Grade 2 Multiplication and Division Problems

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4 Solve Multiplication and

Division Problems

Investigate BIG Idea

How can I develop
Animations strategies for solving
basic multiplication
facts and related
Math Songs division facts?


Make this Foldable to help ultip
Personal Tutor ly M nd
you organize information an d
Divide by 3
about multiplication and by 2
Mult d
Manipulatives division concepts and Multiply an
and Divid 0
facts. Start with one Divide
by 5
by 1

Audio sheet of 11˝ × 17˝ Mult d

Multiply an
and e
paper. Divid 0
Divide with
Foldables by 1

Self-Check Practice
Review Vocabulary
t is multiplied
factor factor a number tha
by another number
cause 2 × 3 = 6.
Worksheets 2 and 3 are factors of 6 be
bols column
array arregio objects or sym
displayed in rows row
of the same length
and columns of the
same length

Key Vocabulary
English Español
When Will I Use This?

Your Tur n!
You will solve this terr.
problem in the chap

Solve Multiplication and Division Problems 171

Are You Ready You have two options for checking
Prerequisite Skills for this chapter.
for the Chapter?
Text Option Take the Quick Check below.

1. 6 × 4 2. 1 × 5 3. 5 × 2 4. 7 × 2

Draw an array for each fact. Multiply.

5. 5 × 4 6. 1 × 6 7. 4 × 7 8. 2 × 9

9. Louis has 2 quarters. Yellow 10. There were 9 oak trees on each
whistles cost 5¢ each. Louis side of a street. After some trees
wants to buy 8 whistles. Does were cut down, there were
he have enough money to buy 7 trees left. How many trees were
8 whistles? Explain. cut down?

Algebra Identify a pattern. Then find the missing numbers.

11. , , 30, 25, 20, 15 12. , , 16, 14, 12, 10

13. , , 41, 31, 21, 11 14. 60, 50, 40, 30, , 

Online Option Take the Online Readiness Quiz.

172 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

Multiplication and Division
Lesson 1 Facts for 2 and 3

Main Idea
I will use arrays and Multiply by 2
bar diagrams to
multiply by 2. There are many different ways to multiply by 2. One way
is to use an array. Another way is to draw a picture.
Get ConnectED

GLE 0306.2.2 Use an Array

Develop understanding of
multiplication and related SCHOOL The students
division facts through
multiple strategies and
in an art class are
representations. GLE 0306.2.4 working on a project.
Solve multiplication and
division problems using How many students
various representations. are there in the art
Also addresses GLE 0306.1.4,
SPI 0306.2.5. class if there are
8 groups of 2?

You need to model 8 groups of 2 or 8 × 2.

One Way: Use an Array Another Way: Draw a

Show an array with 8 rows Draw 8 groups of 2.
and 2 columns.

2+2+2+2+2+2+ 2+2+2+2+2+
2 + 2 or 16 2 + 2 + 2 or 16

So, there are 8 × 2 or 16 students in the art class.

Lesson 1A Multiplication and Division Facts for 2 and 3 173

You can also use a bar diagram to multiply by 2.

Use a Bar Diagram

FRIENDS Sybil rides her bike to the park Monday,

Wednesday, and Friday. It is a 2 mile round-trip. How
Multiplying by 2 is like many miles does she ride for the three days?
doubling in addition.
Step 1 Model 2 miles a day as one part.
1 part = 2 miles
2 miles
1 day

Step 2 Since she rode the same amount for 3 days,

model a total of 3 parts.
? miles
2 miles 2 miles 2 miles
3 days

Step 3 Write a number sentence.

3 parts = 3 × 2
3×2=6 So Sybil rode 6 miles.
Check Repeated addition shows that 3 × 2 = 6 is correct.

M ltipl SSee Examples
E l 1 and

1. 2. 3.

4 groups of 2 3 groups of 2 5 rows of 2

Multiply. Use a bar diagram if needed. See Example 2

4. 6 × 2 5. 2 × 2 6. 9 × 2 7. 8 × 2
8. BAR DIAGRAM Ten students each 9. E TALK MATH Explain the different
have 2 pieces of chalk. How many strategies you can use to remember
pieces of chalk are there? the multiplication facts for 2.

174 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

P !C
2A )# E
# T4 IC %
Begins on page EP2.
l l See Examples 1 and 2

10. 11. 12.

2 groups of 2 6 groups of 2 7 groups of 2

13. 14. 15.

3 rows of 2
4 rows of 2
5 rows of 2

Multiply. Use a bar diagram if needed. See Example 2

16. 2 17. 2 18. 5 19. 4

× 5
−−− × 3
−−− × 2
−−− × 2

20. 2 × 7 21. 2 × 9 22. 6 × 2 23. 10 × 2

24. 2 × 4 25. 2 × 8 26. 2 × 2 27. 3 × 2

Solve. Use models if needed. See Examples 1 and 2

28. There are 2 squares. How many 29. There are 2 dogs. How many eyes
sides are there in all? are there in all?

30. BAR DIAGRAM There are 2 spiders. 31. BAR DIAGRAM There are
Each has 8 legs. How many legs are 3 students. Each has 2 pencils.
there in all? How many pencils are there
in all?

32. OPEN ENDED Write a real-world multiplication word

problem with an answer between 11 and 19.

33. E WRITE MATH Write a problem about a real-world situation

in which a number is multiplied by 2.

Lesson 1A Multiplication and Division Facts for 2 and 3 175

Multiplication and Division
Lesson 1 Facts for 2 and 3

Main Idea
I will use models to Divide by 2
partition when dividing
by 2. In the previous chapter, you learned about the division
symbol ÷ . Another symbol for division is  .
dividend 10 ÷ 2 = 5 quotient 5
10 dividend
Get ConnectED divisor
GLE 0306.2.2
Develop understanding of
multiplication and related
division facts through Use Models
multiple strategies and
representations. GLE 0306.2.3
Relate multiplication and FRUIT Javier and Alexis
division as inverse operations. share an apple equally.
Also addresses GLE 0306.2.4,
SPI 0306.2.8. If there are 8 slices,
how many slices will
each of them get?

To share equally between 2 people means to divide

by 2. So, find 8 ÷ 2 or 2 

Share or partition one counter at a time into each

group until the counters are gone.

The model shows 8 ÷ 2 = 4 or 2 

Each person will get 4 apple slices.

176 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

Use a Related Fact

SCHOOL Twelve students are divided into 2 groups.

How many students are in each group?
You can use a related fact to find 12 ÷ 2 or 2 
12 .

2 ×  = 12 You know that 2 × 6 = 12.

So, 12 ÷ 2 = 6 or 2 
12 .

There are 6 students in each group.

Di ide Write a related multiplication
m ltiplication fact.
fact SSee Examples
E l 1 andd 2

1. 2.

10 ÷ 2

3. 6 ÷ 2 4. 14 ÷ 2 5. 2 

6. Victor and his sister each read an 7. E TALK MATH What are two
equal number of books. Together different ways to find 16 ÷ 2?
they read 16 books. Write the
number sentence to show how
many books they each read.

P !C
2A )# E
# T4 IC %
Begins on page EP2.
d Write a related
l d multiplication
l l fact.
f See Examples 1 and 2

8. 9.

14 ÷ 2

10. 4 ÷ 2 11. 16 ÷ 2 12. 18 ÷ 2

13. 2 
2 14. 2 
20 15. 2 

Lesson 1B Multiplication and Division Facts for 2 and 3 177

Solve. Write a number sentence.
16. Damian will plant 12 seeds in groups 17. Kyle and Alan equally divide a
of 2. How many groups of 2 will he package of 14 erasers. How many
have once they are all planted? erasers will each person get?

18. Lydia shared her 16 pattern tiles 19. Each car on the Supersonic Speed
equally with Pilar. Pilar then shared ride can hold 18 people. If the
her tiles equally with Timothy. How seats are in groups of 2, how many
many tiles does each student have? groups of two are there on 3 cars?

Algebra Copy and complete each table.

20. Rule: Divide by 2.
21. Rule: Multiply by 2.
Input 10 18 14 Input 7 6 9
Output 4 7 Output 2

22. OPEN ENDED Write a number that when divided by 2 is

more than 8.

23. 36 ÷ 2 24. 50 ÷ 2 25. 80 ÷ 2 26. 42 ÷ 2

27. FIND THE ERROR Carlos is finding 8 ÷ 2.

Find and correct his mistake.

