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Sensors: Pose Estimation of A Mobile Robot Based On Fusion of IMU Data and Vision Data Using An Extended Kalman Filter

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Pose Estimation of a Mobile Robot Based on Fusion
of IMU Data and Vision Data Using an Extended
Kalman Filter
Mary B. Alatise 1, * ID
and Gerhard P. Hancke 1,2
1 Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0028,
South Africa; [email protected] or [email protected]
2 Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +27-83-757-3830

Received: 7 August 2017; Accepted: 5 September 2017; Published: 21 September 2017

Abstract: Using a single sensor to determine the pose estimation of a device cannot give accurate
results. This paper presents a fusion of an inertial sensor of six degrees of freedom (6-DoF) which
comprises the 3-axis of an accelerometer and the 3-axis of a gyroscope, and a vision to determine a
low-cost and accurate position for an autonomous mobile robot. For vision, a monocular vision-based
object detection algorithm speeded-up robust feature (SURF) and random sample consensus
(RANSAC) algorithms were integrated and used to recognize a sample object in several images
taken. As against the conventional method that depend on point-tracking, RANSAC uses an iterative
method to estimate the parameters of a mathematical model from a set of captured data which
contains outliers. With SURF and RANSAC, improved accuracy is certain; this is because of their
ability to find interest points (features) under different viewing conditions using a Hessain matrix.
This approach is proposed because of its simple implementation, low cost, and improved accuracy.
With an extended Kalman filter (EKF), data from inertial sensors and a camera were fused to estimate
the position and orientation of the mobile robot. All these sensors were mounted on the mobile robot
to obtain an accurate localization. An indoor experiment was carried out to validate and evaluate the
performance. Experimental results show that the proposed method is fast in computation, reliable
and robust, and can be considered for practical applications. The performance of the experiments
was verified by the ground truth data and root mean square errors (RMSEs).

Keywords: pose estimation; mobile robot; inertial sensors; vision; object; extended Kalman filter

1. Introduction
Localization is identified as a problem of estimating the pose estimation (i.e., position and
orientation) of a device or object such as aircraft, humans and robots, relative to a reference frame,
based on sensor input. Other related problems of localization are path planning [1,2], indoor
localization/navigation and tracking activities [3]. Several methods are used to determine localization:
inertial sensors [4], odometry [4], GPS [4], and laser and sonar ranging sensors [5–7]. The use of relatively
cheap sensors is important from a practical point of view; however, low-cost sensors seldom provide good
performance due to measurement inaccuracies in various environments. Recently, augmented reality
(AR) has been widely deployed to facilitate a new method for users to interact with their surroundings.
Areas of applications of AR are tourism, education, entertainment, etc. [6–10]. Despite research carried
out on current technologies for indoor environments to estimate the position and orientation of mobile
devices, the high cost of deployment to achieve accuracy is still a major challenge. In recent times,
with the Internet-of-things and mobile devices enabling sensing [11,12] for a variety of consumer,
environmental and industrial applications [13–17], sensors and embedded intelligence have become

Sensors 2017, 17, 2164; doi:10.3390/s17102164 www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors

Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 2 of 22

cheaper and easier to integrate into systems [15]. The main contribution of this work is the use of SURF
and RANSAC algorithms to acquire data from vision and integrate it with inertial sensors to estimate
the position and orientation of the mobile robot. The inertial measurement unit (IMU) used for this
practical work is the new Arduino 101 microcontroller which has both accelerometer and gyroscope
compacted into the same device to give accurate results. The fusion of inertial sensors and vision-based
techniques are used to provide a robust tracking experience and thus overcome the inadequacies
associated with individual component-based tracking. The main advantages of this method lie in its
ease of implementation, low cost, fast computation and improved accuracy. Currently, it has been
proven that vision could be a promising navigation sensor that provides accurate information about
position and orientation [18]. Cameras have the advantage of providing an extensive amount of
information while having a low weight, limited power consumption, low cost and reasonable size.
However, the use of vision methods has it shortcomings, such as illumination change and distortion
due to fast movement. Inertial sensors offer good signals with high rate during fast motions but
are sensitive to accumulated drift due to double integration during estimation of position. On the
other hand, visual sensors provide precise ego-motion estimation with a low rate in the long term,
but suffer from blurred features under fast and unpredicted motions. The aim of inertial and vision
sensor integration is to overcome some fundamental limitations of vision-only tracking and IMU-only
tracking using their complementary properties. Tracking of object in an environment is usually
predefined with specific landmarks or markers. More discussion on markers will be presented in
Section 2. The fusion methods, such as the Kalman filter or extended Kalman filter, usually adopt
iterative algorithms to deal with linear and non-linear models, and hence convergence is not always
assured [19,20]. For an autonomous mobile robot to localize and determine its precise orientation and
position, some techniques are required to tackle this problem. Generally, the techniques are split into
two categories [21–24]:
Relative localization techniques (local): Estimating the position and orientation of the robot
by combining information produced by different sensors through the integration of information
provided by diverse sensors, usually encoder or inertial sensors. The integration starts from the initial
position and continuously update in time. The relative positioning alone can be used only for a short
period of time.
Absolute localization techniques (global): This method allows the robot to search its location
directly from the mobile system domain. There numerous methods usually depend on navigation
beacons, active or passive landmarks, maps matching or satellite-based signals such as the global
positioning system (GPS). For absolute localization, the error growth is mitigated when measurements
are available. The position of the robot is externally determined and its accuracy is usually time and
location-independent. In other words, integration of noisy data is not required and thus there is no
accumulation of error with time or distance travelled. The limitation is that one cannot keep track
of the robot for small distances (barring exceptionally accurate GPS estimates); in addition, GPS is
not appropriate for indoor localization. This paper proposed to implement a hybrid method (inertial
and vision) such that the weakness of one technique is complemented by the other. We conducted an
indoor experiment using low-cost devices and a simple methodology to determine the pose estimation
of a mobile robot in an environment in real-time. The two major components used are IMU (6-DoF)
and a single camera. The system is based on the data collected from IMU and camera fused together
using extended kalman filter (EKF) to determine the pose estimation of a mobile robot in reference
to an object in the environment. Object identification from the image captured by the camera will
be simulated and analysed using the computer toolbox in MATLAB with the speeded-up robust
feature (SURF) algorithm, which is the most recent and efficient detector and descriptor for object
recognition. The random sample consensus (RANSAC) algorithm will be used for the feature matching.
This algorithm was used to estimate the homograph matrix of images captured. The combination of
SURF and RANSAC gives robust, fast computation and accurate results for vision tracking scenarios.
The accuracy of the proposed method will be shown as a result of real experiments performed and pose
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 3 of 22

estimation method proposed which will be evaluated by the root mean square error model (RMSE).
The RMSE shows that the pose estimation method has low error values in both position and orientation.
Therefore, this approach can be implemented for practical applications used in indoor environments.
In our previous work [25], we proposed a six degree of freedom pose estimation that integrates data
from IMU and monocular vision. Detected natural landmarks (also known as markerless method)
from image captured were used as data input for vision. Experimental results showed an improved
performance of accuracy. This article is based on using a recognized object (marker-based method)
captured by the camera with IMU data to determine the pose estimation of a mobile robot. The rest of
the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, a review of previous work done is presented. Section 3
discusses the proposed method for pose estimation which includes the IMU and camera mathematical
expressions. The experimental setup is presented in Section 4. This is followed by Section 5, which
presents the results and a discussion of the proposed method. Finally, Section 6 concludes the work
and gives future directions.

2. Related Work
Pose estimation has been studied in past and recent times for applications in object positioning [7],
robotics, and augmented reality (AR) tracking [26]. This section will discuss the existing technologies
used for pose estimation in our environment these days. These methods are categorised into inertial
sensor-based methods, vision sensor-based methods and fusion based methods.

