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Annexure - 1

Technical Specification for

Smart Meters
Doc No. - BR/18-19/SM/1PH/01


Record of Revision ................................................................................................................................ 3

1. Scope of Supply ......................................................................................................................... 4
2. Codes and Standards .................................................................................................................. 4
3. Service Conditions ..................................................................................................................... 6
4. Distribution System Data ........................................................................................................... 6
5. Electrical and Accuracy Requirement ....................................................................................... 6
6. Construction Feature .................................................................................................................. 8
7. Functional Requirement ........................................................................................................... 13
8. Meter Display........................................................................................................................... 22
9. Data and Communication Protocol/ HES/ Integrations/ Software .......................................... 23
10. Name Plate ............................................................................................................................... 24
11. Component Specification ......................................................................................................... 25
12. Quality Assurance, Inspection and Testing ............................................................................. 27
13. Packing, Marking, Shipping, Handling and Storage................................................................ 28
14. Deviations ................................................................................................................................ 30
15. Drawing Submission ................................................................................................................ 30
16. Delivery.................................................................................................................................... 32
Annexure- A: Guaranteed Technical Particulars ................................................................................. 33
Annexure – B: Recommended Accessories / Spares ........................................................................... 34
Annexure – C: Integration Requirement of Meters with NIC and HES .............................................. 35
Annexure- D: Tamper and Fraud Detection Events ............................................................................ 36
Annexure – E: Meter Enclosure........................................................................................................... 40

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Record of Revision

Reason of Approved
Item/Clause No. Change in Specification Rev
change By

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1. Scope of Supply
This specification covers the following for Single Phase 240 V, 10A-60 A Static Watt hour smart
meters of accuracy class 1.0 with plug in communication modules (RF mesh only and RF + Cellular
technology) and integrated load control switches.
A. Design, manufacture, testing at manufacturer works before dispatch, packing, delivery and
submission of all documentation.
B. Any accessories / hardware required for installation and operation for the meter.

2. Codes and Standards

Materials, equipment and methods used in the manufacturing of above mentioned equipment shall
conform to the latest edition/ of following
SL Title
Indian Electricity
2.1 IE Act 2003
CEA Metering
2.2 With latest amendments
CBIP Manual
2.3 Standardization of AC Static Electrical Energy Meters
(Pub no.-325)
IS- 16444 (Part AC Static Transformer Operated Watt-hour Smart Meters, Class 1.0 and
1) 2.0 Part 1 Specification
2.5 IS- 13779 AC Static Watt-hour Meters, Class 1 and 2 – Specification
Data Exchange for Electricity Meter - Reading Tariff and Load Control
2.6 IS-15959 (Part 1)
- Companion Specification
Data Exchange for Electricity Meter - Reading Tariff and Load Control
2.7 IS-15959 (Part 2)
(Part 2)- Companion Specification for smart meter
2.8 IS- 11448 Application guide for AC Electricity meters
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General requirements, tests and
2.9 IEC- 62052-11
test conditions - Part 11: Metering equipment
Electricity metering equipment (A.C) - Particular requirements - Part
2.10 IEC- 62053-21
21: Static meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2)
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Particular requirements - Part 52:
2.11 IEC- 62053-52
Electricity metering equipment (A.C.) - Particular requirements - Part
2.12 IEC 62053-61
61: Power consumption and voltage requirements
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Acceptance inspection - Part 11:
2.13 IEC 62058-11
General acceptance inspection methods
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Acceptance inspection - Part 31:
2.14 IEC 62058-31
Particular requirements for static meters for active energy (classes 0,2 S,

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0,5 S, 1 and 2)

2.15 IEC 60736 Testing Equipment for electrical Energy meter

IS/IEC/TR Electricity Metering — Data Exchange For Meter Reading, Tariff And
2.16 62051:Part Load control — Glossary Of Terms Part 1 Terms Related To Data
1:2004 Exchange With metering Equipment Using DLMS/ COSEM
IEC 62056-1-
2.17 Smart metering standardisation framework
IEC 62056-3-
2.18 Use of local area networks on twisted pair with carrier signalling
IEC 62056-4-
2.19 DLMS/COSEM transport layer for IP networks
IEC 62056-5-
2.20 DLMS/COSEM application layer
IEC 62056-6-
2.21 Object Identification System (OBIS)
IEC 62056-6-
2.22 COSEM interface classes
Mapping between the Common Information Model message profiles
IEC 62056-6-
2.23 (IEC 61968-9) and DLMS/COSEM (IEC 62056) data models and
IEC 62056-7- Wired and wireless M-Bus communication profiles for local and
3:2017 neighbourhood networks
IEC 62056-7-
2.25 Local data transmission profiles for Local Networks (LN)
IEC 62056-7-
2.26 The 3-layer, connection-oriented HDLC based communication profile
IEC TS 62056-8-
2.27 Mesh communication profile for neighbourhood networks
IEC TS 62056-9- Communication profile using web-services to access a DLMS/COSEM
1:2016 server via a COSEM Access Service (CAS)
IEC 62056-9-
2.29 Communication profile for TCP-UDP/IP networks
IEC 62056-
2.30 Direct local data exchange
DLMS- White
2.31 Glossary of DLMS/COSEM terms
DLMS- Blue
2.32 COSEM meter object model and the object identification system
DLMS- Green
2.33 Architecture and protocols to transport the model

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DLMS- Yellow
2.34 Conformance testing process
2.35 IEEE 802.15.4 Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks.
Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks (Use of the 865
2.36 IEEE 802.15.4u
MHz to 867 MHz Band in India)
Order of precedence between different standards shall be as follow:
i Indian Standards Issued By BIS
ii IEC standard
Iii Other standards like CBIP, DLMS etc.

3. Service Conditions
SN Item Description
Operation range: -10 Deg C to 55 Deg C
3.1 Temperature Range Limit range of operation: -25 to 60 Deg C
Limit range of storage / transport : -25 to 70 Deg C
3.2 Relative Humidity 0 to 96 %

4. Distribution System Data

SN Item Description
4.1 Supply 1 Phase AC, 2 wire
4.2 Voltage 240 V ± 6%
4.3 Frequency 50 Hz ± 5%
4.4 System Neutral Solidly Earthed

5. Electrical and Accuracy Requirement

SN Item Description
Meter Type 1: 1- ø, 2 wire Static Watt-hour Smart Meter
Meter Type 2: 1- ø, 2 wires Static Watt-hour Smart Meter
5.1 Meter Type fitted in polycarbonate box.
Meter Type 1/ Type 2 shall be offered as per purchaser’s
requisition/ BOQ.
5.2 Connection Direct / whole current
240V (phase to neutral) with variation of +30% & -40%.
5.3 Rated Voltage However meter should withstand the maximum system
5.4 Rated Current Ib -10A and Imax- 60 A
5.5 Starting current 0.2 % of base current

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5.6 Rated Frequency 50Hz +/- 5%

1.0 for Kwh, kVARH and kVAH (IS13779 applies for
5.7 Accuracy Class
accuracy requirements)
As per IS 16444 (Part 1)
5.8 Power Consumption
Meter with lowest power consumption shall be preferred.
5.9 Meter constant Imp/ unit (Bidder to specify meter constant)
Meter shall be software calibrated at factory and
5.10 Calibration modification in calibration shall not be possible at site by
any means or external influence.
Meter shall withstand an insulation test of 4 KV and impulse
5.11 Insulation Level
test at 8 KV
5.12 Influence of supply voltage As per clause 4.4.2 of IS 15884
5.13 Short time over current As per clause no. 4.4.3 of IS 15884
Immunity to phase and
5.14 As per clause no. 9.6 of IS 13779
earth fault
5.15 Influence of Self Heating As per IS 4.4.4 of IS 15884
5.16 Influence of Heating As per IS 4.4.5 of IS 15884
a. Meter along with (NIC) shall remain immune to
electrostatic discharge (upto and including 35KV),
electromagnetic HF field and fast transient burst
along-with NIC.
b. The meter shall be designed in such a way that
Electromagnetic conducted or radiated electromagnetic disturbances
compatibility as well as electrostatic discharge do not influence the
c. Meter shall be type tested for electromagnetic
d. Meter shall comply requirement of clause no. 4.5 and
5.5 of IS 15884.

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Meter shall work within guaranteed accuracy as per IS

13779/ IEC62053-21/ CBIP325 (most stringent standard to
be followed) under and after influence of following :-
a. Current Variation
b. Ambient Temperature variation
c. Voltage variation
d. Frequency variation
e. 10% third harmonic in current
f. Reversed phase sequence
g. Voltage unbalance
h. Harmonic components in current and voltage circuit
i. DC and even harmonics in AC current circuit
j. Odd harmonics in AC current circuit
k. Sub harmonics in AC current circuit
Limits of error due to
5.18 l. Continuous (DC) “stray” magnetic induction of
influence quantities
m. Continuous (DC) “abnormal” magnetic induction of
n. Alternating (AC) “stray’ magnetic induction of
o. Alternating (AC) “abnormal’ magnetic induction of
p. External magnetic field 0.5 T
q. Electromagnetic HF fields
r. Radio frequency interference
s. DC immunity test
Note: BRPL reserves the right to formulate any other test
method to check magnetic immunity/ logging of meter.
Meter with logging provision will be preferred.

6. Construction Feature
SN Item Description
6.1 General Construction of meters shall confirm to the IS 16444 (Part 1)
Material - Opaque and UV stabilized polycarbonate of grade
6.2 Base Body LEXAN 143/ 943 or Equivalent with V0 inflammability
a. Material – Transparent/Opaque and UV stabilized
polycarbonate of grade LEXAN 143/ 943 or
6.3 Top Cover
Equivalent with V0 inflammability level.
b. Top cover and base should be

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Ultrasonically/Chemically welded.
c. Mechanism shall be provided to log event in case of
top cover is opened. Bidder shall explain its
a. Material - Flame retardant glass filled polycarbonate
of grade 500 R or equivalent.
b. Terminal block shall be capable of passing the tests
6.4 Terminal Block as per ISO-75 for a temperature of 135 Deg C and
pressure of 1.8MPa. The terminals shall be designed
so as to ensure adequate and durable contact such that
there is no risk of loosening or undue heating.
a. Meter Type 1: The terminal cover shall be extended
type with 2 no’s holes of minimum 30 mm in
diameter for cable entry.
Meter Type 2: Short terminal cover with U cut
suitable for entry of 2CX25 Sqmm Cable.
b. Material - UV stabilized transparent/Opaque
polycarbonate cover.
c. Provision of sealing through sealing screws.
d. The sealing screws shall be held captive in the
terminal cover.
6.5 Terminal cover e. Terminal cover should have provision for cable entry
from bottom.
f. Baffle wall shall be provided above the cable entry
base wall so that access to the terminals is not
possible (even with thin metallic wire) without
breaking the seal.
g. Diagram of external connections should be embossed
on terminal cover. Sticker is not acceptable.
h. Mechanism shall be provided to record an event with
occurrence and restoration in case of terminal cover
is opened. Bidder shall explain its mechanism.
a. Terminals shall be suitable upto 25 Sqmm aluminium
stranded cable.
b. Two no’s flat head screws and washers per terminal
shall be provided
6.6 Terminals c. Material of terminals, screws and washers should be
brass or tinned copper. Terminals shall be tested for
continuous current of 150 % Imax.
d. Terminals shall be clearly marked for phase / neutral
/ outgoing etc.

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e. Clearances and creep age shall be as per IS 13779.

6.7 Ingress Protection IP 55 or better, but without suction in the meter.

Meter should have flashing LED visible from the front to
represent energy recording. Resolution shall be such that
6.8 Test Output device satisfactory accuracy test can be conducted at the lowest
load in less than 5 minutes and starting current test in less
than 10 minutes.
a. The meter shall have internal real time crystal clock
to set date and time.
b. Drift in time of this clock shall not be more than
±5minutes/ year at a reference temperature of 27°C.
6.9 RTC c. Meter should have capability of Time
d. Meter RTC shall be corrected automatically by the
system in synchronization to the network RTC.
e. HES will sync RTC at least once a day.
6.9.1 Time keeping As per IS 15884
Lithium ion battery with guaranteed shelf life of 10 years
and capacity life of 15 years. Lithium thioyl Chloride battery
6.10 Battery will be preferred. In case battery removal or total discharge
same should not affect the working & memory of the meter
even in case of single wire power condition.
Non volatile memory independent of battery backup,
6.11 Memory memory should be retained up to 10 year without any
auxiliary power.
Meter shall have self diagnostic for the following
a. Date and RTC.
b. Battery.
6.12 Self Diagnostic feature
c. Non volatile memory.
d. Display
e. Communication card status
a. Smart meter shall be equipped with integrated load
control switches to control flow of electricity to the
load at the instance of connect/ disconnect commands
as per functional need of the system.
6.13 Load Control Switch b. Load switch for connect/ disconnect purpose shall be
mounted inside the meter with suitable arrangement.
c. Load Switches shall be provided in both phase and
d. The rating of switches used shall be in line with

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meter rating.
a. Utilization category of the load switch shall be UC2
Performance requirement
6.13.1 as per clause no. of IS 15884.
for load switching
b. All load switches shall operate simultaneously.
Meter shall have an optical port with a rust resistance coated
metal ring to hold magnet of downloading probe. Optical
6.14 Optical port
port shall comply with hardware specifications provided in
a. Meter should have the provision for 01 no’s plug in
communication module for connectivity. The same
interface shall be compatible with both Cellular and
RF communication technologies interchangeable in
b. Interface shall support data transfer between meter
and network interface card over UART/ RS232.
Communication Module Bidder shall explain its pin out and standard in detail.
Interface c. Meter shall have mechanism to log communication
module removal as an event in its memory with date
and time stamp.
d. Meter Vendor shall work with BRPL designated RF
provider to integrate their module in the meter as per
integration requirement mentioned in annexure ‘C’.
e. Preferred location of communication card module
shall be on top of meter.
a. Smart meter shall have 01 no’s plug-in type
communication modules/ Network Interface card
(NIC) for connectivity of meter to HES from
following options as per tender requirement:
i. Communication Module/ NIC Type 1: RF
based suitable for communication Network of
BRPL designated RF canopy provider.
Communication modules ii. Communication Module/ NIC Type 2: RF and
(NIC) cellular communication module (LTE 4G
with 3G and 2G fall back as per Indian
Telecom Standards).
b. Meter shall have separate indications on display/ for
remote and local communication.
c. Communication module shall held in a casing which
can be directly plugged in the meter. Sealing screw
shall be provided.

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Meter shall have provisions to provide last gasp signals

through communication module in case of power failure.
6.16 Last Gasp
Bidder should explain in detail the provisions provided in
meter to achieve the requirement.
a. Sealing should be in accordance with IS and CEA
metering regulations with latest amendments.
b. Sealing arrangement shall be such that sealed parts
shall not be opened without breaking the seal or
Meter Sealing
6.17 sealed part itself. There should be clear evidence of
the breaking in case sealed parts shall be opened
without breaking the seal.
c. Approval shall be taken from purchaser for location
of seals and number of seals.
a. One Polycarbonate seal to be provided on meter
b. Minimum one seal as Hologram type, numbered with
6.17.1 Manufacturer’s Seals
hologram transfer on tamper proof paper seal. Seal
should not be just Hologram sticker (100%
a. Minimum one seal as Hologram type, numbered with
hologram transfer on tamper proof paper seal. Seal
should not be just Hologram sticker (100%
hologram). Meter sides should not have sharp edges
to avoid damage to hologram seals.
6.17.2 BRPL Seals
b. Minimum one Polycarbonate seal should be provided
on top cover.
c. Minimum 01 no's polycarbonate seals shall be
provided for communication module.
d. Seals will be issued to manufacturer free of cost.
Record of all seals shall be forwarded to purchaser with each
6.17.3 Seal record
a. Meter should have clearly visible, indelible and
distinctly marked name plate in accordance with IS
16444 (Part 1) & clause no. 9.0 of this specification.
6.18 Name Plate and marking
b. All markings and details shall be printed by laser
c. Paper stickers are not allowed for name plate.
The terminal block and Meter case shall have safety against
Resistance against heat and
6.19 the spread of fire. They shall not be ignited by thermal
overload of live parts in contact with them as per IS 13779.

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As per Annexure ‘E’ if required in purchaser’s requisition.

6.20 Meter Box Meter shall be factory fitted in meter enclosure by
unidirectional screws.
a. 7.5 years from the date of dispatch or 7 year from
date of commissioning, whichever is earlier
b. Manufacturer shall undertake a guarantee to replace
meter up to a period of 7 Year from the date of
6.21 Guarantee
supply. The meters which are found
defective/inoperative within the guarantee period
shall be replaced as per meter service level

7. Functional Requirement
SN Item Description
Smart meter comply with D1 category of IS 15959 (Part
7.1 Meter category
It should be possible to configure meters in following
modes of metering:
a. Forwarded Only: In this mode any export active
energy shall be treated as import energy and shall
be recorded in forward only register. Apparent
energy calculation shall be as per KVAH
calculation mentioned in clause '7.4'
7.2 Mode of metering
b. Bidirectional: Both Import and export energy
recording shall be applicable in this mode of
metering and relevant registers shall be updated.
Any change in metering mode shall be logged in events
with date and time stamp.
Default mode of metering shall be forwarded only until
specified otherwise.
It should be possible to configure meter in following
modes of payment:
a. Post payment mode
b. Prepayment Mode
7.3 Payment Mode Any change in payment mode shall be logged in events
with date and time stamp.
Prepayment facility shall be achieved by server / HES.
Default mode of metering shall be post payment until
specified otherwise.

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Lag only: KVAh is computed based on KVArh and

7.4 KVAH Calculation KWH value. If PF=1, or leading, then KVAh = KWH.
At no instance KVAh < KWh.
Block window with default demand integration period of
7.5 MD calculation 1800 s configurable to 900 s as per requirement.
Extended register shall be used for MD recording.
a. Meter shall be capable of doing TOD metering in
minimum 4 tariff rate registers programmable for
minimum 8 time zones and 4 seasonal profiles.
b. TOU metering shall be implemented by the
activity calendar method of IS 15959 Part 1
clause 9/ DLMS UA-1000-1/ IEC
c. Special Day table shall be defined as per DLMS
7.6 TOU Metering UA-1000-1/ IEC
d. Default TOU programming shall be as per latest
DERC guidelines. Prior approval shall also be
taken from BRPL for the same.
e. Tariff rate registers shall be as follow
R1: Rate register for Peak
R2: Rate register for Normal
R3: Rate Register for Off Peak
All the parameters mentioned in table ‘A1’ of IS 15959
(Part 2) along with following additional parameters shall
be supported by meter:
a. RF/ GSM signal Strength in milli db.
7.7 Instantaneous Parameters b. Displacement PF.
c. GPS coordinates.
d. Temperature in Deg C.
e. kVARH
f. kVAH
7.7.1 Association rights As per clause 11.1.1 of IS 15959 (Part 2).
a. Billing parameters shall be generated at the end
of each billing cycle and stored in memory as per
provisions provided in clause no. 14 of IS 15959
(Part 2).
b. 6 no’s billing cycle parameters shall be remain in
7.8 Billing data
meter memory along with current cycle
parameters and shall be available for reading as
well as profile and or ‘by entry’ for selective
c. All the parameters mentioned in table ‘A4’ of IS

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15959 (Part 2) shall be supported by meter.

7.8.1 Association Rights As per clause 14 of IS 15959 (Part 2).

Support for selective access shall be provided for billing
7.8.2 Selective access
parameters as per clause no 11.3 of IS 15959 (part 1).
Billing period reset/ MD
7.8.3 00:00 Hrs of Ist of every month
Billing period reset
7.8.4 As per clause 10 of IS 15959 (Part 1)
Cumulative billing period counter since installation and
7.8.5 Billing period counter available billing periods shall be provided as per clause
11.2 of IS 15959 (Part 1).
a. Load survey parameters shall be measured and
recorded at the end of each profile capture period
7.9 Load survey Parameters for last 35 Power ON days.
b. All the parameters mentioned in table ‘A15’ of
IS 15959 (Part 2) shall be supported by meter.
7.9.1 Association Rights As per clause no. of IS 15959 (Part 2)
Support for selective access shall be provided for billing
7.9.2 Selective Access
parameters as per clause no 11.3 of IS 15959 (part 1).
7.9.3 Profile capture period Default 1800 s programmable to 900 s.
Daily load profile parameters shall be measured and
recorded at each midnight i.e. 00:00 hrs for last 35
Power ON days.
7.10 Daily load profile
All the parameters mentioned in table ‘A16’ of IS 15959
(Part 2) shall be supported by meter as Daily load profile
Following parameters shall be provided in Non Volatile
7.11 General Purpose Parameters memory (NVM) of the meter as per clause 16 of IS
15959 (Part 2).
As per Table ‘A26’ of IS 15959 (Part 2) with following
7.11.1 Name Plate Detail additional parameters.
a. Month of manufacturing. Association rights As per clause 22.1 of IS 15959 (Part 2).
a. These parameters can be programmed remotely
by HES and locally by CMRI via proper access
writes. Every transaction shall be logged in non
7.11.2 Programmable parameters volatile memory of the meter with date and time
b. Programming of any of the parameters shall
increment the ‘Cumulative programmable count’

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c. All the parameters mentioned in table Table
‘A27’ of IS 15959 (Part 2) shall be supported by
meters. Association rights As per clause 22.2 of IS 15959 (part 2)

a. Smart meter is able to automatically notify data,
event, and messages to a destination client
system in an unsolicited manner (without a
request from a client) as per clause no 6 of IS
15959 (Part 2).
b. Randomization: Data from different endpoints
shall be pushed intelligently on the network in
order to avoid excessive traffic on the network
for example in case all the endpoints will push
load survey data simultaneously, then it may
result in network choking or inefficient
performance. Therefore with the help of
intelligent techniques such field scenarios shall
7.11.3 Push Services
be handled effectively.
c. It shall also be possible to configure push
services for all profiles i.e instantaneous, billing,
load survey, daily energy and events. Bidder
should explain its capability to configure push
services. However following push services shall
be available by default.
i. Load survey profile data at after every 4
hours configurable to any predefined
ii. Mid night data at 00:00 hrs of every day.
iii. Billing profile data on occurrence of
a. Meter shall be able to push instantaneous
parameters to HES at predefined intervals.
Parameters required for push shall be intimated
during detailed engineering in the vent of order.
Periodic push (Smart meter b. Other attributes as per IS 15959 (Part 2) i.e. Send
to HES)
Destination, Communication window,
Randomization time interval, number of retries
and repeat delay shall be decided in the event of

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a. Meter is able to report HES, the status change of

any of the identified events mapped in to event
status word (ESW) of size 128 bits by pushing
following objects to HES.
i. Device ID
ii. Push Setup ID
iii. Real time clock- Date and Time
iv. Event Status Word 1 (ESW 1).
b. Each of the bits in ESW shall reflect the current
Event Push (Smart meter to state of the event and are mapped against each of
the identified events.
c. An event status word filter (ESWF) of 128 bit
shall also be provided to configure events for
event push. Events which are supported in meter
shall only be configured for event push. Bit value
1 in ESWF shall indicate that the event is
supported and value 0 indicates that event is not
supported for event push. Position of the event
bit in ESWF shall be same as in ESW. Event status Bit mapping As Per IS 15959 (Part 2)
a. Smart meter shall support remote firmware
upgrade feature for meter firmware without loss
of any data and metrology for a part or complete
firmware of meter.
b. Firmware upgrade shall use the Image transfer
classes and mechanisms specified in IEC62056-
6-2 and IEC62056-5-3.
c. Broad cast facility shall be supported in HES for
simultaneously upgrading the firmware of a
group of meters installed in field.
7.12 Firmware upgrade d. Firmware upgrade feature shall be provided with
proper security. The design shall take into
account field scenarios such as power failure
during F/W upgrade.
e. Once the firmware is upgraded, meter shall send
an acknowledgment to HES. It shall also log it as
an event in its memory.
f. Meter shall support capability to self register the
meter with new firmware.
g. The execution time of the change of the firmware
within the meter should be below 1 minute

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Meter shall support connection less messaging services

of DLMS to support broadcast messages for a group of
meters for following actions:
Support for broadcast a. Gap reconciliations.
message b. Firmware upgrade.
c. On demand readings.
d. Meter connection and disconnection.
e. Updating of Programmable parameters.
a. The Smart meter shall support disconnection (all
the switches shall operate simultaneous) on the
following conditions as per clause 11 of IS
16444 (Part 1):
i. Over current (105 % of Imax in any
element for predefined persistence time.)
ii. Load control limit (Programmable )
iii. Pre-programmed tamper conditions
7.14 Disconnection mechanism
(Factory programmed)
iv. Disconnection signal from Head end
v. Pre paid function for prepayment mode.
b. Meter shall use the disconnection control object
as defined in clause 10 of IS 15959 (Part 2).
c. Load limit function shall be disabled by default
until other specified.
a. Meter shall be able to reconnect load switches
locally only for Overload and load control limit
b. The meter will try to reconnect the load up to
predefined time, with predefined interval (Time
and interval is programmable).
c. If the consumption is still more than the
programmed limits, it will lock out and wait for
Local reconnection
7.15 30 minutes.
d. If the consumption is still above the limit, the
procedure defined above in 1 and 2 shall be
e. It shall be possible to remotely
connect/disconnect the relay via commands from
HES. The remote reconnect shall not interrupt
the normal connect/disconnect cycle.
f. In case of relay malfunction i.e.,

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connect/disconnect action of relay is not taking

place due to welding of contacts or any other
reason, then it shall be logged as an event in the
Non-rollover compartment. Same shall be sent as
an alert to HES.
g. Remote command shall have priority over local

a. Reconnection shall be done from HES except for

over current and load control limit. In case of
failure of communication / HES, reconnection
7.16 Reconnection mechanism shall be possible through Hand Held Device
(CMRI) locally via proper security.
b. Reconnection in case of prepayment meter shall
be as per prepayment profile.
a. Indication of status of relay i.e. connected/
disconnected should be available on display as
7.17 Status of load switch well as through communication to HES.
b. Connection and disconnection should be logged
as events.
a. Status indication of switch i.e. connected/
disconnected should be available on display as
well as through communication to HES.
b. In Last Gasp endpoint shall send the power
outage notification with Time Stamp. In case of
7.18 First breath and last gasp
power failure meter communication module shall
not draw power from the backup battery.
c. For the purpose of sending the Last Gasp, meter
shall have proper power backup (like a super
Advanced security outlined in clause 7.1.2 of IS 15959
7.19 Security
(Part 1) shall be provided.
Encryption for data
7.19.1 As per clause 7.1 of IS 15959 (Part 2)
Encryption/ Authentication
7.19.2 As per clause 7.2 of IS 15959 (Part 2)
for data transport
Key requirement and
7.19.3 As per clause 7.3 of IS 15959 (Part 2)

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a. Proper security at end points as well as network

level shall be present to prevent unauthorized
hacking of the end points or the network itself.
b. The meter password is required to open a session
between NIC and meter and is required to gain
clearance from the meter to perform requested
c. If clearance not gains, the meter locks out
7.19.4 NIC security
communication for 1 minute. The meter maintain
counter for monitoring of unsuccessful attempts
of performing meter operations and alerts to
HES. The counter is incremented each time a
password clearance operation fails.
d. Up to 3 no’s successful attempts are allowed,
after which the port is locked out until
authenticated from system administrator.
Meter shall support TCP-UDP/ IP communication
IP communication profile
7.20 profile for smart meter to HES. Please refer clause 8 of
IS 15959.
The meter shall continue to record forward energy under
any one or combinations of the following conditions:
a. I/C & O/G Interchanged
b. Phase & Neutral Interchanged
c. I/C Neutral Disconnected, O/G Neutral & Load
Connected To Earth.
d. I/C Neutral Disconnected, O/G Neutral
Connected To Earth Through Resistor & Load
Connection/ Tamper Connected To Earth.
Conditions e. I/C Neutral connected, O/G Neutral Connected
to Earth through Resistor & Load Connected to
f. I/C (Phase & Neutral) Interchanged, Load
Connected To Earth.
g. I/C & O/G (Phase or Neutral) Disconnected,
Load Connected To Earth.
During bidirectional mode for condition mentioned at sl
no. ‘a’ meter shall record in export registers
Meter shall detect and log any exceptional/ fraud/
tamper conditions in its memory as an event. In addition
7.22 Event and tamper detection
to this all transactions and control shall also be recorded
as an event in meter memory. Each event type shall be

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identified by an event ID.

Each event shall be available to download as per

following association rights.
i. Public Client: No access
7.22.1 Association Rights ii. Meter Reader: Read only
iii. utility Settings: Read only
iv. Push Services: Read Only for identified events as
per ESWF
Meter shall be able to log events in following
a. Voltage Related Events
b. Current Related Events
c. Power Related Events
d. Others Events
e. Non Roll Over Events
f. Transaction related events
g. Control Events
Occurrence and Restoration of Voltage Related, current
related, power related and other events shall be logged in
meter memory as per IS 15959 (Part 2). Please refer
7.22.2 Compartments of events
annexure 'A' for description of events, Event ID, Logics
of events and threshold values of events.
Threshold values shall be factory programmable.
Selective access shall be provided as per clause 11.3 of
IS 15959 (Part 1).
For each of the events a certain list of parameters shall
be captured as per clause 'a'
For each occurrence event captured, the cumulative
tamper count shall be incremented.
Only Real clock (date and time) and event code shall be
captured events in compartments mentioned at sl no. 'd',
'f', 'g', 'h'.
Captured parameters mentioned above are to be captured
when event occurrence and restoration is logged as per
IS 15959 (Part 2).
a. Date and time of event
7.22.3 Parameter Snapshot
b. Event code
c. Active Current
d. Voltage
e. Power factor

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f. Cumulative energy- kWh, kVAh, kVARh

Captured parameters are to be captured at the time of

logging of event occurrence and restoration
The meter shall log minimum 100 tamper events
7.22.4 Event Logging
(ensuring at least 20 events for each tamper).
Appropriate Indications/Icons for all tampers should
7.22.5 Tamper Indication appear on the meter display either continuously or in
auto display mode.

8. Meter Display
SN Item Description
8.1 LCD Type STN Liquid crystal with backlit
Minimum 160 Degree.
8.2 Viewing angle The display visibility should be sufficient to read the Meter
mounted at height of 0.5 m as well as at the height of 2 m.
8.3 Size of LCD Minimum 10 mm X 6 mm
8.4 LCD Digits Total 6 +1 digits
8.5 LCD language English
Following parameters should be displayed in Auto scroll
with programmable interval
Order Parameter Display time
1 LCD Test 5 Sec
Meter Sr. No.(8
2 digits) 5 Sec
3 Date 5 Sec
4 Time 5 Sec
5 Cumulative kWh 30 Sec
6 Current month MD 5 Sec
8.6 Display mode
7 Voltage 5 Sec
8 Current 5 Sec
9 Power Factor 5 Sec
10 Frequency 5 Sec
Instantaneous Load
11 KW 5 Sec
Signal Strength (RF/
12 GSM) 5 Sec

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13 Temperature 5 Sec
14 kVARh 5 Sec
15 kVAH 5 Sec
Meter with push button for manual display shall not be
Appropriate indications/flags for all tampers and self
8.7 Display indications
diagnostic features should be provided.

9. Data and Communication Protocol/ HES/ Integrations/ Software

SN Item Description
a. Meter should comply Indian companion of data exchange
and tariff control specification IS 15959 (Part 2).
b. In case of additional requirement from IS 15959 (part 2),
they shall be as per DLMS standards/ IEC DLMS
protocols suite (62056).
Data Exchange
9.1 c. Bidder shall explain in detail the additional parameters/
services/ methods used in meters from IS 15959 (part 2)
and its reference to DLMS books/ IEC.
d. Prior to manufacturing of meters bidder shall provide a
detailed specification explaining all parameters/ services/
methods used in meter in addition to IS 15959 (Part 2).
a. Bidder shall work with BRPL IT team/ BRPL designated
system integrator to integrate its meter with BRPL HES
system as per integration requirements mentioned in
9.2 Integration with HES annexure ‘C’.
b. Bidder shall prepare detailed documents as mentioned in
above clause and submit it for BRPL approval and
integration with HES.
Base computer Licensed Software with the following features should be
software supplied for free to download meter through optical port.
9.3.1 Operating System BCS should be compatible for latest Windows operating system.
System shall be password protected where user can login only if
login ID is provided by administrator. BCS shall have rights
9.3.2 Security
management system so that access rights can be provided as per
requirement to maintain security.
BCS shall maintain master database according to desired area,
9.3.3 Database
location, and region etc.
a. BCS shall have option of user defined report generation
9.3.4 Reporting in format of Excel, Word and CSV, XML, PDF etc.
b. BCS shall have capability to export data in ASCII, CSV

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and XML format at desired location so that the same

could be integrated with our billing data for processing.
c. All the data available in the meter shall be convertible to
user defined ASCII, CSV and XML file format.
BCS and communication ports should support data transfer rate
9.3.5 Data transfer rate
of 9600 bps (minimum).
a. The manufacturer has to provide software capable of
downloading all the data stored in meter memory through
window/ android operating system based handheld units
(HHU) through optical port.
b. In the event of order, bidder shall work with BRPL IT
team/ BRPL designated system integrator to develop
Hand Held Unit HHU software for meter downloading and further
Software uploading on HES.
c. HHU software should have option for selection of
parameters to be downloaded from meter.
d. Meter data consisting of all parameters and complete
load survey for all parameters shall be read by HHU and
downloaded on HES in minimum possible time (not
more than 5 minutes).
Manufacture shall impart training to BRPL personnel for usage
9.5 Training
of software and installation.

