PHD Thesis Jesper Harrild S Rensen Final Reduceret PDF
PHD Thesis Jesper Harrild S Rensen Final Reduceret PDF
PHD Thesis Jesper Harrild S Rensen Final Reduceret PDF
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Citation (APA):
Sørensen, J. H. (2018). Design and Modeling of Structural Joints in Precast Concrete Structures. Technical
University of Denmark, Department of Civil Engineering. B Y G D T U. Rapport, No. R-384
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Jesper Harrild Sørensen
In precast reinforced concrete structures, the joints and connections between the
precast components are essential for the structural performance. This thesis pre-
sents a new design for keyed connections typically used between shear wall pa-
nels. An extensive experimental program is presented in combination with sound
design methods developed on the basis of the theory of plasticity. The theoreti-
cal models include first order upper and lower bound modeling of keyed connec-
tions as well as second order modeling of the load-displacement relationship for
casting joints exposed to a simple displacement field. Design and Modeling of Structural
Joints in Precast Concrete Structures
Jesper Harrild Sørensen
PhD Thesis
ISBN 9788778774798
ISSN 1601-2917
Design and Modeling of
Structural Joints in Precast
Concrete Structures
PhD Thesis
July 2017
Professor Linh Cao Hoang
Associate Professor John Forbes Olesen
Associate Professor Gregor Fischer
Assesment Committee:
Professor Rune Brincker, DTU Civil Engineering, Denmark
Professor Dr.-Ing, Josef Hegger, Institute of Structural Concrete, RWTH
Aachen University, Germany
Senior Scientist, Miguel Fernandez Ruiz, École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne, Switzerland
First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the
great support and the always enthusiastic and helpful guidance from my
supervisors, Professor Linh Cao Hoang, Associate Professor John Forbes
Olesen, and Associate Professor Gregor Fischer, all from the Department of
Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Further-
more, I wish to express my gratitude to Professor Aurelio Muttoni, École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL, for a very interesting research
stay with his group in the structural concrete laboratory, IBETON, during
the summer of 2016.
I also wish to acknowledge a number of people who supported the project.
The experimental work has been supported by the Danish Precast Concrete
Association, the COWI foundation, and CRH Concrete A/S. Furthermore
participation in conferences and the realization of the external research stay
have been financially supported by the Otto Mønsted Foundation, Professor
H. I. Hannovers scholarship, and Erik Hegentofts scholarship. The contri-
butions are much valued.
Furthermore, a number of students have assisted in the experimental
campaigns performed within the scope of this thesis. M.Sc. Baldur Halldórs-
son is acknowledged for his contributions to the triaxial tests and for the
support with the single shear key tests. B.Sc. Frederik Jensen and B.Sc.
Frederik Vind are acknowledged for support with triaxial tests. For the tests
on the tensile capacity of the loop connections, M.Sc. Jacob Svejgaard and
Lasse Øvrelid are acknowledged. For tests on the shear capacity of the keyed
shear connections, B.Eng. Rune Pedersen, B.Eng. Mads Herløv, M.Sc. Ja-
cob Svejgaard, M.Sc. Lasse Øvrelid, M.Sc. Jakob Olsen and M.Sc. Rasmus
Hou are acknowledged for their contributions. Finally, for support with the
tests on double-sided dowel joints, M.Sc. Nikolai Bach and M.Sc. Martin
Hansen are acknowledged. Furthermore, the technical staff of the structural
laboratory at the Technical University of Denmark is greatly acknowledged.
Without the support of the above mentioned persons, the planning and ex-
ecution of the experimental investigations would not have been possible. I
sincerely appreciate the contributions.
In addition, colleagues from the Department of Civil Engineering, DTU,
and colleagues from IBETON, are thanked for many interesting conversa-
tions on various topics and for the always encouraging approach to the life
as a PhD student.
response when the connection is loaded in shear.
The main focus of the thesis is test and modeling of keyed shear connec-
tions. An extensive experimental program is presented. The particular lay-
out of the test specimens allows for a direct comparison of the conventional
shear connection design with the new design concept. The performance of
the two designs is evaluated and it is found that the new design is superior
in terms of strength and ductility. Upper and lower bound plasticity models
are developed for strength prediction and satisfactory agreements are ob-
tained when comparing the models with the test results. A theoretical exact
solution is not possible to obtain, as the models are based on assumptions
that are not fully identical. However, the establishment of both types of
models provides a range of expected results and thus valuable information
for practical applications.
Finally, second-order plastic modeling is used to establish the load-displa-
cement relationship for a casting joint loaded in shear and transversely rein-
forced with rebars. Despite the simplicity of the model, rather satisfactory
agreement with tests is found. The model may be used to predict the avail-
able plastic energy and has potential for practical assessment of structural
belastes i forskydning.
Afhandlingens hovedfokus er test og modellering af fortandede forskyd-
ningssamlinger. Et omfattende eksperimentelt program er præsenteret. Den
pågældende udformning af forsøgselementerne tillader en direkte sammen-
ligning mellem det konventionelle design og det nye design koncept. Testre-
sponset for de to design sammenlignes, og det findes, at det nye design
er bedre med hensyn til styrke og duktilitet. Plastiske øvre- og nedreværdi
modeller udvikles for estimering af bæreevnen og tilfredsstillende overensstem-
melse mellem model og testresultater findes. Det er ikke muligt at udvikle
en teoretisk eksakt løsning, da modellerne er baseret på antagelser, der ikke
er helt identiske. Ikke desto mindre fører etableringen af begge typer af
modeller til en afgrænsning af forventede resultater, og dermed til værdifuld
information for praktisk anvendelse.
Til slut er andenordens modellering benyttet til at etablere last-flytnings-
relationen for en støbt samling armeret på tværs med armeringsstænger og
belastet i forskydning. På trods af modellens simpelhed, findes overraskende
tilfredsstillende overensstemmelse mellem tests og modelrespons. Modellen
kan benyttes til at estimere den tilgængelige plastiske energi og den har
potentiale for praktisk anvendelse i forhold til vurdering af strukturel robus-
Notation xv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Precast Concrete Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Motivation of Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Objectives of Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Organization of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.5 Contributions to the Field of Research . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2 Theory of Plasticity 13
2.1 Yield Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Normality Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3 Extremum Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.4 Failure Criterion for Cementitious Materials . . . . . . . . . 16
7 Upper Bound Solutions for Keyed Shear Connections 89
7.1 Prediction of Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
7.2 Comparison of Tests with Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
7.3 Evaluation of Model Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
7.4 Practical Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
7.5 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
11 Conclusions 165
Bibliography 169
Appended Papers 203
Paper I
”Tensile capacity of loop connections grouted with concrete or
Jesper H. Sørensen, Linh C. Hoang, John F. Olsen, Gregor
Published in: Magazine of Concrete Research (2017), 69(17):892-
904 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Paper II
”Test and analysis of a new ductile shear connection design
for RC shear walls”,
Jesper H. Sørensen, Linh C. Hoang, John F. Olsen, Gregor
Published in: Structural Concrete (2017), 18(1):189-204 . . 221
Paper III
”Test and lower bound modeling of keyed shear connections in
RC shear walls”,
Jesper H. Sørensen, Morten A. Herfelt, Linh C. Hoang, Au-
relio Muttoni.
Published in: Engineering Structures (2018), 155:115-126 . 239
Paper IV
”Testing and modeling dowel and catenary action in rebars
crossing shear joints in RC”,
Jesper H. Sørensen, Linh C. Hoang, John F. Olsen, Gregor
Published in: Engineering Structures (2017), 145:234-245 . 253
Additional Work (not appended)
1. Construction-friendly Ductile Shear Joints for Precast Concrete Pan-
Jesper H. Sørensen, Linh C. Hoang, Gregor Fischer, John F. Olesen.
Published in: Fernando, D., Teng, J. G., and Torero, J., editors, Pro-
ceedings of the Second International Conference of Performance-based
and Life-cycle in Structural Engineering, pages 640-649, Queensland
University, Brisbane, Australia, 2015
DIC Digital Image Correlation
FELA Finite Element Limit Analysis
LVDT Linear Variable Displacement Transducer
w/c Ratio between water and cement in a mixture
List of Symbols
ft Tensile strength of concrete
fu Ultimate strength of reinforcement
fy Yield strength of reinforcement
fuL Ultimate strength of locking bar
fyL Yield strength of lacer bar (Chapter 5)
fyL Yield strength of locking bar (Chapters 6-9)
hk Height of shear key
H Overlapping length of U-bars
k Material parameter
K Factor influencing ν
l Longitudinal direction
l Material parameter
l1 , l2 Distances describing the position of plastic hinges
L Total length of shear connection
Lk Length of shear key
m Material parameter
M Moment in rebar
Mp Plastic moment capacity
n Number of shear keys
N Tensile load on loop connection (Chapter 5)
N Tension force in rebar (Chapter 10)
N0 Cracking load of loop connection (Chapter 5)
N0 Initial tension force in rebar (Chapter 10)
Np Plastic tension capacity
P Shear load
Pcal Calculated shear capacity (Chapters 7-9)
Pf Shear resistance from friction (Chapter 10)
PFP Recorded first peak load
Pl , P t Stress resultants (Chapter 8)
Ps Shear resistance of a smooth interface (Chapter 10)
Ptotal Total shear resistance (Chapter 10)
PU Recorded ultimate load
qi Generalized strains
Qi Generalized stresses
s, s1 Distance between outermost U-bars
t Transverse direction
t Thickness of precast concrete element
t Time (Chapter 10)
u Shear displacement parallel to interface (Chapter 10)
umax Shear displacement capacity (Chapter 10)
u Vector containing the relative displacements in a yield line
|u| Length of displacement vector
ua , ub Displacement vector of segment IIa and IIb (Chapter 5)
ul Displacement in the l-direction
ut Displacement in the t-direction
V Volume of body (Chapter 2)
V Shear force (Chapters 4+5)
V Shear force in rebar (Chapter 10)
Vpeak Maximum recorded shear force
W Plastic work
WE External work
WI Internal work
Greek letters
α Angle of displacement vector
β Inclination of yield line to the l-direction
δ Increment of displacement or strain
∆ Increment of plastic deformation (Chapter 2)
∆ Elongation in plastic hinge (Chapter 10)
∆˙ Rate of elongation in plastic hinge (Chapter 10)
∆max Maximum elongation in plastic hinge (Chapter 10)
ε̄ Strain vector
γ Slope of inclined yield line in a shear key
λ Indeterminate positive factor
µ Coefficient of friction
ν Effectiveness factor, concrete in compression
νt Effectiveness factor, concrete in tension
φ Diameter
φL Diameter of lacer bar (Chapter 5)
φL Diameter of locking bar (Chapters 6-9)
Φ Degree of transverse reinforcement
ΦL Reinforcement degree, lacer bar (Chapter 5)
ΦL Reinforcement degree, locking bar (Chapters 6-9)
ϕ Internal angle of friction
σ Normal stress
σ1 , σ2 , σ3 Principal stresses
σA , σB Compressive stress in Struts A and B
σc Concrete stress
σs Reinforcement stress
τ Shear stress
θ Rotation in plastic hinge (Chapter 10)
θ̇ Rate of rotation in plastic hinge (Chapter 10)
θA , θB Inclination of Struts A and B (Chapter 8)
θk Inclination of key corner (Chapter 8)
1 Introduction
(a) Bella Sky Hotel, photo: Dahl (2014) (b) Tietgen Dormitory
Locking bar Locking bar
(a) Conventional design
Pre-bend U-bars
Horizontal section
locking bar
Figure 1.2(b) for procedure during lowering and appearance before grouting.
This procedure imposes a manual workload, which sometimes has to be per-
formed within a very narrow opening, as the appearance of the connection
on the surface of the panel wall is preferably minimized. Often, the assembly
phase is performed inadequately. Poor quality of the grouting process may
lead to a lack of the required structural continuity or to a limited ductility.
The overall performance of the connection is hence not as assumed in the
Another challenge for the designer is the requirement to the reinforcement
used as U-bars. It has to be strong enough to provide the required strength,
on the other hand, the strength cannot exceed the ability of the worker to
straighten the U-bars and the reinforcement has to possess a ductility that
allows for bending and straightening without breaking.
Horizontal section
locking bar
Figure 1.3: New design of shear wall connection, illustrations from Sørensen
et al. (2017b)
The objectives are all improvements of current best practice, as the risk of
errors while handling the important structural connections is reduced and
at the same time, an overall more robust structure is obtained.
2 Theory of Plasticity
3 Test of Mortar in Triaxial Compression -
4 Failure of a Mortar Shear Key -
5 Tensile Capacity of Loop Connections Paper I
6 Tests of Shear Connections Paper II+III
7 Upper Bound Solutions for Shear Connections Paper II
8 Lower Bound Solutions for Shear Connections Paper III
9 Comparison of Upper and Lower Bound Models -
10 Dowel and Catenary Action in Rebars Paper IV
Paper III (Sørensen et al., 2018) and the theoretical results are compared
with the experimental results presented in Chapter 6.
Chapter 9 evaluates the developed upper and lower bound models. The
solutions supplement each other, and together they can be used to bound the
theoretical exact solution from below and above. The comparisons provide
information for practical application and inputs to the calibration of model
Chapter 10 introduces second-order plastic modeling for the assessment
of available plastic energy in a shear joint. A model is presented that con-
siders the combination of dowel and catenary action in rebars crossing a
casting joint loaded in shear. Paper IV (Sørensen et al., 2017c) contains the
development of the model, and in the chapter it is compared to test results of
a shear connection without shear keys. In addition, a discussion on possible
model extensions is given.
Chapter 11 summarizes the major findings of the experimental results
and draws conclusions on the theoretical models.
As the overall objective of the thesis is focused on the shear connection
design, the chapters are organized towards the assessment of the shear con-
nections. Table 1.2 shows the main bodies of the content as they appear in
the thesis, guiding the reader from the basic mechanisms over test results to
the modeling aspects.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 11 Conclusions
The test results of the following student projects have been included in the
thesis (remaining tests were performed by the author):
Master theses:
Bachelor theses:
f (Q1 , Q2 , . . . , Qn ) = 0 (2.1)
stress components and the generalized strains are the corresponding nine
strain components. The generalized stresses and strains can also be chosen
as sectional forces and corresponding sectional deformation quantities. An
example of the latter is given in Paper IV, also treated in Chapter 10.
Q2 , q2
Q1 , q1
Based on the first two concepts, the lower bound theorem can be established:
From the two remaining concepts, the upper bound theorem can be estab-
fc ft
σ3 σ2 σ1 ϕ
c σ
Separation failure
Sliding failure τ
stress, σ:
|τ | = c − µσ (2.4)
where c is the cohesion and µ is the coefficient of friction. The internal
angle of friction, ϕ, relates to the coefficient of friction by: tan ϕ = µ.
Introduction of a limitation on the tensile stress leads to the definition of a
modified Coulomb material. The related failure mode is a separation failure,
described by the tensile strength of the concrete:
σ = ft (2.5)
The modified failure criterion can be seen in Figure 2.2, where Mohr’s
circle is illustrated as well. The failure of a modified Coulomb material can
hence be assessed by the principal stresses, σ3 ≤ σ2 ≤ σ1 , tension taken as
positive. It should be noted that the magnitude of the intermediate principal
stress does not influence the failure of the material.
In terms of principal stresses, the failure criterion for a modified Coulomb
material can be formulated in the following way:
σ1 − σ 3 σ1 + σ3
= c cos ϕ − sin ϕ (2.6)
2 2
σ1 = f t (2.7)
Introducing the parameter k defined as:
1 + sin ϕ
k= (2.8)
1 − sin ϕ
νt ft
Figure 2.3: Real and idealized stress-strain relationship for structural con-
crete, including indication of effective strengths for plastic analysis
This is primarily due to the fact, that concrete loaded in tension usually
cracks before the reinforcement is activated and when the reinforcement is
yielding the tensile strength of the concrete has vanished.
Plane strain B A
C ft
B fc
Plane stress
Figure 2.4: Failure criteria for plane strain and plane stress conditions
Table 2.1: Dissipation formulas for plane strain and plane stress conditions
for a modified Coulomb material
ft 6= 0
0≤α<ϕ Not possible WA = νfc (1 − sin α) |u|
1 1
ϕ≤α≤π−ϕ WA = νfc (l − m sin α) |u| WA = νfc (l − m sin α) |u|
2 2
π−ϕ<α≤π Not possible WA = νfc (1 − sin α) |u|
ft = 0
0≤α<ϕ Not possible WA = νfc (1 − sin α) |u|
1 1
ϕ≤α≤π−ϕ WA = νfc (1 − sin α) |u| WA = νfc (1 − sin α) |u|
2 2
π−ϕ<α≤π Not possible WA = νfc (1 − sin α) |u|
Sand < 4 mm
Aggregate > 4 mm
Cement paste
Ingredient Mixture
Sand 0-4 mm
Aggregates > 4 mm
fc ft
4σ − f
1 c
σ3 = max (3.1)
3σ1 − 1.5fc
The criterion can be seen in Figure 3.3. This relation captures the test
results of normal and high strength concrete better, however, it still consti-
8 σ3 = 4σ1 − fc
7 4
5 σ3 = 3σ1 − 1.5fc
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 fc
Figure 3.5: Test setup used by Dahl, illustration from (Dahl, 1992c)
The testing equipment used in the campaign was identical to the equip-
ment used by Dahl (1992b), Hansen (1995), and Nielsen (1998). The cross
section of the triaxial cell is depicted in Figure 3.5 and the reader is referred
to Dahl (1992c) for a detailed description of the test setup and the test
procedure. It is emphasized that the load applied was first a hydrostatic
pressure until a predefined confinement level (the design of the cell ensured
a hydrostatic stress state when applying oil pressure in the chamber) before
imposing additional axial compressive load until failure of the specimen.
Failure was defined as the point where axial deformation continued without
a further increase of the load. For each mixture, only one test was performed
at the same confinement pressure. Nevertheless, the expected smooth fail-
ure envelope was captured well, which is explained by the controlled testing
conditions, where failure was observed gradually and not instantly.
Table 3.2: Mixtures used in the triaxial test program, values given in kg/m3
Project a Project b
Mixture C2a C4a C8a C16a C4b C8b C16b
12 12
C16a (71%) k=4 C16b (75%) k=4
C8a (61%) C8b (67%)
10 C4a (56%) 10 C4b (68%)
C2a (55%) Coulomb k = 4
8 Coulomb k = 4 8
−σ3 /fc
−σ3 /fc
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
−σ1 /fc −σ1 /fc
(a) Mixtures a (b) Mixtures b
Figure 3.8: Test results compared to the Coulomb failure criterion with k = 4
(corresponding to ϕ = 37◦ )
5 5
C16a (71%) C16b (75%)
C8a (61%) C8b (67%)
4 C4a (56%) 4 C4b (68%)
C2a (55%) k=4 Coulomb k = 4 k=4
Coulomb k = 4 Coulomb k = 3
Coulomb k = 3
−σ3 /fc
−σ3 /fc
3 3
k=3 k=3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
−σ1 /fc −σ1 /fc
(a) Mixtures a (b) Mixtures b
Figure 3.9: Test results from all mixtures in the low confinement region
test results of Nielsen (1998), who suggested the same value for high strength
The results also show that the mixtures with a maximum grain size of
dmax = 8 mm have a smaller strength increase than the mixtures with 16
mm grains. However, a larger strength increase is observed for the mixtures
with maximum 8 mm grains than for the mixtures with maximum 4 mm
grains. This leads to the conclusion that an increase in maximum grain
size positively influences the triaxial strength. Yet, the conclusion is partly
based on a simultaneous increase in aggregate volume content, which also
influences the properties.
12 12
C16a (71%) C16b (75%)
k=4 C8b (67%) k=4
C8a (61%)
10 C4a (56%) 10 C4b (67%)
C2a (55%) Coulomb k = 4
Coulomb k = 4 Coulomb k = 1
8 8
Coulomb k = 1
−σ3 /fc
−σ3 /fc
6 6
4 4
k=1 k=1
2 2
0 0
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
−σ1 /fc −σ1 /fc
(a) Mixtures a (b) Mixtures b
Figure 3.10: Test results from all mixtures in the higher confinement region
describe an internal angle of friction of 30◦ for low confinement pressures and
conservatively ϕ = 0◦ can be suggested for the higher confinement region.
The coefficients to adopt would then increase with increasing maximum grain
size and aggregate content of the mixtures.
From a micromechanical point of view, the change in inclination of the
failure envelope can be interpreted as a transition to failure only in the
cement paste without any significant additional strength gained from the
aggregates. This is in accordance with the findings of Palaniswamy and
Shah (1974) who observed that the fracture of concrete at low confinement
pressures was governed by bond failure (between aggregates and cement
paste) whereas the failure at high confining pressures was governed by paste
mentioning that the C16b mixture deviates more from the Coulomb crite-
rion with k = 4 at higher confining pressures than the C16a mixture. As the
compressive strengths and maximum grain sizes were similar, the difference
must be found in the aggregate content. It seems that an increase in volume
percentage above a certain limit does not have a positive influence on the
triaxial strength at high confining pressures. Alternatively, the difference
can be explained by the quality of the aggregates used.
7 7
k=3 k=3
6 6
k=4 k=4
5 5
−σ3 /fc
−σ3 /fc
4 4
3 3
C4a (56%)
2 2
C4b (68%)
Dahl (52%) C8a (61%)
1 Smee (53%) 1 C8b (67 %)
Palaniswamy Dahl (61%)
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
−σ1 /fc −σ1 /fc
(a) dmax = 4 mm (b) dmax = 8 mm
Figure 3.11: Comparison of test results with identical maximum grain sizes
gate content and the maximum grain size generally have a positive influence
on the triaxial strength.
Figure 3.12: Thin section of untested specimen with a maximum grain size
of 4 mm
The first phenomenon initiates before reaching the peak strength as the
interfacial zones between the aggregates are bond zones with a higher poros-
ity than the cement paste and the aggregates. Failure of this zone (by crush-
ing) explains the initial inelastic compaction of the cylinder. An increase of
the load induces cracking either in the cement paste (phenomenon 2) or
through the aggregates (phenomenon 3) depending on the local strengths
of these. By a combination of the phenomenons, shear cracks form in and
around the aggregates. The development of shear cracks changes the volu-
metric behavior from compaction to dilatation (volume expansion).
In the following, the main observations from thin section analysis of a
specimen tested with a confinement pressure of 1.62fc will be presented. The
confined strength of the concrete corresponded to 4.06 fc . Figure 3.13 shows
an example of the crack pattern at the midsection of the deformed cylinder.
Figure 3.13(a) shows where the thin section analysis was performed on the
longitudinal section of the cylinder (cylinder cut in half) and also the specific
area where the crack pattern was observed. All three phenomenon’s were
present at the midsection, see Figure 3.13(b). Crushing of the interfacial
zone was less pronounced compared to cracks through the cement paste
and through the aggregates. A high number of failed aggregates was also
observed at the midsection for specimens tested with smaller confinement
pressures. However, tests conducted with a higher confinement pressure
generally led to a larger extent of cracked aggregates.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.14: Apperance of cracks at (a)+(b) the side of the cylinder and
(c)+(d) at the top section of the specimen
At the sides of the cylinder, see Figure 3.14(b), fewer cracks through the
aggregates were observed. The cracks in the cement paste had a vertical
orientation or a slightly inclined orientation. The cracks appear primarily
around the aggregates and cracks only developed through the weak grains.
Generally, fewer cracks were observed near the side of the specimen compared
to the midsection and they were more difficult to identify.
At the top section the cracks consisted primarily of horizontal cracks
both in the interfacial bond zone but also in the paste, see Figure 3.14(d).
Combining the observed crack patterns with the shape of a tested speci-
men (see e.g. Figure 3.7), the overall crack pattern in the cylinder can be
established, see Figure 3.15. The shape can be described as an hour-glass
shape, where the top and bottom parts of the cylinder may be considered as
cones. Along the cones, cracks develop with an inclined orientation towards
the midsection of the specimen. In the remaining part of the cross section,
additional cracks develop to accommodate the overall volume expansion of
the specimen. This includes horizontal cracking of the top and bottom part
of the specimen.
? For low confinement pressures (up to about 0.5 − 0.6 fc ) the shape of
the failure envelope can be considered as linear.
? When combining the findings of the low and high confinement regimes,
the convex failure envelope of both mortar and concrete, can with
reasonable accuracy be described by a simple bi-linear extension of
the Coulomb failure criterion (when reasonable k factors are adopted
reflecting the proportions of the mixture).
Figure 4.1: Push-off test setup used for tests of an indented interface con-
taining a single shear key
a 72.78 kN
b 75.12 kN
T40 40 mm 42.1 MPa 35.3 MPa
c 75.68 kN
d 80.11 kN
a 97.22 kN
T50 b 50 mm 42.5 MPa 34.4 MPa 97.92 kN
c 98.60 kN
a 109.80 kN
T60 b 60 mm 39.9 MPa 36.3 MPa 112.03 kN
c 122.46 kN
a 123.90 kN
b 124.84 kN
T70 70 mm 38.8 MPa 36.7 MPa
c 127.52 kN
d 132.90 kN
a 136.54 kN
T80 b 80 mm 35.4 MPa 33.8 MPa 138.71 kN
c 138.99 kN
dry joints or joints with epoxy applied. None of these are traditionally used
for joints in buildings. Connections cast in-place with mortar are usually
used, and the current investigation provides experimental evidence of the
failure of such a key, when the anchorage conditions for the reinforcement
are sufficient to develop yielding.
treated before casting the mortar against it. The concrete mixture had a
maximum grain size of dmax = 16 mm, whereas the mortar was a commercial
mortar with dmax = 2 mm. The depth of the key, dk , was for all specimens
equal to 10 mm. The only geometric parameter varied was the key length,
Lk . The in-plane dimension of the key was equal to the specimen’s width
(200 mm) to allow for detection of key failure on the surface of the specimen.
Five key lengths were tested, see Table 4.1 for details on geometry, material
strengths (fc,C is the compression strength of the concrete and fc,M is the
compression strength of the mortar), and the recorded peak loads, VPeak .
The interface was reinforced with four rebars with a diameter of d = 6
mm placed perpendicular to the interface. The reinforcement had a yield
strength of fy = 607 MPa and an ultimate strength of fu = 705 MPa.
Lk = 40 mm
Lk = 50 mm
Lk = 60 mm
Lk = 70 mm
Lk = 80 mm
V [kN]
0 5 10 15
Shear displacement [mm]
It can be seen, both from Table 4.1 and Figure 4.2, that a larger key area
increased the first peak load.
The complete key cut off means that the residual capacity after peak
load was governed primarily by the capacity of the reinforcement. The test
results in Figure 4.2 demonstrate that the residual load levels varied less
than the peak loads, when the key length was varied.
