Fruits oblong with thick
New Delhi pericarp, suitable for long distance
Kerala Mukthi Bacterial wilt resistant, semi
Agricultural (LE 79.5) * determinate. Fruits round to flat round
University, without green shoulder.
Sakthi Bacterial wilt resistant, semi
(LE 79) * determinate. Fruits green shouldered
and flat round.
Anagha Resistant to bacterial wilt and fruit
cracking. Semi determinate, round
medium sized fruits.
TamilNadu Marutham (CO.3) * Developed by mutation breeding (EMS)
Agricultural from CO.1 determinate. Fruits round
University, and cluttered.
CO.1 Semi determinate. Fruits round.
CO.2 Indeterminate. Fruits flat round and
deep orange red.
PKM 1 Induced mutant suitable for long
distance transport.
Paiyur 1 Suitable for rain fed cultivation. Less
incidence of fruit borer. Fruits round,
medium sized and slightly ribbing.
Suitable for long distance transportation.
GBPUA&T, Pant T 3* Determinate. Fruits round, suitable for
Pant Nagar. processing.
Pant Bahar* Resistant to Verticillium wilt and
Fusarium wilt. Indeterminate. Fruits flat
round and suitable for processing and
Haryana Sel.32* Determinate. Fruits flat round and
Agricultural large.
HS 101* Determinate and dwarf. Fruits round.
Hisar Arun (Sel.7) * Determinate and dwarf. Fruits round.
HS 110 Potato leaved variety.
Hissar Lalima Determinate. Fruits round and large.
Hisar Anmol Resistant of leaf curl, determinate.
Fruits flat round, medium size.
Developed by crossing Hisar Aruna nd
L. hirsutum f. glabratum.
Hisar Lalit Resistant to root knot nematode.
Determinate. Fruits medium large and

Punjab Punjab Chuhara* Determinate. Fruits pear shaped and

Agricultural suitable for long distance transport,
University, susceptible to TLCV.
Punjab Kesari * Determinate. Fruits pear shaped and
suitable for long distance transport,
susceptible to TLCV.
Punjab Kesari * Determinate, dwarf, fruits oval round.
Sel.1-6.1-4* Root knot nematode resistant,
determinate, fruits pear shaped.
CASU&T, Azad T2 (KS-2) * Determinate, early, fruits small round,
Kanpur. moderately resistant to leaf curl virus.
QUA&T, Uskal Kumar* Bacterial wilt resistant, fruits round and
Bhubanesw medium sized.
Urkal Urbashi (BT12) Bacterial wilt resistant, indeterminate,
* fruits pear shaped and clustered.
BT 18 Bacterial will resistant.
BT 21 Bacterial wilt resistant.
Narendra Narendra Tomato 1 Indeterminate, fruits large.
Narendra Tomato 2 Determinate, suitable for transport and
processing. Resistant to nematode
Assam VC 48-1 Bacterial wilt resistant, determinate
Agricultural fruits pear shaped and clustered.
YS Parmer Solan Gola Round fruits
Univ. of
HARP, Swarna Naveen Resistant to bacterial wilt. Fruits are of
Ranchi medium size (60 g), oblong, dark red
with 5.0%. TSS. Yield 60 t/ha in 120-
140 days. Resistant to bacterial wilt.
Fruits are of medium size (125 g), dark
red with 4.0% TSS. Yield 50.5 t/ha.
* Varieties released / identified by AICRP (Vegetables).

