Rubrics For SPA

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Short Film Rubric - TGV3M Name:

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Criteria 8-10 7 6 5
Content exhibits The content leaves the
The content lacks a
The content includes a connections around the reader with a vague
Treatment clear concept and story. concept and story, but impression of the concept central concept and
Treatment is very well small diversions are and storyline. Treatment storyline. Treatment is
written and follows the present. Treatment is well is somewhat well written, not very well written and
prescribed format. written and follows the following the prescribed vaguely follows the
prescribed format format prescribed format
Storyboard clearly
Storyboard vaguely
corresponds with Storyboard corresponds Storyboard vaguely
Storyboard treatment and with treatment and corresponds with corresponds with
communicates all of the communicates most of treatment and treatment and missing
information needed for the information needed communicates some of information for each
the information needed
each scene. for each scene.. scene.
for each scene.

All shots are clearly Most shots are clearly
Few shots are clearly
focused. Camera focused. Camera Many are clearly focused.
Video Clarity & focused. The camera is
movements are smooth movements are smooth Motion shots are fairly
Lighting not held steady. Many
and of appropriate speed. and/or of appropriate steady. Some shots have
All shot have appropriate speed. Most shots have inadequate light. shots have inadequate
lighting. appropriate lighting.

Video shows evidence of

Most shots are well Few shots are well Many shots are poorly
good composition.
Video Framing A variety of shot types framed. framed. framed.
are used in an A variety of shot types Two – three shot types Only one or two shot
appropriate manner. are used. are used. types are used

No lapses in continuity
Small lapses in continuity Many lapses in continuity Video is disjointed in
Continuity are present, or are
are present are present significant respects.

Transitions from shot to
Video moves smoothly Transitions move Tape is unedited. No
Transitions shot are choppy and the
from one shot to another relatively smoothly form transitions between clips.
types of cuts and fades
using an appropriate shot to shot and a variety Raw clips run back to
are not always
selection of transitions. are used. back in final video.

Audio is somewhat Audio is unbalanced

Audio is balanced Audio is usually balanced
Audio balanced between between dialogue, music
between dialogue, music between dialogue, music
and voice over. and voice over. dialogue, music and and voice over.
Audio is clear throughout Audio is clear throughout voice over. Audio is inaudible in
Audio is clear throughout significant portions of the
the video. the video.
the video. video.
All clips are just long Video clips are too long
Most clips move at a Some clips move at a
Pace enough to make the point and do not advance the
steady pace. steady pace.
clear with no slack time. storyline or too short and
Most clips are edited to Some clips are edited to
The pace captures the leave out essential
remove slack time. remove slack time.
audience attention. action.
Content meets all Content meets most Content meets some
Content is not
Appropriateness & appropriateness appropriateness appropriateness
appropriate for classroom
requirements. Video is requirements. Video requirements. Video is
Originality viewing. Video lacks
very original and creative. shows many original and somewhat original and
originality and creativity.
creative elements. creative.
- Length (7-10min) Film includes all of the Film includes most of the Film includes some of the Film includes few of the
-Title & Credits required components required components required components required components
- Soundtrack
- 2 Techniques

/ 100

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