(a) Lk = 40 mm
(b) Lk = 70 mm
Figure 4.3: Observed failure planes after testing, representative for all spec-
imens in the experimental campaign
Figure 4.4: Development of key failure around peak load, Specimen T40d,
detected by use of DIC (major principal strain displayed)
Figure 4.5: Detection of key failure around peak load, Specimen T70c, de-
tected by DIC (major principal strain displayed)
sented stages are carefully selected to show how the fracture developed in the
mortar. Before reaching the peak load, some displacements were recorded
in all parts of the interface except at the lower key corner, see Figures 4.4(a)
and 4.5(a). This shows that the lower part of the keyed interface was in
compression. The distributions of major principal strain show that before
failure (by shearing) initiated, a small amount of displacement (including
dilatation) had taken place in the interface and a diagonal crack had formed
originating from the lower key corner. These observations are in accordance
with the crack patterns observed by Zhou et al. (2005) and Bakhoum (1991)
for dry single key joints.
From the detailed DIC analysis, it is also found that the failure by shear-
ing of the key developed more or less instantly. It was generally observed,
that the failure did not evolve from the key corner. The strain measurements
indicate that the failure developed within the key and then progressed to the
edges of the key, eventually resulting in complete shearing. In this relation
it should be mentioned that the existing diagonal crack closed partly upon
failure and for Specimen T40d, the strains in the indentation was reduced
(compare part (d) to part (c) in Figure 4.4). For Specimen T70c the strains
in the remaining key area were not relieved as much as in Specimen T40d,
however, the diagonal crack closed. It is also observed that the failure plane
for Specimen T70c was not completely straight. This means, that further
shear displacement had to overcome the roughness of the failure plane. As
will be shown in the next section, this entails transverse displacements.
Element Element
in motion at rest
u1 Concrete
Mortar α1
u2 α Reinforcement
Top line
Center line
Bottom line
(the peak load is marked with a green circle). After failure of the shear
key the shear displacements over the crack increases until termination of the
In Figure 4.9 the transverse displacements measured at the center line
is shown. Here, it can be seen, that some transverse displacement can be
measured before reaching the peak load. This corresponds to the crack ini-
tiation shown in Figure 4.4. After the peak load, a drop in load is seen, and
from this point the load and the transverse displacements increase until the
end of the test. In the figure, some displacement regimes (from A to H) are
indicated. These are carefully chosen as characteristic points in the displace-
ment field. Regime A contains the displacement regime before reaching the
peak load, whereas Regime B contains the drop. In these regimes, the rela-
tive shear displacements are small compared to the total shear displacements
and therefore they are difficult to identify in Figure 4.8.
In Figure 4.10 the relationships between the shear displacements and
the transverse displacements for the three lines in the different regimes are
shown (note the differences in units on the axes). For illustrative purposes,
a shear key with a crack corresponding to complete key cut off is also shown.
It should be mentioned that the displacements are relative (the shear dis-
placements on the ordinate only apply to the top line). In general it can be
seen, that the direction of the displacements changes from an initial relative
large inclination to a smaller inclination and in the end of Regime H, the
displacements are almost parallel to the interface.
Force [kN]
30 CD E F G H
0 5 10 15
Shear displacement [mm]
Figure 4.8: Relationship between the recorded load and shear displacements
measured by DIC over the crack in the mortar key, Specimen T40d
Force [kN]
30 AB C D E F G H
0 0.5 1 1.5
Transverse displacement [mm]
Figure 4.9: Relationship between the recorded load and transverse displace-
ments measured by DIC over the crack in the mortar key, Specimen T40d
Shear displacement [mm]
E Shear key
−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0
Transverse displacement [mm]
Figure 4.10: Relative displacements recorded by DIC over the crack in the
mortar key, Specimen T40d
Table 4.2 contains the calculated inclinations (to vertical) of the relative
displacements in the shear key. It is interesting to note that the angles in the
pre-peak regime, Regime A, are in a order of magnitude close to ϕ (which
with reasonable accuracy can be expected to be within 30 − 37◦ ). The drop
in load occurs when the failure of the shear key develops fully (Regime B). In
this regime the angles of the displacements are slightly increased. For further
shear displacements beyond Regime B, the angles decreases and approaches
displacements parallel to the interface.
The general crack pattern and the displacement field observed in a shear
key before and after failure are representative for what can be anticipated
for the behavior of a larger connection with multiple keys. The behavior
can be expected, when tensile yielding of the transverse reinforcement takes
? The peak load of the single key interface was associated with failure
of the shear key and a larger key area led to a larger peak load.
? The residual load carrying capacity after failure of the shear key was
governed primarily by the capacity of the reinforcement.
? The failure of the shear key was detected by use of digital image corre-
lation. The failure by complete shearing of the key developed quickly,
without a significant increase of load, once the crack initiated.
? The failure of a mortar key loaded in shear was associated with trans-
verse displacements.
This chapter contains an evaluation of the tensile capacity of the new loop
connection design. The chapter is based on Paper I where upper bound
plastic models for the tensile capacity of ’2-on-2’ loop connections were de-
veloped. The models give information on the amount of lacer reinforcement
that should be provided in a loop connection in order to obtain yielding in the
U-bars and thereby avoid a brittle premature failure of the grout. Through
a parametric study, the influence of some parameters on the capacity of the
connection will be highlighted.
When considering a keyed shear connection between precast elements,
the ability of the loop connections to transfer tension is a prerequisite for it
to be able to transfer shear forces. Figure 5.1 shows how a shear load, V ,
can be transferred by uniaxial strut action (compression) between the inden-
tations. The strut action may consist of single struts over one or more shear
keys or a combination of struts with different inclinations, see e.g. Chap-
ter 8. The diagonal compression struts must be accompanied by tension in
the transverse reinforcement (U-bar loops) in order to maintain equilibrium.
This can be seen in Figure 5.1(b) where the vertical force resultant of the
uniaxial stress field between a pair of keys is balanced by the applied shear
load (red arrows), while the horizontal force component must be balanced
by tension in the reinforcement (blue arrows). The largest capacity is ob-
tained when the reinforcement is stressed to yielding, however, this requires
a sufficient strength of the uniaxial compression strut to avoid failure of the
grout. When the reinforcement is stress to yielding, it is possible to obtain
ductile test responses, see e.g. Figure 4.2, where an increase in load was seen
after failure of the shear key.
In the conventional design of shear connections, see Figure 1.2, the longi-
tudinal locking bar provides a passive confining effect on the mortar placed
within the overlapping area of the U-bar loops. Therefore, when the over-
lapping U-bars are placed closely together (i.e. with contact), the strength
of the confined mortar is sufficient to develop yielding in the U-bar loops.
If the overlapping loops are placed with a mutual distance, the capacity of
the compressed mortar might be less than the yield capacity of the U-bars.
This is not considered in design recommendations for shear joints, see e.g.
(CEN, 2004; fib, 2008). Recently Herfelt et al. (2016) developed a numerical
element V V V σc V
(a) (b)
Figure 5.1: (a) Loading of shear wall connection and (b) activation of rein-
forcement, when strut action is developed between the shear keys
method based on finite element limit analysis which accounts for a spacing
between the U-bars, however, in practice such tools are rarely available. For
the new shear connection design, an essential feature is that the U-bars are
placed with a mutual distance. This has to be considered when assessing
the capacity. In this relation, it should be noted that contrary to the con-
ventional design, the inclusion of a vertical locking bar in the new design
does not improve the ability of the loop connections to transfer tension.
the tensile strength of the grout is inspired by the work of Jørgensen and
Hoang (2013) who tested symmetric ’3-on-2’ connections. The geometry is
adjusted to the proposed ’2-on-2’ connection design. The model including
the tensile strength of the grout is inspired by the work of Jørgensen and
Hoang (2015a). A main difference in the development of the models (besides
the change from ’3-on-2’ connections to ’2-on-2’ connections) is that the
works of Jørgensen and Hoang only considered a concrete grout, whereas
this study also considers the use of mortar as grouting material. As shown
in Chapter 3 the material properties of concrete and mortar are different.
The models have to account for this.
Figure 5.2: Failure mechanism for ’2-on-2’ loop connection loaded in tension,
illustrations from Paper I
1.5 1.5
4As fu
↓ νAc fc
1 1 ↑ 4As fy
N/(νAc fc )
N/(νAc fc )
νAc fc
↑ 4As fy
νAc fc
0.5 0.5
↑ 4As fy
1 νAc fc
N/(νAc fc )
Figure 5.3: Comparison between test results and models, reproduced from
Paper I
Table 5.1: Basic values of parameters adopted in the parametric study of the
tensile capacity related to grout failure
s 30 mm fc 30 MPa φ 8 mm φL 12 mm
D 60 mm ϕ 37◦ fy 550 MPa fyL 560 MPa
a 42 mm ν 0.6
b 100 mm
5.1 will be used as basic parameters when performing the parametric study.
α, β, ϕ [rad]
N/(νAc fc )
Eq. 5.2c
β = tan s/H
α, Eq. 5.1
Eq. 5.2a 0.2
0 0
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
s [m] s [m]
(a) (b)
should be noted that for the internal bend diameter of the U-bar loop and
the degree of lacer reinforcement considered, the value of α as calculated by
Equation (5.1) is not applicable for any spacing of the U-bars. Hence, the
capacity is governed by the restriction of the normality condition. In this
relation, it should be mentioned that for the situation where α > β > ϕ
(which is not explicitly covered by Equation (5.2)), the capacity can be
calculated by Equation (5.2a) as well.
For practical applications, a larger amount of lacer reinforcement, i.e.
larger lacer bar diameter, is recommended in order to allow for a larger
spacing between the U-bars. A decrease in the yield capacity of the U-bars
would also allow for a larger spacing.
1.4 ↓ U-bars yielding
N/(νAc fc ) 1
0.4 30◦◦
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
ΦL [-]
↓U-bars yielding
N [kN]
ν = 0.4
ν = 0.6
ν = 0.8
ν = 1.0
0 0.5 1 1.5
Φ L [-]
Figure 5.6: Influence of the effectiveness factor for the grout in compression,
ν, on the tensile strength on the loop connection
N/(νAc fc ) 0.6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
ft [MPa]
Figure 5.7: Tensile capacity of loop connections versus the tensile strength,
ft , of the grout
Figure 5.7 shows the influence of the tensile strength of the grout on the
tensile capacity of the loop connections, using the basic parameters given in
Table 5.1. For comparison, the strength estimated by Equation (5.2) is also
included. As expected, an increase in tensile strength increases the tensile
capacity assessed by the model without lacer reinforcement. It can be seen
that the mechanism assuming yielding of the lacer reinforcement estimates
a higher capacity. For small reinforcement degrees (under-reinforced with
respect to lacer reinforcement) the actual capacity is governed by a combina-
tion of tensile yielding of the lacer bar and a contribution from the residual
tensile strength, as the crack may not be complete stress free at the time
of reinforcement yielding. This combination is, however, rather complex
to model. Therefore, for simplicity, the tensile capacity of under-reinforced
connections has to be estimated by ignoring the contribution from the lacer
reinforcement and include the effective tensile strength of the grout. The
purpose of such a solution is to avoid under-reinforced connections, where
failure is brittle. In practice, however, the connection should always be de-
signed for U-bar yielding, as the most ductile response is obtained by this
and not by failure of the grout.
Precast Precast
element Locking bar, φL element
Locking bar
L k Ak s
hk L
A-A Lk B-B
Grout Grout
Precast Precast b
element element
(a) Conventional design (b) New design
s1 s1
D s1 a
Figure 6.1: Layout of test specimens used in the experimental campaign and
indication of the load application points
of geometrical parameters related to the shear keys and the loop connection
design. A particular feature of the tested connections was that the U-bar
loop connections, as seen in Figure 6.1, were placed outside the indented
The test campaign comprised 64 specimens. In Table 6.1 the campaign
is divided into 7 series, identifying the design and the three different layouts
of loop connections that were tested. In Series 1, the conventional design,
see Figures 6.1(a) and 6.1(c), was tested. The series included 6 identical
specimens denoted R1-R6. In Series 2, the new design with a ’1-on-2’ loop
configuration, see Figures 6.1(b) and 6.1(d), with 8 mm U-bars was tested.
The series contained 4 specimens, S1-S4, with a smooth interface without
shear keys and 8 specimens with shear keys, P1-P8. Tests on this configura-
tion functioned as pilot tests that were used to benchmark the new design
against the conventional design (Specimens P1-P4 had the same amount
of reinforcement in the weakest side of the connection and an identical ge-
ometry of the shear keys as Specimens R1-R6). In Series 3, the ’1-on-2’
configuration was tested with 10 mm U-bars, P9-P12. In Series 4-7 tests
were conducted for the new design with a ’2-on-2’ loop configuration, see
Figure 6.1(e). Series 4 tested 6 mm U-bars and a varying key depth. The
specimens are denoted D followed by a number indicating the key depth.
The results have been presented in Paper III. In Series 5 and 6 specimens
with 8 mm U-bars were tested. These specimens are denoted with roman
numbers and contained in Paper II. Specimens R1-R3 and P1-P4 are also
part of Paper II. Finally, in Series 7 specimens with 10 mm U-bars were
tested. In this series the key length was varied and both mortar and con-
crete was used as grouts. For this reason the specimens are denoted with M
and C followed by a number representing the key length.
Layout b s L hk Lk dk φL Appendix
In the new design, the diameter of the lacer bar was carefully designed
(according to the model presented in Chapter 5) to ensure that the tensile
capacity of the overlapping loops was governed by tensile yielding and not
crushing of the mortar. In the ’2-on-2’ connections, anchorage plates were
mounted in each end of the locking bar in order to eliminate any boundary
effect regarding the anchorage conditions for the locking bar. Table 6.2 con-
tains an overview of the geometrical parameters of the test series. Appendix
B contains all details on the specimens including the recorded first peak
load, PFP , and the ultimate load, PU , recorded at large shear displacements.
the position of the U-bar loops outside the indented zones ensures a bet-
ter structural integrity, than when the loops are placed inside the indented
For small shear displacements, the test results for the new design dis-
played great similarities to the results for the conventional design. For larger
shear displacements, the test responses of the new design proved much more
ductile than the responses of the reference specimens. In the following, ex-
amples of typical load-displacement relationships will be given. This includes
a comparison of the conventional layout with the new layout, as well as a
presentation of additional results, which has not been covered by Papers II
and III.
Figure 6.2: Examples of the two experimentally observed failure modes of the
shear keys
The failure mode of the shear keys could be identified either from ex-
aminations of the specimens after testing or by use of DIC. Contrary to
the results of the single key specimens, where only failure by complete key
cut off was observed, two distinctive failure modes were observed for the
shear connections, see Figure 6.2. For the larger key depths, a failure by
complete key cut off was identified as the dominating failure mode, while
the specimens with smaller key depths could suffer from local key corner
(b) Local key corner crushing and diagonal cracking, Specimen M180A
crushing. In Figure 6.2(a), the interface between the grout and the precast
element has been indicated with a red line to visualize the geometry of the
key. For the failure by local key corner crushing, the contour of the interface
can easily be identified, see Figure 6.2(b). The two failure modes have been
reported in the literature for the conventional loop connection layout, and
as both failure modes were observed for the new design, the observation is
not unique for any of the designs. As will be shown in the following, the
failure mode in the shear keys influenced the load-displacement relationship
of the connection after the failure of the keys had occurred.
The local failure in the shear keys was a part of the global failure mode
of the shear connections. The global failure mode identified for many of the
specimens included a diagonal crack on the surface. This was observed for a
failure by complete key cut off as well as for the local key corner failure, see
Figure 6.3. The extent of diagonal cracking varied for the specimens. Some
experienced one diagonal crack while others experienced several diagonal
cracks. The tests were continued until rupture of the transverse reinforce-
ment and for this reason, the crack pattern that could be assessed after the
test, was not necessarily representative for the global failure mode that ini-
tiated the failure of the shear keys. In Paper II, digital image correlation
(DIC) was used to identify the global failure mechanisms at the instant of
key failure (estimated based on the crack pattern on the surface). In this
relation, it can be mentioned that a failure mode by sliding along the in-
clined interface of the shear key, as described e.g. by Eriksson (1978), was
not observed in the tests.
• The new design displayed a stiffer behavior before reaching the first
peak load.
• The first peak loads (corresponding to failure of the shear keys) were
comparable for identical reinforcement degrees and key geometries.
• The responses after the first peak load were significantly different:
P2↓ P1
P3 ↓
300 P4
P [kN]
0 5 10 15 20 25
Measured longitudinal displacement [mm]
of the connection for the new design compared to the conventional design.
The idealized deformation patterns of the U-bars in the two designs are
summarized in Figure 6.6. It should also be mentioned that some U-bars of
specimens with the new design had deformed as shown in Figure 6.7. It is not
possible to distinguish whether the deformations appeared as a consequence
of very large displacements or if the U-bars deformed as shown during the
entire test (from when plastic deformations were initiated). Nevertheless,
the response curves show that the new design, with an orientation of the
U-bars in the same plane as the precast element and with the double T-
headed lacer bar used as transverse reinforcement, displayed a significant
ductility compared to the conventional design. In this relation, the ability
of the confined concrete core in the U-bar overlaps to remain intact during
displacement is a deciding factor for a ductile response. It was observed that
the response curve of the new design had the ability to increase the load
again after the first peak capacity, and eventually reach a load level similar
to or higher than the first peak load, PFP . The second local maximum was
recorded as PU , see Appendix B. In the ultimate state, the failure of the
specimens with the new design was governed by rupture of the rebars, and
not failure of the grout. This was not always possible to achieve with the
conventional design.
Figure 6.7: U-bar deformation observed with the new design, Specimen P2
Specimen S1
Specimen S2
350 Specimen S3
Specimen S4
P [kN]
0 5 10 15 20 25
Measured longitudinal displacement [mm]
P [kN] 300
D16 A
Failure mode D18 B
D20 B
0 5 10 15
Measured longitudinal displacement [mm]
(a) Complete key cut off
P [kN]
100 D10 B
D12 A
Failure mode D14 B
D16 B
0 5 10 15
Measured longitudinal displacement [mm]
(b) Key corner crushing
In Chapter 4, the failure of the single shear key was associated with dis-
placements in the transverse direction of the joint. This was also observed
for both types of local key failure in the larger shear connections. In Figure
6.10, the relationships between the measured transverse and longitudinal
displacements are shown for the same specimens as the ones referred to in
Figure 6.9. In order to identify jumps in the displacements, the results are
presented as points. For both failure modes, a jump in displacement was
observed around a longitudinal displacement of 1.5 mm. This corresponded
to failure of the shear keys and was also observed in the tests of single key
specimens presented in Chapter 4. The results confirm that the failure by
complete key cut off was more brittle than the local key corner crushing. It
was found that the amount of transverse displacements was small prior to
the failure of the key, and for all specimens, the amount of transverse dis-
placement increased with increasing shear displacement. The relationships
for the complete key cut off appear somewhat linear, whereas the devel-
opment for the failure by local key corner crushing appears slightly more
random. Nevertheless, it can be concluded that the displacement fields for
all specimens included transverse displacements, and that the displacement
fields were influenced by the failure of the shear keys.
2 2
D16 A D10 B
D18 B D12 A
Transverse displacement [mm]
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Longitudinal displacement [mm] Longitudinal displacement [mm]
(a) Complete key cut off (b) Key corner crushing
In Figure 6.11, test results for specimens with 8 mm U-bars are presented
(the results are also presented in Paper II). The test series with 8 mm U-bars
had specimens suffering complete key cut off as well as specimens failing by
local key corner crushing. In the figure, examples of response curves for spec-
imens suffering complete key cut off can be seen (Specimens II2 and VIII2),
where an initial peak load was observed followed by a drop and a subsequent
increase in load until rupture of the reinforcement. Specimen V2 suffered
from local key corner crushing. The load-displacement relationship of this
specimen confirms that the development after initial peak is dependent on
the failure mode of the shear key. Unlike the results shown in Figure 6.9,
the tests with 8 mm U-bars constitute examples, where the residual capacity
can be greater or similar to the load corresponding to failure of the shear
keys. However, a drop in load after key failure was still observed and the
Local key corner crushing
P [kN] ↑
300 Complete key cut off
II 2
0 5 10 15 20 25
Measured longitudinal displacement [mm]
magnitude of the sudden load decrease depended on the failure mode of the
shear keys.
Figure 6.12 shows tested load-displacement relationships for connections
reinforced with 10 mm U-bars. Both concrete and mortar were used as
grout in the test series. All tests showed failure by local key corner crushing
and the load-displacement relationships proved very ductile with no drop
in load. The test results showed no dependency on the key length (similar
Local key corner crushing
P [kN]
100 M120B
Failure mode
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Measured longitudinal displacement [mm]
results for the three key lengths tested). In addition, the test results did not
show dependency on the grout material. The mortar and concrete grouts
used in the test specimens provided more or less the same capacity for the
connections and a similar behavior during the tests.
In general, it can be concluded that the failure by local key corner crush-
ing facilitates a more ductile load-displacement relationship than the failure
by complete key cut off. In addition, it can be concluded that the amount of
transverse reinforcement governs the residual load level after failure of the
shear keys.
results clearly show that the cracking behaviors of the connections were sig-
nificantly different as well. Figure 6.13(a) indicates that diagonal cracks
developed for the conventional design even before reaching the peak load
of the connection. Naturally, the cracking process decreased the stiffness
of the connection as seen in the ascending part of the response curve (the
comparison to the stiffer response curve of the new design is given in Figure
6.4). In the post peak region, when the shear keys had failed, the diagonal
cracks could open widely (partly as a result of the U-bar orientation), see
Figure 6.13(b). The grout therefore gradually lost the ability to maintain
or increase the load level even though the U-bars were pushed towards each
other (the U-bars deformed as shown in Figure 6.5(b)). In the ’1-on-2’ de-
sign, a different crack pattern was observed. Prior to the first peak load,
diagonal cracks had not necessarily developed, see Figure 6.14. With in-
creased shear displacement the diagonal cracks developed over one pair of
shear keys, and not over several keys.
In Paper II, a crack pattern was shown for the ’2-on-2’ design. Less
diagonal cracks were observed in the grout prior to failure of the shear keys
and the observed cracks had smaller crack openings. Figure 6.15 shows
the crack pattern in a late stage of the particular test. Contrary to the
conventional design, where the diagonal cracks were distributed over the
length of the connection, the diagonal cracks in the new design were typically
located around a single pair of shear keys. This was maintained through the
Figure 6.15: Cracks at a late stage of the test, Specimen III2, ’2-on-2’ loop
test, despite the large amount of shear displacement that was imposed to
the connection at that stage (approximately 15 mm). At the remaining
shear keys, the displacements concentrated in the interface, where the shear
keys had failed and the grout maintained the ability to carry additional load
until rupture of the reinforcement. In this relation, it is beneficial that the
transverse reinforcement loops were placed outside the keyed areas, i.e. in
the less cracked zones.
The same crack pattern was observed for the specimens with 10 mm
U-bars. Figure 6.16 shows snapshots of the crack development around the
first peak load for two specimens. As can be seen, diagonal cracks between
opposite keys were most dominant, while the zones where the U-bar loops
overlapped were much less cracked (at least what could be observed on the
surface). This can partly explain the very ductile and nearly perfect plastic
behavior seen on the response curves. It should be noted that it was not
only because of the position of the U-bar loops, but also the orientation of
the loops, as well as the presence of the T-headed lacer bars that ensured a
ductile behavior for the new design.
In Paper II and III, it was shown that the failure of a shear key can be
detected by the use of DIC. In Figure 6.17, an additional example of com-
plete key shearing at the first peak load is given (Specimen D20B). It can be
seen that the crack developed where there was no previously measured strain
(detected on the surface). However, the failure developed clearly as complete
key cut off. The existing strains/openings at the interfaces and in the diag-
onal crack closed at the failure of the shear key. This is in accordance with
the observations presented in Chapter 4. The DIC measurements confirm
the jump in longitudinal displacement caused by the brittle failure of the
shear key. In this relation, it can be mentioned that the crack appearance
on the surface of the connection indicated that the contour of the failure
plane was not completely parallel to the line of loading. This confirms that
additional longitudinal displacement in the post peak regime had to be ac-
companied by displacement in the transverse direction. This is again similar
to the results of the single key tests.
In Figure 6.18(c), a crack pattern including local key corner crushing and
diagonal cracks is shown. Figure 6.18(a) and (b) show the development of
a diagonal crack as the load-displacement curve enters the regime of plastic
deformations (after failure of the shear keys). The small key depth (10 mm)
favors a failure by local key corner crushing. In this relation, it should be
mentioned that the failure by local crushing of the key corner cannot be
detected as easily as the failure by complete key cut off. For this purpose,
the failure of the key corner is too localized in a too narrow zone.
The local failures of the keys in combination with the diagonal cracks
form the global mechanism. As discussed above, a failure of the key cor-
ners provides the most ductile load-displacement response. The specimens
of the series with ’2-on-2’ connections with 10 mm U-bars are excellent ex-
amples of an ideal combination of key geometry (primarily in terms of key
depth) and reinforcement strength that ensures an almost perfect plastic
load-displacement relationship.
? The first peak load of the keyed shear connections was governed by
failure of the shear keys.
? Two different failure modes were observed in the shear keys - complete
key cut off (larger key depths) and local key corner crushing (smaller
key depths).
? Failure by local key corner crushing resulted in the most ductile be-
havior for the connection.
? The orientation of the U-bars and the T-headed lacer bars in the new
design for keyed shear connections ensured a ductile test response for
both types of failure in the shear keys.
Specimens with the new layout, but without shear keys, also expe-
rienced a significant increase in capacity after initiation of plastic
The tests on the new design were all terminated by rupture of
the reinforcement. This could not always be obtained for the
conventional layout.
? The load direction proved important for the ductility of the conven-
tional design, whereas the response of the new design, due to the re-
inforcement layout, is independent of the load direction.
Lk Lk
dk dk
Figure 7.1: The two local failure modes of the shear keys considered in the
development of the model, see also Paper II
• The design of the transverse loop connections allows for tensile yielding
of the U-bars (not failure of the grout)
• The precast elements possess an over-strength compared to the con-
The following notations are introduced for the average shear stress, τ ,
the degree of transverse reinforcement, Φ, and the degree of longitudinal
reinforcement, ΦL (relating to the locking bar):
τ= (7.1)
n + 1 A s fy
Φ= (7.2)
n Ak f c
AsL fyL
ΦL = (7.3)
nAk fc
where Pcal is the calculated shear capacity, n is the number of shear keys
in a connection, Ak is the cross sectional area of a shear key (Lk · hk ), fc is
the compressive strength of the grout, As is the reinforcement area per loop
connection, fy is the yield strength of the U-bars, AsL is the cross sectional
area of the locking bar, and fyL is the yield strength of the locking bar.
Mechanism A
τA 1 − sin αA Φ
= + tan αA (7.4)
νfc 2 cos αA ν
αA = arcsin 1 − , αA ≥ ϕ (7.5)
As diagonal cracking over one pair of shear keys was observed for many of
the test specimens, Mechanism B with a diagonal yield line was introduced.
