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Planetary Points in the Game of Life

An Introduction to Ashtakavarga, an Illuminating Point System of Vedic Astrology

by Tamiko Fischer

While timelessly relevant at their period of several hundred-thousands

core, the ancient texts of Vedic astrology of years, characterized by a decay in
can sometimes appear as vestiges of a Ashtakavarga is a both morality and subtle intelligence),
truly distant land far removed from our detailed point system Parashara says that this request is a
modern, fast-paced world. For instance, very good one. He provides a compas-
the authoritative works on Prasna, or that provides a much sionate perspective, telling his student
horary astrology, evoke the hallowed more complete picture that even the most venerated of ancient
atmosphere of temple worship, where sages have had difficulty making accu-
the customary tools for making astrolog- of the fundamental rate astrological predictions and under-
ical prediction are brass oil lamps, flow- strength of planets standing astrology’s principles clearly.
ers, shells, gold coins, and other items So, how can the ordinary person, espe-
central to ritual devotional worship and houses. cially in the Kaliyuga, be expected to
(puja). Vedic astrology’s traditional sys- determine these results?2 Parashara then
tem of marriage compatibility is largely that the founding seers of Jyotish spe- launches right into presenting Ashtaka-
based on the matching of a husband cifically considered Ashtakavarga with varga and its various components and
and wife’s natal Moon and its specific astrologers of the far distant future in calculations, saying that it offers a more
nakshatra, or “lunar mansion” place- mind. specific set of techniques that neither
ment. This astrological simplicity evokes The ancient text Brihat Parashara
images of Indian village life, where at Hora Shastra, which is considered the
one time two harmonious Moons were bible of Jyotish, takes the form of a dia-
considered enough of an astrological logue between the sage Parashara and SUN
blessing to promise wedded happiness. his star student Maitreya. The specific
There are texts interpreting the vari-
48 points
chapter on Ashtakavarga begins with
ous omens of the natural world that, for student Maitreya making this request of Sun 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
example, catalog the behavior of the his teacher Parashara: “… In Kaliyuga Moon 3, 6, 10, 11
crows, cows, and dogs outside one’s [our present era] the human beings will
door as they foretell one’s good or bad become dull owing to their indulgence Mars 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
fortune. While inspiring, mysterious, and in sinful deeds … therefore, be consid- Mercury 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12
poetic, these ancient texts often require erate and expound a system of study
one to navigate a path through unique for the persons who would be having Jupiter 5, 6, 9, 11
cultural factors of time and place. slow perceptions and through which Venus 6, 7, 12
And then there are the ancient they could gain a clear knowledge about
techniques that seem strikingly and their happiness, sorrows and longevity
Saturn 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
starkly modern. A system that translates merely by delineating the positions of Ascendant 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12
especially well into our current times planets in transit.”1
is known as Ashtakavarga (“The Eight In reply to this memorably opinion-
Places”). In fact, there is a curious ated statement about those of us living
authoritative statement that lets us know in this Dark Age of Kaliyuga (a cyclical