8 ÷ 2 = 16
2 × 8 = 16

28. E WRITE MATH Can you divide 9 into equal groups of 2?


178 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

Test Practice

29. The owner wants to share the fish 30. Ariel and Jonathan share some
in the tank equally among 4 small raisins for a snack. The raisins
fish bowls. are shown.

Which of the following could be

used to find the number of fish in How many raisins will each child
each bowl? (Lesson 1B) get if they share them equally?
(Lesson 1B)
A. 8 + 4 C. 8 × 4
B. 8 - 4 D. 8 ÷ 4 F. 4 H. 16
G. 8 I. 32

31. What number makes this number 32. Which of the following is used
sentence true? (Lesson 1A) to find how many legs are on
6 chairs? (Lesson 1B)
12 + 8 =  × 2
F. 4 × 6 H. 4 + 6
A. 5 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10
G. 4 ÷ 6 I. 6 - 4

Multiply. (Lesson 1A)

33. 34. 35.

2 rows of 5

4 rows of 2 7 groups of 2

Use any strategy to solve. (Lesson 1A)

36. Lolita read 10 pages in her book 37. Julian bought 8 books this year.
each of the last two nights. How He gets a free book every time he
many pages did Lolita read the last buys 1. How many books did he
two nights altogether? get this year?

Lesson 1B Multiplication and Division Facts for 2 and 3 179

Multiplication and Division Facts
Lesson 1 for 2 and 3

Find a Missing Factor

Main Idea You have learned different strategies for finding products.
I will explore the Patterns you find in the multiplication table can help you
multiplication table to remember products and find missing factors.
look for patterns and
find missing factors.

multiplication table
Make a Multiplication Table

Step 1 Find the factors.

To find the product of two factors, find the first
factor in the left column and the second factor
across the top row. factors product
Get ConnectED
GLE 0306.2.3
Relate multiplication and × 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
division as inverse operations. 0
SPI 0306.3.3 Find the missing
values in simple multiplication 1
and division equations. 2 6
Also addresses GLE 0306.1.3.

Write the product of
5 2 × 3 where row 2
6 and column 3 meet.

Step 2 Find the products.

Write the products of the multiplication
facts you know. Remember that you can use
the Commutative Property of Multiplication,
a known fact, or patterns.

180 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

The multiplication table can also be used to help you find
missing factors.

Find Missing Factors

Arlo was asked to bring 24 juice boxes to his scout
meeting. He knows they come in packages of 4.
How many packages will he need?
packages number in each total

 × 4 = 24

Step 1 Find the row with 4 × 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

as a factor. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Step 2 Move across the row to × 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

find 24, the product. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Step 3 From 24, move straight × 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

up to find the missing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
factor, 6. 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

So, 6 × 4 = 24. Arlo needs 3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18

4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
6 packages of juice boxes.
5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

About It
1. Explain how patterns may help you find a missing factor.
2. How can you use the multiplication table to help find the
quotient to a division fact?
3. How does the multiplication table show you that
multiplication and division are related?

Lesson 1C Multiplication and Division Facts for 2 and 3 181

Multiplication and Division Facts
Lesson 1 for 2 and 3

Main Idea
I will use different Multiply by 3
strategies to multiply
by 3. In the previous lesson, you used a multiplication table to
find factors and products.
Get ConnectED × 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
GLE 0306.2.2
Develop understanding of 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
multiplication and related
division facts through 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
multiple strategies and
representations. Also 3 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
addresses GLE 0306.2.4,
SPI 0306.2.5. 4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
6 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
7 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70
8 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80
9 0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90
10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

There are other ways you can find products.

Use an Array

PETS There are 3 dogs. Each dog buried 4 bones in

a yard. How many bones are buried in the yard?
You can use an array to find 3 groups of 4 bones,
or 3 × 4.

So, there are 12 bones buried in the yard.

182 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

You can use a number line to help you solve a problem.

Skip Count

GAMES Eight friends have 3 marbles each. How many

marbles are there in all?
Each friend has a group of 3 marbles. There are
You use number
patterns when you
8 friends. Use a number line to find 8 × 3.
skip count.

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
Eight jumps of 3 is 24.
8 × 3 = 24
So, there are 24 marbles in all.

Find a Missing Factor

Find the missing factor.

THINK 3 times what
3 ×  = 15 number equals 15?

Equally place 15 counters, one at a time, into 3 groups.

Three groups of 5 are 15. The missing factor in the

multiplication sentence is 5.
So, 3 × 5 = 15.

Multiplication Strategies

There are different strategies you can use to find the

products of multiplication problems.
• Use models or draw a picture.
• Use repeated addition or skip count.
• Draw an array or a bar diagram.
• Use a related multiplication fact.
• Use patterns.

Lesson 1D Multiplication and Division Facts for 2 and 3 183

M ltipl Draw
Dra an array
arra or skip count
co nt if needed.
needed SSee EExamples
l 1 and

1. 3 2. 3 3. 3 × 8 4. 3 × 6
× 1
−−− × 5
Algebra Find each missing factor. See Example 3

5. 3 ×  = 18 6.  × 5 = 15 7.  × 7 = 21
8. The branches on a tree have leaves 9. E TALK MATH Explain two ways
that grow in groups of 3. How many to find the product of 3 × 7.
leaves are on 9 branches?

0 !C
2A )# E
# T4 IC %
Begins on page EP2.
l l Draw an array or skip
k count iff needed.
d d See Examples 1 and 2

10. 1 11. 10 12. 3 13. 5

× 3
−−− × 3
−−− × 4
−−− × 3
14. 9 × 3 15. 3 × 7 16. 3 × 3 17. 6 × 3
18. 7 × 3 19. 3 × 4 20. 3 × 5 21. 3 × 10

Algebra Find each missing factor. See Example 3

22. 1 ×  = 3 23. 3 ×  = 9 24.  × 3 = 15

25.  × 3 = 27 26. 4 ×  = 12 27.  × 3 = 6
28. There are 9 students. They each put 29. There are 7 daisies and 7 tulips.
3 books on a shelf. How many books Each flower has 3 petals. How
did they place on the shelf? many petals are there in all?
30. Hoshi, Joan, and Kita each had 31. Thom is buying 4 packages of
3 snacks packed in their lunch boxes. seeds. Each package costs $3 and
They each ate one snack in the contains 5 envelopes of seeds.
morning. How many snacks are left What will be the total cost? How
in all? many envelopes will he have?

32. OPEN ENDED Look at the 3s row in a multiplication table.

Describe the pattern.
33. E WRITE MATH Write a real-world problem that contains
groups of 3. Ask a classmate to solve. Check the answer.

184 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

Test Practice

34. In the pattern below, each number 35. Jenny has 20 beads. Which
is 2 times greater than the number number sentence shows how
before it. What is the next number many bracelets Jenny can make if
in the pattern? (Lesson 1A) each has the number of beads
shown below. (Lesson 1B)
1, 2, 4, 8 ____

A. 10 C. 16

B. 12 D. 18
F. 20 + 10 = 30

G. 20 ÷ 10 = 2

H. 20 - 10 = 10

I. 20 × 10 = 200

36. Which number sentence does the 37. Jeslin bought 3 pairs of socks.
number line model? (Lesson 1D) Each pair of socks cost the same
price. How much did each pair of
socks cost? (Lesson 1D)
0 5 10 15
A. 5 ×  = 20 C. 3 ×  = 15 F. $5 H.
H $7
B. 2 ×  = 20 D. 15 ×  = 15 G. $6 I. $8

Algebra Find each missing number. (Lesson 1B)

38. 16 ÷  = 2 39. 14 ÷ 2 =  40. 6 ÷  = 3

Divide. Write a related multiplication fact. (Lesson 1B)

41. Each student in the Art Club must 42. Twelve students are going on a
pay $2 for supplies. If $20 was field trip. There are 2 vans that
collected, how many students are in hold the same number of
the club? students. How many students will
go in each van?