10. Name Plate

SN Description
Meter Serial number shall be of 8 digits. Serial number shall be printed in black colour.
Embossing is not acceptable.
10.2 Size of the digit shall be minimum 5X3mm
10.3 Bar code shall be printed along with serial number
10.4 BIS registration mark (ISI mark)
10.5 ‘BRPL’ insignia shall be printed above LCD display.
10.6 BRPL PO No. & date
10.7 Manufacturers name and country of origin
10.8 Model type / number of meter
10.9 Year of manufacturing
10.10 Reference voltage / current rating
The number of phases and the number of wires for which the meter is suitable.
Graphical symbol as per IS 12032 can be used.
10.12 Meter constant
10.13 Class index of meter

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10.14 Reference frequency

10.15 Warranty period
10.16 Symbol of load switch
Name plate of NIC
a. Serial no of NIC along/ IMEI no/MAC address with bar code
b. Name of purchaser’s
c. Communication technology with carrier frequency
d. Manufacturing year and month.
e. Warranty period.

11. Component Specification

SN Item Description Make
The Meters should be with the The current transformer
11.1 Current Transformers current transformers as measuring should withstand for the
elements. clauses under 4.18(t)
11.2 Shunt element Data sheet should be submitted. Reputed
The Measurement or computing
Analog Devices, Cyrus
Measurement or chips used in the Meter should be
11.3 Logic, Atmel, Phillips,
computing chips with the Surface mount type along
with the ASICs.
The memory chips should not be Atmel, National
affected by the external parameters Semiconductors, Texas
11.4 Memory chips
like sparking, high voltage spikes or Instruments, Phillips,
electrostatic discharges. ST, Hitachi, Compiled
a) The display modules should be
well protected from the external UV
b) The construction of the modules Truly semiconductor,
should be such that the displayed Tianma / Haijing
11.5 Display modules
quantity should not disturbed with Electronics, China,
the life of display (PIN Type). Hitachi,
c) It should be STN type industrial
grade with extended temperature
range min 70 ºC.
The mechanical construction of the
port should facilitate the data Everlight, Osram,
11.6 Optical port
transfer. Communication shall not Agillent, NFC
disturbed by external light.

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The power supply should be with the

capabilities as per the relevant
standards. The power supply unit of
the meter should not be affected in
11.7 Power Supply
case the maximum voltage of the
system appears to the terminals due
to faults or due to wrong
The active & passive components
should be of the surface mount type
Semiconductors, Atmel,
& are to be handled & soldered by
Phillips, Texas
the state of art assembly processes.
Instruments. Hitachi,
Electronic The PTH components should be
11.8 Compiled, AVX or
components positioned such a way that the leads
of components should not be under
Samsung, EPCOS,
stress and not touching the internal
LED Everlight, Agillent
a) The internal electrical
components should be of electrolytic
copper & should be protected from
corrosion, rust etc.
11.9 Mechanical parts
b) The other mechanical components
should be protected from rust,
corrosion etc. by suitable
plating/painting methods.
Lithium with guaranteed life of 15
11.10 Battery Texcell, SAFT, Varta
Philips, Dallas Atmel,
RTC & Micro The accuracy of RTC shall be as per Motorola, Microchip,
controller relevant IEC / IS standards TEXAS, NEC or
Glass Epoxy, fire resistance grade
11.12 P.C.B. FR4, with minimum thickness 1.6 (BBT test is must)
Utilization Category UC2/ UC3
Gruner/ KG/ any other
Latching relay Can withstand 120%
11.13 Load Switch reputed make subject to
of Vref and 120% of Imax current.
BRPL approval.
As per IS 15884
a. The components used by
11.14 Note
manufacturer shall have

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“Minimum Life” more than the

10 years.
b. Incase vendor want to use other
make components; same shall be
approved by BRPL before use.
c. Even for existing supplier –
fresh approval is needed for all
d. Manufacturer should have
complete tracking of material
used in meter. BRPL reserve the
right to carry out audit of
inventory/ manufacturing
process at manufacturer’s works
and sub vendor’s work.

12. Quality Assurance, Inspection and Testing

SN Item Description
Vendor's Quality
12.1 To be submitted for Purchaser's approval.
Plan (QP)
Sampling Method for quality checks shall be as per relevant IS/
12.2 Sampling Method IEC/ CBIP guidelines and Purchaser's prior approval shall be
taken for the same.
Inspection Hold-
12.3 To be mutually identified, agreed and approved in Quality Plan.
a. The meter shall be of type tested quality including all tests
specified in this specification which are beyond IS / IEC or
b. Type test conducted from CPRI/ ERDA/ or any other lab
specified by BIS/ CEA for smart meter testing will be
treated as valid.
12.4 Type Tests
c. Type test certificate should be submitted along with offer
for scrutiny.
d. Any other component supplied in addition to meter shall
also be type tested as per IS /IEC if applicable.
e. Complete type test as per IS 16444 (Part 1) shall be carried
out on sample selected from BRPL lot.
12.5 Routine tests All test marked “R” as per table 20 of IS 13779.
a. All tests marked “A” as per table 20 of IS 13779.
12.6 Acceptance Tests
b. Smart meter functional tests as per IS 16444 Table 1

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c. Test of load switch as per clause 10.4 of IS 16444 (Part 1)

d. Test for data exchange protocol as per clause 10.5 of IS
e. Test for Smart meter communicability as per clause no. 10.6
of IS 16444 (Part 1).
f. All the routine and acceptance tests shall be carried out as
per relevant standards.
g. Following tests in addition to IS shall be conducted during
lot inspection.
I) Dimensional and drawing verification.
II) Display parameters/ sequence.
III) Data Downloading from CMRI and PC.
IV) Tamper/ fraud detection/logging features as per
Documents. Tamper conditions will be simulated at
varying load up to Imax. Accuracy will also be checked
during tamper simulation.
V) Burn in chamber test.
VI) Component verifications.
h. Purchaser reserves the right to formulate any other test
method to verify guaranteed parameters of Meter.
ESD and Magnetic ESD and magnetic interference test will be conducted at Samir
Interference test lab, Chennai or CPRI.
a. Purchaser reserves the right to inspect /witness all tests on
the meters at Seller’s works at any time, prior to dispatch, to
verify compliance with the specification/ standards.
b. Manufacturer should have all the facilities/ equipments to
conduct all the acceptance tests as per relevant standards/
12.8 Inspection
this specification and tampers logics as per approved GTP.
All the equipments including tamper logs kits/ jigs should
be calibrated.
c. In-process and / or final inspection call intimation shall be
given in advance to purchaser.

13. Packing, Marking, Shipping, Handling and Storage

SN Item Description

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a. Each meter must be packed, together with its terminal

cover, in a separate environmental friendly cardboard
box, which can be opened and re-closed without
needing adhesives.
b. Up to 10 single-phase meters in case of meter type 1 and
5 no’s meters with enclosure in case of meter type 2
must be packed together with their terminal covers in a
group cardboard box, which can be opened and re-
closed without needing adhesives.
c. The box shall prevent, as much as possible, penetration
of dust during long storage periods. The box must be
designed for multiple use and be robust, with wall
thickness of at least 4 mm.
d. Maximum weight of a group meter box shall not be
more than 25 Kg.
e. The packaging will protect the meters against shock and
vibration, preventing damage due to the road conditions
during transport and distribution in the field. The
13.1 Packing electrical and mechanical properties shall not be
affected by these disturbances.
f. For shipping the boxed meters will be close packed by
stockpiles of suitable quantities on pallets. The meters
numbers sequence (without partition) shall be kept in
each pallet. A pallet will be protected against moisture
by a polyethylene hood, covered with a cardboard cover
(hood), and fixed onto the pallet by parallel
polypropylene bands, using protection angle bars at the
corners. The hood shall be marked – on the front (wide
side), on the narrow side and on the top as per clause
g. Each pallet should contain between 70 and 300 meters.
The actual number of meters on each pallet will be
agreed with the BRPL in the event of order.
h. An impact detector ("Shock-Watch") label shall be
attached to the cardboard hood of several pallets in each
container/ transport truck, to warn of possible rough
handling during shipment, transport and storage.
Packing for
Robust non returnable packing case with all the above
13.2 accessories and
protection & identification Label.
13.3 Marking On each group box and pallet, following details are required

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both on front (wide side) and top:

a. BRPL logo.
b. Meter serial number range along with bar code.
c. Unique number of box/ pallet.
d. Purchaser’s name
e. PO number (along with SAP item code, if any) & date
with bar code
f. Equipment Tag no. (if any)
g. Destination
h. Manufacturer / Supplier’s name
i. Address of Manufacturer / Supplier / it’s agent
j. Type , rating and other description of equipment
k. Country of origin
l. Month & year of Manufacturing
m. Case measurements
n. Gross and net weights in kilograms
o. All necessary slinging and stacking instructions
13.4 Test reports Routine test report to be provided with each meter
The seller shall be responsible for all transit damage due to
13.5 Shipping
improper packing.
Manufacturer instruction shall be followed. Detail handling &
Handling and
13.6 storage instruction sheet /manual to be furnished before
commencement of supply.

14. Deviations
a. Deviations from this specification can· be acceptable, only
where the Seller has listed in his quotation the requirements
he cannot, or does not, wish to comply with and which
deviations the Buyer has agreed to in writing, before any
14.1 Deviations
order is placed.
b. In the absence of any list of deviations from the Seller, it
will be assumed by the Buyer that the Seller complies with
the Specification fully.

15. Drawing Submission

Drawing submission shall be as per the matrix given below. All documents/ drawing shall be
provided on A4 sheet in box file with separators for each section. Language of the documents shall
be English only. Deficient/ improper document/ drawing submission may liable for rejection
SL Detail of Document Bid Approval Pre

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1 Guaranteed Technical particulars (GTP) Required Required

2 Deviation Sheet, if any Required Required
3 Tamper Sheet Required Required
4 Display Parameters Required Required
GA / cross sectional drawing of Meter showing all
5 Required Required
the views / sections
Detail of network interface i.e. pin out, standard,
6 Required Required
voltage level etc and its integration requirement.
4 no's
2 no's (1
(2 no’s
Samples of each type and rating offered along with without
7 box and RF NIC/ communication module of already box and
box and 1
integrated RF card as per tender qualifying criteria. 2 no
no with
Any software and accessories required for
8 Required Required
installation/ operation of meter
Manufacturer's quality assurance plan and
9 Required
certification for quality standards
10 Type Test reports of offered model/ type/ rating Required
11 BIS certificate Required
12 Complete product catalogue and user manual. Required
13 Customer Reference List Required
14 Recommended list of spare and accessories Required
Specification documents containing all parameters,
15 Services, Methods in addition to companion Required
specification of IS 15959 (part 2).
16 Program for production and testing (A) Required Required
17 Makes of components Required Required
Detailed installation and commissioning
18 Required Required
19 As Built Drawing Required Required
Operation and maintenance Instruction as well as
20 Required Required
trouble shooting charts/ manuals
Inspection and test reports, carried out in
21 Required
manufacturer’s works
22 Routine Test certificates Required
23 Test certificates of all bought out items Required
24 Meter Seal data Required

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25 Mapping of meter serial no to Communication card. Required

16. Delivery
Despatch of Material: Vendor shall despatch the material, only
after the Routine Tests/Final Acceptance Tests (FAT) of the
16.1 Delivery
material witnessed/waived by the Purchaser, and after receiving
written Material Despatch Clearance (MDC) from the Purchaser.

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Annexure – A: Guaranteed Technical Particulars

Bidder shall furnish the GTP format with all details against each clause of this specification.
Bidder shall not change the format of GTP or clause description.
Bidder to submit duly filled GTP in hard copy format with company seal.

Clause No. Clause Description Manufacturer’s Reply


Bidder / Vendor seal / signature ---------------------------

Name of the bidder

Address of the bidder
Name of contact person
Telephone number and email id

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Annexure – B: Recommended Accessories / Spares

SL Description of spare part Unit Quantity

1 No
2 No

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Annexure – C: Integration Requirement of Meters with NIC and HES

Integration requirements with communication provider of BRPL/ any other agency designated
by BRPL for other components of AMI.
a. Bidder(s) must share the meter security keys, all level encryption, and password
information along with asset information in a format with the buyer / communication
provider of BRPL so that during AMI business flow, the device and data can be
authenticated all the time.
b. Bidder(s) must share the details of meter communication specifically programmed
c. Bidder(s) must share the meter configuration source code to the BRPL/ communication
provider of BRPL.
d. Bidder (s) must share the meter interface touch points for external applications/ systems.
e. Bidder(s) must share the required APIs including but not limited to reading APIs,
configuration APIs and Functional APIs with the System Integrator for execution of
business flow (Installation, reading, configuration).
f. Bidder(s) must share the data storage and retrieval details.
g. Bidder(s) must configure the devices to be upgraded remotely (OTA) and share the
required firmware source code (with updates over the project life) with system integrator
as and when it is required in case of feature request or fault correction.
h. Bidder(s) must follow and conduct Utility’s sample and periodic test program, including
(but not limited to) the selection of a sample population of meters, sharing of sample test
results as reported by the meter testing systems with the system Integrator.
i. Bidder(s) must share the information related to communication module for the
authorization purpose at to BRPL/ communication provider of BRPL.

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Annexure – D: Tamper and Fraud Detection Events

1. Voltage Related Events:

Description of Logic Expression/ Persistence
Logic Of Event
event Threshold values Time
Meter should log high voltage Occurrence: If Vpn>110% Occurrence: 5
Over Voltage
event if voltage in any phase is Vref Min
above a threshold value. Threshold Restoration: If Vpn<=110% Restoration: 5
value is factory programmable. Vref Min
Meter should log low voltage event Occurrence: If Vpn<75% Occurrence: 5
Low Voltage
if voltage in any phase is below a Vref Min
threshold value. Threshold value is Restoration: If Vpn>=75% Restoration: 5
factory programmable. Vref Min
2. Current Related Events:
Description of Logic Expression/ Persistence
Logic Of Event
event Threshold values Time
Meter should log the event of Occurrence: If Ip = -ve Occurrence: 5
power reverse if meter detect direction Min
Power/ reverse
power flow from outgoing to Restoration: If Ip=+ve Restoration: 5
incoming terminals. direction Min
If the current in any phase exceeds Occurrence: 5
Over current
the specified threshold current, Occurrence: If Ip>Imax Min
meter should log over current Restoration: If Ip<=Imax Restoration: 5
event. Min
Meter shall able to detect and log
of earth loading condition if
difference in phase and neutral
current found less than a specified Occurrence: If |Ip-In|>10% Occurrence: 5
Earth Loading
% of basic current rating of meter Ib Min
for a specified time threshold Restoration: if |Ip-In|<=10% Restoration: 5
value. This event will be restored if Ib Min
this difference remain less than the
specified threshold value for a
specified restoration
3. Power Related Events.
Description of Logic Expression/ Persistence
Logic Of Event
event Threshold values Time
Meter shall detect power OFF if
all phase voltages are absent. This
Power OFF
event shall be recorded at the time
(occurrence/ 5 Min 5 Min
of each power OFF. At the same
time power ON event shall be

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If meter micro detect power off

Abnormal whereas phase voltage is present Occurrence: If voltage at
Power Off than abnormal power will be meter power supply<10%
(Occurrence/ recorded. Meter shall continue to vref and Vpn>20% vref.
restoration) record energy as per phase voltage Restoration:
and current.
4. Other Events:
Description of Logic Expression/ Persistence
Logic Of Event
event Threshold values Time
a. Meter should either be immune
or should log the
events of attempt of tampering
by external magnetic
field as per relevant IS13779/
CBIP 325 with latest
b. If the working of meter gets
Magnetic As per IS 13779/
affected under the As per IS 13779/ CBIP 325
Influence CBIP 325
influence of external magnetic
field, meter should
record energy at Imax. Meter
should not compute
MD during this period. The
meter shall record
energy as per actual load once
the magnetic field is removed.
Meter should log the event when Bidder shall
HF, DC and Bidder shall define
AC/DC/ Pulsating voltage is define threshold
Alternating threshold values
injected in neutral circuit. values
Meter shall able to detect and log
the low PF event if power factor of
the load found between 0.2 to 0.5
Occurrence: 0.2<PF<=0.5 Occurrence: 5
for a load above than a %
Low Power and Iphase>10%Ib Min
threshold value for a threshold
Factor Restoration: (PF<0.2 or Restoration: 5
time value. Event shall restore if
PF>0.5) and Iphase>10%Ib Min
PF factor of load remain out of
range 0.2 to 0.5 for a load above
than % threshold value

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Single Wire Occurrence: 5

Operation In case of single wire power is If Ip or Ip >100 mA and Min
(occurrence/ detected , event shall be logged. Vpn<10% vref. Restoration: 5
Restoration) Min
Plug in
module Meter should log the removal of
removal communication card. Meter should
(Occurrence/ also log insertion of
Restoration) communication card. By NC switch/ sensor
change to post-
paid mode/ pre- Meter should log the change in
paid mode payment mode configuration. NA NA
change to
only" mode/
“Import and Meter should log the change in
Export” mode metering mode configuration. NA NA
(Occurrence/ Meter should able to log the status
Restoration) of overload in KW 5 min 5 min
HV Spark Meter with communication card
(Occurrence/ should be immune or log the event
Immediately NA
restoration)/ in the case of application of ESD
Jammer upto and including 35 KV.
5. Non roll over Events:
Description of Logic Expression/ Persistence
Logic Of Event
event Threshold values Time
(First occurrence
Occurrence of
When meter cover opened shall always
cover open
remain in meter
6. Detail of Transaction
Description of Logic Expression/ Persistence
Logic Of Event
event Threshold values Time
Real Time Clock- Date and Time
Demand Integration Period
Profile Capture Period

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Single Action schedule for billing date

Activity calendar for time zones
New firmware activated
Load Limit (Kw) Set
Enable Load Limit Function
Disable load limit function
LLS secret (MR) change
HLS key (US) change
HLS key (FW) change
Global key change
ESWF change
MD reset
7. Control Events:
Event Description
Load Switch Status- Disconnected
Load Switch Status- Connected

1. Event ID’s shall be defined as per BRPL specification/ IS 155959 (part 2).
Approval shall be taken from BRPL prior to manufacturing for Event ID’s
2. Programming of threshold values should be possible from remote via proper
3. Logics of tampers can be changed/ upgraded via firmware up gradation from
remote via proper authentication.
4. All the programming changes/ firmware up gradations shall be logged along-with
date and time stamp in meter as well as on HES.

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Annexure – E: Meter Enclosure

SL Clause Clause Description

Flush type with Completely transparent top cover and base with
1.0 Meter Box Type Incoming and Outgoing cable entry and data downloading
2.0 Design Meter box shall comply following requirement.
The meter box shall be designed in such a way that no access to the
General meter body, terminals and hardwired port of the meter shall be
Requirement possible after installation and sealing of the box without breaking
the box itself.
a. Meter box shall be theft proof i.e. meter box cannot be
opened without breaking the seals or meter itself.
2.2 Theft Protection
b. On breaking of the box, clear evidence of the physical
tempering shall be visual.
a. The meter box shall be designed in 02 parts i.e. base and top
b. Meter shall be mounted inside the base on fixed moulded
pillars by unidirectional screw.
c. Meter top cover should be hinge type.
2.3 Parts of the box
d. Cable glands and earthing bolt shall be provided at the base
as per construction requirement.
e. Proper stiffeners shall be provided in the body of the base
and top cover to provide mechanical strength against
transportation and installation vibrations.
The meter box shall be completely dust and vermin proof. Ingress
2.4 Ingress protection
protection rating of the box shall be minimum IP55.
a. A 'U' shaped groove shall be provided in the collar of the
base body, in which UV stabilized rubber 'O' shall be
installed. The design of lining shall be such that it provides
proper sealing between the cover & base of box to avoid
Collar of base and
2.5 penetration of dust and ingress of water.
b. All around projection provided inside the cover periphery
which keeps the ‘O’ ring pressed.
c. An outside collar shall also be provided, which shall cover
outer surface of the collar.
a. Rubber ‘O’ Ring should be fixed with suitable adhesive so
that the same does not get removed.
2.6 Fixing of 'O' ring b. Rubber 'O' ring shall be fixed in a single piece without any
gap between open ends. Open end of the 'O' ring shall be
provided at the bottom side only.
3.0 Material The material shall be as follow:

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SL Clause Clause Description

a. The material of meter box shall be flame retardant with
inflammability level V0 having good dielectric and
mechanical strength.
b. The top Cover and Base of the box shall be made out of
transparent polycarbonate with minimum 90% visibility so
3.1 Box material
as to ease installation and monitoring of box against any
tampering. The material shall be ‘UV’ stabilized to ensure
that the moulded meter box should not change in colour,
shape, size or should not get brittle after exposure to UV
All the metal hardware including hinges, U latches, mounting
3.2 Hardware screws, downloading port ring etc shall be of rust proof stainless
3.3 Cable glands Polyamide Nylon-66 with flammability class FV0
a. Meter box shall be constructed by moulding of
4.0 Construction polycarbonate material as specified in clause no. 3.1
b. Thickness of meter box shall be minimum 2.0 mm.
The box shall be made through Injection moulding or better
4.1 Moulding
Meter shall be factory fitted inside base body using unidirectional
screws, on fixed mounting pillars, moulded in to the base of
4.2 Base
sufficient strength, so that removing of meter shall not possible
without breaking the meter box or meter itself.
4.3 Top cover Hinge type
a. Minimum 02 no's concealed / internal hinges, not visible or
accessible from outside the box without breaking the box
4.3.1 Hinge type b. Minimum 02 no's U latches shall be provided to closed the
box with sealing arrangement at each U latch.
c. After closing the U latches no play/ gap shall exist between
base and top cover.
5.0 Padlocking The box shall also have padlocking facility.
a. 02 no's as incoming and outgoing at the 45 Deg Chamfer
bottom corners suitable for 2CX25 Sqmm armoured
aluminum cable.
b. Cable entry must be at the bottom diagonal ends of the
6.0 Cable entry
meter box. Appropriate clearance shall be provided between
the cable entry and position of meter terminals for proper
cable bending and connection.
c. Minimum 60 mm vertical space shall be provided from the

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SL Clause Clause Description

terminals of meter to centre of cable gland to provide
sufficient bending radius and working space.

a. Two nos. of Elbow shaped glands made out of Polyamide

Nylon-66 suitable for 2CX10 / 2CX25 sqmm aluminium
armoured cable shall be provided on both cable entries in
the box.
6.1 Cable Gland
b. Glands shall be designed in such a manner that the same
cannot be unscrewed / removed from the box from outside.
Manufacturer may either supply two nos. of check nuts or
any other alternate design to meet this requirement.
a. Earthing bolt of M6 with nut and washer shall be provided
on left side of the body of meter box.
b. The arrangement shall be such that one earth point shall be
7.0 Earthing bolt
available for customer and external earthing provided by
BRPL can be terminated.
c. Necessary symbol shall be provided for earth terminal.
8.0 Mounting Mounting arrangement shall be as follow
a. Fixed type, moulded in to the base body as per the
Meter mounting requirement of meter mounting holes.
pillars b. Stiffeners shall be provided at the base of the mater
mounting pillars.
a. Four (4) nos. fixing holes of 6 to 6.5 mm diameter at the
back surface of box shall be provided to fix the same on flat
8.2 Meter box mounting wall.
b. Mounting holes shall not be obstructing by Incoming or
Outgoing cables.
04 no's, 25 mm minimum mounting spacer moulded at the
Box Mounting
8.3 mounting holes of back surface of the meter box in order to provide
space between meter back surface and wall.
Long pan head self taping SS screws and washers shall be provided
Box Mounting
8.4 by the supplier with every box. 4 no’s plastic fixing plugs suitable
for self tapping screws shall also be provided.

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SL Clause Clause Description

a. Option 1:
i. Slot for optical head with non removable corrosion
ferromagnetic metal ring.
ii. Data downloading shall not be affected by scratches
on data downloading port or with ageing of box.
iii. Data downloading shall not be affected by visible
light conditions.
b. Option 2:
i. DB9 RS232 connector shall be provided at the top
Data Downloading
9.0 cover of box to download meter as specified in
clause no. 9.1
ii. Meter shall be downloadable without opening of the
box/ breaking of seals.
iii. This arrangement shall not de-rate the IP rating of
meter box.
iv. A Top hinges and bottom sealable cover shall be
provided on the data downloading slot.
v. Data downloading shall not be affected by visible
light conditions.
Optical reader with 9 pin D-type female connector cable shall be
provided in each meter box. Push fit type protective cover with
Optical to RS232
sealing arrangement for data downloading port on the cover of the
9.1 cable (If option 2 as
meter box has to be provided. The optical meter reader with 9 pin
per clause no. 9.0
D-type female connector cable of all the meter boxes (100%) shall
be tested for meter downloading before dispatch.
Following marking shall be provided on both top cover and base by
fine quality indelible laser printing/ screen printing or embossed
from inside of the box.
a. BRPL insignia shall be embossed on the base & cover of
meter box.
10.0 Marking
b. Meter serial no. (Both on base and cover of meter box)
c. Purchaser's PO no. and date.
d. Purchaser's Name.
e. Name or trade mark of seller
f. Any other detail required at the time of approval.

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Record of Revision ................................................................................................................................ 3

1. Scope of Supply ......................................................................................................................... 4
2. Codes and Standards .................................................................................................................. 4
3. Service Conditions ..................................................................................................................... 6
4. Distribution System Data ........................................................................................................... 6
5. Electrical and Accuracy Requirement ....................................................................................... 6
6. Construction Feature .................................................................................................................. 8
7. Functional Requirement ........................................................................................................... 12
8. Meter Display........................................................................................................................... 21
9. Data and Communication Protocol/ HES/ Integration/ Software ............................................ 21
10. Name Plate ............................................................................................................................... 23
11. Component Specification ......................................................................................................... 23
12. Quality Assurance, Inspection and Testing ............................................................................. 25
13. Packing, Marking, Shipping, Handling and Storage................................................................ 27
14. Deviations ................................................................................................................................ 28
15. Drawing Submission ................................................................................................................ 29
16. Delivery.................................................................................................................................... 30
Annexure- A: Guaranteed Technical Particulars ................................................................................. 31
Annexure – B: Recommended Accessories / Spares ........................................................................... 32
Annexure – C: Integration Requirement of Meters with NIC and HES .............................................. 33
Annexure – D: Tamper and Fraud Detection Events ........................................................................... 34
Annexure – E: Meter Enclosure........................................................................................................... 39

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Record of Revision

Item/Clause Reason of change

Change in Specification Approved By Rev

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Doc No. - BR/18-19/SM/3PH/01

1. Scope of Supply
This specification covers the following for Three Phase 240 V, 20A-100A Static Watt hour smart
meters of accuracy class 1.0 with plug in communication modules (RF mesh only and RF +
Cellular technology) and integrated load control switches.
A. Design, manufacture, testing at manufacturer works before dispatch, packing, delivery and
submission of all documentation.
B. Any accessories / hardware required for installation and operation for the meter.

2. Codes and Standards

Materials, equipment and methods used in the manufacturing of above mentioned equipment shall
conform to the latest edition/ of following
Standard Number Title
2.1 Indian Electricity Act IE Act 2003
CEA Metering
2.2 With latest amendments
CBIP Manual (Pub
2.3 Standardization of AC Static Electrical Energy Meters
AC Static Transformer Operated Watt-hour Smart Meters, Class
2.4 IS- 16444 (Part 1)
1.0 and 2.0 Part 1 Specification
2.5 IS- 13779 AC Static Watt-hour Meters, Class 1 and 2 – Specification
Data Exchange for Electricity Meter - Reading Tariff and Load
2.6 IS-15959 (Part 1)
Control - Companion Specification
Data Exchange for Electricity Meter - Reading Tariff and Load
2.7 IS-15959 (Part 2)
Control (Part 2)- Companion Specification for smart meter
2.8 IS- 11448 Application guide for AC Electricity meters
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General requirements,
2.9 IEC- 62052-11
tests and test conditions - Part 11: Metering equipment
Electricity metering equipment (A.C) - Particular requirements -
2.10 IEC- 62053-21
Part 21: Static meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2)
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Particular requirements -
2.11 IEC- 62053-52
Part 52: Symbols
Electricity metering equipment (A.C.) - Particular requirements -
2.12 IEC 62053-61
Part 61: Power consumption and voltage requirements
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Acceptance inspection -
2.13 IEC 62058-11
Part 11: General acceptance inspection methods
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Acceptance inspection -
2.14 IEC 62058-31 Part 31: Particular requirements for static meters for active energy
(classes 0,2 S, 0,5 S, 1 and 2)

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2.15 IEC 60736 Testing Equipment for electrical Energy meter

Electricity Metering — Data Exchange For Meter Reading, Tariff
IS/IEC/TR 62051:Part
2.16 And Load control — Glossary Of Terms Part 1 Terms Related To
Data Exchange With metering Equipment Using DLMS/ COSEM
2.17 IEC 62056-1-0:2014 Smart metering standardisation framework

2.18 IEC 62056-3-1:2013 Use of local area networks on twisted pair with carrier signalling
2.19 IEC 62056-4-7:2014 DLMS/COSEM transport layer for IP networks
2.20 IEC 62056-5-3:2017 DLMS/COSEM application layer
2.21 IEC 62056-6-1:2017 Object Identification System (OBIS)

2.22 IEC 62056-6-2:2017 COSEM interface classes

Mapping between the Common Information Model message
2.23 IEC 62056-6-9:2016 profiles (IEC 61968-9) and DLMS/COSEM (IEC 62056) data
models and protocols
Wired and wireless M-Bus communication profiles for local and
2.24 IEC 62056-7-3:2017
neighbourhood networks
2.25 IEC 62056-7-5:2016 Local data transmission profiles for Local Networks (LN)
The 3-layer, connection-oriented HDLC based communication
2.26 IEC 62056-7-6:2013
IEC TS 62056-8-
2.27 Mesh communication profile for neighbourhood networks
IEC TS 62056-9- Communication profile using web-services to access a
1:2016 DLMS/COSEM server via a COSEM Access Service (CAS)
2.29 IEC 62056-9-7:2013 Communication profile for TCP-UDP/IP networks

2.30 IEC 62056-21:2002 Direct local data exchange

2.31 DLMS- White Book Glossary of DLMS/COSEM terms
2.32 DLMS- Blue Book COSEM meter object model and the object identification system
2.33 DLMS- Green Book Architecture and protocols to transport the model
2.34 DLMS- Yellow Book Conformance testing process
2.35 IEEE 802.15.4 Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks.
Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks (Use of the
2.36 IEEE 802.15.4u
865 MHz to 867 MHz Band in India)
Order of precedence between different standards shall be as follow:
i Indian Standards Issued By BIS
ii IEC standard
iii Other standards like CBIP, DLMS etc.

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3. Service Conditions
SN Item Description
Operation range: -10 Deg C to 55 Deg C
3.1 Temperature Range Limit range of operation: -25 to 60 Deg C
Limit range of storage / transport : -25 to 70 Deg C
3.2 Relative Humidity 0 to 96 %

4. Distribution System Data

SN Item Description
4.1 Supply 3 Phase AC, 4 wire
4.2 Voltage 415 V ± 6%
4.3 Frequency 50 Hz ± 5%
4.4 System Solidly Earthed

5. Electrical and Accuracy Requirement

SN Item Description
Meter Type 1: 3- ø, 4 wire Static Watt-hour Smart Meter
Meter Type 2: 3- ø, 4 wires Static Watt-hour Smart Meter fitted
5.1 Meter Type in polycarbonate box.
Meter Type 1/ Type 2 shall be offered as per purchaser’s
requisition/ BOQ.
5.2 Connection Direct / whole current
240V (phase to neutral) with variation of +30% & -40%.
5.3 Rated Voltage
However meter should withstand the maximum system voltage.
5.4 Rated Current Ib -20A and Imax- 100 A
5.5 Starting current 0.2 % of base current
5.6 Rated Frequency 50Hz +/- 5%
5.7 Accuracy Class 1.0 (IS13779 applies for accuracy requirements)
5.8 Power Consumption As per IS 16444 (Part 1)
5.9 Meter constant Imp/ unit (Bidder to specify meter constant)
Meter shall be software calibrated at factory and modification in
5.10 Calibration calibration shall not be possible at site by any means or external
Meter shall withstand an insulation test of 4 KV and impulse test
5.11 Insulation Level
at 8 KV
5.12 Influence of supply As per clause 5.5.2 of IS 15884

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5.13 Short time over current As per clause no. 5.5.3 of IS 15884
Immunity to phase and
5.14 As per clause no. 9.6 of IS 13779
earth fault
Influence of Self
5.15 As per IS 5.5.4 of IS 15884
5.16 Influence of Heating As per IS 5.5.5 of IS 15884
a. Meter shall remain immune to electrostatic discharge
(upto and including 35KV), electromagnetic HF field and
fast transient burst.
b. The meter shall be designed in such a way that conducted
Electromagnetic or radiated electromagnetic disturbances as well as
compatibility electrostatic discharge do not influence the meter.
c. Meter shall be type tested for electromagnetic
d. Meter shall comply requirement of clause no. 5.5 and 5.5
of IS 15884
Meter shall work within guaranteed accuracy as per IS 13779/
IEC62053-21/ CBIP325 (most stringent standard to be followed)
under and after influence of following :-
a. Current Variation
b. Ambient Temperature variation
c. Voltage variation
d. Frequency variation
e. 10% third harmonic in current
f. Reversed phase sequence
g. Voltage unbalance
h. Harmonic components in current and voltage circuit
i. DC and even harmonics in AC current circuit
Limits of error due to
5.18 j. Odd harmonics in AC current circuit.
influence quantities
k. Sub harmonics in AC current circuit
l. Continuous (DC) “stray” magnetic induction of 67mT+/-
m. Continuous (DC) “abnormal” magnetic induction of
n. Alternating (AC) “stray’ magnetic induction of 0.5mT+/-
o. Alternating (AC) “abnormal’ magnetic induction of
p. External magnetic field 0.5 T
q. Electromagnetic HF fields
r. Radio frequency interference

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s. DC immunity test
Note: BRPL reserves the right to formulate any other test method
to check magnetic immunity/ logging of meter. Meter with
logging provision will be preferred.