Hybrid Vigour
Tomato is a classical example for exploitation of hybrid vigour in vegetables. Increasing
consumer demand, better emasculation and pollination processes, more seeds per fruit,
diversified use and scope for combining large number of favourable genes in F 1 coupled with
easiness in cultivation makes the crop ideal for heterosis, breeding. Quite a large number of F 1
hybrids with specific attributes like yield, earliness, uniformity, high quality, suitability to long
distance transport, storage and processing, adaptability to adverse conditions, resistance to
biotic and abiotic stresses have been developed by public sector research organizations as well
as private sector seed companies. With the adoption of new seed policy by the Government of
India in 1988, a large number of private seed companies entered in vegetable research and F 1
seed trade. F 1 hybrids developed and marketed by the private seed industry are now ruling in
many states like Maharashtra, Karnataka, Haryana, Punjab etc. Features of some public sector
tomato hybrids are given Table.
In addition, hybrids like Sun 496* (Sungrow seeds, Delhi), HOE 303*, Avinash 2*
(Syngeta), BSS 20*, Meenakshi, Tolstoi (Beejo Sheetal), NA 501*, NA 601* (Nath Seeds),
Sadabahar, Gulmohar, Sonali, MTH 6* (Mahyco, Jalna), ARTH 3*, ARTH 4* (Ankur Seeds),
Rashmi, Vaishali, Rupali, Naveen (IAHS, Bangalore), Swaraksha, Uttam (Namdhari Seeds,
Bangalore), Kt 4* (IARI, Katrain) etc. are a few hybrids popular among farmers.
Developing Variety Special features
Tamil Nadu Agrl. COTH.1 Determinate. Fruits round to oblong,
University slightly acidic, 96 t/ha in 115 days.
COTH 2 Semi determinate, fruits are borne in
clusters of 4-5, high yield (90.2 t/ha)
and resistance to leaf curl virus
IIHR, Bangalore. Arka Vardhan* Indeterminate, resistant to root knot,
nematode, oblate fruits, 75 t/ha in 160
Arka Vishal (FMH 1)* Indeterminate. Fruit weight 140 g.
round, green shouldered, resistant to
cracking, good shelf life. 75 t/ha in
160 days.
Arka Abhijit (BRH 1) Determinate. Resistant to bacterial
wilt, 63.7 t/ha.
Arka Shresta Determinate. Resistant to bacterial
(BRH 2) wilt, 68.5 t/ha.
IARI, New Delhi. Pusa Hybrid 1* Determinate, tolerant to high
temperature (upto 23o night
Pusa Hybrid 2* Semi-detrminate, tolerant to
nematode, 55 t/ha.
HARP, Ranchi Swarna Baibhav Fruits round, deep red, suitable for
long distance transportation, average
yield 70-80 t/ha.

Most of commercial F1 hybrids were developed by hand emasculation and pollination by

