Torts Consolidation # 1
Torts Consolidation # 1
Torts Consolidation # 1
1. W/N the cause of action of the respondents is
founded upon Art. 103 of the RPC - NO
● the petitioner's motion to dismiss lacks merit as the
respondents' claim was not founded upon RPC Art.
103; in fact, the respondents did not even try to
aver the basic elements of subsidiary liability under
said provision
● although not explicitly stated, it is clear from their
allegations that the respondents' remedy of choice
was quasi-delict
○ victims of negligence or their heirs have a
choice between an action to enforce the
civil liability arising from culpa criminal
under Art. 100 of the RPC, and an action
for quasi-delict (culpa aquiliana) under Art.
2176 to 2194 of CC
○ If, like in the present case, the action
chosen is for quasi-delict, the plaintiff may
hold the employer liable for the negligent
act of its employee (subject to the
employer's defense of exercise of the
diligence of a good father)
○ Under Art. 2180 of the CC, the liability of
the employer is direct/immediate and is
not conditioned upon a prior recourse
against an employeee
● In the present case, the respondents sufficiently
alleged that the death of their son was caused by
the negligence of the petitioners' driver and that
the petitioners themselves were civilly laible for
failing to exercise the necessary diligence in
selecting and supervising their driver
○ the court is constrained to conclude that
the action filed by the respondents is one