6. Construction Feature
SN Item Description
6.1 General Construction of meters shall confirm to the IS 16444 (Part 1)
Material - Opaque and UV stabilized polycarbonate of grade
6.2 Base Body LEXAN 143/ 943 or Equivalent with V0 inflammability
a. Material: Transparent/Opaque and UV stabilized
polycarbonate of grade LEXAN 143/ 943 or
6.3 Top Cover Equivalent with V0 inflammability level.
b. Top cover and base should be
Ultrasonically/Chemically welded.
a. Material - Flame retardant glass filled polycarbonate
of grade 500 R or equivalent.
b. Terminal block shall be capable of passing the tests
6.4 Terminal Block as per ISO-75 for a temperature of 135C and pressure
of 1.8MPa. The terminals shall be designed so as to
ensure adequate and durable contact such that there is
no risk of loosening or undue heating.
a. Material - UV stabilized transparent/Opaque
polycarbonate cover
b. Provision of sealing at two points through sealing
c. The sealing screws shall be held captive in the
terminal cover.
d. The terminal cover shall be extended type with baffle
wall above the cable entry base wall so that access to
6.5 Terminal cover
the terminals is not possible (even with thin metallic
wire) without breaking the seal. Terminal cover
should have provision for cable entry from bottom.
e. Diagram of external connections should be embossed
on terminal cover. Sticker is not acceptable.
f. Mechanism shall be provided to record an event with
occurrence and restoration in case of meter enclosure/
terminal cover is opened.

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a. Terminals shall be suitable upto 50 Sqmm aluminium

b. Two no’s flat head screws per terminal shall be
c. Material of terminals, screws and washers should be
6.6 Terminals
brass or tinned copper. Terminals shall be tested for
continuous current of 150 % Imax.
d. Terminals shall be clearly marked for phase / neutral
/ outgoing etc.
e. Clearances and creep age shall be as per IS 13779.
6.7 Ingress Protection IP 55 or better, but without suction in the meter.
Meter should have flashing LED visible from the front to
represent energy recording. Resolution shall be such that
6.8 Output device satisfactory accuracy test can be conducted at the lowest
load in less than 5 minutes and starting current test in less
than 10 minutes.
a. The meter shall have internal real time crystal clock
to set date and time.
b. Drift in time of this clock shall not be more than
6.9 RTC ±5minutes/ year at a reference temperature of 27°C.
c. Meter RTC shall be corrected automatically by the
system in synchronization to the network RTC.
d. HES will sync RTC at least once a day.
6.9.1 Time keeping As per IS 15884
Lithium ion battery with guaranteed shelf life of 10 years
and capacity life of 15 years. Lithium thioyl Chloride battery
6.10 Battery will be preferred. In case battery removal or total discharge
same should not affect the working & memory of the meter
even in case of single wire power condition.
Non volatile memory independent of battery backup,
6.11 Memory memory should be retained up to 10 year without any
auxiliary power.
Meter shall have self diagnostic for the following
a. Date and RTC.
b. Battery.
6.12 Self Diagnostic feature
c. Non volatile memory.
d. Display
e. Communication Card Status

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a. Smart meter shall be equipped with integrated load

control switches to control flow of electricity to the
load at the instance of connect/ disconnect commands
as per functional need of the system.
b. Load switch for connect/ disconnect purpose shall be
6.13 Load Control Switch mounted inside the meter with suitable arrangement.
c. Load Switches shall be provided for all phases and
d. The rating of switches used shall be in line with
meter rating.
e. All the switches shall operate simultaneously.
a. Utilization category of the load switch shall be UC3
Performance requirement
6.13.1 as per clause no. of IS 15885.
for load switching
b. All load switches shall operate simultaneously.
Meter shall have an optical port with a metal ring to hold
6.14 Optical port magnet of probe. Optical port shall comply with hardware
specifications provided in IEC-62056-21.
a. Meter should have the provision for 01 no’s plug in
communication module for connectivity. The same
interface shall be compatible with both Cellular and
RF communication technologies interchangeable in
b. Interface shall support data transfer between meter
and network interface card over UART/ RS232.
Communication Module Bidder shall explain its pin out and standard in detail.
Interface c. Meter shall have mechanism to log communication
module removal as an event in its memory with date
and time stamp.
d. Meter Vendor shall work with BRPL designated RF
provider to integrate their module in the meter as per
integration requirement mentioned in annexure ‘C’.
e. Preferred location of communication card module
shall be on top of meter.
a. Smart meter shall have 01 no’s plug-in type
communication modules/ Network Interface card
(NIC) for connectivity of meter to HES from
following options as per tender requirement:
6.15.1 Communication modules i. Communication Module/ NIC Type 1: RF
based suitable for communication Network of
BRPL designated RF canopy provider.
ii. Communication Module/ NIC Type 2: RF and
Cellular communication module (LTE 4G

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with 3G and 2G fall back as per Indian

telecom Standards).
b. Meter shall have separate indications on display/ for
remote and local communication.
c. Communication module shall held in a casing which
can be directly plugged in the meter. Sealing screw
shall be provided.
Meter shall have provisions to provides last gasp signals
through communication module in case of power failure.
6.16 Last Gasp
Bidder should explain in detail the provisions provided in
meter to achieve the requirement.
Sealing should be in accordance with IS and CEA metering
Meter Sealing
6.17 regulations with latest amendments. Approval shall be taken
from purchaser for location of seals.
a. One Polycarbonate seal to be provided on meter
b. Minimum one seal as Hologram type, numbered with
6.17.1 Manufacturer’s Seals
hologram transfer on tamper proof paper seal. Seal
should not be just Hologram sticker (100%
a. Minimum one seal as Hologram type, numbered with
hologram transfer on tamper proof paper seal. Seal
should not be just Hologram sticker (100%
hologram). Meter sides should not have sharp edges
to avoid damage to hologram seals.
6.17.2 BRPL Seals
b. Minimum one Polycarbonate seal should be provided
on top cover.
c. Seals will be issued to manufacturer free of cost.
d. 02 no's polycarbonate seals shall be provided for
communication module.
Record of all seals shall be forwarded to purchaser with each
6.17.3 Seal record
a. Meter should have clearly visible, indelible and
distinctly marked name plate in accordance with IS
16444 (Part 1) & clause no. 9.0 of this specification.
6.18 Name Plate and marking
b. All markings and details shall be printed by laser
c. Paper stickers are not allowed for name plate.
The terminal block and Meter case shall have safety against
Resistance against heat and
6.19 the spread of fire. They shall not be ignited by thermal
overload of live parts in contact with them as per IS 13779.

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As per Annexure ‘E’ if required in purchaser’s requisition.

6.20 Meter Box Meter shall be factory fitted in meter enclosure by
unidirectional screws.
a. 7.5 years from the date of dispatch or 7 year from
date of commissioning, whichever is earlier
b. Manufacturer shall undertake a guarantee to replace
meter up to a period of 7 Year from the date of
6.21 Guarantee
supply. The meters which are found
defective/inoperative within the guarantee period,
these defective/inoperative meters shall be replaced
as per meter service level agreement.

7. Functional Requirement
SN Item Description
Smart meter shall comply D2 category of IS 15959
7.1 Meter category
(Part 2).
It should be possible to configure meters in following
modes of metering:
a. Forwarded Only: In this mode any export active
energy shall be treated as import energy and
shall be recorded in forward only register.
Apparent energy calculation in this mode shall
be as per clause no. 6.5.
7.2 Mode of metering
b. Bidirectional: Both Import and export energy
recording shall be applicable in this mode of
metering and relevant registers shall be updated.
Any change in metering mode shall be logged in events
with date and time stamp.
Default mode of metering shall be forwarded only untill
specified in tender requirement otherwise.
It should be possible to configure meter in following
modes of payment:
a. Post payment mode
b. Prepayment Mode
7.3 Payment Mode Any change in payment mode shall be logged in events
with date and time stamp.
Prepayment facility shall be achieved by server / HES.
Default mode of metering shall be post payment untill
specified in tender requirement otherwise.
Lag only: KVAh is computed based on KVArh and
7.4 KVAH Calculation
KWH value. If PF=1, or leading, then KVAh = KWH.

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At no instance KVAh < KWh.

Block / sliding window with default demand integration

period of 1800 s configurable to 900 s as per
requirement. Meter should be configurable for block/
7.5 MD calculation
sliding window at the time of manufacturing. This
change should not be possible in the field. Extended
register shall be used for MD recording.
a. Meter shall be capable of doing TOD metering
in minimum 4 tariff rate registers programmable
for minimum 8 time zones and 4 seasonal
b. TOU metering shall be implemented by the
activity colander method of IS 15959 Part 1
clause 9/ DLMS UA-1000-1
c. Special Day table shall be defined as per DLMS
7.6 TOU Metering
d. Default TOU programming shall be as per latest
DERC guidelines. Prior approval shall also be
taken from BRPL for the same.
e. Tariff rate registers shall be as follow
R1: Rate register for Peak
R2: Rate register for Normal
R3: Rate Register for Off Peak
All the parameters mentioned in table ‘A1’ of IS 15959
along with following additional parameters shall be
supported by meter.
a. RF/ GSM signal Strength in milli db.
b. % TDH in R phase Voltage
c. % THD in Y Phase Voltage
d. % THD in B Phase Voltage
7.7 Instantaneous Parameters e. % THD in R phase Current
f. % THD in Y Phase Current
g. % THD in B Phase Current
h. Displacement PF
i. GPS Coordinates
j. Temperature
Method of Harmonic Measurement shall confirm to the
IEEE 519 2015.
7.7.1 Association Rights As per Clause 11.1.1 of IS 15959 (Part 2).

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a. Billing parameters shall be generated at the end

of each billing cycle and stored in memory as
per provisions provided in clause no. 14 of IS
15959 (Part 2).
b. 6 no’s billing cycle parameters shall be remain
7.8 Billing data in meter memory along with current cycle
parameters and shall be available for reading as
well as profile and or ‘by entry’ for selective
c. All the parameters mentioned in table ‘A4’ of IS
15959 (Part 2) shall be supported by meter.
7.8.1 Association Rights As per clause 14 of IS 15959 (Part 2).
Support for selective access shall be provided for
7.8.2 Selective access billing parameters as per clause no 11.3 of IS 15959
(part 1).
7.8.3 Billing period reset/ MD reset 00:00 Hrs of Ist of every month
Billing period reset
7.8.4 As per clause 10 of IS 15959 (Part 1)
Cumulative billing period counter since installation and
7.8.5 Billing period counter available billing periods shall be provided as per clause
11.2 of IS 15959 (Part 1).
a. Load survey parameters shall be measured and
recorded at the end of each profile capture
period for last 35 Power ON days.
b. All the parameters mentioned in table ‘A15’ of
IS 15959 (Part 2) along with following
additional parameters shall be supported by
7.9 Load survey Data meter:
% THD in R phase Voltage
% THD in Y Phase Voltage
% THD in B Phase Voltage
% THD in R phase Current
% THD in Y Phase Current
% THD in B Phase Current
7.9.1 Association Rights As per clause 18 of IS 15959 (Part 2)
7.9.2 Profile capture period Default 1800 s programmable to 900 s.
Support for selective access shall be provided for
7.9.3 Selective Access billing parameters as per clause no 11.3 of IS 15959
(part 1).

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Daily load profile parameters shall be measured and

recorded at each midnight i.e. 00:00 hrs for last 35
Power On days.
7.10 Daily load profile
All the parameters mentioned in table ‘A16’ of IS
15959 (Part 2) shall be supported by meter as Daily
load profile parameters.
7.10.1 Association rights As per clause no 19 of IS 15959 (Part 2).
Following parameters shall be provided in Non Volatile
7.11 General Purpose Parameters memory (NVM) of the meter as per clause 16 of IS
15959 (Part 2).
As per Table ‘A26’ of IS 15959 (Part 2) with following
7.11.1 Name Plate Detail additional parameters.
a. Month of manufacturing.
7.11.2 Association rights As per clause 22.1 of IS 15959 (Part 2).
These parameters can be programmed remotely by HES
and locally by CMRI via proper access writes. Every
transaction shall be logged in non volatile memory of
the meter with date and time stamp.
Programming of any of the parameters shall increment
7.11.2 Programmable parameters
the ‘Cumulative programmable count’ value.
All the parameters mentioned in table Table ‘A27’ of IS
15959 (Part 2) shall be supported by meters with
following additional parameters.
a. Time trigger value for stamp event. Association rights As per clause 22.2 of IS 15959 (part 2)
a. Smart meter is able to automatically notify data,
event, and messages to a destination client
system in an unsolicited manner (without a
request from a client) as per clause no 6 of IS
15959 (Part 2).
b. Randomization: Data from different endpoints
shall be pushed intelligently on the network in
order to avoid excessive traffic on the network
7.11.3 Push Services for example in case all the endpoints will push
load survey data simultaneously, then it may
result in network choking or inefficient
performance. Therefore with the help of
intelligent techniques such field scenarios shall
be handled effectively.
c. It shall also be possible to configure push
services for all profiles i.e instantaneous, billing,
load survey, daily energy and events. Bidder

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should explain its capability to configure push

services. However following push services shall
be available by default.
i. Load survey profile data at after every 4
hours configurable to any predefined
ii. Mid night data at 00:00 hrs of every day.
iii. Billing profile data on occurrence of
a. Meter shall be able to push instantaneous
parameters to HES at predefined intervals.
Parameters required for push shall be intimated
during detailed engineering in the vent of order.
Periodic push (Smart meter to b. Other attributes as per IS 15959 (Part 2) i.e.
Send Destination, Communication window,
Randomization time interval, number of retries
and repeat delay shall be decided in the event of
a. Meter is able to report HES, the status change of
any of the identified events mapped in to event
status word (ESW) of size 128 bits by pushing
following objects to HES.
i. Device ID
ii. Push Setup ID
iii. Real time clock- Date and Time
iv. Event Status Word 1 (ESW 1).
b. Each of the bits in ESW shall reflect the current
Event Push (Smart meter to state of the event and are mapped against each
of the identified events.
c. An event status word filter (ESWF) of 128 bit
shall also be provided to configure events for
event push. Events which are supported in meter
shall only be configured for event push. Bit
value 1 in ESWF shall indicate that the event is
supported and value 0 indicates that event is not
supported for event push. Position of the event
bit in ESWF shall be same as in ESW. Event status Bit mapping As Per IS 15959 (Part 2)

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a. Smart meter shall support remote firmware

upgrade feature for meter firmware without loss
of any data and metrology for a part or complete
firmware of meter.
b. Firmware upgrade shall use the Image transfer
classes and mechanisms specified in IEC62056-
6-2 and IEC62056-5-3.
c. Broad cast facility shall be supported in HES for
simultaneously upgrading the firmware of a
group of meters installed in field.
d. Firmware upgrade feature shall be provided
7.12 Firmware upgrade
with proper security. The design shall take into
account field scenarios such as power failure
during F/W upgrade.
e. Once the firmware is upgraded, meter shall send
an acknowledgment to HES. It shall also log it
as an event in its memory.
f. Meter shall support capability to self register the
meter with new firmware.
g. The execution time of the change of the
firmware within the meter should be below 1
Meter shall support connection less messaging services
of DLMS to support broadcast messages for a group of
meters for following actions:
Support for broadcast a. Gap reconciliations.
message b. Firmware upgrade.
c. On demand readings.
d. Meter connection and disconnection.
e. Updating of Programmable parameters.
a. The Smart meter shall support disconnection (all
the switches shall operate simultaneous) on the
following conditions as per clause 11 of IS
16444 (Part 1):
i. Over current (105 % of Imax in any
element for predefined persistence time.)
7.14 Disconnection mechanism
ii. Load control limit (Programmable )
iii. Pre-programmed tamper conditions
(Factory programmed)
iv. Disconnection signal from Head end
v. Pre paid function for prepayment mode.

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b. Meter shall use the disconnection control object

as defined in clause 10 of IS 15959 (Part 2).
c. Load limit function shall be disabled by default
until other specified.

a. Meter shall be able to reconnect load switches

locally only for Overload and load control limit
b. The meter will try to reconnect the load up to
predefined time, with predefined interval (Time
and interval is programmable).
c. If the consumption is still more than the
programmed limits, it will lock out and wait for
30 minutes.
d. If the consumption is still above the limit, the
procedure defined above in 1 and 2 shall be
Local reconnection repeated.
mechanism e. It shall be possible to remotely
connect/disconnect the relay via commands
from HES. The remote reconnect shall not
interrupt the normal connect/disconnect cycle.
f. In case of relay malfunction i.e.,
connect/disconnect action of relay is not taking
place due to welding of contacts or any other
reason, then it shall be logged as an event in the
Non-rollover compartment. Same shall be sent
as an alert to HES.
g. Remote command shall have priority over local
a. Reconnection shall be done from HES except
for over current and load control limit. In case
of failure of communication / HES,
7.16 Reconnection mechanism reconnection shall be possible through Hand
Held Device (CMRI) locally via proper security.
b. Reconnection in case of prepayment meter shall
be as per prepayment profile.
Indication of status of relay i.e. connected/
disconnected should be available on display as well as
7.17 Status of load switch through communication to HES.
Connection and disconnection should be logged as

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a. Indication of status of relay i.e. connected/

disconnected should be available on display as
7.18 First breath and last gasp well as through communication to HES.
b. Connection and disconnection should be logged
as events.
Advanced security outlined in clause 7.1.2 of IS 15959
7.19 Security
(Part 1) shall be provided.
Encryption for data
7.19.1 As per clause 7.1 of IS 15959 (Part 2)
Encryption/ Authentication
7.19.2 As per clause 7.2 of IS 15959 (Part 2)
for data transport
7.19.3 Key requirement and handling As per clause 7.3 of IS 15959 (Part 2)
a. Proper security at end points as well as network
level shall be present to prevent unauthorized
hacking of the end points or the network itself.
b. The meter password is required to open a
session between NIC and meter and is required
to gain clearance from the meter to perform
requested operation.
c. If clearance not gains, the meter locks out
7.19.4 NIC Security
communication for 1 minute. The meter
maintain counter for monitoring of unsuccessful
attempts of performing meter operations and
alerts to HES. The counter is incremented each
time a password clearance operation fails.
d. Up to 3 no’s successful attempts are allowed,
after which the port is locked out until
authenticated from system administrator.
Meter shall support TCP-UDP/ IP communication
IP communication profile
7.20 profile for smart meter to HES. Please refer clause 8 of
IS 15959.
Provision of consumer interface unit (CIU) to access
Consumer display unit
7.20 meter from consumer premises. Wireless IHD powered
by battery.
Meter shall detect and log any exceptional/ fraud/
tamper conditions in its memory as an event. In
7.21 Event and tamper detection addition to this all transactions and control shall also be
recorded as an event in meter memory. Each event type
shall be identified by an event ID.

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Each event shall be available to download as per

following association rights.
a. Public Client: No access
7.21.1 Association Rights b. Meter Reader: Read only
c. utility Settings: Read only
d. Push Services: Read Only for identified events
as per ESWF
Meter shall be able to log events in following
a. Voltage Related Events
b. Current Related Events
c. Power Related Events
d. Others Events
e. Non Roll Over Events
f. Transaction related events
g. Control Events
Occurrence and Restoration of Voltage Related, current
related, power related and other events shall be logged
in meter memory as per IS 15959 (Part 2). Please refer
7.21.2 Compartments of events
annexure 'A' for description of events, Event ID, Logics
of events and threshold values of events.
Threshold values shall be factory programmable.
Selective access shall be provided as per clause 11.3 of
IS 15959 (Part 1).
For each of the events a certain list of parameters shall
be captured as per clause 'a'
For each occurrence event captured, the cumulative
tamper count shall be incremented.
Only Real clock (date and time) and event code shall be
captured events in compartments mentioned at sl no. 'd',
'f', 'g', 'h'.
Following parameters mentioned above are to be
captured when event occurrence and restoration is
logged as per IS 15959 (Part 2).
a. Date and time of event
b. Event code
7.21.3 Parameter Snapshot c. R Phase Current
d. Y Phase Current
e. Y Phase Current
f. Neutral Current
g. R Phase Voltage
h. Y Phase Voltage

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i. B Phase Voltage
j. Three Phase Power factor
k. Cumulative energy- kWh

The meter shall log minimum 100 tamper events

7.21.4 Event Logging
(ensuring at least 20 events for each tamper).
Appropriate Indications/Icons for all tampers should
7.21.5 Tamper Indication appear on the meter display either continuously or in
auto display mode.
Meter shall support parameters required to develop
7.22 Phasor Representation
phasors of current and voltage at HES.

8. Meter Display
SN Item Description
8.1 LCD Type STN Liquid crystal with backlit
a. Minimum 120 Degree.
b. The display visibility should be sufficient to read
8.2 Viewing angle
the Meter mounted at height of 0.5 m as well as at
the height of 2 m.
8.3 Size of LCD Minimum 10X5mm
8.4 LCD Digits Total 6+1 digits
8.5 LCD language English
a. Auto Mode
b. Manual Mode
8.6 Display modes c. Sub active mode
Display list shall be finalized during detailed engineering
in the event of order.
Appropriate indications/flags for all tampers and self
8.7 Display indications
diagnostic features should be provided.

9. Data and Communication Protocol/ HES/ Integration/ Software

SN Item Description
a. Meter should comply Indian companion of data exchange
and tariff control specification IS 15959 (Part 2).
b. In case of additional requirement from IS 15959 (part 2),
Data Exchange
9.1 they shall be as per DLMS standards/ IEC DLMS
protocols suite (62056).
c. Bidder shall explain in detail the additional parameters/
services/ methods used in meters from IS 15959 (part 2)

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and its reference to DLMS books/ IEC.

d. Prior to manufacturing of meters bidder shall provide a
detailed specification explaining all parameters/ services/
methods used in meter in addition to IS 15959 (Part 2).
a. Bidder shall work with BRPL IT team/ BRPL designated
system integrator to integrate its meter with BRPL HES
9.2 Integration with HES
b. Bidder shall prepare detailed documents as mentioned in
above clause and submit it for BRPL approval and
integration with HES.
Base computer Licensed Software with the following features should be
software supplied for free to download meter through optical port.
9.3.1 Operating System BCS should be compatible for latest Windows operating system.
System shall be password protected where user can login only if
login ID is provided by administrator. BCS shall have rights
9.3.2 Security
management system so that access rights can be provided as per
requirement to maintain security.
BCS shall maintain master database according to desired area,
9.3.3 Database
location, and region etc.
a. BCS shall have option of user defined report generation
in format of Excel, Word and CSV, XML, PDF etc.
b. BCS shall have capability to export data in ASCII, CSV
9.3.4 Reporting and XML format at desired location so that the same
could be integrated with our billing data for processing.
c. All the data available in the meter shall be convertible to
user defined ASCII, CSV and XML file format.
BCS and communication ports should support data transfer rate
9.3.5 Data transfer rate
of 9600 bps (minimum).
a. The manufacturer has to provide software capable of
downloading all the data stored in meter memory through
window/ android operating system based handheld units
(HHU) through optical port.
b. In the event of order, bidder shall work with BRPL IT
team/ BRPL designated system integrator to develop
Hand Held Unit HHU software for meter downloading and further
Software uploading on HES.
c. HHU software should have option for selection of
parameters to be downloaded from meter.
d. Meter data consisting of all parameters and complete
load survey for all parameters shall be read by HHU and
downloaded on HES in minimum possible time (not
more than 5 minutes).

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Manufacture shall impart training to BRPL personnel for usage

9.5 Training
of software

10. Name Plate

SN Description
Meter Serial number shall be of 8 digits. Serial number shall be printed in black colour.
Embossing is not acceptable.
10.2 Size of the digit shall be minimum 5X3 mm
10.3 Bar code shall be printed along with serial number
10.4 BIS registration mark (ISI mark)
10.5 ‘BRPL’ insignia shall be printed above LCD display.
10.6 BRPL PO No. & date
10.7 Manufacturers name and country of origin
10.8 Model type / number of meter
10.9 Month and Year of manufacturing
10.10 Reference voltage / current rating
The number of phases and the number of wires for which the meter is suitable.
Graphical symbol as per IS 12032 can be used.
10.12 Meter constant
10.13 Class index of meter
10.14 Reference frequency
10.15 Warranty period
10.16 Symbol of load switch
Name plate of NIC
a. Serial no of NIC along/ IMEI no/MAC address with bar code
b. Name of purchaser’s
c. Communication technology with carrier frequency
d. Manufacturing year and month.
e. Warranty period.

11. Component Specification

SN Item Description Make
The Meters should be with the The current transformer
11.1 Current Transformers current transformers as measuring should withstand for the
elements. clauses under 5.18(t)
11.2 Shunt element Data sheet should be submitted. Reputed
Measurement or The Measurement or computing Analog Devices, Cyrus
computing chips chips used in the Meter should be Logic, Atmel, Phillips,

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with the Surface mount type along SAMES ,NEC,TEXAS

with the ASICs.
The memory chips should not be Atmel, National
affected by the external parameters Semiconductors, Texas
11.4 Memory chips
like sparking, high voltage spikes or Instruments, Phillips,
electrostatic discharges. ST, Hitachi, Compiled
a) The display modules should be
well protected from the external UV
b) The construction of the modules Truly semiconductor,
should be such that the displayed Tianma / Haijing
11.5 Display modules
quantity should not disturbed with Electronics, China,
the life of display (PIN Type). Hitachi,
c) It should be STN type industrial
grade with extended temperature
range min 70 ºC.
The mechanical construction of the
port should facilitate the data Everlight, Osram,
11.6 Optical port
transfer. Communication shall not Agillent, NFC
disturbed by external light.
The power supply should be with the
capabilities as per the relevant
standards. The power supply unit of
the meter should not be affected in
11.7 Power Supply
case the maximum voltage of the
system appears to the terminals due
to faults or due to wrong
The active & passive components
should be of the surface mount type
Semiconductors, Atmel,
& are to be handled & soldered by
Phillips, Texas
the state of art assembly processes.
Instruments. Hitachi,
Electronic The PTH components should be
11.8 Compiled, AVX or
components positioned such a way that the leads
of components should not be under
Samsung, EPCOS,
stress and not touching the internal
LED Everlight, Agillent
a) The internal electrical
components should be of electrolytic
11.9 Mechanical parts
copper & should be protected from
corrosion, rust etc.

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b) The other mechanical components

should be protected from rust,
corrosion etc. by suitable
plating/painting methods.
Lithium with guaranteed life of 15
11.10 Battery Texcell, SAFT, Varta
Philips, Dallas Atmel,
RTC & Micro The accuracy of RTC shall be as per Motorola, Microchip,
controller relevant IEC / IS standards TEXAS, NEC or
Glass Epoxy, fire resistance grade
11.12 P.C.B. FR4, with minimum thickness 1.6 (BBT test is must)
Utilization Category UC2/ UC3
Gruner/ KG/ any other
Latching relay Can withstand 120%
11.13 Load Switch reputed make subject to
of Vref and 120% of Imax current.
BRPL approval.
As per IS 15884
a. The components used by
manufacturer shall have
“Minimum Life” more than the
10 years.
b. Incase vendor want to use other
make components; same shall be
approved by BRPL before use.
c. Even for existing supplier –
11.14 Note fresh approval is needed for all
d. Manufacturer should have
complete tracking of material
used in meter. BRPL reserve the
right to carry out audit of
inventory/ manufacturing
process at manufacturer’s works
and sub vendor’s work.

12. Quality Assurance, Inspection and Testing

SN Item Description
Vendor's Quality
12.1 To be submitted for Purchaser's approval.
Plan (QP)
Sampling Method for quality checks shall be as per relevant IS/
12.2 Sampling Method
IEC/ CBIP guidelines and Purchaser's prior approval shall be

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taken for the same.

Inspection Hold-
12.3 To be mutually identified, agreed and approved in Quality Plan.
a. The meter shall be of type tested quality including all tests
specified in this specification which are beyond IS / IEC or
b. Type test conducted from CPRI/ ERDA/ or any other lab
specified by BIS/ CEA for smart meter testing will be
treated as valid.
12.4 Type Tests
c. Type test certificate should be submitted along with offer
for scrutiny.
d. Any other component supplied in addition to meter shall
also be type tested as per IS /IEC if applicable.
e. Complete type test as per IS 16444 (Part 1) shall be carried
out on sample selected from BRPL lot.
12.5 Routine tests All test marked “R” as per table 20 of IS 13779.
a. All tests marked “A” as per table 20 of IS 13779.
b. Smart meter functional tests as per IS 16444 Table 1
c. Test of load switch as per clause 10.4 of IS 16444 (Part 1)
d. Test for data exchange protocol as per clause 10.5 of IS
e. Test for Smart meter communicability as per clause no. 10.6
of IS 16444 (Part 1).
f. All the routine and acceptance tests shall be carried out as
per relevant standards.
g. Following tests in addition to IS shall be conducted during
lot inspection.
12.6 Acceptance Tests
I) Dimensional and drawing verification.
II) Display parameters/ sequence.
III) Data Downloading from CMRI and PC.
IV) Tamper/ fraud detection/logging features as per
approved documents. Tamper conditions will be
simulated at varying load up to Imax. Accuracy will
also be checked during tamper simulation.
V) Burn in chamber test.
VI) Component verifications.
h. Purchaser reserves the right to formulate any other test
method to verify guaranteed parameters of Meter.
ESD and Magnetic ESD and magnetic interference test will be conducted at Samir
Interference test lab, Chennai or CPRI.
12.8 Inspection a. Purchaser reserves the right to inspect /witness all tests on

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the meters at Seller’s works at any time, prior to dispatch, to

verify compliance with the specification/ standards.
b. Manufacturer should have all the facilities/ equipments to
conduct all the acceptance tests as per clause 15.3 relevant
standards and tampers logics as per approved GTP. All the
equipments including tamper logs kits/ jigs should be
c. In-process and / or final inspection call intimation shall be
given in advance to purchaser.

13. Packing, Marking, Shipping, Handling and Storage

SN Item Description
a. Each meter must be packed, together with its terminal
cover, in a separate environmental friendly cardboard
box, which can be opened and re-closed without
needing adhesives.
b. Up to 4 to 5 three-phase meters must be packed together
with their terminal covers in a group cardboard box,
which can be opened and re-closed without needing
c. The box shall prevent, as much as possible, penetration
of dust during long storage periods. The box must be
designed for multiple use and be robust, with wall
thickness of at least 4 mm.
d. Maximum weight of a group meter box shall not be
more than 25 Kg.
13.1 Packing e. The packaging will protect the meters against shock and
vibration, preventing damage due to the road conditions
during transport and distribution in the field. The
electrical and mechanical properties shall not be
affected by these disturbances.
f. For shipping the boxed meters will be close packed by
stockpiles of suitable quantities on pallets. The meters
numbers sequence (without partition) shall be kept in
each pallet. A pallet will be protected against moisture
by a polyethylene hood, covered with a cardboard cover
(hood), and fixed onto the pallet by parallel
polypropylene bands, using protection angle bars at the
corners. The hood shall be marked – on the front (wide
side), on the narrow side and on the top as per clause

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g. Each pallet should contain between 70 and 300 meters.

The actual number of meters on each pallet will be
agreed with the BRPL in the event of order.
h. An impact detector ("Shock-Watch") label shall be
attached to the cardboard hood of several pallets in each
container/ transport truck, to warn of possible rough
handling during shipment, transport and storage.
Packing for
Robust wooden non returnable packing case with all the above
13.2 accessories and
protection & identification Label.
On each group box and pallet, following details are required
both on front (wide side) and top:
a. BRPL logo.
b. Meter serial number range along with bar code.
c. Unique number of box/ pallet.
d. Purchaser’s name
e. PO number (along with SAP item code, if any) & date
with bar code
f. Equipment Tag no. (if any)
13.3 Marking
g. Destination
h. Manufacturer / Supplier’s name
i. Address of Manufacturer / Supplier / it’s agent
j. Type , rating and other description of equipment
k. Country of origin
l. Month & year of Manufacturing
m. Case measurements
n. Gross and net weights in kilograms
o. All necessary slinging and stacking instructions
13.4 Test reports Routine test report to be provided with each meter
The seller shall be responsible for all transit damage due to
13.5 Shipping
improper packing.
Manufacturer instruction shall be followed. Detail handling &
Handling and
13.6 storage instruction sheet /manual to be furnished before
commencement of supply.

14. Deviations
a. Deviations from this specification can· be acceptable, only
where the Seller has listed in his quotation the requirements
14.1 Deviations he cannot, or does not, wish to comply with and which
deviations the Buyer has agreed to in writing, before any
order is placed.

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b. In the absence of any list of deviations from the Seller, it

will be assumed by the Buyer that the Seller complies with
the Specification fully.