Lesson 1D Multiplication and Division Facts for 2 and 3 185

Multiplication and Division Facts
Lesson 1 for 2 and 3

Main Idea
I will use multiplication Divide by 3
and subtraction to
divide by 3. You have used the multiplication table to find missing
factors. It can also be used to divide.
Get ConnectED
Use the
GLE 0306.2.2 Multiplication
Develop understanding of Table
multiplication and related MARKERS Marlo, Maria, and
division facts through
multiple strategies and
Tani have 24 markers in all.
representations. Each person has the same
GLE 0306.2.3 Relate
multiplication and division number of markers. How many
as inverse operations. Also markers does each person have?
addresses GLE 0306.1.7,
SPI 0306.2.8.
Divide a group of 24 into 3 equal groups.
Find 24 ÷ 3 or 3 
24 .

dividend divisor
× 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
• Locate row 3.
3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
• Follow row 3 to 24.
4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
• Move straight up
5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
the column to the
quotient. 6 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56
8 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64

So, 24 ÷ 3 = 8 or 3 
24 . Each person has 8 markers.
Check The array below shows that 24 ÷ 3 is 8. 

186 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

You can use related facts to help you divide.

Use Related Facts

TRAVEL To travel to the beach, Angela and her

14 friends will divide up equally into 3 cars.
How many friends will be in each car?
15 .
You need to find 15 ÷ 3 or 3 
15 ÷ 3 = 
THINK 3 times what
3 ×  = 15
number equals 15?
3 × 5 = 15
So, 15 ÷ 3 = 5 or 3 
15 .
There will be 5 friends in each car.

You can use repeated subtraction on a number line

to divide.

Use Repeated Subtraction

Find 6 ÷ 3 or 3 
2 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
A division sentence like
6 is read “six divided
3  • Start at 6 and count back by 3s to 0.
by three.” Always read
• 3 was subtracted two times.
the dividend under the
symbol first. 2
So, 6 ÷ 3 = 2 or 3 

Di ide SSee EExamples
l 1–3

1. 12 ÷ 3 2. 18 ÷ 3 3. 3 
9 4. 3 

5. Rosa spent $30 on 2 skirts and a 6. E TALK MATH How can you use
purse. Each item costs the same. 8 × 3 to find 24 ÷ 3?
How much did each item cost?

Lesson 1E Multiplication and Division Facts for 2 and 3 187

P !C
2A )# E
# T4 IC %
Begins on page EP2.
d See Examples 1–3

7. 15 ÷ 3 8. 9 ÷ 3 9. 6 ÷ 3 10. 18 ÷ 3

11. 16 ÷ 2 12. 20 ÷ 2 13. 3 

12 14. 3 

15. 3 
30 16. 3 
27 17. 3 
21 18. 3 

Algebra Copy and complete each table.

19. Rule: Divide by 3. 20. Rule: Subtract 3.

Input 21 30 Input 28 33
Output 4 6 Output 15 16

21. A soccer coach buys 3 new soccer 22. There are 27 bananas. They will
balls for $21. What is the price for be divided equally into 3 piles.
each ball? Write a number sentence. How many will be in each pile?

23. Stanley is on a 3-day hike. He will 24. Makenna placed 20 stickers in

hike a total of 18 miles. If he hikes equal rows of 5. Then, she gave
the same number of miles each day, away 2 stickers. Can she make
how many miles will he hike the equal rows of 3 now? Explain.
first day?

Use the information to solve the problems.

25. Mr. Martin wants to divide the students into groups of 3.

How many groups will there be?

26. How many more adult volunteers are needed?

188 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

27. NUMBER SENSE Mr. Marcos buys 4 bottles of glue, Item Cost
1 stapler, and 2 notebooks. Can the total amount Glue $2
spent be divided equally by 3? Explain. Stapler $5
Notebook $3
28. WHICH ONE DOESN’T BELONG? Which fact does
not belong? Explain.

6÷3 3 6 6÷2 6 


29. E WRITE MATH Explain how to find 9 ÷ 3 two

different ways.

Test Practice

30. Mr. Lobo buys 3 of the same item 31. Aiden and 2 of his friends each
at a store. The total is $27. What have 10 baseball cards. Which
did he buy? (Lesson 1E) operation sign should be placed in
the  to find out how many
A. C.
baseball cards the boys have
altogether? (Lesson 1D)

3  10 = 30

F. +
B. D.
G. -

H. ×

I. ÷

Multiply. (Lesson 1D)

32. 3 × 6 33. 3 × 3 34. 8 × 3

35. Marilyn has 12 shells in some bags. 36. Chloe placed biscuit dough in 2
Each bag has 2 shells. How many equal rows. There were 7 biscuits
bags are there in all? (Lesson 1B) in each row. How many biscuits are
there on the baking sheet? (Lesson 1A)

Lesson 1E Multiplication and Division Facts for 2 and 3 189

Multiplication and Division Facts
Lesson 1 for 2 and 3

Problem-Solving Strategy: Work Backward

Main Idea I will solve a problem by working backward.

Frannie put some money in the bank

to start a savings account. Last month
she put in enough money to double
that amount. Today, she put in more
money and the total amount doubled
again. Now she has $20. How much
money did Frannie start with?

Understand What facts do you know?

• The money doubled two times.
• The total amount at the end is $20.
What do you need to find?
• Find the amount of money Frannie started with.

Plan Work backward from what you know, $20, to find the amount
Frannie started with.

Solve Start with $20.

• Find the number that was doubled.
Half of $20 is $10.
• Since the amount was doubled two
times, find half of $10.
So, the amount of money Frannie
started with was $5. Half of $10 is $5.


Check When you double $5, the result is $5 × 2 or $10. When you double
$10, the result is $10 × 2 or $20. So, the answer is correct. 

GLE 0306.1.3 Develop independent reasoning to communicate mathematical ideas and derive algorithms
and/or formulas.

190 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

Refer to the problem on the previous page.
1. Explain how the work backward 3. Suppose Frannie ended up with
strategy helped solve the problem. $36 after the amount doubled two
times. How much did she start with?

2. Explain when to use the work 4. How would you check your answer
backward strategy. in Exercise 3?

P !C
2A )# E
# T4 IC %
Begins on page EP2.

Solve. Use the work backward strategy.

5. Measurement Gerardo took one 8. Whitney went to the craft store with
hour for lunch. Then he worked at $25. She bought 3 model airplanes
a store for 3 hours. If he finished for $4 each. She also bought 2 jars
at 5:00 P.M., what time did he of model paint. She was given the
start lunch? change shown. How much did each
jar of paint cost?
6. Flora, Alonso, and Luz went fishing.
Find how manyy fish each caught.

9. Mr. Robbins gave 9 students one

pencil each. That afternoon, he
gave 5 more students one pencil
7. Toya celebrated her birthday in each. Now he has 15 pencils. How
March, 4 months after joining the many pencils did he start with?
swim team. Two months after
joining the team, she swam in her
10. E WRITE MATH Write a
first swim meet. What month did
real-world problem that uses the
she swim in her first meet?
work backward strategy to solve.

Lesson 1F Multiplication and Division Facts for 2 and 3 191

Multiplication and Division Facts
Lesson 1 for 2 and 3

Model Multiplication
Main Idea You can use the Math Tool Chest to model a
I will use technology to multiplication problem.
model multiplication.

Get ConnectED TOYS A pet store sells dog bones. There are 3 bones
in each package. How many bones are in 6 packages?
GLE 0306.1.8 Use
appropriately to develop
understanding of
mathematical algorithms, to
facilitate problem solving,
and to create accurate and
reliable models of
mathematical concepts.

• Choose the rectangle tool. Make 6 rectangles.

• Choose the dog bone stamp. Stamp 3 dog bones in
each rectangle.
• Choose the letter tool. Type an addition sentence and
a multiplication sentence.
So, 6 groups of 3 equals 18.
3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 18 or 6 × 3 = 18 bones

and Apply It
Use the Math Tool Chest to model each situation. Write an
addition sentence and a multiplication sentence.
1. Each hour there are 2 cartoons 2. A car has 4 tires. How many tires
shown on television. How many are on 7 cars?
cartoons are shown in 6 hours?
3. E TALK MATH How do models help you solve
multiplication problems?

