Combined Vidyavaridhi (PH.D) Entrance Test-2018 Guidelines: Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha
Combined Vidyavaridhi (PH.D) Entrance Test-2018 Guidelines: Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha
Combined Vidyavaridhi (PH.D) Entrance Test-2018 Guidelines: Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha
for three Sanskrit Deemed to be Universities
Organizing University
For three Sanskrit Deemed to be Universities
2.Eligibility for Combined Vidyavaridhi Entrance Test :
1. All those candidates who want to appear in Vidyavaridhi Entrance Test should be
Acharya/M.A. (Sanskrit) or having an equivalent degree from Universities, duly
recognized by University Grants Commission/Deemed to be Universities obtaining at
least 55% marks in aggregate shall be permitted to apply for the CVVET. Those
who wish to appear in Education should have Acharya/M.A./ equivalent degree
(Sanskrit) with 55% of Marks along with Shiksha Acharya (M.Ed.) or equivalent
P.G. Degree in Education with 55% of Marks.
2. For Candidates belonging to S.C/ S.T./OBC. Person with Disability categories,
minimum 50% marks in M.A. Sanskrit/ Sanskrit related subjects shall also be
considered as eligible.
3. Foreign candidates who have passed Acharya/M.A. (Sanskrit) with 55% marks in the
aggregate from any Deemed University outside India can also apply for the CVVET
through the Ministry of External Affairs department, Govt. of India or Ministry of
Human Resource Development.
4. For appearing in the test, such candidates also shall be considered eligible who have
appeared in Acharya/M.A. Sanskrit examination but their result is awaited. Such
candidates shall be required to submit their mark-sheets showing the prescribed
percentage of marks required for the registration, before the admission.
5. Those eligible candidates who have cleared NET/JRF/ Lectureship test/SLET are
exempted to write the Combined Vidyavaridhi Entrance Test, but they must apply online
application by paying the prescribed fee through online. M.Phil in Sanskrit/Education
candidates are required to pass in CVVET 2018 with prescribed Fee.
6. Reservation policy of G.O.I. shall be followed (Scheduled Caste - 15%, Scheduled
Tribes - 7.5%, OBC - 27%) and other reservations are as per rule of GOI.
7. Competent Authorities for issuing the Certificates for Reserved Categories are:- District
Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Tehsildar/Mandal Revenue officer (M.R.O.)
3. Method of Selection :
Admission to Vidyavaridhi programme will be through written entrance test called
Combined Vidyavaridhi Entrance Test (CVVET). All candidates seeking admission to the
programme must apply on prescribed online application. All eligible candidates will be required
to appear for written test. Admit cards for appearing in the CVVET will be uploaded on
Vidyapeetha/ Sansthan websites. While applying online application, each candidate is directed
to mention his/her choice in maximum preference order for admission in Sansthan Campuses or
Vidyapeethas. The mentioned same choice preference order will be followed for admission in
Sansthan Campuses or Vidyapeethas. In case of non-availability of seats in the desired
Campus/Vidyapeetha, the admission may be given in any one of the Campuses/Vidyapeethas
according to merit. Merit-lists for admission will be prepared in All India level and university
wise. The information for successful candidates will be uploaded on website.
4. Combined Vidyavaridhi (Ph.D) Entrance Test (CVVET-2018) :
This Combined Vidyavaridhi Entrance Test 2018 is meant for admission to Vidyavaridhi
(Ph.D) programme in the following three Deemed to be Universities. The medium of instruction
and examination will be Sanskrit only. The number of seats available in the Universities is also
given below.
6. Scholarship :
Scholarship is also provided to eligible research candidates as per rules of the concerned
Deemed to be Universities in Vidyavaridhi Programme.
This has already been conveyed to all Education Secretaries of the States/ Universities vide NCTE letter no.
49-21-2005/NCTE/N&S Dated 31.5.2007 Ht. Dated 22.8.2007
8. Research Subjects :
This degree in research is known as Vidyavaridhi (Ph.D.) Its degree printed in Sanskrit
along with English Translation will be awarded in convocation or any other programme of
the concerned Deemed to be University. The degree has been recognized as equivalent to
Ph.D. degree awarded by other Universities.
The Vidyavaridhi Programme is offered in the following Subjects.
Important Dates : Online application cum guidelines – from 15th January, 2018 to 10th March, 2018
Date of Examination: 20.05.2018, Sunday from 2.30 p.m. to 5.40 p.m.
Download of Admit Cards 25.4.2018 onwards
14. Notable Points Before Online Applying :
1. Eligible candidates only can appear in the written test. If the candidate lacking the
prescribed qualification appears for CVVET then he/she will be responsible for the
2. Vidyavaridhi programme is recognized by UGC. The admission will be strictly on
the basis of number of seats and rank in the merit list allotted to each Sansthan
3. Scrutinizes of eligibility for admission, verification of reservations etc. are under the
control of the concerned Campus/University.
4. The decision of the V.C. of the concerned Deemed to be University will be final
regarding admission.
5. All judicial matters will be settled under HYDERABAD JURISDICTION only.
6. No re-evaluation of the answer copy is permissible.
7. The entry in the examination hall will not be allowed without admit card at the time
8. The CVVET-2018 admits card has to be submitted at the time of registration in
Vidyavaridhi Programme.
15. Syllabus and Question paper Format for All Shastras/ Subjects :
The candidates, appearing for this test are expected to-
1. Have sufficient knowledge in the subject offered at Acharya/M.A. level;
2. Have introductory knowledge of research methodology/ editing a book or adept in the
science of manuscripts.