The diagonal yield line is assumed to span over one pair of shear keys and
the dissipation in this yield line is therefore influenced by the length of the
t t
l l
ut ut
α α
ul u ul u
β Lk
(a) Mechanism A (b) Mechanism B (and D)
keys, Lk , and the width of the joint, b. The relation is expressed by the
angle tan β = b/Lk , see Figure 7.2(b). The capacity is found by:
the dissipation is reduced in such a diagonal crack due to the existing crack
opening at the time where failure of the shear keys take place, see e.g. Fig-
ure 6.13(a). In addition, the inclination of the crack entails that the relative
displacement here has a direction, which is almost perpendicular to the yield
line (meaning almost no dissipation as the tensile strength of the grout is
neglected). Taking these factors into account, the dissipation is deemed to
be relatively small in the diagonal yield line. To simplify the calculation,
this contribution is simply disregarded, when introducing Mechanism D.
However, the contribution from the locking bar is still included. The mech-
anism appears identical to Mechanisms B, see Figure 7.2, and the capacity
is calculated by:
τD n − 1 1 − sin αD Φ ΦL
= + tan αD + (7.8)
νfc n 2 cos αD ν ν
αD = arcsin 1 − , αD ≥ ϕ (7.9)
(n − 1) ν
t t
l l
ut ut
γα γα
ul u ul u
γα u
(a) Mechanism C (b) Mechanism E
Mechanism C
τC dk 1 − sin ϕ Φ
= + tan (γC + ϕ) (7.10)
νfc 2Lk sin γC cos (γC + ϕ) ν
s cos ϕ
γC = arctan
Φ 2Lk cos ϕ
sin ϕ+ 1+
ν dk 1 − sin ϕ
where Lk is the length of the shear key and dk is the depth of the key (see
e.g. Figure 7.1). The mechanism including a diagonal yield line is denoted
Mechanism E, see Figure 7.3(b). Inspired by the simplification introduced
in Mechanism D, the dissipation in the diagonal yield line is also omitted
here. The contribution from the locking bar is included and the capacity
can be calculated by:
Mechanism E
τE n − 1 dk 1 − sin ϕ Φ ΦL
= + tan (γE + ϕ) + (7.12)
νfc n 2Lk sin γE cos (γE + ϕ) ν ν
cos ϕ
γE = arctan n Φ 2Lk cos ϕ (7.13)
sin ϕ + 1 +
(n − 1) ν dk 1 − sin ϕ
It should here be noted that if the dissipation in the diagonal yield line
is taken into account, it will no longer be possible to obtain a closed form
solution for the optimal angle γE . The problem would in this case require an
iterative procedure to solve. Results based on solutions with or without dis-
sipation in the diagonal yield line can be seen in Figure 7.4. The calculations
were performed on the basis of the geometry and the material properties of
the test specimens with 6 mm U-bars, see Appendix B.3. The comparison
shows that it is justified to neglect the dissipation in the diagonal yield line,
when considering Mechanism E. This is due to the fact that the direction of
the relative displacements is almost perpendicular to the diagonal yield line.
0.2 Mechanism C
Mechanism E, without
dissipation in diagonal
0.1 Mechanism E, with
dissipation in diagonal
0 10 20 30 40
dk [mm]
the contribution from the locking bar. The transition between Mechanisms
C and E is of course dependent on the geometry and the number of shear
ilar to the one used for estimation of the tensile capacity of loop connections
(see e.g. Chapter 5):
K 1
ν=√ 1+ √ 6> 1.0, (fc in MPa, Lk in m) (7.14)
fc Lk
Key corner Key cut off
Mechanism A
Mechanism B
Mechanism D
Mechanism C
Mechanism E
Test Results
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Φ [-]
Figure 7.5: Comparison of results from tests on the reference specimens with
the upper bound solutions
Key corner Key cut off
0.2 Mechanism A
Mechanism B
Mechanism C
Test Results
0 10 20 30 40
dk [mm]
(a) 8 mm U-bars
Key corner Key cut off
0.2 Mechanism A
Mechanism B
Mechanism C
Test Results
0 10 20 30 40
dk [mm]
(b) 10 mm U-bars
Figure 7.6: Comparison of results from tests on the ’1-on-2’ connection de-
sign with the upper bound solutions
From Figure 7.6, it can be seen that the upper bound solutions slightly
underestimate the results of the specimens with 8 mm U-bars. The test re-
sults for specimens with 10 mm U-bars are predicted with much better agree-
ment. The predicted failure modes correspond well with the experimental
observations. The results of the comparison are also given in Appendix C.2.
Key corner Key cut off
Mechanism A
Mechanism B
Mechanism D
Mechanism C
Mechanism E
Test Results
0 10 20 30 40
dk [mm]
Figure 7.7: Comparison of results from tests on the new ’2-on-2’ connection
design (6 mm U-bars) with the upper bound solutions
grout and the mortar grout had practically the same compression strength.
Furthermore, comparable specimens (identical geometry) had similar first
peak loads regardless of the grout material. Hence, the overestimation for
specimens with concrete grout must primarily be due to the different K-
values adopted in the effectiveness factor, Equation (7.14). This issue will
be discussed further in the Section 7.3.4.
Key corner
Mechanism A
Mechanism B
Mechanism D
Mechanism C
Mechanism E
Test Results
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Φ [-]
Key corner Key cut off
Mechanism A
Mechanism B
Mechanism D
Mechanism C
Mechanism E
Test Results
0 10 20 30 40
dk [mm]
Figure 7.8: Comparison of results from tests on the new ’2-on-2’ connection
design (8 mm U-bars) with the upper bound solutions
It can also be seen that the failure mode of the shear keys is not predicted
correctly for all the specimens. The tests showed local key corner crushing
(due to the small key depths) in all specimens and for the smaller key lengths
the theory predicts failure by complete key cut off. This can be explained
by the model parameters adopted for the local mechanisms, including a size
effect (in terms of the key length, Lk ) incorporated in the effectiveness factor.
This will be further discussed below.
Key corner
Mechanism A
Mechanism B
Mechanism D
Mechanism C
Mechanism E
Test Results
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Φ [-]
(a) Concrete grout
Key corner
Mechanism A
Mechanism B
Mechanism D
Mechanism C
Mechanism E
Test Results
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Φ [-]
(b) Mortar grout
Figure 7.9: Comparison of results from tests on the new ’2-on-2’ loop con-
nection design (10 mm U-bars) with the upper bound solutions
the test results for specimens with 8 mm U-bars very well. On the other
hand, the results for specimens with 6 mm U-bars are underestimated, while
the results for specimens with 10 mm U-bars are overestimated. Especially,
the test results related to concrete grout are overestimated. In the following,
some of the model parameters will be evaluated. The agreement between the
tests and the calculations are presented as a test-to-calculation ratio based
on the recorded first peak capacity, PFP , and the calculated capacity for each
specimen, Pcal . Naturally, the results are dependent on the model parameters
and the choice of effectiveness factor. In the following, the influence of some
of these parameters will be outlined. The results are contained in Appendix
C, where the observed and the calculated local failure modes of the shear
keys (corner crushing or key cut off) also are included.
PF P /Pcal
0.4 Reference
1-on-2: 8 mm
2-on-2: 6 mm
0.2 2-on-2: 8 mm
2-on-2: 10 mm M
2-on-2: 10 mm C
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Φ [-]
(a) Key corner crushing
PF P /Pcal
0.4 1-on-2: 8 mm
1-on-2: 10 mm
2-on-2: 6 mm
2-on-2: 8 mm (Lk )
2-on-2: 8 mm (dk )
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Φ [-]
(b) Complete key cut off
Figure 7.10: Ratio between tested and calculated peak loads versus the degree
of transverse reinforcement
Despite the overall decent agreement between the test and the calculated
results, it seems that an even better agreement can be obtained by taking the
connection width into account when establishing the upper bound solutions.
A possibility is to incorporate an empirical relation into the formula for the
effectiveness factor, as b otherwise only will be included in the solutions, if
dissipation in diagonal yield lines is considered. However, the dissipation in
the diagonal yield line is relatively small, confer e.g. Figure 7.4. A greater
connection width entails a larger inclination of the diagonal yield line to
vertical and thus smaller dissipation of energy - or a governing solution that
PF P /Pcal
0.4 Reference
1-on-2: 8 mm
2-on-2: 6 mm
0.2 2-on-2: 8 mm
2-on-2: 10 mm M
2-on-2: 10 mm C
60 80 100 120 140
b [mm]
(a) Key corner crushing
PF P /Pcal
0.4 1-on-2: 8 mm
1-on-2: 10 mm
2-on-2: 6 mm
2-on-2: 8 mm (Lk )
2-on-2: 8 mm (dk )
60 80 100 120 140
b [mm]
(b) Complete key cut off
Figure 7.11: Ratio between tested and calculated peak loads versus the con-
nection width
PF P /Pcal
0.4 1-on-2: 8 mm
1-on-2: 10 mm
2-on-2: 6 mm
2-on-2: 8 mm (Lk )
2-on-2: 8 mm (dk )
25 30 35 40 45 50
fc [MPa]
(a) Compressive strength
PF P /Pcal
0.4 1-on-2: 8 mm
1-on-2: 10 mm
2-on-2: 6 mm
2-on-2: 8 mm (Lk )
2-on-2: 8 mm (dk )
100 120 140 160 180 200
Lk [mm]
(b) Key length
PF P /Pcal
0.4 Reference
1-on-2: 8 mm
2-on-2: 6 mm
0.2 2-on-2: 8 mm
2-on-2: 10 mm M
2-on-2: 10 mm C
25 30 35 40 45 50
fc [MPa]
(a) Compressive strength
PF P /Pcal
0.4 Reference
1-on-2: 8 mm
2-on-2: 6 mm
0.2 2-on-2: 8 mm
2-on-2: 10 mm M
2-on-2: 10 mm C
100 120 140 160 180 200
Lk [mm]
(b) Key length
Nevertheless, the current test results do not seem extensively affected by the
use of Equation (7.14) for prediction of PFP . Only a 7 % change in ν is seen,
when using Lk = 120 mm compared to Lk = 180 mm. The influence of Lk
and fc can in this case not be independently evaluated, as the size effect in
the end also is related to the brittleness.
only three values of b have been tested in the experimental campaign. For
practical applications, this means that the design should not deviate sig-
nificantly from a tested connection geometry, if upper bound solutions are
used for strength prediction. If the geometry deviates significantly from the
experimental database, a more detailed analysis, than what is provided by
the unsafe nature of the upper bound method, should be adopted. This can
be done e.g. by use of stress fields, which will be a safe solution, where the
specific geometry of the keyed connection can be taken into account in a
more detailed manner (see Chapter 8).
? The developed upper bound solutions account for the two observed
failure modes of the shear keys - complete key cut off and local key
corner crushing.
? The solutions can be used both for the conventional design and the
new design (’1-on-2’ and ’2-on-2’ loop connections were considered).
? The effectiveness factor should include correction terms for both ma-
terial brittleness and size effects.
(a) (b)
h=H a Δ
h =2H + Δ a
FIGURE 8.32Figure 8.1: Stress fields for the single-strut solution, showing (a) a strut over
Strut action between
one sheartwo
and (b) keys.
shear keys, illustrations from Nielsen and Hoang (2011)
loop configurations). This value was also adopted in Nielsen and Hoang
(2011) and Herfelt et al. (2016). In Paper IV, a discussion is given for
the value of µ to be adopted for a greased interface. For consistency, the
same value of µ = 0.3 is adopted for the comparison between test results of
specimens with greased interfaces (reference specimens and specimens with
’1-on-2’ loop configurations) and the lower bound solutions.
Lk Lk
s s
σA,1 σA,2
l l
t t
σA,1 σA,2
b b
(a) Solution 1 (b) Solution 2
Figure 8.3: The two stress fields considered, illustrations from Paper III
the limiting case of zero key depth (dk = 0), where the single-strut solution
predicts no capacity, while the current solutions predict a capacity stemming
solely from friction.
A large number of combinations of uniaxial struts can be considered
when developing lower bound solutions. The most simple solution is based
on a combination of struts, which span over one or two shear keys, see
Figure 8.3(b). This combination is denoted Solution 2. The stress states in
the struts are uniaxial and the nodal zones in the key corners are stressed in
biaxial compression (hatched area). At the outermost keys of the connection,
the stress transfer is asymmetric in a pair of shear keys, as no strut is assumed
to develop towards the end of the connection. In this relation, it should be
mentioned that any potential locking bar is disregarded in the modeling.
Figure 8.4 shows the stress fields in the key corners for the two solu-
tions. In Solution 1, the nodal zones are identical at both ends of the strut
(Triangle I) due to symmetry. In Solution 2, three triangular zones can be
identified. In these zones, the stress is transferred from the struts to the pre-
cast elements (see Paper III for details). A main feature of the stress field in
Solution 2 is that the grout is stressed in the full length of the shear keys (see
the right shear key in Figure 8.4(b)). The stress transfer in the boundary
key (left shear key in Figure 8.4(b)) is identical to the stress transfer in the
key corners of Solution 1.
θk θk
e1 e1
a e e
Lk Lk
σA,1 θA,1 θA,2
e σA,2
θB σB
dk dk dk b dk
(a) Solution 1 (b) Solution 2
Figure 8.4: Geometry of key corners and identification of the nodal zones I,
II, and III in the key corners of the two solutions, illustrations from Paper
criteria for the stress state in the nodal zones (in terms of principal stresses,
compression positive) are adopted:
where τnt is the shear stress and σn is the normal stress acting on a interface.
The criterion applies to the vertical and the inclined parts of the keyed
interface, see e.g. Figure 8.5(a) for distribution of stresses on the boundaries
of Triangle I. In Figure 8.5(b), the stress distributions are expressed in
terms of stress resultants.
τP Pl,1
e1 Pt,1
σn,A σn,C a
At,1 a
l Al,1
t τA τC
dk dk
(a) (b)
Figure 8.5: Homogeneous stress field in the nodal zone of Solution 1, (a)
Stresses along boundaries of Triangle I and (b) resultants of stresses on
boundaries, illustrations from Paper III
The criteria for the interfaces can be described in terms of stress resul-
|Cl,i | ≤ µCt,i , i = 1, 2 (8.7)
P sin θ − P cos θ
l,i k t,i k
≤ µ, i = 1, 2 (8.8)
Pt,i sin θk + Pl,i cos θk
where Equation (8.7) is valid for the vertical part of the shear key and
Equation (8.8) applies to the inclined part of the shear key. The angle θk
is the inclination of the key corner to horizontal, see Figure 8.4. It can
be mentioned that when choosing traditional values of θk (in this relation
meaning values less than 30◦ ) and normal values of µ (≈ 0.7), the friction
criterion of the inclined part of the key will not be critical. The inclination
of the key corner does not affect the results, as long as it is relatively small
(θk < 30◦ ). However, for practical applications, an inclination larger than
0◦ should be used to ensure adequate grouting of the key corners. A value
of θk = 30◦ is adopted e.g. in Eurocode 2 (CEN, 2004) as a maximum limit
to prevent sliding at the key corner.
In relation to force transfer by friction, it should be noted that when
the optimized value of e entails an inclination of Strut A that fulfills the
tan θA,i ≤ µ, i = 1, 2 (8.9)
the stress from Strut A, σA , can be transferred by friction in the keyed
interface of Triangle I and the stress state in Triangle I can be considered
as uniaxial (Equation (8.1) then applies for the stress state in the nodal
In addition to the failure criteria for the grout, the tensile stresses carried
by the U-bars cannot exceed the yield limit:
σs ≤ f y (8.10)
The only parameter left for optimization of the stress field is hereafter
e. By varying the value of e, the stress state in the connection can be
established and checked against the failure criteria.
Solution 2
0.15 ↑
τ /fc [-]
↑Solution 1
Analytical Lower Bound
Single-strut Solution
Numerical Results (FELA)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
dk [mm]
Figure 8.6: Comparison between numerical and analytical lower bound mod-
eling, illustration from Paper III
τ /fc [-]
0.1 Solution 1
Solution 2
Test Results
0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Φ [-]
Figure 8.7: Comparison of results from tests on the reference specimens with
the lower bound solutions (µ = 0.3)
τ /fc [-]
0.1 Solution 1
Solution 2
Test Results
0 10 20 30 40
dk [mm]
(a) 8 mm U-bars
τ /fc [-]
0.1 Solution 1
Solution 2
Test Results
0 10 20 30 40
dk [mm]
(b) 10 mm U-bars
Figure 8.8: Comparison of results from tests on the ’1-on-2’ connection de-
sign with the lower bound solutions (µ = 0.3)
Solution 1
Solution 2
0.3 Test Results
τ /fc [-]
0 10 20 30 40
dk [mm]
Figure 8.9: Comparison of results from tests on the new ’2-on-2’ connection
design (6 mm U-bars) with the lower bound solutions (µ = 0.75)
In Figure 8.10, the test results of the new design reinforced with 8 mm
U-bars are compared to the lower bound model. For the series with varying
key length (Specimens I-IV, see Table B.4), the results are generated by
a variation of the key length. The remaining specimens had different key
depths (Specimens V-IX, see Table B.5), which is why the capacity for these
tests has been plotted as a function of dk . In general, the lower bound model
agrees reasonable well with the test results. For the series with varying key
length, the correlation is rather good and only a noticeable deviation is seen
for the smallest key length (120 mm). The reason for the apparent decrease
in capacity with increasing key length is due to the fact that the area of the
shear key is used in the definition of the shear stress, τ . A greater key length
results in a steeper inclination of the struts and thereby a higher capacity. In
Appendix D.4 increasing values of Pcal is reported for increasing key lengths.
For the series with varying key depths, it is noted that some of the test
results with larger key depths (Figure 8.10(b)) fall below the lower bound
prediction. This is not expected from the extremum theorems of plastic
theory. However, this may be due to the adopted effectiveness factor. For
a compression strength around 30 MPa (the strength of the grout was 30.6
MPa for the test specimens with large key depths), Equation (8.3) predicts
practically no reduction of the compressive strength due to brittleness. In
reality, the average plastic strength of the mortar should most likely be
reduced, even for fc lower than 30 MPa.
τ /fc [-]
0.1 Solution 1
Solution 2
Test Results
100 120 140 160 180 200
Lk [mm]
(a) 8 mm U-bars, varying key length
τ /fc [-]
0.1 Solution 1
Solution 2
Test Results
0 10 20 30 40
dk [mm]
(b) 8 mm U-bars, varying key depth
Figure 8.10: Comparison of results from tests on the new ’2-on-2’ connection
design (8 mm U-bars) with the lower bound solutions (µ = 0.75)
For the ’2-on-2’ test series with 10 mm U-bars, both concrete and mortar
were used as grouts. As the same relations for the effectiveness factor, ν, and
the strength enhancement factor, c, are adopted for the two materials, the
calculations predict the same capacity for the two grouts. The comparison
can be seen in Figure 8.11. It is found that for all specimens, the capacity
is governed by Solution 1, i.e. struts spanning over one pair of shear keys.
This is due to the small key depth used in the tests. Furthermore, it is
seen that the calculations predict the test results better for the longer key
lengths. Again, this is a combination of the small key depth and the length
of the keys (inclination of the struts).
As a concluding remark on the comparison of the lower bound calcula-
tions with test results, it is noted that the developed lower bound model in
all cases provides results that fit the test results better than the single-strut
solution. Higher capacities can be obtained by inclusion of the locking bar
in the model. This extension to the model has not been incorporated in the
current study.
Solution 1
Solution 2
0.3 Tests Mortar
Tests Concrete
τ /fc [-]
100 120 140 160 180 200
Lk [mm]
Figure 8.11: Comparison of results from tests on the new ’2-on-2’ connection
design (10 mm U-bars) with the lower bound solutions (µ = 0.75)
PF P /Pcal
0.8 Reference
1-on-2: 8 mm
0.6 1-on-2: 10 mm
2-on-2: 6 mm
0.4 2-on-2: 8 mm (Lk )
2-on-2: 8 mm (dk )
0.2 2-on-2: 10 mm M
2-on-2: 10 mm C
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Φ [-]
PF P /Pcal
0.8 Reference
1-on-2: 8 mm
0.6 1-on-2: 10 mm
2-on-2: 6 mm
0.4 2-on-2: 8 mm (Lk )
2-on-2: 8 mm (dk )
0.2 2-on-2: 10 mm M
2-on-2: 10 mm C
25 30 35 40 45 50
fc [MPa]
Figure 8.12: Ratio between tested and calculated peak loads versus (a) the
reinforcement degree, Φ, and (b) the compressive strength, fc
PF P /Pcal
0.8 Reference
1-on-2: 8 mm
0.6 1-on-2: 10 mm
2-on-2: 6 mm
0.4 2-on-2: 8 mm (Lk )
2-on-2: 8 mm (dk )
0.2 2-on-2: 10 mm M
2-on-2: 10 mm C
0 10 20 30 40
dk [mm]
PF P /Pcal
0.8 Reference
1-on-2: 8 mm
0.6 1-on-2: 10 mm
2-on-2: 6 mm
0.4 2-on-2: 8 mm (Lk )
2-on-2: 8 mm (dk )
0.2 2-on-2: 10 mm M
2-on-2: 10 mm C
60 80 100 120 140
b [mm]
Figure 8.13: Ratio between tested and calculated peak loads versus (a) key
depth, dk , and (b) connection width, b
Figure 9.1: Expected range of results predicted by the upper and lower bound
solutions, compared with test results of reference specimens (conventional
The plots of the expected range of results for the tests with a ’1-on-2’
loop configuration are shown in Figure 9.2. In this case, the governing upper
bound solutions correspond to Mechanism B (key cut off, indicated with
black color) and Mechanism C (local key corner crushing, indicated with
red color). It is found that the test results for both dimensions of U-bars
fall within the predictions of the upper and lower bound solutions. It can
be mentioned that a greater range is predicted for calculations with 10 mm
U-bars (Figure 9.2(b)). The failure modes predicted by the upper bound
solutions for specimens reinforced with 8 mm U-bars reflect the observed
failure modes, when using the chosen ν-factor. The transition between the
two failure modes (according to the upper bound solutions) is indicated
in the figures. For the specimens reinforced with 10 mm U-bars, correct
prediction of the key failure mode is only obtained for two tests.
Figure 9.3 shows the expected range of results together with test results
for the ’2-on-2’ configuration with 6 mm U-bars. The results of Mechanism
D represent the capacity related to complete key cut off and both Mechanism
C (solid line) and Mechanism E (dashed line) are included for the failure by
key corner crushing. The models provide a very narrow range of expected
results, within which the test results are actually found.
Key corner Key cut off
Key corner
crushing Key cut off
0.3 B↑
τ /fc [-]
Figure 9.2: Expected range of results predicted by the upper and lower bound
solutions, compared with test results of the ’1-on-2’ loop configuration
It should be noted that for very small key depths, the lower bound model
(Solution 1) provides capacities that are greater than the upper bound so-
lution (Mechanism C with local crushing of the key corners). This is incon-
sistent with the extremum theorems of plasticity theory. To obtain results
consistent with the extremum theorems, the upper bound calculations should
be modified to include the friction criterion for the interface and at the same
time fulfill the normality condition at the interface. This would change the
lower limit for α from ϕ = 30◦ (adopted for a mortar) to ϕ = arctan µ = 37◦
(µ = 0.75). There will be no extra dissipation of energy in the upper bound
solution as the dissipation along the interface is zero, when the normality
condition is imposed on a friction criterion without cohesion. In this case,
the upper and lower bound solutions will be identical for dk = 0. This is not
relevant for practical applications, however, consistent with the extremum
Key corner Key cut off
τ /fc [-]
0.2 C↓
0.1 Upper Bound
Lower Bound 1
Lower Bound 2
Test Results
0 10 20 30 40
dk [mm]
Figure 9.3: Expected range of results predicted by the upper and lower bound
solutions, compared with the test results of the ’2-on-2’ loop configuration
with 6 mm U-bars
Figure 9.4 contains the expected range of results for the tests on the ’2-
on-2’ loop configuration with 8 mm U-bars. For the tests with varying key
length, both the upper and the lower bound model captures the observed
tendency well, i.e. increasing τ /fc for decreasing Lk . The reason for the ap-
parent decrease in τ is explained in Chapter 8. For the series with varying
key depth, the models provide a reasonable range of expected results. How-
ever, the test results for specimens with larger key depths lie below the lower
bound prediction. A smaller value of ν would provide a better correlation
for both the upper and lower bound model. This was also discussed for the
lower bound model in Chapter 8.
Figure 9.5 shows the expected range of results for the tests on the ’2-on-2’
loop configuration with 10 mm U-bars. Only the mechanisms corresponding
to local crushing of the key corners are included, as this was the observed
failure mode in the tests. The internal angle of friction adopted in the upper
bound calculations is the one suggested for mortar, i.e. ϕ = 30◦ . It can be
seen that the test results lie well within the range of model predictions. It
is found that the difference between the upper and the lower bound models
increases with decreasing key length. The upper bound model predicts the
experimental tendency better than the lower bound model. On the other
hand, the lower bound model provides a better fit when the key length is
large. This is due to the inclinations of the struts, which are steeper for
larger key lengths and thereby a larger capacity can be predicted.
0.4 ↓D
τ /fc [-]
Upper Bound
0.1 Lower Bound 1
Lower Bound 2
Test Results
100 120 140 160 180 200
Lk [mm]
(a) 8 mm U-bars, varying key length
Key corner Key cut off
τ /fc [-]
0.2 ↓E
Upper Bound
0.1 Lower Bound 1
Lower Bound 2
Test Results
0 10 20 30 40
dk [mm]
(b) 8 mm U-bars, varying key depth
Figure 9.4: Expected range of results predicted by the upper and lower bound
solutions, compared with test results of the ’2-on-2’ loop configuration with
8 mm U-bars
Upper Bound
↓C Lower Bound 1
E Lower Bound 2
0.3 ↓ Tests Mortar
Tests Concrete
τ /fc [-] 0.2
100 120 140 160 180 200
Lk [mm]
Figure 9.5: Expected range of results predicted by the upper and lower bound
solutions, compared with test results of the ’2-on-2’ loop configuration with
10 mm U-bars
oped models. In the previous models only complete key cut off and single-
strut action were considered. Benchmarked against the previous models,
the developed models constitute an improvement, not only in relation to
the prediction of the capacity, but also regarding estimation of the failure
mode of the shear keys. Relating to the test results presented in Chapter
6, an accurate prediction of the failure mode is beneficial when a ductile
load-displacement relationship is required.
? The upper and lower bound models are not based on the same assump-
tions and hence, no exact solution can be obtained from the developed
? In most cases, the upper and lower bound models provide a reasonable
narrow range of expected results. The upper and lower bound models
show the same tendencies.
? The lower bound solutions should be applied, when test results are not
P [kN]
Specimen P10, dk =16 mm
Specimen P11, dk =30 mm
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Measured longitudinal deformation [mm]
(a) Load-displacement relationship (b) U-bar deformation
plastic energy can be obtained from the calculations. However, the model,
in its present form, does not provide the means to perform a complete anal-
ysis of the load-displacement relationship for the keyed shear connections
tested. This is partly because the failure of shear keys is not included in
the model and partly because the displacement field assumed is too simple
compared to the experimental observations on the keyed shear connections.
