The Effect of Crossword Puzzle Game On Students Vocabulary Mastery at 10 Grade of SMAN 1 Rengat

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The Effect of Crossword puzzle Game On Students Vocabulary

Mastery At 10 Grade Of SMAN 1 Rengat

A Proposal

Hekmah Istinaropah




A. Background of the Research ................................................................... 3
B. Identification of the Problems ................................................................ 4
C. Limitation of the Problems ..................................................................... 6
D. Formulation of the Problems ................................................................. 7
E. Objective of the Study ............................................................................. 7
F. The Significance of the Research ............................................................ 7
G. Definition of the key terms ..................................................................... 8


A. Vocabulary
1. Definition of Vocabulary ........................................................................ 9
2. Kinds of Vocabulary ............................................................................. 10
3. Types of Vocabulary ............................................................................. 11
B. Crossword puzzles game
1. Definition of Crossword Puzzles ........................................................... 12
2. Purpose of Crossword Puzzles ............................................................. 13
3. Types of Crossword Puzzles .................................................................. 13
C. Conceptual Frimework ........................................................................ 14
D. Hypothesis ............................................................................................. 14
A. Research Type ....................................................................................... 16
B. Setting Of the Research ......................................................................... 17
C. Population and sample of the Research .............................................. 17
D. Instrument of the Research ................................................................... 17
E. Technique of Collecting Data .............................................................. 18
F. Data Analysis ......................................................................................... 18
BIBLOGRAHPY ........................................................................................ 20



A. Background of the Study

English is an important language learned to meet communication needs

today. Indonesia has carried out English lessons to be taught in formal schools as

compulsory subjects. As stated in the competency standard by Permendikbud

2013, teaching foreign languages, especially English, aims to develop students'

ability to communicate with communities throughout the world. English is an

international language where most countries can speak English. Like Indonesia

for example, many people want to learn English because they want to go abroad

for holidays or find work.

According to Richards and Renandya in Yheni Siwi Utami (2014:1),

vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides many bases
about how well students speak, listen, and write. Mastery of vocabulary will affect
a person's ability to use language both in oral and written form. In listening skills,
to be able to understand someone's words, one must know what the words and
sentences mean. Therefore, they know the intent of the utterance and are able to
react either through action or answer using oral sayings, which here, they must
use words to do that. In addition, to be able to understand what people are
reading, they must be able to understand the meaning conveyed through written
Vocabulary is the basis of English, because it's the same as we learn a new

language and must master the vocabulary in the language we will learn. An

important requirement for starting a conversation, if someone can memorize a lot

of vocabularies, they can easily speak in English. With that, they can also know

what the other person is talking to without being confused because they don't

know one of the words spoken. In English usually someone speaks without

convolution and directly on the meaning of his purpose.

In English, there are around 2000 words that are used most often which will

be very useful to support someone to be able to communicate in everyday life. As

Thornbury in Yheni Siwi Utami (2014) has stated, "In addition, passive

knowledge of the 2000 most used words in English will give the reader a

familiarity with almost nine of every ten words of the most written text." When

someone has gotten 2000 mostly words that they often understand almost 90% of

native speakers.

But in high school there are still many problems they face in vocabulary. If

the teacher wants his students to have a large vocabulary, the teacher must train

them to memorize a lot of vocabulary. Starting from games, memorizing songs, or

being able to train them to speak using English, they cannot use other languages

during English lessons. The teacher familiarizes those things automatically with

students becoming aware of a lot of vocabulary and will be happy if they can

speak in English with their friends. They tend to be proud because they can talk to

other people using new languages.

B. Identification of Problems.

There are several problems that hinder the learning process. The first is the

problem with students, the teaching and learning process, and the facilities of the


A. Problems with students

Problems with students that are often present in the pronunciation and

writing of vocabularies are usually the most. They often have difficulty in reciting

words in English because they rarely speak English. As well as writing words in

English, students are mostly confused about how to write words in English.

Therefore, the acquisition of words obtained by students is very little and very


B. teaching and learning process

When the learning process is very visible, they do not pay attention when

the teacher explains in front of the class. There are those who pay attention that

the numbers are very minority. when the teacher explains they pretend to pay

attention when the teacher faces the students. Then, when the teacher refocuses on

the material, the student is again busy with the activities that accompany the


After the teacher has finished explaining, the teacher gives the assignments

in the LKS and the students are told to work on their own after giving a little

explanation. Sometimes the teacher leaves the student who is working on the LKS

assignment without watching him or her and is not worried whether the student

has understood or not about the vocabulary. Then, many students answer

carelessly because there are two or three words they don't know but they don't

know who to ask. And as a result they will not find out the difficult vocabulary

and then forget it.