contradict nor repeat the more general The Calculation of not have any points to contribute, but
astrological methods he has given Mai- Ashtakavarga the other planets all contribute points
treya thus far. This dialogue tells us that, In Jyotish, planetary transits throughout the chart on the Ascendant’s
within Vedic astrology, Ashtakavarga is through the 12 houses are evaluated behalf.
a system that provides key information primarily from the natal Moon and then It is interesting that the naturally
about the underpinning of a birth chart from the Ascendant; from these two benefic planets Jupiter and Venus, true
and can get to the root of numerous cornerstones of the chart, each house to their abundant natures — and lively
potentially contradictory influences that is considered as a favorable or unfa- and eloquent Mercury, a fundamentally
may prove baffling to the astrologer. vorable transiting position. For exam- benefic planet unless afflicted — have
ple, from one’s natal Moon, the transits the most points to distribute, whereas
What Is Ashtakavarga? of Saturn over the 3rd, 6th, and 11th both Saturn, a planet of stinginess and
Ashtakavarga is a detailed point houses of the birth chart are consid- scarcity, and Mars, a planet of struggle,
system that provides a much more ered Saturn’s favorable transiting house have significantly fewer benefic points to
complete picture of the fundamental positions. What if we could extend this share around the chart.
strength of planets and houses in a general idea of house distances much The total tally of benefic points
way that is often not initially apparent further to weigh the power created by contributed throughout the chart by all
in the basic birth chart alone. The a whole web of planets and their house of the planets is shown in the Table
term “Eight Places” refers to the seven distances from each other? Ashtaka- (below). Here is how to read this table:
“bodily” planets, Sun through Saturn, varga is the system that does this.
• The planets that appear as section
plus the Ascendant. (Rahu and Ketu, Like a board game (picture here the
titles followed by a number of points
the North and South Nodes of the planets all sitting around a card table,
show the total number of points that
Moon that are considered shadowy each with its own stack of poker chips),
each planet has to dispense to the
“planets” in Jyotish, are not factored in Ashtakavarga every planet has a set
various house locations.
into Ashtakavarga.) number of benefic points to contribute
This system is employed in a range around the chart. Each planet contrib- • Within each planetary portfolio,
of ways that include techniques to deter- utes points (1) on behalf of itself, the vertically displayed lists of plan-
mine length of life and relationship com- (2) on behalf of other planets, and (3) ets followed by long lines of numbers
patibility, as well as uses in electional on behalf of the Ascendant. The points, represent the number of the houses
astrology. But generally, Ashtakavarga called either Bindus (South India) or (or signs) from where the contribut-
has three fundamental applications: Rekhas (North India), will here simply ing planet deposits its benefic points.
(1) It reveals static influences that hold be referred to as “benefic points.” For example, the Sun has a total of
true for one’s lifetime; (2) it is used to Each planet is always allotted a set 48 points to distribute throughout the
evaluate planetary transits (this is Ash- number of points to distribute as follows: chart. From its natal position, it will
takavarga’s most common application); Sun: 48; Moon: 49; Mars: 39; Mer- give a point to itself (as shown by the
and (3) it is used in the analysis of cury: 54; Jupiter: 56; Venus: 52; number 1), and also a point each to
dashas (planetary periods). Saturn: 39. The Ascendant itself does the houses 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11

The Benefic Points Contributed by Each Planet in Ashtakavarga

49 points 39 points 54 points 56 points 52 points 39 points
3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 3, 5, 6, 10, 11 5, 6, 9, 11, 12 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 8, 11, 12 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11
1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11 3, 6, 11 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11 2, 5, 7, 9, 11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12 3, 6, 11
2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12
1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11 3, 5, 6, 11 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 3, 5, 6, 9, 11 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
1, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 6, 10, 11, 12 6, 8, 11, 12 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 5, 6, 11, 12
3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 6, 8, 11, 12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 6, 11, 12
3, 5, 6, 11 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 3, 5, 6, 12 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 3, 5, 6, 11
3, 6, 10, 11 1, 3, 6, 10, 11 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11 1, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11

