Milestone 2 Draft Report

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Population Population

Name Status Census Census

2001-07-17 2012-03-20

Galle District 990,487 1,063,334

Akmeemana Divisional 63,881 77,776


Ambalangoda Divisional ... 56,961


Baddegama Divisional 68,634 75,008


Balapitiya Divisional 65,346 67,432


Benthota Divisional 46,442 49,975


Bope-Poddala Divisional 41,612 50,331


Elpitiya Divisional 60,292 64,726


Galle Four Gravets (Kadawath Sathara) Divisional 103,246 101,749


Gonapinuwala Divisional ... 21,755


Habaraduwa Divisional 59,041 62,389


Hikkaduwa Divisional 98,589 101,909

Population Population
Name Status Census Census
2001-07-17 2012-03-20

Imaduwa Divisional 39,944 44,880


Karandeniya Divisional 56,128 62,498


Nagoda Divisional 52,414 53,829


Neluwa Divisional 27,501 28,640


Niyagama Divisional 34,330 35,574


Thawalama Divisional 31,803 32,609


Welivitiya-Divithura Divisional 26,599 29,347


Yakkalamulla Divisional 43,638 45,946


Sri Lanka Republic 18,797,257 20,359,439

Source: Department of Census and Statistics, Sri Lanka (web).

Workshop Reports
Social Cohesion and Reconciliation Project


Public Awareness Progarms in Galle District

Date : 2nd of September 2019
Time :9.30 am – 2.00 pm
Venue :International Buddist Center, Kaluwella, Galle

9.30 am – Getting started of the programme

9.35 am – Remembarance of Religion

9.40 am – Welcome speech by Mrs Anula Deegala

9.50 am – Expalnation of Programme objectives and programme outline by

Mr Chathura Weliwitiya

10.00 am – Lecture by Mr Siril Pathiranage

12.30 pm – Speech by District Social Services Officer of Mr Anil Ranathunga

1.00 pm – Asking question by the participants

1.15 pm – Reparation of future work planby Mrs Anula Deegala

1.30 pm – Vote of thanks by Mrs Anula Deegala

2.00 pm – Lunch and End of the programme


No of CBO’s

Sinhala Tamil Muslim

21 02 02

 Participant in Government

Name Designation
Mr Anil Ranathunga District Social Service Officer

Male 10
Female 15
Total 25

 Welcome Speech by Mrs Anula Deegala

 Explanation of Programme Objectives

Mr Chathura Weliwitiya :-
( Chairman of HELPO Company )

Welcome everybody to this Public Awareness Programme and also thanks. Continuity of
the areal hasn't cooperation and development. So we hope to improve them. Fund and
grant has stopped 2% in disaster management situations, cause the rural organizations
have not consulate and good community. We find what are these troubles and we saw
that the rural organizations have not got correct information and they do not know their
rights. They do not know how can use their power.

Specially there are many officers who have nominated for helping you. They can pull
together and help you to get correct information. Per so officers and you can save your
time and no any economics problems. We will conduct 19 Public Awareness Programme
all over Galle district. 25 members should participate from 25 organization. Also we hope
to conduct a Communicators Training Programme for 100 communicators. I will
introduce you Mr Siril Pathiranage who is the resource person. He has many experiences
and skills. So I would like to invite Mr Siril Pathiranage to conduct this program.

Resorce Person – Mr. Siril Pathiranage

Summary of the lecture

Mr. Siril Pathiranage who was the resource person of this programme introduced
different impacts and explained definition. Explained about human rights, results of itself
and effect of the lack of access in fundamental rights. Also he said about accessing the
GSP+ and faced in disgrace among the international. Explained problems and results
which faced Sri Lankan government, established new officers and usage of RTI. Also he
talked that get started transitional justices after problems during the war. Accordingly
explained Truth seeking/ Justices/ Reparation/ Institutional reform and results of the
cooperate reconciliation is created the OMP . And he said that OMP offices are available
in Colombo/ Jaffna/ Mannar and Matara and introduced the reconciliation. He said that
details of the amount of government officers that aimed on each village areas and their
services. Also said that If you give the attention for these officers they will active always
on their duties.

 They learned lessons about session and did group activities for their needs

 Participants presented their creations and shared ideas with all others.

 Speech of social services officer

Summary of the speech

Mr. Anil Ranathunga who is social service officer started his speech with thanking for
the USAID, Gloabal Communities and HELP-O to having this oppurtunity to him. After
that he started by addressing the all the 50 Grama Niladhari divisional secratariat and
various religions that lives in those areas.
These activities were so much helpfull in this subject wich is to recover on the incidents
that happened in past times with the help of established committees of reconsilation
which is called by ‘ Sahajiwana Committee ’. Also he suggested an important point of
that we need to get more services from the government officers that work on each
areas and it’s possible to all of the others also.
Finally he said that the chosen areas are very peacfull but the present situation is very
unstable and he shared ideas with us by saying that making reconsilation among school
childrens and restarting the process of finding missing persons in these area are
necessary to achieve this goal. And lastly he admired the Public Awareness program and
listened to the participated community’s ideas

 Group Discussion

 කණ්ඩායම් අංක 01 –group no 01

ගමට ක඼ ශැකි සවේලාලන්

1. සිංශ඼, මුව්ලිම් ,මැසේ , බර්ගර් සයළු සදනා එකතු කර ගැනිම

2. අවේලැසයන් වමග සුශදල කථා කිරිම
3. වැකය නැති කර ගැනිම

බිය නැති කර ගැනිම වැකයක් නැති කර ගැනිම

රටතු඼ සබදීම නැති කර ගැනිම මානල අයිතිලාසකම් ගම තු඼ ඇති කර ගැනිම

4. එකිසනකා ශදුනා ගැනීම

5. ගසම් ඉන්න සයළු ප්‍රඡාාල වමග එකමුතු කමක් ඇති කර ගැනිම
6. වැබෑ විංහිදියාල ඇති කර ගැනිම
7. අන්තර් ආගමික ලැඩ වටශන් ඇති කර ගැනීම
8. ගම් මට්ටමින් සකොමි඿න් වභා ල඼ සකසරන කාර්යයන් ගම්ලාසන්ට දැනුලත් කිරිම
9. ඡාාතිලාදසයන් සතොරල සයළු වමිති වමාගම් එකමුතුල පැලැත්විම ඒ ශා වමගම ෂමා වමිති

 කණ්ඩායම් අංක 02 –group no 02

ඡාාතික විංහිදියාල සලනුසලන් ගතයුතු ක්‍රියාමාර්ග

1.ප්‍රඡාා නායකයන් ශදුනාගැනිම වර්ලආගමික නායකයන්

2.ඔවුන් ලටා ඇති විංවිධාන වමග වාකච්ඡාා තුලින් විංහිදියාල ඇති කරලිම වදශා කරැණු රැව්කර

3. රැව්කරගත් කරැණු එේ.එේ.ආර්.සී සකොමිවම , සතොරතුරැ ඼බා ගැනීසම් පනත ශා අතුරුදශන්

වූලන් පිළිබද කාර්යා඼ය යන ආයතන තුලින් ජනතාලට ප්‍රති඼ාභ ඼බාගැනිම වදශා ප්‍රජාල දැනුලත්
කිරිම. ඒ වදශා වර්ල ආගමික ප්‍රජාල වදශාම වැබෑ විංහිදියාල ඇති කරලිම.

 කණ්ඩායම් අංක 03 –group no 03

යශපත් වමාඡායක් වදශා සයෝඡානා

1. වැම ප්‍රාසීයය සේකම් සකොට්ඨා඾ල඼ නි඼ධාරීන් දැනුලත් කිරිම ( වමාඡා වත්කාර)

2. ආධයාත්මික ආකේප විංලර්ධනය කිරිම
3. ඡාාතින් අතර විංව්කෘතික ශර පීධතීන් පිළිබදල දැනුලත් කිරීම
4. ආගම් පිළිබදල සශෝ ඇදහිලි පිළිබදල ඇති දුර්මත දුරලිමට කටයුතු කිරිම
5. සපොදු වූ නීතියක් තුලින් මානල අයිතිලාසකම් වදශා ලන නිති රිති වැකසම
6. රසට් භාවිතා ලන භා඿ා දැනුම ලර්ධනය කිරිම
7. ගම් සශෝ ප඼ාත් ල඼ ඡානගශනය අනුල ලර්ග කිරිම සනොක඼ යුතු බල
8. සපොදු වු භා඿ා ලලින් කටයුතු කිරිමට වැ඼ැව්විම ( තම අනනයතාලය රැකසගන කටයුතු
ක඼ ශැකි භා඿ා මාධයයක්)

 කණ්ඩායම් අංක 04 –group no 04

අප ප්‍රසී඾ය තු඼ ශටගන්නා යම් ගැටළුලක් විවදාගන්නා ආකාරය

ගැටළුල සදුවූ ව්ථානය


ගැටළුල ශටගත් බලට ගමතු඼

නැලත කථා බශ සනොවිමට
ලග බ඼ා ගැනිම ? සපොදු ප්‍රඡාා විකේපයක්
ඉඩකඩක් සනොමැති නිවා

ගැටළුලට වාධාරණ විනි඿්චයක් සපොදු බහුතර ආගමික

඼ැසබන්සන්දැයි නැලත නැලත ව්ථානයට රැව්විම
තරැණ සකොටව්
ගැටළුලට අල඾ය නීතිමය මැදි ලයව්
අල඾යතා වදශා වාමකෘමිල සයොමුවි
විලාශක අවිලාශක
{කාන්තා පිරිමි} මූලිකත්ලය
ආගමික ගැටළුල ආගමික
ගමතු඼ ආගමික
විංවිධාන නායකත්ල
විංවිධානයක් සගොඩනගා
ගැටළුල ශටගත් නිලැරැදි ගැනිම තනි තනිල සනොල මු඼සුන ( සයළු ආගම්)
සදපාර්඾ලය ශදුනාසගන
ගැටළුලට සශේතුල සයළු ආගම්
ගැටළුල කුමක්ද
ශටගත්සත් ඇයිද සවවිම සවවිම

 Vote of thanks by Mrs. Anula Deegala

Note : If there’re anything to add-up, please let HELP-O know. With all due

*Prepared by : Anula Deegala ( Project Coordinator )

Sandali Udeshika Jayasekara




Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 3rd of September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue :G.S.Office 252/E Jayanthi Lane, Ihalagoda , Walahanduwa

Process of this program

 Religion Observances
 Welcome Speech by Mr. DilshanChamika Member of Dimuthu Youth Organization
 Explain program objectives byMs. WaruniAththanayake
 Lecture by Mr. Cyril Pathiranage
 Comments
 Vote of Thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and
National Government.

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 Participants of CBOs

No Name of CBO
01 Isiwara Maw Samajaya
02 Dimuthu Youth Organization
03 MahaSamithiya, Kurunduwatta
04 Women Society
05 Pensioner Society
06 Aquaculture Organization
07 AwamangalyadaraSamithiya
08 Youth Challengers Oraganization
09 Development education Institute for Human
10 Civil Arakshakakamituwa
11 KanthasanwardanaSamithiya

 Participants in Government

Name Designator
R.G. Anoma Social Service Officer

Male 04
Female 21
Total 25

Welcome Speech by Mr. DilshanChamika member of Dimuthu Youth Organization

Actually this is great program coordination and superb valuable one because of support of this kind of community
based organization of Dimuthu Youth Organization. That express their active participation in like these knowledge
sharing and unite them with other nationalities and religion persons.
Explain program objectives by Ms. WaruniAththanayaka

First I would like to introduce you to Public Awareness Program as our project name.Our main purpose is
creatingPeace and Reconciliation in your area. You have not good communication with each other. Also you have not
a bond with each other. There are many organization committee members have joined with us today. We try to
aware community about Reconciliation and Peace from you. And you should make a bond with others and preserve
good community with others.

Also we inform you about Government Officers who have nominated for Social Service. Anyway we introduce you to
new laws and acts which have created by Government. You will aware on OMP and RTI after this program. Many
people don’t know what they are. Now I warmly invite Mr. Cyril Pathiranage to conduct this program onward.

Lecture by Mr. Cyril Pathiranage

Mr. Siril Pathiranage who was the resource person of this programme introduced different impacts and explained
definition. Explained about human rights, results of itself and effect of the lack of access in fundamental rights. Also
he said about accessing the GSP+ and faced in disgrace among the international. Explained problems and results
which faced Sri Lankan government, established new officers and usage of RTI. Also he talked that get started
transitional justices after problems during the war. Accordingly explained Truth seeking/ Justices/ Reparation/
Institutional reform and results of the cooperate reconciliation is created the OMP. And he said that OMP offices are
available in Colombo/ Jaffna/ Mannar and Matara and introduced the reconciliation. He said that details of the
amount of government officers that aimed on each village areas and their services. Also said that If you give the
attention for these officers they will active always on their duties.

Group Works

1. ගැටුම - ඉඩම් ආරවු඼

වවශභාගී ලන පාර්඾ල

 වහශෝදර වහශෝදරයන
 මව් පිය දු දරුලන
 අවල් ලැසියන්

ගැටුම් ලැෂක්විය ශැකි ක්ර ම

 ක්රලමලත් උප්පු ක්ර්මයක් ඇති කිරම

 වාධාරණ හ඼ව ඉඅදම් හෙදා දීම
 ආකල්පමය ල඾හයන් මානසිකත්ලය
වැකසීමට කුඩා ක඼ සිටම කටයුතු කිරීම
3. ඉඩම් ආරවුල් අක්මිමන -

 හදපැත්ත අතර පෂමුල මනා අලහෙෝධයක් ශා සුශදතාලය ඇති

වුලහශොත් හමය දුර දිග ශාම ලෂක්ලා ගත ශැකිවිම
 එහවේ කර ගැනිමට හනොශැකි වුලහශොත් ග්රාිම නිෂධාරිතුමියහග් වශය
඼ො ගැනිම
 එහවේ කර ගැනිමට හනොශැකි වුලහශොත් හපොලිසිය වශය ඼ො හමම
ප්ර ඾්ණය විවදා ගැනීමට වමථමණ්ඩ඼ය හලත හගනා හගොව් විවදා ගැනීම

මශජනතාලට හේ඾පා඼න වාක්඿රතාලය
 පාවල් පේධතිය
 ජනමාධ්ය඾
 මැතිලරණ හකොමිවම

ජනතාල තම චන්දය සුදුව්වාට ඼ො දිය යුතුල

නුගතුන් හලනුලට උගතු වශා බුේදිමතුන් හේ඾පා඼නයට රැහගන එම

 හේ඾පා඼න පක්඿
 මශජනතාල

හේ඾පා඼නය හකහරහි තරුණයන් තු඼ ධානාත්මක ආකල්ප අතිකිර්ම

ක්රීිාඩා වමාජ වශා හයෞලන ව්වමාජ් ශරශා තරුණයින් හේ඾පා඼නයට රහගන

4. කුණු කව඼ ෙැශැර කිරහම් ගැටුම
හම් වදශා ඓදිරිපත් කරන හයෝජනා
 ප්ර ජාල දැනුලත් කිරීම
 හවෞක්යදය ෙ඼ධාරීන් දැනුලත් කිරීම
 ප්රායහේශීය වභා නගර වභා විසින් කුණු කාවල් ඉහලඅත් කිරීහම්
ලැඩවටශන් ක්රිපයාත්මක කිරීම
 කානු පේදති ක්හර්මලත්ල වකව් කිරීම
 කුණුකව඼ ෙැශැර කිරමට නි඾්චිත ව්ථානයක් හලන්කිරීම
 කුණු කව඼ දැමීම තශනම හ඼ව නාම පුලරු වාම තැනකම වවි
කර තිබුනත් කුනුකවල් දැමීම වදශා ව්ථානයක් හලන් කර හනොතිබීම
 පාවල් දරුලන් වශා ජනතාව් අතර ආකල්ප හලනව් කිරීම
හේ඾පා඼න පක්඿ අතර ආරවුල්

 හේ඾පා඼න පක්඿ අතර ආරවුල්  පක්඿ පක්඿ අතර

 පක්඿ය තුෂ  මාධ්යප භාවිතය

 නායකත්ලය  පක්඿ග්රාහී හනොවී මධ්යhව්ථල කටයුතු කිරිම

 රාඡ්ය් ශා හපෞේගලික මාධ්යt
 දක්඿තාලය /අත්දැකීම/දැනුම/ශැකියාල/
 වමාඡ මාධ්යඅ භාවිතා කරන්නන්
 ප්රකමිතිය ශදුනාහගන සුදුසුවාට සුදුසු ගැන දිම  රට ගැන සිතිමට හපර තමන්හග් ෙඩහගෝව්තරය ගැන සිතිම
 කෘත්යාලධීකාරී මණ්ඩ඼
 හේ඾පා඼නඥයින් ෙ඼යට හතෝරන්හන් හපොදු ඡනතාලහග්
 පාක්඿කයින්  ඡන්දහයන් ඔවුන්හග් ලගකිම විය යුත්හත් මශඡන හවේලයයි.
 හේ඾පා඼නඥයින්
 ප්ර්තිපත්ති
 හපොදු මශඡන ගැටළු රහේ ආර්ථික හේ඾පා඼නම  ඡන මාධ්යය
 හපොදු ඡනතාලහග්
 වමාඡ වංව්කෘතියට ගැ඼හපන ප්ර තිපත්ති නිර්මාණය
 මශඡන නිහයෝඡිතයින්

 ප්රනතිපත්ති වම්පාදන මණ්ඩ඼ය


 Communities should be enriching with the knowledge about justice, reparation, and truth seeking related
problems in their daily routines.
 Enriched with OMP named Office of Missing People related problems, issues and so many confusing things
that caused of lack of knowledge.
 Even Southern Province people can now achieve the facilities from OMP and Damage Compliance Officelike
other provinces.

Vote of Thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake

As for today, I think this was a great program that combined each person with their own thoughts and solves of
problems because of right information from right person in each area to each person’s problems. That’s the thing
that we must achieve and I hope that it can be cover at least in basement.