192 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

Multiply. (Lesson 1A) 12. Algebra Find a pattern. Complete
1. 2. the table. (Lesson 1B)
18 16 14   
9 8 7 6 5 4

13. A postal worker has 16 packages

to deliver to a school. She carries
5 rows of 2 4 rows of 2 only 2 or 3 packages at a time.
What is the fewest number of
3. 3 × 2 4. 2 × 2
trips that she can make? What
would be the most number of
5. 8 6. 2
× 2 × 9 trips she can make? (Lesson 1F)
−−− −−−

Divide. Write a related fact. (Lesson 1B and 1E)

Algebra Find each missing factor.
(Lesson 1C)
7. 8.
14. 2 ×  = 16 15. 2 ×  = 2

16. 9 ×  = 27 17.  × 6 = 12

18. MULTIPLE CHOICE Which number

sentence is represented by the
6÷3 3 
15 number line? (Lesson 1A)

9. 12 ÷ 2 10. 20 ÷ 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112
11. MULTIPLE CHOICE Three times as
many students have a hot lunch F. 2 × 5 = 10
than a packed lunch. There are
G. 6 × 2 = 12
8 students with packed lunches.
Which of the following could be H. 6 × 2 = 14
used to find how many have hot
I. 5 × 4 = 20
lunch? (Lesson 1D)

A. 8 − 3 C. 3 × 8 19. E WRITE MATH Explain how

patterns in a multiplication table
B. 3 + 8 D. 8 × 4 can help you find 3 × 9. (Lesson 1D)

Mid-Chapter Check 193

Multiplication and Division Facts
Lesson 2 for 5 and 10

Main Idea
I will use different Multiply by 5
strategies, including
patterns, to multiply There is more than one way to multiply by 5.
by 5.

Get ConnectED
Draw a Model


Develop understanding of
A watermelon
multiplication and related
division facts through patch has 6 rows
multiple strategies and
representations. GLE 0306.2.4
of watermelons.
Solve multiplication and Each row has
division problems using
various representations.
5 watermelons.
Also addresses GLE 0306.1.5, How many
SPI 0306.2.5.
watermelons are
in the farmer’s patch?

You need to find 6 × 5.

One Way: Use a Bar Another Way: Draw a

Diagram Picture
5 melons

1 row

? melons
5 5 5 5 5 5
6 rows

1 part is 5 melons. Use repeated addition.

6 parts × 5 melons = 5+5+5+5+5+5
30 watermelons. = 30

So, 6 × 5 = 30 watermelons.

194 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

You can use patterns to multiply by 5.

Multiply Using
NICKELS Leandro has 7 nickels. How much money
does he have?
You know a nickel is 5¢. Count by fives to find 7 × 5¢.
Multiplying by a
number is the same as
skip counting by that
5¢ 10¢ 15¢ 20¢ 25¢ 30¢ 35¢

Read 5¢, 10¢, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢, 30¢, 35¢

Notice the patterns in the answers.

0×5=0 All of the products
1×5=5 end in 0 or 5.
2 × 5 = 10
3 × 5 = 15

Extend the pattern.

4 × 5 = 20
5 × 5 = 25
6 × 5 = 30
7 × 5 = 35

So, Leandro has 7 × 5¢ or 35¢.

M lti l U Use a bar
b diagram
di or draw
d a picture
i t if needed.
d d
See Examples 1 and 2

1. 5 2. 3 3. 9
× 4
−−− × 5
−−− × 5
4. 5 5. 5 6. 5
× 8
−−− × 7
−−− × 5
7. BAR DIAGRAM Kai, Lakita, and 8. E TALK MATH Explain why the 5s
Maxwell have a box of pretzels. If each facts might be easier to remember
gets 5 pretzels, how many pretzels than other facts.
did they have altogether? Explain.

Lesson 2A Multiplication and Division Facts for 5 and 10 195

P !C
2A )# E
# T4 IC %
Begins on page EP2.
l l Use a bar
b diagram
d or draw
d a picture iff needed.
d d
See Examples 1 and 2

9. 2 × 5 10. 3 × 5 11. 5 × 6
12. 7 × 5 13. 8 × 5 14. 5 × 10
15. 5 × 5 16. 5 × 9 17. 4 × 5
18. BAR DIAGRAM A pan of corn bread 19. A sunflower costs $6. Evelyn wants
is cut into 5 rows with 7 pieces in to buy 3. Does she have enough
each row. How many pieces are money if she has four $5-bills?
there in all? Explain.
20. Bernardo’s dad paid for his new 21. There are 82 members in a band.
roller blades with seven $5-bills. If Part of the band divides into
his dad’s change was $2, how much 5 groups of 9. How many
did the roller blades cost? members are not in a group of 9?

Almost all grapefruit grown in the United States

is grown in Arizona, California, Florida, and Texas..
22. Grapefruit costs $3 a bag. How much
would it cost to buy 5 bags?
23. Emily wants to buy 4 bags of grapefruit.
Does she have enough money if she has
two $5-bills? Explain.
24. A farmer picks 45 grapefruit equally from
5 trees in his orchard. What is the total
number of grapefruit he picks from 2 trees?

25. WHICH ONE DOESN’T BELONG? Identify the strategy that

will not help you find 5 × 6. Explain.

skip counting rounding make an array draw a picture

26. E WRITE MATH Can the ones digit in the product ever
end in 2 when you are multiplying by 5? Explain.

196 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

Factor Power
Factors and Products
You will need: 20 index cards, crayons,
1-inch graph paper for each player

Get Ready!
Players: 2 players

Get Set!
Write the product of all the
multiplication facts you have
learned so far on each card.
Then shuffle.

Player 1 turns over the top
card. He or she names two
factors of the product on
the card.

Player 1 then colors an array

anywhere on the graph
paper to match the factors.

Player 2 checks to see e if the

product matches the
number of squares colored lored
in. If it is correct, Player
1 gets 1 point.

The game continues, with

players taking turns, until
neither player can make ke a
new array on their graph
paper or until one player
reaches 10 points afterr a
complete round.

Game Time Factor Power 197

Multiplication and Division Facts
Lesson 2 for 5 and 10

Main Idea
I will use multiplication Divide by 5
and division as inverse
operations to divide There are different ways to divide by 5.
by 5.

Get ConnectED Use

GLE 0306.2.2 MONEY A group of friends
Develop understanding of
multiplication and related have a lemonade stand.
division facts through The price of one glass of
multiple strategies and
representations. GLE 0306.2.3 lemonade is 5¢. They earned
Relate multiplication and 25¢ selling lemonade. How
division as inverse operations.
Also addresses GLE 0306.2.4, many glasses of lemonade
SPI 0306.2.8.
did the group of friends sell?

You need to find 25¢ ÷ 5¢.

One Way: Use Another Way: Repeated

Models Subtraction
1 2 3 4 5
25 20 15 10 5
-5 -5 -5 -5 -5
−− −− −− −−5 −−
20 15 10 0
Subtract groups of 5 until you
There are 25 counters and reach 0. Count the number of
5 counters are in each groups you subtracted.
group. There are 5 equal
5 25¢ ÷ 5¢ = 5 or 5¢ 
25¢ ÷ 5¢ = 5 or 5¢ 

So, the friends sold 5 glasses of lemonade.

198 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

In addition to using models and repeated subtraction, you
can use related multiplication facts to divide.

Use Related Facts

MONEY The school store is selling pencils for 5¢

each. If Corey has 45¢, how many pencils can he buy
with all his money?
Write a related multiplication fact to find 45¢ ÷ 5¢.
5¢ each 45¢ ÷ 5¢ = 
5¢ ×  = 45¢ THINK What number
times 5 is 45¢?
5¢ × 9 = 45¢
So, 45¢ ÷ 5¢ = 9 or 5¢ 
45¢ . Percy can buy 9 pencils.

Check The picture shows the number sentence 45¢ ÷ 5¢ = 9.

Nickels can be used to

represent the number

45¢ divided into groups of 5¢ forms 9 groups.

9 groups of 5¢ = 45¢. 

Di id Use
U models
d l or related
l t d facts.
f t See Examples 1 and 2

1. 35 ÷ 5 2. 5 ÷ 5 3. 5 
20 4. 5 

5. Measurement Lucia’s classroom 6. E TALK MATH How can you tell if

has rows of tables that are a total of a number is divisible by 5?
25 feet long. If 5 tables are in each
row, how long is each table? Write a
number sentence to show the

Lesson 2B Multiplication and Division Facts for 5 and 10 199

P !C
2A )# E
# T4 IC %
Begins on page EP2.
d Use models
d l or related
l d facts.
f See Examples 1 and 2

7. 20 ÷ 5 8. 40 ÷ 5 9. 45 ÷ 5 10. 50 ÷ 5

11. 5 
5 12. 5 
15 13. 5 
10 14. 5 

Use the recipe for corn bread.

