Riviewer BLR PDF
Riviewer BLR PDF
Riviewer BLR PDF
Emptio Rei Speratae Emptio Spei The buyer pays the The agent delivers the
price. price, which he got from
Sale of a thing with Sale of a mere hope or his buyer, to his
potential existence. expectancy that the principal
thing will come to
existence. The buyer, as a general The agent can return
Sale of the hope itself. rule cannot return the the goods in case he is
object rule. unable to sell the same
Sale is subject to the Sale is effective even if to a third person.
condition that the thing the thing does not come
will exist; If it does not, into existence unless it
there is no contract. is a vain hope,
Contract of sale Contract for a piece of
The object is a future The object is a present work
thing. thing which is the hope
or expectancy. The thing is Specially done at the
Exception: If the thing or any part thereof has been
manufactured or order of another.
procured for the general delivered to and appropriated by the buyer he must
market pay a reasonable price therefor,
Risks of loss rests upon Risks of loss remains A negotiable document of title may be negotiated by
the buyer with the seller delivery:
(1) Where by the terms of the document the carrier,
Risks of loss of specific goods is borne by the seller warehouseman or other bailee issuing the same
until the ownership therein is transferred to the undertakes to deliver the goods to the bearer; or
buyer except that: (2) Where by the terms of the document the carrier,
(1) Where delivery of the goods has been made to warehouseman or other bailee issuing the same
the buyer or to a bailee for the buyer, in pursuance undertakes to deliver the goods to the order of a
of the contract and the ownership in the goods has specified person, and such person or a subsequent
been retained by the seller merely to secure indorsee of the document has indorsed it in blank or
performance by the buyer of his obligations under to the bearer.
the contract, the goods are at the buyer’s risk from Where by the terms of a negotiable
the time of such delivery; document of title the goods are deliverable to bearer
(2) Where actual delivery has been delayed or where a negotiable document of title has been
through the fault of either the buyer or seller the endorsed in blank or to bearer, any holder may
goods are at the risk of the party in fault. indorse the same to himself or to any specified
person, and in such case the document shall
General Rule -Where good is sold by a person who thereafter be negotiated only by the indorsement of
is not the owner thereof and who does not sell them such indorsee.
under authority or with the consent of the owner.The
buyer acquires no better title to the goods than the Bailee- Has possession but not title to a property.
seller had. Responsible for keeping the property safe until it is
Note: Before a voidable contract is annulled, it is returned to the owner.
considered valid.
Two Kinds of negotiation
Document of title to goods- Includes Bill of lading, 1. Delivery- One issuing the same undertakes
dock warrant, quedan, or warehouse receipt or order to deliver the goods to the bearer
of the delivery of goods. 2. By indorsement and delivery-
-Proof of the possession of goods. Endorsement may be in blank, to bearer, or
to a specified person.
Goods- Includes all chattels personal but not things
in action or money. Includes growing fruits or crops. Non negotiable- Cannot be negotiated
Who can negotiate? 5. The goods are merchantable or fit for a
1. The owner of the negotiable document of title particular purpose
2. Any person to whom the possession of the
document has been entrusted Negotiation- Transfer of possession of an
a. By the terms of the document the instrument, whether voluntary or involuntary, by a
bailee undertakes to deliver the good person other than the issuer to a person who
to the order of the person whom thereby becomes its holder
possession of the document has Assignment- Transfer of rights or property
been entrusted.
b. At the time of entrusting the The indorsement of a document of title shall
document it is in the form that it can not make the indorser liable for any failure on the
be negotiated by delivery. part of the bailee who issued the document or
previous indorsers thereof to fulfill their respective
Rights of person to whom document has been obligations.
