Hacking UK Trident
Hacking UK Trident
Hacking UK Trident
A Growing Threat
JUNE 2017
Stanislav Abaimov and Paul Ingram
British American Security Disclaimer
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operational systems concerned. Any cyber-attacks
that have any hope of success could only be
mounted by a highly-sophisticated group probably
© British American Security Information with the backing of a major state. This report will
Council (BASIC), June 2017 have no impact upon the awareness or capabilities of
any such group.
The opinions expressed in this publication
are the responsibility of the authors and do
not necessarily reflect the views of BASIC. We have included in this report a number of
scenarios to illustrate the type of threat this report is
All rights reserved. No part of this publication discussing. The stories, characters and incidents
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A successful attack could neutralise operations, penetrate and why). This has a transformative impact
lead to loss of life, defeat or perhaps even the upon all forms of warfare. But there is a particular
catastrophic exchange of nuclear warheads (directly danger associated with nuclear weapons by virtue of
or indirectly). But the very possibility of cyber-attack their destructiveness that demands policy makers
and the growing capability to launch them against and those responsible for managing the systems to
SSBNs, could have a severe impact upon the consider more seriously the dangers involved when
confidence of maintaining an assured second-strike deploying nuclear weapon systems in an
capability and therefore on strategic stability ever‑changing technical and strategic environment.
between states. Recent suggestions that the fleet is
vulnerable have sometimes been met with Malware injection during manufacturing, mid-life
complacency and claims that the isolated ‘air-gapped’ refurbishment or software updates and data
systems cannot be penetrated. Whilst we recognise transmission interception allow potential adversaries
that it is important not to be alarmist, these claims to conduct long-term cyber operations. BASIC has
are false. already highlighted the future potential for emerging
technologies to deliver high confidence in global
In a time of global interconnectivity and enhanced detection of submarines.1 Future weaponized
accessibility to cyber tools, cyber warfare has underwater drones may facilitate close proximity
already become a vital component of conventional kinetic and cyber-attacks on ballistic missile
warfare, a new military domain in its own right. submarines (SSBNs). Advanced nano and bionic
We are not talking about a lone wolf teenager in a technologies such as implantable and subdermal
basement hacking into the controls of a missile and data storage and communication devices may be
warhead and starting a nuclear war. Rather, we smuggled into the vessel and activated
consider the most significant threat by some margin autonomously, manually or remotely.
originates from the expanding investments by
leading states in their offensive cyber capabilities, This report considers the major electronic network
alongside their exiting intelligence networks. The and communication systems associated with the UK
exponential growth in the complexity of cyber-attack Trident system to identify its level of exposure to
techniques outmatches the defensive capabilities, a modern and future cyber-attacks. It reviews the
trend that can only continue partly because any submarine systems architecture and its modus
defensive operations have to anticipate all possible operandi, and identifies potentially applicable
attack vectors before they are mounted, and partly cyber‑attack techniques and scenarios. As it is based
because the most effective form of defensive cyber upon publicly available sources, its conclusions
operation involves offensive cyber intelligence cannot be considered final or definitive.
(hacking into one’s opponents’ systems to glean
information on what it is they are attempting to
The report provides illustrative attack vectors aimed
at disrupting, destroying or endangering operations.
On the other hand, it also confirms that it takes “In addition to significant
sophisticated, well-resourced and sustained cyber- investment in cyber defence,
attacks to exploit the vulnerabilities in remote
submarine subsystems. These attacks are beyond
those responsible also need to
the scope of all but the most well-resourced and consider strategies that build
extensive non-state groups. Essentially, the resilience within the systems,
principal threat comes from other states’ cyber
operations alongside extensive and highly
and to incorporate this threat
sophisticated intelligence activities. into broader assessments
relevant to the choice of
The overall submarine network architecture is
weapon systems, platforms
physically isolated from the internet and any civilian
network, thus severely limiting the possibility of real and broader defence and
time external access into the command network by security strategies.”
remote hackers. This does not prevent attacks from
inside the submarine or the prior injection of malware
into submarines, missiles, warheads or other
infrastructure at the manufacturing, construction and The challenge of maintaining covert and secure
maintenance stages. Regular radio-transmissions patrols under reliable operational control is of utmost
from ashore could be used for limited bandwidth importance to an effective nuclear deterrence
cyber-attacks, spoofing or activating pre-installed posture based upon submarines. The continuous
malware programmes. Such highly covert, adaptive and rapid development of new cyber technologies
and targeted programmes could be designed to will inevitably result in some loss of confidence in
trigger in response to particular events. This was the future patrols, with negative results on strategic
case in the advanced malware used in the so-called stability. It is crystal clear that the highest level of
‘Stuxnet’ or ‘Olympic Games’ attack on Iran’s priority must be given to cyber protection at every
centrifuge systems, a cyber-physical attack that was stage in the construction of the UK’s Dreadnought
delivered into Natanz by unsuspecting class, across the whole supply chain, if the UK is to
A strategy to acquire
SSBN designs
Memo Dated: 17 March 2012
Mission: To steal Successor-class SSBN Designs for the purpose of ascertaining its capabilities,
likely patrol characteristics, weaknesses in its stealth, and for developing naval capabilities to seek
and destroy the Dreadnought once it is on patrol.
Objective: Attack the network systems of Gyro Instruments Ltd (GI), a UK-based sub-contractor
involved in design and development, and the supply of components.
Method: Remote access to GI’s network. Failing that to deploy intelligence assets to conduct direct
physical intrusion on site.
Using acquired and/or developed tools, our arms-length cyber-team DEVCOM_2 will perform remote
reconnaissance, enumeration and vulnerability scanning, weaponization (acquisition and preparation
of tools), exploitation (including zero-day exploitation) and initial breach.
If GI has air gapped a number of its systems or a network segment from the internet, DEVCOM_2 will
investigate options for gaining authorised access to those systems. It may be that there are indirect
means to enter via third-party network connections, using lateral movement techniques and acquired
credentials during the operation, and then ensuring our code propagates to the primary target.