The numbers in this table represent the number of signs/houses (Whole Sign house system) from which a planet in its natal
chart position contributes a benefic point. For example, the Sun has 48 points to distribute throughout the chart. From its
position, it will give a point to itself (1) and also to houses 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 from itself. From the Moon’s natal position,
the Sun will contribute points on the Moon’s behalf to houses 3, 6, 10, and 11 from the Moon, and so on.
Aug./Sept. 2014 * The Mountain Astrologer 61
between 24 and 25 points, does not
Ashtakavarga amount to a considerable disparity. But
A house dramatically a house dramatically loaded with points
away from itself. Moving down the (for instance, approaching 40 points
list under this heading for the Sun,
loaded with points or more) or a house meager in points
the Sun then distributes points on or a house meager (around 20 or less) certainly does make
the Moon’s behalf, contributing a for astrological extremes that sharply
point each to houses 3, 6, 10, and 11
in points makes for color the individual’s life, for better or
from the Moon’s natal position. Then astrological extremes for worse. A common principle in sev-
on behalf of Mars, the Sun donates eral ancient astrological texts is that the
points to houses 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10,
that sharply color the number of benefic points should most
and 11, as counted from Mars’ natal individual’s life. ideally be especially high in the 10th
placement. And so on. and 11th houses but low in the 12th
house, which ensures that the person
This table might appear daunting The benefic points contributed by concerned will be “happy and prosper-
in complexity, but keep in mind that, all of the planets, when added up, total ous.”4 Less commonly mentioned but
in our age of computers and treasured 337 points. Dividing this number by the also important is a strong 9th house.5
astrology software, these points can be 12 houses of the birth chart yields 28 The 9th is a house of general luck,
tallied in a split second. points as the average house strength in divine grace, and dharma (following
The tallying of points is usually Sarvashtakavarga. This is the minimum one’s personal path of right action). The
done individually for each planet to number of points that a house requires 10th house being high in points fortifies
reveal a planet’s underlying strength to have solid power and to deliver stable this pinnacle house of profession, pub-
called Binnashtakavarga (“individual results. lic life, and reputation. The 11th is
chart” Ashtakavarga) and counted more In ancient texts, there is informa- the crowning achievement house of
collectively for each house as Sarvash- tion that elaborates further on the ideal gains, friends, and general fulfillment
takavarga (“all-inclusive” Ashtakavarga). benefic point distribution. According of desires. The 12th house, when low
to the ancient astrological text Phala in points, weakens the muscle of this
A Snapshot Technique Deepika, “Those signs [houses] which house of expenditure, losses of all kinds,
In this introductory glimpse into the contain 30 or more benefic points will and potential obscurity.
system of Ashtakavarga, the collective always prove auspicious. Those contain- When it comes to the 6th, 8th, and
total house strength of Sarvashtakavarga ing dots [points] between 25 and 30 will 12th houses, there is a difference of
is presented as a snapshot method that show middling effects. But the houses opinion about these dusthanas, or
reveals the underlying power and influ- lower than 25 benefic dots will cause “misery-producing” houses, and whether
ence of the individual houses in the sorrow or misery to the native.”3 in Sarvashtakavarga they benefit most
natal chart. In practice, the difference of one from being weak or strong in points.
point or two, like the boundary here There is a good indication (which can

9 10 11 12 5 6 7 8
½ 23° ‹ 54' Ê 07° Ý 22'

