12th Phython Unit-1 PDF
12th Phython Unit-1 PDF
12th Phython Unit-1 PDF
We have learnt Python programming language in the 11th class and continue to learn the same language
program in class 12th also. We also know that Python is a high level language and we need to have Python
interpreter installed in our computer to write and run Python program. Python is also considered as an
interpreted language because Python programs are executed by an interpreter. We also learn that Python
shell can be used in two ways, viz., interactive mode and script mode.
Interactive Mode: Interactive Mode, as the name suggests, allows us to interact with OS. Hear, when we
type Python statement, interpreter displays the result(s) immediately. That means, when we type Python
expression / statement / command after the prompt (>>>), the Python immediately responses with the
output of it. Let's see what will happen when we type print "WELCOME TO PYTHON PROGRAMMING"
after the prompt.
>>> print 5+10
>>> x=10
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>>> y=20
>>> print x*y
Script Mode: In script mode, we type Python program in a file and then use interpreter to execute the
content of the file. Working in interactive mode is convenient for beginners and for testing small pieces of
code, as one can test them immediately. But for coding of more than few lines, we should always save our
code so that it can be modified and reused.
Python, in interactive mode, is good enough to learn, experiment or explore, but its only drawback is that
we cannot save the statements and have to retype all the statements once again to re-run them.
Example: Input any two numbers and to find Quotient and Remainder.
Code: (Script mode)
a = input ("Enter first number")
b = input ("Enter second number")
print "Quotient", a/b
print "Remainder", a%b
Output: (Interactive Mode)
Enter first number10
Enter second number3
Quotient 3
Remainder 1
Variables and Types: One of the most powerful features of a programming language is the ability to
manipulate variables. When we create a program, we often like to store values so that it can be used later.
We use objects (variables) to capture data, which then can be manipulated by computer to provide
information. By now, we know that object/variable is a name which refers to a value.
Every object has:
An Identity,
A type, and
A value.
A. Identity of the object is its address in memory and does not get change once it is created. We may know
it by typing id (variable)
We would be referring to objects as variable for now.
B. Type (i.e data type) is a set of values, and the allowable operations on those values. It can be one of the
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Data Types
Integer Floating Complex Strings Tuple List
1. Number: Number data type stores Numerical Values. This data type is immutable i.e. value of its
object cannot be changed. Numbers are of three different types:
Integer & Long (to store whole numbers i.e. decimal digits without fraction part)
Float/floating point (to store numbers with fraction part)
Complex (to store real and imaginary part)
2. None: This is special data type with a single value. It is used to signify the absence of value/false in a
situation. It is represented by None.
3. Sequence: A sequence is an ordered collection of items, indexed by positive integers. It is a
combination of mutable (a mutable variable is one, whose value may change) and immutable (an
immutable variable is one, whose value may not change) data types. There are three types of sequence
data type available in Python, they are Strings, Lists & Tuples.
3.1 String- is an ordered sequence of letters/characters. They are enclosed in single quotes (' ') or
double quotes ('' "). The quotes are not part of string. They only tell the computer about where the
string constant begins and ends. They can have any character or sign, including space in them.
These are immutable. A string with length 1 represents a character in Python.
3.2 Lists: List is also a sequence of values of any type. Values in the list are called elements / items.
These are mutable and indexed/ordered. List is enclosed in square brackets ([]).
3.3 Tuples: Tuples are a sequence of values of any type and are indexed by integers. They are
immutable. Tuples are enclosed in ().
4. Sets: Set is unordered collection of values of any type with no duplicate entry. It is immutable.
5. Mapping: This data type is unordered and mutable. Dictionaries fall under Mappings.
5.1 Dictionaries: It can store any number of python objects. What they store is a key -value pairs,
which are accessed using key. Dictionary is enclosed in curly brackets ({}).
C. Value: Value is any number or a letter or string. To bind value to a variable, we use assignment
operator (=).
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Keywords - are used to give some special meaning to the interpreter and are used by Python
interpreter to recognize the structure of program.
A partial list of keywords in Python 2.7 is
and del from not
while as elif global
or with assert else
if pass Yield break
except import print class
exec in Raise continue
finally is return def
for lambda try
Operators and Operands
Operators are special symbols that represent computation like addition and multiplication. The values
that the operator is applied to are called operands. Operators when applied on operands form an
expression. Operators are categorized as Arithmetic, Relational, Logical and Assignment. Following is the
partial list of operators:
Mathematical/Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %, ** and //.
Relational operators: <, <=, >, >=, != or <> and ==.
Logical operators: or, and, and not
Assignment Operator: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, **= and //=
Input and Output
Program need to interact with end user to accomplish the desired task, this is done using Input-Output
facility. Input means the data entered by user (end user) of the program. In python, raw_input() and input (
) functions are available for input.
Syntax of raw_input() is:
Variable = raw_input ([prompt])
>>>x = raw_input ('Enter your name: ')
Enter your name: ABC
y = int(raw_input ("enter your roll no"))
will convert the accepted string into integer before assigning to 'y'.
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Import: It is simplest and most common way to use modules in our code.
import modulename1 [, module name 2, ---------]
Example: Input any number and to find square and square root.
import math
x = input ("Enter any number")
y = math.sqrt(x)
a = math.pow(x,2)
print "Square Root value=",y
print "square value=",a
Enter any number25
Square Root value= 5.0
square value= 625.0
From statement: It is used to get a specific function in the code instead of complete file. If we know
beforehand which function(s), we will be needing, then we may use 'from'. For modules having large
number of functions, it is recommended to use from instead of import.
>>> from modulename import functionname [, functionname…..]
from modulename import *
will import everything from the file.
Example: Input any number and to find square and square root.
from math import sqrt,pow
x=input("Enter any number")
y=sqrt(x) #without using math
a=pow(x,2) #without using math
print "Square Root value =",y
print "square value =",a
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In python, consecutive sequence of characters is known as a string. An individual character in a string is
accessed using a subscript (index). The subscript should always be an integer (positive or negative) and
starts from 0. A literal/constant value to a string can be assigned using a single quotes, double quotes or
triple quotes. Strings are immutable i.e. the contents of the string cannot be changed after it is created.
Strings Operations:
+ (Concatenation)
* (Repetition )
in (Membership)
not in
range (start, stop[,step])
Example: Write the output from the following code:
1. A = 'Global'
B = 'warming'
print A+B
Ans: Globalwarming
2. A = 'Global'
Print 3*A
Ans: 'GlobalGlobalGlobal'
3. A='Global'
'o' in A
Ans: True
4. A='Global'
'g' in A
Ans: False
5. A='Global'
'o' not in A
Ans: False
6. A='Global'
'g' not in A
Ans: True
String methods & built in functions:
len() capitalize() find(sub[,start[, end]]) isalnum() isalpha()
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['Cong', 'tulations']
>>> s.split('a')
['Congr', 'tul', 'tions']
>>> a=' abc '
>>> a.lstrip()
'abc '
>>> a.rstrip()
' abc'
Example: Write a program to input any string and count number of uppercase and lowercase letters.
s=raw_input("Enter any String")
rint s
while i<len(s):
if (s[i].islower()==True):
if (s[i].isupper()==True):
print "Total upper case letters :", u
print "Total Lower case letters :", l
Enter any String Python PROG
Python PROG
Total upper case letters: 5
Total Lower case letters: 5
Write the output from the following code:
s = 'Indian FESTIVALS'
while i<len(s):
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if (s[i].islower()):
print s[i].upper(),
if (s[i].isupper()):
print s[i].lower(),
i + =1
Like a string, list is a sequence of values. In a string, the values are characters, whereas in a list, they can be
of any type. The values in the list are called elements or items or members. It is an ordered set of values
enclosed in square brackets [ ]. Values in the list can be modified, i.e. it is mutable. As it is set of values, we
can use index in square brackets [ ] to identify a value belonging to it.