negotiated. -Failure of the bailee to fulfill the obligation
(1) The title of the person negotiating the document, shall not make the present endorser liable
over the goods covered by the document;
(2) The title of the person (depositor or owner) to The validity of the negotiation of a negotiable
whose order by the terms of the document the document of title is not impaired by the fact that the
goods were to be delivered, over such goods; negotiation was a breach of duty on the part of the
(3) The direct obligation of the bailee person making the negotiation, or by the fact that
(warehouseman or carrier) to hold possession of the the owner of the document was deprived of the
goods for him, as if the bailee had contracted possession of the same by loss, theft, fraud,
directly with him. accident, mistake, duress, or conversion, if the
person to whom the document was negotiated or a
Rights of person to whom document person to whom the document was subsequently
has been transferred. negotiated paid value therefore in good faith without
(1) The title to the goods as against the transferor; notice of the breach of duty, or loss, theft, fraud,
(2) The right to notify the bailee of the transfer accident, mistake, duress or conversion.
thereof; and
(3) The right, thereafter, to acquire the obligation of If goods are delivered to a bailee by the
the bailee to hold the goods for him. owner or by a person whose act in conveying the
title to them to a purchaser in good faith for value
Transfer of order document without would bind the owner and a negotiable document of
indorsement. title is issued for them they cannot thereafter, while
(1) The right to the goods as against the transferor in possession of such bailee, be attached by
(2) The right to compel the transferor to indorse the garnishment or otherwise or be levied under an
indorsement. execution
Note: The negotiation shall take effect as of the time General Rule: No attachment
when the endorsement is actually made Exceptions:
1. The document be first surrendered to the
Warranties on negotiation or assignment bailee
1. Document is genuine 2. The documents negotiation is enjoined.
2. He has a legal right to negotiate or transfer it General Rule: The bailee shall in no case be
3. He has knowledge of no fact which would compelled to deliver up to the actual possession of
impair the validity or worth of the document the goods.
4. He has a right to transfer the title to the
1. The document is surrendered to the baillee The seller has not fulfilled his obligation to
2. The documents negotiation is enjoined. deliver to the buyer unless and until such third
person acknowledges to the buyer that he holds the
A creditor whose debtor is the owner goods on the buyer’s behalf
of a negotiable document of title shall be entitled to
such aid from courts of appropriate jurisdiction by Delivery of goods less than quantity contracted.
injunction and otherwise in attaching such document 1. buyer may reject the goods so delivered.
Creditor’s remedies to reach negotiable 2. The buyer may, however, accept the goods
documents. in which case he must pay for their
Inasmuch as the goods themselves cannot (a) price at the contract rate if he knew that
readily be attached or levied upon by ordinary legal no more were to be delivered or
process, as limited by the preceding article, this (b) the fair value to him of the goods, if he
article expressly gives the court full power to did not know that the seller is going to be
aid by injunction and otherwise a creditor seeking to guilty of a breach of contract.
get a negotiable document covering such goods.
However, if an injunction issued but the negotiable Delivery of goods more than quantity
document of title is negotiated to an innocent contracted.
person, the transfer is nevertheless effectual. 1. the buyer may accept the quantity contracted
for and reject the excess.
Note: A stipulation designating the place and 2. if he accepts all the goods delivered, and pay
manner of delivery is controlling on the contracting them at the contract rate
parties. The thing sold can only be understood as 3. If indivisible, the buyer may reject the whole
delivered to the buyer when it is placed in the goods
buyer’s control and possession at the agreed place
of delivery. Delivery of goods mixed with others.
Place of Delivery: 1. buyer may accept those which are in
1. The place of delivery agreed upon accordance with the contract and reject the
2. If there is no agreement, it is determined by rest.
usage of trade 2. The buyer, of course, may accept them all if
3. If there is no agreement and usage of trade, he so desires.
it is the seller’s place of business or
residence General Rule-Delivery to the carrier is delivery to
4. In case of contract of sale of specific goods, the buyer, if the seller is required to send the goods
which to the knowledge of the parties when to the buyer
the contract or the sale was made where in
some other place, then that lace is the place
of delivery, Note -The vendor is bound to deliver if the parties
Note: Where the delivery was not affected at the stipulated in the different periods for deliver and
place specified in the contract but the buyer payment of price. The vendor must deliver on the
accepted the goods without complaint, the buyer time agreed up
would be deemed to have waived the seller’s failure Rationale-Contract of sale is a reciprocal contract
to deliver according to the terms of the contract, and on despite non payment of price at the time of
woud be liable to pay the price agreep upon. delivery as price is considered due only upon the
expiration of the term agreed upon
Time of delivery
1. Stipulated time
2. Reasonable time
Unpaid seller
(1) When the whole of the price has not been paid or When right of stoppage in transit available?
