160.00-M3 VS Oil Pump PDF
160.00-M3 VS Oil Pump PDF
160.00-M3 VS Oil Pump PDF
This equipment is a relatively complicated apparatus. situated, as well as severe personal injury or death to
During installation, operation, maintenance or service, themselves and people at the site.
individuals may be exposed to certain components or
conditions including, but not limited to: refrigerants, oils, This document is intended for use by owner-authorized
materials under pressure, rotating components, and both operating/service personnel. It is expected that this indi-
high and low voltage. Each of these items has the po- vidual possesses independent training that will enable
tential, if misused or handled improperly, to cause bodily them to perform their assigned tasks properly and safely.
injury or death. It is the obligation and responsibility of It is essential that, prior to performing any task on this
operating/service personnel to identify and recognize equipment, this individual shall have read and understood
these inherent hazards, protect themselves, and proceed this document and any referenced materials. This indi-
safely in completing their tasks. Failure to comply with vidual shall also be familiar with and comply with all
any of these requirements could result in serious dam- applicable governmental standards and regulations per-
age to the equipment and the property in which it is taining to the task in question.
The following symbols are used in this document to alert the reader to areas of potential hazard:
FORM 160.00-M3
The new YORK Variable Speed Oil Pump Drive The VSOP drive is now being installed on Style “E” YK
(VSOP drive) for Style “E” YK chillers with a “P” com- chillers with a “P” compressor. The VSOP drive will
pressor is an air cooled, microprocessor controlled, replace the mechanical valve system used in the past on
PWM inverter utilizing Insulated Gate Bipolar Transis- other chillers to regulate oil pressure. This new system
tors (IGBT). The VSOP drive has the same four major will improve bearing lubrication by providing a higher oil
components that most AC motor drives have, pre-charge, pressure during the pre-lube cycle, and provide a method
input rectifiers, DC bus, and the inverter. The one ma- of regulating oil pressure to a specific programmed value
jor difference is that the VSOP drive is controlling a 2- during the run time of the compressor.
phase motor. The VSOP drive is not repairable, but is
simply replaced if it has failed.
FORM 160.00-M3
VSD OIL PUMP DRIVE OPERATION this drive uses 3. The reason for 3, is that the bus voltage
for this drive can exceed the voltage rating for 2 capaci-
The pre-charge of the VSOP drive takes place as soon tors. The higher voltage rating gives the VSOP drive the
as input power is applied. Instead of using a contactor ability to have a wide input voltage range. This is why only
and resistor combination used in larger drives, this drive one drive is being used with an input voltage range of
uses two thermistors for pre-charge. The thermistor is 208VAC to 600VAC.
a device that varies resistance, as it becomes hot or
cold. When input power is applied, the thermistors are The output inverter section is made up of six switches.
at room temperature and have a high resistance. This These switches are insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT).
high resistance limits the inrush current required to IGBTs are very fast switches used in power electronics.
charge up the DC bus capacitors. While the drive is The IGBT gives the drive the ability to vary the output
running, the thermistors will remain hot and the low re- voltage and frequency with a constant DC bus voltage
sistance allows the drive to run normally. Without the stored in the bus capacitors. In this case the oil pump mo-
pre-charge operation, the DC bus capacitors would re- tor is rated for 120VAC. The bus voltage will vary based
quire such a large inrush of current that the input power on the different input voltage supply. At 208VAC input
fuses and possibly the input rectifiers could fail. voltage the bus voltage will be approximately 294VDC,
and with a 575VAC input voltage the bus voltage will be
DURING NORMAL RUNNING approximately 813VDC. The reason that the 120VAC
CONDITIONS THE THERMISTORS motor can be run with such a high bus voltage is the IGBT
BECOME VERY HOT. PERSONAL switching duty cycle (being the time that the switch is on
INJURY MAY RESULT. (REFER TO or off). The duty cycle will vary based on the bus voltage
FIG. 1) value. At the low bus voltage the IGBTs will be turn on for
a longer period of time, and with a high bus voltage the
IGBTs will be turn on for a shorter period of time.
The input rectifiers are used to convert the AC input volt-
age into a DC voltage, which is stored in the DC bus ca-
As already stated the drive is capable of using a wide
pacitors. The input rectifier for this drive is made up of six
input range of voltage. This wide range of input voltage
diodes. Since diodes are used the DC bus voltage is al-
is automatically addressed in the power section of the
ways present whenever input power is applied. As
drive. The control circuitry power supply uses an input
with many small drives the input diodes are integrated into
transformer to step-down the input voltage to a level
one power module with the output inverter.
that can be easily regulated. This voltage needs to be
somewhat constant so that the voltage regulator in the
The DC bus is basically made up of capacitors. Typically,
control circuitry power supply will not over heat. Jump-
the bus is made up of an even number of capacitors, but
ers are used to connect the winding of the transformer
in either a parallel or series configuration to provide a operates the VSOP drive over the same range to main-
somewhat constant AC voltage to the control circuitry tain the oil pressure to the programmed OIL PRES-
power supply. The jumper configuration is shown be- SURE SETPOINT (20 to 45 PSID).
low. Refer to Fig. 1 for the location of TB1.