If the target network is completely isolated from the internet or other networks DEVCOM_2 will report
back and we will activate Secret Intelligence Service sleeper operatives (KL56 and NU7) currently based
in Leeds, about 50 miles from the site. They will gain access to the target network as contractors or
employees using physical devices supplied by the team (we are still exploring possibilities, but could
include nano-routers, antennas, microcomputers, etc.). This will enable the DEVCOM_2 to bypass
what perimeter defences may be in place. Once they have access and have acquired the designs these
will be forwarded to the forensic team in Unit 61 for analysis. They will explore options to maintain continuous
and permanent surveillance throughout the supply chain, manufacture and operation of UK Successor submarines.
1. Introduction 8
2. The Origin of the Cyber Threat 11
3. Command and Control of the Trident System 16
4. Attack Vectors on Trident 18
4.1 Air gapping 18
4.2 Potential attack vectors on the whole system 19
4.3 Supply chain and construction 19
4.4 Patrolling 20
4.5 Maintenance 20
Cyber warfare has also been with us for some time but Trident’s sensitive cyber systems are not connected
has achieved a scale that matches the highest priority to the internet or any other civilian network.
military programmes only recently. In the context of Nevertheless, the vessel, missiles, warheads and all
this report, the principal threat arises from state the various support systems rely on networked
hacking capabilities, principally because it is states computers, devices and software, and each of these
that possess the necessary resources, intelligence have to be designed and programmed. All of them
and motivation to target nuclear weapon systems. incorporate unique data, and must be regularly
updated, upgraded, reconfigured and patched.
Trident, based upon a fleet of four Vanguard class
ballistic missile submarines, is the only nuclear
weapon system operated by the UK. In 2016, the UK
Ministry of Defence stated its purpose as to “deter
the most extreme threats to our national security and
way of life [nuclear attacks by other states], which
cannot be done by other means”.3 Each of four
“We take our responsibility
submarines when on patrol carries forty to maintain a credible nuclear
independently-targetable thermonuclear warheads deterrent extremely seriously
on eight Trident ballistic missiles. They are based at
the Clyde Naval Base near Glasgow, Scotland, and
and continually assess the
operate a continuous patrolling posture. Relying as it security of the whole deterrent
does upon numerous computers, complex software programme, as well as its
and endless lines of code, the Trident system is
operational effectiveness,
undeniably vulnerable to cyber interference.
including against threats
It is obvious, but needs to be stated clearly, that from cyber.”2
cyber-attacks are not exclusively limited to those
conducted over the Internet. They can target the Spokesperson for UK Ministry of Defence, 30 March 2016,
apparently in response to articles in the Guardian and
command and control of computers and network Independent suggesting there existed a serious cyber
connected devices, and therefore refer to any efforts threat to Trident.
to steal, disrupt, deny, degrade, distort or destroy the
information that these systems rely upon, store,
process and generate.
Brokers claim to have a large number of other cyber 10. Andrew Futter, ‘Cyber Threats and Nuclear Weapons’,
RUSI Occasional paper, (July 2016), http://bit.
weapons they have acquired, and are threatening to ly/2qvhgBP
release them regularly.
Considering the range of motivations behind States have a strong incentive to discover the
cyber‑attacks and the capability of groups to conduct patrolling locations of other states’ submarines, their
them enables better assessment of the threat and design and detailed capabilities, their defences,
the prediction of which systems have to be secured.12 tactics and other operational details and acquire an
On both counts, in the context of Trident systems, edge in the naval military contest or even to
it seems most likely that attackers will be states. neutralise a nuclear threat. This can be achieved
either by using this intelligence in combination with
When a UK Trident crew member went public in 2015 its more physical naval assets, or by deploying cyber
with his many concerns about lax security and poor tools directly to degrade an opponent’s ability to hide
safety at the Faslane naval base and on board the and deliver nuclear warheads on target. The suite of
Vanguard submarines themselves, his prime tools available for cyber intrusion is rapidly
expressed concern was that terrorists could gain proliferating and improving.14 When used in
access to the system. His evidence notwithstanding
13 combination with other intelligence assets (such as
(and it included some surprising and alarming claims), rogue officers, crew members, maintenance and
there are so many vulnerable systems that would other personnel), the capabilities of states to infiltrate
deliver the desired effect that it seems unlikely are significant.
terrorists would target Trident systems. Hacktivists
and cyber criminals currently do not possess sufficient Those responsible for defending against cyber-
capability to conduct operations of the required scale attacks can attempt to isolate critical systems and
and sophistication relevant to penetrating Trident anticipate the numerous possible methods of attack,
systems, as far as we can judge. So the principal whilst minimising inconvenience for their authorised
threat, and the one considered in this report to be users. Cyber intrusions are covert and virtually
most relevant, comes from other states, particularly impossible to attribute if conducted with expert-level
those that have the potential to emerge as strategic operational security. They vary based on motivation
competitors to the United Kingdom and its allies. of the attackers, targetable assets and the activities
conducted by attackers.
Industrial espionage and backdoor injection during
manufacturing allow adversaries to conduct long- Malware and attacks involve malicious software used
term cyber operations that may operate for years to disrupt computer or mobile operations, gather
before they are discovered. Cyber-attacks are also sensitive information or gain access to computer
used for military surveillance, warfare support and in systems. Malware injection requires prior knowledge
recent years, for full-scale operations in their own of the software and hardware architecture and a
right. Over the past decade, cyber warfare has delivery mechanism and can sometimes grant virtually
become a vital part of conventional warfare and a full control over the target system or even network.
new military domain.