Chapter 4 showed an example of the displacement field for the failure of a
mortar shear key by complete key cut off, see Figure 4.10. It was found
that the failure process of the key includes transverse displacement over the
crack and furthermore that the angle of the relative displacements varied
with increasing shear displacement. Nevertheless, the second-order model
developed in Paper IV assesses a basic problem, where the capacity is in-
creased due to change of structural geometry. The model can be considered
as an introduction to a simple approach, which has potential for practical
assessment of system robustness, e.g. in structural connections of precast
concrete components.
In this chapter, the general considerations and methods adopted for the
second-order modeling will be presented. As the final results are not as self-
explaining as the solutions obtained from first-order modeling, the formulas
from Paper IV will be repeated in the following. However, only a few compar-
isons between the model and test results from the paper will be replicated.
Instead, the model will be compared to the test results of a shear connection
Casting joint/Interface
P (u) Material 2
P (u) ∆
ments, two plastic hinges must develop in the rebar to accommodate the
displacement. The plastic hinges are developed at the distances l1 and l2 ,
respectively, from the interface. The magnitudes of l1 and l2 depend on the
moment capacity of the dowel and on the local concrete strength on each
side of the interface. In order to comply with compatibility requirements, the
plastic hinges must undergo plastic elongation as well as rotation, θ, when
the shear displacement is increased. Since rigid-plastic material behavior
has been assumed, it is convenient to consider the elongation as a plastic
extension, ∆, concentrated in the plastic hinges. The plastic deformations
are calculated by:
u u1 u2
tan θ = = = (10.2)
l1 + l2 l1 l2
s 2
l1 + l2 l1 + l2 u
∆=− + 1+ (10.3)
2 2 l1 + l2
where u = u1 + u2 , see e.g. Figure 10.2. The plastic deformations can be
regarded as the general strains that correspond to the bending moment, M ,
and normal force, N , acting in the plastic hinges.
The positions of the plastic hinges can be estimated based on equilibrium
considerations (similar to the approach of Rasmussen (1963)). The assumed
displacement field for the rebar implies that local crushing of the concrete
must take place. The actual stress distribution in the concrete is complex
and it is not possible, in this context, to determine the details of the entire
stress distribution. As a simplification, an enhanced average strength, fcc ,
is assumed for the triaxial stress condition of the type developed in the
concrete at the contact zone between the rebar and the concrete:
fcc,i = ci fc,i , ci ≥ 1 (10.4)
where c expresses the enhancement factor for the concrete strength and fc
is the uniaxial compression strength. Index i equals 1 or 2 and refers to the
material on the two sides of the interface. The stress distributions locally in
the concrete at the rebar are assumed to be uniform, see Figure 10.3. In the
undeformed state, i.e. the starting point of the model, the distances l1 and
l2 can be calculated from vertical force equilibrium and moment equilibrium.
The results are given in Equation (10.5) and (10.6):
s v
2 d u fy
l1 = s t (10.5)
3 fcc,1 fcc,1
s v
2 d u fy
l2 = s t (10.6)
3 fcc,2 fcc,2
Mp Mp
l1 l2
V - -
where d is the diameter of the rebar and fy is the yield strength of the rebar.
It should be noted that to fulfill moment equilibrium, the moment in the
rebar at the position of the interface is not zero, when the strengths of the
two materials are different, see moment diagram in Figure 10.3. Hence, to
maintain equilibrium, when fcc,1 6= fcc,2 and when the external action cor-
responds to pure shear, tension must develop in the rebar, which eventually
leads to a distribution of so-called clamping stresses in the interface. The
tension force in combination with the clamping stresses will then be able to
outbalance the (small) bending moment in the rebar at the interface cross
section. Therefore, the assumption of uniformly distributed contact pressure
is not able to fulfill all equilibrium requirements at u = 0 (i.e. initiation of
pure dowel action), when fcc,1 6= fcc,2 . This is, however, acceptable since
the assumption of uniformly distributed concrete stresses primarily was mo-
tivated by the aim of obtaining a simple estimate of the position of the
plastic hinges. In reality, the rebar will probably experience a combination
of tension and bending, already in the elastic range. When having the same
material on both sides of the interface, i.e. fcc,1 = fcc,2 , Equations (10.5)
and (10.6) are identical with the expression obtained by Rasmussen (1963).
At this point, the mechanism has been established and the positions of
the plastic hinges have been estimated. It should here be mentioned, that
the positions of the plastic hinges are assumed to be fixed as the joint is
dθ dθ du l1 + l2
θ̇ = = = (10.7)
dt du dt (l1 + l2 )2 + u2
˙ = d∆ = d∆ du = q
dt du dt 2 (l1 + l2 )2 + u2
s 2
∆ u u
= 1+ (10.9)
θ̇ 2 l1 + l2
y0 fy
y1 M
d y2 N
Figure 10.4: Full plastic stress distribution in a circular cross section when
subjected to the sectional forces M and N , illustration from Paper IV
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
to the material strengths and the shear displacements. From the rates of
plastic deformations given by the constitutive relations, Equation (10.16), a
relation to the sectional forces of the rebar is obtained. Combining these two
expressions, Equations (10.9) and (10.16), the sectional forces in the rebar
as a function of the shear displacement can be established. The bending
moment in the rebar can be calculated by:
2 2 !!3/2
M (u) u u
= 1− 1+ ≮0 (10.17)
Mp d l1 + l2
It can be seen that for zero shear displacement, u = 0, the bending mo-
ment, M (u), equals the plastic bending moment, Mp , and the load transfer
mechanism corresponds to pure dowel action (the first-order solution). Us-
ing the yield condition for the rebar, Equation (10.13), the tension force in
the rebar, N (u), can be obtained:
!1 !1 u !2
N (u) 2 M (u) 3
M (u) t
3 u
M (u) 3
=1− arcsin − 1− ≯1
N p π M p Mp Mp
from the position of the interface and into the concrete blocks. Due to
the assumed material properties, redistribution of the contact pressure will
take place as u increases. In addition to this, the redistribution of stresses
must take place in such a way that equilibrium can be maintained, when
catenary action starts to develop in the rebar. In the modeling, the effect of
softening (and spalling of concrete) will indirectly be taken into account by
introducing effective lengths, l1,ef and l2,ef , over which the contact pressures,
fcc,1 and fcc,2 , are assumed to act uniformly, see Figure 10.6.
N (u) M (u)
N (u)
M (u)
l1,ef l2,ef
l1 l2
It appears that the effective lengths are identical to the initial lengths,
l1 and l2 , when u = 0. Furthermore, when u has reached a value that
makes M (u) = 0 the effective lengths reduce to zero. It can be interpreted
as a situation, where the rebar will no longer experience contact pressures
between the two hinges, but instead acts as a tie.
Regarding the reinforcing steel, the deformation capacity is also limited,
even though the assumption of rigid-plastic material behavior fits much bet-
ter for the reinforcing steel than for concrete. When exposed to tension, the
600 fy 6
σs [MPa]
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
∆ [mm] ∆max
(a) Stress-elongation relation (b) Aramis results at neck-
ing (major principal strain)
The two parts of the equation reflect the two regimes of the load transfer
mechanism. Equation (10.26a) is valid for N (u) < Np , i.e. a combination
of dowel and catenary action and Equation (10.26b) is valid for N (u) = Np ,
where the capacity stems from catenary action (i.e. pure tension in the
rebar). For u = 0, the capacity stems solely from dowel action.
The value of µ must reflect the properties of the interface. In the liter-
ature, several suggestions have been made for the coefficient of friction to
be applied in different situations. Birkeland and Birkeland (1966) suggested
µ = 1.7 for monolithic concrete and µ = 0.8 − 1.0 for ordinary construction
joints. These values reflect calculation models where all the shear capacity
stems from friction without consideration of dowel action (bending in the
dowel). Other suggestions have been made for a combination of actions.
Engström (1990) introduced a model, where friction is combined with dowel
action using a coefficient of friction of µ = 0.3−0.6 for a concrete-to-concrete
interface. Randl and Wicke (2000) also considered a combination of tension
and bending in the rebar with interface friction using µ = 0.5 for smooth
interfaces. However, the mentioned works did not provide a link between
the shear displacement and the sectional forces in the rebar. When this link
is established, the coefficient of friction should reflect the properties of the
interface alone. This is the same property that was sought in Paper III,
where µ = 0.75 was used for the smooth (and untreated) joints. For tests
with greased interfaces, µ = 0.3 was adopted in Paper IV.
20 ↓
Force [kN]
Pf (µ = 0.3)
0 5 10 15
Displacement [mm]
Elastic Regime
Plastic Regime
Force [kN]
0 5 10 15 20 25
Shear displacement [mm]
(a) 1 rebar
Elastic Regime
140 ←
Plastic Regime
120 →
Force [kN]
0 5 10 15 20 25
Shear displacement [mm]
(b) 4 rebars
Figure 10.9: Comparison of second-order model with test results (a) with one
rebar and (b) with four rebars, graphs from Paper IV
Figure 10.9 shows the comparison between the model and results from
tests, where concrete was used on one side of the interface and mortar was
cast on the other side (concrete-to-mortar interface). For details on material
properties and test setup, see Paper IV. It is seen that reasonable agreement
is obtained in the entire displacement regime and that the load level at the
onset of plastic deformations is predicted fairly well. In the figure, calcula-
tions of an upper and lower limit for the expected test results are included.
The lower limit is calculated by use of the yield strength of the reinforcement,
fy , as this strength governs the onset of plastic deformations. However, as
can be seen in Figure 10.7(a) the reinforcement hardens already at relatively
small strains/elongations. For this reason the calculations based on the ul-
timate strength of the reinforcement, fu , is also included as an upper limit.
Such reasoning was also made by Mirzaei (2010) and Fernández Ruiz et al.
(2013) for the post-punching behavior of flat slabs. In the comparisons, an
estimate of the elastic displacements has also been included (represented as
a horizontal shift of the plastic load-displacement curve). The calculations
were performed based on the analogy of a beam on an elastic foundation
with a constant stiffness, see Paper IV for details.
From the comparison, it is also seen that the estimate for the maximum
displacement, i.e. umax , which depends on the experimentally determined
∆max , corresponds fairly well with the maximum displacement obtained in
tests. In the calculations ∆max = 3 mm was used. Paper IV contains addi-
tional comparisons between the model and test results. The tests comprised
specimens with 1, 2, and 4 rebars crossing the interface. The tests showed
that the position of the rebars provided results that were proportional to
each other, i.e. there were no interaction between the crushed zones of the
Figure 10.10: (a) Local crushing at rebars at the casting joint and (b) de-
flected shape of ruptured rebar, illustrations from Paper IV
concrete. This can be seen in Figure 10.10(a), where the concrete clearly was
crushed and, to some extent, had spalled off at the interface. Moreover, Fig-
ure 10.10(b) shows an extracted rebar after a test. From these observations,
it appears that the model assumptions of concrete crushing and formation
of plastic hinges in the rebar are fair assumptions.
As a general remark, it should be noted that a higher compressive strength
of the materials leads to a higher load at the transition to the non-linear be-
havior, i.e. at full dowel action. However, a higher compressive strength
also leads to a decrease in displacement capacity. Therefore, a lower com-
pressive strength of the concrete/mortar is beneficial for catenary action,
because this requires plastic deformation over a longer length of the rebar
and at the same time makes it easier for the rebar to cut its way through
the concrete/mortar.
inforcement have been isolated (see right hand side of Figure 10.11). It
appears that the difference to the response curve, where the displacements
are measured over the entire width of the connection (see Figure 6.8), is not
great. At the time of rupture of the first rebar (u ≈ 15 mm), the difference
amounts to approximately 3.5 mm. When comparing the DIC measured
displacements to the second-order model, the same parameters as adopted
in Paper IV can be used. The interface/joint had a precast concrete element
on one side (c1 = 5) and an in-situ cast mortar on the other side (c2 = 4).
In addition, the interface was greased before casting the connection grout
(µ = 0.3). The connection grout was tested to a compressive strength of
fc,2 = 43.0 MPa. Unfortunately, the compressive strength of the precast ele-
ment was not tested in the experimental campaign. Therefore, the strength
has been estimated, and a value of fc,1 = 50 MPa was used in the calcula-
tions. The comparison between the extracted load-displacement relationship
of the weakest side of the shear connection, where 8 rebars crossed the cast-
ing joint, and the model, can be seen in Figure 10.12(a).
The model underestimates the load carrying capacity at the onset of
plastic deformations (i.e. the first-order solution). However, the develop-
ment after transition to pure catenary action is captured surprisingly well,
including the estimate of the displacement capacity, umax , (∆max = 3 mm
was adopted in the calculations). In Figure 10.12(b), the DIC measured
transverse displacements across the interface are presented. For correlation
between the measured displacements, some characteristic points have been
indicated in the figures. On an overall level, it can be concluded that the as-
sumption of pure shear displacement is a relatively good model assumption
in this particular case (only a maximum of 0.3 mm transverse displacement
compared to longitudinal displacements of 10 mm at the same instance).
However, it is found that as the in-elastic displacement regime is entered,
the shear displacement is accompanied by an increase in transverse displace-
ment. The transverse displacements would be far more pronounced in the
case of keyed shear connections, when shear displacements are imposed after
failure of the shear keys.
Although the model does not agree with the test results in all aspects,
the model furnishes a simple tool for robustness assessment. In this relation,
the underestimation seen at small shear displacements in Figure 10.12 is not
decisive in a robustness consideration, as the main concern is the amount of
dissipated energy, i.e. the area under the curve. In this respect, the model
seems to be able to provide a reasonable estimate of the available plastic
Elastic Regime Model
← Specimen S4
→ Regime
P [kN]
0 5 10 15 20 25
Measured longitudinal displacement [mm]
P [kN]
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Measured transverse displacement [mm]
Figure 10.12: (a) Comparison of second-order model with test results ob-
tained from DIC and (b) DIC measured transverse displacements, Specimen
P (u) Material 2
Idealized plastic deformations
Material 1 t ω
v u d
Rebar, diameter d
fcc,1 ∆
u2 + θ
u u1
θ d
Plastic hinge θ
l1 l2 =
P (u) ∆
? The kinematic relations for the mechanism and the normality condition
of plastic theory were combined to establish a unique link between the
shear displacements and the sectional forces in the rebar.
? The yield condition of a circular cross section was used for the rebar.
This constitutes an improvement compared to the use of the yield
condition of a rectangular cross section.
? Despite the simplicity of the model and the relatively small number
of required input parameters, the developed second-order plasticity
model has the potential for assessment of structural robustness.
the governing crack, showed that the shearing of a mortar key was
associated with dilatation.
In conclusion, the test results on the new design for keyed shear connec-
tions were very promising. Regarding ductility, the new design is superior to
the conventional design. The developed theoretical models showed an over-
all satisfying agreement with the test results and it can be concluded that
the models furnish a sound theoretical basis for assessment of the ultimate
behavior of keyed shear connections. Due to the large load carrying capac-
ity and the ductile behavior that can be obtained by the new design, the
connection type has potential for use in high rises and other heavily loaded
structures build by the precast method.
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Appendix A
Appendix B
Figure B.1 shows the layout of the test specimens, including definition of
geometric parameters and the three different loop configurations tested.
A-A (see Figure 6.1)
Precast D
Locking bar, φL element
(b) Conventional
Lk Ak s B-B D
hk L s1
t s1
(a) Test setup (loop layout of new design) (d) ’2-on-2’ connection
Figure B.2: Test setup with (a) schematic view of the test arrangement and
(b) picture of a specimen placed in the test setup before testing
Table B.3: Tests on the new design, ’2-on-2’ configuration with 6 mm U-bars
Table B.4: Tests on the new design, ’2-on-2’ configuration with 8 mm U-bars
and with a varying key length
Table B.4 contains a test series where the key depth was varied. The key
length was Lk = 140 mm and the key height was hk = 200 mm (equal to
the thickness of the panel). The tests were conducted in relation to student
project d.
Table B.5: Tests on the new design, ’2-on-2’ configuration with 8 mm U-bars
and with a varying key depth
Appendix C
Table C.1: Test and upper bound results, reference specimens designed with
the conventional design
Mean 1.06
Standard deviation 0.07
Table C.2: Test and upper bound results, new design with ’1-on-2’ loop con-
Mean 1.16
Standard deviation 0.03
Mean 1.03
Standard deviation 0.03
Table C.3: Test and upper bound results, new design with ’2-on-2’ loop con-
figuration and 6 mm U-bars
Mean 1.14
Standard deviation 0.02
Table C.4: Test and upper bound results, new design with ’2-on-2’ loop con-
figuration and 8 mm U-bars
Mean 0.99
Standard deviation 0.07
Mean 0.97
Standard deviation 0.02
Table C.5: Test and upper bound results, new design with ’2-on-2’ loop con-
figuration and 10 mm U-bars
Mean 0.92
Standard deviation 0.03
Mean 0.79
Standard deviation 0.04
Appendix D
Table D.1: Test and lower bound results, reference specimens designed with
the conventional design
ID PFP [kN] Pcal,1 [kN] Pcal,2 [kN] Stress component
R1 282.43 216.88 189.76 1.30 σ2,I
R2 303.80 221.76 193.70 1.37 σ2,I
R3 337.42 221.76 193.70 1.52 σ2,I
R4 331.75 261.08 226.20 1.27 σ2,I
R5 300.36 261.08 226.20 1.15 σ2,I
R6 310.02 261.08 226.20 1.19 σ2,I
Mean 1.30
Standard deviation 0.13
Table D.2: Test and lower bound results, new design with ’1-on-2’ loop con-
ID PFP [kN] Pcal,1 [kN] Pcal,2 [kN] Stress component
P1 344.24 232.31 202.25 1.48 σ2,I
P2 347.04 232.31 202.25 1.49 σ2,I
P3 342.49 252.01 218.49 1.36 σ2,I
P4 331.42 252.01 218.49 1.31 σ2,I
P5 341.15 258.75 321.93 1.06 σ2,II
P6 358.52 258.75 321.93 1.11 σ2,II
P7 378.09 271.01 375.18 1.01 σB
P8 370.63 271.01 375.18 0.99 σB
Mean 1.23
Standard deviation 0.21
Mean 1.23
Standard deviation 0.16
Table D.3: Test and lower bound results, new design with ’2-on-2’ loop con-
figuration and 6 mm U-bars
ID PFP [kN] Pcal,1 [kN] Pcal,2 [kN] Stress component
D10A 448.56 279.90 372.35 1.20 σ2,II
D10B 448.62 279.90 372.35 1.20 σ2,II
D12A 471.74 279.90 413.55 1.14 σ2,II
D12B 496.36 279.90 413.55 1.20 σ2,II
D14A 510.91 279.90 453.22 1.13 σ2,II
D14B 519.16 279.90 453.22 1.15 σ2,II
D16A 543.30 279.90 491.21 1.11 σ2,II
D16B 541.57 279.90 491.21 1.10 σ2,II
D18A 540.73 277.69 487.25 1.11 σB
D18B 537.50 277.69 487.25 1.10 σB
D20A 526.62 277.69 496.94 1.06 σB
D20B 517.03 277.69 496.94 1.04 σB
Mean 1.13
Standard deviation 0.05
Table D.4: Test and lower bound results, new design with ’2-on-2’ loop con-
figuration and 8 mm U-bars
ID PFP [kN] Pcal,1 [kN] Pcal,2 [kN] Stress component
I1 379.02 241.05 329.60 1.15 σB
I2 416.59 250.12 345.90 1.20 σB
II1 366.40 290.77 371.53 0.99 σB
II2 414.46 300.32 385.73 1.07 σB
III1 393.04 337.40 400.94 0.98 σB
III2 473.52 347.52 419.16 1.13 σB
IV1 439.44 381.45 446.18 0.98 σB
IV2 478.17 392.20 468.64 1.02 σB
Mean 1.07
Standard deviation 0.09
Mean 1.02
Standard deviation 0.15
Table D.5: Test and lower bound results, new design with ’2-on-2’ loop con-
figuration and 10 mm U-bars
ID PFP [kN] Pcal,1 [kN] Pcal,2 [kN] Stress component
M120A 654.51 414.62 404.82 1.58 σA,1
M120B 646.88 414.62 404.82 1.56 σA,1
M150A 646.43 533.22 470.63 1.21 σA,1
M150B 669.62 536.65 481.82 1.25 σA,1
M180A 607.25 638.02 535.78 0.95 σA,1
M180B 639.55 638.02 535.78 1.00 σA,1
Mean 1.26
Standard deviation 0.27
Mean 1.27
Standard deviation 0.24
Paper I
”Tensile capacity of loop connections grouted with concrete or
Magazine of Concrete Research Magazine of Concrete Research, 2017, 69(17), 892–904
Volume 69 Issue 17
Paper 1600466
Tensile capacity of loop connections Received 31/10/2016; revised 18/01/2017; accepted 02/03/2017
Published online ahead of print 06/04/2017
grouted with concrete or mortar
Keywords: joints/precast concrete/testing, structural elements
Sørensen, Hoang, Olesen and Fischer
ICE Publishing: All rights reserved
This paper presents a study of grout failure in symmetric U-bar loop connections loaded in tension, with focus on
the performance of two grouting materials – concrete and mortar. The study contains an experimental investigation
as well as a rigid-plastic modelling of the tensile capacity. The test specimens consisted of symmetric ‘2-on-2’ loop
connections transversely reinforced with a double T-headed rebar. The amount of transverse reinforcement was
varied, including the limiting cases of specimens with no transverse reinforcement, as well as connections with
sufficient transverse reinforcement to allow yielding of the U-bars. The experimental work showed that connections
grouted with concrete performed better than the connections grouted with mortar. In the theoretical models, the
difference in tested capacity is explained by the difference in the internal angle of friction and in the softening
behaviour of concrete as compared with mortar.
WE rate of external work
WCI rate of internal work from concrete
Ac circular area of U-bar overlap
WSI rate of internal work from steel
AI area of failure plane in U-bar overlap
w/c ratio between water and cement
Ai area of failure plane
α angle between u and yield line
Al area of tensile failure plane
β inclination of yield line to vertical
As reinforcement area of U-bars
ν effectiveness factor, concrete in compression
AsL reinforcement area of lacer bar
νt effectiveness factor, concrete in tension
At area of tensile failure plane
σc concrete stress
a distance between innermost loops
ΦL reinforcement degree, lacer bar
a/c ratio between aggregates and cement
ϕ diameter of reinforcement
b width of joint
ϕL diameter of lacer bar
D internal bend diameter of U-bar
φ internal angle of friction
dmax maximum aggregate size
fc compression strength of grout
fcm mean compression strength of grout
ft tensile strength of grout Introduction
fu ultimate strength of reinforcement This paper presents an investigation into the structural behav-
fy yield strength of reinforcement iour of so-called ‘2-on-2’ loop connections between precast
fyL yield strength of lacer reinforcement concrete elements loaded in tension. The investigation includes
H overlapping length of U-bars rigid-plastic modelling of the tensile capacity as well as experi-
K factor influencing ν mental tests.
l relation between ft and fc
m relation between ft and fc The paper has been prepared as a self-contained research
N tensile load on loop connection article on the topic of loop connections loaded in tension.
Nu ultimate capacity of loop connection However, there is a strong correlation with the development of
Ny yielding capacity of U-bars construction-friendly and ductile shear joints for connection
N0 cracking load of loop connection of precast shear wall elements. A new design of keyed shear
s distance between U-bars wall connections has recently been tested by the authors
ua displacement vector of segment IIa (Sørensen et al., 2017). The principle of the design is illustrated
ub displacement vector of segment IIb in Figure 1(a), which shows two precast wall elements with
ul displacement in the l-direction indented interfaces connected by a joint grouted with either
ut displacement in the t-direction concrete or mortar. The significance of the new design is the
V shear load orientation of the overlapping U-bar loops, which are placed
Magazine of Concrete Research Tensile capacity of loop connections
Volume 69 Issue 17 grouted with concrete or mortar
Sørensen, Hoang, Olesen and Fischer
Horizontal section
Vertical section
U-bar loop
V V Precast
Horizontal section
Lacer bar
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Keyed joint between shear wall elements (see Sørensen et al. (2017)) with ‘2-on-2’ symmetrical loop connections
in the same plane as that of the wall elements. This is different according to the principles presented, the main benefits being
from the classical design (fib, 2008; Hansen et al., 1974) where the narrow connection zone required and the ability to esti-
the plane of the loops is perpendicular to the plane of the mate the capacity of the grout, leading to a ductile design gov-
wall elements. As shown in Figure 1(b), each loop connection erned by yielding of the reinforcement.
in the shear joint is reinforced transversely with a double
T-headed rebar (in the following, termed a lacer bar), in order This study focuses on two main design variables: (a) the dimen-
to enhance the ability of the overlapping U-bars to transfer ten- sion of the transverse reinforcement placed in the loops
sion between the precast elements. As indicated in Figure 1(a), and (b) the composition of the grout material (concrete and
the ability to transfer tension is in fact a prerequisite for the mortar). Ideally, concrete should be used in practice; however,
joint to transfer shear by way of interlock action in the keys for the narrow joints typically found in building structures,
(the horizontal component of the diagonal compressive struts mortar can be a more practical and construction-friendly sol-
formed in the grout between opposite keys must be balanced ution. The behaviour of connections grouted with mortar must
by horizontal tension transfer in the U-bar loops). The test therefore be studied as well.
results reported by Sørensen et al. (2017) showed that this
new design is able to carry larger shear loads and performs in
a much more ductile manner than the classical solution, pro- Previous investigations on loop connections
vided that the U-bars are stressed to yielding. Therefore, in Regarding tensile action in loop connections, Gordon (2006)
order to ensure ductile shear behaviour of the new joint design, introduced the term symmetric unit to describe a connection
it is necessary to develop a method regarding how to detail the where the main reinforcement is placed symmetrically about
layout of the U-bar loop connections, so that the core of grout the longitudinal axis. Gordon tested symmetric ‘4-on-3’ con-
becomes strong enough to enable tensile yielding of U-bars nections as well as non-symmetric connections, and concluded
and prevent premature concrete/mortar failure. that the non-symmetric specimens tended to experience rota-
tions of the joint concrete and to fail at a load level lower
To develop such designs, it is essential to carry out tests on than expected. Therefore, when loop connections are used to
specimens where concrete/mortar failure actually takes place, transfer tensile action, the symmetry condition should be ful-
and to develop models that can estimate the tensile capacity filled. Leonhardt et al. (1973) were the first to publish results
related to failure of the grout materials. It is in this broader of tension tests of symmetric ‘2-on-2’ loop connections (i.e. two
context that the present experimental programme and the theo- U-bars overlapping two other U-bars). In their programme,
retical study should be viewed. However, the design method the overlapping U-bars were placed closely together with no
is not limited to application in shear walls only. A number spacing in between. The specimens were cast in one sequence
of tensile connections in structural concrete can be designed without casting joints, and transverse reinforcement was not
Magazine of Concrete Research Tensile capacity of loop connections
Volume 69 Issue 17 grouted with concrete or mortar
Sørensen, Hoang, Olesen and Fischer
provided. The influence of the overlapping area of the U-bar authors’ knowledge, not been previously published in the
loops on the failure load was investigated. To obtain yielding literature. A further advance, compared to earlier tension tests
of the U-bars, Leonhardt et al. (1973) suggested a design on loop connections, is the use of a double T-headed bar as
where the overlapping concrete area is larger than a circular transverse reinforcement. The bar provides increased ancho-
area with a diameter of 15ϕ. The design proposal included rage (DeVries et al., 1999; Ghali and Youakim, 2005;
transverse reinforcement placed inside the overlapping area. Thompson et al., 2006), even in cracked concrete (Brantschen
et al., 2016), which is required as the joint is rather narrow.