List Slices: Slice operator works on list. This is used to display more than one selected values on the output
screen. Slices are treated as boundaries and the result will contain all the elements between boundaries.
Seq = L [start: stop: step]
Where start, stop & step - all three are optional. If you omit first index, slice starts from '0' and omitting of
stop will take it to end. Default value of step is 1.
>>> L=[10,20,30,40,50]
>>> L1=L[2:4]
>>> print L1
[30, 40]
List Methods:
append() extend () pop() del() remove()
insert() sort() reverse() len()
>>> L=[500,1000,1500,2000]
>>> L.append(2500)
>>> print L
[500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500]
>>> L1=[3000,3500]
>>> L.extend(L1)
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>>> print L
[500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500]
>>> L.pop()
>>> L.pop(3)
>>> print L
[500, 1000, 1500, 2500, 3000]
>>> del L[2]
>>> print L
[500, 1000, 2500, 3000]
>>> L.remove(1000)
>>> print L
[500, 2500, 3000]
>>> L.insert(3,3500)
>>> print L
[500, 2500, 3000, 3500]
>>> L.reverse()
>>> print L
[3500, 3000, 2500, 500]
>>> L.sort()
>>> print L
[500, 2500, 3000, 3500]
>>> print len(L)
Note: Operator + & * can also be applied on the lists. + is used to concatenate the two lists and * is used to
repeat the list given number of times.
>>> l=[10,20,30]
>>> m=[40,50]
>>> l=l+m
>>> print l
[10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
>>> b=m*3
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>>> print b
[40, 50, 40, 50, 40, 50]
A dictionary is like a list, but more in general. In a list, index value is an integer, while in a dictionary index
value can be any other data type and are called keys. The key will be used as a string as it is easy to recall. A
dictionary is an extremely useful data storage construct for storing and retrieving all key value pairs,
where each element is accessed (or indexed) by a unique key. However, dictionary keys are not in
sequences and hence maintain no left-to-right order.
Key-value pair: We can refer to a dictionary as a mapping between a set of indices (which are called keys)
and a set of values. Each key maps a value. The association of a key and a value is called a key-value pair.
my_dict = {'key1': 'value1','key2': 'value2','key3': 'value3'…'keyn': 'valuen'}
Note: Dictionary is created by using curly brackets(ie. {}).
Dictionary methods:
cmp( ) len( ) clear( ) get() has_key( )
items( ) keys() values() update() dict()
>>> month=dict()
>>> print month
>>> month["one"]="January"
>>> month["two"]="Feb"
>>> print month
{'two': 'Feb', 'one': 'January'}
>>> len(month)
>>> month.get("one")
>>> month.get("one","feb")
>>> month.keys()
['two', 'one']
>>> month.has_key("one")
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>>> month.has_key("three")
>>> month.items()
[('two', 'Feb'), ('one', 'January')]
>>> month.values()
['Feb', 'January']
>>> m=month
>>> cmp(month,m)
>>> n=dict()
>>> cmp(m,n)
>>> cmp(n,m)
>>> m.clear()
>>> print m
A tuple is a sequence of values, which can be of any type and they are indexed by integer. Tuples are just
like list, but we can't change values of tuples in place. Thus tuples are immutable. The index value of tuple
starts from 0.
A tuple consists of a number of values separated by commas. For example:
>>> T=10, 20, 30, 40
>>> print T
(10, 20, 30, 40)
But in the result, same tuple is printed using parentheses. To create a tuple with single element, we have to
use final comma. A value within the parenthesis is not tuple.
Tuple Slices: Slice operator works on Tuple also. This is used to display more than one selected value on
the output screen. Slices are treated as boundaries and the result will contain all the elements between
Seq = T [start: stop: step]
Where start, stop & step - all three are optional. If we omit first index, slice starts from '0'. On omitting stop,
slice will take it to end. Default value of step is 1.
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>>> T=(10,20,30,40,50)
>>> T1=T[2:4]
>>> print T1
(30, 40)
In the above example, starting position is 2 and ending position is 3(4-1), so the selected elements are 30 &
Tuple functions:
cmp( ) len( ) max( ) min( ) tuple( )
>>> T=tuple()
>>> print T
>>> T=["mon","tue","wed","thu","fri","sat","sun"]
>>> print T
['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun']
>>> len(T)
>>> min(T)
>>> max(T)
>>> T1=T
>>> T2=(10,20,30)
>>> cmp(T,T1)
>>> cmp(T2,T1)
>>> cmp(T1,T2)
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Interactive Mode: Interactive Mode, as the name suggests, allows us to interact with OS.
Script Mode: In script mode, we type Python program in a file and then use interpreter to execute the
content of the file.
Number: Number data type stores Numerical Values.
Sequence: A sequence is an ordered collection of items, indexed by positive integers.
Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %, ** and //.
Relational operators: <, <=, >, >=, != or <> and ==.
Logical operators: or, and, and not
Assignment Operator: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, **= and //=
Functions in Python: A function is named sequence of statement(s) that performs a computation.
Module: A module is a file containing Python definitions (i.e. functions) and statements. Standard library
of Python is extended as module(s) to a Programmer.
String: In python, consecutive sequence of characters is known as a string. An individual character in a
string is accessed using a subscript (index).
List: Like a string, list is a sequence of values. List can be of any type.
Dictionaries: A dictionary is like a list, but more in general. In a list, index value is an integer, while in a
dictionary index value can be any other data type and are called keys.
Tuples: A tuple is a sequence of values, which can be of any type and they are indexed by integer.
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1. Write the output from the following code:
a) x = 10
y = 20
if (x>y):
print x+y
print x-y
b) print "Inspirational stories \n for \t Children"
c) s = 0
for I in range(10,2,-2):
print "sum= ",s
d) n = 50
while i<n:
s+ = i
i+ = 10
print "i=",i
print "sum=",s
e) y = 2000
if (i%4==0):
print "Leep Year"
print "Not leep year"
2. Write for statement to print the following series:
a) 10,20,30…….300
b) 105,98,91,….7
3. Write the while loop to print the following series:
a) 5,10,15,…100
b) 100,98,96,…2
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3. Encapsulation
4. Abstraction
5. Data Hiding
6. Polymorphism
7. Inheritance
An object is the basic key concept of Object Oriented Programming. As mentioned before it can be
anything around us - a person, place, any activity or any other identifiable entity. Every object is
characterised by:
Identity: This is the name that identifies an object. For example a Student is the name given to anybody
who is pursuing a course. Or an i-phone is a mobile phone that has been launched by Apple Inc.
Properties: These are the features or attributes of the object. For example a student will have his name
age, class, date of birth etc. as his attributes or properties. A mobile phone has model, color, price as its
Behaviour: The behaviour of an object signifies what all functions an object can perform. For example a
student can pass or fail the examination. A mobile phone can click and store photographs (behave like
a camera).
So an object clearly defines an entity in terms of its properties and behaviour. Consider an example of
an object - Windows mobile phone. This phone has certain properties and certain functions which are
different from any other mobile phone- say an Android phone. Both are mobile phones and so possess
common features that every mobile phone should have but yet they have their own properties and
behaviours. The data of a particular object can be accessed by functions associated with that object
only. The functions of one object cannot access the data of another object.