One of the earliest publicly announced events related In an attack attributed by some as a retaliation for
to the CBRN infrastructure vulnerability to cyber Stuxnet, the Malware ‘Shamoon’ in 2014 wiped
attacks occurred in January 2002. The Slammer 30,000 workstations in Saudi Aramco’s corporate
worm successfully breached the perimeter network network, raising concern over cyber-attacks that can
defences at Ohio’s Davis-Besse nuclear power plant bypass firewalls and intrusion detection systems to
(employees claim the network was protected by a physically affect operations technology networks in a
firewall), infiltrated a private computer network and large scale.
disabled a safety monitoring system for nearly
five hours. In 2014, 13 different types of malware disguised as
ICS/SCADA software updates (such as Siemens
The 2010 ‘Stuxnet’ event in Iran confirmed that Simatic WinCC, GE Cimplicity and Advantech) were
information technology could be used not only to detected in spear-phishing emails. After a due
trigger remote CBRN attacks, but also could be seen forensic investigation, the malware was identified as
as a direct threat to physical CBRN ICS equipment. the re-purposed banking Trojan, aiming to collect
Stuxnet was the first malware to infiltrate and cause private information and credentials. This event
physical and tactical disruption in multiple ICSs in a confirms the capabilities of ICT malware to be used
CBRN facility (the uranium enrichment plant) and against industrial networks.
numerous other facilities over two years with similar
equipment. But it also infected computer networks The world’s first proof-of-concept PLC worm was
across the global internet, and the cyber security presented at BlackHat 2015 conference (August
community and CBRN defence experts united in their 2015), showcasing the malware that can replicate
attempts to neutralise its spread and protect the itself directly from one PLC unit to another, attacking
integrity of global digital systems. ICS firmware and hardware.
In 2011, the Trojan ‘Poison Ivy’ was used to collect In December 2015, the Denial of Service in a power
intellectual property from 29 international chemical plant and multiple substations in Ukraine triggered a
companies. It was one of the largest acts of industrial power outage. In February 2016, it was
espionage in history, raising the awareness of cyber acknowledged that BlackEnergy malware was used
security specialists in the topic of cybersecurity of for the cyber attack.
critical infrastructure.
March 2015 BlackEnergy3 Power outage in Ukraine, Modular malware, December 2015
impacting 225,000 customers ICS override
Of course, UK Trident submarines, once 11. Richard A. Clarke and Robert K. Knake, Cyber War: The
Next Threat to National Security and What to Do About It,
commissioned, are only out at sea around 30-45% of
1st edition, HarperCollins, (2011)
the time. Sabotage can involve the introduction of
12. Tyler Moore, Cyber War, Wellesley College, (6 December
autonomous malware during the development, 2010), http://bit.ly/2pXmjbk; Tavish Vaidya, ‘2001-2013:
procurement or configuration phase while the Survey and Analysis of Major Cyberattacks’,
submarine, missiles, warheads or any other internal Georgetown University, (July 2015), http://bit.ly/2ruP0wF;
Arthur Beesley, ‘EU Suffers Jump in Aggressive
system, are being built, or when the submarine is in Cyber-attacks’, Financial Times, (8 January 2017) http://
port for maintenance, refurbishment and software on.ft.com/2i9gR3T
updates. Remote radio transmissions to the 13. William McNealy, ‘The Secret Nuclear Threat’,
submarine could be used to activate any covert (May 2015), text available on Nuclear Information
Service website, http://bit.ly/2qVpYKW
dormant malware in one of the systems on board (if
14. Col Williams J. Poirier, Maj James Lotspeich, ‘Air Force
the malware has access to the receiving software/
Cyber Warfare: Now and the Future’, Air & Space Power
hardware, or the activation signal is properly relayed Journal, (September-October 2013), http://bit.
to the malware process). It is more likely, however, ly/2p4t9OA
that malware would be pre-configured to activate in
response to a particular event (such as the order to
launch a missile).
A possible strategy to
infiltrate UK SSBN
Command and Control
Memo Dated: 23 February 2018
[Foreign] Naval Intelligence, Unit 6B
Mission: to develop the capability of disrupting and neutralising UK and NATO SSBN Command and Control
via remote access.
Objective: to infiltrate and compromise the network of the UK submarine command Northwood HQ, UK and
establish ability to launch Denial of Service or other cyber-attacks at a time of our choosing and without
Method: Establish remote access to Northwood’s network and on-going hardware and operations
surveillance using APT tactics and a variety of cyber tools that deliver the ability to neutralise
communications to patrolling SSBNs. To trigger the intelligence asset on site and additional assets in London
with established ability to access secure facilities as contractors, and to insert unauthorised hardware and
software facilitating the objective.
The mission will commence by commissioning our arms-length cyber-team DEVCOM_2 to assess network
exposure, and scope out options to determine the components of an extended APT operation on the facility
network. This will require an audit of suppliers to the facility with the purpose of identifying vulnerable
systems to act as entry nodes into the secure network.
We need to make early contact with the intelligence asset already inside Northwood to establish possible
entry points and requirements. At the same time, to operationalise commercial assets in London to establish
technical credentials and cover stories for future entry. At the right time we need to transport preconfigured
hardware into the operation, for connection into the Network. This could then facilitate system error and/or
force the unscheduled reboot and prevent normal loading process (disable certain services), enable us to
bypass the authentication and possibly to load system-level privileges for remote access by DEVCOM_2.
UK nuclear weapons are predicated on the idea that they guard the
nation against nuclear attack or blackmail.15 Trident is designed to be
a stealthy, invulnerable system, almost impossible for an enemy power
to eliminate before an attack, and would consequently be able to
retaliate in the event of any nuclear strike against the UK.
The Royal Navy’s four Vanguard Class communications between the Prime Minister and the
nuclear‑powered submarines carry Britain’s Trident Vanguard commander on patrol. Two officers on
nuclear deterrent. board the submarine are required to authenticate
each stage of the process, using the codes that are
Under the practice of Continuous At-Sea Deterrence stored inside two safes opened with keys held by the
(CASD) at least one submarine is always on patrol. ship’s executive and weapons engineering officers.
