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to a Theoretical Biology
Jesper Hoffmeyer
Department of Molecular Biology
University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark
[email protected]
Frederik Stjernfelt
Center for Semiotics
Aarhus University
Aarhus, Denmark
[email protected]
(2) Biology is incomplete as a science in the absence of explicit Another way to put this is to say that the function of
semiotic grounding. hemoglobin is not intrinsic to its molecular structure. Rather
Neo-Darwinian biology as practiced all over the world has it is relational—hemoglobin may be seen as a carrier of
prescinded (i.e., abstracted from necessary contextual support) constitutive absence (Deacon 2006b), in the sense that the
an asemiotic conception of life as mere molecular chemistry, molecule’s properties are constituted not only by intrinsic fea-
and yet at the same time it is dependent on unanalyzed semiotic tures but also by extrinsic features of its historical and physical
assumptions. The reason why this is not felt as a problem is that functional contexts. In effect, the missing oxygen with respect
biology compensates for the excluded semiosis by introduc- to which hemoglobin structure has evolved has become its
ing a plethora of implicitly semiotic terms like “information,” defining characteristic. In this respect, one can understand the
“adaptation,” “signal,” “cue,” “code,” “messenger,” “fidelity,” structure of hemoglobin as a “representation” of both oxygen
and “cross talk.” These uses are seldom well defined and are and its role in the cellular molecular processes of metabolism.
often applied in an allegedly metaphoric way, with the im- The function of hemoglobin is in this way what affords
plicit assumption that they can be reduced to mere chemical the possibility of it having representational character. This
accounts if necessary. function relates to the “needs” or self-maintenance conditions
It is not clear, however, that a complete and unproblem- of some agent. “Needing something” implies both its transient
atic reduction of this sort is possible. If biologists were asked absence and some structure or processual state representing
to avoid these implicitly semiotic terms they would have a that absence and its possible ending or completion.
hard—and probably impossible—job of explaining the nature This constitution with respect to something extrinsic
of organic function. For example, if hemoglobin were known and/or absent shows that function and representation are two
only by its three-dimensional molecular structure, it would aspects of the same mode of relational existence. This implies
not be possible to guess that it functioned as a transporter that the primary unit of biosemiotic research is a sign—not
for oxygen. But knowing that hemoglobin is a reflection of merely a molecule or cell.
the need of multicellular organisms to provide energy for the (3) The predictive power of biology is embedded in the func-
metabolism of somatic tissues, it immediately becomes clear tional aspect and cannot be based on chemistry alone.
(1) that it must have some structural features conducive to It is an accepted truth in biology that structure and function
binding and transporting oxygen in blood, (2) that the oxygen- are interdependent; e.g., a biological explanation is incomplete
binding region of the hemoglobin molecule is expected to be even if the production and the structure of a macromolecule
conserved throughout evolution, and (3) that different forms of in a cell have been exhaustively described. There is a miss-
hemoglobin differ in specific ways that correspond to different ing feature of the explanation—we still need an answer to
oxygen transport requirements (e.g., in different species or in the question “What is it for?” Answering this question is part
mammalian gestation). of the functional contextualization that all biological facts re-
The theoretical issue at stake here is that in biology empir- quire. In many cases, these functions are characterized as being
ical facts are always contextually constrained. Contextuality of a regulatory, information-carrying, or signaling kind, and
should not be conceived as a free ticket to determinations thus describing the function of these structures is really em-
from outside domains—rather, contextuality is constrained bedding them in a wider system that has a sign-processing
by function (and vice versa). If life exists on distant plan- (e.g., signal-transducing) character. In this wider system, the
ets in other regions of the universe with large heterotrophic functions that a macromolecule take part in (or contribute
forms, it is likely that they will also require a corresponding to) can be fulfilled by other slightly or completely different
transporter molecule, and if their metabolism is mediated by structures (say, being only similar regarding an “active site”),
oxygen, then the transporter molecules might not resemble and thus, the structure is seen as a vehicle for fulfilling that
our Earth-hemoglobin in narrow molecular detail but would function. Locating and clarifying functional-processual parts
nonetheless retain the capacity to carry oxygen in a similarly in a wider network within metabolism enables partial predic-
protected way so that it can be released again in tissues in tions of some constraints that need to be met if the vehicle
need of it. And if their metabolism is mediated by a substance of a function should be able to work. Most of the predic-
other than oxygen, they will still require some substance un- tive power of biology is lost if semiofunctional analysis is
dertaking the analogous function of facilitating energy trans- excluded.
port. This already puts constraints upon the space of possible The difficulty of making predictions about biological phe-
realizations of the “hemoglobin molecule” (or any such non- nomena is that the functions are plurally realizable and thus
terrestrial functional analog), which severely restricts its form subject to considerable variation. As a result, the physico-
and its correspondence to contextual factors. chemical details necessarily provide an incomplete account.