15. Drawing Submission

Drawing submission shall be as per the matrix given below. All documents/ drawing shall be
provided on A4 sheet in box file with separators for each section. Language of the documents shall
be English only. Deficient/ improper document/ drawing submission may liable for rejection
SL Detail of Document Bid Approval
1 Guaranteed Technical particulars (GTP) Required Required
2 Deviation Sheet, if any Required Required
3 Tamper Sheet Required Required
4 Display Parameters Required Required
GA / cross sectional drawing of Meter showing all
5 Required Required
the views / sections
Detail of network interface i.e. pin out, standard,
6 Required Required
voltage level etc and its integration requirement.
4 no's (2 2 no's (01
nos with no with
Samples of each type and rating offered along with
box and box and
7 box and RF NIC/ communication module of already
2 nos 01 no
integrated RF card as per tender qualifying criteria.
without without
box) box)
Any software and accessories required for
8 Required Required
installation/ operation of meter
Manufacturer's quality assurance plan and
9 Required
certification for quality standards
10 Type Test reports of offered model/ type/ rating Required
11 BIS certificate Required
12 Complete product catalogue and user manual. Required
13 Customer Reference List Required
14 Recommended list of spare and accessories Required
Specification documents containing all parameters,
15 Services, Methods in addition to companion Required
specification of IS 15959 (part 2).
16 Program for production and testing (A) Required Required
17 Makes of components Required Required
18 Detailed installation and commissioning Required Required

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19 As Built Drawing Required Required
Operation and maintenance Instruction as well as
20 Required Required
trouble shooting charts/ manuals
Inspection and test reports, carried out in
21 Required
manufacturer’s works
22 Routine Test certificates Required
23 Test certificates of all bought out items Required
24 Meter Seal data Required
25 Mapping of meter serial no to Communication card. Required

16. Delivery
Despatch of Material: Vendor shall despatch the material, only
after the Routine Tests/Final Acceptance Tests (FAT) of the
16.1 Delivery
material witnessed/waived by the Purchaser, and after receiving
written Material Despatch Clearance (MDC) from the Purchaser.

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Annexure – A: Guaranteed Technical Particulars

Bidder shall furnish the GTP format with all details against each clause of this specification.
Bidder shall not change the format of GTP or clause description.
Bidder to submit duly filled GTP in hard copy format with company seal.

Clause No. Clause Description Manufacturer’s Reply


Bidder / Vendor seal / signature ---------------------------

Name of the bidder

Address of the bidder
Name of contact person
Telephone number and email id

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Annexure – B: Recommended Accessories / Spares

SL Description of spare part Unit Quantity

1 No
2 No

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Annexure – C: Integration Requirement of Meters with NIC and HES

Integration requirements with communication provider of BRPL/ any other agency designated by
BRPL for other components of AMI.
a. Bidder(s) must share the meter security keys, all level encryption, and password information
along with asset information in a format with the buyer / communication provider of BRPL
so that during AMI business flow, the device and data can be authenticated all the time.
b. Bidder(s) must share the details of meter communication specifically programmed protocols.
c. Bidder(s) must share the meter configuration source code to the BRPL/ communication
provider of BRPL.
d. Bidder (s) must share the meter interface touch points for external applications/ systems.
e. Bidder(s) must share the required APIs including but not limited to reading APIs,
configuration APIs and Functional APIs with the System Integrator for execution of business
flow (Installation, reading, configuration).
f. Bidder(s) must share the data storage and retrieval details.
g. Bidder(s) must configure the devices to be upgraded remotely (OTA) and share the required
firmware source code (with updates over the project life) with system integrator as and when
it is required in case of feature request or fault correction.
h. Bidder(s) must follow and conduct Utility’s sample and periodic test program, including (but
not limited to) the selection of a sample population of meters, sharing of sample test results
as reported by the meter testing systems with the system Integrator.
i. Bidder(s) must share the information related to communication module for the authorization
purpose at to BRPL/ communication provider of BRPL.

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Annexure – D: Tamper and Fraud Detection Events

1. Voltage Related Events:

Logic Expression/
Description of event Logic Of Event Persistence Time
Threshold values
R Phase Voltage
Absence of potential on any
Missing (Occurrence/
phase should be logged.
Restoration) Occurrence: If Vpn<10%
Restoration of normal
Y Phase Voltage Vref and Ip>10% Ib
supply shall also be Occurrence: 5 Min
Missing (Occurrence/ Restoration: If
recorded. The threshold Restoration: 5 Min
Restoration) Vpn>=10% Vref and
value of voltage should be
B Phase Voltage Ip>10% Ib
programmable at factory
Missing (Occurrence/
Meter should log high Occurrence: If Vpn>10%
Over Voltage
voltage event if voltage in Vref Occurrence: 5 Min
any phase is above a Restoration: If Restoration: 5 Min
threshold value. Vpn<=10% Vref
Meter should log low
voltage event if voltage in Occurrence: If Vpn<75%
Low Voltage
any phase is below a Vref Occurrence: 5 Min
thershold value.Thershold Restoration: If Restoration: 5 Min
value if factory Vpn<=75% Vref
Meter should log voltage
imbalance event when the
difference between Occurrence: If Vmax-
Voltage Unbalance
minimum and maximum Vmin>30% Vref Occurrence: 5 Min
phase voltage is more than Occurrence: If Vmax- Restoration: 5 Min
a thershold value.Thershold Vmin<=30% Vref
value if factory
R Phase voltage Meter should log
Harmonics occurrence of high voltage
Occurrence: If % THD in
harmonic event when %
Y Phase Voltage IP>5% of fundamental. Occurrence: 5 Min
THD in voltage of phase
Harmonics Restoration: If % THD in Restoration: 5 Min
will be more than threshold
IP <5% of fundamental.
B Phase Voltage value. Threshold value
Harmonics should be factory
2. Current Related Events:
Logic Expression/
Description of event Logic Of Event Persistence Time
Threshold values

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Current Reverse/ R
Meter should log the event
Phase Current
of reversal of C.C polarity.
Reverse (occurrence/
Meter should register
Restoration) Occurrence: If Ip = -ve
energy consumed correctly
Y Phase Current direction Occurrence: 5 Min
with any one, two or all
Reverse (occurrence/ Restoration: If Ip=+ve Restoration: 5 Min
three current coils reversed.
Restoration) direction
This event shal not be valid
B Phase Current
in bidirectional mode of
Reverse (occurrence/
R Phase Current
Open (Occurrence/
Restoration) Meter should log the event
Y Phase Current of current coil open.
Ib and I<10% Ib Occurrence: 5 Min
Open (Occurrence/ Threshold value of current
Vector Restoration: 5 Min
Restoration) should be programmable at
B Phase Current factory end.
Open (Occurrence/
Current Unbalance
Meter should log the event
of current coil
Current Bypass Ib and I (any Phase) >5%
shorting/bypass. Threshold
(Occurrence/ Ib
value of current should be
Restoration Vector
programmable at factory
If the current in any phase
Over current exceeds the specified
Occurrence: If Ip>Imax Occurrence: 5 Min
(occurrence/ threshold current, meter
Restoration: If Ip<=Imax Restoration: 5 Min
restoration) should log over current
R Phase high Current Meter should log
Harmonics occurrence of high current
Occurrence: If % THD in
R Phase high Current harmonic event when %
IP>5% of fundamental. Occurrence: 5 Min
Harmonics THD in current of phase
Restoration: If % THD in Restoration: 5 Min
will be more than threshold
R Phase high Current IP <5% of fundamental.
value. Threshold value
should be factory
3. Power Related Events:

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Description of Logic Expression/

Logic Of Event Persistence Time
event Threshold values
Meter shall detect power
OFF if all phase voltages
Power OFF are absent. This event shall
(occurrence/ be recorded at the time of
restoration) each power OFF. At the
same time power ON event
shall be recorded.
If meter micro detect power
off whereas phase voltage is
Occurrence: If voltage at
Abnormal Power Off present than abnormal
meter power supply<10%
(Occurrence/ power will be recorded. NA
vref and Vp>20% vref.
restoration) Meter sall continue to
record energy as per phase
voltage and current.
4. Other Events:
Description of Logic Expression/
Logic Of Event Persistence Time
event Threshold values
a. Meter should either be
immune or should log the
events of attempt of
tampering by external
field as per relevant
IS13779/ CBIP 325 with
Abnormal External amendments.
Magnetic Influence b. If the working of meter As per IS 13779/ CBIP
As per IS 13779
(Occurrence/ gets affected under the 325
Restoration) influence of external
magnetic field, meter should
record energy at Imax.
Meter should not compute
MD during this period. The
meter shall record
energy as per actual load
once the magnetic field is
Neutral Disturbance- Meter should log the event
As per manufacturing Bidder shall define
HF, DC and when AC/DC/ Pulsating
standard. threshold values
Alternating voltage is injected in neutral

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(occurrence/ circuit.
Meter shall able to detect
and log the low PF event if
power factor of the load
found between 0.2 to 0.5 for
a load above than a %
thershold value for a
Low Power Factor
thershould time value.
Event shall restore if PF
factor of load remain out of
range 0.2 to 0.5 for a load
ablove than % thershould
value for
Plug in Meter should log the
Communication removal of communication
module removal card. Meter should also log
(Occurrence/ insertion of communication
Restoration) card. By NC switch/ sensor
change to post-paid Meter should log the change
mode/ pre-paid in payment mode
mode configuration.
change to
“Forwarded” only" Meter should log the change
mode/ “Import and in metering mode
Export” mode configuration.
(Occurrence/ Meter should able to log the
Restoration) status of overload in KW
Meter with communication
HV Spark card should be immune or
(Occurrence/ log the event in the case of Immediately NA
restoration)/ Jammer application of ESD upto and
including 35 KV.
Meter should log event of
Occurrence: If IN > 50%
high neutral current if
of average phase current Occurrence: 5 Min
High neutral Current measured neutral current
Restoration: If IN < 50% Restoration: 5 Min
should be more than
of average phase current
predefined threshold value.
Distorted PF Meter shall log the event if Occurrence: 5 Min

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difference between Restoration: 5 Min

displacement PF and actual
PF is more than a
predefined value
Meter shall log voltage,
Time Based Event current, PF and energy
As per predefined time NA
Stamp consumption on a
predefined time
5. Non Roll over events:
Event Description
Occurrence of cover open
6. Transaction Related Events:
Detail of Transaction
Real Time Clock- Date and Time
Demand Integration Period
Profile Capture Period
Single Action schedule for billing date
Activity calander for time zones
New firmware activated
Load Limit (Kw) Set
Enable Load Limit Function
Disable load limit function
LLS secret (MR) change
HLS key (US) change
HLS key (FW) change
Global key change
ESWF change
MD reset
7. Control Events
Event Description
Load Switch Status- Disconnected
Load Switch Status- Connected

1. Event ID’s shall be defined as per BRPL specification/ IS 155959 (part 2).
Approval shall be taken from BRPL prior to manufacturing for Event ID’s
2. Programming of threshold values should be possible from remote via proper
3. Logics of tampers can be changed/ upgraded via firmware up gradation from
remote via proper authentication.
4. All the programming changes/ firmware up gradations shall be logged along-with
date and time stamp in meter as well as on HES.

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Annexure – E: Meter Enclosure

SL Clause Clause Description

Flush type with Completely transparent top cover and base with
1.0 Meter Box Type Incoming and Outgoing cable entry and data downloading
2.0 Design Meter box shall comply following requirement.
The meter box shall be designed in such a way that no access to the
General meter body, terminals and hardwired port of the meter shall be
Requirement possible after installation and sealing of the box without breaking
the box itself.
a. Meter box shall be theft proof i.e. meter box cannot be
opened without breaking the seals or meter itself.
2.2 Theft Protection
b. On breaking of the box, clear evidence of the physical
tempering shall be visual.
a. The meter box shall be designed in 02 parts i.e. base and top
b. Meter shall be mounted inside the base on fixed moulded
pillars by unidirectional screw.
c. Meter top cover should be hinge type.
2.3 Parts of the box
d. Cable glands and earthing bolt shall be provided at the base
as per construction requirement.
e. Proper stiffeners shall be provided in the body of the base
and top cover to provide mechanical strength against
transportation and installation vibrations.
The meter box shall be completely dust and vermin proof. Ingress
2.4 Ingress protection
protection rating of the box shall be minimum IP55.
a. A 'U' shaped groove shall be provided in the collar of the
base body, in which UV stabilized rubber 'O' shall be
installed. The design of lining shall be such that it provides
proper sealing between the cover & base of box to avoid
Collar of base and
2.5 penetration of dust and ingress of water.
b. All around projection provided inside the cover periphery
which keeps the ‘O’ ring pressed.
c. An outside collar shall also be provided, which shall cover
outer surface of the collar.
a. Rubber ‘O’ Ring should be fixed with suitable adhesive so
that the same does not get removed.
2.6 Fixing of 'O' ring b. Rubber 'O' ring shall be fixed in a single piece without any
gap between open ends. Open end of the 'O' ring shall be
provided at the bottom side only.
3.0 Material The material shall be as follow:

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SL Clause Clause Description

a. The material of meter box shall be flame retardant with
inflammability level V0 having good dielectric and
mechanical strength.
b. The top Cover and Base of the box shall be made out of
transparent polycarbonate with minimum 90% visibility so
3.1 Box material
as to ease installation and monitoring of box against any
tampering. The material shall be ‘UV’ stabilized to ensure
that the moulded meter box should not change in colour,
shape, size or should not get brittle after exposure to UV
All the metal hardware including hinges, U latches, mounting
3.2 Hardware screws, downloading port ring etc shall be of rust proof stainless
3.3 Cable glands Polyamide Nylon-66 with flammability class FV0
a. Meter box shall be constructed by moulding of
4.0 Construction polycarbonate material as specified in clause no. 3.1
b. Thickness of meter box shall be minimum 2.0 mm.
The box shall be made through Injection Moulding or better
4.1 Moulding
Meter shall be factory fitted inside base body using unidirectional
screws, on fixed mounting pillars, moulded in to the base of
4.2 Base
sufficient strength, so that removing of meter shall not possible
without breaking the meter box or meter itself.
4.3 Top cover Hinge type
a. Minimum 02 no's concealed / internal hinges, not visible or
accessible from outside the box without breaking the box
4.3.1 Hinge type b. Minimum 02 no's U latches shall be provided to closed the
box with sealing arrangement at each U latch.
c. After closing the U latches no play/ gap shall exist between
base and top cover.
5.0 Padlocking The box shall also have padlocking facility.
a. 02 no's as incoming and outgoing at the 45 Deg Chamfer
bottom corners suitable for 4CX50 Sqmm armoured
aluminum cable.
b. Cable entry must be at the bottom diagonal ends of the
6.0 Cable entry meter box. Appropriate clearance shall be provided between
the cable entry and position of meter terminals for proper
cable bending and connection.
c. Minimum 60 mm vertical space shall be provided from the
terminals of meter to centre of cable gland to provide

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SL Clause Clause Description

sufficient bending radius and working space.

a. Two nos. of Elbow shaped glands made out of Polyamide

Nylon-66 suitable for 4CX25 / 2CX50 sqmm aluminium
armoured cable shall be provided on both cable entries in
the box.
6.1 Cable Gland
b. Glands shall be designed in such a manner that the same
cannot be unscrewed / removed from the box from outside.
Manufacturer may either supply two nos. of check nuts or
any other alternate design to meet this requirement.
a. Earthing bolt of M6 with nut and washer shall be provided
on left side of the body of meter box.
b. The arrangement shall be such that one earth point shall be
7.0 Earthing bolt
available for customer and external earthing provided by
BRPL can be terminated.
c. Necessary symbol shall be provided for earth terminal.
8.0 Mounting Mounting arrangement shall be as follow
a. Fixed type, moulded in to the base body as per the
Meter mounting requirement of meter mounting holes.
pillars b. Stiffeners shall be provided at the base of the mater
mounting pillars.
a. Four (4) nos. fixing holes of 6 to 6.5 mm diameter at the
back surface of box shall be provided to fix the same on flat
8.2 Meter box mounting wall.
b. Mounting holes shall not be obstructing by Incoming or
Outgoing cables.
04 no's, 25 mm minimum mounting spacer moulded at the
Box Mounting
8.3 mounting holes of back surface of the meter box in order to provide
space between meter back surface and wall.
Long pan head self taping SS screws and washers shall be provided
Box Mounting
8.4 by the supplier with every box. 4 no’s plastic fixing plugs suitable
for self tapping screws shall also be provided.
a. Option 1:
a. Slot for optical head with non removable corrosion
ferromagnetic metal ring.
b. Data downloading shall not be affected by scratches
Data Downloading on data downloading port or with ageing of box.
arrangement c. Data downloading shall not be affected by visible
light conditions.
b. Option 2:
a. DB9 RS232 connector shall be provided at the top
cover of box to download meter as specified in

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SL Clause Clause Description

clause no. 9.1
b. Meter shall be downloadable without opening of the
box/ breaking of seals.
c. This arrangement shall not de-rate the IP rating of
meter box.
d. A Top hinges and bottom sealable cover shall be
provided on the data downloading slot.
e. Data downloading shall not be affected by visible
light conditions.
Optical reader with 9 pin D-type female connector cable shall be
provided in each meter box. Push fit type protective cover with
Optical to RS232
sealing arrangement for data downloading port on the cover of the
9.1 cable (If option 2 as
meter box has to be provided. The optical meter reader with 9 pin
per clause no. 9.0
D-type female connector cable of all the meter boxes (100%) shall
be tested for meter downloading before dispatch.
Following marking shall be provided on both top cover and base by
fine quality indelible laser printing/ screen printing or embossed
from inside of the box.
a. BRPL insignia shall be embossed on the base & cover of
meter box.
10.0 Marking
b. Meter serial no. (Both on base and cover of meter box)
c. Purchaser's PO no. and date.
d. Purchaser's Name.
e. Name or trade mark of seller
f. Any other detail required at the time of approval.

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Doc No. - BR/18-19/SM/LTCT/01


Record of Revision ................................................................................................................................ 3

1. Scope of Supply ......................................................................................................................... 4
2. Codes and Standards .................................................................................................................. 4
3. Service Conditions ..................................................................................................................... 6
4. Distribution System Data ........................................................................................................... 6
5. Electrical and Accuracy Requirement ....................................................................................... 6
6. Construction Feature .................................................................................................................. 8
7. Functional Requirement ........................................................................................................... 12
8. Meter Display........................................................................................................................... 19
9. Data and Communication Protocol/ HES/ Integrations/ Software .......................................... 20
10. Name Plate ............................................................................................................................... 21
11. Component Specification ......................................................................................................... 22
12. Quality Assurance, Inspection and Testing ............................................................................. 24
13. Packing, Marking, Shipping, Handling and Storage................................................................ 25
14. Deviations ................................................................................................................................ 27
15. Drawing Submission ................................................................................................................ 27
16. Delivery.................................................................................................................................... 28
Annexure- A: Guaranteed Technical Particulars ................................................................................. 29
Annexure – B: Recommended Accessories / Spares ........................................................................... 30
Annexure – C: Integration Requirement of Meters with NIC and HES .............................................. 31
Annexure – D: Tamper and Fraud Detection/ Events.......................................................................... 32
Annexure- E: Technical Specification of LTCT Box .......................................................................... 38

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Record of Revision

Item/Clause Reason of
Change in Specification Approved By Rev
No. Change

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Doc No. - BR/18-19/SM/LTCT/01

1. Scope of Supply
This specification covers the following for Three Phase 240 V, 5A-10A AC Static transformer
operated Watt hour and Var Hour smart meters of accuracy class 0.5s with plug in communication
module (RF mesh only and RF + Cellular technology).
Design, manufacture, testing at manufacturer works before dispatch, packing, delivery and
submission of all documentation.
B. Any accessories / hardware required for installation and operation for the meter.

2. Codes and Standards

Materials, equipment and methods used in the manufacturing of above mentioned equipment shall
conform to the latest edition/ of following
S Standard
No. Number
2.1 IE Act 2003
Electricity Act
CEA Metering
2.2 With latest amendments
CBIP Manual
2.3 Standardization of AC Static Electrical Energy Meters
(Pub no.-325)
AC Static Transformer Operated Watt-hour And Var-hour Smart Meters,
IS- 16444 (Part
2.4 Class 0.2 S, 0.5 S And 1.0 S Part 2 Specification Transformer Operated
Smart Meters
ac Static Transformer Operated Watt-hour and Var-hour Meters, Class
2.5 IS- 14697
0.2 S and 0.5 S
IS-15959 (Part Data Exchange for Electricity Meter - Reading Tariff and Load Control -
1) Companion Specification
IS-15959 (Part Data Exchange for Electricity Meter - Reading Tariff and Load Control
2) (Part 2)- Companion Specification for smart meter
Data Exchange For Electricity Meter Reading, Tariff And Load Control-
IS-15959 (Part
2.8 Companion Specification Part 3 Smart Meter (Transformer Operated
Kwh And KVARh Class 0.2 S, 0.5 S And 1.0 S
2.9 IS- 11448 Application guide for AC Electricity meters
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General requirements, tests and
2.10 IEC- 62052-11
test conditions - Part 11: Metering equipment
Electricity metering equipment (A.C) - Particular requirements - Part 21:
2.11 IEC- 62053-21
Static meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2)
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Particular requirements - Part 52:
2.12 IEC- 62053-52
Electricity metering equipment (A.C.) - Particular requirements - Part 61:
2.13 IEC 62053-61
Power consumption and voltage requirements

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Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Acceptance inspection - Part 11:

2.14 IEC 62058-11
General acceptance inspection methods
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Acceptance inspection - Part 31:
2.15 IEC 62058-31 Particular requirements for static meters for active energy (classes 0,2 S,
0,5 S, 1 and 2)
2.16 IEC 60736 Testing Equipment for electrical Energy meter
IS/IEC/TR Electricity Metering — Data Exchange For Meter Reading, Tariff And
2.17 62051:Part Load control — Glossary Of Terms Part 1 Terms Related To Data
1:2004 Exchange With metering Equipment Using DLMS/ COSEM
IEC 62056-1-
2.18 Smart metering standardisation framework
IEC 62056-3-
2.19 Use of local area networks on twisted pair with carrier signalling
IEC 62056-4-
2.20 DLMS/COSEM transport layer for IP networks
IEC 62056-5-
2.21 DLMS/COSEM application layer
IEC 62056-6-
2.22 Object Identification System (OBIS)
IEC 62056-6-
2.23 COSEM interface classes
Mapping between the Common Information Model message profiles
IEC 62056-6-
2.24 (IEC 61968-9) and DLMS/COSEM (IEC 62056) data models and
IEC 62056-7- Wired and wireless M-Bus communication profiles for local and
3:2017 neighbourhood networks
IEC 62056-7-
2.26 Local data transmission profiles for Local Networks (LN)
IEC 62056-7-
2.27 The 3-layer, connection-oriented HDLC based communication profile
IEC TS 62056-
2.28 Mesh communication profile for neighbourhood networks
IEC TS 62056- Communication profile using web-services to access a DLMS/COSEM
9-1:2016 server via a COSEM Access Service (CAS)
IEC 62056-9-
2.30 Communication profile for TCP-UDP/IP networks
IEC 62056-
2.31 Direct local data exchange
DLMS- White
2.32 Glossary of DLMS/COSEM terms
2.33 DLMS- Blue COSEM meter object model and the object identification system

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DLMS- Green
2.34 Architecture and protocols to transport the model
DLMS- Yellow
2.35 Conformance testing process
2.36 IEEE 802.15.4 Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks.
Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks (Use of the 865 MHz
2.37 IEEE 802.15.4u
to 867 MHz Band in India)
Order of precedence between different standards shall be as follow:
i Indian Standards Issued By BIS
ii IEC standard
Iii Other standards like CBIP, DLMS etc.

3. Service Conditions
SN Item Description
Operation range: -10 Deg C to 55 Deg C
3.1 Temperature Range Limit range of operation: -25 to 60 Deg C
Limit range of storage / transport : -25 to 70 Deg C
3.2 Relative Humidity 0 to 96 %

4. Distribution System Data

SN Item Description
4.1 Supply 3 Phase AC, 4 wire
4.2 Voltage 415 V ± 6%
4.3 Frequency 50 Hz ± 5%
4.4 System Solidly Earthed

5. Electrical and Accuracy Requirement

SN Item Description
a. 3- ø, 4 wire static Transformer Operated Smart Meter
without LTCT box.
5.1 Meter Type
b. 3- ø, 4 wire static Transformer Operated Smart Meter
with LTCT box as per annexure ‘E’
5.2 Connection Current Transformer Operated
240V (phase to neutral) with variation of +30% & -40%.
5.3 Rated Voltage
However meter should withstand the maximum system

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5.4 Rated Current Ib -5A and Imax- 10 A

5.5 Starting current 0.1 % of base current
5.6 Rated Frequency 50Hz +/- 5%
5.7 Accuracy Class 0.5s (IS14697 applies for accuracy requirements)
As per IS 16444 (Part 2)
5.8 Power Consumption
Meter with lowest power consumption shall be preferred.
5.9 Meter constant Imp/ unit (Bidder to specify meter constant)
Meter shall be software calibrated at factory and
5.10 Calibration modification in calibration shall not be possible at site by
any means or external influence.
Meter shall withstand an insulation test of 4 KV and impulse
5.11 Insulation Level
test at 8 KV
5.12 Influence of supply voltage As per IS 14697
5.13 Short time over current As per IS 14697
Immunity to phase and
5.14 As per IS 14697
earth fault
5.15 Influence of Self Heating As per IS 14697
5.16 Influence of Heating As per IS 14697
a. Meter shall remain immune to electrostatic discharge
(upto and including 35KV), electromagnetic HF field
and fast transient burst.
b. The meter shall be designed in such a way that
Electromagnetic conducted or radiated electromagnetic disturbances
compatibility as well as electrostatic discharge do not influence the
c. Meter shall be type tested for electromagnetic
d. Meter shall comply requirement of IS 14697

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Doc No. - BR/18-19/SM/LTCT/01

Meter shall work within guaranteed accuracy as per IS

14697/ IEC62053-21/ CBIP325 (most stringent standard to
be followed) under and after influence of following :-
a. Current Variation
b. Ambient Temperature variation
c. Voltage variation
d. Frequency variation
e. 10% third harmonic in current
f. Reversed phase sequence
g. Voltage unbalance
h. Harmonic components in current and voltage circuit
i. DC and even harmonics in AC current circuit
j. Odd harmonics in AC current circuit.
k. Sub harmonics in AC current circuit
Limits of error due to
5.18 l. Continuous (DC) “stray” magnetic induction of
influence quantities
m. Continuous (DC) “abnormal” magnetic induction of
n. Alternating (AC) “stray’ magnetic induction of
o. Alternating (AC) “abnormal’ magnetic induction of
p. External magnetic field 0.5 T
q. Electromagnetic HF fields
r. Radio frequency interference
s. DC immunity test
Note: BRPL reserves the right to formulate any other test
method to check magnetic immunity/ logging of meter.
Meter with logging provision will be preferred.

6. Construction Feature
SN Item Description
Material - Opaque and UV stabilized polycarbonate of grade
6.1 Base Body LEXAN 143/ 943 or Equivalent with V0 inflammability
a. Material: Transparent/Opaque and UV stabilized
polycarbonate of grade LEXAN 143/ 943 or Equivalent
6.2 Top Cover with V0 inflammability level.
b. Top cover and base should be Ultrasonically/Chemically

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a. Material - Flame retardant glass filled polycarbonate of

grade 500 R or equivalent.
b. Terminal block shall be capable of passing the tests as per
6.3 Terminal Block ISO-75 for a temperature of 135C and pressure of
1.8MPa. The terminals shall be designed so as to ensure
adequate and durable contact such that there is no risk of
loosening or undue heating.
a. Material - UV stabilized transparent/Opaque
polycarbonate cover.
b. Provision of sealing at two points through sealing screw.
c. The sealing screws shall be held captive in the terminal
d. The terminal cover shall be extended type with baffle wall
above the cable entry base wall so that access to the
6.4 Terminal cover terminals is not possible (even with thin metallic wire)
without breaking the seal. Terminal cover should have
provision for cable entry from bottom.
e. Diagram of external connections should be embossed on
terminal cover. Sticker is not acceptable.
f. Mechanism shall be provided to record an event with
occurrence and restoration in case of meter enclosure/
terminal cover is opened.
a. Terminals shall be suitable for 6 Sqmm copper wire.
b. Two no’s flat head screws per terminal shall be
c. Material of terminals, screws and washers should be
6.5 Terminals brass or tinned copper. Terminals shall be tested for
continuous current of 150 % Imax.
d. Terminals shall be clearly marked for phase / neutral
/ outgoing etc.
e. Clearances and creepage shall be as per IS 14697.
a. Polycarbonate meter enclosure and LTCT’s as per
annexure ‘E’ shall be provided with meter.
6.6 Meter Enclosure b. Mechanism shall be provided to record an event with
occurrence and restoration in case of meter enclosure
is opened.
6.7 Ingress Protection IP 55 or better, but without suction in the meter.
Meter should have flashing LED visible from the front to
represent energy recording. Resolution shall be such that
6.8 Output device
satisfactory accuracy test can be conducted at the lowest
load in less than 5 minutes and starting current test in less

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than 10 minutes.

a. The meter shall have internal real time crystal clock

to set date and time.
b. Drift in time of this clock shall not be more than
6.9 RTC ±5minutes/ year at a reference temperature of 27°C.
c. Meter RTC shall be corrected automatically by the
system in synchronization to the network RTC.
d. HES will sync RTC at least once a day.
Lithium ion battery with guaranteed shelf life of 10 years
and capacity life of 15 years. Lithium thioyl Chloride battery
6.10 Battery
will be preferred. In case battery removal or total discharge
same should not affect the working & memory of the meter.
Non volatile memory independent of battery backup,
6.11 Memory memory should be retained up to 10 year without any
auxiliary power.
Meter shall have self diagnostic for the following
a. Date and RTC.
b. Battery.
6.12 Self Diagnostic feature
c. Non volatile memory.
d. Display
e. Status of Communication card
Meter shall have an optical port with a metal ring to hold
6.13 Optical port magnet of probe. Optical port shall comply with hardware
specifications provided in IEC-62056-21.
a. Meter should have the provision for 01 no’s plug in
communication module for connectivity. The same
interface shall be compatible with both Cellular and
RF communication technologies interchangeable
according to the site.
b. Interface shall support data transfer between meter
Communication Module and network interface card over UART/ RS232.
Interface c. Meter shall have mechanism to log communication
module removal as an event in its memory with date
and time stamp.
d. Meter Vendor shall work with BRPL designated RF
provider to integrate their module in their meter.
e. Preferred location of communication card module
shall be on top of meter

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a. Smart meter shall have 01 no’s plug-in type

communication modules/ Network Interface card
(NIC) for connectivity of meter to HES from
following options as per tender requirement:
i. Communication Module/ NIC Type 1: RF
based suitable for communication Network of
BRPL designated RF canopy provider.
ii. Communication Module/ NIC Type 2: RF and
6.14.1 Communication modules
Cellular communication module (LTE 4G
with 3G and 2G fall back as per Indian
telecom Standards).
b. Meter shall have separate indications on display/ for
remote and local communication.
c. Communication module shall held in a casing which
can be directly plugged in the meter. Sealing screw
shall be provided.
Meter shall have provisions to provide last gasp signals
through communication module in case of power failure.
6.15 Last Gasp
Bidder should explain in detail the provisions provided in
meter to achieve the requirement.
Sealing should be in accordance with IS and CEA metering
Meter Sealing
6.16 regulations with latest amendments. Approval shall be taken
from purchaser for location of seals.
a. One Polycarbonate seal to be provided on meter
b. Minimum one seal as Hologram type, numbered with
6.16.1 Manufacturer’s Seals
hologram transfer on tamper proof paper seal. Seal
should not be just Hologram sticker (100%
a. Minimum one seal as Hologram type, numbered with
hologram transfer on tamper proof paper seal. Seal
should not be just Hologram sticker (100%
hologram). Meter sides should not have sharp edges
to avoid damage to hologram seals.
6.16.2 BRPL Seals
b. Minimum one Polycarbonate seal should be provided
on top cover.
c. Seals will be issued to manufacturer free of cost.
d. 02 no's polycarbonate seals shall be provided for
communication module.
Record of all seals shall be forwarded to purchaser with each
6.16.3 Seal record

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a. Meter should have clearly visible, indelible and

distinctly marked name plate in accordance with IS
16444 (Part 2) & clause no. 10.0 of this specification.
6.17 Name Plate and marking
b. All markings and details shall be printed by laser
c. Paper stickers are not allowed for name plate.
The terminal block and Meter case shall have safety against
Resistance against heat and
6.18 the spread of fire. They shall not be ignited by thermal
overload of live parts in contact with them as per IS 14697.
a. 7.5 years from the date of dispatch or 7 year from
date of commissioning, whichever is earlier
b. Manufacturer shall undertake a guarantee to replace
meter up to a period of 7 Year from the date of
6.19 Guarantee
supply. The meters which are found
defective/inoperative within the guarantee period
shall be replaced as per meter service level

7. Functional Requirement
SN Item Description
Smart meter comply with D3 category of IS 15959
7.1 Meter category
(Part 3).
It should be possible to configure meters in following
modes of metering:
a. Forwarded Only: In this mode any export active
energy shall be treated as import energy and
shall be recorded in forward only register.
Apparent energy calculation in this mode shall
be as per clause no. 6.4.
7.2 Mode of metering
b. Bidirectional: Both Import and export energy
recording shall be applicable in this mode of
metering and relevant registers shall be updated.
Any change in metering mode shall be logged in events
with date and time stamp.
Default mode of metering shall be forwarded only untill
specified in tender requirement otherwise.
Lag only: KVAh is computed based on KVArh and
7.3 KVAH Calculation KWH value. If PF=1, or leading, then KVAh = KWH.
At no instance KVAh < KWh.