Out puts
 Got knowledge about OMP, Transitional Justice, laws and act in Sri Lanka
 Buildup good communication with community and government officials

Venue :Sanasa Hall, Horagampita, Ginimallagaha

Date: 2019.09.04

Time: 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Organized by :SanasaSamithiya, Horgampita

Process of this program

 Religion Observances
 Welcome Speech by Ms. WaruniAththanayaka
 Explain program objectives by Ms. WaruniAththanayaka
 Guest speech by Mr. DammikaGamage
 Lecture by Mr. Cyril Pathiranage
 Comments
 Vote of Thanks by
 Output of this program


 Participants of CBOs

No Name of CBOs
01 Sanasa Samithiya
02 Samadhi Sankalpana Sansadaya
03 Sahajeewana Padanama
04 Gamarakuma Sanwidanya
05 Hithaishi Govi Samithiya
06 Isuru Kiri Govi Samithiya
07 Shakthi Maw Samithiya
08 Ranliya Kantha Samithiya
09 Eksath Maranadara Samithiya
10 Pahantaba Kantha Samithiya
11 Minimuthu Kantha Govi Samithiya
12 Pragathi Wadihiti Samithiya
13 Pubudu Kantha Govi Samithiya
14 Grama Shakthi Samithiya

Male 08
Female 17
Total 25
Welcome Speech and Explain program objectives by Ms. Waruni Aththanayaka

First I would like to introduce you to Public Awareness Program as our project name. Our main purpose is creating Peace
and Reconciliation in your area. You have not good communication with each other. Also you have not a bond with each
other. There are many organization committee members have joined with us today. We try to aware community about
Reconciliation and Peace from you. And you should make a bond with others and preserve good community with others.

Also we inform you about Government Officers who have nominated for Social Service. Anyway we introduce you to new
laws and acts which have created by Government. You will aware on OMP and RTI after this program. Many people don’t
know what they are. Now I warmly invite Mr. Cyril Pathiranage to conduct this program onward

Guest Speech by Mr. Dammika Gamage

Do you know there is a OMP in Matara? And what is that? There are so many missing persons in your area. But you don’t
know what should you do. Our main purpose is public aware on OMP. You don’t know how powerful you are. Today we
should thank for Global Community and HELP-O to active program like this. Also we try to make Peace and Reconciliation in
your area from this area.

Lecture by Mr. Cyril Pathiranage

 Introduce different impacts

 Definition of the impact
 Explain about human rights
 Result and effect of lost fundamental
 Lost GSP+ and disgrace in international
 Problems and results wish have faced Sri Lankan government, established new offices, commission act and law
 Explain are the advantages and usage RTI
 Get started transitional justices after Problems during the war
 Accordingly explained Truth Seeking / Justices / Reparation /Institutional reform
 Result of the cooperate reconciliation is created a OMP
 OMP Offices are available in Colombo / Jaffna / Mannar and Matara
 Introduction of reconciliation
 Details of the amount of government officers that aimed on each village areas and their services
 If you give attention for these officers they will active always
Group work

1 .අඹු සැමි ගැටළු

 කේ඼ාම් ඇසීම සැක කිරීම ලැනි ,

 ගැටුම හා ගැටුමට කහේතුල හදුනා ගැනීම
 ගැටුමට අදා඼ පාර්඾්ලය හදුනා ගැනීම
 පාර්඾්ලයන් සදහා සුහදල සාකච්ඡා ක඼ හැකි අලස්ථාලන් හදුනා ගැනීම
 සාකච්ඡාල මගීන් කපොදුකේ තීරණයකට එ඼බිම
 කදකදනා එළබි තිරණය ේරිතයාත්මක කිරීම
 ඉදිරිකේදී කමලන් ගැටුමේ ඇති කනොවීමට ලග බ඼ ගැනීම හා ඉලසීකමන් කටයුතු කිරීම
2.සමාජ අතර ගැටුම යනු

 සමාජ අතර ගැටුම යනු සමාජකේ පලතින සියලු ගැටුම් අයත් කේ ඒ සදහා මැදිහත් වීම ඒකාකාරී කනොලන අතර කම් සදහා .
උදාහරණයේ ල඾කයන් ආර්ථික
. හඩ් නීතිමය යන අං඾ලලින් මැදිහත්ල ේරිලයා ක඼ යුතුය , සමාජකේ ආගමික සංස්කෘතික
ආගමික ගැටුමේ නිර්මාණය ව෕ විට ඒ මුල් ව෕ කහේතුලකසොයා බැලීම ක඼ යුතුය
 ඒ සදහා ප්රනකේ඾කේ ආගමික නායකයන්කගන් සහ ප්රනකේ඾කේ සැ඼කිය යුතු පුේේග඼යන්කේ සහභාගිත්ලය ඉතා ලැදගත් ඒ .කේ
සදහා යම් ලැඩ පිළිකල඼ේ සකස් කකොට කේ඾නා මගින් කහෝ කලනත් ේරික ොයා මාර්ග තුලින් මිනිස් සිටට කාලදි යන අයුරින් සාමකාමී
සිතුවිලි කපරටුකරගත්ේරිදයාකාරකම් තුලින් සහයේ විය යුතුය
ඒ ලකේම ඉලසීම දයාල කරුණාල සිත් තු඼ට කලදීමට ේරිගයා ක඼.
. යුතුය

3.පවුල් ඒකකය තු඼ ඇතිලන ගැටුම්

 ගැටලුකේ ස්ලභාලය හදුනා ගැනීම

 අදා඼ පාර්඾ලකරුලන් හදුනා ගැනීම
 මැදිහත් විය යුතු ලග තීරණය කිරීම
 මැදිහත් වීමට සුදුස්සන් බලට පත්වීම
 පාර්඾ලකරුලන් සහ මැදිහත් කරුලන් අතර ඇති ගැ඼පීම
 අපහසුතාලයට පත්ලන සංඛ්යා ැල හා ස්ලභාලය
 ගැටුම විසදන ආකාරය

4. පවුල් අතර ගැටුම්

 පවු඼ හා පවුකල් සාමාජිකයින් හදුනා ගැනීම

 ඇතිලන ඼ද ගැටුම හදුනා ගැනීම
 ගැටුමට කහත්ල හදුනා ගැනීම
 කදපාර්඾ලයන් මුණ ගැසීම
 සාකච්චා කිරීම ගටලුල
 උපකේ඾ක සහය ඼බා ගැනීම
 නැලත කදපාර්඾ලයන් මුණ ගැසීම
 කරුණු පහදා දීම
 පවුකල් මට්ටම අනුල සාධාරණ තීරණයේ ගැනීම
 පසු විපරමකින් කසොයා බැලීම


 Awareness on Public Officers assigned to the village

 Buildup good communication with community and government officials
 Got knowledge about OMP
 How to create OMP / Objectives of the OMP

Vote of thanks by Ms. Waruni Aththanayaka

As for today, I think this was a great program that combined each person with their own thoughts and solves of problems
because of right information from right person in each area to each person’s problems. That’s the thing that we must
achieve and I hope that it can be cover at least in basement.



Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 03th of September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue : Sri Wilekarama Temple, Imaduwa

Process of this program

 Religion Observances
 Welcome Speechby Community Police Development Officer Mr. Dickson Rajadarshi
 Explain program objectivesby Mrs. AnulaDeegala (Project Coordinator)
 Guest Speechby National Irrigation Promotion Officer Mr. DasunWeerasingha
 Guest Speechby Mr. H.P.K Upul Kumara OIC of Imaduwa Police Station
 Guest Speechby Social Service Officer Mr. BandulaAbeywikkramasingha
 Lecture by Mr. M.M.M. Sarfass
 Group Work
 Comments
 Vote of thanks by Mrs. AnulaDeegala
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and National

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 This program is organized by Community Police Unit in Imaduwa Police Station.


 Participants of CBOs

No Name of CBOs
01 Grama ShakthiWyaparaya
02 DaduwanaWadihitiSamithiya
03 WijayaGowiSanwidanya
04 Hadisi Marana ParishakayangeSangamaya
05 SuhadaHawla
06 Kuda The WathuSanwardanaSamithiya
07 SamurdhiSanwardanaSamithiya
08 Samagi Grama SanwardanaSamithiya
09 WiharakarasadakaSamithiya
10 Praja Police Kamitua
11 RanawiruBalamandalya
12 EkamuthuSubaSadakaSamithiya
13 KobalaArunaluSubaSadakaSamithiya
14 Kobala Grama SanwardanaSamithiya

 Government Participation

Name Designation
01 Mr. BandulaAbeywikkramasingha Social Service Officer
02 Mr. Anjana D. Pathirana Grama Niladari – 172 Imaduwa
03 Mr. T.K. Mahesh Thilaka Samurdhi Development Officer - 172 Imaduwa
04 Mr. DasunWeerasingha National Irrigation Promotion Coordinator
05 Mr. I.P. Upul Kumara OIC – Police Station Imaduwa
06 Mr. Dickson Rajadarshi Community Police Officer of Imaduwa
07 Asst. District Secretary

Male 26

Female 09  All are Sinhala people.

Total 35
Religion Observances by Ven. GatamaanneChandrarathnaTero

Welcome Speech by Community Police Development Officer Mr. Dickson Rajadarshi

It is important that such programs are carried out in the villages, outside the city. This will make the community aware.
The community thinks of it only after the conflict in the country. Always be aware of what is happening in the country.
Explain program objectives by Mrs. AnulaDeegala (Project Coordinator)

Welcome everybody to this Public Awareness Program and also thanks. Continuity of the areal hasn't cooperation
and development. So we hope to improve them. Fund and grant has stopped 2% in disaster management
situations, because the rural organizations have not consulate and good community. We find what are these
troubles and we saw that the rural organizations have not got correct information and they do not know their
rights. They do not know how can use their power.

Especially there are many officers who have nominated for helping you. They can pull together and help you to
get correct information. Per so officers and you can save your time and no any economics problems. We will
conduct 19 Public Awareness Program all over Galle district. 25 members should participate from 25
organizations. Also we hope to conduct a Communicators Training Program for 95 communicators all over in 19

Guest Speech by National Irrigation Promotion Officer Mr. DasunWeerasingha

Coexistence and reconciliation are undermined. This clash is due to people being divided according to race, religion and
caste. After 30 years of war, peace is again at stake. We must work at village level to preserve peace. As a Government
Officer, we do our best to promote peace and reconciliation at village level through these programs. We should be
grateful for such programs being conducted at village level. I'm informing you of the Right to Information Act, OMP and
the officers appointed to do so.
Guest Speech by Mr. H.P.K Upul Kumara OIC of Imaduwa Police Station

Guest Speech by Social Service Officer Mr. BandulaAbeywikkramasingha

A large number of state officials have been appointed for this purpose. Their activities have been reduced because the
community is not getting their services. Further information can be obtained from the Divisional Secretariat. If you give
the attention for these officers they will active always on their duties.
Lecture by Mr. M.M.M. Sarfass

I begin the story of the life of Professor KaloFonseka. His character is humane. He has decided to give her death body to
medical faculty. It does not matter what religion or nationality the learners use. So we should imitate such people living in
society. I would like to speak about conflict. Many people don’t know how to solve conflict. We should identify the
problem and know how to solve it.

Transitional justice, thus creating OMP, was based on various changes during the war period. But the community is not
aware of this. So the community doesn't take advantage from this. If you have any problem about this you can get correct
information from Government Officers and NGOs.

Group work

 They learned lessons about session and did group activities for their needs

Group No : 01

 ගම්ල඼ ඇතිලන රඡෙය් ඉඩම් ආරවුල් වම්බන්ධල - රජඡය් ආයතනල඼ නි඼ධාරින් ඡලත ඡයොමු කිරිම.
 ොතින් අතර ඇතිලන අවමගිතාලය - සියළුම ොතින් අතර ඡමලැනි ලැඩමුළු පලත්ලා දැනුලත් කිරිමලවම්ල඼ට අදා඼ල
 ආගමික ව්ථාන ඉදිකිරිම් වම්බන්ධල ආරාවුල් - ලවම්ල඼ට අදා඼ල ආගමික ව්ථාන ඇති කරලිම ලැ඼ක්විම
 හීනමානය ආකල්ප ඇතිවිම - විවිධ භා඿ාලන් ඉඡගනිමට අලව්ථාල ඼බාදිම
-ඒම ආකල්පයන් ඇති ඡනොවිමට දැනුලත් කිරිම

Group No : 02


දේ඾පා඼නදෙදීම / ආගමසහජාතිලාදයකු඼ලාදය /අමතකකළයුතුසිේධින්ඉස්මතුකරදැක්වීම/ නුගත්කමවිරැකියාල/මත්ේ‍රව්‍යභාවිතය /



දේ඾පා඼කයන්ටගැතිදනොවිම/ සමානාත්මතාලය / අගයකිරිම/

ආගමපිළිෙදඅලදෙෝධය/මත්ේ‍රව්‍යභාවිතදයන්ලනහානියදැනුලත්කිරිම/ කටකථාවි඾්ලාසදනොකිරීම
Group No : 03

1. විවිධ අදශව් ඇති පුද්ග඼යින් අතඡේ තමාඡේ මතය ඉව්මතු කිරීමට ඡපෂබිම - අනුන්ඡේ අදශව් ල඼ට ගරු කිරීමට වමාජය හුරු
2. ගඡම් මට්ටමින් තලමත් පලතින කු඼ ඡේදය - කු඼ඡේදය යනු වමාජය තුලින් ප්රිතික්ඡ඿ේවප ක඼යුතු අංගයක් බල ඒත්තු ගැන්වීම
3. බහුතරයකඡේ අධ්යාමපනමට්ටම ප්ර ඾ව්ථ මට්ටමක ඡනොපැලතීම - අනිලාේය පාවල් අධ්යාකපනය ප්රඒතිපත්තියක් ඡ඼ව තදින් ක්රිාාය
4. තරුණ පරම්පරාල මත්පැන් දුම්ලැටි මත්ද්ර ව්යක ල඼ට ඇේබැහි වීම - තරුණ ඡපෂ මතින් ඡතොර වමාජයක් ඡලත ඡයොමු කිරීම
5. වමාජය තු඼ පලතින ඡද්඾පා඼න මත ගැටුම් - දිළිදුකම තුරන් කිරීම වදශා ව්ලයං රැකියා කිරීමට උත්වාශ කිරිම

Group No : 04

1. නිලැරදි ඡතොරතුරු ඡවොයා කටයුතු කිරිම

2. අදා඼ නිෂධාරින්ඡගන් උඡපදව් ඼බාගැනිම ශා පිළිපැදීම
3. වාකච්ො මාේගඡයන් විවදාගැනිම
4. වෑම ඡකනකු ඡකඡරහි වමානාත්මතාලඡයන් කටයුතු කිරිම
5. ලැඩිහිටි විසින් නිලැරදි අධ්යාඡාපනයට ඡයොමු වීම
දශම්පාවල් අධ්යාාිපනයට ඡයොමු වීම
6. ගම තු඼ මත්ද්රාව්යල පිළිබද දැනුලත් කිරීඡම් ලැඩවටශන් ක්රිවයාත්මක කිරීම
7. ගඡම් පලතින සියළු ඡදමෂ , සිංශෂ මුව්ලිම් පවුල් පිළිබද වශජීලනඡයන්
8. රජඡය් ඡමන්ම ඡපෞද්ගලික අං඾ඡය්
Vote of thanks by Mrs. AnulaDeegala

As for today, I think this was a great program that combined each person with their own thoughts and solves of problems
because of right information from right person in each area to each person’s problems. That’s the thing that we must
achieve and I hope that it can be cover at least in basement.


 Awareness on Public Officers assigned to the village

 Buildup good communication with community and government officials
 Got knowledge about OMP
 How to create OMP / Objectives of the OMP



Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 04th of September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue :Puwakwaththa Mosque , Nawinna, Galle

Process of this program

 Religion Observances
 Welcome Speech by Mrs.M.M. Nasmiya
 Explain program objectives byMrs. Anula Deegala
 Lecture by Mr. M.M.M. Sarfass
 Comments
 Vote of Thanks by Mrs. Anula Deegala
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and National

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

Opening Story : This program was brought to the area today upon request. There are many Muslims, Sinhalese and Tamils in
the area.

 Participants of CBOs

No Names of CBO
01 Women Society ,Uluwitike
02 ‘Maw’Samithiya
03 GoviSamithiya
04 CSC
05 SanasaSamithiya
07 KanthaBalaMandalaya
08 WathukaraSanwidanya
09 Caritas Sed , Galle
10 RTC
11 ‘ Maw ‘SenehasaSamithiya
12 Manawa HimikamMadyasthanya

 Government Participation

Name Designator
M.M.M. Sharfas Assistant Divisional Secretary
Mrs. NadeekaChathurani Grama Niladari

Male 01
Female 29
Total 30

Welcome Speech by Mrs.M.M. Nasmiya

Explain program objectives by Mrs. Anula Deegala (Project Coordinator)

First I would like to introduce you to Public Awareness Program as our project name. Our main purpose is creating Peace and
Reconciliation in your area. You have not good communication with each other. Also you have not a bond with each other.
There are many organization committee members have joined with us today. We try to aware community about
Reconciliation and Peace from you. And you should make a bond with others and preserve good community with others.

Also we inform you about Government Officers who have nominated for Social Service. Anyway we introduce you to new laws
and acts which have created by Government. You will aware on OMP and RTI after this program. Many people don’t know
what they are.

Lecture by Mr. M.M.M. Sarfass

Transitional justice, thus creating OMP, was based on various changes during the war period. But the community is not aware
of this. So the community doesn't take advantage from this. If you have any problem about this you can get correct
information from Government Officers and NGOs.

Group Activities

Group No : 1


 ඡනතාලදැනුලත්කිරිම
 සියල්඼න්දේඅදශව්විමසිම
 අන්ආගම්දකදරහිදැනුමක්඼බාගැනිම
 අන්අයටකන්දිම
 විද඾ේ඿දයන්ඡනතාලදැනුමක්඼බාදිමවශඅන්දනෝන්‍යවි඾්ලාවය
Group No: 2

 භා඿ාප්‍ර඾්ණ
 අනලදබෝධය
 මත්ේ‍රව්‍ය

1. විවදුම්
2. එක්භා඿ාලක්අදනක්ඡනතාලටඉදගනගැනීමටඅලව්ථාලවෂවාදිම
3. මත්ේ‍රව්‍ය - වමාඡයදැනුලත්කිරිම

Group Number 3

 භා඿ා දැනුම ලර්ධනය ක඼ යුතුය

 ව්ථානය කුමක්ද කියයා දැනගැනීමට
දැන්වීම් පුලරු දැමිය යුතුය
 පාරලල් ල඼ කුණු දැමීම නතර ක඼ යුතුය
 ඒ වදශා ප්රදතිචක්රියයකරන ලැඩවටශනක්
අල඾්ය ය දව්.
 කානු ල඼ ලතුර බැව යාමට වැ඼ැව්වීම වශා
ලැඩිදියුණු කිරීම
 ජාතින් අතර අනලදබෝධය ඇතිවීම
 ආකල්ප ලර්ධනය දනොවීම
Group Number 4

 අප ප්රaදේ඾දේ ගැටළු
1. අනලදබෝධය
2. ආකල්ප ලර්ධනය
3. භෘ඿ාමය ගැටළු
4. වංව්කෘතිමය දලනව්කම්
5. අවි඾්ලාවය
6. ඡිලන රටාල දලනව් වීම
7. අධ්යාරපන මට්ටදම් විවිධත්ලය
8. ඉඩම් ප්ර඾්ණ ශා ඡ඼ ගැටළු


 Insensitivity is the cause of problems in the people.

