Plant-Based Rasayana Drugs From Ayurveda: Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine February 2011

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Plant-Based Rasayana Drugs from Ayurveda

Article  in  Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine · February 2011

DOI: 10.1007/s11655-011-0659-5 · Source: PubMed


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4 authors, including:

Balasubramani SP Padma Venkatasubramanian

Florida A&M University SRM Institute of Sciences and Technology


Bhushan K Patwardhan
Savitribai Phule Pune University


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• 88 • Chin J Integr Med 2011 Feb;17(2):88-94

Plant-Based Rasayana Drugs from Ayurveda
Subramani Paranthaman Balasubramani, Padma Venkatasubramanian,
Subrahmanya Kumar Kukkupuni, and Bhushan Patwardhan

ABSTRACT Rasayana tantra is one of the eight specialties of Ayurveda . It is a specialized practice in the form
of rejuvenative recipes, dietary regimen, special health promoting behaviour and drugs. Properly administered
Rasayana can bestow the human being with several benefits like longevity, memory, intelligence, freedom from
diseases, youthful age, excellence of luster, complexion and voice, optimum strength of physique and sense
organs, respectability and brilliance. Various types of plant based Rasayana recipes are mentioned in Ayurveda .
Review of the current literature available on Rasayanas indicates that anti-oxidant and immunomodulation are
the most studied activities of the Rasayana drugs. Querying in Pubmed database on Rasayanas reveals that
single plants as well as poly herbal formulations have been researched on. This article reviews the basics of
Rasayana therapy and the published research on different Rasayana drugs for specific health conditions. It also
provides the possible directions for future research.
KEYWORDS Ayurveda, Rasayana , rejuvenation, anti-ageing, anti-oxidant, immunomodulation

Ayurveda is a highly a comprehensive understanding of assimilation and

systematized Indian medical metabolism. Ayurveda has its own concept of the
system resting on codified formation of the tissues (Dhatus ), their function, and their
theories and thousands of ultimate fate(4), where Rasayana contributes to multi-
years of practice. Ayurveda , faceted action on the human physiology. Susruta (600
meaning the "science of life", BC) mentions that Rasayanas are capable of pacifying all
has its roots in the Veda (1). As afflictions (Sarvopaghatashamaneeyam rasayanam )(2).
per Ayurveda , health implies
equanimity and cheerfulness Rasayanas were classified in Ayurveda on the basis
(prasannata ), which spring of benefit, method of use, or material used (Figure 1)(5). The
Prof. Bhushan Patwardhan from a composite state of scope of this article is limited only to the herbal Rasayana
homeostasis (samya ) within the constituents of the body drugs, which are a part of Aushadha Rasayana .
(dhatu, dosa and agni ); and between the constituents
and the causative agents (hetu/nidana ) which exists
within and outside the body such as the environment
(rtu )(2). Ayurveda's understanding of the functioning of the Based on benefit Based on Based on
method of use material used
human body is based on tridoshas (approximately three
humours) — vata , pitta , and kapha , which in Sanskrit
1. Kamya Rasayana 1. Vatatapika Rasayana 1. Aushadha Rasayana
refer to functions such as movement, transformation and (Enhances normal health) (Out door regimen)
2. Kutipraveshika Rasayana
2. Naimittika Rasayana 2. Ajasrika Rasayana
support and growth, respectively(3). (Based on disease condition)
(Indoor/hospital based)
3. Achara Rasayana
(Good conduct)