C. Facilities

The school has provided several needs to support the teaching and learning

process in the school. However, many are still not optimal and are hampered to

use. The infocus provided is not optimal and the images that come out are not

clear and difficult to read. Then there are some general dictionaries that have been

provided by the parties at the school. However, the situation is not feasible or

many have been torn and lost because they have been used for a long time and

some have been lost.

C. limitation of the problem.

Based on existing problems, many problems must be resolved so that the

teaching and learning process becomes effective. However, it is impossible for

researchers to solve problems in the school at once. Therefore, implemented in the

school game crossword crossword puzzles to help improve vocabulary mastery of

students of SMAN 1 Rengat.

Researchers and tutors decided to use crossword crossword games to solve

students' problems in the learning process. There are several problems that

strengthen the reason for the application of this crossword puzzle game, the first,

the teacher who teaches English SMAN 1 Rengat is quite old (50 years), so the

crossword puzzle game can provide a variety of teaching and learning. Secondly,

the crossword puzzle game has been proven to be able to increase students'

vocabulary. The third crosword puzzle game has variations so students are not

bored to learn.

D. Formulation of the Problems

Referring to the research background, problem identification and problem

limitations, the researchers' problem was formulated as: How can crossword

puzzles be applied to improve vocabulary mastery of class X SMAN 1 Rengat?.

E. Objective of the Study.

Based on the above problem formulation, this study aims to improve

vocabulary mastery of class X B students of SMAN 1 Rengat through the use of

crossword puzzles for the teaching and learning process.

F. Significance of the Study.

The researcher chooses the above strategy with the consideration that it will

provide benefits for some of the relevant research members involved, as described


a. Students

It is expected that students improve their vocabulary mastery through the

use of various techniques. Therefore, when they learn English they will be easier

and become more motivated in English classes.

b. Teacher

It is hoped that the teacher will enrich his knowledge about how to change

and improve his ability to do teaching and learning in the classroom using this

technique. The result is improving the quality of teaching and learning in

facilitating students in learning English.

G. Definition of the Key Term/Words

1. Crossword Puzzle

A Word Find Puzzle is a word game that is letters of a word in a grid that usually

has a rectangular or square shape. The object of the game is to find and mark all

of the words hidden in the grid.

(accessed on 11 January, 2017).

2. Vocabulary

Jeremy Harmer (2007:229) When we introduce new vocabulary, there is

always a chance, of course, that it is not new to some of the students in the class.

When students reach the upper middle level or more, we can believe that some of

them will know a few words that we will ask to focus on them.

3. Mastery

Mastery means great skill or knowledge, complete control, (oxford learner’s

pocket dictionary, 1995:256). In this research, mastery means the students

mastery in their vocabulary.

4. Experimental research

According to Gray in Vivit rahmawati (2017: 55) says that experimental

research is the only research method that can test hypotheses that are really related

to cause and effect relationships.Based on this statement, experimental research is

the only method that can produce maximum results by testing with hypotheses

that are indeed related to the problem.



In this chapter, theoretical reviews from experts are presented to support the

implementation of strategies has that been decided. The literatures are divided into

the theoretical description of vocabulary, theoretical description of crossword

puzzles, review of related study and theoretical description of action research.

A. Vocabulary

1. Definition of Vocabulary

According to Kamil and Hiebert (2005:2) Vocabulary holds a special place

among these components. Vocabulary is not a developmental skill or one that can

ever be seen as fully mastered. Vocabulary elaboration is something that extends

throughout life. The first consideration in describing the construction of

"vocabulary" in research and practice is that one must have various types of

vocabulary that they use with different objectives.

According to Novia and Yuyun (2018:1) Vocabulary is basic part in English

that have to be mastered by English students. With vocabulary students are able to

speak English. In addition vocabulary is also needed by students to improve

English skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Therefore, students who

lack of vocabulary will have difficulty in understanding the text, speaking, and

also writing their ideas.

Jeremy Harmer (2007:229) When we introduce new vocabulary, there is

always a chance, of course, that it is not new to some of the students in the class.

When students reach the upper middle level or more, we can believe that some of

them will know a few words that we will ask to focus on them.

2. Kinds of Vocabulary

There are different kinds of vocabulary according to different experts‟ point

of views. According to its classes, Morley (2000:3-57) elaborates that words are

traditionally allocated to one of the following classes: noun, pronoun, article,

verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection; and genitive

phrase. With respect to the meaning which they convey, nouns denote what we

will call „entities‟. In meaning terms, verbs may be said to express processes

which can be classified in one of three broad ways, they can denote actions,

record events, and refer to states.