Hao (2004) and Ong et al. (2006) also tested symmetric
designs. Their experimental programme consisted of ‘2-on-1’
designs, and their calculations were based on a strut-and-tie Experimental programme
model. However, they concluded that the model was only The experimental programme comprised 32 specimens, each
applicable for similar ‘2-on-1’ designs, as the model was cali- consisting of two precast concrete elements joined by a sym-
brated with these tests only. Jørgensen and Hoang (2013) metric ‘2-on-2’ loop connection, see Figure 2. The overlapping
tested ‘3-on-2’ symmetric specimens to investigate the influence area was transversely reinforced with lacer reinforcement in
of a number of factors, including the spacing of the over- the shape of a double T-headed bar. Three series with different
lapping U-bars. They proposed an upper bound plasticity compositions of grouting material were investigated, see
model for the tensile capacity of the connection, and later the Table 1. The connections in series C were grouted with con-
solution was extended to include a combination of tension and crete (maximum aggregate size, dmax = 16 mm) while in series
bending action (Jørgensen and Hoang, 2015). M and T, mortars with dmax = 2 mm and 4 mm, respectively,
were used. Table 2 provides the relative proportions of the con-
Regarding requirements for transverse reinforcement in the joint, crete and mortar mixtures. It should be noted that the batches
Gordon (2006) also examined the use of fibre-reinforced con- of mortar in series M were produced simply by removing the
crete as replacement for conventional reinforced concrete. He content of the larger aggregates from the concrete recipe of
concluded that the fibre-reinforced material could not replace series C, without considering the cement to aggregate ratio. In
steel reinforcement as some ductility was lost. Also Araújo et al. series C and M, the lacer bar was placed in the centre of
(2014) tested loop connections with fibre-reinforced concrete as the circle formed by the overlapping U-bars, see Figures 2 and
replacement for steel reinforcement; however, they only tested a 3(a). In series T, as an alternative, the lacer bar was fixed to
non-symmetric ‘1-on-1’ connection design. the looped end of the outermost U-bars, as illustrated in
Figure 3(b). The idea behind this was to consider the circular
A comparative study of the tension behaviour of symmetric core of mortar inside the connection as a small beam subjected
‘2-on-2’ loop connections grouted with concrete and with to four-point bending, having the lacer bar as a fully anchored
mortar, as presented in the following, has to the best of the tension reinforcement.
450 100 450
∅8 U-bars in loop, ‘2-on-2’ Grout K25 reinforcing bar
∅25 threaded bar Double T-headed bar Ribs removed for better grip
D = 60
Internal bend diameter of U-bar loops ∅8 U-bars in loop, ‘2-on-2’
Figure 2. General geometry of test specimen, including reinforcement details (dimensions: mm)
Magazine of Concrete Research Tensile capacity of loop connections
Volume 69 Issue 17 grouted with concrete or mortar
Sørensen, Hoang, Olesen and Fischer
The diameter of the lacer bars ranged from 12 to 20 mm, see (0, 12, 14, 16 and 20) adjoining the series letter (C, M and T)
Figure 3(c). Some specimens were also tested without a lacer refers to the diameter of the lacer reinforcement, while ‘a’, ‘b’
bar. The cross-sectional diameter (8 mm) and the internal and ‘c’ denote the replicates.
bend diameter (60 mm) of the U-bars were kept constant
throughout all three series. The yield strength of the U-bars Test set-up and testing procedure
was tested in uniaxial tension to an average of fy = 550 MPa. The precast elements were designed with a reinforcement bar
The average ultimate strength was found to be fu = 677 MPa. centrally placed in the axial direction. In one element, ordinary
Table 3 contains the remaining properties of each specimen. ribbed reinforcement was used, where the ribs on the part pro-
For statistical reasons, three replicates of each connection truding from the element were removed for a better grip in the
design were cast. However, some unsuccessful castings had testing machine, see Figure 2. In the other element, a threaded
to be omitted because the lacer bars accidentally moved out steel rod was used in combination with a specially designed
of position during casting and ended in a position with eccen- load application device, see Figure 4. The tensile load was
tricity to the axial system line of the specimen. The number applied through a spherical nut.
16 mm
12 mm
14 mm
Figure 3. Positioning of lacer reinforcement before casting of grout (a) and (b) and diameter of lacer bars (c): (a) series C and M;
(b) series T; (c) lacer bars
Magazine of Concrete Research Tensile capacity of loop connections
Volume 69 Issue 17 grouted with concrete or mortar
Sørensen, Hoang, Olesen and Fischer
a 68·7
C0 b Concrete 44·1 16 — — 62·4
c 66·8
a 97·6
C12 b Concrete 44·1 16 12 552 89·2
c 95·1
a 108·8
C14 b Concrete 39·9 16 14 562 101·1
c 109·1
C16 a Concrete 41·3 16 16 563 112·5
b 103·1
C20 a Concrete 41·3 16 20 564 129·6
b 126·7
a 47·7
M0 b Mortar 36·6 2 — — 48·9
c 43·4
M12 a Mortar 36·6 2 12 552 76·3
b 77·9
M14 a Mortar 39·5 2 14 562 79·3
M16 a Mortar 37·4 2 16 563 82·3
a 108·6
M20 b Mortar 37·4 2 20 564 116·0
c 96·5
a 73·6
T12 b Mortar 39·5 4 12 552 77·6
c 78·4
a 76·4
T14 b Mortar 39·5 4 14 562 79·2
c 88·0
a 88·2
T16 b Mortar 39·5 4 16 563 97·2
c 103·8
pressure during the test. As the test was resumed, the specimen The test results revealed that the choice of grout material influ-
continued the expected load path of an uninterrupted test. enced the behaviour significantly: see, for example, Figure 5.
From the plots in Figure 5 it can be clearly seen that connec- The grout material with larger aggregate content and larger
tions grouted with concrete in general were able to carry a aggregate sizes leads to a stiffer response after crack initiation
higher ultimate load than a similar connection (i.e. with the and a higher ultimate capacity compared to the grouts with
same lacer bar configuration) grouted with mortar. It can also smaller aggregates. Furthermore, the concrete grout has a
be observed that only the specimens grouted with concrete slightly better ability to sustain the load after peak compared
and reinforced transversely with a 20 mm lacer bar behaved to the mortar material.
in a significantly ductile manner. For these particular speci-
mens, the ultimate load was governed by yielding of the 8 mm For both grout materials, the connections were uncracked and
U-bars. The remaining specimens experienced failure of the behaved elastically at low load levels. At a load level correspon-
grout material without yielding of the U-bars. ding to the capacity of a connection without lacer bar, a crack
became visible on the surface of the connection. The crack
For specimens without transverse reinforcement (i.e. no lacer typically developed in the axial direction – see Figure 6(a) –
bar in series C0 and M0) the load-carrying capacity was and appeared between the innermost U-bars. The appearance
governed by cracking of the grout material, and the load– of this crack on the surface was, however, not representative for
displacement curves displayed significant softening in the post- the crack pattern throughout the thickness of the connection,
peak regime. For specimens with transverse reinforcement, on as the cracking behaviour was governed by a complex state of
the other hand, cracking of the grout material activated the stress between the U-bars. In some tests, the crack parallel to
lacer bar, which enabled further increase of the load and the the axial direction was accompanied by inclined cracks on the
post-peak softening behaviour was less pronounced than same surface. The cracks were followed by an opening of the
observed for specimens without lacer bars. interface between the joint grout and the precast element
Magazine of Concrete Research Tensile capacity of loop connections
Volume 69 Issue 17 grouted with concrete or mortar
Sørensen, Hoang, Olesen and Fischer
Force: kN
25 mm threaded bar
0 2 4 6 8 10
Axial displacement: mm
120 M14
Force: kN
(b) 20
which contained the innermost U-bars, see Figure 6(b). The Figure 5. Tested load–displacement curves: (a) series C (concrete
opening was greatest at the edges of the surface and smallest at grout); (b) series M (mortar grout)
the location of the axial crack in the centre, indicating a slight
rotation of the grout cover. For a further increase of displace-
ment into the post-peak region, the grout cover broke off and outermost U-bars, Figure 3(b). It seems more important that
revealed cracks between the U-bar loops. Figure 7 shows the the lacer bars are placed correctly in the line of loading. This
typical crack pattern inside the grout at the level of the loop was indicated by trial tests performed on the above-mentioned
reinforcement. Two inclined cracks developed between the tips unsuccessful castings (specimens with lacer bar positioned
of the U-bars. These cracks were supplemented by a straight with eccentricity to the line of loading), which showed lower
crack between the tips of the innermost U-bars and two cracks capacity.
originating at the tip of the outermost U-bars. The crack
pattern near the heads of the lacer bar indicates that the head
has been utilised for anchorage once the lacer reinforcement Failure mechanisms and upper bound
was activated after cracking of the grout material. solutions
In this section, an upper bound model for prediction of
From the test results of series M and T, it was also found that the load-carrying capacity related to the failure in the grout
the tensile capacity of the connections did not depend particu- material is developed. For this purpose, the grout materials
larly on whether the lacer bar was positioned in the centre of will be treated as rigid-plastic, modified Coulomb materials,
the circular loop, Figure 3(a), or fixed to the looped end of the obeying the associated flow rule, and the reinforcement
Magazine of Concrete Research Tensile capacity of loop connections
Volume 69 Issue 17 grouted with concrete or mortar
Sørensen, Hoang, Olesen and Fischer
bars are assumed to be rigid-plastic and only capable of
carrying axial loads. A kinematically admissible failure mech- Figure 7. Examples of failed specimens after test: (a) concrete
grout (b) mortar grout
anism is shown in Figure 8, where the experimental obser-
vations described in the previous section ‘Experimental results
and observations’ are captured in a simplified representation
inspired by the work of Jørgensen and Hoang (2013). The following, two solutions are developed. The first one concerns
failure surfaces formed in the grout material are simplified as the failure of a connection with lacer reinforcement where the
plane surfaces, which may be represented by the yield lines tensile strength of the grout material is neglected. The second
indicated in Figure 8(a). The geometries of the actual failure solution is developed for connections without lacer reinforce-
surfaces are three-dimensional as a result of the complex stress ment and therefore includes the tensile strength of concrete/
state between the loop bars of the connection, see Figure 7. mortar. The second solution can be considered as a lower limit
However, the simplifications introduced are necessary in order for the tensile capacity of connections containing transverse
to develop analytical solutions suitable for practical use. reinforcement. This will be further discussed in the following.
In rigid-plastic limit analysis of problems in structural con- Upper bound solutions for connections
crete, the tensile strength of concrete is usually neglected. This with lacer reinforcement
can be justified by the fact that the (rather small) tensile Figure 8 illustrates a failure mechanism for specimens with
strength of concrete will normally have vanished almost com- lacer reinforcement. The displacement field in the grout is
pletely when the reinforcement enters the state of yielding. idealised as rigid body motions of the three segments, III, IIa
This is a fair assumption for the test specimens with lacer bars, and IIb relative to segment I. The determination of the relative
where cracking activates the lacer bars, which eventually reach displacements between adjacent segments is inspired by the
yielding at the ultimate state. However, for the specimens in work of Jørgensen and Hoang (see Jørgensen and Hoang
series C0 and M0 without lacer reinforcement, the cracking (2013) for an in-depth description), and adjusted to the geo-
load is also the ultimate load and, for this reason, it is necess- metry of the tested ‘2-on-2’ symmetrical connection. As illus-
ary to take the tensile strength into account when modelling trated in Figure 8(b) the relative displacements in each yield
the load-carrying capacity in such cases. Therefore, in the line can be determined as follows. Segment IIa is displaced
Magazine of Concrete Research Tensile capacity of loop connections
Volume 69 Issue 17 grouted with concrete or mortar
Sørensen, Hoang, Olesen and Fischer
ul III
IIb ut ut IIa
u b ul u l ua
H b D Ac H
ut ut
ub I ua
s a s
N t
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 8. (a) Failure mechanism, (b) relative displacements and (c) overlapping loop area considered for grout failure
with the displacement vector ua relative to segment I The rate of internal work consists of contributions from the
lacer bar and the grout material. The contribution from the
ul lacer reinforcement (which is stressed to yielding at the two
1: ua ¼
ut points where it crosses the inclined yield lines) is given by
2: ul ¼ juj cosðα βÞ where Ai is the area of the plane of failure (i.e. length of the
yield line times its width) and φ is the internal angle of friction
for the grout material. In order to account for the fact that
neither concrete nor mortar are perfectly plastic materials, an
effectiveness factor, ν, is introduced (Nielsen and Hoang,
3: ut ¼ juj sinðα βÞ
2011). The effectiveness factor depends on a number of factors
such as softening effects and effects of cracking. For a loop
where α is the angle between the displacement vector and the connection loaded in tension and grouted with concrete,
inclined yield line running between the tips of the U-bars, and Jørgensen and Hoang (2013) discussed in depth the choice of
β is the inclination of the yield line to the l-axis effectiveness factor. In the following, a modification of the
equation used in Jørgensen and Hoang (2013) is adopted. The
s modification, which is similar to the findings of Jørgensen
4: tan β ¼
H (2014) and Jørgensen and Hoang (2015), is introduced to
account for the fact that the softening effect in mortar deviates
The rate of external work performed by the load, N, is from that of concrete
given by
K 1
8: ν ¼ pffiffiffiffiffi 1 þ pffiffiffiffiffi
5: WE ¼ Nul fc H
Magazine of Concrete Research Tensile capacity of loop connections
Volume 69 Issue 17 grouted with concrete or mortar
Sørensen, Hoang, Olesen and Fischer
where fc is given in MPa and H is given in m. Here the factor The solution for the load-carrying capacity in the case of
K depends on the grout material, and H expresses a character- grout failure is influenced by the geometry of the loop con-
istic length of the sliding failure/yield line, see Figure 8(c). nection, the s/H ratio, see Figure 8(a), and the internal angle
of friction for the grout material. Owing to the normality
In order to determine the rate of internal work performed in the condition, the angle of displacement will always be larger than
grout material, the areas of the respective failure surfaces must or equal to the internal angle of friction. Furthermore, the
be determined. From Figure 8(b) it can be seen that only the two angle of displacement cannot be smaller than the inclination
inclined yield lines running between the tips of the U-bars are rel- of the yield line, β, as an inwards displacement of segment
evant for this solution, as the remaining yield lines are separation IIa/IIb towards segment III is not possible. The requirements
yield lines with zero dissipation (the tensile strength is disre- are summarised in Equation 13, which describes the tensile
garded). The areas of the inclined yield lines are calculated as capacity of the loop connection including lacer reinforce-
ment and disregarding the tensile strength of the grout material
Ac π H2 π ðD þ 2ϕÞ2 (α is calculated by Equation 12 and β is calculated by
9: AI ¼ ¼ ¼
cos β 4 cos β 4 cos β Equation 4).
where Ac is the circular area delimited by the overlapping From Equation 13 it can be seen that the internal angle of fric-
U-bars (see Figures 8(b) and 8(c)). It appears that AI has the tion, φ, is an essential parameter for the tensile capacity of the
shape of an elliptical surface. The adaptation of Equation 9 joint. This parameter is dependent on the properties of the
entails that the grout outside the overlapping U-bars is neg- grout material, and especially on the aggregate content and
lected. This is primarily justified by the fact that the grout aggregate sizes of the mixture. It should be noted, that the sol-
cover more or less spalled off during testing, leaving only the ution presented by Jørgensen and Hoang (2013), with the
grout core inside the loops to carry the tensile load. A similar exception of a factor of 2, can be reproduced by Equation 13
way of determining the area of the inclined yield lines was when inserting the internal angle of friction for normal
suggested by Jørgensen and Hoang (2013). strength concrete, tan φ = 3/4.
8 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
> s 2 4Φ ΦL s
> þ
1 for α φ and φ β
> ν ν
> H H
N < 2
13: ¼ [1 þ ðs=H Þ ][ð1= cos φÞ tan φ] þ 2ΦL =ν[tan φ ðs=HÞ] for α , φ and φ . β
νfc Ac >
> 1 þ ðs=HÞ tan φ
> rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
> s 2
> s
: 1þ for α , β and φ β
From the work equation, an upper bound solution for the It can be seen that the tensile capacity according to Equation
tensile capacity of the connection is found as 13 approaches zero when ΦL ! 0. Hence, for very small values
of ΦL, it may happen that Equation 13 predicts a capacity that
N 1 sin α ΦL is lower than the capacity calculated for a similar connection
10: ¼ þ2 tanðα βÞ; αφ without lacer bar, but taking into account the tensile strength
νfc Ac cos β cosðα βÞ ν
of concrete/mortar (see next section). In such a situation,
the solution that accounts for the tensile strength should of
where ΦL is the mechanical reinforcement degree of the lacer course be taken as the capacity – and the connection should
reinforcement, defined as then be classified as being under-reinforced with respect to
transverse reinforcement.
AsL fyL
11: ΦL ¼
Ac fc
Upper bound solutions for connections without
The optimal upper bound solution is found by minimising lacer reinforcement
Equation 10 with respect to the angle of displacement, α. It can For connections without transverse reinforcement, the capacity
be shown that the optimal angle of displacement is given as depends on the tensile strength of the grout. The dissipation in
a concrete/mortar yield line when the tensile strength, ft, is
2 3 included, is given by Nielsen and Hoang (2011)
6 1 2ðΦL =νÞ 7
12: α ¼ β þ arcsin4qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi5; αφ 1
1 þ ðs=H Þ2 14: WIC ¼ νfc Ai ðl m sin αÞjuj; αφ
Magazine of Concrete Research Tensile capacity of loop connections
Volume 69 Issue 17 grouted with concrete or mortar
Sørensen, Hoang, Olesen and Fischer
where the effectiveness factor, ν, is still estimated according to slightly simplified failure mechanism introduced in Figure 9,
Equation 8 and the parameters l and m are given as the solution can be optimised explicitly.
H The area of the inclined sliding yield line may also in
18: νt ¼ 06
01 this case be determined by Equation 9. It should be noted
that H appears as a characteristic dimension in all the con-
Again, H is a characteristic dimension, see Figure 9. sidered areas. When solving the work equation, using the exter-
Considering the failure mechanism in Figure 8, the rate of nal work introduced in Equation 5, the internal work in
internal work consists of contributions from five separation Equation 14 and with the areas given in Equations 9, 19
yield lines and two sliding yield lines inclined with the angle β and 20, the following solution for the tensile capacity, N0,
to the l-direction. For that particular failure mechanism, the without lacer reinforcement, is found
optimal angle of displacement cannot be given explicitly when
the tensile strength of the grout is included. However, for the N0 l m sin α νt ft At νt ft Al
21: ¼ þ4 tanðα βÞ þ
νfc Ac cos β cosðα βÞ νfc Ac νfc At
At 2 3
6 m 4 ν t f t At 1 7
α ul III 22: α ¼ β þ arcsin4 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi5; αφ
l l νfc Ac 2
ðs=H Þ þ 1
ut ut
ub ua
IIb IIa D Ac H b
ut ut Again the same restrictions are imposed on the angle of dis-
placement, α ≥ φ and α ≥ β. It should be noted that the solution
β is different from that of Jørgensen and Hoang (2015), as more
H separation yield lines are included in this model.
N Tensile capacity of loop connection
(a) (b) The solutions developed above are valid when failure in the
grout material is governing. Naturally, these solutions cannot
Figure 9. Simplified failure mechanism for connection without be used if the yield capacity of the U-bars renders a smaller
lacer bar: (a) relative movements; (b) areas considered for grout
failure load. Hence, the true tensile capacity of the connection is the
minimum of the capacity of the grout material and the yield
Magazine of Concrete Research Tensile capacity of loop connections
Volume 69 Issue 17 grouted with concrete or mortar
Sørensen, Hoang, Olesen and Fischer
As a conservative and simplistic approach, Equation 21 is ↑
Equation 13
introduced simply as the lower limit of the capacity. The com-
plete solution for the tensile capacity of the loop connection is
thereby given as ↑
Equation 22
> N Equation 13 Concrete (C), K = 0·88, ϕ = 37°
> N ¼ max
< N0 Equation 21 0
23: Nu ¼ min 0 0·5 1·0 1·5
> Failure in grout material ΦL
Ny ¼ 4As fy Yielding of U bars (a)
Magazine of Concrete Research Tensile capacity of loop connections
Volume 69 Issue 17 grouted with concrete or mortar
Sørensen, Hoang, Olesen and Fischer
Magazine of Concrete Research Tensile capacity of loop connections
Volume 69 Issue 17 grouted with concrete or mortar
Sørensen, Hoang, Olesen and Fischer
Paper II
”Test and analysis of a new ductile shear connection design
for RC shear walls”
Received: 22 March 2016 Revised: 27 May 2016 Accepted: 30 May 2016
DOI 10.1002/suco.201600056
Structural Concrete. 2017;18:189–204. © 2017 fib. International Federation for Structural Concrete 189
Horizontal section Vertical section
Mortar (grout)
Precast Concrete
Locking bar Locking bar
Pre-bend U-bars
Horizontal section
locking bar
FIGURE 1 (a) Conventional shear connection design and (b) illustration of procedure for assembling of precast elements.
these connections will normally be less than that of the pre- larger than 8 mm to be used. In addition to a single longitu-
cast elements.3,4 In addition, the construction sequence is dinal locking bar, the new design also includes the use of
influenced by the design. To avoid rebar-clashing when transverse locking bars (in the following called lacer bars)
assembling the precast panels (Figure 1b), the U-bars pro- in the form of a double T-headed rebar placed inside the
truding from the precast panels have to be bent up (prior to U-bar loops. The idea here is to utilize the double-headed
installation of panel) and subsequently straightened again rebar together with the core of mortar inside the loop as a
once the panel has been placed in position. This procedure transverse dowel that enables transfer of tension between
imposes a limit on the cross-sectional diameter of the U- the overlapping U-bars. Tension in the U-bars across the
bars and hence limits the strength of the connection (nor- connection is required to ensure equilibrium when diagonal
mally bars with diameter 6–8 mm are used). The conven- compression struts develop between the keyed joint inter-
tional shear connection is therefore not feasible for use, for faces as a result of shear loading. The double T-headed
example, in shear walls of tall buildings where considerable rebar is chosen because the heads provide increased anchor-
horizontal loads have to be carried. age of the short lacer reinforcement, which otherwise cannot
This paper presents a new solution for the connection of be ensured using regular straight reinforcement.
precast shear wall elements. The aim of the new design is to To investigate the structural performance of the new
ease the construction challenges and at the same time connection design, an experimental program was conducted.
improve the structural performance compared to the conven- The investigation showed that the load–displacement
tional solution. Figure 2 schematically illustrates the new response of the new design is significantly more ductile
connection design, which differs from the conventional than that of the conventional solution. Furthermore, the tests
solution in the way the U-bar loops are oriented and in the indicated that it is possible to obtain higher load-carrying
way structural continuity is ensured in the U-bar overlaps. capacities with the new design. In addition to the experi-
The joint interfaces are keyed as in the conventional solu- mental work, this paper also presents upper-bound rigid
tion. As illustrated in Figure 2, the loop orientation in the plastic models for prediction of the critical failure mode as
new solution allows for a construction-friendly installation well as the load-carrying capacity of the new connection
(vertical lowering) of the precast panels, without clashing of design. The models furnish a simple tool to optimize the
rebars and thus without the need to pre-bend and post- geometry of the keyed joint interfaces in order to enhance
straighten the U-bars, which enables U-bars with diameters the ductile behavior of the connection.
Horizontal section Vertical section
Mortar (grout)
Precast Concrete
Lacer bar Locking bar
Horizontal section
locking bar
FIGURE 2 (a) New construction-friendly connection design and (b) illustration of procedure for assembling of precast elements.
TABLE 1 Geometrical parameters and strength properties of the joints in the experimental program, bold numbers indicating the specifics of the specimen
No. fca [MPa] hk [mm] Lk [mm] Ak [mm2] dk [mm] As [mm2] PFP [kN] PU [kN] DI [-]
R 1 34.6 85 160 13,600 16 101 282.43 – 0.42b
2 35.7 85 160 13,600 16 101 303.80 – 0.59b
3 35.7 85 160 13,600 16 101 337.42 – 0.70b
P 1 38.1 85 160 13,600 16 101 344.24 357.45 1.00b
2 38.1 85 160 13,600 16 101 347.04 368.12 0.97b
3 42.7 85 160 13,600 16 101 342.49 339.97 0.87b
4 42.7 85 160 13,600 16 101 331.42 324.49 0.95b
I 1 31.2 100 120 12,000 28 201 379.02 441.21 1.03c
2 34.2 100 120 12,000 28 201 416.59 472.92 1.00c
II 1 31.2 100 140 14,000 28 201 366.40 463.78 1.06c
2 34.2 100 140 14,000 28 201 414.46 462.48 1.00c
III 1 31.2 100 160 16,000 28 201 393.04 494.70 1.07c
2 34.2 100 160 16,000 28 201 473.52 514.87 0.98c
IV 1 31.2 100 180 18,000 28 201 439.44 470.89 0.94c
2 34.2 100 180 18,000 28 201 478.17 515.31 0.96c
V 1 31.2 200 140 28,000 10 201 475.24 488.97 0.97c
2 34.2 200 140 28,000 10 201 492.86 535.61 1.04c
VI 1 30.6 200 140 28,000 16 201 527.09 502.55 0.89c
2 30.6 200 140 28,000 16 201 523.82 550.98 0.90c
VII 1 30.6 200 140 28,000 20 201 549.17 451.58 0.78c
2 30.6 200 140 28,000 20 201 524.46 527.85 0.87c
VIII 1 30.6 200 140 28,000 25 201 507.05 528.67 0.92c
2 30.6 200 140 28,000 25 201 516.97 545.33 0.92c
IX 1 30.6 200 140 28,000 28 201 526.53 534.19 0.93c
2 30.6 200 140 28,000 28 201 527.59 527.07 0.88c
Compression strength of mortar.
Calculated using δmax = 13 mm.