tendered; 1. The unpaid seller has parted with the
(2) When a bill of exchange or other negotiable possession of the goods
instrument has been received as conditional 2. The buyer of goods is or becomes insolvent
payment, and the condition on which it was received
has been broken by reason of the dishonor of the
instrument, the insolvency of the buyer, or When goods are in transit.
otherwise. (1) after delivery to a carrier or other bailee
and before the buyer or his agent takes delivery of
Remedies of an unpaid seller them;
1. Possessory lien (2) if the goods are rejected by the buyer,
2. Right of stopping the goods in transit and the carrier or other bailee continues in
3. Right of resale possession of them.
4. Right to rescind When goods considered no longer in transit.
(1) After delivery to the buyer or his agent in
Lien- A legal right or interest that a creditor has in that behalf;
another’s property lasting usually until a debt or duty (2) If the buyer or his agent obtains
that it secures is satisfied. possession of the goods at a point before the
Possessory lien- A lien allowing the creditor to destination originally fixed;
keep possession of the encumbered property until (3) If the carrier or bailee acknowledges to
the debt is satisfied. hold the goods on behalf of the buyer; and
(4) If the carrier or bailee wrongfully refuses
When unpaid seller has possessory lien? to deliver the goods to the buyer.
1.where the goods have been sold without any
stipulation as to credit How the right of stoppage in transitu be
2. Where the goods have been sold on credit, but exercised?
the term of credit has expired 1. By obtaining actual possession of the goods
3. Where the buyer becomes insolvent. 2. By giving notice of his claim to the carrier or
The seller may exercise his right of lien other baille
notwithstanding that he is in possession of the good To whom notice is given?
as agent or bailee for the buyer 1. To the person in actual possession of the
General Rule: Where an unpaid seller has made 2. To his principal
part delivery of the goods, he may exercise his right Principal- Someone who authorizes another to act
of lien on the remainder on his or her behalf as an agent
Exception: such part delivery has been made under
such circumstances as to show an intent to waive Unpaid seller’s right of resale.
the lien or right of retention. (1) When resale allowable. — The third right of an
When unpaid seller loses his lien unpaid seller is the right of resale.)An unpaid seller
1. When he delivers the goods to a carrier or can exercise the right to resell only when he has
other bailee for the purpose of transmission either a right of lien or a right to stop the goods in
to the buyer without reserving the ownership transitu
in the goods or the right to the possession [2.) and under any
thereof of the three following cases:
2. When the buyer or his agent lawfully obtains (a) where the goods are perishable in nature;
possession of the goods (b) where the right to resell is expressly
3. By waiver thereof reserved in case
the buyer should make a default; and other disposition of the goods which the buyer may
(c) where the buyer delays in the payment of have made
the price for an unreasonable time. Exception: The seller has assented or given his
Note: The right of resale applies only if the title to consent thereto:
goods has already passed to the buyer. Otherwise,
the goods cannot be resold. The vendor is NOT bound to deliver the thing
sold because the vendee has lost the right to
Profit or loss in resale: make use of the term:
(1) When after the obligation has been contracted,
he becomes insolvent, unless he gives a guaranty or
Profit Loss
security for the debt [price];
The seller shall not be The seller may receiver (2) When he does not furnish to the creditor [vendor]
liable to the original from the buyer the guaranties or securities which he has promised;
buyer for any profit damages for any loss (3) When by his own acts he has impaired said
made by such resle occasioned by the guaran-ties or securities after their establishment,
breach of the contract and when through a fortuitous
of sale
event they disappear, unless he immediately gives
new ones equally satisfactory;
Unpaid seller’s right of rescission. (4) When the debtor [vendee] violates any
When seller may rescind. — The fourth right of an undertaking, in consideration of which the creditor
unpaid seller is the right to rescind the sale. An agreed to the period;
unpaid seller has a right to rescind only if he has (5) When the debtor [vendee] attempts to abscond.”