2.1. Inertial Sensor-Based Methods

Inertial based sensor methods, also known as inertial measurement units (IMU), are comprised
of sensors such as accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers. Each of these sensors are
deployed in robots, mobile devices and navigation systems [27,28]. The importance of using these
sensors is primarily to determine the position and orientation of a particular device and/or object.
An accelerometer as a sensor measures the linear acceleration, of which velocity is determined from it
if integrated once; for position, integration is done twice. Results produced by an accelerometer for
mobile robots have been unsuitable and of poor accuracy due to the fact that they suffer from extensive
noise and accumulated drift. This can be compensated for by the use of a gyroscope. In mobile
robotics, a gyroscope is used to determine the orientation by integration. The temporal gyroscope
drift and bias are the main source of errors. Various data fusion techniques have been developed to
overcome this unbounded error [29]. Magnetometers, accelerometers, and, more recently, vision are
being used to compensate for the errors in gyroscopes. Gyroscopes as sensors measure the angular
velocity, and by integrating once, the rotation angle can be calculated. Gyroscopes run at a high rate,
allowing them to track fast and abrupt movements. The advantage of using gyroscope sensors is that
they are not affected by illumination and visual occlusion. However, they suffer from serious drift
problems caused by the accumulation of measurement errors over long periods. Therefore, the fusion
of both an accelerometer and gyroscope sensor is suitable to determine the pose of an object and to
make up for the weakness of one over the other.
A magnetometer is another sensor used to determine the heading angle by sensing the Earth’s
magnetic field, which is combined with technologies to estimate pose estimation [30]. However,
magnetometers may not be so useful for indoor positioning because of the presence of metallic objects
within the environment that could influence data collected through measurements [7]. Other methods
proposed to determine indoor localization include infrared, Wi-Fi, ultra-wideband (UWB), Bluetooth,
WLAN, fingerprinting etc. [31]. These methods have their shortcomings; therefore, it is necessary that
two or more methods should be combined to achieve an accurate result. For this work, a 6-DoF of
accelerometer and gyroscope will be used as our inertial sensor to determine the pose estimation of
our system. Before the IMU sensor can be used, it is necessary for the sensor device to be calibrated.
The calibration procedure in ref. [32] was used along with the one given in Arduino software. This
method requires the IMU board to be placed on a levelled surface to ensure stability and uprightness.
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 4 of 22

2.2. Vision Based Methods

Vision is another method used to determine the pose estimation of a mobile device or static
objects. Vision-based methods interpret their environment with the use of a camera. The vision could
be in the form of video or an image captured. This poses a spatial relationship between the 2D image
captured and the 3D points in the scene. According to Genc et al. [33], the use of markers in AR is
very efficient in the environment. It increases robustness and reduces computational requirements.
However, there are exceptional cases where markers are placed in the area and re-calibration is needed
from time to time. Therefore, the use of scene features for tracking in place of markers is reasonable
especially when certain parts of the workplace do not change over time. Placing fiducial markers is a
way to assist robot to navigate through its environments. In new environments, markers often need
to be determined by the robot itself, through the use of sensor data collected by IMU, sonar, laser
and camera. Markers’ locations are known but the robot position is unknown, and this is a challenge
for tracking a mobile robot. From the sensor readings, the robot must be able to infer its most likely
position in the environment. For 3D pose estimation, there are two types of methods that can be used
to find the corresponding position and orientation of object or mobile robot from a 2D image in a 3D
scene. They are the markerless method (also known as natural landmark) and marker-based method
(also known as artificial landmark). Natural landmarks are objects or features that are part of the
environment and have a function other than robot navigation. Examples are corridors, edges, doors,
wall, ceiling light etc. The choice of features is vital because it will determine the complexity in the
feature description, detection and matching. For the marker-based method, it requires the objects to
be positioned in the environment with the purpose of robot localization. Examples of these markers
can be any object but must be distinct in size, shape and colour. These makers are easier to detect
and describe because the details of the objects used are known in advance. These methods are used
because of their simplicity and easy setup. However, they cannot be adopted in a wide environment
where large numbers of markers are deployed. For more details on vision-based tracking methods
refer to [7].

Object Recognition and Feature Matching

Object recognition under uncontrolled, real-world conditions is of vital importance in robotics.
It is an essential ability for building object-based representations of the environment and for the
manipulation of objects. Object recognition in this work refers to the recognition of a specific object
(e.g., a box). Different methods of scale invariant descriptors and detectors are currently being used
because of their scale flexible and affine transformations to detect, recognise and classify objects. Some
of these methods are oriented fast rotated BRIEF (ORB), binary robust invariant scalable keypoints
(BRISK), Difference of Gaussian (DoG), fast keypoint recognition using random ferns (FERNS) [34],
scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) [35], and speeded-up robust feature (SURF) [36]. Reference [37]
explains more on this. Object detection and recognition can be done through the use of computer
vision, whereby an object will be detected in an image or collection of images. The recognised object
is used as a reference to determine the pose of a mobile device. Basically, object detection can be
categorised into three aspects: appearance-based, colour-based and feature-based. All of these methods
have their advantages and limitations [38]. Here we have decided to use the feature-based technique
because it finds the interest points of an object in image and matches them to the object in another
image of similar scene. Generally, finding the correspondences is a difficult image processing problem
where two tasks have to be solved [39]. The first task consists of detecting the points of interest
or features in the image. Features are distinct elements in the images; e.g., corners, blobs, edges.
The most widely used algorithm for detection includes the Harris corner detector [40]. It is based
on the eigenvalues of the second moment matrix. Other types of detectors are correlation-based: the
Kanade–Lucas–Tomasi tracker [41] and Laplace detector [42]. The second task is feature matching; the
two most popular methods for computing the geometric transformations are the Hough transform
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 5 of 22

and RANSAC algorithm [36,37,43]. RANSAC is used here because of its ability to estimate parameter
with a high degree of accuracy even when a substantial number of outliers are present in the data set.
SURF was first introduced by Bay et al. [36]. SURF outperforms the formerly proposed scheme
SIFT with respect to repeatability (reliability of a detector for finding the same physical interest
points under different viewing conditions), distinctiveness, and robustness, yet can be computed and
compared much faster. The descriptors are used to find correspondent features in the image. SURF
detect interest points (such as blob) using Hessian matrix because of it high level of accuracy. This is
achieved by relying on integral images for image convolutions; by building on the strengths of the
leading existing detectors and descriptors (specifically, using a Hessian matrix-based measure for the
detector, and a distribution-based descriptor); and by simplifying these methods to the essential. This
leads to a combination of novel detection, description, and matching steps. SURF is used to detect
key points and to generate its descriptors. Its feature vector is based on the Haar Wavelet response
around the interested features [38]. SURF is scale-and rotation-invariant, which means that, even with
variations of the size and rotation of an image, SURF can find key points.
Random sample consensus (RANSAC) is feature matcher which works well with SURF to match
objects detected by SURF in images. RANSAC was first published by Fischler and Bolles [43] in 1981
which is also often used in computer vision. For example, to simultaneously unravel correspondence
problems such as fundamental matrices related to a pair of cameras, homograph estimation, motion
estimation and image registration [44–49]. It is an iterative method to estimate parameters of a
mathematical model from a set of observed data which contains outliers. Standard RANSAC algorithm
of this method is presented as follows:
Assuming a 2D image corresponds to a 3D scene points (xi , wXi ), let us assume that some
matches are wrong in the data. RANSAC uses the smallest set of possible correspondence and proceed
iteratively to increase this set with consistent data.

• Draw a minimal number of randomly selected correspondences Sk (random sample);

• Compute the pose from these minimal set of point correspondences using direct linear
transform (DLT);
• Determine the number Ck of points from the whole set of all correspondence that are consistent
with the estimated parameters with a predefined tolerance. If Ck > C* then we retain the randomly
selected set of correspondences Sk as the best one: S* equal Sk and C* equal Ck ;
• Repeat first step to third step.