¶ 19° ‹ 34' ¸ 19° Ý 54' ¾ 23° ‚ 52' ½ 15° ‹ 38' Œ

DASAS & BHUKTIS - Lahiri Zodiac
¼ 17° ‹ 11' º 28° Ý 48' Œ º/» Jun 4 1975 0.0 ¸ / ¾ Jul 29 2018 43.2 ¾/½
(32) (29) (29) (19) º / ¸ Dec 16 1977 2.5 ¸ / º
(21) (31) Jul 11 2019 44.1 (25) (33) º
‹ Ü Ý ‚ º / ¶ Oct 22 1978‹ 3.4 ¸ / Ê ÜMay 16 2020 45.0 Ý ‚ º/Ê
º / ¼ Mar 23 1980 4.8 ¸ / » Sep 21 2020 45.3 º/»
º / É Mar 20 1981 5.8 ¶ Sep 21 2021 46.3 º/¸
8 1 4 º/½ Oct 7 1983 8.3 ¶ / ¼ Jul 23 2022 47.1 9 º/¶
Angelina (Vedic) Jolie » 04° ƒ 38' º / ¾ Jan 12 1986 10.6 ¶ / É Feb 21 2023 47.7
Bob (Vedic) Geldof º/¼
Š Natal Chart ƒ É 16° Š 14' Œ Š
Ê Sep 21 1988 13.3 ¶ / ½ Aug 22 2024 49.2
Natal Chart ƒ º/É
Jun 4 1975, Wed Ë 05° ƒ 22' Ê / » Feb 18 1989 13.7 ¶ / ¾ Dec 22 2025 50.6
Oct 5 1951, Fri º/½
Ê / ¸ Apr 20 1990 14.9 ¶ / º Jul 23 2027 52.1 º/¾
9:09 am PDT +7:00 2:20 pm BST -1:00
(26) Chart 1:
Los Angeles, CA
34°N03'08'' 118°W14'34''
(25) (29)
Ê / ¼ Mar 27 1991 15.8 ¶ / »
Chart 2:
Ê / ¶ Aug 26 1990 15.2 ¶ / Ê Dec 21 2028 53.6
Jul 23
Dublin, Ireland
2029 54.1
(32) Ê
53°N20' 006°W15'
Angelina Jolie
Geocentric Sir Bob Geldof
Ê / É Aug 23 1991 16.2 ¶ / ¸ Mar 23 2031 55.8
Geocentric Ê/¸

7 Lahiri
Whole Signs
2 3 Ê/½ Sep 9 1992 17.3 ¼
Ê / ¾ Aug 16 1993 18.2 ¼ / É Feb 18 2032 Whole
Sep 22 2031 Lahiri
10¼ 07° „ 08'
True Node Ê / º Sep 25 1994 19.3 ¼ / ½ Mar 8 2033True57.8
Node Ê/É
‰ „ » Sep 22 1995‰ 20.3 ¼ / ¾ Feb 11 2034 58.7 „ » 10° „ 57' Ê/½
» / ¸ Jan 22 1999 23.6 ¼ / º Mar 23 2035 59.8 Ê/¾
» / ¶ Jan 22 2000 24.6 ¼ / Ê Mar 19 2036 60.8 Ê 16° „ 14' Œ Ê/º
(36) (27) (36)
» / ¼ Sep 22 2001 26.3 ¼ / » Aug 16 2036 61.2
» / É Nov 22 2002 27.5 ¼ / ¸ Oct 16 2037 62.4 (25) »
ˆ ‡ † … » / ½ Nov 21 2005ˆ 30.5 ¼ / ¶ ‡Feb 21 2038 62.7 † … »/¶

6 5 4 3 2 »/¾
Jul 22 2008 33.1 É
» / º Sep 22 2011 36.3 É / ½
Sep 22 2038 63.3
Jun 4 2041 66.0 11º 12° … 07'
»/Ê Jul 23 2014 39.1 ɶ/ ¾ 15°Oct
‡ 2859'2043 68.4 »/½
É 07° ‡ 22' ¸ Sep 22 2015 40.3 É / º Sep 3 2046 71.3 ¾ 13° … 02' »/¾
¸ / ¶ Jan 10 2016 40.6 ÉË / Ê 29°Mar
‡ 2324'2049 73.8 »/º
¸/¼ Jul 10 2016 41.1 É / » Apr 10 2050 74.9 ¸ 18° … 18' »/Ê
(33) (22) (31) (28) (26)
¸ / ½ Oct 10 2017 42.4 É / ¶
¸ / É Nov 15 2016 41.5 É / ¸ Apr 10 2053 77.9
Mar 5 2054 78.8
(18) (33) ¸

Charts use the Lahiri ayanamsha.