either a right of lien
1.) or a right to stop the goods in transitu The vendor is bound to deliver the thing sold and its
2.) and under either of two situations: accessions and accessories in the condition in
(a) where the right to rescind is expressly which they were upon the perfection of the contract.
reserved in case the buyer should make a default; or
Accessions Accessories
(b) where the buyer delays in the payment of
the price for an unreasonable time It signifies all of those It signifies all of those
things which are things which have for
Effect of rescission. — seller shall not be liable to produced by the thing their b=object the
the buyer upon the contract of sale, the latter, which is the object of embellishment, use or
however, may be made liable to the seller for the obligation as well as preservation of another
damages for any loss occasioned by the breach of all those which are thing which is more
naturally or artificially important and to which
attached thereto: they are not
incorporated or
Manner of rescission. — An election by the seller Example: A partners attached. In other
to rescind may be manifested by notice to the buyer share in the profit in a words, it includes all of
or by some other overt act showing an intention to contract of partnership those things which are
rescind. Communication of such election to the “Earphone of a cell necessary for the
buyer is not necessary. But, as in regard to resale phone” “mouse pad of a perfection of another
the giving or failure to give notice is relevant in computer” thing such as the
determining the reasonableness of the time given equipment for a factory,
the spare parts and
the buyer to make good his obligations under the
tools of a machine. The
key of a house and
other of a similar nature
Golden Rule: The unpaid seller’s right of lien or
stoppage in transitu is not affected by any sale or
Note: The fruits(natural, industrial or civil) pertain to real estate and that he ascertained its area and
the buyer from the day on which the contract was quality before the contract was perfected.
perfected. (2) Where area or number stated together with
boundaries. — If the vendor cannot deliver to the
● If the thing is lost without the fault of the vendee all that is included within the boundaries
debtor, the obligation shall be extinguished; mentioned in the contract, the latter has the option
● If the thing is lost through the fault of the to reduce the price in proportion to the deficiency or
debtor, he shall be obliged to pay damages; to set aside the contract. The phrase “should he not
it is understood that the thing is lost when it be able to do so” refers to a situation when the
perishes, or goes out of commerce, or vendor, either because a part or parcel of the real
disappears in such a way that its existence is estate does not belong to him, cannot deliver all that
unknown or it cannot be recovered; is included within the boundaries
● (3) When the thing deteriorates without the
fault of the debtor, the impairment is to be Prescription of actions.
borne by the creditor; The actions based on Articles 1539 and 1542 for
● If it deteriorates through the fault of the either rescission of the contract or proportionate
debtor, the creditor may choose between the reduction of the price must be brought within six
rescission of the obligation and its fulfillment, months counted from the day of delivery.
with indemnity for damages in either case;
● If the thing is improved by its nature, or by Requisites of DOUBLE SALE
time, the improvement shall inure to the 1. Two or more valid contract sale
benefit of the creditor 2. Two or more buyers who are at odds over the
● If it is improved at the expense of the debtor, rightful ownership of the object must represent
he shall have no other right than that granted conflicting interests.
to the usufructuary.” 3. They must pertain exactly to the same object
4. They must be bought from the same seller
Sale of real property by unit of measure or
number. Principle of double sale not applicable
If the area or number in the immovable is 1 Some or all of the elements as mentioned above
greater than that stipulated in the contract, the are not present
vendee may accept the area included in the contract 2. The two different contracts of sale are made by
and reject the rest. If he accepts the whole, he two different persons, one of them not being the
makes himself liable for the price of the same at the owner of the property sold.
contract rate. The vendee may not withdraw from 3. Where one of the contract of sale is forgery
the contract. 4. Where one of the contract of sale is simulated
What is judicial sale? and other is genuine
A sale conducted under the authority of a Where one of the contract of sale is subject to a
judgement or court order, such as an execution sale. suspensive condition which was not complied with
and the other is an absolute sale.
Sale of real estate made for a lump sum.
