Econometric Analysis: DR Alka Chadha IIM Trichy
Econometric Analysis: DR Alka Chadha IIM Trichy
Econometric Analysis: DR Alka Chadha IIM Trichy
Dr Alka Chadha
IIM Trichy
What is Econometrics
• Literally means “measurement in economics”.
• Application of statistical and mathematical methods to the
analysis of economic data, with the purpose of giving
empirical content to economic theories and verifying them
or refuting them.
• An econometric model consists of a set of behavioural
equations derived from an economic model. These
equations involve some observed variables and some
‘error term’.
• The error term is the catchall for all the variables
considered as irrelevant for the study and all unforeseen
Yogurt exercise
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Yogurt demand curve
y = -5E-06x + 0.1192
0.06 R² = 0.6177
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Calculating elasticity using regression
• Get time series data on prices, incomes and prices of
related goods, and run a regression to find the
• Estimate the demand equation using these variables and
coefficients of the explanatory variables are the slopes.
• Then estimate the elasticity at various prices and
quantities, or incomes and quantities, or prices of other
goods and quantities using the estimated coefficients.
A behavioural model
• Q = a + bP + u
• This is a statistical or stochastic relationship as opposed
to a deterministic or mathematical relationship.
• A specification of the probability distribution of u says that
the disturbances are independently and normally
distributed with mean zero and variance 𝜎 2 .
• The hypothesis being tested is called the null hypothesis
i.e. b = 0 against the alternative hypothesis that b < 0.
• We can use the estimated demand function for prediction
and policy purposes.
Sources of error term
• Unpredictable element of randomness in human
responses. People do not behave like a machine. In a
relationship between consumption expenditure and family
income, one month they will be on a spending spree, in
another month they will be frugal.
• Effects of omitted variables. Not just family income, other
factors influence consumption like size of family, tastes of
family, spending habits etc.
• Measurement error in the variables. Data may not be
Goodness of Fit
• Regression results report R-squared statistic to tell how
closely the regression line fits the data.
• R2 measures the percentage of variations in the
dependent variable that is accounted for by all the
explanatory variables.
• Measures the overall goodness-of-fit of the multiple
regression equation.
• Ranges from 0 to 1.
• If R2 = 0.94, it means that the explanatory variables
explain 94% of the variations in the dependent variable.
• A forecast is a prediction about the values of the
dependent variable, given information about the
explanatory variables.
• We use regression models to predict the value of the
dependent variable beyond the time period over which the
model has been estimated.
Estimating elasticity
Given a linear demand for good X,
Qx= a – bPx + cM + dPy
• Own price elasticity: -b.(Px/Qx)
• Income elasticity: c.(M/Qx)
• Cross-price elasticity: d.(Py/Qx)
Log-linear demand curve
• With a log transformation of the demand equation, the
elasticity is constant along the entire demand curve called
isoelastic demand curve.
log(Qx) = a – b (logPx) + c(logM) + d(logPy)
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• Click the File menu option, and then click Options.
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• Click the Data tab and you will see the Data Analysis option on the
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Bivariate Analysis
Sales and Advertising Expenditure of a Firm (Rs million)
Year Sales (Y) Advertising Expenditure (X)
2001 44 10
2002 40 9
2003 42 11
2004 46 12
2005 48 11
2006 52 12
2007 54 13
2008 58 13
2009 56 14
2010 60 15
Ordinary Least Squares
• Assume a linear relationship, Y= a + b X
We need to obtain the estimates of a and b i.e. intercept
and slope.
• The value of a is the value of Y when X=0.
• We need to know the co-efficient on X (Advertising) to find
out the responsiveness of Y (Sales) as X changes.
• The null hypothesis is b = 0.
• The estimated coefficient is said to be significant
depending on the t-ratio. Generally, use the 5% or 0,05
significance level is used. This means that the coefficient
is significantly different from zero.
Estimated Results
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.922612
R Square 0.851212
Adjusted R
Square 0.832614
Standard Error 2.860653
Observations 10
Coefficients Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 7.6 6.332324 1.200191 0.264397
Expenditure (X1) 3.533333 0.522281 6.765192 0.000143
Estimated regression equation
• Y= 7.60 + 3.53 X1
At X1=10, Y=7.60 + 3.53*10=42.90
At X1=15, Y=7.60 + 3.53*15=60.55
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.964445
R Square 0.930154
Adjusted R
Square 0.910198
Standard Error 2.095314
Observations 10
Coefficients Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 17.94366 5.919136 3.031467 0.019075
Expenditure (X1) 1.873239 0.703339 2.66335 0.03231
Quality Control
(X2) 1.915493 0.681006 2.812742 0.026043
Estimated equation
• Y= 17.94 + 1.87X1 + 1.92X2
1995 4 24 10
1996 7 20 10
1997 8 17 10
1998 13 17 17
1999 16 10 17
2000 15 15 17
2001 19 12 20
2002 20 9 20
2003 22 5 20
Estimated results
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.996189
R Square 0.992392
Adjusted R
Square 0.989856
Error 0.632558
Observations 9
Coefficients Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 8.074682 2.375689 3.39888 0.014516
X Variable 1 -0.4908 0.069976 -7.01378 0.000419
X Variable 2 0.813053 0.093154 8.728099 0.000125
Estimating elasticity
• What is the price elasticity in 1999?
• What is the price elasticity in 2003?
• What is the income elasticity in 1999?
• What will be the demand in 2004 if price rises to 7 and
income rises to 22?
• What will be the change in demand if price is expected to
rise by 5% and income is expected to rise by 10% in
Interpreting results
• Q = 8.08 – 0.49P + 0.81M
• Price e in 1999 = -0.49(10/16) = -0.31.
• Price e in 2003 = -0.49(22/5) = 0.11.
• Income elasticity in 1999 = 0.81(17/16) = 0.86
• Demand in 2004 = 8.08 - 0.49(7) + 0.81(22) = 22.47