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Acceptability and marketability of pan de okra with okra / lady’s fingers

as ingredient
Elvie S. Estrada
Faculty of the Food and Service Management Department, Master of Arts in Teaching Major in Food Technology, Marikina
Polytechnic College, Marikina City, Philippines

ARTICLE INFORMATION Hedonic Rating Scale. The data were personally

gathered and statistically treated using the
Article History: weighted mean, and one factor ANOVA. The
Received 01 June 2014 groups assessed the Pan de okra with three
Received in revised form 14 August 2014
different proportions of 15 grams, 20 grams
and 25 grams of okra powder are very
*Corresponding author: [email protected] acceptable in terms of appearance,
sound/crunchiness, taste and texture. Also its
ABSTRACT level of marketability, of the pan de okra as
perceived by the respondents, is very
acceptable as well.
This study evaluates the level of acceptability
and marketability of Pan de sal with okra/ In sum, the three (3) different proportions of
lady’s fingers as ingredient. It utilized okra or okra powder utilized in the preparations of Pan
lady finger due to the many health benefits that de okra are all very acceptable. Furthermore,
people can get from it. Equally, the research the three groups of respondents positively
wanted to remedy some problems on accepted the use of okra powder as ingredient
undernutrition correlated to poverty based on in making Pan de sal. The study recommend
the survey conducted established in 2008 by the that: (1) A further experimental study be
Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) conducted to determine the exact nutritive
(3) groups of respondents participated in the value within each product, the profitability and
study: Teens, Young Adults and Adults. shelf life of Pan de sal with okra powder ; (2) A
study be done utilizing okra powder in making
Using the experimental method of research it food products.
involved 90 respondents selected through
purposive sampling and grouped into three, Keywords
Pan de okra with three different proportions Product Innovation, Good Food, Great Health
of okra powder was evaluated using 9-Point

