(1999) Alvarado-Rodríguez, Halevi, Sanchéz-Mondragón
(1999) Alvarado-Rodríguez, Halevi, Sanchéz-Mondragón
(1999) Alvarado-Rodríguez, Halevi, Sanchéz-Mondragón
To start with, we have to solve the Maxwell wave equa-
tion for an inhomogeneous medium. For a given material d2 v 2k
E ~ x !1
2 k
e ~ x ! 2k 2y 2k 2z Ek~ x ! 50. ~8!
geometry, we can describe the field therein as a linear super- dx c2
position of the normal modes or eigenmodes. Each mode
may be labeled according to its wave vector k and polariza- The solution of this equation, within any two adjacent
tion index p. The modes for the electric field are then de- barriers x5nd , is the sum of two counterpropagating plane
fined by means of the Helmholtz equation waves in the x direction; this is reasonable as the medium is
stratified in this direction. Then
v kp
¹3¹3Ekp ~ r! 2 e ~ r! Ekp ~ r! 50 ~3!
c2 Ek~ x ! 5 @ Ae iKx 1Be 2iKx # êk, ~9!
E~kn ! ~ x ! 5e ink B d @ Ae iK ~ x2nd ! 1Be 2iK ~ x2nd ! # êk , ~11! E~kn ! ~ nd ! 5E~kn21 ! ~ nd ! ~13!
The first order derivative, however, is not continuous. To
nd,x, ~ n11 ! d. ~12! set the boundary condition for the first order derivative, we
integrate the Helmholtz equation ~8! over a small region near
Equation ~11! can be rearranged to satisfy Eq. ~4!. x5nd, using Eq. ~1!, that is
E nd1 e
nd2 e
E ~ x ! 52K 2
2 k E nd1 e
nd2 e
dx Ek~ x ! 2
v 2k
c 2 E nd1 e
nd2 e
dx gd (n d ~ x2nd ! Ek~ x ! . ~14!
Here the integration interval is small enough so that the function can be taken as a constant which is the function evaluated at
x5nd. Then the integration results in
d ~n! d v 2k
Ek ~ nd ! 2 E~kn21 ! ~ nd ! 52 2 gdEk~ nd ! , ~15!
dx dx c
50. ~16!
M5 S 12exp@ i ~ K2k B ! d #
12exp@ i ~ K2k B ! d # 2i a ~ v k ,K !
12exp@ 2i ~ K1k B ! d #
211exp@ 2i ~ K1k B ! d # 2i a ~ v k ,K !
D , ~17!
where we have defined a ( v k ,K) as @6# for the case k i 50, namely, with K5( v /c) Ae 0 . K can be
either real or purely imaginary, since both types of solutions
gd v 2k fulfill the wave equation and the boundary conditions. Now
a ~ v k ,K ! 5 . ~18! we can see from Eq. ~19! that u f (K; v k) u can be greater than
2c 2 K
one for certain ranges of values of K, giving rise to complex
To avoid the trivial solution, we have that det M50. Then solutions for the Bloch wave vector k B . In these cases, there
we find the dispersion relation in terms of the Bloch wave are band gaps in which, for an ~infinite! periodic medium, no
vector k B and K( v k ,k i ), as defined in Eq. ~10!, solutions exist for the field. We plot this band structure in
Fig. 2 for a grating strength g50.1. In this plot, the shad-
cos~ k B d ! 5cos~ Kd ! 2 a ~ v k ,K ! sin~ Kd ! [ f ~ K; v k! . owed areas indicate the allowed regions. From this figure it
~19! can be seen that the Dirac d function model actually repro-
duces all the qualitative features of a realistic band structure
This equation gives, implicitly, the eigenfrequencies v k @15#. As the grating strength g increases, the band gaps be-
as a function of the wave-vector components k B and k i . This come wider. Nevertheless, this model has the interesting par-
dispersion relation was obtained by Dowling and Bowden ticularity that the upper edges of all the band gaps are inde-
Substituting Eq. ~23! into Eq. ~22!, and integrating over the
III. DENSITY OF STATES equifrequency surface, we have that the total phase-space
volume contributing to the frequency range ( v , v 1d v ) is
We calculate the photon DOS for our SL model for the
TE polarization modes. In this case we have to consider that ki
we have continuous electromagnetic bands separated by the dV k 52 p d v dkt , ~24!