A class is group of objects with same attributes and common behaviours. It is basically a blueprint to create
objects. An object is a basic key concept of OOP but classes provide an ability to generalize similar type of
objects. Both data and functions operating on the data are bundled as a unit in a class for the same category
of objects. Here to explain the term 'same category of object', let us take the example of mobile phone. A
Windows phone, Android phone and i-phone, all fall into the category of mobile phones. All of these are
instances of a class, say Mobile_phone and are called objects.
Similarly we can have another example where students named Rani and Ravish are objects. They have
properties like name, date of birth, address, class, marks etc. and the behaviour can be giving
examinations. Anybody pursuing any course, giving any type of examination will come into the category
of students. So a student is said to be a class as they share common properties and behaviours. Although a
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student can be a school student, a college student or a university student or a student pursuing a music
course and so on, yet all of these have some properties and behaviours in common which will form a class.
An analogy is that you can have variables of type int which translates to saying that variables that store
integers are variables which are instances (objects) of the int class.
A real instance of a class is called an object and creating the new object is called instantiation. Objects can
also have functionality by using functions that belong to a class. Such functions are called methods of the
class. This terminology is important because it helps us to differentiate between functions and variables
which are independent and those which belong to a class or object. Collectively, the fields and methods can
be referred to as the attributes of that class. Let us take the example of the class Mobile_phone which is
represented in the block diagram below:
Class: Mobile_phone
Fig 1: Class Mobile_phone
A class is defined before the creation of objects of its type. The objects are then created as instances of this
class as shown in the figure below.
Class: Mobile_phone
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In the above example, Nokia Lumia, Asha and i4 are all instances of the class Mobile_phone. All these
instances are similar in the sense that all have basic features that a mobile phone should have. So all of these
are objects of the class Mobile_phone
The general form of class definition in Python and creation of objects will be discussed in the next chapter.
Encapsulation is the most basic concept of OOP. It is the combining of data and the functions associated
with that data in a single unit. In most of the languages including python, this unit is called a class. In Fig -1
showing class Mobile_phone, given under the subtopic Classes, we see that the name of the class, its
properties or attributes and behaviours are all enclosed under one independent unit. This is encapsulation,
implemented through the unit named class.
In simple terms we can say that encapsulation is implemented through classes. In fact the data members of
a class can be accessed through its member functions only. It keeps the data safe from any external
interference and misuse. The only way to access the data is through the functions of the class. In the
example of the class Mobile_phone, the class encapsulates the data (model, color, price) and the associated
functions into a single independent unit.
Data Hiding
Data hiding can be defined as the mechanism of hiding the data of a class from the outside world or to be
precise, from other classes. This is done to protect the data from any accidental or intentional access.
In most of the object oriented programming languages, encapsulation is implemented through classes. In a
class, data may be made private or public. Private data or function of a class cannot be accessed from
outside the class while public data or functions can be accessed from anywhere. So data hiding is achieved
by making the members of the class private. Access to private members is restricted and is only available to
the member functions of the same class. However the public part of the object is accessible outside the class.
(You will study about private and public members in detail in the next chapter.)
Data Abstraction
Do you know the inner details of the monitor of your PC or your mobile phone? What happens when you
switch ON the monitor or when any call is received by you on your phone? Does it really matter to you
what is happening inside these devices? No, it does not. Right? Important thing for you is whether these
devices are working as per your requirement or not? You are never concerned about their inner circuitry.
This is what we call abstraction.
The process of identifying and separating the essential features without including the internal details is
abstraction. Only the essential information is provided to the outside world while the background details
are hidden. Classes use the concept of abstraction. A class encapsulates the relevant data and functions that
operate on data by hiding the complex implementation details from the user. The user needs to focus on
what a class does rather than how it does.
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Let us have a look at the Mobile_phone class. The case or body of the mobile phone is abstraction. This case
is the public interface through which the user interacts. Inside the case there are numerous components
such as memory, processor, RAM etc. which are private and so are hidden behind the public interface
called case/body. Thus this case/body is the abstraction which has separated the essential components
from implementation details. So when you purchase a mobile, you are given information about only the
functions and operations of the mobile. The inside mechanism of the working of the mobile is of no concern
to you. As long as the mobile is functioning properly, you are not bothered about the inner circuitry of the
mobile phone.
Abstraction and Encapsulation are complementary concepts. Through encapsulation only we are able to
enclose the components of the object into a single unit and separate the private and public members. It is
through abstraction that only the essential behaviours of the objects are made visible to the outside world.
So we can say that encapsulation is the way to implement data abstraction. In another example of class
Student, only the essential information like roll no, name, date of birth, course etc. of the student are visible.
The secret information like calculation of grades, allotment of examiners etc. is hidden.
Inheritance is one of the most useful characteristic of object-oriented programming as it enforces
reusability of code. Inheritance is the process of forming a new class (derived class) from an existing class
(called the base class). The data members and the methods associated with the data are accessible in the
inherited class.
Let us understand this characteristic with the help of the class Mobile_phone.
An i-phone is a class in itself. It is a type of mobile phone. So we can have Mobile_phone as the base class
and i_phone as its derived class as shown in the figure below:
Class: Mobile_phone
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Such hierarchical classification helps to obtain a new class from an existing class. The derived class can also
contain some new attributes of itself. So the derived class contains features of the base class as well as of
itself. For example an i-phone will have all the features of a Mobile_phone class in addition to its own
characteristics. Such a relationship between the two classes is known as "a kind of "relationship. For
example an i-phone is a kind of mobile phone.
So we see that the base class can be reused again and again to define new classes. Another advantage of
inheritance is its transitive nature. If a class i_phone inherits properties of another class Mobile_phone,
then all derived classes of i_phone will inherit properties of the class Mobile_phone. All these factors make
inheritance a very important characteristic of object oriented programming.
The word Polymorphism is formed from two words - poly and morph where poly means many and morph
means forms. So polymorphism is the ability to use an operator or function in various forms. That is a
single function or an operator behaves differently depending upon the data provided to them.
Polymorphism can be achieved in two ways:
1. Operator Overloading
In class XI you have worked with '+ 'operator. You must have noticed that the '+' operator behaves
differently with different data types. With integers it adds the two numbers and with strings it
concatenates or joins two strings. For example:
Print 8+9 will give 17 and
Print "Python" + "programming" will give the output as Pythonprogramming.
This feature where an operator can be used in different forms is known as Operator Overloading and is
one of the methods to implement polymorphism.
2. Function Overloading
Polymorphism in case of functions is a bit different. A named function can also vary depending on the
parameters it is given. For example, we define multiple functions with same name but different
argument list as shown below:
def test(): #function 1
print "hello"
def test(a, b): #function 2
return a+b
def test(a, b, c): #function 3
return a+b+c
In the example above, three functions by the same name have been defined but with different number
of arguments. Now if we give a function call with no argument, say test(), function 1 will be called. The
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statement test(10,20) will lead to the execution of function 2 and if the statement test(10,20,30) is given
Function 3 will be called. In either case, all the functions would be known in the program by the same
name. This is another way to implement polymorphism and is known as Function Overloading.
As we see in the examples above, the function called will depend on the argument list - data types and
number of arguments. These two i.e. data types and the number of arguments together form the
function signature. Please note that the return types of the function are no where responsible for
function overloading and that is why they are not part of function signature.