After the compressor has been running for 15 seconds,
PRESSURE SETPOINT (20 to 45 PSID) that has been
Nominal Line Jumper J1 Jumper J2 Jumper J3 programmed by the Service Technician using the proce-
Voltage (VAC) Between Between Between dure stated in Form 160.54-M1. The Microboard then
50 & 60 Hz TB1-1 & TB1-3 TB1-2 & TB1-4 TB1-2 & TB1-3 applies a speed command to the VSOP drive that changes
200, 208, 220, 240 ON ON OFF the output frequency of the VSOP drive as required to
380, 400, 415, achieve the “OIL PRESSURE SETPOINT.” The pro-
440, 480, 575 grammed OIL PRESSURE SETPOINT is the oil pres-
sure for the remainder of “SYSTEM RUN” and through
The OptiView Control Center maintains desired system During oil pump operation, the actual oil pressure and
oil pressure by controlling the output frequency of the commanded frequency of the VSOP drive can be
theVSOP drive and thus the speed of the oil pump. The monitored on the OIL SUMP SCREEN. Refer to Form
Microboard applies a speed command to the VSOP drive 160.54-O1 for details about the OIL SUMP SCREEN.
to control the output frequency. The speed command is
in the form of a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal
as explained later. Refer to Fig. 2 for the wiring inter- AUTOMATIC SPEED CONTROL
face between the OptiView Control Center and the
VSOP drive. During the pre-lube period and the first 15 The Microboard controls the VSOP drive output fre-
seconds of compressor run, the software in the quency by applying a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
Microboard starts the VSOP drive at 45 Hz, and then speed command signal to the VSOP drive (Fig. 3). The
operates the VSOP drive over a range of 25 Hz to 60 signal is applied every 0.7 seconds. Within the 0.7 sec-
Hz to maintain the oil pressure at 45 PSID, or the TAR- ond period, the duration of time that the signal is “low”
GET OIL PRESSURE. Thereafter, the Microboard
J1 6
J19 6
2 +12VDC +V OIL
FORM 160.00-M3
(0VDC), determines the VSD output frequency between is divided by .3 to provide a CONTROL PERIOD VALUE
25 to 60 Hz. If the signal remains “high” (+12VDC) for of (1- 9). This value is multiplied by 0.5 Hz to provide
the entire 0.7 second period, it is commanding the VSOP greater frequency change to more quickly adjust the oil
drive’s output frequency to 25 Hz. If the signal is low pressure. If the error is > ± 0.5 PSID & < ± 6 PSID, the
for the entire 0.7 second period, it is commanding the output frequency is increased or decreased 0.5 Hz. At the
VSOP drive’s output frequency to 60 Hz. Frequencies end of each “CONTROL PERIOD”, the actual oil pres-
between these extremes are achieved by driving the sure is compared to the “PROGRAMMED OIL PRES-
signal low for a proportionate amount of time within the SURE” and the Microboard changes the speed command
0.7 second period. For example, if the signal is low for as required per the following:
50% (0.35 seconds) of the 0.7 second period, it would
command the VSOP drive to operate at an output fre- If actual oil pressure is:
quency that is halfway between 25 and 60 Hz, or 42.5 a. >setpoint + 0.5 PSID) & <(setpoint + 6 PSID), de-
Hz. The resolution or smallest increment of change is crease output frequency 0.5 Hz.
0.01 seconds. This allows the output frequency to be b. >(setpoint + 6 PSID), decrease output frequency
changed in 0.5 Hz steps. The formula provided in Fig. 3 0.5 Hz x Control Period Value.
could be used to calculate the output frequency for a
given PWM signal. c. <(setpoint – 0.5 PSID) & >(setpoint – 6 PSID),
increase output frequency 0.5 Hz.
0.7 SEC
d. <(setpoint – 6 PSID), increase output frequency
+12 VDC OFF 0.5 Hz x Control Period Value.