The correspondences that partake of the consensus obtained from S* are the inliers. The outliers
are the rest. It has to be noted that the number of iterations, which ensures a probability p that at least
one sample with only inliers is drawn can be calculated. Let p be the probability that the RANSAC
algorithm selects only inliers from the input data set in some iteration. The number of iterations is
denoted as [50–52]:
log(1 − p)
k= ,
log(1 − (1 − w)n )
where w is the proportion of inliers and n is the size of the minimal subset from which the model
parameters are estimated.
Steps to detect and recognise object (marker) in a scene are as follows:

• Load training image;

• Convert the image to grayscale;
• Remove lens distortions from images;
• Initialize match object;
• Detect feature points using SURF;
• Check the image pixels;
• Extract feature descriptor;
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 6 of 22

• Match query image with training image using RANSAC;

• Sensors 2017, 17,>2164
If inliers threshold then compute homograph transform box; 6 of 22

• Draw box on object and display.

2.3. Fusion of Inertial-Vision Sensor-Based Methods
2.3. Fusion of Inertial-Vision
The use Sensor-Based
of a single sensor Methods
is insufficient to provide accurate information of orientation or location
for The
mobile devices, robots and objects.
use of a single sensor is insufficient to provideAs each sensoraccuratehasinformation
it benefits,ofsoorientation
also theyorhave their
for To complement
mobile devices, the weakness
robots and objects. As eachofsensorone sensor over another,
has it benefits, so alsothe fusion
they haveof inertial
their sensors
and vision is now currently being researched. Several authors have proposed
To complement the weakness of one sensor over another, the fusion of inertial sensors and vision is now different ways that the
fusion of inertial sensors and vision can be integrated. The authors
currently being researched. Several authors have proposed different ways that the fusion of inertialin [7] used only accelerometer
data asand
sensors the vision
inertialcansensor with vision
be integrated. Theto determine
authors in the pose only
[7] used estimation of an object.
accelerometer dataIn as[53], both the
the inertial
accelerometer and gyroscope data for inertial sensors were fused with
sensor with vision to determine the pose estimation of an object. In [53], both the accelerometer and a marker-based system. The
use of continuously
gyroscope adaptive
data for inertial sensorsmeanwere shift
fused (CAMSHIFT) algorithmsystem.
with a marker-based produces Thegood
use of performance
continuously but
adaptive mean shift (CAMSHIFT) algorithm produces good performance but quite a lot of work hasof
quite a lot of work has been developed using the algorithm. You et al. [54] combine the methods
been and natural
developed using feature-tracking
the algorithm. You withetinertial
al. [54]sensors
combine to the
methods a hybrid tracking
of fiducial andsystem
3DoF. Data fusion
feature-tracking withwas regarded
inertial sensors astoanproduce
image stabilization
a hybrid tracking problem.
systemVisual dataData
of 3DoF. was fusion
obtained wasby
detecting and tracking known artificial fiducials. Visual gyro data
regarded as an image stabilization problem. Visual data was obtained by detecting and tracking was fused using EKF, but the work
only considered the use of gyro data [55]. These proposed methods provide
known artificial fiducials. Visual gyro data was fused using EKF, but the work only considered the good performance; hence,
use of are
gyro used
These applications.
proposed methods However, combining
provide goodaccelerometer
performance;and gyroscope
hence, they aredata with
for different applications. However, combining accelerometer and gyroscope data with the recentlyof
the recently proposed image processing algorithms SURF and RANSAC is still an open area
proposed To fuse the inertial
processing data andSURF
algorithms visionand data together,isseveral
RANSAC still an filter-based
open area ofmethodsresearch.have been
To fuse
the inertial datain the
and literature.
vision dataIn roboticseveral
together, applications, posemethods
filter-based estimationhaveisbeen often referredinto
suggested theas
simultaneous localization and map building (SLAM) and has been extensively
literature. In robotic applications, pose estimation is often referred to as simultaneous localization and explored. SLAM has
a history
map building of (SLAM)
adopting anddiverse
has beensensor types and
extensively various
explored. SLAMmotion hasmodels
a historyand a majority
of adopting of the
approaches have used recursive filtering techniques, such as the extended
sensor types and various motion models and a majority of the approaches have used recursive filtering Kalman filter (EKF) [20,56],
particle filter
techniques, such[57],
as unscented
the extended Kalman
Kalman filter [58](EKF)
filter and Kalman
filter [57], tounscented
[20,25,27,59], EKF is
the [58]
filter mostand appropriate
Kalman Filter. technique
Accordingto betoadopted for inertial
[20,25,27,59], EKF is the andmost
visual fusion. Therefore,
appropriate technique EKF to beis
developed to fuse inertial sensor data and vision data to estimate
adopted for inertial and visual fusion. Therefore, EKF is developed to fuse inertial sensor data and position and orientation of a
mobile robot.
vision data to estimate position and orientation of a mobile robot.

When workingwith
witha asensor
containinga acamera
systems have to be presented. The four major coordinate systems are depicted in
systems have to be presented. The four major coordinate systems are depicted in Figure 1:Figure 1:

(a) World frame (b) Object frame (c) Camera frame (d) Body frame
Figure 1. Reference coordinate system.
Figure 1. Reference coordinate system.

Reference frame for the system

Reference frame for the system
• Global frame/world frame {w}: This frame aids the user to navigate and determine the pose
• Global frame/world
estimation in relativeframe
to IMU{w}:
andThis frameframes.
camera aids the user to navigate and determine the pose
• estimation in relative to IMU and camera frames.
IMU/body frame {b}: This frame is attached to the IMU (accelerometer and gyroscope) on the
• IMU/body frame {b}: This frame is attached to the IMU (accelerometer and gyroscope) on the
mobile robot.
• mobile
coordinate frame {o}: This frame is attached to the object (a 4WD mobile robot).
•• Camera
Object frame {c}:
coordinate This{o}:
frame frame
This is attached
frame to thetocamera
is attached on the
the object mobile
(a 4WD robot
mobile with the x-axis
pointing to the image plane in the right direction and z-axis pointing along the optical axis and
origin located at the camera optical center.
• The IMU method provides orientation of the body {b} with respect to (wrt) world frame {w} Rwb
and vision method provides orientation of the object {o} wrt to camera frame {c} Rco [26,60].
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 7 of 22

• Camera frame {c}: This frame is attached to the camera on the mobile robot with the x-axis
pointing to the image plane in the right direction and z-axis pointing along the optical axis and
origin located at the camera optical center.
• The IMU method provides orientation of the body {b} with respect to (wrt) world frame {w} Rwb
and vision method provides orientation of the object {o} wrt to camera frame {c} Rco [26,60].
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 7 of 22
3.1. IMU-Based Pose Estimation
3.1. IMU-Based Pose Estimation
Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the inertial sensors which used a Kalman filter to estimate the
Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the inertial sensors which used a Kalman filter to estimate
current pose and to reduce drifts and errors [61] of the sensors. This filter is also capable of estimating
the current pose and to reduce drifts and errors [61] of the sensors. This filter is also capable of
an accurate orientation of the system, but is basically used for linear systems.
estimating an accurate orientation of the system, but is basically used for linear systems.

Figure 2. Block diagram for inertial measurement units (IMU).