 Proper knowledge must be obtained before criticism.
 It is a great pride and privilege to be living together in all these races.
 One of the organizations created by the needs of the people is that these organizations should come together and
network and re-serve the public.

Vote of Thanks by Mr. Anula Deegala (Project Coordinator)

As for today, I think this was a great program that combined each person with their own thoughts and solves of problems
because of right information from right person in each area to each person’s problems. That’s the thing that we must
achieve and I hope that it can be cover at least in basement.
Case Studies

 Disobeying for some of different cultures and the religions.

 Causes the attitudes problems, as a example there were a problem that they thought that the participants were
according to a some kind of racism procedure.
 Reconciliation among the communities was not clear and doesn’t have a perfect idea about that too.



Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 05th of September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue :Sothern Fisheries Organaization, Dewinigoda , Rathgama

Process of this program

 Religion Observances
 Welcome Speech by Mr. Channa
 Explain program objectives byMs. WaruniAththanayake
 Guest Speech by Mr. Lalith
 Lecture by Mr. M.M.M. Sarfass
 Guest speech by Mrs. WruniDayas
 Comments
 Explain of upcoming programs and vote of thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake
 Vote of thanks by Mr. DulipRangajeewa
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and
National Government.

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 Participants of CBOs

No Name of CBO
01 Sinhala BoduParisaraPadanama
02 SahabagithwaSanwardanaPadanama
03 SahajiwanaPrajaMulaSanwidanaya
04 Govi Jana Sanwidanya
05 MaranadaraSamithiya
06 AnyonyadaraSamithiya
07 Parisaraya ha SamajasewaWenasakSadahaSamithiya
08 DakuneDeewaraSamithiya
09 DakuneKanthaHada
10 PrajaSanwardanaSamithiya

 Government participation

No Name Designator
01 K.N.D.W.R. Dayas Development Officer
02 T.S.L. De Silva Social Service Officer

Male 10
Female 21
Total 31

Welcome Speech by Mr. Channa (Sothern Fisheries Organization)

Explain Program Objectives by Ms. WaruniAththanayaka

First I would like to introduce you to Public Awareness Program as our project name. Our main purpose is creating
Peace and Reconciliation in your area. You have not good communication with each other. Also you have not a bond
with each other. There are many organization committee members have joined with us today. We try to aware
community about Reconciliation and Peace from you. And you should make a bond with others and preserve good
community with others.

Also we inform you about Government Officers who have nominated for Social Service. Anyway we introduce you to
new laws and acts which have created by Government. You will aware on OMP and RTI after this program. Many
people don’t know what they are. Now I warmly invite Mr. Cyril Pathiranage to conduct this program onward.

Guest Speech by Mr. Lalith( Social Service Officer )

Reconciliation is the very important title. It is very important for our country development. As a Government Officer
we have no enough time to join like this program. As the Explanation of this program I think this program is very
important for community. Also we should thank for Global Community and HELP-O.

Lecture by Mr. M.M.M. Sarfass

As long as we are multi-national, multi-religious and multi-party, it is difficult for us to coexist. It causes bee

What is the problem? -

1. Conflict is the spirit of victory
2. Differences between two or more people.
3. Disputes arise when trying to share resources or economically.

The inability to stand up is called conflict.

Conflict is a process of empowerment. These conflicts reduce the coexistence of conflict.

The 2010 LLRC Commission is to be appointed. The Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC)
was founded on international pressure. This is done to prevent conflict and create transitional justice. It is
divided into four parts. To build peace, the three points mentioned above or the three pillars need to be
strengthened. This is the Office of Missing Peoples (OMP) in Matara district. Other offices are located in
Mannar, Jaffna and Colombo. You will be notified to inform them of your own Friends’ and acquaintances’
disappearances and other information.
Guest speech by Mrs. WruniDayas

Explaining the Importance of the Project

Land issues are difficult to solve. Hope to solve everything. This program is very useful and I would like to say, this
program is available from all Grama Niladhari areas. They can share information. It is very important to participate in
such programs.


 Communities should be enriching with the knowledge about justice, reparation, and truth seeking related
problems in their daily routines.
 Enriched with OMP named Office of Missing People related problems, issues and so many confusing things
that caused of lack of knowledge.
 Even Southern Province people can now achieve the facilities from OMP and Damage Compliance Officelike
other provinces.

Vote of Thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake

As for today, I think this was a great program that combined each person with their own thoughts and solves of
problems because of right information from right person in each area to each person’s problems. That’s the thing
that we must achieve and I hope that it can be cover at least in basement.

Group works

 dD
Group Works

ජාතීන් අතර ගැටුම

01. දැනුලත් කිරිමහි ලැඩවටශන් ක්රිaයාත්මක කිරිම
 පාවැල් මට්ටමින්
 වමිති මටිටමින්
 ආගමික ව්තාන මට්ටමින් (පංව඼, පල්ලිය, යනාදි) ආගමික වන්හිඩියාල ගැන
දද඾නා පැලැත්විම
02. භා඾ාල පිඔලිබදල දැනුමිලත් කිරිම - දමි඼, සින්ශ඼, මුව්ලිම්
03. දමි඼ මුව්ලිමි සින්ශ඼ ජාතින් අතර නිරන්තරදයන් වම්බන්දතා තබා
04. ආගමට ගරකිරිම
05. ලතු ආ඾්රිරත ජිලත්ලන ජනතාල වමග වශදයොගදයන් කටයුතු කර
06. දමි඼ ආගමික උත්වල, මුව්ලිමි ආගමික උත්වල වශා සින්ශ඼
උත්ලවල ල඼දි වාමුහික ක්රිතයාකරකමි ල඼ට දයොමුකිරිම
07. එනමි රටක් තු඼ ඔනැම ප්රයදද඾යක ගැටුමි අලම කර ගැනිදමන් ජිලත්
08. රකි රක්඿ා, ඉඩම් අයිතිය නිඩශව පිලිබදල දපොදු වමිමුතින්
ක්රිවයාත්මක කිරිම.
09. කාන්තා අයිතින් පිලිබදල වමානල වැ඼කිම.
10. අලමංගල්්් යි කටයුතු ල඼දී ජාති දබද දනොවැ඼කිම.

කන්ඩායම 02
දගලල් දදකක් අතර පාරක ආරවු඼
1.පාර කපා ගැනීමට ගදමහි දකොටවක් විරුද්ද විම
2.දදපාර්඾ලයම ශමු වි දශොදින් කතා කර එය නිරවුල් කර දිම
3.පාර අල඾යය ඉඩදමන් දකොටවක් ඒ අයට ඼බාදිමට කටයුතු කරදීම
4.ගමහි ග්රා ම නි඼දාරිතුමිය ශමුවි දදපාර්඿ලයම දයොදන ප්රම඾්නය
නිරාකරනය දකොට වමනයකට පතකර අප විසින් පාර කපා දීමට
වශදයොගය ඼බාදීම.

Output of this program

 Importance of CBOs for community empowerment

 Got knowledge about OMP
 How to create OMP
 Objectives of the OMP



Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 05th of September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue :Divisional Secretariat Office Hall

Process of this program

 Religion Observances
 Welcome Speech by
 Explain program objectives byMrs. Anula Deegala
 Lecture by Mr. Cyril Pathiranage
 Comments
 Vote of Thanks by Mrs. Anula Deegala
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and
National Government.

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 Participants of CBOs

No Name of CBO
01 Sugathawansha Wadihiti Samithiya
02 Vidulaka Sahajeewana Samithiya
03 Women Society , Iriyagahamulla
04 Youth Society
05 Ariya Shakthi Women Society
06 Suhada Youth Society
07 Dinujaya Sahajeewana Sangamaya
08 Red Lions Youth Society
09 Isuru Oraganization
10 Jeshta Wadihiti Samithiya
11 Grama Sanwardana Samithiya
12 Women Society , Dodangahawila
13 Minuimuthu Maw Samithiya
14 Women Society , Hengoda

 Government Participation

No Name Designator
01 K.D.S. Ramyaka Foreign Empowerment Officer
02 H.G. Namal Chandana Project Manager
03 K.G. Ramyasiri Divisional Secretariat Office
04 P.I. Thennakon Divisional Secretariat Office
05 K.w. Thushara Divisional Secretariat Office

Male 11
Female 25
Total 36
Guest Speech by ( NationalIntegration Promotion Coordinating Officer )

Acknowledgment - I am very happy about representation of the civil societies that came to my invitation today. They
will be able to take advantage of the great knowledge you gain today and get involved in issues in your area.

Lecture by Mr. Cyril Pathiranage

Mr. Siril Pathiranage who was the resource person of this programme introduced different impacts and explained
definition. Explained about human rights, results of itself and effect of the lack of access in fundamental rights. Also
he said about accessing the GSP+ and faced in disgrace among the international. Explained problems and results
which faced Sri Lankan government, established new officers and usage of RTI. Also he talked that get started
transitional justices after problems during the war. Accordingly explained Truth seeking/ Justices/ Reparation/
Institutional reform and results of the cooperate reconciliation is created the OMP. And he said that OMP offices are
available in Colombo/ Jaffna/ Mannar and Matara and introduced the reconciliation. He said that details of the
amount of government officers that aimed on each village areas an their services. Also said that If you give the
attention for these officers they will active always on their duties.


 Communities should be enriching with the knowledge about justice, reparation, and truth seeking related
problems in their daily routines.
 Enriched with OMP named Office of Missing People related problems, issues and so many confusing things
that caused of lack of knowledge.
 Even Southern Province people can now achieve the facilities from OMP and Damage Compliance Officelike
other provinces.
Vote of Thanks by Mrs. Anula Deegala

As for today, I think this was a great program that combined each person with their own thoughts and solves of
problems because of right information from right person in each area to each person’s problems. That’s the thing
that we must achieve and I hope that it can be cover at least in basement.

Group work

ග්රා මීය අල඾්යdතා

1. අනනොන්යමය ය අතර වශජීලනය ආථිඋ කිරීම පිලිබදල දැනුලත්

කිරීම(ග්රීන්නේ සිටි කනතෝලික ගම්මානය පිලිබදල නනොදැනුලත්භාලය)
2. අන්යා්් ගමික සුශදතාලය ලර්ධනය කරීම වදශා අල඾්ය ය
ලැඩවටශන් ක්රි්් යාත්මක කිරීම (නලවක් උත්වල, නත්තල්, නෙරශැර
3. නල නීති පිලිබදල දැනුලත් කිරීනම් ලැඩවටශන් ප්ර඾නේ඾ය තුමා
ෙැලැත්වීම.(LLRC, OMP)
4. ආගමික නායකයින් වශා ආගම ල඼ට ගරු කිරීම පිලිබදල
ජනතාල දැනුලත් කිරීනම් ලැඩවටශන් ෙැලැත්වීම.
කණ්ඩායම 2

අෙනග් ගම් ප්ර2නේ඾ ල඼ගැටළු

1. අතුරුදශන් පුේග඼ නතොරතුරු ඼බාදීම

2. මරණ වශතික වශතික ඼බාගැනීම
3. උප්ෙැන්න වශතික
4. විලාශ වශතික
5. ජාතික ශැදුනුම් ෙත් ඼බාදීම
6. මන්ද නෙෝ඿ණ ගැටළු
7. ලැඩිහිටි දිමාඅ ඼බානනොදීනම් ගැටළු
8. අබාධිත පුේග඼ දිමනා
9. ප්රා්ිනේශීය වභාලලින් ඉටු නනොලන ගැටළු
10. නීති ආධාර ඼බා ගැනීම
11. මත්ේරධේයනය උලදුර මැඩලීම ගැන ගැටළු
12. නතොරතුරු මිංනකොල්඼කෑම් නවොයා බැලීම - සිවිල් ආරක්඿ාල, නෙොලිසිය
13. ොවල් ෂමුන්නග් ආරක්඿ාල
14. නතොරතුරු නනො඼බිමහි ගැටළු
15. කාව඼ - කුණු බැශැරකිරීම
16. විරැකියාල
17. ව්ලයන් රැකියා ඼බාදීම
18. නිලාව ගැටළු
19. ඉඩම් නනොමැතිවීම

කණ්ඩායම - 3

1. වශනයෝගීතා ශා විංහිදියාල පිලිබදල ලැඩවටශන් තලදුරටත් ේයා඼ප්ත

2. නීති වායන ෙැලැත්වීම
3. ලැඩිහිටි දීමනා ඼බාදීම
4. තරුන තරුනියින් වදශා වුර්ත්තිය පුහුණු ලැඩවටශන් ෙලත්වීම
5. සුදුසු පුේග඼යින් නවොයා බ඼ා වමුර්ේදී වශනාධාර ඼බාදීම
6. නීති විනරෝධී කටයුතු අලම කිරමට ක්රි්් යාශීලි සිවිල් ආරක්඿ක කමිටුලක්
කණ්ඩායම 4

1. ගනමහි සියලුම ආගම්ල඼ තරුණ තරුණියන් එකතු කරගනිමින්

ආගමික වන්හිධියාල පිලිබදල දැනුලත් කිරීම
2. ආගමික උත්ව්ලය ල඼ට අන්යාගමිකයන් එකතු කර ගැනීම
3. නයෞලන වමාජ වම්බන්ධ කර ගනිමින් පුහුනු ලැඩමුළු ෙැලැත්වීම
4. ක්රී ඩා උත්වල ෙැලැත්වීම
5. ආගමික අන්තලධින් ශදුනානගන පුනුරුත්තාෙනය කිරීමට බ඼ධාරීන්
දැනුලත් කිරීම.

Output of this program

 Those who are ignorant Transitional Justice have got a good idea about it.
 Good platform to the community to discuss social cohesion and reconciliation



Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 06th of September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue :Sri Wijayarama Temple , DakunuMagala

Process of this program

 Religion Observances
 Welcome Speech by Ms. WaruniAththanayaka
 Explain program objectives byMs. WaruniAththanayake
 Guest Speech by Mrs. WasanaPriyadarshani
 Lecture by Mr. Cyril Pathiranage
 Comments
 Vote of Thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and
National Government.

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 Participants of CBOs

No Names of CBOs
01 SubaSadakaSamithiya
02 SamurdiSamithiya
03 SamadiSubaSadakaSamithiya
04 WadihitiSamithiya
05 Awamangalyadara Samithiya
06 Youth organization

Male 05
Female 25
Total 30

Welcome Speech and Explain Program Objectives by Ms. WaruniAththanayaka

First I would like to introduce you to Public Awareness Program as our project name. Our main purpose is creating
Peace and Reconciliation in your area. You have not good communication with each other. Also you have not a bond
with each other. There are many organization committee members have joined with us today. We try to aware
community about Reconciliation and Peace from you. And you should make a bond with others and preserve good
community with others.

Also we inform you about Government Officers who have nominated for Social Service. Anyway we introduce you to
new laws and acts which have created by Government. You will aware on OMP and RTI after this program. Many
people don’t know what they are. Now I warmly invite Mr. Cyril Pathiranage to conduct this program onward.

Guest Speech by Mrs. WasanaPriyadarshani ( National Irrigation Promotion Coordinating Officer )

Reconciliation is the very important title. It is very important for our country development. As a Government Officer
we have no enough time to join like this program. As the Explanation of this program I think this program is very
important for community. Also we should thank for Global Community and HELP-O.
Lecture by Mr. Cyril Pathiranage

Mr. Siril Pathiranage who was the resource person of this programme introduced different impacts and explained
definition. Explained about human rights, results of itself and effect of the lack of access in fundamental rights. Also
he said about accessing the GSP+ and faced in disgrace among the international. Explained problems and results
which faced Sri Lankan government, established new officers and usage of RTI. Also he talked that get started
transitional justices after problems during the war. Accordingly explained Truth seeking/ Justices/ Reparation/
Institutional reform and results of the cooperate reconciliation is created the OMP. And he said that OMP offices are
available in Colombo/ Jaffna/ Mannar and Matara and introduced the reconciliation. He said that details of the
amount of government officers that aimed on each village areas and their services. Also said that If you give the
attention for these officers they will active always on their duties.


 People can now get more information about their needs such as GSP+ facilities.
 Communities should be enriching with the knowledge about justice, reparation, and truth seeking related
problems in their daily routines.
 Enriched with OMP named Office of Missing People related problems, issues and so many confusing things
that caused of lack of knowledge.
 Even Southern Province people can now achieve the facilities from OMP and Damage Compliance Officelike
other provinces.
Vote of Thanks by Ms. Waruni Aththanayake

As for today, I think this was a great program that combined each person with their own thoughts and solves of
problems because of right information from right person in each area to each person’s problems. That’s the thing
that we must achieve and I hope that it can be cover at least in basement.

Group works

කන්ඩායම 1

*මාර්ගයක් සමිබන්දල ඇති ව෕ ගැටලුලකට විසදුමි සසවීම.

1. ප්රිතමසයන් මාර්ගය සදපස සියලුම ඉඩම් හිමියන් ගැටලුල

සම්බන්දසයන් දැනුලත් කිරිම

2. මාර්ගය සදහා ලන ඉඩකඩ මැන ගැනීම

3. ඉඩම් හිමියන්ට තම ඉඩසමන් කැප කිරිමට ලන ඉඩම් තරම පිලිබදල

දැනුලත් කිරිම

4. එ සදහා අකමැත්ත ප඼කරන ඉඩමි හිමියන් සමග මාර්ගයක් සඩා

ගැනිම ඇයි ලැදගත්කම හා ඉන් අත් ලන ප්රනසයොජන සාකඡ්ඡා කිරිම

5. එසසත් සනොමැති වුලසහොත් නිතිමය පියලර ගැනිම

6. නිතිසයන් පියලර ඼බා දුන් පරිදි මාර්ගයහි ලැඩ කටයුතු ඇරබීම

කන්ඩායම 2

1. සපොලියට මුදල් දුන්

සකනා සහා සපොලිසිය
඼බාගත් සකනා හසු සලයි.
2. මුදල් ඼බාගත් සකනාසගන් මුදල් ඼බාගත් සහේතුල විමසිම
3. මුදල්ලලින් කරන කාර්ය්යන් කුමක්ද යන්න විමසීම
4. මුදල් ආපසු දීමට ප්රයමාද ව෕ කාරණය විමසීම
5. මුදල් ලාරික ක්ර මයට
එක එක මාස ල඼ සගවිම
සදහා දැනුලත් කිරීම

කන්ඩායම 3

1. අදා඼ ගැටලුල හදුනා ගැනීම

2. ගැටලුල ඇති පුද්ග඼යා හදුනා ගැනීම
3. ඉන් හින්සාලට පත්ලන පාර්඾ල පිලිබදල හදුනා ගැනීම
4. අදා඼ පාර්඾ල 02 සමග සලන සලනම සාක්ච්චා ක඼හ.
5. අපට ඼බාදිය හැකි කාරණා ඼ගාකරදීම
6. තාල දුරටත් උපසදස් ඼බාගත හැකි පුද්ග඼යින්ග් අලසානයද සයොකමුකර ගැනීම
7. ගැටලුල සහිත පුද්ග඼යා ඼බාදුන් උපසදස් අනුල පිලිගනීද නැද්ද යන්න සසොයා බැලීම
8. සපොලිසිය ලැනි ලග කිය යුතු පාර්඾ල හරහා පුනුරුත්තාපන මද්ය්ස්තාන ස඼ස සයොමු කිරීම

1. දුරකතන ඇමතුමක් ඼ැබුන කා විසින්දදුරකතන අංකය ඼ැබුසන කසසද

2. දුරකතන අංකය ඼ැබුසන සකසසද?
3. ඇමතුම කසර අද සහතුල යි.
සම පිලිබදල සසවීම
4. පවු඼හි 2නා සලන සලනම දැනුලත් වී තිබීම
5. ඔවුන් සග ඾ක්තිය පා඼නය කිරීමට උපසද඾් ඼බාදීම
6. අලලාද අනු඾ාසනා ඼බා දීම
7. බරපත඼ නම් ජාතිමය කාරනා සසොයා ගැනීම.