be seen in some of the following exam- cially compared to her 11th house of uted to her choice for a radical surgery.
ples) that when these houses are strong gains), with a very low 19 points. If her 1st-house points were substan-
in points, their themes may play out The 9th house of the birth chart tially higher, she might have opted for a
over a lifetime in both very desirable governs charitable and ethical action, more moderate, “feather-bed” approach
and difficult ways — the quality of the and the 6th house (strong with 33 toward her physical body, shying away
experi­ence being determined by various points) governs service work (or not from a radical measure regarded by
factors, such as the timing of transits and being afraid to be in the trenches of life) some as questionably extreme.
dashas that activate the various potentials — areas where Jolie has been substan- Jolie’s 7th house of relationship/
of the dusthana house in alternating tially recognized. Her activities have marriage is especially robust with 36
malefic or benefic ways. But here, it may included serving as a former United points. This powerful house fuels a ten-
be best to keep in mind that, since there Nations Goodwill Ambassador. In that dency to consistently identify with, or be
is a limit to the total number of points role, she has traveled the world to bring seen by others as, one-half of a couple,
the planets can distribute throughout a attention to refugee causes. hence the media’s “Brangelina” nick-
chart, then if many points are packed Besides the high 32 points that name for the supremely glamorous duo
into these potentially severe and loss- inhabit the auspicious 9th house, this of herself and Brad Pitt. In Vedic astrol-
producing houses, they get pulled away is a very prominent house of her birth ogy, the 7th is also one of the houses
from other houses with more overall aus- chart because it is tenanted by three that governs children who are adopted,
picious meanings. At the same time, how- especially significant planets: the Moon and we know that Jolie is a proud par-
ever, while the dusthanas are broadly (her governing planet of self for a Can- ent to several.
considered “evil” houses, they also cer Ascendant); Mars, which functions
have their share of desirable meanings. very favorably for a Cancer Ascendant Sir Bob Geldof
For instance, the 6th house is one of because it governs the lucky 5th and Taking a look at the birth chart of
the upachaya (“growth”) houses, along 10th houses; and Jupiter, the Great Sir Bob Geldof (Chart 2, facing page),
with houses 3, 10, and 11 — houses of Benefic, especially stable here in its own the Sarvashtakavarga points reveal
improvement over time. The 6th house sign of Pisces. While this planetary gath- more fully how, from his humble Dub-
also governs one’s work ethic, the ability ering by itself forms a very fortunate lin beginnings, he journeyed from being
to overcome adversity, and the potential combination, the fact that this house the unkempt frontman of a punk/New
to rise above one’s competitors. contains high benefic points fortifies Wave band to becoming a legendary
these planets and propels them to a figure known for his mega-fundraising
Angelina Jolie greater level of power and influence. African famine–relief projects, knighted
Let us consider the example of The 6th house of service work by Queen Elizabeth and nominated for
Angelina Jolie. In addition to her pow- (strong with 33 points) also governs a Nobel Peace Prize. The houses that
erful stand-alone natal chart, her benefic one’s potential for disease and the contain markedly high or low points
Sarvashtakavarga points further reflect active efforts to overcome it, as well reflect these and other major themes in
the larger-than-life themes for which she as one’s general fighting spirit. Ange- Geldof’s life:
is known. (See Chart 1, facing page.) lina Jolie’s choice to undergo a preven- His 3rd house, which governs cour-
Jolie has a textbook lucky fit of the tative double mastectomy is a fitting age, practical skills, energy, enterprising
9th house of luck, the 10th of profes- example of this house’s themes of deter- endeavors, and general bravado, has a
sion, and the 11th of gains of all kinds mined effort to overcome a possible dis- very high 36 points. This is also a house
being strong in points, with 32, 29, and ease. Also, her 1st house, which governs that governs technology: He has been
29 points, respectively. Her 12th house the physical body itself, contains only an owner of TV production and com-
of expenditure is desirably weak (espe- 25 points, and this could have contrib- puter software companies.

