Automated Personalized Face Detection Using Viola Detector
Automated Personalized Face Detection Using Viola Detector
Automated Personalized Face Detection Using Viola Detector
Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2017
Mr. Amit Kumar,2Mr. Anil Rao
Department of Computer Science Engineering,IET, Alwar, Rajasthan
In correspondence with rapid population magnification all • Ada-Boost for face detection
over the map the survival, facial detection technology plays a • Cascade classification for fast rejection of non-face sub-
in our circadian lives, namely in a well-kenned aspects as The projected technique of face detection in this paper is
antihero investigations, notarize systems, ingression systems, divided into two steps. In the first step, Viola and Jones
etc. Face detection perspicuity is influenced by antithetical algorithm is used to detect faces in the image that is stored
variations in relegating a target repine in an image; this selected from hard disk drive, and the result of this step will be
manage include pose variation and facial occlusion. The the applicant face in the image [2].
overall aim of this research is to design a strategy to increment So face detection process takes more time when is a time the
the efficiency & optimize the results to detect the region of size of the image to be processed increases.
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882
Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2017
A. Haar Features • The nose bridge region is brighter than the eyes.
The Haar features are the impuissant features predicated on Useful domain knowledge:
the gray image. The features are used for image intensity • Location - Size: eyes & nose bridge region
expression of rectangular region adjoining some location in • Value: darker / brighter
the image, and calculate the intensity difference. Haar-like • Rectangle features:
features treated as digital image a feature that is used in object Computed result = Σ (pixels in black region) - Σ (pixels in
recognition. These features were used in the first time face white
detector. Viola and Jones [8] developed Haar-like features by region)
adapting the idea of using Haar wavelets. The size of these
rectangular features is not fixed, but the black and white
square shape and size are always the same. The conception of
Haar-like feature is to consider the nearby rectangular regions
at a definite location in a detection window, sums up the pixel
intensities in each region and compute the distinction between
these sums. This difference is then utilized as a feature Figure 2: Extracting Haar feature from image
replication to categorize subsections of an image. Figure 1
B. Integral Image Representation
shows three kinds of rectangle Haar features. The measure of a
In an integral image we can measure the value at pixel(x,y) is
two-rectangle feature is the distinction between the sums of
sum of pixels above and to the left of (x,y). Integral image is
the pixels within two rectangular sections [15]. These
used to calculate sum of all pixels inside any given rectangle
rectangular sections have the similar size and shape and
using only four values at the corners of the rectangle.
formed either horizontally or vertically adjacent. A three
rectangle feature measures the sum within two outer
rectangles subtracted from the sum in a center rectangle.
Conclusively a four-rectangle feature measures the distinction
between diagonal sets of rectangles [3].
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882
Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2017
So we use Adaboost algorithm to find only the best features algorithm for detection of faces in an image. This quandary
among all these 16000+ features. Then a weighted can be facilely resolved by human beings. However it is very
combination of all these features is used in identifying and arduous for a machine to solve this task prosperously in facile
deciding any given window has a face or not. manner. In order to make this arduous task more facile Viola
These features are also called as weak classifier. Adaboost Jones limits them to complete view frontal upright faces. That
constructs a strong classifier as a linear combination of these is, with the aim of detecting the whole face must point towards
weak classifiers. the camera and it should not be tilted in any side.
F(x)= α1f1(x)+ α2f2(x)+ α3f3(x)+… Conventional Viola Jones has several problems which are
mentioned below:
Where f1(x), f2(x)…is a weak classifier and F(x) is strong
In terms of speed and accuracy existing Viola Jones
classifier. The term α1, α2, α3 is distributed weight over image
algorithm is quite slow.
Existing Images does not work well with tilde images and
An image should contain one or more faces; it is confirm that
distortion images.
an extreme large amount of the assessed sub-windows would
Viola Jones does not detect Black Faces.
still be non-faces. So the algorithm should focus on discarding
It does not work well with illuminating conditions.
non-faces rapidly and expend more on time on possible face
Feature Selection for calculating of Integral Image need to
regions. Therefore a single strong classifier designed from
be optimized.
linear combination of all best features.
Multiple detection of faces(Due to overlapping sub
D. Cascade Classifier
To solve these problems, we will implement an Automated
Viola-Jones algorithm works with cascaded classifiers.
Personalized Viola Detector.
Cascade classifier performs operations in several stages each
containing a strong classifier. The function of each stage is
used to identify whether a sub window is face or not. A given IV. PROPOSED METHOD
sub window is instantly discarded as not a face if it fails in any In this proposed method an image consist of multiple or single
of the stage [3]. face will be taken as input. In terms of speed and reliability
If the input region fails to pass the threshold of a stage, the for face detection from an image we will calculate ratio of sum
cascade classifier will immediately reject the region as a face. of black rectangle and sum of white rectangle and with this I
If a region passes all stages successfully, it will be classified will utilize some better features except those which are
as an applicant of face, which may be distinguished by further utilized in precedent algorithm. These features are better in
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882
Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2017
identifying ebony and skewed faces. They additionally work face and it is more useful for face recognition and forms our
for tilde faces in some images. classifier. Now we are searching for a database that contains
To implement the haar cascade classifier, Open Source colorful and complex images to run our program to implement
Computer Vision Library (OpenCv) [11] will be used. It is Automated Personalized Viola Detector.
formerly presented by Paula voila and Michael jones [12].
Haar features are the important part of the haar cascade
classifier for the face detection process. Haar features are used
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International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882
Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2017