Figure 2. Block diagram for inertial measurement units (IMU).
Kalman filter (KF) is theoretically an ideal filter for combining noisy sensors to acquire accurate
Kalman filter (KF)
and estimated output.is theoretically an idealitfilter
It is accurate because takesfor combining
known physicalnoisy sensors
properties to acquire
of the accurate
system into
account. However,
and estimated output. itItisismathematically
accurate becausecomplex to compute
it takes knownand code. The
physical calibratedof
properties accelerometer
the system into
and gyroscope
account. However,were it is used to determine complex
mathematically orientation,
compute velocity, linearThe
and code. velocity and displacement
calibrated accelerometer
of the mobile robot with the use of KF. The KF was used as a prediction
and gyroscope were used to determine orientation, angular velocity, linear velocity and and correction model for the
of the mobile robot with the use of KF. The KF was used as a prediction and correction model for
To express an object or mobile robot orientation, several representations are proposed to be used.
the sensors.
Examples are the axis angle, Euler angles, direct cosine matrix (DCM) and quaternions [7,26,62]. In
thisexpress an object
paper, Euler anglesorare
mobile robot
adopted orientation,
to solve several
for roll, pitch andrepresentations
yaw angles. are proposed to be used.
ExamplesTheare gravity
the axisinangle, Euler
the world angles,
frame can bedirect cosine
obtained matrix
using (DCM)
coordinate and quaternions
information from the [7,26,62].
body frame.In this
paper, Euler angles are adopted to solve for roll, pitch and yaw angles.
The gravity in the world frame can be obtained gw = Rusing
wb gb , coordinate information from the body (1)frame.

where g denotes the gravity and the subscripts b and w represents the body frame and world
gw = Rwb gb , (1)
frame, respectively. To obtain the rotation matrix from the world frame {w} to the body frame {b},
where(R ) , the Euler
gwbdenotes the angles,
gravityroll andφ the
, pitch θ , and yaw
subscripts b andψw can be obtained
represents the as:
body frame and world frame,
respectively. To obtain the rotation matrix from the world frame {w} to the body frame {b}, ( Rwb ),
cφ cθ −cψ sθ + sψ sφ cθ sψ sθ + cψ sφ cθ 
the Euler angles, roll φ, pitch θ, and yaw ψ can be obtained as:
( Rwb ) = cφ sθ cψ cθ + sψ sφ sθ − sψ cθ + cψ sφ sθ  , (2)
 − sφ cφcθ −cψsθsφ+cψsψsφcθ sψsθ + cψsφcθcφ cθ 
 

( Rwb ) =  cφsθ cψcθ + sψsφsθ −sψcθ + cψsφsθ , (2)

 
where c is defined as cos (), and s is defined as sin (). The world frame provides the reference frame
−sφ sφcψ cφcθ
for the body frame, in which the x-axis and y-axis are tangential to the ground and the z-axis is in the
downward direction (view direction). The initial gravity vector in the world frame is given as:
where c is defined as cos (), and s is defined as sin (). The world frame provides the reference frame
for the body frame, in which the x-axis and y-axis are  0tangential
 to the ground and the z-axis is in the
downward direction (view direction). The initialg = 0 ,
gravity vector in the world frame is given as:
w  
  g 
0 
gw =  0 ofthe
, gravitational accelerations expressed in (3)
 
The 3-axis accelerometer gives the components
the object reference frame (g = [g g g ] ) g
b bx
by bz , where the superscript T represents the transpose
matrix. Hence, substituting the gravity vector is related through a rotation matrix, the relation is
given as:
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 8 of 22

The 3-axis accelerometer gives the components of the gravitational accelerations expressed in the
object reference frame ( gb = [ gbx gby gbz ] T ), where the superscript T represents the transpose matrix.
Hence, substituting the gravity vector is related through a rotation matrix, the relation is given as:
     
gbx 0 − g sin θ
gb =  gby  = Rwb gw = Rwb  0  =  g cos ϕ sin φ , (4)
     
gbz g g cos ϕ cos θ

From Equation (4) pitch and roll angles can be deduced from the gravity vectors as:
θ = arctan p , (5)
( gbx 2 + gbz 2 )
φ = arctan − , (6)
Equations to calculate position and velocity are given as:

Vb(k+1) = Vbk + abk ∆t, (7)

Sb(k+1) = Sbk + Vbk ∆t, (8)

where ab , Vb , Sb , k, k + 1 and ∆t are acceleration, velocity, position, time intervals and sampling time.
To calculate the angular rate we used the methods adopted in [63]. The angular rate is integrated to
determine the orientation from gyroscope.

3.2. Vision Based Pose Estimation Method

The 3D vision-based tracking approach tracks the pose of the mobile robot with a camera in
relative to the referenced object. For effective tracking, fast and reliable feature vision algorithm is
vital. The process of vision localization is categorised into four major steps: acquire images via camera,
detect object in the current images, match the object recognised with those contained in the database
and finally, calculate the pose as a function of the recognised object. In this work, a forward-looking
single camera (monocular) was used because it provides a high number of markers, thus allowing
good motion estimation accuracy, if the objects are closers to the camera [19,64].

Projection of Object Reference Points to Image Plane

With monocular vision (one camera), a good solution in terms of scalability and accuracy is
provided [65]. The monocular vision demands less calculation than stereo vision (two cameras).
With the aid of other sensors such as ultrasonic sensor or barometric altimeter, the monocular vision
can also provide the scale and depth information of the image frames [65,66]. The vision method
provides orientation of the object {o} wrt to camera coordinate frame {c}, Rco using the method in [67],
to calculate the pose of the mobile robot with respect to the camera based on the pinhole camera model.
The monocular vision positioning system used in [19], was used to estimate the 3D camera from the
2D image plane. The relationship between a point in the world frame and its projection in the image
plane can be expressed as:
λp = MP, (9)

where λ is a scale factor, p = [u, v, 1] T and P = [ Xw , Yw , Zw , 1] T are homogenous coordinates on image

plane and world coordinate M is a 3 × 4 projection matrix.
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 9 of 22

Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 Xw  9 of 22

u   
λ  v  = M ( R t ) Yw  , (10)
The above Equation (9) can furtherbe expressed as:  Z 
wc wc

1  
   1
u  X w 

 w 
 Y
 =camera’s
M( Rwc twc ) , (10)
The projection matrix depends onv the
 
 Zw  and extrinsic parameters. The five
intrinsic parameters are: focal length f , principal point u10 , v0 and the scaling in the image x and
au and au = fuon
av .depends v = f v . The axes skew coefficient γ is often zero.
, athe
The projection
y directions, matrix camera’s intrinsic and extrinsic parameters. The five intrinsic
parameters are: focal length f , principal point u0 , v0 and the scaling in the image x and y directions, au
 au
and av . au = f u , av = f v . The axes skew coefficient γγis oftenuzero.

M =  0 av u0 v0 ,
 
au γ  (11)
M =0  0 a0v v0 1,  (11)
 
 0 0 1
Extrinsic parameters: R, T , define the position of the camera center and the camera’s heading
Extrinsic parameters: R, T, define the position of the camera center and the camera’s heading in
in world
world coordinates.
coordinates. Camera
Camera calibration
calibration isistotoobtain
extrinsic parameters.
parameters. Therefore,
the projection matrix of a world point in the image is expressed
the projection matrix of a world point in the image is expressed as: as:

C= − RR−−11TT == −
=− − RRTTT,
T, (12)

where TTis the position

is the of the
position origin
of the of the
origin world
of the coordinate,
world and
coordinate, R isRtheisrotation
and matrix.
the rotation For this
matrix. For
research, camera
this research, calibration
camera was done
calibration offline
was done usingusing
offline MATLAB
MATLABCalibration Toolbox
Calibration [68]. [68].