Another submarine is usually undergoing The submarine commander is responsible for the
maintenance and the remaining two are in port or on activation of the firing trigger.18
training exercises. Four submarines enable some
latitude for unforeseen events. The submarine If the commander has a reason to believe that the
patrols at depth within a series of planned government has ceased to function and has been
topographical “boxes” measuring several thousand destroyed, the letter of the last resort would be
square miles, but the exact location and route is retrieved from a safe bolted to the control room deck
known to only three or four people on board the and its instructions followed.19 The letters of last
vessel. The submarine will only make contact with resort are four identical handwritten letters from the
naval command in an extreme emergency, serving Prime Minister to the commanding officers of
as communication from the submarine could give each Vanguard-class submarine, orders on what
away its location. Intelligence is usually relayed to action to take in the event that an enemy nuclear
the vessel by low frequency and very low frequency strike has destroyed the British government.
radio, and more occasionally by higher frequency
bands using satellites, giving known details of 15. Peter Cannon, ‘The Necessity of Nuclear Deterrence’,
shipping movements and potentially hostile aircraft The Henry Jackson Society, (18 June 2012), http://bit.
or submarines in the area.17 ly/2qv7cZo
16. http://bit.ly/1Q50BtP
17. UK Ministry of Defence, ‘Strategic Defence and Security
Only the Prime Minister can authorise the launch of
Review published’, Ministry of Defence,
Trident ballistic missiles. These orders would likely (19 October 2010), http://bit.ly/2ridwVm
be issued from the PINDAR command bunker under 18. International Court of Justice, ‘Legality of the Threat or
MoD Main Building in Whitehall, central London, Use of Nuclear Weapons’, (1996), International Court of
Justice, http://bit.ly/1hW3TeQ
with strict protocols in place to confirm her identity,
19. The process by which a Trident submarine commander
though she can issue these orders from elsewhere.
would determine whether the British government is
This order would be conveyed directly in person over functioning includes, among other checks, establishing
secure link to the CTF 345 operations room in whether BBC Radio 4 continues broadcasting. This was
Northwood, the only facility with direct first described in Peter Hennessy, The Secret State:
Whitehall and the Cold War, (Allen Lane, 2003).
Crew: 132
Cyber-attacks may be mounted in concert with more Protocol may ban the introduction of storage devices
conventional sabotage or military attack. during operation, and include a ban on wireless
A particularly effective attack could enable enemy connections or similar restrictions on
access to the submarine’s command network. electromagnetic leakage from the secure network
Remote communication and passive reconnaissance through the use of a Faraday cage or some other
(using long range antennas to monitor wireless form of EmSec (security measures to prevent
transmissions) could enable attackers to capture electromagnetic radiation leaking data).
encrypted information or to distort it without an initial
breach into the system. Cyber-attacks are difficult to A number of recent events (such as Stuxnet, Duqu
control and many of their effects likely unanticipated. and BlackEnergy3) prove that air gapping and
They may have an intended effect on a particular network segmentation cannot be considered an
sub-system but then have broader unintentional effective defence against all cyber-attacks. Every
impacts on the wider system. electronic system inevitably has a means for new
code to be introduced, be it by USB memory stick or
some more sophisticated method, particularly at
4.1 Air gapping more vulnerable times.
A secure computer network is said to be air gapped Efforts to develop methods to penetrate an
when it is physically isolated from other insecure air‑gapped network have been the focus of much
networks, particularly the public Internet or any research over many years. The viability of acoustic
insecure local area network. Networks that employ signalling in defeating air gap isolation was
dedicated cryptographic devices that tunnel packets demonstrated in 2013.20 In 2014, researchers
over untrusted networks while avoiding packet rate introduced AirHopper, a bifurcated attack pattern
or size variation are also considered air gapped, as showing the feasibility of using a mobile phone to
there is no ability for computers on opposite sides of achieve data exfiltration from an isolated computer,
the gap to communicate. Submarines on patrol are using FM frequency signals.21 In 2015, BitWhisper,
clearly air gapped, not being connected to the a covert signalling channel between air-gapped
internet or other networks, except when receiving computers using thermal manipulations achieved
(very simple) data from outside. As a consequence, Proof of Concept. BitWhisper supports bidirectional
it has sometimes been claimed by officials that communication and requires no additional dedicated
Trident is safe from hacking. But this is patently false, peripheral hardware. Later in 2015, researchers
Table 1 outlines two main network structures vulnerable to malware injection: those on board the submarine
and those within the command and control facility on land.
Spoofing – impersonation of the transmitted data, at this depth with an antenna, so that the vessel can
faking its origin and context; remain at greater depth. VLF can be affected by
salinity gradients in the ocean and natural sources of
Bit flipping – compromising the integrity of the VLF radiation, but the quality of data transmission is
transmitted data by damaging the transmitted not strongly influenced by environmental conditions
encrypted data, causing scrambled date or false and is therefore useful for reliable global
interpretation; communications. The US Navy’s VLF systems serve
as a back-up for global communication use during
Jamming – blocking the data transmission in a
hostilities when nuclear explosions may disrupt
particular area or over a certain channel.
higher frequencies or satellites and other
transmitting equipment may be destroyed by enemy
The chance of miscalculation, misperception or
unauthorised use due to “spoofing attacks” and
electronic impersonation remains a possibility, and
there are protocols in place when on patrol to guard The transmission antennas need to be large, to the
against these possibilities. Of course, these depend point that they can cover a site of several square
upon crew members sticking to protocol, and in any kilometres, so this is a one-way communication from
case, are not guarantees for success. It is also shore-based command centres to surface ships and
conceivable that cyber-attackers could target UK submarines. Its range can be extended by
radio communications, just as they have in the past broadcasting to several satellites at once. The British
US submarine radio transmissions.29 This would use a VLF transmitter at Skelton near Penrith, but
present particularly acute challenges during the time other NATO and US transmitters can also be used to
of crisis and time-pressure, when the need for quick communicate with British submarines.31
and clear coordination and communication is
paramount. Details of the communication systems in A review on Very Low Frequency (VLF) submarine
Vanguard-class submarines are of course classified, communication methods by the Pentagon in the
but the technology they rely on is not. Modern radio mid‑1990s unearthed a firewall vulnerability that could
frequency attacks can target not only data in transit, have enabled hackers to gain control of naval radio
but also the transmitters and receivers, and their communications “for broadcasting nuclear launch
internal software. orders to Trident submarines”.32 The investigation
showed that cyber terrorists could potentially infiltrate
External communication to the submarine transmits this network and insert false orders for launch, or to
data (such as targeting and battlespace information, neutralise such orders, sidestepping the chain of
and brief messages from families to the crew) over command. The investigation led to “elaborate new
very low frequency (VLF) and low frequency (LF) instructions for validating launch orders” from two
radio without using satellites, picked up by a long independent instructions to fire, which will have been
antenna trailing in the water behind the submarine.30 replicated by UK protocols.33 Whilst this will have
Data is transmitted using an internet protocol (IP) made spoofing and other attacks more challenging,
system, and uses a US-UK common military grade they remain a possibility.
encryption system at both ends of the
communication. Extremely low frequency (ELF)
systems have been in use in the past, enabling
By 2000 the SMCS project was fully owned by BAE However, other suppliers have taken a different path.