Aug./Sept. 2014 * The Mountain Astrologer 63

and dashas of planets influencing and
Ashtakavarga related to the 8th house.
And for the person with many plan-
The 6th house of work ethic and
Princess Diana’s ets gathering in the 12th house (con-
the ability to rise above contenders is 1st house of self has sidered a “hidden” house of seclusion,
also high with 31 points. retreat, ashrams, and being on the
The 9th house of charitable actions,
36 points, while her peripheries of life), high benefic points
ethical conscience, and general good 7th house of spouse gather 11 houses away in the 10th
fortune has 32 points. house of profession. This makes for an
The 8th house of crisis, death, has a low 23 points. influence that may actually encourage
and sudden extremes is very promi- a solid career life alongside the native’s
nent with 33 points. Geldof’s human- various 12th-house traits and interests.
itarian efforts in African famine relief triousness and of rising above one’s Another at-a-glance consideration
have reflected the 8th-house influence, “competitors.” is that Sarvashtakavarga house points
since this is a concern that involves Albert Einstein: His 8th house remain the same for all the degrees
extremes of life and death. In his per- that governs research, science, and radi- of the entire rising sign, so this system
sonal life, 8th-house situations of ill- cal ideas has a striking 41 points. can aid in birth time rectification when
fated death are especially prominent as Princess Diana reverses the dra- deciding between possible Ascendants.
well: His mother suffered a fatal brain matic point difference seen in Angelina While Ashtakavarga is an extremely
hemorrhage when he was age 7; also, Jolie’s 1st/7th-house axis of self/partner illuminating system, it might be help-
his ex-wife, British media personality — where Jolie’s 7th house, packed with ful to emphasize that it is not meant to
Paula Yates, died suddenly under tragic points, makes her seem at times insep- replace the fundamental meanings of
circumstances, which reflected themes arable from her spouse. In contrast, planets in signs and houses of the basic
of long-time addiction and suicidal ten- Diana’s 1st house of self has 36 points, natal chart. However, without this point
dencies. And in April 2014, there was while her 7th house of spouse has a low system, one lacks a full and exception-
another sudden mysterious death in his 23 points. This influence fueled Diana’s ally streamlined picture of which planets
family, that of his 25-year-old daughter transformation from a docile princess to and houses truly carry weight.
Peaches. a powerhouse of individualism and non-
Geldof’s 11th house of gains of all conformity within the royal family, who Just as Ashtakavarga is considered
kinds, achievement, titles, and honors eclipsed her husband in popularity. a system especially suited to “modern”
received is strong with 33 points. use by the ancient seers who developed
His 12th house of loss is desirably General Considerations Jyotish, perhaps it is necessary for us to
low with only 18 points. The 15-point In the distribution of Sarvashtaka- apply this system in evolving ways that
difference between the 11th house of varga points, every planet contributes take into account our world of global-
gains and general fulfillment of worldly points 11 houses from itself and, in ization, new professions, changing tech-
desires and the 12th house of expendi- nearly every case, also 11 houses away nology, and relationships that didn’t
ture is enormous. from the other planets and the Ascen- exist in quite the same form thousands
dant. This allotment creates a situation of years ago. For example, a 12th house
Other Examples where, if there is a gathering of several of expenditure strong with many points
As previously mentioned, when planets in one house of a birth chart, is classically considered a fully undesir-
a specific house in one’s birth chart is then one can automatically know there able placement; however, as a possible
loaded with an especially high number is a house that contains very high points astrological remedy of sorts, it might be
of points (say, nearing 40 points), the 11 houses away. For example, many helpful to keep in mind that, in Jyotish,
utility of Sarvashtakavarga as an at-a- planets in the 10th house of public life the 12th house also governs foreign resi-
glance technique becomes most strik- will automatically produce high points dence. In our current age of ready travel
ingly applicable for giving a picture of in the 8th house. Hence, for the per- and immigration (which represents
the areas of life where a person’s energy son with a planet-packed 10th house, more than simply being banished from
tends to most readily gravitate and the this placement creates a curious ampli- the kingdom, as it once did in ancient
themes that define this individual. Here fied potential for various 8th-house India), the native may be happiest
are some more brief examples. qualities — like radical transformations, abroad or find their fortune there. In
Dr. Deepak Chopra: His 6th money from unusual sources (such as his step-by-step book on Ashtakavarga,
house has a hefty 40 points. This is inheritance), keen survival instincts, astrologer Vinay Aditya comments:
the house that governs health care and and profound insights, as well as other “This system presents a scope of depar-
healing work (or, more specifically, the less-desirable 8th-house potentials ture from its traditional applications to
6th house governs disease, where well- like scandal, enemies, sudden rever- the research-minded Vedic Astrologer.
placed influences give interest or abil- sal of fortune, and sudden extremes It can be subjected to many innova-
ity in transforming or benefiting from — which wait in the wings to be most tive applications suited to the modern
illness). This is also a house of indus- directly experienced during the transits context.”6