(1) Mistake in area stated in contract immaterial. Rules of preference in case of double sale
— If the sale is made for a lump sum, and not so 1. Movable Property
much per unit of measure or number, the cause of First possessor in good faith
the contract is the thing sold independent and 2. Immovable property
irrespective of its number or measure. a. First registrant in good faith
In this case, the law presumes that the b. First possessor in good faith
purchaser had in mind a determinate price for the c. Person with the oldest title in good
Express Warranty: It is any affirmation of fact or
any promise by the seller relating to the thing if the
Warranty Condition
natural tendency of such affirmation or promise is to
Goes into the Goes into the root of induce the buyer to purchase the same and if the
performance of such the existence of the buyer purchases the thing relying thereon
obligation and in fact obligation
may constitute an Meaning of implied warranty.
obligation in itself An implied warranty is that which the law derives by
May form part of the Must be stipulated by implication or inference from the nature of the
obligation or contract the parties in order to transaction or the relative situation or circumstances
and provision of the law form part of an of the parties irrespective of any intention of the
without the parties obligation seller to create it.
having agreed thereto Examples:
1. Warranty that the seller has a right to sell
Non-fulfillment of a Although it may
2. Warranty against eviction
warranty would extinguish the
constitute a breach of obligation upon which it 3. Warranty against non-apparent burden or
contract is based, it generally servitudes
does not amount to a 4. Warranty against hidden defects
breach of contract of 5. Warranty against redhibitory defects on
sale animals
Note: Although a seller is bound by implied
warranties in law, nevertheless an agent of the seller
may bind himself to such warranties by express
Condition imposed on Condition imposed on contractual stipulation.
perfection of contract performance of
Subsection 1: Warrant in case of Eviction
It prevents the juridical It gives the option to the
relation from coming party either to refuse or Meaning of eviction.
into existence proceed with the Eviction may be defined as the judicial
contract of sale and process, whereby the vendee is deprived of the
waive the condition whole or part of the thing purchased by virtue of a
final judgment based on a right prior to the sale or
. Any affirmation of fact or any promise by an act imputable to the vendor.
the seller relating to the thing is an express warranty Requisites: In order that a vendor’s liability for
if the natural tendency of such affirmation or promise eviction may be enforced, the following requisites
is to induce the buyer to purchase the same, and if must concur
the buyer purchases the thing relying thereon. No a. There must be final judgement
affirmation of the value of the thing, nor any b. The purchaser has been deprived of the
statement purporting to be a statement of the whole or part of the thing sold
seller’s opinion only, shall be construed as a c. Said deprivation was by virtue of a right prior
warranty, unless the seller made such affirmation or to the sale made by the vendor
statement as an expert and it was relied upon by the d. The vendor has been summoned and made
buyer a co-defendant in the suit for eviction at the
The above stated article refers to express
The vendee’s right against the vendor is not assumed its consequences. The vendor shall
lost because he, the vendee, did not appeal. With a not be liable,
judgment becomes final whatever be the cause of
finality, the requirement of the law is deemed When the warranty has been agreed
satisfied. upon or nothing has been stipulated on this point, in
What is prescription? case eviction occurs, the vendee shall have the right
The effect of the lapse of time in creating and to demand of the vendor:
destroying rights (1) The return of the value which the thing sold
had at the time of the eviction, be it greater or less
If the property is sold for nonpayment of than the price of the sale;
taxes due and not made known to the vendee (2) The income or fruits, if he has been ordered to
before the sale, the vendor is liable for eviction. deliver them to the party who won the suit against
Deprivation for nonpayment of taxes. (3) The costs of the suit which caused the eviction
If the vendee is deprived of the ownership of and, in a proper case, those of the suit brought
the property because it is sold at public for against the vendor for the warranty;
nonpayment of taxes due from the vendor, the latter (4) The expenses of the contract, if the vendee has
is liable for eviction for an act imputable to him. It is paid them;
required, however, that at the time of the sale, the (5) The damages and interests and ornamental
non-payment of taxes was not known to the vendee. expenses, if the sale was made in bad faith
Rescission is not a remedy in case of total
The judgment debtor is also responsible for eviction because recission contemplates mutual
eviction in judicial sales, unless it is otherwise restitution meaning both parties must be able to
decreed in the judgment. return whatever they received under the contract. In
total eviction, the vendee cannot return the object of
What is judgement debt? the contract of sale
A debt that is evidenced by a legal
judgement or brought by a successful lawsuit Remedy in case of partial eviction
against the debtor 1. Rescission
2. Enforcement of vendor’s liability for eviction
What is judicial sale? Note: In case of partial eviction, the vendee can
A sale conducted under the authority of a shall return a portion of the remaining object of sale,
judgement or court order such as an execution sale thus, rescission is allowed
Any stipulation exempting the vendor The warranty cannot be enforced until a final
from the obligation to answer for eviction shall be judgment has been rendered, whereby the vendee
void, if he acted in bad faith. loses the thing acquired or a part thereof.
