Answers To Ethical Hacker Interview Questions
Answers To Ethical Hacker Interview Questions
Answers To Ethical Hacker Interview Questions
Using Packet filtering: Packet filters can filter out & block packets with clashing
source address data.
Utilize ARP spoofing software: Some programs assess and certify information before
it is transmitted and blocks any information that is spoofed.
Open Source Footprinting : It will search for the contact data of administrators
that will be utilized for guessing password in Social Engineering
Network Enumeration : The hacker attempts to distinguish the domain names and the
network blocks of the target network
Scanning : After the network is known, the second step is to spy the active IP
addresses on the network. For distinguishing active IP addresses (ICMP) Internet
Control Message Protocol is a functioning IP addresses
Stack Fingerprinting : the final stage of foot printing step can be performed, once
the hosts and port have been mapped by examining the network, this is called Stack
5. What do you mean by DOS (Denial of administration) assault? Explain. What are
the regular types of DOS assault?
Denial of Service, is a malicious attack on network that is executed by flooding
the system with useless traffic. Despite the fact that DOS does not cause any data
breach or security breach, it can cost the site proprietor a lot of cash and time.
Defacement : In this strategy the attacker replaces the firm�s site with an
alternate page. It contains the hacker�s name, images and may even incorporate
messages and background music.
7. What is Cowpatty?
Cowpattyis implemented on an offline dictionary attack against WPA/WPA2 networks
utilizing PSK-based verification (e.g. WPA-Personal). Cowpatty can execute an
enhanced attack if a recomputed PMK document is accessible for the SSID that is
being assessed.
17. What is data leakage? How will you detect and prevent it?
Data leak is nothing but data knowledge getting out of the organization in an
unauthorized manner. Data will get leaked through numerous ways in which � emails,
prints, laptops obtaining lost, unauthorized transfer of data to public portals,
removable drives, pictures etc. There are varied controls which may be placed to
make sure that the info doesn�t get leaked, many controls will be limiting upload
on web websites, following an internal encryption answer, limiting the emails to
the interior network, restriction on printing confidential data etc.
Surveillance : This is the principal stage where the hacker endeavours to gather as
much data as possible about the target
Scanning : This stage includes exploiting the data accumulated amid Surveillance
stage and utilizing it to inspect the casualty. The hacker can utilize computerized
devices amid the scanning stage which can incorporate port scanners, mappers and
vulnerability scanners.
Getting access : This is where the real hacking happens. The hacker attempts to
exploit data found amid the surveillance and Scanning stage to get access.
Access Maintenance : Once access is gained, hackers need to keep that access for
future exploitation and assaults by securing their exclusive access with backdoors,
rootkits and Trojans.
Covering tracks : Once hackers have possessed the capacity to pick up and maintain
access, they cover their tracks and to keep away from getting detected. This
likewise enables them to proceed with the utilization of the hacked framework and
keep themselves away from legitimate activities.
NMAP � NMAP stands for Network plotter. It�s associate degree open source tool
that�s used wide for network discovery and security auditing.
Metasploit � Metasploit is one amongst the most powerful exploit tool to conduct
basic penetration tests.
Burp Suit � Burp Suite could be a widespread platform that�s widely used for
playing security testing of internet applications.
Angry IP Scanner � Angry information processing scanner could be a light-weight,
cross-platform information processing address and port scanner.
Cain & Abel � Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft operational
Ettercap � Ettercap stands for local area network Capture. It is used for Man-in-
the-Middle attack using a network security tool.
20. What is MAC Flooding?
MAC Flooding is a kind of a technique wherever the protection of given network
switch is compromised. In MAC flooding the hacker floods the switch with sizable
amounts of frames, than what a switch can handle. This makes switch behaving as a
hub and transmits all packetsto all the ports existing. Taking the advantage of
this the attacker can attempt to send his packet within the network to steal the
sensitive information.
21. Explain how you can stop your website getting hacked?
By adapting following methodology you�ll be able to stop your web site from
obtaining hacked
23. What is SQL injection and its types?
If the application doesn�t sanitize the user input then the SQL injection happens.
Thus a malicious hacker would inject SQL question to gain unauthorized access and
execute administration operations on the database. SQL injections may be classified
as follows:
30. What is SSL and why is it not enough when it comes to encryption?
SSL is identity verification, not hard encryption. it�s designed to be able to
prove that the person you�re engaging on the other side is who they say they are.
SSL and TLS are each used by almost everyone online, however because of this it is
a huge target and is mainly attacked through its implementation (The Heartbleed bug
for example) and its far-famed methodology.