Calculated using δmax = 20 mm.
TABLE 2 Parameters kept constant for Series I–IX software has been described by Pereira et al.,26 who studied
Description Symbol Value the cracking behavior of cement paste, mortar, concrete, and
U-bar diameter ϕ 8 mm fiber-reinforced concrete. In the present study, the analysis
Yield strength of U-bar fy 487 MPa was performed as a two-dimensional analysis using images
Lacer bar diameter ϕLacer 16 mm taken with a 36.3-megapixel digital camera. The surface of
Yield strength of lacer bar fy,Lacer 563 MPa the connection was spray painted with a white base layer,
Diameter of locking bar ϕL 12 mm followed by black dots sprayed randomly to create a unique
Yield strength of locking bar fyL 584 MPa and recognizable pattern on the surface. The area covered
Panel thickness t 200 mm by the Aramis analysis corresponds approximately to the
Internal bend diameter of loops D 60 mm area of the joint, namely L (b + 2dk) (see Figure 3). The
Width of joint b 100 mm results include the overall response of the shear connection,
Distance between loops s 300 mm failure of the joint mortar between the precast elements, and
Total length of joint L 1,280 mm also local failure of the shear keys. The results were
Strength of precast concrete fc,element 49.6 MPa dependent on the quality of the sprayed pattern, the light
Maximum aggregate size in mortar dmax 4 mm settings, and the care taken in the adjustment of the camera.
The results covered only the development of cracks on the
surface of the joint, however, the analysis provided invalua-
3.2 | Digital image correlation ble information on joint behavior during loading.
In the present investigation, digital image correlation (DIC)
was used to study the relative displacements on the surface
of the shear connection, including development of cracks in 3.3 | Test results
the joint mortar. The analysis was performed with the pro- Figure 4 presents the general characteristics of the load–
gram Aramis.25 An example of application of the same displacement response of the different tested connections.
The measured displacements are relative displacements a stiffness similar to that of a monolithic wall. At a relatively
(in the longitudinal direction of the connection) between the small load level, cracks develop at the interface between the
two precast elements. Figure 4a can be used as a direct joint mortar and the precast element, slightly reducing
comparison between Series R and P, where the behavior of the stiffness. At a higher load level, diagonal cracks between
the reference specimens complies with previous investiga- the corners of each pair of opposite shear keys start to emerge
tions, for example, as described in detail by Hansen et al.4 on the surface, as indications of diagonal strut action. After
The first peak also appears to be the global peak, which is diagonal cracking, the stiffness of the joint decreases until the
immediately followed by a softening branch as the shear first peak on the load–displacement curve is reached, which
displacement increases. It should be noted that the response corresponds to the value of PFP, given in Table 1. For the new
curve of specimen R1 represents a test in which the U-bar design, a drop in the response is observed after the first peak.
loops are pushed away from each other, whereas for speci- However, as the displacement increases, the load increases
mens R2 and R3, the U-bars are pushed toward each other again and reaches approximately the same level as the first
as the shear displacement increases. This indicates a very peak. The relation between the first peak load and the ultimate
unfortunate property of the conventional design because the load depends on the key design, which turns out to be one of
postpeak response is apparently dependent on the loading the main parameters that control the failure mechanism. Rup-
direction. It may very well be due to this fact that the post- ture of the U-bars starts to take place at a displacement in the
peak behavior of the conventional design in the literature is range of 12–20 mm, depending on the reinforcement configu-
reported both as brittle and as ductile. ration. The ultimate load of the joint, indicated as PU in
Figure 4a clearly illustrates the main difference between Table 1, is typically found at large displacements. The load
the two designs. The loads corresponding to the first peak are level in Figure 4b is higher than the load level in Figure 4a
comparable for specimens having identical As (as given in due to the difference in the reinforcement area, As, per loop
Table 1) and identical key configuration. However, the post- connection.
peak behavior differs significantly as the new design exhibits The first peak capacity, PFP, is governed by several fac-
a pronounced ductile behavior. It should be noted that the ref- tors, as identified in the above-mentioned literature. In the
erence design (Series R), with limited ductility, can be classi- present study, where the tensile capacity of the loop connec-
fied as a 1-on-1 connection. The total amount of looped tions was designed to be governed by U-bar yielding, the
reinforcement in the connection may have influenced the test magnitude of PFP is influenced by the geometry of the shear
results (when comparing the ductility of 1-on-1 connections keys. A larger key area generally results in a higher first
with the ductility of 1-on-2 and 2-on-2 connections). How- peak capacity. Specimen II2 has a smaller key area com-
ever, the most dominant influence on the test results is most pared with V2 and VIII2. This explains the lower first peak
probably due to the orientation of the U-bar loops and the capacity for II2, however, the response after first peak
presence of the transverse double-headed lacer bars. This duc- shows the same tendencies as that of specimen VIII2
tile behavior is especially observed for the 2-on-2 connections, because both specimens had identical loop reinforcement
see Figure 4b, which presents examples of the main findings configuration (see Figure 4b). Furthermore, it is seen that
of the test Series I–IX. Before cracking, the joint behaves with the first peak capacities of V2 and VIII2 are rather similar
(a) (b)
550 550
500 500 V2
450 450
400 400
P2 ↓ ↓P1 II 2
350 P3 350
P (kN)
P (kN)
300 P4 300
250 250
200 200
150 150
100 100
R1 II 2 Peaks
50 50 V 2 Peaks
VIII 2 Peaks
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Measured longitudinal displacement [mm] Measured longitudinal displacement [mm]
Comparison of series R to series P Load-displacement curves for the new design
as the key areas are identical. However, after the first peak, design compared to the conventional solution. To quantify
the two specimens behave differently as the governing fail- the ductility of a shear joint, the concept of relative strain
ure mechanisms are different (referring to Mechanisms B energy described by Engström27 may be considered.
and C introduced in Figure 7). The small key depth, dk, of Engström compared the maximum resistance with the aver-
specimen V2 favors shearing of the key corners, whereas age force that can be resisted by the connection during the
the larger key depth of specimen VIII2 results in complete entire displacement spectrum. This results in an average-to-
shearing of the key. These partly or complete key shearing peak ratio less than or equal to unity, where unity is the ideal
failure mechanisms are in agreement with the findings for rigid plastic behavior. In order to refine this measure, a duc-
the conventional keyed joint described by Hansen et al.4 tility index as defined in Equation 1 is introduced:
Nimityongskul and Liu9 also observed these failure ð δmax
mechanisms, and they interpreted the failure with partial 1 P ð δÞ
DI = dδ ð1Þ
shearing of the key corners as a consequence of an increase δmax − δFP δFP PFP
of the key area. A correlation between this failure mode and The idea here is to evaluate the ability of the joint to
the depth of the shear keys has not been investigated dissipate energy in the displacement regime δFP − δmax,
until now. where δFP corresponds to the shear displacement at the
occurrence of the first peak capacity, while δmax is the maxi-
3.4 | Detection of failure mechanisms mum shear displacement capacity of the connection. The
displacement capacity, δmax, can be defined as the displace-
As DIC was used to monitor the cracking process on the
ment where rupture of U-bars initiates or taken as a fixed
surface of the specimen, the experimental failure mechan-
predefined value. The index, DI, is the ratio between the
isms could be detected. For specimens with keys hidden in
dissipated energy (see the filled area in Figure 6), and the
the joint, that is, Series I–IV, where hk < t, failure of the
value PFP (δmax − δFP), which reflects the energy of a per-
keys was only observed indirectly as displacements at the
fectly plastic connection having the capacity PFP (see the
casting joint and as diagonal cracking in the joint mortar
hatched area in Figure 6). The ductility index may attain a
(also see Figure 9). For specimens with keys having hk = t,
value larger than unity. An index DI > 1.0 indicates that the
cracking of the keyed area was clear and visible when it
joint has a robust behavior because it will be able to absorb
occurred. Figure 5 shows an example of a complete shear-
the potential energy released when, for example, gravita-
ing of a single key, where it is also observed that the pre-
tional loads (applied in a load-controlled manner) reach the
existing diagonal crack closes almost completely as the key
first peak capacity, PFP. The ductility index is highly
is sheared off. From the load–displacement response of the
dependent on the total shear area of the keys, Ak, as the first
specimen, it appears that the observed first peak capacity
peak capacity increases with increasing Ak. Table 1 contains
was related to the shear failure of the keys. On this basis, it
calculated values of DI for the tested joints. The maximum
seems reasonable to conclude that failure of the shear keys
shear displacement is chosen as 13 mm for 2-on-1 connec-
also governs the first peak capacity of the specimens with
tions and 20 mm for the 2-on-2 design as rupture of the
keys hidden in the joint (hk < t). DIC measurements of the
reinforcement loops was observed around this magnitude of
cracking/failure patterns have served as inspiration when
displacement. In general, the new design has a much higher
developing collapse mechanisms used in the upper-bound
DI index than the conventional design. The most important
calculations of the first peak capacity, PFP, (see Section 4).
factor for obtaining a high ductility index is the governing
failure mechanism. For practical application, it should be
3.5 | Ductility of connections noted that a mechanism with key corner shearing leads to
It appears from the test results that a much more ductile the most ductile and robust response. This issue will be fur-
load–displacement response can be obtained by the new ther addressed in Section 4.
(a) (b)
At first peak load, PFP Just after first peak load, PFP
FIGURE 5 Example of complete key shearing (keys indicated with dashed lines) at first peak load, PFP, specimen IX2, dk = 28 mm .
keyed shear joint. Furthermore, the factor was adjusted to
200 fit the shear capacity of joints cast with mortar. The ν-factor
for mortar joints proposed by Jørgensen and Hoang is
adopted in this work:
0:75 1
ν = pffiffiffiffi 1 + pffiffiffiffiffi ≯1:0 ðfc in MPa and Lk in mÞ ð3Þ
fc Lk
0 δFP
5 10 15 20 It should be noted that the dependency of ν on fc and Lk
δ (mm) δmax = 20 mm basically reflects softening effects and size effects, which in
the end is also due to softening. According to Equation 3, a
FIGURE 6 Example of calculation of the ductility index, DI, for specimen decrease in key length will increase the effectiveness factor,
III2, DI = 0.98. which explains why identical key areas may lead to differ-
ent tested load-carrying capacities, depending on the Lk/hk
4 | FA IL UR E M E CHAN I SMS A ND ratio. In the test Series I–IX, the effectiveness factor ranges
U PPER - BOUN D S OL UT IONS from 0.43 to 0.52.
t t t
l l l
ut ut
α α γ α
ul u ul u ul u
γ u
Mechanism A - Key cut off Mechanism B(D) - One diagonal yield line Mechanism C - Inclined key cut off
WIs = As fy ut ð10Þ To solve the work equation for Mechanism A, the rate of
internal work is found as the sum of contributions from
WIsL = AsL fyL ul ð11Þ n shear keys being sheared off (using Aj = Ak) and the con-
where WIc, j is the contribution from a concrete/mortar yield tribution from (n + 1) reinforcement loops stressed to
line with the area Aj, WIs is the contribution from the
U-bars, and WIsL is the contribution from the locking bar. 1
WI = n νfc ð1 −sinαÞAk juj + ðn + 1ÞAs fy ut ð13Þ
Yielding of the locking bar is only required in 2
Mechanism B. An upper-bound solution is established from WE = WI:
For a general description, the following parameters are
introduced and explained in Table 3: τ 1 −sinα Φ
= + tanα ð14Þ
νfc 2cosα ν
Ak = Lk hk , Ad = t b2 + L2k , Ai = hk ;
sinγ TABLE 3 Symbols used in the theoretical determination of the first peak
b n + 1 As fy AsL fyL
tanβ = ,Φ = , ΦL = Symbol Definition
Lk n Ak fc nAk fc
As Reinforcement area per loop connection
4π4 ϕ2 for 2-on-2 connections
The parameters introduced make it easier to derive gen- 2 π4 ϕ2 for 2-on-1 connections
eral formulas for calculation of a joint with n shear keys Ak Area of one shear key
and (n + 1) pairs of U-bar loops crossing the joint interface. Ad Area of diagonal yield line
It is convenient to define the shear capacity of the joint by Ai Area of inclined yield line in a shear key
an average shear stress, τ, which is related to the total area Φ Reinforcement degree of loop connection
(a) (b)
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
Mechanism C
0.6 0.6 ↓
Mechanism A
↓ Mechanism B
0.5 0.5
υ fc
υ fc
↑ ↑
0.4 0.4
Load carrying capacity
h k /t = 0.25 - A Transition
0.3 0.3
h k /t = 0.25 - B
0.2 h k /t = 0.5 - A 0.2
h k /t = 0.5 - B
0.1 h k /t = 1.0 - A 0.1
h k /t = 1.0 - B
0 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Reinforcement degree Φ [-]
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
dk [mm]
Load carrying capacity for varying relative height of Load carrying capacity for varying key depth, fc = 31
key, hk/t, fc = 31 MPa MPa, Lk = 0.140 m, hk = 0.200 m, Φ = 0.15
FIGURE 8 Illustrations of change in failure mechanism when changing geometry of the shear keys.
6 | FA IL UR E M E CHAN I SMS B ASED ON the calculation. For both cases, the contribution from the
EX PE RIMEN TA L OBSE RV AT ION S longitudinal locking bar is considered.
In practice, the length of a shear wall connection will at
Based on the experimental observations, the theoretical fail- least be equal to the height of one storey, and for this rea-
ure mechanisms for Series I–IX are evaluated. DIC mea- son, there will be many more shear keys in these connec-
surements have shown that a failure mechanism similar to tions as compared with the connections investigated in this
Mechanism B, but with a relatively large crack opening in study. When many shear keys are present, the significance
one diagonal crack prior to the first peak load, governs inde- of Mechanisms D and E will be limited. However, for the
pendently of the height of the key. Figure 9 shows Aramis limited geometry of the test specimens, the influence of the
recordings of the cracking process of specimen III2, which boundary effect included in these mechanisms is relevant.
according to the theoretical calculations should reach the The load-carrying capacity of Mechanism D is found to be:
first peak load-carrying capacity by development of Mech- τ n −1 1 − sinα Φ ΦL
anism A. It appears that diagonal cracks develop even = + tanα + ð22Þ
νfc 2n cosα ν ν
before the first peak (see Figure 9a), and the relative displa-
cements during failure take place in one of the existing diag- The optimal angle of displacement is given as:
onal cracks (see development from b to c in Figure 9). The
crack opening of the diagonal cracks prior to first peak can α = arcsin 1 − , α≥φ ð23Þ
ðn −1Þν
be determined from Aramis measurements. Figure 10 shows
examples of recorded crack opening of the largest diagonal For Mechanism E (see Figure 11), the load-carrying
crack (crack opening only in the longitudinal direction of capacity, assuming α = φ, is:
the joint is shown). It appears that the crack opening before τ n −1 dk 1 − sinφ Φ ΦL
first peak load, PFP, is approximately 0.4 mm, which is rela- = + tanðγ + φÞ + ð24Þ
νfc 2n Lk sinγcosðγ + φÞ ν ν
tively large for mortar. This observation leads to the conclu-
sion that the dissipation in the diagonal yield line (i.e., the The critical angle, γ, of the inclined yield line in the
mortar contribution) must be significantly reduced and keys is found as:
thereby making a mechanism which is similar to Mechanism 0 1
B more critical than Mechanism A. B cosφ C
γ = arctan@ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiA ð25Þ
In the following, two additional failure mechanisms are n Φ 2Lk cosφ
sinφ + 1 + ðn− 1Þ ν dk 1 −sinφ
introduced, namely Mechanism D similar to Mechanism B
(see Figure 7b), but omitting the mortar contribution from It should be noted, that Mechanisms B/D and E are only
the diagonal yield line when calculating the rate of internal relevant for test Series I–IV, where the specimens had 2-on-
work, and Mechanism E based on Mechanism C, however, 2 loop connections. For specimens in Series P with 2-on-1
introducing a diagonal yield line (see Figure 11) and omit- connections, the asymmetric reinforcement arrangement
ting the mortar contribution from the diagonal yield line in favors Mechanism A or C. This can be seen in Figure 12,
FIGURE 9 Aramis record of strain localization and cracking behavior of shear connection around first peak load, specimen III2.
(a) (b)
500 PFP
P (kN)
wt w
200 crack wl
50 Specimen III2
Specimen IV1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
w l (mm) l
FIGURE 10 (a) Measured longitudinal crack opening in diagonal crack between shear keys and (b) definition of crack opening.
where Aramis recordings show that no diagonal cracks were in Series I–IX, the theoretical capacity has been determined
present just after the first peak load. as the minimum value predicted from the five presented
failure mechanisms. For specimens in Series P, only
Mechanisms A and C are of interest. The yield strength of
7 | CO M PA R IS O N OF TE S TS WI T H the reinforcement loops in Series P was fy = 509 MPa, the
THEORY width of the joint was b = 80 mm, and the remaining prop-
erties are given in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 4 shows the obtained experimental first peak loads as Figures 13 and 14 show a graphical comparison where
well as the theoretical determined values. For test specimens the governing failure mechanisms are identified. The
Failure mechanism
No. PFP [kN] Pcal [kN] Pcal [-] (Observed/Predicted)
P 1 344.24 291.12 1.18 C/C
2 347.04 291.12 1.19 C/C
3 342.49 297.16 1.15 C/C
Element Element 4 331.42 297.16 1.12 C/C
at rest in motion I 1 379.02 395.34 0.96 B/A
2 416.59 403.29 1.03 B/A
II 1 366.40 412.67 0.89 B/A
2 414.46 421.43 0.98 B/A
γ α
u III 1 393.04 427.62 0.92 B/D
2 473.52 433.99 1.09 B/D
IV 1 439.44 438.33 1.00 B/D
2 478.17 455.20 1.07 B/D
V 1 475.24 500.73 0.95 E/E
2 492.86 508.21 0.97 E/E
VI 1 527.09 538.50 0.98 E/D
2 523.82 538.50 0.97 B/D
VII 1 549.17 538.50 1.02 B/D
2 524.46 538.50 0.97 B/D
VIII 1 507.05 538.50 0.94 B/D
FIGURE 11 Mechanism E, based on experimental observations. 2 516.97 538.50 0.96 B/D
IX 1 526.53 538.50 0.98 B/D
calculations are performed using the average compression 2 527.59 538.50 0.98 B/D
strength of the grout mortar and the reinforcement strengths Mean 1.01
given in Table 2. Figure 13 shows a comparison in which Standard deviation 0.08
the length of the shear keys, Lk, is varied and the height is
kept constant at half the panel thickness. The results thereby
compare with Series I–IV (Mechanism C is not critical). that a smaller value of φ changes the transition point toward
Figure 14 shows the comparison for varying key depths a larger key depth. However, an in-depth study of the inter-
with constant key area, that is, a comparison for Series nal angle of friction for mortar is needed to clarify the prop-
V–IX. It can be seen that the refined Mechanism D captures erty and perhaps also the validity of the normality condition
the behavior and predicts the load-carrying capacity of the for mortar materials.
specimens with large key depths. It can also be seen that Figure 13 shows the key area as the ratio between the
Mechanism E explains the cracking behavior of the speci- area of a single key compared with the joint area, At. The
mens with small key depths before Mechanism D becomes joint area is calculated using the center distance of the rein-
the governing mechanism for larger key depths. Table 4 forcement loops, given as s in Figure 3, and the height of
also contains a summary of the observed as well as pre- the specimen, t. It can be seen that the average shear stress
dicted failure mechanisms. If a failure mode including a can be higher for a smaller relative key area, as expected
diagonal crack was observed, the failure is regarded as B considering softening effects in the mortar material. Gener-
for the key cut off and E for the inclined key cut off. Mech- ally, good agreement is found between the test results and
anism D cannot be observed experimentally, but in fact an the calculations. In Figures 13 and 14, the capacity as pre-
observed Mechanism B might relate to a theoretical Mech- dicted by the Eurocode 2 formula for indented interfaces
anism D. It can be seen from Table 4 that both Mechanisms using average material strengths (tensile strength of concrete
B and E were observed in test Series VI. It should be noted calculated by use of the EC2 method), without partial safety
FIGURE 12 Major principal strain distribution just after first peak load, PFP, of ‘2-on-1’ specimen (specimen P4) from pilot test series.
1 response curve has been identified as the load that causes fail-
0.9 ure of the shear keys. Theoretical failure mechanisms have been
established and used to derive upper-bound plasticity solutions
to calculate the first peak capacity. The failure mechanisms for
and the influence of the key height and depth on the failure
Mechanism D
mode has been outlined. The developed models predict the
EC2 approach
transition point between the two main failure mechanisms, in
terms of key depth: complete key cutoff or inclined key cutoff
(see Figure 14). The refined Mechanisms D and E, relevant for
the limited geometry tested, captured, and explained the exper-
0 imental observations. For the design of longer connections, as
those found in practice, the theoretical basic Mechanisms A,
0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 0.32
Ak/At [-]
B, and C presented in Figure 7, will be sufficient.
Comparison of theory with results for series I-IV, fc,
It can be concluded that the new connection design is a
average = 33.0 MPa.
feasible and promising practical solution that should be sub-
jected to further investigation with the perspective of replacing
factors has been included as well. It is clearly seen that the
the conventional solution. To adapt the new design for practi-
empirical formula of Eurocode 2 is too conservative when
cal use, it is necessary to clarify a number of issues, including:
applied to the new connection design. In this context, it
should be noted that the Eurocode 2 method does not take
into account the specific key geometry. • Detailed characterization of the properties of grout mortar
• Test of a wider range of U-bar diameters and possibly a
variation of the geometry of the U-bars
8 | CON CLU SION S • Test of the tensile capacity of the connection
• Test of anchorage properties of the lacer reinforcement
A new and construction-friendly loop connection for the assem- • Investigation and modeling of the increase in load-
bly of precast shear wall panels has been developed and tested. carrying capacity after the first peak
The structural performance of the new connection, in terms of
ductility, is superior to that of the conventional design. A ductil-
ity index has been introduced in order to evaluate and compare ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the performance of the developed design with that of the con- The experimental program was financially supported by the
ventional design. For the tested designs, the first peak on the Danish Association for Precast Concrete Elements and the
(a) (b)
Mechanism C
0.6 ↓
0.5 Mechanism D Mechanism E
νf c
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
dk [mm] Mechanism D Mechanism C or E
FIGURE 14 (a) Comparison of theory with results for series V-IX, fc, average = 31.0 MPa, and (b) main failure modes.
COWI Foundation. The test elements were produced at δFP displacement at first peak
CRH Concrete and the experimental work was conducted γ slope of inclined yield line in a shear key
with support from students at DTU Civil Engineering. Rune ϕ U-bar diameter
Pedersen, B.Eng., and Mads Herløv, B.Eng., contributed ϕLacer lacer bar diameter
with test Series R and P in their bachelor thesis, ϕL locking bar diameter
J. Svejgaard, M.Sc., contributed with test Series I–IV, and φ internal angle of friction
L. vrelid, M.Sc., contributed with test Series V–IX in their Φ reinforcement degree of loop connection
master theses. Finally, the use of double-headed studs as ΦL reinforcement degree of locking bar
lacer bars instead of conventional stirrups was suggested by ν effectiveness factor
Tim Gudmand-Høyer, Ph.D. The authors gratefully τ shear stress
acknowledge these valuable contributions.
NOTATIONS 1. Dahl KKB. Bella Sky Hotel: taking precast concrete to the limit. Struct
Concr. 2014;15(4):441-447.
Ad area of diagonal yield line 2. Flindt Jørgensen K. Bella Sky Hotel: exploring the potential in precast con-
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Ai area of inclined yield line in a shear key
3. fib Bulletin 43. Structural connections for precast concrete buildings, fédération
Aj area of yield line international du béton ( fib), 2008.
Ak area of one shear key 4. Hansen K, Kavyrchine M, Melhorn G, Olesen S, Pume D, Schwing H.
As reinforcement area per loop Keyed shear joints: SBI rapport 97, Technical report. Danish Building
Research Institute, Copenhagen; 1976.
AsL reinforcement area of locking bar 5. Halasz R, Tantow G. Schubfestigkeit der Vertikalfugen im Grosstafelbau.
At area of joint In: Berichte aus der Bauforschung, H. 39. Berlin, Germany: Verlag Wil-
b width of joint helm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin; 1966.
6. Cholewicki A. Loadbearing capacity and deformability of vertical joints in
D internal bend diameter of loops structural walls of large panel buildings. Build Sci. 1971;6(9):163-184.
DI ductility index 7. Pommeret M. Le comportement sous charges ou déformations répétées alter-
dk depth of shear key nées des joints verticaux entre panneaux préfabriqués. Technical Report. Saint
Remy les Chevreuxe, Centre expérimental de recherches et d'études du bati-
dmax maximum aggregate size in mortar
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fc compression strength 8. Fauchart J, Cortini P. Étude expérimentale de joints horizonraux entre pan-
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9. Nimityongskul P, Liu HY. Vertical shear strength of joints in prefabricated
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PU ultimate load 14. Vaghei R, Hejazi F, Taheri H, Jaafar MS, Ali A. Evaluate performance of
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t panel thickness 15. CEN. EN1992-1-1 Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures – Part 1–1:
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wt transverse crack opening
WE rate of external work 18. Kaneko Y, Mihashi H. Analytical study on the cracking transition of con-
WI rate of internal work crete shear key. Mater Struct. 1999;32(217):196-202.
WIC rate of internal work from concrete 19. Jensen BC. On the Ultimate Load of Vertical, Keyed Shear Joints in Large
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WIs rate of internal work from U-bars Design, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby; 1975.
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α angle of displacement vector
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33. Zhang J-P. Diagonal cracking and shear strength of reinforced concrete
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[email protected]
Jesper Harrild Sørensen How to cite this article: Sørensen JH, Hoang LC,
M.Sc., PhD student Olesen JF, Fischer G. Test and analysis of a new ductile
Department of Civil Engineering shear connection design for RC shear walls. Structural
Technical University of Denmark Concrete. 2017;18:189–204.
Brovej, Building 118 suco.201600056
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[email protected]
Paper III
”Test and lower bound modeling of keyed shear connections in
RC shear walls”
Engineering Structures 155 (2018) 115–126
Engineering Structures
journal homepage:
Test and lower bound modeling of keyed shear connections in RC shear MARK
Jesper Harrild Sørensena, , Morten Andersen Herfelta,b, Linh Cao Hoanga, Aurelio Muttonic
Technical University of Denmark, Department of Civil Engineering, Brovej, Bygning 118, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Niras A/S, Sortemosevej 19, 3450 Allerød, Denmark
Ècole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, ENAC, Station 18, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Keywords: This paper presents an investigation into the ultimate behavior of a recently developed design for keyed shear
Keyed shear connections connections. The influence of the key depth on the failure mode and ductility of the connection has been studied
Precast concrete by push-off tests. The tests showed that connections with larger key indentations failed by complete key cut-off.