Output of this program

 Got knowledge how to solve conflict

 OMP is not only serve to the north but all parts of Sri Lanka.
 OMP is not only serve to the north but all parts of Sri Lanka.
ELPITIYA – DS Division



Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 06th of September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue : Divisional Secretariat Office Hall, Elpitiya

Process of this program

 Religion Observances -
 Welcome Speech byAmarajeewaGurusingha - Sarvodaya Divisional Officer
 Explain program objectivesby Mrs.Anula Deegala - Project Coordinator
 Lecture by Mr. Neranjan Liyange
 Comments
 Vote of Thanks by Mr.AmarajeewaGurusigha – Sarvodaya
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and
National Government.

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 Participants of CBOs

No Name of CBO
01 Grama sanwardanasamitiya – talgaspe
02 Yawwanasamajaya
03 Deshodayapradesiyamandalaya–Elpitiya
04 Sarodayasamitiya - ambana
05 Samurdhisamitiya – pituwala
06 Dayakasabawa – jayawardanarama - talgaspe
07 Supasanmithudama – narawalkatiya
08 Praja police kamituwa – alpitiya
09 Subasadakasamitiya
10 Wishramikayingesamitiya
11 Dahampasal guru sangamaya
12 Rakshanasamitiya

 Participants in Government

 Divitional secretary alpitiaya

 National integration promotion coordinating officer
 Social Service Officer

Male 10
Female 22
Total 25

Welcome Speech by Mr. AmarajeewaGurusinghe (Sarvodaya Divisional Officer )

As for today, It’ a great pleasure to organize this workshop

from ourself of Sarvodaya Provincial Office. With the all of
respects I appreciate your participation that collected with
so many organiations and foundations.

අද දින සර්වලෝදය ප්රාsවේශීය කාර්යා඼වයන් වමම ලැඩසටහන

සංවිධානය කරන්න ඼ැබීම ව඼ොකු භාග්ය ක්. අප ප්රයවේ඾වේ විවිධ
සංවිධානයන් එකතු කරවෙන වමම ලැඩසටහන අද දින පලත්ලන්නට
වයවදන්වන්. මා විසින් කරන ඼ද ආරාධනය පිළිවෙන වමහි පැමිණි ඔබ
සියලු පිළිෙනිමින් අද ලැඩසටහවනන් ෙන්නා හරයන් ප්රිවේ඾වේ
ලැඩකටයුතු ල඼ට භාවිතායට ෙන්නා ව඼ස ඉල්඼ා සිටිනලා.
Explain Program Objectives by Mrs. Anula Deegala (ProjectCoordinator)

 The main objective is to make aware of the central role of transitional justice through the existing
reconciliation mechanism of the government and to inform about the various enactments.
 To unite and organize civil organizations, facilitate the development process in the area, and work together to
work together rather than working alone.
 Governments can be held accountable because civil society is strengthened and then enrich them with

Guest Speech by Mr. S.K.W.S.Kumara (Divisional Secretary ,Elpitiya )

 Today we identified this as a very special program for the province. Voluntary organizations from today have
joined civic organizations and this is a timely program. It is because of the civil wars and the ethnic conflict
that erupted in our country in the recent past that a large number of affiliates, called the Ministry of Social
Integration, were created. And the United Nations’ organizations, such as these programs, we have never
seen, there is no reconciliation. However, there is no reconciliation. The civil authorities or the political
authorities do not publicly say this. There is no big co-existence in the annual religious festival. There is no
integration through it. In many ways, we have seen divided the family / village / country around 2003. Mr.
LalithDe Mel once came up with the idea that social harmony is important and that people should be mixed up
and settled in order to create a friendly marriage.
i. Make a special awareness to the younger generation as well as the elder generation.
i. The Muslim community in our area lives on the Tamil estate.
ii. Countries without multiple societies are few and far between. As a motherland, harmony is very important.
iii. This program is greatly appreciated. We must do these things to strengthen ourselves in the future. Today is a
very lucky day to socialize the knowledge we have acquired.
National Integrated Officer
We are implementing this program with the aim of establishing better reconciliation committees. We will extend our
full support in the future

Social Service Officer

The root causes of disappearance are political and social issues. I appreciate that these organizations are also involved
in injustices caused by injustice.

Lecture by Mr. Neranjan Liyanage

As long as we are multi-national, multi-religious and multi-party, it is difficult for us to coexist. It causes bee problems.

What is the problem? -

1. Conflict is the spirit of victory
2. Differences between two or more people.
3. Disputes arise when trying to share resources or economically.

The inability to stand up is called conflict.Conflict is a process of empowerment. These conflicts reduce the coexistence
of conflict.The 2010 LLRC Commission is to be appointed. The Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC)
was founded on international pressure. This is done to prevent conflict and create transitional justice. It is divided into
four parts. To build peace, the three points mentioned above or the three pillars need to be strengthened. This is the
Office of Missing Peoples (OMP) in Matara district. Other offices are located in Mannar, Jaffna and Colombo. You will
be notified to inform them of your own Friends’ and acquaintances’ disappearances and other information.
Group Activities

 Make a special awareness to the younger generation as well as the elder generation.
 The Muslim community in our area lives on the Tamil estate.
 Countries without multiple societies are few and far between. As a motherland, harmony is very important.
 This program is greatly appreciated. We must do these things to strengthen ourselves in the future.
 Today is a very lucky day to socialize the knowledge we have acquired.
Group Activities

Group 1

ගැටළු නිරාකරණය කරීම වදශා ඔඅබ් විසින් කරන ඼බන යයෝජනා

 ගැටුම් යනු,
බ඼ය ඼බා ගැනීම වදශා කරණ ඼බන ක්රිoයාලලිය යේ.
1. ගැටලුල ශදුනා ගැනීම
2. එකියනකායේ ප්රග඾්න ශදුනා ගැනීම
3. එකියනකායේ ප්රග඾්න ශදුනා ගැනීම
4. යදපාර්඾ලයේ අදශව් හුලමාරු කර ගැනීම
5. යපොදු එකගතාලකට පැමිණීම
6. ප්රුජාල ඒකරාශී කර දැනුලත් කිරීම
Group 2

ගැටුම් නිරාකරණය කරගැනම වදශා ඔබ විසින් යදනු ඼බන යයෝඡනා

 ගැටුම ඇතිවූ යශේතුල ශදුනා ගැනීම

 ගැටුයම් ඇති පැතිකඩ පිළිබද යවොයාබැලිම )ලාර්ගික යලනින් යශේතුලක්ද යන ලග/ආගමික (
 විරැද්ධ පාර්ශලයේ අදශව් ල඼ට වාධාරණල වලන්දිම/
 තම දුර්ල඼තා ශදුනා ගැනිම
 ඼රාඡය දරා ගැනිමට ශැකිවිම
 නීති අං඾ යකයරහි අලධානය යයොමු කිරිම
 සියළු යදනාට මමත්රිධය කරුණාල දැක්වීයම් ගුණංගය ප්ර ගුණ කිරිම
 අපක්඿පාති මැදිශත්විම
 තුන්ලන පාර්඾ලයක මැදිශත්විම අයප්ක්඿ා කිරිම
 යපොදු එකගතාලයකට පැමිණම)යදපාර්඾ලයටම එකග විය ශැකි(
 ව්ථීරවාර විවදුමකට මංයපත් එවවිම
Group 3

ගැටුම් නිරාකරණය වදශා ඇති යයෝඡනා

1. ඡනතාල දැනුලත් කිරිම

2. අන් මත ඉලසිම
3. මනා වලන්දිම
4. ආගම් දශමට ඡනතාාාල යයොමු කිරම
5. අන් අදශව් ල඼ට යයොමු කිරිම
6. ව්ථායනෝචිත ප්ර ඥාල
7. තම දුර්ල඼තා ශදුනා ගැනිම
8. ඡය පරාඡය වමල විද දරා ගැනිම
9. නීතිමය පියලර පිළිබද දැනුලත්ල සිටිමට පියලර ගැනිම
10. තීරණයක් ගැනීමට යපර යදලරක් සිතා බැලිම
11. එකමුතුල වශයයෝගයයන් ගැටළුලකට මුහුණදීම
12. වම්පත්දායකයින් වම්පත් ආයතන ලලින් ප්යර යාා් ඡන ඼බාගැනිම
13. ඡාතීන් අතර වමගිය ඇති ලන ආකාරයට කටයුතු කිරිම
14. සියළු අගම් ල඼ට ගරු කිරිම

Group 4
ගැටුම් නිරාකරණය කරගැනිම වදශා ගතයුතු ක්රි යාමාර්ග

1. වෑම පුද්ග඼යයකුටම ආගම භෘ඿ාල වමානල වැෂකිම ශා රුචි අරුචිකම් අධ්යගනය කිරිම / ඡාතිය /
2. වැම පුද්ග඼යයකුටම ගරු කිරිම
3. වැම පුද්ග඼යයකුයේම අදශව් වදශා වර්කිතයල වලන්දිම
4. යභෞතික වම්පත් වමානල යබදී යාමට වැෂැව්විම
5. පුද්ග඼යයකුට ඖනෑම ව්ථානයක ඡිලත්වීයම් අයිතිය ඼බාදිම
6. එක් එක් පුද්ග඼යා වතු වම්පත් ශා යද්ප඼ ආරක්඿ා කිරිමට කටයුතු කිරිම
7. පුද්ග඼යින්යේ ආකල්ප වංලර්ධනය කිරිම
8. සියළු ඡාතින් ශා ආගමිකයින් වාමූහිකල ඡිලත්විම
9. වාමය ශා වශඡිලනය ර්ගාකමිය ශා නාගරික ඡනතාල දැනුත් කිරිම


1. Community needs more awareness about information act and it should be delevered among all the people
2. Commuites didn’t get any benefits from the mechanism that launched by government and people must need
details of them.
3. Attitudes changing msut be distribute among all of the people and the reconcilliation must apply afte that.

Output of this program

1. Became aware how to made reconciliation in Sri Lanka

2. Got knowledge how to develop positive attitudes



Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 07th of September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue :TalangallaDiyashakthiAwamangaladaraSamithiShalawa

Process of this program

 Religion Observances
 Welcome Speech by Ms. WaruniAththanayaka
 Explain program objectives byMs. WaruniAththanayake
 Guest Speech by Dr. DayaniPanagoda
 Guest Speech by Mr. DammikaGamage
 Lecture by Mr. Cyril Pathiranage
 Guest Speech by Mrs. A. RohiniAbesinghe
 Comments
 Vote of Thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and National

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 Participants of CBOs

No Names of CBO
01 SujathaWadihitiSamithiya
02 WayominiWadihitiSamithiya
03 PragathiSubaSadakaSamithiya
04 Narmada VimukthiSiyaShakthiWadihitiSAmithiya
05 EkamuthuSansadaya
06 Grama SanwardanaWadihitiSamithiya
07 Kuda The WathSanwardanaSamithiya
08 YounSamithiya

 Government Participation

Name Designator
Mrs. A. RohiniAbesinghe Social Service Officer

Male 07
Female 23
Total 30

Welcome Speech and Explain Program Objectives by Ms. WaruniAththanayaka

First I would like to introduce you to Public Awareness Program as our project name. Our main purpose is creating Peace and
Reconciliation in your area. You have not good communication with each other. Also you have not a bond with each other.
There are many organization committee members have joined with us today. We try to aware community about
Reconciliation and Peace from you. And you should make a bond with others and preserve good community with others.

Also we inform you about Government Officers who have nominated for Social Service. Anyway we introduce you to new
laws and acts which have created by Government. You will aware on OMP and RTI after this program. Many people don’t
know what they are.
Guest Speech by Dr. DayaniPanagoda

Reconciliation is the very important title. It is very important for our country development. As a Government Officer we have
no enough time to join like this program. As the Explanation of this program I think this program is very important for
community. After this program you will aware about OMPand RTI act. Especially I should say OMP is not for Tamil people. It
service for all are in Sri Lanka. Also we should thank for Global Community and HELP-O.

Lecture by Mr. Cyril Pathiranage

Mr. Siril Pathiranage who was the resource person of this programme introduced different impacts and explained definition.
Explained about human rights, results of itself and effect of the lack of access in fundamental rights. Also he said about
accessing the GSP+ and faced in disgrace among the international. Explained problems and results which faced Sri Lankan
government, established new officers and usage of RTI. Also he talked that get started transitional justices after problems
during the war. Accordingly explained Truth seeking/ Justices/ Reparation/ Institutional reform and results of the cooperate
reconciliation is created the OMP. And he said that OMP offices are available in Colombo/ Jaffna/ Mannar and Matara and
introduced the reconciliation. He said that details of the amount of government officers that aimed on each village areas and
their services. Also said that If you give the attention for these officers they will active always on their duties.

Group 1

කණ්ඩායම් අංක 01

1. අදා඼ පාර්඾ලයන් අතර ගැටුම විවදීමටඅදා඼ල සුශද

වාකච්චා කිරීම

ගැටුම නිවා ඇතිලන අයශපත් ප්රගතිප඼ පිලිබඩ් උදාශරණ ඇසුරින්

පැශැදිලි කර දීම (පාර්඾ල දදකටම)

පවුල් විසිර යාම

දරුලන්දේ ජීවිදත්ට ඇතිලන බ඼පෑම

ආර්ථික ල඾දයන් ඇතිලන බ඼පෑම

වමාජදයන් දකොන්වීම

වමාජ දරෝග පැතිර යාම පිළිබද දැනුලත් කිරීම

2. ගරු කටයතු පුද්ග඼යින් අදා඼ පාර්඾ල දදක දයොමු

කරවීම (ආගමික නායකයින්/ලැඩිහිටියන්)
3. වාකච්චා මගින් විවදිය දනොශැකි නීතිමය පියලර
ගැනීමට කටයුතු කිරීම (උදා:ේරාිිමදවේලක /දපොලිසිය/ උවාවි
/වමාදාන විනි඾්යමකරුලන්
4. පවුල් අතර වශජීලනය ,අන්තර් වම්බන්ධතා ,ලඩා ලර්ධනය උදදවා විවිධ ලැඩමුළු දද්඾නා පැලැත්වීම වශ ඒ වදශා ප්රrජාල දයොමු
කරවීම (උදා : උපදද්඾න දවේලා )
5. කුඩා ක඼ පටන්ම දශම් අධ්යාඋපනය තුලින් යශපත් වමාජ ආකල්ප ලර්ධනය කිරීම

Group 2


ජ඼ මු඼ා඾්රඩ ශා ජ඼න඼ පද්ධතිය නඩත්තුලට මුදල් දයොදා ගැනීම

උදා: අපද්රජව්යයය බැශැර කරන්නන්දගන් දඩ මුද඼ක් නියම කිරීම

ඒ වදශා නඩත්තු භාරකරුදලකු පත් කිරීම

මාසිකල ජා඼ වමිතිය පිහිටුලමින් ඉදිරි ගැටළු විවදීම පියලර ගැනීම


 නි඾්චිත ව්ථානයක ජා඼ මු඼ා඾්රද පිහිටුවීම වදශා

අල඾්යි බට /ජ඼ය රැව්කිරීමට ටැංකියක්/ජා඼ කරාම වදශා අල඾්ය පිරිලැය

ඇව්තදම්න්තුගත කිරීම

එම මුද඼ වාමාජිකයින් අතර දබදා දීම

ජ඼න඼ පද්ධතිය වකව් කිරීම

එය නඩත්තුලට නි඾්චිත පටිපාටියක් වකව් කිරීම

නඩත්තු කමිටු පිහිටු වීම

මීටරයක් වවි කිරීම මගින් ගමට වාධාරණජා඼ ප්ර ලාශයක් වශ මුද඼ක් ඼බා
Group 3


ජ඼ය වම්බන්ධ

1. වනීපාරක්඿ක ගැටළු
2. ජා඼ පරිශරණදේ ගැටළු
3. ජා඼ ම෕඼ා඾්දර් නඩත්තු කිරිම වම්බන්ධ ගැටළු


 ගදම් වැම පවු඼ක්ම නිදයෝජනය පරිදි ජා඼ වමිතියක් පිහිටුලා ගැනීම

 ඒ තුලින් ඉශත ගැටළු පැශැදිලිල ශදුන්ලා දීම
 එම ගැටළු වදශා විවදුම් වමිති වාමාජිකයින්දගන් ශදුනා ගැනීම
 නි඾්චිත විවදුමක් ඼බා ගැනීමට නම් සියලු දදනාදේම වශදයෝගය අල඾්යම බල
දපන්ලා දීම

group 4 අපි වැම එකතු වී පරිවරය දු඿ණය ලන දෑ එකතු කර දගොඩ ගවමු

දැන්වීමක් දැන්වීමක් මගින් එදවේ දනොකිරීමට වමිති නි඼ධාරීන් ල඾දයන් දැනුම් දදමු

එදවේ දනොලන්දන් නම් ලග කිලයුතු නි඼ධාරීන්ට දැනුම් දදමු

එමගින් අපට දවේලයක් ලනු ඇතැයි අප බ඼ාදපොදරොත්තු දලමු


 People can now get more information about their needs such as GSP+ facilities.
 Communities should be enriching with the knowledge about justice, reparation, and truth seeking related problems
in their daily routines.
 Enriched with OMP named Office of Missing People related problems, issues and so many confusing things that
caused of lack of knowledge.
 Even Southern Province people can now achieve the facilities from OMP and Damage Compliance Officelike other

Vote of Thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake

As for today, I think this was a great program that combined each person with their own thoughts and solves of problems
because of right information from right person in each area to each person’s problems. That’s the thing that we must achieve
and I hope that it can be cover at least in basement.

