Sponsorship Agreement
Sponsorship Agreement
Sponsorship Agreement
DATE: ___________________________________
___________________________________ (Sponsee)
1. The sponsee agrees to grant the sponsor the following sponsorship rights: (List all benefits to
2. It is agreed that at the time of renegotiation, the sponsee will automatically invite the sponsor
to renegotiate the agreement.
3. The sponsorship will be for the period of xxxxxx to xxxxxxx.
4. The sponsor agrees to provide: (List all the provisions of the sponsor.)
5. The sponsee agrees to provide the sponsor in the form of xxxxxx.
6. In the event of a dispute arising that the parties themselves cannot resolve, the parties agree to
refer the matter to an independent arbitrator appointed by mutual agreement.
7. If the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator, or both parties do not agree with the decision of
the arbitrator appointed, the agreement may be terminated in the following manner:
a) If the breach is one that can be rectified, then the non-breaching party can request in
writing that the breach be rectified in 14 days. If the breach is not rectified within that
time, the non-breaching party may terminate the Agreement immediately;
b) If the breach is one that cannot be rectified, the non-breaching party may terminate
the Agreement by giving 14 days written notice of their intention to terminate.
c) If either party goes into liquidation, is wound up, dissolved (except for the purpose of
reconstruction or amalgamation), enters into a scheme of arrangement or is placed
under official management or in receivership, the other party may terminate the
Agreement by giving 14 days written notice of their intention to terminate under the
d) In the event of a termination under this Agreement, each party’s rights and liabilities
will cease immediately but the termination shall not affect a party’s rights arising out
of a breach of this agreement by the other party.
8. Where one party is unable to carry out its obligations under this agreement due to
circumstances beyond its control or which it could not have prevented, those obligations are
suspended whilst those circumstances continue, provided the other party is notified and the
first party uses its best endeavours to overcome the circumstances preventing its obligations
from being carried out.
9. Each party shall indemnify the other against any claims arising from any breach of the
agreement by either party.
10. The terms and conditions of this agreement shall not be disclosed to any third parties without
the prior written consent of both parties.
11. The rights of either party under this agreement shall not be transferable or assignable either in
whole or in part.
__________________________ __________________________
The sponsor The sponsee
__________________________ __________________________
Title Title
__________________________ __________________________
Date Date
AGENT/AGENCY (if any):
This Agreement is entered into between the (OWNER NAME) and (NAME OF MANAGER) and
the Speaker named above.
1. SERVICES: The Speaker shall perform the services described below:
Guest Speaker Topic/Speech Title:
Contact Person: Telephone:
Club/Organization or Hall:
Event Date:
Start Time: End Time: (Central Time Zone)
Event Length: Q&A length: (leave blank if no Q&A)
Speaker requires the following equipment /items for this Agreement:
2. COMPENSATION: The University will pay as a flat fee, inclusive of travel and all expenses,
the amount of: ($ ).
3. TERMS OF PAYMENT: Payment to the Speaker will be processed within 45 days of
University check/electronic payment made payable to:
indemnify, and hold harmless the University, its Board of Trustees, officers, agents, employees
and/or The Regional University System of Oklahoma Colleges from and against any and all loss,
expense, damage, claim, demand, judgment, fine, charge, lien, liability, action, cause of action or
proceedings of any kind whatsoever (whether arising on account of damage to or loss of property, or
personal injury, emotional distress, or death) arising directly or indirectly in connection with the
performance or activities of the Speaker hereunder, whether the same arises before or after
completion of or expiration of this Agreement, except for damage, loss, or injury resulting from the
University’s sole negligence or wilful misconduct.
5. TERMINATION. This contract may be terminated at no cost to either party upon 60 days’
advance written notice.
6. FORCE MAJEURE. If an Act of God, nature, war, riots, epidemics, strikes, an act (or order)
of public authority, on-sight mechanical difficulties (e.g., a power failure) should render the
performance contemplated by the Contract impossible, the parties shall not be liable to one another
for direct or consequential damages they sustain. In such an event, the parties shall attempt to
reschedule the performance for another mutually convenient date and time. If rescheduling is not
possible, then the Contract shall become null and void upon either party’s written notification to the
other at its last known address. In such an event, neither party shall have any other or further
obligation to the other arising out of the Contract.
7. COMPLIANCE. Contractor (Speaker), and any subcontractors to this contract regardless of tier,
shall register and participate in a Status Verification System as defined to verify the work eligibility
status of all new employees and shall remain in compliance with all Federal, State and local
immigration laws and regulations relating to the immigration status of their employees during the
term of this contract.
understood and agreed by the parties that an independent contractor relationship is hereby
established under the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
9. RIGHT TO NAME AND PHOTOGRAPH: The Contractor hereby grants to University the
right to use the Contractor’s name, photograph, and likeness in, and in connection with, all forms of:
advertising, information programs, promotional material and any and all other materials, including
audio and/or video recordings, to promote this singular University program or activity or in any
instructional or information materials derived directly from and credited to the program or activity.
10. OTHER. The Speaker is an independent contractor and will pay all applicable state, local
and federal taxes associated with this agreement. The Agreement is the complete & exclusive
understanding of the parties, and may only be modified in writing with the agreement of both parties.
Time is of the essence in this agreement. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state
of (CITY). Any dispute arising hereunder shall be resolved exclusively in the courts of the state of
(CITY), located in (AREA).
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have set their respective hands on the Date of Agreement
recited above.
by: by:
Position: Position:
Date: Date: