Carbon Disulfide
Carbon Disulfide
Carbon Disulfide
Carbon Disulfide
MANCHIU D. S. LAY, Stauffer Chemical Co., Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522,
United States
MITCHELL W. SAUERHOFF, Stauffer Chemical Co., Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522,
United States
DONALD R. SAUNDERS, Stauffer Chemical Co., Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522,
United States
Table 1. Mutual miscibilities of carbon disulfide – water [6] In the vapor phase and at higher temperature
CS2 in H2O, H2O in CS2,
(150 – 160 C), thiourea [62-56-6] is obtained
Temperature, C g/100 g g/100 g via decomposition of the thiocyanate [14]:
0 0.242 – NH4 ðSCNÞ ! SCðNH2 Þ2
10 0.230 0.0086
20 0.210 0.012
30 0.185 0.017 Reactions with primary and secondary
40 0.111 0.022
amines produce principally the dithiocarbamate
Vol. 6 Carbon Disulfide 669
reason. The charcoal is normally precalcined at 1965, many patents were issued that covered
500 C to remove volatiles that could result in various aspects of the process [38–54].
formation of objectionable byproducts. Thermal The commercial methane process [35], [55],
efficiency of retorts is ca. 25 %; carbon and sulfur [56] is based primarily on work described by the
yields are generally below 90 % [34–36]. patents issued to the Pure Oil Co. [41–45]. The
Electrical resistance heating in brick-lined rights to these patents were acquired by the Food
electrothermal reactors provides an alternative Machinery Corp. and Stauffer Chemical Co., and
heat source for the reaction of charcoal with in 1953, the first methane process plant was built
sulfur [37]. Where cheap power is available, by FMC in South Charleston, West Virginia. This
the electrical method may be more economic. was followed by a Stauffer plant at LeMoyne,
Power consumption as a function of carbon Alabama, three years later. By the mid 1960s all
disulfide produced is ca. 1200 kW h/t. Other carbon disulfide in the United States was man-
advantages offered by electrothermal reactors ufactured by this method; many similar plants
are a larger capacity per reactor (up to 10 t/d) soon followed in Europe and elsewhere [35].
and a longer reactor life; furthermore, a wider Over 85 % of the world’s production capacity is
range of solid carbon feed can be used because based on methane.
electrothermal reactors can generate higher Figure 1 shows a typical methane process flow
temperatures. sheet. Purified natural gas containing over 95 %
methane and low concentrations of propane and
heavier hydrocarbons is preheated to about 250 C
4.3. Production from Methane and in the convection section of the reaction furnace.
Sulfur The furnace is a typical box-type pyrolysis furnace
commonly used in the petrochemical industry,
As demand for carbon disulfide rapidly increased with radiant and convection sections [57]. The hot
in the 1940s, limitations of the charcoal processes methane gas is mixed with liquid sulfur and intro-
provided the incentive for development of a more duced into the horizontal heating coil located in the
efficient large-scale method for its manufacture. radiant section. There the liquid sulfur is vaporized,
Readily available cheap natural gas and favor- and the temperature of the mixture is raised to
able thermodynamics [21], [23], [31] led to the 550 – 650 C. Operating pressure is typically
successful development of the process based on 400 – 700 kPa. Alternatively, the methane and
the catalyzed reaction of methane and sulfur [21], sulfur may be introduced separately and at differ-
[27–31], [38], [39]. During the period 1943 – ent locations of the coil. A slight excess of sulfur
Figure 1. Methane process for CS2 production a) Reaction furnace; b) Catalytic reactors; c) Sulfur condenser; d) CS2 scrubber;
e) CS2 condenser; f) CS2 absorber; g) Oil interchangers; h) CS2 stripper; i) Stabilizer column; j) Purification column; k) Caustic
wash column; l) Water wash column
672 Carbon Disulfide Vol. 6
(5 %) is used to ensure good methane conversion Important refinements to the basic methane
and to minimize carbon and tar formation. process include the use of high-pressure
To withstand the high-temperature corrosive (2000 kPa) condensation and fractionation for
environment, cast high-alloy stainless steel is product recovery and purification [54], and mod-
used as tube material. Tube life is normally ifications to the reaction furnace system to allow
2 – 3 years. Packed, brick-lined reactors are the use of olefinic feedstocks [71], [72].
connected to the heating coil to provide addition-
al residence time and housing for catalyst beds.