Introduction regulating (GLOW) food in its right food

proportion. This includes a wide array of
Food consumption and utilization is nutrition sources starting from grains and
directly related to one’s physical nourishment. crops, meats and other poultry products, to
A well-balanced diet and suitable nutrition vegetables and fresh fruits. Coupled with
practices promote good health (Tanchoco, proper hygiene and active lifestyle, an
2011).In the Philippines, a wholesome meal individual, without a diagnosed illness, will
plan, as suggested by the Food and Nutrition likely attain good health.
Research Institute (FNRI), varies according to
the needs of the five age group, namely, ages The access to different food and
1-6, 7-12, teen, adult and elderly, and nutrition sources, however, is anchored not
individuals with special needs, like pregnant only on the food availability in the region, but
and lactating mothers (DST/ Food and also in the individual’s financial capability and
Nutrition Research Institute, 2008). A the family. According to the World Food
recommended “Pinggang Pinoy” according to Programme-Philippines in 2011, a high
the institute, comprises of the energy giving estimate of poor access to food remains in the
(GO), body building (GROW), and body country, especially in the rural areas
(Fernandez, 2012). This is further supported with a good proportion of bread in his/her
by the National Nutrition Survey (NNS) diet which includes thiamin, riboflavin, niacin
conducted by the FNRI in 2008, which states and Vitamin D. This has been acted upon and
that undernutrition still remains a health later known as, “National Bakery Act of the
concern in the country as correlated in the Philippines.” No wonder bakers in the country
poverty in the Philippines (NFRI Conducts the devised ways on further enriching the
National Nutrition Survey, 2013). In a study benefits of Pandesal and successfully
conducted by the Philippine Statistics produced products that make the “nutritious”
Authority (PSA) through the National even more nutritious. Available in the market
Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB), an today are products like malunggayPandesal,
amount of Php 5, 513.00 every month is garlic Pande sal, pandan flavored Pandesal and
needed to meet the basic food needs of a other variations. Notably, these nutritious
family of five; and an amount of Php 7, 890 additional ingredients to the regular Pandesal
every month is necessary for the food and are readily available in any marketplace and
non-food needs, and to stay on top of the grocery store in the country, or better yet,
poverty threshold, in the year 2012. The found in most families’ backyard.
amount provided, however, is still out of a
very poor family’s reach. In the same Okra (Lady Fingers), another
research, a poor Filipino family’s income falls nutritious vegetable powerhouse is not
short of 26.2 percent of the poverty threshold foreign in most Filipino delicacies, since it is
(Despite rise in the number of families, used in most popular Filipino dishes like,
extreme poverty among families remains Sinigang, Pinakbet, Laswang Gulay and
steady at 1.6 million in 2012—NSCB - See Diningding. This vegetable, with immense
more at: nutritional benefits is not only a star in most
http://www.nscb.gov.ph/pressreleases/2013 Filipino dish, but is also considered as an
/NSCB-PR- important alternative in herbal medicine.
20131213_povertypress.asp#sthash.Cqy49XB According to Akruti , in 2014, okra or lady’s
8.dpuf, 2013). fingers contains many health benefits that are
good for our body. Among these are the
following: (1) High fiber content that aids in
For this reason, most Filipino families the process of digestion; (2) Helps in the
hardly meet the standard and proportional prevention of diabetes; (3) Folates present in
food intake. There is a great imbalance of okra reduce the neural tube defects in a new
consumption between the energy giving (GO) born baby;(4) Vitamin K benefits that aid in
food and the other food groups, body building blood clotting; (5) People diagnosed with
(GROW), and body regulating (GLOW) food. asthma are strongly suggested to consume
These insufficient levels of food consumption okra; (6) Adding okra to meals ensures
may be likely traced to the Filipino family’s prevention of constipation and colon cancer;
inability to access the right amount of food, (7) Regular usage of okra avoids obesity to a
not on the availability of food (Tanchoco, great content; (8) This vegetable ensures
2011). lesser absorption of cholesterol, dominant
content in the body that triggers obesity and
heart diseases.
In this group, the staple and most
accessible to most Filipino families is the Okra and Pandesal will surely be a
energy giving group. Aside from the common perfect union that definitely give the teens,
knowledge that Filipinos eat rice for each young adults and adults a reason to enjoy
meal of the day, bread, especially Pandesal, is eating bread and vegetable at the same time.
also part of a Filipino family’s dining table. In Thus, the purpose of this study.
fact, Senate Bill 457 proposed by Senator
Jinggoy Estrada, cited “the enrichment of
bread and other bakery products” as a The Research Questions
practical strategy to combat malnutrition and
hunger among youth in the country. The bill This study aimed to determine the
expounded on the nutritional values one gets level of acceptability and marketability of Pan
de Okra with Okra/Lady’s Fingers as history for both medicinal and culinary
ingredient. purposes. Once loved by the Egyptians and
still used in many dishes today (such as the
Specifically, this study sought famous gumbo dish), this pod – producing,
answers to the following questions: tropical vegetable dates back over 3500 years
ago. But still today, many are enjoying both
1. What is the evaluation of teenagers, okra health benefits and the vegetable’s edible
young adults, and adult respondents of delight.
Pan de Okra with 15 grams, 20 grams, and
25 grams of powdered okra pods in terms Duke (1993). described Okra as an
of the following criteria? Appearance, annual subshrub cultivated for the young
Crunchiness, Taste and Texture tender pods used to thicken soups and stews,
or eaten baked, boiled or fried. The leaves and
2. Are there any significant differences in seeds are Latin American folk remedies for
the evaluation of the three groups of tumours and the decoction of fresh fruits are
evaluators of the Pan de Okra with Okra taken for fevers, catarrhal ailments, irritability
powder according to proportions? of the genitor-urinary canal, chronic
dysentery and boiled in milk when used for
3. What is the level of marketability of Pan coughs.
de Okra with the apportioned grams of
powdered okra in terms of the given Kotz (2013). mentioned that the
criteria, as perceived by the respondents? federal government’s dietary guidelines for
Americans recommend that adults and
4. What suggestions do the respondents children consume three cups per day of fat-
offer to further improve the product? free or low-fat milk or reduced-fat dairy
products, with milk getting the same positive
emphasis as fruits and vegetables and whole-
Selected Literature Reviews grains. But according to Dr. David Ludwig, a
Boston Children’s Hospital paediatrician who
Health Guide.com described Okra co-authored the commentary with Dr. Walter
(Abelmoschusesculentus Moench, Hibiscus Willett, a nutrition researcher at the Harvard
esculentis Linn), known in many English- School of Public Health, those
speaking countries as lady's fingers or gumbo, recommendations may have been influenced
edible green seed pods in tropical, subtropical by the US Department of Agriculture’s strong
and warm temperate climates. Okra is a hardy relationship with the dairy industry.
plant that can grow even with less water and
in hot conditions. Okra is somewhat related to
cotton and hollyhock. It can grow up to 9 feet Adults with nutritious diets who get
in height with heart shaped leaves that is calcium from non-dairy sources such as
palmate with 5 to 7 lobes. Okra flowers are sardines, kale, calcium-fortified orange juice,