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Block / sliding window with default demand integration

period of 1800 s configurable to 900 s as per
requirement. Meter should be configurable for block/
7.4 MD calculation
sliding window at the time of manufacturing. This
change should not be possible in the field. Extended
register shall be used for MD recording.
a. Meter shall be capable of doing TOD metering
in minimum 4 tariff rate registers programmable
for minimum 8 time zones and 4 seasonal
b. TOU metering shall be implemented by the
activity colander method of IS 15959 Part 1
clause 9/ DLMS UA-1000-1
c. Special Day table shall be defined as per IEC/
7.5 TOU Metering
DLMS UA-1000-1
d. Default TOU programming shall be as per latest
DERC guidelines. Prior approval shall also be
taken from BRPL for the same.
e. Tariff rate registers shall be as follow
R1: Rate register for Peak
R2: Rate register for Normal
R3: Rate Register for Off Peak
All the parameters mentioned in table ‘1’ of IS 15959
(Part 3) along with following additional parameters
shall be supported by meter.
a. Neutral Current (IN)
b. % TDH in R phase Voltage
c. % THD in Y Phase Voltage
d. % THD in B Phase Voltage
e. % THD in R phase Current
7.6 Instantaneous Parameters
f. % THD in Y Phase Current
g. % THD in B Phase Current
h. Displacement PF
i. temperature
j. RF/ GSM signal Strength in milli db.
k. GPS Coordinates.
Method of Measurement for harmonic parameters at sl
no. ‘b’ to ‘g’ shall confirm to the IEEE 519, 2014.
7.6.1 Association Rights As per Clause 1.1.1 of IS 15959 (Part 3).
a. Billing parameters shall be generated at the end
7.7 Billing data
of each billing cycle and stored in memory as

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per provisions provided in clause no. 14 of IS

15959 (Part 3).
b. 6 no’s billing cycle parameters shall be remain
in meter memory along with current cycle
parameters and shall be available for reading as
well as profile and or ‘by entry’ for selective
c. All the parameters mentioned in table ‘4’ of IS
15959 (Part 3) shall be supported by meter.
7.7.1 Association Rights As per clause 14 of IS 15959 (Part 3).
Support for selective access shall be provided for
7.7.2 Selective access billing parameters as per clause no 11.3 of IS 15959
(part 1).
7.7.3 Billing period reset/ MD reset 00:00 Hrs of Ist of every month
Billing period reset
7.7.4 As per clause 10 of IS 15959 (Part 1)
Cumulative billing period counter since installation and
7.7.5 Billing period counter available billing periods shall be provided as per clause
11.2 of IS 15959 (Part 1).
a. Load survey parameters shall be measured and
recorded at the end of each profile capture
period for last 35 Power ON days.
b. All the parameters mentioned in table ‘15’ of IS
15959 (Part 3) along with following additional
parameters shall be supported by meter:
7.8 Load survey Data
% THD in R phase Voltage
% THD in Y Phase Voltage
% THD in B Phase Voltage
% THD in R phase Current
% THD in Y Phase Current
% THD in B Phase Current
7.8.1 Profile capture period Default 1800 s programmable to 900 s.
Support for selective access shall be provided for
7.8.2 Selective Access billing parameters as per clause no 11.3 of IS 15959
(part 1).
7.8.3` Association Rights As per clause no.18 of IS 15959 (Part 3)
Daily load profile parameters shall be measured and
recorded at each midnight i.e. 00:00 hrs for last 35
7.9 Daily load profile Power ON days.
All the parameters mentioned in table ‘3’ of IS 15959
(Part 3) shall be supported by meter as Daily load

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profile parameters.

7.9.1 Association Rights As per clause no. 13 of IS 15959 (Part 3)

Following parameters shall be provided in Non Volatile
7.10 General Purpose Parameters memory (NVM) of the meter as per clause 16 of IS
15959 (Part 3).
As per Table ‘12’ of IS 15959 (Part 3) with following
7.10.1 Name Plate Detail additional parameters.
a. Month of manufacturing.
7.10.2 Association Rights As per clause no. 16.1 of IS 15959 (Part 3)
These parameters can be programmed remotely by HES
and locally by CMRI via proper access writes. Every
transaction shall be logged in non volatile memory of
the meter with date and time stamp.
7.10.3 Programmable parameters Programming of any of the parameters shall increment
the ‘Cumulative programmable count’ value.
All the parameters mentioned in table ‘13’ of IS 15959
(Part 3) shall be supported by meters with following
additional parameters.
7.10.4 Association rights As per Clause no. 16.2 of IS 15959 (Part 3).
a. Smart meter is able to automatically notify data,
event, and messages to a destination client
system in an unsolicited manner (without a
request from a client) as per clause no 6 of IS
15959 (Part 2).
b. Randomization: Data from different endpoints
shall be pushed intelligently on the network in
order to avoid excessive traffic on the network
for example in case all the endpoints will push
load survey data simultaneously, then it may
7.11 Push Services result in network choking or inefficient
performance. Therefore with the help of
intelligent techniques such field scenarios shall
be handled effectively.
c. It shall also be possible to configure push
services for all profiles i.e instantaneous, billing,
load survey, daily energy and events. Bidder
should explain its capability to configure push
services. However following push services shall
be available by default.
i. Load survey profile data at after every 4

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hours configurable to any predefined

ii. Mid night data at 00:00 hrs of every day.
iii. Billing profile data on occurrence of

a. Meter shall be able to push instantaneous

parameters to HES at predefined intervals.
Parameters required for push shall be intimated
during detailed engineering in the vent of order.
Periodic push (Smart meter to
7.11.1 b. Other attributes as per IS 15959 (Part 3) i.e.
Send Destination, Communication window,
Randomization time interval, number of retries
and repeat delay shall be decided in the event of
a. Meter is able to report HES, the status change of
any of the identified events mapped in to event
status word (ESW) of size 128 bits by pushing
following objects to HES.
i. Device ID
ii. Push Setup ID
iii. Real time clock- Date and Time
iv. Event Status Word 1 (ESW 1).
b. Each of the bits in ESW shall reflect the current
Event Push (Smart meter to
7.11.2 state of the event and are mapped against each
of the identified events.
c. An event status word filter (ESWF) of 128 bit
shall also be provided to configure events for
event push. Events which are supported in meter
shall only be configured for event push. Bit
value 1 in ESWF shall indicate that the event is
supported and value 0 indicates that event is not
supported for event push. Position of the event
bit in ESWF shall be same as in ESW.
7.11.3 Event status Bit mapping As Per IS 15959 (Part 3)
a. Smart meter shall support remote firmware
upgrade feature for meter firmware without loss
of any data and metrology for a part or complete
7.12 Firmware upgrade firmware of meter.
b. Firmware upgrade shall use the Image transfer
classes and mechanisms specified in IEC62056-
6-2 and IEC62056-5-3.

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c. Broad cast facility shall be supported in HES for

simultaneously upgrading the firmware of a
group of meters installed in field.
d. Firmware upgrade feature shall be provided
with proper security. The design shall take into
account field scenarios such as power failure
during F/W upgrade.
e. Once the firmware is upgraded, meter shall send
an acknowledgment to HES. It shall also log it
as an event in its memory.
f. Meter shall support capability to self register the
meter with new firmware.
g. The execution time of the change of the
firmware within the meter should be below 1
Meter shall support connection less messaging services
of DLMS to support broadcast messages for a group of
meters for following actions:
Support for broadcast a. Gap reconciliations.
message b. Firmware upgrade.
c. On demand readings
d. Meter connection and disconnection.
e. Updating of Programmable parameters
a. In Last Gasp endpoint shall send the power
outage notification with Time Stamp. In case of
power failure meter communication module
7.14 First breath and last gasp shall not draw power from the backup battery.
b. For the purpose of sending the Last Gasp,
communication module shall have proper power
backup (like a super capacitor).
Advanced security outlined in clause 7.1.2 of IS 15959
7.15 Security
(Part 1) shall be provided.
Encryption for data
7.151 As per clause 7.1 of IS 15959 (Part 2)
Encryption/ Authentication
7.15.2 As per clause 7.2 of IS 15959 (Part 2)
for data transport
7.15.3 Key requirement and handling As per clause 7.3 of IS 15959 (Part 2)

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a. Proper security at end points as well as network

level shall be present to prevent unauthorized
hacking of the end points or the network itself.
b. The meter password is required to open a
session between NIC and meter and is required
to gain clearance from the meter to perform
requested operation.
c. If clearance not gains, the meter locks out
7.15.4 NIC Security
communication for 1 minute. The meter
maintain counter for monitoring of unsuccessful
attempts of performing meter operations and
alerts to HES. The counter is incremented each
time a password clearance operation fails.
d. Up to 3 no’s successful attempts are allowed,
after which the port is locked out until
authenticated from system administrator.
Meter shall support TCP-UDP/ IP communication
IP communication profile
7.16 profile for smart meter to HES. Please refer clause 8 of
IS 15959 (Part 3).
Provision of consumer interface unit (CIU) to access
Consumer display unit
7.17 meter from consumer premises. Wireless IHD powered
by battery.
Meter shall detect and log any exceptional/ fraud/
tamper conditions in its memory as an event. In
7.18 Event and tamper detection addition to this all transactions and control shall also be
recorded as an event in meter memory. Each event type
shall be identified by an event ID.
Each event shall be available to download as per
following association rights.
a. Public Client: No access
7.18.1 Association Rights b. Meter Reader: Read only
c. Utility Settings: Read only
d. Push Services: Read Only for identified events
as per ESWF
Meter shall be able to log events in following
a. Voltage Related Events
7.18.2 Compartments of events b. Current Related Events
c. Power Related Events
d. Others Events
e. Non Roll Over Events

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f. Transaction related events

g. Control Events
a. Occurrence and Restoration of Voltage Related,
current related, power related and other events
shall be logged in meter memory as per IS
15959 (Part 3). Please refer annexure 'A' for
description of events, Event ID, Logics of
events and threshold values of events.
b. Threshold values shall be factory
c. Selective access shall be provided as per clause
11.3 of IS 15959 (Part 1).
d. For each of the events a certain list of
parameters shall be captured as per clause 'a'
e. For each occurrence event captured, the
cumulative tamper count shall be incremented.
Meter shall capture all the parameters mentioned in
7.18.3 Parameter Snapshot table ‘24’ of IS 15959 (part 3) when event occurrence
and restoration is logged
The meter shall log minimum 100 tamper events
7.18.4 Event Logging
(ensuring at least 20 events for each tamper).
Appropriate Indications/Icons for all tampers should
7.18.5 Tamper Indication appear on the meter display either continuously or in
auto display mode.
Meter shall support parameters required to develop
7.19 Phasor Representation
phasors of current and voltage at HES.

8. Meter Display
SN Item Description
8.1 LCD Type STN Liquid crystal with backlit
a. Minimum 120 Degree.
b. The display visibility should be sufficient to read
the Meter mounted at height of 0.5 m as well as at
8.2 Viewing angle the height of 2 m.
8.3 Size of LCD Minimum 10X5mm
8.4 LCD Digits Total 6+1 digits
8.5 LCD language English
a. Auto Mode
8.6 Display modes b. Manual Mode
c. Sub active mode

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Display list shall be finalized during detailed engineering

in the event of order.

Appropriate indications/flags for all tampers and self

8.7 Display indications diagnostic features should be provided.

9. Data and Communication Protocol/ HES/ Integrations/ Software

SN Item Description
a. Meter should comply Indian companion of data exchange
and tariff control specification IS 15959 (Part 2).
b. In case of additional requirement from IS 15959 (part 2),
they shall be as per DLMS standards/ IEC DLMS
protocols suite (62056).
Data Exchange
9.1 c. Bidder shall explain in detail the additional parameters/
services/ methods used in meters from IS 15959 (part 2)
and its reference to DLMS books/ IEC.
d. Prior to manufacturing of meters bidder shall provide a
detailed specification explaining all parameters/ services/
methods used in meter in addition to IS 15959 (Part 3).
a. Bidder shall work with BRPL IT team/ BRPL designated
system integrator to integrate its meter with BRPL HES
9.2 Integration with HES
b. Bidder shall prepare detailed documents as mentioned in
above clause and submit it for BRPL approval and
integration with HES.
Base computer Licensed Software with the following features should be
software supplied for free to download meter through optical port.
9.3.1 Operating System BCS should be compatible for latest Windows operating system.
System shall be password protected where user can login only if
login ID is provided by administrator. BCS shall have rights
9.3.2 Security
management system so that access rights can be provided as per
requirement to maintain security.
BCS shall maintain master database according to desired area,
9.3.3 Database
location, and region etc.
a. BCS shall have option of user defined report generation
in format of Excel, Word and CSV, XML, PDF etc.
b. BCS shall have capability to export data in ASCII, CSV
9.3.4 Reporting
and XML format at desired location so that the same
could be integrated with our billing data for processing.
c. All the data available in the meter shall be convertible to

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user defined ASCII, CSV and XML file format.

BCS and communication ports should support data transfer rate

9.3.5 Data transfer rate
of 9600 bps (minimum).
a. The manufacturer has to provide software capable of
downloading all the data stored in meter memory through
window/ android operating system based handheld units
(HHU) through optical port.
b. In the event of order, bidder shall work with BRPL IT
team/ BRPL designated system integrator to develop
Hand Held Unit HHU software for meter downloading and further
Software uploading on HES.
c. HHU software should have option for selection of
parameters to be downloaded from meter.
d. Meter data consisting of all parameters and complete
load survey for all parameters shall be read by HHU and
downloaded on HES in minimum possible time (not
more than 5 minutes).
Manufacture shall impart training to BRPL personnel for usage
9.5 Training
of software

10. Name Plate

SN Description
Meter Serial number shall be of 8 digits. Serial number shall be printed in black colour.
Embossing is not acceptable.
10.2 Size of the digit shall be minimum 5X3mm
10.3 Bar code shall be printed along with serial number
10.4 BIS registration mark (ISI mark)
10.5 ‘BRPL’ insignia shall be printed above LCD display.
10.6 BRPL PO No. & date
10.7 Manufacturers name and country of origin
10.8 Model type / number of meter
10.9 Month and Year of manufacturing
10.10 Reference voltage / current rating
The number of phases and the number of wires for which the meter is suitable.
Graphical symbol as per IS 12032 can be used.
10.12 Meter constant
10.13 Class index of meter
10.14 Reference frequency

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10.15 Warranty period

Name plate of NIC
a. Serial no of NIC along/ IMEI no/MAC address with bar code
b. Name of purchaser’s
c. Communication technology with carrier frequency
d. Manufacturing year and month.
e. Warranty period.

11. Component Specification

SN Item Description Make
The Meters should be with the
To meet accuracy
11.1 Current Transformers current transformers as measuring
The Measurement or computing
Analog Devices, Cyrus
Measurement or chips used in the Meter should be
11.2 Logic, Atmel, Phillips,
computing chips with the Surface mount type along
with the ASICs.
The memory chips should not be Atmel, National
affected by the external parameters Semiconductors, Texas
11.3 Memory chips
like sparking, high voltage spikes or Instruments, Phillips,
electrostatic discharges. ST, Hitachi, Compiled
a. The display modules should
be well protected from the
external UV radiations.
b. The construction of the Hongkong: Genda
modules should be such that Singapore: Bonafied
the displayed quantity should technologies
11.4 Display modules
not disturbed with the life of Korea: Advantek
display (PIN Type). China: Success
c. It should be STN type Japan: Hitachi, Sony
industrial grade with
extended temperature range
min 70 ºC.
The mechanical construction of the USA: National
port should facilitate the data Semiconductors, HP
11.5 Optical port
transfer. Communication shall not Holland/ Korea: Phillips
disturbed by external light. Japan: Hitachi, Ligitek
The power supply should be with the
11.6 Power Supply capabilities as per the relevant SMPS Type
standards. The power supply unit of

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the meter should not be affected in

case the maximum voltage of the
system appears to the terminals due
to faults or due to wrong
The active & passive components
should be of the surface mount type USA: National
& are to be handled & soldered by Semiconductors, Atmel,
the state of art assembly processes. Phillips, Texas
Electronic The PTH components should be Instruments.
components positioned such a way that the leads Japan: Hitachi, Oki,
of components should not be under AVX or Ricoh
stress and not touching the internal Korea: Samsung
LED Everlight, Agillent
a) The internal electrical
components should be of electrolytic
copper & should be protected from
corrosion, rust etc.
11.8 Mechanical parts
b) The other mechanical components
should be protected from rust,
corrosion etc. by suitable
plating/painting methods.
Lithium with guaranteed life of 15 Texcell, SAFT, Varta,
11.9 Battery
years Tedirun, Sanyo
USA: Philips, Dallas
RTC & Micro The accuracy of RTC shall be as per Atmel, Motorola,
controller relevant IEC / IS standards Microchip, TEXAS,
Japan: NEC, Oki
Glass Epoxy, fire resistance grade
11.11 P.C.B. FR4, with minimum thickness 1.6 (BBT test is must)
a. The components used by
manufacturer shall have
“Minimum Life” more than the
10 years.
11.12 Note b. Incase vendor want to use other
make components; same shall be
approved by BRPL before use.
c. Even for existing supplier –
fresh approval is needed for all

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d. Manufacturer should have
complete tracking of material
used in meter. BRPL reserve the
right to carry out audit of
inventory/ manufacturing
process at manufacturer’s works
and sub vendor’s work.

12. Quality Assurance, Inspection and Testing

SN Item Description
Vendor's Quality
12.1 To be submitted for Purchaser's approval.
Plan (QP)
Sampling Method for quality checks shall be as per relevant IS/
12.2 Sampling Method IEC/ CBIP guidelines and Purchaser's prior approval shall be
taken for the same.
Inspection Hold-
12.3 To be mutually identified, agreed and approved in Quality Plan.
a. The meter shall be of type tested quality including all tests
specified in this specification which are beyond IS / IEC or
b. Type test conducted from CPRI/ ERDA/ or any other lab
specified by BIS/ CEA for smart meter testing will be
treated as valid.
12.4 Type Tests
c. Type test certificate should be submitted along with offer
for scrutiny.
d. Any other component supplied in addition to meter shall
also be type tested as per IS /IEC if applicable.
e. Complete type test as per IS 16444 (Part 2) shall be carried
out on sample selected from BRPL lot.
12.5 Routine tests All test marked “R” as per table 20 of IS 14697.
a. All tests marked “A” as per IS 14697.
b. Smart meter functional tests as per IS 16444 (Part 2).
c. Test for data exchange protocol as per IS 16444 (part 2).
d. Test for Smart meter communicability as per clause no. 10.6
12.6 Acceptance Tests of IS 16444 (Part 2).
e. All the routine and acceptance tests shall be carried out as
per relevant standards.
f. Following tests in addition to IS shall be conducted during
lot inspection.

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I) Dimensional and drawing verification.

II) Display parameters/ sequence.
III) Data Downloading from CMRI and PC.
IV) Tamper/ fraud detection/logging features as per
approved documents. Tamper conditions will be
simulated at varying load up to Imax. Accuracy will also
be checked during tamper simulation.
V) Burn in chamber test.
VI) Component verifications.
g. Purchaser reserves the right to formulate any other test
method to verify guaranteed parameters of Meter.
ESD and Magnetic ESD and magnetic interference test will be conducted at Samir
Interference test lab, Chennai or CPRI.
a. Purchaser reserves the right to inspect /witness all tests on
the meters at Seller’s works at any time, prior to dispatch, to
verify compliance with the specification/ standards.
b. Manufacturer should have all the facilities/ equipments to
conduct all the acceptance tests as per clause 14.3 relevant
12.8 Inspection
standards and tampers logics as per approved GTP. All the
equipments including tamper logs kits/ jigs should be
c. In-process and / or final inspection call intimation shall be
given in advance to purchaser.

13. Packing, Marking, Shipping, Handling and Storage

a. Each meter must be packed, together with its terminal
cover, in a separate environmental friendly cardboard
box, which can be opened and re-closed without
needing adhesives.
b. Up to 4 to 5 three-phase meters must be packed together
with their terminal covers in a group cardboard box,
which can be opened and re-closed without needing
13.1 Packing adhesives.
c. The box shall prevent, as much as possible, penetration
of dust during long storage periods. The box must be
designed for multiple use and be robust, with wall
thickness of at least 4 mm.
d. Maximum weight of a group meter box shall not be
more than 25 Kg.
e. The packaging will protect the meters against shock and

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vibration, preventing damage due to the road conditions

during transport and distribution in the field. The
electrical and mechanical properties shall not be
affected by these disturbances.
f. For shipping the boxed meters will be close packed by
stockpiles of suitable quantities on pallets. The meters
numbers sequence (without partition) shall be kept in
each pallet. A pallet will be protected against moisture
by a polyethylene hood, covered with a cardboard cover
(hood), and fixed onto the pallet by parallel
polypropylene bands, using protection angle bars at the
corners. The hood shall be marked – on the front (wide
side), on the narrow side and on the top as per clause
g. Each pallet should contain between 70 and 300 meters.
The actual number of meters on each pallet will be
agreed with the BRPL in the event of order.
h. An impact detector ("Shock-Watch") label shall be
attached to the cardboard hood of several pallets in each
container/ transport truck, to warn of possible rough
handling during shipment, transport and storage.
Packing for
Robust wooden non returnable packing case with all the above
13.2 accessories and
protection & identification Label.
On each group box and pallet, following details are required
both on front (wide side) and top:
a. BRPL logo.
b. Meter serial number range along with bar code.
c. Unique number of box/ pallet.
d. Purchaser’s name
e. PO number (along with SAP item code, if any) & date
with bar code
13.3 Marking f. Equipment Tag no. (if any)
g. Destination
h. Manufacturer / Supplier’s name
i. Address of Manufacturer / Supplier / it’s agent
j. Type , rating and other description of equipment
k. Country of origin
l. Month & year of Manufacturing
m. Case measurements
n. Gross and net weights in kilograms

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o. All necessary slinging and stacking instructions

13.4 Test reports Routine test report to be provided with each meter
The seller shall be responsible for all transit damage due to
13.5 Shipping
improper packing.
Manufacturer instruction shall be followed. Detail handling &
Handling and
13.6 storage instruction sheet /manual to be furnished before
commencement of supply.

14. Deviations
a. Deviations from this specification can· be acceptable, only
where the Seller has listed in his quotation the requirements
he cannot, or does not, wish to comply with and which
deviations the Buyer has agreed to in writing, before any
14.1 Deviations
order is placed.
b. In the absence of any list of deviations from the Seller, it
will be assumed by the Buyer that the Seller complies with
the Specification fully.

15. Drawing Submission

Drawing submission shall be as per the matrix given below. All documents/ drawing shall be
provided on A4 sheet in box file with separators for each section. Language of the documents shall
be English only. Deficient/ improper document/ drawing submission may liable for rejection
SL Detail of Document Bid Approval
1 Guaranteed Technical particulars (GTP) Required Required
2 Deviation Sheet, if any Required Required
3 Tamper Sheet Required Required
4 Display Parameters Required Required
GA / cross sectional drawing of Meter showing all
5 Required Required
the views / sections
Detail of network interface i.e. pin out, standard,
6 Required Required
voltage level etc and its integration requirement.
Samples of each type and rating offered along with
box (Highest rating offered) and RF NIC/
7 2 no's 1 no's
communication module of already integrated RF
card as per tender qualifying criteria.
Any software and accessories required for
8 Required Required
installation/ operation of meter
9 Manufacturer's quality assurance plan and Required

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certification for quality standards

10 Type Test reports of offered model/ type/ rating Required
11 BIS certificate Required
12 Complete product catalogue and user manual. Required
13 Customer Reference List Required
14 Recommended list of spare and accessories Required
Specification documents containing all parameters,
15 Services, Methods in addition to companion Required
specification of IS 15959 (part 2).
16 Program for production and testing (A) Required Required
17 Makes of components Required Required
Detailed installation and commissioning
18 Required Required
19 As Built Drawing Required Required
Operation and maintenance Instruction as well as
20 Required Required
trouble shooting charts/ manuals
Inspection and test reports, carried out in
21 Required
manufacturer’s works
22 Routine Test certificates Required
23 Test certificates of all bought out items Required
24 Meter Seal data Required
25 Mapping of meter serial no to Communication card. Required

16. Delivery
Despatch of Material: Vendor shall despatch the material, only
after the Routine Tests/Final Acceptance Tests (FAT) of the
16.1 Delivery
material witnessed/waived by the Purchaser, and after receiving
written Material Despatch Clearance (MDC) from the Purchaser.

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Annexure – A: Guaranteed Technical Particulars

Bidder shall furnish the GTP format with all details against each clause of this specification.
Bidder shall not change the format of GTP or clause description.
Bidder to submit duly filled GTP in hard copy format with company seal.

Clause No. Clause Description Manufacturer’s Reply


Bidder / Vendor seal / signature ---------------------------

Name of the bidder

Address of the bidder
Name of contact person
Telephone number and email id

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Annexure – B: Recommended Accessories / Spares

SL Description of spare part Unit Quantity

1 No
2 No

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Annexure – C: Integration Requirement of Meters with NIC and HES

Integration requirements with communication provider of BRPL/ any other agency designated
by BRPL for other components of AMI.
a. Bidder(s) must share the meter security keys, all level encryption, and password
information along with asset information in a format with the buyer / communication
provider of BRPL so that during AMI business flow, the device and data can be
authenticated all the time.
b. Bidder(s) must share the details of meter communication specifically programmed
c. Bidder(s) must share the meter configuration source code to the BRPL/ communication
provider of BRPL.
d. Bidder (s) must share the meter interface touch points for external applications/
e. Bidder(s) must share the required APIs including but not limited to reading APIs,
configuration APIs and Functional APIs with the System Integrator for execution of
business flow (Installation, reading, configuration).
f. Bidder(s) must share the data storage and retrieval details.
g. Bidder(s) must configure the devices to be upgraded remotely (OTA) and share the
required firmware source code (with updates over the project life) with system
integrator as and when it is required in case of feature request or fault correction.
h. Bidder(s) must follow and conduct Utility’s sample and periodic test program,
including (but not limited to) the selection of a sample population of meters, sharing of
sample test results as reported by the meter testing systems with the system Integrator.
i. Bidder(s) must share the information related to communication module for the
authorization purpose at to BRPL/ communication provider of BRPL.

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Annexure – D: Tamper and Fraud Detection/ Events

1. Voltage Related Events:

Description of Logic Expression/ Persistence
Logic Of Event
event Threshold values Time
R Phase Voltage
Absence of potential on any
phase should be logged.
Y Phase Occurrence: If Vpn<10% Occurrence:
Restoration of normal supply
Voltage Missing Vref and Ip>10% Ib 5 Min
shall also be recorded. The
(Occurrence/ Restoration: If Vpn>=10% Restoration:
threshold value of voltage
Restoration) Vref and Ip>10% Ib 5 Min
should be programmable at
B Phase Voltage
factory end
Occurrence: If Vpn>10% Occurrence:
Over Voltage Meter should log high voltage
Vref 5 Min
(occurrence/ event if voltage in any phase is
Restoration: If Vpn<=10% Restoration:
restoration) above a threshold value.
Vref 5 Min
Meter should log low voltage
Occurrence: If Vpn<75% Occurrence:
Low Voltage event if voltage in any phase is
Vref 5 Min
(occurrence/ below a threshold value.
Restoration: If Vpn<=75% Restoration:
Restoration) Threshold value if factory
Vref 5 Min
Meter should log voltage
imbalance event when the
Voltage Occurrence: If Vmax- Occurrence:
difference between minimum
Unbalance Vmin>30% Vref 5 Min
and maximum phase voltage is
(Occurrence/ Restoration: If Vmax- Restoration:
more than a threshold value.
Restoration) Vmin<=30% Vref 5 Min
Threshold value should be
factory programmable.
R Phase high
Voltage Meter should log occurrence of
Harmonics high voltage harmonic event
Occurrence: If % THD in Occurrence:
Y Phase high when % THD in voltage of
Vpn>5% of fundamental. 5 Min
Voltage phase will be more than
Restoration: If % THD in Restoration:
Harmonics threshold value. Threshold
Vpn<5% of fundamental. 5 Min
B Phase high value should be factory
Voltage programmable.
2. Current Related Events:

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Description of Logic Expression/ Persistence

Logic Of Event
event Threshold values Time
Reverse/ R
Phase Current
Reverse Meter should log the event of
(occurrence/ reversal of C.C polarity.
Restoration) Meter should register energy Occurrence: If Ip = -ve Occurrence:
Y Phase Current consumed correctly with any direction 5 Min
Reverse one, two or all three current Restoration: If Ip=+ve Restoration:
(occurrence/ coils reversed. This event shall direction 5 Min
Restoration) not be valid in bidirectional
B Phase Current mode of metering.
R Phase Current
Y Phase Current Meter should log the event of Occurrence:
Sum(IR+IY+IB+IN)>20% Ib
Open current coil open. Threshold 5 Min
and I<10% Ib
(Occurrence/ value of current should be Restoration:
Restoration) programmable at factory end. 5 Min
Sum(IR+IY+IB+IN)>20% Ib
B Phase Current
Meter should log the event of Vector
Current Bypass current coil shorting/bypass. Sum(IR+IY+IB+IN)>20% Ib
(Occurrence/ Threshold value of current and I (any Phase) >5% Ib
Restoration should be programmable at Vector
factory end. Sum(IR+IY+IB+IN)>10% Ib
If the current in any phase Occurrence:
Over current
exceeds the specified threshold Occurrence: If Ip>Imax 5 Min
current, meter should log over Restoration: If Ip<=Imax Restoration:
current event. 5 Min

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R Phase high
Meter should log occurrence of
high voltage harmonic event Occurrence: If % THD in Occurrence:
R Phase high
when % THD in voltage of IP>5% of fundamental. 5 Min
phase will be more than Restoration: If % THD in IP Restoration:
threshold value. Threshold <5% of fundamental. 5 Min
R Phase high
value should be factory
3. Power Related Events:
Description of Logic Expression/ Persistence
Logic Of Event
event Threshold values Time
Meter shall detect power OFF if
all phase voltages are absent.
Power OFF
This event shall be recorded at
the time of each power OFF. At
the same time power ON event
shall be recorded.
If meter micro detect power off
Abnormal whereas phase voltage is Occurrence: If voltages at
Power Off present than abnormal power meter power supply<10%
(Occurrence/ will be recorded. Meter sall Vref and Vp>20% vref.
restoration) continue to record energy as per Restoration:
phase voltage and current.
4. Other Events:
Description of Logic Expression/ Persistence
Logic Of Event
event Threshold values Time
a. Meter should either be
immune or should log the
events of attempt of tampering
by external magnetic
Abnormal field as per relevant IS14697/
External CBIP 325 with latest
Magnetic amendments. As per IS
As per IS 14697/ CBIP 325
Influence b. If the working of meter gets 14697
(Occurrence/ affected under the
Restoration) influence of external magnetic
field, meter should
record energy at Imax. Meter
should not compute
MD during this period. The

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meter shall record

energy as per actual load once
the magnetic field is
Disturbance- Bidder shall
Meter should log the event
HF, DC and As per manufacturing define
when AC/DC/ Pulsating voltage
Alternating standard. threshold
is injected in neutral circuit.
(occurrence/ values
Meter shall able to detect and
log the low PF event if power
factor of the load found in
between 0.2 to 0.5 for a load
Low Power above than a % threshold value 10% of I
Factor for a threshold time value. basic
Event shall restore if PF factor
of load remain out of range 0.2
to 0.5 for a load above than %
threshold value for
Plug in
Communication Meter should log the removal of
module removal communication card. Meter
(Occurrence/ should also log insertion of
Restoration) communication card. By NC switch/ sensor
change to post-
paid mode/ pre- Meter should log the change in
paid mode payment mode configuration.
change to
only" mode/
“Import and Meter should log the change in
Export” mode metering mode configuration.
(Occurrence/ Meter should able to log the
Restoration) status of overload in KW
HV Spark Meter with communication card
(Occurrence/ should be immune or log the Immediately NA
restoration)/ event in the case of application

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Jammer of ESD upto and including 35

Meter should log event of high Occurrence: If IN > 50% of Occurrence:
High neutral neutral current if measured average phase current 5 Min
Current neutral current should be more Restoration: If IN < 50% of Restoration:
than predefined threshold value. average phase current 5 Min
Meter shall log the event if Occurrence:
difference between 5 Min
Distorted PF
displacement PF and actual PF Restoration:
is more than a predefined value 5 Min
Meter shall log voltage, current,
Time Based
PF and energy consumption on As per predefined time NA
Event Stamp
a predefined time
5. Non Roll over events:
Event Description
Occurrence of cover open
6. Transaction Related Events:
Detail of Transaction
Real Time Clock- Date and Time
Demand Integration Period
Profile Capture Period
Single Action schedule for billing date
Activity calendar for time zones
New firmware activated
Load Limit (Kw) Set
Enable Load Limit Function
Disable load limit function
LLS secret (MR) change
HLS key (US) change
HLS key (FW) change
Global key change
ESWF change
MD reset
1. Event ID’s shall be defined as per BRPL specification/ IS 155959 (part 2).
Approval shall be taken from BRPL prior to manufacturing for Event ID’s
2. Programming of threshold values should be possible from remote via proper
3. Logics of tampers can be changed/ upgraded via firmware up gradation from
remote via proper authentication.

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4. All the programming changes/ firmware up gradations shall be logged along-with

date and time stamp in meter as well as on HES.