3.3. Fusion Based

3.3. Fusion Based on
on IMU
IMU and
and Vision
Vision Pose
Pose Estimation
Estimation Method
The objective
objective ofof sensor
sensor fusion
fusion is is to
to improve
improve the the performance
performance acquired
acquired by by each
each sensor
sensor taken
individually and integrating their information. Using IMU alone cannot
individually and integrating their information. Using IMU alone cannot provide accurate provide accurate information,
so vision is also
information, used. The
so vision useused.
is also of vision alone
The use of fails
visionto alone
handle occlusion,
fails to handlefast motion and
occlusion, fastnot all areas
motion and
not covered
all areasdue to the field
are covered dueoftoview of theofcamera.
the field view of Therefore,
the camera. with the shortcoming
Therefore, of each sensor,
with the shortcoming of
the fusion of both IMU data and vision data will provide a better pose estimation
each sensor, the fusion of both IMU data and vision data will provide a better pose estimation result. result. Velocity,
Velocity, angular
angularand orientation
velocity are given by
and orientation areIMU and
given bysoIMU
is the
soposition andposition
also is the orientation
given by vision.
orientation givenTheby fusion
vision andofIMU
fusion is carried
vision and IMU outisusing EKF.
carried The
out fused
using EKFThe
EKF. computed
fused EKFthe
overall pose of the mobile robot with respect to the world {w} frame. Figure
computed the overall pose of the mobile robot with respect to the world {w} frame. Figure 3 shows3 shows the overview
stages of IMUstages
the overview and Vision
of IMU fusion
and adopted.
Vision fusion adopted.

Figure 3. Overview of the stages of IMU and vision fusion.

Figure 3. Overview of the stages of IMU and vision fusion.
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 10 of 22

3.4. EKF Implementation

For sensor fusion, EKF was implemented to estimate position and orientation from IMU and
vision data. EKF is a classic approach for a nonlinear stochastic system; it uses discrete models
with first-order approximation for nonlinear systems. The EKF algorithm enables complementary
compensation for each sensor’s limitations, and the resulting performance of the sensor system is better
than individual sensors [26,27,69]. The motion model and the observation model in EKF are established
using kinematics. EKF gives reasonable performance mostly in conjunction with a long iterative tuning
process. The readers can refer to [70,71] to get details of implementations and demonstrations of the
EKF. The general EKF equations are given here. Let

xk+1 = f k ( x̂k , µk , wk ),wk ∼ N (0, Qk ), (13)

yk = hk ( xk , vk ),vk ∼ N (0, Rk ), (14)

xk is the state vector, uk denotes a known control input, wk denote the process noise, and vk is the
measurement noise. yk is the measurement vector, hk is the observation matrix all at time k. The process
noise wk has a covariance matrix Q and measurement noise vk has a covariance matrix R, are assumed
to be zero-mean white Gaussian noise processes independent of each other. EKF is a special case
of Kalman filter that is used for nonlinear systems. EKF is used to estimate the robot position and
orientation by employing the prediction and correction of a nonlinear system model. Time prediction
update equation is given as:
x̂k− = A x̂k−1 + Buk , (15)

Pk− = APk−1 A T + Qk−1 , (16)

where A is the transition matrix and B is the control matrix.

Measurement update equation is given as:

x̂k+ = x̂k− + Kk (zk − H ( x̂k− )), (17)

Pk+ = ( I − Kk Hk ) Pk− , (18)

where the Kalman gain is given as:

Kk = Pk− H T k ( Hk Pk− Hk + Rk ) , (19)

The Jacobian matrix Hk with partial derivatives of the measurement function h(·) with respect to
the state x is evaluated at the prior state estimate x̂k− , the equation is given as:

H= | X = x k −1 , (20)
For the fused filter method used in this work, we adopted one of the models used in [27]. We used
accelerometer data as a control input, while gyroscope data and vision data were used as measurements.
This model is extensively explained in reference above, but the process noise and covariance noise are
suitably tuned. The state vector is given as:

x = [p v q ω ]T , (21)
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 11 of 22

where p and v stand for the state variables corresponding to the 3D position and velocity of the IMU
in the world frame, q denotes the orientation quaternion corresponding to the rotation matrix R and ω
is the angular velocity from gyroscope. The fused transition matrix used here is given as:
" #
F1 O6x7
F11 = , (22)
O7x6 F1

The state transition matrix can be written as;

1 0 0 0 0
 
 0 1 0 0 2 0 
∆t 
 

 0 0 1 0 0 2 
F1 =  0 0 0 1 0 0 , (23)
 
 

 0 0 0 0 1 0 
 0 0 0 0 0 1 
0 0 2 0 0 0

∆t ∆t2
 
1 0 0 2 0 0 2

 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 

0 0 1 0 0 cos2 t
 
1 2
F = , (24)
 
 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 
sin2 t
 
 0 0 0 0 1 0 
0 0 0 0 0 1 0

where ∆t is the sampling time between images captured. F1 and F1 is the state transition matrix for
inertial sensor and vision respectively. The process noise covariance is taken from the accelerometer
and is given as: " #
1 Q1 O6x3
Q1 = , (25)
O7x3 Q1
" #
q1 O3x3
Q1 = , (26)
O3x3 q1
 
1 0 0 0 0 ∆t2 0
Q1 =  0 1 0 0 0 0 ∆t , (27)
 
0 0 1 0 0 0 0

Q1 and Q1 are the process noise covariance from accelerometer and vision respectively.
q1 = I3 σa 2 and 1 q1 = I3 σa 2 , are the process noise taken from accelerometer while the measurement
noise is taken from the gyroscope and vision where In is the identity matrix dimension of n. R is the
key matrix for sensor fusion, R1 and R1 are the covariance from gyroscope and vision.
" #
R1 O4x3
R11 = , R1 = I4 σg 2 , R1 = I3 σv2 T,
O3x4 R1

The observation matrix is given as;

" #
H11 = , H1 = [O3x3 I3x3 ],
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 12 of 22

and is the observation matrix from the gyroscope.

1 1 2 T
H = t R R ,

is the observation matrix from vision. The parameters used for filter tuning and experiments are given
in Table 1.

Table 1. Parameters and their values for filter tuning.

Variables Meanings
Sampling interval of IMU sensor 100 Hz
Gyroscope measurement noise variance, σg 0.001 rad2 /s2
Accelerometer measurement noise variance, σa 0.001 m/s2
Camera measurement noise variance, σv 0.9
Sampling interval between image frames 25 Hz

4. System Hardware and Experimental Setup

Figure 4 shows the major hardware used to carry out the experiment. Besides other types of
components such as IR sensors, ultrasonic sensor etc. which aided robot navigation and validated the
proposed method. The mobile robot used in this experiment is a four-wheel drive (4WD) as shown in
Figure 4c with a working voltage of 4.8 V. Four servo motor controllers were used which allowed the
robot to move up to 40 cm/s (0.4 m/s) with microcontroller (Arduino/Genuino 101) which has built-in
of Inertial Measurement Unit of 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis gyroscope, depicted in Figure 4a.
As stated earlier in Section 2, the IMU was first calibrated before been coupled on the mobile robot.
To reduce the payload, the frame of the robot was built with aluminium alloy. The robot was equipped
with a 6 V battery to power the servo motors and a 9 V battery for the microcontroller. The mobile
robot is also installed with ultrasonic sensor to measure the object distance to the mobile robot in
real time. The performance issues related to reflections, occlusions, and maximum emitting angles
limit independent use of ultrasonic sensors [63]. The camera was also mounted on the mobile robot
to take several images from the environments. The type of camera used for this experiment is the
LS-Y201-2MP LinkSprite’s new generation high-resolution serial port camera module. The pictorial
representation is given in Figure 4b. Its resolution is 2 million pixels. It can capture high resolution
images using the serial port. The camera is a modular design that outputs JPEG images through
universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART), and can be easily integrated into existing design.
It has a default baud rate of serial port of 115,200. More of it specification can be found in [72].
The camera was connected to the programmed microcontroller Arduino 101 mounted on the robot
to capture images with a resolution of 1600 × 1200 at 6 fps. Images captured with the programme
written on Arduino environment are stored in an SD card and corresponding IMU transmitted to the
PC, via the USB cord which processes the images and locates the references points in the captured
images. The marker (box) used as a reference object has a size of 15 × 24 cm, and was placed at a
known position. The object was used to calculate the pose estimation of the mobile robot relative to
the camera. The image processing and pose estimation process were analysed offline using MATLAB
software. The data collected from the IMU were sent to MATLAB via the port serial. The mobile robot
trajectory is designed in such a way that it moves on a flat terrain in a forward, left and right directions.
The work area for the experiment is 4 m × 5.2 m.
images. The marker (box) used as a reference object has a size of 15 × 24 cm, and was placed at a
known position. The object was used to calculate the pose estimation of the mobile robot relative to
the camera. The image processing and pose estimation process were analysed offline using MATLAB
software. The data collected from the IMU were sent to MATLAB via the port serial. The mobile robot
Sensors 2017,is
2164 in such a way that it moves on a flat terrain in a forward, left and right directions.
13 of 22
The work area for the experiment is 4 m × 5.2 m.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4.
4. Hardware
Hardware used
used for
for the
the experiment:
experiment: (a)
(a) Arduino
Arduino 101
101 microcontroller;
microcontroller; (b)
(b) LinkSprite
LinkSprite camera;
(c) 4WD robot platform.
(c) 4WD robot platform.