Here it must be taken into consideration that Python does not support function overloading as shown
above although languages like Java and C/C++ do. If you run the code of three test functions, the
second test() definition will overwrite the first one. Subsequently the third test() definition will
overwrite the second one. That means if you give the function call test(20,20) , it will flash an error
stating, "Type Error: add() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)". This is because, Python understands
the latest definition of the function test() which takes three arguments.
Static and Dynamic Binding
Binding is the process of linking the function call to the function definition. The body of the function is
executed when the function call is made. Binding can be of two types:
Static Binding: In this type of binding, the linking of function call to the function definition is done during
compilation of the program.
Dynamic Binding: In this type of binding, linking of a function call to the function definition is done at run
time. That means the code of the function that is to be linked with function call is unknown until it is
executed. Dynamic binding of functions makes the programs more flexible. You will learn more on
dynamic binding in the next chapter.
Advantages of OOP
Object Oriented programming has following advantages:
Simplicity: The objects in case of OOP are close to the real world objects, so the complexity of the
program is reduced making the program structure very clear and simple. For example by looking at
the class Mobile_phone, you can simply identify with the properties and behaviour of an actual mobile
phone. This makes the class Mobile_phone very simple and easy to understand.
Modifiability: It is easy to make minor changes in the data representation or the procedures in an OO
program. Changes inside a class do not affect any other part of a program, since the only public
interface that the external world has to a class is through the use of methods.
Extensibility and Maintainability: It is quite easy to add new features and extend the program in case
of object oriented programming. It can be simply done by introducing a few new objects and
modifying some existing ones. The original base class need not be modified at all. Even objects can be
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maintained separately. There by making locating and fixing problems easier. For example if a new
version of i-phone is introduced, a new derived class of the class i_phone for the new version may be
created and no other class in the class hierarchy need to be modified. Similarly if any behaviour of a
Windows phone changes, maintenance has to be done only for the class Windows phone.
Re-usability: Objects can be reused in different programs. The class definitions can be reused in
various applications. Inheritance makes it possible to define subclasses of data objects that share some
or all of the main class characteristics. It forces a more thorough data analysis, reduces development
time, and ensures more accurate coding.
Security: Since a class defines only the data it needs to be concerned with, when an instance of that class
(an object) is run, the code will not be able to accidentally access other program data. This characteristic
of data hiding provides greater system security and avoids unintended data corruption.
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Object: clearly defines an entity in terms of its properties and behaviour.
Class: a blueprint of an object.
Encapsulation: combining of data and the functions associated with that data in a single unit
Data Hiding: the mechanism of hiding the data of a class from the outside world
Abstraction: providing only essential information to the outside world and hiding their background
Inheritance: forming a new class (derived class) from an existing class (called the base class).
Polymorphism: ability to use an operator or function in various forms.
Static Binding: the linking of function call to the function definition is done during compilation of the
Dynamic Binding: the linking of function call to the function definition is done during the execution of
the program.
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Fill in the blanks:
a. Act of representing essential features without background detail is called ___________.
b. Wrapping up of data and associated functions in to a single unit is called_________.
c. ____________is called the instance of a class.
What is Object Oriented Programming? List some of its advantages.
Differentiate between an object and a class.
What is inheritance? Explain with an example.
List its three features that make it an important characteristic of OOP.
Consider the figure given below and answer the questions that follow:
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In the previous chapter you have studied that classes and objects are one of the most important
characteristic of Object Oriented Programming. It is through classes that all the characteristics of OOP are
implemented - may it be encapsulation, abstraction or inheritance.
This chapter deals with classes in Python. As Python is fully object-oriented, you can define your own
classes, inherit from your own or built-in classes, and instantiate the classes that you've defined. But before
we start with our study on classes let us understand about namespaces and scope rules in Python.
In Class XI, you had studied that variables refer to an object and they are created when they are first
assigned a value. In fact the variables are bound to their values using the assignment operator(=). So a
namespace is a place where a variable's name is stored and the value of the variable is bound to this
A namespace is a mapping from names to objects. It is a thing which associates the names with its values. In
simple terms, it is a place where name lives. They are created at different moments and have different
lifetimes. The examples of namespaces are:
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Built-in names
These consist of functions such as max() , min() and built-in exception names. This namespace is
created when the Python interpreter starts up, and is never deleted. The built-in names actually also
live in a module called__ builtin__.
Global names in a module
The global namespace for a module is created when the module definition is read in and normally lasts
until the interpreter quits. The statements executed by the top-level invocation of the interpreter, either
read from a script file or interactively, are considered to be part of a module called__main__ and they
have their own global namespace.
Local names in a function invocation
The local namespace for a function is created when the function is called, and deleted when the
function returns or raises an exception that is not handled within the function. Even each recursive
invocation has its own local namespace.
If we talk about classes and objects, the set of attributes of an object also form a namespace. It must be
noted that there is absolutely no relation between names in different namespaces. Two different
modules may both define same function without any confusion because the functions are prefixed
with the module name. That means module1.cmp() has no relation with module2.cmp().
Scope Rules
A scope is a region of a Python program where a namespace is directly accessible.The location where the
names are assigned in the code determines the scope of visibility of the name in that code. Although scopes
are determined statically i.e. during creation of the program, yet they are used dynamically i.e. during
execution of the program. At any time during execution, there are at least four main things to remember in
the context of scope rules:
i) In Python, names of all types of variables are treated in same manner. That means numbers, strings,
functions, types, modules, classes - all are treated in the same way. Also a name can refer to only one
thing at a time. For example, consider the following program:
var = 10 + 5
print var
def var(y):
return y*10
print var
var = "Hello"
print var
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In the code given above, the variable var is bound to 15(10 + 5). Then def var(y) binds var to a function.
The previous binding of var to 15 is lost and is replaced by the function. Thereafter var is bound to a
string, so its binding with the function is no longer existing.
ii) The scope of a variable is its enclosing function or class or file. As discussed before, each name belongs
to a namespace. For example, if a variable is created in a particular function, then its scope is that
function only, since that function creates its own namespace where it resides. So any variable inside the
function will be local to that namespace. In the following example, the scope of the variable x is the test
def test():
print x
Now let us modify the program -
x = 10
def exam():
print x
def test():
print x
def marks(x):
print x
print x
On executing the above code, the output will be
The first line creates a variable x that belongs to the namespace of the file, so its scope is the entire file.
Hence 10 is displayed. The exam function creates its namespace, but that namespace doesn't have an x
in it. As Python doesn't find x there, it checks the next larger enclosing namespace and finds x. So exam
uses the variable x defined at the top and displays 10.
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However, the test function defines its own variable named x with value 5, which has higher priority
over the first definition of x. So any mention of x within the test function will refer to that x, hence
displaying 5. The marks function also has an x in its own namespace, just like test function has. So x gets
bound to whatever value is passed as an argument to marks function (20 in the given example). Hence
the outer x is shadowed again in this function displaying the output as 20.
iii) The names always belong to the namespace where they are bound, irrespective of whether they are
bound before or after they are referred. This is the reason which makes Python a lexically scoped
language. The variable scopes are determined entirely by the locations of the variables in the source
code of your program files, not by function calls. If a binding for a variable appears anywhere inside a
function, the variable name is local to that function. Let us understand this with the help of an example:
x = 10
def func1():
print x
def func2():
print x
def func3(p):
if p<10:
print x
In the above example, the func1 function creates a local variable x in its own namespace, shadowing the
outer variable x. So the line print x prints 50. The func2 function also has a local variable x in its
namespace but the assignment to x is after the print statement. The local variable x shadows the outer x,
even though the local x is initially not bound to anything. The line print x looks for x in the local
namespace, finds that it is not bound to anything, and so the reference to x leads to an error (an
Unbound Local Error occurs). Similarly, in func3(), the variable x is local.