Reaction takes place both in the tubes and in the 5. Environmental Aspects
reactors; almost all the hydrocarbons are con-
verted by the time the gas leaves the last reactor. Carbon disulfide in the atmosphere is of biogenic
Gas exiting the reaction furnace system passes as well as industrial origin [73]. Tropospheric
through the sulfur condenser where most of the concentrations of carbon disulfide have been
excess sulfur is separated. Next the cooled gas reported as 3105 ppm in remote areas and
goes through a sulfur scrubber and then to the CS2 7105 – 30105 ppm in urban and industrial
scrubber in which the remaining sulfur is re- locations [74]. Natural release includes diffuse
moved. The relatively sulfur-free gas then enters emission from soil [75] and volcanic eruption
water-cooled condensers for bulk separation of [73]. Industrial sources consist mainly of release
carbon disulfide. The remaining carbon disulfide from gasification and pyrolysis of carbonaceous
is finally removed from the hydrogen sulfide gas fuel in the presence of sulfur compounds, from
in the oil absorber. The hydrogen sulfide gas sulfur recovery (Claus) plant tail gas, and from
exiting the oil absorber contains 1 – 2 % meth- industrial users of carbon disulfide [73], [74].
ane and less than 1000 ppm carbon disulfide. Investigations on the fate of carbon disulfide
This gas is routed to a Claus sulfur recovery in the atmosphere show that the principal oxida-
plant where it is converted back to sulfur. tion products are sulfur dioxide, carbonyl sulfide,
Crude carbon disulfide from the condensers, and carbon monoxide [73], [76], [77]. Eventually
including that recovered in the stripper, is sent to these compounds degrade to carbon dioxide and
the stabilizer column for removal of low-boiling sulfates.
impurities. The bottoms from the stabilizer column Carbon disulfide may be removed from gas
are next processed in the purification column where streams by oil absorption or adsorption with
high-boiling contaminants are separated from the activated carbon [78], [79]. A common method
product. A caustic and water wash complete used in the treatment of carbon disulfide and
the product purification operations, and the finished carbonyl sulfide in sulfur recovery plant tail gas
product is pumped to check tanks and storage. involves hydrogenation and hydrolysis of these
compounds to carbon dioxide and hydrogen sul-
fide. The hydrogen sulfide is then recovered by
4.4. Other Processes absorption in alkanolamine solutions [78], [80].
5 ppm, and gas chromatography can provide Class 1 flammable liquid (identification number
detection to 0.5 ppm. 1131). Use of the red label for flammable liquid is
required. Transport of this chemical should fol-
low DOT regulations [88].