Push-off tests In contrast, connections with smaller key indentations were more prone to suffer local crushing failure at the key
corners. The local key corner crushing has an effect on the load-displacement response, which is relatively more
Lower bound solutions
ductile. In addition to the tests, the paper also presents lower bound modeling of the load carrying capacity of
the connections. The main purpose of the lower bound model is to supplement an already published upper bound
model of the same problem and thereby provide a more complete theoretical basis for practical design. The two
models display the same overall tendencies although identical results are not possible to obtain, due to differ-
ences in the basic assumptions usually made for upper and lower bound analysis of connections. It is found that
the test results, consistent with the extremum theorems of plasticity, are all lying within the gap between the
upper and the lower bound solution. The obtained results finally lead to a discussion of how the two models can
be used in practice. The primary merit of the upper bound model lies in its simplicity (a closed-form equation).
On the other hand, the lower bound model provides safe results, but is more complicated to apply. It is therefore
argued that the upper bound model may be used in cases, where calibration with tests has been carried out. The
lower bound model should be applied in situations, where the design deviates significantly from the config-
urations of the available tests.
1. Introduction The experimental results reported in [1] showed that the geometry
of the shear keys, and in particular the depth of the keys, plays an
A new design for keyed shear connections between precast wall important role for the ductility of the connection. In addition, the
elements has recently been proposed and the structural performance ability of the U-bars to develop yielding is decisive for a desirable be-
has been experimentally investigated [1]. The conceptual layout of the havior of the connection in the ultimate limit state. Inspired by ex-
design can be seen in Fig. 1. Unlike the conventional solution, where perimental observations, rigid-plastic upper bound solutions have been
the overlapping U-bars are looped in the horizontal plane [2,3], this developed for prediction of the capacity of the connection [1].
new layout consists of U-bars looped in vertical planes. The solution The aim of this paper is twofold. First and foremost, there is a need
contains double T-headed bars (lacer bars) placed perpendicular to the for additional tests to explore the behavior of the new design and in
plane of the wall elements to ensure efficient transfer of tension be- details study the influence of the key depth. Therefore, an in-depth
tween the U-bars [4]. It is also possible to add a vertical locking bar experimental investigation of the failure of the shear keys has been
similar to the conventional design of keyed shear connections. As carried out. To widen the experimental database (not only with respect
shown in [1], the new design has a much more ductile shear behavior to the number of tests but also with respect to parameter variations) U-
than the conventional solution and can in addition be more construc- bar diameters smaller than those used in the first test campaign have
tion-friendly in case of vertically lowered panels. Thus, the new design been investigated. Secondly, from an analytical point of view, there is a
has the potential to be used in e.g. high-rise buildings in cases where in need to establish lower bound solutions for the shear capacity of the
situ walls are replaced by precast concrete elements. connections in order to evaluate the already developed upper bound
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.H. Sørensen).
Received 13 June 2017; Received in revised form 3 November 2017; Accepted 6 November 2017
0141-0296/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.H. Sørensen et al. Engineering Structures 155 (2018) 115–126
solutions [1]. The set of solutions can be used to bracket the theoreti-
cally exact solution from below and above, which is extremely useful
for practice.
For looped connections, upper bound solutions are relatively
straight forward to establish when based on observed failure modes
[1,5,6], while optimal lower bound solutions are more difficult to de-
velop. Simple lower bound solutions for keyed shear connections have
e.g. been proposed by Christoffersen [7] and further developed in
Nielsen and Hoang [8]. However, the models contain only single uni-
axial strut action and are in many cases too conservative. Recently,
Herfelt et al. [9] presented a numerical framework for obtaining op-
timal lower bound solutions based on finite element limit analysis
(FELA). The numerical tool calculates the optimal stress distribution
and the corresponding failure mechanism in the joint mortar. In this
paper the results obtained by FELA will be used as inspiration to es-
tablish analytical lower bound solutions.
Compared to the single strut solution [7], the following numerical
and analytical models utilize combinations of struts with different in-
clinations to optimize the theoretical load carrying capacity. In addi-
tion, the ability of the grout-to-panel interface to transfer shear stresses
is utilized which eventually leads to non-hydrostatic biaxial stress
conditions in the nodal zones. The stresses in the nodal zones at the key
corners are modeled by use of the concept of homogeneous stress fields.
The concept was treated e.g. in Refs. [10–12].
2. Experimental program
J.H. Sørensen et al. Engineering Structures 155 (2018) 115–126
Table 1 different behaviors depending on the failure mode of the shear keys.
Specifications of the test specimens, including material properties. The plots in Fig. 3(a) are the results of specimens with smaller key
depths (dk = 10–16 mm) where failure took place as a local shearing of
No. fc [MPa] Lk [mm] Ak [mm2] dk [mm] As [mm2] VFP [kN]
the key corners (as illustrated in the graph). For larger key depths
D10 A 44.6 120 24000 10 113 448.56 (dk = 16–20 mm), complete shearing of the shear keys governed the
B 44.6 120 24000 10 113 448.62 first peak load, which leads to the load-displacement characteristics
D12 A 44.6 120 24000 12 113 471.74 shown in Fig. 3(b).
B 44.6 120 24000 12 113 496.36
The transition from key corner shearing to complete key shearing
D14 A 44.6 120 24000 14 113 510.91
B 44.6 120 24000 14 113 519.16 was dependent on a number of factors, including the geometry of the
D16 A 44.6 120 24000 16 113 543.30 shear keys, the material properties of the mortar, and the strength of the
B 44.6 120 24000 16 113 541.57 reinforcement. From post-test examinations it was found that specimens
D18 A 42.0 120 24000 18 113 540.73
with dk = 16 mm could fail both by local key corner shearing (D16B)
B 42.0 120 24000 18 113 537.50
D20 A 42.0 120 24000 20 113 526.62
and by complete failure of the shear key (D16A). This indicates that the
B 42.0 120 24000 20 113 517.03 theoretical transition between the two failure modes for this particular
test series takes place at approximately this key depth. The load–dis-
fc refers to the compressive strength of the grout measured on ϕ 100 × 200 mm cylinders. placement relationships of D16A and D16B are both shown in Fig. 3. It
was found that both had comparable first peak loads, VFP (see Table 1).
As describes the reinforcement area per loop connection, i.e. 4 ϕ2 .
4 However, the residual load level after first peak was higher for spe-
cimen D16B which experienced key corner shearing. This was a general
Table 2
observation that specimens suffering local key corner shearing had a
Material properties and geometric values.
more ductile load-displacement relationship (i.e. residual load level
Description Symbol closer to first peak load). In contrast to this, a relatively larger drop of
the load immediately after first peak was observed for all the speci-
U-bar diameter ϕ 6 mm
mens, which failed by complete key shearing. Both types of failure were
Yield strength of U-bar fy 517 MPa
accompanied by development of diagonal cracks in the grout. Fig. 4
Lacer bar diameter ϕLacer 12 mm
shows examples of local failure of the keys in combination with diag-
Yield strength of lacer bar f y,Lacer 552 MPa
onal cracks which formed the global failure mechanism. Post-test ex-
Internal bend diameter of loops D 45 mm
Width of Joint b 80 mm
aminations also showed large plastic deformations in the U-bars. This
Distance between loops s 300 mm observation confirms that the design of the loop connection (i.e. the
Inclination of key corner θk arctan
1 overlapping length, the diameter of lacer bar and the internal bend
Total length of joint L 1280 mm diameter of the U-bars) did enable transfer of the yield capacity of the
Max aggregate size in mortar dmax 4 mm U-bars through the overlap.
Diameter of locking bar ϕL 12 mm
It was generally observed that the first peak load, VFP , increased
Yield strength of locking bar f yL 599 MPa with increasing key depth until complete shearing of the keys becomes
Panel thickness t 200 mm the critical failure mode. Then VFP remained practically constant and
Strength of precast panels fc,element 58.2 MPa independent of a further increase of the key depth, cf. Table 1. The
residual load level after first peak appeared somewhat constant within
the two types of failure and must thereby be related to the layout and
U-bar loops were designed according to Refs. [4,6] to transfer the full the properties of the loop reinforcement, which were kept constant in
yield force of the U-bars. this study.
Based on the experimental results, it seems that connections in
2.1. Test results practice should be designed to be governed by local shearing of the key
corners, as this minimizes the difference between first peak load and the
Fig. 3 shows examples of typical tested load-displacement re- residual load level.
lationships. The depicted displacements correspond to relative long-
itudinal displacements between the two precast elements, measured at
both ends of the connection and averaged. The figure shows two
J.H. Sørensen et al. Engineering Structures 155 (2018) 115–126
3. Rigid-plastic analysis special case of the finite element method, where a rigid-plastic material
model is assumed. For lower bound solutions, a set of constraints ensure
The first peak load, VFP , can be estimated by use of upper or lower that the equilibrium conditions and the yield criteria are satisfied, i.e. a
bound models assuming rigid-plastic material behavior. Rigid-plastic statically admissible and safe stress field, while the load is sought to be
modeling can also be used to obtain an estimate of the inelastic maximized. A detailed description of the numerical framework for
load–displacement curve. This, however, requires a second order plastic modeling of keyed connections can be found in Herfelt et al. [9] and a
analysis where change of geometry and large displacements are taken summary of the concept is given in Appendix A. Here only the main
into account [13–16]. assumptions are needed for comparison with the analytical model.
The objective of this paper is limited to the calculation of VFP . As The relevant parameters for the numerical analysis are the geometry
mentioned, an upper bound model has already been established [1]. of the shear keys, the mechanical degree of transverse reinforcement,
The model predicts the shear capacity of keyed connections in a sa- interface properties, and the grout properties. Based on the experi-
tisfactory manner provided that an effectiveness factor, ν , is introduced. mental results the transverse reinforcement degree is determined by the
The problem, however, with a pure upper bound approach is that it yield force of the U-bars. In the model, the overlapping loops are sim-
remains an open question whether the adopted effectiveness factor, plified as continuous reinforcement crossing the connection. Moreover,
obtained by calibration with tests, to a significant extent also accounts plane stress condition is assumed and the mortar is modeled as a
for the fact, that the developed upper bound model is not necessarily modified Coulomb material without tensile strength. For the interface
the exact/correct one. To answer the question and eventually to eval- between the grout and the precast concrete, a Coulomb friction cri-
uate the developed upper bound model, lower bound solutions will be terion is assumed with a friction coefficient, μ = 0.75 (corresponding to
established in the following. This includes both numerical solutions as smooth casting joints [8,17]) and a neglectable cohesion. However,
well as analytical ones. friction is only considered active in the indented areas. The main ar-
gument for this is that the normal stress required to activate friction
stems from tension in the transverse reinforcement, which represents a
4. Numerical lower bound solutions based on finite element limit
form of passive confinement in contrast to active confinement from an
analysis (FELA)
external normal force. Hence, since the load is anticipated to be carried
mainly by strut action between the shear keys (when no active normal
The main purpose of the performed numerical lower bound calcu-
force is applied), then only the indented areas (which experiences
lations is to provide inspiration for the type of stress field to be adopted
compression from the strut action) can transfer friction. The
in an analytical lower bound model. FELA can be considered as a
J.H. Sørensen et al. Engineering Structures 155 (2018) 115–126
longitudinal locking bar has not been included in the numerical model,
as it is judged to entail stress fields that, at the current stage, are too
complicated for the initial establishment of analytical lower bound
Fig. 5 shows the calculated distribution of the smallest principal
stress (maximum compressive stress) in the joint mortar for some spe-
cimens from the experimental program. The stress field is only visua-
lized for the joint mortar, since the precast elements in the experimental
program as well as in the numerical model had over-strength. In the
calculations, the strength of the mortar was taken as fc , according to
Table 1. This entails that the effectiveness factor, ν , was chosen as unity
(note that the absolute value of ν is not important when the results are
used only to compare with the analytical solutions).
From the optimized stress distributions, it can be seen that the load
transfer mechanism consists of a combination of compression struts
spanning over one or two shear keys, i.e. struts with different inclina-
tions. This type of stress field is obviously more complicated than the
single strut solutions [7]. The numerical results will in the following
form the basis for how to choose the stress field in an analytical lower
bound solution and finally the results of the two methods will be Fig. 7. (a) Stresses along boundaries of Triangle I (Solution 1) and (b) resultants of
stresses on boundaries.
J.H. Sørensen et al. Engineering Structures 155 (2018) 115–126
J.H. Sørensen et al. Engineering Structures 155 (2018) 115–126
Fig. 9. (a) Stresses along boundaries of Triangles II and III (Solution 2) and (b) resultants of stresses on boundaries.
5.3. Global equilibrium for Solutions 1 and 2 In the following, the failure criteria adopted in the analytical lower
bound model to describe the joint mortar will be discussed. Distinction
With reference to the test specimen depicted in Fig. 2, the global is made between zones with uniaxial compression and zones with
equilibrium conditions can now be used to establish relations between biaxial compression. The tensile strength of the mortar is neglected and
the external load, V, and the internal stress resultants defined above. In the uniaxial compression strength is fc . For Struts Ai and B carrying
the longitudinal direction, l, the applied load is balanced by the stress uniaxial compression, the stress level is limited to:
resultants Al,i and Bl stemming from Struts A and B, respectively, where
i = 1 for Solution 1 and i = 2 for Solution 2. The resultant Bl only exists σA,i ⩽ νfc , i = 1,2, ν ⩽ 1 (36)
J.H. Sørensen et al. Engineering Structures 155 (2018) 115–126
where ν is the effectiveness factor. This factor normally takes into ac- For the inclined part of the shear key, the friction criterion, expressed in
count the material brittleness as well as the strength reduction due to terms of the resulting forces, can be established as:
cracking and tensile strains perpendicular to the struts. It is argued that
Pl,isinθk−Pt ,i cosθk
in the present lower bound problem, with steep direct strut actions ⩽ μ, i = 1,2
Pt ,isinθk + Pl,i cosθk (42)
within a narrow and long strip of mortar, the effect of tensile strains
perpendicular to the struts may be neglected. Hence, ν mainly accounts
for the material brittleness. In the following, ν will be taken as unity 5.7. Optimization of lower bound solutions
when the analytical lower bound model is evaluated against the nu-
merical calculations (because ν = 1 was used in the numerical calcu- By examining the geometrical and equilibrium conditions of
lations). However, when using the analytical lower bound model to Solution 1 as well as 2, it may be shown that the problems are in-
compare with its upper bound counterpart [1] and with test results, a determinate with two free optimization parameters, namely the para-
value of ν = 0.89 is adopted as a qualified estimate of the effect of meter e and one of the statical parameters. The resultant Cl,i will in the
material brittleness. This value is obtained from the formula, following be chosen as the statical optimization parameter.
ν = (fc,0 / fc )1/3 proposed in the fib Model Code [18], with fc,0 = 30 MPa.
If the interface is not utilized to transfer shear stresses, Cl,i will
Normally, concrete/mortar is identified as a modified Coulomb
vanish and the solution will eventually be identical to the single strut
material, which means that fc will also be the strength in a biaxial
solution suggested by Christoffersen [7]. Therefore, to obtain better
compression field. However, as shown e.g. by Kupfer et al. [19], the
solutions, the interface friction must be utilized as much as possible.
strength of concrete under biaxial compression may be larger than the
Hence, Cl,i should be taken as large as possible. According to Eq. (41),
uniaxial strength. Furthermore, as the areas with biaxial compression
this implies:
represent nodal zones in the model, the effectiveness factor can here be
taken as ν = 1, also in practice. This means that the failure criterion for Cl,i = μCt ,i, i = 1,2 (43)
zones with biaxial compression may be expressed as:
By choosing the relation given in Eq. (43), the only remaining para-
σ2 ⩽ cfc, c⩾1 (38) meter left for optimization of the load carrying capacity is e. The op-
timization is naturally subjected to the strength constraints established
where c can be interpreted as a strength enhancement factor and σ2 is in Sections 5.4 and 5.5. Results are presented in the following.
the largest principal compressive stress. Test results of Kupfer et al. [19]
showed that c depends of the σ2/ σ1−ratio (c = 1.27 for σ2/ σ1 = 2 and 6. Verification of analytical lower bound solutions
c = 1.16 for σ2/σ1 = 1). In the following, c is taken as unity when the
analytical lower bound model is evaluated against the numerical cal- The results obtained by FELA (which are optimal under the as-
culations (in order to be consistent with the assumptions made for the sumptions made) will in the following be used to verify the analytical
numerical model). However, for comparison with the upper bound lower bound solutions. The purpose is to investigate if the analytical
model and with test results, a qualified estimate of c = 1.15 is adopted. solutions actually capture the main tendencies of the numerical results.
This value is slightly higher than the recommendation of the fib Model Calculations have been carried out based on the properties and para-
Code [18] for biaxially compressed nodes. meters of the test specimens. The results, in terms of normalized shear
Due to the assumption of zero tensile strength, the following lim- stresses versus the key depth, can be seen in Fig. 10(a), where the result
itation also applies to the biaxially stressed areas: of the single strut solution [7] is also shown. The nominal shear stress
σ1 ⩾ 0 (39) has been determined as follows:
nhk Lk (44)
5.6. Failure criterion for interface
where V is calculated from Eq. (31). The full red curve in Fig. 10(a)
As an averaged description, the interface between mortar and pre- corresponds to the upper envelope of Solutions 1 and 2 and represents
cast elements with keys may be categorized as very rough, with a the optimal results provided by the analytical lower bound model. It
pseudo cohesive resistance and a high pseudo frictional coefficient (see can be seen that Solution 2 applies to larger key depths (dk > 8 mm)
e.g. Eurocode 2 [20]). However, in a detailed calculation where the whereas Solution 1 provides better results for smaller key depths. For
geometry of the keys is taken into account, the mechanical properties of key depths larger than 13 mm, Triangle I vanishes in Solution 1, as the
the real interface should be used. This means that the properties of the length a becomes smaller than e1. In this case σA,1 will act only on the
formwork have an influence on the failure criterion of the interface. inclined part of the key corner, however, as the capacity is less than
Hence, like for the numerical model, the following Coulomb friction Solution 2, it is not calculated. Contrary to the single strut solution, the
criterion is adopted for the interface: present model actually provides a significant capacity in the limiting
|τnt | ⩽ μσn case of dk = 0 mm (i.e. when the design is no longer a keyed connec-
tion). In this case, there is no nodal zone and the compression from the
where τnt is the shear stress on the boundary of the shear keys and σn is a diagonal struts is transferred through the interface by pure shear-fric-
compressive normal stress acting on the same boundary, e.g. tion. Fig. 10(b) depicts the optimal value of e versus the key depth. At
(σn,τnt ) = (σt ,II ,τtl,II ) . It should be noted that Eq. (40) does not contain a the transition point, the optimal value of e for Solution 1 is different
cohesion term. The main argument for neglecting the cohesion is that from that of Solution 2. This underlines that Solution 2 is not to be
smooth formwork was used to cast the reinforced concrete elements for considered as an extension of Solution 1, which is also seen in the fact
the experimental program (smooth formwork is commonly used also in that the transition between the two solutions is not smooth.
practice). Thus any small cohesive resistance in the interface may have Nevertheless, it is found that the analytical model provides results
(partly or completely) vanished at the ultimate limit state. The coeffi- that are almost identical to the numerical results obtained by FELA
cient of friction will in the following be taken as μ = 0.75, similar to the (Fig. 10(a)). A small deviation is observed around the transition be-
assumption of the numerical model. The friction criterion implies that tween Solution 1 and Solution 2. However, the deviation is insignificant
the stress resultants, Cl,i and Ct ,i , see Figs. 7(b) and 9(b), must fulfill the compared to the overall agreement. This strong correlation shows that
following condition: the analytical model is close to the optimal solution. In this context it
J.H. Sørensen et al. Engineering Structures 155 (2018) 115–126
Fig. 11. Normalized stresses versus key depth in Solution 1, note that c = 1 and ν = 1.
Fig. 10. (a) Comparison of analytical and numerical lower bound models and (b) the
optimal distance e calculated for Solutions 1 and 2.
should be noted that optimality here only refers to the best results that
can be obtained by the assumptions made and not necessary the ‘true’
results. Note further that other geometries and reinforcement degrees
may favor other stress fields not captured by the two developed ana-
lytical solutions.
It can be seen in Fig. 10(a) that the analytical model as well as FELA
estimate a higher capacity than the single strut solution developed in
[7]. This is partly related to the inclusion of friction in the grout-to-
panel interface at the keyed areas.
Fig. 11 depicts the stresses of Solution 1 versus the key depth. It can
be seen that the maximum compressive principal stress, σ2,I , acting in
Triangle I is governing in the entire interval of dk , where Solution 1 is
optimal. Moreover it appears that the minor principal stress, σ1,I , is also
compressive and that the stress in Strut A,σA,1, is well below νfc for all
key depths. The magnitudes of the stresses depicted in Fig. 11 indicate a
local failure of the key corners (only Triangle I is critical). This is in
agreement with test results for specimens with small key depths. Fig. 13. Variation of σA,2 and σB as function of key depth in Solution 2, ν = 1.
The stresses of Solution 2 are plotted in Fig. 12. It can be seen that
σ1,II = 0 when the key depth is approximately 4 mm. This stress com-
key depths (at least not for the assumed material parameters and geo-
ponent in fact becomes negative (i.e. tension) for lower values of dk ,
metry considered). Furthermore, it can be seen that σ2,III is the gov-
which means that Solution 2 does not provide valid results for smaller
erning stress component for key depths between 4 mm and 10 mm,
J.H. Sørensen et al. Engineering Structures 155 (2018) 115–126
Fig. 15. (a) Comparison of upper and lower bound models with test results, (b) stresses in Struts A and B in Solution 2.
while σ2,II is governing for larger key depths. Triangle I vanishes at a key geometry and adopted material parameters ν = c = 1.
depth of approximately 21 mm. As σA,2 < νfc , the stress can be safely
transferred without considering a nodal zone. At a key depth of about
28 mm, the maximum effective depth according to Eq. (14) is in- 7. Comparison of analytical lower and upper bound models
troduced and the capacity cannot be increased further beyond this key
depth. In the following, the analytical lower bound model will be com-
Fig. 13 shows how the stresses in Struts A and B vary in Solution 2. pared with the previously developed upper bound model [1]. It is not
It can be seen that σB is larger than σA,2 in the entire interval of key expected that the two models lead to identical results (i.e. a theoreti-
depths. At the transition to the effective key depth (dk ≈ 28 mm), the cally exact solution) since they are not fully based on the same set of
stress in Strut B has almost reached the capacity of νfc , however, it assumptions. For instance, plane stress condition is assumed in the
remains slightly below. These results of course reflect the modeled lower bound model while plane strain condition is imposed in the upper
bound model. However, the comparison can be used to evaluate the
J.H. Sørensen et al. Engineering Structures 155 (2018) 115–126
tendencies of the two models and in particular the gap between them. reliability of the results. However, the most correct solution would
Eventually, by comparison of both models with test results, a qualified probably be somewhere between the two models since in reality, the
discussion of the effectiveness factor adopted in the pure upper bound connection is not in a state of plane strain, nor plane stress, but
approach [1] can be carried out. somewhere in between. This is clearly seen in the fact that the test
The upper bound model presented in Ref. [1] is based on two basic results as plotted in Fig. 15(a) are all lying in between the results of the
collapse mechanisms reflecting local key corner failure and complete upper and lower bound models. Hence, an important conclusion that
key shearing, respectively, see Fig. 14. The interface properties between can be drawn from the comparison in Fig. 15 is that the effectiveness
mortar and the precast elements are neglected and the mortar is treated factor adopted in the pure upper bound approach (see Ref. [1] for de-
as a modified Coulomb material with zero tensile strength and with an tails) not only reflects the material brittleness but also partly contains
internal angle of friction taken as φ = 30°. The assumption of plane an empirical reduction to compensate for the ideal assumption of plane
strain condition implies that the angle of displacement, α , due to the strain. In this context, it is interesting to note that the width, i.e. b
normality condition cannot be smaller than φ , i.e. α ⩾ 30°. For a de- shown in Fig. 2, must have an influence on the stress and strain con-
tailed derivation of the upper bound solution, the reader is referred to ditions in the connection, but this parameter is absent in the failure
[1]. It should be noted that the upper bound solution, in contrast to the mechanisms based on the plane strain assumption that were considered
lower bound counterpart, can be formulated as closed-form equations in Ref. [1]. Hence, it is reasonable to believe that the effectiveness
and is therefore easier to use in practice. factor of the pure upper bound approach also compensates for the in-
The results of the upper bound and lower bound models can be seen fluence of b, which is not considered theoretically. The lower bound
in Fig. 15(a). As stated in the previous, ν = 0.89 is adopted for the model, on the other hand, includes the width, b, as an important
uniaxial compression struts while ν = 1 and c = 1.15 are used for the parameter. Still, if the plane stress lower bound solution should be
biaxial compression zones in the lower bound model. Such a distinction calibrated to fit the test results (Fig. 15), then artificially higher values
between types of stress field can of course not be made in the upper of ν and c would be required, most probably to compensate for the
bound model. Therefore, ν = 0.89 has been used when determining the triaxial stress state that in reality would develop locally in the joint
dissipation in all the yield lines in the upper bound model. The gap mortar.
between the upper and the lower bound solutions (Fig. 15) is however It might be too optimistic to expect that a more correct/realistic
not due to the difference in the material parameters. The gap would in solution can be developed which at the same time is as user-friendly as
fact have been larger, had the lower bound calculations also been based the closed-form upper bound solution. The upper bound model will
on ν = 0.89 and c = 1 everywhere. It is mainly the assumption of plane therefore still have preference from a practical point of view, even
strain condition versus plane stress condition that has an influence on though it has to be used in conjunction with an effectiveness factor that
the observed gap. In addition, other more sophisticated collapse me- not only accounts for the real material behavior but also functions as an
chanisms (not yet analyzed) may lower the upper bound results. adjustment parameter to compensate for the unsafe nature of upper
Another discrepancy between the two models should also be bound solutions. Awareness of this is important when applying the
pointed out. A closer look at the two solutions (in Fig. 15) in the vicinity upper bound model to practical cases, which deviate significantly from
of dk = 0 mm reveals that the upper bound solution is lying below the the experimentally tested configurations. In such situations, the lower
lower bound solution. This difference has no practical significant but is bound model presented in this paper will be useful.
apparently inconsistent with the extremum theorems of plasticity. The
reason is to be found in the fact, that the interface is assigned a friction 8. Conclusions
failure criterion, Eq. (40), in the lower bound model while this criterion
is ignored in the upper bound calculations. To obtain results consistent This paper presented push-off tests of a recently developed keyed
with the extremum theorems, the upper bound calculations should be shear connection design for precast concrete wall elements. The in-
modified to include the friction criterion for the interface and at the vestigation focused on the influence of the key depth on the failure
same time fulfill the normality condition at the interface. It may in that mode and the load–displacement response of the connections. The ex-
case be shown, that the upper bound solution will lie above the lower perimental observations include:
bound counterpart and that the two solutions will yield exactly the
same result at the limiting case of dk = 0 mm. • Connections with smaller key depths failed by local key corner
In the present calculations, the upper bound model reaches the shearing while failure by complete key shearing was observed for
upper limit (corresponding to complete key shearing) at dk ≈ 13 mm. connections with larger key depths
This is actually close to dk = 16 mm, which in the test series corre- • The maximum capacity (first peak load) was related to failure of the
sponds to the transition between the two failure modes. The lower keys and increased with increasing key depth until complete key
bound Solution 2 on the other hand, reaches an upper limit at shearing became the critical failure mode
dk ≈ 28 mm corresponding to the maximum effective key depth (Eq. • The residual load level (beyond the first peak load) is relatively
(14)). Furthermore, in Solution 2, the Triangle II is critical when dk is higher for connections suffering local key corner shearing
between approximately 9 to 17 mm while Strut B is stressed to νfc and
therefore critical for dk larger than 17 mm (see Fig. 15(b)). For The experimental observations suggest that for practical applica-
dk > 17 mm, the thickness of Strut B increases with increasing dk which tions the connection should be designed to be governed by local key
explains the increase of the capacity for dk between 17 and 28 mm. As corner crushing as this improves the ductility. In addition to the ex-
seen in Fig. 15(b), Strut A of Solution 2 is at no point critical. The fact perimental results, an analytical lower bound model was developed for
that only Strut B is critical when Solution 2 reaches the upper limit prediction of the first peak capacity. The model was validated with
makes it rather difficult to relate the result to a failure mechanism in- numerical calculations based on finite element limit analysis. The
volving complete key shearing. This simply underlines that Solution 2 model differs from existing analytical lower bound solutions for keyed
(although it may be optimal subjected to the assumptions made) is still connections in the following way:
a lower bound and thus a safe model for the real ultimate behavior of
the connection. • The load can be carried by a combination of struts spanning over
It is important for practical application that the two models (de- one or two indentations
veloped independently of each other) in fact display the same overall • Local strength increase at nodal zones and effects of interface fric-
tendencies, namely a shear capacity that increases with increasing key tion are accounted for
depth until an upper limit has been reached. This improves the • The nodal zones can be subjected to non-hydrostatic biaxial stress
J.H. Sørensen et al. Engineering Structures 155 (2018) 115–126
As discussed in Section 4, FELA can be considered as a special case of the general finite element method, where a rigid-plastic material model is
assumed. Unlike the finite element method, however, FELA is a so-called direct method where the collapse load is determined in a single step and no
incremental procedure is needed. The method is therefore rather efficient and numerically stable for calculation of the collapse load of structures.