Measure of damages where there is an available ART. 1624. An assignment of credits and other
market for the goods The difference between the incorporeal rights shall be perfected in
contract price and the market or current price at the accordance with the provisions of article 1475.
time when the goods ought to have been accepted,
or, if no time was fixed for acceptance, then at the Assignment of credit is a contract by which the
time of the refusal to accept. owner (assignor/creditor) of a credit and other
incorporeal rights transfers, either onerously or
Measure of damages for repudiation or gratuitously, to another (assignee) his rights and
countermand actions against a third person
a. The labor performed and expenses incurred
for materials before receiving notice of the
Contract of sale Assignment of credit
buyer’s repudiation or countermand
b. The profit he would have realized if the sale The object is property The object is credit,
had been fully performed incorporeal rights or
rights of actions
Seller’s right of rescission before delivery.
It need not appear in a It must appear in a
(1) when the buyer has repudiated the contract of
public instrument to public instrument to
sale; affect third person. produce effect as
2) when the buyer has manifested his inability to against third person. In
perform his obligations thereunder; and case the assignment
involves real property,
Warranties of the assignor of credit
the instrument is
recorded in the registry 1. The existence of the credit at the time of the
of property. assignment
2. The legality of the credit at the time of the
assignment unless the assignor sold it as
Requirement to produce effect against third
3. If the expressly stipulated or unless the
1. If personal property is involved
insolvency was prior to the sale and common
A public instrument is required to make the
knowledge, the solvency of the debtor.
assignment effective against third person
Liabilities for violation of warranties
2. If real property is involved
1. Assignor in good faith
The instrument is recorded in the Registry of
a. Price received
Property to make the assignment effective against
b. Expenses of the contract
third person.
c. Any other legitimate payments by
Note: A gratuitous assignment is in essence a
reason of the assignment
donation, hence, t must comply with the formalities
2. Assignor in bad faith
of a donation
a. Payment of the price
b. All the expenses
The debtor who, before having knowledge of
c. Damages
the assignment, pays his creditor shall be released
from the obligation
Duration of warranty as to debtor’s solvency
1. Period stipulated
Consent of debtor to assignment not required.
2. If there is no stipulation
In an assignment of credit, the consent of the debtor
a. If the period has already expired
is not essential in order that it may produce legal
One year from the time of the assignment
effects. Hence, the duty to pay does not depend on
b. If the period has not yet expired
the consent of the debtor; otherwise, all creditors
One year from maturity
would be prevented from assigning their credits
because of the possibility of the debtors’ refusal to
One who sells an inheritance without
give consent.
enumerating the things of which it is composed,
shall only be answerable for his character as an
The assignment of a credit includes all the
accessory rights, such as a guaranty, mortgage,
pledge or preference.
Note: The above stated article speaks of present
inheritance which is valid as long as the essential
Extent of assignment of credit. The
elements of a contract are present. It is the sale of
assignment of credit includes not only the credit
future inheritance which is prohibited, as a rule.
itself but also all rights accessory thereto. This
follows the familiar rule that the accessory follows
One who sells for a lump sum the whole of
the principal. But the parties may stipulate that the
certain rights, rents, or products, shall comply by
accessory rights shall not be included in the
answering for the legitimacy of the whole in general;
but he shall not be obliged to warrant each of the
various parts of which it may be composed, except
in the case of eviction from the whole or the part of
greater value.
Note: The warranty is on the legitimacy of the world
of the whole in general.