7. Storage and Transportation [81],
[85], [86]
8. Uses and Economic Aspects
The toxicity and extreme flammability and vol-
atility of carbon disulfide make it one of the most In 1984, an estimated 1.1106 t of carbon disul-
hazardous chemicals to handle. Facilities using fide was produced worldwide in the following
carbon disulfide must be designed to operate, at areas (production figures in 103 t/a):
all times, as a closed system and above atmo-
spheric pressure to avoid the influx of air. When- North America 235
ever possible, these plants should be located Western Europe 260
outdoors or in open structures away from flames Eastern Europe 250
and other sources of ignition. Equipment should Latin America 50
Asia 160
be properly grounded to prevent accumulation of Africa 10
static electricity. Water deluge systems around Former States of USSR 120
processing and storage areas should be provided; Total 1085
enclosed units should be designed with proper
ventilation of the downdraft or lateral types. In 1991 1.3106 t of carbon disulfide was
Areas where appreciable concentration of produced worldwide in the following areas (pro-
carbon disulfide may be present should be desig- duction figures in 103 t/a):
nated as Class 1 hazardous locations as defined
by the National Electrical Code [87]; electrical
specifications should be in accordance with the
North and Central America 190
requirements of the code. South America 54
Carbon disulfide is stored in properly diked Europe and Africa 822
above-ground steel tanks or in tanks confined in Asia 221
open-top water-flooded concrete pits. Underwa- Total 1287
ter tanks are water padded, whereas water or inert
gas padding is used in above-ground tanks. [89]
Transfer of carbon disulfide from storage tanks The regenerated cellulose industry is by far
may be by padded pressure or pumps [81]. the largest user of carbon disulfide. Over 65 %
Carbon disulfide is classified by the United of world production is used in the manufacture
States Department of Transportation (DOT) as a of rayon (ca. 0.32 kg of carbon disulfide is
674 Carbon Disulfide Vol. 6
Carbon disulfide reaction and extraction solvent, catalyst presulfi- [33], [81]
dation agent, oil well solvent, cold vulcanization
additive for rubber, synthetic chemical
Sodium cellulose xanthate precursor for rayon, cellophane, and regenerated [17]
cellulose products; chelating agent
Alkyl xanthates flotation agent, lubricant additive, analytical reagent [17], [83]
Carbon tetrachloride fluorocarbon refrigerant, degreasing and cleaning [20]
Trichloromethanesulfenyl chloride intermediate for fungicide and pesticide [90], [20], [125]
Sodium, potassium, and ammonium thiocyanate fungicide, electrolysis and electroplating solution [91]
additive, corrosion inhibitor, photographic emul-
sion stabilizer, metal complexing agent, fabric dye
enhancer, herbicide, insecticide, soil sterilant, in-
termediate for pharmaceuticals
Dithiocarbamates fungicide, insecticide, soil fumigant, herbicide and [33], [92], [93]
defoliant, rubber vulcanization accelerator
Thiocarbanilide rubber vulcanization accelerator [94], [95]
Benzothiazoles rubber vulcanization accelerator [94], [95]
Thiazolsulfenamides delayed rubber vulcanization accelerator [95]
consumed for each kilogram of rayon produced). Table 5. World production capacity for carbon disulfide, 1000 t/a,
Some 10 % is used in making cellophane, and 1984a
another 10 % is chlorinated to form carbon tetra- Charcoal Methane
chloride (about 25 % of world carbon tetrachlo- Area process process
ride is produced by this method). The remaining
North America – 335
15 % is distributed among rubber chemicals,
United States and Canada
flotation agents, pesticides, and miscellaneous
chemical reagents. Table 3 lists uses of carbon Western Europe – 360
disulfide and some of its derivatives. United Kingdom, France,
Historical production and price data in the Unit- Federal Republic of Germany,
Belgium, Spain
ed States are shown in Table 4. Competitive pres-
sure from synthetic fibers and films will continue to Eastern Europe 40 260
limit market growth in the regenerated cellulose Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria,
industry. Improvement in carbon disulfide usage German Democratic Republic
will be slow and must come from increased use in
USSR 40 120
agricultural and specialty chemicals manufacture.
World production capacity for carbon disul- Japan – 100
fide is shown in Table 5. Excess capacity will
India 50 –
continue in the United States and Europe.
Table 4. United States carbon disulfide production and price China 20 –
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99 National Toxicology Program, National Toxicology
Plan 79–9, vol. 26, Washington, D.C., 1979, p. 58. Further Reading
100 Personal Communication from Dr. Errol Zeiger to CRC
Crit. Rev. Toxicol., Sept. 15, 1981. D. E. Smith, R. W. Timmerman: Carbon Disulfide, ‘‘Kirk
101 R. P. Beliles, D. J. Brusick, F. J. Mecler, NIOSH Con- Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology’’, 5th
tract no. 210–77–0047, 1980. edition, vol. 14, p. 490–529, John Wiley & Sons, Hobo-
102 S. Zajaczek, L. Solecka, Med. Proc. 28 (1977) no. 6, ken, NJ, 2004, online: DOI: 10.1002/
461 – 465. 0471238961.03011802191309.a01.pub2.