Find how much of each is needed
to make 1 loaf of corn bread. Buttermilk Corn Bread
10 cups cornmeal 3 cups butter
15. cornmeal
5 cups flour 8 cups buttermilk
16. flour 1 cup sugar 5 tsp vanilla extract
5 Tbsp baking powder 15 eggs
17. eggs 4 tsp salt 2 tsp baking soda

18. vanilla extract Makes: 5 loaves

Solve. Write a number sentence.

19. Measurement Rose has a 30-inch 20. Helen is reading a book with
piece of ribbon. She divides the 50 pages. She reads 5 pages every
ribbon into 5 equal pieces. How day. How many days will it take
many inches long will each her to finish the book?
piece be?

21. Measurement Garrison has 22. Addison got 40 points on

45 minutes to do his homework. He yesterday’s 10-question math quiz.
has 9 problems left. How long can Each question is worth 5 points
he spend on each problem if each and there is no partial credit. How
one takes an equal amount of time? many questions did he miss?

Science The grizzly bear is one of the largest and

most powerful animals.
30 inches
23. About how long is a grizzly bear’s foot?

24. What is the length of one grizzly bear?

25. The grizzly runs at a speed of about 35 miles per

hour. What is that divided by 5? 14 feet

2 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems
26. OPEN ENDED Write a division sentence with a quotient of 9.

27. WHICH ONE DOESN’T BELONG? Identify the division

sentence that does not belong. Explain your reasoning.

30 ÷ 5 = 6 20 ÷ 2 = 10 30 ÷ 6 = 5 35 ÷ 5 = 7

28. E WRITE MATH Explain the method you would use to

find 30 ÷ 5 and why you prefer that method.

Test Practice

29. This is an array for which number 30. Robert solved this division
sentence? (Lesson 1E) problem.

20 ÷ 2 = 10

Which problem could he use to

check his answer? (Lesson 1B)

A. 15 ÷ 3 = 5 F. 10 + 2 = 

B. 3 + 5 = 8 G. 10 - 2 = 

C. 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12 H. 10 × 2 = 

D. 5 × 5 = 25 I. 10 ÷ 2 = 

Divide. Write a related multiplication fact. (Lesson 1B)

31. 18 ÷ 2 32. 16 ÷ 2 33. 2 


34. BAR DIAGRAM Angelica had $40 to buy her $16 $8 $4 ?$ ?$ ? $ left
mother some birthday gifts. She bought $40
flowers for $16 and a new pen set for $8.
Then she bought writing paper for $4. If this
pattern continues, how much money will the
next two gifts cost? How much money does she
have after buying two more gifts? (Lesson 1B)

Lesson 2B Multiplication and Division Facts for 5 and 10 201

Multiplication and Division Facts
Lesson 2 for 5 and 10

Main Idea
I will use patterns and Multiply by 10
models to multiply
by 10. Patterns can help you multiply by 10 to solve a problem.

Use Patterns

Get ConnectED TOES Jason saw footprints

on the beach. He counted
GLE 0306.2.2 10 toes on each of the
Develop understanding of 3 sets of footprints. How
multiplication and related
division facts through multiple many toes did Jason count
strategies and representations.
in all?
SPI 0306.2.7 Compute
multiplication problems that
involve multiples of ten using Find 10 × 3.
basic number facts.
Also addresses: GLE 0306.1.5,
GLE 0306.2.4. Notice the pattern when multiplying by 10.

1 × 10 = 10 The ones digit of

2 × 10 = 20 the product is zero.

3 × 10 = 30
4 × 10 = 40
5 × 10 = 50


The pattern can also be seen when skip counting on

a number line. Count equal jumps of 10 three times.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Read 10, 20, 30

The pattern shows that 3 × 10 = 30.

So, Jason counted 30 toes.

2 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems
Dimes can be used to model multiplying by 10.

Use Models

MONEY Orlando found 8 dimes under his bed while

cleaning. How much money did Orlando find?
When you multiply,
you add the same You need to find 8 × 10¢.
number multiple Dimes can be used as models to count by 10.

10¢ 20¢ 30¢ 40¢ 50¢ 60¢ 70¢ 80¢

Read 10¢, 20¢, 30¢, 40¢, 50¢, 60¢, 70¢, 80¢

8 dimes shows 80¢.

8 × 10¢ = 80¢

So, Orlando found 80¢.

Check Use repeated addition to check.

10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 80

So, the answer is correct. 

Multiply. Use patterns or models if needed.

Multiply needed SSee EExamples
l 1 andd 2

1. 10 2. 10 3. 10
× 2
−−− × 4
−−− × 7

4. 5 × 10 5. 3 × 10 6. 10 × 10

7. Mina bought a dress for $50. How 8. E TALK MATH How can knowing
many $10-bills will she need to pay the 5s facts help you with your
for the dress? 10s facts?

Lesson 2C Multiplication and Division Facts for 5 and 10 203

P !C
2A )# E
# T4 IC %
Begins on page EP2.
l l Use patterns or models
d l iff needed.
d d See Examples 1 and 2

9. 10 10. 10 11. 10
× 2
−−− × 6
−−− × 5
12. 10 × 3 13. 10 × 9 14. 10 × 1
15. 8 × 10 16. 10 × 5 17. 10 × 6
18. There are 10 cars. Each has 19. Ines has 6 packs of whistles. There
4 wheels. How many wheels are are 10 whistles in each pack. How
there altogether? many whistles does she have
20. Measurement There are 3 feet 21. There are 5 giraffes and 10 birds.
in one yard. How many feet are in How many legs are there
10 yards? altogether?

Use the Savings Accounts table.

22. How much money have the children saved altogether? Savings Accounts
23. Algebra Write a multiplication sentence comparing Name $10 Bills
the amount of money that Rebecca has saved with Rebecca 7

the amount Hakeem has saved. Bret 3

Monsa 8
24. What is the difference in the least amount of money Hakeem 9
saved and the greatest amount saved?

Art Some of the world’s largest glass sculptures are found

in the United States. Find the length of each sculpture.

25. Fiori di Como: Worlds’s Largest Glass

5 less than 7 × 10.
Sculpture Name Length (feet)
26. Chihuly Tower: Fiori di Como, NV 
5 more than 10 × 5. Chihuly Tower, OK 
Cobalt Blue 
27. Cobalt Blue Chandelier: Chandelier, WA
9 more than 2 × 10. River Blue, CT 

28. River Blue: 4 more than 10 × 1.

2 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems
29. WHICH ONE DOESN’T BELONG? Identify the pair of
multiplication sentences that is false.

2 × 5 = 10 × 1 4 × 3 = 6 × 2 5 × 4 = 2 × 10 10 × 3 = 5 × 1

30. E WRITE MATH Explain how you know that a multiplication

fact with an answer of 25 cannot be a 10s fact.

Multiplying by 10 and 100

You can use a basic fact and patterns of zeros to mentally find
the products of numbers multiplied by 10 and 100.

Multiply by 10 and 100.

Use a basic fact and patterns of Use a basic fact and patterns of
zeros to find 3 × 100. zeros to find 6 × 200.
3×1=3 basic fact 6 × 2 = 12 basic fact
3 × 10 = 30 3 × 1 ten = 3 tens 6 × 20 = 120 6 × 2 tens = 12 tens
3 × 100 = 300 3 × 1 hundred = 6 × 200 = 1,200 6 × 2 hundreds =
3 hundreds 12 hundreds

A multiple is the product of a given number and any other

whole number.

Multiples of 10 and 100.

Use a basic fact and patterns of zeros to find 4 × 200.

4×2=8 basic fact
4 × 20 = 80 4 × 2 tens = 8 tens
4 × 200 = 800 4 × 2 hundreds = 8 hundreds

Multiply. Use basic facts and patterns.

31. 2 × 1 =  32. 9 × 1 =  33. 7 × 2 = 
2 × 10 =  9 × 10 =  7 × 20 = 
2 × 100 =  9 × 100 =  7 × 200 = 
34. 8 × 300 35. 5 × 30 36. 6 × 50
37. There are 200 hotel rooms in each of the two large hotels
downtown. What is the total number of rooms?

Lesson 2C Multiplication and Division Facts for 5 and 10 205

Multiplication and Division Facts
Lesson 2 for 5 and 10

Main Idea
I will use repeated Divide by 10
subtraction and related
facts to divide by 10. You can use subtraction or multiplication to find the
quotient to a division problem.
Get ConnectED

Use Subtraction
GLE 0306.2.2
Develop understanding of or Multiplication
multiplication and related
division facts through
SCHOOL There are 10 juice bars
multiple strategies and in a box. The third grade
representations. GLE 0306.2.3
Relate multiplication and
class needs 50 juice bars
division as inverse operations. for a party treat. How many
Also addresses SPI 0306.2.6,
SPI 0306.3.2. boxes of juice bars will the
third grade class need?