Rasayana therapies constitute one of the eight Figure 1. Classification of Rasayana

major divisions of Ayurveda . The word "Rasayana "
means the pathway for essence of nutrition (Rasa- ) © The Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western
towards all body tissue elements (-ayana ) to nourish Medicine Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
Supported by the Department of Science and Technology,
and replenish them(1). Charaka, the father of Ayurveda , Government of India, to establish a "National R&D Facility for
defines Rasayana as the means of procuring the best Rasayana products in Indian System of Medicines" under Drugs
& Pharmaceuticals Research Programme (DPRP)
qualities of different dhatus (tissues). He further adds
Institute of Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine, 74/2, Jarakbande
that Rasayana therapy improves longevity, memory, Kaval, Post Attur, Via Yelahanka, Bangalore - 560106, India
intelligence, health, youth, complexion, voice, motor, Correspondence to: Prof. Bhushan Patwardhan, Tel: 91-80-
28463303, Fax: 91-80-28567926, E-mail: bpatwardhan@gmail.
and sensory strength (1) . The scientific concepts of com
Rasayana therapy and karma (action) are based on DOI: 10.1007/s11655-011-0605-1
Chin J Integr Med 2011 Feb;17(2):88-94 • 89 •

Under Aushadha Rasayanas (drugs), a number of though Ayurveda describes many more Rasayana plant
formulations were from herbs or vegetable, animal, and drugs and a variety of health benefits, currently published
mineral substances. It was believed that the Rasayana literature has only focused on limited type of activities.
drugs produced pharmacological effects through three This gap provides an opportunity for further research.
qualities inherent in them. These were taste (rasa ), post-
digestive taste (vipaka ), and potency (virya ). However, Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Rasayana
rejuvenant therapy was more than the administration of Plants
formulations. The full benefits of therapy could not be Free radicals are charged metabolic byproducts
reaped unless the body and mind were clean and the that are capable of attacking cells, disrupting cellular
individual had followed a code of virtuous conduct(4). membrane, and mitochondria, and reacting and
damaging nucleic acids, proteins, and enzymes present
Rasayana thantra is a specialized practice in the in the body (6). Free radicals play an important role in
form of rejuvenative recipes, dietary regimen, special "ageing" as evidenced by several studies in animals(6).
health-promoting conduct/behaviour and drugs. A study Oxidative stress occurs as a result of high metabolic
of rasayana therapy in its fullness is hardly possible under rates, increased oxygen tension, and presence of
experimental conditions. The large number of formulations redox active xenobiotics that compromise normal
that are credited with powers to increase lifespan, cellular antioxidants. Superoxide is often referred to
enhance memory, sharpen intellect, increase resistance to as "primary reactive oxygen species" (ROS) as most
diseases, brighten complexion, promote digestion, speed of the other ROS and reactive nitrogen species (RNS)
up repair, strengthen the body, and minimize the ill effects arise from it. Apart from ageing, free radicals are also
of old age can indeed be researched. known to be involved in more than 100 diseases (6).
The disease preventive action of Rasayanas has been
Current Status of Rasayana Plants Research researched by studying the inhibition of free radical
In recent times, research publications on drugs stress(7). Govindarajan, et al(8) have described the role of
are emerging due to increased interest in preventive Ayurvedic Rasayana herbs in the disease management
and promotive health. We have reviewed the status through antioxidant approach.
of research on Rasayanas by querying "Pubmed"
( with the keyword Rasayana plants such as Withania somnifera ,
"Rasayana ". A total of 73 citations were obtained Phyllanthus embelica , etc., have been studied for their
as of September 2010 inclusive of 10 reviews. The free radical scavenging property in cold stress-induced
literature indicated that about 23 single plants have rodent models. Enzymes such as superoxide dismutase,
been researched, of which Asperagus resimosus and glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and
Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha ) were the most catalase have been used to assess the anti-oxidant
studied Rasayana plants. Brahma Rasayana was the potential of Rasayana drugs(9,10). Mangathayaru, et al(11)
most studied of the seven Rasayana formulations. It was have reported the doxorubicin, induced DNA damage
observed that free-radical scavenging activity was the protective activity of Cynodon dactylon by spectral
most studied activity of Rasayana plants and formulations studies in vitro . These studies indicate that Rasayana
followed by immunomodulatory activity (Figure 2). Even drugs hold potential in decelerating the ageing process
and imparting youthfulness or longevity to the individual.