Output of this program




Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 07th of September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue :Neluwa Police Station Conference Hall

Process of this program

 Religion Observances and Admonition

 Explain program objectives byMrs. AnulaDeegala
 Lecture by Mr. M.M.M. Sarfass
 Comments
 Vote of Thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and
National Government.

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 Participants of CBOs

No Name of CBO
01 DiriliyaGoviKanthaSamithiya
02 SupupuTharuGoviSanwidanaya
03 NeluwaWeladaSangamaya
04 Praja Police Kamituwa, Pannimulla
05 Praja Police Kamituwa, Pahala Gigummaduwa

 Government Participation

No Name Designator
01 B. Panawala OIC , Neluwa
02 B.G. LasunAmarajith National Integration Officer
03 D.P. Kumara Economic Development Officer
04 A.P.P. Liyanage Grama Niladari - Administration
05 M.M.M. Sharfas Assistant Divisional Secretary

Male 19
Female 16
Total 35

Welcome Speech and Admonition

The family, the village, the region, the province, country are no co-existence anywhere today. Recently, the religious
leadership intervened and made a concerted effort to preserve coexistence. It brought great fame to the country.The
university where the educated people of the country are born has become confused.One has to be aware of these
issues with maturity.

Welcome to Police Inspector Mr. Buddhika Janapath

The Government officials and Organization representatives are gratefully acknowledging the invitation of me who
was invited to this event today.This workshop is particularly valuable to me because I hope and understand that I will
not be able to understand and take action on my own.
Explain program objectives by Mrs. Anula Deegala ( Project Coordinator)

First I would like to introduce you to Public Awareness Program as our project name. Our main purpose is creating
Peace and Reconciliation in your area. You have not good communication with each other. Also you have not a bond
with each other. There are many organization committee members have joined with us today. We try to aware
community about Reconciliation and Peace from you. And you should make a bond with others and preserve good
community with others.

Also we inform you about Government Officers who have nominated for Social Service. Anyway we introduce you to
new laws and acts which have created by Government. You will aware on OMP and RTI after this program. Many
people don’t know what they are.

Lecture by Mr. M.M.M. Sarfass

I started all the programs these days about one characterNeluwa is a 100% Sinhalese Buddhist and Catholic
community.There are a large number of officials for rural administration.There are officers from birth to

For example:

Up to 5 years - Early Childhood Development Officer

Age between 5-14 years - Child Rights Promotion Officer / Child Care Officer

Counseling officers - This is a large number of officers. Social service officers and corporate officers have
been appointed. We have to work with all of them.

As community leaders, there is a need to be vigilant about society and its activities.There is a process that has
been initiated by the government these days. It is located in Matara. The level of awareness that these
institutions provide and take advantage of has not developed among the community. You should make the
best use of these things.


 Communities should be enriching with the knowledge about justice, reparation, and truth seeking related
problems in their daily routines.
 Enriched with OMP named Office of Missing People related problems, issues and so many confusing things
that caused of lack of knowledge.
 Even Southern Province people can now achieve the facilities from OMP and Damage Compliance Officelike
other provinces.
Group works

ජාතින් අතර ගැටුම


01. දැනුලත් කිරිමව් ලැඩවටශන් ක්රි යාත්මක කිරීම

*පාවල් මට්ටමින්

*වමිති මට්ටමින්

* ආගමික ව්ථාන මට්ටමින් (පන්ව඼, කකෝවි඼, පල්ලිකේ, ආගමික ව්ථාන

වමග කේ඾නා පැලැත්වීම)

2. භා඿ාල පිලිබදල දැනුම්ලත් කිරීම.

3. දමි඼ මුව්ලිම් සිංශ඼ ජාතින් අතර නිරන්තර වම්බන්ධතාලයන්


4. ආගමට ගරු කිරීම

5. ලතු ආ඾්රිකතල ජිලත් ලන ජනතාල වමග වශකයෝගකයන් කටයුතු කිරීම

6. වාමුහික ක්රියාකාරකම් - ඾්රශමධාන,ආගමික උත්වල, නත්තල්,

තතකප ිංගල් .

7.එකම රටක් තු඼ ඕනෑම ප්රයකේ඾යක ගැටුම් අලම කර ගැනීකමන් ජිලත්


8. රැකි රක්඿ා ඉඩම් අයිතිය ආගමික නිදශව පිලිබදල කප දු වම්මුතීන් ක්රිනයාත්මක කිරීම

9. කාන්තා අයිතීන් පිලිබදල වමානල වැ඼කීම

10. අලමිංගල්යන කටයුතු ල඼දි ජාති කබදා කන මැතිල වැ඼කීම.

කගලල් කදකක් අතර පාරක ආරවු඼ක්

1. පාර කපා ගනීමට ගකමහි කක ටවක් විකරෝධ වීම

2. කදපාර්තකම්න්තුල ශමුවී අප විසන් ශමුවී ගැටලුල නිරවුල් කිරීම

3. පාර අල඾යේ අිංගයක්, ඉඩමක් කක ටවක් ඼බාදී ඒ ආයතනයන් කමම

කාරණකේදී සුදුසු ලන ආකාරයට කටයුතු කිරීම.
4. ගකම් ග්රාකම නි඼ධාරි තුමිය ශමුවී කදපාර්඾ලයම ප්රම඾්න නිරාකරණය කක ට වමතයකට පත්කර අප විසන් පාර කපා දීමට
වශකයෝගය ඼බා දීම.

5. නඩු ල඼ට යන වියදම් දැරීම කා඼ය ඉතුරුවිම යනාදී කරුණු පශදා කදමින් අලකබෝදය ඼බා දීකම් කේ඾නා වශා ලැඩවටශන්

Output of this program

 Identification of National Intermigration Promotion Officer
 Gaining knowledge of civil rights
 Good platform to the community to discuss social cohesion and reconciliation



Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 09th of September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue :Divisional Secretariat Office Hall

Process of this program

 Religion Observances
 Welcome Speech by Ms. Waruni Aththanayaka
 Lecture by Mr. Neranjan Liyanage
 Comments
 Vote of Thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and
National Government.

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 Participants of CBOs

No Name of CBO
02 Sarvodhaya
03 Funaral Association
04 Samurdhi
05 Women’s Association
06 Subhasadaka Samithiya
07 Fisheries Association

 Government Participation

No Name Designator
Mrs. AKS Achini Udeshika National Interigation Promotion Cordiator
Mr. Madhanayaka Grama Niladari Adminstartion
Mrs. Thunaja Neranji Social Service Officer

Male 08
Female 25
Total 33

Welcome Speech and Explain Program Objectives by Ms. Waruni Aththanayaka

On behalf of the program to be held today, I congratulate the Divisional Secretary. Despite having a busy schedule, I
am happy to have partnered with you today to make the program a success. Awareness on peace and harmony which
is a timely need.

Lecture by Mr. Neranjan Liyanage

GALMUN's concept of conflict definition, reconciliation and reconciliation was introduced. Once you find
out what caused the conflict, you can fix the problem once you find the answer.Sharia Law, briefly
introduced, must be in accordance with the laws of the country.All these are important in reducing conflict to
make the Bible, the Greatest Song, and the Dhamma fit for life.

 Communities should be enriching with the knowledge about justice, reparation, and truth seeking related
problems in their daily routines.
 Enriched with OMP named Office of Missing People related problems, issues and so many confusing things
that caused of lack of knowledge.
 Even Southern Province people can now achieve the facilities from OMP and Damage Compliance Officelike
other provinces.

Vote of Thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake

As for today, I think this was a great program that combined each person with their own thoughts and solves of
problems because of right information from right person in each area to each person’s problems. That’s the thing
that we must achieve and I hope that it can be cover at least in basement.

Group work

කණ්ඩායම් 1

ප්රඩදේ඾දේ ගැටළු ඇති වීමට දශේතු,

1. මත්ේදේව්ය ය භාවිතය - වම ලයව් කණ්ඩායදම් නිසි

අධ්යායපනයක් දනොමැති වීම
2. වමාජ දරෝග - වංචාරක ව්යාතපරදේ බ඼පෑම
3. විකුේති මානසිකත්ලය - වමාජ ජා඼ ල඼ බ඼පෑම
4. වමාජ දුරාචාර - මානල හිමිකම් පිලිබදල අලදබෝධය
අලම වීම
5. ජනලාේගික ගැටුම් - වශජීලනය පිලිබදල දනොදැනුලත්
කණ්ඩායම් 2

1. ව්ලාමිපුරු඿යා බිරිද ශා දරුලන් අතර ගැටුම් ඇතිකරගැනීම

 දනොගැ඼දපන විලාශය
 නුගත්කම
 මත්පැන් භාවිතය
 බිරීද රැකියාලට යාම
 ආේථික ප්රය඾්න

නීතිමය පියලර - උපදේ඾න ශා පුනුරුත්තාපන

2. ඉඩම් මායිම් ගැටළු
 නිලරදිල ඉඩම් මායිම් දබදා දලන්ව්කර දනොගැනීම
3. නිලාව ල඼ට අනතුරුදායක ලන අයුරින් වි඾ා඼ ප්රඇමාණදේ ගව් සිටුවීම
4. අන්වතු ඉඩම්මැදින් පාරලල් වාදාගැනීම
5. අපවිත්රඉ ව෕ ජ඼ය අ අයදේ ඉඩම්ල඼ට මුදාශැරිම
නීතිමය පියලර
1. වමත මණ්ඩ඼ය මගින් විවදාගැනීම
2. අධිකරණ මාේගදයන් විවදාගැනීම

කණ්ඩායම 3


1. ත්රකව්තලාදය - පුේග඼ අලදබෝදය සිවිල් නීතිදේ

දනොදැනුලත්කම . අඩු ලයසින විලාශ වීම
විවදුම - උපදේ඾න දවේලා ඾ක්තිමත් කිරීම
2. ඉඩම් - ජන වාකච්ජාල භුමිය ලේධනය දනොවීම
නිරවුල් ඔප්පු දනොමැති වීම.
විවදුම් - ඉඩම් නීති පිලිබදල දැනුලත් කිරීම් ,ආකල්ප

3. දේ඾පා඼නය - මතලාද ඉලසීම දනොශැකි වීම

 පේමපරික අදශව්
 ප්රමති඼ාබ පිළිගනිම
 විවදුම - ආකල්ප ලේධනය
4. ෂමා අපචාර - දදමව්පියන්දේ දනොදැනුලත් කම,දදමව්පියන් රැකියාල඼ නියුතු වීම
 විදේ඾ ගතවීම්
 වමාජ ජා඼ භාවිතය
 රැකලරණය අහිමි වීම
 විවදුම් - නීතිමය දැනුලත්භාලය , උපදේ඾න දවේලා

Output of this program

 Became aware about how to face conflict and solve it

 Get know OMP is the government Office



Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 09thof September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue :Bodhigiri Hall Makumbura ,Yakkalamulla

Process of this program

 Religion Observances
 Welcome Speech by Mrs. Piyalatha
 Explain program objectives byMs. WaruniAththanayake
 Lecture by Mr. Cyril Pathiranage
 Comments
 Vote of Thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and
National Government.

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 Participants of CBOs

No Name of CBO
01 Gama EliyaMithuruSansadaya
02 PrajaShakthiSanwardanaSamithiya
03 GamunuGoviSanwidanya
04 SanasaSanwidanaya
05 WathuSewakaSangamaya
06 Grama SanwardanaSanwidanaya
07 Praja Police Kamituwa
08 PrajaShakthiSanwidanaya
09 TharunaSanwidanya
10 SamurudiSamithiay
11 Youth Organization
12 Sports Club

 Government participation

Name Designator
B.V. Priyadarshani National Integration Promotion Coordinator
T.S. Wellappili Social Service Officer

Male 11
Female 15
Total 26
Welcome Speech by Mrs. Piyalatha

Explain Program Objectives by Ms. WaruniAththanayaka

First I would like to introduce you to Public Awareness Program as our project name. Our main purpose is creating
Peace and Reconciliation in your area. You have not good communication with each other. Also you have not a bond
with each other. There are many organization committee members have joined with us today. We try to aware
community about Reconciliation and Peace from you. And you should make a bond with others and preserve good
community with others.

Also we inform you about Government Officers who have nominated for Social Service. Anyway we introduce you to
new laws and acts which have created by Government. You will aware on OMP and RTI after this program. Many
people don’t know what they are. Now I warmly invite Mr. Cyril Pathiranage to conduct this program onward.

Lecture by Mr. Cyril Pathiranage

Mr. Siril Pathiranage who was the resource person of this programme introduced different impacts and explained
definition. Explained about human rights, results of itself and effect of the lack of access in fundamental rights. Also
he said about accessing the GSP+ and faced in disgrace among the international. Explained problems and results
which faced Sri Lankan government, established new officers and usage of RTI. Also he talked that get started
transitional justices after problems during the war. Accordingly explained Truth seeking/ Justices/ Reparation/
Institutional reform and results of the cooperate reconciliation is created the OMP. And he said that OMP offices are
available in Colombo/ Jaffna/ Mannar and Matara and introduced the reconciliation. He said that details of the
amount of government officers that aimed on each village areas and their services. Also said that If you give the
attention for these officers they will active always on their duties.


 People can now get more information about their needs such as GSP+ facilities.
 Communities should be enriching with the knowledge about justice, reparation, and truth seeking related
problems in their daily routines.
 Enriched with OMP named Office of Missing People related problems, issues and so many confusing things
that caused of lack of knowledge.
 Even Southern Province people can now achieve the facilities from OMP and Damage Compliance Officelike
other provinces.
Vote of Thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake

As for today, I think this was a great program that combined each person with their own thoughts and solves of
problems because of right information from right person in each area to each person’s problems. That’s the thing
that we must achieve and I hope that it can be cover at least in basement.

Output of this program

 Got knowledge about OMP, Transitional Justice, laws and act in Sri Lanka
 Make a opportunity to learn Tamil language as a subject.



Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 10th of September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue :SinghaSena Hall Nagoda

Process of this program

 Religion Observances
 Welcome Speechand Explain program objectives by Ms. WaruniAththanayaka
 Lecture by Mr.HareshNiranjanLiyanage
 Comments
 Vote of Thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and
National Government.

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 Participants of CBOs

No Name f CBO
01 SarwodayaShramadanaSamithiya
02 SanasaSamithiya
03 Kuda The Sangamaya
04 SithamuSahanaKanthaGovi Jana Samithiya
05 MinimuthuSubaSadakaSamithiya
06 Sithamu Women Society
07 WathuSangamaya
08 GoviSanwidanaya
09 EkamuthuSubaSadakaSamithiya
10 GramaSanwardanaSamithiya
11 SubaSadakaSamithiya
12 IsuruSanwardanaSamithiya
13 WisimithuruSamithiya

Male 07
Female 22
Total 29

Welcome Speech and Explain Program Objectives by Ms. WaruniAththanayaka

First I would like to introduce you to Public Awareness Program as our project name. Our main purpose is creating
Peace and Reconciliation in your area. You have not good communication with each other. Also you have not a bond
with each other. There are many organization committee members have joined with us today. We try to aware
community about Reconciliation and Peace from you. And you should make a bond with others and preserve good
community with others.

Also we inform you about Government Officers who have nominated for Social Service. Anyway we introduce you to
new laws and acts which have created by Government. You will aware on OMP and RTI after this program. Many
people don’t know what they are. Now I warmly invite Mr. Cyril Pathiranage to conduct this program onward.
Lecture by Mr.HareshNiranjanLiyanage

Good morning, first of all, today's intervention is to bomb a big shopping center on a day like today. The best
examples of the breakdown of coexistence. Such initiatives affect the community at large. The community talked
about their importance to each other. They presented about strengthening the community. It said that once the
community is empowered, there will be huge benefits. Identified areas of conflicts happened and areas of conflict.
They talked about how to minimize conflict and the benefits it can bring. Conflict types were identified. Introducing
issues such as institutional problems and interpersonal conflicts, and international political conflicts and religious
conflicts, should ensure peace. ‘Peace is a journey’. This is something that is going to last and we need peace.

 Identifying Conflict Levels

1. Conflict within oneself

2. between two groups of conflicts
3. between teams

 Explaining ‘Unity is Strength Explain' Peace Keeping and Peace Building.

They talked about the attitudes of individuals.

 Explain of Reconciliation

Reconciliation is giving equal rights to all the people. Explain the importance of giving equal rights to all.

 Discussing Human Rights Explaining Human Rights.

i. Human rights are universally fair.

ii. Human rights cannot be divided.
iii. Human rights cannot be transferred.
iv. Human rights depend on each other.

 Introducing LLRC.

To address the aftermath of the war, the Human Rights Commission will address and explain transit justice.

1. Existing justice framework.

2. Justice related courts etc.

 Transitional justification and explained.