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Annexure – E: Technical Specification of LTCT Box


Data by
S No.
Parameters Requirement Supplier
1 Manufacturer name
2 Nominal/Highest system voltage 415V/660V
3 Box details
3.1 Material Polycarbonate
3.2 Base Opaque, dark grey
3.3 Top cover Transparent
3.4 Overall dimensions As per Annexure - C
3.5 Marking of terminations To be provided
Suitable Arrangement for modem
installation To be provided
Two nos. (one each on box
Rating Plate and CT block)
To be provided on rating
Connection diagram plate mounted on CT block
3.9 Protection Class IP55
3.10 Sealing arrangement To be provided on all corners
3.11 Nuts & Bolts For I/C & O/G connections
3.12 Mounting channel MS (HDG)
3.13 Fasteners for Installation 4 nos.
3.14 Gland Plate 200 x 100mm, MS (HDG)
3.15 Cable Gland To be provided
4 CT Details
4.1 Reference standard IS 2705
4.2 Type of CT Resin cast
4.3 Class of accuracy 0.5
4.4 ISF <=10
4.5 Burden 5 VA
400/5 A /200/5 A/100/5 A as
Transformation Ratio per purchaser’s requisition
4.7 Frequency 50 Hz
4.8 Insulation level 660V / 3KV
4.9 Insulation class E
4.10 Short time current rating for 1 sec. 20 times the rated current
4.11 Primary winding type Bar
4.11.1 Material of conductor Aluminium
4.11.2 Size of conductor 1A/Sqmm
4.12 Secondary winding Wound

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4.12.1 Material of conductor Copper

4.12.2 Size of conductor

2.0 LTCT Box layout and CT Detail

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Record of Revision ................................................................................................................................ 3

1. Scope of Supply ......................................................................................................................... 4
2. Codes and Standards .................................................................................................................. 4
3. Service Conditions ..................................................................................................................... 6
4. Distribution System Data ........................................................................................................... 6
5. Electrical and Accuracy Requirement ....................................................................................... 6
6. Construction Feature .................................................................................................................. 8
7. Functional Requirement ........................................................................................................... 12
8. Meter Display........................................................................................................................... 20
9. Data and Communication Protocol/ HES/ Integration/ Software ............................................ 20
10. Name Plate ............................................................................................................................... 22
11. Component Specification ......................................................................................................... 22
12. Quality Assurance, Inspection and Testing ............................................................................. 24
13. Packing, Marking, Shipping, Handling and Storage................................................................ 26
14. Deviations ................................................................................................................................ 28
15. Drawing Submission ................................................................................................................ 28
16. Delivery.................................................................................................................................... 29
Annexure- A: Guaranteed Technical Particulars ................................................................................. 30
Annexure – B: Recommended Accessories / Spares ........................................................................... 31
Annexure – C: Integration Requirement of Meters with NIC and HES .............................................. 32
Annexure – D: Tamper and Fraud Detection/Events........................................................................... 33

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Doc No. - BR/18-19/SM/HT/01

Record of Revision

Item/Clause Reason of
Change in Specification Approved By Rev
No. Change

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Doc No. - BR/18-19/SM/HT/01

1. Scope of Supply
This specification covers the following for Three Phase 63.5 V, AC Static transformer operated
Watt hour and Var Hour smart meters of accuracy class 0.5s/ 0.2s with plug in communication
module (RF mesh only and RF + Cellular technology).
A. Design, manufacture, testing at manufacturer works before dispatch, packing, delivery and
submission of all documentation.
B. Any accessories / hardware required for installation and operation for the meter.

2. Codes and Standards

Materials, equipment and methods used in the manufacturing of above mentioned equipment shall
conform to the latest edition/ of following
S Standard
No. Number
2.1 IE Act 2003
Electricity Act
CEA Metering
2.2 With latest amendments
CBIP Manual
2.3 Standardization of AC Static Electrical Energy Meters
(Pub no.-325)
AC Static Transformer Operated Watt-hour And Var-hour Smart Meters,
IS- 16444 (Part
2.4 Class 0.2 S, 0.5 S And 1.0 S Part 2 Specification Transformer Operated
Smart Meters
ac Static Transformer Operated Watt-hour and Var-hour Meters, Class
2.5 IS- 14697
0.2 S and 0.5 S
IS-15959 (Part Data Exchange for Electricity Meter - Reading Tariff and Load Control -
1) Companion Specification
IS-15959 (Part Data Exchange for Electricity Meter - Reading Tariff and Load Control
2) (Part 2)- Companion Specification for smart meter
Data Exchange For Electricity Meter Reading, Tariff And Load Control-
IS-15959 (Part
2.8 Companion Specification Part 3 Smart Meter (Transformer Operated
Kwh And KVARh Class 0.2 S, 0.5 S And 1.0 S
2.9 IS- 11448 Application guide for AC Electricity meters
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General requirements, tests and
2.10 IEC- 62052-11
test conditions - Part 11: Metering equipment
Electricity metering equipment (A.C) - Particular requirements - Part 21:
2.11 IEC- 62053-21
Static meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2)
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Particular requirements - Part 52:
2.12 IEC- 62053-52
Electricity metering equipment (A.C.) - Particular requirements - Part 61:
2.13 IEC 62053-61
Power consumption and voltage requirements

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Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Acceptance inspection - Part 11:

2.14 IEC 62058-11
General acceptance inspection methods
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Acceptance inspection - Part 31:
2.15 IEC 62058-31 Particular requirements for static meters for active energy (classes 0,2 S,
0,5 S, 1 and 2)
2.16 IEC 60736 Testing Equipment for electrical Energy meter
IS/IEC/TR Electricity Metering — Data Exchange For Meter Reading, Tariff And
2.17 62051:Part Load control — Glossary Of Terms Part 1 Terms Related To Data
1:2004 Exchange With metering Equipment Using DLMS/ COSEM
IEC 62056-1-
2.18 Smart metering standardisation framework
IEC 62056-3-
2.19 Use of local area networks on twisted pair with carrier signalling
IEC 62056-4-
2.20 DLMS/COSEM transport layer for IP networks
IEC 62056-5-
2.21 DLMS/COSEM application layer
IEC 62056-6-
2.22 Object Identification System (OBIS)
IEC 62056-6-
2.23 COSEM interface classes
Mapping between the Common Information Model message profiles
IEC 62056-6-
2.24 (IEC 61968-9) and DLMS/COSEM (IEC 62056) data models and
IEC 62056-7- Wired and wireless M-Bus communication profiles for local and
3:2017 neighbourhood networks
IEC 62056-7-
2.26 Local data transmission profiles for Local Networks (LN)
IEC 62056-7-
2.27 The 3-layer, connection-oriented HDLC based communication profile
IEC TS 62056-
2.28 Mesh communication profile for neighbourhood networks
IEC TS 62056- Communication profile using web-services to access a DLMS/COSEM
9-1:2016 server via a COSEM Access Service (CAS)
IEC 62056-9-
2.30 Communication profile for TCP-UDP/IP networks
IEC 62056-
2.31 Direct local data exchange
DLMS- White
2.32 Glossary of DLMS/COSEM terms
2.33 DLMS- Blue COSEM meter object model and the object identification system

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DLMS- Green
2.34 Architecture and protocols to transport the model
DLMS- Yellow
2.35 Conformance testing process
2.36 IEEE 802.15.4 Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks.
Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks (Use of the 865 MHz
2.37 IEEE 802.15.4u
to 867 MHz Band in India)
Order of precedence between different standards shall be as follow:
i Indian Standards Issued By BIS
ii IEC standard
iii Other standards like CBIP, DLMS etc.

3. Service Conditions
SN Item Description
Operation range: -10 Deg C to 55 Deg C
3.1 Temperature Range Limit range of operation: -25 to 60 Deg C
Limit range of storage / transport : -25 to 70 Deg C
3.2 Relative Humidity 0 to 96 %

4. Distribution System Data

SN Item Description
4.1 Supply 3 Phase AC, 4 wire
4.2 Voltage 415 V ± 6%
4.3 Frequency 50 Hz ± 5%
4.4 System Solidly Earthed

5. Electrical and Accuracy Requirement

SN Item Description
5.1 Meter Type 3- ø, 4 wire static Transformer Operated Smart Meter
5.2 Connection Transformer Operated
63.5 V (phase to neutral) with variation of +30% & -40%.
5.3 Rated Voltage However meter should withstand the maximum system
a. Ib -5A and Imax- 10 A
5.4 Rated Current b. Ib- 1A and Imax- 2 A as per purchaser’s requisition/

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5.5 Starting current 0.1 % of base current

5.6 Rated Frequency 50Hz +/- 5%
0.5s/ 0.2s as per purchaser’s requisition (IS14697 applies for
5.7 Accuracy Class
accuracy requirements)
5.8 Power Consumption As per IS 16444 (Part 2)
5.9 Meter constant Imp/ unit (Bidder to specify meter constant)
Meter shall be software calibrated at factory and
5.10 Calibration modification in calibration shall not be possible at site by
any means or external influence.
Meter shall withstand an insulation test of 4 KV and impulse
5.11 Insulation Level
test at 8 KV
5.12 Influence of supply voltage As per IS 14697
5.13 Short time over current As per IS 14697
Immunity to phase and
5.14 As per IS 14697
earth fault
5.15 Influence of Self Heating As per IS 14697
5.16 Influence of Heating As per IS 14697
a. Meter shall remain immune to electrostatic discharge
(upto and including 35KV), electromagnetic HF field
and fast transient burst.
b. The meter shall be designed in such a way that
Electromagnetic conducted or radiated electromagnetic disturbances
compatibility as well as electrostatic discharge do not influence the
c. Meter shall be type tested for electromagnetic
d. Meter shall comply requirement of IS 14697

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Meter shall work within guaranteed accuracy as per IS

14697/ IEC62053-21/ CBIP325 (most stringent standard to
be followed) under and after influence of following :-
a. Current Variation
b. Ambient Temperature variation
c. Voltage variation
d. Frequency variation
e. 10% third harmonic in current
f. Reversed phase sequence
g. Voltage unbalance
h. Harmonic components in current and voltage circuit
i. DC and even harmonics in AC current circuit
j. Odd harmonics in AC current circuit.
k. Sub harmonics in AC current circuit
Limits of error due to
5.18 l. Continuous (DC) “stray” magnetic induction of
influence quantities
m. Continuous (DC) “abnormal” magnetic induction of
n. Alternating (AC) “stray’ magnetic induction of
o. Alternating (AC) “abnormal’ magnetic induction of
p. External magnetic field 0.5 T
q. Electromagnetic HF fields
r. Radio frequency interference
s. DC immunity test
Note: BRPL reserves the right to formulate any other test
method to check magnetic immunity/ logging of meter.
Meter with logging provision will be preferred.

6. Construction Feature
SN Item Description
6.1 General Construction should be in accordance with IS 16444 (Part 2)
Material - Opaque and UV stabilized polycarbonate of grade
6.2 Base Body LEXAN 143/ 943 or Equivalent with V0 inflammability
a. Material: Transparent/Opaque and UV stabilized
polycarbonate of grade LEXAN 143/ 943 or Equivalent
6.3 Top Cover
with V0 inflammability level.
b. Top cover and base should be Ultrasonically/Chemically

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a. Material - Flame retardant glass filled polycarbonate of

grade 500 R or equivalent.
b. Terminal block shall be capable of passing the tests as per
6.4 Terminal Block ISO-75 for a temperature of 135C and pressure of
1.8MPa. The terminals shall be designed so as to ensure
adequate and durable contact such that there is no risk of
loosening or undue heating.
a. Material - UV stabilized transparent/Opaque
polycarbonate cover
b. Provision of sealing at two points through sealing screw.
c. The sealing screws shall be held captive in the terminal
d. The terminal cover shall be extended type with baffle wall
above the cable entry base wall so that access to the
terminals is not possible (even with thin metallic wire)
6.5 Terminal cover without breaking the seal. Terminal cover should have
provision for cable entry from bottom.
e. Diagram of external connections should be embossed on
terminal cover. Sticker is not acceptable.
f. Mechanism shall be provided to record an event with
occurrence and restoration in case of terminal cover is

a. Terminals shall be suitable for 6 Sqmm copper wire.

b. Two no’s flat head screws per terminal shall be
c. Material of terminals, screws and washers should be
6.6 Terminals brass or tinned copper. Terminals shall be tested for
continuous current of 150 % Imax.
d. Terminals shall be clearly marked for phase / neutral
/ outgoing etc.
e. Clearances and creep age shall be as per IS 14697.
6.7 Ingress Protection IP 55 or better, but without suction in the meter.
Meter should have flashing LED visible from the front to
represent energy recording. Resolution shall be such that
6.8 Output device satisfactory accuracy test can be conducted at the lowest
load in less than 5 minutes and starting current test in less
than 10 minutes.

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a. The meter shall have internal real time crystal clock

to set date and time.
6.9 RTC b. Meter RTC shall be corrected automatically by the
system in synchronization to the network RTC.
c. HES will sync RTC at least once a day.
Lithium ion battery with guaranteed shelf life of 10 years
and capacity life of 15 years. Lithium thioyl Chloride battery
6.10 Battery
will be preferred. In case battery removal or total discharge
same should not affect the working & memory of the meter.
Non volatile memory independent of battery backup,
6.11 Memory memory should be retained up to 10 year without any
auxiliary power.
Meter shall have self diagnostic for the following
a. Date and RTC.
b. Battery.
6.12 Self Diagnostic feature
c. Non volatile memory.
d. Display
e. Communication Card Status
Meter shall have an optical port with a metal ring to hold
6.13 Optical port magnet of probe. Optical port shall comply with hardware
specifications provided in IEC-62056-21.
a. Meter should have the provision for 01 no’s plug in
communication module for connectivity. The same
interface shall be compatible with both Cellular and
RF communication technologies interchangeable
according to the site.
b. Interface shall support data transfer between meter
Communication Module and network interface card over UART/ RS232.
Interface c. Meter shall have mechanism to log communication
module removal as an event in its memory with date
and time stamp.
d. Meter Vendor shall work with BRPL designated RF
provider to integrate their module in their meter.
e. Preferred location of communication card module
shall be on top of meter

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a. Smart meter shall have 01 no’s plug-in type

communication modules/ Network Interface card
(NIC) for connectivity of meter to HES from
following options as per tender requirement:
i. Communication Module/ NIC Type 1: RF
based suitable for communication Network of
BRPL designated RF canopy provider.
ii. Communication Module/ NIC Type 2: RF and
6.14.1 Communication modules
Cellular communication module (LTE 4G
with 3G and 2G fall back as per Indian
Telecom Standards).
b. Meter shall have separate indications on display/ for
remote and local communication.
c. Communication module shall held in a casing which
can be directly plugged in the meter. Sealing screw
shall be provided.
Meter shall have provisions to provide last gasp signals
through communication module in case of power failure.
6.15 Last Gasp
Bidder should explain in detail the provisions provided in
meter to achieve the requirement.
a. Sealing should be in accordance with IS and CEA
metering regulations with latest amendments.
b. Sealing arrangement shall be such that sealed parts
shall not be opened without breaking the seal or
Meter Sealing
6.16 sealed part itself. There should be clear evidence of
the breaking in case sealed parts shall be opened
without breaking the seal.
c. Approval shall be taken from purchaser for location
of seals and number of seals.
a. One Polycarbonate seal to be provided on meter
b. Minimum one seal as Hologram type, numbered with
6.16.1 Manufacturer’s Seals
hologram transfer on tamper proof paper seal. Seal
should not be just Hologram sticker (100%
a. Minimum one seal as Hologram type, numbered with
hologram transfer on tamper proof paper seal. Seal
should not be just Hologram sticker (100%
6.16.2 BRPL Seals
hologram). Meter sides should not have sharp edges
to avoid damage to hologram seals.
b. Minimum one Polycarbonate seal should be provided

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on top cover.
c. Seals will be issued to manufacturer free of cost.
d. 02 no's polycarbonate seals shall be provided for
communication module.

Record of all seals shall be forwarded to purchaser with each

6.16.3 Seal record
a. Meter should have clearly visible, indelible and
distinctly marked name plate in accordance with IS
16444 (Part 2) & clause no. 10.0 of this specification.
6.17 Name Plate and marking
b. All markings and details shall be printed by laser
c. Paper stickers are not allowed for name plate.
The terminal block and Meter case shall have safety against
Resistance against heat and
6.18 the spread of fire. They shall not be ignited by thermal
overload of live parts in contact with them as per IS 14697.
a. 7.5 years from the date of dispatch or 7 year from date of
commissioning, whichever is earlier
b. Manufacturer shall undertake a guarantee to replace
6.19 Guarantee/ Warranty meter up to a period of 7 Year from the date of supply.
The meters which are found defective/inoperative within
the guarantee period shall be replaced as per meter
service level agreement.

7. Functional Requirement
SN Item Description
Smart meter comply with D3 category of IS 15959
7.1 Meter category
(Part 3).
a. It should be possible to configure meters in
following modes of metering:
i. Forwarded Only: In this mode any export
active energy shall be treated as import
energy and shall be recorded in forward only
register. Apparent energy calculation in this
7.2 Mode of metering
mode shall be as per clause no. 7.4.
ii. Bidirectional: Both Import and export
energy recording shall be applicable in this
mode of metering and relevant registers
shall be updated.
b. Any change in metering mode shall be logged in

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events with date and time stamp.

c. Default mode of metering shall be forwarded only
until specified otherwise.
Lag only: KVAh is computed based on KVArh and
7.3 KVAH Calculation KWH value. If PF=1, or leading, then KVAh = KWH.
At no instance KVAh < KWh.
Block / sliding window with default demand integration
period of 1800 s configurable to 900 s as per
requirement. Meter should be configurable for block/
7.4 MD calculation
sliding window at the time of manufacturing. This
change should not be possible in the field. Extended
register shall be used for MD recording.
a. Meter shall be capable of doing TOD metering
in minimum 4 tariff rate registers programmable
for minimum 8 time zones and 4 seasonal
b. TOU metering shall be implemented by the
activity colander method of IS 15959 Part 1
clause 9/ DLMS UA-1000-1
c. Special Day table shall be defined as per IEC/
7.5 TOU Metering
DLMS UA-1000-1
d. Default TOU programming shall be as per latest
DERC guidelines. Prior approval shall also be
taken from BRPL for the same.
e. Tariff rate registers shall be as follow
R1: Rate register for Peak
R2: Rate register for Normal
R3: Rate Register for Off Peak
a. All the parameters mentioned in table ‘1’ of IS
15959 (Part 3) along with following additional
parameters shall be supported by meter.
i. Neutral Current (IN)
ii. % TDH in R phase Voltage
iii. % THD in Y Phase Voltage
7.6 Instantaneous Parameters iv. % THD in B Phase Voltage
v. % THD in R phase Current
vi. % THD in Y Phase Current
vii. % THD in B Phase Current
viii. Displacement PF
ix. RF/ GSM signal Strength in milli db.
x. GPS coordinates.

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b. Method of Measurement for harmonic

parameters at sl no. ‘ii’ to ‘vii’ shall confirm to
the IEEE 519, 2014.

7.6.1 Association Rights As per Clause 1.1.1 of IS 15959 (Part 3).

a. Billing parameters shall be generated at the end
of each billing cycle and stored in memory as
per provisions provided in clause no. 14 of IS
15959 (Part 3).
b. 6 no’s billing cycle parameters shall be remain
7.7 Billing data in meter memory along with current cycle
parameters and shall be available for reading as
well as profile and or ‘by entry’ for selective
c. All the parameters mentioned in table ‘4’ of IS
15959 (Part 3) shall be supported by meter.
7.7.1 Association Rights As per clause 14 of IS 15959 (Part 3).
Support for selective access shall be provided for
7.7.2 Selective access billing parameters as per clause no 11.3 of IS 15959
(part 1).
7.7.3 Billing period reset/ MD reset 00:00 Hrs of Ist of every month
Billing period reset
7.7.4 As per clause 10 of IS 15959 (Part 1)
Cumulative billing period counter since installation and
7.7.5 Billing period counter available billing periods shall be provided as per clause
11.2 of IS 15959 (Part 1).
a. Load survey parameters shall be measured and
recorded at the end of each profile capture
period for last 35 Power ON days.
b. All the parameters mentioned in table ‘15’ of IS
15959 (Part 3) along with following additional
parameters shall be supported by meter:
7.8 Load survey Data i. % THD in R phase Voltage
ii. % THD in Y Phase Voltage
iii. % THD in B Phase Voltage
iv. % THD in R phase Current
v. % THD in Y Phase Current
vi. % THD in B Phase Current
vii. Displacement PF
7.8.1 Profile capture period Default 1800 s programmable to 900 s.
7.8.2 Selective Access Support for selective access shall be provided for

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billing parameters as per clause no 11.3 of IS 15959

(part 1).
7.8.3` Association Rights As per clause no.18 of IS 15959 (Part 3)
a. Daily load profile parameters shall be measured
and recorded at each midnight i.e. 00:00 hrs for
last 35 power ON days.
7.9 Daily load profile
b. All the parameters mentioned in table ‘3’ of IS
15959 (Part 3) shall be supported by meter as
Daily load profile parameters.
7.9.1 Association Rights As per clause no. 13 of IS 15959 (Part 3)
Following parameters shall be provided in Non Volatile
7.10 General Purpose Parameters memory (NVM) of the meter as per clause 16 of IS
15959 (Part 3).
As per Table ‘12’ of IS 15959 (Part 3) with following
7.10.1 Name Plate Detail additional parameters.
i. Month of manufacturing.
7.10.2 Association Rights As per clause no. 16.1 of IS 15959 (Part 3)
a. These parameters can be programmed remotely
by HES and locally by CMRI via proper access
writes. Every transaction shall be logged in non
volatile memory of the meter with date and time
b. Programming of any of the parameters shall
7.10.3 Programmable parameters
increment the ‘Cumulative programmable
count’ value.
c. All the parameters mentioned in table ‘13’ of IS
15959 (Part 3) shall be supported by meters with
following additional parameters:
i. GPS coordinates.
7.10.4 Association rights As per Clause no. 16.2 of IS 15959 (Part 3).

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a. Smart meter is able to automatically notify data,

event, and messages to a destination client
system in an unsolicited manner (without a
request from a client) as per clause no 6 of IS
15959 (Part 3).
b. Randomization: Data from different endpoints
shall be pushed intelligently on the network in
order to avoid excessive traffic on the network
for example in case all the endpoints will push
load survey data simultaneously, then it may
result in network choking or inefficient
performance. Therefore with the help of
intelligent techniques such field scenarios shall
7.11 Push Services
be handled effectively.
c. It shall also be possible to configure push
services for all profiles i.e. instantaneous,
billing, load survey, daily energy and events.
Bidder should explain its capability to configure
push services. However following push services
shall be available by default.
i. Load survey profile data at after every 4
hours configurable to any predefined
ii. Mid night data at 00:00 hrs of every day.
iii. Billing profile data on occurrence of billing.

a. Smart meter shall support remote firmware

upgrade feature for meter firmware without loss
of any data and metrology for a part or complete
firmware of meter.
b. Firmware upgrade shall use the Image transfer
classes and mechanisms specified in IEC62056-
6-2 and IEC62056-5-3.
Periodic push (Smart meter to c. Broad cast facility shall be supported in HES for
HES) simultaneously upgrading the firmware of a
group of meters installed in field.
d. Firmware upgrade feature shall be provided
with proper security. The design shall take into
account field scenarios such as power failure
during F/W upgrade.
e. Once the firmware is upgraded, meter shall send
an acknowledgment to HES. It shall also log it

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as an event in its memory.

f. Meter shall support capability to self register the
meter with new firmware.
g. The execution time of the change of the
firmware within the meter should be below 1

a. Meter is able to report HES, the status change of

any of the identified events mapped in to event
status word (ESW) of size 128 bits by pushing
following objects to HES.
i. Device ID
ii. Push Setup ID
iii. Real time clock- Date and Time
iv. Event Status Word 1 (ESW 1).
b. Each of the bits in ESW shall reflect the current
Event Push (Smart meter to
7.11.2 state of the event and are mapped against each
of the identified events.
c. An event status word filter (ESWF) of 128 bit
shall also be provided to configure events for
event push. Events which are supported in meter
shall only be configured for event push. Bit
value 1 in ESWF shall indicate that the event is
supported and value 0 indicates that event is not
supported for event push. Position of the event
bit in ESWF shall be same as in ESW.
7.11.3 Event status Bit mapping As per IS 15959 (part 3)
a. Smart meter shall support remote firmware
upgrade feature for meter firmware without loss
of any data and metrology for a part or complete
firmware of meter.
b. Firmware upgrade shall use the Image transfer
classes and mechanisms specified in IEC62056-
6-2 and IEC62056-5-3.
7.12 Firmware upgrade
c. Broad cast facility shall be supported in HES for
simultaneously upgrading the firmware of a
group of meters installed in field.
d. Firmware upgrade feature shall be provided
with proper security. The design shall take into
account field scenarios such as power failure
during F/W upgrade.

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e. Once the firmware is upgraded, meter shall send

an acknowledgment to HES. It shall also log it
as an event in its memory.
f. Meter shall support capability to self register the
meter with new firmware.
g. The execution time of the change of the
firmware within the meter should be below 1

Meter shall support connection less messaging services

of DLMS to support broadcast messages for a group of
meters for following actions:
Support for broadcast a. Gap reconciliations.
message b. Firmware upgrade.
c. On demand readings.
d. Meter connection and disconnection.
e. Updating of Programmable parameters.
a. In Last Gasp endpoint shall send the power
outage notification with Time Stamp. In case of
power failure meter communication module
7.14 First breath and last gasp shall not draw power from the backup battery.
b. For the purpose of sending the Last Gasp,
communication module shall have proper power
backup (like a super capacitor).
Advanced security outlined in clause 7.1.2 of IS 15959
7.15 Security
(Part 1) shall be provided.
Encryption for data
7.151 As per clause 7.1 of IS 15959 (Part 2)
Encryption/ Authentication
7.15.2 As per clause 7.2 of IS 15959 (Part 2)
for data transport
7.15.3 Key requirement and handling As per clause 7.3 of IS 15959 (Part 2)
a. Proper security at end points as well as network
level shall be present to prevent unauthorized
hacking of the end points or the network itself.
b. The meter password is required to open a
session between NIC and meter and is required
7.15.4 NIC Security to gain clearance from the meter to perform
requested operation.
c. If clearance not gains, the meter locks out
communication for 1 minute. The meter
maintain counter for monitoring of unsuccessful
attempts of performing meter operations and

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alerts to HES. The counter is incremented each

time a password clearance operation fails.
d. Up to 3 no’s successful attempts are allowed,
after which the port is locked out until
authenticated from system administrator.

Meter shall support TCP-UDP/ IP communication

IP communication profile
7.16 profile for smart meter to HES. Please refer clause 8 of
IS 15959 (Part 3).
Provision of consumer interface unit (CIU) to access
Consumer display unit
7.17 meter from consumer premises. Wireless IHD powered
by battery.
Meter shall detect and log any exceptional/ fraud/
tamper conditions in its memory as an event. In
7.18 Event and tamper detection addition to this all transactions and control shall also be
recorded as an event in meter memory. Each event type
shall be identified by an event ID.
Each event shall be available to download as per
following association rights.
a. Public Client: No access
7.18.1 Association Rights b. Meter Reader: Read only
c. Utility Settings: Read only
d. Push Services: Read Only for identified events
as per ESWF
Meter shall be able to log events in following
a. Voltage Related Events
b. Current Related Events
c. Power Related Events
d. Others Events
e. Non Roll Over Events
f. Transaction related events
g. Control Events
7.18.2 Compartments of events
a. Occurrence and Restoration of Voltage Related,
current related, power related and other events
shall be logged in meter memory as per IS
15959 (Part 3). Please refer annexure 'A' for
description of events, Event ID, Logics of
events and threshold values of events.
b. Threshold values shall be factory
c. Selective access shall be provided as per clause

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11.3 of IS 15959 (Part 1).

d. For each of the events a certain list of
parameters shall be captured as per clause 'a'
e. For each occurrence event captured, the
cumulative tamper count shall be incremented.

Meter shall capture all the parameters mentioned in

7.18.3 Parameter Snapshot table ‘24’ of IS 15959 (part 3) when event occurrence
and restoration is logged
The meter shall log minimum 100 tamper events
7.18.4 Event Logging
(ensuring at least 20 events for each tamper).
Appropriate Indications/Icons for all tampers should
7.18.5 Tamper Indication appear on the meter display either continuously or in
auto display mode.
Meter shall support parameters required to develop
7.19 Phasor Representation
phasors of current and voltage at HES.

8. Meter Display
SN Item Description
8.1 LCD Type STN Liquid crystal with backlit
a. Minimum 120 Degree.
b. The display visibility should be sufficient to read
the Meter mounted at height of 0.5 m as well as at
8.2 Viewing angle the height of 2 m.
8.3 Size of LCD Minimum 10 X 6mm
8.4 LCD Digits Total 6+1 digits
8.5 LCD language English
a. Auto Mode
b. Manual Mode
Display modes c. Sub active mode
Display list shall be finalized during detailed engineering
8.6 in the event of order.
Appropriate indications/flags for all tampers and self
8.7 Display indications diagnostic features should be provided.

9. Data and Communication Protocol/ HES/ Integration/ Software

SN Item Description
a. Meter should comply Indian companion of data exchange
Data Exchange
9.1 and tariff control specification IS 15959 (Part 3).
b. In case of additional requirement from IS 15959 (part 3),

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they shall be as per DLMS standards/ IEC DLMS

protocols suite (62056).
c. Bidder shall explain in detail the additional parameters/
services/ methods used in meters from IS 15959 (part 3)
and its reference to DLMS books/ IEC.
d. Prior to manufacturing of meters bidder shall provide a
detailed specification explaining all parameters/ services/
methods used in meter in addition to IS 15959 (Part 3).
a. Bidder shall work with BRPL IT team/ BRPL designated
system integrator to integrate its meter with BRPL HES
system as per integration requirements mentioned in
9.2 Integration with HES annexure ‘C’.
b. Bidder shall prepare detailed documents as mentioned in
above clause and submit it for BRPL approval and
integration with HES.
Base computer Licensed Software with the following features should be
software supplied for free to download meter through optical port.
9.3.1 Operating System BCS should be compatible for latest Windows operating system.
System shall be password protected where user can login only if
login ID is provided by administrator. BCS shall have rights
9.3.2 Security
management system so that access rights can be provided as per
requirement to maintain security.
BCS shall maintain master database according to desired area,
9.3.3 Database
location, and region etc.
a. BCS shall have option of user defined report generation
in format of Excel, Word and CSV, XML, PDF etc.
b. BCS shall have capability to export data in ASCII, CSV
9.3.4 Reporting and XML format at desired location so that the same
could be integrated with our billing data for processing.
c. All the data available in the meter shall be convertible to
user defined ASCII, CSV and XML file format.
BCS and communication ports should support data transfer rate
9.3.5 Data transfer rate
of 9600 bps (minimum).
a. The manufacturer has to provide software capable of
downloading all the data stored in meter memory through
window/ android operating system based handheld units
Hand Held Unit (HHU) through optical port.
Software b. In the event of order, bidder shall work with BRPL IT
team/ BRPL designated system integrator to develop
HHU software for meter downloading and further
uploading on HES.

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c. HHU software should have option for selection of

parameters to be downloaded from meter.
d. Meter data consisting of all parameters and complete
load survey for all parameters shall be read by HHU and
downloaded on HES in minimum possible time (not
more than 5 minutes).
Manufacture shall impart training to BRPL personnel for usage
9.5 Training
of software

10. Name Plate

SN Description
Meter Serial number shall be of 8 digits. Serial number shall be printed in black colour.
Embossing is not acceptable.
10.2 Size of the digit shall be minimum 5X3mm
10.3 Bar code shall be printed along with serial number
10.4 BIS registration mark (ISI mark)
10.5 ‘BRPL’ insignia shall be printed above LCD display.
10.6 BRPL PO No. & date
10.7 Manufacturers name and country of origin
10.8 Model type / number of meter
10.9 Year of manufacturing
10.10 Reference voltage / current rating
The number of phases and the number of wires for which the meter is suitable.
Graphical symbol as per IS 12032 can be used.
10.12 Meter constant
10.13 Class index of meter
10.14 Reference frequency
10.15 Warranty period
Name plate of NIC
a. Serial no of NIC along/ IMEI no/MAC address with bar code
b. Name of purchaser’s
c. Communication technology with carrier frequency
d. Manufacturing year and month.
e. Warranty period.

11. Component Specification

SN Item Description Make
The Meters should be with the To meet accuracy
11.1 Current Transformers
current transformers as measuring requirement

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The Measurement or computing
Analog Devices, Cyrus
Measurement or chips used in the Meter should be
11.2 Logic, Atmel, Phillips,
computing chips with the Surface mount type along
with the ASICs.
The memory chips should not be Atmel, National
affected by the external parameters Semiconductors, Texas
11.3 Memory chips
like sparking, high voltage spikes or Instruments, Phillips,
electrostatic discharges. ST, Hitachi, Compiled
a. The display modules should
be well protected from the
external UV radiations.
b. The construction of the Hongkong: Genda
modules should be such that Singapore: Bonafied
the displayed quantity should technologies
11.4 Display modules
not disturbed with the life of Korea: Advantek
display (PIN Type). China: Success
c. It should be STN type Japan: Hitachi, Sony
industrial grade with
extended temperature range
min 70 ºC.
The mechanical construction of the USA: National
port should facilitate the data Semiconductors, HP
11.5 Optical port
transfer. Communication shall not Holland/ Korea: Phillips
disturbed by external light. Japan: Hitachi, Ligitek
The power supply should be with the
capabilities as per the relevant
standards. The power supply unit of
the meter should not be affected in
11.6 Power Supply SMPS Type
case the maximum voltage of the
system appears to the terminals due
to faults or due to wrong
The active & passive components
USA: National
should be of the surface mount type
Semiconductors, Atmel,
& are to be handled & soldered by
Phillips, Texas
Electronic the state of art assembly processes.
11.7 Instruments.
components The PTH components should be
Japan: Hitachi, Oki,
positioned such a way that the leads
AVX or Ricoh
of components should not be under
Korea: Samsung
stress and not touching the internal

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LED Everlight, Agillent
a) The internal electrical
components should be of electrolytic
copper & should be protected from
corrosion, rust etc.
11.8 Mechanical parts
b) The other mechanical components
should be protected from rust,
corrosion etc. by suitable
plating/painting methods.
Lithium with guaranteed life of 15 Texcell, SAFT, Varta,
11.9 Battery
years Tedirun, Sanyo
USA: Philips, Dallas
RTC & Micro The accuracy of RTC shall be as per Atmel, Motorola,
controller relevant IEC / IS standards Microchip, TEXAS,
Japan: NEC, Oki
Glass Epoxy, fire resistance grade
11.11 P.C.B. FR4, with minimum thickness 1.6 (BBT test is must)
a. The components used by
manufacturer shall have
“Minimum Life” more than the
10 years.
b. Incase vendor want to use other
make components; same shall be
approved by BRPL before use.
c. Even for existing supplier –
11.12 Note fresh approval is needed for all
d. Manufacturer should have
complete tracking of material
used in meter. BRPL reserve the
right to carry out audit of
inventory/ manufacturing
process at manufacturer’s works
and sub vendor’s work.

