For Core Specimens How Many Cores Will Be Taken From Each Segment
For Core Specimens How Many Cores Will Be Taken From Each Segment
For Core Specimens How Many Cores Will Be Taken From Each Segment
1. Coring for thickness determination in the acceptance of complete pavement is made on a lot basis. Two lanes poured concurrently is considered one lot if its length is:
a. 300 m c. 500 m
b. 400 m d.1000 m
2. For core specimen each lot willbe
divided into how many equal
a. 3 c. 5
b.4 d. 6
3. For core specimens how many cores will be taken from each segment.
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
4. A core specimens for core thickness determinatton shall have a diameter of at least.
a. 50 mm c. 100 mm
. b. 60 mm d. 200 mm
5. For compressive strength determination the diameter of core specimens should be at least _times the
nominal maximum size of coarse aggaregate in the core sample.
a. 2 c. 4
b. 3 d. 5
6. The length of core specimens when capped shall be as nearly as practicable its diameter.
a. equal c. twice
b. 3 times d. one and a half
7. In core sampling, the poured concrete shall be how many days old before the specimens are removed.
a. 7 c. 14
b. 12 d. 28
8. When measurement of any core is less than the specified thickness by more than this amount,additional cores
will be taken.
a. 100 mm c. 50 mm
b. 75 mm d. 25 mm
9. When any care is less, than the specified thickness,additional cores will be taken at no less than
meter intervals parallel to the center line in each direction from the affected section.
a. 5 c. 10
b. 10 d. 20
10. In the evaluation of core samples,how many measurements of length are made at equal intervals along the
33. Specified or selected materials of design thickness placed as foundation for pavement.
a. base c. sub-grade
b. sub-base
34. A widely used as a control test in embankment construction to ensure adequate compaction.
a. laboratory compaction c. liquid and plastic Limit
b. field density test
35. A sand used to measure the volume of test hole in field density test.
a. coarse sand c. calibrated sand
b. fine sand
36. What item no. is PCCP.
a. Item 403 c. Item 311
b. Item 405
37. What are the essential laboratory test or soil classificatio ..
a. liquid and plastic limit test
b. grading test c. all of the above
38. Provided along the slopes of high embankments as erosion control measure and also to improve the stability
of the side slopes.
a. free board c. revetments
b. berm
39. What is the oven drying temperature for moisture content determination.
a. 160 deg C +or-10 c. 120 deg C +or-5
b. 110 deg C +or-5
40. What is the air drying tem perature of soil samples.
a. not to exceed 110 C c. not to exceed 120 C
b. not to exceed 60 C
41. For class C concrete used for thin reiforced sections.railings and for filler in steel grid ftoor,the minimum
cement content per cubic meter is.
1 a. 8 bags
b. 9 bags
c. 9.5 bags
d. 11 bags
42. For concrete deposited under water(Class Seal),the maximum water-cement ratio is:
a. 0.53 ..... P: , ·') c. 0.49-
(]l c (s81 -..<: • .c.i.:: c
d. o.55 -
43. An essential Part of engineering practise that is vital to the development of better,safer and economical
private and public inf rastructures is called:
a. specifications c. building code
b. materials testing ..d. quality control
44. Is the degree of excellence describe by such general terms as stable,durable,rigid and economical is called:
b nil _., ..q uality
ported d. guaranty
hat is the process of checking for conformance to specification requirements .
.JJ.-;'quality control c.contract review
b. materials testing d. field density test
46. The degree of certainty that the work is done in accordance with specifications and sometimes called
acceptance inspection.
a. quality control c. materials testing
ality assurance d. laboratory result ·
To ensu re highest quality of work and extend the service life of any structures by constructing according to the
p cribed plans and specifications is called:
a. quality control work c. field inspection
b. quality assurance work d. laboratory test
48. Information regarding the location of materia ls sources that will be incorporated into the work will be re·
presented by the following.