Systems. In its 2003 Defence White Paper, the The consoles for the new Sonar 2076 supplied by
government agreed numerous improvements for Thales Underwater Systems for the Astute class
Royal Navy submarines, but no changes to the submarines, and which may be retrofitted to other
Vanguard-class submarines or to the Trident missile classes, are built with the Linux-based operating
system.39 It was assumed that the SMCS equipment, system rather than Windows.
maintained under a support contract with Ultra
Electronics, would outlast the service life of the
5.5 Reactors and power Armaments Depot Coulport where they are stored
and loaded onto the Trident submarines prior to
supply patrolling. The missiles and warheads are vulnerable
to cyber interference at each stage of this process.
Nuclear submarines use propulsion systems that
include a nuclear reactor, steam turbines and The US Navy installed Permissive Action Link (PAL)
reduction gearing to drive the main propeller shaft.46 devices on all its ballistic missile submarines near
These systems also provide the electric power to the end of the Cold War to prevent unauthorised
operate the equipment on board and to power up the launch. Missile launch requires a code sent by the
storage batteries. These systems are managed and Chiefs of Staff on behalf of the US President. The US
monitored by sophisticated electronics and software, posture involves preparation for a nuclear exchange
including programmable logic controllers (PLC) and in which the President or his deputies remain in
computers, interconnected as a single logical charge and in communication with launching crews
network. at the moment of release. In contrast, the UK Ministry
of Defence chose not to install PALs on Vanguard-
Attacks on the nuclear power plant have the potential class submarines because the system is designed to
to be the most dangerous of all on an SSBN. threaten a devastating second strike response in the
Malware can propagate over the network of event that the capital and government has been
interconnected PLCs, corrupt data from sensors and eliminated. This is the purpose of the letter of last
can even deny access to infected systems. Damage resort, the idea being that an adversary would not
to any of these systems could have devastating seek to destroy the UK and its government in the first
consequences. place, knowing that the capacity to respond in
retaliation exists after destruction.
An attack could result in changes to power
generation, or even reactor overheating. It is important to point out that the electronic missile
control systems are entirely separate from those
If the entire power battery unit is disabled, the
running the submarine. The mechanical trigger that
vessel’s systems will rely directly and exclusively
launches the Trident missile is modelled on a Colt 45
upon the reactor.
their activity is harmful. 37. BAE Systems, ‘Submarine Command System Next
Generation’, http://bit.ly/2pXfvdR
38. Intel architecture is little-endian and SPARC is big-
Attribution is a sophisticated challenge, particularly endian. Endianism refers to the conflicting methods by
as attackers often confuse by using another which hexadecimal memory is stored in the memory as
country’s language or deliberately mashing up their bytes.
39. House of Commons Defence Committee: Written
English.51 Images, text files with specific quotes, IP
Evidence, Session 2002-03, http://bit.ly/2q06Cj1
addresses or hardware brands could all be
40. Ministry of Defence, The Royal Navy Handbook, Conway
calculated to mislead investigators and plant the Maritime Press, (2003)
blame elsewhere. Successful false flag operations 41. Lewis Page, ‘Royal Navy Completes Windows for
could trigger conflict or war directed at states Submarines Rollout’, The Register, (16 December 2008),
uninvolved in the original cyber intrusion. http://bit.ly/2rd0gyo
42. Bill Gates, as Microsoft’s Chief Software Architect, had
given sworn testimony under oath to the US Courts on
APT threats to the UK Trident command and firing this point. Civil Action No. 98-1233 (CKK), Direct
chain could override security protocols, potentially Testimony of Bill Gates, Defendant’s Exhibit 1507, (22
transferring some control of communications in a April 2002), paragraphs 207 to 223.
crisis to the attacking state without the prior 43. Adam Ingram MP, in an answer to Mike Hancock MP,
Written questions, House of Commons, 200036, 428
knowledge of Royal Navy command. One of the c165W, (01 December 2004)
more sophisticated scenarios would be to create a 44. ‘Navigation and Operations’, University of Kansas, Naval
series of false readings on the Human-Machine Reserve Officer Training Corps (2006)
Interface and jamming of communications, leaving 45. S. E., Hamn, ‘Coastal Piloting: Bottom Contour
the commanding officer of the vessel blind. Navigation (Seamanship)’, Trailer Boats, (1995); see
also Undersea Warfare- journal, No. 51 (June
29. Jason Fritz, ‘Hacking Nuclear Command and Control’,
46. Rolls-Royce, ‘Submarines Capability’, http://bit.
International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation
and Disarmament, (2009)
47. David E. Sanger and William J. Broad, ‘Trump Inherits a
30. VLF is defined as 30 - 300Hz, a wavelength of 1000 to
Secret Cyberwar Against North Korean Missiles’, New
10,000 km. LF as 300 - 3000Hz, a wavelength of 100 to
York Times, (4 March 2017), http://nyti.
1000 km.
31. John Ainslie, The Future of the British Bomb, WMD
48. Jeffrey Lewis, ‘Is the United States Really Blowing Up
Awareness Programme, (October 2005), p. 85
North Korea’s Missiles?’, Foreign Policy, (19 April 2017),
32. Scott Peterson, ‘Old weapons, New terror worries’, The http://atfp.co/2ooa4E9
Christian Science Monitor, (15 April 2004), http://bit.
49. Sunday Times, ‘No. 10 Covered up Trident Missile
Fiasco’, Sunday Times, (22 January 2017), http://bit.
