1 Silabus Translation

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Department : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Subject : Translation
Code : BI00341
Credit : 2 SKS
Semester : 5
Pre-requisite : -
Lecturer : Dian Novita, M.Pd.
Standard of Competence : At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to acquire advanced knowledge and
understanding of the translation principles; develop their skills in translating narratives, descriptive,
expository texts, metaphoric and idiomatic expressions; and obtain some practical methods, procedures,
and techniques used to deal with the problems in translating.

Week Basic Indicator Topic / Sub Methods of Time Allotment Assesment Reference
Competence topics Instruction Instrument Criteria Score
1 Students - Orientation of 1. Lecturing 2 x 50 minutes - - - Bassnett, Susan.
understand the course: 2. Question and 2002. Translation
answer Studies. New York:
the basic 1. Syllabus Routledge's.
principle of 2. Rules of Hatim, Basil and
learning. the course Jeremy Munday.
2004. Translation:
An Advanced
Resource Book.
New York:
Munday, Jeremy.
2008. Introducing
Translation Studies:
Theory and
Applications. New
York: Routledge's.
T. Bell, Roger.
1991. Translation
and Translating:
Theory and
Practice. New York:
Longman Group.
2 Students Students are What is 1. Lecturing 2 x 50 minutes Written test Attached 10% Bassnett, Susan.
understand able to translation? 2. Group 2002. Translation
the definition explain 1. Definition presentation Studies. New York:
of translation. what s of 3. Discussion Routledge's.
Hatim, Basil and
translation translation
Jeremy Munday.
is. 2. Interlingua 2004. Translation:
l, An Advanced
intralingua Resource Book.
l, and New York:
intersemio Routledge's.
tic Munday, Jeremy.
translation 2008. Introducing
3. What is Translation Studies:
translation Theory and
studies? Applications. New
York: Routledge's.
4. Developm
T. Bell, Roger.
ents in 1991. Translation
translation and Translating:
studies Theory and
Practice. New York:
Longman Group.
3 Students have Students are Translation 1. Lecturing 2 x 50 minutes Written test Attached 7.5% Bassnett, Susan.
the able to strategies 2. Group 2002. Translation
knowledge of explain the 1. Form and presentation Studies. New York:
translation translation content 3. Discussion Routledge's.
Hatim, Basil and
strategies. strategies. 2. Literal and
Jeremy Munday.
free 2004. Translation:
3. Comprehe An Advanced
nsibility Resource Book.
and New York:
translatabi Routledge's.
lity Munday, Jeremy.
2008. Introducing
Translation Studies:
Theory and
Applications. New
York: Routledge's.
T. Bell, Roger.
1991. Translation
and Translating:
Theory and
Practice. New York:
Longman Group.
4 Students Students are Translation 1. Lecturing 2 x 50 minutes Written test Attached 7.5% Bassnett, Susan.
understand able to shifts 2. Group 2002. Translation
the theory of explain the presentation Studies. New York:
translation translation 3. Discussion Routledge's.
Hatim, Basil and
shifts. shifts.
Jeremy Munday.
2004. Translation:
An Advanced
Resource Book.
New York:
Munday, Jeremy.
2008. Introducing
Translation Studies:
Theory and
Applications. New
York: Routledge's.
T. Bell, Roger.
1991. Translation
and Translating:
Theory and
Practice. New York:
Longman Group.
5 Students have Students are The analysis 1. Lecturing 2 x 50 minutes Written test Attached 7.5% Bassnett, Susan.
the able to of meaning 2. Group 2002. Translation
knowledge of analysis the 1. Referentia presentation Studies. New York:
the analysis of meaning. l meaning 3. Discussion Routledge's.
Hatim, Basil and
meaning. 2. Disambigu
Jeremy Munday.
ation – 2004. Translation:
semantic An Advanced
structure Resource Book.
analysis New York:
3. Hierarchic Routledge's.
al Munday, Jeremy.
structuring 2008. Introducing
and Translation Studies:
componen Theory and
tial Applications. New
York: Routledge's.
T. Bell, Roger.
4. Connotati 1991. Translation
ve and Translating:
meaning Theory and
Practice. New York:
Longman Group.
6 Students Students are Dynamic 1. Lecturing 2 x 50 minutes Written test Attached 7.5% Bassnett, Susan.
understand able to equivalence 2. Group 2002. Translation
the concept of explain the and the presentation Studies. New York:
dynamic concept of receptor of the 3. Discussion Routledge's.
equivalence dynamic message Hatim, Basil and
and the equivalence 1. Formal Jeremy Munday.
receptor of the and the equivalence 2004. Translation:
message. receptor of 2. Dynamic An Advanced
equivalence Resource Book.
the message.
3. Adjustment New York:
4. The Routledge's.
translation Munday, Jeremy.
process: 2008. Introducing
analysis, Translation Studies:
transfer, Theory and
and re- Applications. New
structuring York: Routledge's.
T. Bell, Roger.
1991. Translation
and Translating:
Theory and
Practice. New York:
Longman Group.
7 Students have Students are Textual 1. Lecturing 2 x 50 minutes Written test Attached 5% Bassnett, Susan.
the able to pragmatics and 2. Group 2002. Translation
knowledge of explain equivalence presentation Studies. New York:
the concept of textual 1. Translation 3. Discussion Routledge's.
textual pragmatics properly Hatim, Basil and
pragmatics and and defined Jeremy Munday.
equivalence. equivalence. 2. Langue- 2004. Translation:
oriented vs An Advanced
parole- Resource Book.
oriented New York:
equivalence Routledge's.
3. Equivalen Munday, Jeremy.
ce: double 2008. Introducing
linkage Translation Studies:
4. Decision Theory and
Applications. New
York: Routledge's.