12. Quality Assurance, Inspection and Testing

SN Item Description
12.1 Vendor's Quality To be submitted for Purchaser's approval.

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Plan (QP)
Sampling Method for quality checks shall be as per relevant IS/
12.2 Sampling Method IEC/ CBIP guidelines and Purchaser's prior approval shall be
taken for the same.
Inspection Hold-
12.3 To be mutually identified, agreed and approved in Quality Plan.
a. The meter shall be of type tested quality including all tests
specified in this specification which are beyond IS / IEC or
b. Type test conducted from CPRI/ ERDA/ or any other lab
specified by BIS/ CEA for smart meter testing will be
treated as valid.
12.4 Type Tests
c. Type test certificate should be submitted along with offer
for scrutiny.
d. Any other component supplied in addition to meter shall
also be type tested as per IS /IEC if applicable.
e. Complete type test as per IS 16444 (Part 3) shall be carried
out on sample selected from BRPL lot.
12.5 Routine tests All test marked “R” as per table 20 of IS 13779.
a. All tests marked “A” as per table 20 of IS 13779.
b. Smart meter functional tests as per IS 16444 Part 2
c. Test of load switch as per clause 10.4 of IS 16444 (Part 2)
d. Test for data exchange protocol as per clause 10.5 of IS
e. Test for Smart meter communicability as per clause no. 10.6
of IS 16444 (Part 2).
f. All the routine and acceptance tests shall be carried out as
per relevant standards.
g. Following tests in addition to IS shall be conducted during
lot inspection.
12.6 Acceptance Tests
I) Dimensional and drawing verification.
II) Display parameters/ sequence.
III) Data Downloading from CMRI and PC.
IV) Tamper/ fraud detection/logging features as per
approved documents. Tamper conditions will be
simulated at varying load up to Imax. Accuracy will
also be checked during tamper simulation.
V) Burn in chamber test.
VI) Component verifications.
h. Purchaser reserves the right to formulate any other test
method to verify guaranteed parameters of Meter.

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ESD and Magnetic ESD and magnetic interference test will be conducted at Samir
Interference test lab, Chennai or CPRI.
a. Purchaser reserves the right to inspect /witness all tests on
the meters at Seller’s works at any time, prior to dispatch, to
verify compliance with the specification/ standards.
b. Manufacturer should have all the facilities/ equipments to
conduct all the acceptance tests as per clause 14.3 relevant
12.8 Inspection
standards and tampers logics as per approved GTP. All the
equipments including tamper logs kits/ jigs should be
c. In-process and / or final inspection call intimation shall be
given in advance to purchaser.

13. Packing, Marking, Shipping, Handling and Storage

SN Item Description
a. Each meter must be packed, together with its terminal
cover, in a separate environmental friendly cardboard
box, which can be opened and re-closed without
needing adhesives.
b. Up to 4 to 5 three-phase meters must be packed together
with their terminal covers in a group cardboard box,
which can be opened and re-closed without needing
c. The box shall prevent, as much as possible, penetration
of dust during long storage periods. The box must be
designed for multiple use and be robust, with wall
thickness of at least 4 mm.
13.1 Packing d. Maximum weight of a group meter box shall not be
more than 25 Kg.
e. The packaging will protect the meters against shock and
vibration, preventing damage due to the road conditions
during transport and distribution in the field. The
electrical and mechanical properties shall not be
affected by these disturbances.
f. For shipping the boxed meters will be close packed by
stockpiles of suitable quantities on pallets. The meters
numbers sequence (without partition) shall be kept in
each pallet. A pallet will be protected against moisture
by a polyethylene hood, covered with a cardboard cover
(hood), and fixed onto the pallet by parallel

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polypropylene bands, using protection angle bars at the

corners. The hood shall be marked – on the front (wide
side), on the narrow side and on the top as per clause
g. Each pallet should contain between 70 and 300 meters.
The actual number of meters on each pallet will be
agreed with the BRPL in the event of order.
h. An impact detector ("Shock-Watch") label shall be
attached to the cardboard hood of several pallets in each
container/ transport truck, to warn of possible rough
handling during shipment, transport and storage.
Packing for
Robust wooden non returnable packing case with all the above
13.2 accessories and
protection & identification Label.
On each group box and pallet, following details are required
both on front (wide side) and top:
a. BRPL logo.
b. Meter serial number range along with bar code.
c. Unique number of box/ pallet.
d. Purchaser’s name
e. PO number (along with SAP item code, if any) & date
with bar code
f. Equipment Tag no. (if any)
13.3 Marking
g. Destination
h. Manufacturer / Supplier’s name
i. Address of Manufacturer / Supplier / it’s agent
j. Type , rating and other description of equipment
k. Country of origin
l. Month & year of Manufacturing
m. Case measurements
n. Gross and net weights in kilograms
o. All necessary slinging and stacking instructions
13.4 Test reports Routine test report to be provided with each meter
The seller shall be responsible for all transit damage due to
13.5 Shipping
improper packing.
Manufacturer instruction shall be followed. Detail handling &
Handling and
13.6 storage instruction sheet /manual to be furnished before
commencement of supply.

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14. Deviations
a. Deviations from this specification can· be acceptable, only
where the Seller has listed in his quotation the requirements
he cannot, or does not, wish to comply with and which
deviations the Buyer has agreed to in writing, before any
14.1 Deviations
order is placed.
b. In the absence of any list of deviations from the Seller, it
will be assumed by the Buyer that the Seller complies with
the Specification fully.

15. Drawing Submission

Drawing submission shall be as per the matrix given below. All documents/ drawing shall be
provided on A4 sheet in box file with separators for each section. Language of the documents shall
be English only. Deficient/ improper document/ drawing submission may liable for rejection
SL Detail of Document Bid Approval
1 Guaranteed Technical particulars (GTP) Required Required
2 Deviation Sheet, if any Required Required
3 Tamper Sheet Required Required
4 Display Parameters Required Required
GA / cross sectional drawing of Meter showing all
5 Required Required
the views / sections
Detail of network interface i.e. pin out, standard,
6 Required Required
voltage level etc and its integration requirement.
Samples of each type and rating offered and RF
7 NIC/ communication module of already integrated 2 no's 1 no's
RF card as per tender qualifying criteria.
Any software and accessories required for
8 Required Required
installation/ operation of meter
Manufacturer's quality assurance plan and
9 Required
certification for quality standards
10 Type Test reports of offered model/ type/ rating Required
11 BIS certificate Required
12 Complete product catalogue and user manual. Required
13 Customer Reference List Required
14 Recommended list of spare and accessories Required
Specification documents containing all parameters,
15 Services, Methods in addition to companion Required
specification of IS 15959 (part 2).
16 Program for production and testing (A) Required Required

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17 Makes of components Required Required

Detailed installation and commissioning
18 Required Required
19 As Built Drawing Required Required
Operation and maintenance Instruction as well as
20 Required Required
trouble shooting charts/ manuals
Inspection and test reports, carried out in
21 Required
manufacturer’s works
22 Routine Test certificates Required
23 Test certificates of all bought out items Required
24 Meter Seal data Required
25 Mapping of meter serial no to Communication card. Required

16. Delivery
Despatch of Material: Vendor shall despatch the material, only
after the Routine Tests/Final Acceptance Tests (FAT) of the
16.1 Delivery
material witnessed/waived by the Purchaser, and after receiving
written Material Despatch Clearance (MDC) from the Purchaser.

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Annexure – A: Guaranteed Technical Particulars

Bidder shall furnish the GTP format with all details against each clause of this specification.
Bidder shall not change the format of GTP or clause description.
Bidder to submit duly filled GTP in hard copy format with company seal.

Clause No. Clause Description Manufacturer’s Reply


Bidder / Vendor seal / signature ---------------------------

Name of the bidder

Address of the bidder
Name of contact person
Telephone number and email id

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Annexure – B: Recommended Accessories / Spares

SL Description of spare part Unit Quantity

1 No
2 No

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Annexure – C: Integration Requirement of Meters with NIC and HES

Integration requirements with communication provider of BRPL/ any other agency

designated by BRPL for other components of AMI.
a. Bidder(s) must share the meter security keys, all level encryption, and password
information along with asset information in a format with the buyer / communication
provider of BRPL so that during AMI business flow, the device and data can be
authenticated all the time.
b. Bidder(s) must share the details of meter communication specifically programmed
c. Bidder(s) must share the meter configuration source code to the BRPL/
communication provider of BRPL.
d. Bidder (s) must share the meter interface touch points for external applications/
e. Bidder(s) must share the required APIs including but not limited to reading APIs,
configuration APIs and Functional APIs with the System Integrator for execution of
business flow (Installation, reading, configuration).
f. Bidder(s) must share the data storage and retrieval details.
g. Bidder(s) must configure the devices to be upgraded remotely (OTA) and share the
required firmware source code (with updates over the project life) with system
integrator as and when it is required in case of feature request or fault correction.
h. Bidder(s) must follow and conduct Utility’s sample and periodic test program,
including (but not limited to) the selection of a sample population of meters, sharing
of sample test results as reported by the meter testing systems with the system
i. Bidder(s) must share the information related to communication module for the
authorization purpose at to BRPL/ communication provider of BRPL.

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Annexure – D: Tamper and Fraud Detection/Events

1. Voltage Related Events:

Description of Logic Expression/ Threshold Persistence

Logic Of Event
event values Time
R Phase Voltage
Absence of potential on any
phase should be logged.
Restoration) Occurrence: If Vpn<10% Vref Occurrence: 5
Restoration of normal supply
Y Phase Voltage and Ip>10% Ib Min
shall also be recorded. The
Missing Restoration: If Vpn>=10% Vref Restoration: 5
threshold value of voltage
(Occurrence/ and Ip>10% Ib Min
should be programmable at
factory end.
B Phase Voltage
Meter should log high voltage
Occurrence: 5
event if voltage in any phase is
Occurrence: If Vpn>10% Vref Min
Over Voltage above a threshold value.
Restoration: If Vpn<=10% Vref Restoration: 5
(occurrence/ Threshold value if factory
restoration) programmable.
Meter should log low voltage
Occurrence: 5
event if voltage in any phase is
Occurrence: If Vpn<75% Vref Min
Low Voltage below a threshold value.
Restoration: If Vpn<=75% Vref Restoration: 5
(occurrence/ Thershold value if factory
Restoration) programmable.
Meter should log voltage
imbalance event when the
Occurrence: If Vmax- Occurrence: 5
difference between minimum
Vmin>30% Vref Min
Voltage and maximum phase voltage is
Occurrence: If Vmax- Restoration: 5
Unbalance more than a threshold value.
Vmin<=30% Vref Min
(Occurrence/ Threshold value should be
Restoration) factory programmable.

High harmonic in
Meter should occurrence of
R Phase Voltage Occurrence: If %THD in Occurrence: 5
high harmonic in voltage if %
High harmonic in Voltage>=5% Min
THD in voltage of any phase
Y Phase Voltage Restoration: If %THD in Restoration: 5
shall be more than a threshold
High harmonic in Voltage<5% Min
in B Phase

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2. Current Related Events:

Description of Logic Expression/ Threshold Persistence

Logic Of Event
event values Time
Current Reverse/
R Phase Current
Meter should log the event of
reversal of C.C polarity.
Meter should register energy Occurrence: 5
Y Phase Current Occurrence: If Ip = -ve
consumed correctly with any Min
Reverse direction
one, two or all three current Restoration: 5
(occurrence/ Restoration: If Ip=+ve direction
coils reversed. This event shall Min
not be valid in bidirectional
B Phase Current
mode of metering.
R Phase Current
Y Phase Current Meter should log the event of Vector Sum(IR+IY+IB+IN)>20% Occurrence: 5
Open current coil open. Threshold Ib and I<10% Ib Min
(Occurrence/ value of current should be Vector Sum(IR+IY+IB+IN)>20% Restoration: 5
Restoration) programmable at factory end. Ib Min
B Phase Current
Meter should log the event of
Vector Sum(IR+IY+IB+IN)>20% Occurrence: 5
Current Bypass current coil shorting/bypass.
Ib and I (any Phase) >5% Ib Min
(Occurrence/ Threshold value of current
Vector Sum(IR+IY+IB+IN)>10% Restoration: 5
Restoration should be programmable at
Ib Min
factory end.
Over current If the current in any phase Occurrence: If Ip>Imax Occurrence: 5

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(occurrence/ exceeds the specified threshold Restoration: If Ip<=Imax Min

restoration) current, meter should log over Restoration: 5
current event. Min
High current in R
Meter should occurrence of
Phase Occurrence: If %THD in Occurrence: 5
high harmonic in current if %
High current in Y Current>=5% Min
THD in current of any phase
Phase Restoration: If %THD in Restoration: 5
shall be more than a threshold
High current in B Current<5% Min
Meter should log occurrence of Occurrence: If IN > 50% of Occurrence: 5
High Neutral high neutral current if neutral average phase current Min
Current current shall be more than a Restoration: If IN < 50% of Restoration: 5
threshold value. average phase current Min

3. Power Related Events:

Description of Logic Expression/ Threshold Persistence

Logic Of Event
event values Time
Meter shall detect power OFF
if all phase voltages are
Power OFF absent. This event shall be
(occurrence/ recorded at the time of each
restoration) power OFF. At the same time
power ON event shall be
If meter micro detect power
off whereas phase voltage is Occurrence: If voltage at meter
Abnormal Power
present than abnormal power power supply<10% vref and
Off (Occurrence/ NA
will be recorded. Meter sall Vpn>20% vref.
continue to record energy as Restoration:
per phase voltage and current.

4. Other Events:
Description of Logic Expression/ Threshold Persistence
Logic Of Event
event values Time

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a. Meter should either be

immune or should log
the events of attempt
of tampering by
external magnetic
field as per relevant
IS14697/ CBIP 325
with latest
Abnormal External b. If the working of
Magnetic meter gets affected
As per IS
Influence under the influence of As per IS 14697/ CBIP 325
(Occurrence/ external magnetic
Restoration) field, meter should
record energy at Imax.
Meter should not
c. MD during this period.
The meter shall record
energy as per actual
load once the
magnetic field is
Disturbance- HF, Meter should log the event Bidder shall
DC and when AC/DC/ Pulsating define
As per manufacturing standard.
Alternating voltage is injected in neutral threshold
(occurrence/ circuit. values
Meter shall able to detect and
log the low PF event if power
factor of the load found
between 0.2 to 0.5 for a load
above than a % threshold
Low Power Factor value for a threshold time 10% of I basic
value. Event shall restore if
PF factor of load remain out
of range 0.2 to 0.5 for a load
above than % threshold value
Single Wire 100 ma

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Plug in
Communication Meter should log the removal
module removal of communication card. Meter
(Occurrence/ should also log insertion of
Restoration) communication card. By NC switch/ sensor
change to post- Meter should log the change
paid mode/ pre- in payment mode
paid mode configuration.
change to
“Forwarded” only" Meter should log the change
mode/ “Import and in metering mode
Export” mode configuration.
(Occurrence/ Meter should able to log the
Restoration) status of overload in KW
HV Spark
(Occurrence/ On detection of HV spark
Meter should log the
Terminal Cover
occurrence and restoration of By NC switch/ sensor
terminal cover.
Meter should log the event if
Occurrence: 5
difference between
Distorted PF displacement PF and actual
Restoration: 5
PF is more than a threshold
Meter should log voltage,
Time based event current, PF and energy
As per predefined time NA
stamp consumption on a predefined

5. Non Roll over events:

Event Description
Occurrence of cover open

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6. Transaction Related Events:

Detail of Transaction
Real Time Clock- Date and Time
Demand Integration Period
Profile Capture Period
Single Action schedule for billing date
Activity calendar for time zones
New firmware activated
Load Limit (Kw) Set
Enable Load Limit Function
Disable load limit function
LLS secret (MR) change
HLS key (US) change
HLS key (FW) change
Global key change
ESWF change
MD reset

1. Event ID’s shall be defined as per BRPL specification/ IS 155959 (part 2).
Approval shall be taken from BRPL prior to manufacturing for Event ID’s
2. Programming of threshold values should be possible from remote via proper
3. Logics of tampers can be changed/ upgraded via firmware up gradation from
remote via proper authentication.
4. All the programming changes/ firmware up gradations shall be logged along-with
date and time stamp in meter as well as on HES.

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Record of Revision ................................................................................................................................ 3

1. Scope of Supply ......................................................................................................................... 4
2. Codes and Standards .................................................................................................................. 4
3. Service Conditions ..................................................................................................................... 6
4. Distribution System Data ........................................................................................................... 6
5. Electrical and Accuracy Requirement ....................................................................................... 6
6. Construction Feature .................................................................................................................. 8
7. Functional Requirement ........................................................................................................... 12
8. Meter Display........................................................................................................................... 19
9. Data and Communication Protocol/ HES/ Integrations/ Software .......................................... 20
10. Name Plate ............................................................................................................................... 21
11. Component Specification ......................................................................................................... 22
12. Quality Assurance, Inspection and Testing ............................................................................. 24
13. Packing, Marking, Shipping, Handling and Storage................................................................ 25
14. Deviations ................................................................................................................................ 27
15. Drawing Submission ................................................................................................................ 27
16. Delivery.................................................................................................................................... 28
Annexure- A: Guaranteed Technical Particulars ................................................................................. 29
Annexure – B: Recommended Accessories / Spares ........................................................................... 30
Annexure – C: Integration Requirement of Meters with NIC and HES .............................................. 31
Annexure – D: Tamper and Fraud Detection/ Events.......................................................................... 32

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Record of Revision

Item/Clause Reason of
Change in Specification Approved By Rev
No. Change

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1. Scope of Supply
This specification covers the following for Three Phase 240 V, 5A-10A AC Static transformer
operated Watt hour and Var Hour smart meters of accuracy class 0.5s with plug in communication
module (RF mesh only and RF + Cellular technology).
Design, manufacture, testing at manufacturer works before dispatch, packing, delivery and
submission of all documentation.
B. Any accessories / hardware required for installation and operation for the meter.

2. Codes and Standards

Materials, equipment and methods used in the manufacturing of above mentioned equipment shall
conform to the latest edition/ of following
S Standard
No. Number
2.1 IE Act 2003
Electricity Act
CEA Metering
2.2 With latest amendments
CBIP Manual
2.3 Standardization of AC Static Electrical Energy Meters
(Pub no.-325)
AC Static Transformer Operated Watt-hour And Var-hour Smart Meters,
IS- 16444 (Part
2.4 Class 0.2 S, 0.5 S And 1.0 S Part 2 Specification Transformer Operated
Smart Meters
ac Static Transformer Operated Watt-hour and Var-hour Meters, Class
2.5 IS- 14697
0.2 S and 0.5 S
IS-15959 (Part Data Exchange for Electricity Meter - Reading Tariff and Load Control -
1) Companion Specification
IS-15959 (Part Data Exchange for Electricity Meter - Reading Tariff and Load Control
2) (Part 2)- Companion Specification for smart meter
Data Exchange For Electricity Meter Reading, Tariff And Load Control-
IS-15959 (Part
2.8 Companion Specification Part 3 Smart Meter (Transformer Operated
Kwh And KVARh Class 0.2 S, 0.5 S And 1.0 S
2.9 IS- 11448 Application guide for AC Electricity meters
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - General requirements, tests and
2.10 IEC- 62052-11
test conditions - Part 11: Metering equipment
Electricity metering equipment (A.C) - Particular requirements - Part 21:
2.11 IEC- 62053-21
Static meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2)
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Particular requirements - Part 52:
2.12 IEC- 62053-52
Electricity metering equipment (A.C.) - Particular requirements - Part 61:
2.13 IEC 62053-61
Power consumption and voltage requirements

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Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Acceptance inspection - Part 11:

2.14 IEC 62058-11
General acceptance inspection methods
Electricity metering equipment (AC) - Acceptance inspection - Part 31:
2.15 IEC 62058-31 Particular requirements for static meters for active energy (classes 0,2 S,
0,5 S, 1 and 2)
2.16 IEC 60736 Testing Equipment for electrical Energy meter
IS/IEC/TR Electricity Metering — Data Exchange For Meter Reading, Tariff And
2.17 62051:Part Load control — Glossary Of Terms Part 1 Terms Related To Data
1:2004 Exchange With metering Equipment Using DLMS/ COSEM
IEC 62056-1-
2.18 Smart metering standardisation framework
IEC 62056-3-
2.19 Use of local area networks on twisted pair with carrier signalling
IEC 62056-4-
2.20 DLMS/COSEM transport layer for IP networks
IEC 62056-5-
2.21 DLMS/COSEM application layer
IEC 62056-6-
2.22 Object Identification System (OBIS)
IEC 62056-6-
2.23 COSEM interface classes
Mapping between the Common Information Model message profiles
IEC 62056-6-
2.24 (IEC 61968-9) and DLMS/COSEM (IEC 62056) data models and
IEC 62056-7- Wired and wireless M-Bus communication profiles for local and
3:2017 neighbourhood networks
IEC 62056-7-
2.26 Local data transmission profiles for Local Networks (LN)
IEC 62056-7-
2.27 The 3-layer, connection-oriented HDLC based communication profile
IEC TS 62056-
2.28 Mesh communication profile for neighbourhood networks
IEC TS 62056- Communication profile using web-services to access a DLMS/COSEM
9-1:2016 server via a COSEM Access Service (CAS)
IEC 62056-9-
2.30 Communication profile for TCP-UDP/IP networks
IEC 62056-
2.31 Direct local data exchange
DLMS- White
2.32 Glossary of DLMS/COSEM terms
DLMS- Blue
2.33 COSEM meter object model and the object identification system

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DLMS- Green
2.34 Architecture and protocols to transport the model
DLMS- Yellow
2.35 Conformance testing process
2.36 IEEE 802.15.4 Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks.
Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks (Use of the 865 MHz
2.37 IEEE 802.15.4u
to 867 MHz Band in India)
Order of precedence between different standards shall be as follow:
i Indian Standards Issued By BIS
ii IEC standard
iii Other standards like CBIP, DLMS etc.

3. Service Conditions
SN Item Description
Operation range: -10 Deg C to 55 Deg C
3.1 Temperature Range Limit range of operation: -25 to 60 Deg C
Limit range of storage / transport : -25 to 70 Deg C
3.2 Relative Humidity 0 to 96 %

4. Distribution System Data

SN Item Description
4.1 Supply 3 Phase AC, 4 wire
4.2 Voltage 415 V ± 6%
4.3 Frequency 50 Hz ± 5%
4.4 System Solidly Earthed

5. Electrical and Accuracy Requirement

SN Item Description
5.1 Meter Type 3- ø, 4 wire static Transformer Operated Smart Meter
5.2 Connection Direct / whole current
240V (phase to neutral) with variation of +30% & -40%.
5.3 Rated Voltage However meter should withstand the maximum system
5.4 Rated Current Ib -5A and Imax- 10 A
5.5 Starting current 0.1 % of base current
5.6 Rated Frequency 50Hz +/- 5%
5.7 Accuracy Class 0.5s (IS14697 applies for accuracy requirements)
5.8 Power Consumption As per IS 16444 (Part 2)

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Meter with lowest power consumption shall be preferred.

5.9 Meter constant Imp/ unit (Bidder to specify meter constant)
Meter shall be software calibrated at factory and
5.10 Calibration modification in calibration shall not be possible at site by
any means or external influence.
Meter shall withstand an insulation test of 4 KV and impulse
5.11 Insulation Level
test at 8 KV
5.12 Influence of supply voltage As per IS 14697
5.13 Short time over current As per IS 14697
Immunity to phase and
5.14 As per IS 14697
earth fault
5.15 Influence of Self Heating As per IS 14697
5.16 Influence of Heating As per IS 14697
a. Meter shall remain immune to electrostatic discharge
(upto and including 35KV), electromagnetic HF field
and fast transient burst.
b. The meter shall be designed in such a way that
Electromagnetic conducted or radiated electromagnetic disturbances
compatibility as well as electrostatic discharge do not influence the
c. Meter shall be type tested for electromagnetic
d. Meter shall comply requirement of IS 14697
Meter shall work within guaranteed accuracy as per IS
14697/ IEC62053-21/ CBIP325 (most stringent standard to
be followed) under and after influence of following :-
a. Current Variation
b. Ambient Temperature variation
c. Voltage variation
d. Frequency variation
e. 10% third harmonic in current
f. Reversed phase sequence
Limits of error due to
5.18 g. Voltage unbalance
influence quantities
h. Harmonic components in current and voltage circuit
i. DC and even harmonics in AC current circuit
j. Odd harmonics in AC current circuit.
k. Sub harmonics in AC current circuit
l. Continuous (DC) “stray” magnetic induction of
m. Continuous (DC) “abnormal” magnetic induction of
n. Alternating (AC) “stray’ magnetic induction of

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o. Alternating (AC) “abnormal’ magnetic induction of
p. External magnetic field 0.5 T
q. Electromagnetic HF fields
r. Radio frequency interference
s. DC immunity test
Note: BRPL reserves the right to formulate any other test
method to check magnetic immunity/ logging of meter.
Meter with logging provision will be preferred.

6. Construction Feature
SN Item Description
Material - Opaque and UV stabilized polycarbonate of grade
6.1 Base Body LEXAN 143/ 943 or Equivalent with V0 inflammability
a. Material: Transparent/Opaque and UV stabilized
polycarbonate of grade LEXAN 143/ 943 or Equivalent
6.2 Top Cover with V0 inflammability level.
b. Top cover and base should be Ultrasonically/Chemically
a. Material - Flame retardant glass filled polycarbonate of
grade 500 R or equivalent.
b. Terminal block shall be capable of passing the tests as per
6.3 Terminal Block ISO-75 for a temperature of 135C and pressure of
1.8MPa. The terminals shall be designed so as to ensure
adequate and durable contact such that there is no risk of
loosening or undue heating.
a. Material - UV stabilized transparent/Opaque
polycarbonate cover
b. Provision of sealing at two points through sealing screw.
c. The sealing screws shall be held captive in the terminal
d. The terminal cover shall be extended type with baffle wall
6.4 Terminal cover
above the cable entry base wall so that access to the
terminals is not possible (even with thin metallic wire)
without breaking the seal. Terminal cover should have
provision for cable entry from bottom.
e. Diagram of external connections should be embossed on
terminal cover. Sticker is not acceptable.

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f. Mechanism shall be provided to record an event with

occurrence and restoration in case of meter enclosure/
terminal cover is opened.

a. Terminals shall be suitable for 6 Sqmm copper wire.

b. Two no’s flat head screws per terminal shall be
c. Material of terminals, screws and washers should be
6.5 Terminals brass or tinned copper. Terminals shall be tested for
continuous current of 150 % Imax.
d. Terminals shall be clearly marked for phase / neutral
/ outgoing etc.
e. Clearances and creep age shall be as per IS 14697.
6.6 Ingress Protection IP 55 or better, but without suction in the meter.
Meter should have flashing LED visible from the front to
represent energy recording. Resolution shall be such that
6.7 Output device satisfactory accuracy test can be conducted at the lowest
load in less than 5 minutes and starting current test in less
than 10 minutes.
a. The meter shall have internal real time crystal clock
to set date and time.
b. Meter should have capability of Time
synchronization through optical port/ remote
6.8 RTC communication.
c. Meter RTC shall be corrected automatically by the
system in synchronization to the network RTC.
d. No separate battery required for RTC.
e. HES will sync RTC at least once a day.
Lithium ion battery with guaranteed shelf life of 10 years
and capacity life of 15 years. Lithium thioyl Chloride battery
6.9 Battery
will be preferred. In case battery removal or total discharge
same should not affect the working & memory of the meter.
Non volatile memory independent of battery backup,
6.10 Memory memory should be retained up to 10 year without any
auxiliary power.
Meter shall have self diagnostic for the following
a. Date and RTC.
6.11 Self Diagnostic feature b. Battery.
c. Non volatile memory.
d. Display
Meter shall have following digital and analog inputs and
6.12 Status Signals outputs:
1. 4 no’s Digital Inputs

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2. 4 no’s Digital outputs

3. 2 no’s analog inputs.

Meter shall have an optical port with a metal ring to hold

6.13 Optical port magnet of probe. Optical port shall comply with hardware
specifications provided in IEC-62056-21.
a. Meter should have the provision for 01 no’s plug in
communication module for connectivity. The same
interface shall be compatible with both Cellular and
RF communication technologies interchangeable
according to the site.
b. Interface shall support data transfer between meter
Communication Module and network interface card over UART/ RS232.
Interface c. Meter shall have mechanism to log communication
module removal as an event in its memory with date
and time stamp.
d. Meter Vendor shall work with BRPL designated RF
provider to integrate their module in their meter.
e. Preferred location of communication card module
shall be on top of meter
a. Smart meter shall have 01 no’s plug-in type
communication modules/ Network Interface card
(NIC) for connectivity of meter to HES from
following options as per tender requirement:
i. Communication Module/ NIC Type 1: RF
based suitable for communication Network of
BRPL designated RF canopy provider.
ii. Communication Module/ NIC Type 2: RF and
6.14.1 Communication modules
Cellular communication module (LTE 4G
with 3G and 2G fall back as per Indian
telecom Standards).
b. Meter shall have separate indications on display/ for
remote and local communication.
c. Communication module shall held in a casing which
can be directly plugged in the meter. Sealing screw
shall be provided.
Meter shall have provisions to provide last gasp signals
through communication module in case of power failure.
6.15 Last Gasp
Bidder should explain in detail the provisions provided in
meter to achieve the requirement.
Meter Sealing Sealing should be in accordance with IS and CEA metering
Arrangement regulations with latest amendments. Approval shall be taken

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from purchaser for location of seals.

a. One Polycarbonate seal to be provided on meter

b. Minimum one seal as Hologram type, numbered with
6.16.1 Manufacturer’s Seals
hologram transfer on tamper proof paper seal. Seal
should not be just Hologram sticker (100%
a. Minimum one seal as Hologram type, numbered with
hologram transfer on tamper proof paper seal. Seal
should not be just Hologram sticker (100%
hologram). Meter sides should not have sharp edges
to avoid damage to hologram seals.
6.16.2 BRPL Seals
b. Minimum one Polycarbonate seal should be provided
on top cover.
c. Seals will be issued to manufacturer free of cost.
d. 02 no's polycarbonate seals shall be provided for
communication module.
Record of all seals shall be forwarded to purchaser with each
6.16.3 Seal record
a. Meter should have clearly visible, indelible and
distinctly marked name plate in accordance with IS
16444 (Part 2) & clause no. 9.0 of this specification.
6.17 Name Plate and marking
b. All markings and details shall be printed by laser
c. Paper stickers are not allowed for name plate.
The terminal block and Meter case shall have safety against
Resistance against heat and
6.18 the spread of fire. They shall not be ignited by thermal
overload of live parts in contact with them as per IS 14697.
a. Polycarbonate meter box for outdoor use with IP55
rating shall be provided.
b. Meter box shall be hinged type with suitable sealing
6.19 Meter Box c. Material used should have flammability level FV0.
d. All the metal hardware should be stainless steel or
e. Optical to RS 232 (DB9) cable shall be provided for
meter downloading.

