5 Techniques To Speak Any Language

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5 techniques to speak any language | Sid Efromovich | TEDxUpperEastSide


I. Watch a video and answer the following questions:
1) How many languages can Sid Efromovich (the speaker) speak? Name them.
2) What 2 questions is the speaker asked most often?
3) How many languages could he speak when he was 18?
4) How does he describe his language learning process (3 years of studying when he
learned 3 more foreign languages)?
5) What is the golden rule in language learning process according to Sid
6) What is called “Language database” according to the speaker?
7) What should we avoid when we learn a new language?
8) What is meant by “shower conversation”&
9) Who is a “stickler”?
10) Why did Sid Efromovich speak German to his colleague?

II. Here are 5 techniques which can help you to speak a foreign language. Comment
on each of them. Which one is the most interesting in your opinion? And which
one do you find the most helpful?
1) Make Mistakes
2) Scrap the Foreign Alphabet
3) Find a Stickler
4) Shower Conversations
5) Buddy Formula

III. How does the speaker end his speech? Why?

How do you understand “…the greatest reward from this, is that we end up
learning more about ourselves”?
These are the last words of the speech:
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step” And this is not a problem,
because now you all know how to walk

Can you comment on them?

IV. Have you ever tried to learn a foreign language by yourselves, not at school
or university? Do you have your own techniques you can share with us?
What advice would you give to people who learn foreign languages?
5 techniques to speak any language | Sid Efromovich | TEDxUpperEastSide

V. Watch a video and answer the following questions:
11) How many languages can Sid Efromovich (the speaker) speak? Name them.
12) What 2 questions is the speaker asked most often?
13) How many languages could he speak when he was 18?
14) How does he describe his language learning process (3 years of studying when he
learned 3 more foreign languages)?
15) What is the golden rule in language learning process according to Sid
16) What is called “Language database” according to the speaker?
17) What should we avoid when we learn a new language?
18) What is meant by “shower conversation”&
19) Who is a “stickler”?
20) Why did Sid Efromovich speak German to his colleague?

VI. Here are 5 techniques which can help you to speak a foreign language. Comment
on each of them. Which one is the most interesting in your opinion? And which
one do you find the most helpful?
6) Make Mistakes
7) Scrap the Foreign Alphabet
8) Find a Stickler
9) Shower Conversations
10) Buddy Formula

VII. How does the speaker end his speech? Why?

How do you understand “…the greatest reward from this, is that we end up
learning more about ourselves”?
These are the last words of the speech:
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step” And this is not a problem,
because now you all know how to walk

Can you comment on them?

VIII. Have you ever tried to learn a foreign language by yourselves, not at school
or university? Do you have your own techniques you can share with us?
What advice would you give to people who learn foreign languages?

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