Adjectives are as a describing word. Adverb has been seen as performing a

so-called modifying role in relation to verbs. This role is associated with

circumstantial adverbs, which are single words making the circumstances –how,

why, when, where- of the verbal process. Prepositions have the features of being

accompanied, indeed normally followed, by a completive element in the form of a

(single or multiple word) phrase or a clause. Conjunction must be seen as a

grammatical connection and can be classified into two subtypes: coordination and

subordinate conjunctions.

there are some experts claiming that vocabulary is of two types: active and

passive vocabulary. Harmer in Mofareh Alqatani (2015:25) distinguishes between

these two types of vocabulary. The first type of vocabulary refers to the one that

the students havebeen taught and that they are expected to be able to use.

Meanwhile, second, which refers to words that students can recognize when they

meet other people, but which they might not be able to say. Hatch and Brown in

Alpino Susanto : a perspective (2017:185), indicate two kinds of vocabulary,

namely receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary.

a. Receptive Vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary is words that are known and easily understood by

students when they are used in a context. This receptive vocabulary is easily

recognized by students when they see or meet and read texts but do not use them

in speaking and writing.

b. Productive Vocabulary

Productive vocabulary is words that they have understood and learned by

students correctly and are used in speaking and writing. This vocabulary involves

what is needed by receptive vocabulary for the ability to speak or write at the right

time. Therefore, productive vocabulary can be overcome, because students can

produce words to express their thoughts to others.

3. Types Of Vocabulary

Elfrida and Michael (2005: 3) In general, vocabulary is knowledge of a

word meaning. What complicates a definition is the fact that words appear in at

least two forms: oral and printed.

Oral vocabulary is a set of words that we know its meaning and we use to

speak or read verbally. vocabulary consists of words that mean known when we

write or read in the heart. This difference is important because the arrangement of

words for the reader to know the beginning of verbal representation. When they

learn to read. Vocabulary printing is useful for playing an increasingly large role

in letters rather than verbal vocabulary.

B. Crossword Puzzle Game

1. Definition Of Crossword Puzzles

In referent from the statements above, According to Yeni (2014:29)

crossword puzzle is a popular game that has sets of grids to be filled with words

or letters. It has become one of alternative games in teaching-learning, including

language learning. This game is categorized into challenging game.

According to Novia and Yuyun (2018:72) Crossword puzzle would help the

students to improve their vocabulary. Crossword puzzle can help the students to

have more efforts to guess the answer in order they can finish the game quickly

and correctly so they would be the winner. Therefore, they have to recall the

vocabulary that related to the question and to fill the puzzle. This research aimed

at figuring out the teaching procedures of using crossword puzzle to improve the

students’ vocabulary mastery.

Vivit rahmawati (2017:43) Crossword Puzzle game is a word game that is

letter of a word and the form may be horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Often a

list of the hidden words is provided, but more challenging puzzles may let the

player figure them out. Many Crossword Puzzle games have topics related to all

hidden words. The puzzle itself is good to play that can be used to practice certain

language features at certain phases in the learning process to develop

communication skills.

2. Purpose of game crossword puzzle

According to Eka Fitriyani (2016:14) From the purpose of the game about

crossword puzzle can be applied in physical activity such student can write the

correct word from the clues in the board. The use of crossword puzzle is to create

the class alive and also teacher can use this media to teach sound system of new


From the explanation above, the purpose of the crossword game is for

students to get new words from what is directed by the teacher and can be applied

in students' physical activities. Crossword games can also make the contents of

the class active and the teacher not only talks but can help students in the game.

3. Types of Crossword Puzzles

Instead of using only one type of crossword puzzle, actually there are

variations of crossword puzzle that can be used and adjusted to the students‟

needs. According to Dhand in Yheni (2014: 29) stated that crossword puzzle is a

good way to teach vocabulary because the definitions of synonyms of the words

are right there to provide reinforcement. Puzzles can be made from the words

described in the class. Using definitions and images, students can guess these

words and place them in the designated box.

The following steps in teaching English vocabulary mastery using

Crossword Puzzle are:

1. The teacher divides the students into seventh groups. One group consists

of two until three students.

2. The teacher divides sheets of Crossword Puzzle to each group.

3. The teacher gives 15 minute for finish their Crossword Puzzle game.

4. After the students finish the Crossword Puzzle game, the teacher discusses

the students’ answer.