band gaps forbidden for propagation. vk vk u ¹ kv u
Fig. 3 several v (k B ,k y ,k z )5const curves are sketched in a
V ki
two-dimensional plot. Due to the azimuthal symmetry of the dN ~ v ! 5 d k t d v [D ~ v ! d v . ~25!
problem, we can obtain the three-dimensional equifrequency 4p 2 v ku ¹ kv u
FIG. 3. Four cross sections (k z 50) of equifrequency surfaces v (k B ,k y ,k z )5 v 5const for g50.1. Due to the azimutal symmetry, the
surfaces are formed by rotating the curves around the k B axis. The dashed lines denote u k y u 5 v /c, so that the region between ~outside! these
lines is characterized by real ~imaginary! K values. ~a! Equifrequency surface for v d/c51. ~b! v d/c53; the region k i d,1 is excluded from
the surface because such values of k i d lie in the forbidden band ~see Fig. 2!. ~c! v d/c54. ~d! v d/c56; notice the further splitting of the
surfaces due to the apparition of more forbidden bands ~the regions k i d,2 and 5,k i d,6 are now excluded!.
]v ]v ]v
¹kv 5 x̂1 ŷ1 ẑ. ~26!
]kB ]ky ]kz
u ¹kv u 5
U K sin k B d
v k ~ g1 e 0 ! sin Kd1 ~ g v d/2c K ! e 0 @ cos Kd2 ~ 1/Kd ! sin Kd #
2 2
x̂1 ŷ1
e 0-
ẑ . U ~27!
D~ v !5
V e 0v
4p c2 2 E
k i F„v ,K ~ v ,k i ! …
$ K @ sin Kd1 a ~ v ,K ! sin 2Kd2 a 2 ~ v ,K ! sin2 Kd # 1k 2i F„v ,K ~ v ,k i ! …% 1/2
2 2
, ~28!
where we have defined the function F„v ,K( v ,k i )… as to note that, even though the group velocity u ¹ kv u vanishes
for on-axis propagation (k i 50), at the band edges the den-
F„v ,K ~ v ,k i ! …[ ~ g/ e 0 11 ! sin Kd1 a ~ v ,K ! sity of states remains finite. For other values of k i always
u ¹ kv u Þ0. Nevertheless for frequencies at the band edges,
1 care should be taken when performing a calculation. Indeed,
3 cos Kd2 sin Kd . ~29!
Kd we took the limits of frequencies approaching these edges,
this process giving rise to convergence.
For frequencies above the first band, the gaps in the We plot the DOS @Eq. ~28!# for different values of g in
equifrequency surfaces must be carefully avoided @see Figs. Fig. 5. The inset in this figure shows a plot for a larger range
3~b!–3~d!# when performing the integration. It is important of frequencies. It is seen that there are sharp discontinuities
FIG. 5. Density of states as a function of the reduced frequency v d/c for several values of the grating strength g. The inset extends the
frequency range to the interval (0,2p ). Here we can see the discontinuities in the slope for frequencies that define the band edges. Notice
that the DOS is enhanced for all the values of v and g, and especially at the lower edges of the band gaps.
lar to that obtained for a realistic SL. Hence, the Dirac d propagation in all directions in space. As a consequence, the
function model is expected to give reasonable results for the DOS never vanishes, as occurs if the wave is restricted to
DOS. propagate along the axis of the SL @6#. Nevertheless, intu-
The DOS was calculated with the aid of the equifre- itively, one would have expected at least some reduction of
quency surfaces which are similar to the Fermi surfaces for the DOS associated with the partial gaps. The fact that this
electrons in solids. Within any one band the DOS increases can never happen is rather surprising. These conclusions
monotonously with the frequency, reaching a sharp and nar- should be helpful for understanding spontaneous emission
row maximum at the upper band edge ~for k i 50). Also, ~or dipole radiation! in laminated structures. A similar analy-
upon crossing from a stop band into a pass band ~again for sis of the DOS for the TM polarization mode is clearly de-
k i 50) there is an abrupt increase in the DOS. The results sirable, and will be undertaken in the future.
exhibit an enhancement of the DOS, in comparison to free
space, for all values of the frequency. This enhancement in-
creases with the grating strength g @as can be expected from ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the fact that ^ e (x) & is proportional to ( e 0 1g) 3/2)#, and is
especially pronounced at the lower band edges of the band I.A.R. thanks the CONACyT and SNI for financial sup-
gaps. This behavior is the result of our taking into account port.
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