5. What T. Bell, Roger.
motivates 1991. Translation
translator and Translating:
decision Theory and
making Practice. New York:
6. Textual Longman Group.
8 Mid Test
9 Students have Students are Textual 1. Lecturing 2 x 50 minutes Written test Attached 5% Bassnett, Susan.
the able to pragmatics and 2. Group 2002. Translation
equivalence Studies. New York:
knowledge of explain 1. Translation presentation Routledge's.
the concept of textual properly 3. Discussion Hatim, Basil and
textual pragmatics defined Jeremy Munday.
pragmatics and and 2. Langue- 2004. Translation:
equivalence. equivalence. oriented vs An Advanced
parole- Resource Book.
oriented New York:
equivalence Routledge's.
3. Equivalen Munday, Jeremy.
ce: double 2008. Introducing
linkage Translation Studies:
4. Decision Theory and
Applications. New
York: Routledge's.
5. What T. Bell, Roger.
motivates 1991. Translation
translator and Translating:
decision Theory and
making Practice. New York:
6. Textual Longman Group.
10 Students Students are Translation and 1. Lecturing 2 x 50 minutes Written test Attached 10% Bassnett, Susan.
understand able to relevance 2. Group 2002. Translation
the theory of explain the 1. From text presentation Studies. New York:
translation and theory of to cognition 3. Discussion Routledge's.
relevance. translation 2. Inferencing Hatim, Basil and
and and Jeremy Munday.
relevance 2004. Translation:
3. Descriptive An Advanced
vs Resource Book.
interpretive New York:
4. Direct vs Routledge's.
indirect Munday, Jeremy.
translation 2008. Introducing
Translation Studies:
5. Communic
Theory and
ative clues
Applications. New
York: Routledge's.
T. Bell, Roger.
1991. Translation
and Translating:
Theory and
Practice. New York:
Longman Group.
11 Students have Students are Text type in 1. Lecturing 2 x 50 minutes Written test Attached 7.5% Bassnett, Susan.
the able to translation 2. Group 2002. Translation
knowledge of explain text 1. Standards presentation Studies. New York:
text type in type in of 3. Discussion Routledge's.
Hatim, Basil and
translation. translation. textuality
Jeremy Munday.
2. Markedne 2004. Translation:
ss An Advanced
3. Text-based Resource Book.
informatio New York:
n Routledge's.
4. Reader- Munday, Jeremy.
supplied 2008. Introducing
informatio Translation Studies:
n Theory and
5. Text Applications. New
York: Routledge's.
T. Bell, Roger.
1991. Translation
and Translating:
Theory and
Practice. New York:
Longman Group.
12 Students Students are Text register in 1. Lecturing 2 x 50 minutes Written test Attached 10% Bassnett, Susan.
understand able to translation 2. Group 2002. Translation
the concept of explain the 1. Use and presentation Studies. New York:
text register in concept of user of 3. Discussion Routledge's.
translation. text register language Hatim, Basil and
Jeremy Munday.
in translation. 2. Institution
2004. Translation:
al- An Advanced
communic Resource Book.
ative New York:
context Routledge's.
Munday, Jeremy.
3. The myth
2008. Introducing
of the Translation Studies:
single Theory and
register Applications. New
4. Functional York: Routledge's.
tenor T. Bell, Roger.
5. Semiotic 1991. Translation
interaction and Translating:
: Theory and
ideational, Practice. New York:
interperso Longman Group.
nal, and
13 Students have Students are Text, genre and 1. Lecturing 2 x 50 minutes Written test Attached 7.5% Bassnett, Susan.
the able to discourse shift 2. Group 2002. Translation
knowledge of explain text, in translation presentation Studies. New York:
text, genre and genre and 1. Genre 3. Discussion Routledge's.
discourse shift discourse shifts Hatim, Basil and
in translation. shift in 2. Text shifts Jeremy Munday.
translation. 3. Discourse 2004. Translation:
shifs An Advanced
Resource Book.
New York:
Munday, Jeremy.
2008. Introducing
Translation Studies:
Theory and
Applications. New
York: Routledge's.
T. Bell, Roger.
1991. Translation
and Translating:
Theory and
Practice. New York:
Longman Group.
14 Students have Students are Ideology and 1. Lecturing 2 x 50 minutes Written test Attached 7.5% Bassnett, Susan.
the able to translation 2. Group 2002. Translation
knowledge of explain the 1. The presentation Studies. New York:
ideology and ideology cultural 3. Discussion Routledge's.
translation. turn in Hatim, Basil and
translation Jeremy Munday.
translation. studies 2004. Translation:
2. Gender An Advanced
and Resource Book.
translation New York:
3. Postcoloni Routledge's.
Munday, Jeremy.
alism and
2008. Introducing
translation Translation Studies:
studies Theory and
4. Postcoloni Applications. New
alism York: Routledge's.
reviewed T. Bell, Roger.
1991. Translation
and Translating:
Theory and
Practice. New York:
Longman Group.
15 Students Students are Translation in 1. Lecturing 2 x 50 minutes Written test Attached 7.5% Bassnett, Susan.
understand able to the information 2. Group 2002. Translation
translation in explain technology era presentation Studies. New York:
the information translation in 1. Translation, 3. Discussion Routledge's.
technology era. the globalizatio Hatim, Basil and
information n, and Jeremy Munday.
technology localization 2004. Translation:
era. 2. The An Advanced
machine Resource Book.
and the New York:
translator Routledge's.
3. Electronic Munday, Jeremy.
corpora and 2008. Introducing
translation Translation Studies:
Theory and
Applications. New
York: Routledge's.
T. Bell, Roger.
1991. Translation
and Translating:
Theory and
Practice. New York:
Longman Group.
16 Final Test

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