When we call func3(20), the line x = 2 is not executed, so print x causes an error. But when we call
func3(5), the line x = 2 is executed , so print x prints 2.
iv) Names declared with global keyword have to be referred at the file level. This is because the global
statement indicates that the particular variable lives in the global scope. If no global statement is being
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used, the assignment to the name is always in the innermost local scope. Consider the following
def func1():
def func2():
global x
print x
print x
print x
The above example prints 5; then calling func1()it prints 3. This is because func1 only increments a local
x. Then func2()increments the global x and prints 6.
From the examples discussed above, we come up to the LEGB rule. According to this rule, when a name is
encountered during the execution of the program, it searches for that name in the following order:
L. Local - It first makes a local search i.e. in current def statement. The import statements and function
definitions bind the module or function name in the local scope. In fact, all operations that introduce new
names use the local scope.
E. Enclosing functions - It searches in all enclosing functions, form inner to outer.
G. Global (module) - It searches for global modules or for names declared global in a def within the file.
B. Built-in (Python) - Finally it checks for any built in functions in Python.
The examples given above give the output according to the LEGB rule only.
Defining Classes
We have already studied in the previous chapter that a class is a unit that encapsulates data and its
associated functions. In this section we will learn how to define classes.
To define a class in Python, we need to just define the class and start coding. A Python class starts with the
reserved word 'class', followed by the class name and a colon(:). The simplest form of class definition looks
like this:
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Note that calling a method on an object can also change the object. This implies that an object is mutable. A
function can modify an outer mutable object by calling a method on it. Consider the example below:
x= [10]
def List_ex():
def add_list():
print x
print x
print x
The above example prints
The list_ex()calls the append method of the global x, whereas the add_list(), x refers to a local x.
Also data attributes override method attributes with the same name. That means if the data attribute of the
class and the method attribute are in same scope, then the data attribute will be given higher priority. So to
avoid accidental name conflicts, we may use conventions like:
capitalizing method names
prefixing data attribute names with a small unique string(generally an underscore)
using verbs for methods and nouns for data attributes.
If the class does not contain any statements i.e. it is a class without any attributes or methods , then a
keyword 'pass' is given within the body of the class as shown below :
class mobile:
In the above example 'pass' is a keyword. Giving pass in the class definition means that the class doesn't
define any methods or attributes. But since there needs to be something in the definition, so you use pass.
It's a statement that does nothing.
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To understand why you don't need to give any value for self during the method call, consider an example.
Say you have a class called My_Photo and an instance of this class called My_Object. When you call a
method of this object as My_Object.method(arg1, arg2), this is automatically converted by Python into
My_Photo.method (My_Object, arg1, arg2). This feature makes self special and it also implies that if you
have a method which takes no arguments, then you still have to define the method to have a self argument.
Self is an instance identificator and is required so that the statements within the methods can have
automatic access to the current instance attributes. Here is the example showing a class definition
using__init__ and self.
class Mobile:
'"A sample class definition"'
price = 0
model = "Null"
def __init__(self, price, model = None):
self.model="Nokia Lumia 720"
def displaydata(self):
print self. price, self. model
In the above example:
The variables price and model are the class variables whose value would be shared among all instances
of this class. This can be accessed as Mobile.price, Mobile. model from inside the class or outside the
The first method __init__() is a special method, which is called class constructor or initialization
method that Python calls when you create a new instance of this class.
You declare other class methods like normal functions with the exception that the first argument to
each method is self. While giving a call to the method, the instance name is automatically taken as the
first argument for self.
If after the given class definition of class Mobile, the following statements are executed
M= Mobile(1000, 'Samsung')
the output is
1000 Samsung
Class instances (Objects)
Having a class defined, you can create as many objects as required. These objects are called instances of this
class. In fact after the class definition is made, a class instance is created automatically once the definition is
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left normally i.e. the indentation of statements is removed and the class object is called. All the instances
created with a given class will have the same structure and behaviour. They will only differ regarding their
state, i.e regarding the value of their attributes.
Classes and instances have their own namespaces, that is accessible with the dot ('.') operator. These
namespaces are implemented by dictionaries, one for each instance, and one for the class.A class object is
bound to the class name given in the class definition header. A class object can be used in two ways - by
Instantiation and attribute references.
i) Instantiation: Creating instance objects
To create instances of a class, you call the class using class name and pass in whatever arguments its
__init__ method accepts.
Test = T(1,100)
In the above example T is the instance of class Test.
ii) Attribute Reference: Accessing attributes of a class
This is the standard syntax used for all attribute references which is
Object Name. Attribute Name.
As discussed before all the names that were given during the class definition and hence were in the
class's namespace are valid attribute names. You access the object's attributes using the dot operator
with object as shown in the example below:
print "Marks =", test. marks
The search for the referenced attribute is done in the following sequence:
a) A class instance has a namespace implemented as a dictionary which is the first place in which
attribute references are searched.
b) When an attribute is not found there, and the instance's class has an attribute by that name, the
search continues with the class attributes.
c) If no class attribute is found, the object's __getattr__() method is called to satisfy the lookup. You
will study about this method later in the chapter.
Attribute assignments and deletions update the instance's dictionary, never a class's dictionary. If
the class has a __setattr__() or __delattr__() method, this is called instead of updating the instance
dictionary directly. You will learn about these methods later in this chapter.
Class Atttributes v/s Instance Attributes
Attributes can be classified into - Class Attributes and Instance attributes
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Class Attributes
These belong to the class itself. These attributes will be shared by all the instances. Such attributes are
defined in the class body part, usually at the top, for legibility. Consider the following example:
class Health_profile:
weight = 89
blood_group= 'B+'
To access this attribute, you use the dot notation:
Instances attributes
As we have learnt, a class may define attributes for its instances. These are called instance attributes and
they belong to each instance/object of a class. For example, for the class Health_profile given above, let H1
be an instance. So, the attributes of H1, such as the weight, are directly available through the dot operator:
The dictionary for the instance attributes is also accessible by its __dict__ variable about which you will
learn in the next section. To list the attributes of an instance, we have two functions:
i) vars() : This function displays the attributes of the instance in the form of a dictionary. Consider the
following example:
{'weight': '89', 'blood group': 'B+'}
ii) dir(): This function lists more attributes than vars()because it is not limited to the dictionary of instance.
It also displays the class attributes. For example
['__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', 'weight', 'blood_group',]
You can add, remove or modify attributes to an instance that were not defined by the class, such as the
height in the following:
>>> H1.height = 197 # adds 'height' as attribute
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In the above code, the built in function Method Type from the types module takes two arguments - the
name of the function which has to be bound dynamically and the instance with which it has to bind the
function. In the above example the play method will be bound only with the instance, H. No other
instances of the class Health_profile will have play method. If we want the other instances also to have play
method, then we have to add the method to the class and for that we make use of self as shown in the
example below:
class Health_profile(object):
weight = 89
blood_group= 'B+'
def __init__(self,name):
def play(self):
print " Come on lets play", self.name
In the above example, note that no method is created with types.MethodType. This is because all functions
in the body of the class will become methods and receive self unless you make it a static method about
which you will study later in the chapter.