a. raw materials c. manufactured materials
b. processed materials d. all of the above
49. The condition .tor acceptance of materials to be incorporated fn the project.
_,a:materials test c. project engineers certificate
b. testing of preliminary samples d. none of the above
I •
50. To monitor the quality control activities in the project, the following is performed.
a. sampling c. laboratory procedures
b. testing d. all of the above
51. The primary quality control mechanism for the production of asphalt mixture.
a. asphalt content c. asphalt content
b. job mix formu la
52. The most commonly used method in the design and evaluation of ituminous cgn.crete mixtures.
a. Marshall Stability Test c. none of the above
b. Plant mix method
53. The most commonly used method in determining consistency of concrete
a. sampling method c. slump test
b. visual method
54. A Department Order for reactivation of the Quality Assurance Unit (QAU-RO) Regional Office.-
a. D.O. No. 100 c. D.O. No. 50
b. D.O. No. 155
55. A Depart1nent Memorandom Circular, a revised method on Field Density Test.
a. D.M.L No. 48 c. D.M.L No. 39
b. D.M.C. No. 40 ,- - - ----.....
56. Determines the.t!_ard ness property of coarse aggregates. \
a. CBR ·-- c_ Compaction · · · ·-
b. Abrassion Test+'
57. Use to evaluate the potential strength of,soil aggregateS:-'·
a. Compaction c. CBR,,.;i'.
b. Abrassion Test
58. Gives an indication of clay content in soil.
a. liquid limit ( c. plastic limit
b. plasticity index_...)
59. Increases the shearing strength of aggregates in any size.shape and gradation.
a. CBR c. compaction
b. mortar strength
60. What is concrete deposited in water.
a. Class P c. Class AA
b. Seal
61. Which of the words mention below does not belong to the three classes of soil.
a. geological c. engineering (
b. pedological d. granular
62. Which of the following type of soil belong to the qeological class of soil.
a. transported c. fill
b. residual d. all of the above
63. Of threee groups of soil mentioned below,which of them is also called coarse grain soil.
a. granular c. organic
b. fine d. none of the above
64. Fine grained soil passes through what size of sieve.
a. 75 mm c. 0.001
b. 2 mm d. none of the above
65. Colloids are particles of fine grained soil that is smaller _than the number of sieve indicated below.
a. 0.075 c. 0.001
b. 0.002 d. none of the above
66. Granular soil has the following engineering properties.
a. good load bearing c. incompressible under static load
b. permea ble d. all of the above
67. Fine grained soil has this engineering property. .
a. load bearing c. subject to change in strength ft volume due to anatiOn in water content
b. incompressible d. permeable
68. Of the following characteristics of composite materials required for base and sub·base,which of them is
a. free from vegetable matter or lumps of day
b. can be compacted readily to form a firm base
c. is not permeable of free draining
d. must be stable when wet and dry
69. What percent of aggregates sub-base materials (Item 200) must conform to the grading requirements
in passing through a 25 mm sieve.
a. 100 % c. 40-75%
b. 55-85% d. 0-12%
70. For aggregate sub-base materials, the fraction passing through the 0.075 mm(No. 200) shall not be greater than
of the fraction passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40) sieve.
a. 56% c. 76%
b. 66% d. 86%
71 . The recommended thickness of hot mixed asphalt overlay.
a. 2"-4" c. 3"-6"
b. 3"-5"
72. New type of water reducing admixtures used to produced flowing concrete.
a. plasticizers c. retarders
b. superplastizer
73. The wearing away of pavement surface caused by dislodging of aggregates.
a. corrugation c. shoving
b. raveling
74. A form of plastic movement typified by ripples.
a. corrugation c. shoving
b. raveling
75. A form of plastic movement resulting in localized bulging of the pavement.
a. corrugation c. shoving
b. raveling
76. Longitudinal surface depression in the wheel paths.
a. corrugation c. raveling
b. rutting
77. The upward movement in an asphalt pavement resulting in the formation of film in the asphalt surface.
a. shoving c. cutting
b. bleeding
78. Are mixtures of asphalt cement and water with emulsifying agent.
a. petroleum c. liquid asphalt
b. asphalt emulsion
79. Emulsified asphalt which works better with '!!.!:J:. aggregates.
a. anionic emulsion ( o"') c. tar
b. cationic emulsion(_ IAJ f1)
80. Accepts greater compressive stress than sub-grade and thus reduce the deformation of the pavement under
traffic loading.