1. Truth
2. Justice
3. Complete
4. Establishment Reform
 This is a good introduction to corporate reform. Introducing the Benefits of the Office of the Missing

1. Introducing the Office of the Missing Person Introducing the

2. OMP Introduction How to contact it.
3. OMP Introduction How to contact it.

Group no 1

කණ්ඩායම් අංක 01

1. ඉඩම් වම්බන්ධ ගැටළු

2. ගංලතුර පිළීබද ගැටළු
3. මත්ද්ර ව්යට
පිළීබද ගැටළු
4. කවෂ බැශැර කිරීම පිළීබද ගැටළු
5. ලැඩි දියුණූ නනොකෂ පාරලල් පිළීබද ගැටළු
6. වී නගොවිතැන පිළීබද ගැටළු
7. ප්රගනද්඾නේ නවෞඛ්යැ පිළිබද ගැටළු
8. මශඡන ආධාර වම්බන්ධල
9. ආබාධිත පිළීබද පිළීබද ගැටළු
10. පානීය ඡ඼ය පිළීබද ගැටළු

නීති උපනදව්

01.ප්රා නද්ශිය නල්කම් මාර්ගනයන් විවදා ගැනීමට

02.සිවිල් ඉංචිනන්රැලන් මාර්ගනයන්

03.සිවිල් ආරක්඿න වශ නපොළිසිය මාර්ගනයන්

04.ප්රා඼ද්ශීය වභෘල මාර්ගනයන්

05. කෘෂිකර්ම උපනද්඾ක මාර්ගනයන්

06.ප඼ාත් වභෘ මාර්ගනයන් විවදුම් ඼බා ගැනීම

07.කෘෂිකර්ම උපනද්඾ක මාර්ගනයන් උපනදව්

08. ප්රා නද්ශිය නවෞඛ්නය නවේලා අධ්ය ක්඿ මාර්ගනයන්

09. ප්රානද්ශිය නල්කම් මාර්ගනයන්

10.වමාඡ නවිිලා නදපාර්තනම්න්තුල

11.ඡ඼ වම්පාදන ශා ඡ඼ා පලශන මණ්ඩ඼ය

Group no 02

01. මත්ද්රපව්යා භාවිතනයන් ලන ගැටළුි්

02. ඉඩම් ආරවුල්
03. විරැකියාල
04. ගලයන්නගන් ලගාලට ලන ශානි
05. ගංලතුර
06. කවෂ කෂමනාකරණය
07. නඩංගු ලවංගතය
08. පුරන් වු කුඹූරැ
09. දරැලන් පාව඼ට ඇතු඼ත් කිරීම
10. අයානල් යන සුනඛයින්නේ ගැලසීම
11. නගරනයන් ගමට නගනනන භයානක මත්ද්ර ව්ය
12. මංමාලත් පා඼ම් නනොමැති කම
13. නවෞඛ්යත තත්ලය පිළීබදල
14. ලදුරන් /රි඼ලා/දඩුනල්නා ඌරා ඉත්තෑලා යන
වතුන්නේ ශානි

අල඾්යග නීතිය

01. නපොලීසිය නියමාකාර නවේලාලන් ඼බාදීම

02. ප්රානවද්ශීය නල්කම් කාරයා඼නයන්
නිසියාකාර නතොරතුරැ඼බාදිය යුතුය
03. නල රැකියා මාර්ග බිහිකර දීම
04. නගොලාඡන නවේලාලන් ගම දැනුලත් කිරීම
05. ලාරිමාර්ග පද්ධති ඉදිකර නිසි නඩත්තු
කටයුතු සිදු කිරිම
06. පිටව්තර පුද්ග඼යින් රැනගන එන
කව඼දැමීම නතර කිරීම
07. නිනලව් හිමියන් දැනුලත් කිරිම කඩිනමින්
ක඼ යුතුය
08. අධික නපොනශොර /බිත්තර වී / උපනද්඾ණ
නවේලා /ආරක්ෂිත ලැට වැකසීමට අල඾්යර
නද් වශනාධෘර ඼බාදීම
09. ඉඩම් ඔප්පු නනොමැති කම (පදිංචිය
10. සුනඛයින් නබෝවීම ලැ඼ැක්වීම
11. ගමට ශදිසි නමනශයුමක්
12. ප්රාශ නද්ශිය වභාල දැනුලත් කිරීම ශා නම්
ගැන නවොයා බැලීම
13. ේරාශමීය නරෝශල් ල඼ ඖ඿ධ නනොමැතිකම
ශා වායන දිනල඼ ඇති ගැටළුකාරී තත්ලය
14. මර්ධණයට අල඾්යත පියලර ගැනිම
Group no 03

1. ඉඩම් පාරලල් ලතුර ගැටළු - ගංලතුර

2. නීතිය පිළිබද උපනදව් ගැනීම

නගොවිතැන් ප්රය඾්න

නවෞඛ්යැ ගැටළු

3.ලතු නිලාව වංකීර්නයන් ඇතිලන ගැටළු

ලැසිකිලි ලතුර ලැනි ප්රර඾්ණ

න඼ ඡ඼ය නනොමැත

4.උප්පැන් ශැදුණූම්පත් ඼බා ගැනීනම් අපශසුල

5.කව඼ බැශැර කිරීනම් අපශසුල

6.මශඡන ආධාර ඼ැබීනම් අපශසුල

නීතිය අල඾්යන ලන කරැණූ

ඉඩම් නබදා නලන්කර ගැනිමට

නගොවිඡන නවේලා උපනදව් පැතීම

නවෞඛ්යන උපනද්඾ණය

කව඼ ප්රව නද්ශීය වභානලන්

2/6 අංක 12 දරණ නතොරතුරැ දැන ගැනීනම් පනත අනුල

Group no 03

කණ්ඩායම් අංක 4

ගැටළු -

1. ඡ඼ ගැලීනමන් පීඩාලට පත්වීම

2. ඡනතාල දැනුලත් කිරීම
3. ඡීවිත නේරා ගැනීම
4. නවෞඛ්ය පයසුකම්
පානීය ඡ඼ය නනොමැතිවීම
වනීපාරක්඿ක පශසුකම් නනොමැතිවීම
ආශාර හිගවීම
නවෞඛ්යශ පශසුකම් නනොමැතිවීම
5. ලගා ශානි සිදුවීම
වී ලගාල
එෂලළු ලගාල
වත්ල නගොවිප඼ ල඼ට ශානිවීම
6. නිලාව ල඼ට ශානි සිදවීම
7. අත්යවල඾්යද ලියකියවිලි ල඼ට ශානි සිදුවීම
උප්පැන්න ශා මරණ වශතික
ඉඩයලශම් ඔප්පු
බැංකු නපොත්
ෂමුන්නේ නපොත් පත් පාවල් උපකරණ

නීති වායනයක් අල඾්යව ලන්නන් කුමක් වදශාද

1. අත්ේල඾්යප ලියකියවිලි ඼බා ගැනීම

2. ඡීවිත ශානි සිදු ව෕ විට ශානි ඼බා ගැනීම
3. නිලාව ශානි සිදුවු විට ආධෘර මුදල් ඼බා ගැනීම


 Communities should be enriching with the knowledge about justice, reparation, and truth seeking related
problems in their daily routines.
 Enriched with OMP named Office of Missing People related problems, issues and so many confusing things
that caused of lack of knowledge.
 Even Southern Province people can now achieve the facilities from OMP and Damage Compliance Officelike
other provinces.

Vote of Thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake

As for today, I think this was a great program that combined each person with their own thoughts and solves of
problems because of right information from right person in each area to each person’s problems. That’s the thing
that we must achieve and I hope that it can be cover at least in basement.

Output of this program

 Got knowledge about LLRC, RTI, OMP and what are the services of these offices
 Good platform to the community to discuss social cohesion and reconciliation



Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 10th of September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue : Divisional Secretariat Office Hall

Process of this program

 Welcome Speech by Mrs. Anusha

 Explain program objectives by Mrs. Anula Deegala
 Lecture by Mr. Anil Ranathunga
 Comments
 Vote of Thanks by Mrs. Anusha
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and
National Government.

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 Participants of CBOs

No Name of CBO
01 Wimukthi Kantha Sanwidanaya
02 Paramitha Kantha Samithiya
03 Amila Kantha Samithiya
04 Kantha Sanwidanya
05 Sawiya Kantha Sanwidanya
06 Dilena Tharu Youth Organization
07 Power Fandi
08 Sawira Padanama
09 Sri Jinrathna Nahimi Wadihiti Samithiya
10 Prawishta Kantha Samithiya
11 Sanasa Samithiya
12 Yahapath Ederanange Dewasthnaya

 Government Participation

No Name Designator
01 Mrs. Anusha Sudarshani Women's Development Officer
02 M.G.T. Sadamali National Integration Promotion Officer
03 D.A. Jayalath Social Service Officer
04 M.B.W. Chandasiri Grama Niladari
05 P.A. Champika Niranjali Samurdhi Officer

Male 09
Female 22
Total 31
Welcome Speech by Mrs. Anusha Sudarshani (Women's Development Officer )

There are Grama Niladhari Divisions in our Divisional Secretariat. These domains represent 25 of you. Motivation
programs are conducted today to correct the mistakes of the past and to strengthen the future plans of the future.
We welcome the invitation of our National Reconciliation Officer and are very welcomed by the representatives of
these organizations.

Explain program objectives by Mrs. Anula Deegala ( Project Coordinator )

First I would like to introduce you to Public Awareness Program as our project name. Our main purpose is creating
Peace and Reconciliation in your area. You have not good communication with each other. Also you have not a bond
with each other. There are many organization committee members have joined with us today. We try to aware
community about Reconciliation and Peace from you. And you should make a bond with others and preserve good
community with others.

Also we inform you about Government Officers who have nominated for Social Service. Anyway we introduce you to
new laws and acts which have created by Government. You will aware on OMP and RTI after this program. Many
people don’t know what they are.
Lecture by Mr. Anil Ranathunga

All these institutions are government institutions. These were established and commissioned by the government. The
benefits of this will be available not only to the North but also to the South as well as to Sri Lanka. The human rights
of the people have been violated. The knowledge gained today has helped to inform others. Also, people were
ignorant of where to ignore. You can find out about it today.
Group Work

Group No : 1

කණ්ඩායම 1

*උතුරුපිටිය 30/B ග්රෑම් සවේලා ලවම තු඼ රජය මගින් ඉදිකරනු ඼ැබූ ශ්‍රීම
඼ලි රාජපක්඿ ගම්මානය අවලින් සලන්කර ඇත.

මාර්ගය ඼බා සනොදිමට ප්‍රසශ඾ස බ඼පලිනන ගම්ලාීනන්ට එම පාර඼බා

දීමට බ඼ලතුන් ක්‍රියා රීරීම උඋව අවරණල සිටින ගම්ලාසිම්න්ට එම පාර
඼බා දීමට කටයු ටු කරීමට ඉල්඼ා සිටිමි.

ග්‍රාම න්඼ධාරි ප්‍රාසශශීය සල්කම් තුමා දිව්ත්‍රික් සල්කම් තම දැනුල කර

සමය ල්කබා ගැනීමට කටයුතු කරන ස඼ව ඉ඼ා සිටිමි.

සගොදාමුන අල්පිටිය දිසලන මාර්ගස සමඉට සපර ගමන් කර බව්රථය සම්

ලන විට නතර වී ඇත.සම් සශේතසලන් ගම ලාසි වශා පාවල් ෂමුන්
අපශසුලතාලයට ප වී ඇත.

ඉශ ගැටලුල වම්බන්ධල ශ්‍රී ඼මගම දැන්ල අකර වදශා අපට විවදුම්

අපට විවදුම් ඼බා සදන,සමන් ඉ8඼ා සිටිමි.

Group No : 2
ගැටළු අමක 2

ව්සලච්ච වන්විධාන් අල඼ට බැදීමට ඈින අකම ඇ ත

ලැඩි පිරිවක් සපොදු වමාජ කටයුතු ල඼ට වශබාගි සනොවීම

තාලකාලික බ඼පතර ල඼ට ඉව්ිනර ඉඩම් ඔප්පු සනොමැින වීම.

තරුණ පිරිව ම ද්‍රලයය ල඼ට ඇබ්බැහිය

සදලව්තන්මයට අව්ථානයත ජා඼ පශසුකම් සනොමැින වීම(උයාගම)

සබොසශොඉ පිරිවකසග් ආ කාර්තකාමි බල

ගමසන් පාරලල් සනොදියුණු කම

ගම ලතුර ජා඼ ගැලීම් නාය යාම් ව්ලභාවික විප

ග්‍රාමීය ය සරො9ශ඼ සනොදියුණු වීම

ග්‍රාමීය ය පාව඼ සනොදියුණු වීම

අධයාපඋක ත ලයරීන් පශත ත ලයරීන් යයි සිිනම

Group : 3

රැරීයා විරහිතබල

ඉඩම් ප්‍රශවන

අතුරුදශන් වීසම් ගටලු

රාජය ප්රිනපාදන ල඼ හිගය (ලැඩිහිටි දීමනා, වමුර්ධි වශනාධාර, වමාජ

සවේලා දීමනා)

අධයාපන ගැටළු

තරුන ප්‍රජාල ම ද්‍රලයයට ඇබ්බැහිවීම

පාඋය ජා඼ ගැටළු

මන්මාල ඉදිරීරීසම් ගැටළු

අබදිත පුශග඼යින්සග් ගැටළු

කව඼ ප්‍ර඾්න
අප-ද්‍රලයය බැශැර රීරිසම පප්‍ර඾්න

ඔබ සයෝජනා කරන ගැටළු

සශ඾පා඼න බ඼ය මත සුදුසු තැනැ තන්ට තැන නැිනල වීම

කුඩා ඉඩම් හිමි සදමාපියන්සග් දු දරුලන්ට ඉඩමක හිමිකාරි ලය සනො඼ැබීම.

සශ඾පා඼උක ඇත ගැීනම් උවා 1989 භී඿ණ අතුර්දශන් වීම - යුද ශමුදා සවේලස දී අතුරු දශන් වීම, උිනය උසි ස඼ව ඉටුකර දීම

වමුර්ධි වමාජ සවේලා ලැඩිහිටි ආබාදිත දීමනා සුදුව්වන්ට ඼බා දීම

පවු඼ තු඼ ආර්ථික ගැටළුවිවදීමට අ ලැ඼ක් වැපයීම

ම ද්‍රලය උලාරණයට සුදුසු උපසශ඾න ක්‍රියා වැපයීම, කුඩා ඉඩම් හිමියන්සග් ශදිසි මරණ මිහිදන් රීරීමට ඉඩකඩ ඼බා දීම.

ජ඼ය අපිරිසිදු වීමට කටයුතු සනොරීරීම.

Group No : 4

ලයව 70 ට ලැඩි වාමාජිකයින්ට මශජන ආධාර සනො඼ැබීම

උයාගම ප්‍රාසශශීය වභාලට අය වාම විශාරයට ඉයන් කා඼ස දී ජ඼ය


රැරීයා විරහිත බල

ව්ලයන් රැරීයා ල඼ ඉන්න යට වශන ඼බා දීම

රජස සරෝශසල් සබසශ හිග වීම

ෂමුන් ටියු඿න් ල඼ට සයොමු වීම

තරුණ ෂමුන් ම ශරලයය ල඼ට සගොදුරු වීම.


රජස පුදග඼යින් සම් වදශා ප වී සවොයා බැලීම

ජ඼ ලයාපිිනයක් ශදුන්ල දීම

ව්ලයන් ර්රීයා ශදුන්ලා දීම

අඩු සපොලි යටස නය දීම.

සබසශ ඼බා දීමට රජය දැනුල රීරීම.


 People can now get more information about their needs such as GSP+ facilities.
 Communities should be enriching with the knowledge about justice, reparation, and truth seeking related
problems in their daily routines.
 Enriched with OMP named Office of Missing People related problems, issues and so many confusing things
that caused of lack of knowledge.
 Even Southern Province people can now achieve the facilities from OMP and Damage Compliance Office like
other provinces.

Vote of Thanks by Mrs. Anusha (Women's Development Officer)

I hope all of you will take the lead in forming the Reconciliation Committees in the future, with the hope that these
25 trainees will travel today as a forerunner to the future. This program was very helpful in this regard.
Output of this program



Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 11th of September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue :Divisional Secretariat Office Hall

Process of this program

 Religion Observances
 Welcome Speech by Mr. K.T.D Keerthinath
 Explain program objectives byMrs. Anula Deegala
 Lecture by Mr. Anil Ranathunga
 Comments
 Vote of Thanks by Mr. B.A. Eranda Chandana
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and
National Government.

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 Participants of CBOs

No Names of CBO
01 Pathiraja Wadihiti Samithiya
02 Wishaka Wadihita Samithiya
03 Muslima Kantha Sanwidanya
04 Technical School , Balapitiya
05 Eksath Api Tharuna Sangamaya
06 One World Foundation
07 Sanasa Samithiya
08 Govijana Samithiya
09 Women Society, Karandeniya
10 Women Society , Balapitiya
11 Women Society ,Balapitiya

 Government Participation

No Name Designator
01 Mr. K.T.D Keerthinath Balapitiya Administration Officer
02 S.C.W. Gamage National Integration Promotion Officer
03 Mr. B.A. Eranda Chandana Social Service Officer
04 M. Fathima Samurdi Officer

Male 11
Female 22
Total 33

Welcome Speech by Mr. K.T.D Keerthinath (Balapitiya Administration Officer)

Actually, Divisional Secretariat was going for attend to this workshop but causing a situation he couldn’t get attend on
this so he named me who is administration officer of Balapitiya Divisional Secretariat Office for this program and I’m
glad to be here also. As you know I’m majoring in management side and as I think I don’t have much veteran
knowledge of National Integration subject. However if I say about government side that is our government’s policies,
objectives which is on goings are helps very much to develop the country development process.
Clarification of objectives by Mrs. Anula Deegala (Project Coordinator)

First I would like to introduce you to Public Awareness Program as our project name. Our main purpose is creating
Peace and Reconciliation in your area. You have not good communication with each other. Also you have not a bond
with each other. There are many organization committee members have joined with us today. We try to aware
community about Reconciliation and Peace from you. And you should make a bond with others and preserve good
community with others.

Also we inform you about Government Officers who have nominated for Social Service. Anyway we introduce you to
new laws and acts which have created by Government. You will aware on OMP and RTI after this program. Many
people don’t know what they are.

Lecture by Mr. Anil Ranathunga

All these institutions are government institutions. These were established and commissioned by the government. The
benefits of this will be available not only to the North but also to the South as well as to Sri Lanka.The human rights of
the people have been violated. The knowledge gained today has helped to inform others. Also, people were ignorant
of where to ignore. You can find out about it today.

 Government takes so many actions but we don’t know about them.

 Even Buddhist priest and other religious leaders had discussions on religious coexistence but each others are
angry and haven’t any clarification.
 Children in our areas have serious issues and haven’t taking any action on those.
 We don’t sure about politicians and their works
 Actually we didn’t know about OMP named Office of Missing People but today we enriched with knowledge
such as what it is do and how we work with them about it.
 It’s very pleasure to get together with organization unity.
 Got to know about reconciliation and clears all the confusing stuffs related to OMP.
 It’s a huge relief that there’re solutions for our problems.
Vote of Thanks by Mr. Eranda Chandana ( Social Service Officer )

Even today is a Wednesday and the importance of this work, we did this workshop by gathering all the people for the
wellness of communities and with that said this is as a workshop that beyond the daily duties.

Group works

1. මත්ද්රiව්යwය උලදුර
2. දිලිදු බල
3. නුගත්කම
4. වනීපාරක්඿ක ගැටළු
5. ඩ ෙංගු උලදුර


1. ලැ වටශන් දැනුලත් කිරීම

2. නිතිය නිසිඩ඼ව ක්රි්යාත්මක කරවීම (ප්රaතිකාර ශා පුනුරුත්තාපනය)

3. මශජන වශනාධාර ඼බාදීමට කටයුතු කරීම

4. වලයන් රැකියා, අඩු ඩපොලියට නය ඼බා දීම

5. දාන පතියන්ඩගන් ආධාර ඼බාගැනීමට කටයුතු කිරීම

6. අධ්යාතපන වදශා දැනුලත් කිරීම

7. ඩපරපාවල් අධ්යාවපනඩේ සිට ෂමුන්ට අධ්යාcපන උපකරණ ඼බාදීමට කටයුතු කිරීම

8. දශම් පාවල් අධ්යා්ාපනය දියුණු කිරීම

9. කාණු පද්ධති නිසිඩ඼ව පිළිවකර කිරීම

10. ඩමෝය කට පිරිසිදු කිරීම

11. තමන්ඩේ නිඩලව අලට පිරිසිදු කිරීම

12. ඩ ෙංගු මර්ධන ලැ වටශන් අධ්යරක්඿ණ නි඼ධාරින් මගින් ක්රිපයාත්මක කරවීම.

