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Indonesian Journal of Science and Education: Sri Mulyana, Rusdi, Diana Vivanti

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Indonesian Journal of Science and Education

Volume 2, Nomor 1, April 2018, pp: 105 ~ 109
p-ISSN: 2598-5213, e-ISSN: 2598-5205, DOI: 10.31002/ijose.v2i1.596
e-mail: [email protected], website: jurnal.untidar.ac.id/index.php/ijose



Sri Mulyana1, Rusdi2, Diana Vivanti2

SMAN 10 Pandeglang
Magister Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
email: [email protected]

Received: 30 January 2018 Revised: 16 April 2018 Accepted: 2 May 2018

The purpose of research (1) Investigate the effect of guided Inquiry learning toward student learning
result (2) Investigate the effect scientific performance to the student learning result (3) Investigate the
interaction the guided Inquiry model and learning scientific performance toward the student learning
result in sistem Excretion material. The research subjeck were 60 student of XI IPA 1 and 2 of SMAN 10
Pandeglang. Taken by simple random sampling. The data were analyzed by two tailed ANOVA test.
Before the hypothesis was tested, normality and homogeneity test were done, the method that used in this
research is quasi experiment with 2 x 2 factorial design. Based on the analyzed data, the highest score of
the student learning result in experiment and control group were 90 and 85 with the means were 82 and
72. It can be concluded that: (1) there is significant influence of guided Inquiry learning the student
learning result (2) there is significant influence of scientific performance to the student learning result
(3) there is an interaction between guided Inquiry learning model and scientific performance toward the
student learning result in Excretion system material. Based on the conclusions, it is suggested that the
teacher’s ability is encouraged to dig deeper the student’s potential and performance.

Keywords: learning outcome, Guided Inquiry, level of Scientific performance

INTRODUCTION achieve their learning goals (Ozdem et al,

Biology is one of the branches in Biology as a subject that demands the
learning that prioritizes process and product process of scientific activity, it requires skill
skills. Word process here means the process assessment to measure students' ability to
through scientific activities, that is: critical do something as the cognitive translation
thinking of problems, so that learners can they have received in class. The process
feel a problem, develop hypotheses or through scientific activities, namely: critical
questions, design experiments or make thinking to the problem, so that learners can
observations to answer questions and draw feel the existence of problems, develop
conclusions. During this time the process hypotheses or questions, design
skills have been emphasized in various experiments or make observations to
science curriculum, but the achievement is answer questions and draw conclusions.
not measured well or less emphasized in Products in Science are concepts, basis,
evaluation at local and national level principles, theories and laws. Therefore,
(Rustaman, 2010). students should be given an opportunity to
Achievement of learning outcomes interact directly with learning object,
related to lab work is still neglected, both in observing, developing questions,
written and non-performance. A teacher connecting facts with sources of
acts as a very important center for change in knowledge, drawing conclusions and
its role in providing science for students to

Indonesian Journal of Science and Education, Volume 2, Nomor 1


communicating alternatives for changes or learning outcomes. Trough

improvement (Rustaman, 2005). guided inquiry, teacher must monitor class'
In science learning, students should be ideas and when students develop their ideas
given the opportunity to have inquiry learn (Minstrell and Kraus, 2005).
to develop skills, knowledge and attitudes A learning model is needed to develop
whether the classs is conducted inside or the skills and abilities to be creative in
outside classroom. Implementation of the accordance with the basic tasks that exist
guided Inquiry learning model is suitable using scientifically based knowledge,
for development in Biology (Bialangi et al., especially in real-life. daily, and ability to
2016; Ristanto, 2011).Teaching and solve problems then make scientific and
Learning activities using guided inquiry responsible conclusions (Holbrook &
model emphasize the learner to gain Rannikmae, 2009).
knowledge by applying steps of scientific Based on the study about
method process, ie formulating problem, characteristics of guided inquiry learning
proposing hypothesis, collecting data, model is an appropriate learning model for
verification results, and generalization by biology lessons in school. From the
drawing conclusions. In inquiry process, beginning of learning students are required
teacher's role as a mentor in decision- to be able to find a concept through direct
making process (Matthew & Keneth, 2013; activities, this investigation process is
Obomanu et al., 2014, Oghenevwede, expected to improve students' scientific
2010). In this process, students and teachers performance.
work together to formulate problems and Activity according to Pradianti research
develop answers. In addition, students are (2015) students use guided inkuri model to
also active in inquiry process that are very trained students' scientific performance,
long in finding a concept and material This research aims to find out the influence
(kubicek, 2005). of guided inquiry and scientific
Guided inquiry learning model performance on biology learning outcomes.
provides an opportunity for students to The hypothesis used in the research is that
learn how to find facts, concepts and there is influence of guided inquiry and
principles through their experience directly. scientific performance on student learning
Thus, students will not only learn by outcomes in the material of excretion
reading and memorizing the subject, but system. The study design used quasi
also get the opportunity to practice experiment with experimental design-
developing their thinking skills and being research-test learning outcomes.
scientific, and it is possible to have Independent variables in this study are
construction process of knowledge well, so guided inquiry learning model and
that students will be able to improve their investigative group learning model, while
understanding on material that being the dependent variable is the scientific
studied (Ibrahim, 2010). Guided inquiry is performance.
one type of inquiry that focuses on planning
and guidance that begin from teacher to METHOD
improve students' skill for life (Kulthau,
2007). This is consistent with the statement The method used in this research is
stated by Opara and Oguzor (2011), that in quasi experiment. In this study, independent
inquiry learning, the role of teacher only as variables are guided inquiry learning model
students' facilitator to find their own ideas and scientific performance. While the
for them to learn and develop, a very deep dependent variable is the result of learning
science. In guided inquiry learning with 2 x 2 factorial design.
problems are raised by mentors or teachers This research was conducted in SMA
that involve skill process and scientific Negeri 10 Pandeglang Pandeglang
activity, in order to produce behavioral Regency, Banten Province, in 2nd semester