3. Have sufficient general knowledge about Indian History and its culture, Sanskrit
literature and the various stages of the development of language;
4. Have sufficient general knowledge of the contemporary world and the constitutional
structure of modern India.
For this entrance test, there will be two papers of one and a half hour each, with
maximum marks of 100 per paper.
Question Paper – 1 : Time: 02:30 to 4:00 P.M., Maximum Marks: 100
There will be 100 objective type questions on the following topics for all shastras-
Section A Marks 30
1. General knowledge (India and Indian Society and culture) 6
2. Gradual development of Sanskrit language in various periods and sciences. 6
3. Various religions and philosophies (prevalent in India/originated in India) 6
4. Fundamentals of all the disciplines (Shastras). (basic principles only) 6
5. Manuscript Science/general introductory knowledge about research-
methodology. (references, footnotes, preparation of index of referred 6
works, annexure, knowledge of other scripts etc.)
Section B Marks 20
1. Veda 4
2. Chhand 4
3. Jyotish 4
4. Puranetihasa 4
5. Alankar 4
Section C Marks 25
General Knowledge of Sanskrit Grammar (Sandhi, Compounds, Case-
endings voices, Subanta, Tignanta, Kridanta, Taddhita etc.)
Section D Marks 25
General knowledge of Sanskrit Literature 25
17. Minimum Percentage of Marks Required for Passing CVVET-2018 :
Those applicants obtaining at least 50% marks in the first part of CVVET only their
second part of question paper will be evaluated. Minimum 50% marks are required in the
second part also. Thereafter the selection will be made as per the merit list.
At the time of entering the examination hall admit card has to be produced compulsorily.
The candidate appearing in the test should bring his/her own black or blue ball point pen
for the test.
Candidates using unfair means, getting external help or helping others or indulging in
indiscipline in the test will be disqualified. Criminal or Judicial action can also be
In case of mismatch of photo, doubt etc. suspension from exam or legal action will be
taken. For any such inconvenience, the candidate himself/herself will be responsible for
Calculator, Mobile Phone, Smart Watch etc. are prohibited in the examination hall.
20. Syllabus for Question Paper 2
Part-A - अनसन्धानपद्धत िः (Research Methodology)
(Common for All Shastras) Max. Marks - 50
I. अनसन्धान (Research) पदव्याख्यानम ्
1) Research पदेन समानार्थकानाम ् “अनसन्धानम
ु ”,् “गवेषणम”,् “संशोधनम”,् “पतिशोधनम”्
इत्यादीनां तवविणम।्
2) संस्कृ वाङ्मये अनसन्धानस्य प्राचीन ा, उदाहिणातन च।
3) संस्कृ वाङ्मये अनसन्धानस्य आवश्यक ा त्प्रयो्न।।
अनसन्धानस्य स्वरूपम, ् सीमा च
1. अनसन्धानस्य स्वरूपम ।्
2. अनसन्धानसोपानातन ।
3. संस्कृ वाङ्मये अनसन्धानस्य सीमा ।
अ) वैतदक-लौतकक-दशथनवाङ्मयम ।् ृ ाभ्यिः पाठसमीक्षात्मकसम्पादनम ।्
इ) मा क
आ) ग्रन्थानां समीक्षात्मकमध्ययनम ।् ई) संस्कृ तवदुषां व्यतित्वं कृ त त्व।।
II. अनसन्धानप्रबन्धतवषयचयनम, ् शोधप्रस्ताविः, सतितिकातनमाथण।
1) अनसन्धानतवषयचयन े अवधेयािः अंशािः।
अ) अतिरुतचिः आ) योग्य ा इ) तवषयस्य प्राधान्यम ् ई) सामग्रीणामपु लतधिः
उ) स्पष्टत्वम ् ऊ) असतिग्धत्वम ् ु यत्वम ्
ऋ) अनसन्धे ॠ) अध्ययनयोग्यत्वम ्
ए) समाधानयोग्यत्वम इत्यादयिः।
2) अनसन्धानतवषयचयनप्रतिया।
III. सामग्रीसङ्कलनम, ् त्स्रो ांतस सम्बद्धसातहत्यस्य सवेक्षणं च
1. अनसन्धानपद्ध यिः – ऐत हातसकतवतधिः, वणथनात्मकतवधयिः, प्रयोगात्मकतवतधिः
2. सम्बद्धसातहत्याध्यायनस्य महत्त्वम, ् उपयोतग ा, लािािः
3. न्यादशथचयनप्रतवधयिः
a) सामान्ययादृतिकन्यादशथिः c) स्तिीकृ यादृतिकन्यादशथिः
b) िमबद्धयादृतिकन्यादशथिः d) सोद्देश्ययादृतिकन्यादशथिः
4. अनसन्धानोपकिणातन
a) प्रश्नवतलिः c) अतिवृतिमापनी
b) साक्षात्काििः d) मनोवैज्ञातनकपिीक्षणातन
् सन्धान
5. तशक्षायाम अन ु क्षेिातण
a) िाषतशक्षणक्षेिम ् c) छािासमस्यािः
b) अध्यापकसमस्यािः d) अध्यापकतशक्षासमस्यािः
21. Sample Question Paper
Paper 2, Part-A - अनसन्धानपद्धत िः (Research Methodology)
There will be two parts in this question paper i.e. Part A and Part B