Functional requirements do, however, constrain the physico- components exemplify Kant’s criteria for possessing intrinsic
chemical substrates that can be recruited. telos and are thus functional. The possibility of evolution de-
rives from the fact that functions, because they can be realized
(4) Differences in methodology distinguish a semiotic biology multiple number of times, can coopt any incidental physic-
from non-semiotic biology. ochemical properties of the substrates they utilize. Likewise,
It is the aim of biosemiotics to make explicit those as- semiosis can coopt any incidental feature exhibited by func-
sumptions that are imported into biology by such unanalyzed tional processes or their properties.
teleological concepts as “function,” “information,” “code,” An unresolved question arises with respect to the rela-
“signal,” and “cue” and to provide a theoretical grounding for tionship between semiosis and function and as to which ter-
these concepts. The widespread use of such terms in existing minological paradigms can best characterize this fundamental
biology points to the fact that such notions cannot be avoided or relationship. Thus, the coupling of perception signs and ac-
fully substituted with merely chemical accounts. Biosemiotics tion signs in Uexküll’s functional cycle (Uexküll 1921; Kull
has the scientific task of (1) grounding such terms in a physi- 2001) has an “if–then” inference structure.2 Perception signs
cobiological context, (2) defining and interrelating such terms form the premises of the conclusion inherent in the ensuing
with the constant aim of avoiding the anthropomorphisms that action signs. Perception signs grant (with some probability)
threaten when they are left with implicit definitions only, and that something is the case, and consequently, the organism
(3) so to make biology theoretically complete. “makes a decision” to act on the basis of this information.
Kant’s Kritik der Urteilskraft, one of the early master- This functional cycle thus has an if–then structure, like a fal-
pieces of theoretical biology, provides some interesting defini- lible inference of an inductive, a deductive, or an abductive
tions of teleology in biology. Kant has described organisms as form. However, defining functional and semiotic processes by
possessing a “formative power” to construct themselves as an reference to the concept of inference risks the charge of cir-
“organized and self-organized being” in which “every part is cularity. To avoid confusion, other terms might be preferred,
reciprocally both ends and means” (Kant 1790: Part II, para- e.g., conditional causality and proto-argument.
graph 66; see also Stjernfelt 2007: 1999ff.). It is important to Peirce identified semiotics with logic in the broadest
underline that in making these definitions of teleology, Kant sense. As we implied above, adaptation also involves the selec-
is, as so often, criticizing naive metaphysics—where the idea tive semiotic recruitment of those physicochemical aspects of
of a telos is treated as something external to nature, which by the organism environment that are relevant to the persistence
means of strange, unknown powers affects natural processes. of that process. As a consequence, conditional relationships of
In contrast, his definition of telos is functional and thus internal logic become represented in the forms and habits of organisms
to nature and characterizes a specific class of natural processes. and their components embodying this “bio-logic.” In this way,
It is a concept of telos that does not refer to unknown vital- semiosis facilitates the development of an organism’s capacity
ist forces but rather defines telos by a specific class of causal to behave in a way that is both consistent with its environment
processes. and implicitly inferential. “Logic” as we are using it here is
Modern biology has been working on the assumption that not something to be considered as a product of abstract cog-
there is an incompatibility between the teleological and physic- nition in humans, but rather we simply intend to highlight the
ochemical characterizations of life. Biosemiotic approaches inference-like architecture of biological function, which we
assume that there is no deep incompatibility and that a princi- take to also be the basis of semiosis in general.
pled theory unifying these domains is possible.
(6) The grounding of general semiotics has to use biosemiotic
(5) Function is intrinsically related to organization, significa- tools.
tion, and the concept of an autonomous agent or self. Biosemiotics does not take for granted the wide variety
Functions are not only the output of evolutionary history; of concepts of the sign, sign action, and so on in the dif-
rather, functionality is the prerequisite for organic evolution. ferent semiotic traditions but undogmatically sees these as a
For instance, autocells do not in all cases have an evolution- resource for the construction of an up-to-date, refined, and
ary history, but they do have functions. Evolution presupposes better-grounded (as concerns contemporary biology) version
function rather than vice versa. Natural selection cannot be of a general semiotics. The aim is to understand the dynamics
defined except with respect to a bounded, self-maintaining, of organic mechanisms for the emergence of semiotic func-
and self-reproducing dynamical unit system. A discrete sys- tions, in a way that is compatible with the findings of con-
tem with these properties must therefore be constituted by temporary biology and yet also reflects the developmental and
component materials and dynamical processes that recipro- evolutionary history of sign functions.