large with 5 petals colored white or yellow and white beans might not benefit much from
and sometimes with a reddish-purple base. Its milk, according to Ludwig. In fact, in countries
seed pods are 3 to 10 inches in length about ½ where people consume no dairy products,
to 1 inch wide. Its fruit or pod is usually green osteoporosis rates don’t appear to be higher
in color with a new red variety. It is tapering than in the United States, possibly because
in shape with ribs along its length. Okra fruit residents get bone-building calcium and
is valued as vegetable, harvested while young vitamin D from plant sources and, for vitamin
and has mucus-like juice that is used to D, adequate sunlight.
thicken stews (gumbo). Okra is also known
for its nutritional value and offers varieties of
health benefits (http://www. Related Studies. Several studies relevant to
medicalhealthguide.com/herb/okra). the present study were read and analyzed to
gain ideas on how to complete the project.
According to Barrett (2013),okra is a Those which are closely related to the study
nutritional powerhouse used throughout are presented hereunder.
In a study conducted by V. Sabitha can be employed as stabilizer and thickener of
(2011), entitled “Anti diabetic and choice when high viscosity’s desired,
antihyperlipidemic potential of especially in cosmetic, pharmaceutical and
Abelmoschusesculentus (L.) Moench. In food industries.
streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats”,
suggests that extracts from okra could be
developed as a prospective phytomedicinal Bijkerk (2013) analyses the partial
plant against diabetes mellitus. The results effect of fruit and vegetable consumption on
have shown that by administration of okra psychological well-being, using data on 2,805
extracts to diabetic rats, there was a different individuals from the National Health
significant reduction in blood glucose level and Nutrition Examination Survey in the
and the lipid profile level also have United States. The regression is performed on
normalized. This study resembles the present eleven different variables for psychological
study for the researchers both used well-being and includes repressors for fruit,
okra/Lady’s Fingers in their study. salads, beans, other vegetables and the
combination of these variables. The results
show that there is a positive relation between
the consumption of fruit and vegetables on
The study conducted by Sunilson et.al. four out of eleven variables; number of days
(2008), entitled “Antioxidant and feeling anxious, tense or worried, feeling bad
hepatoprotective effect of the roots of Hibiscus about oneself, feeling down, depressed or
esculentus Linn” of the Department of hopeless and having little interest in doing
Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy, things.
Master skill University College of Health
Sciences, Selangor, Malaysia, showed that (H.
esculentus) okra root ethanol extract has vitro The results for the other seven
free radical scavenging activity comparable variables are insignificant. The variable for
with Silymarin. Okra contains flavanoids that salad is significant in four out of eleven
may have anti-oxidant and hepatoprotective dependent variables where beans are only
activities. The present study further suggests significant for one out of eleven, and other
that phenolic compounds of the roots H vegetables are in significant for any of the
esculentus provide a good source of dependent variables.
antioxidants that could offer potential
protective effects against lipid oxidation and
which could be exploited to make a hepato The results for the fruit variable are
protective formulation. This study relates to significant for three out of eleven variables,
the present study because it stresses the while total vegetable consumption is not
health benefits that okra offers. significant for any of the variables. In sum,
future research is needed to analyze the effect
of fruit and vegetable consumption on
psychological well-being, also focusing on the
A study published in International different aspects of fruits and vegetables.
Journal of PharmTech Research (2009) Further research recommendations are to
suggests that the extracted mucilage of conduct a controlled trial research.
Abelmoschusesculentus is nontoxic and has the
potential as a suspending agent even at lower
concentration (4%w/v) and can be used as a Conceptual Framework
pharmaceutical adjuvant. In view of these
properties, mucilage of Abelmoschusesculentus
The conceptual model which guided
the researcher in conducting this study is
shown in Figure 1.
Fig. 1 preparation of the pan de okra appropriate, since okra powder was used in
using okra powder. the preparation of Pan de Okra. It sought to
Input Process Output determine the acceptability and marketability
of okra powder as ingredient of Pan de okra in
x Prepared Pan x Holding the Taste x Evaluated Pan de terms of appearance, crunchiness, taste and
de Okra Test okra with Okra
in three Powder in texture.
different terms of
x Administration appearance,
- 15g and retrievalof sound/ According to Lodico, in (2010), the
- 20g questionnaire crunchiness,
- 25g checklist flavour/taste,te
experimental method of research is a method
xture, and or procedure designed to determine the
x Questionnaire x Statistical marketability in
checklist: three different cause-effect relationships. Purposely, it uses
proportions: numbers to describe pre-existing groups or to
x Respondents: 15g, 20g and
-30 Teens 25g. determine whether a relationship exist
x Analysis and
(13-19y/o) between variables.
-30 Young interpretation x Significant
Adults of data differencein the
(20 –29y/o) evaluations
ofthe three
-30 Adults groups of Sources of Data
(30 y/o and respondents
x Further The main source of data for the study
Suggestions of was the questionnaire-checklist which
respondents contained the respondents’ responses on the
acceptability and marketability of the product
Figure 1. Conceptual Model for the Evaluation of the Level based on certain criteria. A total of 90
of Acceptability and Marketability of Pan de Okra
respondents consisting of teenagers, young
adults and adults of Barangay Holy Spirit,
The input consists of the prepared Quezon City were selected through purposive
pan de Okra in three different proportions, sampling: They are, as follows: 30 Teenagers
the questionnaire and the respondents. (13-19 years old), 30 Young Adults (20-29
years old), and 30 Adult (30 years old and
The process involves the holding of above).
taste test, administration and retrieval of the
checklist, statistical treatment of data and the
analysis and interpretation of statistical Data Gathering Instrument
results were part of the process.
Data were gathered through the use
The output includes the evaluated of prepared questionnaire checklist that was
Pan de Okra in terms of appearance, validated and checked by the experts. The 9-
sound/crunchiness, flavour/taste, texture and Point Hedonic Rating Scale helped determine
marketability and the significant difference in the evaluation of the three groups of
the respondents evaluation of in three respondents on Pan de okra with three
different proportions of the product. proportions of Lady’s Fingers powder in
terms of the criteria on: a) appearance, b)
crunchiness, c.) taste and d) texture. Likewise,
Research Hypotheses the Likert’s 5-Point Scale was utilized to
determine the marketability of Pan de Okra
There are no significant differences based on the criteria.
among the evaluation of the three groups of
respondents on the acceptability and level of
marketability of Pan de Okra according to Data Gathering Procedure
proportion in grams.
The data gathering procedure started
Method with the experiment itself. The okra pods
were first prepared then utilized as an
With the experimental method of ingredient of Pan de okra. Much later, the
research the researcher deemed it researcher personally administered and
retrieved the questionnaires to ensure high
percentage of return. After having gathered
the questionnaire, the research tallied,
tabulated and statistically treated the data for
analysis and interpretation.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical treatments