33. Bruce Blair, ‘Rouge States: Nuclear Red-Herrings’, The ly/2rv8LUW; see also Ewen MacAskill, ‘How did the
Defense Monitor, Vol. 33, No. 1, (January-February Trident test fail and what did Theresa May know?’, The
2004); Bruce Blair, ‘Why Our Nuclear Weapons Can Be Guardian, (23 January 2017), http://bit.ly/2jhLVyW
Hacked’, The New York Times,
50. Sunday Times, ‘Revealed: Trident’s faulty guidance’,
(14 March 2017), http://nyti.ms/2ruWTD2; Rosetta in the
Sunday Times, (29 January 2017), http://bit.
UK, ‘The Open University Joins Forces with BAE
Systems to Harness Rosetta Know-how for UK’s Newest
Submarines’, http://bit.ly/2pOXt1e 51. See a blog from someone claiming to be from the
Shadow Brokers, ‘OH LORDY! Comey Wanna Cry
34. Ultra High Frequency (UHF) is between 300 MHz and 3
Edition’, available in http://bit.ly/2qmLzLa
GHz; Super High Frequency (SHF) between 3GHz to 30
GHz; and Extremely High Frequency (EHL) is 30GHz to
Disrupting UK SSBN
operations directly
Memo Dated: 6 January 2017
Mission: To compromise the operation of the submarine, gather intelligence data, divert the submarine from
its original course or disable its ability to fire
Objective: Infiltrate the submarine, and establish the means to interrupt operation
Method 1: Introducing malware into the submarine’s systems, its controlling computer network and the systems
controlling missile firing. One of the options we have is to create a “Backdoor” that could be activated via a
communication link (or under predefined circumstances) and transmitting a radio signal through covert channels (e.g.
injecting hidden bits of data into the standard radio messages in both directions). For this to function we will require a
receiver (“listener” - a malware in the communication facility on land) to relay data to Naval Intelligence in Transnistria.
We should also aim for the capability to transmit commands to the submarine through covert channels to provide the
capability to control our malware remotely, alongside packet data [the original communications] transmitted to the
submarine by the Royal Navy. This method will require hardware to be added, or for our agents to modify hardware
destined for incorporation into the submarine during maintenance or overhaul.
Naval Intelligence assets in the UK will need to infiltrate suppliers in order to maximise our chances of
compromising the Dreadnought programme early in its manufacture stage.
Method 2: Any personal computer may have a compiler installed (If the operating system is based on
Windows. Unix/Linux based systems already have compiler installed by default). Our intelligence asset within
the Vanguard gold team will need training up with instructions on writing the code. He will be able to design,
compile, deliver and deploy the malware inside the vessel whilst on patrol, and be able to control and monitor
the malware. This method can be used to map the patrol course of the submarine using the data from the
infected internal network, giving us valuable intelligence for future patrols.
Method 3: Physically introducing long term malware into control systems, similar to Stuxnet, that could distort
data from the sensors in a controlled manner to confuse submarine command, communications, navigation and
missile targeting, or be triggered when the submarine engages in activity consistent with a launch sequence.
The malware that targets control systems matching with those onboard the submarine (any system
connected to critical control systems), can be used to infect control systems within the vessel. Sophisticated
cross-platform malware may operate on multiple control systems and multiple operating systems.
Perhaps the most likely form of attack would target critical systems on
the submarine: reactor operations, missile control or the stealth of the
submarine. Other systems could be targeted, such as internal
communications control stations, water purification systems, oxygen level
controllers or sanitation systems, to neutralise the submarine’s operation.
Cyber-attack techniques might be used to interfere The cyber threat to the Vanguard and Dreadnought
with communications to and inside the submarines, submarines cannot be considered an isolated
or to broadcast from the submarine and thereby give challenge. Technologies are advancing at a rapid
away its position; they may either jam (or otherwise and unpredictable pace and present numerous
prevent) the exchange of messages and data, or challenges to current UK military doctrine and
create misleading or incorrect information. The equipment, a problem that can only get worse. Many
worst-case, though highly unlikely, scenario would be of these augment new threats associated with the
unauthorised missile launch (by stealing and cyber domain. The spread and mounting capability of
transmitting launch authorisation codes to the ballistic missile defences, as well as advances in
submarine), or spoofing a nuclear attack. This type of automated and autonomous robotics and
attack would require the most sophisticated, highly engineering (such as underwater drones, aerial
skilled and resourceful hackers working in drones with diving capabilities, etc.), make guarding
combination with an extensive intelligence operation, classified intelligence about stealth technologies,
probably including a so-called “false-flag” operation patrol areas, missile and warhead specifications and
(a major concern due to the problems of attribution of performance data as important as ever and more
cyber-attacks). difficult. The ever-increasing complexity and
sophistication of the control systems upon which the
When on operations, submarines are generally prone submarine, personnel, missiles and warheads rely,
to infiltration and covert surveillance, and in war and makes security of the supply chain and particularly
crisis they are vulnerable to being disabled, software upgrade and updates of paramount
damaged or retargeted by surprise. In other words, importance.
submarines could be widely compromised in
peacetime without anyone knowing, and their Submarines have been assumed to be the most
operations explicitly impacted only during conflict. secure, stealthy, credible and reliable platform
Any electronic interference in the middle of a crisis available since the 1960s. With the latest emerging
could be highly destabilising, not least because crisis malware propagation techniques, the security of UK
involves stress, confusion and often poor decision submarines on patrol is less assured. They may
making. Indeed, cyber interference could make it already have been compromised, but in future
increasingly difficult for all those involved to separate confidence must surely be more uncertain.
malfunction from alerts or attack (particularly if this
also involved denial of service attacks), and
incentivise early missile launch.