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a. 7.5 years from the date of dispatch or 7 year from

date of commissioning, whichever is earlier
b. Manufacturer shall undertake a guarantee to replace
meter up to a period of 7 Year from the date of
6.20 Guarantee
supply. The meters which are found
defective/inoperative within the guarantee period
shall be replaced as per meter service level

7. Functional Requirement
SN Item Description
Smart meter comply with D4 category of IS 15959
7.1 Meter category
(Part 3).
Mode of metering shall be bidirectional i.e. both import
and export recording shall be done.
7.2 Mode of metering
No change in metering mode shall be possible either by
remote or local.
7.3 KVAH Calculation Lag+Lead
Block / sliding window with default demand integration
period of 1800 s configurable to 900 s as per
requirement. Meter should be configurable for block/
7.4 MD calculation
sliding window at the time of manufacturing. This
change should not be possible in the field. Extended
register shall be used for MD recording.
a. Meter shall be capable of doing TOD metering
in minimum 4 tariff rate registers programmable
for minimum 8 time zones and 4 seasonal
b. TOU metering shall be implemented by the
activity colander method of IS 15959 Part 1
clause 9/ DLMS UA-1000-1
c. Special Day table shall be defined as per IEC/
7.5 TOU Metering
DLMS UA-1000-1
d. Default TOU programming shall be as per latest
DERC guidelines. Prior approval shall also be
taken from BRPL for the same.
e. Tariff rate registers shall be as follow
R1: Rate register for Peak
R2: Rate register for Normal
R3: Rate Register for Off Peak

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All the parameters mentioned in table ‘14’ of IS 15959

(Part 3) along with following additional parameters
shall be supported by meter.
a. Neutral Current (IN)
b. Earth voltage with respect to neutral voltage
c. Y phase voltage angle with respect to R Phase
d. B phase Voltage angle with respect to R phase
7.6 Instantaneous Parameters e. % TDH in R phase Voltage
f. % THD in Y Phase Voltage
g. % THD in B Phase Voltage
h. % THD in R phase Current
i. % THD in Y Phase Current
j. % THD in B Phase Current
k. Displacement PF
l. RF/ GSM signal Strength in milli db.
m. GPS Coordinates.
Method of Measurement for harmonic parameters at sl
no. ‘b’ to ‘g’ shall confirm to the IEEE 519, 2014.
7.6.1 Association Rights As per Clause 17.1 of IS 15959 (Part 3).
a. Billing parameters shall be generated at the end
of each billing cycle and stored in memory as
per provisions provided in clause no. 20 of IS
15959 (Part 3).
b. 6 no’s billing cycle parameters shall be remain
7.7 Billing data in meter memory along with current cycle
parameters and shall be available for reading as
well as profile and or ‘by entry’ for selective
c. All the parameters mentioned in table ‘17’ of IS
15959 (Part 3) shall be supported by meter.
7.7.1 Association Rights As per clause 20 of IS 15959 (Part 3).
Support for selective access shall be provided for
7.7.2 Selective access billing parameters as per clause no 11.3 of IS 15959
(part 1).
7.7.3 Billing period reset/ MD reset 00:00 Hrs of Ist of every month
Billing period reset
7.7.4 As per clause 10 of IS 15959 (Part 1)
Cumulative billing period counter since installation and
7.7.5 Billing period counter
available billing periods shall be provided as per clause

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11.2 of IS 15959 (Part 1).

a. Load survey parameters shall be measured and

recorded at the end of each profile capture
period for last 35 Power ON days.
b. All the parameters mentioned in table ‘15’ of IS
15959 (Part 3) along with following additional
parameters shall be supported by meter:
7.8 Load survey Data
% THD in R phase Voltage
% THD in Y Phase Voltage
% THD in B Phase Voltage
% THD in R phase Current
% THD in Y Phase Current
% THD in B Phase Current
7.8.1 Profile capture period Default 1800 s programmable to 900 s.
Support for selective access shall be provided for
7.8.2 Selective Access billing parameters as per clause no 11.3 of IS 15959
(part 1).
7.8.3` Association Rights As per clause no.18 of IS 15959 (Part 3)
Daily load profile parameters shall be measured and
recorded at each midnight i.e. 00:00 hrs for last 35
Power ON days.
7.9 Daily load profile
All the parameters mentioned in table ‘16’ of IS 15959
(Part 3) shall be supported by meter as Daily load
profile parameters.
7.9.1 Association Rights As per clause no. 19 of IS 15959 (Part 3)
Following parameters shall be provided in Non Volatile
7.10 General Purpose Parameters memory (NVM) of the meter as per clause 26 of IS
15959 (Part 3).
As per Table ‘25’ of IS 15959 (Part 3) with following
7.10.1 Name Plate Detail additional parameters.
a. Month of manufacturing. Association Rights As per clause no. 26.1 of IS 15959 (Part 3)
These parameters can be programmed remotely by HES
and locally by CMRI via proper access writes. Every
transaction shall be logged in non volatile memory of
the meter with date and time stamp.
7.10.2 Programmable parameters Programming of any of the parameters shall increment
the ‘Cumulative programmable count’ value.
All the parameters mentioned in table ‘26’ of IS 15959
(Part 3) shall be supported by meters with following
additional parameters:

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a. GPS coordinates. Association rights As per Clause no. 26.2 of IS 15959 (Part 3).
a. Smart meter is able to automatically notify data,
event, and messages to a destination client
system in an unsolicited manner (without a
request from a client) as per clause no 6 of IS
15959 (Part 2).
b. Randomization: Data from different endpoints
shall be pushed intelligently on the network in
order to avoid excessive traffic on the network
for example in case all the endpoints will push
load survey data simultaneously, then it may
result in network choking or inefficient
performance. Therefore with the help of
intelligent techniques such field scenarios shall
7.10.3 Push Services
be handled effectively.
c. It shall also be possible to configure push
services for all profiles i.e instantaneous, billing,
load survey, daily energy and events. Bidder
should explain its capability to configure push
services. However following push services shall
be available by default.
i. Load survey profile data at after every 4
hours configurable to any predefined
ii. Mid night data at 00:00 hrs of every day.
iii. Billing profile data on occurrence of
a. Meter shall be able to push instantaneous
parameters to HES at predefined intervals.
Parameters required for push shall be intimated
during detailed engineering in the vent of order.
Periodic push (Smart meter to b. Other attributes as per IS 15959 (Part 3) i.e.
Send Destination, Communication window,
Randomization time interval, number of retries
and repeat delay shall be decided in the event of

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a. Meter is able to report HES, the status change of

any of the identified events mapped in to event
status word (ESW) of size 128 bits by pushing
following objects to HES.
i. Device ID
ii. Push Setup ID
iii. Real time clock- Date and Time
iv. Event Status Word 1 (ESW 1).
b. Each of the bits in ESW shall reflect the current
Event Push (Smart meter to state of the event and are mapped against each
of the identified events.
c. An event status word filter (ESWF) of 128 bit
shall also be provided to configure events for
event push. Events which are supported in meter
shall only be configured for event push. Bit
value 1 in ESWF shall indicate that the event is
supported and value 0 indicates that event is not
supported for event push. Position of the event
bit in ESWF shall be same as in ESW.
a. Smart meter shall support remote firmware
upgrade feature for meter firmware without loss
of any data and metrology for a part or complete
firmware of meter.
b. Firmware upgrade shall use the Image transfer
classes and mechanisms specified in IEC62056-
6-2 and IEC62056-5-3.
c. Broad cast facility shall be supported in HES for
simultaneously upgrading the firmware of a
group of meters installed in field.
d. Firmware upgrade feature shall be provided Event status Bit mapping
with proper security. The design shall take into
account field scenarios such as power failure
during F/W upgrade.
e. Once the firmware is upgraded, meter shall send
an acknowledgment to HES. It shall also log it
as an event in its memory.
f. Meter shall support capability to self register the
meter with new firmware.
g. The execution time of the change of the
firmware within the meter should be below 1

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h. Smart meter shall support remote firmware

upgrade feature for meter firmware without loss
of any data and metrology for a part or complete
firmware of meter.
i. Firmware upgrade shall use the Image transfer
classes and mechanisms specified in IEC62056-
6-2 and IEC62056-5-3.
j. Broad cast facility shall be supported in HES for
simultaneously upgrading the firmware of a
group of meters installed in field.
k. Firmware upgrade feature shall be provided
7.11 Firmware upgrade
with proper security. The design shall take into
account field scenarios such as power failure
during F/W upgrade.
l. Once the firmware is upgraded, meter shall send
an acknowledgment to HES. It shall also log it
as an event in its memory.
m. Meter shall support capability to self register the
meter with new firmware.
a. The execution time of the change of the
firmware within the meter should be below 1
Meter shall support connection less messaging services
of DLMS to support broadcast messages for a group of
meters for following actions:
Support for broadcast a. Gap reconciliations.
message b. Firmware upgrade.
c. On demand readings
d. Meter connection and disconnection.
e. Updating of Programmable parameters
a. In Last Gasp endpoint shall send the power
outage notification with Time Stamp. In case of
power failure meter communication module
7.13 First breath and last gasp shall not draw power from the backup battery.
b. For the purpose of sending the Last Gasp,
communication module shall have proper power
backup (like a super capacitor).
Advanced security outlined in clause 7.1.2 of IS 15959
7.14 Security
(Part 1) shall be provided.
Encryption for data
7.14.1 As per clause 7.1 of IS 15959 (Part 2)
7.14.2 Encryption/ Authentication As per clause 7.2 of IS 15959 (Part 2)

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for data transport

7.14.3 Key requirement and handling As per clause 7.3 of IS 15959 (Part 2)
a. Proper security at end points as well as network
level shall be present to prevent unauthorized
hacking of the end points or the network itself.
b. The meter password is required to open a
session between NIC and meter and is required
to gain clearance from the meter to perform
requested operation.
c. If clearance not gains, the meter locks out
7.14.4 NIC Security
communication for 1 minute. The meter
maintain counter for monitoring of unsuccessful
attempts of performing meter operations and
alerts to HES. The counter is incremented each
time a password clearance operation fails.
d. Up to 3 no’s successful attempts are allowed,
after which the port is locked out until
authenticated from system administrator.
Meter shall support TCP-UDP/ IP communication
IP communication profile
7.15 profile for smart meter to HES. Please refer clause 8 of
IS 15959 (Part 3).
Provision of consumer interface unit (CIU) to access
Consumer display unit
7.16 meter from consumer premises. Wireless IHD powered
by battery.
Meter shall detect and log any exceptional/ fraud/
tamper conditions in its memory as an event. In
7.17 Event and tamper detection addition to this all transactions and control shall also be
recorded as an event in meter memory. Each event type
shall be identified by an event ID.
Each event shall be available to download as per
following association rights.
a. Public Client: No access
7.17.1 Association Rights b. Meter Reader: Read only
c. Utility Settings: Read only
d. Push Services: Read Only for identified events
as per ESWF
Meter shall be able to log events in following
a. Voltage Related Events
7.17.2 Compartments of events
b. Current Related Events
c. Power Related Events
d. Others Events

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e. Non Roll Over Events

f. Transaction related events
g. Control Events

a. Occurrence and Restoration of Voltage Related,

current related, power related and other events
shall be logged in meter memory as per IS
15959 (Part 3). Please refer annexure 'A' for
description of events, Event ID, Logics of
events and threshold values of events.
b. Threshold values shall be factory
c. Selective access shall be provided as per clause
11.3 of IS 15959 (Part 1).
d. For each of the events a certain list of
parameters shall be captured as per clause 'a'
e. For each occurrence event captured, the
cumulative tamper count shall be incremented.
Meter shall capture all the parameters mentioned in
7.17.3 Parameter Snapshot table ‘24’ of IS 15959 (part 3) when event occurrence
and restoration is logged
The meter shall log minimum 100 tamper events
7.17.4 Event Logging
(ensuring at least 20 events for each tamper).
Appropriate Indications/Icons for all tampers should
7.17.5 Tamper Indication appear on the meter display either continuously or in
auto display mode.
Meter shall support parameters required to develop
7.18 Phasor Representation
phasors of current and voltage at HES.

8. Meter Display
SN Item Description
8.1 LCD Type STN Liquid crystal with backlit
a. Minimum 120 Degree.
b. The display visibility should be sufficient to read
Viewing angle
the Meter mounted at height of 0.5 m as well as at
8.2 the height of 2 m.
8.3 Size of LCD Minimum 10X5mm
8.4 LCD Digits Total 6+1 digits
8.5 LCD language English

Display modes a. Auto Mode

8.6 b. Manual Mode

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c. Sub active mode

Display list shall be finalized during detailed engineering
in the event of order.
Appropriate indications/flags for all tampers and self
Display indications
8.7 diagnostic features should be provided.

9. Data and Communication Protocol/ HES/ Integrations/ Software

SN Item Description
a. Meter should comply Indian companion of data exchange
and tariff control specification IS 15959 (Part 2).
b. In case of additional requirement from IS 15959 (part 2),
they shall be as per DLMS standards/ IEC DLMS
protocols suite (62056).
Data Exchange
9.1 c. Bidder shall explain in detail the additional parameters/
services/ methods used in meters from IS 15959 (part 2)
and its reference to DLMS books/ IEC.
d. Prior to manufacturing of meters bidder shall provide a
detailed specification explaining all parameters/ services/
methods used in meter in addition to IS 15959 (Part 3).
a. Bidder shall work with BRPL IT team/ BRPL designated
system integrator to integrate its meter with BRPL HES
9.2 Integration with HES
b. Bidder shall prepare detailed documents as mentioned in
above clause and submit it for BRPL approval and
integration with HES.
Base computer Licensed Software with the following features should be
software supplied for free to download meter through optical port.
9.3.1 Operating System BCS should be compatible for latest Windows operating system.
System shall be password protected where user can login only if
login ID is provided by administrator. BCS shall have rights
9.3.2 Security
management system so that access rights can be provided as per
requirement to maintain security.
BCS shall maintain master database according to desired area,
9.3.3 Database
location, and region etc.
a. BCS shall have option of user defined report generation
in format of Excel, Word and CSV, XML, PDF etc.
b. BCS shall have capability to export data in ASCII, CSV
9.3.4 Reporting and XML format at desired location so that the same
could be integrated with our billing data for processing.
c. All the data available in the meter shall be convertible to
user defined ASCII, CSV and XML file format.

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BCS and communication ports should support data transfer rate

9.3.5 Data transfer rate
of 9600 bps (minimum).
a. The manufacturer has to provide software capable of
downloading all the data stored in meter memory through
window/ android operating system based handheld units
(HHU) through optical port.
b. In the event of order, bidder shall work with BRPL IT
team/ BRPL designated system integrator to develop
Hand Held Unit HHU software for meter downloading and further
Software uploading on HES.
c. HHU software should have option for selection of
parameters to be downloaded from meter.
d. Meter data consisting of all parameters and complete
load survey for all parameters shall be read by HHU and
downloaded on HES in minimum possible time (not
more than 5 minutes).
Manufacture shall impart training to BRPL personnel for usage
9.5 Training
of software

10. Name Plate

SN Description
Meter Serial number shall be of 8 digits. Serial number shall be printed in black colour.
Embossing is not acceptable.
10.2 Size of the digit shall be minimum 5X3mm
10.3 Bar code shall be printed along with serial number
10.4 BIS registration mark (ISI mark)
10.5 ‘BRPL’ insignia shall be printed above LCD display.
10.6 BRPL PO No. & date
10.7 Manufacturers name and country of origin
10.8 Model type / number of meter
10.9 Month and Year of manufacturing
10.10 Reference voltage / current rating
The number of phases and the number of wires for which the meter is suitable.
Graphical symbol as per IS 12032 can be used.
10.12 Meter constant
10.13 Class index of meter
10.14 Reference frequency
10.15 Warranty period
10.16 Communication technology with carrier frequency
Name plate of NIC
a. Serial no of NIC along/ IMEI no/MAC address with bar code

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b. Name of purchaser’s
c. Communication technology with carrier frequency
d. Manufacturing year and month.
e. Warranty period.

11. Component Specification

SN Item Description Make
The Meters should be with the
To meet accuracy
11.1 Current Transformers current transformers as measuring
The Measurement or computing
Analog Devices, Cyrus
Measurement or chips used in the Meter should be
11.2 Logic, Atmel, Phillips,
computing chips with the Surface mount type along
with the ASICs.
The memory chips should not be Atmel, National
affected by the external parameters Semiconductors, Texas
11.3 Memory chips
like sparking, high voltage spikes or Instruments, Phillips,
electrostatic discharges. ST, Hitachi, Compiled
a. The display modules should
be well protected from the
external UV radiations.
b. The construction of the Hongkong: Genda
modules should be such that Singapore: Bonafied
the displayed quantity should technologies
11.4 Display modules
not disturbed with the life of Korea: Advantek
display (PIN Type). China: Success
c. It should be STN type Japan: Hitachi, Sony
industrial grade with
extended temperature range
min 70 ºC.
The mechanical construction of the USA: National
port should facilitate the data Semiconductors, HP
11.5 Optical port
transfer. Communication shall not Holland/ Korea: Phillips
disturbed by external light. Japan: Hitachi, Ligitek
The power supply should be with the
capabilities as per the relevant
standards. The power supply unit of
11.6 Power Supply the meter should not be affected in SMPS Type
case the maximum voltage of the
system appears to the terminals due
to faults or due to wrong

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The active & passive components

should be of the surface mount type USA: National
& are to be handled & soldered by Semiconductors, Atmel,
the state of art assembly processes. Phillips, Texas
Electronic The PTH components should be Instruments.
components positioned such a way that the leads Japan: Hitachi, Oki,
of components should not be under AVX or Ricoh
stress and not touching the internal Korea: Samsung
LED Everlight, Agillent
a) The internal electrical
components should be of electrolytic
copper & should be protected from
corrosion, rust etc.
11.8 Mechanical parts
b) The other mechanical components
should be protected from rust,
corrosion etc. by suitable
plating/painting methods.
Lithium with guaranteed life of 15 Texcell, SAFT, Varta,
11.9 Battery
years Tedirun, Sanyo
USA: Philips, Dallas
RTC & Micro The accuracy of RTC shall be as per Atmel, Motorola,
controller relevant IEC / IS standards Microchip, TEXAS,
Japan: NEC, Oki
Glass Epoxy, fire resistance grade
11.11 P.C.B. FR4, with minimum thickness 1.6 (BBT test is must)
a. The components used by
manufacturer shall have
“Minimum Life” more than the
10 years.
b. Incase vendor want to use other
make components; same shall be
11.12 Note approved by BRPL before use.
c. Even for existing supplier –
fresh approval is needed for all
d. Manufacturer should have
complete tracking of material
used in meter. BRPL reserve the

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right to carry out audit of

inventory/ manufacturing
process at manufacturer’s works
and sub vendor’s work.

12. Quality Assurance, Inspection and Testing

SN Item Description
Vendor's Quality
12.1 To be submitted for Purchaser's approval.
Plan (QP)
Sampling Method for quality checks shall be as per relevant IS/
12.2 Sampling Method IEC/ CBIP guidelines and Purchaser's prior approval shall be
taken for the same.
Inspection Hold-
12.3 To be mutually identified, agreed and approved in Quality Plan.
a. The meter shall be of type tested quality including all tests
specified in this specification which are beyond IS / IEC or
b. Type test conducted from CPRI/ ERDA/ or any other lab
specified by BIS/ CEA for smart meter testing will be
treated as valid.
12.4 Type Tests
c. Type test certificate should be submitted along with offer
for scrutiny.
d. Any other component supplied in addition to meter shall
also be type tested as per IS /IEC if applicable.
e. Complete type test as per IS 16444 (Part 2) shall be carried
out on sample selected from BRPL lot.
12.5 Routine tests All test marked “R” as per table 20 of IS 14697.
a. All tests marked “A” as per table 20 of IS 14697.
b. Smart meter functional tests as per IS 16444 Table 1
c. Test of load switch as per clause 10.4 of IS 16444 (Part 1)
d. Test for data exchange protocol as per clause 10.5 of IS
e. Test for Smart meter communicability as per clause no. 10.6
of IS 16444 (Part 1).
12.6 Acceptance Tests
f. All the routine and acceptance tests shall be carried out as
per relevant standards.
g. Following tests in addition to IS shall be conducted during
lot inspection.
I) Dimensional and drawing verification.
II) Display parameters/ sequence.
III) Data Downloading from CMRI and PC.

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IV) Tamper/ fraud detection/logging features as per

approved documents. Tamper conditions will be
simulated at varying load up to Imax. Accuracy will
also be checked during tamper simulation.
V) Burn in chamber test.
VI) Component verifications.
h. Purchaser reserves the right to formulate any other test
method to verify guaranteed parameters of Meter.
ESD and Magnetic ESD and magnetic interference test will be conducted at Samir
Interference test lab, Chennai or CPRI.
a. Purchaser reserves the right to inspect /witness all tests on
the meters at Seller’s works at any time, prior to dispatch, to
verify compliance with the specification/ standards.
b. Manufacturer should have all the facilities/ equipments to
conduct all the acceptance tests as per clause 14.3 relevant
12.8 Inspection
standards and tampers logics as per approved GTP. All the
equipments including tamper logs kits/ jigs should be
c. In-process and / or final inspection call intimation shall be
given in advance to purchaser.

13. Packing, Marking, Shipping, Handling and Storage

SN Item Description
a. Each meter must be packed, together with its terminal
cover, in a separate environmental friendly cardboard
box, which can be opened and re-closed without
needing adhesives.
b. Up to 4 to 5 three-phase meters must be packed together
with their terminal covers in a group cardboard box,
which can be opened and re-closed without needing
c. The box shall prevent, as much as possible, penetration
13.1 Packing
of dust during long storage periods. The box must be
designed for multiple use and be robust, with wall
thickness of at least 4 mm.
d. Maximum weight of a group meter box shall not be
more than 25 Kg.
e. The packaging will protect the meters against shock and
vibration, preventing damage due to the road conditions
during transport and distribution in the field. The
electrical and mechanical properties shall not be

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affected by these disturbances.

f. For shipping the boxed meters will be close packed by
stockpiles of suitable quantities on pallets. The meters
numbers sequence (without partition) shall be kept in
each pallet. A pallet will be protected against moisture
by a polyethylene hood, covered with a cardboard cover
(hood), and fixed onto the pallet by parallel
polypropylene bands, using protection angle bars at the
corners. The hood shall be marked – on the front (wide
side), on the narrow side and on the top as per clause
g. Each pallet should contain between 70 and 300 meters.
The actual number of meters on each pallet will be
agreed with the BRPL in the event of order.
h. An impact detector ("Shock-Watch") label shall be
attached to the cardboard hood of several pallets in each
container/ transport truck, to warn of possible rough
handling during shipment, transport and storage.
Packing for
Robust wooden non returnable packing case with all the above
13.2 accessories and
protection & identification Label.
On each group box and pallet, following details are required
both on front (wide side) and top:
a. BRPL logo.
b. Meter serial number range along with bar code.
c. Unique number of box/ pallet.
d. Purchaser’s name
e. PO number (along with SAP item code, if any) & date
with bar code
f. Equipment Tag no. (if any)
13.3 Marking
g. Destination
h. Manufacturer / Supplier’s name
i. Address of Manufacturer / Supplier / it’s agent
j. Type , rating and other description of equipment
k. Country of origin
l. Month & year of Manufacturing
m. Case measurements
n. Gross and net weights in kilograms
o. All necessary slinging and stacking instructions
13.4 Test reports Routine test report to be provided with each meter
The seller shall be responsible for all transit damage due to
13.5 Shipping
improper packing.

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Manufacturer instruction shall be followed. Detail handling &

Handling and
13.6 storage instruction sheet /manual to be furnished before
commencement of supply.

14. Deviations
SN Item Description
a. Deviations from this specification can· be acceptable, only
where the Seller has listed in his quotation the requirements
he cannot, or does not, wish to comply with and which
deviations the Buyer has agreed to in writing, before any
14.1 Deviations
order is placed.
b. In the absence of any list of deviations from the Seller, it
will be assumed by the Buyer that the Seller complies with
the Specification fully.

15. Drawing Submission

Drawing submission shall be as per the matrix given below. All documents/ drawing shall be
provided on A4 sheet in box file with separators for each section. Language of the documents shall
be English only. Deficient/ improper document/ drawing submission may liable for rejection
SL Detail of Document Bid Approval
1 Guaranteed Technical particulars (GTP) Required Required
2 Deviation Sheet, if any Required Required
3 Tamper Sheet Required Required
4 Display Parameters Required Required
GA / cross sectional drawing of Meter showing all
5 Required Required
the views / sections
Detail of network interface i.e. pin out, standard,
6 Required Required
voltage level etc and its integration requirement.
Samples of each type and rating offered along with
7 box and RF NIC/ communication module of already 2 no's 1 no's
integrated RF card as per tender qualifying criteria.
Any software and accessories required for
8 Required Required
installation/ operation of meter
Manufacturer's quality assurance plan and
9 Required
certification for quality standards
10 Type Test reports of offered model/ type/ rating Required
11 BIS certificate Required
12 Complete product catalogue and user manual. Required

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13 Customer Reference List Required

14 Recommended list of spare and accessories Required
Specification documents containing all parameters,
15 Services, Methods in addition to companion Required
specification of IS 15959 (part 2).
16 Program for production and testing (A) Required Required
17 Makes of components Required Required
Detailed installation and commissioning
18 Required Required
19 As Built Drawing Required Required
Operation and maintenance Instruction as well as
20 Required Required
trouble shooting charts/ manuals
Inspection and test reports, carried out in
21 Required
manufacturer’s works
22 Routine Test certificates Required
23 Test certificates of all bought out items Required
24 Meter Seal data Required
25 Mapping of meter serial no to Communication card. Required

16. Delivery
Despatch of Material: Vendor shall despatch the material, only
after the Routine Tests/Final Acceptance Tests (FAT) of the
16.1 Delivery
material witnessed/waived by the Purchaser, and after receiving
written Material Despatch Clearance (MDC) from the Purchaser.

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Annexure – A: Guaranteed Technical Particulars

Bidder shall furnish the GTP format with all details against each clause of this specification.
Bidder shall not change the format of GTP or clause description.
Bidder to submit duly filled GTP in hard copy format with company seal.

Clause No. Clause Description Manufacturer’s Reply


Bidder / Vendor seal / signature ---------------------------

Name of the bidder

Address of the bidder
Name of contact person
Telephone number and email id

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Annexure – B: Recommended Accessories / Spares

SL Description of spare part Unit Quantity

1 No
2 No

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Annexure – C: Integration Requirement of Meters with NIC and HES

Integration requirements with communication provider of BRPL/ any other agency designated
by BRPL for other components of AMI.
a. Bidder(s) must share the meter security keys, all level encryption, and password
information along with asset information in a format with the buyer / communication
provider of BRPL so that during AMI business flow, the device and data can be
authenticated all the time.
b. Bidder(s) must share the details of meter communication specifically programmed
c. Bidder(s) must share the meter configuration source code to the BRPL/
communication provider of BRPL.
d. Bidder (s) must share the meter interface touch points for external applications/
e. Bidder(s) must share the required APIs including but not limited to reading APIs,
configuration APIs and Functional APIs with the System Integrator for execution of
business flow (Installation, reading, configuration).
f. Bidder(s) must share the data storage and retrieval details.
g. Bidder(s) must configure the devices to be upgraded remotely (OTA) and share the
required firmware source code (with updates over the project life) with system
integrator as and when it is required in case of feature request or fault correction.
h. Bidder(s) must follow and conduct Utility’s sample and periodic test program,
including (but not limited to) the selection of a sample population of meters, sharing of
sample test results as reported by the meter testing systems with the system Integrator.
i. Bidder(s) must share the information related to communication module for the
authorization purpose at to BRPL/ communication provider of BRPL.

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Annexure – D: Tamper and Fraud Detection/ Events

1. Voltage Related Events:

Description of Logic Expression/ Persistence
Logic Of Event
event Threshold values Time
R Phase
Restoration) Absence of potential on any
Y Phase phase should be logged.
Occurrence: If Vpn<10% Occurrence: 5
Voltage Restoration of normal supply
Vref and Ip>10% Ib Min
Missing shall also be recorded. The
Restoration: If Vpn>=10% Restoration: 5
(Occurrence/ threshold value of voltage
Vref and Ip>10% Ib Min
Restoration) should be programmable at
B Phase factory end
Meter should log high Occurrence: If Vpn>10% Occurrence: 5
Over Voltage
voltage event if voltage in Vref Min
any phase is above a Restoration: If Vpn<=10% Restoration: 5
threshold value. Vref Min
Meter should log low voltage
Occurrence: If Vpn<75% Occurrence: 5
Low Voltage event if voltage in any phase
Vref Min
(occurrence/ is below a threshold value.
Restoration: If Vpn<=75% Restoration: 5
Restoration) Threshold value if factory
Vref Min
Meter should log voltage
imbalance event when the
Voltage difference between minimum Occurrence: If Vmax- Occurrence: 5
Unbalance and maximum phase voltage Vmin>30% Vref Min
(Occurrence/ is more than a threshold Restoration: If Vmax- Restoration: 5
Restoration) value. Threshold value Vmin<=30% Vref Min
should be factory
R Phase high Meter should log occurrence
Voltage of high voltage harmonic Occurrence: If % THD in Occurrence: 5
Harmonics event when % THD in Vpn>5% of fundamental. Min
Y Phase high voltage of phase will be Restoration: If % THD in Restoration: 5
Voltage more than threshold value. Vpn<5% of fundamental. Min
Harmonics Threshold value should be
Doc No. - BR/18-19/SM/DT/01

B Phase high factory programmable.

2. Current Related Events:
Description of Logic Expression/ Persistence
Logic Of Event
event Threshold values Time
Reverse/ R
Phase Current
Meter should log the event of
reversal of C.C polarity.
Meter should register energy
Y Phase Occurrence: If Ip = -ve Occurrence: 5
consumed correctly with any
Current direction Min
one, two or all three current
Reverse Restoration: If Ip=+ve Restoration: 5
coils reversed. This event
(occurrence/ direction Min
shall not be valid in
bidirectional mode of
B Phase
R Phase
Current Open
Y Phase Meter should log the event of Occurrence: 5
Sum(IR+IY+IB+IN)>20% Ib
Current Open current coil open. Threshold Min
and I<10% Ib
(Occurrence/ value of current should be Restoration: 5
Restoration) programmable at factory end. Min
Sum(IR+IY+IB+IN)>20% Ib
B Phase
Current Open
Meter should log the event of Vector
Current Bypass
current coil shorting/bypass. Sum(IR+IY+IB+IN)>20% Ib
Threshold value of current and I (any Phase) >5% Ib
should be programmable at Vector

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factory end. Sum(IR+IY+IB+IN)>10% Ib

If the current in any phase

Occurrence: 5
Over current exceeds the specified
Occurrence: If Ip>Imax Min
(occurrence/ threshold current, meter
Restoration: If Ip<=Imax Restoration: 5
restoration) should log over current
R Phase high
Current Meter should log occurrence
Harmonics of high voltage harmonic
Occurrence: If % THD in Occurrence: 5
R Phase high event when % THD in
IP>5% of fundamental. Min
Current voltage of phase will be
Restoration: If % THD in IP Restoration: 5
Harmonics more than threshold value.
<5% of fundamental. Min
R Phase high Threshold value should be
Current factory
Meter should log event of
Occurrence: If IN > 50% of Occurrence: 5
high neutral current if
High neutral average phase current Min
measured neutral current
Current Restoration: If IN < 50% of Restoration: 5
should be more than
average phase current Min
predefined threshold value.
Meter shall log the event if
Difference Occurrence: If |IN(calculated)- Occurrence: 5
measured neutral current has
between actual IN(measured)|>10% of Ib. Min
been found differ from
and calculated Restoration: If |IN(calculated)- Restoration: 5
calculated neutral current
neutral Current IN(measured)|<=10% of Ib. Min
from a predefined value
3. Power Related Events:
Description of Logic Expression/ Persistence
Logic Of Event
event Threshold values Time
Meter shall detect power
OFF if all phase voltages are
Power OFF absent. This event shall be
(occurrence/ recorded at the time of each
restoration) power OFF. At the same
time power ON event shall
be recorded.
If meter micro detect power
Abnormal Occurrence: If voltages at
off whereas phase voltage is
Power Off meter power supply<10%
present than abnormal power NA
(Occurrence/ Vref and Vp>20% vref.
will be recorded. Meter sall
restoration) Restoration:
continue to record energy as

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per phase voltage and


Meter shall log event if there

Sudden load
is sudden change in load e.g.
40% of last measured value.
4. Other Events:
Description of Logic Expression/ Persistence
Logic Of Event
event Threshold values Time
a. Meter should either be
immune or should log the
events of attempt of
tampering by external
field as per relevant IS14697/
CBIP 325 with latest
b. If the working of meter
gets affected under the As per IS 14697/ CBIP 325 As per IS 14697
influence of external
magnetic field, meter should
record energy at Imax. Meter
should not compute
MD during this period. The
meter shall record
energy as per actual load
once the magnetic field is
Disturbance- Meter should log the event
Bidder shall
HF, DC and when AC/DC/ Pulsating As per manufacturing
define threshold
Alternating voltage is injected in neutral standard.
(occurrence/ circuit.
Meter shall able to detect and
log the low PF event if
power factor of the load
Low Power found in between 0.2 to 0.5
10% of I basic
Factor for a load above than a %
threshold value for a
threshold time value. Event
shall restore if PF factor of

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load remain out of range 0.2

to 0.5 for a load above than
% threshold value for

Plug in
Communication Meter should log the removal
module of communication card.
removal Meter should also log
(Occurrence/ insertion of communication
Restoration) card. By NC switch/ sensor
change to post- Meter should log the change
paid mode/ pre- in payment mode
paid mode configuration.
change to
only" mode/ Meter should log the change
“Import and in metering mode
Export” mode configuration.
(Occurrence/ Meter should able to log the
Restoration) status of overload in KW
Meter with communication
HV Spark
card should be immune or
log the event in the case of Immediately NA
application of ESD upto and
including 35 KV.
Meter shall log DO alarms as
DO alarms NA NA
configured by user
Meter shall log the event if
Occurrence: 5
difference between
Distorted PF displacement PF and actual
Restoration: 5
PF is more than a predefined
Meter shall log voltage,
Time Based current, PF and energy
As per predefined time NA
Event Stamp consumption on a predefined
5. Non Roll over events:
Event Description

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Occurrence of cover open

6. Transaction Related Events:
Detail of Transaction
Real Time Clock- Date and Time
Demand Integration Period
Profile Capture Period
Single Action schedule for billing date
Activity calendar for time zones
New firmware activated
Load Limit (KW) Set
Enable Load Limit Function
Disable load limit function
LLS secret (MR) change
HLS key (US) change
HLS key (FW) change
Global key change
ESWF change
MD reset

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