Accessing Attributes and methods
Attributes of a class can also be accessed using the following built in methods / functions:
getattr(obj, name[, default]): This function is used to access the attribute of object.It is called when an
attribute lookup has not found the referenced attribute in the class. The built in method for the same is
object. __getattr__(self , name)which is called automatically if the referenced attribute is not found. For
Built in method for the same will be
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The above statement returns the value of the weight attribute otherwise raises an Attribute Error
exception. Note that if the attribute is found through the normal mechanism, __getattr__() is not called.
hasattr (obj,name): It is used to check if an attribute exists or not. For example hasattr(H1,weight)
#will return a True if 'weight' attribute exists
setattr (obj, name, value): It is used to set an attribute. Alternatively object.__setattr__(self, name,
value) built in method is called when an attribute assignment is attempted , where name is the name of
the attribute and value is its value that is to be assigned. If an attribute does not exist, then it would be
created. For example:
The built in method for the same will be
Either of the above statements set the value of the attribute weight as 90.
delattr(obj, name): It is used to delete an attribute.The built in method for the same is object.__
delattr__(self , name). For example :
delattr(H1,weight) # deletes the attribute weight
The built in method for the same will be
Accessing Methods
When an instance attribute other than the data attribute is referenced, the corresponding class is searched.
If it is a valid class attribute (a function object), a method is created by pointing to the instance object and the
function object. When this method object is called with an argument list, a new argument list is constructed
from the instance object and the argument list. The function object is then called with this new argument
list. The methods of a class can be accessed in the same manner as the data attributes i.e.
Now, putting all the concepts together, let us see the following example:
class Health_profile:
def __init__(self,weight,blood_group):
def display(self):
print " Weight :" , self.weight
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def Displaytest():
print "This is a static method"
This is a static method
Note in the above example that the function Displaytest() is not having self as the first argument and that it
is being called without the instance. It eases the readability of the code as seeing @staticmethod, we know
that the method does not depend on the state of the object. Once you have declared a method to be static,
the arguments you pass to it are exactly the arguments it receives. Static methods return the underlying
functions with no changes at all. As a result, the function becomes identically accessible from either an
object or a class. For example
class Test:
def square(x):
Test.result= x*x
Destroying Objects (Garbage Collection)
Python automatically allocates and de-allocates memory. The user does not have to preallocate or
deallocate memory by hand as one has to when using dynamic memory allocation in languages such as C
or C++. Python uses two strategies for memory allocation-reference counting and automatic garbage
i) Reference Counting
Prior to Python version 2.0, the Python interpreter only used reference counting for memory
management. Reference counting works by counting the number of times an object is referenced by
other objects in the system. Python's garbage collector runs during program execution and is triggered
when an object's reference count reaches zero. An object's reference count changes as the number of
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aliases that point to it change. An object's reference count increases when it is assigned a new name or
placed in a container (list, tuple or dictionary). The object's reference count decreases when it is deleted
with del, its reference is reassigned, or its reference goes out of scope. When an object's reference count
reaches zero, Python collects it automatically. Consider the code given below:
X=50 # an object X is created which is bound to 50.
Y=X # increase in reference count of 50
Z[0]={Y} # increase in reference count of 50
del X # decrease in reference count of 50
Y=10 # decrease in reference count of 50
You can see that a class can implement the special method __del__(), called a destructor, that is invoked
when the instance is about to be destroyed. This method might be used to clean up any non-memory
resources used by an instance.
Reference counting is extremely efficient but it does have some caveats. One such caveat is that it
cannot handle reference cycles. A reference cycle is when there is no way to reach an object but its
reference count is still greater than zero. The easiest way to create a reference cycle is to create an object
which refers to itself as in the example below:
def reference_cycle():
x=[ ]
In the above example since reference_cycle( ) creates an object x which refers to itself (statement
x.append(x)), x will not automatically be freed when the function returns. This will cause the memory
that x is using to be held onto until the Python garbage collector is invoked.
ii) Automatic Garbage Collection
In this case garbage collection is a scheduled activity. Python schedules garbage collection based upon
a threshold of object allocations and object de-allocations. Python deletes the objects which are not
required, may it be built-in types or class instances, through the process named garbage collection.
When the number of allocations minus the number of de-allocations are greater than the threshold
number, the garbage collector is run and the unused block of memory is reclaimed. One can inspect the
threshold for new objects by loading the gc module and asking for garbage collection thresholds.
Automatic garbage collection will not run if your Python device is running out of memory. In such
case, your application will throw exceptions, which must be handled otherwise your application will
crash. Also, the automatic garbage collection occurs more for the number of free objects than the size of
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Namespace: A mapping from names to objects. Examples of namespaces are built-in names, global
names in a module and local names in function invocation
Scope: A region of Python program where a namespace is directly accessible.
In Python a name, storing any type of data, can refer to only one thing at a time.
The scope of a variable is its enclosing function, class or file.
The names always belong to the namespace where they are bound.
Names declared with global keyword have to be referred at the file level.
LEGB rule: when a name is encountered during the execution of the program , it searches for that name
in the following order:
L. Local - It first makes a local search i.e. in current def statement.
E. Enclosing functions - It searches in all enclosing functions, form inner to outer.
G. Global (module) - It searches for global modules or for names declared global
B. Built-in (Python) - Finally it checks for any built in functions in Python.
Class definitions should be given before it is referenced.
__init__ is a special method used to initialize the members of a class.
self is the first argument that is passed to the methods of a class.
A class object can be used in two ways - Instantiation and Attribute reference
Class attributes belong to the class and will be shared by all instances
Instance attributes belong to a particular instance of a class only.
The attributes - data and methods can be added to the class dynamically.
getattr(obj, name,[ default]): is used to access the attribute of the object
hasattr(obj,name): is used to check if an attribute exists or not
setattr(obj,name,value): is used to set an attribute with a value.
delattr(obj,name) : is used to delete an attribute
__dict__ : gives the dictionary containing class namespace
__doc__: returns the docstring of a class
__name__: it gives the class name
__module__: specifies the module name in which the class is defined
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__bases__: it gives a tuple containing base classes
__del__: is invoked when the module is being deleted
__str__: returns the string representation of the objects
Private variables can only be accessed from inside the objects.
Name Mangling: A name is prefixed with two leading underscores and no more than one trailing
Static Method: is a method that does not obey the usual convention in which self, an instance of the
class, is the first argument to the method.
Python uses two strategies for memory allocation- Reference counting and Automatic garbage
Reference Counting: works by counting the number of times an object is referenced by other objects in
the system. When an object's reference count reaches zero, Python collects it automatically.
Automatic Garbage Collection: Python schedules garbage collection based upon a threshold of object
allocations and object de-allocations. When the number of allocations minus the number of de-
allocations are greater than the threshold number, the garbage collector is run and the unused block of
memory is reclaimed.
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1. Give one word for the following:
a. A sort of constructor in Python ____________
b. A region of a Python program where a namespace is directly accessible. _____
c. It returns the docstring of a class. ___________
d. It returns the string representation of the object. ___________
e. A method used to delete an attribute. ___________
2. Define a namespace. Give examples of namespaces with respect to Python.
3. Is data of different types treated differently in Python? Support your answer with an example.
4. Explain LEGB rule.
5. Is object of a class mutable? Why/why not?
6. Explain the usage of keyword 'pass' in class definition.
7. What is the use of __init__? When is it called? Explain with an example.
8. Explain the importance of self in Python classes.
9. Differentiate between class attributes and instance attributes.
10. Explain __str__ with an example.
11. What do you mean by name mangling? Support your answer with relevant example.
12. Differentiate between reference counting and automatic garbage collection with respect to Python.
13. If we want to make the method that is added dynamically to a class available to all the instances of the
class, how can it be done? Explain with the help of an example.