Immunomodulatory Effect of Rasayana Plants
No. of citations


10 Immune response requires the timely interplay

5 of multiple cell types, proteins, tissues, and organs
0 within specific microenvironments to maintain immune
homeostasis. Through a series of steps called the












immune response, the immune system attacks organisms














and substances that invade the body to cause disease.






The repertoire of immune defenses used by body in


Property of Rasayana defending against infections and other internal changes

Figure 2. Citations on the Activities of such as cancers, involves humoral as well as cellular
Rasayana Plants/Formulations
• 90 • Chin J Integr Med 2011 Feb;17(2):88-94

immunity and the regulators of the immune system, such (Centella asiatica Linn)(17-19).
as cytokines. The most likely hypothesis explaining the
apparently diverse actions of rasayanas was that the The use of W . somnifera (WS) in various central
plants were modulating as endogenous system of the nervous system disorders, particularly its indication
body, setting into motion a cascade of events leading to in epilepsy, stress and neurodegenerative diseases,
the multiple effects in the immune system(12). such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disorders,
tardive dyskinesia, cerebral ischemia, and even in the
Immunomodulating agents that are free from management of drug addiction, has been reviewed by
adverse reactions and those that can be administered Kulkarni and Dhir(20). The investigations by Bhattacharya,
for long duration, if possible throughout life, to obtain et al(10) support the use of WS as a mood stabilizer in
a continuous immune activation are highly desirable clinical conditions of anxiety and depression in Ayurveda.
for prevention of diseases. The significance of the Asparagus racemosus (AR) significantly reversed
rasayanas as immunomodulating agents compared scopolamine and sodium nitrite-induced increase
to other conventional immunomodulators is that they in transfer latency on elevated plus maze (EPM),
activate the immune function without altering the other indicating anti-amnesic activity(21). Further, AR inhibited
basic parameters of the body(12). acetylcholinesterase enzyme in specific brain regions
(prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and hypothalamus), in a
Anacyclus pyrethrum , Asparagus racemosus, and dose-dependent manner.
Chlorophytum borivilianum are some of the Rasayana
herbs, while Brahma Rasayana and Aswagandha Brahma Rasayana (BR), which contains Clitoria
Rasayana are the formulations studied for their ternatea , Acorus calamus , Emblica officinalis etc, has
stimulatory property of the acquired immune system(12-14). been described in Ayurveda for improving intelligence,
Humoral immunity in terms of antibody production memory power, and immunity(22). The potential use of BR
and cell-mediated immunity in terms of delayed-type as memory restorative agent in the treatment of dementia
hypersensitivity (DTH) have been stimulated by various in elderly has been illustrated by the decreasing levels
Rasayana herbs and formulations. Percentage neutrophil of whole brain acetyl cholinesterase activity in mice
adhesion, phagocytic activity, and Th1/Th2 balance are model(20). Student Rasayana improved brain functions
used to measure the innate immune system activation through scavenging free radicals as well as increasing
by the Rasayanas (12). Rasayanas also have the potential the second messenger for long-term potentiation(23).
to be used as vaccine adjuvants. Asparagus racemosus
and Withania somnifera enhanced protective immune Rasayanas with Radio-protective Effect
response by improving serological and hematological In spite of adverse reactions, ionizing radiation,
parameters following diphtheria, pertusis and tetanus alone or in combination with other therapies, is one of
vaccination(15,16). the most commonly used treatments for cancer. The
early or acute effects of irradiation result from the death
Rasayana Plants in Maintenance of Central of a large number of cells in tissues with a rapid turnover
Nervous System Function rate. These include effects on the epidermal layer or
Diseases, such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and skin, gastrointestinal epithelium, and the hematopoietic
Huntington's, occur as a result of neurodegenerative system(24). Injury resulting from irradiation of biological
processes. The Ayurvedic texts describe a set of tissue is a consequence of the trans fer of radiation
rejuvenative measures to impart biological sustenance to energy to critical macromolecules or indirectly through
the bodily tissues. Some of the Rasayanas are organ and the action of free radicals. Antioxidant enzymes act as
tissue specific. Those specific to brain tissue are called the first-line defense against free radicals. The most
Medhya Rasayana or brain tonics. Such Rasayanas important enzymes include superoxide dismutase (SOD),
retard brain ageing and help in regeneration of neural catalase and glutathione peroxidase (GPx).
tissues besides producing antistress, adaptogenic
and memory-enhancing effects. The popular Medhya The radioprotective agents are chemicals
Rasayanas are Sankhapuspi (Convolvulus pluricaulis that reduce the biological effects of radiation by the
Chois ), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal), scavenging of free radicals or repairing of radiation
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri Linn), and Mandukaparni injury. Radiation exposure-induced increase in serum
Chin J Integr Med 2011 Feb;17(2):88-94 • 91 •

