Plasma Membrane Receptor
Plasma Membrane Receptor
Plasma Membrane Receptor
There are two types of receptors:
1.Internal receptor
2.Cell surface receptor
1. Internal receptors also known as intra cellular or cytoplasm of the cell and respond to hydrophobic ligand
Molecules That are able to travel across the plasma membrane.
2. Once inside the cell,many of these molecules bind to proteins that
act as regulators of mRNA synthesis.recall that mRNA carries
genetic information from the DNA in a cells nucleus out to the
ribosome, where the protein is assembled.
3.When the ligand binds to the internal receptors a change in shape
is triggered that exposes a DNA-binding site on the receptor
4.The ligand receptor complexmoves into the nucleus, then binds
to special regions of the DNA and promotes the production of
mRNA from specific genes.
5.Internal receptors can directly influence gene expression without
Fig: Intra cellular receptor
having to pass the signal on to other receptors or messengers.
(1)The Molecules have 7 trans membrane alpha helical like structure that is embedded within the plasma membrane
surface of a cell.
.(3) There are 6 loops – 3 extra cellular loops and 3 intra cellular
(4) Amino group present in extra cellular fluid region and
carboxylic group present in cytosol region.
(5) 5th and 6th segment that interact with g protein.
(6) 6th loop is called messenger binding site.