2 - 1 - Civil Works - Guidelines For Layout of Small Hydro Plants
2 - 1 - Civil Works - Guidelines For Layout of Small Hydro Plants
2 - 1 - Civil Works - Guidelines For Layout of Small Hydro Plants
S.No. TITLE Page No.
1.1. Introduction 1
1.9.4. Desilter 9
1.9.9. Penstock 10
3.8. References 16
This part provides guidance on layout, hydraulic and structural design of civil
works and on the maintenance of civil structures and related hydro mechanical
1.1 Introduction
The objective of this phase of study is to produce estimates of preliminary costs
and benefits of a scheme and to assess its economic viability. Often the work of
this phase is done with incomplete site data. If the findings of this phase show that
a scheme appears technically and economically feasible then more detailed pre-
feasibility and feasibility studies can be commissioned. The initial findings can be
useful in designing the scope of investigations needed to reliably evaluate the
This section provides guidelines on the conceptual design of small hydro plants.
Small hydro plants are most often associated with features a) to d) and
infrequently with e) and f).
In layout studies (conceptual design) the engineer shall also take into account
other site specific conditions, as given in the following checklist.
Factors to consider:
• Climate
• Condition of main road to the area, weight and width limitations on bridges.
• Access to site and space for structures and site roads.
• Foundation conditions and slope stability
• Developable head
• Penstock/head length ratio
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• Availability of construction materials (sand, aggregates, lumber and
impermeable fill, as required)
• Local services and skills availability
• High water levels and tail water and head pond flow rating curves
• Others
The most common development schemes for Indian small hydro projects are of
the following types:
• Run-of-river
• Canal falls
• Toe of dam
• Renovation of existing plants
If the water carries a substantial sediment load (say more than 200 ppm on
average) a desilter would also be required. Preferably, the desilter would be built
as close to the intake as possible, but can be located anywhere along the water
conductor system where relatively flat land can be found. It should be noted that
the waterways upstream of the desilter must be designed for turbine plus flushing
flows and while downstream turbine flow alone is sufficient. Most often the water
conductor system will be a concrete masonry canal of rectangular cross section.
However, depending on site conditions, portions of the water conductor system
may have to be constructed as box culverts, tunnels, aqueducts, pipelines or
inverted siphons.
Canal falls are locations along an irrigation canal where the level of the canal is
stepped-down in a fall structure to better conform to ground elevations. Although
the developable heads available at such structures are often quite small (2.0 m to
5.0 m) the energy potentials are significant given the large flows available.
Almost all canal fall projects undertaken to date have been constructed many
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years after the original canal project had been completed and were subject to the
following constraints:
• That the new powerhouse would be constructed without interfering (or
with minimum interference) of irrigation system day-to-day operations.
• That the new plant should not jeopardize the safety of the existing
At other sites, more conventional bulb or Kaplan turbines layouts were selected.
As hydraulic losses have disproportionately high impacts on the economics of low
head developments, careful attention to hydraulic design is required to minimize
head losses at the canal entry, trashracks and flow restitution in the tailrace canal.
All canal fall projects must include provision for flow bypassing so that irrigation
flows can be maintained during periods when the plant may be out of service.
A toe of dam project would comprise an intake and short penstock, powerhouse
and tailrace canal returning flow to a main irrigation canals or river. The intake
and penstock would normally be constructed in parallel to the outlet works, to
ensure that irrigation on water supply releases would not be interrupted during
periods when the plant might be out of service. The power plant intake and
penstock may be incorporated into the diversion works or spillway, as practical,
or constructed as a separate facility in an abutment. Typically, toe of dam projects
are located below storage reservoirs that would effectively trap sediment entering
the reservoir. Therefore sediment abrasion of turbine components would not be a
problem with this type of development. These plants are often subject to large
variation in head and flow and turbine selection must take this into account. These
conditions favour the use of Kaplan turbines. Depending on the operating rules of
the reservoir toe of dam reservoir may produce significant amounts of firm
energy, or only secondary energy.
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A typical example of a toe of dam development is Dukwan SHP. Figure 2.1.4
shows the main features of this development.
There are many old hydro plants in India, where operating and maintenance costs
are increasing due to deterioration of aging equipment and structures. Also plant
efficiencies are decreasing due to wear of turbine parts. Renovation projects are
often initiated by the necessity of major equipment repairs such as runner
replacement or generator rewinding. At such times it is opportune to undertake a
complete refurbishment of the plant. Combining several renovation activities
together will reduce the cost of downtime and lost energy production, which
would be incurred if renovation was done piece-meal. This minimizes the cost of
lost production which is a significant factor in the economics of renovation
projects. In terms of economic parameters such as b/c ratio renovation projects are
often found to be very attractive.
With the above data in hand the scope of renovation should be evaluated by
comparative studies of selected development concepts (options). Such conceptual
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design (layouts) should be developed in sufficient detail so that reliable capital
costs and benefits can be determined and the relative merits of each option
reliably evaluated.
• Plant Abandonment
Abandonment might be the preferred choice where site conditions have
changed excessively over the life of a project or where renovation costs
are found to be excessive. For example, change in site conditions could
result from excessive flow diversion from upstream. Occasionally, a plant
may be abandoned in favour of a major redevelopment of the site as part
of a much larger project.
• Plant Renovation
The objective of plant renovation is to restore the plant to its original
condition. This improves plant reliability and extends service life. Civil
works are minimal in this option and are limited to necessary repairs to
restore structural integrity and function. Although the basic objectives of
this option would be achieved with replacement of turbines and generators
(if required) of the original designs; it may be worthwhile to consider new
runner designs for improved efficiency. If generator rewinds also required,
then new designs with improved insulation material and more copper
should also be considered. Options for modernization of switch gear,
protection and control should also be assessed.