cally generate each other as well as their collective organi- What do signs do? They stabilize or secure reliable modes
zation. The critical features and dynamical actions of these of self-maintenance in such a way that they are able to expand
the realm of processes that have already proved functional in We can identify seven properties or conditions that must
the past.3 They do this in an economical way, allowing the be met. The following is a rough sketch of these critical
recognition of no more than an aspect of an object to suffice conditions:
for the organism to act upon that object. Of course, the flip-
(a) Agency. A unit system with the capacity to generate end-
side of this economy is fallibility, but fallibility also provides
directed behaviors.
the space of alternatives that makes evolution possible. This
(b) Normativity. A semiotic process builds up normative prop-
securing of prior forms and dynamical relationships implies
erties in a broad sense, thus being itself embedded in a pro-
“remembering” what has already proved functional for self-
cess that contributes normativity. This includes the possibil-
maintenance. Remembering a bio-form is like remembering its
ity that the representation is in error or that its consequence
recipe for its way of production or regeneration.4 To remember
(in Peircean terms, its dynamical interpretant) can be either
in this biological sense is to be able (for some sign system)
compatible with or incompatible with preserving the integrity
to put to use that set of constraints or imposition of bound-
of the living system in which it occurs.
ary conditions that confine physical and chemical processes to
To grasp this minimal notion of normativity, think of
actualize the means of production of these same forms.5
the difference between a physical pattern as such and that
(7) Semiosis is a central concept for biology that requires a pattern serving a function. Any specific physical pattern may
more exact definition. be characterized by algorithmic information theory as highly
Although there are many descriptions of semiotic pro- random, or highly regular, or something complex in between,
cesses, it is still an unresolved challenge to provide an account be it either descriptively compressible or truly complex and
that explains what exactly constitutes semiosis without either incompressible. But a pattern serving a function has, in addi-
assuming a homuncular interpreter or leaving critical relation- tion to its own high or low algorithmic information content,
ships undefined. While this is not so problematic for human or a degree to which it serves, or fails to serve, its goal. For
complex animal communication, where an interpreter can be semiotic processes (having such functions as representation,
provisionally assumed without further explanation, it becomes information storing, and interpretation) the degree to which
a serious challenge for fundamental issues in biosemiotics, a pattern serves or fails to serve such functions constitutes a
since we cannot in these cases appeal to an extrinsic interpreter. norm.
The organism (or the organism plus its environment) must, in (c) Teleo-functionality. Semiosis is always embedded in
itself, constitute an interpreter, but in biosemiotic analysis we a process that is end directed in which the semiosis can
must attempt to be explicit in explaining specifically which be assessed with respect to whether its interpretation is
processes provide the necessary and sufficient conditions to concordant or discordant with the dynamics of achieving that
consider that process semiosis. end. This is what determines the normative properties of a
The interpretive capacity is an emergent property of a sign-interpreting process.
reciprocal end-means relationship of a self-propagating dy- (d) Form generation. The systemic organization that is respon-
namical system. The constitutive absence (Deacon 2006b, dis- sible for interpreting the semiotic function of a sign vehicle
cussed above) is the basis of both biological function to and must include a form-generating process that directly or indi-
dependence on an environment. Because an organism must rectly contributes to the persistence (re-presentation) of that
incessantly remake itself, utilizing resources afforded by its function. The interpretation process is constituted by generat-
environment, it must be in dynamical correspondence with ing a structure (physical form) that serves as a sign of the prior
these crucial intrinsically absent features, and at the same time sign and also can produce further structural consequences.
its constituent parts and dynamics must be reciprocally gener- (e) Differentiation of a sign vehicle from the dynamics of the
ating one another with respect to this absence. In this respect, reciprocal form-generating process. A sign vehicle must be
an organism is a sign-interpreting process that can be described insulated from the dynamics that it constrains and that is re-
as a recursive self-referential sign production process, depen- sponsible for generating a repetition of this process.6
dent on or influenced by some external factors likely to be (f) Categorization. Sign repetition can never be 100% physi-
present in its environment. cally identical. This, together with normativity, is why signs
We are not currently in a position to provide a more precise form types. Categorization appears in all communication pro-
and unambiguous description of the interpretive architecture cesses in case of adaptive-enough systems. Functionally sim-
that is implicit in an organism. However, we can identify many ilar instances of signs (tokens) are subsumed under a general
critical component processes and relationships that must be type. At the same time, what signs refer to is also categorized.
involved, and we can provide a rough sketch of what the sim- This aspect of the use of signs is highly economical because
plest model of the creation of a semiotic relationship should it enables the organism to get by with the generation of only
involve. a finite number of simple, typical modes of interpretive action
to achieve similar ends. The flip side of this is, of course, the of a species is sufficiently differentiated to meet the challenges
possibility of fallacy (cf. the discussion above). posed by the available semiotic-niche conditions.