5. Results and Discussion

5. Results and Discussion
In this section, the performance of the experiments and simulated results are evaluated and
In this section, the performance of the experiments and simulated results are evaluated and
analysed. Firstly, we will present the analysis of the images captured and simulated in MATLAB.
analysed. Firstly, we will present the analysis of the images captured and simulated in MATLAB.
Secondly, the results of the experiments performed to determine the position and orientation of the
Secondly, the results of the experiments performed to determine the position and orientation of the
mobile robot by fusing the inertial sensor and vision data will be presented.
mobile robot by fusing the inertial sensor and vision data will be presented.
5.1. Simulated
Simulated Results
Results of
of Object
Object Detection
Detection and
and Recognition
Recognition in
in an
an Image
In this
this subsection,
subsection, we we want
want to to give
give details
details ofof the vision techniques
the vision techniques used used for for detection
detection and and
recognition in an image; this was implemented in MATLAB using
recognition in an image; this was implemented in MATLAB using the computer vision toolboxes the computer vision toolboxes
following the the steps
steps given
given in in Section
Section 22 and
and with
with the
the brief
brief introduction
introduction given
given inin Section
Section 44 ofof how
how images
were captured and stored on an SD card and transferred to MATLAB
were captured and stored on an SD card and transferred to MATLAB for simulation. for simulation.
More details
details of
of how
how thethe simulation
simulation waswas done
done will
will be
be given
given here.
here. Figure
Figure 55 shows
shows thethe detection
detection ofof
an object box placed in a known position to estimate the position of the mobile robot when moving
object box placed in a known position to estimate the position of the mobile robot when moving
in the
the confined
confined area.
area. The
The first
first step
step was
was toto save
save the
the proposed
proposed object
object (which
(which could
could alsoalso be
be called
called the
query image); in this case a box was used. The image was saved in a database file. The next step
image); in this case a box was used. The image was saved in a database file. The next step was
to convert
convert the the image
image from
fromRGB RGBto tograyscale
thatit it would
would notnotbebe
tootoo large
large to
to fit on a screen.
fit on a screen.
The purpose
purpose of of converting
converting from from RGB
RGB toto grayscale
grayscale is is to
to acquire better results.
acquire better results. Examples
Examples of of such
images are depicted in Figure 5b,c respectively. Figure 5b shows the RGB image, while Figure 5c
are depicted in Figure 5b,c respectively. Figure 5b shows the RGB image, while Figure 5c
shows the the grayscale
grayscale image.
image. SomeSome camera
camera lenses
lenses are
are distorted,
distorted, and
and therefore
therefore it it is
is important
important that that lens
distortions are are removed
removed fromfrom images.
images. The
The purpose
purpose of of removing
removing distortion
distortion in in images
images is is to
to correct
correct any
form of abnormalities and variations in the images to give a good quality output. Figure 5d shows an
of abnormalities and variations in the images to give a good quality output. Figure 5d shows an
image in in which
which distortion
distortion hashas been
been removed.
To detect features from images using SURF, Figure 5e shows a typical example of the outliers
and inliers. For the simulation, 50 of the strongest feature points were extracted from the query
image to match with the training image in other to have sufficient points when matching the images.
The matching of images was done by RANSAC algorithm. With RANSAC algorithm, the inliers were
computed in such that if the inliers points are more than the threshold then homograph transform
will be estimated. This is shown in Figure 5f. The last step is for a bounding box to be designated and
displayed around the recognised object as shown in Figure 5g,h.
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 14 of 22
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 14 of 22

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)
Figure 5. A box detected from two different images but in similar scenes. (a) Query image; (b) Training
Figure 5. A box detected from two different images but in similar scenes. (a) Query image; (b) Training
image; (c) Conversion of RGB to grayscale; (d) Removal of lens distortion; (e) Image including
image; (c) Conversion of RGB to grayscale; (d) Removal of lens distortion; (e) Image including outliers;
outliers; (f) Image with inliers only; (g,h) Images with display box around the recognised object.
(f) Image with inliers only; (g,h) Images with display box around the recognised object.
and inliers. For the simulation, 50 of the strongest feature points were extracted from the query image
to match with the training image in other to have sufficient points when matching the images. The
matching of images was done by RANSAC algorithm. With RANSAC algorithm, the inliers were
computed in such that if the inliers points are more than the threshold then homograph transform
will be estimated. This is shown in Figure 5f. The last step is for a bounding box to be designated and
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 15 of 22
displayed around the recognised object as shown in Figure 5g,h.

5.2. Simulated Results of Object Analysis of Experimental Results

In this
subsection, wewe present
present the results
the results of the experiments
of the experiments carried out carried out inenvironment.
in an indoor an indoor
Figure 6 showsFigure 6 shows theresult
the experimental experimental
of the Eulerresult of the
angles Euler angles
obtained from IMU obtained
and the from IMUestimate.
filtered and the
filtered estimate. Various methods have been suggested to calculate Euler
Various methods have been suggested to calculate Euler angles. Some methods considered using only angles. Some methods
data from a using onlyto
gyroscope data from aEuler
estimate gyroscope
angles to byestimate Euler
integrating angles
angular by integrating
velocity angular velocity
to give orientation, while
to give orientation,
another while another
uses only accelerometer uses
data. only accelerometer
Because a gyroscope measuresdata. Because
rotationa and gyroscope measures
an accelerometer
does not, and an accelerometer
a gyroscope seems to bedoes not,option
the best a gyroscope seems
to determine to be theHowever,
orientation. best option bothtosensors
orientation. However,
their limitations, both sensors
and therefore have their
it is suggested thatlimitations,
the weakness and therefore
of one sensoritcould is suggested that the
be complemented
by the other. ofFor
work, could be complemented
we combined accelerometerby datatheandother. For this
gyroscope datawork,
using awe combined
Kalman filter.
accelerometer data and gyroscope data using a Kalman filter. Figure 2 shows
Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the stages. Equations (5) and (6) were used to calculate the pitch the block diagram of
andstages. Equations
roll angles, while(5)
yaw (6)angle
to calculate as the pitch and roll
an integration angles, while
of angular the The
velocity. yawfigure
was calculated as an integration of angular velocity. The figure shows the robot
shows the robot travelling on a flat surface. It can be noted that, for about 49 s, roll and pitch angles travelling on a flat
maintained It can be noted that,
a close-to-zero for until
angle aboutthere
49 s,was
roll aand pitchinangles
change maintained
direction. At the pointa close-to-zero
where the angle
turned there was a change
90 degrees to the in direction.
right, the yaw Atangle
the point
was where the robotThe
91.25 degrees. turned
maximum90 degreesvaluesto the right, the
obtained for
yaw angle was 91.25 degrees. The maximum values obtained for pitch and roll
pitch and roll angles are 15 degrees and 18 degrees, respectively. From the experiment carried out on angles are 15 degrees
IMU,18itdegrees, respectively.
can be concluded thatFrom
Eulerthe experiment
angles carried
are a good choiceout for
on IMU, it can be concluded
the experiment performed that Euler
the pitchareangles
a good didchoice for the
not attain ±90 experiment
degrees toperformed
cause whatbecause
is known theaspitch
Gimbal angles
lock.did not attain ±90
degrees to cause what is known as Gimbal lock.