planting female and male parents in the ratio of 12:1. Usually flowers are emasculated in
afternoon and pollinated during next day morning with freshly collected pollen. Pollen grains
can also be stored for 2-3 days under normal condition for pollination purpose.
Male sterile lines can be utilized for minimizing cost of production of hybrid seeds. Male
sterile plants in a population can be identified by their small sized flowers, poorly developed
anthers, no anthers, anthers with sterile pollen grains etc. Once a male sterile plant is identified,
it has to be stabilized for utilizing it as female parent in commercial production of F 1 seeds.
Since male sterility is governed by recessive genes (msms), its maintenance is done by
crossing with a heterozygous (Msms) fertile parent. The progeny segregates as male sterile
(ms ms) and male fertile (Ms ms) plants in the ratio of 1:1. From this, male sterile plants are
detected and used in hybrid seed production programme.
Tomato is a day neutral warm season crop, which cannot tolerate frost. Cool and dry
weather is preferred by the crop and optimum temperature is 21-28oC during day and 15-20oC
during night. Night temperature is more critical than day temperature. High temperature results
in exerted stigma, dryness of stigma, burning of anther tip, poor pollen dehiscence, low pollen
viability and slow pollen tube growth leading to low pollination and fruit set. Incidence of viral
diseases also will be more at high temperature. Optimum temperature for colour development
of fruit is 21-24oC. Development of colouring pigment, lycopene will be hampered above 27 oC.
Seed germination and pollen germination are adversely effected below 10oC.
Based on night temperature requirement for fruit set, tomato varieties are classified into
a) Normal set varieties: Set fruits at 15-20oC.
b) Hot set varieties: Set fruits above 20oC – eg : Philipine, Punjab Tropic, Pusa hybrid 1.
c) Cold set varieties: Set fruits below 15 oC – eg : Pusa Sheetal, Avilanche.
Tomato cannot withstand water logging. Hence well drained fairly fertile soil rich in
organic matter is preferred. It is moderately tolerant to acid soil having pH 5.5 and ideal pH
requirement is 6-7oC.
Sowing time and seed rate
Under mild climatic conditions, where there is no danger of frost, three crops can be
raised in a year. In the hills, seeds are usually sown in March-April. In plains is grown during
June to November. Under Kerala condition, seeds are sown in September and transplanted in
Seed rate
Open pollinated variety: 400-500 g / ha
Indeterminate F 2 hybrid: 125-175 g / ha.
Seeds sown in an area of 4-5 cents (200-240 m2) will be sufficient to plant one hectare.
Four to five weeks old seedlings are used for transplanting. Hardening of seedling is essential
for their establishment in main field and is done by withholding irrigation for one week before
transplanting, adding NaC1 (400 ppm) to irrigation water or by spray of cycocel (200 ppm) and
Zinc Sulphate (0.25%) + 25 ppm proline at time of transplanting.
Main field preparation and transplanting
Seedlings are transplanted on raised beds or on sides of ridges. Field is ploughed 4-5
times and raised beds of 80-90 cm width or ridges and furrows are prepared. Spacing depends
on the growth habit (determinate, indeterminate or semi determinate) of variety and various
spacing followed are 60 x 30-45cm, 75 x 60cm and 75 x 75 cm. Usually closer spacing results
in early and higher yield, but it may effect size of fruits.
Manures and fertilizers
Manure and fertilizer recommendation for tomato depends on the growth habit and
productivity of variety and it varies from state to state. In most of states, in addition to 15-20
tonnes of FYM, 100-125 kg, N, 50-60 kg P 2 O 5 and 50-60 kg K 2 O are recommended for one
hectare. Recommendation for F 1 hybrid is 250:250:250 kg NPK/ha.
FYM should be incorporated in soil at the time of final ploughing. 1/3 N, Full P and K
may be applied as basal dose either just before transplanting or 5-10 days after transplanting.
Remaining 2/3 N is applied 20 and 45 days there after. In Tamil Nadu, additional dose of 10 kg
borax and 5 kg Zinc Sulphate, as basal dose, are also recommended for correcting fruit
cracking and to increase yield and fruit quality.
Application of fertilizer in Tamil Nadu:
Apply FYM 25 t/ha, N 75 kg, P 100 kg, K 50 kg, Borax 10 kg and Zinc sulphate 50 kg/ha
as basal dose and 75 kg N/ha on 30th day of planting during earthing up. Spray 1 ppm (1 mg in
one lit) Triacontanol, 15 days after transplanting and at full bloom stage to increase the yield.
Furrow irrigation is the most common method in tomato and the crop require adequate
moisture throughout growth period. Frequency of irrigation depends on the climatic and soil
conditions. During summer, crop should be irrigated at 3-4 days interval. Water stress at
flowering stage will adversely effect fruiting and productivity. A long spell of drought followed by
heavy irrigation leads to cracking of fruits. Similarly a dry spell after regular irrigation causes
blossom end rot. Drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation are becoming more common in areas of
water shortage.
Field should be kept weed free by frequent weeding, hoeing and earthing up.
Application of pendimethalin (1.0 kg a.i. / ha) as pre emergence spray along with one hand
weeding at 45 DT is ideal for tomato variety Pusa Ruby. Oxyfluorfen (0.25 kg a.i. / ha) Goal
(0.25 kg a.i./ha) and Basalin (1.0 kg a.i. / ha) were also ideal as pre emergence application.
Post emergence spray of Sencor (0.5 kg a.i./ha) was also effective at the All India Coordinated
trials. Mulching with straw or plastic is also effective for weed control and for regulating soil
Training and pruning
All indeterminate varieties are trained with wires, strings or stacks to prevent lodging and
loss of fruits by coming in contact with soil. It is done by providing individual stack or by erecting
2-2.5 m long poles on either side of ridges for stretching G1 wire. Branches of plants are
supported on poles or strings with twine.
Pruning is also generally followed in indeterminate varieties to improve size, shape and
quality of fruits. It is removal of unwanted shoots to enhance vigor of plants.

Plant growth regulators
Plant growth regulators are beneficial for early yield, increased fruit set at extreme
temperatures and to impart resistance to viral diseases. However, their effect is not seen
consistent and varied with genotype, climate, location etc. Some of the growth regulators found
useful in tomato production are :
Mode and time of
Purpose Growth regulator
High yield GA1 (5-25 ppm) Seed treatment
PCPA (10-20ppm) -
DNOA (25-50ppm) -
GA (10 ppm) Foliar spray
NAA (1000 ppm) -
PCPA (50 ppm) -
24 D (5 ppm) -
Cytocyme (0.25%) -
Increased fruit set NAA (0.1 ppm) Seedling soaking for 24
Increased fruit set IAA (50 ppm) -
In summer Borax (1.0%) -
For increasing fruit set PCPA 50-100 ppm Foliar spray at flower
at low temperature cluster
Ripening of fruits Ethrel 1000 ppm Whole plant spray at the
initiation of ripening.