Indonesian Journal of Science and Education, Volume 2, Nomor 1


in the academic year of 2016/2017. Subjects learning model and students’ scientific
in this study were students of class XI IPA activity.
1 and XI IPA 2 SMAN 10 Pandeglang.
Sampling technique that used was simple RESULT AND DISCUSSION
random sampling using Mc Clave formula.
The test instrument of multiple choice The description analisis data consist of:
learning result with the number of questions mean, median, modus, varians, and standart
25 questions that have been validated and deviation. Analyze data processing
tested. And scientific performance is descrition using SPSS 20 program.
captured through student worksheets (LKS) Summary of the description data results
and observation sheets used by teachers. analysis as in in the table below
Preparatory stage, the researcher
prepares the proposal, develops the learning The First Hypothesis
tool of RPP, determines the experimental The results of the first hypothesis
class and the control class of the research. testing reject H0, then receive H1. This is
Application of learning model in this proved by the average learning excretion
research is divided into experimental class system of students who use Guided Inquiry
with guided inquiry learning model and method is higher than students who use the
control class implemented by investigative investigation group method. Based on test
group learning model. Developing a result in table Anava, obtained value of F =
research instrument is a multiple-choice test 51,361 and value of sig = 0,00 for inquiry
with five answer options and a scientific model of guided inquiry of sig <0,05 hence
performance LKS. Instruments that have there is very significant difference to result
been made are validated and tested. of learning material of excretion system
Furthermore, the validity and realiabelitas with guided inquiry learning model and
of the instrument to produce a valid cooperative learning model investigation
instrument and reliable. With validity value group. So the researcher concluded that
0.3440 and reliability 0,872. Guided Inquiry method gave a significant
Data were analyzed using descriptive influence on student learning outcomes.
statistics. Prior to the data analysis is done, Guided inquiry method requires students to
first test data normality and and be more active, able to seek and explore
homogeneity. Normality test using various information beyond the teacher's
kolmogorov-smirnov test, while submission and make a new and complete
homogeneity test using Bartlett test. The concept of knowledge. The results showed
results of the kolmogorov smirnov test and that the implementation of learning using
the barttlet test state that the data are guided inquiry model is more effective to
normally distributed and homogeneous. improve students' scientific performance.
Furthermore, the data were analyzed by This is in line with the research undertaken
two-lane anava test. The test was performed by Özdilek and Bulunuz (2009) stated that
using statistical analysis of SPSS 20 learning with guided inquiry is more
program for Windows, with a significance effective in science learning. Also in line
level of 0.5%. with the research The use of guided inquiry
Table 1. Turkey test Result learning model can give the students
understanding of nature and give an
explanation of what they learn (Rakhmawan
et al, 2015) according to Fitriani (2016) the
result of learning guided inquiry learning
model is better than learning result using
Based on turkey test result in table 2, it model group investigation. These results
can be seen that Qhitung > Qtabel , it means that attest to some related research outcomes,
there is significant differences between which are related to research between

Indonesian Journal of Science and Education, Volume 2, Nomor 1


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Indonesian Journal of Science and Education, Volume 2, Nomor 1

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