Figure 6. Euler
Figure 6. Euler angles
angles from
from IMU. Roll: red;
IMU. Roll: red; pitch:
pitch: green;
green; yaw:
yaw: blue.

Figure 7a–c shows the orientation result of the fused data from inertial sensor and vision. The
Figure 7a–c shows the orientation result of the fused data from inertial sensor and vision. The IMU
IMU was able to abruptly determine the direction of mobile, but the vision slowly captured the
was able to abruptly determine the direction of mobile, but the vision slowly captured the images
images to determine the orientation of the mobile robot. With different sampling frequencies,
to determine the orientation of the mobile robot. With different sampling frequencies, computation
computation time did not allow both estimates to run at the same time. The IMU was able to
time did not allow both estimates to run at the same time. The IMU was able to determine the
determine the direction of the robot within a specific path, but with the camera, the rotational axis
direction of the robot within a specific path, but with the camera, the rotational axis was extended
was extended to capture more views; therefore, the range of direction was widened and areas which
to capture more views; therefore, the range of direction was widened and areas which could not be
could not be covered by IMU were captured by the camera, although vision-based tracking is more
covered by IMU were captured by the camera, although vision-based tracking is more accurate for
accurate for slow movement than IMU. However, using only computer vision, tracking is lost almost
slow movement than IMU. However, using only computer vision, tracking is lost almost immediately;
immediately; it is therefore obvious that the addition of IMU is beneficial. EKF is used to fuse the
it is therefore obvious that the addition of IMU is beneficial. EKF is used to fuse the inertial and visual
inertial and visual measurement to estimate the state of the mobile robot. With EKF, corrections for
measurement to estimate the state of the mobile robot. With EKF, corrections for pose estimation were
made; this shows that the filter is efficient, specifically when fusing two or more sensors together.
Equations (10)–(12) from Section 3 were used to calculate the camera pose in reference to the image
plane. From the equations, the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters were estimated through the camera
calibration. It should be noted that the described system is very sensitive to calibration parameters. Errors
in parameters used for calibration could deteriorate the tracking of the system. Hence, the design of
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 16 of 22

pose estimation were made; this shows that the filter is efficient, specifically when fusing two or more
sensors together. Equations (10)–(12) from Section 3 were used to calculate the camera pose in
Sensors 2017, to the image plane. From the equations, the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters16were
17, 2164 of 22
estimated through the camera calibration. It should be noted that the described system is very
sensitive to calibration parameters. Errors in parameters used for calibration could deteriorate the
tracking ofcalibration
the system. methods
Hence, isthevital for of
design proper operation.
accurate As methods
calibration observedisfrom
vitalthe figures,operation.
for proper there is a
slight difference between the data obtained from inertial sensor to that of vision.
As observed from the figures, there is a slight difference between the data obtained from inertialAt the point where
the robot
sensor made
to that of avision.
90 degrees
At theright
where thethe
yaw value
robot foraIMU
made was 91.25
90 degrees rightdegrees,
turn, theand
for vision. Pitch and roll angles both have values of 1.2 degrees and 4 degrees.
IMU was 91.25 degrees, and 88 degrees for vision. Pitch and roll angles both have values of 1.2 With the proposed
degrees andthrough the use
4 degrees. of EKF,
With accumulated
the proposed errorsthrough
method, and drifts
thewere reduced
use of and improvement
EKF, accumulated errors was
thereby achieved.
drifts were reduced and improvement was thereby achieved.

60 fused





0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (sec)

(a) (b)
Yaw angles (deg)

Figure 7. Orientation results for fused sensors. (a) Roll angles; (b) Pitch angles; (c) Yaw angles.
Figure 7. Orientation results for fused sensors. (a) Roll angles; (b) Pitch angles; (c) Yaw angles.

Figure 8 shows a comparison of the three directions of the mobile robot taken from vision only.
Figure shows
The figure 8 shows a comparison
a distinctive of the three
estimation directions
of position of of
thethe mobile
mobile robotThe
robot. taken from vision
position only.
basedfigure shows
on the a distinctive
reference object in estimation
the image isofrelative
position of the
to the mobile
position of robot. The robot
the mobile position
the world
based on the reference object in the image is relative to the position of the mobile robot
coordinate, with the median vector of the planar object for Z-axis close to 1 and −1. This shows and the world
coordinate, with the median vector of the planar object for Z-axis close to
the feature selection method used is effective. Therefore, SURF and RANSAC algorithms 1 and − 1. This shows that
the feature selection
combination method
can be used used is effective.
to determine Therefore,
the accurate SURF
position ofand RANSAC
an object algorithms
through vision. combination
can be used to determine the accurate position of an object through vision.
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 17 of 22
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 17 of 22
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 17 of 22

Figure 8.
8. Experimental
Experimental position
position in
in XYZ
XYZ directions from vision
directions from vision data.
Figure 8. Experimental position in XYZ directions from vision data.
5.3. Performance: Accuracy
5.3. Performance: Accuracy
5.3. Performance: Accuracy
The ground truth data was collected with the use of external camera placed in the environment
The ground
ground truth
truth data
data was
was collected
collected with
with the
the use
use of external
external camera
camera placed
placed in
in the
the environment
of experiment. The external camera was used because less expensive, available and reliable to
of experiment.
experiment. The
The external
external camera
camera was
was used
used because
because it’s
it’s less
less expensive,
expensive, available
available and
and reliable
reliable to
determine 6-DoF of position. The camera was placed on a flat terrain with the mobile robot withto a
determine 6-DoF of of position. TheThe camera was was placed
placed on on aa flat
flat terrain with the
the mobile robot with
with aa
distance of 6-DoF
4.90 m inposition.
between; the camerascenario is shown in Figure terrain
9. Since with
the camera mobile
was neither
distance of
of 4.90
4.90 m inin between; the
the scenario is
is shown in Figure 9.
9. Since the
the camera used was neither
360 degrees nor m between;
a motion camera, scenario
it was ensured shownthatinthe
camera Since
was able camera
to cover used
the was neither
360 degrees
degrees nor
nor a
a motion
motion camera,
camera, it
it was
was ensured
ensured that
that the
the camera
camera was
was able
able to
to cover
cover the
the experiment
area. It can be observed from the figure that our method exhibits good performance, as it is close to
area. It
It can
can be
area.ground be observed
observed from
fromthe the figure that our
that method
our method exhibits
exhibitsgood performance,
good performance, as itasisitclose to the
is close to
the truth. However, further of the proposed method is encouraged. For
the ground truth. However,
truth. further
However, improvement
further improvementof the proposed
of the cameramethod
proposed is encouraged. For accurate
accurate ground truth data to be obtained, a motion capture or amethod is encouraged.
laser ranging sensor is also For
accurate truth
to bedata
to be a motion capture
obtained, a motion camera
capture or camera
a laser ranging
or a lasersensor is also
ranging suggested.
sensor is also
suggested. The sensors are expensive, but an accurate result is guaranteed. Figure 10a shows the
The sensorsThe
suggested. are expensive, but an accurate result is guaranteed. Figure 10a shows the trajectory of
trajectory of thesensors
mobile arerobotexpensive,
projectedbut an accurate
in the XY planeresult is guaranteed.
and Figure 10b shows Figure 10a shows the
the corresponding
the mobile
trajectory of robot
ofthe projected
mobilerobot in the XY
robottrajectory. plane and Figure 10b shows the corresponding
projected in the XY plane and Figure 10b shows the corresponding positions of the
positions robot trajectory.
of the mobile robot trajectory.