were used in the study:

Weighted mean- to determine the rating by

the three groups of evaluators as regards the
criteria of Pan de Okra using okra powder as

One-Factor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) –

to determine the significant differences in the
evaluation of the teenagers, young adults and
adults, as regards the criteria of Pan de okra Evaluation of Three Groups of Respondents on Pan de Okra
using okra powder as ingredient. with 15 grams of Okra Powder

Results From the table we glean that Pan de

Okra with 15 grams Okra Powder was rated
very acceptable (VA) by the three groups of
Table 1 respondents, as evidenced in the general
Summary of the Evaluation of the Three Groups of weighted mean of 8.32 for teens, 8.16 for
Respondents on the Prepared Pan de Okra with 15 grams of young adults and 8.26 for adult respondents.
Okra Powder

More specifically, the three

Mean Scores of the Three Groups of
Respondents respondents have rated the appearance of Pan
Young de Okra with 15 grams Okra Powder as very
Criteria Teen Adult
Adult acceptable (VA) for teens and young adults,
WM VI WM VI WM VI while extremely acceptable (EA) for adult
respondents. Another criterion,
Appearance 8.49 VA 8.40 VA 8.63 EA “sound/crunchiness”, has been rated very
acceptable (VA) by the three groups of
8.14 VA 7.99 VA 8.08 VA respondents. Furthermore, the third criterion
on “flavour/taste” has been rated very
8.23 VA 8.13 VA 8.18 VA acceptable (VA) also by the three groups of
respondents just as the fourth criterion
Texture 8.42 VA 8.10 VA 8.14 VA “texture”