You need to find 50 ÷ 10.

One Way: Use Repeated Subtraction

1 2 3 4 5
50 40 30 20 10
−−− -10
−−− -10
−−− -10
−−− -10
40 30 20 10
Subtract groups of 10 until you reach 0. Count the number of
groups you subtracted. You subtracted groups of 10 five times.

Another Way: Use a Related Fact

You know that multiplication and division are
inverse operations.
So, 10 × 5 = 50 and 50 ÷ 10 = 5 or 10 
50 .

They will need 5 boxes of juice bars.

2 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems
Di ide SSee Example
E l 1

1. 20 ÷ 10 2. 40 ÷ 10 3. 10 
60 4. 10 

5. There are 30 chairs at 10 tables. 6. E TALK MATH When you divide

Each table has an equal number of by 10, what do you notice about
chairs. How many chairs are at each the quotient and dividend?
table? Write a number sentence.

P !C
2A )# E
# T4 IC %
Begins on page EP2.
d See Example 1

7. 30 ÷ 10 8. 50 ÷ 10 9. 80 ÷ 10 10. 90 ÷ 10

11. 10 
20 12. 10 
70 13. 10 
30 14. 10 

Solve. Write a number sentence.

15. A vase holds 40 flowers. There are 16. Rona went to the car show and
an equal number of daisies, roses, saw 60 cars. If he saw 10 of each
tulips, and lilies. How many of each kind of car, how many different
kind of flower are there in the vase? kinds of cars were there?

For Exercises 17–19, use the sign shown.

17. Julius spent 70¢ on sunflower seeds.
How many packages did he buy?

18. How much did Neila pay for 1 yogurt?

19. How much would it cost to buy 1 of

everything, including 1 piece of dried fruit?

20. OPEN ENDED Use the numerals 7, 0, 8, and 5 to write two

2-digit numbers that can be divided by 10.

21. E WRITE MATH Explain how counting by 10s can help you
find 80 ÷ 10.

Lesson 2D Multiplication and Division Facts for 5 and 10 207

Test Practice

22. Amado bought 30 frozen pizzas. 23. Look at the number sentence
They were equally packed with below.
5 in each box. Which number
90 ÷  = 9
sentence shows how to find the
number of boxes of pizza he Which number will make the
bought? (Lesson 2B) number sentence true? (Lesson 2D)
A. 30 - 5 =  F. 1 H. 81
B. 30 + 5 =  G. 10 I. 100
C. 30 × 5 = 

D. 30 ÷ 5 = 

24. Austin collected 9 shells every day 25. Which number sentence is
while at the beach. How many modeled by repeated subtraction
shells did he collect over his on the number line? (Lesson 1B)
10-day vacation? (Lesson 2C)

A. 19 C. 100
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
B. 90 D. 190
F. 4 ÷ 2 = 8 H. 8 ÷ 2 = 4

G. 16 ÷ 2 = 8 I. 24 ÷ 8 = 3

Divide. (Lesson 2B)

26. 25 ÷ 5 27. 45 ÷ 5 28. 50 ÷ 5

29. There are 40 soccer players. Each team will have 1 coach
and an equal number of players. If there are 5 coaches,
how many players will be on each team? Write a number
sentence to record the solution. (Lesson 2B)
Write a multiplication sentence for each array. (Lesson 1D)

30. 31. 32.

2 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems
1. 2 2. 2 3. 6 4. 2
× 3
−−− × 10
−−−− × 2
−−− × 9

5. 5 6. 4 7. 5 8. 5
× 8
−−− × 3
−−− × 2
−−− × 5

9. 2 10. 7 11. 5 12. 2

× 6
−−− × 3
−−− × 1
−−− × 2

13. 5 14. 3 15. 2 16. 3

× 7
−−− × 8
−−− × 7
−−− × 2

17. 5 18. 2 19. 5 20. 3

× 6
−−− × 4
−−− × 4
−−− × 4

21. 2 × 5 22. 5 × 3 23. 5 × 10 24. 7 × 2

25. 2 × 8 26. 10 × 2 27. 2 × 9 28. 8 × 5

29. 10 × 10 30. 5 × 9 31. 4 × 5 32. 4 × 10

33. 10 × 7 34. 8 × 2 35. 9 × 2 36. 6 × 5

Facts Practice 209

Communities Within Communities
A community is a group of people There are many other examples of
who work, live, or play together. communities. In Florida, there are
There are over 2,000 elementary over 400 cities, towns, and villages.
schools in Florida, and each school is Each is a community. There are more
a community. Your classroom is also than 1 million businesses in Florida
a community. that also form communities. Each of
the families in Florida is a
Often, a class works together on an
community, too.
art project. A mural is an art project
that many people can work on
together. It is a large painting that
sometimes covers an entire wall.

210 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

There are
more than 33
million elementary
students in the
United States.

Use the information on the previous page to solve each problem.

1 A group is painting a mural of 4 There are about two times as many

their community. They have families in California as in Florida.
14 pictures of places around their California has more than 8 million
community. The mural is 7 feet families. About how many families
wide. If they want to place the are in Florida? Write a number
pictures evenly, how many will sentence to represent your thinking.
be placed in each foot of space?
5 A community has 45 stores. There
2 A community has a Clean Up Litter are 5 stores on each street. How
Day. Thirty-five community many streets are in the community?
members come to help. They divide
into groups of five. How many 6 Ten schools in a community donate
groups are there? a total of 30 boxes of clothes to a
local charity. Each school donates
3 There are 20 students in a class. the same number of boxes. How
A teacher forms 5 equal groups from many boxes of clothes does each
the 20 students in her class. How school donate?
many students are in each group?

Problem Solving in Social Studies 211

Lesson 3 Multiply and Divide with 0 and 1

Problem-Solving Investigation
Main Idea I will choose the best strategy to solve a problem.

ASHTON: My doctor saw 20 patients in 5

hours today. She saw the same number of
patients each hour.

YOUR MISSION: Find the number of

patients my doctor saw each hour.

In 5 hours, the doctor saw 20 patients.

Plan Use division to find how many patients the doctor saw each
hour in the 5 hours.

Solve You need to find 20 ÷ 5.

total number number number

of patients of hours of patients

20 ÷ 5 = 4

So, the doctor saw 4 patients each hour.

Check You can use multiplication to check division.

5 × 4 = 20 

So, it makes sense that 4 patients would have been seen

each hour.

GLE 0306
12 AApply
l and d adapt
d t a variety
i t off appropriate
i t strategies
t t i tto problem
bl solving,
l i iincluding
l di estimation,
ti ti
and reasonableness of the solution. Also addresses GLE 0306.2.2. GLE 0306.2.4.

2 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems
P !C
2A )# E
# T4 IC %
Begins on page EP2.
• Choose an operation.
• Look for a pattern. 5. Sondra and Wanda were making
• Make a table. jewelry for the school fundraiser.
They each made the amount listed.
How many items were made in all?
Use any
an strategy
sttratte to
to solve
soll e each
1. Write a multiplication sentence to
find how many plants are in the
garden. What other operation can
help you solve this problem?

6. Measurement Melody has 14 feet

of string. She wants to make
necklaces that are 2 feet long. How
many necklaces can she make?
2. Measurement How 2,063 ft

much taller is the 7. Geometry Jermaine has a square

KVLY TV tower than garden. Each side is 5 yards. How
the Prudential Tower? many yards of fence does he need
Explain. to border the garden? Explain.
750 ft

8. A group of 16 people want to go to

the zoo. Use the sign below to find
how they can get the lowest cost
Prudential KVLY for admission.
Tower Tower

3. Shaun and Dean went to the park.

The leaves were brown, red, and
orange. They picked 7 of each color.
How many leaves did they pick
in all?

4. Measurement It rained 6 inches

each month for the last 5 months. If 9. E WRITE MATH Explain how to
it rains 6 more inches this month, read a problem and decide what
what will be the total rainfall? operation to use.

Lesson 3A Multiply and Divide with 0 and 1 213

Lesson 3 Multiply and Divide with 0 and 1

Main Idea
I will use number Multiply by 0 and 1
properties to multiply
by 0 and 1. There are special properties for multiplying by 1 and 0.