(4) The right must be exercised by the debtor within
General Rule: The vendor shall pay the vendee he thirty (30) days from the date the assignee demands
have profited by some of the fruits or received or (judicially or extra-judicially) payment from him. A
anything from the inheritance sold debtor who has paid the full amount of a litigated
Exception: The above liability is subject to contrary credit to one who has purchased such litigated credit
stipulation: cannot counterclaim the difference between the
amount paid by such debtor and the amount paid by
the purchaser. of such litigated credit unless such
General Rule: The vendee shall, on his part, debtor shall make use of his right to do so within the
reimburse the vendor for all that the latter may have prescribed period.
paid for the debts of and charges on the estate and
satisfy the credits he may have against the same, From the provisions of the preceding article
unless there is an agreement to the contrary. shall be excepted the assignments or sales made:
Exception: The above liability is subject to contrary (1) To a co-heir or co-owner of the right assigned;
stipulation. (2) To a creditor in payment of his credit;
(3) To the possessor of a tenement or piece of land
When a credit or other incorporeal right in which is subject to the right in litigation assigned.
litigation is sold, the debtor shall have a right to
extinguish it by reimbursing the assignee for the Exceptions to debtor’s right to legal
price the latter paid therefor, the judicial costs, redemption
incurred by him, and the interest on the price from (1) Sale to a co-heir or co-owner. — This exception
the day on which the same was paid. A credit or is based on the desire to do away with co-ownership
other incorporeal right shall be considered in or pro-indivision. Moreover, if the right of redemption
litigation from the time the complaint concerning the is granted to the debtor, it would not terminate
same is answered. litigation which is the purpose of this article because
The debtor may exercise his right within thirty days the co-owner or co-heir may still sue the debtor for
from the date the assignee demands payment from the share that corresponds to the former in the credit
him. (2) Sale to a creditor. — There is a lawful basis for
the assignment as the assignee cannot be
The following are the requisites before the right considered as a vendee of a right in litigation and as
of legal redemption can be exercised: a speculator. It really refers to a dation in payment.
(1) There must be a sale or assignment of a credit. (3) Sale to the possessor of property in question. —
The concept of sale must be understood in its The reason for this exception is that the assignee is
restricted sense. The right cannot be exercised if the moved by a desire to preserve the property and not
transaction is exchange or donation to speculate at the expense of the debtor.
(2) There must be a pending litigation at the time of
the assignment. The complaint by the assignor must Chapter 9: General Provisions
have been filed and answered by the creditor before
the sale of the credit. Article 1634 applies only to a ART. 1636. In the preceding articles in this Title
claim in litigation the meaning of which is not a claim governing the sale goods, unless the context or
open to litigation, but one which is actually litigated; subject matter otherwise requires:
that is to say, disputed or contested, which happens (1) “Document of title to goods” includes any bill
only after an answer interposed in a suit(3) The of lading, dock warrant, “quedan,” or warehouse
debtor must pay the assignee: receipt or order for the delivery of goods, or any
(a) the price paid by him; other document used in the ordinary course of
(b) the judicial costs incurred by him; and business in the sale of transfer of goods, as proof of
(c) the interest on the price from the date of the possession or control of the goods, or
payment; and authorizing or purporting to authorize the possessor
of the document to transfer or receive either by
indorsement or by delivery, goods represented by
such document. “Goods” includes all chattels
personal but not things in action or money of legal
tender in the Philippines. The term includes growing
fruits or crops. “Order” relating to documents of title
means an order by indorsement on the documents.
“Quality of goods” includes their state or condition.
“Specific goods” means goods identified and agreed
upon at the time a contract of sale is made. An
antecedent or pre-existing claim, whether for money
or not, constitutes “value” where goods or
documents of title are taken either in satisfaction
thereof or as security therefor.
(2) A person is insolvent within the meaning of this
Title who either has ceased to pay his debts in the
ordinary course of business or cannot pay his debts
as they become due, whether insolvency
proceedings have been commenced or not.
(3) Goods are in a “deliverable state” within the
meaning of this Title when they are in such a state
that the buyer would, under the contract, be bound
to take delivery of them.