0 VDC ON 25.0 Hz
ON 0.35 SEC
42.5 Hz
0.52 SEC
ON 51.0 Hz
ON 60.0 Hz
When the chiller is running the manual speed is con- The VSOP drive is equipped with a set of normally open
trolled in the same manner as when the chiller is not contacts. These contacts are open when the VSOP drive
running. Press the “RAISE”, “LOWER”, or “SET” keys is in a faulted condition. These contacts are driven
on the OIL SUMP SCREEN and the “VARIABLE closed when the VSOP drive condition is okay. The
SPEED OIL PUMP CONTROL MODE” text will contacts are connected between TB3-70 and TB3-1.
change from “AUTO” to “MANUAL.” The text will When the contacts are open a voltage of 115VAC will
change from “MANUAL” to “AUTO” when the be measured across these two terminal connections, and
“AUTO” key is pressed. the chiller will initiate a Cycling Shutdown. The follow-
ing message will appear on System Details line of the
Oil Pump Drive Status LEDs display. “OIL – VARIABLE SPEED PUMP -
DRIVE CONTACTS OPEN.” This message will ap-
The VSOP drive has a drive status LED, and a fault pear, and the contacts will remain open as long as the
LED. The drive status LED is located on the upper fault is still present. Refer to the fault conditions below
right corner of the control board, and it is noted as for detailed information about the faults.
GREEN. The fault LED is located just below the drive
status LED, and it is noted as RED. The panel door for Standby Lubrication
the VSOP drive must be removed to view these LEDs.
The state and frequency at which the RED LED will To maintain oil seal integrity while the chiller is shut-
flash will determine the fault of the VSOP drive. If down, the oil pump is turned on for 2 minutes every 24
power is removed the fault condition is no longer dis- hours if the chiller has not run in the past 24 hours.
played. The conditions of the LEDs are as follows: While the oil pump is running, the message “WARN-
• A constant GREEN LED will indicate that the displayed. The operating oil pressure will be the pro-
VSOP drive is in a running condition. grammed OIL PRESSURE SETPOINT, programmed
• A constant RED LED will indicate that the VSOP by the Service Technician. This feature will be inhibited
drive is in a stopped condition with no faults present. if the chiller enters the prelube cycle, or if the oil pres-
• If none of the LED’s are lit at all, the input power sure is to low. If the oil pressure is too low the following
has been removed, or VSOP drive has failed. message is displayed “WARNING – STANDBY
• A constant GREEN LED and a flashing RED LED, LUBE – LOW OIL PRESSURE.”
FORM 160.00-M3
To prevent oil pump damage due to low oil level, an oil indicate that the lubrication cycle will not be performed
pressure fault has been created to function during the although a Safety message will appear to indicate the
Standby Lubrication Cycle. This fault will terminate the oil pressure transducer will be out of range. The verifi-
Standby Lubrication Cycle, if at least 15 PSID of oil cation of correct pressure assures that standby lubrica-
pressure is not achieved within 30 seconds of turning on tion cycles will not be performed when the chiller is
the oil pump, or if the oil pressure drops below 15 PSID opened to atmospheric pressure, or until the chiller has
after the first 30 seconds of operation. This fault is iden- been charged with refrigerant and chiller commission-
tified when the message “WARNING – STANDBY ing has been completed.
LUBE – LOW OIL PRESSURE” is displayed. The
next standby lube cycle will occur only after the warn- These standby lubrication cycles are enabled or disabled
ing has been manually cleared, or by starting the chiller. by the Service Technician using the procedure stated in
Form 160.54-M1. It is recommended that the standby
Standby lubrication cycles will not be performed if ei- lubrication be enabled on chillers that remain shutdown
ther oil pressure transducer is out of range (HOP < 6.8 for periods of 24 hours or greater.
PSIG, LOP < 0 PSIG). No message will be displayed to
Oil – Variable Speed Pump – Setpoint Not Achieved One solution is a change in the software for the
OptiView Control Center that will cause the oil pump
If either of the following conditions occur, a Safety shut-
drive to accelerate to 45 Hz on start, and then regulate
down is initiated and the message “OIL – VARIABLE
the speed of the drive to the oil pressure requirement.
This software should already be installed.
is displayed on the System Details line of the display.
The second solution is to change the control period.
a. If the oil pressure is less than 25.0 PSID for 5 con- Lowering the value of the control period will allow the
tinuous seconds during the last 10 seconds of the
oil pump drive’s output frequency to change more quickly
compressor pre-lube or during the first 15 seconds
in response to the changing oil pressure. This adjust-
ment is important when the chiller compressor first starts
to spin. The oil pressure will drop since the oil can more
b. If the oil pressure is less than the programmed OIL freely move in a rotating bearing.
PRESSURE SETPOINT and the speed command to
the VSOP drive is at 60 Hz for 5 continuous seconds,
anytime after the first 30 seconds of SYSTEM RUN.
SETPOINT NOT ACHIEVED” safety check is not
Typically, this fault occurs during the prelube cycle or performed during MANUAL SPEED control.
during the automatic seal lubrication cycle. The reason
Oil – Variable Speed Pump – Drive Contacts Open
for the fault is that the cool oil is saturated with refriger-
ant. Oil that is saturated with refrigerant is much thin- In an effort to have a VSOP drive that is as reliable as
ner then oil that has the refrigerant boiled off. Since, the possible, the VSOP drive can only generate 4 faults.
oil is thinner it is more difficult to build oil pressure in the Although this fault is a Cycling shutdown for the chiller,
system. This cool oil is generally not the oil in the sump, commonly the chiller will also shutdown on a Low Oil
but the oil that is laying in the rest of the oil lubrication Pressure Shutdown. The Low Oil Pressure Shut-
system, which cannot be heated by the oil heater mounted down is a Safety shutdown, and it will require a manual
in the sump. reset of the chiller.