1. මත්ද්රෙංව්යලය
2. ඩ ෙංගු උලදුර
3. රැකියා ඩනොමැති ගැටළු
4. ඩවෞක්ය ය ගැටළු

ගැටලු වදශා පිළියම් ඩයෝජනා

1. දැනට මත්ද්රාව්ය ය උලදුරු ලැඩිහිටි ෂමුන් ඊට ඩයොමු වී ඇත. එය අද
වමාජඩේ වි඾ා඼ නැලතීමක් ඩව්. ඒ වදශා ෂමුන් මත්ද්රිව්ය ය පිලිබදල
දැනුලත් ක඼ යුතුය. ඔවුන්ට එහි අදිනලා පිලිබදල පැශැදිලි කර දීඩම්
ලැ මුළු පැලැත්වීම.
2. මුළු මශත් වමාජය උඩදවා ඩමම ගැටලුල පන නැගී ඇත. ඩම් වද්ගා
ඩ ෙංගු උලදුර ක්රිවයාලලිය මැ ලීම ට මිනිසුන් දැනුලත් කිරීම කිරීමට
ක්රි්යාමාර්ග ගැනීම.
3. රැකියා විරහිත කරුණ තරුණයින් ඩද්ශීය වශා විඩද්ශීය රැකියා
අලවථා ඼බාදීම ප්රා ඩද්ශීය මට්ටමින් ල඾ඩයන්ම් රැකියා අලවථා ඇති
4. මෙංමාලත් ගැටළු ඉදිකර ඇති මශා මාර්ග වදශා කානු පද්දති වකව කර
ඒලා නිසිපරිදි බැශැර කර නිසි පරිදි ද්ර්ලේයා බැශැර කිරීම පිරිසිදු කිරිම
5. ඩවෞක්යැ ගැටළු, මාධය වායන ෂමා වායන පැලැත්වීම. මශජන ඩවෞක්යනය නි඼ධාරින් දැනුලත් කිරීම. ඩම්
වදශා ප්රාරඩද්ශීය වභාල ශරශා ප්ර තිපාදන ඩලන්කිරීම . අඩරෝගය ඾ා඼ා ල඼ ඩබඩශත් හිඅේයිට කඩිනම් විවදුම්
඼බා දීම.

Output of this program

 Became aware about OMP after this program
 Although there are people who have gone missing, they are yet know today the action to be taken.
Got knowledge today.



Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 09thof September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue : Sanasa Hall, Batapola Road

Process of this program

 Remembrance of Religions
 Welcome Speech by Ms. Waruni Aththanayake
 Clarification of Objectives by Ms. Waruni Aththanayake
 Lecture by Mr. Liyanage
 Comments
 Vote of thanks by Ms. Waruni Aththanayaka
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and National

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 Participants of CBOs

No Names of CBO
01 Praja Shakthi Sanwidanaya , Batapola
02 Sanasa Samithiya
03 Praja Shakthi Sanwidanaya , Iriyagahadola
04 Grama Sanwardana Samithiya , Kahatapitiya
05 Gramiya Samithiya , pollawa
06 Gramiya Samitiya , Delgahabadda
07 Gramiya Sanwidanaya , Lewduwa
08 Praja Shakthi Sanwidanya , Galpoththawala
09 Gramiya Sanwidanaya , Bataduwa
10 Gramiya Sanwidanaya , Pollauwa

 Government participation

Name Designator
G.A. Udaya Kumara Social Service Officer
G.N. Jayarathna Grama Niladari

Male 03
Female 26
Total 29

Welcome Speech and Clarification of Objectives by Ms. Waruni Aththanayake

First I would like to introduce you to Public Awareness Program as our project name. Our main purpose is creating Peace
and Reconciliation in your area. You have not good communication with each other. Also you have not a bond with each
other. There are many organization committee members have joined with us today. We try to aware community about
Reconciliation and Peace from you. And you should make a bond with others and preserve good community with others.

Also we inform you about Government Officers who have nominated for Social Service. Anyway we introduce you to
new laws and acts which have created by Government. You will aware on OMP and RTI after this program. Many people
don’t know what they are.
Lecture by Mr. Liyanage

First of all, today's intervention is to bomb a big shopping center on a day like today. The best examples of the
breakdown of coexistence. Such initiatives affect the community at large.
The community talked about their importance to each other. They presented about strengthening the community. It
said that once the community is empowered, there will be huge benefits.
Identified areas of conflicts happened and areas of conflict. They talked about how to minimize conflict and the benefits
it can bring.
Conflict types were identified. Introducing issues such as institutional problems and interpersonal conflicts, and
international political conflicts and religious conflicts, should ensure peace.
‘Peace is a journey’. This is something that is going to last and we need peace.

 Identifying Conflict Levels

1. Conflictwithin oneself
2. between two groups of conflicts
3. between teams

 Explaining ‘Unity is Strength Explain'Peace Keeping and Peace Building.

They talked about the attitudes of individuals.

 Explain of Reconciliation
Reconciliation is giving equal rights to all the people. Explain the importance of giving equal rights to all.

 Discussing Human Rights Explaining Human Rights.

Human rights are universally fair.
Human rights cannot be divided.
Human rights cannot be transferred.
Human rights depend on each other.

 Introducing the LLRC.

To address the aftermath of the war, the Human Rights Commission will address and explain transit justice.
1. Existing justice framework.
2. Justice related courts etc.

 Transitional justification and explained.

1. Truth
2. Justice
3. Complete
4. Establishment Reform
 This is a good introduction to corporate reform. Introducing the Benefits of the Office of the Missing
1. Introducing the Office of the Missing Person Introducing the
2. OMP Introduction How to contact it.
3. OMPIntroduction How to contact it.
Guest Speech by Mr. G.A. Udayarathna (Social Service Officer)

Then we'll get what we need. Children do not participate in youth clubs. Children today do not participate in such group
 Explaining the Importance of the Project.
Land issues are difficult to solve. Hope to solve everything. This program is very useful and I would like to say, this
program is available from all Grama Niladhari areas. They can share information. It is very important to participate in
such programs.


 People can now get more information about their needs such as GSP+ facilities.
 Communities should be enriching with the knowledge about justice, reparation, and truth seeking related
problems in their daily routines.
 Enriched with OMP named Office of Missing People related problems, issues and so many confusing things that
caused of lack of knowledge.
 Even Southern Province people can now achieve the facilities from OMP and Damage Compliance Office like
other provinces.
Group Works

අම්බ඼න්ග ොඩ
1. මගේ ගම් පලතින ැටුම / ැටලුල
 ඉඩම් ැටළු
 මංමාලත් ප්ර තිසංස්කරණය
 රැකියා විරහිතභාලය
 නිලාස ැටළු
 ජ඼ය සහ විදුලිය සැපයුම්
 සමුර්ධි සහනාධාර ඼බාදීම
 මත්ද්රිව්ය නිසා ඇතිලන ැටුම්
 ක්රී්් ඩා සමාජයන්ට අල඾්යඇ උපකාර ඼බා ැනීම
මගේ මට අල඾්යස නීති සායන
 අවුරුදු 16 ටලැඩි තරුණ පිරිස දැනුලත් කිරීම
 ම්ලලින් මත්ද්රාලය තුරන් කිරීම
 නිගලස් ලලින් බැහැර කරන අපද්රතව්යු දැමීම සදහා ගකොම්ගපෝස්ට් බදුන ඼බා දීම
 ගඩංගු උලදුර මැඩීලිම සදහා දැනුලත් කිරීම
 ස්ලයං රැකියා සදහා දැනුම සහ අල඾්ය උපකරණ ඼බාදීම

2 මගේ ගම් පලතින ැටුම / ැටලුල

 පදංචි ඉඩමට ඔප්පු ගනොතිබීම
 තරුණ පිරිස් මත්ද්රනව්ය/ ල඼ට අබබැහි වීම
 අඩු ලයස් විලාහ
 තරුණ තරුණයින්ට රැකියා ගනොමැති වීම
 ගනොගයක් සමිති සමා ම් බිහිවීම (ලැඩි ගපොලියට )
 කාන්තාලන් විගද්඾ තවීම
 මාර් ගදපස නිසියාකාර කණු පද්දති ගනොමැති වීම
 ජා඼ ැටළු
මගේ මට අල඾්ය නීති සායන
 ඉඩම් පිළිබද නීති
 විලාහ ගනොව෕ අයට ලිපි ගේකන සැකසීගම් නීති
 දඩ මුදේ ග ලා ැනීමට ගනොහැකි වුලන්ට නීති ආධාර
 මත්ද්ර඼ව්යනල඼ට ග ොදුරු වුලන් මුදලා ැනීමට නීති
 කාන්තා හා ළමා අපචාර ල඼ට ඇති නීති

3. මගේ ගම් පලතින ැටුම ැටලුල

 මාර් සංලර්ධනය ගනොමැතිකම
 ජා඼ පහසුකම් ගනොමැතිකම
 ප්ර ලාහන පහසුකම් ගනොමැතිකම
 ප්ර ජා ඾ා඼ාලක් ගනොමැතිකම
 වලද්යහ සයනයක් ගනොමැතිකම (අක්ෂිම)
 කලි කස඼ හරියාකාරල බැහැර කිරීමට තැනක් ගනොමැතිකම
 මර ල඼ ගසොරසතුරු ල඼ක්ලා ැනීම
 පාසේ හැරගිය ළමුන්ට නිසි රැකියාලක් ගනොමැතිකම
මගේ මට අල඾්ය නීති සායන
 ඉඩම් නිරවුේ ඔප්පු ගනොමැතිකම
 බා඼ලයස් විලාහ ල඼ක්ලා ැනීමට අල඾්ය් උපගදස්
 තරුණ ළමුන් මත්ද්ර්ව්යඅ ල඼ට ග ොදුරුවීම
4. මගේ ගම් පලතින ැටුම ැටලුල
 මත්ද්රsලය නිසා තරුන පරපුර ඇබ්බැහිවීම
 සති සමිති නිසා පවුේ ආරවුේ (කඩාලැටීම )
 විරැකියාල
 කුඩා ළමුන් අපගයෝජනයට ඼ක්වීම
 පාරලේ අලුත්ලැඩියා ගනොකිරීම
 කස඼ තැන තැන දැමීම ලැ඼ැක්වීම
 පානය ජ඼ය ගනොමැති වීම
 ඉඩම් ඔප්පු ගනොමැති වීම
 ගඩංගු මර්ධනය
මගේ මට අල඾්යධ නීති සායන
 ගසෞඛ්යල සායන
 ගතොරතුරු දැන ැනීගම් ලැඩමුළු
 සිවිේ නිතිය පිළිබද ලැඩමුළු
 ඉඩම් නිරවුේ කර ැනීගම් නීතිමය උපගදස්

Vote of thanks

As for today, I think this was a great program that combined each person with their own thoughts and solves of
problems because of right information from right person in each area to each person’s problems. That’s the thing that
we must achieve and I hope that it can be cover at least in basement.A description of upcoming programs and a thank
you note.Ms. Kanthi and the Batapola Community and Social Services Officer, GM Jayaratne contributed immensely to
the Global Communities and HELP - O organization.Mr. Haresh Niranjan Liyanage - Thanks to the resource person and all
those presents.



Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 12th of September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue : Divisional Secretary Office, Weliwitiya Divithura

Process of this program

 Welcome Speech by Social service Officer

 Explain program objectives by Mrs. Anula Deegala
 Guest Speech by Divisional Assistant Secretary
 Lecture by Mr. Anil Ranathunga
 Group work
 Comments
 Vote of thanks by Mrs.Anula Deegala
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.

 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and
National Government.

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 Participants of CBOs

Name of CBO
01 DahamPasal Guru Sangamaya
02 Lama Samajaya , Ampegama
03 Lama SAmajaya , Thanabadddegama
04 Grama SanwardanaSamithiya
05 SaranaWadihitiSamithiya , 197, Agaliya
06 ShakthiWadihitiSamithiya , Ethkandura
07 SugathapalaSubaSadakaSamithiya
08 Women Society
09 PeraPasal Guru Sangamaya
10 Divithura Tea Estate

 Participants in Government

No Name Designator
01 M.B.J.G. Malcam Assistant Divisional Secretary
02 C.S. Guruge Development Officer
03 R.M.G.A. Rathnayaka Social Service Officer
04 E.H.T. Udayangani Wanitha Development Officer
05 D.L. Sanath Development Officer
06 G.V. Mahinda Development Officer

Male 16

Female 20
Total 36

Welcome Speech by Social Service Officer Mr.

Explain Program Objectives by Mrs. AnulaDeegala( Project Coordinator )

Welcome everybody to this Public Awareness Program and also thanks. Continuity of the areal hasn't
cooperation and development. So we hope to improve them. Fund and grant has stopped 2% in disaster
management situations, because the rural organizations have not consulate and good community. We find what
are these troubles and we saw that the rural organizations have not got correct information and they do not know
their rights. They do not know how can use their power.

Especially there are many officers who have nominated for helping you. They can pull together and help you to
get correct information. Per so officers and you can save your time and no any economics problems. Community
has not positive thinking about reorganization mechanism. Also they have not good knowledge about laws and
acts in Sri Lanka. So we hope to display a poster at Divisional Secretary Office and Grama Niladari Office. So
you can get information from it. We hope to train 95 Peace care guards and during this program we will find
information about missing persons in your area.

Guest Speech by Assistant Divisional Secretary Mr. MBJG Malcom

There are many committee members have participated to this program representing their organizations. So I
would like to warmly invite you all to this Public Awareness Program. The main reason to decrease
reconciliation is conflicts which were in previous time. Wise the Central Bank Report, Economy was getting bad
situation at that period. Development in our country has stopped, because this situation. There are 99.9% Sinhala
people live in our area. There are several Tamil and Catholic families. We should get together and face to these
situations very well. If you have any misunderstanding, you will eliminate those after this program.
Lecture by Mr. Anil Ranathunga

All these institutions are government institutions. These were established and commissioned by the
government. The benefits of this will be available not only to the North but also to the South as well as to Sri
Lanka. The human rights of the people have been violated. The knowledge gained today has helped to inform
others. Also, people were ignorant of where to ignore. You can find out about it today

Group Work
Group Number 1


1. මත්ද්රmව්ය2 වශා මත්කුඩු

2. තරුණ යශමගට ගැනීම
3. ජනතාව් දැනුලත් කිරීම අඩු බල
4. ලත් නිලාව ල඼ සිටින පාවල් යන ලයසවේ ෂමයි පාවල් සනොයලා කම්කරු
සවේලසේ සයදවීම
5. විස඾ේ඿ අල඾්ය඼තා තිදරුලන් පිලිබදල අලධානය සයොමු කිරම
6. තාක්඿නය අලභාවිතය
7. විස඾ේ඿ අල඾්යාතා ඇති ලදහිටියන්සේ ගැටළු


1. නිතිය මගින් වාධාරණ විවදුමක් සනො඼ැබීම

2. තරුණයින් නි8කරුසන තැන තැන ගැලසීම නැලත්වීම, ඔවුන්ල ලෘත්තිය
පුහුණු මධ්යණව්ථානයකට සයදවීමට කටයුතු කිරීම
3. සිවිල් වංවිධාන ලැඩිදියුණු කිරීම
4. ලතු ලැඩිහිටියන් දැනුලත් කි9රිම මගින් විවදුම් ල඼ට සයොමුකිරිම
5. ඔවුන් දැනුලත් කර තාක්඿ණික පුහුණුල ඼බා දීම
6. තාක්඿ණික උකරන අලභාතිසයන් ලන ශානිය පිලිබදල දැනුලත් කිරීම
7. ඔවුන්ට ඇතිලන ගැටළු පිලිබදල ලැඩි අලදානයක් සයොමු කිරීම

Group Number2

1. න්තාලන් විසද්඾ ගත වීම

2. මත්ද්ර්ව්ය ය භාවිතය
3. ඉඩම් අයිතිය තශවුරු වීම
4. කාන්තා හිංවනය ශා ෂමා අපචාර ලැඩිවීම
5. ජාතින් අතර එකමුතු වීසම් ලැඩවටශන් සනොමති වීම
6. රැකියා සනොමැති තරුණ ජනගශනය ලැඩිවීම
7. ලැඩිදුර අධ්යා පනයට සයොමු සනොවීම


1. ව්ලයන් රැකියා ල඼ට කාන්තාලන් සයොමු කිරීම, විසද්඾ ගත වීසම් ආධිනලා

ගැන දැනුලත් කිරීම
2. මත්ද්රරව්යටය සබදා ශරින්නන්ට නිතිය ක්රිලයාත්මක කිරීම වශා ජංගම සපොලිව්
වංචාර ක්රි්් යාත්මක කිරීම
3. සිවිල් නිතිය පිලිබදල දැනුලත් කිරීසම් ලැඩවටශන්
4. සදමව්පියන් දැනුලත් කිරීම වශා ලැඩිහිටියන් ෂමා අපචාර පිලිබදල දැනුලත්
5. විවිධ වමිති වශා වංවිධාන පිහිටුවීම
6. ව්ලයන් රැකියා වදශා සයොමු කිරීම වශා විවිධ කර්මාන්ත වදශා සයොමු කිරම
7. අධ්යා්් පනික පශසුකම් ලැඩිකිරීම
Group Number – 3 1. නීති විසරෝධී මත්ද්ර ව්යැය භාවිතය ලැඩි වීම
විවදුම්- අදා඼ ආයතන ක්රි්් යාත්මක වී මර්ධනය කිරීම

2. ද්රිවිඩ ෂමුන් සලනුසලන්උප්පැන්න වශතික සනොමැති වීම

විවදුම් - සම්ලා ඼බා දිම වදශා අදා඼ ආයතපිලිබදල වශා ඼බා ගම්නිමට
ක්රදමසව්දය ශදුන්ලා වීම
3. ක්රිමලත් වශා අක්රදමලත් මුල්යදය ආයතන පිලිබදල දැනුලත් කිරීම
විවදුම් - සමම ක්රශමසයන් විස඾ේ඿සයන් කාන්තාලන් දැනුලත් කර අත්
කිරීම(සපොකුරු නය ක්ර්මය), වශා ව්ලයං රැකියා ල඼ට සයොමු කිරීම
4. ඉරිදා දින ල඼ උපකාරක පන්ති නිවා දශම් පාවලින් ෂමයින් අත්වීම
විවදුම් - ඒ අනුල නීතිසයන් ක්රි යාත්මක විය යුතුල
5. අඩු ලයව් විලාශ
විවදුම් - නීත්යා නුකූ඼ල නතර කිරීම