Cyber security is no trivial task when there is a Physical site (e.g. area subject to flood, unreliable
complex network of hundreds of private commercial power source);
suppliers, many of which it must be assumed have
Organizational (e.g. lack of regular audits, lack of
weak security controls in place. The problem for
continuity plans, lax security protocols).
those that are responsible for cyber security is that
they have to anticipate every possible vulnerability,
Any risk management processes entail prioritisation.
and engage in offensive cyber operations
The Common Vulnerability Scoring System is an
themselves against potential attackers in order to
open framework for communicating the
gather prior intelligence concerning methods,
characteristics and severity of software
intention and attack vectors. It rapidly becomes a
vulnerabilities.53 Vulnerabilities can be categorized in
continuous and active cyber conflict in which all sides
order to develop an adequate response by severity,
attempt to penetrate each other’s systems.
as exploitable and non-exploitable, or as server side
and client side. Responses include adding a patch,
The first step is to assess and classify the
mitigating the risks and remedying the vulnerability.
vulnerabilities. Vulnerability is all about the
intersection of three elements: the existence of a
Access to the internet and the use of wifi and
system susceptibility or flaw, an attacker gaining
bluetooth on board during patrol is strictly forbidden
access to that flaw, and then an attacker developing
for all crew members. Computer systems and
their capability to exploit the flaw. Vulnerabilities are
networks devoted to morale, welfare and recreation
classified according to the asset class they are
are isolated from mission critical systems and
related to:52
protocols in place to minimise the chances of cross-
infection between systems. Personal computers and
Hardware (e.g. susceptible to humidity, dust,
phones are not allowed on board, and only
soiling, unprotected storage);
specifically designed devices are in use.54 Ideally.
Software (e.g. insufficient testing, lack of audit But if the revelations of crew member McNally in
trail); 2015 have any truth to them, such protocols may
only operate on paper. Maintaining high vigilance
Network (e.g. unprotected communication lines, and security priority on patrols that last several
insecure network architecture); months and where trust builds up within crews is a
very tall order.
Personnel (e.g. inadequate recruiting process,
inadequate security awareness);
The next generation of SSBN will require a team of 52. ISO/IEC, “Information technology -- Security techniques-
Information security risk management”, ISO/IEC FIDIS
cyber security experts, employed both remotely and
on board, who perform 24/7 monitoring and control.
53. FIRST, ‘Common Vulnerability Scoring System, V3
They will need to monitor all external and internal Development Update’, (10 June 2015), http://bit.
communication. The internal protocols for routine ly/1L4hNz7
internal checks while on patrol will need to be 54. Though there have been reported breaches of these
updated regularly. protocols; Colin Daileda, ‘U.S. Navy Debuts E-Reader
Without Wi-Fi, Which Is Perfect for Submarines’,
Mashable UK, (May 7 2014), http://on.mash.
If a communication channel is encrypted and bi- to/2pXADR3
directional, an attacker can actively eavesdrop by
intercepting an open key exchange message (during
the initiation of the communication channel) and
retransmit the message while replacing the
requested key with his own. As the submarine does
not broadcast communication signals, this type of
attack is only applicable in systems that go through
the process of establishing the full communication
channel (protocol procedures, such as “handshakes”
and key negotiations) in the Command and Control
Centre. When this happens, it leaves a trace. For
example, when attackers perform ARP (Address
Resolution Protocol) spoofing to send or receive
communications, trace elements are left on the
routing devices. It is then possible when detecting
these traces to conduct counter offensive cyber
operations against the attacker.
Military systems will be highly networked to the space of a year or two.58 Technology involved in
communicate, intercept and control vast swathes of the smart phone is highly relevant to military
territory, at sea and in cyberspace; stealthy technology, including robotics and sensing, that
submarines will be an anomaly attempting to could enable interception and tracking of submarines.
remain ‘off the grid’. The development of civil technologies is starting to
outstrip and determine the application of technology
Development, procurement, testing, deployment and on the battlefield, largely because the market and
installation of SSBN systems, including electronic related investment in R&D is so massive.59
control systems, take years before the submarine
starts its first patrol. The Blair government announced Work on the bespoke software for a submarine’s
its decision to start the concept phase of SSBN command and control system is developed alongside
replacement in December 2006, stating that the the hardware choices made throughout the design
process would take 17 years and that the first and construction of the submarine. By the time the
submarine would be available on patrol in 2024.55 The submarine starts active service the technologies on
Initial Gate, when teams started detailed designs for board will be out-dated by a number of generations,
the system, was four years later in 2011.56 A decision and may already have a large number of
was announced in the November 2015 Strategic vulnerabilities discovered by others despite their
Defence and Security Review that the submarines classification. These discoveries can be made by
would be constructed in a modular manner, and attackers when penetrating other (less secure)
physical work to being constructing the main body of operating, software and hardware systems using
the first submarine commenced in the Autumn of similar code (programming language, framework,
2016.57 This submarine is not now expected to start kernel, etc.), or more directly by attackers targeting
patrolling until the early 2030s, a full quarter century the SSBN systems themselves. Maintenance,
after the decision was first taken to move on this updates and upgrades require further time and
project, and 15 years after the designs were finalised funding, and themselves become sources of
and construction on the submarine began. vulnerability and a means to penetrate the cyber
systems upon which the SSBN depends.