The Identity Property of Multiplication says that when

Get ConnectED any number is multiplied by 1, the product is that number.

GLE 0306.2.2
Develop understanding of Multiply by 1
multiplication and related
division facts through
multiple strategies and
FLOWERS There are
representations. 4 flowerpots. Each has
GLE 0306.2.4 Solve
multiplication and division
1 daisy. Find 4 × 1 to
problems using various find how many daisies
there are in all.
e 4 groups
Model u of 1.

The model shows 4 groups of 1.

So, 4 × 1 = 4.

The Zero Property of Multiplication says that when you

multiply a number by 0, the product is zero.

Multiply by 0

Find 6 × 0. Use the pattern shown.

1×0=0 Any number times
zero equals 0.



So, 6 × 0 = 0.

2 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems
M ltipl SSee EExamples
l 1 and

1. 9 2. 1 3. 5 4. 8
____ ×7
____ ×0
____ ×1

5. There is 1 student sitting at each of 6. E TALK MATH If 100 is multiplied

the 9 tables in the cafeteria. How by 0, what will be the answer?
many students are there altogether? Explain your reasoning.

P !C
2A )# E
# T4 IC %
Begins on page EP2.
l l See Examples 1 and 2

7. 7 8. 7 9. 10 10. 10
____ ×0
____ ×1
____ ×0

11. 8 × 0 12. 1 × 2 13. 0 × 1 14. 6 × 1

Solve. Use models if needed.

15. How many pouches does 16. How many legs do 8 snakes have?
1 kangaroo have?

17. In a fantasy story, a pirate found 18. There is only 1 book on the shelf.
3 empty treasure chests with no It has 90 pages. How many pages
jewels. How many jewels were there? are there altogether?

Algebra Find each missing factor.

19.  × 6 = 6 20.  × 8 = 0 21. 6 ×  = 0 22. 1 ×  = 0

23. OPEN ENDED Write a problem using one of the multiplication

properties that you have just learned. Explain how to find
the answer.

CHALLENGE Find the missing number.

24. 2,684 ×  = 2,684 25. 1,039 × 1 =  26. 27 ×  = 0

27. E WRITE MATH Explain the Zero Property of Multiplication.

Lesson 3B Multiply and Divide with 0 and 1 215

Lesson 3 Multiply and Divide with 0 and 1

Main Idea
I will use division rules Divide with 0 and 1
to divide with 0 and 1.
There are rules you can use when 0 and 1 are divisors.

Get ConnectED
Divide by 1
GLE 0306.2.2 TOYS There are 3 toys. One
Develop understanding of
multiplication and related storage box will hold 3 toys.
division facts through How many boxes will you
multiple strategies and
representations. need for 3 toys?
GLE 0306.2.4 Solve
multiplication and division 3.
Find 3 ÷ 1 or 1 
problems using various Since 3 toys fit in 1 box,
make groups of 3,
using counters.
There is 1 group of 3.
So, 3 ÷ 1 = 3 or 1 

Division Rules

Words When you divide any number (except 0)

by itself, the quotient is 1.
Example 4 ÷ 4 = 1 4 

Words When you divide any number by 1, the

quotient is the same as the dividend.
Example 4 ÷ 1 = 4 1 

Words When you divide 0 by any number

(except 0), the quotient is 0.
Example 0 ÷ 4 = 0 4 

Words You cannot divide by 0.

2 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems
Di ide SSee EExample
l 1

1. 5 ÷ 1 2. 0 ÷ 1 3. 1 ÷ 1 4. 1 

5. 0 ÷ 7 6. 10 ÷ 1 7. 6 
0 8. 7 

9. If 6 people show up at the theater 10. E TALK MATH Can you divide a
and there are 6 seats left, how many number by 0? Can you divide 0 by
seats will each person get? a number other than 0? Explain.

P !C
2A )# E
# T4 IC %
Begins on page EP2.
Divide. See Example 1

11. 2 ÷ 1 12. 10 ÷ 10 13. 0 ÷ 5 14. 6 ÷ 1

15. 0 ÷ 3 16. 0 ÷ 9 17. 1 

4 18. 5 

19. 1 
7 20. 2 
2 21. 1 
10 22. 10 

Solve. Write a number sentence.

23. There are 35 students in Mr. Macy’s 24. Mr. Carrington has a pack of paper
class. To play a game, each person with 5 different colors. If he gives
needs 1 playing piece. How many 1 of each color to his students,
playing pieces are needed for the how many pieces of paper will
class to play the game? they each have?

25. Kari wants to give 5 friends an apple. 26. May and her
She finds that she has no apples. 4 friends have
How many apples can she give to 5 glasses of juice. How
her friends? many glasses of juice
will each person get?

27. OPEN ENDED Write a real-world division problem in which

a number is divided by itself. Ask a classmate to answer it.

28. E WRITE MATH Explain how you could divide any

number someone gives you, except 0, by 1 or itself.

Lesson 3C Multiply and Divide with 0 and 1 217

1. 0 2. 10 3. 0 4. 2
× 2
−−− × 5
−−− × 9
−−− × 9

5. 6 6. 2 7. 10 8. 0
× 1
−−− × 3
−−− × 8
−−− × 6

9. 1 10. 5 11. 4 12. 2

× 9
−−− × 5
−−− × 0
−−− × 7

13. 10 14. 5 15. 1 16. 2

× 0
−−− × 3
−−− × 6
−−− × 10

17. 4 18. 2 19. 1 20. 5

× 5
−−− × 2
−−− × 1
−−− × 8

21. 4 × 3 22. 10 × 1 23. 0 × 3 24. 9 × 1

25. 0 × 8 26. 10 × 7 27. 1 × 4 28. 2 × 6

29. 5 × 10 30. 0 × 7 31. 1 × 0 32. 10 × 6

33. 1 × 0 34. 5 × 6 35. 10 × 3 36. 2 × 0

37. 10 × 10 38. 0 × 10 39. 1 × 5 40. 0 × 4

218 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

Chapter Study
Guide and Review

Be sure the following Key Key Vocabulary

Concepts are noted in
your Foldable.
an ly Mu divisor
Div d ltip
ide and ly
by 2 Divid
by 3
and iply Mu
Div ltiply
id and
by e
5 Divid
by 10
e partition
and iply M
Div ultip
id and
by e
1 Divid

Vocabulary Check
Key Concepts Choose the vocabulary word that
Multiplication Strategies (Lesson 1) completes each sentence.
• models • bar diagrams 1. ? means to separate a
• related facts • arrays number into equal groups, to
• repeated addition • patterns find the number of groups, or
Division Strategies (Lesson 1)
the number in each group.
• models • related facts
• arrays • repeated subtraction 2. The number to be divided is the
Multiplication Properties (Lesson 3) ? .
• Identity Property of Multiplication
The product of a number multiplied by 3. A ? is a number that is
1 is that number. multiplied by another number.
• Zero Property of Multiplication 4. The number by which the
The product of a number multiplied by dividend is divided is called the
? .
0 is 0.
5. The ? is the answer to
Division Rules (Lesson 3)
a division problem.
• The quotient of a number divided by
itself is 1. 6. To ? means to divide
8÷8=1 or share equally among all
• You cannot divide by 0. groups.

Chapter Study Guide and Review 219

Multi-Part Lesson Review
Lesson 1
Multiplication and Division Facts for 2 and 3
Multiply and Divide by 2 (Lessons 1A and 1B)

Multiply. EXAMPLE 1
7. 2 8. 7 9. 2 How many wings are there on
× 1
−−− × 2
−−− 4
×−−− 5 butterflies?
? wings
10. There are 9 birds. Each has 2 legs.
2 wings 2 wings 2 wings 2 wings 2 wings
How many legs are there in all?
5 butterflies
11. There is one dog. How many ears 5 × 2 = 10 wings altogether.
in all?

Divide. Write a related fact. EXAMPLE 2

12. 2 
12 13. 2 
14 Maros will
ill share 6 dog biscuits
between his 2 dogs. How many
14. 16 ÷ 2 15. 20 ÷ 2
biscuits will each dog get?
16. Measurement Zoe and Koko will
equally share an 18-inch long
piece of paper. How long will
each piece be?
Each dog will get 3 biscuits.