(g) Inheritance of relations. Various developmental processes
include those that have created novel fitted correspondence Conclusions
relationships among the parts of the organism and among the
Biosemiotics sees itself as an extended and more general ap-
organism and its environment, and are presumed to be the prin-
proach to biological explanation that complements and aug-
cipal means by which semiotic relationships are generated. In
ments the concept of biological function. Thus the physico-
this respect, genetic inheritance represents one of the most
chemical account of biological phenomena can be seen as a
basic forms of semiosis, and so studying the conditions of
special case within biosemiotics. Likewise, this concerns the
its generation should provide insight into the way semiotic
different branches and theories in biology, for instance, the
process becomes grounded in physical processes. Besides ge-
neo-Darwinian theory of evolution becomes a special case of
netic inheritance, there are several other forms of inheritance
a biosemiotic theory of evolution.
(e.g., epigenetic, neural, and social) that are in use by various
In relation to semiotics, biosemiotics provides a way for
communication processes. In this sense, semiotic processes in-
grounding its theory. To the extent that semiotic theories of
clude memory processes in general, which maintain continuity
social and communicative processes at the human scale are
of information and stability of dynamical options.
defined with respect to human or animal interpreters and thus
Thus, aboutness can exist without invoking mental (sensu
defined indirectly with respect to the biological processes con-
stricto) operations (processes taking place in brains, possibly
stituting minds, most semiotic theories must implicitly appeal
involving, say, awareness or consciousness). Conversely, men-
to a biosemiotic interpretation process.
tal operations in this sense may evolve as a higher-order aug-
Recognizing this necessary dependence is the first step
mentation of the capacities to generate and process aboutness.
toward understanding how the humanities and sciences might
be integrated into a new grand synthetic theory without having
(8) Organisms create their umwelten.
to reduce one to the other.
Organisms, as embodiments of semioses, are not sepa-
rable from the environment without loosing their essential
nature. Therefore, a number of specific concepts that describe Notes
these relationships are essential. 1. On the history of biosemiotics, see Kull (1999) and Favareau (2007).
The umwelt is the set of features of the environment as 2. This might align it with Peirce’s notion of an argument; “argument” here is
of course not taken in the sense of symbolic logic where all internal structure
distinguished by the organism, or the self-centered world that
of it needs to be explicit but in the broader Peircean sense as signs whose
relates an organism with the else. This concept was introduced interpretants—here the resultative action signs—are made explicit.
into biology by Jakob von Uexküll (1921, 1982) and has be- 3. Hoffmeyer has introduced the term semiotic scaffolding in order to charac-
come widely used and has been further developed in semiotics, terize the role of sign processes: each step in ontogeny is temporarily supported
anthropology, philosophy, and other fields, especially since by a web of internal sign processes assuming the correct direction of the pro-
late 1970s. cess. A similar supportive semiotic interaction structure (at the ecological
A semiotic niche is defined as the totality of signs or level) may play a role in phylogeny.
cues in the surroundings of an organism—signs that it must 4. The form of a process is not its actual existence but its participation in
a general class of processes, and this class can reciprocally be defined with
be able to meaningfully interpret to ensure its balance and
respect to a common functional consequence achieved.
welfare. The semiotic niche includes the traditional ecological
5. “That which is communicated from the Object through the Sign to the
niche factors, but now the semiotic dimension of these factors Interpretant is a Form; that is to say, it is nothing like an existent, but is a
is also emphasized. The organism must distinguish relevant power, is the fact that something would happen under certain conditions”
from irrelevant food items and threats, for example, and it (Peirce, MS 793: 1–3; cf. EP2, 544, n. 22).
must identify the necessary markers of the biotic and abiotic 6. This is what Howard Pattee has pointed out many times (e.g., Pattee 2007).
resources it needs, namely, water, shelter, nest-building mate- We think that Pattee shares with us the aim of seeing the distinction between
rials, and mating partners. The semiotic niche thus comprises a sign vehicle and its dynamics as a product of evolution and not simply
as a taken-for-granted primitive irreducible distinction between matter and
all the interpretive challenges that the ecological niche forces
symbol. The mature Peircean notion of a sign (and Peirce’s developmental
upon a species. taxonomies of inclusive, specialized, and degenerative types of sign aspects)
The semiotic niche in this way may be seen as an external- is probably a more fruitful point of departure than commonsense or linguist
istic counterpart to the umwelt concept: if the umwelt denotes or computer science notions of symbols.
an internal model in the organism, then the semiotic niche
refers to a segment of the external environment. It makes the Acknowledgments
umwelt concept compatible with an evolutionary approach, Support from the Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory (University of Tartu)
since now one may pose the question of whether the umwelt and ETF6669 is gratefully acknowledged.
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