and liver lipid peroxides was significantly reduced in rats for improved sexual potential. Aqueous extracts of
mice model by treatment with BR while increase in SOD, Asparagus racemosus, Chlorophytum borivilianum roots
catalase, and GSH levels was observed(25). The results and rhizomes of Curculigo orchioides had pronounced
indicate that BR could ameliorate the oxidative damage anabolic effect and showed significant increase in the
produced in the body by radiation and may be useful as sexual behavior of animals as reflected by reduction
an adjuvant during radiation therapy. of mount latency, ejaculation latency, post-ejaculatory
latency, intromission latency, and an increase of mount
The administration of triphala , in combination with frequency. The observed effects appear to be attributable
Emblica officinalis , Terminalia bellirica and Terminalia to the testosterone-like effects of the extracts. Nitric oxide
chebula , resulted in an increase in the radiation tolerance based intervention may also be involved as observable
by 1.4 Gy, and the dose reduction factor was found to from the improved penile erection(28, 29). These reports
be 1.15 (26). Triphala provided protection against both authenticate the claim for the usefulness of these herbs
gastrointestinal and hematopoietic death by their free as aphrodisiacs and provide a scientific basis for their
radical scavenging activity(27). purported traditional usage as Vajikarana Rasayanas .

Rasayana Plants with Aphrodisiac Activity Anti-ulcer Rasayana Plants

Throughout the ages, men and women have Peptic ulcer disease encompassing gastric and
incessantly pursued all means to enhance, maintain, and duodenal ulcer is the most prevalent intestinal disorder. The
bring back their sexual ability or to stimulate the sexual pathophysiology of PUD involves an imbalance between
desire for the opposite sex. One of the most recurrent offensive factors (acid, pepsin, and H. pylori ) and defensive
methods has been the use of aphrodisiacs. Herbal factors (mucin, prostaglandin, bicarbonate, nitric oxide, and
medicines are a major source of aphrodisiacs and have growth factors). There are two main approaches for treating
been used worldwide for thousands of years by different peptic ulcer. The first deals with reducing the production
cultures and civilizations to enhance sexual performance. of gastric acid and the second with re-enforcing gastric
Natural herbs that are popularly considered to have mucosal protection. Current drug therapies for PUD include
properties such as enhancing potency, enhancing sexual proton pump inhibitors, histamine receptor blockers, drugs
functioning or improving sexual performance, make up affecting the mucosal barrier, and prostaglandin analogues.
the large segment of current day herbal markets. On a However, the clinical evaluation of these drugs showed
broader scale, the herbal aphrodisiacs may also include development of tolerance and incidence of relapses and
products that have adaptogenic, tonic, revitalizing, and side effects that make their efficacy arguable. This has
rejuvenating properties. been the rationale for the development of new anti-ulcer
drugs, which includes herbal drugs. Asparagus racemosus ,
In Ayurvedic system of medicine, a special class Bacopa monniera , Centella asiatica and Convolvulus
of Rasayana drugs known as Vrishya or Vajikarana pluricaulis are some of the rasayana drugs that have been
is aphrodisiacs, which are said for be associated with characterized for their gastroduodenal ulcer protective
improvement of male sexual potency(5). They are especially activity(30, 31).
recommended for people suffering from sexual insufficiency
and people in advancing age, losing interest in sexual A . racemosus (AR) showed significant protection
act, or failing in sexual performance. Numerous plants against acute gastric ulcers induced by cold restraint
are indicated to have been used as sexual stimulants. stress (CRS), pyloric ligation, aspirin plus pyloric ligation,
Anacyclus pyrethrum, Asparagus racemosus, Chlorophytum and duodenal ulcers induced by cysteamine and acetic
borivilianum and Curculigo orchioides are some of the acid in animal model(30). However, AR was ineffective
examples described in modern scientific literature. against aspirin- and ethanol-induced gastric ulcers. B.
monniera (BM), C. pluricaulis (CP), and C. asiatica (CA)
In a study conducted by Sharma, et al(13) petroleum showed dose-dependent anti-ulcerogenic on various
ether extract of Anacyclus pyrethrum roots showed equal gastric ulcer animal models induced by ethanol, aspirin,
aphrodisiac activity with testosterone, but the herb was cold restraint stress, and pylorus ligation(31). Treatment
found to be effective in rats tested after a lapse of 7 and 15 showed no effect on acid-pepsin secretion and increased
days of discontinuation of treatment, thus suggesting that mucin secretion, while it decreased cell shedding with
the drug has prolonged effect and capacitate the treated no effect on cell proliferation. BM showed significant
• 92 • Chin J Integr Med 2011 Feb;17(2):88-94