14. Predict the output of the following code snippet
(i) ptr=40
def result():
print ptr
def func(var):
if var<=60:
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print ptr
(ii) ptr=50
def result():
global ptr
print ptr
print ptr
15. Name the methods that can be used to
a. access attribute of an object
b. delete an attribute of an object
16. Give the statement to
a. Check whether the attribute str exists in the class Test whose object is T1
b. Assign a value "Hello" to the attribute str of class Test and object T1.
17. Consider the following class definition:
class Yourclass
name= "ABC"
def __init__(self,marks,name):
def display(self):
print marks
print name
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allocate_flat( ) - To allocate flat according to income
Income Flat
>=25000 A Type
>=20000 and <25000 B Type
<15000 C Type
Showdata( ) - to display the details of the entire class.
21. Define a class ITEMINFO in Python with the following description:
ICode (Item Code)
Item (Item Name)
Price (Price of each item)
Qty (quantity in stock)
Discount (Discount percentage on the item)
Netprice (Final Price)
A member function FindDisc( ) to calculate discount as per the following rule:
If Qty<=10 Discount is 0
If Qty (11 to 20) Discount is 15
If Qty>=20 Discount is 20
A constructor( __init__ method) to assign the value with 0 for ICode, Price, Qty, Netprice and Discount
and null for Item respectively
A function Buy( ) to allow user to enter values for ICode, Item, Price, Qty and call function FindDisc( )
to calculate the discount and Netprice(Price*Qty-Discount).
A Function ShowAll( ) to allow user to view the content of all the data members.
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Chapter-4: Inheritance
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this chapter the students will be able to:
Understand the concept of Inheritance
Understand the types of Inheritance
Understand Single Inheritance
Use super() in derived class to invoke _init_()
Understand Multiple Inheritance
Understand Overriding methods
Override methods of parent class
Learn about abstract methods
In the previous chapter you have studied how to implement concept of classes and object using python.
This chapter deals with Inheritance in Python.
In object oriented programming, inheritance is a mechanism in which a new class is derived from an
already defined class. The derived class is known as a subclass or a child class. The pre-existing class is
known as base class or a parent class or a super class.The mechanism of inheritance gives rise to hierarchy
in classes. The major purpose of inheriting a base class into one or more derived class is code reuse. The
subclass inherits all the methods and properties of the super class. The subclass can also create its own
methods and replace methods of the superclass. The process of replacing methods defined in super with
new methods with same name in the derived class is known as overriding.
Before we learn how we implement the concept of inheritance in Python, let us learn about types of
Inheritance can be categorised into five types:
Single Inheritance
Multilevel Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance
Hierarchical Inheritance
Hybrid Inheritance
Single Inheritance: This is the simplest kind of inheritance. In this, a subclass is derived from a single base
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Multilevel Inheritance: In this type of inheritance, the derived class becomes the base of another class.
Derived 1
Derived 2
Multiple Inheritance: In this type of inheritance, the derived class inherits from one or more base classes.
Base 1 Base 2
Hierarchical Inheritance: In this type of inheritance, the base class is inherited by more than one class.
Derived 1 Derived 1
Hybrid Inheritance: This inheritance is a combination of multiple, hierarchical and multilevel inheritance.
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Derived 2 Derived 2
Now let us see how inheritance can be established in Python .This can be done by using the following
Syntax: class subclass (super):
For Example
class person(object):
def __init__(self,name,age):
def getName(self):
return self.name
def getAge(self):
return self.Age
class student(person):
def __init__(self,name,age,rollno,marks):
super(student,self)._init_(self, name, age)
def getRoll(self):
return self.rollno
def getMarks(self):
return self.Marks
The above example implements single inheritance. The class student extends the class person. The class
student adds two instance variables rollno and marks. In order to add new instance variables, the _init_()
method defined in class person needs to be extended. The __init__() function of subclass student initializes
name and age attributes of superclass person and also create new attributes rollno and marks.
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>>P.getAge( )
>> s=student("Sita",16,15,78)
>>s.getName( )
>>S.getAge( )
>>s.getMarks( )
In the above code segment, the object of class person takes values for instance variables name and age. The
object of class student takes values for instance variables name, age, rollno and marks. The object of class
student can invoke getName() function because it inherits this function from the base class. Similarly,
object of class student can also access instance variables of class person.
In python the above task of extending __init__ () can be achieved the following ways:
i) By using super() function
ii) By using name of the super class.
By using super() function
In the above example, the class student and class person both have __init__ () method. The __init__ ()
method is defined in cIass person and extended in class student. In Python, super() function is used to call
the methods of base class which have been extended in derived class
super(type, variable) bound object
class student(person):
def __init__(self,name,age,rollno,marks):
super(student, self).__init__ (self, name, age)
Computer Science
By using name of the super class
As discussed above, the class student and class person both have __init__ () method. The __init__ () method
is defined in cIass person and extended in class student. In Python, name of the base class can also be used
to access the method of the base class which has been extended in derived class.
class student(person):
def __init__(self,name,age,rollno,marks):
person.__init__ (self, name, age)
Multiple Inheritance
Python supports a limited form of multiple inheritance as well. A class definition with multiple base
classes looks like this:
class SubClassName( Base1, Base2, Base3):
<statement N>
For old-style classes, the only rule is depth-first, left-to-right. Thus, if an attribute is not found in
SubClassName, it is searched in Base1, then (recursively) in the base classes of Base1, and only if it is not
found there, it is searched in Base2, and so on.
For Example:
class student(object):
def __init__(self,Id,name):
def getName(self):
return self.name
def getId(self):
return self.Id
def show(self):
print self.name
Computer Science
print self.Id
class Teacher(object):
def __init__(self,tec_Id,tec_name, subject):
def getName(self):
return self.tec_name
def getId(self):
return self.tec_Id
def getSubject(self):
return self.ubject
def show(self):
print self. tec_name
print self.tec_Id
print self.subject
class school(student,Teacher):
def __init__(self, ID, name, tec_Id, tec_name, subject, sch_Id):
student.__init__ (self,ID,name)
Teacher. __init__(self,tec_Id,tec_name, subject)
self.sch_Id= sch_Id
def getId(self ):
return self.sch_Id
def display(self):
return self.sch_Id
In above example class school inherits class student and teacher.
Let us consider these outputs
>>> s1=school(3,"Sham",56,"Ram","FIT",530)
>>> s1.display()
>>> s1.getId()
>>> s1.show()
Computer Science
The object of class school takes six instance variables. The first five instance variables have been defined in
the base classes (school and Teacher). The sixth instance variable is defined in class school.
s1.display()displays the sch_Id and s1.getId() also returns the sch_id. The classes school and Teacher both
have the method show (). But as shown in above, the objects1 of class school access the method of class
student. This because of depth-first, left-to-right rule.
Also, method getId()of class school is overriding the methods with same names in the base classes.
Overriding Methods
The feature of overriding methods enables the programmer to provide specific implementation to a
method in the subclass which is already implemented in the superclass. The version of a method that is
executed will be determined by the object that is used to invoke it. If an object of a parent class is used to
invoke the method, then the version in the parent class will be executed, but if an object of the subclass is
used to invoke the method, then the version in the child class will be executed.
Example 1:
class student(person):
def __init__(self,name,age,rollno,marks):
super(student,self).__init__(self, name, age)
def getRoll(self):
return self.rollno
def getMarks(self):
return self.Marks
def show(self):
print self.rollno
print self.marks
As shown in the above example class student inherits class person. Both the classes have a function show( ).