The fundamental idea of the method is to formulate a given limit analysis problem as a convex optimization problem, where the ultimate load is
maximized. In order to obtain a lower bound solution, the determined stress field must be statically admissible and safe. This is ensured by a set of
linear equality constraints, representing the equilibrium conditions, as well as a set of convex inequality constraints, representing the convex yield
conditions. The general form of the optimization problem is given below:
maximize λ
subject to BT σ = pλ + p0
f (σi )≤ 0, i = 1,2,…,m
The external load comprises a constant part, p0 , and a scalable part, pλ , where λ is the load factor, which is sought to be maximized. The external
load is balanced by the stress field described by the vector σ via the linear equilibrium equations, BT σ = pλ + p0 , where BT is the equilibrium matrix.
The yield function f (σi ) is checked in the m points to ensure a safe stress field. For concrete, the Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion is commonly used
which can be expressed as conic constraints [21,22].
The equilibrium matrix, BT , depends on the chosen lower bound finite elements and discretization. In this paper, lower bound plane stress
elements have been used together with bar and interface elements, representing the reinforcement and grout-to-panel interfaces of the keyed joint.
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Paper IV
”Testing and modeling dowel and catenary action in rebars
crossing shear joints in RC”
Engineering Structures 145 (2017) 234–245
Engineering Structures
journal homepage:
Testing and modeling dowel and catenary action in rebars crossing shear
joints in RC
Jesper H. Sørensen ⇑, Linh C. Hoang, John F. Olesen, Gregor Fischer
Technical University of Denmark, Department of Civil Engineering, Brovej, Bygning 118, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper presents a detailed study of the shear behavior of two-sided dowel joints, which includes ini-
Received 9 February 2017 tiation of dowel action at small shear displacements and development of full catenary action in the rein-
Revised 21 April 2017 forcement at large displacements. In addition to experimental results, the paper also presents a simple,
Accepted 10 May 2017
second order plasticity model to describe the non-linear regime of the load-displacement relationship. In
the model, kinematic relations and the normality condition of plastic theory are utilized to establish a
unique link between the imposed shear displacement and combinations of moment and tension that
develop in the rebar(s) crossing the joint. Interface friction is included in a consistent manner based
Dowel action
Catenary action
on clamping stresses induced by the tension of the rebar(s). Comparison of experimental results with
Concrete plasticity the model predictions shows satisfactory agreement. The model has, due to its simplicity, potential for
Second order modeling practical applications related to assessment of structural robustness, where estimation of the available
energy (area below load-displacement curve) is important.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0141-0296/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.H. Sørensen et al. / Engineering Structures 145 (2017) 234–245 235
Fig. 1. Casting joint between two different concretes subjected to shear displacements and crossed by a rebar.
Several authors have recognized that for two-sided joints, the the kinematical conditions of the dowel. As will be shown, the link
development of axial tension reduces the bending capacity of eventually also allows for inclusion of interface friction in a consis-
the dowel. In order to account for this reduction, a criterion for tent manner.
the combination of axial tension and bending is needed [21–25].
Basically, this criterion is the same as the MN-interaction diagram
for the rebar cross section. The real challenge here is to establish a 2. Experimental program
unique link between the shear displacement, u, and the points on
the MN-interaction diagram. In the literature, this link is often 2.1. Material properties and test setup
established on a more or less empirical basis, e.g. based on exper-
imental measurements of the axial tension in the rebar. The experimental program was designed to examine the devel-
This paper presents an investigation into the behavior of two- opment of dowel and catenary action in rebars crossing an inter-
sided dowel joints (i.e. rebars crossing an interface between face loaded in pure shear. For this purpose, push-off tests were
concretes cast at different times), exposed to large shear displace- carried out on specimens with one single rebar, two rebars and
ments. The investigation covers both an experimental program as four rebars (i.e. n = 1, 2 or 4) crossing the casting joint. In most
well as a theoretical study. Some few initial tests as well as basic cases, three replicates of the same layout were successfully tested.
ideas have been presented in a previous work-in-progress paper The general specimen layout is shown in Fig. 2. The rebars were
(Ref. [26]). One of the focus points of the experimental program placed symmetrically about the principal axis of the specimen
has been to study the efficiency of rebar groups in comparison with cross section. In the case of n = 2 and n = 4, the rebars were placed
single dowel behavior. This is relevant for practical applications with a mutual distance of 42 mm. The shear load was applied in
because rebars crossing casting joints between precast concrete the direction of the z-axis shown in Fig. 2. Specifications and mate-
elements are often lumped in groups, e.g. in the form of overlap- rial properties have been summarized in Table 1. As indicated in
ping U-bars. Furthermore, in addition to tests of the classical Fig. 2, confinement reinforcement in the form of rectangular stir-
concrete-to-concrete interface, the program also includes rups was used to prevent premature splitting failure of the con-
concrete-to-mortar interfaces. Tests of such combinations have, crete block. The rebars crossing the casting joint had threads at
to the best knowledge of the authors, not been published before. both ends for installation of anchorage plates (to ensure develop-
The combinations are nevertheless important in practice, for ment of full tensile capacity when catenary action developed).
instance when dealing with shear connections between precast The specimens were cast in two sequences. At first, half of each
concrete wall elements, which are often grouted with mortar. specimen was cast in plywood formwork with smooth surfaces.
The experimental results have been used to calibrate and verify The second half was cast the day after. Before the second cast,
a theoretical model of the load-displacement response of two- grease was applied to the casting joint in order to reduce friction.
sided dowel joints. The primary motivation for developing such a A regular concrete (denoted C in Table 1) with a maximum
model is to provide a more accurate calculation of the displace- aggregate size of 16 mm and a commercial mortar (denoted M in
ment dependent resistance of shear joints under e.g. accidental Table 1) containing aggregate sizes of 0–2 mm were used to obtain
load cases, as this information may facilitate an estimate of the three combinations of casting joints. The combinations were
overall robustness for the structural system. The model is based (see also Table 1): concrete-to-concrete (C/C), mortar-to-mortar
on a second order rigid-plastic approach, where change of struc- (M/M), and mortar-to-concrete (M/C). The main differences
tural geometry has to be considered in order to correctly model between the two materials are the aggregate composition and
the response at large shear displacements. The adopted approach the compressive strength, see Table 2 for the proportions of the
differs from most of the previous works on this topic and has the concrete mixture. All specimens were provided with rebars with
advantage of being able to provide a simple and unique link diameter d = 8 mm.
between the relative displacement in the joint and the MN- The specimens were tested in a classical push-off setup, where
interaction diagram for the rebar cross section. The link is estab- the thrust line of the applied load coincides with the plane of the
lished by combining the normality condition of plastic theory with casting joint in order to simulate pure shear loading, see Fig. 3.
236 J.H. Sørensen et al. / Engineering Structures 145 (2017) 234–245
Fig. 2. General geometry of test specimens for push-off shear tests and indication of position of rebars in specimens with n = 1, 2 and 4 rebars.
Table 1
Specifications and material properties for test series (C = concrete, M = mortar, n = number of rebars).
Fig. 3. Test setup for push-off testing of casting joints crossed by rebar(s).
J.H. Sørensen et al. / Engineering Structures 145 (2017) 234–245 237
which at this point must have experienced hardening after initial difference between the compressive strengths of concrete and
yielding and hence the tangent stiffness decreases with increased mortar was found for these tests, cf. Table 1. It should be noted,
shear displacement. This continues until the ultimate load, which however, that although the response curves of the concrete speci-
was found at a maximum shear displacement in the range of 15– mens lie above those of the mortar specimens, then, at the final
25 mm. All tests were terminated by rupture of the rebars, and stage, specimens with mortar-to-mortar interface were actually
for the specimens with the same number of rebars, larger maxi- able to carry the highest ultimate load. The results are interesting
mum shear displacement also resulted in higher ultimate loads. and indicate that while the compressive strength has a positive
From post-test examinations of the specimens, severe local crush- influence on the transition to non-linear behavior, then in the
ing of the concrete/mortar was observed near the interface as end, a higher compressive strength leads to lower ultimate load.
shown in Fig. 5(a). Fig. 5(b) shows a photo of the deflected shape The reason for this will be discussed in Section 4.
of a ruptured rebar removed from a test specimen after testing. On an overall level, the tested specimens behaved similar to
The plastic deformations of the rebar were concentrated within a tests reported by Engström [24] and Randl and Wicke [25]. How-
length that corresponds to a few rebar diameters on both sides ever, Engström tested bolts with larger diameters which induced
of the interface. Outside this region, the rebars remained straight, greater action in the concrete block and for this reason premature
see Fig. 5(b). splitting failure of the concrete specimens was observed before
When comparing the response of specimens containing the rupture of the reinforcement/bolts occurred. Randl and Wicke
same number of rebars, it is observed that specimens with C/C reported similar load-displacement curves from tests on T-
interface carried the highest load at the point where the non- headed bars embedded in concrete. They observed shear displace-
linear part of the response clearly emerges. This point is lowest ments up to 20 mm and failure by rupture of the reinforcement. In
for the curves belonging to specimens with M/M interface. As their study, the interface properties were varied which influenced
can be seen, this tendency is most pronounced for specimens the shape of the load-displacement curves, especially at the transi-
with four rebars (n = 4) which seems reasonable since the largest tion to non-linear behavior.
Fig. 5. Local crushing at rebars at the casting joint (a) and deflected shape of ruptured rebar (b).
238 J.H. Sørensen et al. / Engineering Structures 145 (2017) 234–245
3. Second order plastic modeling Finally, by use of Eqs. (4) and (5), the following condensed
expression for the kinematical condition of the rebar can be
The non-linear part of the load-displacement response of two- established:
sided dowel joints will in this paper be modeled by use of a simple sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
second order plasticity approach where concrete as well as rein- D_ u u
¼ 1þ ð6Þ
forcing steel are treated as rigid-plastic materials with finite defor- h_ 2 l1 þ l2
mation capacity. In the model, displacements are therefore the sole
results of accumulated plastic deformations. The model will be
3.2. Constitutive relationship and sectional forces in the plastic hinges
established for the general case, where the casting joint is the
interface between two different concretes (having different com-
The assumption of rigid-plastic material behavior implies that
pressive strengths). Initially, the model is established for perfectly
in the case of pure tension, plastic deformation in the rebar is only
smooth joints. The effect of friction in the joint interface is then
possible when the cross section is subjected to the plastic tensile
included by an extension of the model.
capacity N p . Further, in the case of pure bending, plastic deforma-
tion is only possible when the cross section is subjected to the plas-
3.1. Mechanism and kinematic relationships tic moment capacity M p . These sectional capacities are:
p 2
The starting point of the model is to assume a failure mecha- Np ¼ d fy ð7Þ
nism for the rebar, see Fig. 1, where two plastic hinges must 4
1 3
develop to allow for relative displacement, u, in the joint. The posi- Mp ¼ d f y ð8Þ
tion of the plastic hinges (defined by the distances l1 and l2 from 6
the joint) depends on the strength of the concretes and the where d is the cross sectional diameter of the rebar and f y is the
moment capacity of the rebar cross section. In order to comply yield stress of the rebar. For combinations of bending and axial ten-
with compatibility requirements, the plastic hinges must in addi- sion, plastic deformations may initiate when the yield condition of
tion to rotations also undergo elongations when u increases. The the cross section is fulfilled, i.e. when f ðM; N Þ ¼ 0. The yield condi-
rates of plastic deformations can be determined by establishing tion (or the MN-interaction diagram) can be derived by requiring
the kinematic relationship for the assumed mechanism. Then, by static equivalence between the sectional forces ðM; NÞ and the dis-
imposing the normality condition of plastic theory and by applying tribution of normal stresses shown in Fig. 6. The result appears as
the work equation for increments of displacement, the necessary follows:
equations to determine the load P as a function of displacement, 0 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1
13 ! 13 23
u, can be derived. N 2@ M M M A
f ðN; MÞ ¼ þ arcsin 1 1¼0
The problem is treated as a static displacement controlled prob- Np p Mp Mp Mp
lem, where the relative shear displacement in the joint, u, is con-
sidered as a monotonic function of time. For convenience, a ð9Þ
displacement velocity equal to unity is assumed: As an approximation, the mathematically simpler yield condi-
uðtÞ ¼ t ð1Þ tion for a rectangular cross section is sometimes adopted when
studying dowel and catenary action in rebars, see e.g. [21–23,25].
From simple geometrical considerations, the following relation- Now, according to the normality condition of plastic theory, the
ship can be established between u and the angle of rotation, h, in rates of plastic deformations must fulfill the following constitutive
the plastic hinges: relationship:
u u1 u2 @f 8 1
tan h ¼ ¼ ¼ ð2Þ h_ ¼k ¼ k 3 rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2=3ffi ð10Þ
l1 þ l2 l1 l2 @M pd f y
1 MMp
where u1 þ u2 ¼ u, see Fig. 1. To accommodate the change of geom-
@f 4
etry when u increases, it is necessary to impose elongation in the D_ ¼k ¼k 2 ð11Þ
rebar in addition to rotation of the plastic hinges. Since rigid- @N pd f y
plastic material behavior has been assumed, it is convenient to con-
sider the elongation as a plastic extension, D, concentrated in the where k is a positive constant proportional to the displacement
hinges (as indicated in Fig. 1). In this way, h and D may be regarded velocity. The constant vanishes when Eqs. (10) and (11) are used
as the general strains in the plastic hinges, which are subjected to to establish the following ratio of plastic strain rates:
general stresses in the form of bending moments, M, and normal
forces, N. The following relationship between u and D can be
l1 þ l2 l1 þ l2 u
D¼ þ 1þ ð3Þ
2 2 l1 þ l2
dh dh du l1 þ l2
h_ ¼ ¼ ¼ ð4Þ
dt du dt ðl1 þ l2 Þ2 þ u2
dD dD du u
D_ ¼ ¼ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð5Þ
dt du dt 2
2 ðl1 þ l2 Þ þ u2 Fig. 6. Plastic stress distribution in a circular cross section subjected to M and N.
J.H. Sørensen et al. / Engineering Structures 145 (2017) 234–245 239
D_ d M and (17) will, as expected, be identical to the results presented in
¼ 1 ð12Þ Nielsen and Hoang [28]. It should be noted that the assumed uni-
h_ 2 Mp
form distribution of contact pressures only leads to zero moment
It can be seen that Eq. (12) together with Eq. (6) provides a link in the rebar at the interface when f cc;1 ¼ f cc;2 (see moment diagram
between the kinematical conditions and the state of stresses in the in Fig. 7(a)). Hence, to maintain equilibrium when f cc;1 – f cc;2 and
plastic hinges. This means that the bending moment, MðuÞ, carried when the external action corresponds to pure shear (i.e. thrust line
by the plastic hinges for any given value of displacement, u, can be coinciding with interface plane), tension must develop in the rebar
determined by equating the right hand side of Eq. (6) to the right which eventually leads to a distribution of so-called clamping
hand side of Eq. (12). The tension force, N ðuÞ, may thereafter be stresses in the interface. The tension force together with the
determined by imposing f ðM; N Þ ¼ 0 according to Eq. (9). The clamping stresses will then be able to outbalance the (small) bend-
results are: ing moment in the rebar at the interface cross section. According to
u2 2 !!3=2 Eq. (14), tension develops in the rebar as soon as u > 0. Therefore,
M ðuÞ u strictly speaking, the assumption of uniformly distributed contact
¼ 1 1þ ¥0 ð13Þ
Mp d l1 þ l2 pressure is not able to fulfill all equilibrium requirements at
0 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi 1
1 ! 1 2 u ¼ 0 (i.e. initiation of pure dowel action) when f cc;1 – f cc;2 . This
NðuÞ 2@ MðuÞ 3 M ðuÞ 3 MðuÞ 3 A is, however, acceptable since the assumption primarily was moti-
¼1 arcsin 1 1
Np p Mp Mp Mp vated by the aim of obtaining a simple estimate of the position
of the plastic hinges. In reality, the rebar will probably experience
combinations of tension and bending moments already in the elas-
The ratio MðuÞ=Mp in Eq. (14) may be replaced by the right hand tic range.
side of Eq. (13) in order to obtain an explicit expression for the nor- The simple stress distribution shown in Fig. 7(a) cannot be
mal force in the rebar as a function of u. adopted for analysis of the entire load-displacement response.
When dowel action is accompanied by tension in the rebar (and
3.3. Effective stress distribution in the concrete in the end completely replaced by catenary action) the average
contact pressure must decrease due to the assumed material prop-
The assumed displacement field for the rebar implies that it has erties and the equilibrium conditions. Since concrete is not a per-
to cut its way through the concrete and thereby cause local crush- fectly rigid-plastic material, there will be a softening effect which
ing failure. It is in this context not possible on the basis of the pre- in turn reduces the concrete pressure when the concrete experi-
sent simplified approach to determine in details the entire stress ences too large compressive strains. The displacement, u, and
distribution in the concrete. For triaxial stress conditions of the thereby the local deformations may become so large that the con-
type developed in the concrete at the dowel, an enhanced com- crete near the joint interface spalls off/crushes thus leaving this
pressive strength, f cc , is therefore usually assumed: zone to be stress free, see e.g. Fig. 5(a). Therefore, due to material
properties, redistribution of the contact pressure will take place
f cc ¼ cfc ð15Þ as u increases. In addition to this, the redistribution of stresses
where c P 1 is the so-called enhancement factor which has to be must take place in such a way, that equilibrium can be maintained
determined by calibration with test results. Rasmussen [13] found when catenary action starts to develop in the rebar.
c-values in the range of 3.7–5.4 from tests on one-sided dowels. It is not possible in a rigid-plastic model to theoretically
Similar c-values have also been suggested in Refs. [1,23,27]. There account for the above mentioned softening of the concrete. There-
is a close link between the average triaxial compressive strength, fore, in the following, as u increases, the effect of softening (and
f cc , and the position of the plastic hinges. Rasmussen [13] used a spalling of concrete) will indirectly be taken into account by intro-
simple plasticity approach to establish this link, which eventually ducing effective lengths, l1;ef and l2;ef , over which contact pressures
led to an estimate of the load carrying capacity related to pure f cc;1 and f cc;2 are assumed to act uniformly, see Fig. 7(b). This may
dowel action (i.e. the so-called first order plastic solution). The same be interpreted as an assumption of rigid-plastic behavior with
approach is adopted in the following for two-sided dowels in order finite deformation capacity, although there is actually no real infor-
to determine the distances l1 and l2 . As shown in Fig. 7(a), it is mation about the deformation capacity of the concrete when it is
assumed that contact pressures of magnitude f cc;1 and f cc;2 are act- subjected to contact pressure by the dowel. The only simple way
ing uniformly on the rebar over the lengths l1 and l2 , respectively, to establish the condition for l1;ef and l2;ef , as u increases, is there-
when the rebar starts to carry load by pure dowel action (see also fore through equilibrium considerations. Hence, by establishing
Nielsen and Hoang [28]). The corresponding shear and moment dia- vertical force equilibrium and moment equilibrium for the part
grams for the rebar are shown in Fig. 7(a) as well. By setting up the of the rebar between the plastic hinges, see Fig. 7(b), and by utiliz-
vertical force equilibrium and moment equilibrium for the part of ing that the plastic hinges now are subjected to MðuÞ and N ðuÞ as
the rebar between the two plastic hinges, it is possible to establish given by Eqs. (13) and (14), the following relationship between u
the following equations to calculate l1 and l2 : and the effective lengths l1;ef and l2;ef can be established:
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 0 1
rffiffiffi vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
fy u
2 d B u M ð u Þ C
l1 ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð16Þ li;ef ¼ li @1 t1 2 f f A ¥ 0 ð18Þ
3 1 þ f cc;1 f cc;1 M p þ u2 d f cc;1þfcc;2
f cc;2 cc;1 cc;2
rffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2 d fy where i = 1 and 2. It appears that the effective length is equal to the
l2 ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð17Þ
3 1 þ f cc;2 f cc;2 initial lengths, cf. Eqs. (16) and (17), when u ¼ 0 and reduces to zero
f cc;1
when u has reached a value that makes MðuÞ ¼ 0. The latter situa-
When setting up the equilibrium equations leading to Eqs. (16) tion corresponds to a transition to full catenary action where the
and (17), it has been utilized that the moment capacity, Mp , of the plastic hinges turn into moment-free hinges. Therefore, the rebar
rebar cross section is given by Eq. (8). In the case of identical mate- will no longer experience contact pressure between the two hinges,
rial properties on both sides of the joint, i.e. f cc;1 ¼ f cc;2 , Eqs. (16) but instead acts as a tie.
240 J.H. Sørensen et al. / Engineering Structures 145 (2017) 234–245
Fig. 7. Position of plastic hinges and extent of distribution of contact pressure at initiation of pure dowel action (a) and at combined dowel action and catenary action (b).
3.4. Deformation capacity of rebars a distance of two times the rebar diameter, 2d, within which strain
localization took place. Based on the results in Fig. 8(a), an elonga-
As described in the previous, all push-off tests were terminated tion capacity of Dmax = 3 mm is adopted. It should in this context be
when rupture of the rebars took place, i.e. when the deformation noted that the standard methods for determination of nominal
capacity of the rebar was reached. To capture this effect in the model, strain capacity of reinforcing steel cannot be used to estimate
it is necessary to express the deformation capacity of the rebar in Dmax . This is so because the nominal strain capacity is based on a
terms of the plastic elongation in the hinges. This means that an reference length, which is much longer than the necking zone as
upper limit, Dmax , must be introduced such that Eq. (3) may be used well as the characteristic length of the present problem, i.e. the dis-
to determine the displacement capacity, umax , of the system. tance between the two plastic hinges.
An estimate of Dmax can be obtained from a detailed study of the
tension tests of the reinforcement. Fig. 8(a) shows four tested 3.5. Load-displacement response of frictionless joints
stress-elongation relationships for the type of rebar used in this
study. The measured elongations represent the strain accumula- Based on the obtained results and the assumptions made, it is
tions over the so-called necking zone. The results were obtained now possible to determine the load-displacement response by
by using digital image correlation (DIC) analysis based on images use of the work equation. For this purpose, a stationary situation
taken at approximately 0.25 hertz with a 36 megapixel camera. with displacement u and load P ðuÞ is used as the starting point
An example of results of a DIC analysis, showing strain localization from which an increment of displacement, du, is considered. The
in the rebar just before rupture, can be seen in Fig. 8(b). The curves external work, W E , is then given by:
in Fig. 8(a) were determined by post-processing of the digital strain
measurements, where it was possible to isolate the elongation over W E ¼ PðuÞdu ð19Þ
J.H. Sørensen et al. / Engineering Structures 145 (2017) 234–245 241
Fig. 8. Local stress-elongation relationship for rebars and indication of the measurement length spanning the zone where necking occurs.
Fig. 10. Contribution of friction in the interface. Fig. 11. Inclusion of interface friction to the model response.
J.H. Sørensen et al. / Engineering Structures 145 (2017) 234–245 243
Fig. 12. Comparison of model with test results - 1 rebar. Fig. 13. Comparison of model with test results - 2 rebars.
4. Comparison of model with test results For concrete, a value of c ¼ 5 is adopted, similar to the findings
of Vintzeleou and Tassios [3]. To obtain reasonable agreement with
The load-displacement response predicted by the model, Eq. tests, a smaller value has been adopted for mortar, namely c ¼ 4.
(27), has been compared with the experimental results and The fact that the enhancement factor should be smaller in the case
depicted in Figs. 12–14. The basic input parameters have been of mortar may possible be explained by the relatively more brittle
obtained from Table 1. By adopting a friction coefficient of behavior of mortar (as compared to concrete) due to the relatively
l ¼ 0:3 as argued for in the previous, there is only the enhance- less aggregate content as well as the relatively smaller average
ment factor, c, left to calibrate the model with test results. aggregate size.
244 J.H. Sørensen et al. / Engineering Structures 145 (2017) 234–245
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Jesper Harrild Sørensen
In precast reinforced concrete structures, the joints and connections between the
precast components are essential for the structural performance. This thesis pre-
sents a new design for keyed connections typically used between shear wall pa-
nels. An extensive experimental program is presented in combination with sound
design methods developed on the basis of the theory of plasticity. The theoreti-
cal models include first order upper and lower bound modeling of keyed connec-
tions as well as second order modeling of the load-displacement relationship for
casting joints exposed to a simple displacement field. Design and Modeling of Structural
Joints in Precast Concrete Structures
Jesper Harrild Sørensen
PhD Thesis
ISBN 9788778774798
ISSN 1601-2917