antioxidant effect per se and in stressed animals. All complementary methods of treatment.
four rasayana herbs studied for their protective effect on
gastric ulceration indicate that they act by strengthening In 1997, Menon, et al (35) studied the effect of
the mucosal defensive factors, mucin secretion, and five Rasayana formulations, Brahma Rasayana (BR),
lifespan of mucosal cells and glycoproteins. They did Aswagandha Rasayana (AR), Narasimha Rasayana
not show any significant effect on the mucosal offensive (NR), Amrithaprasam (AP), and Chyavanaprasam
factors such as acid-pepsin(30,31). (CP) and extract of Emblica officinalis (EO), for their
antimetastatic activity using B16F-10 melanoma cells
Anti-giardial Rasayana Plants in C57BL/6 mice. On oral administration, BR and
Giardia intestinalis is a worldwide cause of AR significantly reduced the lung nodule formation,
intestinal infection. Treatment of this debilitating disease hydroxyproline, and serum sialic acid contents indicating
is usually accomplished using one of several drugs, such the inhibition of metastasis. Further, BR and AR also
as metronidazole. Each shows different modes of action. increased the lifespan of the animal. Other Rasayanas
However, resistance to those drugs is increasing and did not show any significant activity. BR and AR
alternatives are being sought. New wave anti-giardials stimulated antibody-dependent complement-mediated
appear to have their roots in natural herbal remedies. tumour cell lysis and natural killer cell activity, while AR
was also found to activate macrophages(36).
Pippali rasayana (PR), prepared from Piper longum
(Pippali) and Butea monosperma (Palash), as described The anti-cancer property of Rasayanas has
in Ayurveda produced up to 98% recovery from the been attributed to their immunostimulating nature(36,37).
infection in mice model(32). The Rasayana had no killing Administration of Rasayanas was found to enhance the
effect on the parasite in vitro . It induced significant proliferation of spleen and bone marrow cells in mice
activation of macrophages as evidenced by increased model significantly especially in the presence of mitogen.
macrophage migration index (MMI) and phagocytic Esterase activity was found to be enhanced in bone
activity. Enhancement of host resistance could be one marrow cells indicating increased maturation of cells of
of the possible mechanisms contributing towards the lymphoid lineage. Rasayanas also enhanced humoral
recovery of animals from the giardial infection. immune response as seen from the increased number of
antibody-forming cells and circulating antibody titre(37).
In 1997, Agarwal, et al (33) reported that PR,
administered to patients (25 treated and 25 placebo Brahma rasayana treatment to the Copenhagen
controls) suffering from giardiasis, showed complete rats injected with MAT-LyLu cells resulted in a decreased
disappearance of G. lamblia (trophozoites/cysts) from palpable tumor incidence, a delay in the tumor
the stools (23 out of 25). General signs and symptoms of occurrence, lower mean tumor volumes, by as much as
ill health and abdominal discomfort, presence of mucus, 14% to 35% and significant reduction in tumor weight and
pus cells and red blood cells were significantly reduced. lung metastasis in comparison to untreated controls(38).