General These findings imply that Pan de

Weighted 8.32 VA 8.16 VA 8.26 VA
Mean Okra with 15 grams okra powder was very
acceptable (VA) to the three groups of
respondents with the highest weighted mean
of 8.32.
Table 2 Furthermore, the third criterion which is
Summary of the Level of Acceptability of the Three Groups
“flavor/taste” has been rated very acceptable
Respondents of Pan de Okra with 20 grams of Okra Powder
(VA) by the teenagers, while both young
Mean Scores of the Three Groups of adults and adults have rated the criterion as
Criteria Young
moderately acceptable (MA). The fourth
Teen Adult criteria “texture” was rated very acceptable
WM VI WM VI WM VI (VA) by the teenagers as well, but the two
Appearance 8.12 VA 8.03 VA 7.94 VA remaining groups have given this criterion a
Sound/ moderately acceptable (MA) mark.
7.89 VA 7.42 MA 7.60 VA
7.85 VA 7.42 MA 7.55 MA These findings imply that Pan de
Texture 8.00 VA 7.48 MA 7.69 VA Okra with 20 grams okra powder was still
General very acceptable (VA) to the three groups of
Weighted 7.96 VA 7.59 VA 7.70 VA respondents with the highest weighted mean
of 7.96.

Table 3
Summary of the Level of Acceptability of the Three
Groups Respondents of Pan de Okra with 25 grams of
Okra Powder

Mean Scores of the Three Groups of

Criteria Young
Teen Adult
Appearance 7.91 VA 7.90 VA 7.91 VA
7.68 VA 7.32 MA 7.49 MA
7.41 VA 7.33 MA 7.28 MA
Texture 7.73 VA 7.33 MA 7.40 MA
Weighted 7.68 VA 7.47 MA 7.57 VA

Evaluation of Three Groups of Respondents on Pan de Okra

with 20 grams of Okra Powder

Table e revealed that Pan de Okra

with 20 grams Okra Powder was rated very
acceptable (VA) by the three groups of
respondents, as evidenced in the general
weighted mean of 7.96 for teens, 7.59 for
young adults and 7.70 for adult respondents.

More specifically, the three

respondents have rated the appearance of Pan
de Okra with 20 grams Okra Powder as very
acceptable (VA). Another criterion,
“sound/crunchiness”, has been rated very
acceptable (VA) by teenagers and adult Evaluation of Three Groups of Respondents on Pan de Okra
with 20 grams of Okra Powder
respondents, while the young adults rated the
criterion as moderately acceptable (MA).
It can be seen in the table that Pan de
Okra with 25 grams Okra Powder was rated
very acceptable (VA) by the two groups of
respondents, as evidenced in the general
weighted mean of 7.68 for teens and 7.57 for
adults, while the young adults rated it as
moderately acceptable (MA)with the
weighted mean of 7.47.

More specifically, the three

respondents have rated the appearance of Pan
de Okra with 25 grams Okra Powder as very
acceptable (VA). Another criterion,
“sound/crunchiness”, has been rated very
acceptable (VA) by teenagers, while young
adults and adult respondents rated the
criterion as moderately acceptable (MA).
Furthermore, the third criterion which is
“flavor/taste” has been rated moderately
acceptable (MA) by the three groups of
respondents. The fourth criterion “texture”
was rated very acceptable (VA) by the
teenagers, but the two remaining groups has
given this criterion a moderately acceptable
(MA) mark. Gleaned from the table are the three
groups of respondents rating the
These findings imply that Pan de marketability of Pan de sal with 15 grams
Okra with 25 grams okra powder was still Okra Powder as Very High Marketability
very acceptable (VA) to the three groups of (VHM), as evidenced by the weighted mean of
respondents with the highest weighted mean 4.73for teenagers, 4.85 for young adults and
of 7.68. 4.53 for adult respondents.