Crop starts yielding by 70 days after planting. Usually fruits are harvested with hand by
a gentle twist so that the stalk is retained on plant. Intervals of harvests depend on season and
it is twice in a week during summer and weekly during winter and rainy days. Harvesting
maturity depends on the purpose whether for fresh market, processing, long distance transport
etc. Following maturity standards are recognized in tomato:
• Mature green: Fruits fully grown, fruit colour changes from green to yellowish and cavity
filled with seeds surrounded by gelly like substance. Harvested for long distance
• Turning or breaker stage: Fruits firm, 1/4th portion of fruit changes to pink in colour, but
the shoulder still yellowish green. Harvested for long distance market.
• Pink stage: 3/4th of whole fruit surface turns pink colour. Harvested for local market.
• Light red: Entire fruit surface is red or pink but the flesh is firm. Harvested for local
• Red ripe or hand ripe: Fully ripened and coloured. Flesh becomes soft. Harvested for
processing and for seed extraction.
Breaker stage
Open pollinated varieties : 20-25 t/ha.
F1 hybrids : 50 t/ha.
Grading storage and marketing
Fruits after harvesting are graded and packed in bamboo baskets or wooden boxes.
Four grades specified by Bureau of Indian Standards are Super A, Super, Fancy and
Commercial. Since tomato is a climatic fruit, good care should be taken to remove bruised,
cracked and damaged fruits before packing in baskets. Though tomato can be stored at low
temperature, commercially it is not stored in cold storages in the country due to practical
reasons. Fruits can be stored for-two weeks and four weeks at 10-13oC when harvested at red
stage and green stage respectively. Pre-cooling of fruits before storage and transportation
enhances storage life.
Processing tomatoes
Use of tomato for processing is increasing day by day and a variety of products like
puree, paste, syrup, juice, ketchup etc are made. Varieties for processing should have following
• Deep red colour which retains even after processing.
• Low pH – The acidity of fruits affect-heating time required for sterilization of processed
product. Longer time is required if pH is high and hence a pH below 4-5 is required for
• High TSS – Fruits with high TSS yield more finished products / tonne of raw fruits and
hence minimum TSS should be 4.5oB
• High viscosity and consistency
• Firm and easy peeling
• Pericarp thickness-should be more than0.5 cm.
• Crack resistance
• Fruits size should be above 50 g and oblong in shape
Varieties like Pusa Gaurav, Roma, Punjab Chuhara, Pusa Uphar, Arka Saurabh are
specially suited for processing.
Physiological disorders
Fruit cracking
Fruit cracking is caused both by genetic and environmental factors. Following four types
of cracking are noticed tomato.
• Radial Cracking: Usually seen at ripe stage and crack radiate from pedicel end to stylar
• Concentric cracking: Seen around shoulder of fruit even at green stage.
• Cuticular: Seen on outer skin of fruit.
• Burst: Burst occurs at certain points on shoulder of fruit.
Radial and concentric cracking are more common of which, former is more damaging. A
long spell of drought followed by sudden heavy irrigation may cause cracking. Wide variation in
day and night temperatures and high humidity also cause fruit cracking.
Many crack resistant varieties like Crack Proof, Ohio 832, Sioux, Manulucie, Anagha etc.
were developed at various research organizations. Fruits of crack resistant varieties have thick
pericarp or cuticle and fruit skin with high elasticity and less acidity. Pectin content in resistant
varieties ranges from 0.8 to 1.6% compared to 0.54% in susceptible ones. High pectin
concentration makes fruit less rigid and more pliable.

red rot

Water soaked spots of one cm or more appear at point of attachment of petals and
effected portion becomes sunken, leathery and dark coloured. This is mainly due to reduced
soil moisture supply and high rate of respiration at the time of fruit development. Deficiency of
calcium also causes this disorder. Balanced irrigation, cultural practices to conserve soil
moisture and spraying of 0.5% calcium chloride at fruit development stage are recommended
for control of blossom end rot.
Sun scald
Due to extreme heat, tissues on exposed fruit develop a blistered appearance leading to
sunken areas, which have a light or grey colour on green fruit and yellow colour on red fruit. In
varieties with heavy foliage, fruits are shaded and incidence of sun scald is less.

1. New botanical nomenclature for tomato
2. _______ is the stage of harvest for long distance transport
3. Temperature tolerance for hot set varieties
4. Processing tomato should contain __________ T.S.S.
5. Calcium deficiency leads to ____________

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