5. The teacher asks the students to pronounce their answer word by word


C. Conceptual Frimework

Based on the literature review, vocabulary is definitely an element of

language that gives big involvement in some one‟s ability in acquiring a

language. Vocabulary refers to words that basically build a language. However,

vocabulary is not only that, it also words combination/ multiple units, word

families, and core meaning also are counted as vocabulary.

Learning vocabulary is not only remembering words‟ form both spoken and

written. However, students should also be able to use the words in various

contexts. Hence, the vocabulary they learn will be pushed into their long term

memory and they will get used to the words.

Crossword puzzle has been popular games used in teaching-learning

process. Crossword puzzle enabled the students to be more familiar with the

words and memorized the words easily because they played crossword puzzle in

the learning process. Playing crossword puzzle attend the words for several time.


This refers to the basic beliefs of researchers that make it possible to carry

out this research. this is a temporary truth determined by the researcher that must

be tested and proven. In this study, the hypothesis can be stated as follows:

Ha: The use of Crossword puzzles is more effective in improving students'

vocabulary mastery compared to Word Word Puzzles.

Ho: the use of non Crossword Puzzles is not effective in increasing student

mastery of vocabulary rather than using Crossword Puzzle.



In this chapter the researcher describes the research method. It consists of

research design, population, and sample, research variable, research instrument,

validity and reliability testing, data collection method, research procedure and data


A. Research Type

The purpose of this study was to obtain clear evidence of whether or not the

use of crossword puzzles in teaching vocabulary to grade X of SMAN 01 Rengat

was effective. This research uses quantitative methods called quantitative methods

because it deals with the calculation and analysis of numerical data. The

researcher used a quasi-experimental research design to identify the effectiveness

of using crosswords as a medium in vocabulary teaching. Here, the researcher

provided pre-test and post-test in two classes, experimental class and control

class. Pre-test was used to get the initial score from the experimental class and

controlled before the treament. Post-test is used to measure scores after treatment.

Then the results are compared after and before the treatment to get the

effectiveness of crossword puzzles as media.

According to Gray in Vivit rahmawati (2017: 55) says that experimental

research is the only research method that can test hypotheses that are really related

to cause and effect relationships.Based on this statement, experimental research is

the only method that can produce maximum results by testing with hypotheses

that are indeed related to the problem.

B. Setting of the Research

1. Place of research

This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Rengat. This school is located in

downtown Rengat. This school is divided into three classes. They are tenth grade,

eleventh grade, and twelfth grade.

2. Time of research

This research was conducted in the tenth grade of SMAN 1 Rengat in the

2018/2019 academic year. The researcher conducted research in July to August


C. Population and sample of the Research

1. Population

According to Vivit rahmawati (2017: 58) Population is all the object

elements that researchers want to learn, such as: human, animal, flora, and

attitude. The population in this study, there were two classes of seventh grade

students at SMAN 1 Rengat. There are classes X A and X B consisting of 50


2. Sample

The researcher is conducting an instrument trial in class X B. Class X A

consists of 25 students. They are divided into two groups. One group is the

experimental class and the other is the control class. The group experiment consisted

of 8 students while the control group consisted of 7 students.

D. Instrument of the Research

This instrument consists of 35 multiple choices given for experimental and

controlled classes. Meanwhile, the instrument is based on a syllabus and is taken

from an English textbook.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

To collect data, researchers used multiple choice as the main instrument.

There are two types of tests, pretest and posttest. Pre-tests are given in the

experimental class and are controlled to cut the student's vocabulary level.

Understand before receiving treatment. the Post-test was given to find out their

vocabulary after treatment. Before the researchers gave a pre-test, researchers

analyzed the instrument to find out whether the instruments used in this study

were valid and reliabsle before being used to collect data.

F. Data Analysis

After the researcher got the data from pretest and post test score, the

researcher analyzed the data. The researcher used a quantitative analysis technique

using statistical method. This technique is used to know the significant different

on the students’ score before and after taught Crossword Puzzle.

1. Data description

The data description is used to analyze the student’s vocabulary score from

post-test. The data description consists of mean, median, mode and standard

deviation of the vocabulary score.

a. Mean

Mean is the average value of data group. It is gained from summing up all

individual data of the group and dividing it by the total of the individuals.

b. Median

Median is the central value of a data group. It is gained by pacing the middle

value of the data ranged from the lowest to the highest or inversely.

c. Mode

Mode is the most frequent value of a data group. It is gained by counting the

similar data and finding the highest.

d. Range

Range is the gap between the highest and the lowest value in a data group. It is

gained by subtracting the highest value with the lowest value.

e. Standard deviation

Standard deviation is the distance of an individual value from the mean.


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