Table 4 However, only two groups

Summary of Level of Marketability of the Pan de Okra as respondents, the teens and young adults,
Perceived by the Respondents rated the marketability of Pan de sal with 20
grams okra powder as Very High
Mean Scores of the Three Groups of Marketability (VHM), while the adult
respondents gave the mark of High
3 Proportions Young
Marketability (HM).
Teen Adult
of Okra Adult
Powder in Pan Also, the two groups of respondents,
de Okra WM VI WM VI WM VI the teens and young adults, rated the
a) 15 grams 4.73 VHM 4.85 VHM 4.53 VHM marketability of Pan de sal with 25 grams
b)20 grams okra powder as Very High Marketability
4.71 VHM 4.52 VHM 4.46 HM (VHM), while the adult respondents again,
c) 25 grams
4.68 VHM 4.59 VHM 4.32 HM
gave the mark of High Marketability (HM).
Weighted 4.71 VHM 4.65 VHM 4.44 HM
These findings imply that only two
Mean groups of respondents agreed that the
marketability of Pan de sal with okra powder
has a Very High Marketability (VHM), while
the adult respondents perceived that Pan de
okra has a High Marketability (HM).
Table 5 Table 7
Result of the Analysis of Variance among the Evaluations of Result of the Analysis of Variance among the Evaluations of
the Respondents on Pan de sal with 15 grams of Okra the Respondents on Pan de sal with 25 grams of Okra
Powder Powder



Source of

Source of






Sum of

Sum of




Between 0.7563 2 0.3782 0.3634 0.6963 3.1013

Do not reject the

Do not reject the

Between 0.4141 2 0.2071 0.4831 0.6963 3.1013 Groups

null hypothesis
null hypothesis
Within 24.5564 87 1.0406 Within 90.5299 87 1.0406
Groups Groups

Total 24.9705 89 Total 91.2863 89

As yielded in table 7, the computed F-

value of 0.3634 from the mean squares, is less
The result of the Analysis of Variance than the critical F-value of 3.1013, resulting in
among the respondents’ evaluation on Pan de to the non-rejection of the null hypothesis.
sal with 15 grams of okra powder is shown in
the table above. From calculation of the mean
squares between groups over the mean Discussion
squares within groups, the computed F-value
is 0.7336 lesser than the critical F-value of This study aimed to determine the
3.1013. Therefore, the null hypothesis is preparation and marketability of Okra/Lady’s
accepted that there is no significant difference Fingers as main ingredient for Pan de Okra.
in the evaluation of three groups of evaluators
of pan de okra according to proportions. Specifically, this study sought
answers to the following questions:
Table 6
Result of the Analysis of Variance among the Respondents 1. What is the evaluation of teenagers,
Evaluations on Pan de sal with 20 grams of Okra Powder young adults, and adult respondents of
the Okra Pan de sal (Pan de Okra) with 15
grams, 20 grams, and 25 grams of
powdered okra pods in terms of the
Source of





criterion: a) Appearance, b) Crunchiness,

Sum of



c) Taste, d)Texture

Between 4.3391 2 2.1696 3.0054 0.0547 3.1013

2. Are there any significant differences in
Groups three groups of respondents’ evaluation
Do not reject the
null hypothesis

of the Pan de Okra with Okra powder

Within 62.8049 87 0.7219
Groups according to proportions?
Total 67.1441 89
3. What is the marketability of the Pan de
Okra as perceived by the respondents in
terms of the given criteria?

As shown in table 6, with the 4. What suggestions do the respondents offer

computed F-value of 3.0054 less than the to further improve the product?
critical F-value of 3.1013, the null hypothesis
is not rejected. The study used the experimental
method of research involving 90 respondents
grouped into three selected through
purposive sampling. The Pan de sal with three Recommendations
different proportions of okra powder was
evaluated using a 9-Point Hedonic Rating Based on the findings and
Scale. The data were personally gathered and conclusions of the study, the following
statistically treated using the Weighted Mean recommendations are offered.
and One-Factor ANOVA.
1. A further experimental study be
The salient findings of the study conducted to determine the exact
revealed the following: nutritive value within each product, the
profitability and the shelf life of the Pan
1. The three groups of respondents rated de sal with okra powder.
the Pan de sal with three different
proportions of 15 grams, 20 grams and 25 2. A study be done utilizing okra powder in
grams as very acceptable. making food products such as pastille,
tarts, cakes, pies, yema and so on.
2. There is no significant difference in the
evaluation of the three groups of
respondents’ teenager, young adult and References
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b. Lessen the salt. Soriano, Nora (2010). A Guide to Food
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d. Use other flavorings such as vanilla. Preservation. Rex Book Store.
e. Try to make the Pan de Okra softer. Manila.
f. Delicious

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