Very basic versions of the predecessor to today’s
smart phone were only just coming onto the market Maintaining strategic superiority in an age of mass
15 years ago. The iPhone 6, launched in September surveillance and data sharing, and rapid
2014, can process instructions 2000 times as fast as development and proliferation of technology and
the computer on board a state of the art US F22 processing power across civil and military sectors, is
Raptor aircraft, the most sophisticated fighter aircraft a major challenge fraught with uncertainty and
on combat duty in the US Air Force today. Each complexity. Information that previously was available
generation of smart phone is overtaken by the next in only by the means of military reconnaissance is now
(fast-blinking LEDs) can detect undersea vessels.61 58. David Hambling, The Inescapable Net: Unmanned Systems
in Anti-Submarine Warfare, British American Security
Communication will continue to be a vulnerable part of
Information Council, (13 July 2016), http://bit.ly/1RC55KE
command and control, relying heavily on
59. David Hambling, Swarm Troopers, how small drones will
interconnectivity and network architecture. Radio conquer the world, Amazon (2015)
frequency interception remains a possibility, as does 60. The DARPA tactical undersea network is one example;
spoofing. The submarine may become increasingly Shelby Sullivan, ‘Tactical Undersea Network Architectures
(TUNA)’, http://bit.ly/2rvbiP3
vulnerable to radio frequency interception, or possibly
61. Kate Yandell, ‘The Navy’s New Underwater Internet’,
even the use of sonar to steal or inject data.62
Gizmodo, (3 July 2014), http://bit.ly/2qvxdbc
62. Martellini M., Abaimov S., Gaycken S. and Wilson C.,
The construction, assembly and maintenance of Information Security of Highly Critical Wireless Networks,
submarines is ever more automated and robotized, Springer, (2017); Geoffrey Ingersoll, ‘
US Navy: Hackers “Jumping the Air Gap”
and a far greater proportion involves complex
Would ‘Disrupt the World Balance of Power’, Business
electronics. The nuclear reactors themselves are Insider, (November 2013), http://read.bi/2qWhfbF
becoming more sophisticated and rely on complex 63. Ben Blanchard and Steve Holland, ‘China to Return Seized
interconnected devices and electronic networks. U.S. Drone, Says Washington “Hyping Up” Incident’,
Reuters, (18 December 2016), http://reut.rs/2q0lnlR; http://
bit.ly/2r0jTNn; http://bit.ly/1SPtBJ9
Polymer electronics and 3D printed weaponry, 64. http://bit.ly/2r0Akta; Navy League 2017, NRL furthers Flying
undetectable by metal scanners, will require specific Sea Glider effort, IHS Jane’s 360, http://bit.ly/2pXiPpw
security measures. Nano technologies are being 65. BASIC and Pugwash have several publications in
developed to improve surveillance, espionage and production in mid 2017 by Miguel Batista. See also David
Hambling, The Inescapable Net: Unmanned Systems in
warfare. Advancing nano and bionic technologies,
Anti-Submarine Warfare, British American Security
implantable and subdermal data storage and Information Council, (13 July 2016), http://bit.
communication devices, all offer means to covertly ly/1RC55KE
Disrupting guidance
systems for Trident
Memo Dated: 21 December 2015
From: [Foreign] Naval Intelligence, Unit 6B
Mission: To develop a capability with multiple dimensions to disrupt communications and guidance of
Trident II D5 missiles.
Objective: Complete satisfactory infiltration of the D5 supply chain, insert our hardware and software
into components, and set up a mixed system of autonomous and remote triggers to disrupt, perhaps
even control.
Disrupt guidance and telemetry signals using autonomous malware. Naval intelligence has
operatives in two key sub-contractors involved in the design and supply of components for the guidance
system as part of Lockheed Martin’s life extension programme for the D5. These components are in the
middle of testing and integration, and our operatives have been successful in injecting new forms of
malware that are under development under the guidance of our DEVCOM_2 team. We are now ready to
test the operation of this installed malware in a forthcoming Trident II D5 test by switching to a green light.
Should this test be successful, we plan to expand operations in this direction in order to have multiple
means of disrupting launch, trajectory and warhead separation, and to explore options for disrupting the
fusing of the warhead itself.
intercept signals to confuse communications, perhaps even to take control of the missile. Once
the missile leaves the water our malware on board can communicate via satellite or maritime assets
[ships, aircraft, unmanned vehicles] with naval command. Malware currently in development and
connected to the guidance system on board the missile will, on launch, trigger a transmitter using
variable, cloaked frequency that will enable remote control via satellite or assets nearby. This will enable
naval command to alter the trajectory of the missile, block or disrupt communications between the missile
and US Naval Command and the Trident submarine, or trigger the warhead fuse into premature activation.
This report clearly demonstrates that the UK’s Trident system, though
benefiting from the highest classification of security and attempts to
shore up weaknesses, remains vulnerable to cyber-attack.
The potential cyber-attack vectors cover three life rigorous testing and inspection routines, simulation
stages of submarines: construction, patrol and exercises and “offensive” security tests of various
maintenance. Each of these stages contains specific aspects related to the cyber and information security.
vulnerabilities to be investigated, assessed and All this also acknowledging that such activities
monitored. The defensive measures should include themselves can also be the source of cyber-threat.
physical and cyber-security solutions with the use of False economies when choosing operating systems,
the state of the art detection technologies and software and hardware should be avoided.
simulation exercises to respond to all
potential scenarios. It was announced in the 2015 Strategic Defence and
Security Review that the Successor submarines
In the development stage, one of the attack would be constructed in a ‘staged investment
scenarios is that the sensitive design, or operational programme’, or a modular fashion, which may give
secrets related to the UK nuclear weapons system, greater flexibility in the manufacturing.66 Maintaining
could be compromised through cyber espionage. maximum adaptation in these phases will be critical,
The construction period also entails probability of the but is a huge challenge. There is also a challenging
malware being installed into the electronic devices to trade-off between nimble, flexible and responsive
be activated in patrol. During the manufacturing and systems, and the essential security, including cyber-
assembly of the submarine and internal systems, security, that could reduce the risk of infiltration or
predetermined security flaws may be introduced, to theft. Among the myriad potential threats which need
be potentially exploited in the future. Otherwise, to be continually assessed throughout are wireless
malware may be uploaded into a device or a network communication technologies, networks of unmanned
of devices, for it to conduct an attack autonomously maritime vehicles capable of detecting submarines
at a predefined moment or under specific and possibly delivering electronic payloads, nano
circumstances. The patrol phase relies on internal devices, polymer electronics and 3D printed weaponry.
and external communication and network of systems,
which are vulnerable to internal cyber-attacks. The There should be no doubt that whilst the issues
submarine can be infiltrated with autonomous outlined in this report have strands of both continuity
malware when undergoing maintenance or delivered (anti-submarine warfare, attempts to compromise the
via storage devices or even via remote operations of adversaries’ military activities, ever-
communication channels. unfolding technological change) and disruption
(emerging dominance of cyber as a form of warfare
Another risk is connected with the high speed of and disruption, re-emergence of doubt around the
technology development. Any electronic device ability of leading nuclear weapon states to deliver their
installed in submarines today is soon outdated. A nuclear payloads on an adversary), there are some
team of permanent cyber-security experts will be crucial uncertainties over the consequences emerging
needed online strengthen defence both internally for nuclear doctrine, deterrence and stability.
and externally. Updates of software and hardware
should be implemented on a regular basis, as well as