Multiply and Divide by 3 (Lessons 1D and 1E)

Multiply or divide. EXAMPLE 3

17. 3 × 8 18. 9 × 3 Lisa
i iis 27 years old. She is 3 times
older than her niece. How old is
19. 6 × 3 20. 12 ÷ 3
her niece?
21. 3 
3 22. 3 
30 Find 27 ÷ 3.
23. There are 4 trees with 3 rabbits Use related facts to divide.
under each tree. Two rabbits hop 27 ÷ 3 = 
THINK 3 times what
away. How many are left? 3 ×  = 27 number equals 27?

24. A van holds 6 people. How many 3 × 9 = 27 9

vans are needed for 18 people? So, 27 ÷ 3 = 9 or 3 
27 .

220 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

Problem-Solving Strategy: Work Backward (Lesson 1F)

Solve. Use the work backward strategy. EXAMPLE 4

25. Leanne gave away 14 apples. She Three
h is
i subtracted
b from a number.
now has the apples shown. How The difference is multiplied by 2.
many apples did she start with? Then, 4 is added to the product.
Finally, 9 is subtracted to give a
difference of 9. What is the number?
Work backward from the answer.
26. Some of the numbers from one 9 + 9 = 18
row of Miss Smith’s multiplication 18 - 4 = 14
chart are lost.
14 ÷ 2 = 7
___ , ___ , ___ , 21, 24, ___ , 30
In order, which numbers is 7 + 3 = 10
she missing? The starting number is 10.

Lesson 2
Multiplication and Division Facts for 5 and 10
Multiply and Divide by 5 (Lessons 2A and 2B)

Multiply or divide. EXAMPLE 5

27. 5 × 5 28. 7 × 5 Eachh day,
d Xavier saves the nickel he
29. 25 ÷ 5 30. 5 
50 gets as change from his lunch
31. How many triangles did Bob use money. How many nickels will he
if he repeated the design 3 times? use if he wants to buy ice cream
for 20¢?
Find 20 ÷ 5.
Use repeated subtraction.
1 2 3 4
32. Each new student that comes to
20 15 10 5
school during the year makes a - 5 -5 - 5 - 5
−−− ____ −−− −−−
handprint on the wall with paint. 15 10 5 0
How many fingers are there?
There are 4 groups of 5. 20 ÷ 5 = 4
So, Xavier will use 4 nickels.

Chapter Study Guide and Review 221

Chapter Study Guide and Review

Multiply and Divide by 10 (Lessons 2C and 2D)

Multiply or divide. EXAMPLE 6

33. 10 × 5 34. 10 × 4 Find
d 7 × 10.
35. 10 
60 36. 10 
10 Use the pattern of counting by 10s.
37. There are 40 baskets of grapes Read: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70
on store shelves. If there are
10 baskets on each shelf, how
many shelves are there? 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

38. Curtis used 9 dimes to buy a drink.

How much did he spend? So, 7 × 10 = 70.

Lesson 3
Multiply and Divide With 0 and 1
Problem-Solving Investigation: Choose a Strategy (Lesson 3A)

39. Benito had $20 in the bank. He EXAMPLE 7

took out $8 and later put back $6. Samir
i has
h $25. Does he have enough
How much money does he have in money to purchase 6 toy boats that
the bank now? cost $5 each?
40. Of the 48 balls that sold, 2 times Find the total cost of the toy boats.
as many tennis balls were sold as
6 × $5 = $30
soccer balls. How many soccer
balls were sold? Since $25 < $30, he does not have
enough money.

Multiply and Divide with 0 and 1 (Lessons 3B and 3C)

Multiply or divide. EXAMPLE 8

41. 5 × 0 42. 1 × 9 Terry did 4 pages of homework in
43. 0 ÷ 8 44. 1 
2 4 nights. He did the same number of
45. Gisela gave 8 gifts to her friends. pages each night. How many pages
She gave each friend 1 gift. How did he do each night?
many friends did Gisela give a Find 4 ÷ 4.
gift to? 4 pages ÷ 4 nights = 1 page
So, 4 ÷ 4 = 1 page each night.

222 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

Chapter Test
Tell whether each statement is true 15. Kareem gave 25 football cards to
or false. Cindy, 13 to Naomi, and 14 to
Brad. Kareem now has half the
1. When you divide any number by 1,
cards he started with. How many
the quotient is that number.
cards did he start with?
2. Repeated subtraction can help you 16. BAR DIAGRAM The movie theater
solve a division problem. has 6 rows of seats. Each row has
10 people. How many people are
Multiply. in the theater? Use a bar diagram
3. 1 4. 9 to solve.
× 5
−−− × 5
−−− 17. Five boys find 5 fishing poles. Do
they have enough poles so that
Algebra Find each missing factor. each boy has a pole? Solve. Write
5. 7 ×  = 35 6.  × 5 = 40 a number sentence.
18. A scout group sold boxes of
7. 10 ×  = 80 8.  × 9 = 90
popcorn for $10. How much money
did Javier raise?
Divide. Write a related fact.
Scout Money Raised Total
9. 5 
30 10. 5 
Griffen ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ $70
11. 0 ÷ 7 12. 10 ÷ 1 Bartolo ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ $40
Javier ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ 
13. MULTIPLE CHOICE Ryder did this key: ✪ = $10
division problem.
70 ÷ 10 = 7 19. MULTIPLE CHOICE Twenty-seven
Which problem could he do to students will divide into equal
check his answer? groups to play a game. Which
problem below will give them
A. 70 + 10 C. 10 + 7 equal groups?

B. 10 × 7 D. 10 ÷ 70 F. 27 ÷ 3 H. 27 ÷ 10

14. Five gardeners each picked the G. 27 ÷ 5 I. 27 ÷ 2

number of tomatoes shown. How E
20. WRITE MATH Can the product
many tomatoes were picked in all?
of a multiplication problem ever
end in 2 when you are multiplying
by 10? Explain.

Practice Chapter Test 223

Test Practice

Alma wants to place 15 star stickers in

3 equal rows. How many stickers will be in Multiplication and
each row? division are inverse
operations so thinking of
A. 2 C. 5
a related fact can help
B. 3 D. 10 you solve a problem.

Read the Question

You need to find the number of star stickers
that will be in each row.

Solve the Question

Draw a model to help you understand the
question. Show 15 star stickers in 3 equal rows.

There are 5 star stickers in each row.

So, the answer is C.

Read each question. Then fill in the correct answer on the answer
sheet provided by your teacher or on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Daniel has 40 baseball cards. He 2. What number can 8 be divided by to
puts the cards in piles of 8. How give the answer 8?
many piles does he make?
A. 2 C. 5 F. 0 H. 8
B. 4 D. 8 G. 1 I. 16

224 Solve Multiplication and Division Problems

3. What does 2 × 5 mean? 7. The product of 5 and another factor
A. 5 + 5 is 50. What is the missing factor?

B. 2 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 2 A. 45 C. 9

C. 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 B. 10 D. 5

D. 2 + 2
8. Which number sentence is
4. Gabe works at a car wash 6 hours a modeled by the figure below?
day. It takes Gabe 1 hour to wash
one car. Which number sentence
shows the number of cars he
washes in 1 day?
F. 6 - 6 = 0 H. 6 × 1 = 6 F. 3 + 3 + 3 = 9

G. 6 × 0 = 0 I. 6 + 1 = 7 G. 4 × 5 = 20
H. 3 × 6 = 18
5. Which number sentence is modeled
by the array? I. 3 × 5 = 15

9. Clara has 8 packs of gum. Each

pack contains 5 pieces of gum. If
Clara chews 3 pieces, how many
pieces does she have left?
A. 24 ÷ 8 = 3 C. 18 ÷ 3 = 6
A. 37 C. 13
B. 21 ÷ 3 = 7 D. 21 ÷ 4 = 5
B. 32 D. 8
6. Which number will make the
number sentence true? 10. Which problem could Leo do to
×3=0 check 60 ÷ 10 = 6?
F. 0 H. 3 F. 10 + 6 =  H. 10 × 6 = 
G. 1 I. 4 G. 10 - 6 =  I. 10 ÷ 6 = 


If You Missed Question . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Go to Chapter-Lesson . . . 4-2B 4-3C 4-1A 4-3B 4-1E 4-3B 4-2C 4-1D 4-2A 4-2D
For help with . . . SPI 2.6 SPI 2.6 SPI 1.5 SPI 3.2 SPI 3.2 SPI 3.3 SPI 3.3 SPI 2.5 SPI 2.6 SPI 2.8

Test Practice 225

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