• Plant upgrading
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introducing additional works and risks. Careful analysis and planning of
construction activities will therefore be necessary to minimize such risks.
Benefits from upgrading projects are very site specific but often can
double the output of the original project. An interesting example of an
upgrading project is Bluefish G.S. in NWT, Canada. Figure 2.1.4 shows
the main features of this project.
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1.8.2 Map studies
In this activity preliminary designs and cost estimates are prepared for
each alternative and benefits evaluated. The relative merits of each
alternative are then be assessed by economic analysis to determine the best
alternative. Careful attention should be paid to the cost components with
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vary from one alternative to the other. Less attention is needed for
determining the cost of common components, such as: access roads; since
their values will not affect the outcomes of comparisons between
Three types of intakes are suitable for low head diversions: lateral intake,
trench intake or Tyrolean intake. Lateral intakes would be favoured on
relatively narrow rivers and for medium to large flows (5m3/s and above).
Trench intakes would be favoured in relatively wide plains rivers for plant
flows up to about 20m3/s, at which point a lateral flow design should be
considered. Tyrolean intakes would be favoured for mountain streams and
for relatively small plant flows up to about 2 m3/s.
For the lateral type the resulting FSL should be compared with the natural
high water level, conventionally taken as the level for the mean annual
flood (Q2). Also the MFL should be calculated for the design flood,
normally Q100 for SHP (or Q10 for temporary type head-works of mini-
hydro schemes). The need for spillway gates is determined considering the
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elevation of the MFL and whether unacceptable upstream flooding
upstream flooding would be caused with a simple overflow weir design.
Feeder canals transport sediment laden water from the intake to the
desilter. They should be designed to carry 1.20Qp which provides 0.20 Qp
flushing flow for desilter operation (assuming continuous flushing type).
Preliminary canal dimensional design should be based on V = 1.5 m/s to
ensure no sediment deposition (based on coarse sand, d = 2.0 mm). For
flows up to 2.0 m3/s canals in masonry would be preferred, while for
larger flow reinforced concrete should be considered.
1.9.4 Desilter
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1.9.7 Forebay Tank
V= Qp ×120 (m3)
1.9.9 Penstock
Check head /length (H/L) ratio of the proposed penstock layout, if H/L > 5
a surge tank or turbine bypass valve may be required. Exceptions to these
requirements are:
- Mini hydro plants with load controller.
- High head plants with Pelton turbines
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⎛ Q2 ⎞
D = 3.55 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ Sarkaria’s equation
⎝ 2 gH ⎠
4 Q
D= . based on V = 3.0 m/s
π 3 .0
If t max ≤ t min
Wt = 24.5 tmin.D.L tonnes
L = slope length of penstock (m)
D = diameter of penstock (m)
Vf = concrete volume, footings (m3)
f2 = unit price of footing concrete (Rs/m3)
C2 = estimated cost of footing (Rupees)
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The volume of anchor block concrete is of the same order of magnitude as
concrete saddles; therefore assume cost of anchor blocks as 66% cost of
saddles (or derive a more exact cost from detailed layouts).
Surge tanks are required to protect long penstocks from excessive water
hammer pressure rise, to control excessive generator runaway speeds and
to contribute to system speed regulation. Alternatives to surge tanks
providing some of the benefits of surge tanks, include:
- addition of extra machine inertia (typically by adding a flywheel
to a horizontal axis unit or extra mass to a vertical axis generator).
- installing turbine bypass valves.
- pressure relief devices.
As surge tanks are expensive all options should be evaluated. Section 2.2.6
of this Standard provides guidelines for this task.
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For maximum upsurge calculate:
Hf = pipe friction loss + minor losses +
Hf As g
bo = .
Qo L/ A
S A = 1.05 bo−0.89 .H f
Max. W.L. = Ho - Hf + SA
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during periods when the canal would be out of service for annual
maintenance. Attention must also be paid to hydraulic design to minimize
head losses. Acceleration of flow velocity through the entry is acceptable
if economically justified and compatible with flow conditions at the power
plant intake. Deceleration of flow velocity should be avoided. Layout
concepts should be based on successful designs of similar plants. Central
Board for Irrigation and Power (CBIP, 2003) gives an inventory of Indian
hydropower plants with salient data and drawings.
3.3 Layout of Dam Toe Schemes.
As for plants at canal falls, practical consideration of site characteristics,
foundations, access and the like will probably determine the optimal
arrangement. Occasionally original designs will include provision for
addition of a power plant. Layout concepts should be based on successful
designs of similar projects. Design of cofferdams and other protective
works must be done with equal care as these works form an integral part
of a successful project. Examples of successful designs can be found in
CBIP (2003).
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projects. While originally intended as a tool for preliminary studies
utilizing mainly map data, the latest version now allows the engineer to
enter work quantities and unit costs against a comprehensive list of work
3.6.2 Hydrology
Input Data: Flow duration curve (FDC).
Output: FDC and load duration curve (LDC) in tabular and graphic
3.6.3 Equipment
Input : Type of turbine.
Output : Estimated turbine efficiency curve.
The program calculates the energy benefits which are reported in Screen 1,
using hydrology and equipment data from Screens 2 and 3.
The currency for all cost and financial calculations are input in this screen,
along with the applicable conversion rate Rs per Canadian $ 1.00.
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Output: Capital cost estimate
3.8 References
Other References
Waterhammer Analysis
J. Parmakian,
Dover Publishers (1963)
Hydroelectric Power Stations in Operation in India, CBIP (2003)
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3.9 Examples of Project Layouts:
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