Keywords: Powerful Electrical Transformer, Losses, Heating, Three-Dimensional Modeling
Keywords: Powerful Electrical Transformer, Losses, Heating, Three-Dimensional Modeling
Keywords: Powerful Electrical Transformer, Losses, Heating, Three-Dimensional Modeling
The application of the methods of calculation of surface and volume losses in the constructional elements of transform-
ers of ferromagnetic steel is considered. A brief description of the developed practical procedures of their calculation
using the ANSYS software is given. The testing results of the proposed procedures conducted on the known experimen-
tal studies TEAM21, as well as calculation samples of losses and heating in the constructional elements of a single-
phase autotype transformer with capacity of 500 MVA and reactor of ROM type with capacity of 80 MVAr, are pro-
vided. References 16, table 1, figures 16.
Keywords: powerful electrical transformer, losses, heating, three-dimensional modeling.
1. Introduction. Additional losses in the constructional elements of power transformers with significant
specific electromagnetic loads may lead to the unacceptable heating. That is why researchers and designers
pay constant attention to the issues of local losses and heating calculation, as well as the total losses in trans-
The experimental studies, using natural samples of the equipment and the corresponding to it physical
models, were conducted and continue to be conducted. The mathematical models and methods of calculation
of this problem class are constantly improved. Significant results have been achieved through the extensive
use of such invariant systems of numerical finite-element analysis (FEA) as ANSYS, Comsol, ELCUT,
ELEKTRA, FEMM, Infolytica, OPERA, etc. A systematic representation of the known publications on this
problem is given, for example, in the following books: [1, 4−6, 13, 15, 16].
The issues related to the definition of magnetic field in the constructional elements of ferromagnetic
steel with a pronounced nonlinear surface effect, are particularly complex when determining the local losses
and heating, as well as the total losses in transformers. The known methods of research and calculations de-
voted to these issues in the power transformer equipment can be roughly classified into two groups of meth-
ods: surface and volumetric losses.
The method of surface losses is based on the fact that in the massive conductive bodies with a pro-
nounced non-linear surface effect, the electromagnetic field is concentrated in a thin surface layer. [6]. In this
case, the conductive body shows up as an equivalent impedance surface, and the losses are determined by
using an input impedance (surface resistance) of the body and the value of the tangential component of mag-
netic field intensity on its surface [4, 5, 16].
However, the method of surface losses does not provide the calculations of the bodies of limited dimen-
sions. For example, in the power transformers they are yoke beams, pressing metal rings, and lifting plates
on the rods of magnetic system (MS). The losses calculation in the yoke beams is further complicated by the
fact that they often have horizontal shelves of non-magnetic steel, and vertical walls from a ferromagnetic
steel. Electric welding of such parts of the construction leads to the exchange of the eddy currents in their
volumes. Such can be observed when realizing the inserts of non-magnetic steel in ferromagnetic caps and
tank walls of transformers and reactors, that is used to reduce the local losses of the total magnetic fields of
windings and taps with significant currents [8].
Additional losses in the constructional elements of transformers of ferromagnetic steel can be deter-
mined numerically by using the method of volumetric losses [2, 4, 5, 9−11]. This method provides a way to
determine the field vectors and energy parameters directly in the volume of conductive bodies. The method
of volume losses has been investigated numerically, and is represented in several publications of the authors
of testing TEAM method (Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Methods) on physical models [9−11]. Numer-
ous studies of a family of TEAM21 problems using Infolytica software are also given on the website [12].
The research of the problems for two plates with a section of nonmagnetic steel, and two plates of ferromag-
netic steel are given in [14].
2 ∫S
E × H *
]⋅ n ds =
2 V∫
j ⋅ E *
dv − i ω
μH ⋅H*
∫V 2 dv . (8)
The given equations allow to determine the similarity and differences of the methods for calculating surface
and volumetric losses. Common to both methods is the need to determine the electromagnetic field vectors. The
difference is that for the method of surface losses, the determination of the field vectors on the surface of bodies
under review, and for the method of volumetric losses − within their volume, is necessary and sufficient.
The properties of structural steels. When determining the vectors of field and energy parameters tak-
ing into account the constitutive equations (2), it is usually assumed that the electrical conductivity of the
constructional steels is a constant. Later, after the thermal calculation, this parameter can be updated. For
nonmagnetic steels the magnetic permeability is a constant, which is slightly different from the magnetic
permeability of air.
More complicated is the account of the nonlinear and hysteresis relationship between tension and induc-
tion in ferromagnetic steels. The known magnetic permeability along the normal induction curve is defined
as the locus of the vertices of hysteresis symmetric loops. At the cyclic magnetization of ferromagnetic mate-
rial from the demagnetized state, its magnetization occurs through the so-called ascending and descending
parts of the hysteresis loops.
For the important in engineering practice case of harmonic field change ω = 2π / T , a complex mag-
netic permeability μ 1 on the first harmonic is used.
A complex magnetic permeability μ 1 is determined by the complex amplitudes on the first harmonics
2 2
B (t ) e iωt dt , H (t ) eiωt dt .
T ∫0 T ∫0
B1 and H1 [4 − 6] μ 1 = B1 / H 1 , B1 = H1 = (9)
When integrating (9), the values of the area of hysteresis loops that determine the value μ 1 , are deter-
mined numerically [4] or by planimetering [6] the area bounded by the descending and ascending loop
+ H1m
branches with vertex H m S ( H1m ) = ∫ ⎡⎣ BD ( H , H1m ) − B A ( H , H1m ) ⎤⎦ dH , (10)
− H1m
Eddy current calculated losses ( Pe ), hysteresis ( Ph ), total PΣ , W Measured total Calculation error,
Model Fig. losses [9−11], W %
Nonmagnetic plate Ferromagnetic plate Total losses
Pe Pe Ph PΣ , Pизм ε
P21 -0 P.2 9.39 - - 9.39 9.17 2.4
P21a-1 P.2 3.18 - - 3.18 3.40 -6.5
P21a-2 P.2 1.67 - - 1.67 1.68 -0.6
P21a-3 P.2 1.04 - - 1.04 1.25 -16.8
P21b-2N P.2 1.34 - - 1.34 1.38 -2.9
P21b-2M P.3 - 6.69 2.16 8.85 9.34 -5.2
P21-B P.3 - 8.58 2.74 11.32 11.97 -5.4
P21b-MNM P.4 4.62 3.16 1.07 8.85 10.53 -16.0
P21b-NMN P.4 1.90 3.47 1.10 6.47 7.44 -13.0
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УДК 621.314
В.Ф.Іванков1, A.В.Басова1, І.В.Хімюк2
- ПАТ «Запоріжтрансформатор», Дніпропетровське шосе, 3, Запоріжжя, 69600, Україна,
- Інститут електродинамики НАН України, пр. Перемоги, 56, Київ-57, 03680, Україна.
e-mail: [email protected]
В роботі розглянуто застосування методів розрахунку поверхневих і об’ємних втрат в елементах конструкції транс-
форматорів з феромагнітної сталі. Подано короткий опис розроблених практичних процедур їхнього розрахунку із засто-
суванням програмного забезпечення ANSYS. Наведено результати тестування запропонованих процедур на відомих експе-
риментальних дослідженнях ТЕАМ21, а також приклади розрахунку втрат і нагрівів в елементах конструкції однофаз-
ного автотрансформатора потужністю 500 МВА і реактора типу РОМ потужністю 80 МВАр. Бібл. 16, табл. 1, рис. 16.
Ключові слова: потужний трансформатор, втрати, нагрів, тривимірне моделювання.