Rather than seeming like a tour of References and Notes Tamiko Fischer is
a museum or a visit to a curio shop with 1. Maharishi Parashara, Brihat Parashara Hora a professional Vedic
funky relics and exotic incense, a sys- Shastra, vol. 2, trans. Girish Chand Sharma, astrologer who be-
tem such as Ashtakavarga serves as a Sagar Publications (New Delhi), 1997, p. 505. gan studying Jyotish
reminder that astrology is a timelessly 2. In Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (p. 507), in 1998. She lived
in India for many
alive and breathing practice, which the translated text of this dialogue reads: “…
Even great sages Vashista and Brahaspati have years, and her study
expansively and fluently accommodates of astrology was born
this modern, ever-changing world. not been able to precisely ascertain the hap-
piness and sorrows, and longevity of life and out of a love and rev-
also to decide the basic substance of the Shas- erence for India’s
Chart Data and Sources tras [system of principles], then how an ordi- devotional, philo-
nary person especially in the Kala-Yuga can sophical, and cul-
(in alphabetical order) tural traditions. She
Dr. Deepak Chopra, October 22, 1946; 3:45 determine these results? The Jyotisha Shas-
tra has been divided into two parts viz. gen- is currently based in
p.m. IST; New Delhi, India (28°N36', 77°E12'); Toronto, Canada. To find out more, please visit
A: from memory; Linda Clark quotes him. eral and specific. The general part has already
been described and now I take on the specific her website:; e-mail:
Diana, Princess of Wales, July 1, 1961; aspect …” [email protected]
7:45 p.m. GDT (–1); Sandringham, England
(52°N50', 00°E30'); A: from Diana to her astrol- 3. Mantreswara, Phala Deepika, trans. S. S.
oger–friend Debbie Frank, and from Diana’s Sareen, Sagar Publications, 1992, p. 282.
mother to Charles Harvey. 4. Varaha Mihira, Brihat Jataka, 2nd edition, Please check out The
Albert Einstein, March 14, 1879; 11:30 a.m. trans. Usha and Shashi, Sagar Publications,
2004, p. 129. Mountain Astrologer's
LMT; Ulm, Germany (48°N24', 10°E00'): AA:
birth record; Frank Clifford has a copy on file. 5. Vinay Aditya, Dots of Destiny: Applications of
Facebook page – tell all
Sir Bob Geldof, October 5, 1951; 2:20 p.m. Ashtakavarga, System Vision Publishers (New your friends about us!
GDT; Dublin, Ireland (53°N20', 06°W15'); A: Delhi), 1996, p. 19.
David Fisher quotes Jo Logan’s letter, who 6. Ibid., p. 5. Enjoy visiting TMA’s
obtained the data from Geldof. blog every Monday, at
Angelina Jolie, June 4, 1975; 9:09 a.m. PDT;
© 2014 Tamiko Fischer – all rights reserved
Los Angeles, CA, USA (34°N03', 118°W15'):
AA: Marc Penfield quotes birth certificate
viewed at Norwalk Records Dept., CA.

Aug./Sept. 2014 * The Mountain Astrologer 65

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