There was a marked improvement in the clinical and BR treatment showed a significant reduction in factor V
haematological profile of the patients. Spontaneous Ⅲ expression compared to control indicating reduced
recovery in 20% cases was also recorded in placebo angiogenesis. BR-treated tumor specimens showed
controls. Pippali rasayana has the most clinical research a decrease in the pro angiogenic factors. Methanolic
evidence supporting its use to treat giardiasis(34). extract of BR was found to inhibit the proliferation, tube
formation, cell migration and attachment of human
Rasayana Plants with Anti-cancer Property umbilical vein endothelial cell on matrigel in a dose-
Cancer is the abnormal growth of cells in human body dependant manner (39) . These findings suggest the
that can lead to death. Many genetic changes, behavioral possible mechanism of action of BR in the reduction
defects and infections are linked to the development of of tumor growth and metastatic spread. Rasayana
cancer. Cancer cells usually invade and destroy normal formulations are inexpensive preparations that have little
cells. Every year, millions of people are diagnosed with or no adverse reactions and hold potential as a lead
cancer, leading to death. Serious side effects, and toxicity chemopreventive agent in cancer management.
of chemotherapy and radiation therapy to normal cells or
tissues, make many cancer patients seek alternative and/or Treatment of ascitic sarcoma-bearing mice with
Chin J Integr Med 2011 Feb;17(2):88-94 • 93 •

a formulation of total extracts of Withania somnifera help of selected clinical and experimental studies. The
and Tinospora cordifolia (80:20) and alkaloid-free polar latter are not adequate at present, but it is worthwhile to
fraction of Withania somnifera resulted in protection project such evidences to provide lead for further studies.
towards cyclophosphamide-induced myeloprotection Drug discovery strategies based on natural products
and immunoprotection by significantly increasing and traditional medicines are reemerging as attractive
white blood cell counts and hemolytic antibody titers. options. A reverse pharmacology approach, inspired
Treatment with these candidate drugs will be important by traditional medicine and Ayurveda, can offer a smart
in the development of supportive treatment with cancer strategy for new drug candidates to facilitate discovery
chemotherapy(40). process and also for the development of rational
synergistic botanical formulations(41).
Every human is desirous of longevity, youthfulness, Acknowledgement
and health. This is possible by promoting rejuvenation, The authors wish to thank Dr. Venugopal, for his
healing and regeneration of living tissues in the body. Ayurveda inputs and Prof. K.V. Krishnamurthy for his
Rasayana is not just a drug therapy but is a specialized suggestions in preparing this manuscript.
procedure practiced in the form of rejuvenative recipes,
dietary regimen, and special health-promoting conduct and REFERENCES
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RR. Triphala, an Ayurvedic rasayana drug, protects (Received November 5, 2010)
mice against radiation-induced lethality by free-radical Edited by WANG Wei-xia

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