FORM 160.00-M3
FORM 160.00-M3
1. Remove power from the chiller at the main power 8. Clean the heatsink with a rag and rubbing alcohol.
disconnect. 9. On the replacement drive verify that the TB1 jump-
2. Wait 5 minutes for the DC bus voltage to decay to a ers are properly configured for your application. Refer
safe level, and the thermistors to cool off. to Table 1.
3. Remove the cover to the VSOP drive. The screws 10. Apply a thin coating of Heatsink grease (provide
are captive. with replacement drive) to the bottom of the power
4. Take note of all wiring connected to the VSOP drive. module.
5. Remove all wiring from the VSOP drive. 11. Replace the VSOP drive and install the hardware.
6. Remove the nut securing the control transformer, The 2 screws that hold the power module to the
and the 2 nuts at the top two corners of the VSOP heatsink should be torqued to 24-28 In-Lbs.
drive control board. Remove the 2 screws holding 12. Rewire the VSOP drive using Fig. 4 below.
the power module to the heatsink. 13. Install the cover for the VSOP drive.
7. Carefully, remove the power module from the 14. Reapply power to the chiller at the main power dis-
heatsink. Do not nick or scratch the heatsink. connect.
1. Why doesn’t the rotation of the motor change full voltage is applied to the motor the SCRs are fully
when I change the input wiring to the VSOP turned on. The VSOP drive is the same as a Variable
drive? Speed Drive. This type of drive employs an input stage,
The VSOP drive converts the input line voltage into a an energy storage stage, and an output stage. The
DC bus voltage, and then converts the DC bus volt- input stage converts the AC input into a DC supply
age back into an AC voltage with a varying frequency. by rectifying the input line voltage. The DC supply is
So, the output section of the drive is isolated from stored in the energy storage stage, within capacitor
the input section of the drive by the capacitor bank. bank. The stored energy is then converted into a vary-
ing voltage and frequency in the output stage. The
2. How is oil pressure regulated?
output stage uses very fast switches that switch with
A differential oil pressure setpoint is programmed a constant frequency (of about 2 kHz) but with a vary-
through the OptiView panel. This setpoint is then ing duty cycle. The varying duty cycle allows the out-
used to regulate the oil pressure. The speed of the put to vary in frequency and voltage.
oil pump motor will increase if the oil pressure is
5. Can the VSOP drive be bypassed and the oil
less than the setpoint by 0.5 PSID. Also, the speed
pump motor powered directly across the line?
of the oil pump motor will decrease if the oil pres-
sure is greater than the setpoint by 0.5 PSID. No, the oil pump motor is a 2-phase motor with a
voltage rating of 120VAC. Connecting this motor is
3. On a 50 Hz installation how can the VSOP drive
the line voltage will burn it up, and it will not rotate.
still run at 60 Hz?
6. Can I read the VSOP output frequency with a
Normal operation of a motor requires that the increase
hand held meter?
in frequency and the increase in voltage occur at the
same rate. This is called a linear volts/Hz curve. If Yes, but the meter reading will not be correct. The
the supply voltage for 50 Hz is the same as 60 Hz, output frequency of the VSOP drive is actually sev-
then the drive can develop enough voltage to supply eral kHz. This frequency is what is called the carrier
a 60 Hz motor. The gating of the output power de- frequency. The motor acts like a filter to the carrier
vices determines the output frequency not the input frequency and the fundamental frequency or 60 Hz
frequency to the VSOP drive. is what is left. The hand held meter will detect the
carrier frequency, but not the fundamental frequency.
4. What are the differences between the Solid
Start Starter (SSS) and a VSOP drive? 7. Why does the VSOP drive fault when it is not
The SSS reduces the amplitude of the voltage ap-
plied to the motor during start-up, by gradually turn- The line voltage is always applied to the input of the
ing on SCRs connected to the input line. Inrush cur- VSOP drive. Since this is the case, the voltage faults
rent is reduced since the voltage applied to the mo- must be active to protect the VSOP drive and the oil
tor is reduced. This method of controlling a motor pump motor.
has no effect on the frequency of the voltage. When
FORM 160.00-M3
P.O. Box 1592, York, Pennsylvania USA 17405-1592 Tele. 800-861-1001 Subject to change without notice. Printed in USA
Copyright © by York International Corporation 2001 www.york.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Form 160.00-M3 (601)
New Release