a. sub-grade c. base course
b. sub-base
81. The liquid limit of aggregates sub-base materials tested by MSHTO-T89 passing the 0.425mm (No. 40) sieve
should be greater than.
a. 25 c. 35
b. 30
82. The plastic limit of Item 200 tested by MSHTO-T90 passing the 0.425mm (NO. 40) sieve shall have a plasticity
index (Pl) of not greater than.
a. 12 c . 20
b. 15
83. The behavior of soil is markedly influence by the amount of moisture it contains. Moisture Content is the ratio of the
weight /mass of the water in the soil to the weight/mass of the dry soil after having been dried to constant
weight/mass at an oven temparature of.
a. 100 +5 C c. 120 + 5 C
b. 110 deg C +or-5
84. Which of the following apparatus are involved in the test for moisture content.
a. container with cover c. oven with temp control
b. balance d. all of the above
85. In the test to determine the moisture content samples,the beam balance should be sensitive up to:
a. 1.0 g c. 0.01 g
b. 0.1 g
86. In the test for molsture content for the soil,the minimum weight of the samples depends on the maximum grain
size. Which of the following minimum weight does not conform to the minimum requirement.
a. Passing sieve No. 0.425 mm - 25 grams
b. Passing sieve No. 2.00 mm - 0 grams
c. Passing sieve No. 4.75 mm - 200 grams
d. Passing sieve Na. 12.S mm - 300 grams
e. Passing sieve No. 25 mm - 500 grams
f. Passing Sieve Na. SO mm - 1000 grams
87. Drying material sample in the oven to constant weight at a prescribed temp., the drying time depends an the
kind of soil and size of sar:nple. A 25 g sample of sandy material will be dried in about.
a. 1 Hr c. 4 H
b. 2 Hr
88. Plastic and finely grained soil will require at Least how many hours to dry a constant weight/ mass.
a. 1 Hr c. 4 Hr
b. 2 Hr
89. A sample maybe cooled at room humidity and must be weighted after it has been removed from the oven within:
a. 1 Hr c. 4 Hr
b. 2 Hr
90. If a sample cannot be weighted within the prescribed time after being removed from the oven,it will be placed
inside a:
a. dessicator
b. back to the oven c. closed container
91. Reduces the vertical compressive stress induced by the traffic in the sub-grade and sub-base.
a. sub-grade c. base course
b. sub-base
92. Is the chief load bearing element of a gravel road.
a. sub-grade c. embankment
b. base/su b-base course
93. The consistency of the concrete mixture is checked by this test.
a. cylinder test c. slump test
b. beam
94. Slump of concrete deposited on water.
a. between 20-30 cm c. between 10-40 cm
b. between 10-20 cm
95. The minimum cement content of concrete deposited in water.
a. 390 kg/cu.m c. 500 kg/cu.m ·
b. 400 kg/cu.rn'
96. The maximum time needed to compact structural concrete (use of vibrators).
a. 30 seconds c.15 second
b. 20 seconds
97. Minimum time to removed forms for beams,girders,frames and arches.
a. 15 days c. 7 days
b. 14 days
98. Minimum tem parature of tar is when it is used in the bituminous mixture.
a. 70-107 deg c. So-107 deg
b. 60-107 deg
99.' f he bituminous materials commonly used in item 310.
a. emulsified asphalt c. tar
b. asphalt cement
100. This item consist of repairing and treating an agreggate base course preparatory to the construction of the
bituminous surface course.
a. bituminous seal coat c. bituminous tack coat
b. bituminous prime coat
1.0 c
Answer Key:
21.0 b 41.0 c 61.0 d 81.0 c
5.0 b 25.0 c 45.0 a 65.0 c
6.0 c 26.0 b 46.0 b 66.0 d 86.0 c
7.0 c 27.0 d 47.0 b 67.0 c 87.0 b
8.0 d 28.0 c 48.0 d 68.0 c 88.0 c
12.0 c 32.0 b 52.0 a 72.0 b 92.0 b
15.0 c 35.0 c 55.0 a 75.0 c 95.0 b
16.0 b 36.0 c 56.0 b 76.0 b 96.0 c
17.0 b 37.0 c 57.0 c 77.0 b 97.0 b
18.0 c 38.0 c 58.0 b 78.0 b 98.0 b