The function show() in student is overriding function show() in person(). The object of class person will
print name and age. The object of class student will print rollno and marks. In case it is required that
function show of class student should display name, age, rollno and marks, we should make the following
change in class student
class student(person):
def __init__(self,name,age,rollno,marks):
Computer Science
def getRoll(self):
return self.rollno
def getMarks(self):
return self.Marks
def show(self):
person.show( )
print self.rollno
print self.marks
Example 2:
class student(object):
def __init__(self,Id,name):
def getName(self):
print self.name
def getId(self):
print self.Id
def show(self):
print self.name
print self.Id
class Teacher(object):
def __init__(self,tec_Id,tec_name, subject):
def getName(self):
print self.tec_name
def getId(self):
print self.tec_Id
def getSubject(self):
print self.subject
Computer Science
def show(self):
print self. tec_name
print self.tec_Id
print self.subject
class school(student,Teacher):
def __init__(self, ID, name, tec_Id, tec_name, subject, sch_Id):
student.__init__ (self,ID,name)
Teacher. __init__(self,tec_Id,tec_name, subject)
self.sch_Id= sch_Id
def getId(self ):
return self.sch_Id
def getName(self):
def show(self):
return self.sch_Id
Abstract Methods
An abstract method is a method declared in a parent class, but not implemented in it. The implementation
of such a method can be given in the derived class.
Method to declare an abstract method
>>> class circle(object):
def get_radius(self):
raise NotImplementedError
>>> c=circle()
>>> c.get_radius()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
Computer Science
Computer Science
Inheritance: In object oriented programming, inheritance is a mechanism in which a new class is
derived from an already defined class. The derived class is known as a subclass or a child class. The
pre-existing class is known as base class or a parent class or a super class.
Single Inheritance: In single inheritance a subclass is derived from a single base class.
Multilevel Inheritance: In multilevel inheritance, the derived class becomes the base of another class.
Multiple Inheritance: In this type of inheritance, the derived class inherits from one or more base
Hierarchical Inheritance: In this type of inheritance, the base class is inherited by more than one class.
Hybrid Inheritance: This inheritance is a combination of multiple, hierarchical and multilevel
Overriding Methods: The feature of overriding methods enables the programmer to provide specific
implementation to a method in the subclass which is already implemented in the superclass.
Abstract Methods: An abstract method is a method declared in a parent class, but not implemented in
it. The implementation of such a method can be given in the derived class.
Computer Science
1. Define the term inheritance.
2. Give one example for abstract method?
3. What is single inheritance?
4. What is multiple inheritance? Explain with an example.
5.. Give one example of multilevel inheritance.
6. Country
Sofa Cot
Computer Science
Computer Science
class person(object):
def __init__(self,name,age):
def display1(self):
print "Name :",self.name
print "Age :",self.age
class student(person):
def __init__(self,name,age,rollno,marks):
def display(self):
print " Roll No:",self.rollno
print " Marks :",self.marks
class Gstudent(student):
def __init__(self,name,age,rollno,marks,stream):
def display2(self):
print " stream:",self.stream
Computer Science
class person(object):
def __init__(self,name,age):
def display1(self):
print "Name :",self.name
print "Age :",self.age
class student(object):
def __init__(self,rollno,marks):
def display(self):
print " Roll No:",self.rollno
print " Marks :",self.marks
class Gstudent(person,student):
def __init__(self,name,age,rollno,marks,stream):
def display2(self):
print " stream:",self.stream
Computer Science
15. Rewrite the following code after removing errors. Underline each correction and write the output after
correcting the code:
class First():
def __init__(self):
print "first":
class Second(object):
def __init__(self):
print "second"
class Third(First, Second):
def __init__(self):
print "that's it"
16. Complete the following code:
class employee(object):
def __init__(self,no,name,age):
self.name=_____ #complete the statement
self.age=______ #complete the statement
def printval(self):
print "Number:",self.no
print "Name :",self.name
print "Age :",self.age
class pay(object):
def __init__(self,dept,salary): #complete the definition
Computer Science
Computer Science
getName()To print instance variable L_Name
getLID()To print instance variable L_ID
Define a class Institute in Python with the given specifications:
Instance variables:
getName()To print instance variable I_Name
getICode()To print instance variable I_Code
The class Institute inherits the class Trainer and Learner
19. Define a class student in Python with the given specifications:
Instance variables:
Roll number, name
Getdata()- To input roll number and name
Printdata()- To display roll number and name
Define another class marks, which is derived from student class
Instance variable
Marks in five subjects
Inputdata() - To call Getdata() and input 5 subjects marks.
Outdata() - To call printdata() and to display 5 subjects marks.
Implement the above program in python.
20. Define a class employee in Python with the given specifications:
Computer Science
Instance variables:
Employee number, name
Getdata()- To input employee number and name
Printdata()- To display employee number and name
Define another class Teaching, which is derived from employee
Instance variable
Department name
Inputdata() - To call Getdata() and input department name.
Outdata() - To call printdata() and to display department name.
Define another class Non_teaching, which is derived from employee
Instance variable
Inputdata() - To call Getdata() and input designation.
Outdata() - To call printdata() and to display designation.
Implement the above program in python.
21. Define a class employee in Python with the given specifications:
Instance variables:
Employee number, name
Getdata()- To input employee number and name
Printdata()- To display employee number and name
Define another class payroll, which is derived from employee
Instance variable
Computer Science
Inputdata() - To call Getdata() and input salary.
Outdata() - To call printdata() and to display salary.
Define another class leave, which is derived from payroll.
Instance variable
No of days
acceptdata() - To call Inputdata() and input no of days.
showdata() - To call Outdata() and to display no of days.
Implement the above program in python.
22. Pay roll information system:
Declare the base class 'employee' with employee's number, name, designation, address, phone
Define and declare the function getdata() and putdata() to get the employee's details and print
employee's details.
Declare the derived class salary with basic pay, DA, HRA, Gross pay, PF, Income tax and Net pay.
Declare and define the function getdata1() to call getdata() and get the basic pay,
Define the function calculate() to find the net pay.
Define the function display() to call putdata() and display salary details .
Create the derived class object.
Read the number of employees.
Call the function getdata1() and calculate() to each employees.
Call the display() function.
23. Railway reservation System
Declare the base class Train with train number, name, Starting station, destination, departure time,
arrival time, etc.
Define and declare the function getdata() and putdata() to get the train details and print the details.
Define search() function to search train detail using train number.
Computer Science
Declare the derived class passenger with ticket number, PNR name of the passenger, gender, age,
address, phone number, etc.
Declare and define the function getdata1() to call search() function to get the train details and get
the passenger's information.
Define the function display() to call putdata() and display passenger's details.
Create base class object.
Read the number of trains.
Create the derived class object.
Read the number of passengers.
Call the function getdata1() to each passenger.
Call the display() function.
24. SKP Hotel offers accommodation, meals facilities.
Create a class Accommodation with Room Number, type of room, and rent, etc..
Create a class meals services includes: meals code, name, price, etc..
Create a class customer with customer number, name, address, etc.
Customer class is derived by using Accommodation and meals classes.
25. Implement the following using multilevel information.
Post Graduate
Create a student class with student number and name.
Class graduate is created by using student.
Graduate class is created using subject code and subject name.
Class Post Graduate is created by using Graduate.
Post Graduate class is created using master subject code and master subject name