1. ප්ර සද්඾ය පුරා පලතින මත් කුඩු වශා නීති විසරෝධී මත පැන් උලදුර
Group Number – 4 සීේරමසයන් පැතිරීම
2. ශැදුනුම් පත් සනොමැති ජනතාලක් විසීම
3. සබෝ සනොලන සරෝගීන් ලැඩි වීම
4. පාවල් සනොයන දරුලන්සේ ලැඩිවීම
5. පුරන් ව෕ කුබුරු පැලතීම
6. අවුරුදු 18ට ලැඩි තරුණ වංඛ්යා ල ලැඩි වීම ( රැකියා විරහිත
7. රියදුරු බ඼පත්රු ඼බා ගම්නිමටත් ලයව වම්පුර්න සනොව෕ දරුලන්
සබොසශොමයක් හිව්ලැසුම් සනොමැතිල අධික සව්ගසයන් යතුරු පැදි භාවිතා
8. අයාසල් යන පිව්සු බල්඼න් වශා ගලයන් ගශනය ලැඩි වීම
9. රජසේ සනොලන ක්ෂුද්ර඼ මුල්ේය ආයතන ල඼ට ශසු වීසමන් දුප්පත් ජනතාල
තල තලත් ආගාදයට පත්වීම
10. අක්රතමලත් සල්අව් කාලුඉ කව඼ බැශැර කිරම


1. උලදුරට සගොදුරු වුලන් පුන්බුරුත්තමනය කිරම වශ සද්඾නා මගින් දනුලත්

කිරීම වශා ජංගම සවේලාලන් පැලැත්වීම
2. වලද්යමය වායන පැලැත්වීම
3. අක්ෂි වායන
4. සදපමව්පියන් දැනුලත් කර පාවල් සලත සයොමු කිරීම
5. රැකියාලන් වදශා සයොමු සනොව෕ තරුණ ප්රයජාලන් දායක කර ගනිමින් කටයුතු
සිදුකිරීමට මුල් වීම
6. ලෘත්තිය පුහුණුමධ්ය ව්ථානයන් ව්ථාපිත කිරීම
7. සනොඅක්දාල නිතිය ක්රි යාත්මක කරමින් දඩ මුදල් පැනවීම
8. වතුන් රැදවුම් ව්ථාන ව්තාපිත් කිරීම
9. උඅප්සද඾ංඅ සවේලා මගින් එම කුට ව්යා පාර මදලිඅමට ජනතාල සපඅ඼බවිම
10. දුටු තැන එලන් පුද්ග඼යින් ශට දඩුලම් පැනවීම

 Government takes so many actions but we don’t know about them.

 Even Buddhist priest and other religious leaders had discussions on religious coexistence but each
others are angry and haven’t any clarification.
 Children in our areas have serious issues and haven’t taking any action on those.
 We don’t sure about politicians and their works
 Actually we didn’t know about OMP named Office of Missing People but today we enriched with
knowledge such as what it is do and how we work with them about it.
 It’s very pleasure to get together with organization unity.
 Got to know about reconciliation and clears all the confusing stuffs related to OMP.
 It’s a huge relief that there’re solutions for our problems.

Vote of thanks by Mrs. Anula Deegala (Project Coordinator)

As for today, I think this was a great program that combined each person with their own thoughts and solves
of problems because of right information from right person in each area to each person’s problems. That’s
the thing that we must achieve and I hope that it can be cover at least in basement.

Case studies

1. The three family members were disappeared without having clear information and lack of awareness
about legal procedures about these subjects the appealed case was dismissed too, now have not any
clarification about future procedures.
2. People were aware about the missing people’s related legal procedures after participating to this
3. Under the social service officers’ guidance andinformation gathered from the workshop; the disabled
persons’ fundamental rights and other religion problems between different religions.



Public Awareness Program in Galle District

Date : 12th of September 2019

Time : 9.00 am – 2.00 pm

Venue :Sof Hall , Elpitiya Road, Bentara

Process of this program

 Religion Observances
 Welcome Speech and Explain program objectives by Mr. Dammika Gamage
 Lecture by Mr. Haresh Niranjan Liyanage
 Guest speech by Mrs. K.A.D. Deepani Priyadarshani
 Comments
 Vote of Thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake
 Output of this program

Goals of Public Awareness Program

 Create Social Cohesion and Reconciliation in Galle district.

 Develop positive thinking on Social Symbiosis and Reorganization among the community.
 Make opportunities to present community ideas about Reconciliation and Social Cooperation.
 Make skills and empower to discuss Social Symbiosis, Reorganization, Administrative Establishment and
National Government.

Future plans of this program

 Make Public Awareness Programs all over in Galle District.

 Make Peace safety Training Programs in Galle District.
 Make Art competition for youth and school children giving a title on Peace.
 Make a Awareness Program on Law.

 Participants of CBOs

No Name of CBO
02 Kasibunna Society
03 Bodinagoda Suhada Ekamuthuwa
04 Shakthi Wadihiti Samithiya , Habaththala
05 Wadihiti Samithiya , Haburugala
06 Sarana Wadihiti Samithiya
07 Samagi Wadihiti Samithiya
08 Sudarma Wadihiti Samithiya
09 Maithri Wadihiti Samithiya
10 Basha Kamituwa
11 Suba Sadaka Samithiya , Angagoda
12 Upasthayaka Wadihiti Samithiya
13 Kantha Gewathu Samithiya
14 Kantha Govi Sanwiadanaya
15 Govi Samithiya , Akadegoda
16 Grama Sanwardana Samithiya , Thunduwa
17 Civil Arakshaka Balakaya
18 Wishaka Wadihiti Samithiya
19 Wadihiti Samithiya , Uragaha
20 Shakthi Wadihiti Samithiya , Sinharajagama
21 Shakthi Wadihiti Samithiya , Benthota

 Government Participation

No Name Designator
01 H.L. Nilanthi Development Officer
02 K.A.D. Deepani Priyadarshani Social Service Officer
03 C.R. Hewawithrana Social Service Officer
04 M.T. Inoka Development Officer
05 M. Wasntha Lal Grama Niladari

Male 08
Female 24
Total 32
Welcome Speech and Explain Program Objectives by Mr. Dammika Gamage

First I would like to introduce you to Public Awareness Program as our project name. Our main purpose is creating
Peace and Reconciliation in your area. You have not good communication with each other. Also you have not a bond
with each other. There are many organization committee members have joined with us today. We try to aware
community about Reconciliation and Peace from you. And you should make a bond with others and preserve good
community with others.

Also we inform you about Government Officers who have nominated for Social Service. Anyway we introduce you to
new laws and acts which have created by Government. You will aware on OMP and RTI after this program. Many
people don’t know what they are.

Lecture by Mr. Haresh Niranjan Liyanage

Good morning, first of all, today's intervention is to bomb a big shopping center on a day like today. The best
examples of the breakdown of coexistence. Such initiatives affect the community at large. The community talked
about their importance to each other. They presented about strengthening the community. It said that once the
community is empowered, there will be huge benefits. Identified areas of conflicts happened and areas of conflict.
They talked about how to minimize conflict and the benefits it can bring. Conflict types were identified. Introducing
issues such as institutional problems and interpersonal conflicts, and international political conflicts and religious
conflicts, should ensure peace. ‘Peace is a journey’. This is something that is going to last and we need peace.

 Identifying Conflict Levels

1. Conflict within oneself

2. between two groups of conflicts
3. between teams

 Explaining ‘Unity is Strength Explain' Peace Keeping and Peace Building.

They talked about the attitudes of individuals.

 Explain of Reconciliation

Reconciliation is giving equal rights to all the people. Explain the importance of giving equal rights to all.

 Discussing Human Rights Explaining Human Rights.

i. Human rights are universally fair.

ii. Human rights cannot be divided.
iii. Human rights cannot be transferred.
iv. Human rights depend on each other.
 Introducing LLRC.

To address the aftermath of the war, the Human Rights Commission will address and explain transit justice.

1. Existing justice framework.

2. Justice related courts etc.

 Transitional justification and explained.

1. Truth
2. Justice
3. Complete
4. Establishment Reform

 This is a good introduction to corporate reform. Introducing the Benefits of the Office of the Missing

1. Introducing the Office of the Missing Person Introducing the

2. OMP Introduction How to contact it.
3. OMP Introduction How to contact it.

Guest speech by Mrs. K.A.D. Deepani Priyadarshani ( Social Service Officer )

I have adherence about the community who live in this area. It is very important to talk about common conflicts. Also
we should thank to Global Community and HELP-O to organizing program like this.

 People can now get more information about their needs such as GSP+ facilities.
 Communities should be enriching with the knowledge about justice, reparation, and truth seeking related
problems in their daily routines.
 Enriched with OMP named Office of Missing People related problems, issues and so many confusing things
that caused of lack of knowledge.
 Even Southern Province people can now achieve the facilities from OMP and Damage Compliance Officelike
other provinces.
Vote of Thanks by Ms. WaruniAththanayake

As for today, I think this was a great program that combined each person with their own thoughts and solves of
problems because of right information from right person in each area to each person’s problems. That’s the thing
that we must achieve and I hope that it can be cover at least in basement.

Group activities

Output of this program

1. Awareness on Human Rights and identification definition of conflict

2. Both parties got knowledge of OMP.
3. How to create OMP
4. Objectives of the OMP
Curriculum Vitae of Resource Persons
Curriculum Vitae (CV)

 Full name :Mohamed Mukthar Mohamed Sharfas
 Date of birth : 16th February 1981
 Mailing address : [email protected]
 Residential address :No. ¾, Donald JeanzMawatha, Bataganwila, Galle
 Mobile telephone number : 0716673747
 Landline telephone number : office:-0914944805
 Email address :[email protected]

1. Conducting capacity development programs for resource persons.

 Have train 350 CBO and NGO members.

 Identify the training needs of above officers through the gap assessment or formatted application
 Design the training programmes according to needs and select the proper resource persons.
 Prepare a training time schedule for whole year with matching above details and conduct the training

2. Career guidance program.

1. Conduct awareness programme of career guidance to students, school leavers, youth clubs and other
identified groups.
2. Collect the information private and semi government institutions regarding human resource needs.
3. Conduct the job fairs according to above information.

Name and address of Degree obtained Study period Final Average Medium of
institution (Master and from- to grade scores e.g. instruction e.g.
Bachelor only) obtained 80% English/Sinhalese
University Of Colombo Master in English
Development Studies
Sri Lanka Institute of B.Sc in Information December,2005 2.307 Not English
Information Technology, Technology to May, 2009 Applicable
Colombo 03.
Station Rd,
Gintota, Galle.
[email protected]

To be a conspicuous, self-developing, successful & challenging employee to improve and use
my skills, knowledge and get experience. A highly motivated individual with the ability to work
well in both independently and in a team. Willingness to go beyond the scope of the work at the
hand to get job done by giving my fullest contribution to achieve organizational goals.

Name in Full :- NareshNiranjanLiyanage
Name with initials :- N.N. Liyanage
Sex :- Male
Civil Status :- Married
Date of Birth :- 03.07.1963
NIC No :- 631850707v
Nationality :- Sri Lankan

Free Lance Consultant Cum Trainer - From 2008 to date
Working Field – Capacity Building and Institutional Management
 I possess expertise in the capacity building and organizational and institutional
Management with implementation of positive strategies that are required to enhance
efficiency and productivity.
 I have served in the capacities of consultancy Team Member, Team Leader, Assistant
Trainer and Trainer.
 I was instrumental for the capacities to achieve the set and desired objectives in quality
manner and on the other hand they were able to minimize the wasting and other
 They also were able to introduce and implement systems and controls in human and
financial management aspects in their organizations.
 I have assisted with the institution in change management process that were required by
them to enhance the quality of products and the output of the employees which involved
with greater of legal inputs.

Researches, Studies and Need Assessments

Having attendant the major activities as briefly explained above the following researches,
studies, need assessment and evaluation were carried out the past 15 years. Some of the activities
among them were study of poverty reduction strategies, researches of community participation
for development planning, feasibility studies for finishing community development, studies of
resources management and need assessment had been don for INGOs as well as local NGOs.

Consultant – from December 2018 to date

Training of Trainer Currently working as a consultant of GramaShakthi Movement
specially in the field of micro finance, social -mobilization and
village development plan –Presidential secretariat

Project Facilitate/
Chief Trainer - from May 2009 to March 2014
Resources Development and Management Institute – Kotapola
Project Manager - from January 2007 to November 2008
JathikaShakthiSamuhikaya (JSS) at Angunakolapelassa
Handled the community development project funded by Mercy
Corp international and implemented by JathikaShakthiSamuhikaya
Project Manager - from January 2005 to December2006
Sahana Benevolent and Voluntary youth Organization-Galle
Project Coordinator - from March 2003 to October 2004
Sri ChnadarathnaPadanama at Sewanagala
Project Facilitator - from 2000 to 2003
National Preschool Development Foundation – Kalutara
Project Facilitator - from June 1995 to May 2000
Sahana Benevolent and Voluntary youth Organization-Galle
Sales Representative - from October 1992 to August 1994
Richard Peries Motor Company Ltd – Colombo
General Clerk - from December 1988 to August 1989
King Fahd Armed Forces Hospital (Medical Records Department)
Clerk/Courier - from September 1984 to December 1988
King Fahd Armed Forces Hospital (Accounts Department) KSA

While working as a freelance consultant I dedicated my services in 2015 to Tangale

multipurpose society Ltd at Tangalle as the chief trainer. My responsibilities at there were
enhancing the coop. Rural Bank Division and motivate the overall staff of banking system as
well as the clients of the bank and the members of the coop society.

I’ve rendered my services as a trainers at Entrepreneurship Development Coop. Society’s Bank

in 2016 at Middeniya. I was responsible for motivate and mobilize the Bank Managers and other
staffs. The banking process had been revised and it was made as the customer friendly service.

I worked with the cover foundation an internationally funded local NGO rendering its services to
school children, children in special needs and poor families in Galle and Matara Districts
throughout the year 2017. I was responsible for conduct awareness workshop for parents,
implement leadership training workshops, and operate some studies and researches to make
strategic development plans by using participatory methods.


Passed the G.C.E. (O/L) in 1977

Passed the G.C.E. (A/L) in Commerce Stream in 1981

BA Degree – University of Peradeniya. AFE/91/3878(reading)

Certificate in English – Bandaranaike Centre for international Studies (BCIS) – July 2011 to

December 2011

Reading for Certificate in General Law conducted by Dr. Mrs Padma Subasinghe memorial Law

study programme– 2019


 Sri Lanka Medical Council – Provisional License Holder No. R-012137

 Certificate in Basic Hotel Management – National Apprentice Board
 Certificate in Entrepreneurship Development Programme –UNDP/ILO Project
 Certificate course in counselling - The Kamloops Tangalle Friendship committee
 Leadership and personality development programme - Training to Trainers Programme –
mercy corps and JSS
 Certificate in conflict Transformation and Peace Building– CHA Institute – March to
September 2009
 Social mobilization and village Development Plan - Training to Trainers Programme –
mercy corps and JSS
 Diploma in conflict Transformation and Peace Building – CHA Institute – January 2010
to December 2010
 Community intervention on Human Rights and Democracy Train the Trainer Programme
(Level 01) – 24th August 2017 - Ministry of National integration Reconciliation and
Official Language
 Community intervention on Gender Justice GBV Prevention Train the
TrainnerProgramme(Level 01) – 25th August 2017 -Ministry of National integration
Reconciliation and Official Language
 Civil Society empowerment (Level 2) 19th June 2018 - Ministry of National integration
Reconciliation and Official Language - Training to TrainersProgramme
 Civil Society empowerment (Level 2) 24th July 2018 - Ministry of National integration
Reconciliation and Official Language–Training of TrainersProgramme
 Certificate course in drug counseling 07thJuly to 18th August 2018 - Ministry of Public
Administration Management and Law and Order (NDDCB)
 Community intervention on capacity development (Level 1) -
TrainingtoTrainersProgramme – 29 August 2018
1. Rev. K. Chandawimalathero
Executive Director
Sahana Benevolent and Voluntary youth Organization
9/6, I.B.C,

2. Mr. M.B. Rohana

Extra cover Foundation
60B, Colombo Rd,
T.P: 071 8729604

I do here by certify that the particulars furnished by me in the curriculum vitae are true and
accurate to the best of my knowledge.


Date :- 2019.05.03
Opita Pathiranage Cyril
Address - No 146,Sri Priyarathna Mawatha,Bope,Galle | [email protected]

Full name -Opita Pathiranage Cyril.

Age - 64 years
Address - No 146,Sri Priyarathna Mawatha,Bope,Galle.
Contact No - 0776924020
Email - [email protected]
Educational Qualifications -Passed the G.C.E (A/L)

The Chairperson ot the Manawa Shakthi Padanama.

Further Qualifications

1 Former Instructor -Saviya Devolopment Foundation

2.Former Project coordinator -(IMADR) International movement for all forms of
discriminations.WDP Project
3.Provincial coordinator of.Human Development Organization ,Kandy.
4,Provincial coordinator ,Institute of Social Development (ISD)
5. District coordinator of Center for Policy Alternatives.(CPA)

6.Have 10 year experience as a Resources Person for the

Power Sharing
Constitution Reforms
Minority Rights
Human Rights
Transitional Justice
Truth and Reconciliation
Right to Information.

Cyril Pathiranage.
CURRICULUM 68/1E, Mahamudalli Mawatha, Galle
[email protected]
(+94) 912233745

A Honest, Self-motivated, hard working person striving to perform

up to the best in all areas of work, adapting and overcoming
upcoming challenges. A good team player willing to corporate with others.

DOB: 30th JUNE 1963

University of Peradeniya 1988 -1992
 The Elderly
 People With Completed Degree Program in Bachelor of Art (Horns)
Learning And 1998 - 1999
Physical Institute of Psychological
 Young Offenders Successfully Completed Course Of Counseling
 People With Mental
Health Conditions
 School Non
 Drug And Alcohol
Abusers  Trainer of Community Base Rehabilitation
 The Homeless  Trainer of Social Development Programmes
 Coordination of the Civil Organization and other Rural
Development Activities in A.G.A. Divisions on Galle district


 25 years on Social Service Officer


 Present Job : District Social Service Officer

 Official Address : “Ekamuthu Piyasa”, District Secretariat
Office, Galle.


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