Figure 9. Ground truth system based on a camera.

Figure 9. Ground truth system based on a camera.
Figure 9. Ground truth system based on a camera.
Furthermore, the accuracy of the proposed method is assessed and evaluated by computing the
root Furthermore,
mean the accuracy
square error ofTo
(RMSE).of the proposed method is assessed and evaluated by computing the
root mean square the accuracy
error (RMSE). theevaluate
To proposed
IMU and
is assessed
IMU and
a evaluated
were usedthe
by computing
were used
root mean for real
square measurement.
error (RMSE). Figure
To 11a,b
evaluate show
the the results
accuracy, IMU of error
and a for position
single cameraand orientation,
were used as
which for
is thefor real measurement.
difference between the Figure
ground11a,b show
truth theproposed
and results ofmethod.
error forFrom
the and
it can be
which is the real measurement.
difference between Figure
the ground 11a,b show
truth andtheproposed
results ofmethod.
error forFrom
the and
it can be
which that
is the the maximum
difference error
betweenerror value
the ground for position
truthposition and
and proposed orientation
method. From are 0.145 m
the graph, and 0.95°
it can be
deduced that
respectively. the maximum value for and orientation are 0.145 m and 0.95°
deduced that These
error values
the maximum
These errorare stillfor
value reasonable
position for
andindoor localization.
orientation are 0.145In
Table 2, RMSE
and 0.95 position
◦ respectively.
and orientation areerror values
further are
stated stillspecific
for reasonable for
periods. indoor
It canlocalization.
be observed Table
from 2, RMSE
the table position
that the
and orientation
position are further
error slightly stated
increases withfor specific
increase periods.
in time. For It can be
RMSE observedboth
orientation, frompitch
the and
position error slightly increases with increase in time. For RMSE orientation, both pitch and yaw error
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 18 of 22

These error values are still reasonable for indoor localization. In Table 2, RMSE position and orientation
are further
Sensors stated
2017, 17, for specific periods. It can be observed from the table that the position error slightly
2164 18 of 22
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 18 of 22
increases with increase in time. For RMSE orientation, both pitch and yaw error angles decreases
as timedecreases
increasesas time for
while increases whilewas
roll, error for roll, error was gradually increasing
the start from theabout
start time
angles decreases as time increases while forgradually
roll, error increasing from
was gradually increasing time
from to 80 s
the start time
and about
later80 s and later
decreases. decreases.
The accuracy The
of accuracy
the proposed of the proposed
method was method was
improved and improved
better and better
to about 80 s and later decreases. The accuracy of the proposed method was improved and better
were achieved.were achieved.
performances were achieved.

Y (m)

Y (m)


(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 10. Comparing the proposed method with the ground truth. (a) Robot trajectory in the XY
Figure 10. Comparing the
10. Comparing the proposed
proposed method
method withwith the
the ground
ground truth. (a) Robot
truth. (a) Robot trajectory
trajectory in
in the
the XY
plane; (b) Position corresponding to the trajectory.
plane; (b)
(b) Position
Position corresponding
corresponding to
to the
the trajectory.
0.16 X
0.14 Y
[°] [°]








0.040 20 40 60 80 100 120
0 20 40 60 80 100 120

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 11. Results of RMSE for position and orientation. (a) Position; (b) Orientation.
Figure 11. Results of RMSE for position and orientation. (a) Position; (b) Orientation.
Figure 11. Results of RMSE for position and orientation. (a) Position; (b) Orientation.
Table 2. RMSE of position and orientation.
Table 2. RMSE of position and orientation.
Table 2. RMSE of position and orientation.
Time (s) Position Error (m) Orientation Error (Degree)
Time (s) Position Error (m) Orientation Error (Degree)
Time (s) x
Position Error y
(m) Roll Pitch
Orientation Yaw
Error (Degree)
x y Roll Pitch Yaw
20 0.05 0.08 0.78 0.62 0.62
20 x
0.05 y
0.08 Roll
0.78 Pitch
0.62 Yaw
40 0.05 0.08 0.81 0.60 0.56
20 0.05
0.05 0.08
0.08 0.81
0.78 0.60
0.62 0.56
60 0.07 0.09 0.85 0.56 0.55
60 0.06
0.07 0.09
0.09 0.90
0.85 0.56
0.56 0.54
80 0.06 0.09 0.90 0.56 0.54
80 0.07
0.06 0.09
0.09 0.62
0.90 0.50
0.56 0.53
100 0.07
0.07 0.09
0.09 0.62
0.62 0.50
0.50 0.53
120 0.14 0.09 0.75 0.18 0.18
120 0.14
0.14 0.09
0.09 0.75
0.75 0.18
0.18 0.18

6. Conclusions
6. Conclusions
In this paper, a novel fusion of computer vision and inertial measurements to obtain robust and
In this paper, a novel fusion of computer vision and inertial measurements to obtain robust and
accurate autonomous mobile robot pose estimation was presented for an indoor environment. The
accurate autonomous mobile robot pose estimation was presented for an indoor environment. The
inertial sensor used is the 6-DoF, which was used to determine the linear velocity, angular velocity,
inertial sensor used is the 6-DoF, which was used to determine the linear velocity, angular velocity,
position and orientation. For the computer vision, a single forward-looking camera was used to
position and orientation. For the computer vision, a single forward-looking camera was used to
Sensors 2017, 17, 2164 19 of 22

6. Conclusions
In this paper, a novel fusion of computer vision and inertial measurements to obtain robust
and accurate autonomous mobile robot pose estimation was presented for an indoor environment.
The inertial sensor used is the 6-DoF, which was used to determine the linear velocity, angular velocity,
position and orientation. For the computer vision, a single forward-looking camera was used to
generate 2D/3D correspondences. The purpose of data fusion is to produce reliable data that is not
influenced by accelerometer noise and gyroscope drift. In respect to this, vision was proposed as the
best fit to complement the weaknesses of inertial sensors. The inertial sensors and the camera were
both mounted on the robot to give excellent performance of the robot estimate.
For object recognition, SURF and RANSAC algorithms were used to detect and match features
in images. SURF is used to detect key points and to generate its descriptors. It is scale-and
rotation-invariant, which means that, even with differences on the size and on the rotation of an
image, SURF can find key points. In addition, RANSAC is an algorithm to estimate the homograph
matrix of an image; therefore, the combination of SURF and RANSAC gives robust, fast computation
and accurate results for vision tracking scenarios.
The experimental results have shown that a hybrid approach of using inertial sensors and vision
is far better than using a single sensor. An extended Kalman filter was designed to correct each sensor
hitches by fusing the inertial and vision data together to obtain accurate orientation and position.
RMSE values for position and orientation were determined to evaluate the accuracy of the technique.
As a result, the method shows reliable performance with high accuracy. This type of system proposed
further improves the accuracy with respect to localization. The weakness of this method is that it may
not be a good approach to be used in a large environment, because the field of view is limited and
not all areas can be covered. It is therefore important to consider the use of stereo vision (i.e., the use
of two cameras). Again, another limitation is the single type of object (marker) that was used as a
reference to determine the pose estimation of the mobile robot. The use of two or more mobile objects
to estimate the robot’s position and orientation in other to give better and accurate results should also
be considered. Further research work is to determine the robot’s pose estimation by tracking a mobile
object in a real-time video in a large scale environment.

Acknowledgments: The authors would like to appreciate the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments
that contributed to improving this paper. This work was supported by National Researcher Foundation grant
funded by the South African government in collaboration with the University of Pretoria.
Author Contributions: M.B.A. designed the experiments, performed the experiments and analyzed the results.
G.P.H. supervised her work, advising on possible approaches and supplying equipment and analysis tools.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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